
=== JanC is now known as Guest21659
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mwhudsondo removals from debian get synced/tracked in ubuntu somehow?00:32
naccmwhudson: do you mean do they get automremoved from ubuntu?00:35
mwhudsonnacc: yeah, or listed on some "packages no longer in debian" page00:35
naccmwhudson: well, i know publishinghistory is aware of when a package gets deleted, but looking at the notes, it's not automatic, it is requested by someone00:37
naccmwhudson: i'm not sure if there an existent source of packages in ubuntu but not in debian ... seems like there would be :)00:38
mwhudsonnacc: ah https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Removals_in_Debian00:39
jbichanacc: see also https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety and click the only in Stretch and only in Yakkety links00:46
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naccjbicha: ah thanks!01:12
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* mwhudson is confused: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-golang shows 1.17ubuntu1 as published in yakkety02:49
mwhudsonbut https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-github-rakyll-statik/0.1.0-2/+build/9641641 uses 1.17 (and failed as a resutl)02:50
Mirvhi! could an autopkgtest magician mass restart at least http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#qtbase-opensource-src now that updated qt4-x11 is also in archives? this is fallout from qtchooser autosyncing from Debian, which moved files from qt4-x11 and qtbase to qtchooser, breaking the world..05:29
Mirvrestart the failed ones, that is05:30
Mirvusually ^ for such I'd ask pitti at this hour, but I gave others a chance :)05:54
MirvI guess I could for the next time start collecting restart urls from the page source and just giving them all to firefox in one go. that'd be poor man's mass restart.05:55
Mirvpitti: it'd need to be maybe --all-proposed too so it would consider both new qt4-x11 and qtbase-opensource-src?05:56
MirvI'm not sure how to interpret all of the errors05:56
Mirvoh and consider the new qtchooser too. not having all three together causes problems.05:57
pittiGood morning06:04
pittiMirv: yep, will do06:04
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Saviqpitti, good morning - unity8 itself is happy now http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#unity8 - there's a bunch of other pkgs waiting on u8, too, so an --all-proposed for unity8 might be in order - the remaining Regressions for unity8 at least are due to what Mirv described above, so if you kick those off we should be in a more-or-less working order06:40
pittiSaviq: I did a mass-retry of related packages 30 mins ago, see backscroll and requests from Mirv06:41
pittihttp://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml is churning :)06:41
Saviqpitti, ack, wasn't sure how broad the mass retry was - thanks!06:41
ginggsLogan: thanks, i have tried again06:45
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pittiSaviq: news on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/ look pleasantly green :)07:09
Mirvgreen is good07:19
* Mirv likes green07:19
* pitti too!07:19
dholbach@pilot in07:23
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach
pittislangasek, xnox: I filed bug 1585087 about it; I can probably do without (we can drop the upstart job from a package once we add a systemd unit), this is mostly just less convenient for experiments07:28
ubottubug 1585087 in upstart (Ubuntu) "*.override files do not work for session jobs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158508707:28
seb128dholbach, hey, didn't you already pilot yesterday? ;-)07:31
dholbachseb128, I started, but then a bunch of other things got in between07:32
* seb128 hugs dholbach07:32
seb128I plan to do a shift as well this week ;-)07:32
dholbachand it looks like it will be similar today :)07:32
dholbachso I guess I'll do my shift piecemeal :)07:32
tsdgeosis it a known bug that grub-mount takes ages on "complicated laptops"?07:43
tsdgeostakes like 15 min to run each time in my netbook with lots of partitions07:43
pittislangasek, xnox: argh, got it; bamfdaemon also has a weird d-bus activation→ upstart redirection thing; bug updated/invalidated, unping, all good07:55
dholbachLocutusOfBorg, looks like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-tornado/4.3.0-1ubuntu1 ftbfs on some archers08:26
LocutusOfBorgdholbach, I already have a patch08:43
LocutusOfBorgI got the email, I'm testing a patch right now08:43
LocutusOfBorglet me see08:44
LocutusOfBorghow do you feel about the new debdiff on the bug?08:48
LocutusOfBorgFWIW it works08:50
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LocutusOfBorgdholbach, hold on09:13
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dholbach@pilot out09:29
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
halvorsHi. May the strongswan package for yakkety please be updated to version 5.4.0 which is now available?09:31
halvorsAnyone knows if 16.10 will default to systemd-networkd instead of ifupdown?09:31
pittihalvors: we plan to do that on servers/cloud images, yes; desktop will continue to use NetworkManager09:39
halvorspitti: Nice :D11:16
halvorspitti: NetworkManager is not ifupdown as far as i know. I just think that systemd-networkd is a much better and more updated candidate than ifupdown.11:17
halvorsMay the strongswan package for yakkety please be updated to version 5.4.0 which is now available?11:17
halvorsMay it be possible to update the strongswan package for Ubuntu 16.04 as well?11:17
pittistgraber, Laney: I adjusted the session dbus.upstart to not scribble over an already existing bus from dbus-user-session: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16653578/11:23
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pittistgraber, Laney: this now works with both current ubuntu (session bus) and user bus; it looks quite complicated, but now that I fought with upstart's handling of the environment I understand why the structure is that way :)11:24
pittistgraber, Laney: does that look resonable to you?11:25
pittimaybe there's a better way than the "sleep infinity" dummy process11:25
Laneyis this for "start on started dbus" things?11:28
pittiLaney: right11:28
pittiif I just exit, there's no more proces and dbus would be stopped11:28
pittiand a "sleep 1" isn't enough due to "stop on stopping dbus"11:29
Laneycan't think of a way around that11:30
pitti"task" would also not work as then starting would block forever11:30
Laneydo you need the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS stuff with user-session?11:30
pittiLaney: we need  to tell the upstart --user instance about this variable11:30
pittiLaney: well, in theory we could drop that, yes, as it shoudl already be in the env anyway, but I'd rather not break that11:30
LaneyI thought it was well known in this case11:30
pittiLaney: yes, libdbus ought to fall back to $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus; I haven't checked if that's the case, hang on11:31
pittiah yes, that actually works with libdbus11:31
pittibut there's other implementations like gdbus or dbus-python, and I don't want to be that they all do this already11:32
pittiLaney: in the end this is only for a transitional time -- we want to drop session upstart after everything got ported :)11:32
Laneygdbus definitely does this11:33
pittiLaney: with that my prototype for launching bamfdaemon and Xeyes works nicely11:33
Laneybut fine11:33
pittiLaney: I'm fine with dropping the parts too, if you prefer that11:34
pittibut I think we do need to keep the initctl notify-dbus-address, for talking to upstart itself11:34
Laneywith systemd we won't be doing this stuff11:34
Laneyso might shake out some things11:34
pittiLaney: we actually do11:35
pitti  dbus-update-activation-environment --verbose --systemd \11:35
Laneythen we should11:35
pittiI don't think this actually needs DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS, but it does need $DISPLAY and $XAUTHORITY11:36
pittinot sure why Simon put it there, but I trust he knows what he's doing11:36
Laneymaybe it's needed for old implementations11:36
Laneylike possibly dbus-glib11:37
pittiLaney: so I now have bamfdaemon started from systemd, everything else from upstart, and stuff talks to each other11:37
pittiand it goes up and down with the session11:37
pittihaving two different dbuses broke pretty well everything before11:38
Laneyso ship it IMHO11:38
pittiLaney: I currently have the bits in a separate systemd-graphical-session.deb (mostly for experimentation)11:39
pittiLaney: can you think of an appropriate existing place to put those?11:39
pittiit's an Xsession.d script, two /usr/lib/systemd/user/* files, an upstart job, and a little shell script which I hope I can eliminate11:40
pittiubuntu-session would not be the worst place, but we want this for other flavors too11:41
pittiso maybe just put it into dbus-user-session?11:41
Laneypitti: Will it be upstream?11:41
pittiLaney: too early to say11:42
pittiLaney: I think I'll actually put the upstart job into the upstart package11:42
pittiwhich then leaves the Xsession.d script and the "umbrella" units11:43
pittiwhich could go into systemd too, but that makes it harder to opt out and uninstall/change while we develop this11:43
LaneyDo something like /etc/upstart-xsessions ?11:43
pittiLaney: I really don't like this file11:44
pittiit makes very little sense11:44
LaneyI mean a file which lets you opt in11:44
pittiI mean in the systemd --user context11:44
Laneycould be ~/give-me-a-systemd-user-session11:45
Laneyseems like it's that or make a separate deb to install11:45
pittiLaney: if we have a flag file, then we can't transition packages one by one11:46
pittiLaney: and it's a lot of runtime effort to dynamically disable/enable upstart jobs on the fly11:46
pittiLaney: my idea was to take a package, add a systemd unit, remove the upstart unit (or ship a "manual" override)11:46
pittiLaney: otherwise the upstart unit would need to check if the corresponding systemd unit is running11:47
pittiwhich is doable, but expensive and requires changing the existing jobs11:47
Laneypitti: Then I'm not sure what you're asking with opt-out, sorry11:48
LaneyI thought you'd add something to XDG_DATA_DIRS that enables these override upstart jobs11:48
pittiLaney: hm, neither am I now, sorry11:48
pittiLaney: ah, that's actually a nice idea11:48
Laneythat's what they do with switching between xdg autostart and upstart jobs atm11:49
pittiLaney: so with that, we'd do one round of porting, and then anohter round of uploading the packages  again to drop the overrides, upstart jobs, etc?11:49
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pittiabout three times the amount of work, but easier to revert11:50
LaneyYou can just make the override unconditional when we want to enable it for everyone11:50
LaneyThen it becomes cruft, but not critical to upload everything11:50
pittiLaney: ok, that sounds good, I'll look into that (XDG_DATA_DIRS)11:51
Laneypitti: Looks like it's actually XDG_CONFIG_DIRS for upstart, looking at init(5)11:52
LocutusOfBorgseb128, mind if I merge hexchat?11:55
seb128LocutusOfBorg, please  do :-)11:56
LocutusOfBorgcan you please comment the two commits? https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/hexchat.git/commit/?id=cd9bd1da61b0248e4a3ec49fe4b987546dac74ec11:56
LocutusOfBorgthey are fine, right?11:56
seb128I've no idea about that11:57
LocutusOfBorg"Ubuntu server must be chat.freenode.net not irc.ubuntu.com because of hostname verification"11:57
seb128dunno about hostname verification11:57
LocutusOfBorgseems good11:57
seb128what's the issue with using the ubuntu alias?11:57
seb128what is verifying what?11:57
LocutusOfBorgnot sure, maybe when people connects to irc using certificates?11:57
LocutusOfBorgBTW debian committing ubuntu-specific stuff11:58
LocutusOfBorgthat patch is not used on Debian11:58
cjwatsonseb128,LocutusOfBorg: "openssl s_client -connect irc.ubuntu.com:7000" shows a certificate for *.freenode.net, so using chat.freenode.net indeed seems more correct if hexchat might be connecting over SSL12:02
LocutusOfBorg<3 cjwatson12:03
seb128cjwatson, thanks12:03
LocutusOfBorgyou rock, as always12:03
Saviqpitti, can you restart http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#unity-scopes-shell with --all-proposed - that would, I believe, unblock unity8 and a lot of things would look better12:14
Saviqpitti, basically, any unity8 test in yakkety that isn't 8.12+16.04.20160518.1-0ubuntu1 could be triggered, would make things look much nicer12:15
LocutusOfBorgseb128, I don't like the merge12:31
LocutusOfBorgthe pkconfig file is now in hexchat-plugins12:31
LocutusOfBorgso, leave it in hexchat-plugins, and add breaks+replaces?12:33
LocutusOfBorgand patch hexchat gnome to depend on it12:33
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seb128LocutusOfBorg, I guess so...12:38
LocutusOfBorgthere is already the breaks+replaces, because the split was done in debian too12:39
LocutusOfBorgthe only remaining change is the service file12:39
LocutusOfBorgin case xchat-gnome breaks, can you please fix? :)12:39
* LocutusOfBorg isn't core-dev12:39
seb128LocutusOfBorg, what needs fixing?12:40
LocutusOfBorg    - install files missing since the split, include pkgconfig needed12:41
LocutusOfBorg      to build xchat-gnome12:41
LocutusOfBorgthis is from you12:41
LocutusOfBorgso I guess something will break now that the files are in another package12:41
seb128ah, right, the indicator needs to build-depends on the right one12:41
LocutusOfBorgthat one yeah12:41
seb128I can fix that yes12:42
LocutusOfBorgI uploaded, can you please point me to that indicator?12:45
LocutusOfBorgI fail to find it12:45
LocutusOfBorgseems empty12:46
seb128LocutusOfBorg, you need to bump the R/B versions12:49
seb128Replaces: hexchat (<< 2.10.2-1)12:49
seb128but xenial has 2.10.2-1ubuntu312:49
seb128which is > to that12:49
seb128so it's not going to work12:49
pittiSaviq: I already restarted them twice with --all-proposed, yesterday afternoon and this morning; has anything changed again?12:49
seb128LocutusOfBorg, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xchat-indicator12:49
Saviqpitti, oh hmm, /me looking into it12:51
LocutusOfBorgseb128, xchat-indicator is universe12:51
Saviqpitti, ah, flaky test on amd64, dammit (got a fix upcoming in a silo)12:51
LocutusOfBorgI can do it12:51
seb128LocutusOfBorg, thanks12:51
seb128LocutusOfBorg, saw the comment about the version?12:51
LocutusOfBorgyes, but I dont get it completely12:52
LocutusOfBorgwe need to break a version "before" the split12:52
LocutusOfBorgisn't it fine?12:52
Saviqpitti, so if you could run again for amd64, sorry about that :/12:52
seb128LocutusOfBorg, no, we need the first version after the split12:53
seb128LocutusOfBorg, because Replaces: hexchat (<< 2.10.2-1)12:53
seb128but you are on xenial and have 2.10.2-1ubuntu312:53
seb128and install hexchat-plugins from y12:53
seb128the Replaces is not going to work12:53
seb128because it replaces only versions older than -112:53
seb128and ours is newer than that12:54
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pittiSaviq: it failed on qtdeclarative-opensource-src, qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, qtmir, systemd, and ubuntu-system-settings as well, though, always on amd6412:55
pittiSaviq: so if that's so hard to hit and takes ten retries or so, maybe it's easier to force-badtest this version on amd6412:56
pittithen the next unity8 upload still has to succeed12:56
LocutusOfBorgI'm uploading12:58
pittiSaviq: hinted now13:00
Saviqpitti, works for me, I suppose it failed on all others because it was actually the same test run?13:10
pittiSaviq: ah right, good point13:11
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tedgSeems like the Upstart build on s390x in the Y archive is hung: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/1.13.2-0ubuntu23/+build/966858113:19
pittitedg: yes, known-broken; we removed the binaries on y-release so that the s390x FTBFS doesn't block13:27
tedgpitti: Did you remove things like UAL binaries as well? The silo is giving me a dep wait.13:29
pittitedg: I think seb128 removed upstart from s390x, but presumably not the rdepends yet13:30
pittitedg: yeah, depwait/ftbfs is the expected result now on anything upstart-ish on s390x13:30
tedgOkay, cool. /me slashes his dreams of an s390x based phone13:31
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seb128no, I just removed the unity ones13:54
kenvandine@pilot in14:00
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: kenvandine
rbasakslangasek: any news on reviewing https://github.com/ltangvald/mysql-5.7/commit/fa6ea0346929584373aee3b373cba0751fb81830 for me please?14:09
caribouwhat is the cleanest way to remove a (non-conffile) file that has moved to another package ?14:14
caribouI'm removing /etc/default/grub.d/kexec-tools.cfg and moving it to kdump-tools as /etc/default/grub.d/kdump-tools.cfg14:14
caribouso I want the former to be removed when the new kexec-tools package will install14:14
GunnarHjdholbach: Thanks for helping with bug #1584314! Actually there is a libx11 task too, but for now I'd ask you to unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors, because we aren't sure yet if that fix is sufficient.14:15
ubottubug 1584314 in libx11 (Ubuntu) "Please merge xkeyboard-config 2.17-1 (main) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158431414:15
cariboucontrol file has the needed Depends/Conflicts so the new kexec-tools is installed upon install of kdump-tools but that file is left behind14:15
rbasakcaribou: given that it's not a conffile, could the new kdump-tools Break on older kexec-tools (any version that expects to own the file) and in postinst, if kexec-tools.cfg exists, then rename it?14:18
rbasakI'm not sure if that's clean in every way though. I think it covers the "must not mess with users' local modifications" rule.14:19
rbasakIt might break on purge edge cases.14:20
dholbachGunnarHj, oh... I'm afraid I uploaded it already14:20
GunnarHjdholbach: Ok, thanks, it won't hurt... Then I know.14:21
Bluefoxicyctrl-alt-delete logs out in gnome wtf???????14:35
Bluefoxicyinstead of locking the screen lol14:35
rbasakBluefoxicy: try #ubuntu-gnome or #ubuntu-desktop.14:41
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pittiLaney: that works rather well indeed14:46
Laneypitti: great14:49
pittihttps://git.launchpad.net/~pitti/+git/systemd-graphical-session FYI14:51
=== verne.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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mdeslaurinfinity, kees, slangasek, stgraber: tech board meeting in...7 minutes?15:53
kenvandine@pilot out16:51
seb128wooot, kenvandine piloting :-)16:54
kenvandinea bit :)16:54
seb128every bit counts ;-)16:56
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tianonmwhudson: beyond the email Jon sent that I believe you were on CC for, nope19:20
jgrimminfinity, slangasek: did you have any opinions on email I sent (on behalf of tianon) about runc/containerd packaging & go dependencies?19:54
jgrimmhey there tianon19:54
slangasekjgrimm: I haven't formed an opinion yet; infinity is off sick19:55
jgrimmslangasek, gotcha.  ok, sort of in holding pattern on direction to get docker updated to 1.1119:55
elbruspitti: thanks for processing cacti-spine, but interestingly, one can only use it on a fresh install when also cacti is accepted20:24
pittielbrus: will get to that too20:25
pittielbrus: thanks for the poke,  it was in a batch of similar SRUs wich can't be accepted yet20:25
* elbrus expected that (but it looks slightly weird in the bug)20:25
pittiThere are no Launchpad bugs in the changelog!20:27
pittielbrus: ^ hmm20:27
pittielbrus: seems you built that http://launchpadlibrarian.net/260694162/cacti_0.8.8f+ds1-4ubuntu4.16.04_source.changes with a very old (or Debian) dpkg-source :)20:27
elbruspitti: indeed, I run Debian20:28
* elbrus is DD20:28
pittielbrus: right, I know, but I forgot that the Lauchpad-Bugs-Fixed: header was still only in ubuntu20:28
elbrusthat's why; eat your own dogfood20:28
elbrusto make it worse still on Jessie...20:29
pittielbrus: I'll reject that, rebuild the source, and reupload, so don't get scared of the REJECTED/ACCEPTED pair20:29
elbruspitti: ack20:29
rbasakelbrus: should the cacti-spine SRU have a Breaks on older cacti if it needs a newer cacti?20:29
elbrusrbasak: it doesn't break anything20:29
elbrusas cacti can't install, cacti-spine can't install20:30
rbasakAh, OK20:30
elbrusif you installed cacti before, you are fine20:30
elbrusso you just can't install cacti/cacti-spine in xenial right now20:30
elbrusupgrades from before with the fixed cacti-spine would work20:31
rbasakI see, thanks. I haven't really been following the details of the bug. I've been trusting you with that (since you maintain both in Debian) and not really looking at the details, only the Ubuntu process.20:31
elbrusrbasak: and thanks for that... some of those details I wasn't 100% sure of...20:32
elbrusI mean, Ubuntu process details20:32
rbasakelbrus: np. And thank _you_ for looking after Ubuntu!20:33
* elbrus goes to bed now.20:34
rbasakServing on the DMB has given me a new viewpoint. When we grant someone upload access, really it's the applicant doing _us_ a favour by uploading, not the other way round :)20:34
pittirbasak: I echo that from a sponsoring POV :)20:38
naccis it just me, or in a systemd-only world, does memcached's /etc/init.d/memcached not make sense?21:18
naccin particular the example provided in the same file, which doesn't work21:19
naccgiven systemd, would it make sense to either update the comments in that init-script (as part of an SRU?) ... or just not ship it at all? there's a memcached.service file already21:20
pittinacc: didn't look, but the init.d script is irrelevant if the package has an explicit .service21:27
naccpitti: ack, that's what it seems like to me21:27
naccpitti: would we have kept it since users can install upstart-sysv (in 16.04) -- is it relevant to upstart, i guess i mean?21:28
naccpitti: the issue is we had an actual user try to use it as per the init-script (since it's int eh package) and it just doesn't work they way it's describe21:28
pittinacc: possibly, yes21:28
naccpitti: ok, i'll test and play with it, i guess, to see if i can see if it's relevant ata ll21:28
naccit might just need clarity that it only applies to upstart21:28
pittinacc: right, we have some LSB diversions in place to redirect "/etc/init.d/foo op" to "systemctl op foo"21:28
robert_ancellpitti, could you remove boomaga 0.7.1-1ubuntu1 from yakkety-proposed? That should have been a 0.7.1-1build421:29
pittirobert_ancell: I'm not entirely sure whether you can go back with version numbers21:29
naccpitti: ah ok, that would make sense; thanks for the insight!21:29
robert_ancellpitti, damn, I was wondering that too21:29
nacci think once it's in proposed, it has to go up21:30
nacconce "published"21:30
naccbased upon reading lots of publishinghistory lately :)21:30
pittirobert_ancell: well, we can try, but it might confuse things; wgrant, up by any chance?21:30
robert_ancellThey're marked as "Accepted" - does that mean it's published?21:30
pittiuploads get auto-accepted in y; publisher then happens afterwards, i. e. they get published right now21:31
pittibut the publisher shouldn't be a problem even21:31
pittirobert_ancell: TBH, if I were you I'd just reupload an -1+build421:32
robert_ancellpitti, oh, that will work?21:32
pitti$ dpkg --compare-versions 1-1ubuntu1 lt 1-1+build4 && echo yes21:33
pittii. e. + > z21:33
robert_ancellok, I'll do that21:33
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
wgrantpitti: Hi22:21

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