[04:35] xfdashy is PPA'd. [06:11] flocculant: that looks right, didn't try to distcheck it [06:12] * Unit193 looks at bluesabre closely. [13:54] ew, bug 1579712 [13:54] bug 1579712 in appstream (Ubuntu Xenial) "Refresh hangs indefinitely, appstreamcli using 100% CPU" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579712 [15:40] I'll package up gtk3 exo into https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xfce4-gtk3 today to aid development [15:40] bbl [19:02] bluesabre: great news all over the place! [19:03] flocculant, bluesabre: fwiw my clipman work is already in git.xfce.org in the master branch [19:04] i'll read the backlog of the meeting later, i sent the two emails btw [20:35] bluesabre: See also http://wiki.xubuntu.org/devel/gtk3 in case you haven't. [20:57] Unit193: oh, the tests fail, i admit i haven't touched those at all [21:24] Unit193: nice [21:27] updated the xfce wiki with my progress [21:30] FWIW, I've been versioning them so it's clear what you get, and putting them in my PPA first so I can smoketest in a VM as we don't want broken stuff like xfconf in the gtk3 repo, chasing people off so they don't test at all. :P [21:31] xfce4-session sounds fun. [21:33] Or actually -settings? That one has to embed the windows. [21:41] i guess it should be ok, afaik you can embed gtk3 windows in gtk2 (actually we do that already with the greeter settings) and vice versa [21:41] ochosi: plz2fix tests? :P [21:46] yeah, i'd love to, not sure how tbh :) [21:47] rm -rf tests/ :3 [21:47] lol [21:47] i'll ping m8t about it i guess [21:47] it's nice to have some tests [21:47] haven't executed any of them though tbh ;) [21:48] Quite! distcheck is a nice stopgap. [22:02] I have no idea how he crashes thunar.