
davidcalleMorning ! o/07:53
dholbachdavidcalle, do you remember if we had landed the footnotes extension on prod?09:45
davidcalleLet me check09:46
davidcalledholbach: yes :)09:47
dholbachhum... thinking about it, I'm wondering if it even made sense to get it on the dev site09:48
dholbachit would only make sense if we include it in snappy/snapcraft docs in markdown an then import it from there, right?09:49
dholbachin that case github would probably need to have this extension as well09:49
davidcalledholbach: I'm on the same page09:53
davidcalleAnd trying options on github, doesn't seem to be supported, indeed09:53
davidcalledholbach: on the other hand, depending on the doc, if we don't need to host it there, we can fallback on raw md in launchpad09:54
dholbachindeed, it doesn't work09:55
dholbachusing the example from https://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/footnotes.html09:55
dholbachI'll send a mail to the Jamies and loop you in, so we can figure it out together where to put it09:57
davidcalledholbach: I've sent you something I've just tried (not footnotes, but general md), in case it helps10:02
dholbachwow, nice10:02
davidcalleot sure how accurate the conversion is, I know the script hanged on code blocks and I've disabled this, but for a general layout, might be useful10:03
dholbachit looks good at first glance10:08
davidcalleFor reference: http://lifehacker.com/this-script-converts-google-documents-to-markdown-for-e-51174611310:09
* dholbach bookmarks10:10
dholbachdavidcalle, https://daniel.holba.ch/temp/whitepaper/ - what do you think?13:08
dholbachmaking it all pretty took a bit longer than expected, but all in all, it went all right13:08
dholbachwe should also enable markdown.extensions.toc13:09
dholbachI'll add an MP for it13:09
davidcalledholbach: that's a nice amount of footnotes :)13:32
davidcalledholbach: lgtm, although, I'm wondering how the top image will look at eight-col size.13:33
dholbachdavidcalle, I guess we can resize it13:52
dholbachdavidcalle, refresh the whitepaper again - toc and footnotes work fine :)14:13
davidcalledholbach: here ? https://daniel.holba.ch/temp/whitepaper/security-whitepaper.html14:23
* davidcalle doesn't see a TOC14:26
dholbachsorry, try again14:30
davidcalleYay :)14:32
davidcalledholbach: I need you brain for a sec: how do I get the content of a specific plugin on a page, based on its url?14:32
davidcallewell, specific plugin type: assuming there is only one eg. RAWHtml, how do I get its content, if my only reference is its url?14:33
davidcalledholbach: found it :)14:37
davidcalleI was missing "get_plugin_instance"14:38
dholbachotp, brb14:39
dholbachah ok, you found it already :)14:42
dholbachdavidcalle, shall I merge https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/add-toc-md-ext/+merge/295480?14:42
dholbachI use it here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~developer-ubuntu-com-dev/developer-ubuntu-com/stable/view/head:/md_importer/importer/publish.py#L19314:43
dholbachand I think the get_plugin_instance was something you wrote in the first place :)14:43
dholbach... or maybe borrowed from somewhere else :)14:43
davidcalledholbach: hah, alright :) Sure, you can merge!14:47
davidcalledholbach: still around for a few min?16:12
davidcalleHere is what I've been mostly up to today:16:14
davidcalleStandard CMS page, with a RawHTML template, look at the uri http://i.imgur.com/eUCh51T.png16:14
davidcalleCodelabs style page generated from it: http://i.imgur.com/wxS5ySq.png, based on url16:15
davidcalleIt's not a Django Template, but a separate app built with Polymer, which allows a lot of nice UI tricks and responsiveness16:17
dholbachvery nice :)16:33
dholbachall rightie... I call it a day - see you tomorrow!17:06
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