
ubottuIn ubottu, lotuspsychje said: !no, !apache2 <reply> Apache is the most commonly used Web server on Linux systems. See how to install on 16.04 : https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html04:34
dax!search apache04:34
ubottuFound: svn, ninjas-#kubuntu-devel, vhosts, ninjas*, lamp, xampp, apache04:34
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.04:34
ubottuapache is <alias> lamp - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 17:03:1704:34
daxFlannel: if I recall correctly, it was a Kubuntu thing involving apachelogger04:35
Flannelyes, apparently it was.  Creative ops factoid, but boring normal factoid.04:36
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.04:38
ubottuVirtual Hosts allow Apache2 to be configured for multiple sites that have separate configurations. Configfiles can be found in /etc/apache2/sites-available. See https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html04:38
ubottuvhosts has no aliases - added by oCean on 2011-07-01 20:39:09 - last edited by knome on 2015-07-27 16:45:3104:38
ubottuApache HTTP Server is the most commonly used HTTP server on Linux systems. For setup information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html . For information on setting up a "LAMP stack", see /msg ubottu !lamp.04:38
dax!no, vhosts is <alias> apache04:39
ubottuI'll remember that dax04:39
dax!apache2 is <alias> apache04:39
ubottuI'll remember that, dax04:39
dax!apache > lotuspsychje04:39
daxirclogs/freenode/#ubuntu-ops/#ubuntu-ops-2016-05-12.log:2016-05-12 16:14:17     < ubottu>       In ubottu, ducasse said: !no, zfs is <reply> ZFS is supported in 16.04, but only on data pools - the installer does not support installing to zfs on /04:42
daxlotuspsychje was asking about that in -discuss ^04:42
daxi'm not the right person to be poking at ZFS in Ubuntu, the subject annoys me. others are welcome to write a factoid if desired04:42
Unit193!info zfs-initramfs yakkety04:43
ubottuzfs-initramfs (source: zfs-linux): Native OpenZFS root filesystem capabilities for Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version (yakkety), package size 4 kB, installed size 25 kB04:43
daxas i understand it from the surrounding discussion, it's doable but not supported, or something04:44
dax(on /, i mean)04:44
valoriebtw I think we still use ninjas in #kub-devel04:46
* valorie is not one04:46
daxmhm. looks like it got moved from a general !ninjas to a channel-specific !ninjas-#kubuntu-devel factoid04:46
valoriewhich is totes fine04:46
* dax nods04:47
valorielooks like it needs a bit of updating04:47
valorieI'll ask who should be listed there when there are folks about04:47
daxokies. i forget if you edit factoids or not. if not, feel free to send me a list in PM and I'll get it sorted out04:48
daxor anyone else who's around, obv04:48
valorieI've not done it before, but I've mentioned in chan that we should clean that up or remove it04:49
dax!systemd =~ s%$% For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units%04:54
ubottuI'll remember that dax04:54
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Slaizer said: ubottu, WinUSB site is outdated. Every link and download link is not working.09:10
k1l_dhsanket: hi, how can we help you?14:21
dax!search winusb14:50
ubottuFound: winusb14:50
ubottuWinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.14:50
* dax sighs14:52
DJonesHmmh, we dont't recomend PPA's, but there's a factoid  that points to a PPA14:54
DJonesBut if ubottu throws up a link, that must be supported14:56
daxespecially when the sentence after it specifically says it's not supported.14:57
daxthere's plenty of stuff we don't support in factoids14:57
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds14:57
daxrandom other example ^14:57
DJonesIdon't have a problem with users supporting PPA's, because thats something thats builtin to ubuntu, just need to make people aware that support may be better asked in other channels14:58
daxi don't agree at all with that, but i don't care enough to discuss it14:59
DJonesFair enough, I need to step away from irc anyway as I can feel a seizure coming on15:01
DJonesMed's, please kick in15:02
bazhanghas abe_ been an issue prior16:09
k1l_@comment 7051416:12
ubottuDec 27 2015 00:14 ikonia: (let me help yo uleave)16:12
ubottuDec 27 2015 00:14 ikonia: Abe!~dustin@
Picithat was a while ago16:12
k1l_and i remember whois him quite often. that is a sign he was edgy before but not worth making a mark or kick16:13
bazhang<Abe_> YES I am venting!16:18
bazhangvent confirmed16:18
k1l_Pici: send the user with the logs issue to #ubuntu-irc16:22
daxubottu: away > Off[[Mr_Red]]19:09
QueenslayerHi guys19:34
QueenslayerI've been banned by bazhang19:34
QueenslayerI don't feel it was justified19:35
QueenslayerHe has a vendetta against me carried over from ##chat19:35
QueenslayerIs there anyone here that can investigate it or unban me?19:36
PiciI'm afraid I'm currently on a call, but someone else should be around shortly to take a look.19:38
QueenslayerNo worries Pici. No rush19:38
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:41
Queenslayerdax, is that for me?19:54
daxQueenslayer: have you used any other nicks on #ubuntu? I'm trying to find your ban logs.19:54
* dax raises an eyebrow19:54
hggdhthat's different19:54
QueenslayerOops apologies for that19:54
Queenslayerdax, no19:54
daxQueenslayer: (@btlogin is a bot command, apologies for that confusion)19:55
QueenslayerThis is the only one and the same one that I was using when I got banned19:55
daxokays, stand by while I look into it all19:55
QueenslayerCheers dax19:55
Queenslayerdax, I'll be back, off to get some late supper19:57
daxQueenslayer: okays. If I figure out what's going on before you get back, I'll comment the ban so others don't have to go hunting.19:57
Queenslayernp dax20:00
QueenslayerI'm here20:10
QueenslayerIt'd be better if bazhang was here20:10
QueenslayerDid you get to the bottom of it dax?20:17
QueenslayerI'd paste the log if I was allowed back into #ubuntu20:17
daxyeah, just waiting for a second opinion. sec.20:17
QueenslayerI was about to apologise for something and he banned me20:18
daxAlrighty, I had to go through and look the hard way, sorry for the delay there.20:21
daxAs part of that, I skimmed your interactions in #ubuntu for the past month or so.20:21
daxBased on that, I'm fine with unbanning you, but would like you to read our channel guidelines and promise to cut down on the non-support chatter, especially where it concerns sarcasm and especially tgm488320:21
QueenslayerAnd thanks20:22
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:22
QueenslayerI intend to have a positive input20:22
QueenslayerGot over some difficult UEFI issues that I might be able to help with20:22
daxalrighty, I'll go ahead and remove your ban. please be aware that things tend to be much more complicated if we have to have another round of this20:23
QueenslayerThanks dax20:23
QueenslayerThere won't be20:23
QueenslayerI'll do what I did on the other channel, leave channel if he harasses again20:23
dax(and if there's nothing further, please /part #ubuntu-ops so we can keep the channel free for other users, thanks :)  )20:25
Queenslayerlol k20:26

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