=== Mikerhinos is now known as Mikerhinos_ [10:49] howdy all [13:40] I just upgrade to ubuntu 16 and now I can't access my my share drive on anther computer because it won't take my network credentials. It keep asking and It work before the upgrade [13:40] 16.04 or 16.10? [13:42] 16.04 [13:42] NightHwk: Please ask in #ubuntu then :) [13:42] #ubuntu+1 is for 16.10 only right now. [13:43] Ok thanks === deegee is now known as drussell === nacc_ is now known as nacc === \b is now known as Guest49310 === Wug_ is now known as Wug === Bluefoxicy_ is now known as Bluefoxicy === siel_ is now known as siel === dave0x4d is now known as dave0x6d