
happosadeI have X260, latest LTS and dock, when disconnecting, my computer crashesh every now and then. Is there something I should look into?00:00
happosadeLike when connecting/disconnecting00:00
CoolKevinI am not a expert xdevnull , but I think windows will knock out the MBR master boot record00:01
squintyxdevnull,  you can't run gparted on a mounted disk.  grab a live cd and use  gparted from it00:01
xdevnullsquinty, what a wonderful news.00:02
Bashing-omxdevnull: Can not operate on a partition that is in use ( mounted). run GParted from a liveDVD(USB), and make sure that swap is 'off' .00:02
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simon_am new00:06
mehhow can i create00:09
meha deb file for extract a bundle into /opt ?00:09
ballergithub says to run "go get github.com/google/cups-connector/..."  without quotes but it gives an error saying $GOPATH not set00:09
jiffeanyone have nvidia/opencl working in ubuntu 14.04?00:10
ziikutvHey what can I use instead of systemctl ? Because I am getting command not found. Trying to follow this guide https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Systemd.html#adding-the-emperor-to-systemd where its asks the user to run a service "systemctl start emperor.uwsgi.service00:13
simon1234I have 3 HP laptops in the office, with very faulty wifi when running on ubuntu, they worked perfectly with the OEM installed windows 10, but on ubuntu (14.04, 16.04) wifi disconnects every 15 mins or so, has anyone else experienced this?00:17
grijandertomate una tostada caliente con churros jajaa00:18
cristobalgrijander || #ubuntu-es00:19
djcraysimon1234, how did you get Windows 10 with Ubuntu together? D: I only get kernel errors00:19
grijandermenuda dagada de windows00:20
cristobalsimon1234, did you verify the wifi manufacture compatibility ? i read broadcom gives issues while intel wifi is the most compatible ones00:20
simon1234djcray, they are not together, I replaced windows with ubuntu00:20
djcraysimon1234, oh okay00:21
grijanderubuntu sabe a bacalao de bilbao con tortas de aceite00:21
cristobalgrijander usa #ubuntu-es  este canal es de ingles00:22
simon1234cristobal, will check on Monday whether it's broadcom or intel. But any workarounds if I find it is broadcom?00:22
Bashing-om!bcm | simon123400:23
ubottusimon1234: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:23
grijanderthis chanel is ubuntu00:23
cristobalsimon1234,  can also read http://askubuntu.com/questions/760075/cant-view-wifi-networks-after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-16-0400:23
andruwxhola a todos00:25
cristobalandruwx | #ubuntu-es00:25
andruwxque tal su dia00:26
CoolKevinreally sorry again, I do not know the name of the package I want to change the look of my desktop, what I had before, I thought was kde00:29
mrrtrumpubuntu 16 how bfq?00:29
YankDownUnderCoolKevin, plasma/kde?00:30
Bashing-ommrrtrump: rephrase ?00:30
CoolKevinon those lines00:30
CoolKevinI think that was my very first one00:31
YankDownUnderCoolKevin, Then that's the name of the "packages"...you should be able to find that easily enough in the package manager...00:31
CoolKevinok thank you kind sir00:31
mrrtrumpbfq io scheduler00:32
YankDownUnderCoolKevin, You've got Gnome2 (Mate), Gnome2/3 (Cinnamon), Gnome3, Unity, KDE/Plasma, XFce, LxDE...and more...00:32
mrrtrumphow get on the 1600:32
YankDownUndermrrtrump, http://askubuntu.com/questions/628529/bfq-i-o-scheduler => that should help.00:33
CoolKevinI still got the basics, but I just found "plasma media centre"  in the software cente00:33
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YankDownUnderCoolKevin, "Plasma Media Centre" is not really the desktop, bro...you'd have to have Plasma+KDE for the full thingo, bro...00:34
CoolKevinI see00:35
YankDownUnderCoolKevin, If you really really want the ENTIRE KDE/Plasma experience, you can download KUbuntu - which is JUST that...but Ubuntu, nonetheless...00:36
ballerhow do i set up cups00:36
CoolKevinwhat I had set up before was, a bar at the bottom which had the apps, and on the right, little boxs for extra desktops, and a dropdown menu at the top00:37
goddardballer: you have a printer?00:37
snckrsI need some help getting bumblebee to work. I installed it as it was described on the wiki but i think something is missing as I cant launch steam games. neither  with primusrun %command% nor with that utterly long command that some people suggest in the steam forums00:38
squintygo to youtube and type in ubuntu mate desktop and see if that is the one you want00:38
mrrtrumpprocess on that link shits bed00:38
squintysnckrs, apparently bumblebee has been replaced by nvidia-prime00:38
CoolKevinthank you kind sir00:38
mrrtrumpgents arent we concerned no bfq?00:38
ballergoddard: how do i find the ip adress to assign to my cups server00:39
snckrssquinty, good thing the wiki told me that bbefore i had to deinnstall everythinng ...00:39
goddardballer: of your printer?00:39
goddardballer: either look at your router or look at the printers interface00:39
snckrsso, how do install this "nvidia prime" thingy00:40
ballergoddard: i am trying to make my usb printer wireless00:40
ballerin the setting up cups guide it says to assign it a ip address00:40
goddardballer: look at the name of the printer then reference that in your router00:40
goddardballer: your router sets your printers IP not cups00:40
ballermy printer is usb onlu00:40
cristobalballer,  you can share it from your ubuntu computer to other in the network00:41
goddardif it connects to a wifi router then it is your router dude00:41
squintysnckrs, not up on all the in's and out's of it but nvidia-prime is in repo's afaik00:41
CoolKevinlike that one     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DszoVta0hY00:41
snckrsyeah but i guess i need some nvidia drivers aswell?00:41
balleri am trying to use https://github.com/google/cups-connector/wiki/Install00:41
ballergoddard: https://github.com/google/cups-connector/wiki/Install00:41
mrrtrumpcups lol00:41
mrrtrumpdude go paperless00:41
mrrtrumpwll fuck ubuntu00:42
mrrtrumpim heading abck to freebsd00:42
cristobalhp printers all in one disables the wifi if connected directly to ethernet just be advise00:42
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:42
goddardmrrtrump: don't let the door hit you on the way out00:42
CoolKevinnever bite the hand that feeds00:43
goddardballer: first figure out how IP addresses are assigned and i think your troubles will disappear00:43
mrrtrumpI dunno00:44
mrrtrumpI mean why bnother with ur bung 200:45
mrrtrumpfreebsd has everything but pharo00:45
mrrtrumppharo is pretty nice00:45
mrrtrumpplus freebsd has zfs00:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:45
squintyyour comments regarding bsd are not needed and are off-topic00:46
snckrsHow can I check whether i have a certain package installed?00:46
mrrtrumppublic school is not needed00:46
mrrtrumpnor is fed00:46
YankDownUndersnckrs, "apt search nameofpackage" => you'll see it listed as "installed" if it's installed...00:46
squintyops! mrrtrump00:47
tgm4883squinty: he left. And  you need the bang before the ops00:47
squintyyes mis type00:48
snckrsis apt purge and apt-get purge the same?00:48
ballerhey OerHeks you here?00:48
YankDownUndersnckrs, Yes, basically.00:48
YankDownUndersnckrs, All good.00:49
snckrsSigh, why do nvidia drivers just wont work for me?00:49
YankDownUndersnckrs, They're flaky at the best of times.00:50
snckrsYeah, but for some weird reason they are working on arch  linux for me...so I just dont get  why they wont work on ubuntu00:51
snckrsafter rebooting i only get a blackscreen00:51
snckrsalthough i can switch to a tty with ctrl alt f100:51
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YankDownUndersnckrs, It could be something as simple as permissions...or possibly the process by which you've installed them...either which, there is ample information about doing the installation...if one way doesn't work, try another way...which is the beauty of the situation...there are many ways to do the same thing...00:52
snckrsYankDownUnder, yet for some reason I only am able to find out how this one way works: By ticking this box for nvidia driver at the "software" app00:53
YankDownUndersnckrs, Check this out: http://askubuntu.com/questions/760374/ubuntu-16-04-nvidia-driver-blank-screen00:53
snckrsugh hold on, i think i forgot install nvidia-prima lol00:54
snckrsits "sudo apt install nvidia-prime" right?00:55
YankDownUndersnckrs, Should be it...00:55
snckrshah that was indeed my mistake00:56
YankDownUndersnckrs, Coolbeans...I'll take a large cappuccino, extra shot, two raw sugars, thanks. :)00:57
snckrsYankDownUnder, but im only  a chocolatebar  without vowels :c00:57
YankDownUndersnckrs, Fair enough...I don't do chocolate unless it's in coffee...or on waffles...00:58
snckrsso i just launched csgo, how do i check now if it really  is working  with the dGPU?01:00
Bashing-omsnckrs: BumbleBee and nvidia-prime do not co-ixist . make sure to purge BumbleBee .01:00
snckrsBashing-om, you are about 5 minutes too late, I already fixed it, but thanks01:00
snckrsokay nvm, the fact that i have about 120 FPS is a pretty good indicator that its runnning the nvidia gpu haha01:02
Bashing-omsnckrs: K) .. was away for a bit .. Glad ya got it .01:02
snckrsokay facing a new problem: Vsync isnt working :(01:03
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YankDownUndersnckrs, That would be something to dig into on the forums (Ubuntu forums...heaps of stuff about setting vsync and all that lovely jazz)01:04
snckrsA problem for tomorrow i  guess haha01:07
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kristoferwhere can I ask about installation related issues with ubuntu-touch?01:16
Bashing-om!touch | kristofer01:16
ubottukristofer: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch01:16
OerHeks#ubuntu-touch kristofer01:16
kristoferI get literally zero responses from #ubuntu-touch, I've been asking all day01:16
kristofer"This phone needs restoring from a PC or service center."01:18
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OerHekskristofer, reading back the irc log, yes, http://askubuntu.com/questions/591828/this-phone-needs-restoring-from-a-pc-or-service-center01:23
OerHekssee answer apr 1301:23
squintyheh was just reading that exact page01:24
kristoferOerHeks: no, I already did a clean install of kitkat 4.4 on my n7, then tried to install ubuntu-touch, and I'm running into this issue01:24
kristoferso, even with a fresh clean install of factory image, I still run into the issue01:25
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kristoferOerHeks: any ideas?01:28
OerHekskristofer, nope,keep asking in U-T, or put it on the mailinglist01:30
B0g4r7_Ubuntu Touch huh.  That sounds like it might be something pretty raw.01:34
B0g4r7_Something one might have to stumble through and solve ones own problems until it becomes a bit more broadly used.01:35
B0g4r7_I'd imagine the userbase is fairly small at this point.01:35
B0g4r7_Still it's cool to see a real effort put towards offering a FOSS OS on mobile/touch platforms.01:37
YankDownUnderB0g4r7_, Yes...but...that being said...it's catching...01:37
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B0g4r7_I'm sure that given time it will become more usable.01:40
B0g4r7_Kinda like linux on the desktop in 1998 wasn't quite what it is today.01:41
B0g4r7_Hmm, looks like no support for iphones at all yet.  That's all I have laying around that I might try it on.01:43
pennTellerHi guys! Does anybody know a tool to be able to see or possibly control my cpu clock speed on ubuntu 16.04?01:45
B0g4r7_pennTeller, cat /proc/cpuinfo01:45
OerHeksenough tools to see, but to set speed is silly.01:46
pennTellerB0g4r7_, thank you that works. Do you happen to maybe know a tool for overclocking?01:46
pennTellerOerHeks, how so?01:46
OerHeksoverclocking should be done in the bios?01:47
pennTellerOerHeks, I see.. I guess I'll give that a shot. Thank you01:48
pennTellerDo you happen to know a tool or program apart from  cat /proc/cpuinfo to see the cpu state?01:49
B0g4r7_The only tools I've seen for adjusting CPU frequency from software deal with power saving features.  Reducing clockspeed, not increasing.01:49
pennTellerB0g4r7_, yes me too01:50
B0g4r7_lscpu tells you a lot of the same information.  dmidecode will tell you about the CPU and a lot of other things.01:50
pennTellerlslscpu looks very much as what I had in mind :)01:51
pennTellerThank you B0g4r7_01:51
OerHeksYou might want to take a look at nice & renice to give services more/less priority01:51
pennTellerOerHeks, now that's something I've never heard about either01:51
pennTellerI will have a look01:51
pennTelleroh nice looks cool01:52
pennTellerOerHeks, thank you. I just took the LPI linux essentials course. Do you know of "the next" step to fully dive in into linux?01:54
pennTellerI just built this pc and decided to not use Windows at all and want to fully immerse myself01:54
OerHekswell, it takes time ..01:55
pennTellerOerHeks, I devour books and videos. I proud myself in learning very fast01:56
OerHekshanging in here was a good start, back in 2009.01:56
pennTellerOerHeks, why not anymore? seems ok to me01:56
OerHekspennTeller, sure, still is, just saying how i started.01:58
pennTellerOerHeks, oh I see01:59
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Guest56439whats up02:09
CarstenHello people, I just tried to update to 16.04 and got a mysql update error http://pastebin.com/K2VE9TkY02:09
CarstenI had a look at launchpad followed all instructions through to no avail02:10
CarstenCan anybody help?02:10
tgm4883Carsten: what launchpad instructions02:10
Guest56439whats up02:11
tgm4883Guest56439: This is a support channel, if you have a question ask it, otherwise chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic02:12
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Carstentgm4883:  Apologes wrong platform I meant ubuntu forum: http://askubuntu.com/questions/760724/16-04-upgrade-broke-mysql-server02:16
pennTellerany body know how to "click wheel click scroll" on ubuntu?02:19
pennTellerI mean click it once and point in the direction you would like to scroll02:20
YankDownUnderpennTeller, you can change the operations of the mouse/mouse wheel with xmodmap02:20
pennTellerYankDownUnder, thank you02:21
YankDownUnderpennTeller, As well...check out: https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/mouse.html02:21
pennTellerYankDownUnder, will do02:23
CarstenIs anyone able to help?02:26
Bashing-om!ask | Carsten02:27
ubottuCarsten: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:27
LambdaComplexBashing-om: he did already ask02:29
CarstenI suppose I should ask a little clearer02:31
tgm4883Carsten: not sure why you think that particular link is related to your issue02:31
Bashing-omLambdaComplex: Carsten  I dp now see .. sorry for my lapse of attention .02:32
CarstenI just tried to update to 16.04 and got a mysql update error http://pastebin.com/K2VE9TkY I followed these instructions through as on the ubuntu forum: http://askubuntu.com/questions/760724/16-04-upgrade-broke-mysql-server02:32
tgm4883Carsten: was this a minor upgrade inside 16.04 or were you doing a distribution upgrade?02:33
Carstentgm4883: Well I have been looking for issues surrounding mysql upgrade errors surrounding 16.04 thats the closest I could find.02:33
Carstentgm4883: Distrubution upgrade02:34
tgm4883Carsten: from?02:34
tgm4883Carsten: did you upgrade to 15.10 first?02:34
Carstenwell I used do-release-upgrade02:35
CarstenErrr sorry tgm488302:35
Bashing-omCarsten: Does this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.7/+bug/1571865 apply to your situation ?02:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1571865 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "mysql fails to start after upgrade if previous defaults were customised" [High,In progress]02:35
Carstentgm4883: I used do-release-upgrade02:35
tgm4883Carsten: that shouldn't have upgraded you directly from 15.04 to 16.0402:36
CarstenBashing-om: I found that too, followed instructions through in the first option through to no avail.02:36
Carstentgm4883: Then I am in error on version number I must have been at 15.1002:36
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds02:38
Charlie1983ARGhi, I'm using Kodibuntu but I want to use Ubuntu 16.04 kernel (lastest Kodibuntu seems based on Lubuntu but uses 3.13 instead of 4.4), it seems that linux-generic has been overriden to this older kernel02:41
Charlie1983ARGhow can I use Ubuntu 16.04 kernel and keep it updated under Kodibuntu?02:41
tgm4883Charlie1983ARG: you install Ubuntu 16.04 or you ask in #kodi02:42
Charlie1983ARGI already asked there and they told me that I have to install a mainline kernel! I don't want to do that02:42
Charlie1983ARGbut you're right, I'm going to use Ubuntu 16.04, Kodibuntu is a waste of time02:43
mangixhello, how can i tell which Xorg video driver has been loaded?02:45
mangixalso, is modesetting or the intel driver better on intel hardware?02:46
Bashing-ommangix: Log /var/log/Xorg.0.log will relate a lot of info about the driver build .02:48
Carstentgm4883, Bashing-om: it seems to be related to that innodb issue but I can't find anything on it02:49
mangixBashing-om: got it. intel is being used02:50
mangixspeaking of intel, how to I enable DRI3? i can't find /etc/X11/xorg.conf or .d02:51
ntfwcmake an xorg.conf.d with an intel device configuration and make sure it has 'Option "DRI" "3"'02:53
ntfwcxorg.conf.d directory that is02:53
Charlie1983ARGit's DRI3 worth it?02:54
ntfwcFrom what I've read, it is mostly security improvements, and there have a been a few DRI3 specific application bugs02:55
mangixDRI3 allows better vsync and performance02:56
mangixdownside is that it requires KMS and may be unstable02:57
ntfwcDoes anyone here know if there is a proper term for a computer display acting like a VHS player that has lost tracking?02:58
ntfwcI'm trying to find if there is a bug for it, but I have been unsuccessful in my search.02:59
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jason__how do you rename a network device e.g rename eth0 to something else03:31
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[Saint]jason__: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules03:37
[Saint](mv it to *.bak first)03:38
[Saint]though I guess that assumes pre-systemd/predictable interface naming scheme.03:39
reisiojust restore that scheme, then :)03:40
jason__I plugged in a wifi dongle and for some reason it has called it wlx74da38417dba03:40
[Saint]right, that's the new 'predictable netowrk interface name' scheme or so.03:40
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[Saint]you'll find it'll be 'wlx<lower_case_MAC_address>'03:41
[Saint]I actually find that useful myself.03:41
jason__my prefrence would be wlan003:41
jason__rename in the same place?03:42
Bashing-omjason__: See: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ .03:42
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krismatrixI have Ubuntu 16.04...and I heard that there was security issue with Unity and X11. Someone recommended that I use Mir instead...and apparently that is some sort of display driver.03:46
krismatrixIsn't Unity a desktop environment.03:46
reisiokrismatrix: someone's ignorant03:46
[Saint]The "security issues" with X11 are laughable at best.03:46
reisiokrismatrix: X is fine, Unity is a DE, technically03:46
[Saint]Newsflash. Your compositor can spy on you.03:46
[Saint]Welcome to the world.03:46
krismatrixwhat is that03:46
reisioMir is something Canonical (Ubuntu) has been working on... I can't say I have much faith it will endure03:47
[Saint]I assume you're talking about the hilarious shenagigans regarding X.11 and Snappy?03:47
[Saint]And it being "unsafe"?03:47
reisioit's not likely you're using snappy03:48
reisiokrismatrix: c'mon don't make us do all the talking for you :p03:48
[Saint]Using something or not has no bearing on the reactionary public.03:48
reisio[Saint]: ain't that the truth :p03:48
krismatrixuh...I don't know what Snappy is. I just read somewhere that it was a new software/program/implementation with Snappy...but don't know what it is.03:49
[Saint]Then you need not worry in the least.03:49
krismatrixAnd yes..I believe the shenangians regarding x.11 and snappy is probably what I am referring to.03:49
[Saint]that wasn't really "news", just someone pointing out something working exactly as intended and crying fowl of it.03:50
krismatrix[Saint]: Why would I not need to worry?03:50
[Saint]see above.03:50
[Saint]If snappy package developers don't want to mark their packages as untrusted, it is their own damn fault.03:51
krismatrixSo...why is this not a security issue?03:51
[Saint]because there are provisions for this already, if you don't want to compositor to be able to spy on what your snappy package is doing, don't class it as a trusted element.03:52
krismatrixok...so what Is this compositor? And actually what is this snappy package?03:52
Abe_hello i need dependencies i cannot find libsteam_api.so and libopenal-eon.so.103:52
jason__trying to run hostapd but get this wlx74da38417dba: interface state DISABLED->DISABLED03:53
Abe_any idea were i can find them or how to install them?03:53
[Saint]krismatrix: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing_window_manager03:53
jason__how do i enable it?03:53
[Saint]krismatrix: and a snappy package is like a snapshot the brings in all its dependencies locally.03:53
[Saint]bah - grammatical errors.03:54
Abe_cmon I just miss 2 more f* dependencies I got 99% by myself pls help http://paste.ubuntu.com/16588874/03:55
Abe_libsteam_api.so and libopenal-eon.so.103:56
tgm4883Abe_: those don't exist in any packages in 16.0403:56
Abe_tgm4883: I use 14.04 luckily03:57
Bashing-omAbe_: Do not find them either : http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libsteam_api&mode=filename&suite=trusty&arch=any .03:58
tgm4883Abe_: they aren't in 14.04 either03:58
Abe_ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i get this somehow03:58
B0g4r7_There's libopenal-dev, but thet doesn't have this -eon bit.03:58
[Saint]my guess is that it is screwing up its own dependencies and it expects to bring this all to the party itself.03:59
[Saint]it would probably help to know what it is you're actually doing.03:59
B0g4r7_Trying to run a game, it sounds like.03:59
Abe_opening an .sh progam03:59
Abe_program/game yes04:00
[Saint]that is infinitely vague.04:00
Abe_somebody said on google04:00
Abe_Fixed by copying libsteam_api.so from one of my Steam games into one of the known /usr/lib directories.04:01
Abe_can this work04:01
Abe_hopefully i hate dependency problems04:01
B0g4r7_A game like Witcher 2.04:01
Abe_no a game like saints row 404:01
Abe_why don't those programs come all with their own dependencies already shipped?04:02
Abe_so annoying to get them afterwards by yourself04:02
[Saint]my suspicion is they do, but it is screwing it up.04:02
B0g4r7_Are you sure it downloaded and installed correctly?04:02
Abe_1 yes it did and 2 i don't need to install04:03
[Saint]relying on these libraries to be provided by the system is a recipe in failure.04:03
Abe_but yes CRC check went good game is fine04:03
ItsMeLennyhello all, i have a CD that will not read in ubuntu 16.04, this is my dmesg http://paste.debian.net/hidden/591d16f3/ . i have had this cd read and install under ubuntu before, it is the game Theme Park World on cd. I have tried it in two drives (SATA and USB) and it gives the same error. I tried it in a windows laptop in two drives (the inbuilt and the same USB one) and it runs perfectly fine. any help would be great04:03
[Saint]as far as I can there's no reason for them to exist in the system and no package or metapackage to pull them in.04:04
[Saint]so $GAME messing this up is likely entirely $GAME's fault.04:04
B0g4r7_I assume you've tried running ldconfig manually, yes?04:05
tgm4883Abe_: where did you get SR4 in a .sh file? It ships with everything it needs in steam04:05
Abe_tgm4883: cuz im smart04:05
tgm4883Abe_: huh?04:06
Abe_that i got SR4 in an .sh file :D04:07
Abe_I still need those dependencies04:07
[Saint]Yes. Very smart to do this outside of Steam where it "Just Works". Mhm.04:07
Abe_Yes but now it's standalone04:08
Abe_which i like04:08
[Saint]Is it? Seems like it doesn't even run to me.04:08
Abe_until i have those 2 dependencies im still missing it won't04:08
Abe_i got 99% those 2 i will get too >:(04:09
B0g4r7_Best of luck.04:09
krismatrixback again....so the gist is that there is no security concern with ubuntu16.0404:09
B0g4r7_Security is always a concern.04:09
xanguakrismatrix: install only from official repository04:09
[Saint]No *new* security concerns. :)04:10
tgm4883Seems like the only way to get SR4 in a .sh file is via questionable places04:10
krismatrixwhat is the 'official respository'?04:10
krismatrixyou mean just stuff on ubuntu software center?04:10
Abe_[Saint]: I know there are not provided by the system04:10
B0g4r7_Sorry to say, we're not here to help you find missing pieces of the commercial software you're trying to pirate.04:12
Abe_or cd04:13
pauljwkrismatrix, i recommend the first thing you install from Software Center is synaptic package manager.  much better for finding and installing software from the official repositories.04:13
* dowell waves hello04:13
krismatrixI do have synaptic. I use it when the ubuntu software center isn't satisfactory.04:13
[Saint]B0g4r7_: But then who will help me crack my MIRC.exe? Khaled's tryin' to shake me down!04:14
krismatrixSo...snappy in 16.04. Why were people concerned or do people believe it may be insecure?04:14
tgm4883krismatrix: the security concerns that people were talking about aren't with snappy. They are with X1104:15
Abe_Yes i found libsteam_api.so like this guy said... it's in steam games04:15
jarotgm4883, what is the concerns?04:15
[Saint]Some genius basically discovered that if you don't mark an asset as untrusted that the compositor can spy on that asset.04:16
[Saint]WHich has been true for approximately...always.04:16
reisiothere haven't been compositors always :p04:16
[Saint]Well...you know what I meant! :p04:16
reisioanyway, people concerned with security don't run desktop environments04:16
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reisioalways :)04:17
tgm4883This is true, that has been the case forever.04:18
jarowell ya everything can spy on everything else in x1104:20
jarothere is no gui isolation04:20
Abe_Oh im dumb04:21
[Saint]you could probably "solve" this by ssh to localhost with -X, no?04:21
[Saint]...or just run the asset(s) as untrusted to begin with.04:22
Abe_they were provided but i took their permissions away thx anyway04:22
jaroso I have an issue when i load a program from terminal.  its icon doesn't show in the notification panel up top unless I load it from the applications menu04:22
jarobut how can I change the launch options from the application menu in unity?04:22
Abe_besides that one i had to take it from steam04:22
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jaroanyone know? :(04:23
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jarotgm4883, i'm using unity,  how do I change the launch options for a specific application?04:25
jaro /usr/share/applications/.desktop file?04:25
xanguajaro: what software and why are you running it from terminal?04:25
krismatrixok...is it safe to run  ssh on 16.04?04:26
jarobut i had to install gksudo, it has to open with sudo04:26
xangua!info pgl04:27
ubottuPackage pgl does not exist in xenial04:27
jaroxangua, ok well editing the .desktop file did the trick04:27
jaroxangua, peerguardian linux04:27
[Saint]jaro: errrr...huh?04:27
jaro[Saint], ?04:27
[Saint]just doing 'gksudo' should open a prompt asking what to run, and as who.04:28
jaro[Saint], its not installed in ubuntu bey default apparently.04:28
[Saint]You don't need to do 'sudo gksudo', but perhaps I misparsed your statement.04:28
jarooh and crap so it still doesn't show in the notification menu apparenlty unless its opened as regular user04:28
jarohmm,  how can i get the icon to show in notification panel?04:28
jaroi'm trying to like unity, but man its real hard.04:29
rexsumegoi know04:29
jaroxangua, do you know how i can get this applications icon to show in the notification panel?04:29
jaroit only shows if opened as a regular user.04:29
karanjava user04:30
jarooh god its not even working lol04:32
jaroI don't think unity is going to work out...04:33
reisiojaro: it doesn't need to :D04:34
jaroI might try kubuntu04:35
jaroman pgl is not even working for some reason.04:37
jaroits not blocking anything I dunno why04:37
Abe_nice I got it yay04:41
Abe_thx for no help :P04:44
jarowell thats it time to uninstall ubuntu....wow....04:45
[Saint]you're uninstalling Ubuntu because you dislike the DE?04:46
jaro[Saint], peerguardian isn't even blocking anything its freaking me out04:46
jaroI don'[t know why this is happening04:46
[Saint]PeerGuardian is a bag of crap without enough active development to keep it afloat.04:47
jaro[Saint], https://sourceforge.net/p/peerguardian/discussion/446996/thread/80253887/04:47
[Saint]I mean...SourceForge.. c'mon!04:47
[Saint]One can only hate themselves so much.04:47
jaroif you say so...04:47
jaropeerguardian is great when using browser or torrents04:48
jaroI feel naked without it man.04:48
[Saint]"PeerGuardian Linux:04:48
jaroand why would it not be working on ubuntu 16.04?  i dont' get it.  it even was updated for it supposedly04:48
[Saint]Actively developed. However the team is very small and with few spare time. Contributors are welcome!"04:48
[Saint]....just what you want in a firewall.04:49
jaroi use ufw along side of it guy04:49
jaroits not a real firewall its a blacklist04:49
jaroblocks like half of the ipv4 space for me04:49
[Saint]...which is a firewall.04:49
jaroyou can click to temp allow some ips or ports on the fly its great04:49
jarobut ya,  that means i'm getting rid of ubuntu for sure04:49
jaroback to mint I go.04:50
jaroI probably should be using debian lol04:50
[Saint]Oh wow. Even better. It is entirely closed source.04:50
jaroits gpl04:50
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[Saint]Ah, yes, sorry, I misread an awkward sentence.04:51
jaro"PeerGuardian is an open project. Not only is its source code open for you to read, use, and modify - but the project is open for you to join and contribute in any form (code, documentation, bug reports, web and support)."04:51
jarojust one of those security tools that peopel are now taught not to use04:51
jarowhen they need it now more then ever lol04:51
jaroapparmor is even becoming deprecated now,  its a shame.  its one of the reasons i like ubuntu based distros04:52
jarowe need it now more then ever.04:52
jaropgl intsalled fine but its not blocking anything something is very very wrong.04:52
[Saint]what's wrong with iptables?04:52
jaroi'm using ufw it uses iptables04:53
jaroagain,  pgl is not a firewall replacement04:53
[Saint]no, it is a superfluous addon.04:53
jarogod i fkn hate irc.  the fkn lions den04:53
jaroteaching everyone to be vulnerable for the lulz04:53
jarothis is why we live in the digital world we do nowadays...04:54
[Saint]No. I'm saying "it does nothing you can not do without it".04:54
jarothe 90s were so much better04:54
[Saint]You're missing the point hun.04:54
jaroi can't live without it man04:54
jaroare you kidding me?04:54
[Saint]You can. You won't.04:54
[Saint]Different things.04:54
jaroi woudln't touch any torrents,  and no the argument that my ip in the swarm doesn't matter.  its all about p2p connections.04:54
jaroand yes using it in a browser is great04:54
jarobetter then oscript lol04:54
jaroi feel totally naked right now04:55
[Saint]there's nothing stopping you from forming the same blacklists with $other_product04:55
jaroyou didn't read what i said before04:55
[Saint]I did.04:55
jarothe great thing about pgl,  is you can one click to temp allow ip's on the fly04:55
jaroname me another program i can do that with.04:55
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jaroif i block 1/2 or 1/3 of all the 4 billion or w/e ipv4 blacklists that exist04:55
jarohow can I do that?04:55
jarosay i'm browsing a webpage.  things on the page are not connecting cause pgl blocks them.04:56
jaroi have pgl running on screen,  i can read the ips,  ports,  the descriptions of who they are for.   and then click on it and only temporarily allow it for like 15 mins or so.04:56
jaroname me another program that can do that.04:56
jaroeverybody just wants to hack the shit out of other people for kicks nowdays04:57
jaronobody writes defensive programs man,  you are dreaming.04:57
jaroands if for some mysterious suspicious reason its installing but not actually working on ubuntu.  i'm gonna pass on ubuntu.04:58
jaroi'd rather block 3 billion ipv4 addresses right off the bat on my machine.04:58
jaroand if ubuntu don't like that,  bye bye ubuntu.04:59
jaroI might as well use windows...04:59
[Saint]You're making some very far reaching logic leaps. Good day to you Sir and.or Madam.04:59
jarowell then again there is peerblok for windows.  but iblock list just went paid subscription only for everything this week04:59
jarothey use to let you get some lists for free,  but jeez.  on linux i can still get them all for free04:59
jaroi'm gonna try a --reinstall maybe that will help?05:00
jaronah it aint working man05:01
jaroI don't get why its not working i'm totally in shock right now05:02
jaromaybe it also has to do with iblocklist going all paid subscription now05:04
jaroevery year,  the internet dies a little more for me.05:04
jaroits becoming a sad sad digital world we live in nowadays...05:04
jarosomebody give me a time machine so i can go back to pre 200505:04
reisiojaro: ok05:04
jarowe are all fkd nowadays,  i don't care who you think you are05:05
reisioI just realized something05:05
[Saint]If it involves this conversation stopping, I'm sure someone would've done so by now.05:05
[Saint]Therefore, no time travel.05:05
[Saint]Proof positive folks.05:05
reisioyeah when we get a time machine, first we'll go back and save ourselves05:05
jarothis sucks...05:05
reisiowhat does?05:06
jarosecurity being non existent in the present digital age.05:06
jaroand everybody in the industry being evil.05:06
jarothe fact the internet is now called facebook an twitter,  and computers are now called androids and iphones...05:07
jarothe fact we no longer have digital freedom or privacy and are totally limited.05:07
[Saint]Frustrated people who rant to others about topics they don't care for still exist, thankfully.05:08
jaro ya pat yourself on the shoulder05:08
jaroyou are part of the problem.05:08
ipatrolOk, so I accidentally hosed the partition my /var directory was on05:09
[Saint]You're the one that made some weird logic jump between "doesn't use obscure firewall" and "doesn't use firewall at all".05:09
[Saint]Go rant in *-offtopic about it if you're still tickled.05:09
ipatrolis there any way to reinstall the system without destroying my /etc directory?05:10
reisioipatrol: back it up05:10
ipatrolreisio: haha, funny05:10
ipatroloh wait, you mean the /etc directory05:10
reisioyou used to work as a stripper or something? :p05:10
abhishekMy touch pad moves everytime I type05:10
reisioyes, /etc05:10
ipatrolI thought you meant the /var directory, in which case, I would say, "too late"05:11
reisioabhishek: turn it off or lift your wrists up05:11
jaro[Saint], so much for downloading torrents now.  i'd be too scared to.05:11
abhishek System Setting>Input Devices>Touchpad>Enable/Disable Touchpad has an option of Timeout, what should it be?05:11
abhishekreisio, ^05:11
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raymod2Is there a known issue with Ubuntu Software Center not being able to install .deb files?05:16
raymod2I create one using dpkg-deb and it installs OK from the terminal (using 'dpkg -i foo.deb') but it doesn't work through Ubuntu Software Center (ie. when double-clicking the file).05:17
brianxcan anyone point me to directions for swapping out unity for mate?  of all things, the friggin "smart" scrollbar is the one that i just can't get over and all the instructions for turning it off don't work on 16.04.05:19
reisiounity-tweak-tool does that, IIRC05:19
tonytbrianx just install the desktop enviroment using cli05:19
brianx"sudo apt install mate"???05:20
tonytgoogle "installe mate cli ubuntu"05:20
tonytyou will find the correct command05:21
brianxreisio: nope, apparently it does in 16.04.  seems that it did in earlier versions.05:21
raymod2I also noticed that Ubuntu Software Center has similar problems installing the .deb file from Google for Google Earth.05:21
raymod2This is on 16.04 LTS.05:21
reisiobrianx: IIRC: dpkg -r --force-all ubuntu-desktop; apt-get install mate-desktop; apt-get autoremove05:21
brianxreisio: thank you.05:22
reisiogoogle's binaries are trash05:22
reisiothat's why they're hard to install05:22
B0g4r7_I gave up running the native google earth.05:22
B0g4r7_I run it in wine now.05:22
reisionot unrelated, I dare say, with their code in general being trash05:22
B0g4r7_Works much better that way,05:22
reisioI only rarely use it for viewing kmls05:23
reisiowhich I'm sure there're other apps for05:23
raymod2B0g4r7_ - but I am seeing the same problem installing my own .deb files.05:23
xanguabrianx: for the record starring with 16.04 "smart scrollbars"are no longer a unity thing but a GNOME thing05:23
reisioyes, Unity being mostly GNOME05:24
e-coffeehi is omg ubuntu an official ubuntu site?05:24
reisiothere's a potential for it to be a general GTK+3 annoyance, though05:24
xanguae-coffee: no, is OMG chrome an official chrome site?05:24
e-coffeehttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/09/how-to-watch-hulu-on-ubuntu-1404-up well to be more specific i'm not sure i want to install this ppa?05:25
e-coffeeto play hulu and hbo-go on ubuntu05:25
brianxxangua: interesting.  they suck.  completely unusable via vnc, annoying as hell even locally.  normal scrollbars could easily scroll a line at a time, a page at a time or grabbing them let you scroll to a specific spot.05:25
e-coffeeapparently i need a hardware abstraction layer05:26
raymod2Here is what I see in /var/log/syslog:May 21 22:22:36 ubuntu gnome-session[1607]: (gnome-software:1762): Gs-WARNING **: failed to call gs_plugin_app_install on apt: GDBus.Error:org.debian.apt.TransactionFailed: error-no-package: Package myapp isn't available05:26
raymod2May 21 22:22:36 ubuntu gnome-session[1607]: (gnome-software:1762): Gs-WARNING **: State change on (null) from available to installed is not OK05:26
e-coffeexangua fiik that's why i asked05:26
reisiohaven't heard Hulu mentioned in ages05:26
jaroe-coffee, i know for hbogo i have to install hal and flashplugin and use firefox05:26
jaroall deprecated05:26
e-coffeejaro do you use this ppa?05:27
jaroall fkn three including firefox imo,  but its only thing that works05:27
jarolet me scroll up which ppa?05:27
e-coffeesudo add-apt-repository ppa:flexiondotorg/hal-flash05:27
jaroya i think thats the one i used in ubuntu05:28
jaroso you just install that,  then the regular flashplugin installer and use firefox05:28
jaroi also did all the pipelight stuff in the past,  thats all ajoke and runs crappy05:28
jarojust use normal flash and hal and firefox and ou good to go05:28
e-coffeethanks jaro :D05:28
jaroyou know whats really sad,  the android tablets are more supported for all this shit05:29
jaroexcuse my language i'm sorry.05:29
raymod2So Ubuntu doesn't allow you to install .deb files that don't come from their own repositories?05:29
jaroraymod2, huh?05:30
raymod2Is this some kind of walled garden?05:30
reisioyou try freshplayerplugin?05:30
reisioraymod2: it does05:30
raymod2reisio - I want my users to be able to download my .deb package and double click it to install it05:30
reisiothat only takes gdebi, IIRC05:31
reisiowhich is probably already installed05:31
raymod2What is gdebi?05:31
reisiofrontend to dpkg, IIRC05:31
xanguabrianx: it seems tho that the behavior of the new GNOME scrollbars has to do with the theme settings, using xubuntu denial default theme and scrollbars in gtk 3 apps don't hide05:31
raymod2When you double click a .deb file in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS it launches the Ubuntu Software Center.05:32
jaroxangua,  probably uses gtk2 stuff in it05:32
reisioraymod2: should work, too, then05:32
reisioXfce hasn't been ported to GTK+3 yet05:32
raymod2It doesn't.05:32
reisioit's up to the theme, though05:32
raymod2There is an Install button but when you click it nothing happens.05:32
reisioGTK+3 just has really asinine Mac OS style defaults05:32
reisioraymod2: reassociate it to use gdebi, then05:32
raymod2reisio - I can't ask my users to do that05:33
reisiowhy would you05:33
raymod2I need it to just work when my users double click the .deb file.05:33
reisioI'm guessing it will if you reassociate it to use gdebi05:34
[Saint]which you also couldn;t ask every user to do.05:34
raymod2I guess I don't understand what you are suggesting.05:34
reisioI'm not sure you two understand it05:34
reisioyou wouldn't ask them to fix the software frontend, either05:35
reisioit's the same problem, only my suggestion is an actual solution05:35
brianxxangua: i'm a long term fedora user, this denial stuff wasn't in fedora so i've no clue05:35
[Saint]reisio: only it isn't, because the intent is to minimize user interaction and have things Just Work.05:35
raymod2Saint, yes exactly.05:36
[Saint]I parse this as raymod2 as the distributor, and that flow being precisely what he wants to avoid.05:36
itaeho누구 없나요05:36
* reisio shakes head05:36
reisiosomething wrong with your logic circuits05:37
reisioanyway: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/157320605:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573408 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1573206 GNOME Software does not install third-party .deb packages" [High,Fix released]05:37
[Saint]reisio: there's no logic failure there - it just flat out wasn't a valid solution.05:37
raymod2I could also ask my users to open a terminal and run 'dpkg -i foo.deb' but most users would not be capable of doing that.05:37
reisioif you say "thing is broke and we can't get users to fix it" and I say "you can fix it by doing foo", and your response is "no!" then I don't know what else to say to you :p05:37
[Saint]it was precisely what he wanted to avoid.05:37
reisio[Saint]: what was, doing anything at all? :p05:37
[Saint]"manualy futzing around" does not a one click installer make.05:37
reisioI can identify with that, but it's pointless to complain and not try to fix things05:38
jarobrianx, denial stuff?05:38
[Saint]reisio: sure, but, one assumes that asking the to micromanage this is (rightly) out of the question.05:38
[Saint]*asking the user to05:38
brianxi assume it's something related to debian "alternatives", but no clue.  was in reply to xangua's list of instructions for gnome scrollbars.05:39
[Saint]I parsed the question not as "how can I get this working by any means" but more "why does this not work as I expect it".05:39
reisioI assumed he wanted things fixed for _his users_ because he controls _his users'_ installs05:39
brianxjaro: it was unfortunately jiberish to me.05:39
raymod2reisio - that bug report you mentioned sounds exactly like what I am seeing05:39
reisiowell for that you want #ubuntu-philosophy-without-solutions :p05:39
raymod2So this is a known issue?05:39
reisioI s'pose it's possible I linked to it because it isn't?...05:40
raymod2And since I created my .deb package from a 16.04 LTS installation it sounds like Ubuntu is rejecting any .deb file that doesn't come from its own repository.05:40
[Saint]It isn't.05:41
reisiogo to the end of the bug I linked to05:41
raymod2I was convinced this was a bug on the 3rd-party files I tried to install because I REFUSED TO BELIEVE an LTS release of Ubuntu would get this far with such bug, this is unacceptable. This is so sad.05:42
raymod2I will consider this a "jump ship right NOW" warning, so I'll take it.05:42
[Saint]If you needed it to work _right now_ I guess you could make a wrapper for it that just went through dpkg and then apt to resolve dependencies.05:43
reisioit's very common—but quite incorrect—to confuse "LTS" to mean "more stable"05:43
HackerIIeye,eye, matey05:43
raymod2Saint, you mean package it inside an executable file?05:43
reisio[Saint]: now you're saying what I said earlier that you complained about :p05:43
reisiohe means reassociate it to use gdebi :p05:43
reisiooh the times...05:43
miladddis it possible to force synaptic to use aria2 instead of wget for packages downloading?05:44
[Saint]I mean nothing of the sort.05:44
reisiomiladdd: undoubtedly05:44
reisio[Saint]: stop saying it then :p05:44
raymod2How can I change a .deb file so that it will be opened by gdebi instead of Ubuntu Software Center?  Doesn't every user need to do that himself?05:44
reisioraymod2: no05:44
reisioit's just a filetype association05:44
raymod2Yes, and filetype associations are the domain of the end user.05:45
raymod2How can I control what happens when an end user double clicks a .deb file?05:45
reisioonly inasmuch as everything is the domain of the end user, once the end user is end using, if the end user so chooses05:45
miladddhow is it?05:45
raymod2I might as well just tell my end users to uninstall Ubuntu and install OS X.  Because my OS X package "Just Works".05:46
raymod2Or my Windows package.05:46
reisiogood idea05:46
reisiojust tape $70 for the OS to your package, and $2000 for the hardware05:47
codfectionguys ubuntu apt get orking fine?05:47
reisiocodfection: ...yes?05:47
[Saint]Ok. So you _are_ just trying to deliberately derail things.05:47
[Saint]Good to know.05:47
codfectionI am in airport and apt get update is not working05:47
reisiocodfection: maybe your connection is terrible05:47
reisioin an airport that'd not surprise me05:47
codfectionand one more thing05:48
codfectionmy chrome is not visible05:48
codfectionlast time I use pc it was there05:48
codfectionwhat could be the problem05:48
codfectionin laptop05:48
reisioin the laptop, eh?05:48
[Saint]I had a feeling there for a while you were actually invested in the situation. Sorry about that reisio.05:48
reisioon the launcher?05:48
codfectionlet me show u pastebin05:48
raymod2reisio, OS X is free.  Where does the $70 come from?  And hardware that runs Ubuntu is free?05:48
reisio[Saint]: ?05:48
codfectionin dash and everywhere its gone05:49
reisioraymod2: no, it's not free :)05:49
raymod2I downloaded it and installed it on a VM and I didn't notice a dip in my bank account.05:49
reisiocodfection: maybe it's not installed05:49
codfectionit  was05:49
reisioraymod2: right, but you aren't going to tell the IRS that05:49
codfectionplease check05:50
reisiocodfection: maybe it isn't now05:50
raymod2Why would the IRS care that I downloaded a free copy of OS X?05:50
reisioraymod2: because it's not free :D05:50
codfectioneven in apt update its giving chrome error05:50
[Saint]It is.05:50
codfectionyesterday I had chrome installed05:50
[Saint]It is.05:50
raymod2I downloaded OS X *from Apple*05:50
reisioraymod2: to your apple computer?05:50
ac1dh0n3ycl0ud[Saint]: then I totally got screwed on that snow cat thing i paid for...05:50
reisioac1dh0n3ycl0ud: don't mind them, they're lost05:51
raymod2No, to my PC that I built myself.05:51
codfectionany one help me please. I had chrome installed now its gone and having this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/16590579/05:51
reisioraymod2: like I said, you wouldn't be telling the IRS this :p05:51
ac1dh0n3ycl0udyou build a vm?05:51
raymod2My VM runs on my PC.05:51
ac1dh0n3ycl0udwhich you built?05:52
reisioand your Mac OS runs illegally on your VM :p05:52
ipatrolreisio: what?05:52
[Saint]Wait wait wait...just so I'm clear, are you saying that it isn't "free" because you already paid for the Mac?05:52
raymod2Yes, I built my PC with parts from NewEgg and Amazon.05:52
[Saint]Because upgrading hasn't cost me a single penny.05:52
reisio[Saint]: you're suggesting things you paid for are free? :p05:52
reisioipatrol: ?05:52
codfectionany help guys? I guess its support irc ??05:52
ipatrol[Saint]: because Apple is a jackdonkey05:52
[Saint]I paid for the hardware, the OS on it in incidental.05:52
abaddon_this irc channel is filled with nonsense right now05:52
reisioabaddon_: ssdd ;)05:53
raymod2LOL, abaddon05:53
reisiocodfection: if you want chrome, install it05:53
reisio[Saint]: sure it is, heh05:53
ipatrolyes Father abaddon_, we know05:53
codfectionreisio, I had it installed...05:53
raymod2Let's just please find a solution so my users can double click my .deb file and install it on Ubuntu.05:53
codfectionits gone automatically :O05:53
codfectionand apt is having this error05:53
reisiocodfection: that's unlikely, but hopefully of less concern than actually obtaining it05:53
[Saint]ac1dh0n3ycl0ud: I'm guessing you missed the upgrade boundary and get caught with that weird $20 fee?05:53
reisioraymod2: already did05:53
reisiomore than one05:53
* ac1dh0n3ycl0ud nods05:54
abaddon_I'll click on your deb file and delete it05:54
[Saint]ac1dh0n3ycl0ud: aha, right, that explains things.05:54
raymod2reisio - I said "double click" not "become an Ubuntu expert to install my software"05:54
ac1dh0n3ycl0udit was ten dollars last time05:54
reisioraymod2: there's a bug for it05:54
reisioif sitting on your hands is your thing, keep it up05:54
reisiowill work itself out soon enough05:54
raymod2The bug was filed a month ago.05:55
abaddon_then fix it05:55
reisiooh yeah?05:55
reisiowhat time of day was it filed?05:55
reisiothis fascinates me05:55
reisiotell me more :)05:55
HackerIIel oh el05:55
raymod2LOL, let's get the guy who broke it to fix it.05:55
reisiowell if it's a problem with GNOME, you won't have much luck05:55
reisioall GNOME bugs are features, IME05:55
ipatrolraymod2: sadly, that's typical GNOME development "logic"05:56
reisiocanonical will probably fix it though05:56
raymod2I hope I don't have this much trouble when I create a .rpm file for my Fedora users.05:56
Guest69422hi, when printing a directory to a file from the command line (ls *.txt > outfile.txt), is there a way to include some text before each file is listed in a new line?05:56
reisioif gnome won't05:56
ipatrolWhy Ubuntu has stuck with them I'll never know05:56
reisiobecause people stick with GNOME05:57
codfectionguys any idea for this error?05:57
reisionow why people do that... we'll never know :p05:57
abaddon_its got a cool name?05:57
reisioI think "it's not KDE" is the answer05:57
ipatrolreisio: I'm actually convinced that the GNOME package in Ubuntu is nothing more than a large collection of downstream packages to fix stuff the GNOME devs broke, like the Ship of Thesus.05:57
abaddon_maybe someone should create halfling05:58
reisiowhich is funny in a way05:58
ac1dh0n3ycl0udactually I kind of like kde05:58
raymod2Guest69422 - you can use sed for that (after you create the file)05:58
ipatrolac1dh0n3ycl0ud: I'm on KDE right now05:58
reisiosome people do like KDE05:58
reisionot GNOME users, though :p05:58
Guest69422raymod2: how?05:58
ac1dh0n3ycl0udi've gone back and forth05:58
Abe_kde best05:58
ipatrolreisio: I used to be a GNOME user05:58
ipatrolthe operative word being "used to be"05:58
reisiobeen using Xfce since 200505:58
reisiohasn't betrayed me once05:59
HackerIIkde is a cadilac running on 3 cylinders05:59
ac1dh0n3ycl0udreisio: yes05:59
reisiono bizarre KDE 3 -> 4 shifts, no bizarre GNOME 2 -> 3 shifts05:59
reisiono lead developers leaving and going back to Mac OS05:59
ipatrolreisio: I have one machine on MATE, one on Xfce, and one on KDE05:59
raymod2sed -i 's/\(.*\)/my prefix \1/' foo.txt05:59
reisiono Qt guit toolkit for-profit badly licensed nonsense :p05:59
ipatrolreisio: that 5h1t was resolved ages ago06:00
codfectionreisio, is this error  because of QT06:00
ac1dh0n3ycl0udi just don't like gnome because for all the resources it uses you'd think you'd be getting something nicer06:00
codfectioni installed qt offline runner06:00
reisioipatrol: which 5h1t?06:00
ipatrolabout the Qt licensing06:00
reisiocodfection: the reason the package you want to be installed is not installed is less important than how to install it again, IMO06:01
ac1dh0n3ycl0udand kde is too nice... in an intrusive way like 'what if i didn't want that' or 'what if that just doesn't work for some reason'06:01
ipatrolac1dh0n3ycl0ud: "too nice"?06:01
codfectionreisio, its automatically disappear06:01
reisioipatrol: stink that doesn't go away, particularly since it's on its nth for-profit owner/developer06:01
reisiocodfection: nope06:01
codfectionyesterday I was using chromme06:01
reisiosadly magic does not really exist in this world06:01
ipatrolreisio: yeah, and GNOME is practically a Red Hat project by now06:01
reisionot the way we wan it to, not really, not without drugs :D06:02
codfectionor ubuntu LTS is damn unstable that it removes my applications without my permission?06:02
reisiocodfection: well, LTS doesn't mean stable06:02
ipatrolcodfection: your ubuntu is a yandere :-P06:02
reisiobut probably some way or another you told it to06:02
codfectionno wonders its a free OS06:02
reisio^ffr, good way to end conversations :p06:03
raymod2reisio - what version of Ubuntu is stable?06:03
ipatrolcodfection: MS proves you don't always get what you pay for06:03
codfectionipatrol, apple does thou06:03
reisioraymod2: no version, Ubuntu has no stable branch06:03
reisioit's sourced from Debian's unstable branch06:03
ipatrolcodfection: apple is a PITA without the falafel06:03
reisiommm, falafel, so good06:03
Abe_raymod2: none of them all linux distros are completely unstable and and you cannot use them so better use windows06:04
ac1dh0n3ycl0udipatrol: also it used to slow my machine down06:04
reisioAbe_: cute06:04
raymod2I've had the chance to play around with a lot of OSes recently while porting my application and I have to say OS X is the nicest.06:04
ipatrolAbe_: which will crash stochastically and sells all your usage data to the NSA, and leaks all your user files to the Chinese06:04
codfectionAbe_, yup no wonder business users use OS X06:04
ac1dh0n3ycl0udipatrol: it wouldn't now but i'm still upset about it06:04
codfectionand professionals06:05
HackerIIconvert to lindoze06:05
abaddon_i prefer dos06:05
codfectionand they said linux is better than OS X lool06:05
reisioit's cute, when you send msgs06:05
ac1dh0n3ycl0udi think debian is06:05
ipatrolApple otoh is collecting it for themselves so they can build Skynet and take over the world06:05
reisiowon't work, skynet hates cardigans06:06
reisiomakes its neck look big06:06
ipatrolreisio: turns out that's a compile-time option :-P06:06
HackerIIMS comes with free vaccines06:06
Abe_that was a joke.. linux is a do it yourself thing.. you need to fight with it.and need to get a huge headache. but at one point, you have a nice running system06:06
reisiosame bugs happen on any distribution of any OS06:06
abaddon_its not that big a headache06:06
codfectionAbe_, and then one mistake and boom ur apps are gone06:06
reisiowith an open source one, you can actually fix them yourself06:07
ipatrolAbe_: at least when Linux gives me a headache, I know how to get rid of it06:07
reisiounless you're too lazy06:07
codfectionactually not even a mistake if I recall06:07
reisiommm, sleepy time06:07
ipatrolwith Windows if it doesn't go away on reboot, I'm at the mercy of MS' arcane system design and byzantine customer support department06:07
reisioadios mon amis06:07
Abe_well I go through the headache and fix every little thing and them I'm happy :D... codfectio never happend to me actually06:08
raymod2OSes should not give you a headache.  None of them should.06:09
ipatrolof course, the wonderful thing about free software, is that if you lose all your apps, you can get them all back06:09
abaddon_in utopia06:09
ipatrolraymod2: ideally, but this is the real world we're living in06:10
abaddon_but we live in reality where an os is a complicated group of many pieces of software06:10
raymod2Like a CPU that sometimes gives you incorrect results when you add 2 + 2.  Just not acceptable.06:10
Abe_my kubuntu runs stable.. I wouldn't have to restart for weeks if i don't want to, and for years it never slowed down on me even with hundreds of applications on it.06:10
abaddon_all trying to accomplish all the tasks any random person might think of06:10
Abe_never experienced that on windows06:11
raymod2I do have FreeBSD running a web server on my Raspberry Pi and it hasn't been rebooted in 9 months.06:11
ipatrolmy router has decent uptime, now that I have DD-WRT on it06:11
HackerIIhasent used bsd since 3.606:11
raymod2abaddon_ - are you coughing about the Pentium floating point math error from 20 years ago?06:12
ipatrolraymod2: by the definition under Turing's theorem, every computer must be able to, given enough time and resources, be able to compute literally anything which can be represented by a finite-length program06:13
ipatrolno matter how completely bonkers it is06:13
abaddon_and that is why we only create infinite length programs from here on out06:13
abaddon_so windows won't crash06:13
ipatrolabaddon_: the busy beaver program06:14
* abaddon_ is busy unrolling an infinite loop06:14
ipatrolabaddon_: so how are things going over at the Church of the Empty Inbox? :-P06:15
Abe_here i have a problem with my pc that i wasn't able to solve yet.. everytime i restart my pc my fans just blow full speed :(.. i need to turn my pc completely off and back on and then my fans work correctly idk what causes it to behave like this after a restart?06:17
Guest69422has anyone used sed to append text to all new lines in a file?06:18
Jarowell it seems pgl still works,  it just aint working on my ubuntu install :(06:18
Guest69422I am trying to understand how it works... but I havent found an example. I need to append some text to all lines in a text file06:18
ipatrolI remember an old joke is that the difference between email and regular mail, is that email is delivered by computers, and computers don't just come in one day and decide to shoot all the other computers06:19
ipatrolGuest69422: usually Perl is good for that06:19
Abe_could it be a kernel problem?06:19
raymod2Guest69422 - what is wrong with the example I gave you?06:19
ipatrolAbe_: install fancontrol, then run pwmconfig as root06:19
EriC^^Guest69422: sed 's/$/text/' /path/to/file06:20
Guest69422raymod2: sorry, I didnt see it. Thanks06:20
ipatrolEriC^^: no, he said append06:20
ipatrolthat replaces it06:20
EriC^^ipatrol: that appends06:20
Abe_ipatrol: i'll look into it thx.. but do you think a program can fix this because the problem appears at boot06:20
abaddon_what if all the recent errors we've collectively experienced are the computers going postal06:21
abaddon_and not the fault of sloppy code at all06:21
ipatrolAbe_: once you've run pwmconfig, fancontrol will come on at boot06:21
methwhat makes LTS version preferable over the normal version of ubuntu?06:21
Seveasabaddon_: that would give programmers far too much credit.06:21
abaddon_or user error06:21
Seveasmeth: you don't have to upgrade every half year...06:21
raymod2Eric's answer is more succint, though.06:21
ipatrolabaddon_: I was more going for a comparison between going postal and DDoS/email flooder scripts06:22
Abe_ipatrol: ok i hope it won't make more problems i am running pwmconfig now as root06:22
ipatrolAbe_: it's an interactive program, do what it says06:23
abaddon_it's a trap06:23
ipatrolit's a fish06:23
raymod2So LTS stands for 'long term support' but who is providing the support and how can I get some?06:23
ipatrolraymod2: Canonical, and by paying for it06:23
abaddon_pay for it06:23
raymod2Odd that noone has paid Canonical to fix bug 1573206 yet....06:24
Abe_ipatrol: /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed06:24
ubottubug 1573408 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1573206 GNOME Software does not install third-party .deb packages" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157340806:24
Jarometh, considered more stable, and means you won't have to upgrade as often,  it receives regular security updates for a longer period.06:24
ipatrolAbe_: you may need to install the lm-sensors package06:24
[Saint]Jaro: Meth usually makes people unstable.06:25
ipatrolif that doesn't work, it's a BIOS-level problem06:25
Jaro[Saint], i'm still upset pgl is not working on my ubuntu install06:25
Abe_ipatrol: can I find it if i search "lm-sensors" in synaptic?06:25
[Saint]Jaro: Well, I don't see you blaming them for it.06:26
Jaro[Saint], blaming who?06:26
ipatrolAbe_: you should06:26
Abe_ipatrol: ok found it in synaptic06:26
Jaropgl?  well it works in other distros.06:26
abaddon_sudo apt-get install lm-sensors06:26
[Saint]Jaro: So?06:26
Jaroso i blame ubuntu.06:26
[Saint]Other sitros != Ubuntu.06:26
raymod2It's starting to make sense now.  Canonical provides these "LTS" releases with basic functionality broken and then charges people to fix it?06:26
[Saint]So it is irrelevant.06:26
ipatrolabaddon_: is your username taken from Dresden Codak, or is it unrelated?06:26
Jaroso i blame ubuntu.06:27
[Saint]*distros, bah, typing.06:27
abaddon_ipatrol: unrelated06:27
Jarounity is a nightmare as well,  it lives up to its reputation lol06:27
[Saint]Jaro: you're free to do so, but, that won't make it right.06:27
SebastienLet's say i would like to make email addresses and manage them, the easy way. How would i preceed? (mailbox, manage, create, delete)  i am completely lost. (latest ubuntu)06:27
Abe_it still says /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed06:27
ipatrolraymod2: no, they charge you to fix the things *you* break06:27
Abe_do i need to restart>06:27
Jaroinstalling mint or debian would make it right.06:27
ipatrolAbe_: probably means your computer lacks kernel-accessible temperature sensors06:27
[Saint]Jaro: So do so. No one cares what distro you use, or why.06:28
ipatrololder machine?06:28
raymod2I didn't break Ubuntu Software Center...06:28
abaddon_yes you did06:28
Jaro[Saint], you care06:28
abaddon_i saw you06:28
Abe_ipatrol: weird cuz i have an temperature widget on my desktop...06:28
Jaro[Saint], i'm gonna wait till the mint 18 beta comes out next month and just install that.06:29
ipatrolAbe_: then you probably lack any kernel-accessible *fan* controllers06:29
Jaro[Saint], ubuntu is feeling too much like windows to me now.06:29
Jaroand the whole point is try and avoid using windows now and be linux only.06:29
ipatrolsometimes you have to change an option in the BIOS to allow the OS access to the fan06:29
brianxxangua, jaro, and reisio, thank you all.  <3 my desktop again.  no annoying shadows, real scrollbars, normal menus, all the crap that was broken (to me) in ubuntu is suddenly fixed!06:29
[Saint]Jaro: it is really difficult for me to convey in writing how little I care. I'm sorry.06:29
abaddon_well not to do this here but windows has some good points06:29
Abe_ipatrol: this might be very well possible...06:30
ipatrolJaro: [microscopic violin starts playing]06:30
Jaroabaddon_, the operating itself is good,  just don't trust microsoft.06:30
xanguabrianx: did you switch to xfce? :-P06:30
abaddon_lately its hard to remember that but i like the base style of older operating systems like windows 95/xp06:30
brianxxangua: nope, mate.06:30
raymod2Jaro, especially with Windows 10 they have gone off the rails with privacy intrusion06:30
Abe_ipatrol: I don't think i can;t do this in my uefi06:30
abaddon_i of course like to customize a bit as well06:30
ipatrolAbe_: if it's uEFI, it should be even easier06:31
Jaroabaddon_, ya after windows 7 they pretty much went bad business.06:31
abaddon_vista was the downhill slide for me06:31
ipatrolI thought you were using an older system06:31
Jaroraymod2, not even just that, things they have done to try and force upgrades are just insane.06:31
abaddon_sure 7 was better but it was too late06:31
brianxxangua: i thought about xfce but wanted something a bit more complete.  i miss the available widgets n things available in a bigger desktop.  i just don't want anything that some developer said "that looks cool" on my desktop.06:31
=== Nullifi3d is now known as Nullifi3d|Pi
Jaroraymod2, almost criminal06:31
ipatrolabaddon_: I didn't have any real problems with Vista, but I can't use >706:31
abaddon_the only reason i even have a windows partition is for my aerodrums and im constantly hounding the devs to make a linux port.06:32
Jaroraymod2, did you hear the latest.  they broke secureboot on purpose for people using windows 7 and asus motherboards.06:32
Abe_ipatrol: no my Uefi is really dumb. but i will look again. any clues what i should look under even though you dont know my uefi chip nor version06:32
Jaroraymod2, whats crazy is how they publicly admit they are doing these thigns like its all ok not wrong.06:32
abaddon_its the resource requiremeents06:32
ipatrolabaddon_: aerodrums? have you asked the Ububtu Studio project to look into it?06:32
raymod2No, I didn't hear that.06:32
Jaroraymod2, ya can you imagine?  you go to turn on your pc and it doesn't boot haha06:33
abaddon_chances are if you are a power user you didn't notice because your system was already more than capable06:33
Jarobecause microsoft said srcew you for not updating to windows 10. of course they deny thats the reason why they did it.  but what else coudl it be.06:33
Jaroraymod2, but they ahve been constantly sabotaging their own users time and time again the past year.06:34
abaddon_aerodrums are invisible drums that utilize a pseyetoy to track some reflective tape06:34
ipatrolJaro: it is the m.o. of evil to claim there is nothing wrong with what they're doing06:34
ipatrolabaddon_: yeah, ask the studio project06:34
Jarothere is no way in hell i would ever use another windows.06:34
Jarothey are criminal now.06:34
raymod2Question: is Canonical less evil than Microsoft?06:34
Jaroraymod2, i'm starting to wonder right now.06:34
ipatrolraymod2: yes06:35
abaddon_hopefully someone eventually makes something similar open source06:35
Jaromy inital response is yes.  but the more i use ubuntu, the more i'm growing concerned.06:35
GallomimiaLESS evil? certaily.06:35
Jaroi think mint is less evil then ubuntu06:35
ipatrolin the world of evildoers, Canonical is small fry06:35
Nullifi3d|PiJaro: why06:35
Jarodebian less evil then mint06:35
Nullifi3d|PiJaro: why concerned, that is06:35
raymod2LOL, "Canonical: the small fry evildoer"06:35
JaroNullifi3d|Pi, not liking the unity desktop for one.  I feel like i'm being limited in alot of ways.  it also uses way more memory then it should.06:35
Gallomimiayou have to appreciate that all the hardware makers out there are already pwned. the software you run doesn't really matter06:36
Nullifi3d|Piso change it?06:36
JaroNullifi3d|Pi, at this moment, its the fact my peerguardian is not working properly on ubuntu for mysterious reaosns i can't figure out.06:36
Nullifi3d|Pithats the beauty of linux, completely customizable06:36
Gallomimiathere's probably a backdoor in your ISP's router that's sitting in your house06:36
[Saint]If only you could change the DE to anything you preferred...06:36
[Saint]Oh well...06:36
JaroGallomimia, i know there is,  its publick knowledge on mine06:36
Gallomimiaergo, fussing about whether canonical is bad news, well.06:36
[Saint]Jaro: you're fussing about having to cut off your feet because you hate your new shoes.06:36
JaroGallomimia, well we all should i assume our routers are hostile06:36
[Saint]News Flash: shoes come off.06:37
JaroGallomimia, but your pc is still the endpoint.  you can still encryupt stuff past your router.06:37
GallomimiaJaro: and... i've seen appliances made by mcaffee that claim to be able to decrypt all traffic passing thru06:37
Gallomimiaand they work.06:37
[Saint]and who in their right mind uses telco supplied routers?06:37
ipatrol[Saint]: you often have to06:37
Gallomimiawe don't get a choice.06:38
JaroGallomimia, well when it comes to ssl,  they can forge certificates06:38
Gallomimiayou can ask them nicely to activate "bridge" mode06:38
JaroGallomimia, i'd say thats pretty rare and nsa stuff though.06:38
raymod2Gallomimia - how does mcaffee decrypt traffic?  They have defeated AES?06:38
Jaroor elite criminal organizations06:38
Jarowho are about money not the lulz06:38
GallomimiaJaro: yes. this particular network disallowed things that it couldn't decrypt. for example, i couldn't use SSH06:38
Gallomimiaraymod2: i don't know. but i spoke to the network tech06:38
Gallomimiaand it works.06:39
[Saint]Gallomimia: it was a joke - of course they haven't.06:39
Jaroraymod2, mcafee is smoking too much of that meth :)06:39
Gallomimiaforged certs as jaro said06:39
Jaroya thats the only way i can see06:39
[Saint]McAfee is just plain nuts dude.06:39
Jaroand its not as crazy as it sounds,  because there is so many ca's now.06:39
Jaroi'm sure there is gov't controlled ones.  and some corrupt ones.06:39
[Saint]Batshit insane.06:39
Gallomimiaand this wasn't a super government entity. it was a gold mine06:39
ipatrolJaro: are you implying there's a difference?06:39
[Saint]If McAfee could decrypt AES, he would've started at least two world wars by now already.06:40
JaroJaro, well the mafia and cia are two sides of the same coin.  but yes they are diff.06:40
methhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.5.5-yakkety/  => what is yakkety?06:40
Jaro[Saint], you can forge ssl certs.06:40
Jaroi doubt hes decrypting aes,  maybe in his dreams.06:41
xanguameth: next ubuntu06:41
Jarobut we do rely on ssl to get past our hostile routers.06:41
Jaroand prevent sniffing from hostile devices on our networks.06:41
Jarobut the endpoint is still always the most important cause all the encryption in the world matters not then.06:42
methwho chose this name for the next ubuntu and what that name means?06:42
Jarowhich is why i find whatsapp on android phones hilarious06:42
xanguameth: Mark06:42
methI can suggest better names06:42
ubottuUbuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+106:42
abaddon_i like this name06:42
ipatrolI generally assume that every router not physically in my control, as well as all wireless lines, are susceptible to active traffic manipulation06:42
abaddon_it symbolizes this channel06:43
[Saint]<silly adjective> <animal>, in alphabetical run order.06:43
[Saint]It has been like this for an eternity.06:43
Jaroipatrol, ya but like gallomimia said almost all firmware has hardcoded backdoors now.06:43
Gallomimiaso, they're at Y already??06:43
Jaroyou have to install like open source firmware or something.06:43
[Saint]Well...technically X.06:43
[Saint]Y is +106:43
Jarowhich was actually easier in the late 90s early 2000s06:43
abaddon_zany zebra06:43
Jarospeaking of which i'm still waiting for my time machine...06:43
GallomimiaJaro: i've seen a security presentation on what could be done if you had such firmware backdoors all across the country. faster-than-light MitM attacks06:43
Jarocause the internet sucks nowadays lol06:44
ipatrolJaro: not even that: the NSA has made hard drive malware that can't be removed in any way06:44
[Saint]Gallomimia: ummmm...nothing travels faster than light, dude.06:44
JaroGallomimia, back int he days i use to use tomato on a linksys wrt54g06:44
Gallomimiaoh yeah i saw that one06:44
Gallomimia[Saint]: you obviously missed the point.06:44
JaroGallomimia, i don't even think tomato exists anymore...06:44
[Saint]You made a flawed statement?06:44
[Saint]No...I got that.06:44
ipatrolit does06:44
Gallomimiaif you'd shut up i'll explain further06:44
ipatrol[Saint]: you're acting autistic?06:44
pennTellerHi guys! Can anybody point me in the right direction? My ALFA card keeps disconnecting on ubuntu 16.04 :(06:44
Jaroipatrol, are you being serious?  i thought only thing that is well maintained now is the umm what ya call it06:45
methso they took the name from a famous song at 60s06:45
ipatrolok, break time's over!06:45
meththat's poor choice of names06:45
xanguameth: ask Mark06:45
Jaroipatrol,  openwrt,  because even dd-wrt is not well maintained anymore06:45
meththey should named it Vista!06:45
Jaroipatrol,  and even if you can find these things you have to hope you have an old ass router they actually work on.06:45
Jaroopenwrt is all there is now,  and its not easy.06:45
ipatrolpennTeller: what chipset is it?06:46
Gallomimiaas the attack goes, a router in the network closer than the packet's destination forges IP's and MACs and sends an injected packet, causing the real one to be rejected as a duplicate. in this way the attack "beats" the speed of light.06:46
ipatrolJaro: dd-wrt is the only thing that's compatible with my router06:46
Jaroback in the days tomato and dd-wrt were popular and chances are your currnet router worked well with them.06:46
Gallomimiait doesn't *GO* faster than light, it has an injection method to beat it06:46
pennTelleripatrol, let me get that for you one sec06:46
Jaroipatrol,  ah you are lucky06:46
pennTelleripatrol, RTL818706:47
Jaroipatrol,  only things well maintained now are offensive hacking tools which people call "security" haha06:47
Jaroand if you want to use a defensive tool,  or like ask about one on irc.  you are deterred.06:47
ipatrolJaro: the thing has a pitiful memory and flash storage06:47
Jaroipatrol, your router? so it gets bogged down all the time?06:48
ipatrolJaro: I don't know where you get that from, and I'm a pentester myself06:48
Jarojust listen to the insults i get for wanting to use pgl on my ubuntu.06:48
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!06:48
ipatrolJaro: no, becuase my home network is very small, but it amazes me how it can work on so little hardware06:48
lotuspsychjestick to ubuntu support please06:48
Jaroipatrol,  ya its great.  wish it worked on my router lol06:49
Jaroit only works on a real old revision of it.06:49
methWhere is Mark?06:50
methyo Mark06:50
Jaroipatrol, i always preferred tomato to dd-wrt back int eh days,  cause the qos settings worked better for me.06:50
[Saint]Jaro: if you find one instance of being insulted personally for wanting to use pgl, I'll buy and ship you a cookie of your flavor shoice.06:50
methThere is not Mark in the users list06:50
Jaro[Saint], lol you arealdy know you are who i was referring to.06:51
ipatrollogs or it didn't happen06:51
methsomeone tell him to change the name to Vista.06:51
[Saint]Jaro: excatly, whci is why I made the claim.06:51
[Saint]I know you're lying.06:51
Jaro[Saint], I consider you a malicious hacker already dude.06:51
lotuspsychjestop it please06:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:51
Jarohopefully ou don't actually influence any development decisions for ubuntu.06:51
methlotuspsychje, me?06:52
Jaroits bad enough you are in the help channel,  like a wolf among sheep06:52
[Saint]Hopefully you choke on your tongue in your sleep. We all have dreams.06:52
ipatrolJaro: if I wanted to, I could probably actually do harm to your router06:52
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu06:52
Jaroipatrol,  it woudln't be hard.06:52
baizonlotuspsychje: thank you06:52
ipatrolNotice how it's still functioning ^_^06:52
Jaroipatrol,  your type is whats wrong with the world06:52
Jaromore of you will be hanged and will be called a suicide06:52
Jaromore of your cars will mysteriously run off the word06:52
Myrtticould you people seriously cool off06:52
abb4shi every body , i want to run tor network on my ubuntu , but i need to config bridge for it , so i send a email to : bridges@bridges.torproject.org but is dont send back any ips or ... it just reply some commands like : get bridges .can you help me ?06:52
* ipatrol wonders if the ops will come, or if they're all busy watching Toonami06:53
Jaroor your families will just be bankrupted till they start killing themselves06:53
ducasseJaro: if you don't have a support question then go elsewhere to chat/rant.06:53
Jarothose are the things that bring society joy nowadays...06:53
Jaroipatrol,  nothing about you is for "security" you are a virus06:53
MyrttiJaro: please06:53
ipatrolJaro: because God help me, if the ops don't get here, I WILL take action to make you stop06:53
Jarowe will always have bugs till the end of time06:53
Jarothe only thing that will help society,  is learning morals.06:54
Jarosomethign you lack.06:54
Jarotrating the digital world with the same principles and morals as the physical06:54
Jaroipatrol,  your kind cause more harm then good06:54
ipatrol"requested by Myrtti", is THAT how Konversation registers a kick?06:56
[Saint] /remove06:56
EriC^^that's a freenode feature06:56
Myrttiipatrol: no. that's how a remove shows up06:56
EriC^^so the client doesn't rejoin automatically06:56
[Saint] /kick has the opportunity for the client to rejoin.06:56
ipatrolEriC^^: how long has that been implemented?06:56
[Saint]whoops - too many cooks.06:56
Myrttiover 10 years06:56
pennTellershouldnt this conversation be happening on #ubuntu-offtopic?06:56
ipatrolnever heard of it06:57
ipatrolpennTeller: probably XD06:57
Myrttiyes, let's move on06:57
Nullifi3d|PipennTeller: yup06:57
Infern0I'm having a hell of a time with a desktop environment issue I could use some help07:03
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Infern0I'm trying to move to unity from xfce, I completely removed xfce but fail to get my desktop to attempt to load the default ubuntu environment (unity)07:04
Infern0I've purged and autoremoved everything I can, I've installed ubuntu-desktop from the terminal environment and rebooted but still nothing works so far07:05
ducasseInfern0: can you select unity when you log in?07:06
Infern0no or I'd have done that and skipped all this =(07:06
Infern0xfce didn't give me the option to do that07:06
Infern0not sure why07:06
ducasseInfern0: there is no entry for unity on the login screen at all?07:07
Infern0but I've removed everything, unity should be the only thing left07:07
Infern0still nothing07:07
Infern0it still tries to load an empty xfce desktop with a background, a mouse and nothing else07:08
auronandacelightdm is the default display maager, it will let you choose options only if there are more than one to choose from, you already removed xfce so it should default to unity07:08
Infern0I agree and after a reboot that shouldn't be needed, it should have just acted like a fresh install as far as desktop environment07:09
auronandaceInfern0: did you remove xfce packages or did you try removing xubuntu-desktop?07:10
Infern0I purged the xfce4 common lib then also autoremoved xfce407:10
auronandaceInfern0: then i get the feeling you might have missed something but i wouldn't know what sorry07:11
Infern0how to i switch it to unity from the terminal?07:12
auronandaceInfern0: it should just have been a case of installing ubuntu-desktop, logging out, choosing unity in lightdm and logging in again. not sure why you wanted to remove the option for xfce (removing desktop environments often causes hassles like this and you gain very little space from doing so)07:14
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pennTellerHi guys, any help fixing an ALFA wifi card with chipset rtl8187 that keeps dropping the connection for no aparent reason?07:28
lotuspsychjepennTeller: wich ubuntu version?07:30
pennTellerlotuspsychje, 16.0407:31
lotuspsychjepennTeller: perhaps try another driver/firmware ? from realteks website07:31
lotuspsychje!realtek | pennTeller07:31
ubottupennTeller: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b07:32
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pennTellerthanks ubottu will give it a shot07:32
pennTellerthanks lotuspsychje07:32
lotuspsychjepennTeller: another option could be checking syslog, see what kind of errors you get and testing a higher kernel out07:32
pennTellerlotuspsychje, I don't know exactly what im looking for on syslog07:33
lotuspsychjepennTeller: well you can try a realtime tail -f /var/log/syslog and play around with wifi a bit07:34
auronandacepennTeller: if you know the name of the driver then you could grep for that07:34
methWhen i Dual Ubuntu with Windows on UEFI, Ubuntu installer partition table to Hyprid MBR with GPT, Windows doesn't like that and leads to Windows Failure to boot.07:34
[Saint]Hmmm, does ubottu not do the whole "I'm a robot" thing unless it is highlighted at the beginning of a message?07:34
pennTellerlotuspsychje, ok I will do that thank you07:35
pennTellerauronandace, thanks I will give that a shot07:35
Graypup_Linux at its finest:07:35
Graypup_> want to save RAM07:35
Graypup_> enable dynamic memory in the hopes that ubuntu vm ditches some that it wasn't using07:36
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Graypup_> ubuntu vm allocates itself, completely unnecessarily, 1GB more than the startup amount07:36
Graypup_wheee hyper-v + ubuntu07:36
baizon!ot | Graypup_07:37
ubottuGraypup_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:37
Graypup_anyway, the actual problem is that ballooning doesn't seem to work (removing unused ram)07:37
Graypup_the module wasn't loaded, I loaded it, and it allocated itself more RAM instead of removing it07:38
abb4show can i run pluggable transport proxy => obfs4 for tor in : /var/log/tor/log it wrote that : we can't find a pluggable transport proxy supporting 'obfs4'. This can happen if you haven't provided a ClientTransportPlugin line, or if your pluggable transport proxy stopped running.07:38
abb4si want to join to tor network . can you help me ?07:38
pennTellerabb4s, have you downloaded the TOR browser?07:39
abb4spennTeller, i just do this : sudo apt-get install tor07:39
abb4sand this : sudo apt-get install obfs4proxy07:39
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pennTellerthat should've worked07:40
pennTellerwhat happens when you open the browser?07:40
abb4spennTeller, when i open that it say : downloading signature07:42
pennTellerabb4s, try with tor-browser07:42
auronandace!tor | abb4s07:42
ubottuabb4s: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en07:42
Graypup_moved it into modules-load.d, still isn't actually doing the ballooning and getting rid of unused RAM like it's supposed to07:43
Graypup_all the linux-virtual packages are installed07:43
abb4spennTeller, Unable to locate package tor-browser07:44
abb4sauronandace, im behind the firewall and i cant get https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en , but i think perhaps I should just run obfs4proxy that tor can use it07:46
abb4sany one know how can i run obfs4proxy ?07:47
pennTellerabb4s, sorry can't help :(07:47
abb4spennTeller, thank you buddy :)07:48
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akishi all. I freshly installed 16.04 over 14.04 (from the beggining) alongside windows 10. During installation i was asked if i wanted to install 16.04 over 14.04 (at the same partitions) and i answered: yes. Now my filesystem looks like this http://pasteboard.co/16IPJAwv.png. sda7 is accesed only via /media. Why? Can i make it my /home?07:54
BernzelWhen I tried sudo apt-get update I got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/16591987/ note I just installed the kxstudio rep's , if that might have anything to do with it07:59
[Saint]Bernzel: it doesn't.08:02
[Saint]Re-install Chrome as you did prior if that is your intent.08:02
CaptainCowarddoes anyone know of a simple file hosting service that allows wget?08:02
gabrieleciao a tt08:17
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arunsHi, is there a channel for the Ubuntu SDK?08:41
arunsI installed QT Creator as I was hoping to use it to start developing small Ubuntu apps for practice.08:41
mcphailaruns: #ubuntu-app-devel might be a decent bet. You're best to install the actual SDK package rather than vanill Qt creator08:42
arunsmcphail: OK, thanks, will check them out.08:42
vbotkaBernzel, there is a problem with Chrome http://askubuntu.com/questions/741675/failed-to-download-repository-information-with-google-chrome-installed-on-ubuntu08:49
vbotkaBernzel, there is no such a problem with chromium-browser08:49
tim241hi guys I have a problem if I do sudo apt-get install gcc I will get this error http://pastebin.com/DG2NpW5b08:50
tim241plz help me08:51
mcphailtim241: have you run "sudo apt-get update" recently?08:51
tim241fresh 64-bit install08:52
ducassevbotka: well, chromium is a supported package, chrome isn't.08:52
mcphailtim241: then run "sudo apt-get update" first. Those are stale packages08:53
tim241did it08:53
mcphailtim241: OK, should install now08:53
tim241I am upgrading now first08:53
mcphailtim241: remember to upgrade all the other packages as well for security purposes with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" or similar08:53
mcphailtim241: good idea08:54
tim24117kb of updates08:54
tim241it works now thanks08:56
mcphailtim241: enjoy!08:56
tim241I am in windows running linux commands08:56
tim241is pretty cool08:57
mcphailtim241: Well, welcome to the Ubuntu community08:57
tim241ik I had ubuntu installed 3 days ago08:57
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snappyOn 14.04 lts is there a way to have a script run at startup/shutdown. I know about rc.local but can't seem to find an equivalent for shutdown.09:33
[Saint]snappy: /etc/rc0.d?09:43
[Saint](scripts must be executable and without extension)09:43
snappyhm, that'd work09:44
[Saint]personally I softlink from /etc/init.d/* to /etc/rc*.d/*09:45
[Saint]but I doubt this is required.09:45
[Saint]just me being anal probably.09:45
fiterHi everyone. Anybody here using Codeblocks on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?09:49
bazhangpatience fiter09:50
fiterI'm patient. Was. Till this moment.09:50
bazhangask the real question fiter09:51
fiter Anybody here using Codeblocks on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?09:51
[Saint]That is not the question you want to ask.09:51
bazhangfiter some do, whats your issue09:52
akronixhi! does any body knows how to enter in the unity launcher config for an app?09:55
akronixdash launcher config*09:56
fiterbazhang, if you're not using Codeblocks you won't understand my problem. There is no control panel(int top left corner), no watch windows, some control components are invisible. It's verry buggy.09:57
bazhangfile some bugs fiter09:57
bazhang!bug | fiter09:58
ubottufiter: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:58
snappy[Saint]: do you know if the /etc/rc[0-6].d/ will pass arguments like start/stop?09:59
bazhang#codeblocks fiter10:00
bazhangtry there fiter10:00
[Saint]I'm somewhat surprised the topic doesn't like to the "asking questions the right way" guide many other projects link to.10:01
[Saint]Don't ask to ask, ask direct questions, show your work, epected vs actual outcome, etc.10:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:02
bazhang[Saint], ^10:02
[Saint]*link to10:02
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.10:02
[Saint]bazhang: that's just a small part of it, though.10:02
bazhang[Saint], ^10:02
[Saint]Aha, that's better,10:03
[Saint]Would it not make sense to drop something to that effect in the topic?10:03
[Saint]Or am I kidding myself for thinking that may be valuable and people would read it.10:03
bazhang[Saint], the topic can only be so long, the factoids help10:06
[Saint]bazhang: Oh, sure, I'm aware. I just figure it could be lumped in with the channel guidelines.10:07
[Saint]maybe it is a reach but it seems to fit reasonably well with general channel conduct.10:09
[Saint]the reach is probably assuming that anyone likely to do so would actually read the topic in depth. so...yeah. nevermind, I guess.10:10
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alex123how to get my dock station's USB working? got a dock from dell , display and charging is working, but no USB drivers arent showing up10:24
ToAruShiroiNekoalex123 make sure you have your docking station drivers loaded10:27
ToAruShiroiNekotypically doc station is a seperate hardware10:28
alex123ToAruShiroiNeko Dell doesnt offer drivers for linux, I found the display drivers on google but have no idea how to find the USB one10:28
ToAruShiroiNekoI do not know what to tell you, all my doc stations to date have been on windows machines10:29
ToAruShiroiNekomy ubuntu / linux installations tend to be virtual10:29
ToAruShiroiNekoso I am less experienced on the matter than you :(10:29
alex123ToAruShiroiNeko Im trying to find out what chipset controls the USB so that I can track down the driver on manufacturers site, lets see10:30
nganuwhere is the log of this channel?10:30
ToAruShiroiNekoalex123 to be fair they should be generic drivers10:31
alex123ToAruShiroiNeko I read people complaining about their docks, but they usually have trouble with the display, most of the time USB works out of the box, but in my case its the opposite10:32
tiyowanHey folks, trying to install pepperflash for chromium, getting this: "ERROR: failed to retrieve status information from google : W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: 1397BC53640DB551" Anyone have any workaround for this? Thanks!10:35
Habbietiyowan, you probably need to load that key; the doc you followed to get to this point -should- tell you how10:36
mcphail!logs | nganu10:36
ubottunganu: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/10:36
nganumcphail: thanks, but weird, my last message doesn't appear there10:37
tiyowanHabbie: I tried "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 1397BC53640DB551" but that doesn't work.10:38
mcphailnganu: the logs are only updated every hour10:40
mcphailnganu: but I have no log of a previous comment from you recently either10:42
nganumcphail: forget that, perhaps my irc client failed to send the comments10:43
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BluesKajHi folks10:53
marconyhello, how to change side on "minimize, maximize, close" buttons from left to right? i`m installed unity tweak soft but that option is gone?10:58
goneagainmarcony: just get used to it10:58
marconygoneagain,  no, i need to change it11:00
goneagainIf I connect to a vnc server over Wi-Fi without tunneling over ssh, is the password passed in plaintext?11:00
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goneagainmarcony: http://askubuntu.com/questions/174292/how-can-i-move-all-the-window-controls-to-the-right-or-left11:04
Tabouhello everyone11:07
Tabouis there anyone who install ubuntu 14 or 16 on a macbook Late 2011 (8.2)?11:07
MonkeyDustTabou  that's a yes/no question, what brings you here11:08
TabouMonkeyDust, thx for tour answer11:09
TabouMy macbook pro has its GPU dead...11:09
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages11:09
Tabouas a lot of people...11:09
TabouSo I have to forced ubuntu to use the intel graphic card11:09
TabouI follow this page:11:10
TabouI manage to boot on the usb drive with the "out 0x..." modifications11:10
TabouI install it on my sad (single boot, I removed completely OS X)11:11
jason__any dnsmasq pros?11:11
Taboussd not sad*11:11
TabouWhen I reboot my mac, it stops on a purple screen.11:11
EriC^^Tabou: press esc11:12
TabouI tried to modified Eric^^, I try now11:12
TabouI am actually on a mother computer so I can do it easily11:13
aandersehello i just installed ubuntu via the alternate installer so it left me with a bare bones system. i installed the ubuntu-desktop package but quite a few things are missing. there was no text editor, calculator, web browser, etc... just a desktop. does anyone know what package i'm supposed to install which will pull everything in?11:14
Tabouwow I reboot and arrived on grub! don't understand wihy11:14
Taboui don't press esc..11:14
Tabouif I boot ubuntu, th screen is bad (probably using dead gnu)11:14
TabouI will modified grub in order to add i915 modifications11:15
EriC^^aanderse: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^11:17
mcphailaanderse: sounds like you didn't install the recommends11:17
stunt1234Hi after creating a bootable windows usb with winjsb11:17
aanderseEriC^^, mcphail: ahhh! great! thank you :)11:18
EriC^^aanderse: no problem11:18
stunt1234None of my installed ubuntus work. I get alert dev disk by uuid does not exist and then initra.fs prompt. I'm on my phone btw11:19
aanderseok next question... the file, edit, view, etc... menus are in the actual application again, not up at the top of the screen like the previous ubuntu. anyone know how to put them back up at the top?11:19
mcphailaanderse: system settings -> appearance -> behaviour11:20
aandersemcphail, does it require a logout/login to take effect?11:20
aandersei tried that first and nothing happened11:21
stunt1234The winusb tutorial mentioned something about grub but during the process I didnt see any signs that my grub would be modified11:22
aandersenevermind :) just noticed "appmenu" was on list of programs not installed as recommended dependencies11:22
XaratasHi, could someone assist me? I have a dance mat controller and its recognized by the system, but it does not emit any events. How to troubleshoot?11:22
XaratasIt works fine on windows11:22
|Ost`Age|Hello Hello :D11:23
stunt1234I've tried recovery mode but it lead to the same prompt11:23
vbotkaXaratas, have you tried xev ?11:24
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stunt1234I would try using another live cd for troubleshooting but I have no .eans to do so. All I have is my phone and the initramfs prompt11:25
Xaratasvbotka: I have tried evtest, and directly cat the /dev/input/eventX11:26
Xaratasvbotka: xev stays silent too for the dancemat11:27
stunt1234Is there anything I can do?11:28
vbotkaXaratas, I see. I have no more ideas.11:29
varunaguys if i install windows after installing ubuntu is there any way to install grub11:33
BluesKajvaruna, boot repair11:34
BluesKaj!info boot-repair11:34
varunahow do i get into boot repair it will load into windows straight away11:34
ubottuPackage boot-repair does not exist in xenial11:34
BluesKajvaruna,it's a live cd11:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:35
varunaahh so i load up the live cd and run boot repair?11:35
BluesKajvaruna, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair11:36
varunathanks heaps11:37
e-coffeeis there any reason why amazonaws.com would be continually connecting to ubuntu?11:40
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Sevease-coffee: that depends on what the connection is.11:50
e-coffeekk Seveas, probably just need to do some cookie cleanup11:50
Seveasthat sounds utterly unrelated. What kind of conenections are coming to your computer from aws?11:52
* simon_ says hellow11:53
MonkeyDuste-coffee  delete ~/.cache ... see if that helps11:53
e-coffeethanks guys :)11:53
SeveasMonkeyDust: how on earth would that prevent connections from aws to an ubuntu machine?11:54
lavinhoe3276 no linux ?11:55
lavinhotutorial e3276 ubuntu please11:56
BluesKajlavinho, what is e3276?11:57
lavinhohuawei e327611:57
lavinhomoble broadband11:57
BluesKajwhich is?11:57
lavinhomobile broadband11:57
lavinhonot detected network manager11:58
Seveaslavinho: it usually helps if you speak in full sentences, explaining what the issue is...11:58
eversonHi all. I'm on 14.04 and trying to connect my BlackBerry Q10 via USB to backup files. I can't access the files on my blackberry. I understand the USB connection restricts access to the media card only. I'm also aware of the WiFi / Samba connection route, but don't have access to WiFi. Is there a way around this USB restriction? Thanks.11:58
lavinhoI do have access to wi fi. I do not know if there is way around11:59
BluesKajlavinho, https://trick77.com/setting-up-huawei-e3276-150-4g-lte-usb-modem-ubuntu-server-desktop/12:00
lavinhoLook for default devices ...12:02
lavinho No devices in default mode found. Nothing to do. Bye!12:02
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anomIf i do "cd directory", how can I write another command after that without having to enter first?12:05
Ben64command; other command12:05
akishi all. Fresh installation of xubuntu 16.04 alongside win 10. Very slow boot (over 100 secs). Here is systemd-analyze blame: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16597500/ .Any idea or help to reduce boot time?12:06
lavinho+CME ERROR: SIM PUK required12:06
Ben64akis: 2 minutes doesn't sound bad12:07
nickarfresh install though12:08
vbotkaakis, SSD would help. I'm just curious. How long win10 boot does take?12:18
akisBen64: the system is: HP 250 G3 15.6'' INTEL DUAL CORE N2840 4GB 500GB. Under 14.04 booted at almost st 50 secs. My other notebook without win alongside and the same configuration boot up to log screen at 50 secs. But this notebbok needs now double time up to log screen. why?12:18
akisvbotka: win 10: some secs only !12:18
Xaratasmagic bios setting "fast boot" not enabled?12:20
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lau-So I just installed strongswang and network-manager-strongswan, but when I try to add a VPN connection via the GUI it doesn't show up. Any ideas?12:22
MonkeyDust!info strongswan12:24
ubottustrongswan (source: strongswan): IPsec VPN solution metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.5-1ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 26 kB, installed size 168 kB12:24
akisi am reading some similar complains at ask.ubuntu, but no solution. Any idea?12:25
lau-akis: about strongswan?12:25
akislau: strongswan?12:26
jemaduxakis: try #ubuntu-gr12:29
eldeepصباح الفل12:29
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية12:30
tim241hi guys if I try to compile my android kernel this is the error I get: http://pastebin.com/iBBt0qbs12:32
tim241I have gcc and g++12:32
akisjemadux: why at #ubuntu-gr they will have a solution for slow boot?12:32
firmani just experience freeze again while watch video with totem, please help me! suspicious syslog -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16598339/12:36
tim241all my packages of my system: all my packages: http://pastebin.com/XUL09SAa12:37
Quatrokinghey for some reason the cursor jumps to the first character in a line shortly after loggin in12:38
Quatrokingrunning in CLI12:38
tim241please help me12:38
Quatrokingfor example, the cursor would go under f in foo@bar:~$12:39
Quatrokingoverwriting the text as I type12:40
Quatrokingthis only happens once per session and sometimes it will happen during the login itself12:40
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Archeushow to install unity webplayer on firefox or chrome ?12:44
furiouspenguinafter restarting my computer my dock disapears, how can I solve this?12:46
furiouspenguinDid you checked the plugins-list, Archeus?12:46
Archeusdidnt find unity there12:46
ducasseArcheus: the site says it only supports os x and windows.12:47
Archeusah with pipelight ?12:48
jameslI'd like to install Ubuntu alongside windows 10 on my laptop, but there is no unallocated space on my hard drive. Can ubuntu resize existing partitions without deleting data? I only need around 10GB12:49
Habbiejamesl, boot from a live dvd/usb and use gparted12:49
Habbieoh wait12:49
Habbiedifferent way around12:49
Habbiei think ubuntu can, yes12:49
Habbieand otherwise a live dvd/usb with gparted can :)12:49
jameslHabbie: but can I do that from the ubuntu CD, or do I need an ubuntu CD and a gparted CD?12:50
Habbieit also mentions windows has a disk management tool that can do it12:50
Habbiei suggest reading that whole page12:50
MonkeyDustjamesl  i tried that years ago... it's possible with gparted in a live session, but it's very slow... and backup first12:51
tim241I fixed the problem now I am getting an other error: http://pastebin.com/upNu9bUm12:52
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akiswell. dsmeg reports a gap here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16599053/ . Any idea why?12:55
|{Ost`Age}|buongiorno boss12:58
DJones!it | boss13:12
ubottuboss: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:12
bossok ricevuto but i speak english also13:12
tim241!eng | boss13:14
JemoeEI have a problem on my SMTP mailserver. It is set up with Postfix and Dovecot, and should require AUTH but somehow spammers are able to send from my email without AUTH. See a snippet from mail.log on http://pastebin.com/raw/s9KsqKNE13:16
gde33the bright orange for focused items is great but when the application loses focus it turns gray which is not at all easy to see13:20
gde33are these system colors configurable some place?13:20
gde33or is it a Deluge problem?13:21
gde33it seems all applications use these colors...13:21
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TimPeoplesJemoeE, have you looked at: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/postfix.html#postfix-smtp-authentication13:26
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JemoeETimPeoples, im actually missing the "smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous" so i will try to add that13:27
craptalkanyone here?13:33
TimPeoplesThat would be my first guess, yeah13:33
TimPeoplesJemoeE, you may also want to check whether you have "reject_unauth_destination" as part of "smtpd_recipient_restrictions" (although I don't know for sure... it just looks slightly related)13:38
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TimPeoples"reject_unauth_destination" is explained here: http://goo.gl/qdKaca13:40
JemoeETimPeoples, im not sure, it looks like it rejects the destination (rcpt to), and i want to reject the "client" ?13:43
TimPeoplesyeah... I thought about that13:44
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cyberdphi, im ubuntu user from indonesia :v13:45
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QueenslayerAnyone aware of any conflicts with xcfe and unity?13:49
suresh#drupal-migrate  join13:51
sureshjoin #drupal-migrate13:51
MonkeyDustsuresh  it's   /join13:51
spiffykHi guys, I've got a minor and probably a bit uncommon problem. I've enabled Scroll Lock through xmodmap because I need it in FL Studio (running through Wine). However, whenever Scroll Lock is on, I can't use Fn+Volume up/down to change volume. Does anyone have an idea how to get rid of that behaviour?13:52
QueenslayerMonkeyDust, was that meant for me though?13:52
Queenslayersuresh, for xfce and unity?13:52
MonkeyDustsuresh  type   /j #drupal-migrate13:53
sureshthank u13:53
huesaurusQueenslayer, why would you use unity in the first place :)13:54
spiffykAlso I should probably mention that I'm running Ubuntu MATE 16.0413:54
Queenslayer16.04 baby13:54
QueenslayerIt's the way forward :p13:54
Queenslayerspiffyk, did you try Unity?13:54
spiffykI didn't13:55
spiffykI don't like it, personal preference :)13:55
QueenslayerIt's new, so it will take time for old habits to die :)13:55
egsome__How to report bots sending spam messages here ?13:55
DLmassStupid spam bot13:56
spiffykI may try it, eventually. I'm just getting started with going Linux-only13:56
QueenslayerI've not received any, does that mean I'm the bot?13:56
QueenslayerOr have I just been lucky?13:57
Queenslayerspiffyk, I'm still dual boot :(13:57
TabouEric^^, are you still here?13:57
QueenslayerNeed to wean myself of it slowly13:57
QueenslayerEriC^^ is a legend13:58
TabouI manage to install ubuntu on my macbook pro13:58
InterdictorAfternoon all13:58
TabouI have just a problem.13:58
QueenslayerAfternoon Interdictor13:58
QueenslayerTabou, dual boot?13:59
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Tabouno single boot ubuntu13:59
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Queenslayerwhat's up?13:59
Tabouwhen I boot my mac I have a folder with a "?" inside13:59
spiffykWell, Queenslayer, MS made me upset up to the point that when I got my new laptop this Thursday, I just went and got rid of the preinstalled win10 thing and put UbuntuMATE on it.13:59
Tabouif I plug my USB drive (with live dvd on it), the ubuntu installed on my sad boot without problem14:00
spiffykNo mercy :D14:00
miviHello everyone I'm using ubuntu 15.04 and want to create a wifi hotspot to connect my android phone and have tried a lot of things on internet but nothing seems to be working, has anyone been successful in doing so?14:00
Tabousad =ssd14:00
Queenslayerspiffyk, MS has a way of doing that to people14:00
MonkeyDustmivi  15.04 is dead, upgrade first, then ask again14:00
InterdictorJust a quick query, does a Nvidia Geforce GT 750M play well with ubuntu (dual graphics with intel)14:00
huesaurusMonkeyDust,  microsoft much ?14:00
spiffykQueenslayer, yeah, I noticed :D14:01
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QueenslayerTabou, are ou just seeing a question mark on boot?14:01
QueenslayerOr folder?14:01
miviMonkeyDust: upgrade to 15.10 ?14:01
Habbiemivi, 16.0414:01
Taboua grey folder with a question mark inside14:01
miviHabbie: ok I'll do that14:01
Carl__Hello, Can anyone enlighten me as to how i use FFtest to test my Forcefeedback joystick?14:01
Habbiemivi, 15.10 is only supported for another 6 weeks14:02
Habbiemivi, 16.04 is supported until 202114:02
QueenslayerTabou, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76767714:02
QueenslayerThat should do it14:02
TabouQueenslayer, http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi.stack.imgur.com%2FhmRFH.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fapple.stackexchange.com%2Fquestions%2F8517%2Fcant-boot-mac-only-shows-a-folder-with-a-question-mark&h=300&w=400&tbnid=3icsV25nTdPQxM%3A&docid=-1VxWAN5i_UDgM&ei=4rtBV-HONca1a5TFm_AF&tbm=isch&client=safari&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=274&page=1&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=0ahUKEwjhx6qp7O3MAhXG2hoKHZTiBl4QMwgtKAgwCA&bih=940&biw=100214:02
miviHabbie: Can I do that directly or first 15.10 then 16.04?14:02
Habbiemivi, i -think- the recommendation is to do it in two steps14:02
miviHabbie: ok thanks :)14:03
Habbiemivi, i've often skipped that and came out of it fine, but i would only recommend that if you are experienced14:03
QueenslayerTabou, are you there?14:03
QueenslayerDid you boot with CD or USB?14:03
spiffykCan anyone help me? Scroll lock (enabled through xmodmap) disables my Fn+volume up/down keys. I've looked everywhere...14:04
miviHabbie: I use arch, not much exerience in ubuntu have to use it for a project so I guess I'll do it in 2 steps :)14:04
Habbiemivi, good luck14:04
huesaurusmivi, how has arch been so far for you ?14:05
TabouQueens layer I will try to put Refind on another USB14:06
mivihuesaurus: been using it for 2 years so not much problems now14:06
mivihuesaurus: but it took me a lot of time initially to set it up and for almost everything!14:06
TabouQueenslayer, for install ubuntu, I boot with a usb stick14:06
QueenslayerTabou, that guide should work14:07
huesaurusmivi, yeah I moved to ubuntu after slackware for the ease of use, couldn't be bothered to configure every single thing14:07
huesaurusalthough I3 is pretty cool on ubuntu14:07
TimPeoples+1 for I3 :)14:08
mivihuesaurus: I couldn't use ubuntu earlier because of graphics card issues with amd card, wonder if its all sorted out in the newer versions14:08
TabouQueenslayer, OK I try14:08
QueenslayerTabou, good luck. Hope you fix it14:08
miviMonkeyDust: Does the wifi-hotspot work in 16.04?14:10
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MonkeyDustmivi  i use wifi as we speak14:14
MonkeyDustmivi  atheros14:14
miviMonkeyDust: Did you create it from network manager or some other tools like create_ap?14:15
MonkeyDustmivi  detected the signal out of the box, i used nmtui to connect14:15
Carl__guy why can I not connect to freenode servers using xchat? im currently on here using a browser14:15
EriC^Carl__: try a different port14:16
MonkeyDustCarl__  try hexchat instead14:16
Carl__im ussing 666714:16
EriC^try 800114:16
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miviMonkeyDust: great! upgrading now will try and ping you if I face any issues. Thanks :)14:17
Carl__still nothing14:17
Carl__its not because my ip is all rdy here?14:17
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EriC^Carl__: no14:17
EriC^what does it say?14:17
Carl__Looking up freenode.net * Connecting to freenode.net ( port 8001...14:17
Carl__and just like its searching14:18
Carl__via the browser i connect in under 5 seconds14:18
EriC^try irc.freenode.net 800114:19
Carl__done it was the irc.****.**14:19
Frag-O-ByteThis is a test by Carl14:20
Carl__yup all good ty14:20
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Frag-O-ByteEriC^ do you know how i can upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 will it ruin my system?14:21
MonkeyDustFrag-O-Byte  as of july, you can upgrade directly LTS > LTS14:21
EriC^you could fresh install then copy your stuff back and installed programs14:22
Frag-O-ByteMonkeyDust is that via the update's in system settings?14:22
Frag-O-ByteOr is it only via a fresh install from a disk/usb ect?14:23
MonkeyDustFrag-O-Byte  yes, you can choose to either upgrade or to fresh install14:24
MonkeyDustFrag-O-Byte  i prefer fresh install14:24
rafaelai need help14:25
rafaelaabout ubuntu mate14:25
rafaelayou can help me14:25
Queenslayerrafaela, you made that sound so Yorkshire14:25
Frag-O-ByteMonkeyDust do you know how I can save my e-mails if I do a fresh install? I use Thunderbird14:26
MonkeyDustFrag-O-Byte  yes, a backup of your /home will save your emails too14:27
rafaelamy sound doesn't executing14:28
rafaelain my panel14:28
Frag-O-ByteMonkeyDust,  thank you14:30
Tabou_I don't manage to boot with the queenslayer's solution14:33
parkfaeHello, everyone! I'm a brand new ubuntu user - I just built a desktop computer for the first time and I'm trying to install ubuntu on it, but I've been running into a lot of troubles with getting it to install and boot from the hard drive. Can anyone help me out? I can provide as much info as possible, so feel free to ask.14:33
Tabou_Does anyone have an idea of solution for my problem? (my macbook boot into ubuntu only if I plug the ubuntu usb drive14:34
Frag-O-Byteparkfae,  what problems you having? it wont install or load from the media your using?14:35
Frag-O-ByteBy media I mean, CD, DVD, USB Stick, ect..14:36
parkfaewell, i thought i installed it properly to the hard drive, but when i then tried booting it from there, I got a black screen with a command prompt. I'd have to try getting back to it again because I don't remember what it says.14:37
parkfaeFor a while it was booting fine from the USB tho14:37
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | parkfae14:37
ubottuparkfae: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:37
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parkfaelemme give that a read and see if it helps out at all. looks promising tho. thanks! (i'll be back if i have more problems)14:38
daniele_Hello everyone! :)14:40
daniele_Someone can help me with a problem with suspend on my PC?14:40
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robotti^how to setup sound?14:41
robotti^pulseaudio only shows integrated card, but not HDMI-output on GPU-card.14:42
robotti^alsamixer does show it, but I do not know how set up.14:43
|{Ost`Age}|robotti^: you want audio from hmdi?14:43
robotti^|{Ost`Age}|: Yes! My computer is connected to TV14:44
robotti^and tv is connected to amplifier14:44
|{Ost`Age}|did you install the gpu driver?14:44
daniele_My pc doesn't wake up from standby. I'm using bumblebee with setup14:44
robotti^|{Ost`Age}|: yes14:44
akikrobotti^: try installing pavucontrol and see if you can activate the hdmi output there14:44
|{Ost`Age}|what gpu do you have?14:44
robotti^akik: I did try it, but I could not find there?14:45
robotti^akik: this system drive were before in other computer14:45
robotti^hardware is changed:)14:45
daniele_GT 820M14:45
michael33trying to install a package but it giving me errors because its using python2 instead of 3, is there some easy way to fix this?14:47
michael33i tried pip3 install but that one also giving me errors14:47
robotti^akik: should I create new user?14:47
robotti^or destroy profile-settings?14:47
|{Ost`Age}|did you install the driver from software center under edit > software sources > additional drivers (recommended) ?14:47
akikrobotti^: do you mean that you can not see the hdmi output in pavucontrol?14:48
daniele_Sorry I was disconnected xD14:48
robotti^akik: yes14:48
robotti^akik: I can see it in alsamixer14:49
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robotti^akik: so! what I should do?14:52
robotti^akik: should I make new .asoundrc?14:54
robotti^akik: aplay -D plughw:2,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav14:56
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robotti^using that command I can output sound:)14:57
akikrobotti^: do you have a alsa config file in either /etc of in $HOME ?14:57
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BluesKajrobotti^, have you considered connectinf pc soundcard to the amplifier ?14:58
Archeus_what r the requirements to have dual boot system with windows 7 ?14:58
MonkeyDust!requirements | Archeus_14:59
ubottuArcheus_: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu14:59
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BluesKaj!dual boot15:00
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:00
Archeus_i hve all the requirements except CD15:00
Archeus_though i hve windows 7 .iso file15:01
MonkeyDustArcheus_  can't help with win7, but for ubuntu you can also use a usb stick15:01
BluesKajthen install windows first, then ubuntu15:01
Archeus_w8 a min15:02
Archeus_to hve dual boot system i will hve to uninstall this ?15:02
MonkeyDustuninstall what?15:02
BluesKajyou might need to run boot repair to fix the bootloader after installing windows15:03
Archeus_my 14.04 ubunut15:03
Archeus_ubuntu *15:03
MonkeyDustArcheus_  windows will overwrite grub, so you'll have to repair that15:04
Archeus_with a live usb stick ?15:04
parkfaehey all... having more problems. i can't get ubuntu to boot at all now, even from the usb. this is what comes up: error: file '/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found. grub rescue>15:04
Archeus_btw can i create tht or will hve to buy it ?15:04
MonkeyDustArcheus_  so you have ubuntu installed and now want to add windows?15:05
Archeus_btw windows 7 to be precise15:05
Archeus_i cant play games in this OS15:06
BluesKajArcheus_, uefi or bios ?15:06
Archeus_wht ?15:06
Archeus_if its a method then i dont know but15:06
xanguaDepends what games you want to play15:06
robotti^BluesKaj: no15:06
Archeus_if u r asking me tht if i hve something named bios15:06
Archeus_then yes i do hve it15:06
Archeus_it comes up when i start my pc15:06
BluesKajwimdows 8 , then it's probly uefi15:07
robotti^BluesKaj: no, because amplifies mostly dont work:)15:07
robotti^BluesKaj: so I firstly output to tv15:07
Archeus_btw xangua im planning to install DC universe , PS2 , Savage XR nd wht not15:08
BluesKajrobotti^, which output do  you use to the tv, hdmi, digital or analog?15:08
robotti^BluesKaj: HDMI15:08
robotti^BluesKaj: How I can reconfigure pulseaudio? or system?15:09
robotti^so it could use hdmi?15:09
Tegutry pavucontrol? not sure15:09
Umeaboyrobotti^, Check the sound settings.15:09
robotti^Umeaboy: alsamixer?15:09
robotti^pavucontrol does not see HDMI output, but alsamixer does:)15:10
BluesKajrobotti^, check alsamixer and disable autonute, make sure pcm and spdif are enabled and unmuted, (MM) means moted , (00) means unmuted15:10
Umeaboyrobotti^: You have an Intel HDA card right?15:10
semitones_rexHello #ubuntu. Question about rolling back updates. Something in the most recent upgrade I did seems to cause visual tears on the screen. Little flashes of wrong pixels. The weird thing is when I tested 16.04, I got similar visual tears. So I'm thinking it's related to upgraded software. Can I try to troubleshoot by finding out what packages I upgraded last time, and roll them back? IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! Thanks, semitones.15:11
parkfaehey all... having more problems. i can't get ubuntu to boot at all now, even from the usb. this is what comes up: error: file '/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found. grub rescue>15:12
BluesKajrobotti^,and if you have intel hda the pulseaudio can be purged if you just iuse one audio source at a time15:12
EriC^parkfae: what happens when you try to boot it without the usb?15:12
parkfaesame thing15:12
Umeaboyrobotti^: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA15:12
robotti^BluesKaj: I will use soundcard input also15:12
robotti^I just want to know how to reconfigure pulseaudio?15:13
parkfaeEriC^ same results15:13
EriC^parkfae: ok, in grub rescue type ls15:13
EriC^parkfae: is the usb first in the boot order?15:13
BluesKajrobotti^, which audio chip is listed in alsamixer top left?15:13
robotti^HDA Intel PCH15:14
parkfaeEriC^: okay, so (hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0,mdos1) is what came up15:15
EriC^parkfae: ok type ls (hd0,msdos1)/15:15
snckrsHey folks15:15
BluesKajrobotti^, to reconfigure pulseaudio you need to make sure your spdif and pcm are enabled in alsamixer as i mentioned earlier, the check the pavucontrol output15:15
parkfaeEriC^: Filesystem is ext215:16
robotti^BluesKaj: what you mean?15:16
EriC^parkfae: try configfile (hd0,msdos1)/grub/grub.cfg15:16
BluesKajrobotti^, do you have pavucontrol installed ?15:16
robotti^BluesKaj: and it is open:)15:17
parkfaeit didn't like that command15:17
BluesKajthen check it's audio output settings and set for hdmi or which ever output you plan to use15:17
robotti^BluesKaj: problem is it does not found HDMI-output:)15:18
EriC^parkfae: ok, try set prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/grub15:18
EriC^then type insmod normal15:18
robotti^BluesKaj: that why I am asking how I can configure it?:)15:18
robotti^it cannot see HDMI-output15:18
BluesKajrobotti^, that's because your digital signal/pcm spdif might be turned off15:18
BluesKajin alsamixer , robotti^15:19
robotti^what I must do?15:19
parkfaeEriC^, it didn't say anything back to me, but it didn't say unknown command either15:19
BluesKajturn the pcm up and spdif on, robotti^15:19
EriC^did you try insmod normal?15:19
parkfaeEriC^, i'm sorry, i don't know what that means15:19
robotti^BluesKaj: I have already did that15:19
EriC^parkfae: it's a command15:20
semitones_rexCould you all take a look at this: and tell me which of these automatic updates most likely is giving me all these weird graphics (kernel?) problems? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16605039/15:20
robotti^it did not have any effect15:20
parkfaeEriC^, i haven't seen it anywhere yet, so i have to assume i haven't15:20
robotti^BluesKaj: i can output using aplay, so it is not about mute15:20
EriC^parkfae: try insmod normal15:21
BluesKajrobotti^, check alsamixer again, then run alsactl store in the terminal to save your settings , mthen try a relogin15:21
Umeaboysemitones_rex: Why is your kernel so old?15:21
semitones_rexUmeaboy, LTS?15:21
robotti^BluesKaj: alsactl store?15:21
BluesKajyes with sudo15:21
UmeaboyLatest official kernel for Ubuntu is 4.4.0-22-generic I think.15:21
parkfaeEriC^, it says it's still not found15:21
semitones_rexUmeaboy, I am on 14.04 LTS15:22
EriC^parkfae: ok, try ls (hd0,msdos1)/grub/15:22
EriC^parkfae: can you make another live usb?15:22
UmeaboyOK. Can't you upgrade?15:22
Umeaboy16.04 LTS have been released.15:22
somsip!ltsupgrade | Umeaboy15:23
ubottuUmeaboy: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.15:23
parkfaeEriC^, uhhhh it said file '/grub/' not found15:23
robotti^BluesKaj: I did15:23
UmeaboyHmmmmmmmmm. OK.15:23
EriC^parkfae: try ls (hd0,msdos1)/15:23
Teguof course you can reinstall cleanly. or maye there is another trick to avoid reinstalling15:23
parkfaeEriC^, and yeah, i can make a new one... i've used a few different programs to try to make one since they all seem to not work somehow...15:23
parkfaeEriC^, and it's saying filesystem is ext2 again15:24
EriC^parkfae: did you disable fastboot and secureboot?15:24
BluesKajrobotti^, ok what does pavucontrol show in the output dropdown?15:24
parkfaeEriC^, no, but i'm also not sure how to do that15:24
Umeaboyparkfae: In your BIOS settings.15:25
EriC^parkfae: ok, can you enter the bios boot options and take a screenshot?15:25
parkfaeEriC^, I'll try!15:25
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semitones_rexUmeaboy, 16.04 had the same visual tears / graphics problems, etc., that my system now has after my most recent automatic update15:25
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parkfaeEriC^, I'm trying to install it on my new desktop and seeking help for it on my laptop, so i might have to get creative :P15:25
Hydr0p0nXI swapped video cards and now my hdmi audio out is a lot lower, is there anyway I can increase it other than turning up my receiver ?15:25
UmeaboyUsually it's by pressing F12 when screen starts showing output.15:25
SlaizerHi, I need a USB image creator software, Make Startup Disk doesn't work.15:26
robotti^BluesKaj: same thing before15:26
UmeaboySlaizer: Why not use dd in Terminal?15:26
pauljwsemitones_rex, don't upgrade to 16.04 from 14.04, it's not ready for that yet.15:26
semitones_rexUmeaboy, that's why i'm trying to undo the update for whichever package is offending, or otherwise track downt he problems15:26
parkfaeCMOS is different than BIOS, right?15:26
BluesKajrobotti^, what did pavucontrol show before ?15:26
EriC^parkfae: use your phone, does the usb boot on the desktop?15:26
UmeaboyCMOS is the older BIOS.15:26
HabbieUmeaboy, that's not accurate15:27
semitones_rexpauljw, I was testing from the live cd, and considering a fresh install. However I'm getting lots of gfx/kernel problems that I don't understand.15:27
SlaizerUmeaboy, how does the procedure go?15:27
Habbieparkfae, in this context, CMOS is generally the settings storage for your BIOS15:27
parkfaethanks, habbie!15:27
Jordan_Uparkfae: How many drives do you have in this machine?15:27
semitones_rexI would like to report a bug/regression, but I don't know which package this could be.15:27
parkfaeJordan_U, should just be my hard drive and the USB when it's plugged in15:28
robotti^BluesKaj: it does show analog output, digital stereo, analog input, analog15:28
LargePrimeis there a ubuntu server channel?  or is this the right place?15:29
robotti^BluesKaj: basically outputs and inputs for intel HDA15:29
UmeaboySlaizer: Format your drive as FAT32, then check with mount command how it's mounted and then type sudo dd if=/path/to/your/iso of=/dev/sdX where X is to be changed into the drive letter. Also add bs=4M && sync in the end of that command.15:29
squintyLargePrime, #ubuntu-server15:29
LargePrimethanks squinty15:30
UmeaboySo the full command would look like this: sudo dd if=/path/to/my/iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync15:30
semitones_rexUmeaboy, this is what my computer looks like http://imgur.com/3hDA5AL15:30
SlaizerUmeaboy, this page will do: http://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal?15:30
semitones_rexUmeaboy, So I'm trying to roll back whatever package caused things to be like that15:30
robotti^BluesKaj: maybe I just should edit /etc/asound.conf?15:30
UmeaboyIs it showing the same behaviour in the installation or in the screen fine then?15:30
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pauljwsemitones_rex, i can't help you with your bug issue, but i don't recommend 16.04 yet.  if you recently updated the 14.04 kernel, you might try going to the previously working one and see if the tearing goes away.  i think you hold shift down during boot to reach the grub screen that will allow you to do that.  someone with more experience will hopefully correct me if i'm wrong on that.15:31
Jordan_Uparkfae: Can you boot from that USB drive using a different machine? It may need to be re-prepared for booting if Ubuntu's installer replaced its bootloader (which it shouldn't have done).15:31
UmeaboySlaizer: If you know the right mount path to your drive yes.15:31
semitones_rexUmeaboy, It shows this behavior on the 16.04 live cd "try ubuntu" and on my current 14.04 LTS installation. As far as I know, my windows partition is not affected.15:31
semitones_rexpauljw, That is a good idea -- that could be the first thing I try - going back to the previous kernel15:32
parkfaeJordan_U, I can try... lemme brb and i'll report the results as best i can15:32
BluesKajrobotti^, I have intel-hda too, but I don't use pulseaudio and pavucontrol, it's not necessary if you use only one souirce at a time. That's how i solve my audio output problem15:32
Umeaboysemitones_rex: Can you try to boot a gParted Live iso to check that as well?15:32
robotti^BluesKaj: I am using multiple15:32
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semitones_rexUmeaboy, I could do that. So, 1. test the older kernel. 2. Test a gparted live iso?15:32
Umeaboysemitones_rex: Yes.15:33
UmeaboyOr you could go to the extreme and test unstable testing versions of the latest kernel.15:34
UmeaboyFrom the ppa of the Kernel Team.15:34
BluesKajrobotti^, multiple sources or multiple outputs from a single source?15:34
semitones_rexUmeaboy, I'm more an LTS user than a unstable testing user :P, but I would consider it if this were a newer computer. It is from 200715:35
akiki installed ubuntu-desktop after installing kubuntu. now unity works but the "system tray" is not visible. how can i get it back?15:35
Umeaboyakik: Resolution to big?15:35
xanguaakik: there's no "system tray" in unity15:35
pauljwsemitones_rex, yeah, i would stay away from the unstable stuff.15:36
akikxangua: really? how do i set network settings and audio volume?15:36
MonkeyDustakik  in unity, there's a launch bar on the left15:36
xanguaakik: those are called "indicators"15:36
semitones_rexpauljw, agreed :)15:37
akikso i need to always go through the system settings app?15:37
UmeaboyWell, if gParted doesn't show the same behaviour I'd still test the unstable kernel.15:37
semitones_rexUmeaboy, does gparted live use a newer kernel? (i'm thinking the bug may show up in combination with the display driver ubuntu chooses)15:37
xanguaakik: if by system tray you mean you expect to see a specific KDE or another program  icon there?15:37
Umeaboysemitones_rex: Could be.15:38
UmeaboyWhat card do you have in it?15:38
akikxangua: i was expecting to see volume control and network manager applet there. i'm in unity now15:38
parkfae_Okay, chatting from my phone (won't be able to read responses while typing thanks to mobile layout) - I'm in my laptop's bios (I think), trying to get it to boot from the USB15:38
Umeaboyakik: Aaaaah, the old KDE4 desktop environment you mean?15:38
akikUmeaboy: no, i'm in unity now15:39
SlaizerUmeaboy, I tried this command and it did not function: sudo dd if=/home/lubuntu/Downloads/Windows 10 Pro VL X64 v1511 MULTi-7 April 2016 {Gen2} of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync. What is wrong?15:39
xanguaakik: what exactly did you install?15:39
Umeaboyakik: Yeah, but you were expecting to see the KDE4 desktop, right?15:39
akikxangua: ubuntu-desktop and unity and compizconfig-settings-manager15:39
robotti^BluesKaj: I need input from soundcard and to output to HDMI15:39
akikUmeaboy: no, i was expecting to see the "system tray" equivalent of unity15:40
parkfae_Oh hey it might be working... I should select "try Ubuntu without installing", yes? (My laptop is a piece of shit)15:40
raymod2Is there a way to modify the default file association for a specific mime type in a .deb package?  I tried using 'xdg-mime default ...' in the postinst script and that works when the user installs using 'dpkg -i foo.deb' but it doesn't work when the user installs through the Ubuntu Software Center.15:40
UmeaboySlaizer: I don't see an .iso in the end at Windows 10 Pro VL X64 v1511 MULTi-7 April 2016 {Gen2}15:40
EriC^parkfae_: yes15:40
xanguaakik: you'll need to find whatever programs to support indicator or install the full ubuntu-desktop metapackage15:40
akikxangua: i installed ubuntu-desktop15:40
EriC^akik: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^15:41
BluesKajrobotti^, yes, pcm and spdif provide the digital signal to your graphics card hdmi output15:41
parkfae_Alright. I got the purple load screen... so far so good15:41
B0g4r7_Slaizer, you need to enclose the filename in quotes when it contains spaces like that, or otherwise escape the spaces.15:41
parkfae_Okay, it's up and going15:41
BluesKajrobotti^, also to the digital output of your soundcard15:42
akikEriC^: that only tells me to install pinentry-curses and pinentry-doc15:42
robotti^BluesKaj: Analog source to HDMI output?15:42
EriC^akik: did you try restarting?15:42
robotti^and I also use pulseaudio network-server15:42
SlaizerB0g4r7_, tried this: sudo dd if=/home/lubuntu/Downloads/Windows 10 Pro VL X64 v1511 MULTi-7 April 2016 {Gen2}/W10PRO.VLX64.MULTi7.Apr2016.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync15:43
Slaizerdd: unrecognized operand ‘10’15:43
SlaizerTry 'dd --help' for more information.15:43
BluesKajrobotti^, what analog source , like microphone ?15:43
parkfae_So it seems like the live USB is working on my laptop15:43
UmeaboySlaizer: PM please.15:43
EriC^parkfae_: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999915:43
B0g4r7_Slaizer, Indeed.  I recommend you try my suggestion.15:43
semitones_rexUmeaboy, how do I find out the card again? I believe it's a geforce 300 something15:43
parkfae_In the terminal?15:43
SlaizerB0g4r7_, will do so15:44
EriC^Slaizer: you can't dd a windows iso i think15:44
semitones_rexUmeaboy, 'about this computer' says graphics Gallium 0.4 on NVA3 but I have no idea what that means15:44
EriC^parkfae_: yes15:44
robotti^BluesKaj: Like MT-3215:44
akikEriC^: i rebooted but the indicators are still missing15:44
B0g4r7_IDK..."iso" files were meant to be written onto CD-ROMs.  That's probably not what he's doing.15:45
Jordan_Uparkfae_: Is the laptop the machine that had a problem booting after installing Ubuntu?15:45
robotti^BluesKaj: I am using it when playing old adventure games and dos games:)15:45
robotti^I output midi using usb and it outputs analog sound back my soundcard15:45
robotti^then I output it using HDMI15:45
xanguaakik: you can try reset unity ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/reset-unity-and-compiz-settings-in-ubuntu-14-0415:45
semitones_rexUmeaboy, 'Additional Drivers' says Nvidia GT215 (GeForce GT 240)15:46
EriC^^good idea, see if it does the same in the guest account akik15:46
parkfae_Eric^ temporary failure in name resolution15:46
Jordan_U!winusb | Umeaboy15:46
ubottuUmeaboy: WinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.15:46
EriC^parkfae_: do you have internet on the laptop?15:46
parkfae_... yes, but it didn't autoconnect. Lemme try again15:47
thinkyhi there15:47
thinkyis it possible to turn off animations (fade effects) when i minimize or maximize menus/windows on ubuntu 16.04?15:48
ShekharReddyhow to remove apache2 completely along with all the relevant file(.conf and var/www/ --files--) and reinstall15:48
Jordan_Uparkfae_: Ok, so we know that the USB drive is still bootable (though it may be bootable via UEFI but not via BIOS). Now we need to get it to boot your Desktop again.15:49
ShekharReddyi guess there will be some issues  after  reinstalling15:49
BluesKajrobotti^, that's an unfamiar device to me, does pavucontrol see the midi signal or has it in the past /15:49
ShekharReddyhow to remove apache2 completely along with all the relevant file(.conf and var/www/ --files--) and reinstall15:50
parkfae_Jordan_U, could I have accidentally done something to the desktop to make it fuck up like that?15:50
ShekharReddyi guess there will be some issues  after  reinstalling15:50
parkfae_Jordan_U, regardless, is there a specific next step?15:50
EriC^parkfae_: is this the laptop of desktop?15:51
parkfae_Eric^, I booted unbuntu on the laptop15:51
Jordan_Uparkfae_: While you're still booted into your laptop, please check if it's booted via BIOS or via UEFI.15:51
UmeaboyJordan_U: WinUSB is broken.15:51
parkfae_Jordan_U, can you tell me how to do that?15:51
EriC^parkfae_: oh, the laptop doesn't seem to have ubuntu installed15:51
parkfae_Eric^, yeah, I still just have windows on my laptop15:52
Jordan_Uparkfae_: [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS15:52
robotti^BluesKaj: It does not matter15:53
Jordan_UEriC^: I asked parkfae_ to test the LiveUSB on another machine to confirm that the liveUSB is good (since it's not booting on the desktop at the moment either).15:53
parkfae_Jordan_U bash: [: missing ']'15:53
robotti^BluesKaj: I just need hdmi output working using pulseaudio15:54
robotti^of course I could reinstall system15:54
Jordan_Uparkfae_: Spaces are meaningful :)15:54
EriC^Jordan_U: oh ok15:54
parkfae_I'm sorry guys, I'm really not tech savvy :<15:54
MonkeyDustparkfae_  you did build your own pc, no?15:55
parkfae_Also, I put in a space?? I typed [ -d15:55
ShekharReddyhow to remove apache2 completely along with all the relevant file(.conf and var/www/ --files--) and reinstall. i guess there will be some issues  after  reinstalling15:55
JunkaI cant convert mp3 audio with soundconverter15:56
robotti^BluesKaj: http://utdream.org/post.cfm/resetting-pulseaudio-on-ubuntu-13-04-new-sound-card15:56
parkfae_MonkeyDust, yes, wit a great amount of anxiety and uncertainty...15:56
MonkeyDustJunka  try winff15:56
robotti^BluesKaj: that might solve my problem15:56
thinkyis there any option to turn off fade effect in ubuntu 16.04?15:56
JunkaMonkeyDust: oh thanks15:56
BluesKajrobotti^, pastebin your alsamixer in  imgur.com15:57
estI am getting kernel panics, how can i debug them?15:57
xanguathinky: fade window effect? Launched fade? Either was try unity-tweak-tool15:57
estThey are not 100% reproducible but they happen very often when I do video decoding15:57
xanguaEither way15:57
estbut often they also happen when I dont do video decoding at all15:57
parkfae_MonkeyDust, plus, putting it together is way different than trying to wrangle the software15:57
thinkyxangua: yes windows effect15:57
thinkyis there a way to turn off without tweak tool?15:58
EriC^parkfae_: which software did you use to make the live usb?15:58
raymod2Does anyone here have any experience making .deb packages?15:58
Umeaboyest: What's the message?15:58
MonkeyDustraymod2  ask your real question15:59
UmeaboyCheck in journalctl -xe15:59
xanguathinky: install compiz settings manager15:59
Habbieraymod2, i've done it in the past, why?15:59
parkfae_EriC^ I tried a few different ones... universal USB installer made the live USB I'm currently using15:59
semitonesUmeaboy: gparted CD takes a long time to boot (can't find cpu0, buffer io error on device sr0) but gets there15:59
EriC^parkfae_: did you try linux live usb creator?15:59
raymod2MonkeyDust, Habbie: I want to change the default file assocation for a specific mime type during package installation but I can't figure out how to do it.15:59
Umeaboysemitones: I know.15:59
UmeaboyBut it's really recommended to burn the iso to a USB drive.16:00
MonkeyDustraymod2  better ask in #ubuntu-app-devel16:00
thinkyok i will try16:00
parkfae_Eric^, is that downloadable at linuxliveusb.com?16:01
raymod2Either system wide or just for the user who installed the package is fine.  But since pacakge installation runs as root I don't seem to have access to the user who installed it.16:01
semitonesUmeaboy: why is that? I don't have many usbs16:01
Jordan_Uparkfae_: [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS16:01
EriC^parkfae_: yes16:01
Seveasraymod2: there's no such thing as "default file association". There's "here's what gnome will execute for such a thing" and probably KDE has its own thing as well.16:01
parkfae_EriC^, Rufus was the other one I tried. This one I haven't yet.16:02
Jordan_Uparkfae_: Copy and paste it if needed, but run exactly that and it will work. The space you forgot was between "efi" and "]".16:02
EriC^parkfae_: give it a shot, it's a good one16:02
raymod2Seveas - sure there is.  I can do it as a user via 'xdg-mime default foo.desktop text/csv'.16:02
Umeaboysemitones: Well, I experience less to none errors with USB and the USB can be overwritten again if something goes wrong16:02
Seveasraymod2: yes, that's "what the current user will execute"16:02
Seveasraymod2: you may have some luck sticking something in /usr/share/applications16:03
raymod2Seveas - there is also a system-wide default file association but I haven't figured out yet where it is stored.16:03
Seveaslook at gimp.desktop in that dir for example.16:03
robotti^BluesKaj: imgur.com?16:03
parkfae_Jordan_U, it said UEFI16:03
Seveasraymod2: but in those .desktop files you can only say "I can handle this mimetype", not "I want to be default for this mimetype"16:03
parkfae_EriC^, so just format the USB and try with that program instead?16:04
robotti^BluesKaj: I am trying reinstalling alsa and pulseaudio16:04
EriC^parkfae_: yeah16:04
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robotti^purge and reinstall:)16:04
raymod2Seveas - yes, I already have it working where the user can right-click the file and my app appears in the "open with" list16:04
Jordan_Uparkfae_: Then the USB drive may still be broken when it comes to BIOS based booting.16:04
semitonesUmeaboy: true. Ok booting from previous kernel now: 3.1316:04
BluesKajrobotti^, ok good luck16:04
raymod2On a related note is there a way to add my app to the user's favorites (in the left side bar)?16:05
EriC^parkfae_: try to enable uefi and boot the live usb on the broken laptop16:05
raymod2Like on Windows when you install an application and it places a link on the user's desktop...16:05
Jordan_Uparkfae_: So definitely try re-preparing the USB drive.16:05
MonkeyDustraymod2  yes, navigate to /usr/share/applications/ ... drag the icon of choice to the launchbar16:06
Guest30702can it be done without creating link explicilty16:06
estUmeaboy, I dont find any "panic" in journalctl -xe16:06
Seveasraymod2: no. Package installs are not supposed/allowed to do anything in /home16:06
raymod2MonkeyDust - I want to do this for the user when they install my .deb package.16:06
Jordan_UEriC^: It's parkfae_'s desktop that is currently not booting.16:06
parkfae_EriC^ Jordan_U I'm gonna redo the USB and be back for more instructions... BRB and thank you for everything so far!! I really appreciate how you break it all down so easy :')16:06
estUmeaboy, is it possible that it doesnt record it into the journalß16:06
Umeaboyest: What is the message you see on the screen? Can you make a clear screenshot of it?16:07
EriC^Jordan_U: no i think he said his new desktop he wants to install it to, and he already has it on his laptop but it gives a grub rescue>16:07
estUmeaboy, I dont see any message on the screen at all16:07
estI just see a freeze16:07
estmouse doesnt move16:07
Umeaboyest: PM.16:07
raymod2Seveas - how are you supposed to modify /home/user if not in a package script?16:08
MonkeyDustraymod2  that's more a dev channel, like #ubuntu-app-devel16:08
Seveasraymod2: you're supposed not to.16:08
Troy^Question about VPN'16:08
MonkeyDustraymod2  more for*16:08
semitonesUmeaboy: hey, this kernel has no problems16:09
raymod2Seveas - so there is no equivalent to a Windows installer in Ubuntu?16:09
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Troy^If i want my whole LAN to be on a VPN, can I just use a second NIC card in my Ubuntu Machine using VPN Client connected to a switch?16:09
Seveasraymod2: correct.16:10
Seveas.deb packages are far more constrained in what they can and cannot do. This is a good thing.16:10
raymod2Seveas, thanks.16:11
semitonesWhat is the preferred way to specify to not use the latest kernel?16:11
Umeaboysemitones: Then I guess Ubuntu really have a problem. :)16:11
Seveassemitones: remove the package for the latest kernel16:11
Umeaboysemitones: Text based installation from the mini.iso?16:12
Seveassemitones: and file a bug16:12
petitchouI'm having trouble with the GUI program that installs programs. (I'm new to desktop Linux.)  I have no idea what's wrong with it but it won't complete an install and gave me a cryptic error dialog16:12
ShekharReddyhow to remove apache2 completely along with all the relevant file(.conf and var/www/ --files--) and reinstall. i guess there will be some issues  after  reinstalling16:12
ShekharReddyi used sudo apt-get install apache216:13
petitchouI can't remember the exact wording, but it just said to hit a button to report the problem and prompted me for my password.  And now it won't close.16:13
ShekharReddywhile installing16:13
MonkeyDustpetitchou  the error message may be the first step to a solution ... what does it say16:13
EriC^ShekharReddy: sudo apt-get purge apache2 , then delete the stuff in /var/www/html/*16:13
petitchouIt just told me that there was a "system" error.  I hit the "report" button and nothing happened - no other details.  I wish I'd have written down the exact wording. :(16:14
semitonesSeveas: thanks!16:14
semitonesSeveas: by the way, do you still take the train in the morning?16:14
Seveassemitones: yes.16:15
petitchouThe installer program is still open despite the fact that it installed the IRC client I'm talking to you on right now.  It won't close.16:15
parkfae_EriC^, is Linux live USB creator supposed to be compatible with 16.04?16:16
semitonesSeveas: thanks for sharing the train song with me! (End of o4o)16:16
MonkeyDustpetitchou  alt-f2 and then type xkill ... then click on the frozen windows16:16
t00lmanpetitchou, I'm guessing there's another dialog window hidden somewhere that's waiting for you to click a button16:16
t00lman(or, the app *thinks* there is)16:16
Jaga-JagaHow can I disable my laptop's keyboard from waking up the computer from Suspend? (I want to use the power button only)16:17
petitchouDone.  Thank you!  That fixed that part of the problem :)16:17
petitchout00lman: I'm pretty sure it was the latter ><  I have two monitors, though, which may be confusing things.16:17
django_is there a ubunut that is faster than xubuntu16:18
MonkeyDustdjango_  try lubuntu16:18
django_MonkeyDust, yeah its not that much faster lol16:18
tgm4883django_: *lighter weight, no faster16:18
django_also does ubuntu come with a C compiler?16:19
mgordjango_, sudo apt install build-essential16:19
ShekharReddythere are some vhosts file in /var/www/* , i cant delete them manually EriC^16:19
django_mgor, to ru C cod?16:19
pathworkerthats a knotty question , it depends as much on your hardware as it does the ubuntu virsion however   I stand to be corrected If I'm wrong.;-)16:19
mgordjango_, not so often anymore16:19
B0g4r7_django_, type 'cc' and see what happens.16:20
django_"fatal error no input files"16:21
B0g4r7_Sounds like it's installed then.16:21
petitchoualso, I'm trying to install the steam launcher - do you have any idea how I might go about this?  I tried using the button at https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/steam-launcher/ and it complains about not being able to find it in the store16:21
B0g4r7_cc == C Compiler16:21
django_B0g4r7_, cool ty16:22
parkfae_EriC^ lluc says it finished creating the key, but I don't see any changes to my usb16:23
petitchouif I download the .deb file manually the installer pukes ><16:23
tgm4883petitchou: how? I installed it fine via dpkg16:23
semitones_rexSeveas, Umeaboy ok I think i know what happened, let me tell you a tale16:24
petitchouthe same kind of problem I've been having - the installer hangs :(  I have no idea what's wrong with it.  I think t00lman was on to something earlier that it has a dialog up somewhere (or thinks it does) that I can't find16:24
B0g4r7_I'm running "steam client application".  IDK if that's the same thing, but it seemed to install fine.16:25
Jordan_Uparkfae_: See if you can boot your Desktop from the USB drive now.16:25
tgm4883petitchou: you tried installing it with dpkg? Is this 16.04? Standard ubuntu or a flavor?16:25
parkfae_Jordan_U, aight trying now16:25
B0g4r7_Things "just hang" huh.  Are you sure your hard drive is good (no bad blocks)?16:26
petitchounot sure how to check the version but I downloaded it like two days ago - it's standard Ubuntu16:26
tgm4883petitchou: ok, and you're installing it via dpkg (terminal) or through the software center?16:26
semitones_rexSeveas, Umeaboy : I tried 16.04, but got that weird graphic tearing. I thought it might be a problem with the live cd, so I installed anyway to a spare partition. Now, I also have a separate /boot. I think what was happening was 16.04 changed grub in a way that it was booting 14.04 using the new kernel from 16.04 - when I booted from the list of old kernels, I saw 3.13 next to a 4.something.. That's why I was seeing the visual tearing on bo16:26
petitchouI tried using the software center and not dpkg, yes16:27
petitchouwant me to try dpkg now?16:27
B0g4r7_That might give you some more feedback.16:27
petitchouokay, give me just a minute16:27
tgm4883petitchou: ok, so I'd try installing it from the terminal. "sudo dpkg -i <debfile>"16:27
petitchouk, one sec, I need to figure out where Firefox put it16:28
Umeaboysemitones_rex: Uhu. OK.16:28
tgm4883i'm pretty sure installing steam does pop up another dialog asking a question16:28
B0g4r7_~/Downloads usually.16:28
parkfae_Jordan_U, we're back to the problem of entering rescue mode.16:28
Jordan_Uparkfae_: When trying to boot the liveUSB from the Desktop machine?16:29
semitones_rexSeveas, so I can still file a bug with kernel 4.4 for having the graphics tearing right?16:29
parkfae_Jordan_U, my desktop is the one without windows or anything... I just built it yesterday16:29
petitchouApparently it requires something called python-apt, which isn't installed16:29
ricebeanMy keyboard has become wonky. Sometimes it types one letter as intended, sometimes it types two, and if I hold down the backspace key, it's slower than usual. I have also tried it on another PC, this time running Arch Linux, but no luck, and using it on an Android tablet, which worked. What shall I do?16:30
petitchouI can throw the error into a pastebin if you like16:30
B0g4r7_petitchou, missing dependency.  I think you can just "apt-get -f install" to fix it.16:30
B0g4r7_with no other arguments16:31
semitones_rex/joining #ubuntu-bugs to ask them the best way to submit a bug16:31
petitchoudoing this now, thank you16:31
tgm4883petitchou: if it needs that, just install it with apt16:31
Jordan_Uparkfae_: And you're sure it's configured to boot from USB?16:31
petitchouInstalling and working like a champ - thank you!16:31
ricebeanI have tried everything to fix it, from cleaning the contacts, to changing the delay, to disassembling it and cleaning it.16:32
parkfae_Jordan_U, yes, I double checked and everything. I don't think the live USB creation actually worked :/16:32
petitchouI am also having a weird minor issue with the volume display.  It pops up randomly and tells me the volume, like I hit a key on my keyboard.16:33
petitchouI have a positively ancient PS/2 IBM keyboard and I think it might be thinking I'm hitting some kind of volume button that I don't in fact have16:33
semitones_rexHey can I break the rules about taking a poll real quick? I want to find out which has less problems: a live cd booted from a DVD, a USB, or from ISOboot.16:34
parkfae_Jordan_U, I should be able to see the files on my live usb, correct?16:35
semitones_rexfair enough :)16:35
B0g4r7_semitones, the one that works.  Each situation is different.16:35
Umeaboysemitones_rex: USB.16:36
robotti^BluesKaj: reinstalling pulseaudio and alsa did help:)16:36
semitones_rexB0g4r7_, assuming you're able to boot successfully into it, should they all work the same? I just don't like how long USB takes compared to the other two ways16:36
robotti^BluesKaj: it also installed much shit:)) like kde and xfce16:36
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mehi have a small question16:37
Umeaboysemitones_rex: That differs on the speed of the USB drive and the USB port.16:37
mehhow can i see the license of a deb package?16:37
B0g4r7_I find a USB drive to be a lot faster than optical, myself.  Again it depends.16:37
Umeaboymeh: Shoot!16:37
mehonly de license16:37
semitones_rexI think my USB is just really janky16:37
Umeaboydpkg -s packagename.16:37
semitones_rexrunning from the USB is somewhat faster than running from cd, but making the USB takes forever. Doing ISOboot was really fast, but people warned me that it wasn't as reliable as USB, and I don't know why they said that16:38
B0g4r7_Heck, you could probably install from a pxeboot server if you were so inclined.16:38
UmeaboyHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I don't think it'll show up there, but there's some flag to dpkg to use.16:38
B0g4r7_I just keep some usb sticks around with different ubuntus on them.  No need to keep remaking them.16:39
parkfae_Jordan_U, no, the live usb definitely is working...16:39
semitones_rexB0g4r7_, can you make that from a raspberry pi? Do you know of any reasons why ISOboot would be unreliable? Because it seems like the most convenient and it's worked for me before (I just ran into a kernel bug)16:39
petitchouis there a way to rebind keys?  my keyboard lacks a windows key or anything that could be "super" - I'd like to use my right alt if I can16:40
B0g4r7_semitones, you could probably do it from a Pi.  I don't see why not.  I'm not familiar with isoboot myself.16:40
Umeaboymeh: I think you might have to ask the maker of that package or check inside its source package.16:40
UmeaboyThe makefile should show the right license.16:41
parkfae_Jordan_U, someone (maybe you) said something about checking if my desktop is booting up in a certain mode, but I haven't been able to find that in its options on my own16:41
django_anyone know about VBOXES? i made a shared folder now how do i find it?16:42
mehand    i have avery small question "its my first useful package"   i created the packsage with a gpl2 software16:43
mehbut ubuntu-software warnins "this software would have private parts"16:43
mehhow can i   remove this warning?16:43
CommodoraHi LiverWurst16:45
petitchouthanks again all16:45
player0kHi to all16:46
tgm4883meh: screenshot?16:46
player0kcan someone help me with a question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/775939/ubuntu-16-04-wallpaper-under-black-screen-after-login-unity-7-4-0 ?16:46
Jordan_Uparkfae_: If your motherboard supports UEFI then that's what you should use, but if it's an older motherboard it may not and that's fine.16:46
parkfae_Jordan_U, it should be new. Gigabyte 78LMT-7SB316:47
Devenderthere is any way to recover jpeg files16:48
MonkeyDustDevender  after deleting them?16:48
parkfae_I just don't understand why it was working before on my desktop and now it isnt...16:48
Devender@monkey yes16:49
MonkeyDust!recover | Devender there's this16:49
ubottuDevender there's this: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery16:49
Devender@ubottu i'll try boss16:50
Jordan_Uparkfae_: That's interesting, because the error message you're seeing says that you're booting via BIOS.16:50
squintydjango: there is a virtualbox channel here on freenode #vbox16:51
thinkyis java necessary to install in ubuntu ?16:51
xanguathinky: no16:52
BluesKajnot for ubuntu , but for surfing the 'net16:52
UmeaboyDevender: Try testdisk and photrec.16:52
Umeaboyphotorec is a part of testdisk.16:52
parkfae_Jordan_U, with the whole grub rescue thing?16:52
Umeaboy!photorec | Devender16:53
=== ubuntu-studio is now known as Doomjuice
Devender@umeaboy i have used recoverjpeg is it good? is this recoverjpeg does better or not?16:53
UmeaboyDevender: Haven't used that one.16:53
UmeaboyI use photorec.16:53
henry__I have a printer xerox workcenter 3325 and can not printer of ubuntu. the messager is. printer not paper. In windows is normal work.16:55
=== ubuntu-studio is now known as Donalddick
DJonesDevender: The first thing to do when trying to recover files is to stop using the disk the files were on and boot using a livecd, if you keep using the disk, there's always the chance that the deleted files could be overwritten with something you do now16:55
Umeaboyhenry__: http://forum.support.xerox.com/t5/Printing/WorkCentre-3325-Persistently-Indicates-quot-Out-of-Paper-quot/td-p/18106716:56
Tabou_Queens layer are you here?16:56
Tabou_Queenslayer are you here?16:57
UmeaboyTabou_: Doesn't seem like she's in the list of users.16:57
MonkeyDustTabou_  type que and then hit tab to autocomplete ... if it doesnt, then s/he's not here16:58
Kaiak_Would either of these GPUs work well in 16.04?16:58
Kaiak_looking to passthrough my AMD card to windows wondering if these older Nvidia cards work well with 16.04?16:58
Kaiak_I have no onboard graphics16:58
UmeaboyKaiak_: I think that there's a Ubuntu support page for that.16:58
Tabou_MonkeyDust: thx16:58
Kaiak_Umeaboy: link16:59
player0kplease help me16:59
UmeaboyKaiak_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics16:59
bst11Hi i just run a fresh installation of ubuntu 16,04 in order to avoid a virtualbox Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) problem i encountered on my previous installation. however the problem is  still back. kindly help.. i have search the whole net for answers but none seems to work, any addictional info you need I will provide17:00
Kaiak_Umeaboy: no17:00
Kaiak_Umeaboy: not switching GPU17:00
Umeaboyplayer0k: Did you follow the instructions on that page.17:00
Kaiak_I'm looking for a GPU17:00
Kaiak_that will work well with ubuntu17:00
Kaiak_it won't be switching gpus at all17:00
player0k-Umeaboy-: yes17:01
UmeaboyKaiak_: I think the first model would be better to use.17:01
k1lplayer0k: @android? is that a chroot-on-android?17:01
Kaiak_Umeaboy: the 8800?17:01
UmeaboyThe Gainward one.17:01
Kaiak_is that compatible with Nvidia's current priopotary drivers on 16.04?17:01
SlaizerMy purpose is to create a usb drive windows iso. Would like some suggestions of how I can make it happen.17:01
player0kit's just a hostname17:01
Kaiak_is that compatible with Nvidia's current priopotary drivers on 16.04?17:01
k1lplayer0k: ok17:01
k1lplayer0k: is this a proper ubuntu install? usually nautilus handles the background.17:03
henry__Say. Contact to centro support xerox. Is all >*17:03
player0kI have installed nautilus17:03
henry__good solutions :L17:04
UmeaboyKaiak_: I found a x64 driver for Linux on their website so yes.17:04
Kaiak_Umeaboy: for the 8800?17:04
xangua!winusb | Slaizer17:04
ubottuSlaizer: WinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.17:04
player0kIt's happen after I installed gnome3-desktop17:04
Umeaboyxangua: WinUSB is broken.17:04
player0kIt's happened after I installed gnome3-desktop17:05
UmeaboyThe PPA won't add.17:05
k1lplayer0k: any PPAs in use?17:05
Kaiak_Umeaboy: can you link that driver? thx17:05
akikSlaizer: i remember that you could just copy all the files from the installation dvd to the usb stick and then make it bootable17:05
UmeaboyKaiak_: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/9516517:05
Kaiak_nov 2015 though17:06
Kaiak_would that work in 16.04?17:06
UmeaboyKaiak_: Google to see if anyone has a had an issue with installing that.17:06
Slaizerakik, I think I have just such a usb stick, but it is not functioning on startup17:06
UmeaboyOr check the community.17:07
UmeaboyAnyway....... I have to go.17:07
UmeaboyTake care.17:07
Kaiak_the quadro uses the same driver17:09
Kaiak_however a GT 740 uses a much newer driver from March17:09
ianthiushey guys i plugged a drive from my failed NAS into ubuntu and I can't get it to mount any suggestions?17:11
odroidalguien español17:20
k1l!es | odroid17:21
ubottuodroid: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:21
odroidhelly my friend17:21
=== Tim241 is now known as Tim241_afk
t00lmanianthius, odds are, your NAS used the disk as an "md" device.  Read "man mdadm" and look for the "-E" or "--examine" flag17:22
t00lmanbe careful tho... mdadm can be dangerous17:23
ianthiust00lman: thanks. I ran mdadm --assemble --scan, it worked for my system drive, but hasn't brought this drive up the same way..17:24
ianthiust00lman: the system drive had some combo of logical volumes or something, running pvscan and vgscan helped bring those partitions up...17:25
player0khow to remove unused programs, after removing repository from PPA's list ?17:25
player0khow to remove unused programs/libraries, after removing repository from PPA's list ?17:25
ianthiust00lman: for the system drive once i installed lvm2 i was able to get it up and mounted. with this data drive though no luck..17:26
BluesKajapt-get autoremove and apt-get autoclean , player0k17:26
BluesKajparkfae_, after updating17:27
player0kthanks, BluesKaj17:27
thinkyhi again17:28
BluesKajplayer0k, yeah update first17:28
k1lplayer0k: best is to use "ppa-purge" because it changes the packages back to the original state17:28
k1l!ppa-purge | player0k17:28
ubottuplayer0k: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:28
ianthiusthere is a main partition in the center of the drive that is 900 or so gb and gparted reports all the other partitions as ext4 but that one has no entry in the filesystem entry.17:28
thinkymy ubuntu 16.04 faced error " “Sorry Ubuntu * has experienced an internal error” /usr/bin/compiz "17:28
thinkythen i removed the directory by mistake while trying a command " sudo rm /usr/bin/compiz "17:28
BluesKajk1 what if he doesn't want to regress , just remove unneeded packages17:29
B0g4r7_ianthius, what nas?17:29
ianthiusB0g4r7_: QNAP17:29
thinkynow desktop is blank, what should i do ?17:29
B0g4r7_I tried doing that kind of thing from a WD MyBook, and it was all wonky.  They used some kind of modified ext4.  I ended up having to use some fuse setup to get at it.17:29
k1lBluesKaj: the problem is, that its possible he will never get any updates from the repos for that packages now. even security ones.17:29
BluesKajk1 once they're in the backports that shouldn't be a problem17:30
ianthiusB0g4r7_: well i was able to access data on the first HD so I think it's some normal linux thing that I haven't figure out yet. What is fuse setup?17:31
B0g4r7_ianthius, fuse is Filesystem in UserSpacE.  I had to use some fuse module to be able to mount their modified ext4.17:31
k1lBluesKaj: no. it depends on the naming of the version in the PPA. most PPAs have bad naming so apt still thinks the PPA one is newer than the original repo one. so it doesnt update17:32
=== Tim241_afk is now known as Tim241
B0g4r7_Someone else had done all the hard work, and I just followed their guide on the webpage.17:33
thinkyk1l: are u available?17:33
BluesKajnever experienced that, of course Idon';t use ppas whose  packages aren't upgraded in the regular repos17:34
k1lthinky: just ask17:34
thinkyk1l: i deleted /usr/bin/compiz dir by command " sudo rm /usr/bin/compiz17:34
thinkyafter that i restarted and desktop was blank17:35
EriC^thinky: why'd you do that?17:35
k1lthinky: why did you do that?17:35
thinkyi dont know17:35
* EriC^ suspects miscommunication17:35
B0g4r7_Sounds like you'll need to put that file back to fix it.17:35
EriC^thinky: type sudo apt-get install --reinstall compiz-core17:36
B0g4r7_...if [s]he can boot and get to a shell.17:36
thinkyEriC^: but i can not reach my desktop how can i apply the command?17:36
EriC^thinky: ctrl+alt+f117:36
thinkyok i will try it17:37
scuttle_toesjoin #bicycle17:41
screamingninjaWhat's the difference between the packages 'adb' and 'android-tools-adb'?17:46
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screamingninjaBesides the version, that is.17:46
thinkyEriC^: thank you :)17:47
thinkyi got back my desktop17:47
thinkyi have another issue now. i connect my laptop to external monitor. but ubuntu doesnt set the resolution automatically. i usually use laptop lid closed. when i open lid i want ubuntu duplicate the display. and when i close the lid i want it change the resolution to external monitor.17:49
thinkylaptop has 1280x800 , external monitor 1980x105017:49
screamingninjathinky: You can put together a script that gets called each time you open or close the lid, and use xrandr to set the desired resolution at that time.17:54
thinkyit was ok before i dont know why it is causing problem now17:55
jianu81hi guys17:57
jianu81i have a laptop with a 16gb ssd17:57
jianu81and no ethernet slot17:57
screamingninjajianu81: That's awesome. I wish I had one of those too.17:57
jianu81and what would be the best ubuntu based distro to install kubuntu,lubuntu,minimal cd ubuntu ?17:58
screamingninjajianu81: What's the processor like?17:58
EriC^jianu81: and ram?17:58
k1lis it a chromebook?17:58
jianu81intel celeron 3205u(released 2015),4gb ram,yes it is a chromebook17:58
screamingninja^ lol, nice.17:58
OerHeksjianu81, no ethernet .. fix that first in a live session, then install what you like17:59
player0khelp me please, I can't reinstall `nautilus` ... there is log http://pastie.org/private/nhoxuayhm8lp661pcvpg17:59
jianu81but i already17:59
jianu81have ubuntu 16.04 installed17:59
jianu81and it takes way too much space17:59
jianu81it only lets me have 8.3 gb17:59
jianu81i need at least 1117:59
screamingninjaplayer0k: `apt-cache policy nautilus`18:00
jianu81so ?\18:00
jianu81what would the best option be ?|18:00
screamingninjajianu81: lubuntu, definitely18:00
jianu81how much space does it use ?18:01
player0k-screamingninja-,  http://pastie.org/private/nr9adyvwgxlnlzlwsxfq18:02
screamingninjaplayer0k: where did you get this version of nautilus?18:03
player0k-screamingninja-, from some PPA ...18:04
OerHeksjianu81, check out any desktop with --no-install-recommends, that would be a slim desktop, and hardly usable18:04
jianu81you find lxde unusable ?18:05
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thinkywhen i close lid with my laptop it doesnt go to sleep :S i checked battery settings it is set to " Suspend" what can be wrong?18:06
cliffer1how to enable passive ftp in ubuntu 16.04.? is there anything like a module which can be enabled? or is it just enable the right iptables?18:06
zykotick9cliffer1: ftp + firewall = good luck...  personally, i think if you're using ftp in this day and age, you're probably doin' something wrong.  ymmv.18:09
screamingninjaplasticboy: `apt-get install nautilus=3.18.4.is.3.14.3-0ubuntu4`18:09
TDLMis anyone here running ubuntu 16.04 lts on Lenovo E31-70? if so, any hassle installing ubuntu? also: any problems with non-registering keys on keyboard ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTB_T0qML60 ) and flexing keyboard ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pjkpIOZ3bg ) like many lenovo laptops these days? i'm looking specifically at this model: https://www.dustinhome.no/product/5010901144/e31-7018:09
screamingninjawhatever happened to player0k.18:09
screamingninjaTDLM: I think mine is E30-71. Never heard of this issue.18:10
* screamingninja headdesks.18:10
squintyscreamingninja, * player0k has quit (Remote host closed the connection)18:10
cliffer1zykotick9: what is wrong with ftpes?18:10
screamingninjasquinty: gotcha18:11
zykotick9cliffer1: FTP MUST DIE!  http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie18:11
jianu81so lubuntu vs ubuntu server ?18:13
jianu81on a 16 gb ssd ?18:13
brianxsshfs is nice.  it's even reasonably cross platform now.  ftp has little use.18:14
TDLMscreamingninja: this is E31-80 (a different model to the one i want, but very similar), here the complete laptop presses down when he hits the keys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtoKLxkify4&t=2m33s - 2:33-2:4018:14
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TDLMscreamingninja: no such issues on your E30-71?18:14
DJonesjianu81: Depends if you need a gui, normally server installs are command line only18:15
jianu81going to install lxde on that servers18:15
cliffer1zykotick9: so you would recomend scp?18:15
jianu81going to install lxde on that server*18:15
Guest10490I have such an annoying wireless bug in Kubuntu 16.04, could somebody help me to debug it? I can connect to WLAN but have no internet connection after every boot or suspend. After some time, it starts working. See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76557818:15
ubottuGnome bug 765578 in general "No internet connection through WLAN although connected to wireless network" [Major,Needinfo]18:15
=== yangm- is now known as yangm
sonichi guys i keep getting "the system is running in low graphics mode" when i try to start up ubuntu and im clueless on how to fix this can anyone help?18:19
Edicowhat's the super key in ubuntu?18:19
DJonesEdico: Windows key18:20
moldohello guys18:20
Edicothanks DJones18:20
moldoi have trouble to activate dual screen. i installed the recommended drivers in additional drivers in settings software and updates18:20
Bashing-omsonic: See what X has to relate : ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit ' . We see what tale gets told .18:20
moldobut when i want to detect a display it doesnt show my external monitor18:21
moldoi tried xrandr18:21
moldonothing as well18:21
sonicive tried installing a navidia, i think thats what its called , i got told that would fix my problem but i still get the same " the system is running in low graphics mode" is their not a quick fix for this?18:23
ramk9966do you know good ubuntu notebook?18:23
yannnHi everybody, I got kicked out.. This was my question: I have such an annoying wireless bug in Kubuntu 16.04, could somebody help me to debug it? I can connect to WLAN but have no internet connection after every boot or suspend. After some time, it starts working. See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76557818:24
ubottuGnome bug 765578 in general "No internet connection through WLAN although connected to wireless network" [Major,Needinfo]18:24
Bashing-omsonic: And I say again .. show us that log file . Let's then see what X is doing .18:24
yannnIt would be great to get some assistance18:25
sonicokay im on windows the now il have to boot up ubuntu il be back on in 5 mins18:25
Bashing-omsonic: K, at your pace .18:26
vaktWhen attempting to run sudo-apt get upgrade, I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16614269/ (problems with apport/python)...18:32
vaktHow can I fix this? ^18:32
MonkeyDustvakt  are using a ppa?18:33
pirnwhat is ppa?18:33
sonicso im looking at xserver log file is that the right log file?18:33
sureshothello is 16.04 if final release it seems a little kluddge over 14.0418:34
MonkeyDust!ppa > pirn18:34
ubottupirn, please see my private message18:34
vaktMonkeyDust: I, too have to ask, what a ppa is?18:34
MonkeyDustvakt  ok, so no18:34
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:35
vaktMonkeyDust: Well, my provider mirrors the updates?18:35
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux18:35
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up18:36
MonkeyDustpirn  use /msg ubottu    if you want to explore factoids18:38
pirndid i missed any message?18:38
sonicany one else get the message 'the system is running in low graphics mode' when they boot up, there was a dude gonna help me but dont think hes here now18:39
vaktpirn: you left and joined within like 2 seconds. no.18:39
pirnok thanks vakt18:39
vaktMonkeyDust: are you able to help me?18:40
MonkeyDustpirn  keep it in the channel18:40
misthalu<--- bought new computer, installed Ubuntu 16.04, internal card reader seems to not work. Known problem or should I look into hardware issues?18:41
sureshotis anyone here using 16.0418:41
vaktpirn: vakt = guard in Norwegian according to google translate.18:41
misthalusureshot, I am, for a few days now.18:42
yannnsureshot: I'm running Kubuntu 16.04 on a Thinkpad t460s, card reader works18:42
soniccan anyone help me?18:42
Bashing-om!who | sonic18:42
ubottusonic: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:42
misthaluyannn, Thanks.18:42
sureshotdoes it not seem as smooth as 14.04 sota kuddgy for lack of a term18:42
OerHeksvakt, hint: run "sudo apt-get update " before upgrade18:43
vaktOerHeks: Did that already :P18:43
vaktOerHeks: did it again. without any errors.18:44
Bashing-omsonic: How comfortable are you with the Command Line ?18:44
sonic!bashing-on im just getting into it18:45
ubottusonic: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:45
sureshotthats funny LOL18:46
ubuntu054hello there18:47
ubuntu054I am typing from a laptop connected via dsl through the cable18:47
sonic!Bashing-om im ok using the command line18:47
ubottusonic: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:47
MonkeyDustubuntu054  so am i18:47
ubuntu054but I would like to get the wireless to work18:47
ubuntu054Can anybody give me a hand?18:48
ubuntu054Hi MonkeyDust18:48
MonkeyDustubuntu054  in a terminal, type   nmtui18:48
Bashing-omsonic: We will get ya there . Let's change the pitput pastnin sote to make it easier on you . Do in terminsl : ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999 ' . The result will be a URL back in terminal; pass that link back here and we will see that log file .18:48
vaktOerHeks: any further suggestions?18:49
ubuntu054MonkeyDust: ehm I have forgot to mention that I run Lubuntu, and probably that command doesn't work18:49
MonkeyDustubuntu054  what happens if you type in the terminal18:50
ubuntu054command not found18:50
ubuntu054it says18:50
MonkeyDustubuntu054  ok, first: sudo apt install nmtui18:50
ubuntu054thanks MonkeyDust18:50
donofrioanyone know how I can use stock ubuntu 16.04 and "join" the xorg's together so I can watch youtube across four mointors stiched together as one?18:50
ubuntu054MonkeyDust: it says unable to locate package18:51
MonkeyDustubuntu054  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue18:51
sureshotok here is a silly question i should already know how do i turn off the joins and quits here18:52
ubuntu054MonkeyDust:  I have forgot to mention that when scanning the pcmcia it sees the wireless card18:52
ubuntu054it is a Intel Pro Wireless18:52
MonkeyDustpcmcia? does that still exist?18:52
DJones!quietirc | sureshot18:52
ubottusureshot: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages18:52
ubuntu054MonkeyDust: something like that18:53
sonicwhats the command for getting specific user18:53
MonkeyDustubuntu054  repeat your question with details in the channel, in one line18:53
Bashing-omsonic: In what context ? maybe ' who ' ?18:54
sureshotwow that was hard sorry for silly questions and thanks much18:55
FikiSo for the more versed ubuntu people out there, should I upgrade to ubuntu 16 or should I just keep rolling with 14 for a year or so18:57
ubuntu054MonkeyDust: I have just said that I have an Intel Pro wireless card and lubuntu does sees it in PCI but doesn't allow me to connect on internet18:57
sonicBashing-om its u i was looking for, just u said its a big channel just in case u missed my message, i just tried cat/var/log/xorg.0.log and it told me no such file or directory18:57
KaedennWhat's the console equivalent for the "connect to server" functionality? Is it just mount with the proper args, or is there some other interface?18:58
KaedennI'm trying to write a shell script that does the equivalent of "connect to these two specific servers"18:58
ubuntu054MonkeyDust: if I run lshw I can see the wireless card18:59
Kaedenn...methinks it might be gvfs-mount18:59
MonkeyDustubuntu054  don't address me, address the channel19:00
robotti^ubuntu is cool19:00
FikiKaedenn, nautilus-connect-server19:00
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KaedennFiki: Okay, but I want one level lower than that. I want a utility I can automate19:00
Kaedenn...assuming nautilus-connect-server is always interactive, which I should check19:00
yannnIs anybody around who could help me troubleshooting networking/wireless problems?19:01
KaedennFiki: yup, I want something one level lower19:01
FikiKaedenn, why not ssh and then use SCP?19:01
KaedennFiki: Because I'm doing a bunch of filesystem stuff (editing files, renaming files, moving files, laughing at files, etc) and scp won't give me a shell.19:02
KaedennAlso I want to use the local shell, because the remote shell is vt220.19:02
Kaedenn(don't ask)19:02
sonic:Bashing-om you there man?19:02
robotti^Kaedenn: do you have physical vt220?19:03
robotti^i have vt42019:03
KaedennWhen I ssh to the server, without mucking with any of my environment variables, $TERM is vt220.19:03
FikiKaedenn, well you can always go with a programming language instead of bash, it'll give you more flexibility at least19:04
robotti^it would be cool, if there is utf-8 support19:04
robotti^or is what vt41019:04
Jordan_UKaedenn: gvfs-mount or sshfs.19:04
KaedennJordan_U: Thank you. gvfs-mount it is. sshfs is... not something I want to continue using19:05
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sonic!Bashing-om did you see my last message?19:07
ubottusonic: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:07
Bashing-omsonic: Yeah .. I am back .. try again, if that file is not present .. you do indeed have a problem: la -al /var/log/xorg.0.log >> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 51054 May 22 11:59 /var/log/Xorg.0.log . That is with ab uppercase 'X; and a space as the delimiter .19:08
ioriasonic is Xorg.0.log not xorg.0.log19:08
KaedennJordan_U: Thank you, now to figure out how to use it19:08
Kaedenn(gfvs-mount that is)19:08
ioriasonic and put a space after 'cat'19:09
dowellmode +i19:10
akikwtf is this derp shit? :)19:16
sonicBashing-om i just tried that again and after i write it, it goes down a line and all i get is >19:17
Bashing-omsonic: do ' ctl+c " to get back to bash terminal . and then what results " ls -al /var/log/Xorg.0.log " where linux is case semsitive . X is not x .19:18
Bashing-omsonic: Hang in here .. we will get through all this . Ain't no step for a stepper !19:22
sonicBashing-om now i have -rw-r--r-- root root 39430 may 22 20:11 /var/log/Xorg.0.log is that ok?19:23
Bashing-omsonic: Yeah .. now put that file in the pastbin so we see what we are woking with , what X has to say : ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999 ' . Pass the link returned back here .19:25
sonicBashing-om how do i put it in the pastebin?19:27
ioriasonic, just run the command Bashing-om gave you19:28
Bashing-omsonic: Terminal command ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999 ' will do it for you .19:28
craptalkguys, i am having flickering screen on my ubuntu-mate19:28
craptalkhow can i fix it?19:29
craptalkplease help19:29
nchambersBashing-om, uuoc!19:29
craptalkdo you know why/19:30
Bashing-omcraptalk: Ist .. is verify that the correct driver for the graphic's card is in use .19:31
krismatrixHow does one disable snap packages?19:31
sureshotsorry to ask again what was that wiki link on join/left notifications sorry about spelling19:31
craptalkBashing-om: then?19:31
ubottuTo ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages19:31
sureshotthanks changed irc chat software19:32
sedrisHello. I'm having a problem formatting my 8GB USB Drive, after creating Ubuntu 16.04LTS startup disk via the default app in Ubuntu Unity (Startup Disk Creator). When I try to format the USB Drive it gives me an error that the drive is write protected. I have tried sudo mount -o remount,rw '/mnt/usb-TDK_LoR_TF30_USB_3.0_07033359B64DD695-0:0-part1'/, but with no luck. I get an error after executing the command : mount: cannot remount /dev/sdb1 read-write, is19:32
Bashing-omcraptalk: depends on what is installed for a driver . Maybe examon the log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log for anu errors .19:32
sonicBashing-om is that all one command?19:32
craptalkBashing-om: it should be xorg, but it still flickering19:33
Bashing-omsonic: It is one sequence ,. all in one line . copy and paste for best results . and hit the enter key .19:33
Bashing-omcraptalk: So, again .. What card and what driver ? hybrid graphics ???19:34
sedrisAny ideas how to fix this? The USB was working perfectly fine, before creating Ubuntu 16.04 startup disk19:34
OerHekssedris, maybe you need to adress /media/<device> instead of mnt19:36
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sedris@OerHeks I tried that too, same error19:36
ioriasedris, are you using gparted ?19:36
sedrisi can't do anything in gparted19:37
sonicBashing-om all its doing is putting me onto the next command line >19:37
sedristhe only thing i can do in gparted is to unmount the usb drive, and the gparted just hangs19:37
ioriasonic, without the single quotes ' '    run cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999919:38
Coder[X]Hello all. I am in a bit of trouble here with my Ubuntu 16.0419:39
sonicioria what symbol is that between log & nc?19:40
Coder[X]Kids turned on and off the laptop few times directly by pressing the power button and after that several drivers are not working properly.19:40
ioriasonic,  it'a a pipe   |19:40
Coder[X]how can I replace / fix those drivers?19:41
Bashing-omsonic: I do not know what to say .. the result is " sysop@1404mini:~$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999 " >> http://termbin.com/f5mm . From my system .19:41
bonhoefferi'm trying to compile and getting: config.status: error: cannot find input file: `Makefile.in'19:43
k00l3th4nCoder[X]: Try going to Software & Updates > Additional Drivers and load another driver and then revert back.19:43
bonhoefferthis source: https://github.com/LASzip/LASzip19:43
Seveasbonhoeffer: sounds like you need to run automake19:43
ioriasonic,  if you don't find the pipe , install pastebinit (sudo apt-get install pastebinit) and use this pastebinit <( cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log )19:44
mehif i have a binery deb19:44
mehhow can i generate the source deb ?19:44
Seveasbonhoeffer: there's an autogen.sh script in that source tree, run it19:44
Seveasmeh: you can't.19:44
mehif this deb is a font installer19:44
bonhoefferSeveas: I did run the automake.sh19:44
mehthen, how can i upload a binery deb file to launhpad ?19:45
mehthe binary means "i dont have source"19:45
mehbecause is a font installer19:45
Seveasbonhoeffer: well, then it's buggy. File a bug on that github page.19:45
Seveasmeh: you can't.19:45
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bonhoefferwill do --19:45
bonhoefferlet me know if this helps: https://gist.github.com/tbbooher/782b6507bcebcd008aa560cb83b54c2f19:45
OerHeksmeh, that would be suspicious for just a font19:45
bonhoefferfull screen capture of the autogen running19:46
mehhow can i create a repo, ith my deb? "is a fontinstaller"19:46
sonicBashing-om & ioria we have it lol its http://termbin.com/7iha19:46
Coder[X]k00l3th4n, thanks. Let me try. But, is there commands that can do the similar, like apt-get update?19:46
Bashing-omsonic: Outstanding .. reading .. be back in a bit .19:46
mehi only am putting  it19:47
Seveasbonhoeffer: yeah, that looks pretty buggy. Nothing we can do about that, that'll be between you and the author of that thing.19:47
bonhoefferSaveas got it19:47
craptalkBashing-om: do you know why?19:47
mehonly copy files for it19:47
mehbut i dont know how upload it to launchpad19:47
Seveasmeh: create a source package. Use dput to upload said source package.19:48
mehhow can i make it?19:49
mehi have the "binary"19:49
mehthis binary  only has control        file19:49
OerHeksmeh, then choose another platform, not launchpad19:50
mehwhat plattform is recomended?19:51
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lau-Hi. I installed Ubuntu 16.04. Is there some way I can make a keyboard shortcut to make Super+Left arrow and Super+Right arrow tile the current window to left/right?19:51
craptalkhow to fix flickering screen? i have been having this issue at the past few weeks?19:51
mehbecause i am trying to make a repository with it  "for add new fonts "19:51
craptalkplease help19:51
mutantecraptalk: maybe it's just the cable19:52
craptalkmutante: dont think so, i checked it already19:52
kushi, is there a way to sort the results of sudo du -hs /usr/bin/*19:53
kus so it is easier for me to see what folders are the largest?19:53
moldohi can you help me please? i cant get my output display to work i m using ati drivers im on ubuntu 14.0419:53
cliffer1kus: is sort not enough?19:53
Bashing-omsonic: Well. X sees no problems : " BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-22-generic.efi.signed" >> you are running release 16.04 . Card is identified " PCI:*(0:0:1:0) 1002:9853:1179:f910 rev 0 " . Driver is loaded "  (II) LoadModule: "radeon" "" . As this is 16.04 amd ATI graphics, you have the only driver there is . Restate the issue please, as X sees no problem .19:54
craptalkmaybe i should change some settings?19:54
craptalkplease help19:54
craptalkscrolling, playing video always flickering19:54
kuscliffer1, it sorts by the directory name if I am correct19:54
argon__kus: pipe it with sort19:55
cliffer1kus: how did you used it?19:55
Bashing-omcraptalk: ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999 ' To see what is going on .19:55
MonkeyDustkus  add   |sort -n19:55
craptalkBashing-om: i dont know what to read here19:56
cliffer1kus: it anyway sucks if size have a ,19:56
craptalkBashing-om: it has bunch of codes19:56
sedrisanyone can help me with my issue?19:56
kusno, this is perfect. I was missing the -n19:56
Bashing-omcraptalk: The result is a URL. pass the link back here and we can read that file .19:56
craptalkBashing-om: http://termbin.com/ed5z19:57
raul782Hi guys, I'm upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04, and my upgrade got stuck at update-notifier-common, it's been like an hour. If I restart should I resume normally?19:58
moldohow do i make my system to detect vga display LCD screen ?19:58
kusthank you guys19:58
k00l3th4nCoder[X]: I'm not sure but that method has always worked for me.19:59
Bashing-omcraptalk: " (WW) Warning, couldn't open module nvidia " Give us some background. What have "you" done to cause this ?19:59
raul782Well, it's been like an hour since on that task, Configuring update-notifier-common (amd64)19:59
raul782Is there a way to find what is causing the error, The computer is responsive so far,19:59
moldohow do i configure my system ubuntu 14.04 to detect my external display ? i ts a laptop20:00
craptalkBashing-om: i dont know, i didnt do anything since i installed ubuntu as my main OS20:00
craptalkit was just flickering from the start20:00
craptalki dont know what to expect to happen20:00
argon__moldo: it should detect it automatically. Have a look in your settings20:01
MonkeyDustmoldo  i have a laptop with external display, was detected out of the box in the system settings... what does it show in your system20:01
raul782I was looking at /var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads and I found a file ttf-mscorefonts-installer that suspiciously has a timestamp around the time it got stuck, there is a folder /partial created20:01
sonicBashing-om my main problem is all i get is "the system is running in low graphics" "your screen, graphics card and input device settings could not be detected correctly. you will need to configure this yourself" thats my problem i have no idea how too20:01
craptalkmy resolution and all, i let it be default configured20:01
raul782at the same timestamp20:01
moldoargon__,  MonkeyDust  i was working but i modified some stuff with the terminal and now it doesnt work20:02
moldoit was working20:02
k00l3th4nmoldo: You could try plugging in the external and shutdown and restart. It should automatically detect it then.20:02
argon__sonic: maybe this will be helpful for you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/141606/how-to-fix-the-system-is-running-in-low-graphics-mode-error20:03
moldok00l3th4n, i tried that it doesnt work. i have dualboot and on win 7 the external display works20:03
moldodoes it has to do with drivers ?20:04
Bashing-omsonic: Right off hand I do not know ..lemme consider a bit on what we can do.20:04
argon__moldo:  seems like your driver fails to detect the monitor20:04
moldoargon__, yes i played with the drivers and it s the AMD drivers now that is on20:04
Bashing-omcraptalk: Does this file exist ' ls -al /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ' ?20:05
moldomust be the drivers i reckon20:05
craptalkBashing-om: nope20:05
argon__moldo: what happens when you connect the monitor? Does the screen "blink" like it usally does when you connect an external monitor20:05
craptalknot exist20:05
craptalkBashing-om: should i reinstall nvidia driver? and how to do it?20:06
moldoargon__, it says no signal20:06
nils_so what's the progress of requesting an upgrade to a package?20:06
Bashing-omcraptalk: We are working up to a re-install . what returns ' sudo ubuntu-drivers devices ; sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' ?20:06
argon__moldo: try to connect the monitor before you power on your computer20:07
MonkeyDustnils_  sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade20:07
moldoargon__, done that and the light on the monitor turn from blue to yellow20:07
nibjorkHey is there any way to restore the default folders in my /home ?20:07
nibjorkLike pictures etc.20:07
MonkeyDustnibjork  start from the beginning, what happened20:08
craptalkBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/0HNJG3i320:08
craptalkBashing-om: quite old personal computer20:09
argon__moldo: hmm... If you go to your display settings, does it detect the screen at all?20:09
moldoi dont have any other choice than the laptop display20:09
Bashing-omSonikkuAmerica: Let's verify. pipe ' sudo lshw -C display ' to termbin 9999. See what the system says for a driver .20:09
nibjorkIt changed language then all the folders changed names20:09
a40ntistosHello everyone, I bought a Dell inspiron laptop with ubuntu and after the buy i open it to install an ssd drive and I've installed 16.04. After that I'm hearing from laptop's speaker a sound like electric noise? Do you have any ideas before I will assume that is a hardware issue?20:10
nibjorkMonkeyDust: ->20:10
argon__moldo: on gnome its settings --> displays. It should be similar on unity20:10
nibjorkMonkeyDust: It changed language then all the folders changed names20:10
moldoargon__, same... doesnt detect the monitor20:11
moldoargon__,  oooh i see , it s the difference between 3D and 2D drivers20:12
MonkeyDustnibjork  so the folders names are the default one, but in another language?20:12
moldoyou have to download ati radeon drivers without the x server settings20:12
mehor i should contact a  ppa-owner for  advice  "or send it to a community team, such as webupd8, and wait his approval"20:13
michael33i accidently ran chown -R pi:pi /20:13
nibjorkMonkeyDust: Yes20:13
argon__moldo: could it be a broken cable?20:13
MonkeyDustnibjork  and did you change the language on purpose?20:14
michael33i was trying to install vmware tools because it works on my 14.04 install20:14
michael33but on 16 it doenst20:14
michael33any quick fix?20:14
B0g4r7_michael33, I found the same thing.  I switched to virtualbox and never looked back.20:14
nibjorkMonkeyDust: Yes, but then i wanted to use English again :P20:14
nchambersI installed/setup mailman via https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mailman, but when I try to access mysite.tld/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo I get a 403. does anyone know how to fix this?20:14
michael33B0: guess im gonna do that too20:14
michael33B0g4r7_: any cons compared to vmware?20:15
craptalkBashing-om: let me know if you found it?20:15
argon__I second virtualbox20:15
moldoargon__, i upgraded the drivers testing it20:15
B0g4r7_None so far, thought I've not used it a whole lot.20:15
michael33k gonna do that then thx for the help20:15
argon__moldo: so it worked before updating drivers?20:15
B0g4r7_I installed a WinXP vm and a 14.04 vm with no trouble.20:15
moldoargon__, it worked before the crash of the computer when i played dota 220:16
fearnothingdoes anyone on here use teamviewer?20:16
MonkeyDustnibjork  then undo the language change again, the way you changed it20:16
argon__moldo: run this command: lshw -c video20:16
swift110fearnothing, ive used it20:16
fearnothingdid it break after the first time you used it?20:17
michael33any fix for this piece of code i accidently ran on my terminal? -> "sudo chown -R pi:pi /"20:17
michael33i did / instead of folder/20:17
swordzHi. I have done a Bad Thing, and would like some help to undo this. I enabled the pre-release repository, and then updated. I would now like to undo this - but can't seem to work out which packages I need to downgrade, or to which version. Is there a way to see which version is available to install for each package? "apt-cache policy" seems to include the installed version.20:17
B0g4r7_No easy fix that I know of.20:17
Bashing-omcraptalk: That card is still supported ( ends last of next year !) . ' sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt install nvidia-340 ' .20:17
fearnothingI'm trying to help my dad with something and I've been replicating what he does in a VM20:17
k1lmichael33: not possible. all file permissions on your system are now changed. you cant solve that.20:17
fearnothingwe both installed teamviewer, which worked after installing. Now a week later, neither system can launch it20:18
fearnothingand there's absolutely f**k all about this problem on google20:18
craptalkBashing-om: should i do it that command20:18
michael33k1l: thx, going to delete it and start all over20:18
moldoargon__, yes it s show the properties20:18
moldodriver = fglrx_pci20:18
MonkeyDustmichael33  interesting mistake, tho, from a technician's point of view20:18
moldothat s when i upgraded the opengl that it s started to get problems20:19
Bashing-omcraptalk: We want to re-install .. so fist is pruge what is .. make sure the system is full up 2 date , and then install the nvidia driver .20:19
michael33MonkeyDust: worst type u can make when working with windows and linux at the same time20:19
B0g4r7_I've made a similar mistake, cloning one system to another, forgetting to preserve permissions fully.  Weird stuff happened.20:19
B0g4r7_One program in particular was unhappy that it could no longer write to /dev/zero.20:20
argon__moldo: I don't know. Maybe its worth checking the loaded driver with lsmod20:20
SonikkuAmericaBashing-om - what?20:21
fearnothingthe files it's complaining about are RIGHT THERE20:21
moldoargon__, yes :)20:22
argon__moldo: lsmod | grep video20:22
Bashing-omSonikkuAmerica: Sorry .. The poster I guess left .. and you got highlighed by my error .20:23
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SonikkuAmericaheh. acually you've been highlighting me all day because I'm using a crappy client with silly nick matching and no highlight settings - Bashing-om20:24
zarkargon__, its me moldo :) i copy paste the result on pastebin20:24
argon__moldo: sorry, my laptop ran out of battery20:24
argon__zark: sorry, my laptop ran out of battery20:24
zarkargon__, no worries20:24
argon__zark: alright20:24
Bashing-omSonikkuAmerica: :( I Hate when that happens .. irssi time  for your client ?20:25
zarkargon__, http://pastebin.com/4i5m5x8s20:25
fearnothingok, I solved the problem, for some reason the script was unable to see the wine and wineserver files20:25
argon__zark: I've never had an issue like this myself, but I will try to help you resolve your problem20:25
fearnothingdouble clicking on them and then running teamviewer again fixed it20:26
zarkargon__, that nice from you20:26
SonikkuAmericaBashing-om - If only it were available for Android!20:27
argon__zark: its strange that it doesen't list any graphics driver as loaded20:27
argon__zark: for me it's i915, toshiba_axpi20:28
argon__zark: I will be back within 5 minutes, I'm going to test something20:28
zarkok argon__20:29
* extor is looking for suggestions on how to run a remote X session on a virtual machine, and then VNC to it to use stuff like firefox, openoffice etc20:30
Bashing-omSonikkuAmerica: Welp .. at least you go where I have never been -> Android ! = nothing ventured, nothing gained -20:31
SlaizerHi, I20:32
SlaizerI've attempted to do step 1.  'Insert the USB device, then run gparted...' at this site: http://askubuntu.com/questions/59551/how-to-burn-a-windows-iso-to-a-usb-device. It burned to pen drive, but no respone on startup.20:34
argon__zark: can you give me the output of lshw20:35
argon__zark: grep display (or video) should give you less output20:36
zarkargon__, http://pastebin.com/ZHes4hvH20:37
craptalkBashing-om: alright i am trying to fix it?20:38
sureshothas anyone reverted from 16.04 to 14.04 and for what reason did you do this20:39
Bashing-omcraptalk: Yes ! .. Run the commands as advised ,, and reboot the box to see the effect .20:40
B0g4r7_I went from 14.04 to 16.04 just as quick as I could (16.04 beta 2) because 16.04 adds support for lvmcache.20:41
B0g4r7_...which isn't quite what you asked.20:41
sureshotthat is good information it helps me alot thanks20:41
argon__zark: open software & updates in unity and click the tab named "Additional drivers"20:41
B0g4r7_If I were to revert, it would be to fix how I can't resize some windows now in 16.04 Gnome.20:42
craptalkBashing-om: alright20:42
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Seveassureshot: given that it's incredibly tricky (and I'm not even sure it's really possible) to do such a downgrade, there will be very few people who have done so.20:42
zarkok  argon__  i have choice between using x.org X server amd ati display driver wrapper from xserver-xorg20:42
sureshoti am having little problems like not being able to use the software installer to install third party debs20:42
zarkargon__, using video driver for the amd graphics accelerator from fglrx proprietary20:43
argon__which one is currently in use?20:43
SeveasGhostman: try ##test :)20:43
zarkthe fglrx argon__20:43
sureshotif i downgrade i will do it from scratch and reinstall fresh it just does not seem as smooth as 14.0420:43
argon__zark: that's the one that should be in use20:44
zarkargon__, it says the device is using an alternative driver20:44
GhostmanHow do you send a backdoor to the target ?20:44
B0g4r7_Is this a riddle?20:45
aladiahsome Lubuntu specialist can give me a tip on lubuntu channel please ?20:45
fantomas_If you have to ask how to do that, Ghostman, you won't be able to.20:45
argon__zark: okay, so this is beyond me, but you could try to have a look at https://amatijasec.wordpress.com/2014/06/09/ubuntu-14-04-install-amd-radeon-driver/20:46
Ghostmanwow :o20:46
argon__zark: to update your driver, because it doesen't seem to load your driver properly. Thats why you got vide = 0 with lsmod20:47
Yojimboubuntu 16.04 not booting from usb pls help. 14.04 running but 16.04 not working.20:47
aladiahKeyboard and mouse has stop work after feew updates lubuntu, please help on LUbuntu channel20:47
zarkargon__, thanks i choose to try xserver xorg drivers20:47
zarkthanks again20:47
sureshotradeon is funny about installs you have to remove any hint of the driver on the pc befor installing any new drivers i have run into this befor.20:47
argon__zark: okay, let me know if it works. I'm really curious20:47
Yojimboubuntu 16.04 not booting from usb pls help. 14.04 running but 16.04 not working.20:48
argon__moldo: you disconnected?20:49
sureshotYojimbo please give some time to let people think a minute we also need more info what system hw, bois setting and such20:49
argon__argon_: I like your name20:50
craptalkhow to configure resolution on my screen?20:51
moldono i m here i have 2 computers20:51
craptalki reinstalled nvidia driver and my resolution is getting smaller20:51
craptalkplease help20:52
argon__moldo: what happend when you chose the alternate driver?20:52
sureshotcraptalk have you tried right clicking the little button in the upper left hand corner then system settings then displays ....20:53
moldothe resolution cant be changed and it doesnt detect the external display argon__20:53
aladiahanyone else got a laptop where ubuntu stop keyboard stop working20:53
sureshotright hand corrner sorry20:53
Yojimbosureshot msi a68hm-e33 v2, amd a8 7670k. ubuntu 14.04 booting from usb but 16.04 not booting.20:54
argon__moldo: I belive your best option is to update the driver with the link I sent you20:54
craptalksureshot: i did20:54
craptalknot available for larger scale20:54
craptalki dont know why20:54
sureshotYojimbo is 16.04 on a different usb drive20:55
Yojimbosureshot i did not working20:56
sureshotyou may have to redo the imag on the usb drive. do you use efi bois boot.20:57
Yojimboi use mbr20:57
sureshotYojimbo so you have the efi bois set to legacy boot20:58
Yojimbosureshot legacy boot20:59
Yojimboi tried ubuntu 16.04 and xubuntu 16.04 not working20:59
craptalki have problem with my graphic card, please how can i fix it?20:59
craptalkflickering problem21:00
sureshotin the bois there is secure boot on off i may have used the wrong term turn secure boot off21:00
Yojimbosureshot ubuntu 14.04 running21:00
Yojimbosureshot 16.04 not working21:00
sureshoti know are you upgrading which i assumed21:01
sureshotfrom 14.04 to 16.0421:01
swordzHi. I have done a Bad Thing, and would like some help to undo this. I enabled the pre-release repository, and then updated. I would now like to undo this - but can't seem to work out which packages I need to downgrade, or to which version. Is there a way to see which version is available to install for each package? "apt-cache policy" seems to include the installed version. Or should I just re-install?21:01
Yojimbosureshot 14.04 not installed hdd21:02
Slaizer I endeavored every suggestion from this site: http://askubuntu.com/questions/59551/how-to-burn-a-windows-iso-to-a-usb-device. Nothing helps. What to do next?21:02
sureshotYojimbo sorry the only thing i can tell you from my point of view is to reimage your 16.04 usb drive21:04
Yojimbosureshot  I've done many times21:05
sureshotjust a thought are you using 2 different usb drives21:05
Yojimbosureshot i used 3 different usb drives21:06
sureshotwill 14.04 boot off any of them21:06
auronandaceverified your 16.04 iso?21:06
EriC^^swordz: you can get the list of packages it updated from /var/log/apt/history.log21:06
sureshotauronandace did not think of that21:06
swordzEriC^^, Thanks! Did not know that file existed...21:07
sonicim really having issues getting into ubuntu right now all im getting is " the system is running in low graphics mode" i was on earlier but never managed to get anywhere can anyone help?21:07
EriC^^swordz: if you removed the repo and ran sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package> it might try to downgrade it, try on one package to see how it goes21:08
Yojimbo12.04 running, 14.04 running, 16.04 not running21:09
kabirsinghany body help me please...when i run this command {sudo dpkg -i } its showing me Dependency error21:09
EriC^^Yojimbo: give more info21:09
sureshotEriC^^ thanks i tried sorry21:09
Bashing-omsonic: termbin the output terminal command ' sudo lshw -C display ' . Let's see what the system thinks for a graphic's driver .21:09
EriC^^kabirsingh: which file are you trying to install?21:10
kabirsinghubuntu-desktop.deb file21:10
EriC^^what's that?21:10
EriC^^are you trying to install the ubuntu-desktop package?21:10
EriC^^sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^21:11
QuetonixWhat dependencies is it asking for?21:11
EriC^^probably a crap ton21:11
kabirsinghthis command work properlly ..21:11
swordzEriC^^, A very good start! But trying with bash-completion (it's towards the end of the list) gives: Reinstallation of bash-completion is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.21:11
swordzAny quick tips before I spend forever Googling?21:12
kabirsinghbut i want download this packeg form google ..n install it manually21:12
Yojimbomotherboard: msi a68hm-e33 v2 cpu: a8 7670k21:12
Seveaskabirsingh: no, you don't.21:12
YojimboEriC^^ motherboard: msi a68hm-e33 v2 cpu: a8 7670k21:12
jinxiSysinfo for 'linux-85up': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.6.4 on openSUSE Tumbleweed powered by Linux 4.5.4-1-default, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz at 3618-3689/3800 MHz, RAM: 15022/15453 MB, Storage: 70/236 GB, 234 procs, 1.73h up21:12
EriC^^swordz: maybe you could try to downgrade it using dpkg21:13
auronandacekabirsingh: it is a meta-package, the point of which is to draw in loads of dependencies21:13
Seveasswordz: that means there has been an update of that package since you installed it. Just apt-get install bash-completion should do the trick.21:13
EriC^^Yojimbo: what does it say when you try to boot 16.0421:13
sonicBashing-om what part do you want me to tell you its quite a large list21:13
YojimboEriC^^ i see boot screen i selected try ubuntu after a while shut doen monitor21:13
kabirsinghseveas sir ...i want to ubuntu destop install my another server whithout having internet21:13
Seveaskabirsingh: then first fix its internet connection, and use apt-get to install it.21:14
EriC^^!nomodeset | Yojimbo21:14
fearnothingplease can someone recommend to me a GUI app that will play midi files?21:14
ubottuYojimbo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:14
k1lkabirsingh: its just a meta package. you need a lot more packages then21:14
swordzSeveas - it's probably newer than the version I want due to pre-release (and wanting to remove it)21:14
fearnothingdrumstick doesn't work for me21:14
Seveasswordz: ah, apt-cache policy bash-completion will tell you the details. You can apt-get install bash-completion-$version_that_actually_exists_in_the_repo21:15
Seveasfearnothing: timidity perhaps?21:15
kabirsinghso anybody have any idea how to install any server with gui mood whitout having internet21:15
fearnothingoh, that has GUI?21:16
EriC^^swordz: try Seveas ' command sudo apt-get install bash-completion=<version in repos>21:16
fearnothingI could only find info on CLI for it21:16
EriC^^swordz: pretty sure dpkg has a downgrade ability in it though21:16
auronandace!aptoncd | kabirsingh21:16
ubottukabirsingh: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline21:16
swordzIt says installed and candidate match, and I'm not sure how to check (manually - i.e. without using my computer which might be lying) what's in the repo. FYI, they both say 1:2.1-4.2ubuntu1.121:16
aladiahWhy none is heklping on lubuntu ?21:16
k1l!offline | kabirsingh21:16
ubottukabirsingh: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD21:16
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout21:17
swordzOK, maybe bash-completion was updated at the same time but not from the pre-release...21:18
sonicBashing-on http://termbin.com/c9vf21:18
sureshotgood bye all off to netflix movies21:18
Bashing-omsonic: We are back to using termbin to see all that large output . ' sudo lshw -C display | nc termbin.com 9999 ' . As simple as that .21:19
cliffer1where is the login shell set for a user?21:20
EriC^^cliffer1: /etc/passwd21:20
cliffer1and if nothing is set there?21:20
EriC^^no login i guess21:20
sonicBashing-om http://termbin.com/c9vf21:21
EriC^^what's your actual problem21:21
cliffer1EriC^^: one user can log in, the other one cant :)21:21
cliffer1both user have no shell set21:21
EriC^^cliffer1: they can't login via tty?21:22
Seveascliffer1: 'no shell set' doesn't happen by accident. Pastebin the actual /etc/passwd lines for those users21:22
Bashing-omsonic: :) .. Well, the 'radeon' driver is loaded . Let's say it is a user's config issue in your /home .. What does the display look like in the guest account ?21:22
swordzEriC^^, Seveas, I think I'm there! Having not seen it before I didn't understand the format of the apt history file - but it contains the old version in it! So, magic sed script to get the correct command line for apt, and that should work!21:23
cliffer1omg sry, i was looking in shadow :(21:23
Seveascliffer1: doh :P21:24
sonicBashing-om i dont know it wont even let me onto that screen i get that message as soon as i boot into ubuntu21:25
kabirsinghokay thanx21:26
Bashing-omsonic: What Desktop Environment is this ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' . So we know what it takes to activate the guest account from the login screen .21:27
aladiahHey sorry typping here none helping on lubuntu channel . Lubuntu 15.10  keyboard and mouse stop work  and it use to on laptop dual boot windows 10. it works on windows. I tryed start with a usb lubuntu persistent 15.10 and 16.x  but it dont work as well. they are perfect installations with md5sum checked and they work on another laptop and use to on this one as well. Funny thing is that key...21:27
aladiah...to switch on and switch off screen work !21:27
kabirsinghsir one more thing when i use su command then ask me password when i put the password its says authencation fail...21:28
aladiahctrl + alt +F1 dont solve it.21:28
OerHeksaladiah, sounds like windows 10 is shutdown in fastboot. that could disable important features.21:28
cliffer1why cant user b login: http://pastebin.com/uXaRYv3F ? because its id is < 1000?21:29
EriC^^kabirsingh: are you trying to get a root shell?21:29
EriC^^cliffer1: does the user have a password set in /etc/shadow?21:30
k1l!sudo | kabirsingh21:30
ubottukabirsingh: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:30
EriC^^kabirsingh: use sudo -i21:30
rffleaiei want to create my own mail server. what is the best open product?21:30
cliffer1EriC^^: no, just a authorized_keys file in /var/www/vhosts/b/.ssh21:30
kabirsinghokay thanku sir21:30
sonicBashing-om i just tried both commands and it didnt work21:31
Seveasrffleaie: postfix and exim are the most commonly used ones on Ubuntu for smtp. Dovecot and cyrus for imap. Mailman for mailinglists.21:31
rffleaiei have many external mailbox and i want retrive the mail vi pop321:31
kabirsinghwoow its working thank u one again21:31
kabirsinghMr.Eric ,....Thanks21:32
Bashing-omsonic: The commands were to KNOW the DE, they serve no other purpose . show the ooutputs here in channel of " echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP " so we can give advise .21:32
sonicBashing-om ive tried them a few times and all its done is put me down to the next command line21:37
Bashing-omsonic: That does not parse . I have no context of "all its done is put me down to the next command line " . If you are in a shell ( command line interface ) ar a prompt somilar " sysop@1404mini:~$ " where sysop is my host name, and 1404mini is the system name. Then the command ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' will have a return like unto >> xfce   XFCE . Where I am using xfce as my DE .21:42
raul782Hi guys, after upgrade to 16.04, I can't access internet, any advice to solve this issue?21:44
raul782I've rebooted and tried to restart network-manager, I've changed the IP to manual and DNS but no luck21:45
Ben64how do you connect to the internet21:45
raul782_sorry got disconnected21:46
Ben64raul782_: how do you connect to the internet21:47
raul782_another laptop21:47
zarkhello guys, i have some trouble with my ubuntu 14.04 dual screen system. it doesnt detect in the settings / display the second monitor21:47
Ben64no... on the computer you're talking about21:47
raul782_Ben64: I have a desktop with ubuntu and a laptop with internet21:47
raul782_Base64: ah sorry, using a wired connection21:49
raul782_ethernet cable, with a fixed IP21:49
raul782_I switched from managed IP since, I though that could be the issue21:50
zarkhello, i have trouble with my display i have 2 screens a laptop and a lcd screen. on the laptop it display ubuntu but when you go on the left of the desk the display extend to my lcd screen and show a blackwhite cross . how do i set this display to be the main screen ?21:51
raul782_Is there a way to check if the my eth0 has been recognized?21:52
Bashing-omsonic: Did I loosse you ?21:52
zerothisi'm trying to compile Moria from source (via apt-build). there's no configure to run. "make" finds no targets21:52
sonicBashing-on i have to press ctrl alt f1 when i boot in is this the same terminal your thinking of? and ive tried them again and all ive got is >21:52
zarkhow do i set my second display to show the desk ubuntu ?21:53
raul782_just checked the sudo service network-manager status and and so far it tells me that device (eth0) link connected21:55
raul782_I see that the dnsmasq using nameserver is there21:55
Bashing-omsonic: Yes . that is a "console" but will serve the exact same purpose . Tou should have a login pronpt . login with username and password ( no response to the screen when password is entered ) .. the console awaits the next terminal command at a prompt . yes ?21:55
raul782_what else can I do to diagnostic the issue with my network ?21:56
raul782_when I try to ping to my router, I get a destination host unreachable21:56
sonicBashing-om yes it  does, would you be able to write it like you would in the terminal, that might work better for me21:58
zarkhow do i push the system to show my LCD monitor in all settings / displays in ubuntu 14.0421:59
Bashing-omsonic: I have 3 times now ' in terminal exactly ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' . The quote marks (') not a part of the command sequence . the quotes marks are to show this as a "command sequence" . Make sense now ?22:00
fearnothingok, the GUIs for Timidity are crap22:01
fearnothingMuse on the other hand looks pretty good22:01
gambl0reone of my applications isnt reposnding how do i force close22:02
fearnothingif I could just get it to output MIDI correclt22:02
\9gambl0re: alt+f2, type xkill, you'll get a kill cursor, click on the misbehaving application with it22:02
\9alternatively, you can go to a commandline and write killall -9 <processname>22:03
gambl0reok i did what you said, it seemed to have killed all my running applications22:05
gambl0reit even logged me out22:05
=== soul is now known as Guest90541
gebbioneany idea if 4.1.21.armada.1 compares in any way with ubuntu/debian?22:05
\9gambl0re: you sure you didn't kill the desktop with it?22:06
gambl0rewell i clicked on the application in the taskbar22:06
gambl0reif you know what i mean22:06
sonicBashing-on sorry for being a pain so im  writing, echo $DESKTOP_SESSION   $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP. in the one line right?22:07
zarki have to fix my problem :)22:07
\9gambl0re: well then you killed the taskbar, and with that your desktop and everything else22:08
Bashing-omsonic: Let me reboot into terminal .. and I will verify ,.. I can accept that if no DeskTop is activated perhaps no output ? // Yes that is one sequence .22:08
\9gambl0re: you need to click on the actual window22:08
\9gambl0re: if there is no window then you'll have to use killall22:08
gambl0remy window wasn't responding22:08
\9but you could at least bring it up?22:08
gambl0rei dont know how to describe it22:08
gambl0rei click on the application in the taskabar and it seems like it's supposed to be showing but it isn't it's just blank22:09
michael33drag n drop isnt working on ubuntu 16 with neither vmware nor vbox?22:09
gambl0rebut anyways, thanks22:09
\9gambl0re: you still got at least something that was supposed to be a window, even though it wasn't responding? you can use xkill on that22:10
=== grubles_ is now known as grubles
katie1231Hey guys I'd like to allocate space for a swap partition, since I chose not to do so during install. Can I do this now?22:16
moldokatie1231,  yes partition magic22:20
katie1231moldo, When i set up my drive i allocated all 250gb, will i need to resize on of those?22:21
moldokatie1231, it depends you dont need a lot for the swap partition i think 2-10 % is enought22:23
squintykatie1231,  boot from your live dvd/usb and the use gparted to shrink/add partition22:23
katie1231squinty, would it be better to just set up a swap file on a current partition instead?22:25
squintykatie1231, never used a swap file so really can't answer that question with any definite certainty22:26
Bashing-omsonic: Yeah ! I have mislead you .. IF no GUI is started there is no environment . the result of ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' is only a return to prompt . Will have to come up with another means to know what your DE is .22:27
sonicBashing-on so what do i do know22:28
Bashing-omsonic: Well,, you know more now than 3 hours agao ... what returns ' ls -al /usr/share/xsessions | nc termbin.com 9999 ; cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager | nc termbin.com 9999 ' ?22:32
EmeraldExplorerI am trying to fix my server that didn't reboot after trying to do grub-update when following this tutorial: http://www.kiloroot.com/switch-to-standard-ubuntu-kernel-on-ovh-or-kimsufi-servers/ Now, I am in emergency mode and I have tried to move the 06_OVHkernel back to its default location. However, I am still getting this error when booting:22:32
sonicBashing-on so would you like me to termbin these?22:34
raul782_Hi guys. I've tried many things to re-gain internet access to my newly upgraded ubuntu 16.04 but no luck22:34
raul782_What advice you can suggest to troubleshoot the issue?22:34
Bashing-omsonic: Uh Huh .. that " | nc termbin.com 9999 " will do that .. just pass the URL back here .22:35
raul782_while It looks like I'm connected to the network, when I try to ping the router, it says destination host unreachable, what can I do to troubleshoot this pfirst part22:36
Bashing-omraul782_: A fresh clean install, this bug I think still applies : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appstream/+bug/1579712 .22:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1579712 in appstream (Ubuntu Xenial) "Refresh hangs indefinitely, appstreamcli using 100% CPU" [High,Fix released]22:36
Slaizermounted windows 10, made it NTFS and boot, copied files to pendrive, started on one computer but not the other at startup. What is the the cause?22:37
Ben64Slaizer: ask ##windows ?22:39
raul782_Bashin-om: what this has to do with a network connection problem?22:39
raul782_Bashing-om: ^^22:40
Bashing-omraul782_: This : http://askubuntu.com/questions/771627/14-04-network-manager-stopped-working/771841#771841 is the easier solution, in ny humble opinion .22:40
sonicBashing-on http//:termbin.com/rnh9 & http//:termbin.com/t39p22:40
Bashing-omraul782_: Networking is broke .22:40
raul782_Bashing-om: really? that's a critical issue. does that happen to anybody upgrading from 14.0422:41
Bashing-omraul782_: It did for a day . fix is released . But on a fresh install from an .iso before the fix .. ya got a problem .22:43
Bashing-omsonic: Your Links do not resolve . looking to see why .22:43
* johndoe__ 22:44
squintyBashing-om,  fwiw, his links come up fine here22:45
Bashing-omsquinty: Thenals ! he has // and : reversed :)22:46
LtLsonic: your links need http:// not http//: fyi22:46
Bashing-omthanks ! **22:46
sonicBashing-on i wrote it wrong http://termbin.com/rnh9 & http://termbin.com/t39p ...my bad22:47
squintyBashing-om,  oh lol  didn't even notice that.  click on them and they still both open in firefox here22:48
Bashing-omsonic: Got it .. I fingered it out .. OK .. running unity as the Desktop Environment . At the login screen you should have the option of " guest account " . At that point no upper level graphics driver is started . Now when selecting to start the guest account .. do you then get to a good GUI ?22:50
Bashing-omsquinty: In google-chrome I got " This site can’t be reached " for the reversed syntax .22:51
squintyBashing-om, hmmm...interesting.  thanks for pointing that out :-)22:52
Bashing-omsquinty: All a process of learning .If ya familiar with unity/lightdm .. hang in here with me .. radeon misbehaving on 16.04 .. A lot I do not know about lightdm . Xorg log file and lshw show no problems .22:54
raul782_bashing-om: thanks a lot, that link worked :)22:55
sonicBashing-on that my problem i cant even get to the login screen, it litteraly put me on the screen that i told you about and wont budge from there. the only menu i can access if the GNU GRUB22:56
Bashing-omraul782_: Put up a gold star for me ? I kinda thought that might still be an issue on a old .iso image .22:56
Bashing-omsonic: Ouch ! .. as another poke . What about the recovery kernel - selected from the grub boot menu ? Here in recovery, degraded graphics is acceptable, just want to know that you can boot to the GUI .22:58
* fergal32 waves hello22:58
thinkyis it possible to change real name in ubuntu ? not the one in terminal, i mean the one appears in login menu23:03
sonicBashing-on so im on the recovery menu now and it just came up something about emergency mode then went back to the recovery screen, next move?23:05
Bashing-omthinky: http://askubuntu.com/questions/34074/how-do-i-change-my-username .... looks promising .23:06
thinkyBashing-om: thank you it was easy than i thought lol23:06
thinkygood night23:07
Bashing-omthinky: It's 'buntu ; If it is hard you are doing something wrong .23:07
RabbitnightmareBashing-om: well it is true, if it is hard it isn't worth doing anymore23:08
Bashing-omsonic: Is this a fresh install of 16.04 ? or something break in an update ??23:08
Bashing-omRabbitnightmare: Homework ! .. find the right way ??23:09
GinHi there, trying to boot my computer with a 16.04 live usb, Problem is the installation hangs with a cursor blinking on the right screen, not booting any further. Adding nomodeset flag while booting completes the boot, tho at 800x600 resolution and unity sidebar not showing. Any ideas whats causing this, other then the dual screen settings?23:10
sonicBashing-on its dual booted from a usb i done it a few days ago and it was working fine, nothing bad that i could see23:11
GinDont dare to proceed with the installation, since Im not sure if I can get the dual monitor/gfx card to work after I do :/23:11
Bashing-omGin: Nvidia graphics ? .. maybe load up the proprietary driver suitable for the GPU ? one thought .23:11
GinSonic, I'm lead to belive that its due to me having dual gfx setup23:11
GinBashing-om: running both nvidia and intel graphics simultainously23:12
RabbitnightmareGin: configuring SLI on Linux is not impossible, but it is far harder than it needs to be23:12
GinRabbitnightmare: it's not SLI it's dual graphics cards (not same brand/type SLI)23:12
Bashing-omGin: In the install .. install the proprietary driver, and the controler nvidia-prime will also be installed .23:13
GinBashing-om: is it possible to try out on the live media?23:13
Rabbitnightmaresounds like a difficult setup23:14
GinRabbitnightmare: not really ;) only problem getting past the installation23:14
Bashing-omGin: Yes .. but unless a USB with persistence, will not persist a reboot . .23:15
Rabbitnightmarehave you tried removing one of the video cards until the setup is done then, trying the drivers post installation23:15
sonicBashing-on will i need to reinstall ubuntu?23:15
GinRabbitnightmare: no, I have not tried the installation with one graphics card only (the installation would ofcourse work). I intend to use the machine with qemu hardware acceleration with full access to my main gfxcard, so I need to know it would work on before hand. Thus Im here :)23:16
Bashing-omsonic: Are "you" authorized to access your desktop ' ls -al /Xauthority ; ls -al /ICEauthority ' ? my return : " -rw------- 1 sysop sysop 209 Feb  4  2015 .Xauthority " where I am sysop .23:17
Bashing-omGin: Pastebin - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' - let's us know what the hardware is and from that we match a graphic's driver .23:19
GinBashing-om: Im on windows atm so it wouldnt work. I can say I have a EVGA GTX 980ti combined with a Intel HD 530 tho23:20
sonicBashing-on i tried that command an got nothing, i dont know :(23:21
GinNot sure if you got the part, even when using nomodeset to boot, Unity displays no sidebars/menu and or icons23:22
Ginand Im stuck with 800x600 res23:23
Ginusing uvesafb makes unity hang23:24
Bashing-omGin: Are you a gammer ? Nvidia recommends the 361 version driver . The gamers seem to prefer the 364 version . I do not know that the 364 is available in other than our trusted PPA .23:25
Bashing-omsonic: This is getting stranger all the time .. what results ' ls -al /home ' ?23:26
GinBashing-om: Im you like titles I guess you could say I am, not soley tho, the intention was to get a working solution where I could use qemu for gaming, rather then rebooting all the time I want to use apps only availible to windows, like certain games, sketch up etc23:27
raul782Bashing-om: done, thanks again :)23:27
moldowhat is the root password by default on unbuntu 14.04 ?23:27
Ginthat made no sense at all, You could say I am a gamer :D23:27
Bashing-omraul782: You do good work . Keep on keep'n on :)23:28
squintymoldo, there is no root password.23:29
sonicBashing-om total 12. drwxr-xr-x 3 root        root     4096 ...it does another 3 of these but the last one uses my username23:29
moldosquinty, on recorvery mode23:30
squintymoldo, if you are admin then use your user password23:30
Bashing-omGin: That is a bleeding edge card .. I would think that once the system (16.04 ! ) is installed and the 364 driver and the nvidia-prome controller is installed . will be fine .23:30
moldosquinty doesnt work23:31
Bashing-omsonic: show me that in the termbin.com site, please .23:32
GinBashing-om: it not that new is it, Im proceeding with the installation and will be back after then.23:32
squinty!root | moldo23:33
ubottumoldo: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:33
Bashing-omGin: To linux .. the 900 series is new(er) . We have to play catchup .23:34
sonicBashing-on http://termbin.com/d64923:36
Bashing-omsonic: it is ... om ... else I can easily miss your response . look'n .23:37
Bashing-omsonic: So far so good .. what now ' ls -al /home/psykosonic ' in the termbin .23:38
Bashing-om!tab | sonic23:39
ubottusonic: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:39
sonicBashing-on http://termbin.com/3z7123:42
squinty404 here23:44
squintysonic:  try again    ls -al /home/psykosonic | nc termbin.com 999923:47
Bashing-omsonic: Bashing-on ===> Bashing-om ... if ya do ba and then tab .. will complete for ya .. Busy busy .. I can miss your responses .23:49
moldothanks for the link squinty23:51
squintymoldo,  yw :-)23:52
sonicBashing-om http://termbin.com/v26x sorry man23:52
moldoi have a trouble with my second display which is not recognized by the settings23:53
moldoit s a laptop with a vga external display23:54
moldohow can i set ubuntu to recognize the vga display ?23:54
moldohelp :-) please23:56
JanCmoldo: it's not recognized when you go to the display settings?23:57
t00lmanmoldo, google: xrandr23:57
Bashing-omsonic: You are authorized to access your desktop .. so why is it not starting ?.. let's try this .. reboot to the grub screen, 'e' key for edit mode -> Grub boot parameters. Here arrow down to the line starting with linux, and across to 'quiet splash' remove these terms and all after and insert " systemd.unit=multi-user.target " with out the quotes . Key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process to TTY1 . Log in here . and we start lightdm from h23:57
moldothe external display works but in settings i dont see the external screen just the main display23:57
JanCso it shows the same as the internal display?23:58
moldoand when i move the mouse to the external screen it s all black and there is a different cursor which is a cross23:58
TheMariushttp://appimage.org/ <- interesting ....23:58
TheMariussandboxed apps23:58
JanCmoldo: what GPU(s) does that laptop have?23:59
TheMariussomething for ubuntu devs to take a look at reg snappy packages23:59
moldothe gpu is a ati 7660m23:59
TheMariusmaybe marry with appimage23:59

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