
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
ClifspeareHey, how does Kubuntu install and configure Grub?  I have an existing Archlinux install that I'm installing Kubuntu beside.  I don't want Kubuntu removing it from my boot menu.01:58
lethuyou can setup grub afterwards to include your Archlinux os02:03
lethuno problem02:03
abhishek My touch pad moves everytime I type05:11
abhishek System Setting>Input Devices>Touchpad>Enable/Disable Touchpad has an option of Timeout, what should it be?05:11
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abhishekis it okay to update kde on 16.04?05:48
abhishekbeyond what it was shipped with05:48
goddardabhishek: you heard of the backports ppa?05:49
goddardoffical backport to 16.0405:50
abhishekis the backport preferred over neon?05:51
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staeksaucei keep getting multiple tabs in the task manager bar for the same window?07:51
staeksaucealso, why does the renderer stay on the default settings even after you install 3rd party drivers?07:55
staeksauceI was still getting atrocious tearing until I figured out it was still using XRender07:56
abhishekis the driver manager working, right now? I am using kubuntu 16.04 with kde plasma 5.6.4(backports)07:57
abhishekis there any update fix for it?07:57
staeksauceno, I had to install 15.1007:57
staeksaucethis is simultaneously the best looking and buggiest distro I've ever used07:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1530523 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information" [High,Confirmed]08:46
acheron88running 'ubuntu-drivers' in a terminal is supposed to be a functional workaround according to that report08:47
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ubottuantonio_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:33
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Stephanboy2030Goog Morning, fresh install of Kubuntu 16.04, Amarok does not play any mp3, can you help me?10:12
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Stephanboy2030while VLC can play mp310:14
acheron88did you opt to install multimedia codes etc when you installed?10:15
Stephanboy2030like "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras" ?10:16
Stephanboy2030sorry, it is my first Linux try10:17
acheron88basically, yes10:17
Stephanboy2030I will try now10:18
Stephanboy2030libavcodec-ffmpeg56 will be removed, can I procede?10:18
acheron88"sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-addons" is prob the one you need10:19
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acheron88or both of those to be safe?10:27
Stephanboy2030It works, thanks a lot10:30
acheron88great :)10:30
Stephanboy2030Have a nice day acheron8810:31
acheron88there is a tickbox to select when installing kubuntu that adds support for things like that10:31
acheron88easy to miss it10:32
acheron88have fun with your music10:32
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BluesKajHi folks10:53
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* tytan meow14:12
ModManMattjust playing with my new kubuntu install :)14:34
soeedid you added backports ppa ?14:35
ModManMatthavent added much of anything yet14:35
soeeso you have fresh 16.04 ?14:36
ModManMatttook me a moment to get it to run on a mac mini v114:36
tytanModManMatt: How does it perform?14:36
soeeModManMatt: pleae add this ppa as posted here: http://wire.kubuntu.org?p=95014:36
soeeit will install Plasma 5.6 on your system - makes it more smooth :)14:37
ModManMattpretty good for an old system at first i was going to use lubuntu but when i saw the mac mini had a 1.6ghz and 2 gb ram i decided i would use something a bit mor graphical14:37
tytansoee: really?!14:37
soeetytan: yes14:37
ModManMattjust looking up backport ppe14:38
tytansoee: Do you know how I can use ctrl+c and ctrl+v in console?14:38
ModManMattso this brings in some older stuff to help run smotother?14:38
soeetytan: CTRL + SHIFT + C14:38
soeeModManMatt: a bit yes :)14:38
ModManMattonly bug i have noticed bad so far was that the discover store runs so slow and messed up slider14:39
soeeModManMatt: it is buggy, yes - we cant do much abaout it as it is upstream bug14:39
tytansoee: Oh no, I'm such a noob xD14:39
soeeModManMatt: you can use: muon14:40
soeeit is package manager14:40
tytanwhere can I change that to the "standard" way? =)14:40
ModManMattif ugo to repos and go direct to repo browse view then it works fine i think its just the main slider home page suggestions that arent working14:40
ModManMatti installed ubuntu store runs fne14:40
soeetytan: probably configuring temrinal shortcuts but i suggest leaving it like this (you will avoid some random pasting into temrial) :)14:40
ModManMatti hAve a fair amount of linux centos knowledge to me its same thing with a pretty interface slapped on it14:41
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ModManMatthow can i turn off password popup on every move i make i know its kind of a no no with servers but this is just a sandbox for me14:42
tytansoee: true that since the console is a very powerful tool14:43
ModManMattindeed ^14:43
ModManMattall systems are consoles underneath you just click a button that does a command in background with a gui14:43
tytanModManMatt: Not really. At least not like a bash. But I get what you mean ^^14:44
ModManMattonly so many preset interface commands though and the consle is unlimted14:44
tytanModManMatt: Actually the bash is just a user interface like a GUI ^^14:45
tytanBut it works as a rough analogy14:45
ModManMatti still have so much to learn :) hehe14:45
tytanModManMatt: *deep sh*t incoming* You may never stop to learn new things. that's what makes our lives veautiful14:46
ModManMattmost of my linux knowledge comes from running cent os dedicated servers with cpanel ;)14:46
tytanModManMatt: I'm just a sysadmin who was lucky enough to make a living from knowing stuff about linux and BSD14:47
tytanModManMatt: I'm upgrading KDE at the moment. I may need to log out to make the changes so don't wonder if I disconnect in a few moments14:48
ModManMatti miss the old irc days i wish mirc 6.2 worked on here i still have the custom built version i made for blackcats-games.net14:50
tytanModManMatt: Oh god, how old are you?! :D14:51
soeewhy? :-)14:51
* tytan is just 23yo14:51
soeekonversation client is nice14:52
tytansoee: I use konversation 1.6 at tzhe moment. It's just perfect14:52
ModManMattjust seems limited works great though yes14:52
ModManMattis there a place for scripting?14:52
soeetytan: yup :)14:53
tytanModManMatt: I think irssi might be the client for you then ^^14:53
soeeModManMatt: i dont kno14:53
ModManMattill check i can always run my 6.2 on my windows machine but i like mirc scripting and customizing :)14:53
ModManMattKoonvo does have the best reviews on store14:55
ModManMattis there a codec pack like k-lite for kubuntu to make vlc play all file extensions14:56
soeesudo apt install kubuntu-restricted-extras14:57
ModManMatt^ :)14:58
ModManMattworks thanks14:58
ModManMattoh cool that is in the ubutnu store also15:01
tytanHow can I delete folders that are too big for my trash bin in kde?15:06
tytanwithout the console15:06
soeefrom Dolphin ?15:06
tytanthis is pretty annoying for me15:06
rodolfojcjShift + Del ??15:07
tytanyes, thzat works!15:07
tytanthank you very much ^^15:07
soeetytan: go to Dolphin configuration and in Services section check option "Delete"15:08
soeetytan: then you will have Delete in context menu15:08
soeewhat is exactly what Shift + Del does15:08
rodolfojcjor you can go to Settings > Toolbars Settings and then add the Delete action to the right side (Current Actions)15:09
rodolfojcjthis way a new Delete button icon will be easily available15:10
tytansoee: nice. this was what I was looking for15:16
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ilhamiI have a problem with the lock screen in Kubuntu17:45
ilhamiit has a huge delay17:45
ilhamiit may have something to do with the horrible Nvidia driver17:46
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user|13651I have tired many times to install kubuntu on this gateway laptop but it wont get past language selection. I tried disconnect from internet and connected along with 32 and 64 bit. I have 4GB ram so 64 bit should be my choice. I searched all over seeing the same issue but not solution. Ubuntu also doesn't work. Any ideas?19:16
user|13651installing from usb drive made from ISO using rufus 2.919:17
fromfreeI just got answer from a kde developer that suggested me to ask kubuntu developers to release the latest stable packages of Discovery to fix this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=363392 ; where can I request the update?21:01
ubottuKDE bug 363392 in discover "The GUI is always misbehaving" [Normal,Resolved: downstream]21:01
viewer|49955Hi I tried to install Kubuntu 16.04 64bit  but it had a problem with loading Grub. Any idea's on a fix?21:10
soeeviewer|49955: loading when? After installation ?21:15
fromfreemaybe you have choose the wrong disk for grub installation during the setup?21:16
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staeksaucenone of the desktop effects seem to have any effect whatsoever no matter what I change, does Plasma need to be restarted to see changes?21:47
soeestaeksauce: are they enabled ?21:49
staeksauceI'm ticking boxes on and off in Desktop Effects21:50
staeksauceis that what you mean21:50
soeestaeksauce: well general desktop effects, you can toggle them by pressing ALT + SHIFT + F1221:51
staeksaucethat doesn't have any effect21:51
soeestaeksauce: than it is strange, it should atleast (vivisble for you) disabe panel shadowm change its transparentcy etc.21:52
soeeif nto maybe there is something wring and effects are not loaded at all21:52
soeestaeksauce: you are on 16.04 with backports enabled ?21:53
soeeuh there is old plasma :/ can you upgrade to 16.04?21:53
soee16.04 is a LTS so it is recommended to upgrade and i'm not ure if 15.10 is still supported21:54
staeksaucei tried 16.04 in a VM but I'm not experienced enough to know how to get Nvidia drivers21:54
soee!support wily21:54
soeestaeksauce: its pretty simple21:54
soeeyou have to add 1 extra ppa and install the desired driver version21:55
soeestaeksauce: so you type in console:21:55
soee1. sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa21:56
soee2. sudo apt update21:56
soee3. sudo apt install nvidia-36721:56
soeeif you want different driver version just change the number in package name :)21:56
staeksaucewhy don't they show up in driver manager?21:56
soeedriver manager is a bit broken21:56
staeksaucedesktop effects were working at one point, not sure why I need to upgrade to 16.04 just for that21:57
staeksaucemaybe i have the wrong compositor settings21:58
staeksaucei changed compositor settings because I was getting absolutely horrendous screen tearing21:59
soeestaeksauce: 15.10 is supported only 9 months after release21:59
soeeso after 2 months your OS will not be supported anymore (no security updates etc.)21:59
staeksaucewill upgrading from 15.10 clutter everything up?22:00
staeksaucereally don't want to reinstall22:00
soeewell it shouldn't, if something looks wrong try to create new user and check if your current settings break something :)22:01
staeksauce"it shouldn't" means it probably will :p22:01
soeewell for many users it works fine, for some there are some problems22:02
acheron88desktop effects can be a bit grumpy with some nvidia cards after resume from suspend22:03
soeeif you decide to upgrade, be sure to add backports ppa to have latest Plasma22:03
staeksaucei have no idea what backports are22:03
acheron88occasionally it won't let me channge them until I restart kwin22:03
soeestaeksauce: http://wire.kubuntu.org?p=95022:04
soeestaeksauce: this is extra repository with new packages version that can't go through standard archive updates22:04
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staeksaucewill sudo apt-get upgrade upgrade me to 16.04?22:07
soeesudo do-release-upgrade22:08
adymitrukI used the backports ppa to upgrade my kubuntu 16.04 to plasma 5.622:15
adymitruknot a good experience22:15
Javabeanwhat could cause an install of 16.04(option install 3rd party software used, didn't allow updates/didn't have network configured) to boot and get to the kubuntu plasma splash... then crash back to an initramfs prompt22:23
Javabeannot plasma, sorry... meant plymouth22:23
danannHi. I'm trying to install kubuntu 16.04 on my laptop, but I can't get it to view any of my HD/SSD partitions, and installation gets stuck on 'Prepare" step when I click Continue (next step would be Disk Setup)22:36
danannany ideas?22:36
danannoh god, every step is a day-long challenge. this is why linux can't have nice things22:48
staeksauceshould I be using XRender or OpenGL in compositor settings?22:51
soeeyou can use OpenGL22:56
staeksaucei only see transparency when using XRender22:58
staeksauceor any desktop effect for that matter22:58
staeksaucebut XRender causes screen tearing22:58
staeksauceis that just something i have to live with22:58
soee_staeksauce: have you seen what i wrote?23:01
staeksauceabout the upgrade23:02
staeksauceI did it23:02
staeksauceand upgraded Plasma23:02
soee_[00:57] <soee> staeksauce: be sure to set: Tearing prevention (vsync) to "Full screen reapints" and check option "Suspend compositor for full screen windows"23:02
soee_[00:57] <soee> and OpenGL version to 2.023:02
staeksauceoh I must have been disconnected when you typed that23:02
adymitruksoee: started using the wallet23:02
adymitrukdidn't have any migration in place.. thank god that after ppa-purge everything still worked23:02
adymitrukthe wallet idea is horrible in my opinion23:02
adymitrukusing a database to store this stuff is probably the reason I'll eventually leave kubuntu23:02
soee_i got disconnected :]23:02
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adymitrukhmm konversation dropped the connection and now my id is in use23:04
staeksauceno matter what I do, I see no desktop effects unless I use XRender23:06
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soee_you are on PC or laptop ?23:08
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