
cmaloneyIf you can't find something in this episode to like then you're probably incapable of love.03:52
rick_h_someone's chipper13:38
cmaloneySomeone's in AOL mode13:38
cmaloneyMust be the AOL stock is finally turning around on news of Verizon buying them.13:38
jrwrenO_O VZ is buying AOL!?!?   wtfff?!!?13:42
jrwrenfirst bayer monstanto, now this!?!?13:43
* jrwren head exploes13:43
cmaloneyto be fair, Verizon came first.13:43
cmaloneyBut apparetnly Bayer is working to consolidate the evil13:44
jrwreni'm wondering how being DE owned might change MON13:44
cmaloneyIf it makes their hearts grow ten times larger that would be a good thing13:45
cmaloneyassuming their hearts aren't already 0.13:45
rick_h_10*0 = ?13:45
cmaloney10 * 0 = 013:45
cmaloneyDoesn't Bayer do patent shakedowns as well?13:46
cmaloneyit's hard to keep track of the evil in the world13:47
* cmaloney checks to see if there's an asshole watch site out there.13:47
mrgoodcatyea there is: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/us/elections/election-2016.html13:48
cmaloneyApparently someone registered "assholewatch.com" which points to the Apple Watch.13:49
cmaloneyThat is a missed opportunity13:49
Scary_Guywhy, what do you think it should point to?15:03
Scary_Guyapple is pretty evil15:04
Scary_Guythem fighting for encryption is the best thing they've done in a loooong time15:04
jrwrenhow is apple evil?15:06
jrwrenof the big 5 tech companies, apple seems to be the less evil of the 5.15:07
jrwrenleast evil of the 5, i mean.15:07
rick_h_hmm, ratings in terms of number of devil's horns you earn15:09
rick_h_2 evil horns, 4 evil horns...15:09
Scary_Guyjrwren, you sound like a voter "well this candidate isn't as evil as the others"15:11
jrwrenno no.15:11
jrwreni'd just like to learn about specifics.15:11
jrwreni hear people say "apple are evil" all the time, but I rarely hear specifics.15:11
Scary_Guywell, I prefer android since I can take google's bloat off it15:11
jrwren'cept maybe when they were under heat for foxconn workers pressures.15:12
Scary_Guyapple locks you into it and actively tries to disable your attempts to jailbreak it15:12
jrwrenthat is evil?15:12
jrwrenwe apparently have different definitions of evil.15:12
Scary_GuyI buy the device, I should be able to do what I want with the device15:12
jrwrenlock in may not be a feature you want, but I don't consider it evil.15:12
jrwrenits fine if its not the product you want.15:12
Scary_Guyclosed source is evil too, no peer review15:13
jrwrenya know what!  I like your values more than my own.15:13
jrwrenIts been so long since i've heard the "closed source is evil" that i forgot it was a thing.15:14
Scary_Guymaybe it's better now that Tim is running things but when Steve was you were literally trusting a sociopath15:14
jrwrenso.. you run android without google play store?15:15
jrwrenwhat do you use for cloud services? anything? owncloud? other?15:15
Scary_Guyno play anything, no maps, none of it15:15
Scary_Guyall FOSS apps15:16
Scary_Guythe only people who don't want me rooting my phone and throwing custom ROMs on it are the carriers, google's android literally doesn't care and encourages it15:16
Scary_GuyI wish we had more support and activity from things like #replicant though15:17
jrwrenthere are so many old apple devices out there, its a shame there isn't an alt OS to put on an old iphone4 or an old ipad115:18
Scary_Guyhave you heard of pineapple?15:18
Scary_GuyI think that's the name15:19
Scary_GuyI've done that and it ran like dogshit but it ran!15:21
Scary_Guygot super hot too15:21
Scary_Guybut yeah, that's the other thing, if you have a dead phone it's basically only good for a music player15:22
jrwrenits not maintained is it?15:24
jrwrenwhat do you mean dead phone & music player?15:24
Scary_Guynot anymore15:24
jrwrenif it has wifi it can run any app, right?15:24
Scary_GuyI guess, seems kind of restrictive though15:25
Scary_Guyalso that's the other thing, android only restricts what apps you can install until you uncheck a box15:25
jrwrenvery true.15:25
Scary_Guywant to install custom apps in iOS?  you need to jailbreak it15:25
jrwrenoh, that isn't true anymore.15:26
Scary_Guywhich voids the warrenty15:26
jrwrenyou can sideload apps now.15:26
Scary_Guywait they changed it?15:26
Scary_Guyokay that's cool15:26
jrwrenthey added it in ios915:26
cmaloneyjrwren: I was thinking it would be better served as a clearinghouse of information related to bad company behavior15:26
cmaloneyre: Apple being evil: Their stance on suing everyone and everything over patents is kind of terrible15:27
Scary_Guythat too15:27
cmaloneythey're the whole reason for the look-and-feel lawsuit15:27
cmaloneyThey're definite innovators though, so I can understand their position15:27
cmaloneybut I have a hard time with using the courts to set bad precedents15:28
jrwrensure, but not more evil than the other 4 in that regard.15:28
jrwren'cept maybe FB. has FB ever sued over patents?15:28
cmaloneynot sure15:28
Scary_Guygive it time15:28
Scary_Guythey own Oculus15:28
cmaloneyFB is evil for privacy and blatant emotional manipulation15:29
jrwrenpretty much like google... at least on privacy.15:29
cmaloneyjrwren: Not sure if you can speak to this, but I'm wondering how accurate this is:15:31
jrwreni only barely follow .net these days.15:33
cmaloneyThat's what I figured15:34
jrwrenzomg cmaloney YES!15:34
jrwrenthat is exactly why I gave up on .NET and MSFT.15:34
jrwrenbut not for the reasons listed here.15:35
jrwrenalthough these are all great points, and probably better than my reasons.15:35
cmaloneyOK, I wasn't sure. It sseems like the transision to W8 / W10 from a developer perspective is muddy at best15:36
cmaloneyfrom W715:36
jrwrenthe winrt thing was/IS fucking terrible.15:36
jrwrenwhen I saw them abandon the win32 api and say, "use this winrt shit" it made zero sense.15:36
jrwrenit still makes zero sense.15:36
jrwrenits a shit api15:37
jrwrenthe people who approved it should be fired.15:37
Scary_Guyspeaking of evil companies15:37
cmaloneyIt felt like they were trying to make a JVM-ish doo-dad into the main interface15:37
cmaloneywhich sort of made sense15:37
cmaloneyScary_Guy: Sad thing is MSFT is busily neutering themselves15:37
jrwrenyup, speaking of evil companies.15:38
Scary_Guyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_vcy7I0zIM reminds me of this too15:38
jrwrengreat ignite talk!15:42
cmaloneyWoo! New Pebble Kickstarter16:23
jrwreni just had full vi rage.16:26
jrwrenI didn't know how to use vi, because I am accustomed to vim.16:26
rick_h_cmaloney: new toy?16:26
rick_h_jrwren: heh, like getting stuck in bash16:27
rick_h_"wtf!!! this doesn't work right!"16:27
jrwrenthat happened to me last week. my brain couldn't switch to bash mode, i kept typing vim nav commands and it was easier to just set -o vi16:27
cmaloneyrick_h_: Think I'm going to pass on this one16:39
cmaloneyBuilt-in HR is not a feature I need ATM16:39
rick_h_cmaloney: HR?17:01
cmaloneyHert Rate monitor17:14
cmaloneyjrwren: https://twitter.com/MattMEgan5/status/73515334965019033717:16
cmaloney"Breaking: Monsanto rejects Bayer’s $62 billion takeover bid, calling it ‘incomplete & financially inadequate.' But $MON open to deal talks"17:16
cmaloneySomething tells me they're looking for Facebook numbers.17:18
cmaloneyWe're fucked18:39
cmaloneystart from here18:39
cmaloneyApparently the jury for the Google / Oracle trial is trying to look at the source for Java18:43
cmaloneyand having a hell of a time because of the number of folders in there.18:43
_stink_this is awesome18:43
cmaloneyhttps://twitter.com/sarahjeong as well18:44
cmaloneyshe's been awesome live-tweeting this whole trial18:44

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