
pittiGood morning05:45
seb128good morning desktopers07:10
pittibonjour seb128 !07:12
seb128pitti, salut, ça va ?07:12
pittiseb128: ça va bien, merci ! c'était un bon week-end07:13
seb128ici aussi !07:13
pittiJ'ai fait beaucoup de jardinage, et j'ai fait enfin notre <tax declaration>07:13
seb128one sounds good, the other one borring :p07:15
seb128vous avez du beau temps ?07:15
seb128ici c'était bien samedi mais il pleut depuis hier après-midi07:15
pittic'était bien le week-end entier ici07:15
pittimais maintenant il fait gris aussi07:16
didrockssalut seb128, pitti07:18
pittibonjour didrocks, comment vas-tu ?07:18
didrockspitti: aussi bien que possible, mais enfin en France!07:19
didrockset toi ?07:19
pittididrocks: ah, tu as renté après une conférence ?07:19
didrockspitti: oui, j'étais au sprint snappy à vancouver il y a 2 semaines07:20
didrockspitti: et la semaine dernière, à Austin pour FTF/NXP07:20
pittiuuh, beaucoup de voyager07:20
didrockspitti: oui…07:22
willcookemorning all08:03
pittihey Laney!08:04
seb128hey willcooke Laney08:04
seb128happy monday!08:05
didrockshey willcooke, Laney08:05
Sweet5harkmoin guys!08:07
willcookePublic holiday in Canada today08:08
seb128oh, what are they celebrating?08:10
seb128hey Sweet5hark!08:10
didrocksmorning Sweet5hark08:10
willcookeseb128, Victoria Day08:10
willcookeI think Victoria is like the head moose of Canada08:11
seb128old queen day, I see :p08:11
Laneyshe was our queen too08:12
* duflu must be slow if that's a brexit reference08:13
LaneyMore a reference to having a day off08:13
seb128trying to slack!08:13
* seb128 hands some tea to Laney, it's ok, you can get work done ;-)08:14
davmor2seb128: I wouldn't bother with slack to be honest irc is fine ;)08:15
Laneyahhh a comedy morning08:16
willcookeSpeaking of which , cool story.... I stuck a sewing needle right through the end of my finger on Saturday.08:16
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willcookeright through08:16
davmor2hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaaha ouch I bet that hurt hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha etc08:17
willcookeexactly the reaction I predicited :D ^08:17
willcookeI was trying to unclog the windscreen washer jets on my car08:18
willcookebecause it never gets used they gunked up with moss of something08:18
davmor2willcooke: use a pin it has a blunt end you can push on :P08:18
willcookewhere were you on Saturday?!?!08:19
willcookeI was using a 10p peice to act as a blunt end, and of course it slipped08:19
willcooke* peeice08:19
davmor2willcooke: I was at our caravan in shrewsbury chillaxing08:20
Laneyif it's weekend story time08:21
LaneyI almost caused a big fire at the allotment08:21
Laneygot a picture... one sec08:22
Laneyyou can see the flames08:23
Laneythat's a big pile of extremely dry stuff08:23
willcookethat is a very big pile08:23
seb128don't play with fire new to dry stuff08:23
seb128next to*08:23
LaneyI had burnt it elsewhere08:24
Laneythen put the ashes on a compose heap08:24
Laneyturns out they were still quite hot!08:24
Laneyhad to put like 300L of water on it before it stopped smoking completely08:25
Laneystill a bit warm when we went yesterday08:26
pittiwe did this in the municipality during my civil service back then, but we left the ashes (from cut tree branches) for two days and instead sticked potatoes (wrapped in tin foil) into it :)08:26
Laneywhich is good for composting if it doesn't ignite again ;-)08:26
Laneyeventually all that woody stuff has to go08:27
Laneyfire wouldn't have been all bad...08:27
davmor2Laney: why did you try to kill the allotments with fire why why???? what did it ever do to you except give you lovely vegetables08:28
seb128how can wood get that dry when it's supposed to rain every day in your country :p08:28
seb128speaking of which seems it's going to rain every day here this week :-/08:28
seb128go summer :-(08:28
Laneybrown twiggy stuff dries out quickly08:29
Laneyit's nice here atm08:29
Laneyso, work......08:31
Laneypitti: should I ignore these 9999999999 emails? :)08:31
pittiLaney: yes, please08:32
Laneylooks like all the clouds broke08:32
pittiLaney: most of it was fallout from util-linux (fixed now, needed to run with --all-proposed to not remove initramfs-tools etc.), and the remaining trickle is about virtualbox FTBFSing and a bug in autopkgtest08:32
pittii. e. if there are NBS binaries in -proposed it currently treats this as a tmpfail08:33
pittiit should be a real failure08:33
pittiworking on it right now08:33
LaneyI got paged overnight on friday because the appstream machine got to <10% free disk /o\08:34
Laneyluckily it didn't wake me up08:34
Laney(don't put me on call for anything real ever)08:34
pittiLaney: oh, do you have some kind of SMS alerting service there?08:34
Laneyyeah I hooked it up to pagerduty via nagios08:34
Laneywould be more clever if it could do some trend analysis08:35
Laney"this is going to run out of space in the next 3 days" or so08:35
pitti"this is going into space" would be way cooler08:36
pittiwith ubuntu-app-launch08:36
* Laney stole another 500G in the meantime08:38
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seb128happyaron, hey, what's the status of the nm-applet sru? did you see that mathieu fixed the 3g icon thing?09:24
happyaronseb128: upstream proposed a fix, but not tested yet09:27
happyaronwill get my usb dogle tomorrow09:27
seb128happyaron, to what? the 3g icon? cyphermox did, he upload to y as well on friday09:28
happyaronyep that's it09:28
happyaronbut not read it's cyphermox09:28
seb128what is taking so long for that update? do you need help?09:30
seb128I'm going to have a look to backport some specific patches and do a SRU with that I think09:30
seb128so we don't make oem wait for too long09:30
seb128we can do another one then when we manage to get 1.2.2 working09:30
happyaronnot much trouble but I thought to wait for the dongle to arrive09:31
happyaronI can work on the backports and give something to you tomorrow, will this work for you?09:32
seb128please don't, cyphermox tested it and upstream commited09:32
seb128it's a one liner09:32
seb128or I can do the backport SRU if you want09:32
seb128which we can replace by your update when you get it done?09:33
seb128as you prefer09:33
happyaronI think just wait till tomorrow, just a schedule problem09:33
willcookewhy are so many people worried about that missing symlink thing in g-s.  Meh.09:46
* willcooke approves the fix for X09:46
seb128seeing warnings on start makes you feel like things are buggy09:48
seb128I think it's all that is09:49
willcookeI'm surprised that many people are running it from a shell prompt09:49
seb128our users are technical it seems ;-)09:50
Laneynot technical enough to tell which messages are harmless09:50
seb128yeah :-/09:51
willcookeWho wants to track the "mouse not working" (presumably something to do with fwupdate) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/157831709:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1578317 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Regression: Mouse stuck at start-up" [Medium,Confirmed]09:53
willcookeLaney or attente I think, but whooooooo? Laney thoughts?^09:53
willcookeI'm keeping an eye on it, but I wonder if we should make a call on it soon.  I dont think it's affecting that many people right now or we'd here more about it, but it's a bit sucky09:54
Laneywhat is a call?09:57
LaneyI thought/hoped that the other two were working on client side stuff again now09:57
willcookeSorry, should have explained my thinking, I was considering stopping fwupdate starting on login while this mouse issue gets fixed.  Yes - mouse would stop if you run g-s , but at least you could do something until then10:01
willcooke@ who - I wasnt sure if fwupdate counts as client or backend10:01
meetingologywillcooke: Error: "who" is not a valid command.10:01
LaneyI think you would have to disable firmware updating completely10:13
seb128but are we sure it's fwupdate triggering the issue?10:22
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seb128your comment suggests that the option there makes no difference10:23
LaneyI wouldn't jump the gun10:23
Laneythe next step is investigating isn't it10:23
seb128that would be the first step :p10:27
seb128but yeah10:27
seb128would help if we knew somebody having the issue...10:27
pittiLaney: I pushed the autopkgtest fix for handling this virtualbox corner case, so the worker failure email stream should stop now..10:56
Laneynice, thanks!10:57
pittigo apt10:57
pittiit would be nice if there were different error codes for "this source package does not exist" and transient network errors on download..10:57
seb128willcooke, is your indicator-power showing an invalid icon when you connect your iphone to your ubuntu computer?11:00
willcookeseb128, testing.....11:00
willcookeseb128, via cable?11:00
willcookealso, the fact that it knows about the battery on the phone is very nice!11:02
willcookehmm, this needs more testing, but, it looks like it's just kicked me off wired ethernet11:02
willcookecould just be that it sees the phone as an ethernet11:03
seb128is n-m listing it?11:03
willcookeno, but's its doing the little "trying to get an ip address" animation11:03
seb128willcooke, so you get the incorrect icon? seems like it's an obvious bug, I wonder why we didn't get more feedback about that before :-/11:04
seb128either ubuntu users don't own idevice11:04
seb128or they never plug them to their ubuntu?11:04
willcookehistorically it never worked, so people might have just given up11:04
willcookeseb128, is the fix the same as the BT speakers?  You want me to try and make a deb diff patch?11:05
seb128willcooke, no, that's different11:05
seb128I'm trying to get charles_'s input11:05
seb128but maybe it's mpt's one we need11:05
seb128bug #147008011:05
ubot5bug 1470080 in indicator-power (Ubuntu) "Broken icon in indicator when iphone attached" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147008011:05
Trevinhohey seb128 did you see my u-s-d branches? One looks big, but it's just backporting stuff11:06
seb128willcooke, it seems that the issue is that upower doesn't tell us the device state (charging/discharging/...) and upower display a image-not-found in that case11:06
seb128hey Trevinho!11:06
Trevinhohey seb128, had a nice WE?11:07
seb128willcooke, that seems like a poor default/fallback though, I think either we should charging icon or not list the device11:07
seb128Trevinho, yes, quite relaxing! you?11:07
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, quite good.11:08
seb128Trevinho, I saw you had some branches for the screensaver/proxy thing, I've on my todo to look at u-s-d today, we should have a look to do a landing11:08
seb128Trevinho, how is the bamf landing/SRU going btw?11:08
willcookeseb128, yeah, looks like any useful info about battery is missing:  http://imgur.com/wqKwcbn11:08
seb128willcooke, I would think we should just ignore/not list the device at all11:09
mptseb128, agreed11:09
willcookeseb128, +111:09
Trevinhoseb128: I'm waiting the upstart missing dependency to land in yakkety, but sru branches are almost ready11:09
seb128willcooke, mpt, thanks11:09
seb128Trevinho, why is upstart blocking bamf?11:10
seb128that doesn't make any sense to me11:10
Trevinhoseb128: it's a build dep11:10
Trevinhoseb128: but only for mainframes... I actually would publish it11:10
seb128$ apt-cache showsrc bamf | grep upstart11:11
mptseb128, why was it ever showing up in the menu? Is it that we know the charge level, but not whether it’s charging right now?11:11
seb128mpt, correct11:11
Trevinhoseb128: I mean, the silo is waiting... And the dep is in unity11:11
Trevinhoseb128: you remember https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/141911:11
seb128  phone11:11
seb128    rechargeable:        yes11:11
seb128    percentage:          11%11:11
TrevinhoLaney: would you hit the publish thing for that, or want to wait ^^^^11:11
seb128mpt, ^ that's all we know11:11
mpthuh, I never considered that case11:11
seb128Trevinho, right, my point is "why does bamf needs to land with unity/be blocked on it"11:12
seb128Trevinho, seems like we have an important fix that should be fast tracked11:12
seb128Trevinho, is it should be decoupled from other things and land11:12
Trevinhoseb128: I thought it would have been a quick landing, instead it got blocked by that.. This I found there was no reason for making a new silo11:12
seb128that reasoning is clearly failing though...11:13
mptseb128, and, we don’t have a generic icon for phones?11:13
seb128Trevinho, if we learnt one thing is that there is never easy unity landings ;-)11:13
Trevinhowell... true... but not recently11:14
Trevinhoanyway, I would think that we can just unblock things11:14
seb128upstart needs to be fixed to land unity...11:15
seb128xnox, hey, are you looking at fixing upstart build in y?11:15
Trevinhocan't we just publish? since it's only blocked for one arch11:15
seb128mpt, we don't have a phone case ... the code is http://paste.ubuntu.com/16630843/11:15
seb128Trevinho, well, it's not going to migrate out of proposed so it doesn't help you much11:15
Laneydelete upstart from proposed11:16
seb128or that11:16
Laneythink x_nox is away this week11:16
seb128mpt, we could add a "phone" case and display a phone icon, or a normal battery ...11:17
mptseb128, ok, so I think we have two bugs … (1) If we know the charge but not whether it’s charging/discharging, it’s still useful to show that inside the menu, but the device shouldn’t have ever made it to the title. (2) The fallback icon should be an “unknown device” icon, not a “-missing” icon.11:18
TrevinhoLaney: do you think that is possible? As I'd love to push the whole thing, but if it's not working, I've to decuple bamf...11:19
Trevinhoand it's annoying anwyay11:19
seb128mpt, do we have a "unknown device" icon?11:20
LaneyTrevinho: I don't have the power to fix upstart11:21
mptseb128, you know far more about where to find icons on the system than I ever will11:22
TrevinhoLaney: that means, that there's no other way than making me split the silo, right?11:22
Laneyno, see what you just got pinged about in #ubuntu-devel11:24
seb128mpt, we don't have an icon for that that I can see ...11:24
seb128mpt, I guess we can start by fixing (1) and making devices without a charging/discharging info non primary ... want to comment about that on the bug?11:24
mptseb128, sure11:25
andyrockhey all11:43
willcookeseb128, phone has just finished charging and now the icons are back to normal11:56
willcookeand I have a little phone icon in the list11:56
willcookeseb128, http://imgur.com/lel38wq11:58
Sweet5hark1/ backup? check 2/ after-release cleanup? check 3/ setting up yakkety pbuilder/jenkins-foo? ongoing12:20
seb128andyrock, hey!12:28
seb128willcooke, yeah, we get the "charged" info not the charging/discharging one12:28
seb128willcooke, thanks for testing12:29
mptseb128, done12:30
seb128mpt, thanks12:30
seb128hey Sweet5hark!12:30
Sweet5harkseb128: yes?12:30
seb128Sweet5hark, btw seems doko updated libreoffice to y so you don't have to do it ... nice from it to step up to maintain libreoffice this cycle12:31
Sweet5harkseb128: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:5.1.3-0ubuntu3 <- it failed to build due to mdds being to new on yakkety, so I got an email from doko to take care of it.12:33
Sweet5hark(which is fine, just needed finishing the backup/cleanup dance before going there ...12:33
seb128Sweet5hark, he uploads, he can take care of it imgo12:33
pittinot IMHO12:53
pittidoko cleaning up after other people does not mean to completely take over other people's work :)12:53
seb128well nobody asking him to "clean up"12:53
* ricotz notes there are library transitions which he isn't ignoring12:56
pittiyeah, he's the poor guy doing most of the lib transition/FTBFS/NBS in Ubuntu12:57
seb128the issue with him is that he does random uploads for things actively maintained by others without talking to the maintainer first12:57
seb128and often ignoring the vcs on the way12:57
seb128so yeah, he creates more work for him and for others12:57
* ricotz is feeling ignored when he mentioned the mdds issue12:57
pittiagreed on this specific LibO upload; but not in general12:58
seb128he tends to do12:58
seb128but yeah, he also do lot of useful work12:58
pittiif you upload hundreds of packages because other people don't care about them, you don't figure out the pckaging quirks of every single one12:58
seb128well, you know that some packages are maintained12:58
seb128like I wouldn't do a cowboy fix to systemd without talking to your first12:59
ricotzimho there is still the rules of thumb that the version in the current dev-release should higher then in previous maintained ones12:59
seb128ricotz, don't, it's usually that people are just too busy to comment/reply to everything12:59
ricotzI remember Sweet5hark answering13:00
seb128ricotz, you can't upload older versions :p13:00
seb128and we are supposed to upload to devel before SRU13:00
seb128though sometime it makes sense to not block SRU work while newest serie is being prepared13:00
ricotzseb128, yes which is regularly not happing for libreoffice13:01
seb128right, because libreoffice is big13:01
ricotzit is *really* not hard to do so13:01
seb128and it takes time to start on a new serie13:01
seb128it's not hard13:01
ricotzit doesnt in this case13:01
seb128it's time consuming13:01
seb128and priorities might be on other things13:02
ricotzif you prepare an upload of xenial you can easily do a yakkety one in parallel13:02
pittithe rule makes sense because pretty well all of our tens of thousands of packages are simple to upload to devel first, and we have no other means to control that we don't drop fixes13:02
pittilook at the disaster in ubuntu touch that we had a while back13:02
pittiLibO is a special snowflake here13:02
ricotzwhich is should not be imo13:03
seb128it's not like having 5.1.3 was making any difference to anyone13:03
pittiso if we have *some* other way to pressure Sweet5hark to upload LibO before alpha-1 and can track this somewhere, and convey this special policy to the SRU team, it might work13:03
willcookelate lunch today, got some errands to run, bbl13:04
pittibut yeah, such rare exceptions to processes and workflows (which also need to get encoded into tools like sru-review) are a nuisance13:04
seb128willcooke, enjoy!13:04
ricotzeven if 5.2 beta 1 is tagged this week will it land in yakkety too by friday?13:04
seb128pitti, well, imho we don't want an exception13:04
pittiseb128: hm, I thought you did13:04
seb128pitti, no, just depending on the circumstance sometime I think it makes sense to not enforce13:05
pitti... which is called an exception :)13:05
seb128pitti, same as atm important unity fixes are blocked to be SRUed because upstart in yakkety ftbfs on s390x13:05
seb128which block the landing in y13:05
seb128which blocks the SRU13:05
seb128unity landing*13:06
pittithat sounds curious13:06
pittiso xenial-proposed unity has a strict dependency on an upstart fix to xenial which doesn't land in y?13:07
seb128ricotz, I doubt 5.2 is going to land this week, at the same time I don't think it's important13:07
pittiseb128: btw, at least I require "fix in devel-proposed", not "fix in devel"13:07
seb128pitti, no, Trevinho wants to respect the SRU rules to land in yakkety before SRUing13:07
pittiso in this case I wouldn't have blocked such an update13:07
pittiand I did accept the upstart SRU13:07
seb128pitti, well, except that CI train has its own britney and refuses to land unity while it ftbfs in s390x13:08
ricotzseb128, what I meant is having 5.2 this is main argument of Sweet5hark to not care about updates of 5.1 in yakkety13:08
Sweet5harkwoa, epic drama on the channel ;) -- FWIW, my reluctance to forward-port e.g. LibreOffice 5.1 to yakkety is that it is wasted effort for the most part. Take this mdds thing: a/ we wont release yakkety final with LO 5.1, so fixing 5.1 against newer mddses is helping anyone in production b/ massaging e.g. LibreOffice 5.1 to bring its own mdds on yakkety isnt too much work, true. Then again, doing such things makes the yakkety and xenial 13:08
pittiseb128: ah ok, so that's the missing info to my "curious"13:08
seb128pitti, right, so we can't get it to y-proposed13:09
seb128pitti, which was my earlier ping on -devel about deleting that version of upstart13:09
seb128which I think I'm going to do13:09
seb128L_aney said x_nox was out this week13:09
pittiseb128: you mean remove it on s390x?13:09
pitti(which seems fine)13:09
seb128delete the version in proposed13:09
pittisure, go ahead13:09
pittiit breaks its tests anyway13:10
pittiseb128: ok, seems I should resume my work to move away from upstart in the graphical session :)13:10
seb128ricotz, well, uploads to yakkety requires out to have yakkety envs/installs/vms to do work, which takes some work. I for one didn't start yet and I think the lts is higher priority still and I'm happy to delay y-work13:11
seb128ricotz, so different people have different priorities13:12
seb128ricotz, seems you enjoy the most recent series/updates work which is fine, but don't blame others which focus on other parts of Ubuntu13:12
ricotzSweet5hark, will try to get an updated forward-port to the ppa later13:12
pittiseb128: btw, can you please try "pkexec whoami"? does that actually work for you?13:15
pittiseb128: (the command doesn't matter, I'd like to know whether pkexec works)13:15
seb128$ pkexec whoami13:15
pittiseb128: thanks; I was a bit scared13:15
seb128it asked me for credential and took it13:15
seb128I'm on xenial though13:15
pittiso I guess I just wrecked my machine13:15
pittiseb128: yes, me too13:15
ricotzseb128, I am working on the libreoffice packaging and backports, so I am familiar with the process and it is really not that difficult to do, so I am opinion stands that dev-pocket must have corresponding highest version in the archive and library transitions must be followed for the sake of buildable isos13:16
seb128ricotz, yeah, I agree on principle, in practice days have a limited number of hours and we have many things to work on13:16
ricotzalright, I don't want to go more into detail here13:18
seb128wb willcooke13:52
willcookedropped a load of stuff off at the charity shop and dry cleaning at the dry cleaners.  Great success!13:52
seb128hope you didn't mix those!13:53
seb128having the old stuff back from the dry cleaner ;-)13:54
Sweet5harkthunderbolt and lightning, very very frightning!14:41
* Sweet5hark bets the guy driving the crane on the construction side next door curses the day he said he wanted an "exciting job" ....14:42
chrisccoulsonSweet5hark, that sounds awesome14:43
Sweet5harkchrisccoulson: I mean: I prolly _is_ a Faraday cage. But still.14:45
seb128Trevinho, https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-settings-daemon/no-gnome-shell/+merge/289104 seems to merge fine here?16:07
ximionLaney: looking at the version number on appstream.ubuntu.com, you might want to update the dep11-generator and apply your patches on the latest Git master16:20
ximionthere weren't many changes, and all that changed was bugfixes, so that would be useful :)16:20
ximionsupport for immutable suites will follow in a future release of asgen, I think the hardlink-solution is actually pretty good - will take some time to implement, though16:22
Laneyyeah ok16:23
ximiona slightly better solution would be to use a fast relational database as data store, but I don't want to make people using asgen also install a full Postgres or MySQL database16:23
ximion(keeping it simple is likely better here)16:23
seb128Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1419 isn't red anymore16:26
Trevinhoseb128: it wasn't merging when approving the other roberts' branches16:26
seb128Trevinho, oh, that's different from not merging16:27
seb128seems like https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-settings-daemon/no-print-notification/+merge/289103 includes the same change16:28
seb128Trevinho, thanks for pointing that out!16:30
Trevinhoseb128: well, yeah... it doesn't merge with other branches... Sorry I have not been clear in the reivew :)16:31
seb128Trevinho, no worry, I commented on the other one now16:31
willcookecya Laney17:09
seb128night Laney!17:12
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willcookenight all18:45
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