
=== JanC is now known as Guest21659
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sethjis there anyone I could ask about how indicator-datetime was implimented?03:46
sethjI'm looking through the source, but reading C is not my forté.03:48
seb128good morning desktopers06:05
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happyaronmorning EU guys, :)06:43
seb128hey happyaron06:45
seb128how are you?06:45
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seb128how was your morning?06:48
seb128got the nm-applet update done? ;-)06:49
happyaronwaiting latest package to build now06:49
happyaronseb128: https://launchpad.net/~happyaron/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/6453316/+listing-archive-extra07:38
happyaronseb128: changelog needs some update to close the bug07:38
seb128happyaron, why do you change old changelog entries?07:39
happyaronseb128: the diff was to the one in my ppa07:40
happyaronno change from the archive version07:40
seb128oh, ok07:42
seb128happyaron, diff looks good, but yeah please update the changelog to list07:46
seb128* debian/patches/name07:46
seb128- description (lp: bug)07:46
seb128for each change07:46
seb128also the bugs should be SRU friendly with impact/testcase/regression potential07:46
seb128hey Laney!08:08
seb128how are you?08:08
didrockshey Laney!08:11
Laneyhey seb128 and didrocks08:13
LaneyI am good!08:13
Laneyit is sunny despite what the weather said08:13
Laneyin your FACE BBC08:13
Laneyand yesterday someone gave me a lift in a kids bike trailer08:13
Laneyhow about you?08:15
seb128how did that happen? ;-)08:15
Laneya friend was dropping off some foraged wild garlic that i requested08:16
Laney(/me just planted some of it in the garden)08:16
Laneyand then was heading towards the bus stop that i would use to go climbing08:16
willcookehappyaron, hey - still OK for that meeting later on?  Like 9pm your time or something08:16
Laneyso i got a lift08:16
davmor2Laney: man that is impressive did they take photos they should of :D08:25
LaneyI took a video but you can't see me in it thankfully /o\08:26
seb128hey willcooke08:26
willcookehi seb12808:26
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willcookeLaney, pretty please could you review this?  https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubuntu-themes/terminal-tabs/+merge/29205508:50
* willcooke makes Laney a cake 08:50
=== ogra_` is now known as ogra_
seb128good morning hikiko & Sweet5hark1!08:57
hikikolol in windows 8 you need to exit the desktop to open a program08:59
seb128win8 was a mistake09:00
seb128you should try win10 :-)09:00
hikikocan you update somehow?09:00
seb128I'm pretty sure you can09:03
seb128they proposed win10 as a free recommended upgrades until july09:03
seb128weird that you didn't see it09:03
seb128on a win7 install they try to shuffle it in as part of normal updates every time the update things prompt you09:04
Laneywillcooke: In Radiance, is the background behind the tab bar supposed to be light?09:06
willcookeLaney, checking...09:08
davmor2seb128: I'm sorry you think windows 8 is a mistake but it is the awesomerest operating system out there......Who am i trying to kid any OS that makes you wish you had vista or millenium edition needs to be burnt at the stake right :D09:12
willcookeLaney, yes, supposed to be same as the title bar.  In Amb. it's dark and Rad. is light09:13
Laneysil2100: how do I make a silo which does an upload to Y and a SRU to X?09:15
sil2100Laney: hey! uuuu, currently that's sadly not directly possible, you'd have to do 2 separate silos09:15
Laneyok, thanks09:15
sil2100Not too much fine-grind control sadly...09:15
seb128or to dput the SRU09:15
sil2100...ooor that09:16
seb128which I opted for with the ones I did09:16
Laneythanks seb12809:16
seb128Laney, yw :-)09:16
davmor2hikiko: also if you use windows 10 you can get ubuntu on there so just work from the terminal and done ;)09:16
Laneyno silos available09:17
hikikogood to know davmor2 :)09:18
sil2100Yeah, 80 silos and all used up :|09:21
seb128Trevinho, land your silo 28 :-)09:22
Laneyin your FACE TRAIN09:22
seb128it's not red anymore since i deleted the unity s390x binaries09:22
* Laney is shooting from the hip09:22
willcookethanks for the review Laney09:45
willcookecake for everyone09:45
Laneysil2100: is there a standard branch naming scheme for SRUs that will make train happy?09:46
LaneyIOW: where should I push to?09:46
Laneyso that someone can do a train sru next time without pain09:46
Laneyor just fix Vcs-Bzr?09:47
sil2100Laney: it really depends on the project, we don't have any specific naming policies anymore09:52
sil2100In the past those SRU trunks were named with series numbers09:52
Laneyhow does train know?09:52
Laneyis it just configured somewhere?09:52
sil2100Laney: it looks at the target branch you want to merge the MP into09:53
Laneyok, so for the first one you just create it09:53
ricotzit seems to the final, there is no gtk+ 3.20.x support for Firefox 47 :-(10:32
happyaronwillcooke: okay today10:35
* happyaron was at dinner10:35
* Sweet5hark1 took out the papers and the trash and now has a yakkety pbuilder online. yakkety yay.10:35
willcookehappyaron, thx10:35
pittiSweet5hark1: scrubbed the kitchen floor too?10:36
Sweet5hark1pitti: yes, and finished cleaning my room10:36
* pitti applauds10:37
* ogra_ tried the same but only ended up with a full trash can ... no pbuilder to be seen10:37
ogra_i must be doing something wrong10:37
Sweet5hark1ogra_: you get no spending cash then.10:37
ogra_damn !10:37
flexiondotorgLaney, seb128 Is there an aspiration to switch to GTK 3.20 in the Yakkety dev cycle?10:41
Laneyif possible10:41
Laneythe theme is one prerequisite for that, that's why I've been working on it10:42
flexiondotorgLaney, so we've just about dragged the Ubuntu MATE themes to 3.18. Some stuff is not syled in 3.18 because is has changed significantly in GTK 3.2010:44
flexiondotorgWe don't want to do the same work twice.10:44
flexiondotorgStarting at the end of this week I'm going to be away for a week and a half.10:46
flexiondotorgWe are going to start the GTK 3.20 theme migration after that.10:47
LaneyHopefully my stuff will be "good" by then10:47
flexiondotorgIf you have any source for what you've started, that would be helpful.10:47
LaneyI seem to recall that you're not that different from Ambiance10:47
flexiondotorgAlmost identical.10:47
flexiondotorgWe've fixed some issue you might be interested in SRU'ing for Xenial.10:48
LaneySo we'll see how that goes10:48
LaneyIt's quite annoying work10:48
Laneybecause I don't even know what all of the rules were there for10:48
Laneyso it's like "hmm, should I port this? and how?"10:48
* Laney is going for visually similar enough10:48
flexiondotorgThose three are good for Xenial in Ubuntu.10:49
flexiondotorgI'll be releasing a new ubuntu-mate-artwork for Yakkety later and SRUing some fixes to Ubuntu MATE.10:50
Laneywillcooke was looking at that last one10:50
Laneyfor us10:51
flexiondotorgwillcooke, There you go then :-)10:51
* willcooke reads10:52
willcookethat chestnut10:53
willcookeflexiondotorg, I got as far as working out if you removed the .views (or .view) class it fixed it10:53
Laneythat issue has a fix on it10:54
* willcooke reads some more10:54
willcookedoesnt work for us10:56
willcookeso there will need to be more fettling10:56
willcookesetting the progress bars to not use images everywhere I expect10:56
willcookewhich can't really be a bad thing IMO10:56
Laneyyou tried https://github.com/flexiondotorg/ubuntu-mate-themes/commit/24eb9083f6ba42c4f8fe6545dac2f7656b29bf29 ?10:57
Laneybut yeah, that's the idea10:57
flexiondotorgLaney, willcooke You might want this too - https://github.com/flexiondotorg/ubuntu-mate-themes/issues/511:02
flexiondotorgThe MATE team have decided to suck it up and just go with linked buttons. Fighting it is too hard.11:02
willcookeflexiondotorg, thanks!  We've got a bit of a fix for it11:03
willcookethe linked buttons that is11:03
willcookemrm, cant find a link11:06
flexiondotorgwillcooke, I previously based of your fix, but we've given up the fight. GTK 3.20 is coming, or here ;-)11:06
willcookeI think that's wise11:06
willcookewe should do the same11:07
willcookeLaney did want me to make linked buttons look better, rather than make them look unlinked11:07
willcookeLaney, ah, that fix looks good.  I will try and sort it tomorrow11:08
willcookethanks flexiondotorg ^11:08
LaneyI'll try and linkify them for 3.2011:08
Laneythe css there gets a bit hairy11:09
flexiondotorgMost welcome :-) I've been freeloading off the Ambiance theme for a couple of years.11:09
Laneyfirst-child last-child only-child11:09
happyaronseb128: sent the package by email, ppa can't upload the same version...11:29
happyaronand updated the bug11:29
seb128happyaron, thanks11:33
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Trevinhoseb128: I can't publish it, there are packaging changes... Laney can you (silo 28)?11:53
LaneyTrevinho: it is done11:57
Laneyor doing11:57
TrevinhoLaney: yeah, sorry not approved11:57
TrevinhoLaney: in a sec11:57
TrevinhoLaney: here it is11:57
TrevinhoEh, I checked all the reviews, but since I wanted to test that one better I left it in that state... And once I did the test, I forgot :)11:58
Trevinhoso, retry :)11:58
seb128happyaron, your changelog modifies old entries in the SRU as well, removing trailing spaces11:58
Laneytrailing spaces :@11:58
* Laney pats happyaron 11:58
happyaronic. blame my vimrc..11:59
seb128I guess it's a non issue11:59
seb128though it's pointless change for a SRU11:59
seb128but I doubt the SRU team is going to  frown much over it11:59
seb128let's see11:59
* Laney eyes the train12:01
Laneyis it working?12:02
Laney4 minutes?12:02
Laneyah it woke up12:05
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desrtgood morning !12:38
seb128hey desrt, how are you?12:40
desrthad a fun esperanto long weekend in quebec12:40
seb128ah, nice12:40
seb128nobody told others off for speaking french there? ;-)12:41
desrtwasn't quite as large as last year's event (i mean, really, who can compete with toronto?) but it was the 2nd largest one we've had..... definitely trending up12:41
desrtonly in the usual "ne krokodilu!" sense12:41
desrtthere were a fair number of newbies, though, so ... well, sometimes it's gonna happen :p12:42
desrtbut uh... nothing like the other 'issue'... although those two people spent the weekend not speaking to each other12:42
desrtso what did i miss? :)12:44
seb128not a lot I think, was a quiet monday12:44
TrevinhoLaney (seb128 too), the upower fix for kbd backlight landed upstream so the upower debdiff is at bug 1583861. Can you test it with your nice dell laptop? (and eventually sponsor me)?12:44
ubot5bug 1583861 in upower (Ubuntu) "Keyboard backlight isn't properly restored after idle on systems with hardwired configuration" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158386112:44
Trevinhothat needs also the usd changes linked there, in order to get the full fix12:45
seb128Trevinho, good job, I guess pitti can backport that/include it with his next upload12:45
seb128we want to SRU as well?12:45
Trevinhoseb128: yeah12:45
seb128pitti, ^ can you handle that or would you prefer somebody from desktop to do it?12:45
Trevinhoit's really annoying if you've your kbd turned on/off when you go back to the laptop.12:45
Trevinhoand dell people wanted it too12:46
desrtsomething just went horribly horribly wrong with my computer....12:46
* desrt looks with a sense of dread12:46
desrtdpkg segfaulted in the middle of an upgrade and now the dynamic linker no longer exists.  cool stuff.12:47
Beretdesrt, welcome to the club12:47
Beretunity won't start on xenial for me12:47
BeretI can't tell if it's lightdm or unity atm12:47
BeretI login and it just hangs there forever12:47
desrti have a feeling that my problems are my own fault though :(12:47
BeretopenConnection: connect: No such file or directory12:47
Beretcannot connect to brltty at :012:47
Beretthat shows in .xsession and that's about it12:47
ogra_just use a static linker ... dynamic linkers are so overrated :)12:48
* desrt wonders where mv.static and ln.static are these days12:48
pittiTrevinho: does that actually need u-s-d/g-s-d changes too?12:48
pittiTrevinho: as the bug has tasks for those12:48
seb128pitti, we can handle the usd side12:50
seb128pitti, they don't need to land together12:50
* desrt decides that sudo is considered harmful12:50
pittiseb128: ok, but there's still fixes to be done there12:50
desrtapt [whatever] fails in a horrible way: you get a nice useful root shell prompt that you can use to fix your system.  'sudo apt [whatever]' and you get a user who can't even use sudo anymore12:51
seb128pitti, Trevinho has u-s-d branches approved which are going to land this week12:51
pittiseb128, Trevinho: I can apply the fix to the Debian packaging git and uplaod to y and x-proposed, but I can't verify it12:52
seb128that's fine12:52
seb128we have people who can12:52
seb128Laney on his xps12:52
Trevinhopitti: awesome, thanks.12:52
seb128and there are some Dell people interested subscribed to the bug12:52
* Trevinho on his thinkpad too12:53
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Berethow does one purge a guest account?12:56
seb128Beret, try  #ubuntu for user questions, but if you are talking about lightdm guest there is nothing to purge, the account is not persistant, it's cleaned up when closing the session12:58
pittiTrevinho, seb128: done12:58
seb128pitti, thanks!12:59
Beretseb128, I've tried that, and to no avail12:59
BeretI can work around the problem, but I'd prefer to figure out what happened13:00
Trevinhopitti: nice, thanks a lot for both upstream and downstream work :)13:07
pittiTrevinho: thanks to you too, nice fix13:07
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seb128happyaron, can you make the nm-applet SRU bugs compliant with the process? impact/testcase/regression potential, I've sponsored it but we need that before geting the SRU in now13:37
happyaronseb128: already updated when giving you the package13:38
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willcookeLaney, seb128 - Taleo account is sorted, I can see candidates now13:51
Laneytally hooooooooooooo13:51
seb128happyaron, you had a bug reference wrong in the changelog of the SRU, fixed that and reupload, you are going to get a rejected email about the wrong one13:52
seb128happyaron, also what's the status of the openconnect sru? p_itti had review comments about that SRU13:54
happyaronseb128: ok ty13:54
happyaronseb128: haven't looked at that yet, was stuck at nm-a polkit patch merge...13:56
seb128happyaron, updated what?14:04
happyaronseb128: upstream made some changes to their code on VPN handling logic but I'm quite new to polkit things which we maintain delta for that part14:07
seb128desrt, could you review the gnome-menus patch from andyrock on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1506744/comments/42 ? that's the one you discussed in Prague14:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1506744 in libunity (Ubuntu) "Newly installed applications do not show in the dash" [High,In progress]14:14
seb128andyrock, can you upstream ^ btw?14:14
andyrockbut not sure they are going to accept a simple timeout fix14:14
seb128happyaron, hello?14:14
desrtthis patch...14:47
desrtno.  not cool.14:49
desrthow can i review a patch that's attached inline like that?14:50
Laneycopy and paste :(14:50
Laneyhi desrt!14:50
desrthey :)14:50
desrtandyrock: review is on the bug.  you've been very very naughty.15:01
andyrocka global timeout can cause starvation15:03
andyrockdesrt: ^^^15:03
desrtyes.  it can.15:03
desrtbut not really15:03
desrti can't imagine a situation in which the system applications directory is constantly churning non-stop15:04
desrtthe upgrade (or whatever) is going to finish at some point15:04
andyrockyeah but it can happen that you see results after 1 minute15:04
seb128yeah again, was on the wrong side of an ircsplit seems15:05
andyrockso multiple timeouts are better imho15:05
desrtthe way apt works with the unpack-and-then-configure approach means that you might want to wait a bit before trying to run that app you just installed, anyway15:05
desrtif you want to stick with the multiple timeout approach, that's cool too.  i have a suggestion in the bug to deal with that approach more elegantly15:05
desrtie: no need to keep the list15:05
seb128oh, seems like I missed some discussions15:06
seb128desrt, thanks for reviewing ;-)15:06
desrtno prob.15:06
seb128happyaron, did you pong while I was on the other server? ;-)15:06
andyrockcool i'll take a look later15:06
happyaronseb128: yep but without mentioning your name15:08
seb128happyaron, sorry there was some irc disconnect ... what did you update? ;-)15:09
happyaronit was ==> upstream made some changes to their code on VPN handling logic but I'm quite new to polkit things which we maintain delta for that part15:10
seb128oh ok, I guess that's for the .2 update15:10
seb128yeah, unsure about those patches to not show some items in the greeter15:10
seb128that probably should be upstreamed15:10
seb128anyway that's less urgent but could you15:11
seb1281- update the 3 nm-applet SRU bugs to have their SRU description?15:11
seb128that should take like 10 minutes15:11
happyaronI've updated one of nm-applet sru bug, shall I update all the three?15:12
seb128they need a impact/testcase/regression potential15:12
seb128Impact: segfault for some users15:12
seb128Test case: the e.u.c report should show no entry for the new version15:12
happyarondoing now15:12
seb128happyaron, 2- we should SRU the openvpn/etc to at least 1.2.0, that's probably trivial and could be done before nm-applet if that one is harder15:13
seb128happyaron, and 3- but that might be 1.5, try to unblock the NM SRU, I think it needs to check that the kubuntu regression is fixed and talk to the SRU team about copying it to updates15:13
seb128then we can look at the 1.2.2 updates15:14
happyaronseb128: we need all the VPN plugins to be >= 1.2.0, I can only get pptp work with the archive version15:14
seb128happyaron, archive is 1.1.93 for pptp, agree with should update to 1.2.0 ;-)15:16
seb128same though that one seems to have no code change to 1.2.015:17
seb128some in 1.2.2 though15:17
happyaronand we are lucky cuz pptp plugin is the only one we ship by default15:18
seb128what's the issue with pptp, I'm unsure I understood15:18
happyaronno issue with pptp, but all other plugins have issues15:19
happyaroncan't see connection options at all after installation & reboot15:20
seb128in the release?15:20
seb128or when we update to 1.2.0?15:20
happyaronin the release15:20
seb128is that fixed upstream?15:20
happyaronhaven't tested, but reading some commits it looks like only a 1.2 version checking problem15:21
seb128k, well those that we have on 1.1.93 should be fine15:21
happyaronthey're on my list this week15:22
seb128but e.g openconnect was not updated before release15:22
seb128I let you work then15:22
seb128let me know if you need any help or sponsoring15:22
willcookeseb128, I'm on a call still, would you mind starting the meeting?15:29
seb128willcooke, I can do, no problem15:29
willcookeseb128, actually just wrapping upo15:29
seb128willcooke, as you want15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-2415:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue May 24 15:30:21 2016 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic:
willcookeHi all, sorry running a few mins late15:30
willcookeRoll call:  andyrock, attente, desrt,  dgadomski, fjkong, happyaron, hikiko (out), laney, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, themuso (hols), tkamppeter, trevinho (out), robert_ancell (out)15:31
desrtgreetings, humans15:31
FJKong--. -.15:32
willcookeoki, me & desrt have to scoot at the top of the hour, so lets do this thing15:33
willcooke#topic andyrock15:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrock# Fixed a problem with applications lens not correctly displaying entries inside directories with - in the name15:33
andyrock# Started to work on fix a little bit the show desktop icon15:34
andyrock# Code reviews15:34
andyrock# eof15:34
willcookethanks andyrock15:34
willcooke#topic attente15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: attente
attenteholiday yesterday15:35
attentespent some time debugging the galculator snapcraft15:35
attentetrying to reduce the delta between ubuntu software and gnome software. some patches merged upstream15:35
willcookethanks attente15:35
willcookegood work on the upstreaming15:35
willcookeis there much more to do>?15:35
willcookeoki, we'll get there.  Let me know if you need anything from me15:36
willcooke#topic desrt15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: desrt
seb128we should maybe consider a bugfix SRU meanwhile...?15:36
desrtalso a short week here (same holiday as attente).  had a really good chat last week with the RH guys that changed the approach to the dconf confinement -- but am now on a much better path.  it seems like i will now confine all of dconf, not just gsettings.15:36
desrtalso did some very initial work on improving debian support in jhbuild.15:36
desrtvarious patch reviewing15:36
willcookethanks desrt15:37
willcookeseb128, attente - let's talk SRU after the meeting?15:37
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomski* spend some time on trying to reproduce bug 1585256 - no luck so far, reported upstream15:38
ubot5bug 1585256 in samba (Ubuntu) "After upgrading to 4.3.9 lost possibility to login to NetApp using Kerberos" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158525615:38
dgadomski* debugging a case where in presence of libmtp proprietary printer drivers break - this probably is not a Ubuntu bug, but need more investigation to be sure15:38
dgadomski* did a fair amount of snappy reading and made first snaps - I would appreciate any desktop-specific info in that area to start with15:38
willcookethanks dgadomski15:38
willcookelet's pick up desktop snaps later this week15:38
willcookemaybe tomorrow?15:38
dgadomskiworks for me, thanks15:39
willcookere: libmtp - tkamppeter might be able to help there as well15:39
willcooke#topic FJKong15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: FJKong
FJKongsogou IM:15:39
FJKongsome error message output from QML, should be diable by default.15:39
FJKongpage up and down not work some time expet for cliking by mouse, hot15:39
FJKongkey binding problem.15:39
FJKongcould not swith out IM in some app.15:39
willcookethanks FJKong15:40
willcooke#topic happyaron15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: happyaron
=== verne.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks
happyaronMostly network-manager related:15:40
happyaron1. rebasing nm/nm-applet to 1.2.2 release15:40
happyaron2. tested archive versions of most nm plugins/components15:40
happyaron3. work with oem guys for their priority bugs15:40
willcookethanks happyaron15:41
willcookelet's speak in our 1:1 re upstreaming the patches etc15:41
willcooke#topic hikiko15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: hikiko
willcooke* ezoom: fixed the multimonitor problem with the panels that exceeded their monitor boundaries, fixed problems with nux not being aware of the monitor it renders to.15:41
willcooke* unity: rendering optimisations15:41
willcooke- panels should be only rendered in the monitor they belong to (clip the panel geometry parts that don't intersect the panel monitor's geometry): https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity/unity.panel-draw-optimisation/+merge/29518715:41
willcooke- paintDisplay is called per output and draws in all outputs => if we have N outputs we draw every component NxN times.. I replaced that with a paintOutput function  that clips the content around the output boundaries => content is rendered once (at the time the output it belongs to is rendered). https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity/unity.optimised-rendering-mmon/revision/4108 (this fix revealed other issues with the blur15:41
willcookeupdate so I don't do an MP before I fix them, I might temporary use the paintOutput in low gfx mode - where there is no blur => no issue)15:41
willcooke*OEM project: begun document, installations, environment setup15:41
willcooke#topic Laney15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: Laney
* desrt waits for her fill of unicode15:42
Laney• Mainly worked on the theme for 3.20. Looks bad but less bad than it did. Slowly getting there.15:42
Laney• Also sponsored a couple of SRUs and updates (appstream, glib-networking15:42
Laney• , theme, some fonts)15:42
Laney• Found a fix for virt-manager screenshot taking, uploaded that15:42
Laney• Reviewed hughsie's gnome-software docs & gave feedback to him15:42
Laney• Got alerted(!) about lack of space on the appstream box, made the volume bigger with a little bit of downtime15:42
Laney• Mitigated an appstream bug where it used a lot of CPU for most xenial users15:42
Laney• Had some discussions and feedback about systemd --user15:42
Laney• Got old (current) dep11 generator running locally on full mirror, will work on this stuff after GTK15:42
LaneyI got a ? :(15:42
* Laney is yet to see a colour font15:43
desrtirccloud lives in the web -- emojis work here15:43
willcookethanks Laney15:43
desrtwe're discussing colour fonts at the gtk hackfest next month15:43
willcooke#topic qengho15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: qengho
qengho- Chromium deb up-to-date.15:43
qengho- Chromium snap INPROGRESS.15:43
qengho-- font-config crasher at startup. Ugh.15:43
qengho-- old-security "unconfined" interface now dead, so recording exceptions for new.15:43
willcookethanks qengho15:43
willcooke#topic seb12815:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: seb128
seb128• theme of the week was SRU, trying to get fixes for the important reports/oem team bugs15:44
seb128∘ fixed u-s-d segfaulting when a touch screen is reconnecting when configured (which some panels seem to do)15:44
seb128∘ hit some other xerror on similar situations with input device while trying to reproduce, looked at them as well15:44
seb128∘ review/sponsored fix for bluetooth keyboard pairing issue15:44
seb128∘ reviewed Trevinho u-s-d proxy and backlight changes15:44
seb128∘ debugged indicator-power icon being buggy when idevice are attached15:44
seb128∘ fixed libopenobex segfault15:44
seb128∘ daily review of incoming launchpad bugs15:44
seb128∘ backported upstream libimobiledevice fix for proxy not working with gnutls, should fix interaction with some iOS 8+ devices15:44
seb128∘ triagged some nm bugs, nagged aron/mathieu with some patches to backports and bugs to look at, tried to help to get SRUs going (sponsoring)15:44
seb128• tested some of the in-proposed SRUs to help moving them to updates15:44
seb128• backport improvements to the gnome-calculator snap based on Trevinho's work on hello-unity (no more static file or arch definition!)15:44
willcookethanks seb12815:44
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark115:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: Sweet5hark1
Sweet5hark1- work on snap stuff15:45
Sweet5hark1- got a libreoffice 5.2 alpha 1 to finish building in snapcraft15:45
Sweet5hark1- can run the binary from the snap from outside (yay?), but not wrapped in ubuntu-core-launcher even with --devmode (nay)15:45
Sweet5hark1-> libreoffice segfaults after a "you run me against libpng16, while I was build against libpng12" which is weird: I dont know where it even finds the libpng16  ...15:45
Sweet5hark1- added gdb and strace again to the snap to be able to do debugging from "inside" the snap to figure out what is going on ...15:45
Sweet5hark1- backups, cleanup15:45
Sweet5hark1- set up my yakkety pbuilder/jenkins foo15:45
Sweet5hark1- usual upstream meetings and politics ...15:45
willcookethanks Sweet5hark115:45
=== verne.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: tkamppeter
tkamppeter- cups-filters: Completed log file facility for cups-browsed.15:46
tkamppeter- cups-filters: Fixes on the documentation.15:46
tkamppeter- Investigations on cups-browsed shutdown hanging (bug 1579905): CUPS goes down before cups-browsed, but must go down after cups-browsed. Investigations how to do this with systemd.15:46
tkamppeter- Google Summer of Code 2016: Guide students to get started with their projects15:46
tkamppeter- Bugs15:46
ubot5bug 1579905 in cups-filters (Ubuntu) "cups-browsed causes shutdown hang/delay in Ubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157990515:46
willcookethanks tkamppeter15:46
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: Trevinho
willcooke· Prepared SRU for BAMF and unity15:46
willcooke· Some progress in getting electron apps snapped in unconfined mode15:46
willcooke· Updated upower patch for getting actual kbd backlight value (SRU in15:46
willcookeprogress too)15:46
willcooke· Backported some commits from gnome-settings-daemon15:46
willcooke· Fixed freedesktop Screensaver implementation in u-s-d to use g-s if possible15:46
willcooke· Reviews15:46
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcooke- LightDM in-session greeter work15:47
willcooke- Yakkety package updates15:47
willcooke#topic AOB15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-24 | Current topic: AOB
willcookePlease think of a desktop snap and add it to that doc I sent round by email15:47
willcookeAs of a few hours ago I have access to Taleo, and we've got 13 applications in there.  I'm doing a first round sift now15:48
willcookehopefully we'll have some interviews lined up soon15:48
seb128what is Taleo?15:48
seb128I guess HR related website15:49
Laneyit's the site that people apply through15:49
willcookeYeah, it's the 3rd party site that hosts all our job applications15:49
Laneythe job advert is under taleo.com15:49
Sweet5hark1good news! new victims on the team!15:49
LaneyI assume it adds a LOT of value to the process15:49
willcookeso people see the job ad, and then can apply through there, attach a CV, etc etc15:49
willcookeand it now sends me an email when that happens15:49
LaneyOn February 9, 2012, Oracle Corporation acquired Taleo Corporation for $1.9 billion.[4]15:50
* Sweet5hark1 hand Laney a cookie to recharge his snark.15:50
* Laney winds his neck in15:50
willcookeblimey.  Thats a lot of money for a pretty straight forward web app15:51
seb128sorry for derailing a bit the topic ;-)15:51
seb128looking forward to see if we have good candidates!15:51
willcookeanyone got anything else before we wrap?15:51
seb128just pointing out https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+junk/gnome-calculator-snap again15:51
seb128which is the gnome-calculator snap we worked together in Prague15:51
willcookedgadomski, ^15:51
seb128I've backported the recent work from Trevinho15:51
seb128I think it has most of the "common snap tricks" needed for desktop15:52
seb128so useful to look there before redoing the same work ;-)15:52
dgadomskithanks, will definitely look into this15:52
willcookejdstrand also has fixed issues in the U7 interface too, so things should be a bit easier15:52
seb128though for new we try to get things working in --devmode15:53
seb128so while having confinement triggering less issues is nice those are not blockers15:53
willcookeyes, worth stressing that, use devmode if you have issues for now15:54
jdstrandbut file bugs!15:55
dgadomskiis there an official snappy desktop image to test the snaps on?15:55
jdstrandit won't ever get fixed if we don't know about them :)15:55
willcookethat ^15:55
willcookedgadomski, 16.04 is the official version15:55
willcookejust use your desktop!  nice and easy15:55
dgadomskiI like that :)15:55
willcookeok, gonna wrap and go to next meeting.15:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue May 24 15:57:07 2016 UTC.15:57
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2016/ubuntu-desktop.2016-05-24-15.30.moin.txt15:57
willcookeseb128, attente - wanna talk SRUs?  I will follow async15:57
attenteyeah, but we have the security meeting right?15:57
Laneyattente: you and robert should parallelise the work if you can15:58
Laneyboth the SRU and the upstreaming are important15:58
Laneybut luckily there are two people!15:58
attenteyeah, i know15:58
attentei have that rebased version 3.20.2 in a ppa, but just by testing it seems worse than what's currently in archive15:59
seb128attente, Laney, willcooke, not a lot to talk about, I still think that if the rebase is difficult/going to take longer we should SRU some easy fixes, especially the ones for launching not working and the notifications being too naggy15:59
attenteseb128: can you try out the ppa and see if it's better/worse for you?16:00
seb128but up to whoever is doing the work16:00
seb128attente, sure, likely tomorrow now though ... is that your ppa?16:00
attenteyeah, https://launchpad.net/~attente/+archive/ubuntu/gnome-software16:00
Laneyjust don't want the upstreaming to be derailed all the time by different issues coming up16:00
willcookeattente, oh, sorry forgot you were in that meeting as well16:00
Laneyplease use both people16:00
Laneythat's my input16:00
willcookeand seb16:00
attentewell maybe if you guys find that ppa to be ok, we can use it16:01
Laneyhave a fun meeting16:01
seb128Laney, thanks, want to join to talk dconf confinement? ;-16:04
Laneynot that relevant to me I don't think16:04
seb128yeah, I was mostly sharing the topic so you don't feel left out ;-)16:05
* Laney is alright with not knowing about meetings :P16:05
seb128pitti, what determines if translations are stripped from debs on the buildds?16:16
seb128pitti, is that "main" or "universe + X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes"?16:17
cyphermoxseb128: is anyone currently looking into packagekit?16:19
seb128cyphermox, what specifically about it?16:19
seb128cyphermox, hey btw, aren't you supposed to be on holidays? ;-)16:19
cyphermoxtransition from proposed16:19
cyphermoxI was on holiday yesterday16:19
seb128doko started the transition16:19
seb128oh ok16:19
seb128I though it was for the week16:19
seb128so I guess doko is handling it16:19
seb128I pinged him about it on devel friday16:19
cyphermoxnope, saving it for my wedding ;)16:20
seb128oh, congrats! :-)16:20
seb128but otherwise nobody from our side afaikl16:20
seb128I think the thing to do is to drop aptdaemon-pkkitcompat16:20
seb128and use packagekit proper16:20
seb128if you want to look at that...16:20
cyphermoxsounds about right16:20
cyphermoxI'll see if I can16:21
Laneyit would be good to drop aptdaemon completely16:21
Laneybut this is an okay thing to do first16:21
seb128dropping aptdaemon is a lot more work16:22
cyphermoxright, but I need to finish up with this secure boot stuff first anyway16:22
seb128the compat thing is probably trivial16:22
ximionLaney: did you read part of what the Scribus maintainer and I wrote about on #debian-devel in your absence yesterday?16:24
ximiontl;dr: can you please reprocess the AppStream metadata for Scribus in Yakkety?16:24
Laneyhello ximion16:25
Laneydidn't you think this was some problem of out of date contents?16:25
LaneyI don't buy that if it went from -2 to -316:25
Laneyunless this added new icons or something16:25
* Laney looks16:25
Laneymmm ok it did16:26
Laneyjeez looking in Contents is the worst16:26
ximionLaney: you are right, I thought it added icons in hicolor, because mapreri added them for scribus-ng...16:27
ximionah, wrong16:27
ximionI looked at xenial16:27
LaneyI need to make it look in usr/share/metainfo too16:27
ximiongrr, why does Konversation want to open all links in Gwenview today?16:27
* Laney melts into a puddle16:28
ximionLaney: https://github.com/ximion/appstream-dep11/commit/4f05cc123672f15e4d94dd36c5b6ffe8f3d574ae16:28
ximionyou really want all the patches up to Git master in the dep11-generator repo16:29
ximionthey either fix bugs or add non-breaking changes to the validator16:29
Laneyi know16:30
LaneyI merged it16:30
ximionLaney: but even if it doesn't find the metainfo file, it should have found the icons and processed just the .desktop file16:30
Laneydoes it look in contents for the current deb too?16:31
* Laney forgot16:31
ximionso this is A) a bug in the generator, or B) an out-of-date Contents file16:31
* ximion votes B16:31
ximionLaney: no, bt it looks in Contents if the current deb file doesn't contain the icons16:32
ximionwhich is the case here16:32
Laneybecause of -data ?16:32
ximionand if it then doesn't find the icons because the Contents file is out of date, we get the error16:33
ximionyes, exactly16:33
LaneyI remember warning about this problem16:33
Laneywhen I wrote a patch to look through dependencies16:33
Laneywhich was rejected16:33
* Laney finds that and merges it too16:33
ximionLaney: the new asgen generator fixes this in a very neat way, which is also quite performant16:33
* ximion puts up asgen ad banners16:35
Laneyget the import and immutable done :)16:35
ximionwhat's import?16:36
ximionimmutable is scheduled for the next release, might even be the next thing I will be working on16:36
ximionI'm afraid you will just need to freeze xenial manually, by making the media/ directory static, and having the new generator use a different directory16:37
ximionthat will also ensure you can't break xenial16:38
ximionimporting the existing xenial data into asgen would be some really serious effort for almost no gain16:39
Laneysharing the media16:39
Laneynot reprocessing the same things16:40
ximion(asgen changes almost all internal data structures, allowing to have other distros use asgen as well and making it faster overall)16:40
ximionmake a media2/media-files/etc. directory for asgen16:40
ximionor, well, actually... maybe that is not necessary, because asgen stores it's data in media/pool now, so the old stuff could stay16:41
Laneywe'll see how it goes16:45
LaneyI'm not working on this in the very near future16:45
ximionLaney: I'll tell you when the immutable stuff is done16:47
ximionI want this for Debian too, later16:47
Laneyokay, thanks16:47
* Laney forgot how to reprocess one version of a package16:48
ximionwhen that is done, you should consider using the new tool though, as all the new development is happening there16:48
Laneyforget takes a pkgid?16:48
Laneyas well as a name16:48
ximionLaney: I think you can pass the generator a partial package-id, something like "foobar/1.0"16:48
ximionbut I haven't looked at the code for a while16:49
ximiongood reminder, I should implement that in asgen too16:49
Laneydon't see any code like that16:50
Laney        if '/' in pkid:16:50
Laney            if not self._cache.package_exists(pkid):16:50
Laney                print("Package with ID '%s' does not exist." % (pkid))16:50
Laney                return16:50
Laney            self._cache.remove_package(pkid)16:50
ximionah, looks like you'll need to give it a full package-id then16:51
ximionso, run that command for all arches, basically16:51
LaneyI'm going to check that scribus actually has gotten into contents first...16:53
ximionbtw, your patch if I remember correctly was to build and internal contents cache... with apt_pkgs slow DebFile, this will slow down the generator a lot16:54
Laneyyou don't remember16:55
Laneyit only did it in the not found case16:55
Laneybut actually that was only for absolute paths so it doesn't help here16:55
ximionright, we would need to know where the icons might be first16:56
Laneyyou could pass the icon finder the packages to look in, in addition to contents16:57
Laneynot going to do that if this is going to be replaced before yakkety though16:58
ximionLaney: the new generator uses the md5sums files of packages and scans them directly16:59
ximionsince all the logic is written in D and C, this is pretty fast16:59
ximionwe also build an internal cache of icon data, which is really fast to query16:59
ximionso, this basically kills all the issues we ever had with outdated caches and missing icons16:59
ximionexcept for one: because we are reading the md5sums file, we don't see symbolic links17:00
ximionso, if someone symlinks a .desktop file or icon, we're out of luckj17:00
ximionso far, only libreoffice does that though ^^17:00
ximion(and a few games)17:00
ximionfixing the packages is way easier here, since reading the whole tarball compared to just the md5sums file is very slow again17:01
Laneyyes I remember17:01
LaneyI proposed this to you a few weeks ago :P17:01
ximion(especially since only a few packages (less than 20, last time I checked) do this, and in case someone symlinks a .desktop file, I would even consider this to be a bug)17:02
* Laney checks scribus gets forgotten17:02
ximionLaney: jup - amd with that, building our own contents cache became feasible in the first place ^^17:02
ximionsome packages don't have md5sums files, but those are usually metapackages or udebs, which we don't care about anyway17:03
Laneythat probably means there's no files17:04
Laneymeh think it was already running17:06
Laneywill have to happen next time17:07
Laneyoh maybe it just didn't say anything for the pkgid case17:10
Laneywe'll see17:10
Laneysee you!17:10
willcookedinner, bbl17:27
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest82313
willcookeman, I'm a culinary genius!  Started making tomorrow nights tomato sauce for meatballs already, and it's very good even if I do say so myself.  Can't really remember how much of what I put in though.  Next time moar science19:10
=== mfisch is now known as Guest92937
=== Guest92937 is now known as mfisch
pittiseb128: you can use NO_PKG_MANGLE=119:25
willcookeqengho, I'd like to leave early tomorrow, could we move our 1:1 a little earlier? In fact, isn't our 1:1 right in the middle of your lunch break - so we could move to up like 2 hours from now on if that helps?19:39
willcookeqengho, lemme know if that will be a problem ^20:05
willcookesigning off.20:05
willcookenight all20:05
pittiTrevinho: the trusty SRU in the queue needs to be rebuilt with correct -V; it spans a gazillion upload records, all of them (and thus the bug #s) need to be included into the source.changes and into Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed:, and they all need SRU information21:12
pittiTrevinho: oh wait, this is just https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-045/+sourcepub/6291052/+listing-archive-extra having a completely bogus/useless diff21:13
pitti*sigh*, SRUs from silos are a pain -- can't we upload them instead of copying from a PPA?21:13
robert_ancellSweet5hark1, libreoffice needs a rebuild against the new poppler - I'll leave that one for you :)21:51
Sweet5hark1robert_ancell: ya21:51
Sweet5hark1robert_ancell: as it happens I was already building LO 1:5.1.3-0ubuntu4 at https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice-staging-proposed because it was broken by the mdds update already.21:53
robert_ancellSweet5hark1, yeah, I figured there'd be an upload anyway21:53
robert_ancellSweet5hark1, when is 5.2 landing?21:53
Sweet5hark1robert_ancell: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan <- still a bit off21:54
Trevinhopitti: do you want me to upload a debdiff of that instead?23:53

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