
JanCmoldo: only ATI or also internal Intel GPU?00:00
moldojanc only ati00:00
squintyTheMarius, probably better talked about in #ubuntu-discuss as this channel is for support only :-)00:01
sonicBashing-om so everything after quiet splash i delete?00:01
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Bashing-omsonic: delete quiet splash AND all after ( VT_hanfoff=7 ??) // .. insert the term systemd.unit=multi-user.target .00:02
Bashing-omsonic: You are going to boot to a true terminal .... TTY1 . Log in here  and we continue .00:04
moldothanks t00lman00:04
clg1So my desktop folder is acting strange, like it's been deleted. But i definitely didn't delete it in nautilus or on the cli. I was trying to flash an .iso to a usb using dd. I'm sure I got the disk right (sdc). And all my other folders in ~/ are fine. It's just the desktop folder00:06
clg1It's also not in my trash folder00:06
clg1any idea what could be going on? I've never seen anything like this and google isn't very helpful00:06
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sonicBashing-om now im getting ---[ end kernel panic - not syncing: VFS : unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)  this dont look good man00:09
moldoin xrandr i can t see the vga display00:10
moldohow do i fix that ?00:10
Bashing-omsonic: Ouch ! .. Agreed ,, not looking good ! .. review the instructions that you followed them exactly .. else !!! looks like a re-install is in order . grub not finding the kernel ??00:11
sonicBashing-on my pc has froze too, yep think its time to reinstall00:13
Bashing-omsonic: Power down completely to OFF .. and power back up . See if you can boot to TTY1 .00:14
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squintymoldo, just a thought... does your computer require a key press sequence to access the vga port  (f5 for example)00:15
sonicBashing-om its let me back onto the GRUB menu00:16
squintymoldo,  also might want to check Additional Drivers (search in the dash) to see if anything is offered00:16
Bashing-omsonic: systemd.unit=multi-user.target ??00:16
Noruxanybody there?00:16
EriC^^yes, ask00:16
Noruxoh hi eric00:16
Noruxgood that you're there00:16
EriC^^hi Norux00:17
moldosquinty, no. in fact the computer allows me to move on the vga display with my cursor but it s all black with the cursor in white00:17
Noruxyou probably don't remember me, I've had 3 usernames i asked you with haha00:17
EriC^^yeah :D00:17
sonicBashing-om trying it now00:17
EriC^^what's up?00:17
Noruxso i have a problem, I try to install ubuntu 14.04 on my desktop, and when booting it after the installation i get a black screen with a blinking cursor00:18
Noruxlive works fine though00:18
EriC^^Norux: did you try the nomodeset trick?00:18
moldosquinty, i have the choice between Xorg amd ati display driver wrapper and amd proprietary drivers00:18
Noruxwhat's that?00:18
EriC^^Norux: you hold shift when the pc boots, then press e over ubuntu and in the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz .... quiet splash you add nomodeset there and press ctrl+x00:19
sonicBashing-om there is a line after the handoff part do i get rid of that too?00:19
NoruxEriC^^: okay shall i try that real quick?00:20
EriC^^Norux: yeah00:20
EriC^^go for it00:20
NoruxEriC^^: ok brb then00:20
squintymoldo,  afraid to say I am not up on ati drivers so hopefully someone else will be able to help with that.00:21
Bashing-omsonic: No, that next line is "something else ". But my memory is failing me .00:21
moldook squinty :-)00:22
moldohello guys, does anyone knows how to allow display detection with ati drivers in xandr ?00:22
squintymoldo,  there was some change regarding ati drivers and ubuntu 16.04 recently and not being well versed in ati I don't want to give you erroneous information.  :-)00:23
JennyBlueBirdheya guys. If I have an encrypted home folder and want to use full disk encryption when upgrading to a new system, do I basically need to backup my home directory and just copy the files over anew after installing the new system ?00:23
EriC^^JennyBlueBird: yeah, copy them decrypted and copy them back00:24
T00LmanIf X itself can't see the ATI card, then there's nothing your can do to make xrandr see it.  You have to get X to see it first.  (but, like squinty, I don't know much about ATI stuff)00:25
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JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, ok, so I copy all my stuff ( including config files and such that I wish to keep ) to a separate drive ( which happens to also be encrypted ) and then install the new ubuntu on my main drive, with the option to encrypt the home folder too ( yes I want both ) , and then I log in to the new system and copy all the files into the newly created home directory ?00:25
NoruxEriC^^: nope00:26
JennyBlueBirdnow, here's the key thing, how do I avoid making redundant copies of the default directories ?00:26
JennyBlueBirdlike the downloads folder ?00:26
NoruxEriC^^: can't get into the grub menu00:26
sonicBashing-om it worked :) whats next?00:26
EriC^^JennyBlueBird: you won't make redundant copies00:26
NoruxEriC^^: I'm on my laptop now so I won't disconnect again00:26
JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, do I just nuke the new home directory before copying the old files in there or something ?00:26
EriC^^Norux: try to enable it from /etc/default/grub00:27
JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, or will CP automatically figrue out that the directories have the same names and just stick the files where they belong ?00:27
EriC^^JennyBlueBird: no, copying the files over will just add to whatever the dirs have00:27
JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, so I use cp -rp or what ?00:27
EriC^^i'd use rsync -av then chown it to your new user00:28
NoruxEriC^^: how do I access etc/default/grub from live boot?00:28
EriC^^Norux: type sudo parted -l and get the name of the ext partition that has linux on it00:28
EriC^^then type sudo mount /dev/sd.. /mnt00:29
T00Lmanmoldo, BTW: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/ubuntu-drops-amd-catalyst-fglrx-driver-16-0400:29
Bashing-omsonic: We start the GUI .. are you presently communicating on a diiferent system ? In this mode only required services are active .. and networking is not one of them . We have to start what we want active .00:29
JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, ok, so I have the directory "jennifer" on my backup drive (it's just a complete dump of my home directory ) , and I run rsynch -av /media/olddrive/jennifer /home/jennifer , or what ?00:30
EriC^^JennyBlueBird: yeah that'd work00:30
EriC^^JennyBlueBird: actually no it wont00:30
EriC^^add a trailing "/" after the first jennifer00:30
NoruxEriC^^: okay got it, do I add the nomodeset to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT ?00:31
JennyBlueBirdis that because I don't want to put the old directory IN my new directory, but just make them match ?00:31
EriC^^yeah, so it copies the contents of the first dir00:31
NoruxEriC^^: there's quiet splash already00:31
squintyT00Lman,  thanks  remember reading that but knew not where.00:31
EriC^^Norux: ok, add nomodeset00:32
sonicBashing-om im now on the terminal and im on the irc through my xbox but my laptop has an ethernet cable in it00:32
T00Lmanthere's a blurb in the rsync man page explaining the difference between dirs ending w/ a slash and those not.  After 15 years, I still have to go read it every time.00:32
JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, so, rsynch -av /media/olddrive/jennifer/ /home/jennifer   would do the trick ?00:32
EriC^^JennyBlueBird: yeah00:32
EriC^^no h on rsync though00:32
JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, sctually, probably sudo -av /media/olddrive/jennifer/ /media/jennifer  just in case some files have weird permissions00:32
JennyBlueBirdah yea00:33
NoruxEriC^^: do I have to run sudo update-grub?00:33
EriC^^yeah sudo's a good idea00:33
JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, thanks a lot00:33
EriC^^JennyBlueBird: no problem00:33
EriC^^Norux: yeah00:33
NoruxEriC^^: uhh failed to get canonical path of /cow00:33
JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, final question. The data dump wa smade with cp -ar , I assume that won't matter since the target directory was empty at the time ?00:33
EriC^^Norux: oh, right00:33
JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, all files appear to be there with correct permissions and such00:34
EriC^^Norux: type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done00:34
Bashing-omsonic: K. Our focus is to start the GUI on the problem bix .. we not worry with added services . in that terminal do ' systemctl isolate graphical.target ' . What errors does the system report ? OR does the desktop start ?00:34
NoruxEriC^^: mount point does not exist00:35
EriC^^Norux: must be some typo00:35
EriC^^Norux: check the /mnt$i part00:36
moldooh i see00:36
NoruxEriC^^: no typo00:37
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moldoT00Lman, i should sell my laptop then and get a new nvidia laptop00:37
EriC^^Norux: did you mount the install at /mnt?00:37
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EriC^^Norux: type ls /mnt00:37
qwertyouwheres the chat cahnnel?00:37
NoruxEriC^^: no output00:37
squintyqwertyou,  #ubuntu-offtopic00:38
Bashing-omqwertyou: #ubuntu-offtopic .00:38
EriC^^Norux: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999900:38
T00LmanUbuntu says the open source driver is supposed to be good (and apparently AMD put a lot of work into it)... so, I wouldn't dump it just yet.00:38
NoruxEriC^^: http://termbin.com/v6ff00:39
T00LmanHere's a thought tho.... you said originally that you were trying to get the external display working right?00:39
qwertyou   /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER qwertyou ubaoyywjgznj00:40
davidmichaelkarrI've noticed for a while that the "Software Updater" window doesn't let me see the detail of things being installed.  There is an arrow which used to expand the details, but clicking on the arrow doesn't do anything anymore.00:40
sonicBashing-om i put that command in and it taken me to the screen where it all started " the system is running in low graphics mode"00:40
NoruxEriC^^: is it right that the boot flag is on my 2nd hard drive??00:40
T00LmanPerhaps that one isn't using the AMD controller.  Maybe it's using the intel controller onboard your CPU?00:40
moldoT00Lman, yes it works and you can move the mouse on the screen. but it doesnt display in display00:40
moldoT00Lman, let me check that00:41
EriC^^Norux: yes, windows is picky about that00:41
Bashing-omsonic: And .. there is a login box ? What results when you login on the quest account ?00:41
EriC^^Norux: type sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt00:41
T00LmanOhhhh... if you can see the mouse pointer on both screens... then X is detecting the device... I thought it was totally dead.00:41
NoruxEriC^^: okay00:42
NoruxEriC^^: done00:42
NoruxEriC^^: now the for thingy?00:42
moldoT00Lman, yes exactly :)00:42
EriC^^Norux: yes00:42
NoruxEriC^^: no output this time00:43
EriC^^Norux: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt00:43
NoruxEriC^^: okay done00:43
EriC^^Norux: nano /etc/default/grub00:43
NoruxEriC^^: okay00:43
T00Lmanmoldo, what do you get when you run: xrandr -q -v | egrep '[^s]connected'00:44
moldoT00Lman, then i should reconfigure xconfig ?00:44
NoruxEriC^^: now add the no... part?00:45
sonicBashing-om there is an option to log in but all im getting cursor flashing in the top left corner00:45
EriC^^Norux: yup00:46
NoruxEriC^^: nomodeset right00:46
NoruxEriC^^: ok00:46
NoruxEriC^^: can i reboot after the update-grub?00:46
EriC^^might as well check some stuff00:47
riky79a tt00:47
Bashing-omsonic: K .. and you did make the attempt ? .. if so return to TTY1 . Key combo alt+F1 .. and post in termbin ' cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log ' cat .xsession-errors ' . Lets look at the errors .00:48
EriC^^check which driver it's using right now in the live usb (open another terminal leaving that one open too) and type lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 999900:48
riky79there's italian here?00:48
EriC^^!it | riky7900:49
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:49
ubotturiky79: please see above00:49
NoruxEriC^^: http://termbin.com/k8bq00:49
riky79tnk you00:49
EriC^^Norux: you're installing 16.04?00:49
NoruxEriC^^: no, 14.0400:49
T00Lman(time to cook dinner)00:50
EriC^^T00Lman: have a good one :)00:50
NoruxEriC^^: why, is 16.04 LTS already?00:50
EriC^^Norux: yeah, but it can't be upgraded to from 14.04 for now00:51
NoruxEriC^^: oh, so should i stick with 14.04?00:51
Hydr0p0nXis there anyway to increase the audio be sent out of the hdmi out on my video card ?00:52
EriC^^Norux: try dpkg -l | grep -E "radeon|amd" | nc termbin.com 999900:52
ubottuUsers of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.00:52
EriC^^Norux: it's up to you really, i'm using 16.04 have had a suspend issue and i'm using a newer kernel as a workaround00:53
EriC^^other than that it's been fine00:53
NoruxEriC^^: http://termbin.com/n5yk00:53
NoruxEriC^^: what are the advantages to 14.0400:53
squintyHydr0p0nX,  System settings -> sound -> allow louder than 100%00:54
sonicBashing-om could u say that command again plz my xbox froze00:54
EriC^^Norux: newer software00:54
Bashing-omsonic:  cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log ' cat .xsession-errors .00:55
squintysonic,  <Bashing-om> sonic: K .. and you did make the attempt ? .. if so return to TTY1 . Key combo alt+F1 .. and post in termbin ' cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log ' cat .xsession-errors ' . Lets look at the errors .00:55
EriC^^Norux: type uname -r00:55
NoruxEriC^^: 3.19.0-25-generic00:55
EriC^^same as the kernel in the install00:55
EriC^^odd usually people upgrade during the install and it messes up the graphics when they boot it later, or install another vga driver00:56
EriC^^you're using the same kernel though as well as the open source radeon driver00:56
EriC^^did you choose the "update while installing" option?00:57
NoruxEriC^^: yes, i did00:57
EriC^^maybe it was some other package i guess00:57
donofriohow do I join/bridge multiple xorg ubuntu hosts together, so I can view a video across multiple monitors?00:57
EriC^^Norux: you could try installing a newer hwe stack00:58
EriC^^Norux: or maybe installing fglrx / fglrx-updates might help00:58
NoruxEriC^^: is that the problem it won't boot??00:58
EriC^^Norux: no idea, we can try looking at lightdm logs maybe, give nomodeset a shot just to see what happens00:59
EriC^^type exit then reboot00:59
NoruxEriC^^: okay. doesn't work.01:00
sonicBashing-om im not getting anything with that command, cat /vat/log/lightdm/lightdm.log  cat . xsessions-errors, is that right?01:00
EriC^^Norux: does pressing ctrl+alt+f1 work?01:00
NoruxEriC^^: whilst in blackscreen? no01:01
EriC^^sonic: try with sudo01:01
NoruxEriC^^: not a single ubuntu installation without booting problems hahaha01:02
Bashing-omsonic: /var/ ... not /vat/ and ot is cat .xsession-errors . no space after the '.' .01:03
ginanyone had any success with IGD dual monitors?01:05
lkthomasfolks, one of my upstart job keep stuck at start or stop, how could I start debug ?01:07
sonicBashing-om okay so its cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log cat.xsessions-errors01:07
ginlkthomas, can you swap to terminal (ctrl+alt+f1) ?01:08
NoruxEriC^^: what can I try next?01:09
Bashing-omsonic: C;ose .. but a space after cat in '  cat .xsession-errors ' andf it is .xsession. no ending 's' .01:09
lkthomasgin, yes, what do you need ?01:11
lkthomasstrace showing this : recvmsg(3, 0x7ffc448e3820, MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)01:11
ginlkthomas, if you run "dmesg | tail" check if theres any errormessages you get any wiser of01:11
lkthomasgin, no01:12
ginlkthomas, have you tried booting the system in recovery from grub menu?01:13
sonicBashing-om there we are http://termbin.com/cui101:13
Bashing-omsonic: reading .01:14
lkthomasgin, problem is come from that specific service, how does system recovery help ?01:15
ginlkthomas, Wanted to make sure you can boot the system01:15
lkthomasI am running that system01:15
NoruxEriC^^ ?01:16
ginI figured as much, since you had terminal access ;)01:16
Noruxwill somebody except EriC^^ help me?01:17
Bashing-omsonic: Still reading but this ain't good " DEBUG: Seat seat0: Stopping; failed to start a greeter " .01:18
ginlkthomas, /var/log/syslog is a good place to start if you're sure it's a service that prevents you from booting properly01:18
sonicBashing-om can this be fixed?01:19
lkthomasgin, if it's that easy, I could finish it up by myself01:19
ginAnyone having any experiance with IGD/PEG Dual monitor setup?01:23
Noruxi get a black screen when booting my fresh ubuntu 14.04 installation01:24
LtLNorux: first thing i would try is the 'nomodeset' parameter at the grub screen.01:26
NoruxLtL: already done that01:27
NoruxLtL: didn't help, EriC^^ recommended that aswell01:27
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JennyBlueBirdEriC^^, seems to have worked soo far , will see how it goes01:29
NoruxJennyBlueBird: He's afk I think01:29
NoruxJennyBlueBird: prob. won't answer you01:30
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JennyBlueBirdNorux, no big deal, mostly wanted to let him know his advice worked01:31
sonicBashing-om any ideas?01:32
NoruxJennyBlueBird: oh that's nice, good for you ;)01:32
Noruxwelp, seemingly nobody is here anymore, I'll come back tomorrow with my problem then01:35
Bashing-omsonic: Still reading .. and scratching head .. but let's see what results from the F1 console with ' sudo systemctl stop lightdm.service ; sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm ; sudo dpkg-reconfigure unity-greeter ; sudo systemctl start lightdm.service ' . I will need to be aware of the exact errors of there are any . Anything now on ctl+alt+F7 ?01:38
sonicBashing-om is the one command again?01:41
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Bashing-omsonic: No, here there are 4 seperate command .. one and hot enter .. see what the system says . 2 enter the 2nd command . hit enter .. see what results .. the command 3 similar .. and finally 4 to start the GUI .01:43
EoNhey guys, how can I make my terminal window background be transparent?01:51
snckrsHey guys! I managed to install ubuntu without problems on my PC, but for some reason wifi isnt working, While it connects to the router I actually have no connection to the internet01:53
sonicBashing-om okay so it taken me to other screen saying /dev/sda 10:recovering journal, / dev/sda10: clean 282881/4390912 files, 1999998/17543168 blocks. any ideas what this means?01:53
alexis_holaaa bebe01:54
alexis_como andas miamor01:54
alexis_vamo a comer eso?01:54
Bashing-omsonic: Just the system telling you what it is doing .. all that is fine .. system checking that all is good .. and going on about the business of booting up .01:55
Bashing-om!es | alexis_01:56
ubottualexis_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:56
k00l3th4nEoN: Go to Edit > Profile Preferences > Colors and click the box 'Use transparent background'.01:57
sonicBashing-om so ater this thing should be working ok? or is there still more work to be done?01:57
Bashing-omsonic: I must be away from the keyboard for a bit .. be back in a bit . // If there are no errors .. try and reboot and see what happens .01:58
EoNk00l3th4n: thank you kindly sir. you are a gentleman and a scholar.01:58
snckrsDid someone read my message? :D01:59
k00l3th4nEoN: NP and always glad to help.01:59
sonicBashing-om okay its not doing anything right now is that normal? and its cool dude take your time01:59
z_hello, people02:01
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Guest92033hello, minitrue02:02
=== alpha is now known as Guest96339
alpha__I am trying to boot from a linux live usb in order to resize my root partition, however when i boot from usb it reboots into grub normally without giving me the option to try without installing.02:09
Queenslayeralpha, md5 checksum?02:12
QueenslayerDoes it match?02:12
bublikim having an issue installing ubuntu on top of windows 10. at the end of the install it tells me that it cannot install a bootloader. how do i fix that?02:13
Queenslayerbublik, when you install it should give you the efi folder in the partitions02:13
QueenslayerYou should be able to select it from there02:13
bublikhmm i didnt notice that02:13
bublikat which point in the process does it ask me to select the efi02:14
bublikit works perfectly as live usb :(02:14
QueenslayerWhen on the installation page, go on "Try something else"02:14
QueenslayerOr something along them lines02:14
Queenslayerbublik, that's because it's booting from your USB02:14
bubliki tried picking the other hd to install bootloader02:14
bublikbut nothing would work02:14
QueenslayerWhat's your setup?02:14
Queenslayer2 hard disks?02:15
bubliksorry for caps02:15
bubliki have an ssd and a 2tb media hd02:15
QueenslayerSo which one has the Windows 10 on it?02:15
bublikit used to be on the ssd02:15
bublikthen i installed debian on it02:15
QueenslayerYou'll basically have to use the Windows 10 efi folder02:15
QueenslayerAnd it will allow you boot from GRUB"02:15
bublikbut debian does something weird... in order to boot to it i have to select to boot from that particular hd... otherwise it brings me to some windows error02:16
QueenslayerThought you said Ubuntu?02:16
bubliki tried debian first02:16
clincksHello, I'm running ubuntu 16.04 in a Hyper-V on Windows 2012. When I use docker, I get: eSegmentation fault (core dumped) ubuntu. Any idea how to fix this ??? Thanks02:16
bublikbut now im trying to install ubuntu02:16
bublikit didnt mention anything about efi during instlal02:17
bublikjust asked me select the hd where to install02:17
alpha__I used linuxlive in windows 10 to put the iso on the usb, is there still a way that i can check without it being in a local directory?02:17
Queenslayeralpha from windows or Linux?02:18
Queenslayerbublik, it won't02:18
QueenslayerYou select it yourself02:18
clincksHello, I'm running ubuntu 16.04 in a Hyper-V on Windows 2012. When I use docker, I get: eSegmentation fault (core dumped) ubuntu. Any idea how to fix this ??? Thanks02:18
bublikqueenslayer at which point in the process?02:18
alpha__from linux02:18
QueenslayerYour setup means two hard drives but uefi will look for windows02:18
QueenslayerLast option will allow you to maneuvre about02:19
Queenslayeralpha__, md5sum (andyourfile)02:19
bublikqueenslayer: so do i select the last option? what i did before was to just install ubuntu over debian02:20
QueenslayerYeah, last option will give you more control02:20
snckrsHey guys! I managed to install ubuntu without problems on my PC, but for some reason wifi isnt working, While it connects to the router I actually have no connection to the internet02:20
QueenslayerDon't forget to use /(root) as mount point02:21
bublikqueenslayer: ok thanks. i'm doing it as we speak. hopefully it will work02:21
QueenslayerIgnore the bit in the brackets when you come to it, just the slash02:21
QueenslayerGl bublik02:21
Queenslayersnckrs, which version02:21
snckrsQueenslayer, 16.04 LTS02:22
Queenslayerbublik, please don't select your windows partition02:22
QueenslayerJust be very very careful at that point02:22
Queenslayersnckrs, do you know what your hardware is?02:22
QueenslayerBroadcom, etc?02:23
bublikqueenslayer: why not? i dont want to run anything but ubuntu. windows is actually no longer on the system but somehow the bootloader is02:23
QueenslayerBublik even better02:23
QueenslayerFormat it all02:23
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QueenslayerFormat them all to ext4 and leave some for swap and efi02:24
snckrsQueenslayer, nope, dmesg doesnt give a lot of info about that02:24
bublikqueenslayer: thats what i did last time. i formated the 120gb ssd where my windows then debian used to be. but when it got to the end of the install it gave me the bootloader error02:24
Queenslayeryou're running a new system?02:24
QueenslayerUEFI BIOS right?02:25
bublikyeah i believe so02:25
QueenslayerJust check02:25
clincksSomeone to help me with a core dump ?02:25
bublikalmost positive it is uefi02:25
QueenslayerIf it's just one system legacy mode will be easier02:25
Queenslayersnckrs, lshw?02:26
Queenslayertried that?02:26
Queenslayersnckrs, run this sudo lshw -C network02:27
snckrsQueenslayer, Ah! RTL8821AE 802.11ac PCIe Wireless Network adapter02:27
Queenslayer"sudo lshw -C network" without the "02:27
Bashing-omsonic: Back .. and upon reboot, now a GUI ?02:27
bublikqueenslayer is there a way to disable uefi?02:27
QueenslayerDepends on your bios though02:28
bublikqueenslayer: is that in bios?02:28
bublikwhich section?02:28
Queenslayereach bios is different02:29
QueenslayerBasically just go with legacy mode, less trouble02:29
QueenslayerSome hardware is programmed to look for 'Windows UEFI'02:30
bublikok let me reboot and see if i can find that in my bios prior to install02:30
snckrsQueenslayer, you have no idea about my problem, right? :/02:31
Queenslayernope snckrs02:31
QueenslayerI haven't been following02:31
Queenslayersorry snckrs02:31
sonicBashing-om same low graphics mode message02:33
Queenslayersnckrs, I had the same issue but for a Broadcom02:33
QueenslayerI was hoping you'd say Broadcom02:34
alpha__I went into the usb via media and ran md5sum on the md5sum.txt file, then ran that through the list of md5sums for Ubuntu 16.04 and there were no matches.02:34
alpha__If that was the correct way of doing it02:35
Bashing-omsonic: Yuk . OK .. back to look'n at errors . ' cat .xsession-errors ' on the termbin .02:36
Queenslayeralpha__, not the text file02:36
QueenslayerShould be done on the ISO or img02:36
Queenslayersnckrs, I think I've found something02:36
Queenslayerbut it requires a? connection, can you connect via ethernet cable02:37
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
snckrshm yeah but that would take me a minute02:40
snckrsas i would have to move my router02:40
Queenslayersnckrs, firmware-realtek02:41
Queenslayersearch that on google02:41
QueenslayerShould hopefully be enough02:41
sonicBashing-om http://termbin.com/5qjv02:41
QueenslayerI've gtg02:41
snckrsoh okay02:41
Queenslayersnckrs, it's 3:41 here02:41
Queenslayertake care02:41
snckrsQueenslayer, its 04:41 here :p02:41
Queenslayerhaha, we're crazy02:41
workstationIm here for the dank memes02:42
workstationif someone could point me in their general direction, that'd be great02:43
Bashing-omsonic: look'n .02:44
Bashing-omsonic: We know not why, but the GUI will not start . does this log exist ' ls -al /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log ' ?02:47
sonicBashing-om im getting -rw------ 1 root 4608 may 23 03:38 then the file name02:51
Bashing-omsonic: Great ..let's see it .. look and see what the report is in a termbin ' cat /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log ' .02:52
sonicBashing-om http://termbin.com/jowj02:54
Bashing-omsonic: Want to read that log . cat that sucker into the termbin .02:56
sonicBashing-om -rw------ 1 root 4608 may 23 03:38 var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log is this the one?02:59
zjhxmjlhi,guys!who can give me some advance? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232547002:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:01
ubottuglass: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».03:01
Bashing-omsonic: Yeah , ' cat var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log | nc termbin.com 9999 '  is the terminal command .03:02
glasswhat learning websites are actually seen as acceptable by most of your peers at work in the tech industry?03:04
JFlashhello, I'm having connection quality problems for quite a few days with my laptop running ubuntu03:04
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sonicBashing-om http://termbin.com/6os103:05
Bashing-omsonic: reading .03:05
JFlashI have both routes that I can connect to wirelessly (actually one of them is a repeater) and connection quality is very bad and speed is very low with both03:05
JFlashI have other devices in the same room that doesnt seem to show the same connection problem (a phone and an android tablet)03:06
Bashing-omsonic: A bit confused here .. that last looks a lot like /var/log/Xorg.0.log . Are they same same ???03:10
sonicBashing-om it says permission denied when i try it without cat03:12
sonicBashing-om and thats as root03:13
dani_alguien de habla hispana?03:14
lotuspsychje!es | dani_03:14
ubottudani_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:14
bublikqueenslayer: i finally got ubuntu installed even though changing to legacy didnt fix it, i had to manually choose where to install grub prior to installation03:15
bublikit still tries booting to windows.. but gives an error and the only way i can but to ubunto is to manually choose to boot from my ssd03:15
bubliknow my problem is it gives me an error trying to mount my ntfs hd03:17
bublikWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume03:17
bublikread-only with the 'ro' mount option03:17
sonicBashing-om think its time reinstall dont ya think?03:19
Bashing-omsonic: Be a lot quicker to (RE-)install .. as much as I want to learn the why the GUI fails to start . Your call .03:22
sonicBashing-om yeah i think its time to re-install im up for work in a few hours lol so whats the best way to do this in my current situation?03:25
Bashing-omsonic: Depends on what is on the system now that you need to save . If there is nothing that you can not replace .. just re-install same as you did the 1st time . " erase disk and install ubuntu " .03:27
pennTellerHi guys! any tips on the best way to control mouse sensitivity?03:28
sonicBashing-om will this destroy the memory that i put over from my windows OS?03:29
lotuspsychjepennTeller: wich ubuntu version?03:29
pennTellerlotuspsychje, 16.04 my friend03:29
pennTellerlotuspsychje, I think I found it thanks! :)03:31
lotuspsychjepennTeller: 16.04 has mouse pointer speed adjustment in settings03:31
Bashing-omsonic: If this is a dual boot, and you want to keep Windows .. I would fire up GParted and delete the linux partition . Then allow the installer to install to that "unallocated" space . Now if you  are handy, and know what you want .. then in GParted set up your partitions and use "manual" as the install method .03:32
pennTellerlotuspsychje, yes I had looked on search but for some reason it didnt show up the first time :)03:32
lotuspsychjepennTeller: check this new 16.04 wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/ubuntu-help/index.html03:33
pennTellerlotuspsychje, thanks man will do03:34
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sonicBashing-om ok il do that the now, im away just now, but thanks dude honestly ive learned a lot from you tonight, you have some serious patience for that in my eyes your a legend, cheers man03:36
lotuspsychje!cookie | sonic03:37
ubottusonic: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:37
lotuspsychje!cookie | Bashing-om03:37
ubottuBashing-om: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:37
Bashing-omchocolate chip, if ya please .03:40
bublikhaving a weird problem.... flash plugin works in mozilla but not in chromium03:40
bublikhow do i fix that03:40
lotuspsychjebublik: did you install pepperflashplugin-nonfree ?03:41
bubliknow just did03:42
lotuspsychjebublik: install please :p03:42
RopeWolfEvening all. So, I've set up a samba server on Ubuntu 15.10, and I'm using a couple of external USB drives for storage on it. I've gotten them up and running, and I'm able to mount them manually, and I'm able to access them from everything from a windows desktop to an iPad. My problem is that I haven't been able to get them to auto-mount if I have to reboot the server. I've tried setting them03:42
RopeWolfup in fstab, but I must be doing something wrong.03:42
bubliklotus: works thank you :)03:42
lotuspsychjebublik: your welcome :p03:43
RopeWolfI've looked through the help pages that I could find, but so far my RTFM skills are failing me. Is there anybody that could help me with getting the two drives to auto-mount on reboot?03:46
lotuspsychje!fstab | RopeWolf03:47
ubottuRopeWolf: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions03:47
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Bashing-omsonic: Hang on .. lotuspsychje has a great idea .. try an older kernel .. see if the older kernel from grub's boot menu boots up to the GUI !03:51
sonicBashing-om same result man03:57
RopeWolfSo, with the following entry into my fstab file, it SHOULD mount the USB drive referenced on boot-up? Because I'm not able to access it from outside the server. UUID=BAC219EFC219B09D /media/external1 vfat defaults 0 203:59
bublikanyone run plex media server? im having issues adding content from my ntfs drive even though its mounted and working properly03:59
RopeWolfWhat I'm reading says that should work to mount it... unless I'm totally misreading something03:59
bublikplugged in a seagate external drive and formated it. when trying to transfer files to it, it tells me the drive is read only04:03
Bashing-omsonic: Was a good thought .. still with unknown problem in the User Interface .04:03
ibrumfieldanyone know how important history-deamon is? maxing out my cpu constantly even after i kill it..04:04
lotuspsychjesonic: did this start to happen after a recent update?04:05
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lotuspsychjebublik: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys have more experience on plex04:07
sonicBashing-om its was, when im re-installing do i need to completly wipe ubuntu from my pc? and it was after a recent update yeah04:07
lotuspsychje!blkid | RopeWolf04:07
ubottuRopeWolf: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:07
lotuspsychjesonic: perhaps try the recoverymode and from a terminal, sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall to make sure graphics are good?04:08
Bashing-omsonic: As you dual boot with Windows, deleteing the ubuntu partitions to unallocated space is the "safest" thing to do .04:09
lotuspsychjesonic: another approach could be the recoverymode==>fix broken packages or ==>failsafeX04:10
lotuspsychjesonic: if nothing can help at the end you can reinstall04:11
soniclotuspsychje trying they methods now04:15
alazare619i can not figure out why but any time i try to mount a nfs share i get filesystem is read only04:15
alazare619i have /mnt/drive2 *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) in exports04:15
soniclotuspsychje bashing-om when i try fix broken packages it tells me an upgrade from kali rolling to xenial is not supported with this tool, any ideas?04:21
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Bashing-omsonic: ^^ Me too !04:22
soniclotuspsychje thats what it says04:22
lotuspsychjesonic: how does kali involves your ubuntu exactly?04:22
lotuspsychjesonic: did you add kali repos or something?04:23
soniclotuspsychje yeah katoolin or something like that04:23
lotuspsychjesonic: thats a no go mate, we only support ubuntu here, better reinstall fresh instead04:24
bublikhow do i make this do it every time i restart my computer automaticly ? sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/movies04:24
lotuspsychje!fstab | bublik04:25
ubottubublik: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions04:25
Bashing-om!fstab | bublik04:25
soniclotuspsychje ok doing that now, how do i take ubuntu out of the partitions i created for it?04:26
bublikcan you guys help me as to what line i add to fstab to make it happen04:26
lotuspsychjesonic: i think Bashing-om explained you howto reinstall correctly already?04:27
lotuspsychje!blkid | bublik04:27
ubottubublik: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:27
bubliklotuspsychje, it tells me what the uuid is of the drive04:28
daxbublik: assuming ext4: /dev/sda1 /media/movies ext4 defaults 0 204:28
daxor you can use UUID, but eh04:29
bublik/dev/sda1: LABEL="New Volume" UUID="D4D40F0BD40EF012" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Basic data partition" PARTUUID="dd83a457-dcd1-4a1b-a9ac-b8424c8ed8b0"04:29
daxokay, so NTFS04:29
daxUUID=D4D40F0BD40EF012 /media/movies ntfs-3g defaults 0 004:30
SnackerrHello, in Xubuntu 16.04:  "gnome-software"  never stops running , even after you close it?  how to you get it to close properly??04:30
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daxor maybe it's just ntfs, i forget04:30
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Snackerryou can try it.  Close "gnome-software" and they look it up in system Monitor, it is still running.  why?04:31
Bashing-ombublik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139423&page=2&p=12625060#post12625060 .04:31
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=== Architect is now known as CoreArchitect
Snackerreven if you click "stop" or "end" , it still won't stop  gnome-software04:32
Bashing-ombublik: Another tut : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1604251 .04:33
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bublikUUID=D4D40F0BD40EF012 /media/movies defaults,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=002 0 004:35
bublikadded that line to fstab04:35
bublikdoes that look proper04:35
daxbublik: it's missing the partition format (ntfs) after /media/movies04:40
daxbublik: also, defaults isn't needed if you have other settings, it's implied04:40
bublikso what would the correct line be?04:40
bubliksorry im a bit of a newb04:41
daxUUID=D4D40F0BD40EF012 /media/movies ntfs auto,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=002 0 004:41
bublikdax thanks for your help04:42
antho722anyone on?04:52
ibrumfieldantho722: yep04:52
antho722wat up?04:52
ibrumfieldantho722: working through some problems, you?04:53
antho722ibrumfield: nm chillin04:54
somsip!ot | antho72204:54
ubottuantho722: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:54
hermanhello everyone.  special request.  looking for someone over the age of 60 to provide me with one piece of life advice as part of an assignment i must complete.05:21
Bashing-om!ot | herman Be a better response in our sister channel05:23
ubottuherman Be a better response in our sister channel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:23
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Graypup_TIL that the source of my ballooning problem is that it broke in 16.04 it seems05:24
phucktankHi I'm new to the whole linux thing. I have 3 monitors. I want the first 2 to be extended and then the 3rd mirrored off the 2nd. In the display settings there is only an option to mirror all 3 displays. How can I do this?05:28
lotuspsychje!info arandr | phucktank can this help?05:30
ubottuphucktank can this help?: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.9-1 (xenial), package size 51 kB, installed size 309 kB05:31
lotuspsychje!xrandr | phucktank or here05:31
ubottuphucktank or here: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1205:31
phucktanklotuspsychje I installed arandr and i didn't seen any options for what I am trying to do05:32
noraatepernosI have a bunch of scp commands, one per line, in a text file.  Do I need to terminate each line with something to get them to run in a bash script?05:37
Waggienoraatepernos, you're calling scp explicitly on each line?05:39
noraatepernosWaggie: Yes.  It’s all different remotes.05:39
WaggieThen it should work just fine as is..  Is it not?05:39
noraatepernosWaggie: I just wanted to know.  I’ll try it with a few first.  thanks05:40
SwedeMikenoraatepernos: bash scripts to not require anything special, it's just a text file05:40
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luxbox5235Hi, what is the best option in ubuntu to backup/rescue a folder from hd with an ntfs partitions which has critical i/o error specially when copying to an external drive?06:34
SwedeMikeluxbox5235: make a block-by-block copy of that drive to another (same size or larger drive) using dd_rescue and try again. This means you have a backup and you can do all kinds of things with the backup. If it's only a few blocks that are broken and it's in file contents, then that file will be corrupted, but everything else will be fine.06:36
SwedeMikeluxbox5235: if the bad blocks are in file system information part then you might need to try to repair the ntfs filesystem first.06:37
anonvan94Hi, anyone could help me install photoshop in ubuntu 16.04?06:38
luxbox52351SwedeMike: I thought dd_rescue only worked on recovery full partition(s) instead of specific folder or files within the hd, however, I will look into it. You mentioned having to repair the ntfs is there a way to do it within ubuntu?06:40
hateball!wine | anonvan9406:40
ubottuanonvan94: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:40
SwedeMikeluxbox52351: my recommendation is that you do this for the entire partition.06:41
SwedeMikeluxbox52351: I don't know if there is ntfs-repair in Ubuntu or not, I would guess there is.06:42
luxbox52351SwedeMike: Thanks but I am trying to avoid doing that I just need the 25gigs folder and nothing else, afterwards I will throw away the disk. Do you know any programs that might work even with i/o errors?06:43
EriC^^luxbox52351: the more you work on the drive the more i you lose data from it, it'd be wise to make a copy of it with dd_rescue as suggested06:46
jackcomwhen i type ifconfig, then intead of then what is gateway ip?06:46
EriC^^and i dont think you can do any ntfs fixing from ubuntu, ntfs in linux isn't that great cause ntfs is closed source, i barely trust it to mount it right, use windows tools for that06:47
luxbox52351EriC^^, SwedeMike: Ok I guess I have no choice, thanks for the help06:47
SwedeMikeluxbox52351: is the problem that your copy stops when it encounters io-error?06:47
SwedeMikeluxbox52351: just copy a* then b* etc until you've been able to copy most of the files out. seems cp doesn't have an option to ignore io errors.06:48
tahaanjackom: if you want to manually configure the default gateway, you need to get it from the network.  You cannot derive it from your IP address.06:48
tahaanjackom: If your IP is automatically allocated, eg DHCP, then most likely you have a default gateway, use the command netstat -rn06:49
tahaanjackom: or "ip route list"06:50
tahaanjackom" THis is true for 192.168.* as well.06:51
SlaizerI used this method installing Windows. Functioning on one computer but not my other one. Someone know how to get the distro functioning on the other PC?06:51
luxbox52351SwedeMike: yup once I copy 11/13gigs it encounters i/o errors this is using the gui, I thought there would be a soft that could attempt to retrieve/recover the rest of the files without having to backup the whole partition06:51
Slaizerthis method, copying: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2108798.06:52
ruben_70-persistent.rules missing06:53
ruben_what do i make?06:53
ruben_70-persistent.rules non c'è06:54
ruben_cosa devo fare?06:55
ruben_per averlo06:56
k1l!it | ruben_06:56
ubotturuben_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)06:56
ruben_how can i get it?06:57
ruben_in 16.0406:57
ruben_it is moved in a strange directory06:58
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hateball_ruben: It should be re-generated on startup07:00
SnackerrHelllo, how do you burn UDF DVD with Xfburn or Brasero?07:03
EriC^^i think they dont support UDF, k3b does though07:03
Slaizersomeone here to give me advice on copying windows files to pendrive?07:04
SnackerrEriC^^, Thanks.  that sucks07:05
SnackerrEriC^^,  is UDF better for making archives?07:05
lau-Hi. Is there any way to make Ubuntu 16.04 do snapping of windows to left/right by using Super+Left arrow and Super+Right arrow? Can't seem to find a solution online07:06
anonvan94Thanks for the help @hateball and @ubottu. Really appreciate it.07:11
SnackerrSlaizer, Drag and drop .07:11
EriC^^Snackerr: no idea07:11
SlaizerSnackerr, the drag and drop I've done. On one of my computers, this one I'm using at the moment, the iso functions, but on the other one, which I use for my daily work, it doesn't respond at startup.07:13
toparmsHello, does anyone know how to delete an AD user from ubuntu in 16.04? Connected to windows AD via pbis-open07:13
riz0nI'm curious about something. When I type "w" at a console window, and I see load average 38.63, 39.93, 33.94.... what do these numbers mean?07:14
firmanhow to upgrade kernel? I am on 16.04, with intel bay trail chipset07:16
hateball!mainline | firman07:16
ubottufirman: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds07:16
toparmsanyone here uses pbis-open?07:18
codfectionGuys how to resolve this error07:18
SlaizerI copied my mounted windows files to an usb, does work on one of my computers but not the other one. Is this a BIOS issue? What do you think?07:19
SnackerrSlaizer, you need to get files off a Windows computer that is "not starting up"?  either go to #windows to try to fix it, OR take the hard drive out, and plug it into Linux Computer07:19
ducassecodfection: that is not something that is supported here.07:21
SlaizerI don't need to 'get files off a Windows computer that is "not starting up"?' I need to get the USB-stick with windows files on it to start at startup, it is NTFS and boot.07:22
SlaizerSnackerr, I don't need to 'get files off a Windows computer that is "not starting up"?' I need to get the USB-stick with windows files on it to start at startup, it is NTFS and boot.07:22
ducasseSlaizer: you mean boot windows from usb?07:23
Slaizerducasse, yes07:23
xanguaAsk #windows07:23
ducasseSlaizer: how is that an ubuntu problem?07:23
Slaizerducasse, because I have to do it in a certain way, copy files, and can't just use a usb-burner software.07:23
firmanHateball: what kernel version, xenial xerus run in?07:24
xangua!Winusb | Slaizer07:25
ubottuSlaizer: WinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.07:25
SnackerrSlaizer, can't you copy the same files you need with a UbuntuUSBstick?07:25
SlaizerSnackerr, I don't understand what you are saying, i'm sorry.07:26
ducasseSlaizer: it's a windows problem, not an ubuntu problem. ask in #windows.07:26
shadab_hello everyone !07:26
SnackerrSlaizer, sorry, it sounds like a Windows problem07:26
shadab_i had a doubt with ubuntu tweak tool07:27
SnackerrSlaizer,  Ascend to Glorious Linux, and leave your troubles behind!    \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/07:27
SlaizerSnackerr, Sometimes Linux, and sometimes Windows, that's is how it goes for me.07:28
hateballfirman: 4.407:29
hateball!info linux-image-generic | firman07:30
ubottufirman: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB07:30
hicoleriWhy can't I connect to localhost through https? I was expecting an SSL error since I don't have a certificate but i'm not able to connect at all. I have configured my router to port forward to my server but it doesn't work. I have tried to get an ssl certificate via letsencrypt but it can't connect to the desired port.07:38
user_____2~2~2~2~how old is trusty?07:40
user_____how old is trusty?07:41
hicoleri*configured my router to port forward to my server but i still couldn't connect after that07:41
ducasseuser_____: 2 years.07:41
auronandaceuser_____: the release numbers correspond to the date they were released. eg. 14.04 - 2014 4th month07:42
ducassehicoleri: if you are connecting to localhost then you are not going through a router.07:44
hicoleriducasse: Well, yes. But I also have a temporary dns (from duckdns) so that goes through the router right? THat doesnt work either07:46
ducassehicoleri: then verify that something is listening on the port you are connecting to. if you are using https i think you need to set up the certs first.07:47
hicoleriducasse: Thats what I'm trying to do, but letsencrypt, the cert provider cant connect to the port07:48
ducassehicoleri: have you checked that something is listening?07:49
hicoleriducasse: nginx should, i guess?07:50
ducassehicoleri: check with 'netstat -tulpn | grep <portnumber>' that it's actually listening.07:50
hicoleriducasse: none07:51
brianxmost us cable internet providers block ports 80 and 443.07:52
ducassehicoleri: there you go, then. whatever should be listening on the port is not.07:52
hicoleriducasse: so i want my webserver to listen on that port, or be able to serve webpages through https. Here is what letsencrypt says when it trys to connect to that port (443). http://s33.postimg.org/ngeywkf9r/scrot3.png07:55
hicolerihow do I make nginx listen at port 443, ie https07:56
ducassehicoleri: you'd be better off asking in #ubuntu-server. but if your provider is blocking http and https you're stuck.07:57
CrackpotmarkYou also need to enable ssl and set an initial ssl config file07:58
Crackpotmarkits usually off by default07:58
YankDownUnderhicoleri, Question: Is this webserver/machine at home, sitting behind an ADSL modem or cable modem?07:58
hicoleriYankDownUnder: Its at home, behind a cable modem07:59
YankDownUnderhicoleri, Check the cable modem to make sure that the ports you want to use are open - and that you can "trigger" activity on those ports and direct them to where they're supposed to go (i.e., your server) => does that make sense, bro?08:01
hicoleriYankDownUnder: I already configured my router to port forward http (80) and https (443) to my server08:03
Crackpotmarkthe web server is not listening on 443 yet, so even if the router does forward to the server it will ignore the connection08:03
hicolerii am checking out the nginx wiki right now08:04
hicoleritheres a page on the topic08:04
YankDownUnder...so it's a matter of configuring the port on the machine...changing the firewall...08:04
yellabs-r2hi there08:05
yellabs-r2what would we use for gui programming for the ubuntu desktop ?08:06
hicoleriYankDownUnder: Well, nothing was listen in on that port, so I had to configure nginx to do so. And it works.08:07
hicoleriyellabs-r2: thats a topic which people have wars over08:08
hicoleriYou might use geany, if you like notepad++, or scintilla based editors08:08
yellabs-r2maybe asking whats the most used version would be better ?08:08
ducasseyellabs-r2: emacs! *ducks and runs*08:09
NoltI got a question about GRUB_TIMEOUT → I have UEFI with OSM disabled, dualboot with W10. Ubuntu is set as default OS to boot. I got a issue with GRUB_TIMEOUT setting, no matter if I GRUB_TIMEOUT=3 or GRUB_TIMEOUT=5, GRUB menu is shown 10seconds :/ any ideas?08:09
yellabs-r2oh , for coding i use gedit , what i meant was , for example tkinter08:09
yellabs-r2so for gui building08:09
hicolerioh, toolkits?08:09
yellabs-r2tkinter , python08:09
yellabs-r2toolkits yes08:10
hicoleriI thought you were talking about editors. Well Qt would be the most popular choice right now08:10
hicolericheck it out08:11
yellabs-r2i used zenity in some bash scripts08:11
hicoleriYou might also use gtk, although i personally find it a bit hard08:11
alakxHi, how can i check the build version of a  installed package via apt-get ? For example for the package openssl08:11
yellabs-r2most of ubuntu is gtk , right ?08:12
hicoleriif you use python, there are python bindings for qt, gtk and other stuff08:13
Noltu r useless -_-08:15
Nolt& helpless08:15
yellabs-r2the future its SDK which uses the QML language (javascript like)08:16
yellabs-r2Nolt , whats the question ?08:16
yellabs-r2seems like the future is QML ... hmm08:17
hicolerithat does seem as the most viable choice currently08:17
yellabs-r2there is a ubuntu toolkit08:18
yellabs-r2but i dont know if thats for the desktop too ?>08:18
ducassealakx: apt-cache policy openssl?08:20
hicoleriyellabs-r2: Well thats a part of the ubuntu api, I think. Don't use that if you want your apps to be cross platform.08:21
hicoleriWhat are you coding in, though08:21
yellabs-r2i guess i have to dig deeper to get the complete picture ..08:21
yellabs-r2i was just looking into whats the best to pursue, or to learn , using bash scripts at the moment08:22
alakxducasse: It shows like this : Installed: 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19. But for example in my rhel based system i can see release info : yum info openssl ... Release     : 48.el6_8.108:22
alakxIs there a way to do that in ubuntu ?08:22
ducassealakx: i don't understand what you mean, apt-cache will show you the version number - are you after something different?08:24
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hicoleriyellabs-r2: Yoy should really go into ##programming for this. They'll help you08:25
yellabs-r2sudo dpkg -l | grep openssl , shows something08:25
yellabs-r2dont know if thats what you look for alakx08:26
yellabs-r2hicoleri , ok thanks08:26
ducasseyellabs-r2: that will give you the same version number as apt-cache. and you don't need sudo for it :)08:26
p5eudoI'm trying to format an SD card as a LUKS encrypted drive. I keep getting "Error waiting for LUKS UUID: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0)" when using the Disks utility. Also happens when formatting as Ext4. Using 16.04 Gnome edition.08:27
alakxducasse, yes i am looking for build version not the official release08:27
UbuntuDudeWhy getting consistant font size within the same application is so difficult thing to achive in Ubuntu? e.g. when I increase the text size the font grows on the title bar of the windows, on the side panels but it remains the same in middle panel of eclipse for instance.08:27
UbuntuDudealso the sizes are completely irrilative, the caption bar is too large in contrast with others08:28
ducassealakx: apt has no such field, i think.08:28
UbuntuDudeis this is a theme problem or what/how exactly can be fixed?08:28
ducasseUbuntuDude: many different toolkits.08:28
Noruxhi again08:34
Noruxhas anybody some time?08:34
auronandaceNorux: to varying degrees. probably better to state your issue and hope someone takes interest08:35
Noruxauronandace: EriC^^ took care of me yesterday but then he went afk08:35
UbuntuDudeducasse: look to the size difference just in one step!!! https://snag.gy/KE3loJ.jpg08:36
Noruxmy issue is a blackscreen when booting into my fresh 14.04 installation. I've tried the nomodeset option with EriC^^ yesterday.08:36
UbuntuDudeducasse: I don't know what you mean by toolkits!08:36
ducasseUbuntuDude: the titlebar is probably drawn with gtk, eclipse uses whatever it uses.08:37
Noruxauronandace: just one quick question. Does the "quiet splash" have to be replaced with "nomodeset" or should it be added behind it08:38
ducasseNorux: doesn't matter, 'quiet splash' just hides boot messages.08:39
Noruxducasse: okay well then i have no idea how to fix it.08:40
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Noruxso can anybody help me?08:52
lyze!ask | Norux08:53
ubottuNorux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:53
Noruxlyze: already did08:53
Noruxmy issue is a blackscreen when booting into my fresh 14.04 installation. I've tried the nomodeset option with EriC^^ yesterday.08:53
ducasseNorux: didn't nomodeset help?08:56
Noruxducasse: no, unfortunately not08:56
NoruxI don't even get to enter the grub menu when booting08:56
ducasseNorux: did you run update-grub after entering nomodeset in /etc/default/grub?08:58
Noruxducasse: yes i did08:58
SlaizerI am attempting to run unetbootin-linux-494, but it doesn't execute. How do I make it run?08:58
EriC^^Norux: try a newer hwe stack08:59
NoruxEriC^^: oh you're back08:59
ducasseSlaizer: did you install from the repos?08:59
SlaizerI am asking for this specific version, http://www.linuxandlife.com/2012/12/unetbootin-create-bootable-usb-windows-7.html.09:00
NoruxEriC^^: how?09:00
Slaizerducasse, replied to you :)09:01
EriC^^!hwe | Norux09:01
ubottuNorux: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack09:01
EriC^^Norux: try the xenial stack or wily09:01
ducasseSlaizer: we support the versions in the repos. maybe you need to set execute perms on it - chmod +x filename.09:01
EriC^^Norux: boot a live usb and chroot as yesterday09:02
Slaizerducasse, when I click the file, it says: "execute or execute in terminal". But later it doesn't start at all.09:02
NoruxEriC^^: i forgot how09:02
NoruxEriC^^: I'm dumb09:02
Slaizerducasse, think I already have set it to execute with that command09:03
ducasseSlaizer: well, you could still try to chmod it to make sure. other than that, we only support software from the repos.09:05
EriC^^Norux: boot the live usb then type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999909:05
NoruxEriC^^: http://termbin.com/2fy8c09:06
Slaizerducasse, I chmod it, but still not functioning.09:06
EriC^^Norux: type sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt09:06
Slaizerducasse, I am out of luck. Windows iso can't be created under Linux.09:07
NoruxEriC^^: okay09:07
NoruxEriC^^: done09:07
EriC^^Norux: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:07
ducasseSlaizer: then ask the developers, or run it from a command line to see if it gives any errors.09:07
NoruxEriC^^: okay, no output09:08
Slaizerducasse, what is the command to run such a file from command line?09:08
EriC^^Norux: sudo chroot /mnt09:08
NoruxEriC^^: done09:08
EriC^^Slaizer: are you trying to make a windows bootable usb?09:08
SlaizerEriC^^, yes! :)09:08
EriC^^!winusb | Slaizer09:09
ubottuSlaizer: WinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.09:09
EriC^^Norux: type cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | nc termbin.com 999909:09
Slaizerubottu, WinUSB site is outdated. Every link and download link is not working.09:10
NoruxEriC^^: no such file or dir09:10
EriC^^dax: ^ Slaizer09:10
ducasseSlaizer: note the last sentence from ubottu there.09:10
EriC^^Norux: which windows are you trying to install?09:11
NoruxEriC^^: ubuntu 14.04 haha09:11
Slaizerducasse, I noticed it, but why give me a page that is outdated. Just don't advice me there. In case you did not know it was outdated, I better tell you.09:11
EriC^^Norux: try cat /var/log/apt/history.log | nc termbin.com 999909:12
EriC^^Norux: sorry wrong highlight :)09:12
EriC^^Slaizer: which windows are you trying to install?09:12
NoruxEriC^^: http://termbin.com/rsux09:13
SlaizerEriC^^, Windows 10. Just got every file on a usb, but it does not start unless you have a registry09:13
EriC^^Norux: ok, one of those packages under apt-get upgrade broke the install i guess09:13
EriC^^Slaizer: uefi?09:13
NoruxEriC^^: hmm, what can i do about it? reinstall without download updates?09:14
SlaizerEriC^^, I use Legacy, don't know exactly how these works.09:15
EriC^^Norux: nah it'll eventually upgrade09:15
EriC^^Norux: nothing obvious in the packages though, try apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-wily xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily09:15
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NoruxEriC^^: is that the command from the link you gave me?09:15
EriC^^Norux: yeah09:16
NoruxEriC^^: can i copy it there?09:16
NoruxEriC^^: ok thanks09:16
EriC^^Slaizer: if you were installing in uefi mode all you'd need to do is create a fat32 and copy the iso contents there09:16
EriC^^Slaizer: are you sure you're using legacy with windows10?09:16
NoruxEriC^^: can i straight reboot after that?09:17
EriC^^Norux: yeah09:17
EriC^^Norux: first try to remove the nomodeset09:18
EriC^^nano /etc/default/grub09:18
riqjhello everyone, I have been suddenly logged out of my session, and prompted to login screen which was 'very dark'. I am not sure if the darkness and logout are related, because I have been having the former problem every now and then.09:18
SlaizerEriC^^, On my Windows 10 computer; Boot mode: [Legacy]. If attempting to boot UEFI it just says: No disc, or something09:18
EriC^^Slaizer: why don't you install in uefi mode?09:19
EriC^^Slaizer: if you make the usb properly it'll boot09:19
EriC^^Norux: remove quiet splash btw09:20
SlaizerEriC^^, with UEFI mode I can't even start my Windows 10 install, which I have installed. I just want to test making a usb windows 10 from Linux for future interruptions.09:20
NoruxEriC^^: oh, too late. still blackscreen though09:20
EriC^^Norux: ok, try rebooting again and press esc when you get the purple screen09:20
EriC^^Slaizer: you mean you installed windows successfully in uefi mode, but after rebooting it doesn't work?09:21
NoruxEriC^^: there's no purple screen at all09:21
NoruxEriC^^: i don't get to grub menu09:21
EriC^^Norux: ok, boot the live usb again09:21
NoruxEriC^^: okay done09:22
EriC^^Norux: is fastboot disabled in the bios?09:22
SlaizerEric I installed windows successfully in Legacy mode, and this pen drive was made under rufus in windows 10. Now I want to make one under Linux.09:22
EriC^^Norux: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt09:22
EriC^^Norux: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:22
ducasseSlaizer: if you have windows installed then make it from there?09:22
EriC^^Slaizer: ah ok09:22
SlaizerEriC^^, read this: http://www.tomsguide.com/answers/id-2885607/bootable-device-uefi-windows-boots-perfectly-fine-legacy-bios.html.09:23
EriC^^ducasse: i think he wants a zombie apocalype thing09:23
EriC^^in case windows doesn't work how he can make a windows cd09:23
NoruxEriC^^: ok done09:23
ducasseEriC^^: i'm just wondering why we're wasting time on something that is not supported and that he doesn't need to deal with anyway...09:24
EriC^^ducasse: same here09:24
EriC^^Slaizer: look into running winusb on newer ubuntu versions i'd guess09:24
EriC^^Norux: ok, type nano /etc/default/grub and remove quiet splash09:25
firmanhay Eric^^: did you heard about freeze while play video with totem on intel bay trail chipset? How to fix it? I'am so confused09:25
EriC^^firman: nope, no idea09:26
NoruxEriC^^: okay done that09:26
EriC^^Norux: update-grub09:26
NoruxEriC^^: canonical path of /cow09:26
EriC^^type sudo chroot /mnt09:27
EriC^^then nano /etc/default/grub09:27
NoruxEriC^^: i edited that with sudo nano09:27
NoruxEriC^^: wtf my console crashed09:27
NoruxEriC^^: oh nvm09:28
EriC^^Norux: edit it in the chroot09:28
NoruxEriC^^: okay it works with the update-grub after that09:28
EriC^^Norux: why don't you try 16.04? it might solve your issues09:28
NoruxEriC^^: i don't know how to make a live boot on linux haha09:29
EriC^^Norux: ok, type exit and try rebooting09:29
EriC^^see if it mentions any errors09:29
EriC^^Norux: it's very easy09:29
EriC^^Norux: do you have 2 usb's?09:30
NoruxEriC^^: i get to the blackscreen without any message at all. and yes I do have 209:30
EriC^^Norux: ok, boot the live usb and download ubuntu 16.0409:31
riqjhello everyone, I have been suddenly logged out of my session, and prompted to login screen which was 'very dark'. I am not sure if the darkness and logout are related, because I have been having the former problem every now and then.09:32
NoruxEriC^^: that might take a while09:33
NoruxEriC^^: ~16 minutes remaining09:33
neiSCan anyone point me in a direction regards using ubuntu as handsfree bluetooth for my phone09:40
HiDeHo-U3hi all just wanting to know the app name for the comand line tool | pastbin09:42
k1l_HiDeHo-U3: its pastebinit09:42
HiDeHo-U3k1l_, darn its not in ubuntu arm reopos09:45
EriC^^HiDeHo-U3: did enable the universe repo?09:46
HiDeHo-U3eric i think so will check. this is ubuntui arm09:46
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k1l_hmm, seems to be amd64 .deb only?  well you still can use termbin.com then09:47
HiDeHo-U3thanks EriC^^ updating the repos npow09:48
brunch875HiDeHo-U3 as an alternative you can always do command | nc termbin.com 999909:48
DescriptionedThe ubuntu interface can be changed or its just that awful Unity one ?09:49
EriC^^+1 for termbin09:49
EriC^^Descriptioned: you can install any de you like09:49
Descriptionedohh ok :)09:50
NoruxEriC^^: ok the download is complete09:52
EriC^^Norux: ok, plug in the other usb09:52
NoruxEriC^^: yes09:53
EriC^^Norux: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999909:53
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NoruxEriC^^: http://termbin.com/tvnd09:53
EriC^^Norux: it's the 8gb one?09:54
NoruxEriC^^: right, kingston09:55
EriC^^Norux: ok, type sudo dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu<hit tab> of=/dev/sdd bs=4M09:55
Snackerrhey, does anyone know how to setup a PAM module? "pam_mktemp"09:55
NoruxEriC^^: now the console hangs09:56
EriC^^Norux: should take about a min09:57
NoruxEriC^^: oko09:57
mindofmateoHello. I just installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS from a boot drive/sd card, and I cannot get the system to boot into GRUB. Currently I am on Ubuntu from the boot drive.  WinX was already installed on the system.  It is a Dell Optiplex 745, if that's worth anything (ie it is not a native WinX system).  I have disabled fast boot from the BIOS, and that didn'09:57
mindofmateot work, and I have not found a way to disable UEFI or Secure Boot (if either of those are a problem).  How can I enable my system to boot to GRUB to select which OS I will use that time?09:57
EriC^^mindofmateo: is there a menu in the bios for enabling ubuntu before windows in the boot order? or to trust the ubuntu efi09:58
NoruxEriC^^: okay it's done09:59
mindofmateoI didn't see anything like that in the BIOS, and I went through all options.  Looking at the boot order, All I see is this (even though linux has it's own partition):09:59
EriC^^Norux: ok, type sync09:59
mindofmateoBoot from USB \n Boot from HDD \n Boot from CD-ROM \n Boot from Floppy <none>10:00
jonkyim on ubuntu 16.04 and the desktop will occasionally freeze/lockup, and I have to do a hard reset. REISUB doesn't even work.  the syslog and Xorg.log have a bunch of null (\00) characters in them.  has anyone seen this?10:00
EriC^^mindofmateo: ok boot a live usb10:00
NoruxEriC^^: ok done10:00
mindofmateoEriC^^: done.10:00
EriC^^Norux: if you want to copy the iso to your windows install you can at this point10:00
EriC^^Norux: or just reboot10:01
EriC^^mindofmateo: sudo apt-get install efibootmgr10:01
NoruxEriC^^: is the stick bootable already?10:01
EriC^^Norux: yeah10:01
jonkyoh, make that syslog, Xorg.0.log, AND kernlog10:01
mindofmateoEric^^: OK, done.10:01
EriC^^mindofmateo: sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999910:02
mindofmateoEric^^: OK, that returned: { Fatal: Couldn't open either sysfs or procfs directories for accessing EFI variables. \n Try 'modprobe efivars' as root. \n Use netcat. }10:04
NoruxEriC^^: should i download updates while installing?10:04
EriC^^mindofmateo: ok, you're booted in legacy mode right now10:04
EriC^^Norux: ok10:04
EriC^^mindofmateo: reboot in uefi mode10:05
mindofmateoEriC^^: can that be done via the CLI?10:05
ducassemindofmateo: you need to do it in the firmware setup.10:06
EriC^^mindofmateo: no10:06
NoruxEriC^^: installing now10:06
mindofmateoducasse: if you mean something in the BIOS, I didn't see anything about UEFI in the BIOS.  It's a dell, bios v. 2.8.1 (I think?)10:07
Archeus_is it possible to have dual boot with windows 7 without live usb stick ?10:07
Archeus_is it possible to have dual boot with windows 7 without live usb stick ?10:07
EriC^^mindofmateo: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999910:07
mindofmateoand at least a year or two older than Windows ten10:07
NoruxArcheus_: yes10:07
Archeus_how ?10:07
NoruxArcheus_: you can install ubuntu next to windows10:08
k1l_Archeus_: you will need a dvd or usb to install and partitionate10:08
Archeus_u mean first install windows then dual boot nd install ubuntu ?10:08
mindofmateoEriC^^:  http://termbin.com/3k8q10:08
NoruxArcheus_: exactly10:08
Archeus_i dont hve any CD/DVD10:08
Archeus_it came pre-installed10:08
k1l_Archeus_: then use a usb-pendrive10:08
Archeus_is it possible to create one ?10:09
k1l_Archeus_: yes, its easy10:09
EriC^^mindofmateo: ok, the install is in legacy mode10:09
ducasseArcheus_: there are instructions on ubuntu.com.10:09
k1l_Archeus_: load the ubuntu.iso form ubuntu.com and use a program to "burn"it onto the usb10:09
EriC^^mindofmateo: enable csm legacy in the bios, and disable uefi10:09
NoruxArcheus_: you can also use UNetBootin on windows10:10
k1l_Archeus_: you are using one right now, arent you?10:10
EriC^^mindofmateo: type sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt10:10
Archeus_i will still hve to install windows first then ubuntu ?10:10
Archeus_using wht k1l ?10:10
k1l_Archeus_: an ubuntu live system10:10
Archeus_idk whts live system but if u tlking about my OS then yes its ubuntu 14.0410:11
mindofmateoEriC^^:  I already followed those steps in the tutorial, and there is no UEFI tile in that menu.  I will type that, brb.10:11
NoruxArcheus_: live system is an OS running from usb/dvd10:11
k1l_Archeus_: a live-system is a system on a dvd or usb that doesnt use your hdd. it runs only inside the ram10:11
Archeus_i dont use USB10:12
Archeus_or dvd10:12
k1l_!dualboot | Archeus_10:13
ubottuArcheus_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:13
NoruxEriC^^: still the same old black screen10:13
mindofmateoEriC^^: I mounted /dev/sda5 to /mnt .10:13
Archeus_k i will see it10:14
EriC^^mindofmateo: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done10:14
Archeus_bye nd thx ppl10:14
mindofmateoEriC^^: within what directory location do I execute that line?10:15
NoruxEriC^^: is it right to USB boot and not UEFI boot the stick? there is an UEFI option aswell in my bios10:16
FManTropyxI have a question10:16
EriC^^Norux: yeah you need not uefi cause windows isn't uefi10:17
EriC^^mindofmateo: doesn't matter10:17
mindofmateoFManTropyx: you just ask.10:17
NoruxEriC^^: well, what do i do now10:17
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mindofmateoEriC^^: Alright, done.10:18
EriC^^anybody remember how to grab the DSDT stuff for acpi_osi="Windows xxxx" ?10:18
swimmer_Hello there. Anyone managed to connect 16.04 to a AD with samba?10:18
EriC^^Norux: maybe try some acpi_osi parameter, i dunno much about the issue to be honest.. maybe somebody who knows more will answer10:19
aavrugFor JsMinFilter I need to install composer require linkorb/jsmin-php like this for ScssFilter what plugin I have to install in CakePHP3?10:19
EriC^^mindofmateo: sudo chroot /mnt10:19
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aavrugI am using asset Compress plugin in CakePHP3.10:20
ducasseEriC^^: sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows10:20
EriC^^ducasse: thanks10:20
mindofmateoEriC^^: Alright, done.10:20
aavrugSorry my bad wrong channel :P10:20
EriC^^Norux: try sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows10:20
EriC^^mindofmateo: grub-install /dev/sda10:21
mindofmateooops, wrong window.10:21
FManTropyxwell, I see people use this commands like sed and do complete voodoo to process outputs piping it through a series of incomprehensible commands and I would like to get a tutorial that teaches me a little bit of using the Unix text processing commands etc.10:21
NoruxEriC^^: there's many10:22
EriC^^Norux: take the latest one10:22
mindofmateoEriC^^:  >>> Installing for i386-pc platform. \n Installation finished.  No error reported.10:22
EriC^^Norux: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999910:22
EriC^^mindofmateo: update-grub10:22
ducasseFManTropyx: buy the books from o'reilly.10:22
FManTropyxthat guy on Fox News?10:23
ducasseFManTropyx: eh, the publisher.10:23
pseudonymousAnyone here have a diagram editor that they actually love? I keep looking but never seem to find anything I like. Dia and yED both are quite unwieldy to work with. I don't need support for specific types of diagrams, just something which offers basic shapes, is visually pleasing and allows grouping components together into a single logical unit, that's it.10:23
mindofmateoEriC^^: done.10:23
NoruxEriC^^: http://termbin.com/ky2p and i get an error10:23
EriC^^mindofmateo: type exit then try rebooting, make sure csm legacy is enabled in the bios and uefi is off10:24
EriC^^Norux: ok, press ctrl+c10:24
NoruxEriC^^:  latest one is Windows 201210:24
EriC^^Norux: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt10:24
ducasseFManTropyx: http://www.oreilly.com/ - the books on sed, awk, perl etc are classics.10:24
NoruxEriC^^: okay done10:25
EriC^^Norux: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done10:25
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NoruxEriC^^: ok done10:26
mindofmateoEriC^^: What specifically do I look for inthe BIOS?  I didn't see anything named Legacy, CSM, or UEFI.10:26
ducassemindofmateo: your system probably doesn't have uefi.10:27
mindofmateoAlright, I'll try rebooting and see what happens.  Thanks, all!10:27
EriC^^Norux: sudo chroot /mnt10:28
NoruxEriC^^: done10:28
EriC^^Norux: ok, type nano /etc/default/grub10:30
NoruxEriC^^: yes10:30
EriC^^add acpi_osi=\"Windows 2012\"10:30
NoruxEriC^^: where? replace the quiet splash with it?10:30
Charlie2anyone an idea how to grow a lxd zfs pool?10:30
EriC^^Norux: yeah10:30
NoruxEriC^^: update-grub and reboot?10:31
EriC^^Norux: yup10:31
NoruxEriC^^: black screen10:32
ducasseCharlie2: you probably need to add disks.10:32
Charlie2create an empty file and add to the pool10:33
ducasseCharlie2: then create a file and add it to the pool.10:34
NoruxEriC^^: why does ubuntu do this to me :(10:35
chaker_hi all10:35
chaker_its my first try10:36
NoruxEriC^^: do you have any idea left10:42
EriC^^Norux: nope not really10:43
NoruxEriC^^: well, shit10:43
EriC^^Norux: try to install without updating10:43
EriC^^to see if it works maybe10:44
EriC^^dunno what else you could try10:44
NoruxEriC^^: it's always the same issue, once it runs, it runs haha10:45
NoruxEriC^^: I couldn't boot on 2 other laptops too, you helped me out there though haha10:45
EriC^^this one's pretty odd10:47
NoruxEriC^^: maybe it has something to do with my hardware10:47
NoruxEriC^^: i'm running on an asrock b84m10:47
EriC^^live usb works though10:47
NoruxEriC^^: yea that's true10:48
ducasseNorux: what kind of video hardware?10:48
Noruxducasse: R9 270x10:48
BluesKajhowdy all10:49
ducasseNorux: hmmm, sorry, i really don't know. live usb works and the installed system does not?10:50
Noruxducasse: exactly10:50
Noruxducasse: boots into a blackscreen10:51
hateballNorux: Have you tried with a mainline kernel? There's lots of fixes for amdgpu in 4.6+10:51
ducasseNorux: hang on a second, looking for an url.10:51
Noruxhateball: i don't think so, EriC^^ ?10:52
EriC^^hateball: he tried wily kernel on 14.04, now he tried 16.0410:52
EriC^^mainline worth a shot i guess10:53
hateballEriC^^: xenial is still "only" 4.4 tho10:53
EriC^^seems like some other package is getting installed while he updates the pc during the install and it breaks it10:53
karoogahi can anyone help with dual boot win8 and 16.04 issues?10:53
EriC^^cause 14.04 had the same kernel for live usb and the install, and same open source radeon driver, but it didn't even reach the purple plymouth screen10:54
EriC^^karooga: ask10:54
EriC^^Norux: boot a live usb and go here10:54
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds10:55
EriC^^and download a later kernel, i'm using 4.6rc6 right now it seems ok10:55
NoruxEriC^^: how10:58
NoruxEriC^^: there's only 3.1410:58
EriC^^Norux: download http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-rc6-wily/linux-image-4.6.0-040600rc6-generic_4.6.0-040600rc6.201605012031_amd64.deb10:59
EriC^^and http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-rc6-wily/linux-headers-4.6.0-040600rc6_4.6.0-040600rc6.201605012031_all.deb10:59
EriC^^Norux: also http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-rc6-wily/linux-headers-4.6.0-040600rc6-generic_4.6.0-040600rc6.201605012031_amd64.deb10:59
karoogaEriC^^: I tried repair boot but doesn't seem to fix the issue.11:00
EriC^^karooga: what happens right now?11:00
karoogaEriC^^: am only able to boot into win8.11:00
karoogaEriC: there is no entry for ubuntu despite installing in uefi mode.11:01
EriC^^karooga: ok boot a live usb11:01
NoruxEriC^^: and how do i install them then?11:02
karoogaEric^^: If I use bios boot menu to select the ubuntu EFI entry then i get a failed grub prompt.11:02
EriC^^Norux: chroot as usual11:02
EriC^^copy the files into the chroot and run dpkg -i *11:02
EriC^^karooga: aha11:02
karoogaEric^^:  it's like grub didn't install correctly - i don't know if this had something do with my custom partition during installation?11:03
karoogaEriC^^: make with booting liveCD?11:03
NoruxEriC^^: where's the download folder?11:04
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karoogaEriC^^: liveCD or liveUSB?  does that make a difference?11:05
EriC^^Norux: ~/Downloads11:05
EriC^^karooga: no either is ok11:05
NoruxEriC^^: and can i copy the files straight to the root dir?11:06
EriC^^Norux: yeah11:06
NoruxEriC^^: there is no ~/Downloads11:06
Noruxat least when i am chroot11:06
EriC^^sudo cp /home/ubuntu/Downloads/* /mnt/tmp/11:07
karoogaEriC^^: ok will quickly reboot11:07
karoogaEriC^^: brb11:07
Noruxthere is no /home/ubuntu11:07
EriC^^Norux: run that command from outside the chroot11:07
NoruxEriC^^: ohh11:07
Noruxand now i do dpgi -i *?11:09
Noruxas chroot?11:09
EriC^^Norux: yeah type cd /tmp11:10
EriC^^then dpkg -i *.deb11:10
NoruxEriC^^: ok done that it's installing now11:10
NoruxEriC^^: it's done11:11
EriC^^ok try restarting11:11
EriC^^did you restart yet11:12
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EriC^^if not try something11:12
NoruxEriC^^: too late sorry :(11:12
NoruxEriC^^: aaand blackscreen11:12
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frudoi have tried may time shrink ec2 ubuntu 14.4 disk not worked .. 40 gb to 20 gb, i have tried with this link11:14
irwissI'd like to consolidate my web setup under /www/, so I moved /etc/nginx there and symlinked it back in /etc. It appears that it works, will I get in trouble with updates/dpkg/any other pitfalls when it's symlinked like that?11:14
frudoEXT3-fs: sda1: couldn’t mount because of unsupported optional features (240).11:14
frudoEXT2-fs: sda1: couldn’t mount because of unsupported optional features (240).11:14
frudoKernel panic – not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1)11:14
frudothis is showing me error any one can help on this11:14
frudobut fsck command not showing any error11:15
karoogaEriC^^: right livecd loaded11:15
NoruxEriC^^: back in live boot again11:15
EriC^^karooga: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999911:17
EriC^^Norux: ok mount the main partition then type cat /mnt/var/log/apt/history.log | nc termbin.com 999911:17
NoruxEriC^^: http://termbin.com/vllb11:18
EriC^^Norux: ok, it didn't even update anything apparently11:19
NoruxEriC^^: hmm11:19
chntubi want download ubuntu 16.04 intel x6411:20
EriC^^Norux: type cat /mnt/var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 999911:20
somsip!download | chntub11:20
ubottuchntub: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Xenial, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:20
NoruxEriC^^: doesn't exist11:21
karoogaEriC^^:  http://termbin.com/74qt11:22
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administrator_co tam?11:23
Guest99735Nafing my frend11:23
Guest99735A co u cb ?11:23
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:23
administrator_A mam zjebane lekcje :/11:23
karoogaEriC^^:  I see partition 8 has a msftdata flag - which doesn't seem right??11:24
administrator_Witaj podróżniku11:24
administrator_hey guys11:25
EriC^^Norux: hmm11:25
EriC^^Norux: seems like it never tried to boot even11:25
EriC^^no lightdm log no syslog11:25
NoruxEriC^^: now that is weird11:25
administrator_ey easy guy this is ubuntu world11:25
somsipadministrator_: this is a support channel. Do you have a question?11:25
selinuxiumHi all, any perf gurus about? I have a server where the load is steadily climbing... According to perf swapper is using 87% of the cpu-clock11:26
EriC^^Norux: maybe it's a grub issue or so11:26
EriC^^karooga: no that's fine11:26
EriC^^karooga: guessing it's a xfs issue11:26
NoruxEriC^^: i'll get some food, brb in ~45 min11:27
EriC^^karooga: does grub support xfs /boot ?11:27
karoogaEriC^^:  grub not supported xfs?11:27
EriC^^never used xfs11:27
karoogaEriC^^: I think it does but through a module.  /boot is on / so perhaps it can't load xfs mod to read the xfs fs.11:28
ducasseEriC^^: pretty sure it has supported xfs for quite a long time. i used xfs on 14.04 without a separate /boot.11:29
karoogaEric^^: perhaps if I create a separate ext4 partition with boot then it would work?11:29
EriC^^karooga: what error do you get in grub?11:30
karoogaEric^^ / ducasse: agreed, that was exactly my old installation11:30
karoogaEriC^^: it just goes to grub prompt.11:31
karoogaEriC^^: may have been some text before that - but it was too quick11:31
karoogaEric^^: I was wondering if maybe the grub install was incorrect - ie. grub-pc instead of grub-efi?11:32
EriC^^karooga: hmm dont think so11:35
EriC^^karooga: we can try to reinstall grub11:35
EriC^^karooga: try sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt11:35
EriC^^you might need to install some xfs tools first11:35
karoogaEriC^^: no seems happy.11:36
karoogaEriC^^: sudo chroot /mnt?11:36
EriC^^karooga: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done11:38
karoogaEriC^^: right11:39
EriC^^karooga: sudo chroot /mnt11:39
karoogaEriC^^: done.  I see grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed are all installed11:40
EriC^^karooga: ok, type mount -a11:41
karoogaEriC^^: yip.11:42
EriC^^karooga: apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed11:42
karoogaEriC^^: i have secureboot disabled, does that make a difference?11:43
EriC^^karooga: apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed grub2-common grub-common11:43
EriC^^karooga: no, it shouldn't11:43
EriC^^karooga: apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed grub2-common grub-common grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin11:43
Paddy_NIHi I have just installed Ubuntu 16.04 to a Compaq Presario CQ57, unfortunately Wireless was not recognised with this release either and my usual solution for this client has not ceased to be available http://www.techytalk.info/ubuntu/ralink-wireless/11:50
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ducassePaddy_NI: contact the maintainer of the ppa and ask for updated packages, look for the driver another place, or try to build the driver from the ppa yourself.11:54
Paddy_NIducasse: Looking for the driver in another place is currently what I am doing, building it myself is most likely a little beyond me and given that the developer has not continued to maintain this ppa himself then I doubt a request from me would be on any encouragement11:57
Paddy_NIducasse: Thanks for trying though11:57
Paddy_NIAnyone else here care to posit a solution?11:58
ducassePaddy_NI: there's not really anything we can do, the driver is in a ppa and those are unsupported. as it uses dkms it might still build if you manually install the latest version from the ppa, though.11:59
Paddy_NIducasse: Not to be rude but "we" implies you speak for every single user of this channel?12:00
lotuspsychjePaddy_NI: ralink cards can be tricky on firmwares also12:00
lotuspsychjePaddy_NI: some models need modprobe or blacklist12:00
lotuspsychjePaddy_NI: check your firmware version perhaps, and tryout others?12:00
ducassePaddy_NI: i speak for myself, but ppa's are still unsupported here. the only person who can help you with that ppa is the maintainer. and i did suggest a solution.12:02
Paddy_NII am not asking for support for a ppa ducasse12:02
ducassePaddy_NI: did you try downloading and installing the latest version manually?12:04
Paddy_NIducasse: That is precisely what I am about to do :-)12:05
karoogaEriC^^: "it cannot be downloaded"?12:05
karoogaEriC^^:  mm... perhaps apt-get update first :-)12:06
ducassePaddy_NI: other than that you can search github for another driver or a more updated version. or get a supported adapter.12:08
NoruxEriC^^: I'm back12:09
karoogaEriC^^: seems to installed and picked up windows EFI too.  But I already saw that in original grub.cfg.12:09
EriC^^Norux: wb12:09
EriC^^karooga: ok12:09
karoogaEriC^^: unmount and reboot?12:09
OerHeksPaddy_NI, that Ralink RT5390 is a dual wifi/bt chip?12:09
EriC^^type df12:09
EriC^^is /boot/efi mounted12:09
Paddy_NIOerHeks: Perhaps I am not sure12:10
karoogait is.12:10
NoruxEriC^^: do you know why the system didn't even try to boot?12:10
Paddy_NIOerHeks: This is a clients laptop that I am setting up with Ubuntu 16.04, previously running Linux Mint 17.1.12:11
ubuntu-matehey guys how i installed MPEG-Layer-3-Audio (mp3) for Rythmbox? He tells me: Rhythmbox fordert die Installation von Erweiterungen, um Dateien des folgenden Typs zu erstellen: ID3 tag muxer12:11
karoogaEriC^^: http://termbin.com/aicy12:11
ubuntu-matethe autoupdater doesnt run12:12
EriC^^Norux: no not really can you try to get grub somehow12:13
EriC^^left shift, esc12:13
NoruxEriC^^: i can't get it when i am booting my hard drive12:14
ubuntu-matehow i get ID3 tag muxer?12:15
ubuntu-matepaar deutssprachige hier?12:15
hateball!de | ubuntu-mate12:15
ubottuubuntu-mate: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:15
ducasseNorux: do you get a windows boot manager when you boot from the hard drive?12:15
Noruxducasse: what do you mean? I can enter the bios, but when i just let it boot i get into a black screen12:16
karoogaEriC^^: fire in the hole?  unmount + reboot?12:16
hateballubottu: if you want to be able to play codecs like mp3, you can run "sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras"12:16
ubottuhateball: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:16
EriC^^karooga: yeah type exit12:16
EriC^^then reboot12:16
hateballubuntu-mate: ^12:16
=== badon_ is now known as badon
Mr_Redhi kids12:17
karoogaEriC^^: cool.  brb12:17
ducasseNorux: sorry, confused you with someone else.12:19
Noruxducasse: oh okay12:19
ducassekarooga: you're only able to boot windows in uefi mode?12:19
Noruxso that's it i guess then...12:24
zarkhello people, i have trouble with the external display of my laptop. i can view the mouse on it but it doesnt display the linux desk. what can i do ?12:27
spiceHi all! Is this the correct channel to get help regarding issues while building kernel modules for Ubuntu 16.04?12:27
eodguy86im no pro at this, but i always suggest google to find a forum12:27
karoogaEriC^^: no such luck.12:27
ducassezark: it's probably set up as a second display, try setting it to 'mirror' in the display preferences.12:28
karoogaEriC^^: the error message that pops up before grub drops to prompt is something along lines of not being able to read 0x00 from 0x... something.12:28
karoogaEriC^^: when I did a lsmod in grub prompt i did not see any xfs modules loaded. I did set ext2, btrfs and zfs though.12:29
zarkducasse, it doesnt detect the external display in display settings. i cant choose to mirror it. it s not possible to tick the box12:30
karoogaEric^^: maybe a /boot partition formated with ext2 is the way to go?12:30
ducassezark: but you can see the mouse pointer on the screen?12:31
zarkducasse, it s the X mouse pointer a bit big12:31
ducassezark: can you drag a window from one screen to the other?12:31
zarkducasse, no12:32
EriC^^karooga: yeah give it a shot12:32
EriC^^karooga: maybe you need to specify a parameter for grub?12:33
ducassezark: what video hardware/driver?12:33
Aussie_mattHarryHallman: Hi, are you harry, harry harry on the forum?12:34
zarkATI 7660m with flgpr graphic drivers12:34
ducassezark: 14.04?12:34
zarkducasse, yes12:35
NoruxEriC^^: maybe you'll find a solution. I gotta go now, uni12:35
ducassezark: i'm not really familiar with fglrx, meybe you can find some help here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page12:36
zarkducasse, maybe it s the mesa settings ? i touched it with command lines12:36
karoogaEric^^: what's a good size for boot partition 1GB?12:36
EriC^^karooga: 400mb maybe12:39
ducassezark: can you pastebin the output of 'xrandr -q'?12:39
EriC^^karooga: 1gb is good12:40
zarkducasse, bin.com/iWeJ5xMB12:41
ducassedig bin.com12:42
zarkducasse, it s pastebin.com12:43
NoruxEriC^^: do i need grub on sdb1 or sdb12:43
ducassezark: ok, xrandr only sees one screen. you might need to set the second screen up with aticonfig.12:44
zarkducasse, ok12:44
ducassezark: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Trusty_Installation_Guide#Dual.2FMulti_Monitors12:45
NoruxEriC^^: http://paste2.org/LNfs0zOK12:47
bonsairootanyone had their calendar spaz out on 16.04? Mine just jumped between may and june and used 100% cpu. had to sigterm it12:47
NoruxEriC^^: IT WORKS12:48
NoruxEriC^^: I CAN BOOT12:48
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zarkreboot testing...12:49
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EriC^^Norux: great!12:51
NoruxEriC^^: fyi, i used a simple grub repair tool12:51
zarkducasse, it works !! :-D12:53
zarkducasse, thank you so much ! :D12:54
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ducassezark: you're welcome :) the link i gave you is the main site for info on fglrx, check there if you get trouble later.12:55
NoruxEriC^^: thanks a lot dude12:56
backboxcan any one tell me how to hack wifi12:56
EriC^^Norux: no problem12:56
NoruxEriC^^: I'm gonna go now, but so much thanks - AGAIN12:56
backboxtell me12:56
zarkducasse, yes i bookmarked the site. i will help others with the same problem.12:57
ducassezark: good :)12:57
irwissis there a way to configure ufw log format that it writes to syslog? it writes long lines with most of the data of little to no use13:03
ducasseirwiss: seems you can only specify different levels, not the format.13:06
irwissducasse: yep peeked in the manual too seems weird there's no snprinf string of some sort, oh well13:10
snfgfI am getting error configuring. Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.35...) were not met13:11
ducasseirwiss: afaict you can't really mangle the format with iptables either, just the level.13:12
ducasseirwiss: it should be easy to parse, though, so you could just run the logs through a filter.13:13
snfgfWhat package do I need?13:15
snfgferror: peg/leg not found.13:15
ducassesnfgf: configuring what?13:15
snfgfducasse, Configuring is done. I am building now. Getting error peg/leg not found.13:16
ducassesnfgf: apt-get install peg?13:16
snfgfducasse, woops, still 'peg/leg not found'13:17
ducassesnfgf: you might need to re-run configure.13:18
snfgfducasse, works, thanks13:18
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adacHi guys! How to debug network problems at best? It seems I'm losing packages a lot, however it is not the internet itself there must be a problem on my machine. I tried with cable and with wireless, but both seems to show the same problems13:36
ducasseadac: 'losing packages'?13:37
adacducasse, ping shows me packeage loss and pages are loading slow and some applications get timeouts13:38
karoogaEriC^^: it's working.13:38
karoogaEriC^^: it's working.13:38
ducasseadac: 'packets', not 'packages'. on your local network, over internet or both?13:39
karoogaEric^^: seems grub was not loving the xfs fs.13:39
EriC^^karooga: great :D13:39
adacducasse, you are right.  I will check if it is local network or internet. good point13:39
ackwoodhey all, I have a problem with a cloud instance13:41
adacducasse, it seems when pinging my router there is also packet loss PING   4% packet loss13:41
ackwoodtty0 gets stuck on this http://pastebin.ca/360803213:42
ackwoodand can't move past that13:42
ackwoodanyone please help?13:42
ducasseadac: both over wireless and wired?13:42
adacducasse, this time it was wired. Let me check with wireless13:43
somsipackwood: what cloud provider?13:43
ackwoodsomsip: openstack kilo13:43
rahul_kummiguys can anyone refer some cool very well mentioned resource on reverse engineering13:43
somsipackwood: ok - I know nothing then13:43
NightHwkI just upgrade to ubuntu 16.04  and now I can't access my my share drive on anther computer because it won't take my network credentials. It keep asking and It work before the upgrade13:43
somsip!alis | rahul_kummi (nothing like that in this channel)13:43
ubotturahul_kummi (nothing like that in this channel): alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http13:43
NightHwkI just upgrade to ubuntu 16.04  and now I can't access my share drive on anther computer because it won't take my network credentials. It keep asking and It work before the upgrade. Anyone having idea what the problem is?13:44
hateballNightHwk: what protocol are you using?13:46
hateballNightHwk: iirc nfs has changed to use v4 by default now13:47
NightHwkUsing File13:47
op84hey there - is it safe to install 16.04 as production server?13:47
NightHwkand connecting from network13:47
karoogaEriC^^: thanks so much for your assistance.  :-)13:47
ducasseNightHwk: what did you upgrade from, and was it a clean install or an upgrade?13:47
karoogaEriC^^: cheers13:47
NightHwkducasse: 15.10 and it was upgrade13:50
ducasseNightHwk: as hateball asked, nfs or cifs?13:51
NightHwksorry nfs13:51
NightHwkducasse: I  think it has something to do with the keyring13:52
ducasseNightHwk: then what do you mean it won't take your credentials? are you using kerberos?13:52
MonkeyDustpjj  it works, ask your ubuntu question13:55
NightHwkducasse: When I try to access my network computer. It asks for my  username and password to access as it should. I am put the correct credentials in and it's keep repeating, asking me for my credentials.13:55
NightHwkducasse: The machine I connecting to is Windows machine and other machine can connect fine.13:56
ducasseNightHwk: then you are using cifs, not nfs. i know nothing about cifs, sorry.13:57
NightHwkducasse: Ok thanks14:00
Huliodoes K3B support burning BR ?14:01
Hulioi have BR burner, i was wonder will it support BR burning14:01
MonkeyDustHulio  BR?14:01
Hulioblue ray14:01
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:01
ducasseHulio: if you mean bd, yes.14:01
Huliodoes k3b support bd burning?14:01
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ducasseHulio: as i said, yes.14:03
Hulioducasse, i see, i see a message popup;  No CD/DVD/BD writer found.14:04
Huliogood new :)14:04
Hulioducasse, thanks though14:04
Fuchsk3b is just a frontend14:04
Fuchsbut if you have wodim/growisofs installed with BD support: yes, k3b can do it14:04
Huliowould you suggest Nero 4  or k3b ?14:04
Huliook thanks14:04
Huliobig help :)14:04
MonkeyDustisnt nero a winows program?14:04
six86Hello. I have a Problem creating an (preseeded) usb installation drive for ubuntu server. Tried disk-creator, mkusb, unetbootin, but I keep having problems with UEFI. The only thing that almost worked was following the wiki and manually creating a vfat file system and then copying over the extracted iso. However, the installation then fails with "cdrom not found" errors... Can anyone help?14:05
Huliono, nero linux 4 is for linux14:05
ducasseHulio: always use free software if you have an option. nero for linux is no longer developed.14:05
Hulioducasse, isn't cost is better?14:05
Huliothat is why there is a cost to it14:05
Picierr.... no.14:05
ducasseHulio: this is not the place to discuss that, but no :)14:06
Huliook then14:06
Huliocuase you meantion it's free :)14:06
ubottuFOSS stands for Free and Open Source Software. See !freedom for more info.14:06
Huliook last question, why is it free?14:07
PiciHulio: we refer to it being open source, not necessarily free as in cost.. althought that is also the case here.14:07
Huliothey spend the time to do it.....o they get money from contribution?14:07
MonkeyDustHulio  expensive doesnt mean better14:07
rp2no they don't14:07
zykotick9Hulio: "free software is about liberty, not price" https://www.fsf.org/about14:07
ackwoodI'm progressing14:08
Hulioi know, but why peopl espend time to program it and give it for free..i'm sure they get donation from people14:08
ackwoodbut now it's stuck on "Starting SystemD login management service"14:08
Hulioand most linux app are free14:08
ducasseHulio: this is not the place, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic.14:09
rp2well, very often those people are paid to develop the software14:09
Huliook i go in there14:09
rp2is this a good place to ask for software recommendations?14:09
rp2I'm looking for a tool that will maintain a list of broken links on my website14:10
rp2I've tried 3 link checkers distributed as Ubuntu packages but they're all one-off tools. I need something that updates itself continuously14:10
PiciHulio: in some cases, their employers pay them to develop for linux, and that work benefits everyone.14:10
PiciHulio: if you want to discuss more, feel free to join us in #ubuntu-offtopic14:11
dsoundI have a question about Nvidia Geforce card and Ubuntu 16.04 on laptop14:16
hugohy guys.14:16
hugocan Anyone help me with an error on python14:17
hugoI don't understand much about python. So I'm kinda lost.14:18
ducassehugo: you should probably ask in ##python14:18
dsoundSeems like there's a lot of trouble getting the higher end laptop Nvidia cards to work in Ubuntu14:18
hugoducasse, thanks.14:18
dsoundI've had trouble with the endless login loop before14:18
dsounddid a couple reinstalls, not sure if I"m doing it right14:19
dsoundI've tried both pruging nvidia and then installing the PPA and then driver. I've also tried from settings/updates and software/additional drivers where it lists a choice of video drivers14:19
dsoundany one understand what to do?14:20
hugoducasse, is there any other channel for that? cause no one is online over there.14:21
Picihugo: are you having an issue programming python or is some Ubuntu app giving you a python error?14:22
MonkeyDusthugo  type   /msg alis list python14:22
Picihugo: also #python has nearly as many people in it as here, but you need to be registered and identify to join.14:22
Pici!register | hugo14:22
ubottuhugo: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:22
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hugoPici, it's AutoDock that's giving me the error. I'm new at BioInformatics14:23
leonarthdo you guys know of a way to compile sass on the server without installing ruby?14:23
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ducassehugo: what error do you get?14:24
Picihurasafe: there is also #scipy14:24
msghi all :)14:24
msgMy apt is totally broken -_-14:25
msgWhen i run apt-get update, it just hangs on 0% [Connecting to us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting14:25
MonkeyDustmsg  which ubuntu version?14:25
hurasafePici, thanks. I'll try ovethere14:26
MonkeyDustmsg  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue14:26
msgUbuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l14:27
craptalkhow to see the log system, on ubuntu?14:28
msgI thought Guest was talking to me :P14:28
msg"Just quit." hehe14:29
auronandacecraptalk: various logs are kept in /var/log/14:29
msgdoes apt have a config file or something that i need to update?14:29
msgI guess its checking servers that dont exist14:29
OerHekscraptalk, type log in dash, systemlog gui shows up14:30
craptalkalright man, thats good14:30
craptalklets the try begins14:30
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ducassemsg: you can enter another mirror in /etc/apt/sources.list or wait until it's up again.14:32
k1l_msg:  is that a cloud server?14:33
msgducasse: ok ill try that14:33
msgk1l_:  yup, aws :)14:33
k1l_msg: did you ask the hoster about that? maybe they have some issues14:33
msgah, no, i think this is somethig ive done wrong somewhere14:34
somsipmsg: that repo is fine for me14:34
k1l_so what have you done?14:34
craptalkwhat channel to ask about jailbreaking iphone stuff?14:35
craptalklet me know please if there is any in this server14:35
somsip!alis | craptalk (not here)14:35
ubottucraptalk (not here): alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http14:35
msgsomsip:  hm, yeah, now that i test it it works for the server too14:37
msgas in, i can ping it, and it looks normal14:37
msgah wait, no14:38
msgI can ping
msgand from my home i can ping and curl
msg(and i get back a response)14:39
msgBut on the server curl just hangs14:39
somsipmsg: what does that IP have to do with the repo URL you posted earlier?14:39
msgI think thats the repo's IP14:39
somsip21:25 < msg> When i run apt-get update, it just hangs on 0% [Connecting to  us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com (]14:40
minas114Hi. I have upgraded my kernel to version 4.6. On startup, I get an error saying "unknown chipset nouveau". The error message did not appear with kernel 4.4.14:40
msgI re-ran apt/get update and the DNS must have found me a different IP this time14:40
k1l_minas114: look at what setup there the kernel uses. ubuntu kernel have a lot of patches that the original kernels dont have14:41
msgi can confirm i have the same result for
OerHeksmsg, what did you do exactly, installed a proxy?14:41
msgI've done loads of things, but at one point i did install squid proxy14:42
msgi dont have it any more, but I do have openvpn14:42
minas114k1l_, Where should I look for this information? BY the way, I downloaded the kernel from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/14:42
somsipmsg: 64 bytes from ec2-54-234-232-41.compute-1.amazonaws.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=41 time=1.59 ms14:42
OerHeksmsg very good, now we have a clue14:42
tumblerhow to add battery indicator (applet) onto xfce panel, in your opinion???14:42
somsipmsg: that was the us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com14:42
msgok, thanks somsip - so i think my computer cant curl anything14:43
somsipmsg: suggest you try connecting to publicly resolvable sites, like www.google.com as part of troubleshooting14:43
k1l_!mainline | minas11414:43
ubottuminas114: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds14:43
ducassetumbler: right click the panel, click 'add'.14:43
msgah, good idea14:43
minas114k1l_, oh, there seems to be a folder named "drm-intel-next", maybe I should install from there14:43
somsipmsg: kill it, spin another one up.14:43
msgi cant curl google.com either14:43
minas114k1l_, thanks14:43
tumblerducasse: doesn t work ... i see nothing14:43
msgit must be a routing issue14:43
somsipmsg: in a VPC?14:44
somsipmsg: did you set VPC up correctly? Getting off topic for here so dont expect much more help from me. Same advice - kill it and spin another one up carefully14:44
ducassetumbler: do you see 'properties' when you right click the panel?14:45
tumblerducasse: sorry ... it works right now ... i don t know why right now14:45
tumbleri'll try yesterday but it doesn t14:45
msgAh, well, i'd love to do that but this VPC is running all sorts of things now (and has done for a long time), i've just never noticed it couldnt curl google.com until right now14:45
msgTheres obviously nothing wrong with my apt14:45
msgthe problem is more serious, hehe14:45
msgHere's my routing table: http://paste.ofcode.org/rBhSztC9ZkecAzfkTnYhUe14:46
Sagarhow do i check thread limit in ubuntu 16?14:49
minas114If I have an Intel GPU should I install a kernel from drm-intel-next?14:50
John[Lisbeth]what program would you recommend for formating a live usb from within windows?14:59
q120_1Does anybody know how I can force a screen refresh of a remote terminal? I am connected to a remote server that is not responding; I want to be able to see what the last thing on the screen was.14:59
OsakaFoopretty much all links on ubuntu.com relating to ubuntu-touch 404 - how is a new dev meant to find information14:59
lotuspsychjeJohn[Lisbeth]: ##windows for windows programs15:00
k1l_John[Lisbeth]: a ubuntu usb?15:00
* OsakaFoo disabled noscript15:00
MonkeyDust!touch | OsakaFoo15:00
ubottuOsakaFoo: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:00
* OsakaFoo slowly fades away15:00
k1l_John[Lisbeth]: if so: use rufus to make one. if you just want to format that usb use the tools windows ships for partitioning.15:01
OsakaFooMonkeyDust: yeh I was complaining about the site 404ing on my, turns out they redirect but just say not here if JS is diabled15:01
q120_1John[Lisbeth], if you want to install Ubuntu as a live distro on a USB key, use something like yumi (pendrivelinux.com) or unetbootin. They both run in Windows and both work pretty well.15:01
CrazyAtomUbuntu 16, whats going on with apt-get update?15:02
k1l_CrazyAtom: what is your issue?15:02
ducasse!details | CrazyAtom15:02
lotuspsychjeCrazyAtom: can you try sudo apt update and close terminal, then sudo apt upgrade15:02
ubottuCrazyAtom: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:02
MonkeyDustCrazyAtom  yes, what brings you here?15:02
CrazyAtomWell, got several issues. audio, update, install and also softwares not showing up in ubuntu softwares15:03
lotuspsychjeCrazyAtom: lets start with 1 at the time15:04
CrazyAtombrb, booting into ubuntu so it will be easier15:06
zarkhello fellas15:07
zarkhello :-)15:07
lotuspsychjezark: how can we help you?15:08
zarklotuspsychje, i need help in deciding something. i have the choice to live a life doing nothing and get paid 800 euros a month. and a career in cooking which can lead me to own my own restaurant. i have 2 days to decide15:09
lotuspsychje!support | zark15:10
ubottuzark: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com15:10
zarkoh sorry15:10
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six86Anyone expert in installing/preseeding? I managed to get a uefi preseeded stick to installing, but a script called "60remove-live-packages" is removing the packages I isntall during preseed and also big parts of ubuntu...15:11
Eduard_MunteanuThis seems like bad advice: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/how-to-verify15:13
Eduard_MunteanuWho do I complain to? They should just enable HTTPS on the damn main website.15:14
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yecril71plHi, how do I resolve the following error: libcap.so.1 not found?15:16
ducasseEduard_Munteanu: why is it bad advice?15:16
Queenslayeryecril71pl, get synaptic15:16
QueenslayerIt'd make like much easuer15:16
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MonkeyDustEduard_Munteanu  sounds like something you can discuss on a forum15:17
lotuspsychjeyecril71pl: what package are you trying to install?15:17
Eduard_Munteanuducasse, it's vulnerable to MITM15:18
yecril71plI am trying to link to a closed library that requires libcap.so.1.15:18
six86Where does the script "60remove-live-packages.sh" come from?15:18
Jordan_UEduard_Munteanu: Not if you check the sha256sums, which are signed using gpg.15:18
Eduard_MunteanuJordan_U, the problem is you can't get the GPG key securely.15:19
Queenslayeryecril71pl, sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev15:19
ducasseEduard_Munteanu: of course you can, but take this up in #ubuntu-offtopic15:19
QueenslayerHi Jay15:19
jay_How goes it15:19
QueenslayerIt goes okay, hows about you?15:20
Eduard_MunteanuUm, is it really offtopic? :(15:20
zarksix86, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/live-installer/3415:20
ducasseEduard_Munteanu: it's not a support question.15:20
auronandaceEduard_Munteanu: you can file a bug in launchpad against the website15:20
zarkis it possible to become a master of linux by helping in this channel 4 hours per day ?15:20
Queenslayeryecril71pl, tell me if it works please15:21
lotuspsychje!contribute | zark15:21
ubottuzark: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu15:21
daxauronandace, Eduard_Munteanu: I think there already is a bug against it, actually.15:21
Queenslayerlol zark15:21
QueenslayerAre you serious?15:21
Eduard_MunteanuI filed one years ago, that might be it.15:21
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Eduard_MunteanuIt was about moving keys from the wiki on the main website.15:21
DArqueBishopI fail to see why you need a "secure" way of getting the PGP public key, provided it's already on a PGP keyserver somewhere or on the Ubuntu website.15:21
zarkQueenslayer, no i m just asking silly questions :)))15:21
DArqueBishopIt doesn't need to be secure. It's SUPPOSED to be publicly available.15:22
daxEduard_Munteanu: possibly. but yeah, IRC's not a good place for it, Canonical infrastructure by and large doesn't come here15:22
Queenslayerthought so zark15:22
sivamHi, I updated the Xrdb with my custom xresources. how ever, I want to revert back to original settings? how can I do that ?15:22
Jordan_UEduard_Munteanu: If you follow thise directions, there is no possibility of a man in the middle attack. Please join #ubuntu-offtopic and post the exact step that you feel is lacking and why, and I will explain it to you.15:22
zarkQueenslayer, if i want to be a master of linux i should read a lot about the system and understand every part of it15:23
yecril71plQueenslayer: /usr/share/doc/libpcap-dev only15:23
MonkeyDust!manual | zark start here15:23
ubottuzark start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:23
Queenslayerzark, or just practice the shit out of it :P15:23
Queenslayeryecril71pl, ?15:23
yecril71plThere is no library in the package libpcap-dev15:24
MonkeyDustzark  break and fix things, it's a good (the best?) way to learn15:24
phillyjis there a torrent available for Ubuntu 16.04 full repository?15:24
lotuspsychje!torrents | phillyj15:24
ubottuphillyj: Xenial can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/xenial/desktop/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/xenial/server/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696915:24
ducasseyecril71pl: you probably want libpcap0.8 - not -dev15:24
Queenslayeryecril71pl, you trying to FTP?15:25
Queenslayerthanks ducasse15:25
mcphailphillyj: there isn't an official torrent of the full repository, as far as I am aware15:25
yecril71plQueenslayer: I am trying to link.15:25
OerHeksphillyj, not an set of iso's, if that is what you want15:25
QueenslayerWhat ducasse said yecril71pl15:25
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zarkQueenslayer, yes :) just practice linux everyday install stuff and break them like MonkeyDust said15:25
MonkeyDustphillyj  do you want to create / run your own ubuntu repo?15:26
Queenslayerzark, it's not hard to break things, I'm using xfce and everything already seems broke15:26
Queenslayeryecril71pl, https://frankfzw.wordpress.com/2014/08/19/libpcap-on-ubuntu-install-libpcap/ if what ducasse said doesn't workcjk15:26
phillyjMonkeyDust: I wont have fast data connection so i just want to download it now because i got the speed now15:27
lotuspsychjezark, Queenslayer use #ubuntu-offtopic for such discussions15:27
yecril71pllibpcap0.8 gives me libpcap.so.1, not libcap.so.115:27
lotuspsychjeyecril71pl: can you tell us what you really are trying to install, you need libcap for?15:27
yecril71pllotuspsychje: for libgns11.so15:28
MonkeyDust!mirror | phillyj i guess this may interest you15:28
ubottuphillyj i guess this may interest you: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Xenial, and help keeping the servers' load low!15:28
yecril71plQueenslayer: that page is for libpcap, not for libcap15:28
OerHeksyecril71pl, maybe you need https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcap-ng15:29
yecril71plIn other words, it provides for -lpcap but not for -lcap15:29
Queenslayeryeah yecril71pl15:29
QueenslayerI don't know then15:29
OerHeksyecril71pl, or libcap215:29
OerHeks!info libcap215:30
ubottulibcap2 (source: libcap2): POSIX 1003.1e capabilities (library). In component main, is required. Version 1:2.24-12 (xenial), package size 12 kB, installed size 41 kB (Only available for linux-any)15:30
yecril71plBut that gives me libcap.so.215:30
yecril71plI need libcap.so.115:30
OerHeksyecril71pl, oke, then your application needs an update15:30
OerHeksnot libcap215:30
yecril71plI agree, but I cannot update it.15:31
lotuspsychjeyecril71pl: you would make it much more easy, if you explain whats it for15:32
auronandaceyecril71pl: maybe you can find an alternative15:32
yecril71plIt is an RDBMS15:32
lotuspsychjeyecril71pl: oracle rdbms?15:32
yecril71plOf course there are alternatives but each of them requires migrating data potentially breaking things15:33
OerHeksugly solution could be linking those libraries, ln http://askubuntu.com/questions/56339/how-to-create-a-soft-or-symbolic-link with vary result15:33
yecril71plOracle 11g15:33
auronandaceyecril71pl: so you'd rather stick to something that is unmaintained?15:33
OerHeksoracle .. maybe it is an environment issue .. cannot test that.15:33
yecril71plauronandace: yes, that is what I am paid for.15:34
auronandaceyecril71pl: you are paid to maintain it?15:34
yecril71plI am paid to make it run somehow.15:35
zarkhow does it feel to work at such a task ?15:35
lotuspsychjezark: please no offtopic here15:35
yecril71plWhat is the emoticon for vomiting?15:35
zarksorry i m too curious15:35
lotuspsychjeyecril71pl: http://askubuntu.com/questions/538193/how-to-install-oracel-rdbms-11g15:36
auronandaceyecril71pl: i'd imagine as time goes on the difficulty in maintaining it is going to surpass the difficulty in migrating to somthing that is supportable15:36
neuro_sysHello, I have installed proprietary NVIDIA drivers on my system. Now I need GL.h header files. Will installing nvidia-current-dev will overwrite my previously installed drivers?15:37
Guy1524hey guys, I am using ubuntu gnome 16.04 with wayland and google chrome version 50 uses Xwayland instead of wayland directly15:37
mcphailneuro_sys: the -dev packages are generally just the header and support files15:38
OerHeksGuy1524, Wayland, really? ubuntu is on track for MIR15:38
yecril71pllotuspsychje: that answer basically says 'You don't' :-)15:38
Guy1524I see mir as canonical wanting in on the X11 replacement part and doing it badly15:38
Guy1524wayland seems to be made by people who are more experienced15:39
lotuspsychje!discuss | Guy152415:39
ubottuGuy1524: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!15:39
OerHeksGuy1524, good luck finding support.15:39
auronandaceGuy1524: you'd need to ask the Chrome devs what their plans are in getting it to work with wayland directly15:39
Guy1524k, well chrome 50 apparently comes with wayland support15:40
OerHeksIf you want to run legacy X11 applications on Wayland, you need to install XWayland."15:41
Guy1524I have XWayland, and chrome is using it just fine, but I want it to use wayland15:41
ginI managed to get IGD/PEG installation to boot properly, and both graphics cards shows up in the system, drivers loaded are nvidia and intel. Currently the nvidia screen works, and the intel powered screen is blank, not in use. Anyone know how to activate so you use both graphics cards at the same time?15:41
Jordan_UGuy1524: Try asking in #chromium-support .15:43
neuro_sysnvidia-current-dev somehow does not contain any GL.h15:44
mcphailgin: are you sure that's possible? Are you using open or proprietary drivers for nvidia?15:44
ginmcphail, it's working in windows, and I belive you can use 2 graphics card or more to power a big set of screens no?15:45
naccneuro_sys: are you looking for the cuda header? `apt-file` indicates nvidia-...-dev ships a 'cuda/cudaGL.h' file15:45
gincurrently nvidia card is used for X and intel for framebuffer(? regular tty)15:45
rgreenI'm running 16.04 LTS server and have LXD configured to run a bridge that can access my local network. Despite defining the bridge device in a profile, my containers will not automatically DHCP when started. Any way to get it to run automatically?15:46
ginmcphail, Im using proprieraty drivers for nvidia15:46
naccrgreen: might be better asking in #ubuntu-server15:46
MonkeyDustrgreen  there's also #ubuntu-server and #lxcontainers15:46
mcphailgin: I'm not sure, to be honest. The only things I've seen about such hybrid setups have been to run VMs with vga passthrough, and that is very hacky15:46
snckrsHey! What can I do if my pc boots to a blackscreen after the first update? :D15:46
rgreen@nacc, will do--thanks!15:47
neuro_sysnacc: I don't need CUDA. To be precise, I got an amazon ec2 ubuntu instance, and I just installed nvidia drivers using their proprietary installer. Now I need to compile my opengl application that needs GL headers. I thought Nvidia drivers would install the necessary development headers and development libraries. But I'm checking now.15:47
ginmcphail, that was the intention ;)15:47
rgreen@MonkeyDust, thanks! I'll check them out!15:47
neuro_sysnacc: It indeed installed libGL.so under /usr/lib. But GL.h is nowhere to be found15:47
serseshow i can solve this problem ? Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)15:47
mcphailgin: aah - well that _should_ be possible. I'll try to track down a guide I've bookmarked for that15:48
sersesi've tried to install SageMath but I cancel it by mistake now it always appears like that15:48
auronandaceserses: don't use more than one package management system at the same time15:48
ginmcphail, that would be greatly apprechiated, thanks :)15:48
sersesbut it didn't appear until i've tried to install Sagemath15:49
auronandaceserses: how did you cancel it?15:49
sersesctrl + C15:49
iorianeuro_sys, http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/mesa-common-dev/filelist15:50
sersesthe problem still persist after restart15:50
naccioria: thanks15:50
auronandaceserses: what is the output of sudo apt-get install -f15:50
neuro_sysioria: Okay, I was hoping to use nvidia's gl headers. But if I fail to find them, I'll go with mesa headers15:50
sersesCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)15:50
sersesUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:51
naccneuro_sys: right, the nvidia dev is presumably for xorg, fwiw15:51
auronandace!aptlock | serses do this then sudo apt-get install -f15:51
ubottuserses do this then sudo apt-get install -f: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:51
mcphailgin: I'd bookmarked this one - https://wiki.debian.org/VGAPassthrough15:51
ginmcphail, taking a look, thanks15:52
mcphailgin: I don't know if you'd need to keep the nvidia card for the guest, and use integrated graphics for the host15:52
nailsomBoa tarde (br)15:52
sersesubottu: thanks now it works15:53
ubottuserses: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:53
nailsom#ubuntu -br15:53
nailsomalguém me ajuda a entrar no ubuntu br?15:54
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:54
ginmcphail, from those youtube videos I scouted they seem to use integraded gfx for host, and powerhouse card for guest, no sure tho15:55
snckrsI can connect via wifi to my router, but i have no internet access still...Ethernet works tho.15:56
ginmcphail, biggest problem i have is people playing with odd setups mainly use other distros then ubuntu, making it hard to follow the guides I find15:56
shatnerzHey could someone help me quickly with samba sharing? Is this the appropriate place?15:57
MonkeyDustshatnerz  ask your question and wait15:58
shatnerzI am trying to share some files to a workgroup so everyone at work can view them. I tried using both nautilus-share and editing smb.conf myself. However my shared folders never seem to appear in the workgroup. I can only ever see them under `smb://my-comp/`. Any ideas?16:00
shatnerzI set the workgroup in the global section of smb.conf16:01
compdocshatnerz, after editing smb.conf, be sure to restart the smbd and nmbd services16:02
ioriashatnerz, and check ufw if enabled16:02
shatnerzcompdoc: I may have not restarted nmbd, one sec16:02
Abe_hello I was reading that skype is not supported under Linux anymore... what should I do? I depend on skype and I don't want to tell every contact to use something different "which they won't anyway"...16:02
shatnerzAbe_: I use skype in linux, it just may be an older version16:03
brunch875Skype works for me :s16:03
auronandaceAbe_: it is still in the repos, it is just an older version16:03
bazhang!info skype partner | Abe_16:03
ubottuAbe_: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)16:03
bazhanginstall from partner Abe_16:04
Abe_shatnerz: I use this version already but I am going after this..http://www.pcworld.com/article/3052324/linux/skype-for-linux-is-lagging-behind-and-falling-apart-due-to-microsofts-neglect.html16:04
shatnerzcompdoc: restarting nmbd changed nothing16:05
shatnerzioria: Sorry, how do I check if ufw is enabled?16:05
Abe_I was not able to run the Windows version in wine either16:06
compdocshatnerz, if you leave the original smb.conf alone, and only change the workgroup name and adding a share at the end of the file, you dont need to make any other changes. you want to share your smb.conf on pastebin.com  ?16:06
Abe_And I don't think that in 5 years that this Linux version will still work because it will be too outdated16:07
compdocshatnerz, by default, there is no firewall enabled16:07
shatnerzjust a sec16:07
Abe_Many Linux users report they can’t join calls at all since February 22, 2016. They claim their contacts see messages informing them that the Linux users need to update their Skype clients16:07
serseshow do I cancel a package upgrade?16:07
bazhangAbe_, did you see the link to partner or not16:08
ioriashatnerz, sudo ufw status16:08
Abe_bazhang: this is just text16:09
OerHeks Abe_ then use the https://web.skype.com/ wb client.16:09
shatnerzcompdoc: http://pastebin.com/PGJ754Gk16:10
bazhangAbe_, I gave you a link on how to install it in ubuntu, using the ubuntu partner repository16:10
Abe_OerHeks: I know but i seriously need the client.. not only for me!16:10
OerHeksbazhang, even that version got these "bugs"16:10
lotuspsychjeAbe_: try telegram as alternative16:10
bazhangOerHeks, its a ms product, not sure why Abe_ is complaining here16:11
Abe_bazhang: I have the version installed16:11
shatnerzioria: ufw is inactive. Is this bad? I've never heard of ufw until you mentioned it16:11
ioriashatnerz, no, it's ok16:11
Abe_lotuspsychje: I can't do this! because I would have to get every contact to also use "telegram" which they will never do16:12
ioriashatnerz, post smb.conf, if you wish16:12
shatnerzioria: lol ufw is just the firewall isnt it. I feel stupid16:12
ioriashatnerz, :þ16:13
shatnerzioria: http://pastebin.com/PGJ754Gk16:13
shatnerzim pretty sure the only thing I changed is the workgroup and the shared folder at thhe bottom16:14
compdocmap to guest = bad user, and allow guests = yes?16:14
shatnerzthat was default16:14
ioriashatnerz,  what permissions and ownership has /home/-user-/public   ?16:15
hutchWhen I monut my ubuntu phone during steam gameplay, my laptop freezes and disables my pointer. I have to reset it in the bios16:15
Abe_to the argument we had once that Microsoft Loves Linux because they implemeted the Linux Bash in Windows 10... there guys, microsoft really "loves" linux that they won't even update the skype client for linux anymore16:15
naccAbe_: feels like you're venturing offtopic :)16:16
lyzeI feel bad for people who use that software anyway ^^16:16
OerHeksAbe_ stop the rant please16:16
MonkeyDustAbe_  how is MS ubuntu related?16:16
OerHeksAbe_, use the webclient for now, or don't use skype.16:16
naccAbe_: but also, my understanding of the "skype strategy", is that the webclient is the future across all platforms16:16
shatnerzioria: wxr-xr-x16:16
snckrsI can connect via wifi to my router, but i have no internet access still...Ethernet works tho.16:16
MonkeyDustAbe_  the skype client works here, ok (forgot i even had it)16:17
ioriashatnerz,  are you using the default Public folder under home owned by you ?16:17
Abe_YES I am venting!16:17
shatnerzioria: that is correct16:18
lyze!offtopic | Abe_16:18
ubottuAbe_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:18
anonusercan anyone tell me who is in charge of this channels logs16:18
ioriashatnerz,  backup smb.conf     sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.back16:18
nacc!log | anonuser16:18
ubottuanonuser: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/16:18
Abe_yeah it's alright i know still don't know what I will do.. I cannot go to the weblient16:18
shatnerzioria: already done16:19
anonuserno i mean who administrates the logs16:19
Picianonuser: #ubuntu operators and canonical sysadmins.16:19
MonkeyDustanonuser  find the #ubuntu log almost completely below, in the list16:19
k1l_anonuser: you mean irclogs.ubuntu.com ? what is the issue?16:19
ioriashatnerz,  we try another smb.conf with another folder owned by nobody:nogroup16:19
lyzeAbe_, there's a user made application which wraps the web client into a normal application, and then there's also a pidgin plugin for the web skype.16:19
ioriashatnerz,  mkdir ~/public216:20
=== alpha is now known as Guest20484
anonuseryes k1l_, the issue is that a few years ago i came in here asking about launchpad because it was linking my real name to username in google searches, the launchpad issue disappeared but ironically that irc log still comes up in google16:20
brunch875lyze, does that allow calls too? I'm very interested16:20
shatnerzioria: thanks16:20
brunch875(the pidgin plugin)16:20
lyzebrunch875, don't think so16:21
shatnerzioria: does that set the permissions as owned by nobody , no group?16:21
ioriashatnerz,  mkdir ~/public2      and sudo chown nobody:nogroup ~/public216:21
MonkeyDustanonuser  the ubuntu logs go back until 2004 (the beginning, that is)16:21
k1l_anonuser: ok, better ask in  #ubuntu-irc since this topic is different from the technical ubuntu support :)16:21
Guest20484Do I need to decrypt my root partition in order to resize it?16:21
anonuserok thank you16:21
lyzebrunch875, but the native - user made - version does: https://github.com/stanfieldr/ghetto-skype16:21
lyzeWell … "native" ;)16:22
brunch875Is it normal that web skype can't place calls when used from ubuntu? I get the feeling that microsoft is playing the "let's be an ass" game again16:24
Abe_lyze: where can I find this "user made" application... If it would work under wine I wouldn't even complain about anything16:24
lyzeAbe_,  https://github.com/stanfieldr/ghetto-skype16:24
shatnerzioria: Same result. The share is still not in the workgroup I want16:25
ioriashatnerz,  we still need anothe smb.conf ....16:25
ioriashatnerz,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/16636002/    change netbios name and -user -16:25
Guest20484Do I need to decrypt my root partition in order to resize it?16:26
Abe_lyze: Ghetto Skype xD thx i'll look into it16:26
lyzeHave fun!16:26
leonarthIs it possible to have the DNS register the hostname of the machine requesting the lease and make it resolvable to the assigned IP address?16:27
leonarthDHCP lease*16:27
ioriashatnerz,  you have to replace your old smb.conf16:27
OerHekslyze, that is no fix: Video calls do not work, File Transfer doesn't work16:28
lyzeWell it's at least a bit better …16:28
lyzeOerHeks, ↑16:28
shatnerzioria: I think that may have worked. What all did you change except adding netbios and the permissions of the public2 folder? I tried adding the netbios previously to no avail16:28
mcphailleonarth: standard mdns doesn't work for you automatically?16:29
ioriashatnerz,  sudo service smbd restat      sudo service nmbd restart16:29
leonarthmcphail nope, maybe there's something I have to configure?16:29
shatnerzioria: yes I did that. I see my computer in the workspace now16:29
ioriashatnerz,  but now you need sudo to copy over files in public216:30
Abe_lyze: Video Conference will not work with this?16:30
mcphailleonarth: if the server and client machine both support it, it should be automatic (e.g. "ssh whateverthehostnameis.local" should work)16:30
lyzeAbe_, according to OerHeks not16:30
shatnerzioria: So any idea what exactly was causing the issue?16:31
OerHeksAbe_,  according to that githubpage itself16:31
Abe_lyze: when installing it says "The package is of bad quality" and that it violates the quality standards16:31
OerHeksif they call you, it wants you to install plugin ..16:31
ioriashatnerz,  you need a 'secured' share ... it means create a group, add the user to group, set passwd , etc, etc ...16:31
shatnerzioria: Actually, i see my computer in the correct workspace but not the shared folder. Is the group and password related to samba?16:33
climjarkhello all :D16:34
Abe_damn this will be an serious issue for people.16:34
climjarkwhat is?16:34
ioriashatnerz,  no, because we set a 'shared' folder16:35
Abe_climjark: hi..16:35
OerHeksAbe_, take this to -discussion or -offtopic.16:35
ioriashatnerz,  paste again smb.conf16:36
Abe_OerHeks: :/ k16:36
shatnerzioria: currently it is exactly what you sent (but with the correct netbios and user)16:37
ioriashatnerz,  ls -l ~/public216:37
shatnerzioria: `total 0`16:38
ioriashatnerz,  sorry, ls -l ~16:39
shatnerzioria: thats what I though "drwxrwxr-x  2 nobody  nogroup"16:39
shatnerzioria: missed some of it "drwxrwxr-x  2 nobody  nogroup      4096 May 23 12:20 public2"16:39
cortexmanis there a gui for xkb layouts?16:39
ioriashatnerz,  open nautilus -> browse network16:40
shatnerzioria: there16:40
MonkeyDustcortexman  system settings > keyboard > layouts > show16:40
ioriashatnerz,  and you don't see ' public ' ?16:41
ioriashatnerz,  if you open the share ?16:41
shatnerzioria: nope16:42
cortexmanMonkeyDust, do you know the simplest way to map right control to 'b' ?16:42
ioriashatnerz,  what happens when you click the share ?16:43
nacccortexman: xmodmap?16:43
cortexmanxmodmap is not supported in ubuntu16:44
shatnerzioria: it goes to "Windows shares on MY-COMP-NAME" which is empty (no hidden files either)16:44
bazhang!info xmodmap16:44
ubottuPackage xmodmap does not exist in xenial16:44
cortexmanit also does not work correctly.16:44
bazhanga utils package16:44
ducassexmodmap is in x11-xserver-utils16:45
cortexmanubuntu uses xkb not xmodmap16:45
shatnerzioria: Does it have to do with my credentials? Before I posted the question I entered my username and password and checked "remember until logout"16:45
ducassecortexman: i would probably use xmodmap, but i hear you're supposed to use xkbcomp now.16:45
cortexmanfurthermore, xmodmap does not work correctly, as stated.16:45
ioriashatnerz,  maybe a reboot then16:45
cortexmanwhen using xmodmap, the keyboard no longer works correctly - when using a modified key, that key can be stepped on if you press the next key too quickly16:46
cortexmanat any rate, we shouldn't be recommending xmodmap16:46
ioriashatnerz,  you shoudn't need a password for that kind of share16:46
shatnerzioria: haha okay. I'll be back shortly16:46
shatnerzioria: it was for a different share actually16:46
ioriashatnerz,  i see16:47
shatnerzioria: rebooting16:47
nacccortexman: what version of ubuntu?16:48
hutchWhen I monut my ubuntu phone during steam gameplay, my laptop freezes and disables my pointer. I have to reset it in the bios16:49
hutchSame happens when I change sound during Steam gameplay or if I hibernate and resume16:50
hutchHas anyone came across similar issues? I have tried online but no help16:51
frecelpopey: I need to use you as a register of Ubuntu devs again16:54
frecelpopey: who do I ping with launchpad API questions?16:55
naccfrecel: #launchpad16:55
shatnerzioria: I am getting "Failed to retrieve share list from server: Connection refused" when I click on my computer in "Browse Network" after I rebooted16:56
ioriashatnerz,    nautilus -> Connect to server and enter   smb://yourip/public/16:56
snckrsI can connect via wifi to my router, but i have no internet access still...Ethernet works tho.16:56
ioriashatnerz,    keep in mind that the folder is empty16:57
MonkeyDustsnckrs  can you ping your router with wifi? and can you ping ?16:57
katerina_Hey, will sudo apt-get install upstart-sysv remove systemd from ubuntu 16.4?16:57
popeyfrecel: nacc is right :) #launchpad :)16:57
snckrsMonkeyDust, cant ping, 100% package lost16:58
shatnerzioria: that seems to work16:58
shatnerzioria: ill add a file/foolder to double check16:58
nacckaterina_: it looks like it based upon the pacaking (conflicts: systemd-sysv)16:59
ioriashatnerz,    for me nautilus takes a while to recognize the share ... use sudo to put a file in it  sudo touch ~/public2/filetest16:59
snckrsMonkeyDust, and cant ping router17:00
shatnerzioria: I just did sudo mkdir. I see the change in the share17:00
MonkeyDustsnckrs  ok, so you can't connect to your router, with wifi17:00
snckrsWell ubuntu says I am connected..17:01
MonkeyDustsnckrs  in a terminal, type   nmtui17:01
ioriashatnerz,    good,  you can make a script to transfer the files and change ownership17:01
snckrsMonkeyDust, and then?17:01
MonkeyDustsnckrs  is wifi in the list?17:02
shatnerzioria: okay thanks again. So do you know what exactly was the root of the issue?17:02
snckrsI can edit a connection, actiave a connection and set system hostname, if i click on edit a connection it shows the wifi I am "connected" to17:02
katerina_nacc: It worked for me on 15.10. Do u think I should try it anyway on 16.4 ?17:02
shatnerzioria: or why I can't connect via Browse Network?17:02
ioriashatnerz,    you should check your logs, but lately i had issues too, there have been changes  in the pkgs17:03
MonkeyDustsnckrs  odd...17:03
nacckaterina_: is there a specific reason you want to use upstart?17:03
snckrsMonkeyDust, lol yeah.17:03
shatnerzioria: well thanks again. It's appreciated17:03
ioriashatnerz,    no, you can, it takes a while , retry17:03
MonkeyDustsnckrs  ok, just to be sure, repeat all that with cable17:03
ioriashatnerz,    no problem17:03
basarhey guys17:03
snckrsMonkeyDust, already did. Ethernet works fine, has 0 problems17:04
nickanonHow can I create bootable presistence flash drive in ubuntu 16.04 LTs using start up disk creator? There is no slider to adjust presistence space17:04
basarwhat is the problem17:04
snckrsCan browse web, ping, etc with ethernet. But nothing works with wifi17:04
SebastienHey, so i would like to setup/manage/add/delete email addresses on my server, how would i do that ?17:04
katerina_nacc: Yeah :/ I have some troubles with a program I am using and I think systemd might be the cause. Anyway, I prefer switching back if there is a clear way17:05
nacckaterina_: it *should* work, but just be aware that you should probably debug that further and fix that program to be systemd-compatible, in the long-term17:06
basarcan i use steam on my raspberry pi 317:06
katerina_nacc: Yeah, I get your point. Thanks17:07
auronandacebasar: i don't think steam works on arm17:08
bazhang!steam | basar17:08
ubottubasar: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.17:08
OerHeksbasar, better ask the #ubuntu-steam channel, or #steamlug17:09
nickanonHow can I create bootable presistence flash drive in ubuntu 16.04 LTs using start up disk creator? There is no slider to adjust presistence space17:10
basarthanks everyone!!17:10
MonkeyDustsnckrs  plenty people have this issue, also in other distrs/OSs, is what i read here17:10
OerHeksnickanon, there is, "stored in reserved extra space"17:11
al8989hello everyone :)  I was wondering if I could install the application bluegriffon on kubuntu I did not see listed when I went to add new softwar, but I know it is available for linux17:11
MonkeyDustal8989  yes, i have it, but it's partly commercial17:12
snckrsMonkeyDust, i just posted to ubuntu forums, hopefully someone can help me :c17:12
NoruxShort question: I can't start Steam on my ubuntu17:12
auronandaceNorux: that is a statement17:12
bazhangNorux, #ubuntu-steam17:13
Noruxbazhang, thanks17:13
Nihiluminstalled Ubuntu 16.04 on my iMac but sound is not working, anyone knows how to fix this?17:13
alexmhNihilum, maybe a little more information could help?17:14
SebastienHey, so i would like to setup/manage/add/delete email addresses on my server, do you guys know a free panel/GUI interface that is easy to install for this task?17:14
OerHeksnickanon oh you are right > http://askubuntu.com/questions/772093/where-is-the-persistent-option-for-startup-disk-creator-in-16-0417:15
Nihilumalexmh, not sure what could help to identify the iMac exactly, it's around 1 year old and doesn't have the big screen17:15
MonkeyDustal8989  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4653463/bluegriffon-1.7.2.Ubuntu12.04.x86_64.tar.bz217:17
alexmhNihilum, I read that as "it's not working", and I thought wow, that's not a ton of information, but for sound, I would start by ensuring the sound card is found with lshw/lspci17:17
alexmhNihilum, I mean to say I misunderstood what you initally said, sorry17:18
naccSebastien: administration of e-mail is not a trivial task; you might ask on #ubuntu-server17:19
naccNihilum: i think there are also some FAQs17:19
nacc!sound | Nihilum17:19
ubottuNihilum: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:19
Nihilumnacc, thanks will read through it17:20
ducasseSebastien: nacc is right, don't admin mail if you need a panel to do it.17:20
Sebastienducasse why would you say that17:21
Sebastienducasse if you got nothing nice to say, don't say it17:21
naccSebastien: my impression of e-mail server administration is you don't use GUIs to do that. And, this might be presumptuous, but thinking you want a GUI to administer an e-mail server might mean you really don't want to do that.17:22
SebastienI do waht to do that17:23
ducasseSebastien: mail administration is complicated, there's a lot you need to know to do it correctly and securely.17:23
Sebastienit's not a top secret thing, i dn't care.17:23
naccSebastien: the "that" in my last sentence was "e-mail server administration"17:23
Sebastieni just want the emails to be sent and received17:23
naccSebastien: use any number of public services and just install a MTA?17:23
naccSebastien: you don't need to run an e-mail server to send and receive e-mail?17:23
Sebastieni want to do it from the server itself17:24
Sebastieni know i dont NEED, but i want to17:24
Sebastienis i because nobody here has any idea how to do it?17:24
Sebastienbeen asking for a week and got 2 answers.17:24
Sebastienboth of them here, today17:24
Sebastienand semi-insulting17:24
naccSebastien: there is not a UI way, that I am at all aware of17:24
ducasseSebastien: getting mail sent and received is just a small part of it. i'm just saying there's a lot of stuff you need to know well.17:25
auronandaceSebastien: don't you think that if it was straightforward then there would be plenty of guis available to help you with that task?17:25
OerHeks!info postfixadmin17:26
ubottupostfixadmin (source: postfixadmin): Virtual mail hosting interface for Postfix. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.7-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 790 kB, installed size 2308 kB17:26
=== ubuntu is now known as Aleksa
Sebastienty ioria, ill try it17:26
OerHeksSebastien, depends on what mail service..17:26
Sebastienjust email17:26
Sebastienwith a mailbox/redirect17:26
OerHeksoh a mail-client on your server ??17:27
ioriaSebastien, yea, try postfixadmin17:27
AleksaI'm currently on live USB and have almost finished installing Ubuntu 16. I have this error> GRUB installation failed.17:27
AleksaThe 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot.17:27
ioriaSebastien, but maybe you need also virtual emai-users .... :-)17:28
AleksaI am using UEFI and have set /dev/sda as location for GRUB17:28
Sebastienat least someone is useful here.17:28
scalperif i changed the boot order to place my drive of my active boot partition (which is windows 10) below all other devices, and i place another device to the first place to boot to, and i install there ubuntu, does grub or ubuntu still detects windows 10 and make it availabe in the boot menu?17:29
scalperbecause i just want to boot from my bios17:30
scalperi dont want grub to detect windows17:30
AleksaI'll be back.17:30
littlebunnyfufuscalper - if you [ sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ] it won't detect a non-Linux-based OS when update-grub is next run17:32
littlebunnyfufuA less dirty solution would be yo uninstall os-prober itself > scalper17:33
scalperlittlebearz: ok so it still detects windows, what i also could do is take my other hdd off the laptop17:33
scalperwhich windows is on17:33
StumpDumbI have Ubuntu 16.04, my Pidgin and GIMP no longer have a list of selectable pull downs across the top making it Very difficult to use. How do I correct this?17:34
littlebunnyfufuStumpDumb - what?17:34
littlebunnyfufuNo menus?17:34
littlebunnyfufuStumpDumb - did you check the top panel for the menus?17:35
StumpDumbNo menues... yep, I got to here by holding ALT down and hitting every key on the keyboard until something opened up17:36
littlebunnyfufuYou don't need the HUD, also that might get you to the command you need quicker short of hitting the shortcut key17:38
StumpDumbAll I have when I put my cursor to the top are the three 'balls' close, minimize and maximize. Thats it17:38
littlebunnyfufuThe top panel, not the top of the window17:38
littlebunnyfufuThe thing the launcher is attached to, with the clock and the indicators and stuff17:39
StumpDumbThe quick launch and the Ubuntu swirl are shown at the left....what should I do with them?17:41
al8989hello everyone :) I was wondering if I could install the web authoring application bluegriffon on kubuntu as I did not see listed when I went to add new softwar, but I know it is available for linux17:45
MonkeyDustal8989  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4653463/bluegriffon-1.7.2.Ubuntu12.04.x86_64.tar.bz217:45
al8989oh cool thank you17:45
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chowderal8989, are you familiar with installing applications from source?17:46
al8989is there anyway to haveit soit updates itself if another version comesout liek with firefoxand libre office?17:46
StumpDumbThe quick launch and the Ubuntu swirl are shown at the left....what should I do with them?17:46
al8989yes i know how to do that chowder17:46
littlebunnyfufuStumpDumb - nothing... just move your cursor above them...17:47
chowderal8989, well if you have installed the software from source then I guess you could write a script to check for new versions. Are you familiar with bash scripting and cron?17:48
IhrFusselHello everyone: I'm using a v-server with Ubuntu 14.04 and run a game server on it that has a Lua API for modding... Lua has a function os.remove() which is supposed to delete file X but sometimes the OS seems to skip the removing... can anyone tell me more about it?17:48
chowderIhrFussel, do you get any error messages? That would help in diagnosing the issue17:49
StumpDumbPlacing my cursor over them just pops up what the icon is....how does that give me the menu bar across the top?17:49
al8989yes im familiar17:51
basar_why anyone writes anything17:52
IhrFusselchowder, do you mean the kernel logs?17:52
StumpDumbNow that I look into it more, None of my apps have the menu bar across the top (File, Edit,....), has this been remove with 16.04? I'm lost without it17:54
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al8989thank you for the help17:54
chowderIhrFussel, no I mean any kind of error message from using os.remove()17:54
TomekkiHey! Installed ubuntu properly but seems i cant boot it at all17:55
Tomekkino option to boot from hdd in bios17:55
chowderIhrFussel, any programming language worth its salt returns SOMETHING when a function fails17:55
chowdereven C gives you a non-zero number, lol.17:56
donzobonsoir, pardon comment activer la webcam ?17:56
chowderso what does os.remove() return when it is unable to delete a file? being unable to delete a file could be due to multiple things:permissions, file locks, etc. Thats why your question is a bit difficult. Not enough info.17:57
IhrFusselchowder, problem is the Lua part is only the API the core game engine is in C++ ... it only shows me Lua errors when a mod fails due to a nil value for example17:57
StumpDumbMenu bar?....Bueller?,.....Bueller?....Bueller?17:59
thinkالسلام عليكم ...17:59
IhrFusselchowder, can't be permissions cause it works 90% of the time...like right now there are 25 players online but 26 files..so the OS somehow didn't delete 117:59
chowderIhrFussel, ok so Lua is the interface to the game's core engine which is written in C++. Still, it seems silly to not return something. What game is this?17:59
TomekkiSo does anybody have idea why cant I boot just installed linux from SDDs working in raid even the installation went totally fine through and asked to restart18:00
ZythyrNeed help. I have a second mointor on which I want to display an image file in full screen. The image file is SVG format or PNG, BMP, JPG. I prefer SVG because its scalable. I want the image to be stretched or shrunk based on the resolution of the monitor. The end goal is connect a DLP projector and control it with either a bash script or Python to display a series of images for 3D printing.18:00
chowderIhrFussel, ok now we're getting somewhere. The files depend on the number of players? What do these files do? How do they work? There may be a workaround that doesn't involve messing with the game engine.18:00
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية18:01
IhrFusselchowder, the game is Minetest (note test not craft :P): Well the game has a function minetest.register_on_leaveplayer() which gets called always when a player leaves and inside that function i have the os.remove()... the creation of the file is in minetest.register_on_joinplayer() and i create just a file as PLAYERNAME.txt with content "1"18:03
chowderIhrFussel, can you post the code at paste.ubuntu.com?18:04
ubottuTämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)18:04
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basarI am using raspberry pi 3 an it works very well :P18:07
chowderIhrFussel, I left the chat for a sec so if you posted the link go ahead and repost it. I might have missed it.18:08
basarwhat is this link18:10
IhrFusselbasar, Game API functions18:11
basarok thanks18:11
chowderIhrFussel, your problem is that you're not checking if os.remove() did its job. try adding an if/else18:15
chowderIhrFussel, or before you even call os.remove() you should check to see if the file is in use, locked, or exists at all.18:16
IhrFusselchowder, i had a check before..it checked whether the file could be read or not and if its not nil remove...but it seems to be a lock problem since the whole condition was skipped18:18
chowderIhrFussel, do you still have the code for the check?18:18
lickalottHey all, having an issue that I can't seem to resolve....  On initial log in there are no file menu options on any of the apps/windows.  (i.e. email app opens, there are no File, Edit, Help options available on the top menu bar)  If I log out and log back in they magically appear.  This has been a constant for the last week or so.  Any help would be appreciated.18:20
IhrFusselchowder, It was just this "local checke = (io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/now_online/"..pl:get_player_name()..".txt", "r")) if checke ~= nil then os.remove() end"18:21
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:21
IhrFusselSo if read check fails it must be a lock right?18:22
chowderIhrFussel, that depends on what io.open() checks for18:22
aleksaHello, it's me again.18:22
chowderIhrFussel, have you ever heard of finite state machines? You may want to refactor this code as a finite state machine.18:23
aleksaI'm on live session and I'd like to install GRUB on /sdv/sda if possible. How to achieve it?18:23
Shibeguys hwe wants to remove a bunch of stuff http://i.shibe.ml/QmWgFwVrcmZRVV6NpwKKCYMQ4DftWbWkEHdbKcYLafXpZB.png18:23
aleksaLast time I've tried it resulted in error, it's something about uefi18:23
chowderaleksa, are you sure about this? What's your situation? dualboot? or you just want nothing but Linux?18:23
IhrFusselI just find this about io.open "Opens a file and returns a file handle for working with it."18:23
chowderIhrFussel, that's a bit sparse. You need to look at Lua's file handling and see if you can test for specific conditions18:24
chowderIhrFussel, my suggestion is to try the Lua programming channel. I'm not an expert on Lua even if I can code.18:25
aleksachowder, nothing but linux18:25
IhrFusselchowder, does Ubuntu lock files while editing them? One possible reason i can imagine is the player leaves BUT joins at the same time again18:25
aleksaMy situation> I switched to uefi and I tried Debian, it could not install GRUB. Now I tried Ubuntu 16.04 and it also cannot install GRUB :(18:26
chowderIhrFussel, that's true. I think Linux does lock files that are in use but I'm not certain about your situation18:26
chowderaleksa, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing18:27
TheBadhi guys18:27
TheBadi wanna do a ubuntu minimal install on a chromebook18:27
TheBadand this chromebook18:27
TheBaddoesn't have a ethernet prot18:28
TheBadwhat can i do ?18:28
IhrFusselchowder, well if the player doesn't leave by himself but gets a timeout it dometimes does happen that the ingame chat shows "leaves (connection timeout)" and "xyz joins" hmm... is there a way to check if a lock on a file happens right now?18:28
chowderIhrFussel, seems like you'd need a job running in the background in real time18:29
jaagrHi. Does anyone know what ubuntu package I'd need to get the iwlib.h header?18:29
naccjaagr: `apt-file` is your friend: libiw-dev18:30
chowderIhrFussel, it would need to keep tabs on the number of players, their files, etc. but it'd have to be FAST.18:30
jaagrnacc: I don't use ubuntu myself.. but thank you18:30
chowderIhrFussel, you could create a daemon to run on the server while the game is running. Its not an elegant solution but that's because I'm not familiar with Lua or the minetest api18:31
chowderIhrFussel, even if Linux locks the file the conditions are created by the minetest server. The minetest server is capable of creating and deleting files. You have no reason to mess with Linux directly. This should all be handled with Lua/Minetest API18:34
jackmcbarnis there anything bad about installing a mainline kernel with a config from a version of ubuntu other than one one i'm on?18:36
jackmcbarne.g. on xenial, installing http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-yakkety/18:36
OerHeksjackmcbarn, for testing purpose, not bad.18:37
OerHeksyou really *should* have a reason to do so18:37
jackmcbarnwell that's true for mainline in general18:37
jackmcbarni'm saying, is it worse that i installed a -yakkety one on xenial?18:37
OerHeksoh.. didn't notice that:  answer is yes, don't do that18:38
sfergusonjust started trying out ubuntu as a primary os, i tend to head towards more "advanced" distributions but has anyone else changed unity panel from left to the bottom and lost any indication of apps noading (flash/blink animations)?18:38
jackmcbarnproblem is i don't see a v4.6-xenial18:39
a40ntistosHello everyone, I need your help, everytime that my speaker goes active after the music stops I'm hearing a kind of krackling/clicking sound and it stops only when I mute the voice.. Any ideas? I'm on 16.0418:39
OerHeksjackmcbarn, me too, 4.4  ... and drm-intel-next http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/drm-intel-next/18:40
akikjackmcbarn: the yakkety version installs fine on xenial18:41
doug4I am having problems with the new gnome-software-center on ubuntu 16.04 .. all I get is the circle mouse pointer for 14 seconds and then nothing18:43
doug4I have tried to uninstall and reinstall but that did not change anything18:44
doug4any ideas18:44
squintydoug4, might want to install   software-center   or  synaptic as gnome software is buggy18:44
jackmcbarnakik: yeah, it seems to work for me; i'm just concerned it's breaking something that i don't immediately notice18:45
doug4It works on one mach but not this one :-(18:45
objectTrackingHello! AutoHotKey is one of the best programs what Windows has and Linux side has "visgrep" (from imageMagick). What you guys use for object tracking?18:45
akikjackmcbarn: ok then you're better off using the default kernels18:46
doug4squinty, ok I gust thought there might bu a cashed file I should delete18:46
lickalottwell, just in case anyone else asks - http://askubuntu.com/questions/762137/applications-menu-missing-from-menu-bar18:47
soeei used parted to resize my partitions, now when i try to boot i have this error: Cannot find device with /sbin/init - any idea how to fix this?18:47
naccobjectTracking: this is more of a support channel rather than a polling channel; you might try #ubuntu-offtopic18:49
objectTrackingnacc: Ok i go there. :)18:49
ZythyrPlease help. I am trying to isntall FIM but I can't figure out how http://www.nongnu.org/fbi-improved/#download18:51
ducasseOerHeks: aren't the drm-intel-next kernels just for the 'intel insider' drm stuff?18:52
OerHeksducasse, yes, else i find no 4.6 build, but maybe akik is right and you could use the yak kernel18:53
naccZythyr: can you use the version pacakged by ubuntu?18:56
nacc!info fim | Zythyr18:56
ubottuZythyr: fim (source: fim): a scriptable frame buffer and ascii art image viewer. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5~rc2-1 (xenial), package size 365 kB, installed size 1011 kB18:56
doug4squinty, I got software-center to work  Thanks for your help18:58
Zythyrnacc I did "sudo apt-get install fim" and it doesn't work18:58
Zythyrnacc I get error. Unable to locate package fim18:58
naccZythyr: can you provide more details? did the install fail? what version of ubuntu?18:58
OerHeksuniverse enabled?18:58
naccZythyr: it's only packaged for precise, xenial and yakkety18:59
lethuHello, I have a problem, synaptic tells me "E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." whenever I try to fix pacakges18:59
Zythyrnacc I am on Ubuntu 14.0418:59
ZythyrOerHeks Yes universe enabled19:00
naccZythyr: it was deleted from trusty due to being buggy at the time19:00
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ZythyrSo how can I install it?19:00
ioriaZythyr, cat /etc/issue ?19:00
squintydoug4, yw19:00
Leverquini have one question if that is okay to ask here.19:00
nacc!ask | Leverquin19:01
ubottuLeverquin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:01
AlexRussiaHello! Does /etc/network/interfaces is still workable in ubuntu 16.04?19:01
AlexRussiaor how can I run it with systemd?19:01
akikAlexRussia: yes19:01
ioria !info fim trusty19:01
ubottuPackage fim does not exist in trusty19:01
naccZythyr: i think you'll need to build from source, as you were doing19:01
lethuanyone please?19:01
AlexRussiaakik: so then how this file is uses in systemd?19:02
naccioria: it was removed from debian at the time to due being unmaintained :)19:02
naccioria: per https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fim/+publishinghistory19:02
akikAlexRussia: i don't know. it just works(tm)19:02
AlexRussialethu: what'ss up?19:02
iorianacc, i see19:02
AlexRussiaakik: okay :))19:02
Leverquinwell i have ubuntu on my hard disk and that disk is not working great [windows always shows blue screen, so i guess something is not right with it] so i want to buy another hard disk and istall win 7 on it. and if i connect both on motherboard will i be able to choice when i turn on pc shall i use win 7 and new hard disk or ubuntu and old one?19:02
lethuAlexRussia:  synaptic tells me "E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." whenever I try to fix pacakges19:02
AlexRussialethu: fix packages?19:02
Leverquini can't fix hard disk always sounds weird when i try to use win. my question cani h ave two hard discks with two os?"19:03
lethuAlexRussia: I was trying to install a library when my connection stoped, then I quite synaptic, when I launched it again it didn't want to install anything, it tells me I have held packages19:03
AlexRussiaLeverquin: this resolves in bios priority of drives afaik19:04
AlexRussialethu: did u tried to remove the library and install again?19:04
Zythyrnacc I can't figure out how to build from source :( Can someone help19:04
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lethuAlexRussia: it didn't install in the first place19:04
AlexRussialethu: strange then. Sorry, Idk how to resolve your problem :(19:05
nacclethu: can you pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install`19:05
lethunacc: sure19:05
lethuone moment19:05
naccZythyr: it seemed like hte page you linked to earlier had pretty clear instructions?19:06
Mr_Redme retiro chavales19:08
lethuAlexRussia: np :)19:08
lethunacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16641197/19:08
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lethunacc: it seems to me it's a problem related to synaptic19:09
nacclethu: hrm, strange! yeah, it seems right, as apt doesn't see any issues19:10
nacclethu: unfortunately i know very little about synaptic, hopefully somoene else can help19:10
lethunacc: thanks, np :)19:10
OerHekslethu, see line #55 W: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file.19:10
OerHekslet me guess, that ppa has no xenial packages?19:11
nacclethu: it seems like you need to regenerate synaptic's internal state (i'm guessing)19:11
lethuOerHeks: how can I fix that?19:11
lethunacc: how can I do that?19:11
=== Guest52209 is now known as yann
OerHekslethu, ask kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next to build them?19:11
nacclethu: no idea, but might give you a hint to google with, at least19:12
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lethuOerHeks: , nacc cool thanks :)19:12
lethuI will google that19:12
OerHekslethu, or use ppa-purge to delete and more important: reverse ffmpeg19:12
OerHeksbut i think it does not even have installed any file yet.19:13
lethuOerHeks: okay I will try that19:13
lethuOerHeks: nacc, I fixed the synaptic issue by installing a dependency of the lib I wanted to install19:14
lethuOerHeks: nacc, apt-get told me about the dependency when trying to install the library manually19:15
snckrsMonkeyDust, i just posted to ubuntu forums, hopefully someone can help me :c19:15
snckrswoops sorry19:15
lethuOerHeks: nacc, thanks for the help :)19:15
OerHekslethu, have fun!19:15
nacclethu: ah ok19:15
lethuOerHeks: thanks :D19:15
snckrsI can connect via wifi to my router, but i have no internet access still...Ethernet works tho, and wifi works on the Router aswell, as I am currently connected to it with my notebook19:15
=== Guest24930 is now known as yotka
yotkasnckrs: I have a similar or the same problem (and no solution yet). See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76557819:20
ubottuGnome bug 765578 in general "No internet connection through WLAN although connected to wireless network" [Major,Needinfo]19:20
yotkaI'm also looking for help..19:20
snckrsyotka, only that you *sometimes* have no connectivity19:21
snckrsI never have it..19:21
yotkasnckrs: I never have it after booting and after suspending, but after a while beeing connected through cable, it starts working19:22
hextorjust stating a derp question i guess but have you tried doing a "service network-manager restart"? fixes most of my wifi issues when the wifi completely drops out19:22
snckrsyotka, mmh *unplugs cable*19:22
snckrsyotka, nope not working ere19:23
yotkahextor: yes, I've tried that and also networking restart, doesn't solve it19:23
hextoroh well, worth a shot :) feel that most bugs around 16.04 networking relates to the manager19:24
yotkahextor: That's where I filed the bug report there, but I didn't get any answer yet19:24
ducassesnckrs: which wifi chipset?19:25
snckrshextor, yeah just tried that, still doesnt work19:25
hextorrunning 16.10 atm and the network-manager seems fixed atleast, the suspend issue isnt there anymore :)19:25
snckrsducasse, Realtek 8821ae19:25
ducassesnckrs: i have a realtek 8812au, and i have to say the entire family sucks. do yourself a favour and get something that works well.19:26
hextorthe 4.6 kernel is stable so why not try upgrading to that since it has several hardware fixes etc19:26
snckrsducasse, wellp, it works fine in windows tho.19:27
snckrsso I guess its some configuration/driver error19:27
snckrshextor, how would I do that?19:27
hextorjust for kicks u could install kismet just to see if ur wifi card is registering packets being transmiet via wifi19:28
hextorsnckrs: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/install-linux-kernel-4-6-ubuntu-16-04/19:28
hextorhavent had any issues with 4.6, and just dont do a apt autoremove to clean out 4.4 kernel then u can fall back to that if 4.6 dont do u any good19:29
snckrshextor, how the hell do I use kismet tho? :D19:30
hextorthrowing inn a cliche here, "google it" :)19:30
pancakes9If you run 'top', where is the load average derived from?19:31
ducassesnckrs: all i'm saying is that something like intel chipsets are much better supported (and better hardware).19:31
OerHekskismet: depends on the wifi chipset, *and* driver19:31
naccpancakes9: iirc, the count of running + sleeping (uninterruptibly) processes19:31
hextor0erHeks: yes, and that would troubleshoot the fact if his driver prevented his wifi from reading packets19:32
pancakes9nacc: is there a file in /proc or something?19:32
naccpancakes9: with appropriate time factors for the stats19:32
yotkaducasse, hextor: any ideas on my issue?19:32
naccpancakes9: well, /proc/loadavg :)19:32
OerHeksload average is the amount of traffic to your CPU(s) over the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes19:32
pancakes9where does /proc/loadavg calculate it from? Like where does the count of processes come from or how is it calculated19:33
naccpancakes9: in the kernel19:33
ducasseyotka: i don't know what your issue is :)19:33
hextoryokta: my suggestions is to upgrade ur kernel to 4.6, or do a test with the 16.10 liveiso and see if the issue persists19:33
pancakes9nacc:  so /proc/loadavg calculates it directly from the kernel?19:33
yotkaducasse: the problem is that I have a wireless connection, but no internet connection after boot (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=765578)19:34
ubottuGnome bug 765578 in general "No internet connection through WLAN although connected to wireless network" [Major,Needinfo]19:34
snckrshextor, im actually not quite sure what im supposed to do with kismet?19:34
OerHekspancakes9, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_%28computing%2919:34
yotkaok hextor, I might try using the new kernel19:34
ducasseyotka: wifi chipset?19:34
hextorsnkrs: when its scanning, it will also show if packets are transmitted over the wifi19:34
naccpancakes9: /proc/loadavg is a file produced by the kernel, yes19:34
hextorif no packets show up, driver issue19:35
helpmewithskypecan i get help with skype?19:35
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reisiohelpmewithskype: yes19:36
pancakes9Why is there different output between 'sudo service --status-all' and 'initctl list'? Aren't they both outputting running services?19:36
reisiopancakes9: well they're different commands entirely, for starters19:36
snckrshextor, since i cant even ping my router, i doubt kismet will tell me something i didnt know already :D19:36
helpmewithskypewhy I try to make a call a white screen comes up and  says call failed19:36
pancakes9Of course, they're different init systems but they're doing the same thing essentially, no?19:36
hextorkismet monitors all wifi, its usually used for sniffing etc19:36
reisiopancakes9: they're different...19:37
reisiopancakes9: an oven and a grill are both for cooking19:37
reisiopancakes9: and yet they're different19:37
OerHeksskype is closed source, lots of issues with the old version. even web-skype does not work proper videocall.19:37
helpmewithskypei have newest version :(19:37
snckrshextor, and how does that help me if I monitor my own wifi?19:37
akikyotka: try running "nmcli dev show your_wlan_interface" both when your inet is not working and when it's working19:38
yotkaducasse: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 (rev 3a)19:38
pancakes9reisio: I'm thinking of it as like maybe Chrome and IE, you're looking at the same content but maybe displayed slightly different and with browsers that offer different tooling?19:39
pancakes9reisio: or desktop and phone19:39
hextorsnckrs, you can see your ssid right? but you get no internet, ergo the packets arent going through, so it seems to stand that kismet, wich monitors traffic (all traffic on the channel), would see packets from ur phone connected to ur wifi etc, if no packets are being counted, ur having a issue with ur driver19:39
snckrshextor, oh okay got it! hm ill keep trying to get kismet to work lol19:40
fritchiejust finished installing openstack via jujucharms, 2 instances running, question, when I run 'iptables -S' on all nodes I cannot find the floating IP nat rules anywhere, where can I view them?19:40
hextortheres probally an easyer way to do the same diagnostic, but i work with the tools i know etc :P19:41
yotkaakik: thanks, I will. Right now it's working so I'll get the first part..19:41
naccfritchie: might want to ask in #ubuntu-server19:41
reisiopancakes9: chrome and ie, also two different things19:41
snckrshextor, wellp it first told me something about dhclient running and now its listing all the wifis in my area19:42
reisiopancakes9: is there some end result that you want to achieve by comparing 'service' and 'initctl' output, that you're having trouble achieving?19:42
naccpancakes9: with systemd, for instance, the first command outputs something; the second says you're not using upstart :)19:42
reisiopancakes9: or are you just trying to understand that things that aren't the same are different? :p19:42
snckrsI doubt it will show my any packages tho, as I cant even ping my router, so yeah19:42
hextorsnckrs: is it registering packets? theyre prolly yellow on your terminal window19:42
snckrshextor, nope only gave some generic errors upon start and then listed all the wifis but thtats it19:43
snckrsLike failed to open plugin directiory, failed to load user plugin directory etc, nothing concerning the wifi19:43
snckrsoh wait!19:43
hextorsnckrs: we can prolly assume its a driver issue then, next up is updating ur kernel or installing the driver from manufacturer19:43
snckrshextor, "Didnt understand driver "rtl8821ae for interface wlp3s0 but it looks like a mac80211 device so kismet will use the generic options of it [..]"19:45
hextorsnckrs: htrtl8821aetps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/152668319:47
hextorseems like people talking about putting ur router in "legacy" mode to fix it19:47
snckrshextor, 2 problems: My wifi is a 5ghz, and i dont lose connection "occasionally" :/19:48
snckrshextor, btw, i also tried it with anotherr router (fortunatly i have 2 at the moment)19:49
=== precise is now known as totesabear
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1528005 in linux (Ubuntu) "10ec:8821 rtl8821ae has no connectivity in 5GHz networks" [High,Triaged]19:49
=== totesabear is now known as precise
snckrshextor, hm i will try it but i doubt it works, as the other router was 2.4GHz19:50
hextorsnckrs: always worth giving a shot :)19:51
ich_dienHi all19:51
hextorello you ;)19:51
free_i m a looser19:51
hextorim a warlock :P19:51
ich_dienNeed help fixing a duplicate source list error when running apt-get update19:52
ich_dienerror looks like https://paste.ubuntu.com/16642083/19:52
snckrshextor, this might sound dumb but how do i install ? cd into the according folder of the chipset and exec "sudo makefile?"19:53
naccich_dien: look in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* for the duplicates19:53
hextorsnckrs, havent looked at the driver, gimme a sec and ill check19:54
snckrshextor, thanks mate. the AUR was so much easier haha19:54
yotkaakik: https://paste.ubuntu.com/16642137/19:54
hextorerm, it says exactly what to do in the bugreport19:54
snckrshextor, woops19:54
yotkaakik: it seems when it's not working, the IP adress is wrong (178 instead of 1)19:55
hextorjust git it down, make, reboot19:55
hextorhaha, np snckrs ;)19:55
ich_diennacc, I did but don't see dups. But one line did  match in /etc/apt/sources.list19:55
hextorthats usually how it goes Drauga19:55
hextorunlrdd u get creative19:56
Draugathats right hextor19:56
Draugahow do i get on porn?19:56
Draugaim new to ubuntu19:56
hextorask ur dad19:56
hextorhe knows, trust me19:56
Draugamy dad is in mexico19:56
rattlebattle79first you need to get your wifi working19:56
ducasse!ot | Drauga19:56
ubottuDrauga: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:56
hextorim pretty sure they have gsm coverage in mexico ^19:57
ich_diennacc, in blah/sources.list.d/* there was nothing that matched sources shown in error19:57
Draugai found pornhub19:57
snckrshextor, lol sudo restart now doesnt work :D19:57
snckrs"unable to connect to Upstart"19:57
hextortake a wild guess what u should write instead ;)19:58
snckrsmaybe we should talk about this after i get my wifi working xD *reboots from the menu*19:58
hextorsudo reboot19:58
snckrsexcuse me, im quite tired and stressed out.19:58
hextorno worries, i work in customers support in a computer store19:58
hextorim used to windows users19:59
snckrsOh dear haha :D19:59
snckrshextor, im actually not that tech illiterate19:59
hextoryeah not saying either, just telling u it takes more than this to make me give u a "what a dummy" look ;)19:59
snckrshextor, I...it seems that... its working?!20:00
snckrsoh hold on20:01
snckrsethernet is still plugged in20:01
snckrsIts still working!20:01
snckrsoh my20:01
snckrsbest day ever20:01
hextordo that happy dance ^^20:01
* snckrs does the peanutbutter-jelly-time dance20:01
reisioway-ack way-ack20:02
snckrsnow somethings odd: While the network manager says the connectivity is "excellent" the icon in unity shows its horrible :D20:02
tchmnkyzhey guys, i have a vm running inside of a KVM guest (proxmox) running a new install of 16.04 and it seems for some reason to hang on boot. I get "/dev/vda2 clean ..." and then it just hangs there like it is waitinf for something. But that somethign never comes.20:02
snckrslogging out and back in fixed it20:02
hextorsnckrs: great :D happy u got it working ;)20:03
snckrsim gonna leave now and place my router back to its place so i can sit more comfortable without being tied to the chair by all those cables :D20:03
snckrssee ya in a few minutes20:03
tchmnkyzanyone had a similar issue and maybe know the best way to fix it?20:04
* reisio avoids hardware virtualization20:04
abhishekhi guys!20:05
abhishekStuck on this since long20:05
abhishekany ideas?20:05
tchmnkyzreisio: i know i would too but my use cases dont use a full servers worth of hardware so if i can divide it up it makes my life a little simpler20:05
reisiotchmnkyz: make sure you can't use lxc or openvz first, then20:05
tchmnkyzi have not tried lxc with my san. Guess there is a first time for everything20:06
hextorabhishek: uve tried the boot-options thats suggested in the askubuntu u linked?20:07
abhishekhextor, pci=nomsi?20:07
hextorabd pci=noaer20:08
abhishekYeah but it http://askubuntu.com/questions/772182/pci-bus-error-on-startup-while-booting-into-login-screen-kubuntu-16-04#comment1159319_77552920:08
fernanda_ubuntu mate <3 <3 <3 <3 <320:08
abhishekI tried pci=nomsi only.20:08
hisforeverHi I'm using blender and mu os is zorin I kneed to know how to disable aly in os so I can use alt in blender? Hope I'm explaining it eight lol20:09
hextoryeah im using ubuntu mate too fernanda, its the best variant for me20:09
hextorwell, u could remove ur wificard physially20:09
ducassehisforever: this is ubuntu support.20:10
hisforeverZorin uses Ubuntu as its base, but If I'm ofending I'll leave20:11
abhishekhextor, any ideas mate?20:11
Mason963Heya, so I have this funky problem... I'm trying to play this game (which links the allegro4 game library)... if I run the game as me, then I get weird audio (plays too fast & choppy) ... but if I run the game as root, then audio works fine20:12
hextorabhishek, if no parameters that would disable ur wifi card works, try removing it physically, opening a hp pav takes like 10mins20:12
ducassehisforever: you're not offending, but we don't know what changes they have made.20:13
hextorif that makes the system boot, u can do a kernel and system update and try reinserting the wificard20:13
Mason963(Oh and I'm on 14.04 btw) I think I've got ALSA, and pulseaudio, oh and Ubuntu is a guest in a zindoze host (virtualbox)20:13
abhishekhextor, anything simpler. Not a hardware guy.20:14
yotkaakik: I added the information to the bug report. Thanks for the hint, I need to go now.. I hope I can solve it soon.20:14
Mason963any idea why root would get good audio, while normal user gets choppy weird audio?20:14
Mason963http://voices.canonical.com/david.henningsson/2012/07/13/top-five-wrong-ways-to-fix-your-audio/  was an interesting read :-)20:15
hextorabhishek, does the live-install work? or is that the installer failing?20:15
Mason963I actually tried adding myself to the audio group, heh20:15
nacc_Mason963: did you logout & log back in after doing so? group membership generally doesn't take effect otherwise20:16
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
Mason963nacc_: I actually rebooted the system20:16
abhishekhextor, nothing is failing. What do you mean?20:16
abhishekit boots fine and the wifi also works20:16
abhishekbut it boots very slow to due these errors.20:17
hextorabhishek, sorry, thats what i would call a fail :P20:17
hextorabhishek, bad translation on my part, sorry :) what kernel are u using?20:17
yotkabye everybody20:17
abhishekhextor, 4.4.0-22-generic. I didn't get those on live-install first time.20:18
pbxit keeps tripping me up that super-1 (2, 3, etc.) *launches* an app but does not bring it to the foreground.  is there a way to make those shortcuts do both?  14.04, unity.20:18
hextorabhishek, could u try upgrading to 4.5 or 4.6?20:19
hextorits fast to do and easy20:19
hextorsince a newer kernel would prolly have better support for stuff like this20:19
abhishekhextor, I am using kubuntu 16.04. Can you explain how, will I have to recompile?20:20
zacktuI have a linux system with partitions for / and /home and two more unused partitions.  There is no /boot partition.  I will do a manual installation into the two unused partitions.  Does the installer find the existing boot directory?20:20
hextorabhishek, ill send u the commands u need to do in priv, i dont wanna be spammy20:21
Mason963aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav  works as expected20:21
Mason963even as normal user20:22
ducassezacktu: if you install ubuntu into the free partitions, grub should see the other install and provide entries in the grub menu on boot.20:22
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leonarthdo you guys think it's possible to rsync an entire system over to another VPS service?20:26
naccabhishek: hextor: don't recompile mainline if you're just testing; use the PPA w/ appropriate packages?20:26
shez_non riesco ad installare da live gufw20:28
shez_qualcuno può aiutarmi??20:28
Seveas!it | shez_20:28
ubottushez_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:28
abhisheknacc, ppa for 4.6?20:29
shez_ok sorry....20:29
hextoryeah i dont know about that ppa either tbh, but would love to have it20:29
nacc!mainline | abhishek20:29
ubottuabhishek: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds20:29
nacchextor: --^20:29
maxtimSimple question: What sound driver does Ubuntu 16.04 use? PulseAudio or ALSA?20:29
nico103my ubuntu 16.04 VM (vbox) is not booting.  it seems plymouthd doesn't want to start, so I get dropped into emergency mode20:29
nico103now what?20:29
nacchextor: unless there is absolutely good reason to do it, i wouldn't recommend everyone just use mainline, fwiw20:30
Welastevilhi folks!20:30
nico103it seems that there's a known bug in systemd (though why wouldn't this be a bug in plymouthd?), but I don't know how to update from emergency mode20:30
hextornacc, *facepalm* sorry... ive just switched to ubuntu mate recently from being a debian user20:30
WelastevilI uninstall npm/node20:30
Welastevilbecause it was very buged20:31
Welastevilbut could not install again and did not find any instructions about googling it20:31
nacchextor: mostly from a "what's supported" perspective :)20:31
TheSwaghi guys20:31
TheSwagcan you help me20:31
nacc!ask | TheSwag20:31
ubottuTheSwag: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:31
Welastevilwhen I type npm and hit enter I have this:20:31
maxtimTheSwag, don't ask to ask, just ask20:31
abhishekhextor, nacc what's a better approach for my issue then?20:31
TheSwagi can't find a way to make a windows 10 bootable usb ? Any help unetbootin didn't work20:32
Welastevil/usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory20:32
hextornacc has prolly seniority on the subject :)20:32
maxtimTheSwag, this isn't the place for that question. Check Google20:32
naccabhishek: what's the issue?20:32
abhishekhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/772182/pci-bus-error-on-startup-while-booting-into-login-screen-kubuntu-16-04 nacc20:32
ich_dienbye all20:33
TheSwagcheck google for like an hour,why wouldn't this be an appropiate place ? I'm using ubuntu20:33
llldinoTheSwag, Just use dd to copy the .iso disk image to the usb device of your choice. Google is your friend20:33
TheSwagsounds way too hard20:33
naccWelastevil: that's after installing via `apt-get install npm` ?20:33
llldinoTheSwag, Welp20:33
gezelligI'm trying to setup a drbl clonezilla server and I'm getting caught where its trying to setup dhcp I think. When I try to start the drbl service I get this http://pastebin.com/Cuy2D1pp20:34
=== kaiser is now known as Guest80067
naccWelastevil: can you pastebin `apt-cache policy npm` and `apt-cache policy nodejs` ?20:34
gezelligFailed to start service isc-dhcp-server, portmap, rpcbind, statd, nfs-kernel-server and nfs-server (all failed to start)20:34
Welastevilone minut please20:35
naccabhishek: hrm, did you look at hte bug report? (LP: #1521173)20:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1521173 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "AER: Corrected error received: id=00e0" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152117320:35
netcrimeHello. I'm using Nginx with Gunicorn on Django project. I'm bining it tu project-name.socket. But I get 502 http error and Nginx error.log shows connection refused. MORE DETAILS on configuration: http://pastebin.com/mc5hfa4z |    What might be the problem? Solution?20:35
nico103any ideas re: plymouthd and emergency mode??20:35
naccabhishek: so you're able to boot sometimes? you *can* try a mailnie kernel from the above-referenced PPA. But the real "fix" is via that bug, once somebody figures out what needs to be backported20:37
gezelligCan someone help me out with being unable to start services?20:37
llldinogezellig, Whats the output of # journalctl -xn?20:38
naccWelastevil: ok, what about nodejs?20:38
WelastevilI think it may be a path ptoblem20:38
Welastevilsirry I loose you text20:38
Welastevilhow do  get info about nod.js?20:38
naccWelastevil: `apt-cache policy nodejs`20:39
gezelligllldino: http://pastebin.com/H7ftt7cq20:39
naccWelastevil: and also `apt-cache policy nodejs-legacy`20:39
abhisheknacc, I did that psi=nomsi. It boots every time, but it very slow and error doesn't display on screen. I checked the logs the error is still there http://paste.ubuntu.com/16556672/20:39
nico103is there a protocol for getting help with a stuck boot?20:39
abhisheknacc,  which ppa are referencing/20:40
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blackbird_hi, How to restore my home dir after install of KTechLab ? I use Xenial.20:40
nico103are there canonical folks on the channel?20:40
llldinogezellig, Sorry, can you attempt to start the services again, and then post journalctl -xn?20:40
nico103what's uh the deal20:40
naccabhishek: right, so you'll boot with pci=nomsi, get the latest mainline .deb from the PPA, then reboot into that w/o pci=nomsi20:40
nacc!mainlie | abhishek20:40
gezelligllldino: Should I try to start them manually one at a time or just by running service drbl-all-service start20:40
hextornico103, what msg are you getting in ur boot?20:40
nacc!mainline | abhishek20:40
ubottuabhishek: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds20:40
llldinogezellig, Try manually20:41
nico103hextor: it varies; usually it's the intel rapl message then emergency mode20:41
abhisheknacc, thanks for the info, but sry I am new to linux. Can you explicitly state the ppa.20:42
abhishekHaving a hard time figuring it out from that link.20:42
nico103intel_rapl: no valid rapl domains found in package 020:42
naccabhishek: it might not actually be a PPA, sorry, just following the archive link there20:42
nico103but even when it doesn't say that, plymouthd always dies20:42
naccWelastevil: ok and one last one for `nodejs-legacy`20:42
hextornico103, hmmm, ill go in the thinkingbox but no hot tips right now20:43
naccWelastevil: as in `apt-cache policy nodejs-legacy`20:43
gezelligllldino: http://pastebin.com/eHnWS9ZL No errors except for statd20:43
abhisheknacc, isn't this what hextor said previously?20:43
gezelligbut I do get errors when I try to run the drbl service start20:43
nico103hextor: this used to work20:43
naccabhishek: i don't know, but i beleive hextor mentioned building yourself20:43
naccabhishek: don't do that if you don't know what you're doing20:43
nico103hextor: can I at least get instructions on how to a) get a pkg list from the victim VM so I can setup a new one and then move all my data over from the old one?20:44
hextornacc, the process i showed him was pretty safe http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/install-linux-kernel-4-6-ubuntu-16-04/20:44
abhisheknacc, can you post instructions please20:44
nico103(I could mount the broken image on a new VM, natch)20:44
llldinogezellig, Well, it sems there's no statd.service file found. You sure you have it installed?20:44
nacchextor: i didn't see the instructions i couldn't be sure20:45
nico103hextor: earlier it was complaining about zfs mount all20:45
nacchextor: looks liek that uses the same path that the page i referenced20:45
naccabhishek: it's on that page.20:45
nico103so I disabled the zfs mount target20:45
gezelligllldino: I don't know. how do I check?20:45
nico103that got me past that, but it still won't get much further20:45
hextornico103, are u using zfs? why?20:45
OerHeksabhishek, also your issue too, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/152117320:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1521173 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "AER: Corrected error received: id=00e0" [Medium,Triaged]20:45
llldinogezellig, # apt-cache search statd20:45
nico103hextor: no, I'm not, but I wanted to play with it before actually installing Ubuntu 16.04 on bare metal with ZFS20:46
gezelligfew results20:46
nico103hextor: and what do you mean "why?" -- ZFS is supposed to be supported20:46
gezellignfs-common, powstatd, rstat-client and rstatd20:46
llldinogezellig, sorry, that's # apt-cache policy statd20:46
OerHeksabhishek, something clains those devices, do you have fastboot enabled in windows?20:46
naccWelastevil: ok, so nodejs-legacy is needed to rpovided /usr/bin/node naymore. but i would think the npm packaged version would have understood that and either depended on it, or used the proper /usr/bin/nodejs path.20:46
llldinogezellig, I believe it might be called rstatd20:47
gezelligunable to locate package statd20:47
WelastevilI see20:47
gezelligyep just saw that xD20:47
Welastevilwhat I need to do so?20:47
naccnico103: to be clear, zfs is supported as a data store fs, not as the root fs20:47
gezelliginstalled (none), candidate: 4.0.1-820:47
llldinogezellig, Yeah, so you don't have statd installed, that's why it fails to start the service20:47
gezelligwith some repos20:47
naccWelastevil: seeing if i can reproduce it, one sec20:47
hextornico103, what nacc said20:47
abhishekOerHeks, interesting. I disabled it though.20:47
gezelligllldino: what about the errors for the other services?20:47
nico103nacc: yes, I understand; I'm not even using it20:47
nico103never mind ZFS root (which I'd like, to be sure, but I'm NOT USING IT)20:48
abhisheknacc, so I will have to build.20:48
naccnico103: sure, wasn't necessarily about your issue, just clarifying20:48
naccabhishek: no.20:48
naccabhishek: *read* the links hextor and I have given you20:48
naccneither requires you to build anything20:48
hextorabhishek, its simple copy paste, and then reboot20:49
llldinogezellig, I didn't see any other errors in the pastebin you posted20:49
abhishekhextor, nacc oh sry, I got confused.20:49
abhishekis there any way to check if my distro will be compatible with a given kernel version.20:49
gezelligllldino: well when I run drbl-all-service start I get failed to start service isc-dhcp-server, portmap, rpcbind, statd, nfs-kernel-server, nfs-server and inetd20:49
hextorabhishek, ive been using it on my 16.04 and now 16.10 with no issues20:50
naccabhishek: not sure i follow? your distro ships a kernel20:50
naccabhishek: you're testing mainline to ... test it ... explicitly. YOu shouldn't run on a mainline kernel unless you have to (imo)20:51
llldinogezellig, But all those services are already running20:51
hextornacc, true, its only for testing since the issue he has seems easyest solved by switching kernel, but hes out off other options atm as far as i know20:52
Welastevilok\solved part of problem myself20:53
Welasteviljust need to put npm on my path...20:53
Welastevilbut I dont know how to do it...20:53
Welastevilany ideas?20:53
aroonihow do i change the physical size of the cursor in ubuntu 14.04 ?  i have successfully got the oxy themes installed but the cursors are still way small20:54
Welastevilwhen I try to install node, this is the output20:55
WelastevilE: Package 'node' has no installation candidate20:55
hextorurgh, thats a 16.04 bug ive struggled with a lot.... let me know if u find a fix20:56
PiciWelastevil: the package name is nodejs20:56
Welastevilwhit nodejs works20:56
Welastevilnpm stil not functional20:57
Welastevil/usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory20:57
Welastevileven after installing nodejs20:57
Welastevilalmost sure isa path problem20:58
abhisheknacc, isn't the mainline the latest stable kernel. What problems should it have?20:58
Welastevilhow to put npm in my use path?20:58
llldinoWelastevil, It's nodejs, not node20:58
PiciWelastevil: npm is in the npm package, oddly enough.. and that does get installed into your path20:58
WelastevilI alreadyu install nodejs20:58
PiciWelastevil: nodejs doesn't install npm20:59
WelastevilbuI see20:59
WelastevilI already installed both20:59
Welastevilbut the display is20:59
hextoru could prolly make a script with a temporary variable path to node that executes nmp, but im not the man to write that script right now :P20:59
Welastevil/usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory20:59
hextorhad to do it on my steam to bypass the amd graphics bug20:59
llldinoWelastevil, What are you trying to do?20:59
gezellighmm llldino I still can't get the rstatd service to start20:59
gezelligit is installed now though20:59
PiciWelastevil: what gives you that error?20:59
Welastevileverytime I typ npm and hit enter21:00
llldinogezellig, # service rstatd status21:00
gezelligrstatd.service Loaded: not-found Active: inactive (dead)21:01
PiciWelastevil: install the nodejs-legacy package.21:01
naccWelastevil: i was helping you, why did you ask your question again?21:01
llldinogezellig, # service rstatd start; hournalctl -xn21:01
llldino*journalctl -xn21:01
naccWelastevil: but in any case, what Pici said will fix it, but that shouldn't have bhappened21:01
naccthat's what i am debugging, but npm pulls in many packages21:02
naccabhishek: mainline is a moving development target21:02
naccabhishek: there would't be 'stable' kernel releases if mainline was perfect.21:03
Picinacc: based purely on what apt-file says, what Welastevil reported sounds reasonable on 14.0421:03
gezelligllldino: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16643427/21:03
Welastevilalmost solved...21:04
camroncadehey all, does 16.04 use lightdm or gdm?21:04
Welastevilone more thing21:04
naccPici: version of npm on Welastevil's system is from 16.04, at least21:04
abhisheknacc, say I am using 16.04. Will it backport a new stable-kernel in future? Or can I get only by updating to next release.21:04
naccWelastevil: are you on 14.04 or 16.04?21:04
naccabhishek: no, it will not, you're not adding a repository21:04
YankDownUndercamroncade, LightDM21:04
camroncadethanks YankDownUnder.21:05
abhisheknacc, the kernel is fixed with the version forever?21:05
llldinogezellig, I don't see any errors :/ What's # service rstatd staus say again?21:05
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naccWelastevil: what's your question?21:05
camroncadeif I am writing a .xsession file that runs exactly like the default would run, would I call `lightdm` or `gnome-session`?21:05
naccabhishek: i don't understand your question21:05
gezelligllldino: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16643472/21:05
Welastevilhow to update this:21:05
hextorabhishek, a apt-get dist-upgrade, og just apt-get purge linux-image-4.6 will get you back to distros kernel21:06
naccabhishek: this is probably why you should't run mainline, fwiw. Just test with a current mailine snapshot as described by either link hextor or I sent. Then switch back to the distro kernel (with the pci=nomsi workaround). Provide your testing results in the afore-mentioned bug.21:06
llldinogezellig, ...You sure you downloaded rstatd? Lol. You might have to do a reboot, seeing as it logs from the kernel. You might also have to have something compiled into the kernal, but i'm not 100% sure,. I'm not familiar with rstatd21:07
gezelligllldino: I did sudo apt-get install rstatd and it installed, tried it again and it says already have the newest version, rebooted, and thats where I am now21:07
abhishekhextor, okay, do distros never upgrade the kernel for release?21:07
nico103nacc, hextor: I'm past the intel_rapl thing (I blacklisted the module) but plymouthd continutes to fail to start21:07
abhisheknacc, yeah :p21:07
gezellighonestly I was just following a guide for DRBL clonezilla server and all the services started automatically21:08
gezelligim not sure21:08
hextorabhishek, yes they do, but mainly security updates21:08
nacchextor: *update* versuse *upgrade*21:08
naccabhishek: --^ rather21:08
nico103systemd says it received SIGRTMIN+21 from plymouthd21:08
naccabhishek: they are very differnt21:08
gezelligthe PXE boot actually works now. It just won't load anything past the initial splash screen21:08
hextornacc, very true21:08
gezelligso you helped a lot. Definitely progress =)21:08
nico103there has got to be a way to get more details about the plymouth failure, no?21:08
gezelligthanks llldino21:09
naccabhishek: once a release occurs, bugfixes and security fixes are backportd the version in a release21:09
llldinogezellig, No prob./ What's the output of # find / -name *.service | grep rstatd21:09
abhisheknacc, but you never upgrade the kernel entirely?21:10
gezelligstill thinking21:10
naccabhishek: not in a release, no21:10
hextorabhishek, its always reccomended to use the LTS release version, i just like living risky :)21:11
gezelligstiiiiiiil thinking lol21:11
nico103should I abandon Ubuntu then?21:11
llldinogezellig, It's searching your entire disk for the service file. Might take a while. I'm spoiled with ridiculous read speeds, I forget what the norm is q:21:12
naccWelastevil: i spun up a 16.04 container, installed npm and it ran fine21:12
naccWelastevil: so i'm guessing you altered something locally21:12
Welastevilhow to do it?\21:12
gezelligthis should be pretty fast21:13
naccWelastevil: also, that message is just a deprecation warning?21:13
naccWelastevil: how to do what?21:13
WelastevilI can not install nothing more using npm(((21:13
naccWelastevil: the shipped ubuntu version of npm is executed by #!/usr/bin/nodejs; no /usr/bin/env invocations21:14
naccWelastevil: what are you referring to? your last paste was a successful installation?21:14
gezelligllldino: is there a way to use apt to determine where it is installed?21:15
gezelligbecause apt-get is sure its installed. lists version and everything21:15
gezelligrstatd is already the newest version (4.0.1-8).21:15
naccgezellig: the only binary from that package is /usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd21:15
llldinogezellig, You can use apt to check if the package is installed: # apt-cache policy rstatd21:15
naccgezellig: not sure if you were trying to invoke rstatd21:15
llldinogezellig, Try # which rstatd21:16
WelastevilI just can install using sudo21:16
llldinonacc, TRhere's no .service?21:16
naccgezellig: `dpkg -l rstatd` or `apt-file list rstatd` lists the files in a package21:16
naccllldino: not that i see21:16
gezellignacc: trying to setup a drbl server and when i try to start it i get an error that rstatd failed to start21:16
llldinonacc, Ah. So it just invokes on boot I guess?21:17
LuisaThe latest ubuntu 16.04 weighs 1.5GB!!!............version 15.04 weighs 1.04 GB. What  has changed?21:19
llldinogezellig, Anyways, it fails to start because there's no service file. It's installed so I believe it will perform it's function without any problems21:20
danangubuntu should disable pm-utils dan use systemd suspend as default suspend , my thinkpad unable to wakeup with pm-suspend, but work fine with systemctl suspend21:20
alexmhLuisa, wasn't that part of the release, that with this LTS release they were going to bump the maximum size to 1.5gb?21:20
gezelligok cool. Thanks llldino and nacc! Now I just need to figure out why the clients wont boot21:20
gezelligthe PXE boot is sort of working, but theres a 7 second timeout that just repeats if I make a selection in grub21:20
alexmhLuisa, I think to give the devs more breathing room with packages21:20
llldinogezellig, I don't know much about PXE, sorry :( I do everything over ssh21:21
gezelligme too. I'm trying to setup a clonezilla server to image PCs21:21
nico103running plymouthd with --debug says plymouthd is already running21:21
nico103but there's o evidence of this21:21
Luisaok so it's because of the number of new packages....maybe new kernel modules21:22
YankDownUndernico103, What about just removing plymouth and doing a boot without a graphical screen...just like in the old days...?21:22
nico103YankDownUnder: OK, sure!  How?21:23
YankDownUndernico103, Er...just remove the package...21:23
alexmhLuisa, I can't seem to find the news... maybe I made all that up, I swore I saw some discussion about it somewhere though21:23
WifiTroublehello there folks, I am connected through a dsl cable and would like to have a wireless connection through a Raling pen drive, here is the iwconfig/lsusb results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16643755/21:23
netcrimeHow could I move all files and folders one directory up ?21:23
nico103YankDownUnder: can I do that from emergency mode?21:23
Luisaalexmh, ok thank you so much21:24
nico103you know!  just booting without graphics (upstart) is good enough21:24
SigilHello. I'm trying to install php-apc in 16.04 and the package isn't found?21:24
nico103so, ok, i'm back in business, and I guess someday graphics will work again21:24
hextornico103, i usually do that, but thats by editing grub21:24
nico103so much for running Ubuntu 16.04 on bare metal21:25
nico103no thanks to that21:25
nathan_i've got a question that i need help with. it's maybe not specifically an ubuntu issue but i figured i'd start here. anyone feel like trying to help?21:25
YankDownUndernico103, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth21:25
hextornathan_, just put it out there, no need to ask first, if someone got something to chip inn, they will :)21:25
YankDownUndernico103, I like NOT using plymouth on new machines - new "builds" - so that I can see everyting necessary - then after I'm happy, I either re-enable plymouth or re-install it...just makes things easier for me...however, that being said, I'm "old" and prefer watching the bootup sequence...21:26
hextorYankDownUnder, totally agree, a good ol logcat boot is what makes my inner nerd tingle ^^21:27
YankDownUnderhextor, :)21:27
nico103yeah, but I don't get any graphical console at all21:29
nathan_ok, so i'm developing software on a CentOS cluster. i have been working to integrate an external software package with my code for the past week or so. this external package uses automake/autoconf/aclocal to configure itself. i've run into an issue where i can completely configure and compile the package in a location like ~/packagedir, however whenever i try to move the package into my existing program directory (like ~/other/path/packagedir) the configur21:29
nathan_ation process screams at me. it suddenly tells me that automake, autoconf, aclocal are out of date and can't do the job21:29
nathan_but this confuses me since they're the exact same versions that were used to install the package in a different directory21:30
YankDownUndernico103, What you've described - or at least all that I've read so far - indicates that there is some issue with the graphics card/graphics driver on your system...therefore, if you just stick currently to some type of text console, you can get it all sorted out...or should do...21:30
nico103the graphical shutdown does run and show21:31
YankDownUndernico103, I'm only offering an alternative to your situation - not necessarily an answer.21:31
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nico103YankDownUnder: well, but what could possibly have gone wrong with vbox's emulated video?21:34
SonikkuAmericaDid you install virtualbox-guest-dkms inside the VM?21:35
nico103a while back21:35
nico103maybe I'll reinstall them21:36
YankDownUndernico103, AH...it's vbox...right...have you asked in the #vbox channel as of yet?21:36
nico103YankDownUnder: oh, heh, no, I should, yeah?21:40
nico103ok, I will21:40
nico103thanks for the help21:40
YankDownUndernico103, It's advised...21:40
galgamachHi all. I have a radeon R5 M330 and it seems like all proprietary drivers are depricated now. Is there any other solution ?21:41
Bashing-omgalgamach: In 16.04. that is a fact .21:45
Jordan_Ugalgamach: Is there specific functionality that you're missing from the Free drivers?21:47
galgamachJordan_U: not sure yet tbh... I just feel I bought my card for nothing. Could have just got a machine with an integrated intel one21:48
galgamachBashing-om, are they gonna fix it ?21:49
k1l_galgamach: theoretically amd supports the kernel driver "amd_gpu" now instead of fglrx. there is still radeon as opensource fallback.21:49
llldinoHas anyone heard of mounting a dive without a filesystem? I'm following a guide that instructs me to mount /dev/sdX to a mount point, but clearly this won't work21:50
Jordan_Ugalgamach: Do you feel like you're not getting full performace? The Free drivers are pretty performant now, on par with the proprietary drivers in many cases.21:50
k1l_llldino: that sounds wrong.21:50
tgm4883llldino: that looks like it's mounting a drive without a partition, not without a filesystem21:50
galgamachk1l_: well ....I'm not sure that it gives the full capabilities of the card...does it/21:50
llldinok1l_, No kidding q:21:51
Jordan_Ullldino: You mean a drive without a partition. Yes, I have heard of them, but I highly recommend never having such a configuration, and it's more likely an indication that you should just not follow that guide.21:51
Bashing-omgalgamach: Fix ? .. ATI is presently throwing all resources in support of open source . A lot will improve over the coming months .21:51
Jordan_Ullldino: Where possible, always try to use official documentation rather than blogs.21:51
llldinoJordan_U, It's coming from the official website. I already mailed them about it21:51
galgamachJordan_U, not sure yet... will see.21:51
tgm4883I don't see how it would be possible to mount a drive without a filesystem, as how would linux (or anything really) know what to do with that raw data21:51
galgamachBashing-om, thank god. I think I'll wait for them then   ^_^21:51
k1l_galgamach: in theory there is no fglrx and amd now makes the kernel driver amd_gpu instead. so it should not lack anything.21:52
llldinoI used cp instead of mounting it and it seems like it passed, hopefully I didn't screw it up21:52
galgamachk1l_: amd_gpu is the open source driver for radeon cards? And comes like built-in with the kernel (sort of))21:53
Jordan_Uk1l_: The kernel driver doesn't lack anything, but the userland lacks some OpenGL features. The "AMDGPU PRO" proprietary userland stuffs should take care of that, but IIRC they're still in beta (mostly people grab them for the Vulkan support they give).21:53
llldinoWhen I used cp, it automatically mounted /dev/sdX to /mnt, however when I tried doing that manually using /mnt it complaned.21:53
Bashing-omgalgamach: See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2321234 for the discussoin of how far ATI is reaching for us .21:53
nico103YankDownUnder: OK!  so the problem was the /etc/fstab entries I'd added to mount shared folders21:53
llldinousing *mount, not /mnt21:53
Jordan_Ullldino: Please link to the website/guide in question.21:53
nico103journalctl -xb provided NO clues about that21:54
galgamachBashing-om: thank you. Same thing is happening with linux mint at them moment ?21:54
llldinoJordan_U, https://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/PrepareDFULinux21:54
k1l_galgamach: no. there is always the radeon open source driver. like before. but amd now stops making fglrx but contributes to amd_gpu instead.21:54
llldinoJordan_U, The part in question is on the next page of the guide, by following "Next step" on that page21:54
Bashing-omgalgamach: No comment as I do not know what kernel mint is running .21:54
galgamachBashing-om: I think it's older than 4.2 .. anyway21:55
nico103thanks for the help!21:56
galgamachk1l_: I tried mint 17.3 but Plymouth gave a huge error and I could not shut down my computer. Are you familiar with this error?  http://imgur.com/ckhxpa121:57
k1l_llldino: sounds like the device got a FS on the hardware without a partition (usb pendrives got that too).21:57
llldinok1l_, Ah. I didn't even know that was a thing. Despite that, mount still complains when I try and mount /dev/sdX to a mount point. Though, cp did it automatically, and now i'm in the proces of umounting it21:58
k1l_galgamach: no.21:58
Jordan_Ullldino: If you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and "sudo blkid" with your iPod connected we can tell you if it is partitioned or not.21:58
llldinoJordan_U, There's no partition table, I checked with fdisk already21:59
k1l_llldino: you need to replace the "X" with an actual character mathcing the device21:59
YankDownUndernico103, Well...learn something new every day...good on ya.21:59
Bashing-omgalgamach: Terminal command ' X -version ' .. if it is " xorg-server 2:1.18.3-1ubuntu2  " .. then no, there is no FGLRX driver available .21:59
Jordan_Ullldino: fdisk doesn't know about Apple Partition Map.21:59
llldinok1l_, I know, i'm just using X instead of /dev/sde to avoid confusion21:59
hugoHi guys, does anyone here uses chimera? For bioinformatics?21:59
llldinoJordan_U, I'll do parted -l, it takes a while to communicate with the iPod though22:00
galgamachBashing-om: r u talking about ubuntu 16.04? yes its giving me X.Org X Server 1.18.322:00
donzocomment activer la webcam22:00
bob121212Can anyone help me out with installing a gtk3 theme on linux mint?22:00
daxubottu: mintsupport | bob12121222:01
ubottubob121212: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:01
OerHeksin the mint channels, they can22:01
Jordan_Ullldino: I will be away for a while, possibly hours.22:01
llldinoJordan_U, Same, no big deal. I think the file made it onto the drive regardless22:01
bob121212Can anyone direct me to linux mint channels? #linuxmint-help is pretty dead22:03
tgm4883bob121212: that is the linux mint channel22:03
Jordan_Ullldino: I'm not sure what you mean by "cp did it automatically", cp doesn't mount fikesystems.22:03
k1l_bob121212: you need another irc server for their channels. if you use a irc program on mint that might be set to autojoin.22:05
hugono one here uses chimera?22:05
llldinoJordan_U, I did # cp installer-classicipod.ubi /dev/sde ; and it seemed like it worked no problem. Now that I think about it, I also tried #mount /dev/sde /mnt ; a few times, maybe it took a while for mtab to update or something. Eitehr way, cp exited 0 so I think the file is on there now22:05
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sebsebsebhurasafe: hi22:07
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Guest58311Quick question, how do I uninstall Stardock fences from D drive?22:09
tgm4883Guest58311: D drive?22:10
Guest58311I can't find it under add remove22:10
tgm4883Guest58311: maybe try a Windows channel?22:10
Guest58311Please recommend for freenode22:10
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents22:10
Guest58311I am looking22:10
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Guest58311Is this on freenode?22:11
Guest58311is there a bigger one on freenode22:11
llldinoJordan_U, Here's the entry for #parted -l; : http://paste.debian.net/697874/ It couldn't find the UBI file. when I restarted it. I'll screw around with this more when I get home, I've got to take off for now. Thanks for your help22:11
Guest58311Is there a bigger windows irc channel on freenode22:12
tgm4883Guest58311: this is completely off topic22:12
Guest58311no it's not22:12
k1l_Guest58311: and this is quite offtopic in here. for more help with freenode please ask in #freenode22:12
Guest58311he's redirecting me to better help22:12
Guest58311on a more specific channel, that absolutly is not off topic22:13
tgm4883Guest58311: this is not "freenode guest services" nor "freenode yellow pages"22:13
Guest58311Okay, thanks again22:13
YankDownUnderOh...never mind...he's gone...22:14
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sebsebsebVikingHoarder: hi22:29
VikingHoarderi'm using xubuntu 16.04 in dual boot, i'm trying to play videos from the gopro (mp4), vlc crashes trying to play them and parole media player plays without sound, ccan this be a codec problem? if so which codecs should i get?22:30
VikingHoarderin windows it plays fine22:30
Dartellumhello, I tried installing a fresh copy of 16.04 LTS 64bit on my computer. I created a boot USB and was able to install. After installation, it ran for 12 hours then started to freeze and could not do anything. The mouse moved, that was all. I booted on another computer from the live CD and the same situation occurred. I created a new USB live CD and same thing. Both computers are the same from motherboard to memory; I built them the22:31
sebsebsebVikingHoarder: yes you will need to install codecs for things like that22:31
sebsebsebVikingHoarder: this should care of most things like that, run it in the terminal.  or find the package in software centre.  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:31
DartellumI booted with 14.04 live CD, and 15.10 live CD, and could move around. 16.04 have challenges?22:32
VikingHoardergonna try22:32
sebsebsebtanrax: hi22:32
sebsebsebtanrax: pong22:33
sebsebsebDartellum: hmm22:34
sebsebsebDartellum: make sure the ISO downloaded properly for a start I guess, yes it probably has but still22:34
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM22:34
sebsebsebDartellum: sounds like your issue is probably hardware related though or possibly22:34
Dartellumonly with 16.0422:35
Dartellum14.04.04 runs fine22:35
sebsebsebDartellum: ok you had previous versions working ok on those computers?22:35
sebsebsebDartellum: ok it could be an odd or not so common bug in 16.0422:35
sebsebsebDartellum: could be interesting to try 15.10 actsually!  to see what hapepns with that one22:35
VikingHoardersebsebseb, installed and still not working, reboot is needed?22:35
Dartellumso far 15.10 is loading22:35
DartellumI had to backup the files first :)22:36
sebsebsebVikingHoarder: ok did restricted extras? sure you can re boot, probably not needed, but sure why not, then try again etc c ome back etc22:36
sebsebsebDartellum: 15.10 is working on the computers?22:36
sebsebsebDartellum: the mother boards are probaably ok really, what graphics card you got though? AMD maybe or?22:37
Dartellumhardware is ASUS P8Z77-Pro, 32 GB RAM, GTX 960 Ti, 3TB Seagate drive22:37
sebsebsebwhich graphics card?22:37
Dartellum15.10 is loading on the on22:37
DartellumGTX 960 Ti22:37
sebsebsebDartellum: which make is that?22:37
DartellumGreen team22:37
sebsebsebDartellum: uh I haven't even hard of Green team22:38
sebsebsebok is that quite a recnet Nvidia ?22:38
Dartelluma few back22:38
sebsebsebDartellum: NIVIDA hmm  got the propritary driver installed for that or not?22:38
Dartellumstill a rock solid card22:38
sebsebsebDartellum: there's probably one waiting in addiotanl drivers, installing that, might make a difference22:38
Dartellumwhen 16.04 was loaded, I only had a moment or so to try to open something before it hung22:38
sebsebsebDartellum: what freezes, xorg,  the graphics server?  I am gussing here, but could be that yes22:39
Dartellumas I said, the mouse continues to move, cannot click anything nor do anything with the keyboard22:39
Dartellum15.10 is now booting on the computer (let's see what happens!)22:40
sebsebsebDartellum: yeah it's probably xorg or something like that, having issues with the hadware,  taking a guess though22:40
DartellumI can 'play' around with it on my computer... I was upgrading my wife's first22:41
sebsebsebDartellum: 15.10 is worth a try, but that will run out of support at end of July so uhmm22:41
sebsebsebDartellum: and there could be a bug in 16.04 that effdects you22:42
sebsebsebabdelhadi: hi22:43
abdelhadihow are you22:43
sebsebsebabdelhadi: ok you?22:44
VikingHoardersebsebseb, it worked, thanks22:44
abdelhadiwhat can you told me about  ubuntu terminal22:45
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OerHeks!info gnome-terminal22:46
ubottugnome-terminal (source: gnome-terminal): GNOME terminal emulator application. In component main, is optional. Version 3.18.3-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 167 kB, installed size 1116 kB22:46
Bashing-om!terminal | abdelhadi22:46
ubottuabdelhadi: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:46
abdelhadithanks its first time to use it22:48
Dartellumsebsebseb: so far, 15.10 is working22:49
sebsebsebDartellum: ok22:50
Dartellumsebsebseb: perhaps it was the video driver.... I will need to play with it some more when it is not my wife's computer22:50
sebsebsebDartellum: well installing a driver could fix some things22:50
sebsebsebDartellum: ,but it's not meant to crash after well not very long22:50
sebsebsebDartellum: should be able to work well enough with the open souce drive22:51
sebsebsebpopey: you any good at reasons for odd UBuntu issues :D look above22:51
sebsebsebresonons and solutions :d22:51
sebsebsebDartellum: wow this channel seems not so active tonight22:52
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tgm4883sebsebseb: Dartellum have any logs been looked at?22:53
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sebsebsebwoo netsplit22:53
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Dartellumtgm4883: No, I spent time recovering files22:54
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DartellumI will report back in later... I need to head out22:54
=== sins-_l is now known as sins-
jn_jncan i set udev rule from script?22:56
Umeaboyjn_jn: In what context?23:01
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jn_jnUmeaboy, i prefer in user context, i'm trying to mount a device in /media/username/name-device without root privileges23:02
jn_jnudisksctl pmount and mount can't do that without sudo23:03
Frog1Hellow,  i do an upgrade to my laptop and the network manger stop working, how i can do to made the network manager work again?23:04
UmeaboyFrog1: How did you perform the upgrade and what mirror did you use?23:07
UmeaboyI'd let apt reconfigure network manager.23:10
UmeaboyEither do apt-get install --reinstall networkmanager or dpkg-reconfigure networkmanager23:11
UmeaboyHope that solves it.23:12
Frog1Umeaboy: was for the automatic upgrade23:12
naccFrog1: which automatic upgrade (from what version to what version)?23:12
Frog1nacc: from trusty23:13
UmeaboyFrog1: Did you notice any errors during the upgrade process?23:14
UmeaboyBesides the obvious in the end.23:14
Frog1Umeaboy: nope zero erros23:15
Jordan_Ullldino: That is completely wrong. You've just destroyed all data on that drive.23:15
naccFrog1: to what? 16.04?23:15
Frog1nacc: 16.0423:16
scalperi did sudo ln -s /home/mark/Dropbox/Concepten/www/ /var/www/html/ in my terminal and i didn't see any error, however the link has not been made, i can see it with ls -lah, however when i try to make it again with sudo ln -s /home/mark/Dropbox/Concepten/www/ /var/www/html/ i get this error: ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/var/www/html/www’: File exists this last time i did type it from23:16
scalper/home/mark/Dropbox/Concepten/www/ in the terminal, what goes wrong here?23:16
nacc!ltsupgrade | Frog123:16
ubottuFrog1: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.23:16
llldinoJordan_U: I was worried that might happen. The iPod still boots into the native iPod OS though, so I'm just going to start from the beginning when I get home23:16
scalperhas anything been made to the filesystem actually?23:16
naccscalper: so you were trying to link /var/www/html/www to /home/mark/Dropbox/Concepten/www ?23:17
naccscalper: if not, you invoked ln the wrong way around23:17
naccscalper: the command you invoked created a symlink in /var/www/html/ named 'www' pointing to /home/mark/Dropbox/Concepten/www/. Hence when you invoke it again, it says it can't, as that link already exists.23:18
Bashing-omscalper: From the manual .. in order for the command to work .. the file must not pre-exist . so the advisory "  File exists " is valid .23:19
leftistanyone have any solution to locking the keyboard while it is active display so that the baby cant interrupt the video playing?23:20
scalpernacc: yes i tried that, but the symbolic link doesn excist, i can't see it with ls -lah, also not from the GUI file manager when i have show hidden files, but i get the message it already excist, i did create the link from /home/, not from root23:20
naccscalper: you did a `ls -lah /var/www/html/` ?23:20
naccscalper: it doesn't matter where you created the link "from", you give `ln` two paths23:21
naccscalper: it doesn't care about cwd, unless one of the paths is relative23:21
naccscalper: or not passed at all23:21
leftistkeyboard functionality23:21
naccleftist: xinput?23:22
naccleftist: http://wpkg.org/Disable_/_enable_keyboard_and_mouse_in_Linux23:22
naccleftist: although i'm not sure how you'd unlock it :)23:22
leftistthanks nacc23:22
scalpernacc: sorry pal, it's in /var/www/html/ i did not do it the right way, it wanted to make it in /home/mark/Dropbox/Concepten23:23
=== beaver_ is now known as beaver
UmeaboyI have no idea as to why my DVD reader stopped reading region locked DVD's as I did use regionset before to switch to the right region.23:24
UmeaboyWhat can I do besides switch to another DVD reader?23:24
bpromptleftist:    get a plastic cover for the KB :)23:24
UmeaboyHoping to get an honest non joke answer.23:25
UmeaboyI really don't have that option at the moment.23:25
UmeaboyI am considering it.23:25
Hydr0p0nXwhat happens when you try to mount it ?23:25
k1l_Umeaboy: are you sure its the regioncode? and not some sort of drm not working?23:26
Umeaboyk1l_: It just won't mount. It reads it, but doesn't mount it. Any other disc reads and works fine in the same reader.23:26
UmeaboyI even used the newer version of regionset from its website as Ubuntu hasn't updated.23:27
naccscalper: so you wanted a symlink from /home/mark/Dropbox/Concepten/www -> /var/www/html ? or -> /var/www/html/www ?23:27
Hydr0p0nXI have a similar problem with UDF formatted dvd's, automount doesn't work, manual mounting does, but I haven't seen any issues around region coding23:27
UmeaboyIf other DVD's work fine it has to be the region code that's causing this.23:28
k1l_Umeaboy: no23:28
UmeaboyI mean....... Otherwize NO DVD would mount.23:28
k1l_Umeaboy: could still be some sort of drm or anti-copy stuff.23:28
scalpernacc: yes, it's alrady done23:29
UmeaboyHow come it's not valid for all DVD's then?23:29
k1l_Umeaboy: does that dvd have a different regiocode?23:29
naccscalper: ok, make sure to clean up the wrong symlink too, probably23:29
Hydr0p0nXUmeaboy: try to mount one with the -v option and uploade the command line output and the last few lines of dmesg23:29
UmeaboyIt says 2 which is European region code.23:30
dumberercan someone help a noob in distress?23:35
dumbereri've mucked things up23:35
Bashing-om!details | dumberer23:35
ubottudumberer: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.23:35
Jordan_Ullldino: Don't try to guess at how commands work like that, especially when running a command as root.23:36
dumbererjust making sure someone was available first sorry....first question is when you are getting a package from a site...in this case an epson printer driver...where does the archive manager put it?23:36
dumbererxubuntu 14.04 on a 10yo toshiba a135-s442723:36
bpromptdumberer:    depends on the package, not everyone uses .deb or .rpm...so... depends on the installer23:37
dumbereryou are always asked if you want to download it or open with archive manager23:37
dumbererok...just trying tio understand where things are physically put and what the difference is between these two choices23:37
k1l_dumberer: might be downloads folder oder some /tmp folder, if i understand you right23:38
dumbererin this case I was trying to download printer and scanner drivers for an epson all in one....the first printer driver was a .deb that I opened with archive manager and it opened software center and let me install...all was well and printer recognized23:39
ProfessorKaos64What Ubuntu equivelant package provides libEGL_nvidia.so* ? I am having a hard time finding it (arch liunx: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/i686/nvidia-utils/files/), and it's needed for a program according to 'strace -eopen'23:39
GnomeKrisSo is the updated amd driver in the additional drivers page actually the most up to date?23:39
dumbereri went to do the scanner driver and it had 3 steps in the package...core, and two others I cant recall...when I followed the same steps it said "intallation failed" the first time23:39
UmeaboyProfessorKaos64: Use apt-file search libegl_nvidia.so23:40
bpromptdumberer:    well, from a webbrowser, download it, or "run" or "open" with whatever, simply means,  download -> just download the package, and there, you have it now, good,     "open" -> well, to open it, you have to have it first, so, the browser will First download, and then "open" it, so, when you use "open" instead of Download from a webbrowser, you're only saving an extra click or so23:40
dumbererso I thought I should start over...this time it put a -1 after the tar in the archive manager and now refuses to open as it says "archive type not supported"23:40
naccProfessorKaos64: what Umeaboy said, it's from 'nvidia-361'23:40
naccbut no '.so' file, just .so.0, so i wonder if it's a missing symlink23:40
ProfessorKaos64I only have driver 355 right now, so I guess it's only in the new driver?23:41
dumbererbrpompt so both times its still downloded you are just skipping right to the archive manager?23:41
k1l_ProfessorKaos64: what ubuntu is that exactly?23:41
k1l_ProfessorKaos64: and what error do you get from what program?23:41
ProfessorKaos64I tried installing nvidia drivers I think I just goofed it up23:42
dumbereri suck at everything...how do I write a username here so the person is beeped at? just their name or does it need a / or soemthing in front?23:42
dumbereri need to go back to 1991 and start over23:42
idevI have dual monitor on my host.23:42
idevI am using virtualbox.23:43
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:43
idevHow do I setup dual monitor on the guest?23:43
k1l_dumberer: the "highlight" works if you use the exact username. start with the first letters then press "tab"23:43
bpromptdumberer:       use irc autocompletion,    dumb<press tab many times, to iterate all nicks starting with dumb>23:43
dumbererbut when I write there username does it then beep at you? or it needs some symbol etc to say "beep at this name"23:43
k1l_dumberer: that is due to the settings at that users client23:43
dumbererok thanks23:44
naccdumberer: you don't get to decide when someone else's computer beeps :)23:44
enoch85hey guys, which is more secure -regular ssh with keys, or ssh tunneling with keys?23:44
bpromptdumberer:    anyhow, download the package, no "open", and take it from there, the archiver you used may  not support whatever archive it was, doesn't mean something is wrong with it, say.. xarchiver may not open .arj files, but Ark does23:44
dumbererI didnt mean it like that sorry...i meant how to use IRC right to notify a user23:44
dumbererwasnt sure if it required a symbol23:44
k1l_enoch85: both use the same stuff.23:45
dumbererbrpompt....the printer package worked fine as per the docs...the scanner package failed after opening softwre center and the "install" progress bar nearly completing23:45
enoch85k1l_: so I could send commands, and passwords over ssh without have to worrie?23:45
enoch85k1l_: used for remote backup...23:45
dumbererso i tried to start over...and these time it won't even open the package and instead says "archive type not supported"...23:46
k1l_enoch85: its both "ssh". one is the direct ssh protocol. one is tunneling non ssh protocoll through a ssh protocol. :)23:46
bpromptdumberer:     well, download it, not "open", and take it from there :)23:46
dumberercould the tar-1 tar-2 tar-5 etc be muchking it up?23:46
dumbererI tried that too....same problem23:46
enoch85k1l_: ok cool thanks23:46
dumbererI tried every way I could find in the docs and forums and nothing works so I am likely doing sth wrong23:47
dumbererso to back up...do you know how I can clear the packages from the archive manager so I don't have 6 iterations?23:47
dumbererthe delete option is greyed out..23:47
dumbereri am trying to start fresh23:48
dumbererbut cant find how to get rid of those packages23:48
Umeaboydumberer: Install synaptic.23:48
UmeaboyThen search for that package and uncheck all the versions you don't need.23:48
Umeaboysudo apt-get install synaptic -y23:49
k1l_dumberer: you need to learn that there is a difference between downloaded packages and installed packages.23:49
dumbereri understand the difference...I cant find WHERE the downloaded packages are so I can clear them23:49
k1l_dumberer: and if you remove those installed packages with the package manager command "purge" it will remove them from the packagemnager including the files that were created while installing that package.23:49
dumbererI always chose "open in archive manager" and each time it makes a new iteration with a -number23:50
k1l_dumberer: no need to clear them. that doesnt do harm23:50
k1l_dumberer: look into the downloads folder in your users home if you are curious23:50
Percival__can anybody help me manually reinstall grub? I'm new and done messed up23:51
dumbererwell the first package ended in .tar and opened and started to install...the tar-1 tar-2 tar-3 etc wont even open and it says "archive type not supported"...so could the -2 -3 etc be mucking it up?23:51
dumberernone of these are in the downloads folder23:51
k1l_yes, that could be an issue23:51
k1l_i dont even know with what program you "download" those packages23:51
dumbererso how to I clear all those packages? I don't know wher they are23:51
=== JZTech101 is now known as JZTech103
Powerlesshi. wy do some programs dont show up on my search menu when i install them?23:51
=== JZTech103 is now known as JZTech101
dumbererother than the "recent" list in archive manager23:52
=== RobShad_ is now known as RobShad
YankDownUnderPowerless, in some instances, the menu system has not been updated - so if you logoff and then back in, they'll be there.23:52
PowerlessYankDownUnder, is there any code for me to force it update?23:53
YankDownUnderPowerless, http://superuser.com/questions/372599/linux-refresh-menu-after-having-registered-desktop-file23:54
squintydumber:  sudo updatedb && locate <filename>23:54
PowerlessYankDownUnder, thanks23:54
k1l_Xablo29: dont use this channel for spam23:55
dumbererso i found them in the /tmp folder and cleared them...then started over23:55
=== vick is now known as Guest44511
dumbererthis time when I clicked the package in archive manager it opens the software center and says "dependency is not satisfiable-iscandata"23:56
Percival__so im having trouble with my grub loader. i keep getting the message grub rescue after an error. I can't figure out how to fix it. Currently booted through usb. Advice?23:57
squintyPercival__,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting23:58
squintyPercival__,  good place to start is Boot-Repair.23:59

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