
squish101anyone know how to disable right click on LXDE00:17
Trixar_zaOn the desktop?00:18
squish101trying to get a rasperry pi to be a kiosk00:20
Kilosmorning everybody06:46
mazalmaaz tell Kilos Ek het uiteindelik die Minecraft data toets gedoen. 80mb vir 1 uur07:14
Maazmazal: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode07:14
Kilosdis nie veel mindder as minetest nie mazal 07:16
MaazKilos: By the way, mazal on freenode told me "tell Kilos Ek het uiteindelik die Minecraft data toets gedoen. 80mb vir 1 uur" 1 minute and 54 seconds ago07:16
Kiloste duur vir mobile data gebruik07:16
mazalOom dit hang af van hoeveel mods in minetest jy gebruik. minetest kan so hoog as 150mb of meer raak per uur07:22
Kilosdit bly te duur vir my om te speel07:22
mazalbv. As ek en barry so 6 ure 'n dag doen op minetest dan was 2gig gone07:22
mazalEk en hy dieselle in mincraft so 500mb07:23
mazalAansienlik minder07:23
Kilosja heelwat07:23
mazalDie ding is , mc kan jy vanilla speel want hy het baie meer features en content in , mt moet jy oorlaai met mods omdat hy so leeg is07:23
mazalEk sou wet , as jy mt sonder technic , pipeworks en mesecons speel dat sy data gebruik net so laag sal wees. Daai 3 is wat die data eet07:24
Kilosja miskien maar dan verloor jy helfde van die plesier van speel07:25
Kilosek sal maar online speel goed los07:26
mazalDis wat ek laaik van mc. Al die lekker goed klaar in vanilla07:26
mazalOn a side note , my install decied to work with my dongle this morning ???07:27
Kilosek wonder hoe veel sal die data wees om als in minetest af te laai en op jou eie server te sit07:27
* mazal shrugs07:27
mazalI just tried again and it worked , where as yesterday it didn't07:28
mazalKilos, not much. The game is about 8mb , the modpack is about 30mb07:28
Kilosdan het jy mos als so nie nodig om te speel behalwe buddies07:28
Kilosis that the whole game?07:28
mazalYeah playing alone is not nice07:28
mazalKilos, yep. Minetest itself is actually just an engine07:28
mazalThe modpack I refer to is Vanessa's dreambuilder and that has everything you could ever need in it07:29
Kilosif you run it on your own server then let a buddy connect to it what would data use be then07:29
mazalLemme check the exact size , I dl'ed a copy the other day07:30
Kilosthats min07:30
Kilossee my thinking is07:31
mazalKilos, a lot of data. It will use send and receive requests the whole time through your connection. Way more than if you played on someone else's server07:31
Kilosah ok ty07:31
mazalThe only reason to do that would be if you have someone else on your own lan. Otherwise you just play single player07:31
Kilosi dont have time anyway07:31
Kilosor energy07:32
Kilosyes on a lan would be good07:32
mazalIs why I learned mc server this week , to setup lan for me and my friend's child07:32
mazalAnd why I need to be drilling holes in ceiling and stuff lol07:33
mazalCos I don't have space for another pc07:33
mazalMaybe I must just sell all these girls :P07:34
mazalThat would make space07:34
mazalBut would also make me a very frustrated bunny07:34
mazalMy curiosity is getting the better of me now , I go do data test in minetest quick07:40
mazalKilos, 56mb per hour08:18
mazalThat's without any active stuff such as technic , pipeworks , messecons08:18
mazalI wante to join our server where I have such things in place already but couldn't get in. So that is on a different server doing just basics such as digging and mining08:19
mazalHi Cryterion08:19
mazalWith the active stuff you can double that usage or more08:19
Kilosthats why i stopped, 100m and hour was murder08:20
magespawngood morning08:36
Kiloshi magespawn 09:19
Kiloshi tahaan 09:19
Kilosand superfly and ine09:19
KilosMaaz seen inetpro09:19
MaazKilos: inetpro was last seen 13 hours, 52 minutes and 28 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-21 12:27:17 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-05-21 12:52:33 PDT09:19
superflyGood evening 10:27
Kiloshi pavlushka- 10:48
theblazehenI wish ubuntu would just use version numbers, and not these names.. I want to install 14.04, not "trusty". Serisouly.. Why do I need to remember this11:30
magespawnto keep the brain going theblazehen 11:33
theblazehenmagespawn: The thing I'm trying to do normally keeps the bragoing enough11:34
theblazehenOh. No tab complete on normal words. Right11:34
magespawnyou were saying?11:40
grembleGood afternoon11:48
gremblepaddatrapper, How did your calculus go?11:48
paddatrappergremble: Write on Wednesday12:08
paddatrapperBut studying is so far so good12:08
grembleAh alright. That is good12:12
paddatrapper For some reason I'm having great trouble remembering basic trig differentiation identities... 12:16
nlsthznbtw, the code names are only given while the distro is being developed... after that it should only be referred to by the release number... but people will be people :p13:09
theblazehennlsthzn: Tell that to canonical.. They're the ones that don't give numbers to their lxc images13:29
nlsthznlol, like I said... people...13:30
nlsthznbut is it Canonial creating the images?  Seeing as the do love the work the community does for them :p13:32
theblazehennlsthzn: Well, it's hosted by canonical. lxd is a canonical project13:35
Kilosyay my 64bit motherboard is working again13:40
nlsthznUbuntu is a Canonical project hosted by Canonical... not sure I would attribute the most % of work that goes into it to Canonical themselves :p13:47
nlsthznwhat was wrong uncle Kilos ?13:47
Kilosit was dead after a storm13:48
Kilosno bios even13:48
Kilosstripped everything over last 2 weeks and started reassembling today and it booted into bios and now running again13:49
Kilosso i cant tell you what was wrong13:49
Kilosstripped to see if i could see something that had popped13:49
* nlsthzn has lost a few things over here due to power cuts >.<13:50
Kilosvery happy its working again but will now bug me not knowing why or what13:50
Kilosyeah power cuts and surges can cause headaches13:51
Kiloswbb need modem on desktop pc14:17
inetprogood evening14:44
Kiloswb inetpro 14:44
Kilossee you not always here14:45
Kiloshi skokkk 14:45
inetprodankie oom14:46
inetprowho kicked me out and what did I miss?14:46
Kilosdidnt miss much and you just disappeared14:47
Kilosoh my 64bit desktop is going again14:47
Kiloshi aquarat 14:48
gremblePaddatrapper, I have been doing calculus for three years and I still dont remember them :P. I have a blackboard in my room where I have the integration identities all written down :P14:57
paddatrappergremble: nice. I keep meaning to put one in mine. I calculate them from basics at the beginning of every test because I've given up memorising them15:03
grembleWe don't get time to do that. That is one of the things that I hate about the way that they make us take tests. 15:04
grembleIt is set up for failure15:04
Kiloshi hound-wp 15:08
Kilosyou still havent got your nick setup15:08
hound-wpHi kilos 15:09
Maazhound-wp: By the way, paddatrapper on freenode told me "tell hound-wp I'm from Muizenberg side of CT. Yourself?" 2 days, 20 hours, 1 minute and 11 seconds ago15:09
hound-wphi guys 15:09
hound-wpnope still havnt gotten it setup 15:09
Kilosyou on hexchat?15:09
Kilosi installed it so i could check how to help15:10
hound-wpyes currently using it now 15:10
Kilosok ill tell you what to do15:10
hound-wpshot thanks man 15:10
Kilostick hexchat and network list15:11
Kilosthen see if freenode is highlit and tick edit on the right15:12
hound-wpshoud i put i nick there 15:12
hound-wpok 15:12
Kilosno need to edit i see15:12
hound-wpall done 15:13
Kilosyou can put your nick there and add a second one as well15:13
Kiloslike i add _ to Kilos-15:13
Kilosnot _ this -15:14
Kilosthen it should open with right nick15:14
hound-wplets see what hapen when i leave and come bacl15:15
hound-wpwould you look at that15:16
Kilosthen you register it15:16
hound-wpit works 15:16
hound-wpok and how do we go about that 15:16
Kilos   type in /nickserv register password email addy15:17
Kilosyour irc password and your email addy15:17
hound-wpok done15:18
hound-wpjust waiting on the activation email to come through 15:18
hound-wpok all done kilos15:19
Kilosgreat now you can cloak it15:19
Kilosso your ip doesnt show15:19
Kiloswhen you type a nick in here type first 3 letters and hit tab that will complete the nick15:20
Kiloseven sorts caps15:20
Kilosto get a cloak you type in /j #freenode and ask staff for a cloak15:21
hound-wphey guys any one here mind having a look at this link https://aacable.wordpress.com/2014/07/02/lusca-automated-install-script/15:28
hound-wpi am trying to get this working but having trouble 15:28
Kiloshound-wp just be patient15:34
Kilosthey will arrive15:34
paddatrapperhound-wp: I'll check it out later,  but I've got no experience with proxies 15:51
hound-wpthanks 15:51
paddatrapperCurrently enjoying 's good braai. Always good fun 15:57
Kiloseat some big meat for me too paddatrapper 15:58
hound-wpi have made some changes in the /etc/sysctl.conf15:59
hound-wp file 15:59
hound-wpi want these changes to take effect 15:59
hound-wphow do i go about restarting the network services in ubuntu 15:59
Kilosclick on the nm icon in the panel and tell it disconnect16:00
Kilosand vice versa16:00
nlsthznwith systemd you use systemctl or some such :p16:01
nlsthznsystemctl stop network perhaps?16:01
nlsthznand then start obviously to get it going16:01
nlsthznbut that is for ubu 16.0416:02
* nlsthzn knows how to silence a room :p16:05
paddatrapperYou can use systemctl restart <service>16:07
Kiloslol neelsie16:08
Kilosi cant comment cause im on 14.0416:08
paddatrapper14.04: service <service> restart16:10
* paddatrapper has had to do a lot of restarting of things lately16:10
Kilosi find rebooting less brain work16:11
nlsthznpaddatrapper, ah ok, I have used status, stop and start... guess restart makes it one step less :p16:19
Kiloshound-wp keep us informed about your progress hey16:41
paddatrappernlsthzn: efficiency! 16:55
hound-wphey kilos i got working proxy17:11
Kiloswell done17:11
hound-wphehe 17:11
hound-wpnow that its working going to format and do it all over again 17:12
Kilosformaty what??17:12
hound-wpbecause i want to know  what i did to get it working 17:13
hound-wpits my way of unnderstanding things 17:13
hound-wpits not a production server 17:13
Kilosyou going to format the drive17:13
hound-wpits a virtual machine 17:13
paddatrapperBest way to ensure you know the setup well! 17:16
magespawngood evening17:20
Kiloshi magespawn 17:27
nlsthzn>.< so Scotland just beat SA in the sevens final17:27
magespawnah well at least we made the finals 17:29
nlsthzn... and we ended up second in the overall standings for the year... Fiji won a second year in a row.  Next up is the Olympics17:38
* nlsthzn goes to play some games :p17:38
magespawntyd woord nou min Kilos 17:39
Kiloswaneer kom jy magespawn 17:47
* Kilos wonders what the hound is up to18:00
Kilosbaying at the moon looks like'18:00
Kilospaddatrapper what exams to study for this week18:01
paddatrapperKilos: Maths on Wednesday. Then 2 a week for the following 2 weeks 18:03
paddatrapperSo mainly focusing on maths 18:03
Kilosyou can only do your best lad. just make sure its your best. no slacking with studies18:09
Kilosgremble hoe gaan dit18:10
Kilosgoed hier net koud18:10
Kilosgoing down to 6°c tonight18:10
magespawnKilos: busy packing to leave tomorrow18:18
Kiloswow so quick18:18
magespawnyup start at the new place on wednesday18:19
Kiloshave a safe trip lad18:19
magespawnsorry no, tuesday18:19
Kilosquestion: does sudo update-grub work in mint or is it another command18:25
paddatrapperShould be the same18:28
Kilosi go soak in a hot bath19:03
Kiloswbb to say night19:03
mazalNight all19:16
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:53
=== cyrilb_ is now known as cyrilb

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