[05:22] Mornings [05:26] maaz tell Kilos Leaving your Telkom mobile router on does NOT work for using midnight data. Seems you must reset it after midnight like some users suggests. I tested last night with a DL through the night and all my normal data was used and none of my midnight data was used at all. Left router on and didn't reset it after midnight [05:26] mazal: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode [05:30] hi mazal inetpro nlsthzn theblazehen tahaan MaNL and other peeps [05:34] Môre oom [05:34] My boodskap gekry ? [05:34] ja dankie [05:35] my bundle is enige tyd [05:36] Onthou ons het daarvan gepraat net toe ek my mobile gekry het. En meeste mense het gesê jy moet reset en ander het gesê dis nie nodig nie [05:36] Wel ek het nou getoets en mens moet reset na middernag [05:37] Op my account anyway , ek weet nie hoekom dit vir sekeres nie nodig is nie [05:38] ai! [06:00] brrrrrrrrr [06:00] yip freezing [06:00] Another day for abuse of coffee [06:03] hi drussell you ok? [06:11] hi Kilos [06:12] hi mazal. Wonder if the router has some kind of api? Restart it on a cron [06:23] Morning theblazehen [06:50] good mornings [06:50] o/ [06:50] mazal: if you start a long download session before midnight it will continue using normal data [06:51] It's stay up till midnight if I want to use it I guess [06:52] try pause the download for a minute or two around midnight then start a new session to continue the process [06:54] but if you want to be 100% sure just restart the router [06:54] Big blue don't have scheduling and neither does the router that I can find , so manually at midnight seems to be the only way [06:55] big blue? [06:55] PS4 [06:55] That's the big data eater. had 11gig of updates last night [06:57] theblazehen, googling didn't suggest that the router has something like that. Will have a look in it's interface tonight what might be there [06:57] mazal: Diy ;) [07:03] Timer on the power plug lol :P [07:03] Hey , that might actually work [07:14] Yummy: http://mybroadband.co.za/news/hardware/165996-dell-43-inch-ultra-hd-4k-multiple-input-monitor-pricing-released.html [07:14] But check the price :P [07:28] mazal: Don't want to load a browser, how much is it? [07:28] $1349 [07:30] Ouch [07:30] My 28 or 27" was just under R10k, a lot cheaper.. [07:32] Also a 4K screen ? [07:34] Yeah [07:34] And got 25 or 26" 2560p for less thank 6k :) [07:35] than* [08:50] morning all [08:53] hey chesedo. How's things? [08:54] great ty theblazehen, and self? [08:55] I'm alright ty chesedo. FInally got my .vimrc perfect :) [08:55] theblazehen: i know what vim is but what's an rc one? [08:55] chesedo: Config file for vim [08:56] oh i see [09:34] oom Kilos , why you send me the newsletter ? [09:35] so you have something to read that will help keep your ming of games [09:35] I don't read [09:35] and so you can see the number of non fixed bugs [09:35] ah , I thought is about the bugs. Yeah 122k open bugs is a lot hey [09:35] yeah [09:36] Talking about the fun side of things, I just watched a reviews of a racing wheel for the PS4 :P [09:36] Only R5000 :P [09:36] ai! [09:37] I decied no , just no [09:37] decided* [09:41] yay [11:08] Hello every one! [11:08] * Kilos waves [11:09] Hey pavlushka-! [11:09] How are you? [11:10] I am okay, thanks and how are you? [11:37] :( [11:37] My vm host disappeared.. [11:37] With both things I was working on being in VMs [11:37] The nic is up, but the host is down [11:38] A single disk failiure in a 2 disk raid 1 won't cause this right? [11:50] theblazehen: Raid 1 is mirrored, so no it shouldn't [11:50] paddatrapper: Yeah, thought to. Had drives fail before, no issues [11:51] Actually, even 2 disk failiure should still let me ping it. Running with the ram cache etc [11:51] Yeah. Host down is generally caused by something else... [11:53] paddatrapper: :( Idk if I want to find out.. [11:53] Better not be motherboard / cpu [11:54] I bought 32 GB ddr 3 ram. Would hate to upgrade *now* to ddr 4 seeing as I have less than 100 useful hours used with that ram :( [11:54] sjoe [11:55] Yeah :( But don't know what else [11:56] Oh. Hmm. I had a power switch thing connected [11:56] or wait [11:56] Keyboard had a power button. Maybe dog stood on it or something :) [11:56] I hope [11:58] Fingers crossed! [11:59] 4 hours before I get home.. [12:00] * paddatrapper temporarily uncrosses his fingers [13:53] Kilos: who is handling the meeting tonight? [14:02] oh my [14:02] you of course but we havent even sent out notifications [14:03] i totally missed that tonight is the meeting [14:03] hi superfly [14:04] inetpro ^^ [14:20] allo [14:21] I'm on 16.04 and trying to get "predictable interface names" disabled properly. I've used "ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules" from here: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ [14:22] That works for my wireless interface, but USB ethernet dongles still produce garbage like: enx3c18a0050d85 [14:23] klaasvakie: That is not how I think of predictable.. Also, welcome [14:24] yes, I don't really want to redo my firewall rules every time I grab a different dongle from the pile :( [14:25] Maybe I'll go ask in #systemd [14:25] klaasvakie: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_configuration#Change_device_name try setting the names directly? [14:25] Rather than disabling predicitble name [14:26] That requires me to now the MAC address though [14:26] now=know [14:28] Why do you need to disable it? Do you use it on different computers? [14:28] hi klaasvakie [14:28] we usually have a usb-ethernet dongle hanging from the management port at each client site [14:29] I'm not really interested in learning what all their mac addressed are [14:29] hi Kilos [14:30] klaasvakie: Okay. And you need the name for use in scripts? [14:30] yes, specifically the iptables script that stops all my laptop nasties from escaping onto the client network [14:31] lol [14:31] as sexy as my avahi broadcasts are for finding printers, our clients do not appreciate them [14:38] Hmm. Don't have a solution now sorry [14:43] theblazehen, it's actually ubuntu and not systemd: [14:43] cat 73-special-net-names.rules [14:43] # Use MAC based names for network interfaces which are directly or indirectly [14:43] # on USB and have an universally administered (stable) MAC address (second bit [14:43] # is 0). [14:43] #ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", NAME=="", ATTR{address}=="?[014589cd]:*", IMPORT{builtin}="net_id", NAME="$env{ID_NET_NAME_MAC}" [14:44] klaasvakie: Ah. Glad you solved it then [15:01] hey everyone. Go to http://ubuntu.co.za/ and have a cup full of irony [15:04] zeorin: Hehe :) [15:10] thanks for the help theblazehen, Kilos have a nice night :) [15:11] Glad to help klaasvakie [15:11] cheers [15:57] chesedo you still here? [15:58] inetpro didnt update the topic even [15:58] sjoe [15:58] oh [15:58] he did [15:58] im the one thats lost [15:58] Kilos: yes [15:58] ... to the question that is :P [15:59] lol [15:59] i just sent a mail reminder [15:59] can you do the G+ thing please [16:00] that is the biggest net-split i've seen (only 3 of us were left) [16:00] Kilos: on it... [16:00] hasnt affect me at all [16:01] then maybe i was one that was 'kicked' [16:01] lol [16:01] different server that crashed [16:06] inetpro please can you send a reminder in ubuntuza on the tweet place [16:06] im sukkeling [16:06] * Kilos apologises to inetpro [16:08] Kilos write to this guy and give him a piece of your mind: http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=00AOL [16:08] will do ty Langjan [16:08] * chesedo is done [16:08] Strongs with the meeting [16:09] ty oom [16:09] I will try kde so you can stop hassling me, lmga [16:09] hahahaha [16:10] thought to install on a spare hdd or how to do? [16:10] thats a plan [16:10] Do I install a fresh 14.04 and then tweak it? [16:10] when i started i put it on a small spare drive [16:10] no get the kubuntu iso [16:11] oh [16:11] its in version 2 or 3 already [16:11] I thik I already have it [16:11] I have mint, lubuntu [16:12] no man [16:12] ai! ek sukkel [16:12] nope, no kubuntu, ok will get it [16:12] wag ek soek [16:12] no worry will google it [16:13] https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiGpsOxjfPMAhVkLsAKHVT1BXkQFggbMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kubuntu.org%2Fgetkubuntu%2F&usg=AFQjCNH40A25VTSZUBmxOHEkhzhf6IMZIA&sig2=TxYiDXeX1Tm1zRIu1qotBg [16:13] 14.04.4 [16:14] ok will do, just wait till after month-end, my data is running a bit low [16:16] will 64 bit run? my system is 32 bit but I see they say 32 bit is for less than 2GB ram? [16:16] thats painful when that happens [16:16] oh my [16:16] 32 bit will work as well [16:16] I have 4 GB ram [16:17] 64bit will tell you to upgrade your machine [16:17] i have 4g as well [16:17] by doing what? [16:17] more ram is always better [16:17] upgrade what? [16:17] motherboard [16:17] for a 64bit one [16:17] oh, ok will stick with 32 bit [16:18] 32 bit will run fine [16:18] sometime in the near future i think everything will be 64bit [16:18] but keep your machine till then [16:18] how much data will iso take to download? [16:19] motherboard change isnt a big job but costly [16:19] cost me R2500 to build up my 64 bit machine [16:20] eish! too much [16:20] I see download is 1GB, will do in June [16:20] i saved for 2.5 years to get the parts [16:21] much faster [16:21] although data is only R5 per Gb [16:21] wow thats cheap [16:22] Yes but its only 2Mbps [16:23] ouch [16:23] when you get that iso use wget -c link [16:23] faster than via browser [16:24] whats that? [16:24] in terminal you type that in [16:24] yes I gathered as much but does that take you to the download? [16:24] one the site where you see the isos you right click the one you want and copy link [16:25] so why the link? [16:25] then you type the command with the link where i said link [16:25] well [16:25] wget must know where to fetch it [16:25] hi magespawn [16:25] hi Kilos [16:25] hi magespawn [16:27] OK Kilos write to that politician soon, so he has your mail when he gets to his office in a few hours time [16:27] lol [16:27] ty for that info [16:28] ask him why they brag about 30 days then let you wait 6 mths plus [16:28] i will add all relevant info [16:28] Good, and have a good meeting, gonna love and leave you [16:29] maybe peek in a bit later [16:29] ty sir sleep tight [16:29] ok good [16:29] you too thks kil [16:29] Kilos, [16:29] lol [16:29] tab fail [16:29] I hit the caps lock every time [16:29] lol [16:30] mooi loop [16:30] jy ook dankie [16:30] ai! [16:33] so first day at the new job [16:33] Kilos: you seem to have forgotten to answer... has anyone taken charge of tonight's meeting yet? [16:33] wow congrats magespawn, you like it so far? [16:34] nope no one chesedo [16:34] Kilos: oh ok :( ... but guess what? [16:34] what? [16:35] great guess that :P [16:35] you available to chair? [16:35] * chesedo no longer has an exam tomorrow [16:35] fortgot about that [16:35] yay [16:35] forgot too [16:35] excellent chesedo [16:36] yeah decided that i'll just skip it.... [16:36] why [16:36] ... (masive joke that) so don't worry Kilos [16:37] hmmm [16:37] no my exams got moved around... [16:37] * magespawn was about to open a can of wip ass [16:37] haha [16:37] so think i did that one yesterday - still have to check which one it was [16:38] oh my [16:38] i thought i was forgetful [16:38] magespawn: they still come in cans? :P [16:39] i am relatively old, i bought a lot, soit might be a bit stale [16:39] * so it [16:39] lol [16:40] * chesedo only wrote all the important dates on a year planner... and last looked at it a month ago (cold kept him from the outer office) [16:40] lol [16:41] magespawn: by stale you suggesting that the sting will be more or less acute than usual? [16:42] i might have to shake it around a bit [16:42] lol ok [16:42] * chesedo wbb [17:09] right on my way home, will try to be online for the meeting === chesedo- is now known as chesedo [18:06] Kilos: i cannot edit the agenda (wiki page)??? [18:07] oh my [18:07] wiki lock down because of spammers [18:07] what do you want to add lad? [18:08] does it tell you immutable page [18:14] chesedo can you find the link in wiki for our team please [18:15] sorry , i dont think you will be able to tonight, but it will work next meeting or in a couple of days time [18:15] yes 'immutable page' - just want to change the chair [18:16] what is the link i will change it [18:16] i hope i can [18:16] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160524 [18:17] ty its done [18:17] Kilos: ^^ [18:17] ... no longer 'unknown' :P [18:17] hehe [18:17] i think they have made it ubuntu members only [18:18] no Kilos it should be 'known' :P [18:18] but ill have it sorted [18:18] oh [18:18] lol kidding [18:18] sjoe [18:18] i was back there again [18:19] yeah and i started stressing [18:19] what is the link on wiki for ubuntu-za team [18:19] hi tahaan, first time i've seen you here? [18:19] ill ask for them all to be allowed [18:20] pro said so a week ago and i forgot [18:20] Kilos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam [18:20] hi tahaan [18:24] ty chesedo i mailed rt@ubuntu.com [18:25] i dont know who actually does that job [18:25] ai! [18:25] inetpro vloek my [18:28] ohi superfly [18:28] hi [18:29] hi skokkk [18:30] oh boy, hope my internet holds... [18:30] anyway... [18:30] Maaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - May 2016 [18:30] * Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles [18:30] Maaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction [18:30] Current Topic: Welcoming and Introduction [18:30] Welcome all and thanks for joining in on our meeting this evening [18:30] maaz I am Wikus [18:30] mazal: Righto [18:31] Maaz I am Miles Sharpe [18:31] Kilos: Done [18:31] Our bot Maaz will do the minutes as usual so please introduce yourselves to him using `Maaz: I am ` eg. [18:31] Maaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht [18:31] chesedo: Okay [18:31] Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160524 [18:31] any last minute changes is welcome [18:31] mazal die van der merwe deel ook [18:32] maaz I am Wikus avn Dyk [18:32] mazal: Okay [18:32] Maaz: I am Raoul Snyman [18:32] superfly: Alrighty [18:32] Maaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting [18:32] Current Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting [18:32] (but I'm not really here) [18:32] the last meeting's minutes is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160426 [18:33] i have apologies from kmf, he has sick kids to care for [18:33] superfly: will you be able to give us an update on debConf later? [18:33] Going over the previous minutes might help as a refresher [18:33] nlsthzn you joining? [18:34] does anyone have something they want to raise from the previous minutes? [18:35] Maaz: agreed No one has an issue with previous minutes [18:35] Agreed: No one has an issue with previous minutes [18:35] Maaz: topic Plans for 2016 [18:35] Current Topic: Plans for 2016 [18:35] is there any one needing help signing up for some or with Ubuntu membership? [18:36] ai! [18:36] everyone is afk [18:36] Ubuntu for Hope has no current updates that i am aware of - still have to create its website [18:36] yes [18:36] Kilos: so i see [18:37] there is a guy in capetown that is wanting to do the same there [18:37] has kapanda joined us again? [18:37] he has only used mail so far [18:37] peeps forget irc [18:37] Kilos: almost... just somewhat in reverse [18:38] What is the Ubuntu for hope ? [18:38] do you have the links chesedo [18:38] well kapanda is the cpt guy and in Jan's meeting he mentioned signing for ubuntu membership... [18:38] its building pcs for others that cant afford them mazal [18:38] https://ubuntuforhope.org/ [18:38] k [18:39] he hasnt chesedo [18:39] he will need to do lots more first [18:40] Maaz seen inetpro [18:40] Kilos: inetpro was last seen 11 hours, 44 minutes and 48 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-23 23:55:22 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-05-22 07:43:15 PDT [18:40] mazal: https://bin.snyman.info/mmmzy8ce [18:41] Thanx chesedo [18:41] all ok if i move on to events [18:41] yessir [18:41] Maaz: topic Events [18:41] Current Topic: Events [18:42] Ubuntu for Hope's launch was in late April... kmf and I (with friends and family) enjoyed a mild morning in Pretoria's Betanical gardens to celebrate it [18:42] seems like we have nothing upcoming this June? [18:43] Kilos: you tried to orgainze a rp? [18:43] * chesedo hopes superfly is available soon for a debConf update... [18:44] that is a mail to the guys that control who has access to wiki pages [18:44] rp = release party [18:44] to get cds and stuff... [18:44] oh that [18:45] we need to first give all the info about the event before we can order the flash disks [18:45] so we have let it slide [18:45] ok so no flashes this release... [18:45] sec [18:46] sec for 'wait a second' or 'secondar' [18:46] wait a minute [18:46] hehe [18:47] im in contact with the guy who gives wiki permissions [18:47] Oi I almost said something now :P [18:47] Kilos, whats the drill to report again plse? [18:47] Naand oom Jan [18:47] i need the link for all our member on the wiki page we made [18:47] hi mazal [18:47] * tahaan bows to chesedo [18:48] i cant find it [18:48] ok so we can move topics Kilos? [18:48] * tahaan bows to Kilos [18:48] Sorry I'm busy with DebConf meeting [18:48] hi Langjan tahaan [18:48] Langjan, just say maaz I am name surname [18:48] * chesedo claps hands and bows back to tahaan [18:48] Maaz, I am Jan Greeff [18:48] Langjan: Sure [18:48] s/claps/clasps/ [18:48] tahaan? [18:49] ai! [18:49] Kilos: I'm going to need the team to be moderated or restricted before we do that [18:49] hi all [18:49] hi magespawn [18:49] hi tahaan [18:49] hi magespawn Langjan tahaan login please [18:50] Maaz I am Greg Eames [18:50] magespawn: Yessir [18:50] paddatrapper: will you maybe be able to give us an update on it in a bit (if possible)? [18:50] chesedo: sure [18:50] Just ping me when you want it [18:51] paddatrapper: you can start typing and just throw it in... [18:51] Maaz: topic DebConf volunteers/update [18:51] Current Topic: DebConf volunteers/update [18:52] kmf also mentioned that he will be able to volunteer on-site at debConf (@paddatrapper, @superfly) [18:52] sorry, i'm in as [18:53] *another meeting [18:53] Well it's happening. Everything seems on track. Bursaries are mostly finalised and re-confirmation emails have been sent out [18:53] Quotes for various things are being decided on at the moment [18:53] * chesedo hopes Cryterion & Vince made that list [18:54] paddatrapper: great sounds like progress is going fast... [18:54] kmf should join the #debconf-team channel on oftc and say how he wants to help [18:54] chesedo: yup! A month left until it starts [18:54] paddatrapper: righto [18:55] Maaz: agreed volunteers for debConf should join #debconf-team on oftc (irc.debian.org) [18:55] Agreed: volunteers for debConf should join #debconf-team on oftc (irc.debian.org) [18:55] ty for the update paddatrapper [18:56] whats oftc [18:56] Kilos: The IRC server Debian uses [18:56] oh ty [18:57] Maaz: topic Miscellaneous [18:57] Current Topic: Miscellaneous [18:57] anyone that spots ubuntu in the wild can add the listing to out trello page [18:58] You mean if we see someone else using it ? [18:58] Kilos: i see we still have to clean trello up [18:58] eeeeek [18:59] One lab at uct (Shuttleworth Lab) though currently effectively shutdown [18:59] mazal: like when you spot it at the kfc terminal / toll road ticketing system [18:59] k [19:00] * chesedo might have a listing of train 'monitoring' systems using ubuntu [19:01] no one here that joined mentioned coming from redit (from last agenda) [19:01] *? [19:02] nope [19:03] Kilos: do we also still have to look up the logs on the Cpt installFest? [19:03] i dont think so chesedo [19:03] there has been no feedback [19:03] everyone is too busy [19:04] so we can remove it from the agenda? [19:04] yes [19:04] oh [19:04] can you keep records of what needs doing [19:05] Maaz: agreed To remove Cpt installFest from agenda [19:05] Agreed: To remove Cpt installFest from agenda [19:05] Maaz: agreed To clean Trello page [19:05] Agreed: To clean Trello page [19:06] Maaz: you need a TASK action [19:06] chesedo: Sorry... [19:06] well that seems to be it, anything i missed? [19:06] nope [19:06] Maaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting [19:06] Current Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting [19:07] Kilos: Nickserv says I'm authenticated. [19:07] next month should be better [19:07] yip, hope so [19:07] Hello langjan [19:07] tell more tahaan [19:07] will i be chairing? [19:08] of course [19:08] +1 [19:08] lol [19:08] chesedo +1 [19:08] Maaz: agreed chesedo to chair next meeting [19:08] Agreed: chesedo to chair next meeting [19:08] Kilos - Nothing to tell really. [19:08] Maaz: topic Next meeting [19:08] Current Topic: Next meeting [19:08] Kinders ek gaan nou slaap. [19:08] Maaz: I am Gustav H Meyer [19:08] inetpro: Righto [19:08] bye! [19:08] * tahaan waves [19:08] good evening [19:08] Maaz: agreed Next meeting is 28 June 2016 @ 20:30 [19:08] Agreed: Next meeting is 28 June 2016 @ 20:30 [19:08] that means it recognises you tahaan [19:09] inetpro: you just in time :D [19:09] yikes, our chair is in a hurry this evening? [19:09] Maaz: end meeting [19:09] Meeting Ended [19:09] Minutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-05-24-18-30-36.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-05-24-18-30-36.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-05-24-18-30-36.html [19:09] lol [19:09] hi inetpro === MaN1 is now known as MaNI [19:09] pehaps you late inetpro [19:09] sjoe! [19:09] * inetpro thought our meetings go for an hour [19:09] nope, the chair was mostly talking to the air [19:10] sorry for being late [19:10] you are forgiven [19:10] dont let it happen again' [19:10] hehe [19:10] ja baas [19:10] all ok inetpro ? [19:10] good, good, and there? [19:10] we have work inetpro [19:11] deej> Kilos: I'm going to need the team to be moderated or restricted before we do that [19:11] Kilos and mazal (with padda voete) was only active participants so went quick [19:11] [20:54] The owner or one of the administrators needs to change the team type to moderated or restricted [19:11] [20:54] [20:51] ok will get that done when they get a break [19:11] [20:54] [20:51] they at the debconf meeting at the moment [19:11] [20:54] [20:51] And I actually want one of them to do it so they can A) vet the team membership and make sure it's all people who should be there and B) so they know why it's being changed and that it should stay that way, so it doesn't accidentally get reverted [19:11] [20:54] [20:51] Once that happens, it's a quick change on our end [19:11] Maaz: last minutes is Minutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-05-24-18-30-36.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-05-24-18-30-36.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-05-24-18-30-36.html [19:11] chesedo: I'll remember that [19:12] you getting too good at this chesedo [19:12] So to recall is ? [19:12] maaz last minutes is [19:12] mazal: Huh? [19:12] maaz last minutes [19:12] Minutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-05-24-18-30-36.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-05-24-18-30-36.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-05-24-18-30-36.html [19:12] ah === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | pastebin: https://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting: Tue, 28 June 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1TxD2JQ [19:14] mazal: it is mainly for when i am lazy and forget to update the agenda with the minutes until just before previous meeting. then do not know where to find them [19:14] sjoe dankie inetpro [19:14] s/previous/next/ [19:14] Kilos: where do you change the team type to moderated or restricted? [19:14] chesedo, that's handy , I have been looking for minutes before and couldn't find the link [19:14] oh my [19:15] oh ok mazal, each agenda should also have that meeting's minutes as a shortcut [19:16] inetpro in LP [19:16] superfly: help [19:17] he is at a meeting' [19:17] oops... [19:17] i have left same info for him in pm [19:18] Kilos: so, can you not see wher? [19:18] where as well [19:18] where what? [19:18] where to change it [19:19] let me try find it [19:19] Owner = maiatoday [19:19] oh my [19:19] Membership policy: Open Team [19:19] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za [19:19] ty [19:20] Moderated [19:20] Membership is closed, requires approval, and subteams must be closed. Any user can propose a new member, but team administrators approve membership. Subteams must be Moderated or Restricted. Moderated is a good choice for teams that manage things that need to be secure, like projects, branches, or PPAs, but want to encourage users to help. [19:20] Restricted: Membership is closed, requires approval, and subteams must be closed. Only the team's administrators can invite a user to be a member. Subteams must be Moderated or Restricted. Restricted is a good choice for teams that manage things that need to be secure, like projects, branches, or PPAs. [19:20] well have to ask maia to give more admin rights [19:21] ill ask maia to give you admin rights inetpro [19:21] Kilos: I'm not a member [19:21] I mean an official one [19:22] ai! [19:22] then it must be fly [19:22] no [19:23] if the whole team gets permission then they all can edit wiki pages [19:23] ja, I think the fly should be an admin [19:23] lol [19:23] drubin is even there as admin still [19:26] even tumbleweed could be our admin guy [19:26] yes but they hard to contact [19:27] the admin will need to approve new members etc [19:27] Kilos: I think you'd be the best person for that job [19:27] +1 [19:28] +1 [19:28] ai! [19:28] nee nee man [19:28] ek sukkel klaar om by te bly [19:29] jy doen reeds 'n mooi job by die Afrika kanaal, so jy weet hoe werk dit [19:29] ok ill ask maia for me as well [19:29] +1 [19:29] sigh [19:30] Daar gaan niks groei waar daai sug geval het nie [19:30] and chesedo, it's time for you to sign up for membership as well [19:32] im already being pushed for a loco council position man. [19:32] when you all gonna let me rest [19:33] Kilos: can you edit this page, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160628?action=edit ? [19:33] inetpro we are still waiting for your application as well [19:34] * chesedo goes into hiding... remembers receiving something similar from Kilos about a month ago [19:34] there is no edit button man [19:34] where does that page come from [19:35] yes i can [19:36] Night all , sleep well [19:36] night mazal sleep well [19:37] night mazal [19:37] inetpro explain please [19:37] it is quite clear that Kilos is able to edit... it now says his famous words 'oh my' [19:38] haha [19:40] lol [19:40] chesedo: I guess that means I don't need to explain [19:40] why make that page [19:40] explain please [19:40] Slaap lekker jongmanne! [19:40] Kilos: it's the new agenda [19:40] pretty please [19:41] Kilos: when is the next meeting? [19:41] jy ook dankie Langjan [19:41] na Langjan [19:41] 28 june [19:41] nag* [19:41] nag Langjan [19:41] Dankie Kilos en nag inetpro [19:41] chesedo you can edit it as well [19:41] Kilos: nope [19:41] lekker slaap chesedo [19:42] eish [19:42] whyyyyy [19:42] 'You are not allowed to edit this page. ' [19:42] ai! [19:43] but its a nothing page [19:43] Kilos: take the contents from the previous page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160524?action=raw [19:43] modify as needed and paste into the new page [19:43] eish [19:44] Kilos: must I take you through it step by step? [19:45] you just want to add more work on me [19:45] chesedo needs to be able to edit it not me man [19:46] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160628 [19:47] Kilos: 1. Click on the link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160524?action=raw [19:47] 2. highlight everything on that page [19:47] 3. press Ctrl+C to copy [19:47] 4. open your text editor like kate [19:47] 5. paste the copied contents into your editor [19:47] 6. change any items that are relevant for the next meeting [19:47] 7. highlight everything and copy, paste at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160628?action=edit [19:48] is it not done [19:48] sjoe [19:48] you are even quicker than I can type [19:49] you missed the point [19:49] chesedo needs to be able to edit not me [19:50] you missed the point and he can not do it sir, and neither can I [19:50] now just change the date [19:50] chesedo i can give it to you in a pastebin is that ok? [19:50] please [19:51] sigh [19:52] you happy inetpro ?? [19:53] i can hear him chuckling [19:53] Next meeting: 28 June 2016 -->> Next meeting: 26 July 2016 [19:54] ai! [19:54] * chesedo is sitting with his popcorn watching the comedy [19:55] you are not going to rope me into doing it [19:56] i asked maia to make YOU an admin [19:57] haha [19:59] wat is fout nou? [20:00] superfly: The owner or one of the administrators needs to change the team type to moderated or restricted [20:00] we got probs with editing wiki superfly [20:00] apparently in order to allow for the wiki to be edited by mambers [20:00] * Kilos leaves it to inetpro [20:00] members* [20:01] Kilos: I would not call it problems [20:01] inetpro: which owner where? [20:01] what team? [20:01] lp [20:01] za team [20:01] only you and i can edit wiki pages atm [20:02] it's just proper administrative restrictions in order to deal with the load due to SPAM [20:02] I'm not an admin in the team [20:02] still have no idea how you think Launchpad affects MoinMoin [20:02] i asked maia to add you superfly [20:02] I guess official ubuntu members can have edit rights on the wiki by default [20:03] read your pm superfly [20:03] inetpro: I've always had edit rights [20:03] superfly: I also don't know how they link that to each other [20:03] they have locked down the wiki [20:03] superfly: I can not edit any more [20:04] maybe a good think [20:04] less work for me [20:04] nono [20:04] :-) [20:04] your turn will come [20:05] I don't necessarily want launchpad admin rights [20:05] I can still edit the wiki [20:05] yes your are an ubuntu member [20:05] have no idea why others can't or how lp links to moinmoin [20:05] * inetpro is struggling to handle the current load of daily emails [20:05] * Kilos also [20:06] oh superfly [20:07] they want us to restrict our team so they can give the whole team wiki acccess [20:07] Kilos: yes, I understand that [20:08] So then why don't we do that? [20:08] we need the owner of our lp page to do it and give some others admin rights as well [20:08] she is very busy [20:09] ive asked her to add fly and i [20:14] Ah I see [20:15] * paddatrapper goes back to watching series [20:15] hey paddatrapper [20:15] study [20:16] Lol. I have been. Seeing integration problems all over the place [20:16] lol [20:16] oh evening superfly, sorry if i bothered you a bit much during the meeting there... [20:16] lol [20:16] and night all [20:16] Night chesedo [20:16] night chesedo ty for chairing [20:17] np [20:22] night all. sleep tight [20:22] good night peoples [20:22] nag boetie [20:36] good night ball [20:36] all [20:56] Maaz: tell Kilos maiatoday made me an admin and made the team moderated [20:56] superfly: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode