mazal | mornings | 05:52 |
mazal | maaz tell inetpro That dolphin error is not occuring today | 05:53 |
Maaz | mazal: Got it, I'll tell inetpro on freenode | 05:53 |
theblazehen | Morning mazal, urbanslug, others | 06:04 |
mazal | Morning theblazehen | 06:04 |
mazal | Why larry hwy !!!!! | 06:12 |
mazal | Now the system crashed when formatting a stick is back :( And it was fine last week | 06:12 |
mazal | crashes* | 06:13 |
theblazehen | mazal: Formatting how? mkfs.fat or something? | 06:22 |
mazal | theblazehen, no in cli is fine , but with both gparted and k's own partition manager I get system crashes. Was like that since install , then it was fixed after updates last week , now today it's back | 06:26 |
theblazehen | System crash being gui freeze? Everything freeze? | 06:26 |
theblazehen | Do you have magic sysrq key enabled? What happens if you `re` | 06:27 |
mazal | kdeinit5 crash and then some of those " A system error occured " as well as plasma errors | 06:27 |
mazal | The rest of the apps and DE don't freeze | 06:27 |
mazal | I dunno what's magic sysrq key ? | 06:28 |
theblazehen | mazal: You're one of the lucky 10000 :) | 06:30 |
theblazehen | | 06:30 |
mazal | I just can't get through 1 single week without some bug annoying me | 06:30 |
theblazehen | | 06:30 |
theblazehen | The only bugs I get are when I update the kernel and don't reboot ;) | 06:31 |
theblazehen | Or when hardware fails :( | 06:31 |
theblazehen | hey deegee__ | 06:31 |
theblazehen | mazal: "Reboot Even If System Utterly Broken" works with sysrq key | 06:32 |
mazal | Well is the first release ever I struggle like this. Been using ubu since 07 and never had so many bugs. And I don't have anything enabled described in that sysrq key link. | 06:33 |
mazal | Not that I know of anyway | 06:33 |
theblazehen | It's a useful key to know | 06:33 |
mazal | I should set it in keyboard options yes ? | 06:35 |
theblazehen | Need to enable it in sysctl | 06:37 |
theblazehen | kernel.sysrq=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf or similar @mazal | 06:38 |
mazal | I wonder what key combination it is then , can't find anything in keyboard shortcuts or input device settings | 06:39 |
theblazehen | mazal: Which one are you looking for? | 06:44 |
theblazehen | magic sysrq? | 06:44 |
mazal | There must be a shortcut key combination to invoke it ? | 06:45 |
thatgraemeguy | mornings | 06:45 |
mazal | Like ctrl-alt-sysreq or something | 06:45 |
theblazehen | hey thatgraemeguy | 06:45 |
mazal | Morning thatgraemeguy | 06:45 |
theblazehen | mazal: Yeah, alt+sqsrq | 06:45 |
theblazehen | But you need to enable 1 | 06:45 |
mazal | K | 06:45 |
theblazehen | echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq | 06:45 |
thatgraemeguy | mazal: all due respect if you can't even grasp the wikipedia article on magic sysrq, then you really should just forget it exists, you can do some serious damage if you misuse it | 06:45 |
theblazehen | Note, alt+sysrq+e kills open applications | 06:46 |
theblazehen | thatgraemeguy: Good idea, yeah | 06:46 |
thatgraemeguy | now I shall await a bunch of PMs telling my I'm unhelpful and needlessly harsh | 06:46 |
thatgraemeguy | o:-) | 06:46 |
theblazehen | thatgraemeguy: Have you seen /u/crankysysadmin on reddit? I kinda like that guy | 06:47 |
thatgraemeguy | haha | 06:47 |
thatgraemeguy | yeah | 06:47 |
thatgraemeguy | (its not me, I promise) ;-) | 06:47 |
mazal | Ok then | 06:48 |
MaNI | some keyboards no longer label sysreq which can confuse people | 06:57 |
MaNI | on those keyboards it is just labeled print screen and does the same thing | 06:58 |
thatgraemeguy | it still remains a dangerous thing in the wrong hands | 06:58 |
thatgraemeguy | learn to use a paintball gun before you acquire nuclear weapons | 06:59 |
MaNI | the only combo most average users should worry about is the 'reisub' sequence if they need to reboot a crashed machine - it is less harmful than forcing the power off | 06:59 |
mazal | Usually I tty1 and sudo reboot | 07:00 |
mazal | That mostly works , very rare that it's so bad that tty1 don't work either | 07:00 |
MaNI | rare but happens | 07:00 |
MaNI | just the other day I ran into some oddity where google maps in chrome did some oddity that completely froze my box | 07:01 |
MaNI | repeatedly | 07:01 |
superfly | I can honestly say I've never needed to use sysreq | 07:01 |
thatgraemeguy | either you have some bad hardware somewhere, or you have been messing with some system level bits and pieces that should just be left alone. I just install my system and use it without any fancy tweaky nonsense and its rock solid | 07:02 |
MaNI | wrong | 07:02 |
MaNI | it was a graphics driver bug | 07:02 |
MaNI | I think you people make way too many assumptions about how stable software in general is | 07:02 |
MaNI | there are always oddities | 07:02 |
thatgraemeguy | well i wasn't talking to you, but thanks anyway | 07:03 |
thatgraemeguy | that's my cue | 07:03 |
theblazehen | If X freezes, sysrq+r, then switch to tty and `reboot` is better than straight hard reboot. | 07:03 |
mazal | Well this specific bug doesn't freeze anything , just pumps out all those errors | 07:05 |
MaNI | In mazals case sure hardware is entirely possible. | 07:06 |
mazal | On 2 different pc's with seperate hardware ? I doubt it | 07:09 |
mazal | Môre oom , is dit nou die tyd om hier aan te kom ? | 07:10 |
Kilos | hehehe skuus man | 07:11 |
Kilos | was besig om met my meisies te gesels | 07:11 |
Kilos | morning everyone | 07:11 |
theblazehen | hey Kilos | 07:11 |
mazal | MaNI, I am thinking more one of the apps I use. But can't think which one would have something that messes with partitioning | 07:12 |
mazal | ooooe la la | 07:12 |
mazal | Kilos, do share :) | 07:13 |
Kilos | only time i chat on skype is to my girls | 07:14 |
Kilos | then everything else has to wait | 07:15 |
Kilos | hi urbanslug | 07:15 |
Kilos | what did you break now mazal | 07:15 |
mazal | Kilos, the system crashes when formatting a memory stick is back :( | 07:15 |
mazal | And the only difference between last week and now is updated this morning | 07:16 |
Kilos | ai! | 07:16 |
mazal | And the dolphin error when copying to memory stick is fixed | 07:16 |
mazal | Remember the one I was talking about Friday night | 07:17 |
Kilos | yes | 07:17 |
mazal | Something is up specifically with usb it seems | 07:17 |
Kilos | just keep reporting bugs and it will all be fixed | 07:17 |
theblazehen | mazal: Have you tried fedora? I know this is an Ubuntu channel, but I like it, no issues here | 07:17 |
mazal | And if I am the only one it must be one of my apps that only I use | 07:17 |
theblazehen | It just werks | 07:17 |
theblazehen | And fresh install, ur update? | 07:18 |
inetpro | ai! | 07:18 |
inetpro | good mornings | 07:18 |
Kilos | hi inetpro | 07:18 |
mazal | I fresh installed theblazehen , always | 07:18 |
theblazehen | hey inetpro | 07:18 |
mazal | The ONLY app I can think of I have that might have something to do with partitioning is systemback | 07:19 |
Kilos | mazal look in those logs for error reports | 07:19 |
mazal | And only because it has it's own usb iso writer | 07:19 |
mazal | Is why I think that might be the one | 07:19 |
Kilos | cat and tail | 07:19 |
mazal | BUT , it didn't update this morning | 07:19 |
theblazehen | mazal: Unless it's running, shouldn't cause issues | 07:20 |
mazal | No is not a running service | 07:20 |
inetpro | 05/23 09:01:21 <superfly> I can honestly say I've never needed to use sysreq | 07:20 |
* inetpro +1 | 07:20 | |
mazal | I wish now I made a list of this morning's updates | 07:20 |
mazal | Cos that was the only change | 07:20 |
mazal | theblazehen, I used Fedora from '02 till '07 , liked it , then discovered Ubu | 07:21 |
inetpro | 05/23 09:02:00 <thatgraemeguy> either you have some bad hardware somewhere, or you have been messing with some system level bits and pieces that should just be left alone. I just install my system and use it without any fancy tweaky nonsense and its rock solid | 07:21 |
* inetpro +1 | 07:21 | |
mazal | Wrong on both | 07:22 |
mazal | Is on different pc's with different hardware , and I didn't make any system changed. Unless one of my apps did | 07:22 |
Kilos | mazal have you got synaptic installed | 07:22 |
mazal | yep | 07:23 |
* inetpro goes back to do some work | 07:23 | |
Kilos | reload it and mark upgrades and see if there are any | 07:23 |
mazal | I'm thinking one of my apps Kilos. | 07:24 |
Kilos | shouldnt interfere with your usb stuff or make your machine crash | 07:25 |
MaNI | Such a crazy assumption, I'd agree that the starting point when a user sees strange things is to look for hardware issues and rule those out, but to make a blanket statement that it is definitely that is insane. The amount of variables in a software system and the amount of different configurations - there is all sorts of stuff that can and does go wrong. Go read through the kernel, nouveau, xfs or whatever else system component bugzilla | 07:25 |
MaNI | and see for yourself, issues can and do happen - just because they don't happen to you does not mean it is right to assume that everyone it does happen too either has hardware issues or is personally to blame. | 07:25 |
mazal | Dunno what else then. System wise I didn't make changes. Only extra apps that's installed. | 07:26 |
Kilos | apps from repos mazal ? | 07:26 |
MaNI | mazal, next time it happens try get the system log for the crash and pastebin it somewhere, maybe it has some clues | 07:27 |
MaNI | also can you reproduce it with different 'usb sticks' or is it always the same one? | 07:27 |
mazal | Not all Kilos , few ones are from their own repos. Systemback , dukto for example | 07:27 |
mazal | MaNI, is with different ones. The first hing I did was make sure it's not the stick | 07:27 |
Kilos | mazal this is happening on work and home machines? | 07:28 |
mazal | Kilos, that's why I'm trying to think which of those 3rd party apps might have something to do with usb or partitioning | 07:28 |
mazal | Kilos, yes , both machines. Both same software , different hardware. I use the same apps on both of them | 07:28 |
MaNI | It could be for instance the USB controller putting itself into low power mode at the wrong time or some other similar bug and then the kernel or xorg or whatever gets stuck in a syscall that never returns - I've actually seen bugs like that in the past | 07:29 |
Kilos | but its only with usb | 07:29 |
MaNI | (just a random example of one of the many things that can go wrong to cause such symptoms) | 07:29 |
mazal | Kilos, I dunno , haven't tried to partition the internal drives. Don't want to loose all that data | 07:29 |
Kilos | i would open synaptic and type in usb and then right click reinstall everything that shows installed and im sure there will be some that need to download extras | 07:30 |
mazal | There is no way to see the last list of updates that was done ? | 07:31 |
mazal | Maybe the file dates in /var/apt/cache ? | 07:32 |
Kilos | not all updates to packages come with update commands imo | 07:32 |
Kilos | ill leave you to peeps that know more | 07:32 |
Kilos | use cat and tail | 07:33 |
theblazehen | mazal: Look in /var/log/ for apt? | 07:33 |
Kilos | cat /var/log/syslog | 07:33 |
mazal | Ah thanx theblazehen | 07:34 |
mazal | Bad news though | 07:34 |
mazal | The last time it was working fine was on the 16th | 07:35 |
mazal | So it can be any of thse: | 07:35 |
mazal | That's a lot of changes | 07:36 |
mazal | I guess the hard way will be the best way. Start to purge my extra apps I use one by one | 07:38 |
MaNI | anything in the syslog? there are almost always some clues and it is always almost better to start with those clues instead of trying random things | 07:40 |
paddatrapper | Good morning everyone | 07:41 |
MaNI | run 'dmesg -w' and then reproduce the crash and see what pops up in dmesg just before the crash - heres an example of something similar to what you might be seeing (it probably isn't this though but maybe similar) | 07:42 |
mazal | Mani syslog have a bunch of these "/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/Lexar_USB_Flash_Drive_8DE16BD2318EAD1ED9A9" lost interfaces: ("org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Drive") | 07:48 |
mazal | But nothing on the kde5init crashes | 07:48 |
theblazehen | mazal: Doesn't look good. Do you have a different usb you can test? | 07:48 |
theblazehen | And turn power management off, then try again perhaps | 07:49 |
theblazehen | Different usb ports tried right? | 07:49 |
mazal | Complete different pc tried theblazehen same errors | 07:49 |
mazal | Home pc has the same issue | 07:49 |
theblazehen | Hmm. Also same ubuntu version? | 07:50 |
mazal | theblazehen, OS and all apps the same yes | 07:50 |
theblazehen | mazal: Hmm | 07:50 |
mazal | It's why I'm leaning towards an APP causing it | 07:50 |
theblazehen | And other usbs? | 07:50 |
mazal | other usbs ? On this pc ? | 07:50 |
theblazehen | mazal: Yeah | 07:51 |
theblazehen | Other flash disks | 07:51 |
mazal | Tried other flash disks both here and at home yes | 07:51 |
theblazehen | hmm | 07:51 |
mazal | I'm gonna boot to clean state then try that dmesg -w while formatting | 07:52 |
theblazehen | mazal: Yeah. And tail -n0 -f /var/log/syslog | 07:53 |
mazal | Which one should I do first , tail syslog or dmesg ? | 07:56 |
theblazehen | mazal: Run in 2 terminals | 07:58 |
mazal | dmseg: | 08:00 |
mazal | Doesn't show eny errors | 08:00 |
mazal | The first crash on screen is Baloo indexing service | 08:01 |
mazal | Second is kde5init | 08:01 |
mazal | Now gonna do one with tail syslog | 08:01 |
mazal | Will have to reboot again first , services not crashing 2nd time cos they prob not running after first crash | 08:04 |
mazal | Ok crash reports on screen goes , Baloo indexing service first , then kde5init then " Plasma closed unexpectedly " | 08:11 |
mazal | Syslog tail: | 08:11 |
mazal | Ton of stuff happens there | 08:11 |
mazal | The crash started here May 23 10:07:17 | 08:12 |
MaNI | mazal, | 08:12 |
MaNI | it seems its likely related to this | 08:12 |
MaNI | and various duplicate bug reports ( etc. - looks like some ongoing kde issue | 08:13 |
mazal | Ok looks like I am NOT the only one with this at least | 08:14 |
mazal | Few of those "duplicate" ones seems to have a similar output in their log file | 08:15 |
mazal | Thanx MaNI | 08:16 |
mazal | and theblazehen | 08:16 |
MaNI | I'd maybe try turn baloo off just to see if that helps - otherwise I'd chat with the kde people to see if they know more perhaps - the dozens of duplicates suggest that lots have run into it but don't know if they think they have already fixed it or not | 08:17 |
mazal | I go google hot to trun baloo of | 08:18 |
inetpro | mazal: when last did you do a dist-upgrade? | 08:21 |
inetpro | sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade | 08:21 |
mazal | I just did a update this morning with built-in update manager | 08:21 |
mazal | KDE's update manager I mean | 08:22 |
mazal | Would that miss updates and I should rather use dist-update instead ? | 08:22 |
superfly | inetpro: don't do a dist-upgrade if you possibly can | 08:22 |
superfly | mazal: ^^ | 08:22 |
mazal | don't do ? | 08:23 |
superfly | don't | 08:23 |
superfly | if you don't know what it does, don't use it | 08:23 |
superfly | Kilos: ^^ you especially | 08:23 |
mazal | I never use it | 08:23 |
mazal | I use K's update manager | 08:23 |
superfly | yes, do that | 08:23 |
superfly | if you're on the command line, use "upgrade" | 08:23 |
inetpro | superfly: please explain your reasoning | 08:24 |
inetpro | oops... sorry, I'm still stuck in aptitude lingo | 08:26 |
inetpro | apt and apt-get use 'full-upgrade' | 08:26 |
inetpro | superfly: you recommend avoiding full-upgrade also? | 08:26 |
superfly | inetpro: as I said before, if you don't know what it does, don't do it. | 08:27 |
inetpro | ah | 08:27 |
superfly | inetpro: dist-upgrade pulls in new packages, upgrade will only upgrade packages it knows about, and only if they don't have dependencies that are already installed | 08:28 |
superfly | dist-upgrade will also remove packages relentlessly | 08:29 |
superfly | every time I have uninstalled my desktop, it was because I used dist-upgrade | 08:29 |
inetpro | please explain what you mean with, "every time I have uninstalled my desktop" | 08:33 |
Kilos | i still use aptitude upgrade or apt upgrade | 08:36 |
mazal | How can I tell maaz to remind of of something when I log in tomorrow ? | 08:38 |
* Kilos thinks fly means that dist upgrade command crashes things inetpro | 08:38 | |
Kilos | or breaks things | 08:39 |
* inetpro uses is all the time | 08:39 | |
Kilos | sjoe | 08:39 |
Kilos | well have to wait to be enlightened | 08:40 |
Kilos | i dont know if remember works with Maaz mazal | 08:40 |
Kilos | Maaz remember lunch time is at 1pm | 08:41 |
Maaz | Kilos: One learns a new thing every day | 08:41 |
Kilos | ai! | 08:41 |
mazal | I know I can leave a note , but must manually retrieve it if I remember correctly | 08:41 |
Kilos | mazal remember | 08:41 |
mazal | I'll try | 08:41 |
Kilos | Maaz remember | 08:41 |
Maaz | Kilos: Huh? | 08:41 |
Kilos | Maaz forget remember | 08:41 |
Maaz | Kilos: I didn't know about remember anyway | 08:41 |
mazal | btw Kilos , I almost had a good plan for my space problem at home | 08:43 |
mazal | Tested the B315's wi-fi and seems good | 08:44 |
Kilos | what mazal racks | 08:44 |
mazal | Then after some measuring I realized I need a bigger table for the upstairs room first | 08:44 |
Kilos | through the concrete roof? | 08:44 |
mazal | Not yet no , tested downstairs | 08:44 |
mazal | Upstairs was next step , then not big enough table | 08:45 |
mazal | So will speak to the finance guy now for a table , and that guy is difficult | 08:47 |
Kilos | sjoe | 08:52 |
mazal | That guy only want to buy games , don't want to buy other stuff :P | 08:52 |
Kilos | lol | 08:53 |
mazal | Then there is off course another small little issue | 08:54 |
mazal | a 3rd pc , will need that also | 08:54 |
theblazehen | mazal: Sounding like me, with too many PCs :) | 09:06 |
mazal | theblazehen, and you will give just one guess as to the reason behind the whole thing | 09:07 |
mazal | I* | 09:07 |
theblazehen | mazal: More games? | 09:08 |
mazal | hehehehe yeah is so that me and my friend's sun can lan Minecraft. Via console need internet and internet too unreliable. So want to do it pc wau with a server on my lan | 09:08 |
mazal | son* And maybe learn to speel while I am at it | 09:09 |
mazal | spell* | 09:09 |
mazal | way* | 09:09 |
theblazehen | nice | 09:09 |
mazal | Pitty console version don't support lan | 09:10 |
mazal | Consoles I have pleenty off :P | 09:10 |
mazal | Plus backups | 09:11 |
theblazehen | heh. got a ps4? | 09:11 |
* mazal peeks at oom Kilos | 09:11 | |
mazal | PS4 , 3x PS3 and 2x X360 | 09:11 |
theblazehen | mazal: Put linux on the ps4! | 09:11 |
mazal | I pitty the PS4 though , should never have bought that one | 09:11 |
theblazehen | AFAIK you can run games on it? | 09:11 |
mazal | Linux won't run the PS4 games though , then one looses them | 09:12 |
theblazehen | mazal: No dual boot? Didn't look much into it | 09:13 |
theblazehen | Maybe swap out hdd? | 09:13 |
mazal | theblazehen, I have no idea. Never even concidered messing with a PS4 in that way | 09:14 |
* theblazehen still wants to run linux on my ps2 | 09:14 | |
mazal | I very much doubt dual boot , PS4 is so chuck full of DRM the thing can hardly work without being online | 09:14 |
gremble | Good morning | 09:14 |
mazal | Hi gremble | 09:14 |
theblazehen | hey gremble | 09:14 |
gremble | Hey mazal. Sorry to hear about your PS4 | 09:15 |
gremble | :P | 09:15 |
gremble | Hey theblazehen | 09:15 |
theblazehen | mazal: Just pull the ps4 hdd out, clone it to a new disk, then put linux on new disk? | 09:15 |
gremble | Doesn't it have a boot lock like the XBox? | 09:15 |
mazal | gremble, no PS4 is fine. theblazehen is just giving my ideas of how to break it :P | 09:16 |
theblazehen | idk | 09:16 |
mazal | I think it does | 09:16 |
mazal | Crazy DRM these days | 09:16 |
mazal | Only problem I have with my PS4 is I can't afford games for it | 09:16 |
gremble | I know with the Xbox it has a chip in it that prevents it from booting anything else, so you have to desolder it, dissolve the epoxy on the chip and solder in a new connection | 09:16 |
gremble | It is a mission. | 09:16 |
mazal | And ridiculous updates of course | 09:17 |
gremble | mazal, for that you can get it modified though. There are quite a few places that will do that for you | 09:17 |
theblazehen | mazal: Hey, if you don't want it ;) | 09:17 |
theblazehen | Although I'd never use it.. Just like hald my hardware | 09:17 |
mazal | theblazehen, I am actually concidering selling it , got lots of money ? lol | 09:17 |
theblazehen | Maaz define lots | 09:18 |
Maaz | theblazehen: lots adv 1: to a very great degree or extent; "I feel a lot better"; "we enjoyed ourselves very much"; "she was very much interested"; "this would help a great deal" [syn: {a lot}, {lots}, {a good deal}, {a great deal}, {much}, {very much}] n 1: a large number or amount; "made lots of new friends"; "she amassed stacks of newspapers" [syn: {tons}, | 09:18 |
Maaz | {dozens}, {heaps}, {lots}, {piles}, {scores}, {stacks}, {loads}, {rafts}, {slews}, {wads}, {oo… | 09:18 |
mazal | Would be a bargain though | 09:18 |
theblazehen | mazal: I don't even want a ps4, so kinda useless to buy it.. | 09:18 |
mazal | The rand is killing us with that machine | 09:19 |
mazal | And my pathetic internet | 09:19 |
mazal | Games R900 to R1200 each. Updates anything from 2gig to 20gig | 09:19 |
theblazehen | Ouch | 09:19 |
mazal | It's no surprise to have to do a 12gig update on a new release these days | 09:20 |
mazal | And that's just the first one , every month after that some more updates | 09:20 |
gremble | We should make our own games studio. If only we knew how to make games and had a market... | 09:20 |
mazal | yeah , that industry got bigger than even the movie industry | 09:21 |
gremble | That is really ridiculous. I never got into gaming. Whenever I play a game and it crashes the first time, I stop. I am not going to spend time on something that randomly does that. | 09:21 |
gremble | Also not going to pay that much money for something that is actually a shitty product | 09:22 |
mazal | Is why I am a console guy. No stability or compatibility or requirements issues | 09:22 |
paddatrapper | I can never find time to play games... | 09:22 |
mazal | If it says PS3 it wil run on the PS3 | 09:22 |
theblazehen | paddatrapper: Same here.. | 09:23 |
* theblazehen really wants to play fallout 4 again | 09:23 | |
mazal | But thanx to the bad rand , money wise it got completely ridiculous | 09:23 |
theblazehen | So close to where I wanted to be | 09:23 |
mazal | I am still at the beginning of Fallout 4 | 09:24 |
paddatrapper | I'm still on Fallout 3 | 09:24 |
mazal | Fallout 3 I never completed either. Must still replay and complete it | 09:24 |
mazal | A few years ago got a new PSN id , so started a long project of rediong every game on new id | 09:25 |
paddatrapper | Though lately (read the last year or so) I've been playing Borderlands the most (grand total of about 5 hours). Good game | 09:26 |
mazal | Now you're talking !!!! Borderlands 1 and 2 by far my favourites. Have it on PS3, PS4 and PC and played through it a number of times on all 3 platforms | 09:26 |
mazal | Best 2 games ever made imo | 09:27 |
mazal | Could never plat nr.2 though. Was unable to kill raid boss and couldn't find a friend to help | 09:28 |
paddatrapper | I'm lucky - have two brothers who enjoy it, so co-ops are not too difficult | 09:30 |
mazal | Co-op best way , I used to lan with my gf and her son , but sadly those days are gone | 09:30 |
paddatrapper | mazal: Perhaps sometime we should have a go over a VPN | 09:32 |
mazal | On what platform you have it ? | 09:32 |
paddatrapper | PC | 09:33 |
mazal | Pc I can't play it anymore, only Linux on my home pc now | 09:33 |
paddatrapper | It runs on Linux as far as I know | 09:33 |
theblazehen | Fallout 3 has good ending :) | 09:34 |
Kilos | was outside repairing cut fences | 09:34 |
paddatrapper | wb | 09:34 |
mazal | paddatrapper, I tested Borderlands 2 on linux a few weeks ago. Runs terrible on Linux , jerky with very bad FPS and input lag | 09:34 |
mazal | And BL 1 I don't think is Linux compatible | 09:35 |
paddatrapper | Damn... | 09:35 |
mazal | Yeah my pc gaming days are over | 09:36 |
mazal | Unless I do dual-boot | 09:36 |
mazal | Now for what reason would my shortcut keys not work today , ai | 09:36 |
mazal | Dit ook nou nog ! | 09:37 |
mazal | Prob the plasma crashes that broke that | 09:37 |
paddatrapper | For some reason I though Borderlands was one of the better games to run under linux, at least via steam | 09:37 |
theblazehen | mazal: If you have the ram to spare, try gpu passthrough? | 09:37 |
mazal | paddatrapper, do you run it on Linux ? | 09:38 |
paddatrapper | mazal: No, but remember reading about it somewhere | 09:38 |
mazal | paddatrapper, For me it runs horrible. Maybe my in-game settings is not right then. But I even took everything down to low and it didn't help | 09:39 |
mazal | theblazehen, spare gpu ram or system ram ? | 09:41 |
theblazehen | Maaz tell mazal system ram. Need to run windows in a vm | 09:50 |
Maaz | theblazehen: Sure, I'll tell mazal on freenode | 09:50 |
mazal | theblazehen, copy that. Will do a lot of reading up first though. Haven't used vm before | 09:52 |
nlsthzn | *yawn* | 11:22 |
mazal | Hi nlsthzn | 11:25 |
mazal | You sound like I feel :) | 11:25 |
nlsthzn | hey mazal :) | 11:25 |
nlsthzn | fudging around as always | 11:26 |
mazal | What DE is that ? | 11:27 |
nlsthzn | mate | 11:28 |
mazal | Reminds me of the good gnome 2 days | 11:28 |
nlsthzn | well that is what is was forked from | 11:28 |
mazal | k | 11:28 |
nlsthzn | gnome 2.32 | 11:28 |
* mazal goes to check out ubuntu mate pics | 11:29 | |
nlsthzn | in ubu mate they even have a switcher to preconfigure the layout in several distro's default gnome 2.32 layouts with a single click | 11:30 |
nlsthzn | pretty cool... | 11:30 |
mazal | Looks like my kind of thing , but seems their LTS are behind ( or their website is ) | 11:32 |
mazal | nvm , the faq is behind | 11:32 |
nlsthzn | mazal, ? well 16.04 is out | 11:32 |
mazal | faq said 14.04 , but I see 16.04 in downloads ues | 11:33 |
mazal | These modern DE's is giving me headaches , maybe I must try mate | 11:33 |
mazal | And I loved gnome2 | 11:34 |
gremble | I enjoy mate. It used to randomly crash, but it has stopped now, touch wood | 11:39 |
mazal | I really need to get that test pc in. Must solve that quickly | 11:41 |
nlsthzn | well, mate is in heavy development and staying in touch with what ever new shenanigans the gnome devs cook up... | 11:45 |
nlsthzn | much more happening there than in XFCE | 11:46 |
theblazehen | ❯ echo {,www.} | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts | 12:08 |
theblazehen | desperate times call for desperate measures.. | 12:08 |
theblazehen | What a waste of a github username/organization :( | 12:11 |
gremble | This knob just made a repo when I asked for his username from github | 12:13 |
gremble | >.> | 12:13 |
theblazehen | gremble: That not you then or what? | 12:16 |
gremble | It is not me, no | 12:18 |
gremble | He hadn't done anything since 2009, so I asked github if I could have the username, then he pushed something to a repo and they said no | 12:18 |
gremble | haha | 12:18 |
theblazehen | heh | 12:19 |
gremble | It is a shame | 12:20 |
superfly | yeah, sadly, one doesn't always get ones username of choice | 12:21 |
superfly | I managed to bag "superfly" here, but I go by "who_da_fly" and "whodafly" elswhere | 12:22 |
Langjan | hi guys | 12:22 |
Langjan | hoe gaan dit Kilos ? | 12:22 |
Langjan | en jy Chris? welkom! | 12:22 |
superfly | Hi Langjan | 12:23 |
superfly | Kilos: *prod* WAKE UP! | 12:23 |
Langjan | hi superfly hoe gaan dit? | 12:23 |
superfly | Langjan: besig, dankie | 12:23 |
superfly | en self? | 12:24 |
Langjan | goed dankie, besig om Chris 'n bietjie wys te maak van Ubuntu | 12:24 |
Langjan | Kilos, jaag seker skape rond... | 12:25 |
superfly | [11:34:26] <Kilos> was outside repairing cut fences | 12:26 |
Langjan | sheep with cutting teeth? | 12:26 |
Kilos | haha | 12:26 |
Langjan | lmga | 12:26 |
Kilos | nee man ek het water gepomp | 12:26 |
Kilos | ty superfly | 12:26 |
Kilos | will carry on with fences tomorrow | 12:27 |
Langjan | chris kuier by my | 12:27 |
Kilos | hi ChrisDames breek jy ook goed | 12:27 |
Langjan | leer van unity ens | 12:27 |
Kilos | hehe | 12:27 |
Kilos | arme man | 12:27 |
Langjan | nee hys nie op kde nie | 12:28 |
Kilos | jy bol jouself nou | 12:28 |
Langjan | jys die ou wat aanhou bolle rol | 12:28 |
Kilos | hahaha | 12:29 |
Kilos | nee nee jy die bal roller | 12:29 |
ChrisDames | Baie dankie Langjan Ja ek vorder sal nog tyd neem | 12:29 |
Langjan | net oefening | 12:29 |
ChrisDames | Jawol | 12:30 |
Kilos | maak soos Langjan hoe meer jy breek hoe vinniger leer jy | 12:30 |
Langjan | German shepherd | 12:30 |
Langjan | you can use him | 12:30 |
Kilos | hmm... | 12:30 |
ChrisDames | Dog training | 12:31 |
Kilos | na these sheep listen to my long leather platted whip | 12:31 |
Langjan | sheepdog? | 12:31 |
Kilos | ya they hande when you have thousands of sheep but these few know when i say kom and uit and hok already | 12:32 |
Langjan | if ChrisDames trains your sheepdog you can be on standby for when I break things | 12:32 |
Kilos | hahaha | 12:32 |
Langjan | O Afrikaanse skape nogal? | 12:32 |
Kilos | did you sort out thunderbird font sizes | 12:32 |
Langjan | yes sort of thks seems theres a bug also | 12:33 |
Langjan | but I know my way around better now | 12:33 |
Kilos | i gave up. just use ctrl+ | 12:33 |
Langjan | easy to break it | 12:33 |
Kilos | tell mazal where you got that eth cable and the cost | 12:34 |
Kilos | but he wont listen anyway | 12:35 |
Langjan | oh I think it wat takealot, R3 per metre delivered (100m length) | 12:35 |
Langjan | let me check | 12:35 |
Kilos | oh my he ran away | 12:37 |
Kilos | Langjan why takealot and you take so little | 12:37 |
Langjan | lmga | 12:37 |
ChrisDames | NO | 12:38 |
Kilos | so ChrisDames gaan dit goed? | 12:38 |
Kilos | wen julle daem | 12:38 |
theblazehen | I want to buy :) | 12:38 |
Kilos | darem | 12:38 |
theblazehen | make it a man page site | 12:39 |
ChrisDames | Ja dankie Kilos | 12:39 |
Kilos | mooi | 12:40 |
ChrisDames | En self | 12:40 |
Kilos | moenie te veel leer by daai toppie nie | 12:40 |
Kilos | hy breek goed | 12:40 |
Langjan |,fkey,p1&ssp=2&sso=1&rc=default | 12:40 |
Kilos | baie goed hier dankie | 12:40 |
Kilos | Langjan who put the plugs on for you | 12:41 |
ChrisDames | Sal versigtig wees | 12:42 |
Kilos | connectors | 12:42 |
Langjan | Local com shop @R10 each | 12:42 |
Kilos | jy slim ne oom | 12:43 |
Langjan | but I bought cable from them at same price then they put plugs on for mahala | 12:43 |
Kilos | haha | 12:43 |
Langjan | I told them cough up cable at R3/m or I order online so they came down from R7,10/m to R3/m including plugs | 12:45 |
Langjan | my Jewish nature | 12:45 |
Langjan | chasing sheep again Kilos ? | 12:45 |
Langjan | jy moet daai skape braai man | 12:46 |
Langjan | ek sal jou kom help eet | 12:46 |
Kilos | jy slim ne | 12:46 |
Langjan | ek leer mos by jou | 12:46 |
Kilos | ai! | 12:46 |
Langjan | haha | 12:47 |
Langjan | jy moet net leer van unity | 12:47 |
Kilos | nee nee as jy geleer het het jy minder goed gebreek | 12:47 |
Langjan | dan kom jy reg | 12:47 |
Kilos | ek hey 12.04 unity op desktop | 12:47 |
Langjan | young men think old men fools but old men know they are | 12:48 |
Kilos | en kde 14.04 natuurlik | 12:48 |
Kilos | haha | 12:48 |
Kilos | oh my dead pc is revived | 12:48 |
Langjan | dis ChrisDames se slimmighede | 12:48 |
Kilos | stripped mother board and reassembled and it works | 12:49 |
Langjan | with 12.04? great | 12:49 |
Kilos | 12.04 early unity | 12:49 |
Kilos | just so i can remember what unity looks like | 12:50 |
Langjan | good | 12:50 |
Kilos | but default boot is kde | 12:50 |
Langjan | keeps you civilised | 12:50 |
Kilos | nono | 12:50 |
Langjan | kde will corrupt you | 12:50 |
Langjan | jaja | 12:50 |
Kilos | i keep it to remind me of the hassles | 12:50 |
Langjan | lmga | 12:50 |
Kilos | hee hee | 12:51 |
Langjan | I have no hassles | 12:51 |
Kilos | um | 12:51 |
Kilos | er | 12:51 |
Langjan | hmm | 12:51 |
Kilos | excuse me | 12:51 |
Langjan | ahhh | 12:51 |
Langjan | true | 12:51 |
Langjan | havent had probs on my machine for dayyyyys | 12:51 |
Kilos | rofl | 12:51 |
Langjan | wats dit?rofl | 12:52 |
Langjan | must be some kde rubbish | 12:52 |
Kilos | rolling on the floor laughing | 12:52 |
Langjan | lmga | 12:52 |
Langjan | how are the pains Kilos ? | 12:52 |
Kilos | i was going to say something sarcastic but changed my mind | 12:53 |
Langjan | good for you | 12:53 |
Kilos | still there but not too bad ty | 12:53 |
Kilos | i can laugh without crying | 12:54 |
Langjan | hope it improves | 12:54 |
Langjan | eish! good | 12:54 |
Kilos | nee man | 12:54 |
Kilos | i would be lost without it | 12:54 |
Kilos | 18 years | 12:54 |
Langjan | ai | 12:54 |
Langjan | long time, sjoe | 12:55 |
Kilos | i wouldnt know what was wrong | 12:55 |
Langjan | any visa news? | 12:55 |
Kilos | nothing, those security peeps there dont want me there | 12:55 |
Kilos | visa peeps say they waiting for security | 12:56 |
Langjan | surely there must be somebod can wake them up | 12:56 |
Langjan | speak to Donald Trump | 12:57 |
Kilos | hahahaha | 12:57 |
Langjan | or oz politician | 12:57 |
Langjan | promise your vote | 12:57 |
Kilos | haha | 12:57 |
Kilos | rev 21:8 | 12:58 |
Langjan | well seriously, find out whos minister of tourism and approach him/her | 12:58 |
Kilos | alle leuenaars kom nooit in die hemel nie | 12:58 |
Kilos | that country is just as bad a s here | 12:58 |
Kilos | debs been renting a house for 3 years | 12:59 |
Langjan | well seriously, find out whos minister of tourism and approach him/her | 12:59 |
Kilos | new agengy took over the leases and told her she didnt pay deposit | 12:59 |
Langjan | you told me, any news on that issue? | 12:59 |
Kilos | she said she had to pay that and a months rent in advance to get the keys | 13:00 |
Langjan | disgrace | 13:00 |
Kilos | she going to pay the 1064 aus dollars wednesday | 13:00 |
Langjan | should go to rent board or ombudsman, must be someone | 13:00 |
Kilos | then they will start investigating | 13:00 |
Kilos | how stupid can you get | 13:01 |
Langjan | just showing chris a video of tara lynn | 13:02 |
ChrisDames | Pragtig Pragtig Pragtigl | 13:08 |
Langjan | jajaja | 13:08 |
Kilos | my kind kan sing ne | 13:09 |
Langjan | Chris se awesome | 13:09 |
Langjan | hy kan nie spel nie... | 13:09 |
Langjan | lmga | 13:09 |
Kilos | lol | 13:09 |
Langjan | nou skop hy my | 13:09 |
Kilos | awesome is n moderne woord | 13:09 |
Langjan | asemrowend is beter | 13:10 |
Langjan | awesome is Ingels man | 13:10 |
Kilos | maar almal gebruik dit | 13:11 |
Kilos | wereld wyd | 13:11 |
Langjan | ja soos voertsek | 13:11 |
Kilos | tot in afganistan | 13:11 |
Langjan | alle honde verstan dit | 13:11 |
Kilos | lol ja | 13:11 |
Langjan | ok Kilos will love and leave you | 13:12 |
ChrisDames | Me too | 13:12 |
Kilos | ty for the visit guys' | 13:12 |
Langjan | mooi loop | 13:12 |
Langjan | our pleasure | 13:12 |
Kilos | look after yourselves | 13:12 |
Langjan | good to know theres always somebod to heal the breaks | 13:13 |
Kilos | lol | 13:13 |
Langjan | you too, and the sheep | 13:13 |
Kilos | will do | 13:13 |
Langjan | chris will train a dog for you | 13:13 |
Kilos | lol | 13:13 |
Langjan | ex sap dog handler | 13:13 |
Langjan | knows the ropes | 13:13 |
Langjan | ven when they chew theme | 13:13 |
Langjan | them | 13:13 |
Kilos | debbie has a prob dog from those cops | 13:13 |
Kilos | she saved him from being euthenised | 13:14 |
Langjan | ai | 13:14 |
Kilos | now he follows her everywhere | 13:14 |
Kilos | he was too hardegat to train | 13:15 |
Langjan | yes they love to be with people who care | 13:15 |
Langjan | what breed? | 13:15 |
Kilos | shepherd | 13:15 |
Kilos | we used to call them alsations | 13:15 |
Langjan | yes | 13:16 |
Langjan | german shepherd | 13:16 |
Kilos | yes | 13:16 |
ChrisDames | A dog should never enter or exit a door or gate bevore his handler | 13:17 |
Kilos | oh | 13:18 |
Langjan | its a pecking order thing | 13:18 |
Kilos | ja | 13:18 |
ChrisDames | Or he wil think he is the bos and you the dog | 13:20 |
Langjan | Zumas dog goes in front | 13:21 |
Kilos | that one was half way trained i think but did his own thing so wasnt any good to the cops | 13:21 |
Kilos | lol | 13:21 |
Langjan | ok my friend, take good care, chat again later | 13:21 |
Kilos | but he follows debbie all over so thats good for her protection | 13:22 |
Langjan | yes excellent | 13:22 |
Kilos | pas julle op my vriend | 13:22 |
Langjan | but not so necessary in oz | 13:22 |
Langjan | dankie jy ook Kilos mooi loop | 13:22 |
Kilos | not as bad but there are skelms everywhere | 13:22 |
ChrisDames | Ok cheers | 13:23 |
Kilos | cheers ChrisDames | 13:23 |
Kilos | mooi loo[p | 13:23 |
Kilos | loop | 13:23 |
Kilos | ai! | 13:23 |
mazal | Oom Kilos , sorry I can't remember what my cables cost | 14:19 |
=== deegee is now known as drussell | ||
Kilos | np | 14:25 |
mazal | Nou's ek lekke deur die ^%$ | 15:35 |
Kilos | hoekom mazal | 15:38 |
mazal | Fell asleep on the couch , woke up not sure if it's day or night :P | 15:38 |
Kilos | lol | 15:39 |
mazal | Think I must eat something and then the big choice of the evening | 15:39 |
Kilos | lol | 15:46 |
Kilos | wb deegee | 16:01 |
paddatrapper | Or not it seems | 16:03 |
Kilos | haha | 16:03 |
Kilos | i wonder where he is globe trotting these days | 16:03 |
Kilos | hi drussell where are you now? | 16:07 |
Kilos | hi ERGO_proxi | 16:10 |
ERGO_proxi | Kilos, hi | 16:10 |
Kilos | do you need linux help or you just visiting | 16:11 |
ERGO_proxi | A friend referred me to Ubuntu. So I installed it and tried irc out | 16:12 |
Kilos | cool | 16:12 |
Kilos | you are welcome to hang out here | 16:13 |
Kilos | if you need any help, say what the prob is and someone will help you sort it | 16:13 |
ERGO_proxi | Thanks.. what programmes would you recommended or use? | 16:14 |
Kilos | all depends what you want to do | 16:15 |
Kilos | we have guys here using all the ubuntu flavours and other linux distributions | 16:15 |
Kilos | called distros | 16:16 |
ERGO_proxi | I'm kinda new at this so I'm running Ubuntu with defualt apps.. That's cool, distris huh.. | 16:16 |
Kilos | default apps are good, peeps that get more involved add other things | 16:17 |
Kilos | ai! | 16:17 |
Kilos | AndChat|698676 you have a bad connection | 16:18 |
Kilos | for irc you can use hexchat and vlc for vids etc | 16:19 |
Kilos | for emails i use thunderbird | 16:19 |
AndChat|698676 | My bad I'm outside s.a, and roaming using android irc .. | 16:19 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: Why not Kmail? | 16:19 |
Kilos | lol paddatrapper i battled to get it setup when i tried it so stuck with tb | 16:20 |
Kilos | AndChat|698676 np | 16:20 |
paddatrapper | Ah. I'm quite enjoying Kmail, but it has a couple of annoyances I find | 16:21 |
Kilos | and tb works lekker with the fridge calender | 16:21 |
Kilos | took forever to setup as well though | 16:21 |
Kilos | the pro has it all worked out luckily | 16:23 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: Fridge calendar? I take it that is a calendar build into a fridge | 16:42 |
Kilos | lol i have no idea where they got the name from | 16:43 |
Kilos | | 16:43 |
Kilos | sjoe | 16:44 |
Kilos | Maaz shorten | 16:44 |
Maaz | Kilos: I can't reach that site | 16:44 |
paddatrapper | Ah lol | 16:44 |
Kilos | ai! | 16:45 |
Kilos | paddatrapper how good is your python | 16:49 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: Pretty good | 16:49 |
paddatrapper | What I don't know I can search | 16:49 |
Kilos | when you have some time will you look at ibid for us and fix it so they can see google again please | 16:50 |
Kilos | inetpro can tell you where to get the code | 16:50 |
paddatrapper | Sure | 16:50 |
Kilos | ty somewhere in github | 16:51 |
Kilos | google changed something now the bots cant use it anymore | 16:51 |
paddatrapper | Found it. They did change their API a while back I seem to remeber | 16:51 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: In what way is it unable to see google? | 16:59 |
Kilos | watch | 16:59 |
Kilos | Maaz google thunder | 16:59 |
Maaz | Kilos: That didn't seem to agree with me | 16:59 |
Kilos | its like there is a link in the code that needs changing | 17:00 |
paddatrapper | Ah ok | 17:01 |
Kilos | i go eat | 17:02 |
magespawn | good evening | 17:13 |
theblazehen | hi magespawn. How's things? | 17:14 |
magespawn | good and you theblazehen? getting used to gauteng cold | 17:16 |
theblazehen | I'm alright ty magespawn | 17:16 |
magespawn | loving the lte so far | 17:18 |
theblazehen | lte is good, yeah | 17:20 |
Kilos | hi magespawn | 17:23 |
magespawn | hi Kilos | 17:23 |
Kilos | magespawn do you remember where ibid was on irc? | 17:30 |
Kilos | that other name place | 17:30 |
Kilos | dunno if there is anyone there anymore even | 17:30 |
Kilos | maybe wizzy, i wonder why he stopped coming here | 17:32 |
mazal | See now this is what I was talking about today , only 2 games on PS4 has updates tonight. Total size 11gig | 17:36 |
Kilos | ouch | 17:36 |
Kilos | 4 months data | 17:36 |
mazal | Gaming gone crazy completely | 17:37 |
magespawn | Kilos: you mean the ibid channel? | 17:39 |
theblazehen | mazal: | 17:39 |
Kilos | yes magespawn | 17:39 |
magespawn | | 17:41 |
magespawn | not sure if that is what you are looking for | 17:41 |
Kilos | it wasnt on freenode, i remember that but the name hasnt come to light in head | 17:42 |
Kilos | pro will know | 17:42 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: The IRC channel seems to be on #ibid | 17:42 |
Kilos | there atrum | 17:42 |
paddatrapper | Busy playing with the source at the moment | 17:43 |
Kilos | on the latest one paddatrapper ? | 17:43 |
paddatrapper | Straight from Github, yes | 17:44 |
Kilos | yay fly will be happy | 17:44 |
Kilos | ty | 17:44 |
Kilos | and the weed | 17:44 |
Kilos | | 17:45 |
Kilos | that didnt work | 17:45 |
paddatrapper | It is an IRC server... CLUG (Cape LUG) is on there | 17:47 |
Kilos | i used to be able to get there from here but forgot how | 17:48 |
paddatrapper | It should be the same as adding a new IRC server and joining the channel | 17:49 |
Kilos | lol i used to just put the link here and click on it | 17:49 |
paddatrapper | Sounds much easier! | 17:52 |
magespawn | what program are you using Kilos? | 17:52 |
Kilos | i always look for easy | 17:52 |
Kilos | konversation | 17:52 |
magespawn | can you use the command /connect ? | 17:53 |
Kilos | i can try | 17:53 |
magespawn | sorry not iec=irc | 17:53 |
Kilos | [19:53] [481] Kilos Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator | 17:54 |
Kilos | haha | 17:54 |
magespawn | not sure if konverstion has a server window | 17:54 |
Kilos | | 17:55 |
magespawn | irssi allows multiple server connections, notsure how to do that in konversation | 17:55 |
Kilos | ai! | 17:55 |
Kilos | | 17:56 |
Kilos | ai! | 17:56 |
Kilos | nm ill get the culprits here | 17:57 |
Kilos | magespawn you leaving tomorrow? | 17:58 |
magespawn | maybe try /SERVER | 17:59 |
Kilos | wooooo | 17:59 |
Kilos | well done magespawn | 18:00 |
Kilos | i asked are you leaving tomorrow | 18:00 |
magespawn | leaving where? | 18:00 |
magespawn | just got here | 18:00 |
Kilos | you in jozi already? | 18:00 |
Kilos | eish | 18:00 |
magespawn | yup arrived today | 18:00 |
Kilos | sjoe | 18:01 |
Kilos | you said tuesday | 18:01 |
magespawn | start work tomorrow | 18:01 |
Kilos | you were mixed up then | 18:01 |
magespawn | i said so the other night | 18:02 |
Kilos | im sure you said leaving tuesday to start work on monday | 18:02 |
Kilos | wednesday i mean | 18:02 |
magespawn | i did, but i thought i corrected myself on that | 18:02 |
Kilos | nm welcome to the cold place | 18:02 |
magespawn | thanks, going to take a little getting used to | 18:05 |
Kilos | yeah cold here | 18:05 |
Kilos | and more coming | 18:05 |
theblazehen | Cold is good :) | 18:05 |
Kilos | if you a penguin ya | 18:06 |
theblazehen | Kilos: Well, we *are* in #ubuntu-za :) | 18:11 |
Kilos | lol | 18:11 |
Kilos | natal peeps have thin skins | 18:12 |
Kilos | old peeps too | 18:12 |
magespawn | not that thin, but i tell you one thing that i feel more awake up here | 18:13 |
Kilos | less oxygen in the air here | 18:13 |
magespawn | so i should be more asleep | 18:14 |
Kilos | you will acclimatise | 18:14 |
Kilos | you will | 18:14 |
Kilos | you just got here | 18:14 |
Kilos | its the shock | 18:14 |
magespawn | right | 18:14 |
Kilos | urbanslug arent you supposed to be sleeping | 18:22 |
Kilos | paddatrapper have you found the section that tells the bot where to google | 18:24 |
Kilos | dont spend lots of time hey, studies come first | 18:25 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: I'm still struggling to get it setup. The default DB file doesn't work - throws a TypeError and forgotten the root password on my MySQL server so can't use that... | 18:25 |
Kilos | it wont work | 18:26 |
paddatrapper | Waiting for a response from a guy who hopefully does remember it so I can get a DB setup | 18:26 |
Kilos | only works on 12.04 | 18:26 |
Kilos | oh you not installing | 18:26 |
paddatrapper | I'm running from source | 18:27 |
paddatrapper | I go eat | 18:27 |
Kilos | enjoy | 18:27 |
Kilos | i can give you a ibid.db i think | 18:27 |
Kilos | i need to setup my old 32bit pc and get you a .db | 18:30 |
magespawn | paddatrapper: reset the root password if you need to | 18:38 |
paddatrapper | Ok I'm back. | 18:38 |
magespawn | i forget how but it is possible | 18:38 |
paddatrapper | magespawn: Looks like I'll have to | 18:38 |
Kilos | you eat too fast | 18:39 |
Kilos | unhealthy | 18:39 |
Kilos | im busy installing ibid then ill have the .db | 18:39 |
Kilos | need modem wbb | 18:43 |
* mazal returns battered and bruised | 18:51 | |
mazal | They be kicking my butt in Fallout 4 :( | 18:51 |
theblazehen | mazal: Fun. What difficulty you play at? | 18:55 |
Kilos | can we do this tomorrow paddatrapper | 18:55 |
Kilos | even on xchat here | 18:55 |
theblazehen | Embarresing "secret": I always play on the easiest. Less time spent on the actual game, more on the story | 18:55 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: I'm eating and working at the same time (of sorts), that's why I'm taking a while to reply | 18:55 |
theblazehen | Glad I'm not the only one working late.. | 18:56 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: Thursday or Friday rather? Need to spend tomorrow and Wednesday preparing for Maths | 18:56 |
Kilos | thats good paddatrapper ty thern i can take my time install ibid | 18:56 |
Kilos | and get a chair here | 18:57 |
Kilos | hehe | 18:57 |
Kilos | i go back to lappy | 18:57 |
Kilos | wbb | 18:57 |
mazal | theblazehen, I don't know actually , I think easy | 18:59 |
mazal | Stuck on 1 mission I keep dying , so continuing with some other missions | 18:59 |
mazal | That's 1 flaw of Fallout , neither the enemies nor the missions shows levels , so one never know if you can actually do a mission yet or not | 19:00 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 19:01 |
paddatrapper | Night | 19:01 |
Kilos | night inetpro | 19:01 |
mazal | nag oom | 19:02 |
inetpro | goeie nag oom | 19:02 |
mazal | Night all , sleep well | 19:07 |
magespawn | good night all | 19:23 |
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