
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
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MooDoomorning all07:32
knightwisehey guys07:36
JeffHHi - looking for a decent ubuntu laptop - any ideas would be great!07:37
JeffHor suggestions...07:37
zmoylan-pido you want it shipped with ubuntu, dell do laptops with ubuntu, don't they?07:39
zmoylan-piremoves a lot of guesswork/research07:39
knightwiseJeffH: i have the dell xps13, Its very decent07:40
JeffHI guess o - have found a company called Entroware which ships lappies with Ubuntu - would be good to hear from someone who has used them07:40
JeffHDell XPS13 - from the Dell site?07:40
knightwiseCorrect but you have to be sure you have the developer edition ,07:41
knightwisecomes with ubuntu07:41
knightwiseor you can go with a thinkpad , they come with windows but ubuntu runs very well on them too07:41
knightwiseJeffH: i did a review on it (podcast) http://knightwise.com/kw1006-reviewing-the-dell-xps-13/07:41
JeffHNice! I'll take a look.. cheers all!07:42
knightwiseno prob :) Good luck07:43
* zmoylan-pi shares cut of dell money with knightwise :-P07:44
knightwisezmoylan-pi: :) hahaha07:54
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy Escargot Day! 😃  🐌08:33
knightwiseWe'll have a a snail of a time!08:34
davmor2JamesTait: it's a reach but in a good cause https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViftZTfRSt808:35
JamesTaitdavmor2, I'll give you that one. 😉08:40
davmor2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDkp7GysvbY this one is better the uploader didn't play with it :)08:40
davmor2JamesTait: I thought it was good one :)08:40
lubotu3`LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04)08:59
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:02
MooDoomorning brobostigon09:06
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:06
=== Dave____ is now known as Dave
knightwisehey brobostigon09:27
knightwisemorning MooDoo09:27
brobostigonhi knightwise09:27
MooDoohowdy knightwise sorry miles away :)09:53
davmor2JamesTait: there is always this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B3TN2rEckQ11:16
diddledanthe tron 2 soundtrack is epic11:56
diddledancould be the best bit of the movie11:57
davmor2diddledan: that's not fair there was that really nice bit at the end.......no no after that.......no no after that........no no you know right at the end where you see the scrolling names it was such a relief to see that :)12:04
* zmoylan-pi has more than 1-2 movies on dvd that i got just for the soundtrack... ::glares at hackers::12:11
knightwiseThe tron soundtrack is amazing12:12
knightwiseHackers .. great soundtrack too12:12
diddledanzmoylan-pi: hackers is so bad that it's awesome12:12
knightwiseListening to the audiobook of hackers at the moment12:12
* zmoylan-pi looks at watch and sees it's almost time to hack the planet \o/12:12
knightwiseLove that movie12:13
knightwisethe guy who plays dade is the same guy who plays sherlock in "elementary"12:13
diddledanplus it's got Angelina's Jolies12:13
zmoylan-piflash gordon for it's superb queen sound track12:13
diddledanzmoylan-pi: heck yeah12:14
knightwiseand 'the adjustment bureau'12:14
diddledanzmoylan-pi: and a cool brian blessed cameoish performance12:14
knightwiseangelina jolie was horrible with that bobcut in hackers12:14
knightwiseshe looked like a homesexual lesbian12:14
diddledanknightwise: can you get heterosexual lesbians? :-p12:15
knightwisegood question12:16
foobarryshe looked like a funny looking teenager in the way that many teenagers do12:17
foobarrythey most spoddy and meh looking girls at school blossomed into beauties in their 20s12:17
knightwisei rest my case12:19
foobarryyou mean http://www.stickyday.com/top-20-celebrities-as-teenagers-can-you-recognize-them/1/12:30
foobarryhmm that jay-z picture looks like north london12:31
foobarryyes its london12:32
foobarrycan an in-law vote by proxy?12:43
foobarryor just blood relation12:43
SuperMattI think anyone can vote bu proxy12:52
SuperMattthere's no stipulation there12:53
foobarryhmmm i usually do postal vote by default but looks like i have to fill in another form on this occasiona12:53
SuperMatt"You cannot be a proxy for more than two people at any one election or referendum, unless they are a close relative."12:53
foobarrynope, i do have a postal vote \o/12:53
SuperMattso anyone can proxy anyone, but you can only be the proxy for more than 2 people if you're close relatives12:53
foobarryre-read that and it makes sense12:53
foobarry:( worst one yet15:19
diploDidn't even know who he was :)15:32
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davmor2diplo: you've never seen the pink panther15:37
diplomaybe a long time ago, not enough to remember him obviously :)15:38
* davmor2 slowly shakes head at diplo 15:40
* Seeker` bans diplo until he has seen the pink panther again15:42
davmor2Seeker`: no need just tut and shake your head slowly he'll get the point ;)15:43
diddledanpoor KATO: http://basementrejects.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/total-recall-1990-kuato.jpg16:13
davmor2sebsebseb: hello16:15
sebsebsebdavmor2: hi16:16
zmoylan-pinot now you fool... :-(17:01
* zmoylan-pi goes to add the pink panther movies to my media player...17:01
sebsebsebpopey: ping17:09
sebsebsebwho's here?17:10
* popey is just popping out17:12
Switchescya popey17:12
sebsebsebpopey: ok17:12
sebsebsebSwitches: nice getting the first part of my Jolla tablet re fund soon it seems17:13
sebsebsebhowever I am wondering how it's best to use that money once got it17:13
sebsebsebSwitches: they will pay me back in dollars on Pay pal17:13
SwitchesShould be converted then?17:13
sebsebsebSwitches: well I got Humble Bundles I want to buy for example17:14
sebsebseband that's in dollars17:14
sebsebsebwith pay pal currency doesn't really matter anyway17:14
sebsebsebSwitches: however I can send the money from Pay pal into my bank account17:14
sebsebsebtried that earlier this month with something else17:15
sebsebsebfirst time17:15
sebsebsebthen I guess it matters, how much the dollar is worth compared to the pound17:15
SwitchesYeah, just takes a while to set up, or atleast used to. I have had my account set up for taking money from and paying to it for years17:15
sebsebsebSwitches: it's just there now, you get credit17:21
sebsebsebSwitches: credit in the sent currency,  or may even be asked if wanting it in pounds17:22
sebsebsebon Pay pal17:22
=== marshmn^ is now known as marshmn
SwitchesOhh cool17:24
davmor2sebsebseb: you gonna treat yourself to an m10 instead?17:45
sebsebsebdavmor2: already got one, but it's the white HD17:46
sebsebsebdavmor2: might get the black FHD at a much later time17:46
diddledanwhich do folk recommend for adblocking: adblock (getadblock.com) or adblock plus (adblockplus.org)?18:16
zmoylan-piublock is what i use18:17
zmoylan-piublock origin as there is a second not so good variant18:17
diddledanyeah, that's what I use in chrome18:18
diddledanthis is for edge18:18
=== marshmn^ is now known as marshmn
davmor2diddledan: just install a decent browser and done ;)18:21
diddledanwell yeah18:21
diddledanthere is that option18:21
diddledanbut I'm somewhat masochistic :-p18:21
davmor2diddledan: oh in that case just use w3m18:22
* zmoylan-pi hands out the sticks...18:22
diddledandear god man! there's masochism and then there's THAT!18:22
davmor2diddledan: yeah but you get no adds :P18:23
davmor2diddledan: use wget and read the html? I mean w3m is a doddle :P18:24
zmoylan-pilynx in green and black for maximum geekiness18:25
foobarryis the "best" adblocker the fastest, most privacy friendly, or more effective at blocking ads?19:03
zmoylan-pii think it's the one that hunts down the company that paid for the ads and hits them with a stick till they stop...19:04
zmoylan-piwe'll have to wait for it till a standard for a keyboard that electrocutes idiots becomes common19:41
penguin42zmoylan-pi: HID-Compliance standard - for making the user comply19:48
zmoylan-pii'd settle for making them suffer...19:48
diddledancrazy max's hairy highway is surprisingly tense20:11
diddledanwhat can I buy with about £9.30 from amazon?20:36
penguin42that's a very specific about20:36
zmoylan-pigummi bears?20:37
diddledanwell I got a 10£ voucher to spend and I was thinking of getting https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000LATMQW/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3PUL0HK47UUUS20:37
diddledanwhich leaves £9.3420:37
Myrttitried a recipe from the new Hairy Dieters book. Szechuan chicken stir fry or something like that, 10/10 would recommend. If you've got a pressure cooker and a slow cooker, it's got recipies for those too.20:40
sebsebsebMyrtti: nope doesn't sound intersting enough to me20:54
Myrttifair enough. We've got all the Hairy Dieters books.20:54
sebsebsebMyrtti: maybe with quorn chicken peices it would a bit, but those aren;t that nice.  yes I went veggie :d20:55
Myrttithis promises to have recipes that take 30 minutes or less active cooking time, so it had immediate appeal20:55
Myrttisebsebseb: they've got quite a few vegetarian recipies in there and replacement suggestions too, noticed one that called for either smoked bacon or smoked firm tofu20:56
sebsebsebMyrtti: yeah there's  alterantives for bacon and things like that20:56
sebsebsebMyrtti: even fish!20:56
sebsebsebMyrtti: I had vegan fish and chips at the weekend,  at a big event for vegans etc. and wow that really did taste like cod from what I remember20:56
daftykinsyawn veggie :P20:57
* sebsebseb thinks going vegan or mostly, would be easier if lived in a place that actsaully sold the kind of products that were there at the weekend, but no that isn't the case. and I put mostly since vegan milk is well a bit uh really, I got a sweet tooth etc, milk shakes yum :)20:58
sebsebsebdaftykins: yes veggie, not vegan though :D20:58
sebsebsebdaftykins: if you ever tried any actsaul proper vegan products, well some taste awful at first, but I guess just need to get used to that more20:58
sebsebsebyawn daftykins :p21:00
* daftykins continues nomming a Lamb curry21:00
daftykinshi Mr.Chatty21:01
sebsebsebMr chatty me ?21:01
penguin42sebsebseb: Well you can have my animal-free chocolate sorbet recipie21:01
sebsebsebpenguin42: yeah I got some like veggie fudges in a packet as well and rassbery something sweets to, not tried any of those yet though21:01
sebsebsebveggie I meant vegan21:01
zmoylan-pii give sherbert fountains to our vegetarian dm as they are animal free21:01
sebsebsebvegan wagon wheel altenratives two of them even, again not tried yet21:01
* sebsebseb would have come back with a load more vegan food I expect, if it hadn't been so pricy compared to well usaul food21:02
zmoylan-piwounded cabbages are hard to capture subdue...21:03
penguin42sebsebseb: http://www.treblig.org/daveG/chocsorbet.html   - the only thing you need to watch out for there is to make sure you get veg glycerin21:03
sebsebsebpenguin42: what's glycerin ?21:04
zmoylan-pimade from dead cows21:04
* sebsebseb might do some baking tommorow actsually, but probably from a vegan cook book that bought at the weekend21:04
penguin42well from any fats actually21:04
sebsebsebyeah it's annoying there are hidden non veggie things to, gelatine etc21:04
sebsebsebrennet etc21:04
penguin42sebsebseb: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol   you find it in a lot of things to keep them moist21:04
penguin42sebsebseb: You could try looking for kosher/halal stuff - they tend to avoid gelatine/renent21:05
sebsebsebpenguin42: kosher is a shop I think?  halal is a term that comes up at times in things21:06
sebsebsebhalala I keep on thinking what's that still, but only really done lilfe style change for about  two years now21:07
penguin42sebsebseb: No, Halal is food under Muslim food requirements, Kosher is the Jewish equivalent21:07
penguin42sebsebseb: But since they both have restrictions on what they can use from animals they tend to avoid gelatine and animal rennet21:07
sebsebseboh ok21:07
sebsebsebMyrtti: events are fun aren't they?  go to geek ones, and yeah geeks all over h eh, ok done some of that,   now been to another type of event from anything I been to before and wow that was something to21:10
sebsebsebit can be lilke you go to anothehr world sort of, for a day or a few hours or so21:11
Myrttisebsebseb: I've been to quite a few geek events, I think I've done my share of them for a while21:12
sebsebsebMyrtti: yeah I know you been to OGG Camp, but what else you been to?21:13
MyrttiUbuntu release parties, conferences here and there21:13
sebsebsebMyrtti: I think a v egan event has certain similarites to a geek event actsually, going by the one I went to at the weekend21:13
sebsebsebMyrtti: even has the really ethical people :d but I didn't see any of the talks,  but signed up to some sort of trail to some sort of magazine that would be more left wing etc21:15
sebsebsebit was maybe a bit to big, I know I didn't get round to it all in the time I had each day, but what i get for getting there lateish on both days I guess21:15
sebsebsebMyrtti: daftykins penguin42 zmoylan-pi  ethics over software yeah? morals?  ok not to the Richard Stallman extreme, but enough yeah,  wanting to use free software usually by default? hence using Linux for years yeah?  answer that and then I'll move on to the second part :d21:19
daftykinsdon't highlight like that.21:19
MyrttiI don't understand the question21:20
sebsebsebMyrtti: why do you use Linux basically, and its done for ehics moral reasons?  or is it?21:20
sebsebsebbut not to the totally extreame end like RIchard Stallman I Guess, won't use any non free software etc etc21:21
MyrttiI know it, I can tweak mine to be what I want it to be easier than I would other OS's, and ethical/philosophical reasons do play on it but it's mostly about practicality21:21
sebsebsebprobably mixed in with a open source  usually just works better21:21
sebsebsebMyrtti: what kind of ethical moral reaons in your case?21:22
daftykinslol, what are you smoking if you think it works better XD21:22
diddledanda weed21:22
sebsebsebexcept for daftykins job maybe :d, he needs Windows!21:22
sebsebsebdiddledan: no I have never actually smoked anything in my life21:23
diddledanI smoked a cigarette once. well a bit of one, anyway.21:23
diddledanam I cool now?21:23
sebsebsebdiddledan:  h eh21:23
sebsebsebyeah I have second hand smoked stuff I guess though,  breahted whatever in uh21:24
daftykinsi support all the things!21:24
diddledandaftykins: ALL the things!21:24
sebsebsebdaftykins: you need to make money from the consumer, so well Windows :D21:24
sebsebsebthe not so technicals21:24
Myrttithe usual tripe about open source and how it makes the world a better place, and evens out some of the injustices of the world. Handwaving, singing kumbaya by the campfire and feeling togetherness etc.21:24
daftykinswhat makes yu think putting in Linux for someone wouldn't make money?21:24
* zmoylan-pi gives daftykins a copy of os/221:24
* diddledan sings kumbya21:25
sebsebsebdaftykins: it would but less since it works better generally :d21:25
daftykinsanyone running 16.04 would make someone a fair few quid right now ;D21:25
daftykinssebsebseb: i don't think that statement is based in any amount of reality21:25
diddledanRedHat seem to be making a small fortune21:26
sebsebsebMyrtti: I did this here a bit the other day I think with someone,  not you though :d.  but if can get ethical over software etc, why not eating animals :D ? or well not eating them I should say.  seems most people don't really care much about that. f or me when thinking stuff through it made more sense,  to care about that as well, more so than software actsaully, it's real, software is cyber21:26
diddledanI fail to see correlation21:27
Myrttisebsebseb: I've got absolutely nothing against vegans and vegetarians. It's just not an option I can personally take right this moment or in the near future for personal reasons.21:27
sebsebsebMyrtti: yep indeed everyone is differnet,  I won't go vegan becasue of certian personal things that I like too much it seems, or been to used to being able to have for years now, uhmm yes milk shakes with real milk for a start, youghurts etc :).  why woudn't you go vegan or veggie ?21:29
Myrttias I said, I've got personal reasons that I won't divulge on a public IRC channel or to people I don't know21:29
sebsebsebMyrtti: hmm ok21:29
sebsebsebbut yeah some people can't eat this and that for example since health reasons21:30
sebsebseb,but can eat  other things meat for example21:30
sebsebsebpenguin42: hmm frozen desert link, just read through porperly, so you either eat it hot, or get it frozen in the freezer?21:48
penguin42sebsebseb: No, always freeze it21:53
sebsebsebpenguin42: ok not making that tommorow :d21:54
penguin42sebsebseb: and I have an ice cream making machine that I do it in and then into the freezer (although I suspect it's not a good machine)21:54
sebsebsebyeah a home made ice creme machine could be fun :d21:55
sebsebseband nice21:55
* penguin42 has considered it, but I'm really not a mech person21:55
sebsebsebpenguin42: a what person?21:57
sebsebsebpenguin42: you said you had one though?21:58
sebsebsebice cream maker21:58
penguin42yes, I bought it21:58
* sebsebseb apparnatly some girls may even like a guy more, I mean a lot, if he gets all nicely into baking and cooking nice things :D21:58
sebsebsebt ech interests gneerally going to be a downpoint for most21:59
sebsebsebbut what I just put could be a pluss he h21:59
daftykinsdefinitely when they buy early tablets21:59
daftykins*whistle* ;)21:59
penguin42well, I can make sorbet and I can make an apple crumble - I'm sorted then?22:00
sebsebsebdaftykins: 1st gen Ubuntu tablets :D ?22:00
sebsebsebdaftykins: well Linux full stop, most just won't understand etc22:00
sebsebsebshame really22:00
sebsebsebpenguin42: I remember having home made ice creame as a kid, at someone we were visitng, she made this lovely strawberry ice creame, tasted awesome22:02
sebsebseboh so long ago now h eh22:02
penguin42so that explains that; my dad planted cat mint; completely spaced out cat on the lawn22:23
penguin42(Not that we have a cat of our own)22:25
daftykinsnext the neighbourhood with be rabbling!22:27
daftykins*will be22:28
daftykinsoy i need my head examined, this is becoming too frequent :P22:28
m0nkey_oh dear. bad practice time. SLOG and L2ARC on the same device :)  (talking ZFS)22:43
SwitchesHmm that was a good Linux Unplugged time for more coffee though22:55
daftykinsyou best plug it back in to charge it whilst you're gone ;D22:56
SwitchesWell I like watching it, although there are a few bits in there I am really getting to dislike lol22:57
penguin42does anyone know of any large power outages today - there's a ~30min dip in the UK power usage of about 10% at about 3:30pm23:00
daftykinsah the exotic pronunciation of open source projects *facepalm*23:00
SwitchesHaven’t noticed anything here (Bristol)23:00
penguin42me neither (Manchester)23:01
SwitchesPlus if we get any surges here it normally trips the whole damn house >.<23:01
penguin42daftykins: Yes, the throat-wabbler-mangrove project?23:01
daftykinsi fired up the latest ep of that Linux Unplugged Switches mentioned and heard MATE get mentioned, i find all those wonky pronunciations pretentious23:02
penguin42oh Mate is odd, as are all it's replacements for gnome projects (they need different names to stop clashes - but they have some very odd ones)23:03
daftykinssomeone with some artistic skill should do a strip about attempting to pronounce a few, just as some FOSS ninjas leap out and very yawningly correct that person23:04
SwitchesTbh the Ubuntu/Canonical bashing gets to me a bit. Everytime I hear that and them saying about NiH it makes me a bit mad, being as imo Redhat has more "NiH Syndrome" than any other Linux distro lol23:04
daftykinsi'm not familiar with NiH?23:05
SwitchesNot Invented Here23:05
SwitchesIt's something that a lot like to blame Canonical with, when all I see is Canonical trying to push barriers and overcome, yeah I don't always agree with them on stuff but at the same time I think Canonical are the only ones that offer users atleast an option.23:07
SwitchesBut enough of my outlook on things :p time for some music lol23:08

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