
tsimonq2oh okay thanks pleia2 :)00:06
davidcalleMorning ! o/07:53
davidcalledholbach: popey: hey hey, how are things? Everyone safe at home?07:54
popeyYes! I had the *best* flight home ever!  ðŸ˜ƒ07:57
davidcallepopey: hah :D07:58
popeyI ended up sat next to a guy who works for ARM, and who was one of the original team who created the Acorn BBC Micro computer :)07:59
popeyHad nice long chats about computer history.07:59
davidcalleNeat :)07:59
elachecheThx svij popey & all :)08:15
davidcallepopey: dholbach: mhall119, should we use the meeting later today to organize (and flesh out!) our sprint work items on a board?08:36
dholbachdavidcalle, yes, let's do that09:12
czajkowskihow's everyone this very sleepy monday13:03
Kiloshi all13:03
mhall119morning all13:27
mhall119davidcalle: +113:27
dholbachhey dpm14:00
dpmhey dholbach14:01
dholbachdpm, are you here for our 1-on-1? :)14:02
* dholbach leaves the hangout again...14:05
josedpm: hey, do you or anyone on the team have a sec?14:28
popeyjose: wassup?14:37
josepopey: I need to get a +1 to this sponsorship brochure, and get it sent to someone in Legal as well as Abi to confirm Canonical can receive the sponsorshipt14:38
popeyjose: has it already been sent?14:40
josepopey: no, I don't know where to send it to you, if individually or if you have a mailing list14:40
svijoh that reminds me of our sponsorship brochure… any news regarding that mhall119? My last information is, that you wanted to talk to legal.14:41
popeysure, anyone can deal with it, dpm is on vacation so one of us can deal with it while he's out14:41
josepopey: okay, I'll share the doc with all of you individually14:43
popeypick one :)14:43
popeyso we know who owns it14:43
dpmthanks jose. I'm going offline now, but I'll be back on Thursday. And as popey says the rest of the team can help in the meantime14:44
josethat was... quick :P14:44
joseok, doc shared!14:49
josepopey: you think we can have a response on this by Wed? I'd like to send it off to sponsors14:56
popeyjose: that's not something i can promise15:01
popeybecause we're relying on other peoples schedules and work15:01
popeymhall119: who have we previously spoken to in legal about these documents / brochures?15:45
mhall119popey: no, it's on my TODO list for today15:52
dholbachall rightie... I call it a day - see you tomorrow!17:06
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