
davecheneyhere is a small review for someone, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4883/00:42
thumperdamn it, no closer to starting this email00:52
* thumper out to walk the dog while the sun is shining00:52
=== thumper is now known as thumper-dogwalk
* redir eod01:41
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mupBug #1585005 opened: list-* commands should be aliases for what they're listing <usability> <juju-core:Triaged by macgreagoir> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585005>01:42
=== thumper-dogwalk is now known as thumper
mupBug #1585005 changed: list-* commands should be aliases for what they're listing <usability> <juju-core:Triaged by macgreagoir> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585005>01:51
mupBug #1585005 opened: list-* commands should be aliases for what they're listing <usability> <juju-core:Triaged by macgreagoir> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585005>02:00
mupBug #1585015 opened: worker/terminationworker: test timeout during CI <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585015>02:42
cheryljthumper, wallyworld - can one of you comment on the proposal in bug 1568944?  (last comment)02:50
mupBug #1568944: Failure when deploying on lxd models and model name contains space characters <juju-core:Triaged by reedobrien> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1568944>02:50
wallyworldcherylj: want me to create that 2.0 kanban?02:51
cheryljwallyworld: anastasiamac was kind enough to create one for me02:51
cheryljI'm working on populating it now02:51
wallyworldcherylj: ok, great, i have stuff also02:51
cheryljwallyworld: do you know how to add people into the leankit site?  I noticed that christian and mick need accounts02:52
cheryljwallyworld: https://canonical.leankit.com/boards/view/122133644#workflow-view02:52
wallyworldcherylj: i think so, i'll see if i have perms02:52
thumperif wallyworld doesn't, I do02:52
wallyworldcherylj: christian is already a user on the site02:57
cheryljwallyworld: must've missed him :/02:58
* cherylj checks again02:58
wallyworldadding mick now02:58
wallyworldcherylj: mick added02:59
cheryljyarp, there he is02:59
cheryljthanks, wallyworld!02:59
anastasiamaccherylj: i have also added christian to our "other" board :-P03:00
cheryljthanks, anastasiamac  :)03:00
* thumper heads away for a bit to write emails03:11
menn0windows batch is a nightmare... bad decisions all the way down04:31
natefinchmenn0: why are you messing with batch files?04:34
menn0natefinch: we have tests which patch out executables with fake shell scripts/batch files (depending on platform). i'm fixing one. just about done but it's been painful.04:35
natefinchmenn0: omg, don't use those04:35
natefinchmenn0: https://godoc.org/github.com/juju/testing#PatchExecHelper04:36
natefinchmenn0: lightyears bettter.04:36
natefinchmenn0: 100% go..04:36
natefinchmenn0: I sent an email about it a while back.  might require a tiny refactor to the production code, but the testing is SO much better04:37
natefinchmenn0: just forwarded the email to you04:37
menn0natefinch: that looks pretty great but I'm not sure I can use it in this case04:40
menn0natefinch: I need to know the contents of a temporary file which gets passed to the executable04:40
menn0and gets deleted04:40
menn0right now the patched in replacement executable print out the contents of the file they're given04:41
natefinchmenn0: you could do the same thing that helper does and just code it by hand04:43
natefinchmenn0: in other words, write your own special test function that does whatever you're trying to do in batch04:43
menn0natefinch: hmm ok. i'll take a look04:43
menn0ironically, I just got the change working04:43
natefinchmenn0: I should add another helper that does this rigamarole but takes the name of a custom test function, so you only need to write the test function, and not the exec hacking code.04:45
bradmI just hit bug 1537585 if anyone knows how to fix it05:16
mupBug #1537585: machine agent failed to register IP addresses, borks agent <2.0-count> <blocker> <landscape> <network> <juju-core:Triaged by natefinch> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged by natefinch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1537585>05:16
bradmseems fairly intermittant, I've deployed a number of times without seeing it05:16
mupBug #1585059 opened: juju status tabular format doesn't show controller member status <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585059>06:13
mupBug #1585059 changed: juju status tabular format doesn't show controller member status <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585059>06:16
mupBug #1585059 opened: juju status tabular format doesn't show controller member status <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585059>06:28
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mupBug #1583934 changed: revision specified in the charm, how? <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1583934>06:52
babbageclunkvoidspace: around?08:04
babbageclunkfwereade: ping?08:05
babbageclunkmenn0: hey08:06
* babbageclunk tumbleweeds.08:06
voidspacebabbageclunk: yep, sorry08:27
thumpervoidspace, babbageclunk: morning08:41
thumperfrobware: alive?08:42
thumperdooferlad: feeling better?08:43
voidspacethumper: morning08:46
frobwarethumper: yep. thankfully. :-D08:50
babbageclunkvoidspace: no worries, worked it out.08:50
voidspacebabbageclunk: I figure that left to your own devices you'll usually figure stuff out08:51
babbageclunkmorning thumper08:51
voidspacebabbageclunk: so I never worry about replying to you08:51
voidspacebabbageclunk: you're probably better off if I don't...08:51
babbageclunkvoidspace: generally with a bit more swearing08:51
voidspacebabbageclunk: :-)08:51
mupBug #1568079 changed: github.com/juju/juju/apiserver/client unit tests fail if xenial is the LTS <xenial> <juju-core:Fix Released by reedobrien> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released by reedobrien> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1568079>13:11
mupBug #1568079 opened: github.com/juju/juju/apiserver/client unit tests fail if xenial is the LTS <xenial> <juju-core:Fix Released by reedobrien> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released by reedobrien> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1568079>13:20
mupBug #1568079 changed: github.com/juju/juju/apiserver/client unit tests fail if xenial is the LTS <xenial> <juju-core:Fix Released by reedobrien> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released by reedobrien> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1568079>13:23
frobwarealexisb: ping - audio/HO trouble... brt14:33
alexisbfrobware, np14:34
alexisbfrobware, I am going to take the opportunity to get coffee, brb14:35
alexisbfrobware, heh14:37
alexisbfrobware, did you want to reschedule?14:38
alexisbwhile you work out audio?14:38
frobwarefrobware: one min14:38
natefinchdooferlad: you around?15:12
=== Oer is now known as OerHeks
katcofwereade: ping15:19
fwereadekatco, pong15:19
katcofwereade: hey, re. http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4882/15:19
katcofwereade: eric is trying to mechanically move this code over to state to enable cmr for tim15:20
katcofwereade: can we please land as is and address your comments as bugs. i think eric has opened15:20
fwereadekatco, what are the odds that my concerns will actually be addressed this year?15:21
katcofwereade: lol, i don't know the answer to that. but the priority comes from the top-down15:21
katcofwereade: we don't have resources to address these comments right now15:22
katcofwereade: we're just trying to move the code because tim wants it over in state15:22
fwereadekatco, because it needs to be part of a solid migration process... which, there is every likelihood, will be breakable by components that skip referential integrity, because AIUI the migration actually validates the model it sends over15:25
katcocherylj: alexisb: i need to pull nate off of bug 1537585 so he can ramp up on what ericsnow is working on b/c ericsnow will be out for pycon15:25
mupBug #1537585: machine agent failed to register IP addresses, borks agent <2.0-count> <blocker> <landscape> <network> <juju-core:Triaged by natefinch> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged by natefinch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1537585>15:25
alexisbkatco, ok15:25
fwereadekatco, I very much appreciate the structural work ericsnow has done, but it *actually does* need both referential integrity and detailed race testing15:27
mupBug #1585059 changed: juju status tabular format doesn't show controller member status <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585059>15:27
katcofwereade: i understand, but we need to address those as bugs, separately. eric needs to land this so he can help hand off to nate so he can go to pycon. this is a PM thing, not a code quality thing15:27
katcoericsnow: can you demonstrate to fwereade that you have bugs open for the issues he's bringing up?15:29
fwereadekatco, this is not code quality, this is level 0 "does it actually work"15:29
fwereadekatco, I cannot convince myself that it works correctly on the basis of the code, and AFAICS there is no test that actually exercises the functionality I am worried about15:30
katcofwereade: OK, can we please address those concerns separate from moving the code? it will unblock tim, eric, and nate15:31
fwereadekatco, I have yet to be convinced that they will be addressed15:34
fwereadekatco, IIRC, I expressed these concerns a *very long time ago* when this code was first written, and reminded you on several occasions, and they have remained untouched15:35
fwereadekatco, and if it goes into state like this people will use it as a model and spread the badness15:37
katcofwereade: ok, that is a valid concern. we'll have to drop this patch for the moment then. ericsnow needs to be working with natefinch before he leaves15:38
fwereadekatco, ack, thank you15:38
katcofwereade: i'll send an email to tim and cc you explaining the reasoning15:38
=== redir_afk is now known as redir
mupBug #1585289 opened: Juju2: websockets API should alert, error or warn about ignored parameters <landscape> <usability> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585289>16:54
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mupBug #1585300 opened: environSuite invalid character \"\\\\\" in host name <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585300>17:15
redirfwereade: yst?17:31
perrito666hello, sorry all I got a small relapse last night, I am well and alive now, anyone needs a review?17:33
katcoperrito666: welcome back to the land of the living17:39
katcoperrito666: you're working on acl stuff, correct?17:39
perrito666katco: I am17:40
perrito666I have been in the world of the living for a few hours but was working without looking at the chat17:41
katcoperrito666: cool.17:45
natefinchericsnow: do you want to pair?17:54
ericsnownatefinch: sure17:54
ericsnownatefinch: give me a couple minutes17:54
natefinchericsnow: np17:55
jcastrokatco: heya18:34
katcojcastro: o/18:34
jcastroI noticed the last few releases the controller is now much more robust inbetween reboots, etc.18:34
jcastroit hasn't failed on me at all18:34
katcojcastro: i'm sorry, we'll try to introduce more bugs.18:34
jcastroI just wanted to tempt fate18:34
katcojcastro: seriously, that's good to hear :)18:36
* perrito666 ads a call to ohYouHadToSayIt(jcastro)18:52
ericsnownatefinch: sorry about that19:01
ericsnownatefinch: ready?19:01
natefinchericsnow: ye[19:02
rediris the mergebot alive?19:28
rediryes it is19:29
lazyPowero/ thumper20:53
mupBug #1585359 opened: juju debug-log prints some log messages, but quickly stops streaming <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585359>20:54
mupBug #1585361 opened: megawatcher delta is missing data (service & relation) <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585361>20:54
alexisbthumper, hmm... ??21:03
thumperI was 2 minutes late for the standup and no one was there...21:03
thumperthen michael turned up21:03
wallyworldalexisb: sts call? you should attend this one22:01
alexisbwallyworld, be there soon22:01
sinzuithumper: bug 1585388 is the new form of broken ssh to a container. the sxample shows --proxy was used.22:05
mupBug #1585388: Container networking cannot ssh after machine is ready <ci> <lxc> <lxd> <network> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585388>22:05
mupBug #1585388 opened: Container networking cannot ssh after machine is ready <ci> <lxc> <lxd> <network> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585388>22:07
mupBug #1585388 changed: Container networking cannot ssh after machine is ready <ci> <lxc> <lxd> <network> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585388>22:16
perrito666mmm, we error out mentioning a model by its uuid, that is a ux faux pas22:19
mupBug #1585388 opened: Container networking cannot ssh after machine is ready <ci> <lxc> <lxd> <network> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585388>22:28
alexisbug sorry wallyworld, cherylj I missed that call22:39
wallyworldalexisb: am sending an email22:40
wallyworldanastasiamac: perrito666 axw be right there23:16
natefinchdavecheney: online but encumbered by a sleeping toddler, if you want to talk fslock23:56

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