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riz0nHello friends, I have an Ubuntu Server (14.04) that uses AWstats. I migrated all my sites from an old server to a new one, and letting awstats generate new "stats" from log files. One of my sites has a log file that is around 2.8 gigs. It has been running for hours now, and to be honest, I don't know what is going on with it. So here's my question. Can I take the awstats files that were04:39
riz0ngenerated on the old server from /var/lib/awstats and place them in /var/lib/awstats on the new server to (hopefully) speed this up?04:39
riz0nOr should i just let it keep running and pray it eventually generates stats04:41
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ShekharReddyhello all can i configure a vhost so that servername can be atlas.omrs.org06:00
ShekharReddyi tried but it is giving errors06:00
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hicoleriHow do I make nginx be able to serve webpages through https?07:58
karstensragehicoleri, fyi all i typed into google was nginx https and that was the first hit07:59
karstensrageyou might at least try before asking such an involved question on irc07:59
ShekharReddykarstensrage:  hello, i jus simply logged in as a root user in ubuntu and installed apache2 webserver and while i configure vhost in it holding serverName: atlas.omrs.com , it is throwing a DNS server error08:05
ShekharReddyi registered and enabled the .conf file08:05
ShekharReddyi've set the document root to the default apache2 html file (for now )08:06
ShekharReddycould you look into this and provide a solution08:07
karstensragedig any atlas.omrs.com08:07
ShekharReddykarstensrage: din't get u08:08
ShekharReddykarstensrage:  I am a newbie to ubuntu as wellas apache208:09
karstensrageI can't really teach you perhaps google the Dns error?08:10
karstensrageDig is a dns tool to see if there is an entry for that domain08:11
karstensrageIf not maybe put it /etc/hosts or your nameserver08:12
karstensrageGood night, good luck08:12
ShekharReddykarstensrage:can u provide  agood resource where cani get  agood demo about vhost config08:13
ducasseShekharReddy: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/08:17
lordievaderShekharReddy: There is a dns record for that domain? Resolving that address fails for me.08:18
fricklerare the Canonical network admins on IRC somewhere? I'm having issues reaching archive.ubuntu.com via IPv608:46
maswanyou can reach other mirrors fine over v6?08:48
fricklermaswan: I did not find any others that are not in 2001:67c::/32 yet08:49
maswanse.archive.ubuntu.com maybe?08:50
maswanalso, no, fi, and dk have ipv608:51
jamespagecoreycb, hmm ok so now we have troubles; the hashsum of the orig.tar.xz in yakkety for microversion-parse is of course different to the one that already existing in the newton testing ppa09:46
ronatorhi, maybe someone can help me with TraceFS that came along with kernel 4.1.09:54
ronatorI installed kernel 4.2 (wili) on two ubuntu servers, both 14.04.4 - now one server hast a tracefs, the other does not (and nagios check_disk fails but that I can fix). Now I wonder, why do I have tracefs on only one server not both?09:56
ronatorcan it be that only system with LVM use tracefs?09:57
ronatorit's hard to find info on tracefs09:57
vagarwalShekharReddy: can you explain your query here please?10:17
vagarwalwhat kind of issue do you encounter while configuring apache web server?10:18
ShekharReddyvagarwal:  it is done, if there are any further i will reach out to you through this channel, Thank you vipu10:20
ShekharReddyU guys refill the hope everytime i go scarce of it 🙇10:21
Charlie2anyone an idea how to grow a lxd zfs pool?10:29
ronatorvagarwal: sudo apachectl configtest10:48
ronatorso FYI on TraceFS: installing kernel 4.2 and reboot, call mount and tracefs appears. reboot again and the entry is gone ...11:10
ronatorubuntu 14.0411:10
ronatorno idea what will happen on 16.0411:11
coreycbjamespage, that's a pain. can we just delete the old one from the ppa?11:34
jamespagecoreycb, PPA's never forget11:35
jamespageso we can delete it all we like, but its trace/signature never goes away...11:35
coreycbjamespage, ahh11:35
jamespageand subsequent PPA uploads then get rejected11:35
jamespagecoreycb, repeatable source builds are essential (as I keep winging on about - sorry)11:35
coreycbjamespage, yeah..  maybe we should discuss with zigo again11:36
coreycbjamespage, or split from debian with deps, but we'd likely still have some that are non-repeatable in the mix11:36
jamespagecoreycb, we can mitigate to a certain extent by ensuring that the person who uploads to ubuntu or debian also does the upload to the ppa11:41
jamespagethen the same orig.tar.xz will get used.. but it feels like working around the problem...11:42
coreycbjamespage, I thought that was the case for python-microversion-parse but must be not11:42
jamespagecoreycb, no - I uploaded it to debian, you did the ppa11:42
coreycbjamespage, that's right..11:43
jamespagecoreycb, I've broken things in yakkety a bit - just sorting that out now - duff version in the oslo.concurrency upload  I did11:43
jamespagecoreycb, btw do you think we could just use an etherpad for the daily CI fix stuff? I'm struggling a bit with the gdoc spreadsheet approach11:48
coreycbjamespage, that would probably work.  I like have the pre-populated list of packages in the spread sheet.  it's busy for CI though.11:50
coreycbjamespage, I'm taking a look at neutron-lbaas for newton12:09
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: I made an update to pkgos-generate-snapshot to handle pkg_name for the neutron-*aas packages - http://paste.ubuntu.com/16631513/12:30
jamespagecoreycb, great - did you see I'd added that to openstack-pkg-tools with the last merge into yakkety?12:45
coreycbjamespage, ah great12:46
coreycbjamespage, I can add that tweak to the pkg if you want12:47
jamespagecoreycb, +112:47
jamespagecoreycb, ok unlocked the package builder now oslo.concurrency is sorted out12:59
jamespagethat should fixup keystone12:59
coreycbjamespage, ok thanks12:59
jamespagecoreycb, for the testing PPA I suggest we just leave in the wedged shim packages for anything NEW13:03
jamespagethey will get superceeded eventually13:03
coreycbjamespage, ok13:03
coreycbjamespage, did you create an etherpad?13:04
jamespagecoreycb, not yet13:04
ronator@tracefs: removing the old kernels also seems to help to get rid of tracefs in ubuntu 14.04 when upgrading to kernel 4.413:15
coreycbjamespage, I'm bumping oslo.service to 1.10.0, it may help the neutron-lbaas tests13:17
jamespagecoreycb, if it does make sure to raise a bug upstream as well13:17
coreycbjamespage, actually, just checked, they've bumped to min version to 1.10.013:18
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fullstopHi all.  Is it still possible to see the build logs for packages?  I need to know if lighttpd was built with "--with-webdav-props" or not.14:33
fullstophttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/lighttpd has a lot of information, but does not seem to include build logs anymore.14:34
jamespagecoreycb, having a poke at py3 support for keystone as a bit of a side distraction whilst I spin at other things btw14:34
coreycbjamespage, awesome14:35
roaksoax_jamespage: you guys maintain rabbitmq charms right ?14:37
roaksoax_jamespage: err14:37
jamespageroaksoax: yes14:37
rbasakfullstop: they are there, just click through. Eg. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/lighttpd14:59
rbasakuh, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lighttpd/1.4.35-4ubuntu214:59
fullstopthanks, rbasak14:59
rgreenI'm running 16.04 LTS server and have LXD configured to run a bridge that can access my local network. Despite defining the bridge device in a profile, my containers will not automatically DHCP when started. Any way to get it to run automatically?15:54
bonzibuddyhey folks16:24
bonzibuddyI'm having an issue starting reverse ssh tunnel with -R16:25
bonzibuddyie, ssh -R 8888:localhost:22 me@myserver.com16:25
bonzibuddyI always get a message saying remote listen port 8888 could not open - but there are no processes using it or anything16:25
bonzibuddycould it be permissions??16:26
compdocbonzibuddy, why specify a port? means 8888 isnt open on the remote side16:32
compdocshould be, tho16:32
bonzibuddyi've tried flushing iptables, etc, nothing seems to allow me to open it16:33
bonzibuddyim trying to create a reverse ssh tunnel so that i can log in to a NAT'd PC from my VPS16:33
bonzibuddyi wonder if its because im on a vps16:40
SebastienHey, so i would like to setup/manage/add/delete email addresses on my server, do you guys know a free panel/GUI interface that is easy to install for this task?17:20
Sebastienall i found was webmin, and it broke my firewall i had to reinstall everything17:20
naccSebastien: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/email-services.html17:24
naccSebastien: I don't there is any GUI for doing what you want17:25
nacc*dont' think17:26
hallynsmb: arges: any libvirt upload planned?  i was just onna do a quick upload for bug 157120917:35
ubottubug 1571209 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "Sockfile check retries too short for a busy system boot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157120917:35
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argeshallyn: nope17:56
hallynok, thx17:58
hallynugh.  upstart job is not being installed in yakkety at all.  i don't know tha ti'm ok with that.18:46
hallyn(for $reasons)18:46
fritchiejust finished installing openstack via jujucharms, 2 instances running, question, when I run 'iptables -S' on all nodes I cannot find the floating IP nat rules anywhere, where can I view them?19:43
sarnoldfritchie: if you've got a horizon instance up I'd expect some information to be there19:46
fritchiesarnold, yes I can find the floating ip, it just bugs me that I don't see an IPtables rule19:48
sarnoldfritchie: aha good so you've got some then :)19:50
sarnoldfritchie: are they stuffed in a bridge somewhere?19:50
patdk-wkdon't like stuffed pizza much, it's just too much to handle19:56
sarnoldthe cheese-in-the-crust kind or the it-also-has-a-top-but-it's-not-a-calzone kind?19:58
patdk-wkboth, the dual layer ones, yes, those are heavy, and half-a-slice is enough19:59
patdk-wkthe in the crust, the cheese is generally just raw, and kindof nasty19:59
sarnoldyeah, and often a "cheeze" instead..20:09
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netcrimeHello. I'm using Nginx with Gunicorn on Django project. I'm bining it tu project-name.socket. But I get 502 http error and Nginx error.log shows connection refused. MORE DETAILS on configuration: http://pastebin.com/mc5hfa4z |    What might be the problem? Solution?20:35
sarnoldnetcrime: check ps auxw | grep gun to see if gunicorn is running20:37
netcrimeroot     27947  0.0  0.1  11740   932 pts/2    S+   16:38   0:00 grep --color=auto gun20:38
sarnoldnetcrime: it looks like you tell gunicorn to listen on /taobao/app/taobao.sock but tell nginx to proxy_pass to ... gibberish? :) try unix:/taobao/app/taoao.sock there too?20:38
sarnoldnetcrime: okay that's the grep I just asked you to run, if that's it, then it looks like gunicorn isn't running either. maybe the "exec bin/gunicorn" needs to be "exec /taobao/bin/gunicorn" instead ?20:39
netcrimesarnold: Thanks. I'll go check.20:39
netcrimebut if I do service gunicorn restart I get gunicorn start/running, process 2801220:42
netcrimeso doesn't tht mean it is running?20:42
sarnoldit should; maybe it changed the name. try ps u -28012  to see if it's still running..20:44
netcrimeUSER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND20:45
netcrimenothing more20:45
sarnoldlooks like it dies pretty quickly; check its logs20:46
netcrimewait were i can find gunicorn error log ?20:46
sarnoldpoke around in /var/log there might be seomthing20:47
sarnoldmaybe /var/log/upstart/ ?20:47
netcrimesarnold: ImportError: No module named 'taobao'[2016-05-23 16:42:21 -0400] [28071] [ERROR] Exception in worker process20:48
netcrimetaobao is my project name20:48
netcrimedjango project20:48
sarnoldnice, that's something good and concrete you can work with :)20:49
netcrimewhole error20:50
netcrimehmm but why it trys to import it as module20:50
netcrimesarnold: yeah thats a step forward20:51
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hallynsmb: could you find it in your heart to pretty please verify bug 1546978 on trusty ? :)22:31
ubottubug 1546978 in libvirt (Ubuntu Trusty) "apparmor does not allow to run qemu-dm executable" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154697822:31
hallyni know technically it's usually not done, but the submitter doesn't appear likely to, and you're really best qualified to ack/nack it22:33
tewardrbasak: would you mind doing a onceover of a debdiff before I make its packages available for testing, and put an announce out on the server ML for a call for testing of the merge (mainly, installation and upgrade tests, both single and multicore)22:45
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