
sergiusenselopio the tests I will work on now, not that the previous test was covering much either :-P00:14
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zygawililupy: catch me tomororw please00:30
zygamhall119: cool!00:30
wililupynp zyga. Thank you.00:32
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ePierreI'm having troubles with a snap I installed and I want to remove.03:31
ePierre(I'm on Xenial)03:31
ePierreSo I installed the Telegram snap by running "sudo snap install telegram-sergiusens"03:32
ePierreAnd then after using it a little I decided I wanted to remove it03:32
ePierreso I ran03:32
ePierresudo snap remove telegram-sergiusens03:32
ePierrebut then it complained about some stuff, and now I'm in limbo: the Telegram app is not available anymore, but I keep receiving notifications, and it still appears when doing `snap list`03:33
ePierreif I try to remove it again it says03:33
ePierreerror: cannot remove "telegram-sergiusens": snap "telegram-sergiusens" has changes in progress03:33
ePierreand in systemctl, I see this error: "Failed unmounting Squashfs mount unit for telegram-sergiusens."03:34
ePierrewhat can I do?03:34
olympionexI'm trying to build a snap for 16.04 desktop that contains a driver library for a 3d camera.  Typically this library installs some udev rules for usb devices connected to the system.  Is there anyway to achieve the equivalent for my snap?05:19
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mvojdstrand, tyhicks if you could do a review of https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snap-run/pull/3/files that would be much appreciated07:11
mvojdstrand, tyhicks and do you happen to have any idea about the apparmor env scrubbing?07:13
pmpysionneau: regarding your ptmx-problem, could it be apparmor-profile-name problem?07:59
pmpysionneau: I found this commit which has been integrated into 3.12: https://goo.gl/xcvOmU08:02
pmpysionneau: in it they are doing profile-name mangling - slashes become dots08:02
pmpysionneau: maybe it is not a mount-problem but a profile-name-problem08:03
pmpogra_`: ayt?08:04
ogra_`pmp, hey08:30
ysionneaupmp: hmmmmm maybe, I'm not sure about this08:32
pmpogra_`: hi, I think you are the one building the kernel snaps for rpi2?08:33
ogra_`yeah, note that i use the debs from the archive though, if you want the contents of the deb changed ppisati is your man08:34
ogra_`(i.e. actual kernel changes)08:34
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ogra_`(deb's i shoudl say, it is more than one :) )08:35
pmpogra_`: so if I need the .config and the snapcraft.yaml/snap.yaml ppisati is my man, as you say ;-) ?08:35
ogra_`http://paste.ubuntu.com/16630580/ funnily i just pasted a snippet from the build script yesterday ...08:36
ogra_`this is how we assemble the snap.yaml08:36
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ogra_`if you grab the xenial-preinstalled-core-armhf.raspi2.kernel.snap from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/xenial/daily-preinstalled/current/ you can use unsquashfs to extract the file to see the result08:37
pmpogra_`: I build my kernel locally, I could just install it so that the snap.yaml will find all the bits and pieces?08:38
ogra_`for building locally i'd rather recommend using snapcraft08:38
ogra_`it has a kernel plugin that should do everything you need08:39
pmpyes, I saw the sergiusens article08:39
pmpthen I only need a .config-file08:39
pmpbcm2709_defconfig does not activate apparmor - it seems08:40
pmpogra_`: is xenial-preinstalled-core-armhf.raspi2.kernel.snap the snap which is downloaded by u-d-f?08:41
ogra_`the config is generated from different snippets at build time08:41
pmpyes, but on a standard kernel build the .config is stored along with the kernel-image - that would be sufficient08:42
ogra_`you can grab  https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-security-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/9738878/+files/linux-image-4.4.0-1010-raspi2_4.4.0-1010.13_armhf.deb (the last kernel in xenial as https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-raspi2 shows)08:42
ogra_`in there you find a /boot/config-$version usually08:43
ogra_`(i had it locally :) )08:43
pmpyes, thanks for all these pointers - quite hard to find my way through this jungle08:44
ogra_`we once had /proc/config.gz enabled in the arm kernels ... but somehow that got dropped08:44
ogra_`and the kernel snap doesnt allow copying the config into /boot08:45
ogra_`so it is kind of hard to get the default config from the official kernels ... we'll fix that while re-working the kernel snap :)08:46
ogra_`i also know that there is some work on a script going on that snapcraft should ship .... to parse the config and require all needed defaults08:47
ogra_`(but i think thats still in its early stages)08:47
pmpogra_`: fyi, I need to update my kernel because of IIO-drivers only present in 4.6.008:49
ogra_`pmp, hmm, you shoudl perhaps ask ppisati, he might be having a 4.6 work-branch somewhere already08:50
pmpogra_`: my goal is to see what's missing in the standard snappy-interface to make it work08:50
pmpogra_`: what timezone is ppisati?08:50
=== ogra_` is now known as ogra_
pmpysionneau: the problem is definitely in the kernel - this is the only difference between raspi2 and your device08:53
pmpysionneau: our device ;-)08:53
pmpysionneau: when you look at the code of apparmor in 3.10 you'll see a function adding slashes to paths-strings - maybe it is that.08:54
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ysionneauok let's try the patch you pasted :)08:54
pmpysionneau: not sure it applies08:55
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pmpysionneau: maybe try updating to 3.18 as a kind of brutal bisect for this issue - if you can08:58
ysionneauoh btw it seems we got an update we now have 3.10.96 kernel09:00
pmpysionneau: That's what I saw yesterday09:01
dholbachsalut didrocks - can you merge https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy-dev-website/pull/3?10:00
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mvojdstrand, tyhicks: nevermind, I found #1584069 so my questions about apparmor and AT_SECURE are answered11:07
didrocksdholbach: I didn't do it right away because of the "Looks good, just have a question11:29
didrocksbut it seems it's fixed now11:29
didrocksmerging :)11:29
dholbachthat was something... yes, it's fixed11:29
=== alex-abreu|off is now known as alex-abreu
jdstrandsergiusens: we have 4 different mksquashfs bugs for resquash test. I've disabled the test until I have time to get back to it12:37
noizerstupid question where can I find the latest image of snappy12:52
noizerI want to try my snap on a clean new image12:53
kyrofanoizer, not a stupid question-- we're in a bit of a weird spot where we don't actually have images for snappy 16 right now (we will soon). You know you can use them on the desktop (or server), right?12:58
noizerkyrofa yes I know that but its for my raspberry pi 212:58
ogra_you can still use ubuntu-device-flash from mvo's all-snaps dir12:58
noizerkyrofa: a bit ago i downloaded a snappy 16 image12:59
ogra_note that you will likley have to re-flash once we switched to new kernel and gadget definitions though12:59
noizerI know but is there a link where I can download the image ogra_13:01
jdstrandmvo: hey, I had a PR against ubuntu-core. do I need to re-request it against snapcore or is some other magic happening?13:01
ogra_didnt change sice i last gave it to you ;)13:01
ogra_but really, better grab ubuntu-device-flash and roll an image yourself ... the ready-made ones are likely outdated13:02
mvojdstrand: yeah @zyga has the details13:02
sergiusensgood morning!13:05
sergiusenskyrofa how did the python3 plugin branch look like? (tests aside13:05
kyrofasergiusens, hey there! I think it looks pretty good-- I need to look it over a little more carefully13:06
sergiusenskyrofa yeah. It is though a lot better than what was there before13:07
noizerogra_:  Ok is that very difficult?13:08
ogra_noizer, sudo ./ubuntu-device-flash core 16 --channel edge --os ubuntu-core --kernel canonical-pi2-linux --gadget canonical-pi2 -o my-shiny-image.img13:12
noizerokay thx xD13:12
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noizerogra_: pfff systemctl not found :s13:18
noizerneed '/bin/systemctl to work13:20
noizerthats the error :s13:20
ogra_not sure what you mean13:21
noizerwhen I'm running you command i got that13:21
noizerthats on my virtual machine ubuntu13:21
ogra_noizer, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16654988/13:24
ogra_well, no idea what that is then13:24
josephtwhat is the proper plug for creating local sockets?  Is running the snap command as root via sudo going to cause a problem?13:24
sergiusensChipaca` mind reviewing https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1579931 ?13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1579931 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "snapcraft builds snaps which fail checksum verification on upload" [Undecided,New]13:25
sergiusensChipaca` https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/510 this13:25
noizerogra_: will try it on other system13:28
ogra_well, worst case just pull a pre-built one ...13:28
kyrofajosepht, no, running snap as sudo should be fine13:28
kyrofajosepht, without testing, you probably need network-bind13:29
jdstrandzyga: hi! mvo said there is some procedure to follow for moving existing PRs against ubuntu-core to snapcore?13:30
noizerogra_: On what system are you trying to make it?13:30
ogra_thats a standard xenial install13:30
noizerbut I try to build it on a ubuntu ( not snappy OS )13:31
Chipaca`sergiusens: hi13:31
=== Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca
noizerogra_: on my snappy of my raspberry pi 2 i got a syntax error :s13:37
ogra_for what ?13:37
noizer./ubuntu-device-flash.1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected ogra_13:40
ogra_dont run it on snappy :)13:40
ogra_you need a 15.10 (or newer) desktop or server install13:40
noizerok but on my ubuntu desktop i got the /bin/systemctl that he doesn't find how can I install it?13:41
noizerowkey now i got 14.04 LTS13:42
ypwongbeuno,  hi, my upload to the store is rejected, I wonder if this is actually a bug in the store? I have the details in https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/158434613:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1584346 in Snappy "Store reports "package contains external symlinks: usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmvec.so lint-snap-v2_external_symlinks"" [Undecided,New]13:48
zygajdstrand: hey13:48
zygajdstrand: well it involves git init13:48
zygajdstrand: bzr fast-export --quiet --plain --git-branch snap-run . | git fast-import --quiet13:48
zygajdstrand: (with some unpackaged code, last time I checked)13:48
jdstrandzyga: I wasn't talking about snap-run (but thanks!), I was talking about my gsettings PR13:49
zygajdstrand: followed by rabase -i origin/master (the origin from github) to remove the patches that are upstream but were converted locally anyway13:49
zygajdstrand: oh13:49
* zyga re-reads13:49
zygajdstrand: hmm, didn't those move automatically?13:49
zygajdstrand: if no then I don't know anything about that13:49
jdstrandzyga: I don't know-- were the supposed to? if so, I'll just poke around13:49
zygajdstrand: did yours move?13:50
zygajdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/116013:50
zygajdstrand: this moved for me13:50
zygajdstrand: just edit your .git/config13:50
zygajdstrand: sed the repo name13:50
zygajdstrand: and you're good13:50
jdstrandit looks like it did13:50
jdstrandok, that's fine. thanks!13:50
jdstrandmvo: can you remind how, when and where to use Closes: LP:NNNNNN. I wrote it down but I think I got it wrong based on PR changes from others13:53
jdstrandI think an SRU comment on one of my bugs might have been because I did it wrong13:53
josephtkyrofa: I've got both 'network' and 'network-bind'.  Specifically I'm referring to the nmap snap in the store13:54
kyrofajdstrand, gbp dch uses `LP: #<bug>` by default13:55
beunojdstrand, hi!  can you queue this up?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/158434613:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1584346 in Snappy "Store reports "package contains external symlinks: usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmvec.so lint-snap-v2_external_symlinks"" [Undecided,New]13:55
kyrofaNot sure what incantation mvo is using though13:56
beunojdstrand, looking at it, that is  :)13:56
jdstrandbeuno: that's a dupe of another bug13:56
jdstrandsergiusens: I'm still not clear on what to do on that ^ (libmvec.so)13:57
sergiusensjdstrand oh, it is a snapcraft bug from what I believe. In any case, I don't think it to be bad to allow those symlinks, they just point to libc versioned libs13:58
sergiusensand libc6 we support13:58
jdstrandsergiusens: you closed the review tools task on the python one, but that one may not be python...13:59
jdstrandsergiusens: ok, that is what I wanted to know. thanks!13:59
jdstrandroadmr (cc beuno): can you sync r666 for bug 1584346?14:09
ubottubug 1584346 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "Store reports "package contains external symlinks: usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmvec.so lint-snap-v2_external_symlinks"" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158434614:09
roadmrjdstrand: sure thing14:09
jdstrandroadmr: thanks. curious, did the previously requested sync make it past staging?14:10
roadmrjdstrand: nope, I was planning on doing a deploy starting this week but I was off yesterday14:10
jdstrandOk, thanks14:10
roadmrjdstrand: wait, r666? are you sure? 😈14:11
jdstrandhehe, I know, right?14:11
roadmrhehe yes :) no prob though14:12
sergiusenskyrofa btw, have you seen my comment here https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/50214:15
sergiusenskyrofa you also have conflicts there ;-)14:16
kyrofasergiusens, yeah I did, and it got me thinking. Since it's just copied through I don't actually care how it's parsed, but I care how it's validated, so now I'm thinking I'll make it a custom type and write a custom validator for it14:17
kyrofaBecause yeah, this whole numeric/string thing is killing me14:17
kyrofasergiusens, how do you feel about that solution?14:17
sergiusenskyrofa custom validator using the format checker? that seems fine14:18
kyrofasergiusens, alright. Then we don't need to care about how yaml wants to parse it14:19
mvojdstrand: the format for the changelog got discussed with niemeyer  a while ago, I wrote a custom snappy-dch to parse this stuff14:25
kyrofamvo, have you guys considered writing a CONTRIBUTING.md covering that stuff?14:25
mvokyrofa: I think we have a file like this, I don't think it has this in it though, the idea is really good14:26
kyrofamvo, yeah you have one, but it doesn't discuss this stuff14:26
jdstrandmvo: yeah, I recall you telling me that and what to do, but I seem to have gotten it wrong. if I want snappy-dch to correctly parse for autoclosing, what do I need to do and where?14:26
jdstrandI'll take better notes this time14:27
mvojdstrand: let me try to find the original conversation14:28
sergiusenszyga in order for you to be a more relaxed person, I will be snatching this from you https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/158116614:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1581166 in Snapcraft "unused and potentially confusing support for plugs/slots at a part level in the snapcraft.yaml schema" [Medium,In progress]14:29
zygasergiusens: thank you :)14:41
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sergiusenskyrofa so is that epoch stuff a future thing or are you going to update the branch?15:29
kyrofasergiusens, just about done15:30
seb128qengho, hey there, you fontconfig issue ... is it https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1576303 ?15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1576303 in snapcraft (Ubuntu) "Needs fontconfig integration" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:46
kyrofaSorry sergiusens, epoch stuff is updated16:15
kyrofasergiusens, jsonschema updates always take me a little while :P16:15
sergiusenskyrofa hope it doesn't conflict with https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/51416:16
jdstrandzyga: hey, so what is the plan for snap-run and series 16? I've got my seccomp arg filtering branch and need to know if I need to do it against both ubuntu-core/snap-run (shouldn't this be snapcore/snap-run?) and something else for xenial or just ubuntu-core/snap-run16:17
kyrofasergiusens, I don't think it will, but it'll be easy to resolve if it does16:17
jdstrandmvo: perhaps you know? ^16:19
sergiusenskyrofa reviewed, looks good, I wonder why the 1.0 thing was tested before though16:20
kyrofasergiusens, it probably shouldn't have. I think I was experimenting with how the multipleOf thing worked and never took it out16:23
josephtkyrofa: it looks like I needed 'network-control' as well16:24
kyrofajosepht, that's odd... you must be doing something other than just sockets16:24
sergiusenskyrofa btw, mind taking a look at 514?16:25
kyrofasergiusens, but anyway, do you like that better than the previous validations?16:25
kyrofasergiusens, yeah I'm actually looking at it now16:25
sergiusenskyrofa yes, this is much better16:25
kyrofasergiusens, I finally feel like I've figured jsonschema out a little more16:26
kyrofaMy previous attempts were working against it a bit16:26
sergiusenskyrofa yeah, this schema thing is kind of strange16:53
sergiusenskyrofa it would be nicer to get better raw data to construct nicer error messages16:53
sergiusenskyrofa btw, does this look weird to you https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/505 ?16:53
kyrofasergiusens, we can do that with more formats over time if you like that approach16:54
kyrofaOh right, I never actually commented on that one huh16:54
kyrofasergiusens, wait... yeah16:54
kyrofasergiusens, what happened here?16:54
kyrofasergiusens, oh, old diff?16:55
kyrofasergiusens, it just needs to be merged with master I think16:55
sergiusenskyrofa it looks like not only an old diff, but the only diff is about strict16:55
sergiusensgoing to try and ping elopio and see if he can click on "update branch"16:56
kyrofaYeah it's due to my changing that commit16:56
sergiusenskyrofa darn, it has only been 1 hour since he said 2 hours :-)16:57
sergiusenskyrofa you should re create the PR ;-)16:57
kyrofasergiusens, sure thing ;)16:58
kyrofasergiusens, https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/51517:07
zygajdstrand: I'm not sure, I think we want to use it as soon as it is viable17:50
zygajdstrand: we need the migration command on snapd17:51
zygajdstrand: though we can actually land the package as-is as it has backwards compatible wrapper (ubuntu-core-launcher) that calls snap-run17:51
zygajdstrand: (though it may not be possible to do that soon if we remove the binary command as an argument)17:51
zygajdstrand: I would rather transition everything ASAP17:55
jdstrandthat's fine17:56
jdstrandthat makes it easier on me17:56
jdstrandI just have to do the one PR then17:56
jdstrandnote, tyhicks said he'd do the arg filtering review this week17:56
jdstrandah geez17:57
jdstrandit is now s/snapcore/CanonicalLtd/ ?17:57
jdstrandzyga: ^ ?17:57
jdstrandok, apparently not yet17:59
* jdstrand continues with ubuntu-core/snap-run18:00
zygajdstrand: it will be soon18:03
zygajdstrand: I cannot change htat18:03
sergiusensjdstrand is the fix for chromium content provider in -proposed already? or can you ping me when it is? Out of curiousity was it solved with a mount dance or with interface changes?18:11
sergiusensSaviq btw, did you snap refresh telegram-sergiusens already?18:15
jdstrandsergiusens: I mentioned the other day there are 4 things to address it. none have landed. one depends on zyga (shm preload), the seccomp arg filtering branch to land (in progress, hopefully will land this week), then seccomp arg filtering profile updates (dependent on other landing) and then another denial18:16
Saviqsergiusens, did not18:16
jdstrandI think that last one is non-fatal, but I'll be looking at that today18:16
Saviqsergiusens, thanks :)18:17
sergiusensjdstrand so 4 things for this and 4 for squashfs :-P18:22
jdstrandsergiusens: there is no shortage of things to do18:24
jdstrandI suspect one of those 4 things for squashfs is a dupe, but I need the snap to be sure18:24
jdstrandbut as mentioned, the squashfs issue will not be painful for people-- the test is being disabled18:25
sergiusensjdstrand I can get you the yaml used to generate it18:26
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
sergiusensjdstrand use this branch of snapcraft https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/510 with http://paste.ubuntu.com/16644344/18:28
sergiusensor grab my deb from people.canonical.com:/home/sergiusens/snapcraft_2.8.8_all.deb18:28
netphreakHi, guys ;)18:31
sergiusensjdstrand and here it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/click-reviewers-tools/+bug/1579931/comments/218:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1579931 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "snapcraft builds snaps which fail checksum verification on upload" [Undecided,New]18:32
sergiusensnetphreak hey18:32
netphreakhas classic shell returned to snappy?18:42
kyrofanetphreak, not yet, but we're working on it18:48
netphreakAny indication on, when?18:49
kyrofanetphreak, I'm not sure, maybe ogra_ knows18:50
ogra_i want to have the build side ready by end of this week18:51
ogra_then there are some bits on the snappy side needed i think18:51
netphreakok cool.18:52
netphreakAre there any release dates for snappy?18:52
sergiusenshe left, but the answer was, it is already released ;-)19:16
jdstrandsergiusens: thanks19:20
jdstrandsergiusens: I also added you to the card tracking the electron stuff19:20
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