
=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase
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onlyonelasermanUbuntu 14.04 box running vncserver. Trying to access it but get nothing but a gray screen. I've googled but the suggestions don't resolve.00:16
nacconlyonelaserman: that can happen if nothing is running in your vncserver's windowing environment00:16
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nacconlyonelaserman: meaning, try launching an xterm to that "screen" or whatever00:17
onlyonelasermannacc: I found one suggestion to run startsfce4 and was able to access the desktop but it was a xubuntu looking desktop. What is the command for Ubuntu?00:18
onlyonelasermannacc: that was startxfce4.00:18
nacconlyonelaserman: right, so you started xfce (as the name implied) in that case00:19
nacconlyonelaserman: do you mean what is the corresponding version for gnome?00:19
onlyonelasermannacc: I guess that would be the better term. Yes.00:20
nacconlyonelaserman: i think you want to run 'gnome-session', but not sure00:20
onlyonelasermannacc: I'll work with that and go from there to see if I can get the desktop I'm expecting. Thanks.00:21
nacconlyonelaserman: gl!00:22
=== Volcanio- is now known as Yrectum
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TurboniumIf I don't have (didn't install) a swap partition does the setting Swapiness matter?00:36
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dumbererI am looking at the directions to install the Tor Browser Bundle here...normally when you install an applicaiton normally it shows up in /usr/share/applications...but TOR says not to put it there because of root permissions00:39
dumbererso if I follow the directions here https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en#linux where does it put it and how to I run it without having to enter the terminal command?00:40
TurboniumAnyone here to give out some help? I'd appreciate it.00:41
tewardTurbonium: if you don't have Swap swappiness has no effect00:42
somsipteward: no, it makes no difference00:42
tewardTurbonium: if you *add* swap later, either as a swap file or a partition, then it would matter.00:42
tewardsomsip: E:Mishighlight, correctHighlightTarget = Turbonium00:42
somsipteward: oh yeah - ooops00:43
TurboniumI have another question, is there any way to speed up a usb installed Ubuntu 16.04?00:44
TurboniumIt is slow to start programs and update00:44
dumbererNormally when you install an application on Ubuntu derivatives the icon shows up in /usr/share/applications...if I follow the directions here https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en#linux where does it put it and how to I run it without having to enter the terminal command?00:44
TurboniumBut i have a very powerful pc00:44
tewardTurbonium: your bottleneck is USB00:44
tewardTurbonium: use an actual hard disk install, on the machine.00:45
dumbererthey say don;t isntall it under root so don't put it in /usr etc00:45
tewardif that's not an option, you're limited to the speed of USB which is far lower than what you would want it to be00:45
tewarddumberer: I store it in /home/$USER/tor-browser-bundle/... but that's just me00:45
dumbererteward: how do you launch it then? does it put an icon somewhere?00:45
tewarddumberer: so you aren't reading their instructions.00:46
tewardit says to save it somewhere and extract, then use a command to run it00:46
dumbererwell I read them...it says to launch it with the command...I would like to have a shortcut so I can have an icon in docky to launch it00:46
dumbererrather than type a terminal command each time00:46
tewarddumberer: you are free to create such a shortcut.  I used that command, then locked Tor Browser to the taskbar00:47
dumbererah ok00:47
dumberersorry I am a super noob and even some basic linux tasks elude me00:47
tewardtheir point is where you should install it, and that it should run under userspace.00:47
dumbererso launch it then pin it to docky?00:47
tewarddumberer: not sure about docky, only know about Unity.  That should work maybe?00:47
dumbererok...next question..I do have it installed...I cant remember how as it was a while back...and its in the downloads folder and I run it from there by opening the TBB folder and clicking the icon00:48
dumbererhow do I move that to a better place...or should I just remove it and start over?00:48
dumbererat the time I installed it I downloaded rather than let the archive manager handle it00:49
tewarddumberer: no harb it being in there00:49
dumbererand cant recall how I did it00:49
dumbererid rather move it somewhere else to clear the download folder out....can I just drag it into the home folder you advised?00:50
dumbereror will that bork the launching?00:50
pasjrwoctxanyone here know anything about nvidia and 16.04?00:51
dumberertor-browser_eng-US is the folder00:51
dumberercan I just move that folder to /home/$user?00:53
pasjrwoctxdumberer yes you should be able to00:54
dumbererand thats a safe non root place for it right? sorry don't udnerstand the structure well00:54
dumbererafraid of breaking things00:55
cliffer1i tried to make backups via rdiff to a local mounted filesystem (crypt) which source file is from a dir mounted via sshfs. after a while, the folder with the filesystem mounted is not responding. is there any other way to create backups on a remote untrusted storage?00:56
pasjrwoctxdumberer /home/$user is your user folder so yes it is NON ROOT It is your user folder00:56
dumbererpasjrwoctx: thank you...and if I want to remove the TBB can I just "delete" the folder from there or do I need to somehow pruge it or remove some other way? since it won't be in the software center I can't use that option00:57
tewarddumberer: if it's just in the folder where you extract it, remove the folder (delete it)00:58
pasjrwoctxcliffer1 the fastest way I know of, is to boot up via live cd,  mount filesystem A and b copy files from A to B \00:58
cliffer1pasjrwoctx: it should be a permanent solution to backup things00:58
dumbererthanks teward00:58
pasjrwoctxcliffer1 sorry that is the way I have been doing it since 9.0400:59
dumbererteward: when I launch TBB with the intent to Pin it in the dock it just puts another dot under Firefox01:00
dumbererit doens't put it's own green planet icon TBB has01:01
dumbererso I can't pin it01:01
tewarddumberer: sounds like you're on an old version possibly; an older version of Tor used to do that01:01
tewarddumberer: that's also a known issue because it *runs* a version of Firefox01:01
tewardunfortunately nothing I can do to help with that one01:01
pasjrwoctxdoes anyone know how to create Separate X Screen in ubuntu 16.0401:02
dumbererit says its updated01:02
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kholdstayremy ubuntu is crashing unexpectedly, where do i find the crash reports to figure out what is going on?01:03
kholdstayrelike, where is the crash error logged to01:05
squintykholdstayre,  could try /var/log     depending on what caused the crash etc, the actual incidence may not be written to any particular log file01:07
pauljwkholdstayre, logs are in /var/log  i would look at syslog01:07
dumbererteward: I figured it out...if you just drag the launcher icon into the dock it stays there and opens under that icon instead of FF01:07
pauljwkholdstayre, also, if you type log in the dashboard you'll see a gui for reading logfiles01:09
kholdstayresquinty, pauljw thx for the help. i locked my comp with crtl+alt+del, and when i tried to log back in the X window crashed and my session was dropped. lost all my open files. been having some problems like this for the past couple wks, decided its time to try and diagnose the problem01:11
dumbererI have docky installed on Xubuntu 14.04...somehow in the past I was able to get a folder for /usr/share/applications pinned to the dock as I liked having a one click access to all installed apps and use it as a launcher...but I can't recall how I was able to get it there...if I just copy /usr/share/applicaitons to the desktop for example it says its not a trusted launcher01:14
dumbererdoes anyone know how I might have gotten that pinned to the dock?01:14
pauljwkholdstayre, if you're using Unity, use ctrl-alt-l to lock your session.01:14
dumbererwith media folders you just drag and drop but this is a root folder01:14
cooloutacso I was wrong about ubuntu being why my pgl is not working01:17
=== cooloutac is now known as Guest22506
Guest22506its that the lists are no longer free01:18
Guest225069.99 for the year aint a bad price though I've their daily lists for so many years they deserve a subscription01:18
willpzwhat are you talking about?01:18
Guest22506willpz, sorry i'm talking to myself.  iblocklist.com01:19
Guest22506i got banned from here for complaining my peerguardian wasn't working right in ubuntu,  because apparenltyh the debian version already has a more up to date list by default01:19
Guest22506so i thought it was ubuntu's fault,  but its not its just the fact you can't update from them anymore for free.01:20
Guest22506just wanted to set the record straight01:20
dumbererfigured it out....had to sudo into thunar...then drag it to the dock01:20
Guest22506sorry for my behavior yesterday01:23
jay_any1 ther01:24
tewardjay_: ask a real question/01:24
jay_sry I just installed this distro and this is my first time on this thing01:25
jay_this just a chat?01:25
somsipjay_: no, it's support. Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:25
jay_oh sry, I'll get off of here. Sry to waste ur time01:26
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sputnikswho is Elvis ? #annms01:35
* reisio headdesks01:35
somsip!info elvis | sputniks01:36
ubottusputniks: Package elvis does not exist in xenial01:36
somsipaww, shame. Pretty sure it did01:37
TurboniumI have one more question. I can't seem to get mame to read from the mame.ini. It's like the program just doesn't see the .ini file. I can save to the file fine and tryed chmod and use sudo when I have to.01:38
somsipTurbonium: what are its permissions?01:38
Turboniumcurrently -rwxrwxr-x01:39
somsipTurbonium: nothing wrong there. Maybe a mame installation issue. How did you install it?01:40
beaverhello, how i can use wildcard with the command route -nv add ?01:40
BenSoloHow do I find out the package name dd is in?01:40
OerHeksTurbonium, remove ~/.mame/mame.ini and go back in>  cd ~/.mame  &run  mame -cc  # this will create correct owner01:41
somsip!find dd | BenSolo01:41
ubottuBenSolo: Found: adduser, libcdio-cdda1, libmdds-dev, libnetaddr-ip-perl, php7.0-xml, python-bsddb3, python-bsddb3-dbg, python-bsddb3-doc, python-ipaddr, python-ipaddress (and 288 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=dd&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all01:41
beaveri try to add *.googlevideo.com01:41
OerHeksTurbonium, from http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/10/how-to-install-mame-multiple-arcade.html01:41
TurboniumWell i don't think so since everything else works fine and it says you can remove it from 'Ubuntu Software'. I might of 'sudo apt-get install mame' it.01:41
BenSolothat isnt helpful but thanks?01:41
squintyBenSolo,  or go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/01:41
somsipBenSolo: try this then: dpkg -S dd01:42
BenSolojust returns dozens of directories01:42
BenSoloI just need the package name so I can upgrade dd without doing an entire update01:43
somsipBenSolo: no, it returns all matches. If you "dpkg -S dd | grep utils" you will see the binary comes from coreutils01:43
BenSolosomsip: Yeah well how was I supposed to know thta, I asked how to get the package name..01:43
BenSolothanks for being so cyptic lmao01:44
somsipBenSolo: give a man a fish...etc.01:44
beaveri need to bypass *.googlevideo.com to my vpn01:44
beaveri use openvpn server01:44
BenSologreat says its the newest version... really cause that version of dd is 2 years old01:44
squintyBenSolo, go to that url and see a concise listing then01:44
BenSoloHe already told me its coreutils01:45
beaveri have a access root in the vps01:45
BenSolobut it says coreutils is up to date, ugh01:45
squintyBenSolo,  who is "he"? lose the attitude01:45
BenSoloI have no attitude.01:45
somsipsquinty: I've ignored him, so I really dont care01:45
BenSoloThe person who told me it is coreutils01:45
squintysomsip, ok :-)01:46
BenSoloGood, you aren't he;lping anyone anyways01:46
BenSoloand your upstream is horrible.01:46
OerHeksBenSolo, coreutils is the latest in xenial http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/coreutils/01:46
BenSoloyeah well the version of dd it includes is over 2 years old01:46
BenSoloso now I have to build dd from source01:47
BenSolowhat a joke OS01:47
OerHeksBenSolo, so stop wining, if you know that stuff, you knew it was coreutils01:47
beaverif I use this rule (it blocks the traffic youtube video )01:48
beaversudo iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --dport 443 -m string --string googlevideo.com --algo bm --to 65535 -j DROP01:48
beaverbut I do not see what use to bypass " * .googlevideo.com " of OpenVPN01:49
beaverI am French , I have not a very good English01:51
beaveri want the client (me) uses its tun0 for the site *.googlevideo.com01:53
beaverfor ip is easy : route -nv add gw
beaverbut for a domain name with a wildcard is complex01:54
beaveri want the client (me) uses its wlan0 for the site *.googlevideo.com (*)01:57
yuu7677trying to verify veracrypt gpg key and get this gpg: can't open `veracrypt-1.0e-setup.tar.bz2.sig'  and gpg: verify signatures failed: file open error01:57
beavernot tun0 ^^01:57
yuu7677up until this point everything was as the documentation said01:57
Turbonium Thanks OerHeks I had to "cd ~/.mame && mame -cc"01:57
Turboniumin the $HOME folder01:58
yuu7677anyone know a gpg gui for xubuntu/thunar that works?02:02
=== inaddy is now known as tinoco
glasshow can i delete multiple files in one lines with bash say for example delete everything but .avi02:23
reisioglass: find start/path/ -type f -not \( -iname '*.avi' -o -iname '*.mov' -o -iname '*otherstuff' \)02:24
reisioglass: with -delete if you like what you see02:24
reisio…\) -delete02:25
HiDeHo-U3Hi would anyone know if there are any apps for casting my android screen to my ubuntu/mint screen.02:29
glassreisio - http://paste.ubuntu.com/16649309/02:29
HiDeHo-U3i have a laptop with ubuntu on it atm02:29
HiDeHo-U3wanting to cast my android tablet to it02:29
reisioHiDeHo-U3: what for02:31
reisioglass: what about it?02:31
HiDeHo-U3reiso i want to cast my android screen to my tv via laptop/desktop or other device with ubuntu.02:32
HiDeHo-U3so i get the screen showing on the tv02:32
reisioHiDeHo-U3: right, why?02:32
HiDeHo-U3so i can play games, watch netflix etc easily02:33
HiDeHo-U3and show photos and videos etc02:33
reisiocan't you do that with your desktop OS?02:33
HiDeHo-U3this is what screencasting is designed for man02:33
HiDeHo-U3reisio, this is my setup.02:34
HiDeHo-U3seems like you dont know how anyway02:34
squintyHiDeHo-U3,  mint is not supported here.02:34
HiDeHo-U3i am looking for any apps on the ubuntu suide that allow this02:34
HiDeHo-U3squinty, i know i have a ubuntu os too02:35
HiDeHo-U3am on it now02:35
squintyHiDeHo-U3, then why mention it?  lose the attitude and maybe you will get some help   keep it up and you will lose access02:36
NickNackNameHi, I am running proxmox virtualization and I have resized a disk but the guest (ubuntu server 14.04) is not seeing the changes. dmesg | grep sda is not showing a direct capacity change message but does mention the 232GB disk when the original was 32GB. Any help is greatly appreciated.02:36
HiDeHo-U3squinty, attitude??? guess your reading words on the irc only understandable.02:37
nichwhere do i report legal issues? ie http://www.ubuntulovefoundation.org/02:37
HiDeHo-U3sorry i made a mistake mentioning mint too. if its no good i will leave and cpome back another time02:37
reisionich: that's a URI02:37
HiDeHo-U3squinty, so sorry man this irc can get confusing even for the most seasoned regular02:38
squintyHiDeHo-U3,  :-)02:38
HiDeHo-U3squinty, do you have any ideas02:39
=== vick is now known as Guest72409
Vazityyo guys i need help02:44
Vazityinstalling template02:44
Vazityok so i have installed it, but it looks fucked up02:45
UmeaboyVazity: OOOOOOOOK. And?02:45
Vazitytrying to install this02:45
Vazitybut it dont look like it02:45
UmeaboyMaybe the theme is old.02:45
UmeaboyAre you using it in Gnome?02:45
Vazityevery time i try look bad02:46
Vazityhow do i fix gnome02:46
Vazityi just installed but dont know..02:46
fantomas_Gnome messes up a lot of themes.02:46
UmeaboyI have never had that problem thou.02:46
Vazityhow do i fix this02:46
Vazityi installed gnome with apt-get install gnome02:46
Vazityand i have selected the theme..02:46
UmeaboyTalk in #gnome at irc.gnome.org perhaps?02:46
reisioVazity: put the contents into ~/.themes/themename02:46
Vazityyes i have reisio02:46
Vazityim on ubuntu latest version02:47
reisioVazity: then it'll show up in your GUI prefs for theme selection02:47
Vazityyes it did02:47
Vazityi have selected it02:47
Vazitybut when i see the picture02:47
Vazityit dont look like it02:47
Vazitylook at the pic02:47
fantomas_A screenshot of your problem would be more instructive.02:48
Vazityhow to take screenshot in ubuntu02:48
fantomas_The print screen key is a great start.02:48
NickNackNameAnyone have any idea about vm guest disk resizing?02:49
Vazitywhere is that02:49
Vazityok doe02:49
NickNackNameVazity, usually above the insert key on your keyboard02:50
Vazityhere you guys go02:50
Vazitylook at my template then go to http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Arc+Orange?content=17556702:50
Vazitywhy my look so much bader02:50
Vazityit always happen all themes..02:50
Vazityi try02:50
Vazitywant it to look like this: http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/175567-1.png02:51
cliffer1on opening a textfile on an sshfs mount, i get the error: "*ReadPre autocommands made the file unreadable" and the sshfs-mount is disconnected. any ideas?02:53
Vazitycan anyone help me??02:54
fantomas_Are you using a tweak tool?02:55
Vazityyes unity02:55
cliffer1Vazity: it looks like you dont have gnome installed but unity02:55
Vazityi have gnome02:56
Guest41439Vazity sometimes the desktop gets theme settings confused try logging out and back in.02:56
ter654I installed VeraCrypt on Xubuntu 14.04 with this guide but it won't launch. Its in the app menu but clicking it does nothing http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/encrypt-data-in-linux-with-veracrypt-an-alternative-to-truecrypt02:57
Vazityok will reload02:57
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Guest94715Greetings group! Testing my IRC client, coming through alright?03:14
somsip!test | Guest9471503:15
ubottuGuest94715: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...03:15
Guest94715Ty! :) Sweet success. lulz03:16
zsocI'm running ntfsfix on a 1tb drive, it's at "Going to empty the journal... OK" and it's just sort of... sitting there... but my HDD indicator light is flashing pretty regularly... should I assume it's still doing something? Anyone know what the step is after emtpying journaling?03:30
Vazhttp://i.imgur.com/29YInj1.jpg When i boot up, how to fix??03:31
VazHappens after i decrypt my files, then boot up and i get that03:32
VazHelp!! Please03:32
VazAnyone? Will pay03:33
reisioVaz: nvidia?03:34
VazAfter unlocking disk sda5_crypt when i boot my pc i get this http://i.imgur.com/29YInj1.jpg03:34
VazI have amd03:34
reisioVaz: using amd's proprietary drivers?03:34
VazMy computer lenovo z50-7503:34
VazI just installed ubuntu and upgraded all03:35
Vaz+ i install gnome thats all03:35
reisioVaz: can you CTRL+ALT+F2?03:35
VazAnd now cant start03:35
VazBut adter decrypting i get other screen03:36
VazJust in black03:36
reisiozsoc: IME it's quite fast03:36
reisiozsoc: I wouldn't expect cancelling it to be detrimental, but please don't quote me on that03:36
VazIt wont boot03:36
zsocreisio, so if it's chilling here... something bad is up? or might it be repairing sectors? I'm just confused by the lack of verbosity03:36
Vazreisio i get same screen just in white and black03:37
reisiozsoc: my guess would be that it has silently, non-destructively (I doubt the command has the potential to be destructive, really) failed03:37
VazPlease help :(03:37
reisioVaz: okay, do you know if an ssh server is running?03:37
zsocreisio, fancy attaching debug stack trace stuffs in another terminal? xD03:37
reisioplease don't frown, I'm already helping you, but I haven't /join'd #daycare03:37
VazI just installed ubuntu03:37
Vazi upgraded and installed templare03:38
reisiozsoc: fancing looking? Not really, but I probably will if you link to them03:38
VazThen i get this03:38
reisioVaz: you said that already03:38
reisioVaz: you'll need to boot up a live OS to fix this03:38
Vazcan i use install cd03:38
reisioyes, just hit 'Try Ubuntu' at bootup, instead of install03:39
=== alpha is now known as Guest54776
VazOk done what now03:39
Guest54776I'm getting 'Failed to power off system via logind: Transaction is decstructive.' when trying to reboot or poweroff?03:40
VazWhat i do now03:41
reisioVaz: now you need to disable lightdm from starting03:42
reisioVaz: you need to mount your root partition, chroot into it, and run a command03:42
=== Nullifi31 is now known as Nullifi3d
VazTell me commands reisio03:43
VazI am in terminal03:44
reisioVaz: run sudo lsblk -f03:44
reisioyour root partition should be apparen03:44
reisiosudo mount /dev/whatever /mnt03:44
reisiosudo chroot /mnt03:44
reisiosystemctl disable lightdm03:44
reisioexit, umount /mnt; reboot03:44
John[Lisbeth]I had a power surge in xubuntu 16.04 and now I have a prompt that says (initramfs)03:45
VazI runned first command it say so much03:46
VazIs it first one??03:46
reisioJohn[Lisbeth]: boot up a live OS, make sure your FS is well03:47
reisioVaz: it's the one whose mountpoint is '/', usually03:47
VazI give pic wait03:48
John[Lisbeth]I'm just going to format03:48
=== vick is now known as Guest16817
=== Guest54776 is now known as esc
escI'm getting 'Failed to power off system via logind: Transaction is decstructive.' when trying to reboot or poweroff?03:49
reisioJohn[Lisbeth]: not sure what telling me that does, other than suggest you've wasted my time :p03:49
=== esc is now known as Guest1842
VazReisio http://imgur.com/hneVNXy03:49
VazTell commands03:49
reisioVaz: you have an interesting photograph style :p03:49
VazWhat i. Do03:50
reisioVaz: oh right you said your system was encrypted03:50
Vazgood be safe03:50
reisioVaz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line03:50
Vaztell me im on phone03:51
VazCant open03:51
VazThat why i ask03:51
reisioyou can open that on your phone03:51
Vaz?? Not work03:51
Vazplease tell me03:51
VazWhat to type03:51
Vazyou are nice guy03:52
Vazcan u tell me commands03:52
VazSudo mount whar03:53
VazI dont understand03:53
Vazreisio plz03:56
krytarikVaz: Read more of what has been posted to you, it would seem.03:57
VazNot working03:58
VazPlz cant03:58
Vaz:( no ubuntu03:58
VazFuck you stop respondinh04:04
mgorvaz, maybe because you are being rude04:09
VazFuckkk help04:13
VazI give up04:15
VazBye ubuntu04:15
VazShit not work04:16
=== al_ is now known as Guest65484
ShekharReddyis the root user same as the user who logged in (in case if there is only one user )04:45
ShekharReddye.g I am logged in as Shekhar then does this mean the root user is Shekhar04:46
Bashing-omShekharReddy: Think more like that the 1st user created has the ability to elevate privileges to root .04:46
Bashing-om!root | ShekharReddy04:47
ubottuShekharReddy: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:47
YankDownUnderKinda pissing myself over that "snippet" about the "root" password...04:57
ShaRoseanyone familiar with using debootstrap from a CD? I'm trying to edit my personal little guide so that it installs ubuntu from the CD (I'm installing to ZFS root, so I can't use the normal installers), but when I run debootstrap xenial /mnt file:///media/cdrom it says the release is correct but doesn't actually install it05:03
ShaRoselooking at the debootstrap logs (which don't even output with --verbose...) I found a line at the end "mknod: /mnt/dev/null: No such file or directory"05:04
ShaRosedunno if I should use mount --rbind /dev  /mnt/dev before running debootstrap or not :S05:04
ShekharReddycan i get a quick solution on how can i add myself to a group which has write permission to directory /var/www/   or make myself an owner of that directory05:06
ShekharReddyBashing-om:  ^^05:07
somsipShekharReddy: second answer applies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9133024/www-data-permissions05:08
=== anonymous is now known as Guest62026
ShaRoseWELP I give up. Guess I'll just download it when I actually do it05:11
ShekharReddysomsip:  giving permissions to write to a directory will also allows the user to write in its subdirectories , right?05:12
somsipShekharReddy: following the instructions in that answer will05:12
lotuspsychje!zfs | ShaRose05:12
ubottuShaRose: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS05:12
ShaRoselotuspsychje I wasn't having issues with ZFS, I was having issues with debootstrap. I'm assuing the release on the CD doesn't include the same setup instructions as the one online.05:14
ShaRose(And for the record that page has absolutely nothing to do with installing ubuntu on a zfs root)05:14
ShaRose... As an aside, perhaps !zfs-root or !zfs-install should link to https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-16.04-Root-on-ZFS, which is a tutorial for installing ubuntu on zfs root.05:15
kabirsingh_plzz help mee....how can i install teamviewer05:15
ShekharReddysomsip, how is this  sudo chmod -R ug+rw cake different from sudo chmod -R g+s cake??05:16
Bashing-om!info teamviewer05:16
ShaRosekabirsingh_ iirc the teamviewer site has instructions to install on ubuntu: I recall installing it on mint once05:16
ubottuPackage teamviewer does not exist in xenial05:16
ShekharReddykabirsingh_:  go to teamviwer site05:16
abhijainI installed windows with dual boot with ubuntu and now I am not getting boot menu for windows05:16
ShaRosekabirsingh_ https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/linux/05:17
ShaRosedownload the deb, and install it05:17
lotuspsychje!dualboot | abhijain05:17
ubottuabhijain: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:17
kabirsingh_i download from the teamviewer site for linux .deb file but i unabel to run the setup..05:18
ShekharReddy how is this  sudo chmod -R ug+rw cake different from sudo chmod -R g+s cake??05:18
somsipShekharReddy: read the explanation in that answer on setting the sticky bit05:18
lotuspsychjekabirsingh_: wich ubuntu version?05:18
ShekharReddysomsip:  i got that but i need what does the ug+rw does05:19
kabirsingh_16.4 server05:19
somsipShekharReddy: gives Read and Write permissions to User and Group05:19
lotuspsychjekabirsingh_: you have installed a gui on your server?05:19
kabirsingh_yehh  ubuntu-desktop05:20
ShekharReddyok cool somsip05:20
lotuspsychjekabirsingh_: you gonna use teamviewer for single use or 24/7?05:20
kabirsingh_single user05:20
lotuspsychjekabirsingh_: have you updated your system to latest?05:21
dramakabirsingh_, that deb is for 32 bit or multi arch05:21
lotuspsychjekabirsingh_: there was a bug lately on 16.04 that doesnt allow external .deb install05:21
dramadunno if that makes a difference05:22
kabirsingh_so what should i do...?05:22
lotuspsychjekabirsingh_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/157320605:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573408 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1573206 GNOME Software does not install third-party .deb packages" [High,Fix released]05:22
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lotuspsychje!info gnome-software05:24
ubottugnome-software (source: gnome-software): Software Center for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.20.1+git20160426.1.a976144-ubuntu-xenial-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 236 kB, installed size 1058 kB05:24
lotuspsychjekabirsingh_: you sure your system is up to date?05:25
lotuspsychjekabirsingh_: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade05:25
kabirsingh_thanx bro...it has installed..05:26
lotuspsychjeanonymous_: welcome, what can we do for you?05:26
anonymous_first off can u change my name05:26
lotuspsychjeanonymous_: only you can type /nick name05:27
=== anonymous_ is now known as name
=== name is now known as JDman
JDmanwhat other channels are here05:28
lotuspsychje!alis | JDman05:28
ubottuJDman: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http05:28
avengermost every open source project seems to have a channel here... and there are numerous off topic channels too05:29
tushar--help register05:29
JDmanso wat is this exactly05:29
lotuspsychje!register | tushar05:29
ubottutushar: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:29
lotuspsychje!support | JDman05:29
ubottuJDman: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com05:29
MReevesGood evening/morning/afternoon depending upon your location05:36
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lotuspsychjeMReeves: welcome, what can we do for you05:36
akishi all. i installed xubuntu 16.04 succesfully using installation cd on my system but i have not internet access because of a temporary problem on my telephone line. I am wondering if there is a way to install some programs without internet access.05:37
lotuspsychjeakis: yes, you can add your cd/usb stick source to repos, and get packages from there aswell05:37
MReevesWell I'm an old windows user, fairly new to linux (though I did play around with it in 96' but gave up because the chipset in my packard bell wasnt supported for x windows at the time)05:38
lotuspsychjeakis: just keep in mind that its recommended to keep your system always up to date with an internet connection05:38
lotuspsychjeMReeves: and you still have an issue right now i presume?05:39
MReevesAnyways, what I'm trying to do, I have installed ubuntu 16.04 on my desktop, and a laptop.. but I'm having difficulties finding them on the server to share files05:39
akislotuspsychje: i will update it as soon as line's issue will be repair by ISP. How can i add my cd/usb stick source to repos?05:39
lotuspsychjeMReeves: your server is windows?05:39
MReevesin windows it was easy to set up a share folder for the wifi network to see..  and right now I'm lost as heck..05:40
lotuspsychjeakis: software&sources icon05:40
akislotuspsychje: could you plz advise me about the procedure?05:40
JDmanJDman:nickserv: /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER JDman gjkwutssbvyz05:40
lotuspsychje!samba | MReeves05:40
ubottuMReeves: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html05:40
JDmandid i do that right05:41
MReevesso I still need to mount samba while trying to communicate with two ubuntu systems on the same wifi (yes the main computer is windows but I thought the router and same wifi connection would allow me to circumvent that issue)05:41
lotuspsychjeakis: software&sources icon==>first tab==>enable cdrom source at bottom==>open a terminal and sudo apt update05:42
lotuspsychjeMReeves: 2 ubuntu boxes, no windows?05:42
lotuspsychjeJDman: enter such commands in your status freenode window, not in channel05:43
MReevesJDman without typing anything else do the whole /msg Nickserv (starting with the / as a command) and change your password since it was posted to this channel05:43
lotuspsychjeMReeves: https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/nautilus-connect.html05:43
MReevesthe computer connected directly to the router is windows, but that is not what I'm trying to share files between, the ubuntu desktop and ubuntu lap top05:44
davidoput an ssh server on one, generate some keys, scp or sftp.05:45
Guest73228anyone here?05:45
ShaRosehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Using_the_Command_Line_.28unattended.29 doesn't seem to work for me. https://img.ShaRo.se/zf-Q9.txt05:45
lotuspsychjeGuest73228: 1813 users yes05:45
* YankDownUnder looks around05:46
Bashing-omMReeves: If it is on occassion then : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2159449 <-easiest way to cp files 'tween two 'buntus that share the same router/house (Morbius1)05:46
akislotuspsychje: i am on xubuntu 16.04 on another machine with internet access. i opened software&updates and i can see the first tab, but how can i make a new cd/dvd wiht all the softaware i have to dowload and then to install it on the other system that misses interent access?05:46
JDman_i need help05:46
YankDownUnderJDman_, Ask the question.05:47
JDman_im new05:47
JDman_trying to join a irc chat room05:47
JDman_wont work05:47
lotuspsychjeakis: use the same install media (usb stick or cdrom) you used to install ubuntu05:47
YankDownUnderJDman_, What channel?05:47
JDman_wat channels are there05:47
MReevesthanks, just a quick question, that I've not tried yet.. if I hook up an ethernet cable between the desktop and laptop both commited ubuntu machines would it be able to transfer data that way?05:47
lotuspsychjeJDman_: i already told you05:48
JDman_repeat please im doing multiple things here05:48
YankDownUnderJDman_, The IRC client you're using should be able to download the channel listing...and then you can decide what channel you wish to join...the context is "/join #channelname"05:48
lotuspsychje!alis | JDman_05:48
ubottuJDman_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http05:48
akislotuspsychje: does this media includes all suplementary software i want to install? i.e. programms like gimp, disks, adobe flash, midori etc?05:49
lotuspsychjeakis: not all software is included in the install media no05:49
lotuspsychjeakis: like i said, its really recommended to use an internet connection asap05:50
JDman_so complicated goodnight05:50
ShaRoseakis the CD installer has a fairly restricted and curated list of packages to keep the size down, so.05:51
MReevesakis, if you want gimp and most media editing type programs maybe an install media of Ubuntu Studio will help https://ubuntustudio.org/05:51
akislotuspsychje: this is doubtful but i asked IF it is possible to install more software without an internet connection from a pc which have internet access using a media05:51
somsip!offline | akis05:51
ubottuakis: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD05:51
somsiphmmm. maybe not that helpful actually05:52
lotuspsychjeakis: you can use your xubuntu box to download packages for the offline box05:52
akislotuspsychje: xubuntu box? i didnt see it anywhere.05:53
lotuspsychjeakis: <akis> lotuspsychje: i am on xubuntu 16.04 on another machine with internet access ?05:54
akislotuspsychje: yes i am. how can i access it?05:54
lotuspsychje!packages | akis05:54
ubottuakis: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Muon, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!05:54
akislotuspsychje: actually i am using software-center to download the preferred packages. the problem for me is how to save them in a media to install them on my other machine with this temporary internet access issue.05:58
lotuspsychjeakis: apt-get download yourpackage05:59
lotuspsychjeakis: cant you just branch your offline box to your xubuntu cable/wifi connection?06:00
lotuspsychjeakis: or update your system to a public wifi06:01
akislotuspsychje: the distance between the machines is 7 kms! no public wifi. i am afraid i have to wait for ISP to solve the problem. i got a Lotto yesterday because the issue came out during installation!06:03
MReevesthanks for all the help, going to hit the rack.. g'night06:12
akisi realize that in /var/cache/apt/archives/ there are all .deb packages i have downloaded on my machine and the same packages i want to be installed on my other machine which is temporary offline. Is it so simple to copy all these .deb archives in a usb stick and then paste them to the offline machine and try to install them offline or it is possible that installation will ask for any dependencies and as i eill be offline intallation will fail?06:19
liuxuhello,I installed ubuntu 16.04 on my laptop,it's i7 6700hq,gtx 960m,when i reboot my system,it failed,and output "/dev/sda6:clean  NMI watchdog:BUG:soft lockup -CPU#7 stuck for 22s! ",SSD partition:/dev/sda1,2,3,4,5 win7 used,/dev/sda2 is uefi directory,/dev/sda6 is /(67G)06:19
lotuspsychjeliuxu: wich graphics driver are you on?06:24
liuxulotuspsychje,new installed,not change06:24
lotuspsychjeliuxu: you sure uefi settings are right?06:24
lotuspsychje!uefi | liuxu06:25
ubottuliuxu: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:25
liuxulotuspsychje,I'm not sure, it can't reboot...06:25
lotuspsychjeliuxu: you could also try a nomodeset to get in your system06:25
lyzeakis, when you copy paste the .deb files then install them simply via: "cd <dir to the files>" "sudo dpkg -i *.deb". Well it will work if you have all dependencies in that folder already downloaded and it will fail if you don't have it06:25
liuxuubotu,the page 50006:26
liuxulotuspsychje, ok ,I try .thankyou06:27
lotuspsychjeliuxu: could be uefi related also, or your gtx not wanting to boot06:27
liuxuubottu,the url is ok,thankyou.06:28
liuxulotuspsychje,ok,thank you ~06:28
ducasseis this relevant? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/153040506:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1530405 in linux (Ubuntu) "NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [kerneloops:814]" [High,Triaged]06:29
Gallardohello, why is it when I boot my ubuntu from an external hhd everything is lagging.. 1 minute of work and cant do enything after that, huge lag, cant open anything etc, and when I try the hdd on other computer, everything is fine (note before everything was ok on the first computer also)06:30
CaptainCowardGallardo: you should run some performance tests on that external drive06:32
taiga_Hello, I upgraded to 16.04 yesterday, it was a clean install. I have one problem with volume notifications popping up all the time(the bubble notification showing volume level via notifyosd). This behavior happens when I try 16.04 in live environment as well. A post suggested this is due to the fact the soundcard is getting constantly disconnected and reconnected and that seems a very fair assumption. I was using 15.04 before and thi06:32
GallardoCaptainCoward ok but what could be wrong here.. any hypotetical ideas?06:34
lotuspsychjeGallardo: you installed ubuntu on an external hd?06:34
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus
lotuspsychjeGallardo: over usb is the bottleneck, normal behaviour06:34
akislyze: i conclude to following procedure. i copy / paste all .deb packages from my 32 bit online machine to my other 32 bit offline machine and i will try to install them using the command you provided me. The same time i will connect my cellphone (with only 250mb internet access available). I suppose that if any dependencies are missing the system will try to download them through servers. Is it my conclusion I right option?06:34
Gallardook, but it was working ok before, and only now everything is lagging, and on the other computer everything is ok so far..06:35
lotuspsychjetaiga_: tried a pulseaudio restart perhaps?06:35
lyzeakis, The dpkg -i won't install a thing from the server. It just tries as best to get everything running for you and if it can't because of dependencies then you'll get a message that you should run "apt-get -f install" which then will download the missing dependencies from the internet06:35
=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest30663
taiga_lotuspsychje: I haven't tried yet, let me give it a shot, thanks.06:37
akislyze: just the missing dependencies or all the package?06:38
lyzeakis, Missing once06:38
lyze* ones06:38
akislyze: and the rest will be install trough the saved in hd .deb archive?06:38
lyzeakis, yeah06:39
taiga_lotuspsychje: no luck06:40
akislyze: excellent so my available mb from my cell phone maybe are enough to install the software06:40
lotuspsychjetaiga_: might be a notify bug perhaps?06:41
lyzeakis, yeah probably. Also if you have access to a not data capped internet right now on a different pc then I'd recommend generating a download script from synaptic or use keryx for that since that'll download everything for you onto a usb stick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware (search for offline)06:41
taiga_lotuspsychje: http://askubuntu.com/questions/767466/sound-card-being-disconnected-reconnected-constantly this is the post I referenced06:42
ducasseakis: if you want to install software on an unconnected computer, check out apt-offline.06:43
taiga_lotuspsychje: and there were two cases where the behavior is reproduced exactly: http://askubuntu.com/questions/773008/constant-volume-osd-in-16-04 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232381506:44
akislyze: thank for your additional advise.06:44
lotuspsychjetaiga_: i dont find an existing bug for it yet, perhaps file a new one?06:45
taiga_lotuspsychje: Sure. Will I be doing this on Launchpad?06:45
lotuspsychje!bug | taiga_ yes06:45
ubottutaiga_ yes: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:45
lotuspsychjetaiga_: the ubuntu-bug package method will redirect you to the right page06:46
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taiga_lotuspsychje: so in this case would it be ubuntu-bug notifyosd or ubuntu-bug pulseaudio?06:47
lotuspsychjetaiga_: perhaps notifyosd only, then describe what happens, attach a picture?06:48
Gabriel_Nylas N1 won't install on ubuntu 16.04, Any Idea on dep... required or work aound?06:50
lyzeGabriel_, what happens?06:50
thekrynn_anyone know why screen in ubuntu doesnt give conistant times for when a screen was created?06:50
thekrynn_it seems to subtly change by 1s or so06:51
=== vick is now known as Guest43046
lotuspsychjeGabriel_: another alternative is geary, supported from official repos06:53
auztyi have 2 users (user1 and user2) i want to share one folder (so the user1 and user2 can access, create delete on that folder) how it can be done? (don't suggest chmod o+rwx)06:54
=== robcsi is now known as Guest84462
somsipauzty: add them both to the same group, make the folder g+s06:54
Gabriel_lotuspsychje: I know, but geary does not really support exchange like N!06:54
somsipauzty: and chgrp the folder to that group...06:55
auztywowww thanks somsip , like a magic, i confused after trying the setfacl06:57
auztybut the g+s do the trick06:58
somsipauzty: np06:58
jason483any hostapd pros in the house?07:08
lotuspsychjejason483: best to ask your specific issue to the channel, so volunteers can read/help07:10
jason483I have hostapd running, it creates an AP but won't issue an ip07:13
ducassejason483: hostapd does not assign ip addresses, your router normally does that. or you need to set up a dhcp server.07:21
=== john is now known as Guest52094
joobHi. Is wodim considered the best terminal-based CD/DVD burning app available?07:36
ducassejoob: depends on what you want to do, growisofs is also useful.07:39
=== luke is now known as Guest9896
Guest9896how do I install the DWA 131 Linux drivers for the D-Link Nano 300.  I did this successfully in 14.04 but nothing seems to work in 16.04. The default option did not work in 14.04 either, I had to go looking07:41
llldinoGuest9896, Can you pastebin the output of lspci07:43
six86Anyone expert in installing/preseeding? I managed to get a uefi preseeded stick to installing, but a script called "60remove-live-packages" is removing the packages I isntall during preseed and also big parts of ubuntu...07:44
Guest9896orry I hould have done that.  lpci doesn't actually show it from what I can gather:07:45
Guest989600:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers (rev 07)07:45
Guest989600:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sky Lake PCIe Controller (x16) (rev 07)07:45
Guest989600:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Integrated Graphics (rev 06)07:45
Guest989600:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H USB 3.0 xHCI Controller (rev 31)07:45
Guest989600:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H CSME HECI #1 (rev 31)07:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:45
=== Mikerhinos is now known as Mikerhinos_
llldinoGuest9896, Sorry I wasn't aware that was a USB wireles dongle. I actually need the output of lsusb07:46
Guest9896That makes sense.  I knew there was something wrong.07:47
Guest9896Bus 001 Device 022: ID 2001:3319 D-Link Corp.07:47
Guest9896whole thing: http://pastebin.com/EVUyRKyr07:48
llldinoGuest9896, Drivers are avalible here: http://support.dlink.ca/ProductInfo.aspx?m=DWA-13107:49
mindofmateoI installed 14.04 LTS alongside Windows 10 (already installed). At first, it just booted straight to Windows, no GRUB, and no partitions other than HDD, USB, CD options (ie I could not select the linux partitions).  I asked for some help and figured out it was booting in legacy mode, so I was helped through fixing/updating GRUB.  Now it boots strai07:53
mindofmateoght to GRUB, but the only options are "Ubuntu, Advanced Options, Memtest1, Memtest2." How do I get windows 10 to show up in GRUB?07:53
Guest9896That's the thing though, I can't seem to install that driver07:54
llldinoGuest9896, Did you download and read the instructions avalible on the same website?07:55
mindofmateoOh, and I forgot (obviously very important), booting to Ubuntu fails, and I get "Mount failed for selinuxfs on /sys/fs/selinux: No such file or directory."07:56
Guest9896I did.  I guess I'm having trouble "building the drivers from the source code"07:56
Guest9896I'm just at a loss07:56
llldinoGuest9896, Which part? You need to be specific07:56
Guest9896Here are the instructions.  I'm having trouble with all of it.  It just says make.  But I don't know what to compile07:57
llldinoRun the script, run make, then run make install07:58
ducasseGuest9896: the release notes says that driver only supports kernels up to 3.207:59
Guest9896ok, I'm just gonna give up and reinstall Windows.  Sorry for wasting your time08:03
mindofmateoDoes ubuntu ship with selinux?08:04
ducasseGuest9896: there are probably newer drivers available somewhere. what version do you have?08:06
ducassemindofmateo: no.08:06
dramamindofmateo, no... it uses apparmor by default but you can apt-get selinux which will remove apparmor with which it is in conflict with08:07
mindofmateoAlright, I just wanted to confirm what google says.  If that's the case, why would my computer say it failed to mount selinuxfs during boot?08:07
sveinseWhat does "bad" mean when running service crashplan status: "Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/crashplan; bad; vendor preset: enabled)"08:08
atticus__Which version are you using?08:09
atticus__Maybe reinstall the OS (backup your data first)08:10
atticus__Or use another distro08:10
ducassesveinse: says the same thing here, but seems to work fine.08:10
sveinseatticus__: What? Seriously? No, this machine *is* newly installed, so sorry, not an option08:11
atticus__I am so sorry for saying that.08:11
atticus__I have no idea.08:11
ducassesveinse: it does not say it on 15.10, however. you need to ask code42 support about it, maybe they will provide an update.08:13
sveinseducasse: thanks, I will08:13
sveinseI suppose they will (or should) at some point update to true systemd service and not just systemv init08:14
=== atticus__ is now known as atticus_
dramamindofmateo, does this describe your problem http://forum.lemaker.org/thread-9767-1-1.html08:14
knobo1will there be a v4.6 mainline kernel for wily?08:14
sveinseDoesn't 16.04 retain journal older than the last boot? "journalctl -b -1" returns "Specifying boot ID has not effect, no persistent journal was found"08:15
ducassesveinse: you need to create /var/log/journal08:15
k1lknobo1: i doubt since 16.10 is the development target now and 15.10 doesnt get major kernel upgrades.08:15
k1lknobo1: and you will need to upgrade to 16.04 until july anyway08:16
sveinseducasse: any special perms for that?08:16
mindofmateodrama: let me look really quick.08:16
ducassesveinse: rwxr-sr-x+ 3 root systemd-journal08:17
atticusb05Sorry about that.08:17
Jyzerguys need help, youtube videos low slow in chronium, works a bit faster in firefox but still lagging08:18
Jyzerhow do i fix this08:18
Jyzerguys need help, youtube videos low slow in chronium, works a bit faster in firefox but still lagging08:18
ducasse!patience | Jyzer08:19
ubottuJyzer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:19
thms_workJyzer, HTML5 playrer ?08:19
thms_workJyzer, how's your system load ?08:19
thms_workw; htop (install if you don't have it)à08:19
Jyzeronly using browser08:19
Jyzerand that load fast08:19
thms_workdo what I said if you want help :p08:19
thms_worktell me the load of your systtem and the state of your RAM usage using htop08:20
Jyzeri answered you08:20
thms_workand the load using "w" in terminal08:20
Jyzerhtop 60%08:21
Jyzernow 3308:21
Jyzersays cpu 99 wtf08:22
Jyzeris that normal?08:22
Jyzerfirefox using 99 cpu?08:22
knobo1k1l: I did not upgrade yet, because right after the release there were some unstability reports.08:22
dramaJyzer, i completely got rid of flash and found out i didn't need it... youtube converted all their videos to h.26408:23
knobo1Maybe 16.04 is getting stable.08:23
knobo1by now.08:23
thms_workJyzer, heres your problem. So use htop to sort by cpu using F908:23
knobo1Atleast some of the issues are resolved.08:23
thms_workJyzer, F6 sorry08:23
thms_workKill all the CPU and memory intensive things, and try with firefox.08:24
thms_workIf not working, kill all including firefox and try with chromium08:24
Jyzeri only run webbrowser..08:24
Jyzerthats all i got08:24
thms_workbut loading at 99%08:25
Jyzerand chromium lag too08:25
thms_workI run two browers I'm at 7%08:25
Jyzermy cpu maybe fucked then?08:25
thms_workI stopped using chromium I use firefox08:25
Jyzerworked fine on windows..08:25
thms_workNot at all Jyzer08:25
thms_workmust be a bug somewhere that's eating all your CPU.08:25
thms_workNow you know the problem, find  a solution :/ I'm at work sorry :)08:25
ducasseJyzer: what are the numbers behind 'load average'?08:25
thms_workducasse will take care of u08:26
dramaflash is a 50 MB download of malware08:26
Jyzerwhen i start yt video the cpu goes high08:27
Jyzerand video lag a bit08:27
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Jyzeri tried everything08:28
k1lJyzer: what video card and what driver is in use?08:28
Jyzerwhere do i see that kll08:28
k1l"lspci | nc termbin.com 9999" in terminal and show the url here08:29
thinkywhen i apply "sudo apt-get update" command it returns with this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/16652212/08:29
thinkyW: The repository 'http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu wily Release' does not have a Release file.08:30
thinkyN: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use.08:30
atticus_Sorry, but what is happening?08:30
thinkyis it important? or should i ignore ?08:30
atticus_Don't worry.08:30
k1lthinky: "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* |nc termbin.com 9999" and show the link here08:31
atticus_Okay. What's happening?08:31
Vazi think i fixed the flash problem08:31
thinkyk1l: http://termbin.com/r01d08:31
Vazi uinstalled ubuntu08:31
Vazfixed the issue08:31
Vazi uinstalled adobe flashplayer08:32
k1lthinky: why do you add wily repos to your xenial system?08:32
Vazworks now08:32
atticus_I don't know.08:32
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest23631
thinkyk1l: to install dropbox?08:32
k1lthinky: that is wrong. dont mix repos. you cant use 15.10 repos on 16.0408:33
thinkyi just noticed that dropbox icon is not at top bar08:33
thinkyit was use to be there08:33
thinkyi didnt know that k1l08:33
atticus_Obviously not.  That is why there are different repos for different versions.08:33
thinkyhow can i remove it and install correct one?08:33
k1lthinky: open the systemsettings -> update &software and change that ppa from dropbox to be "xenial" instead of wily08:34
mindofmateoSort of a meta question: browsing the Ubuntu website, before the download page where they ask you for donations, what does "I want convergence now" refer to/mean?08:35
Vazvideoes still lag08:35
Vazhow do i fix video lag??08:35
thinkyk1l: i clicked on "edit" and then there is "distributor : wily" i changed it to "xenial" is that correct?08:35
k1lmindofmateo: then your donations go to the team that develops it.08:35
bweHi, my ubuntu 16.04 freezes some minutes after using it after being logged in. I've switched graphics driver from nvidia to nouveau. The problem worsened (happens now after shorter period of time) with recent upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04. I've logged in via ssh to track syslog. On freeze 1) ssh does not react any more 2) tail -f /var/log/syslog does not show any error at all. Even after inspecting it after08:36
k1lthinky: its "distribution" but yes08:36
akikmindofmateo: convergence refers to the way unity 8 will work regardless of the device08:36
bwerebooting the system I can't identify any log entry relating to the problem.08:36
thinkyit is now : http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu xenial main08:36
mindofmateok1|: I guess what I'm asking is what does "converence " mean inthis conext?08:36
mindofmateoakik: Oh, ok thanks.08:36
atticus_Try reinstalling.08:36
ducassebwe: did you upgrade or clean install?08:36
bweducasse: I upgrade08:37
k1lmindofmateo: search for the ubuntu tablet m10. there that will be explained08:37
ducasse!ltsupgrade | bwe08:37
ubottubwe: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.08:37
thinkyk1l: W: The repository 'http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file.08:37
thinkyN: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use.08:37
k1latticus_: please stop everyone he should just reinstall. that is no helpfull08:37
Atticus_Sorr about that.08:38
Atticus_Sorry about that.08:38
ducassebwe: you should not upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 until 16.04.1 is released, you need to restore from backup.08:39
[Saint]Have any of you guys every messed around with cryptsetup early ssh remote unlocking?08:39
bweducasse: I've known that I should upgrade not before July 21st. However, I decided to upgrade before. But is that related to my problem at all?08:39
ducassebwe: because the upgrade path is not ready yet.08:40
bweducasse: Admittedly, you are right. However, I want to identify the cause of the sudden system freeze (mouse, keyboard does not react, ssh does not respond, nothing suspicious in syslog). Can you help me with that (well, it happened on 14.04 and happens on 16.04)?08:41
thinkyhow can i remove dropbox and its repository completely ?08:42
thinkyk1l: are u there?08:42
ducassebwe: your system is now broken, as i said you need to restore from backup. when you have a consistent system we can start solving problems.08:42
thinkychanged wily to xenial didnt fix the problem i think08:42
K-archBWE <<< adding iommu=soft too your grub boot config does wonders ...08:43
sveinseducasse, how come /var/log/journal is not setup by the installer?08:44
ducassesveinse: because journald is not persistent by default. lennart's immaculate vision, i guess.08:44
bweducasse: There is no backup of the system itself. Can I install 16.04 afresh retaining user's config?08:45
sveinseducasse: hmm, ok. I had an unexpected reboot yesterday, and I have no eyes into the events leading up to the reboot.08:46
ducassebwe: i think the installer allows you to erase everything except /home, but i'm not certain.08:46
ducassesveinse: nothing suspicious in /var/log?08:47
sveinseducasse: No, nothing. But then again, a kernel panic might not show up there on the old logging scheme either.08:48
hateballducasse, bwe only if /home is on its own partition already, then you can choose manual partitioning and choose to not format /home08:48
hateballbwe: Any reason you're using nouveau instead of nvidia blob? Which chipset do you use?08:48
ducassesveinse: no, it might not. all you can do at this point is enable persistent journald and hope it catches something if it happens again, i guess.08:50
ubottuzinzi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:50
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k1lthinky: remove the [arch=i386,amd64] part08:51
sveinseducasse: Jup. Anything special I need to reload systemd to start logging into the persistent log? is daemon-reload enough?08:51
bwehateball: okay. Thanks for that hint. Nvidia 6600 gt.08:51
bwehateball: I switched to nouveau simply to test whether the problem persists. It does.08:52
bwehateball: Do you advise me to do a fresh install?08:52
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ducassesveinse: reload systemd-journald.service i think, the man page says SIGUSR1 will cause it to flush the log to persistent storage.08:53
mcphailbwe: you appear to have very old hardware. Are you absolutely sure this isn't a hardware problem? A fresh install might be a waste of time08:53
six86Anyone expert in installing/preseeding? I managed to get a uefi preseeded stick to installing, but a script called "60remove-live-packages" is removing the packages I install during preseed and also big parts of ubuntu...08:54
bwemcphail: It's not the newest hardware. But it's not the oldest. That's exactly why I am asking. How can I trace down the cause of the problem?08:55
ducassesveinse: also 'journalctl --flush'08:55
hateballbwe: I was going to suggest to try a later driver from the PPA but I am not sure your card is supported by that08:56
k1lbwe: load a live-usb/dvd and look at the logs on the hdd08:56
mcphailbwe: I'd check all cables and connections, SMART check your disk, do a memcheck, swap out RAM modules, try your graphics card in another machine etc. Many of the system freezes reported on here are hardware related. My dodgy motherboard freezes without anything getting written to the logs08:56
thinkyk1l: how can i remove [arch=i386,amd64] part ?08:56
k1lbwe: if you cant reach them from the installed system08:56
k1lthinky: look at the settings like you did just before08:57
k1lthinky: i dont know how or why you added that08:57
thinkythere is no such thing08:57
bwemcphail: I have the same symptoms overe here as you with your dodgy motherboard.08:58
k1lthinky: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list" then remove it, then ctrl+o for saving and ctrl+x for leaving08:58
mcphailbwe: I can get my mobo to run if I avoid certain SATA ports and USB3 ports. The other SATA ports do crash from time to time, but have the decency to write to the log first. But plug into a different SATA port and it just freezes without feedback08:59
bwemcphail: So, who is to blame? motherboard manufacturer? kernel dev?09:00
mcphailbwe: nothing the kernel dev can do about broken hardware09:00
bwemcphail: So, is the motherboard broken?09:01
ducassebwe: possibly.09:01
ducassebwe: could also be the psu, memory etc.09:02
mcphailbwe: I suspect some item of hardware is faulty. I'd check that first before a reinstall of your OS09:02
bweducasse: PSU has been recently swapped against brand new.09:04
ducassebwe: boot from a live usb/dvd, see how that behaves. run memtest.09:04
thinkyk1l: i couldnt do that :S09:07
thinkyFetched 189 kB in 3s (58.8 kB/s)     Reading package lists... Done N: Ignoring file 'dropbox.list.save.1' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension N: Ignoring file 'dropbox.list.save.2' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension09:07
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bweducasse: Thanks. I'll do that: https://bpaste.net/show/84884ea935a609:08
ducassebwe: something like that, use smartmontools to check the disk.09:09
k1lthinky: i gave you exact instructions that do work. what did you do?09:10
thinkyk1l: i did the command but ctrl+o and ctrl+x didnt work09:11
thinkyinstead it saved 2 same files09:11
thinkysave.1 and save.209:11
thinkydont know ho09:11
k1lthinky: no, nano doesnt do that.09:11
thinkywhen i do ctrl+o it asked me rename09:12
thinkythen nothing happened i had to ctrl+c and exit09:12
MCMicThe ubuntu installer (xubuntu actually) crashed telling me it might be related to a hard drive problem.09:12
MCMicWhat would be the next step to check this?09:12
thinkyhere what i did09:12
k1l"ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | nc termbin.com 9999"09:12
thinkyk1l: http://termbin.com/1da909:12
k1lthinky: ok, so you opened it in a GUI editor? right?09:13
k1lthinky: ok so you lied to me09:13
thinkyi deleted but it didnt delete09:13
thinkyit saved a lot of times09:13
thinkyk1l: i didnt09:13
k1lthinky: i said exactly what to do. i gave you the command you only had to copy and paste. if you dont want to do that stop asking me.09:14
thinkyk1l: i dont understand how nano works09:14
thinkyi did what u said exactly beleive me09:14
k1lthinky: i gave you the exact instructions.09:14
thinkyk1l: look when i did sudo nano command it opened a place to edit09:15
k1lthat is nano.09:15
thinkythere was the link of dropbox http... i deleted and then i did ctrl+o command09:15
thinkyafter that it asked me to rename it ,09:15
thinkythen i didnt know what to do09:15
thinkyi did ctrl+x but it didnt exit09:15
thinkyit was still asking me to rename09:16
thinkythen i had to ctrl+c to cancel09:16
k1lthen edit the file as mentioned before (remove the arch.... part) then press crtl+o. which asked "should i overwrite the old file?" "yes". ctrl+x. done09:16
thinkylet me try again09:16
thinkyk1l: File /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list is being edited (by root with nano 2.09:17
k1lthinky: you still have several editors and guis open.09:17
thinkythere is nothing k1l09:18
thinkyi think i did something wrong09:18
k1lthinky: but i have to leave now for work again. so maybe others will help you with the mess you did.09:18
thinkyok thanks k1l have a good work09:18
thinkythere was no arch09:19
thinkyjust same http link then i deleted09:19
ducassethinky: can you run 'cat  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list | nc termbin.com 9999' ?09:19
thinkyok ducasse09:19
thinkyducasse: $ cat  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list | nc termbin.com 9999 Use netcat.09:20
ducassethinky: then run 'cat  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list | netcat termbin.com 9999'09:20
thinkyducasse: $ cat  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list | netcat termbin.com 9999 Use netcat.09:21
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ducassethinky: wth? run 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit'09:21
ducassethinky: ignore the warnings about dropbox.09:22
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thinkyis it possible just to delete anything related dropbox please?09:22
kisbyes purge09:23
thinkyanything in the sources.list.d09:23
thinkyi dont wanna see those warnings :S09:23
kisblocate and delete the repo09:23
thinkyhow can i?09:23
thinkyN: Ignoring file 'dropbox.list.save.1' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension09:24
ducassethinky: it's not hard to fix, install pastebinit, then pastebin the source file. i will edit it for you.09:24
thinkyN: Ignoring file 'dropbox.list.save.2' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension09:24
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thinkyducasse: installed i guess09:24
kisbthats easy to fix09:24
thinkyhow to use it now ?09:24
ducassethinky: 'pastebinit  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list'09:25
thinkyi am really ignorant about ubuntu09:25
thinkyducasse: ~$ pastebinit  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list You are trying to send an empty document, exiting09:25
kisbsudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list.save*09:25
thinkykisb: yes it deleted all of them09:26
thinkyi think nothing left named dropbox09:26
thinkyhow can we check if it is totally removed?09:26
kisbno its still there09:26
thinkyyes kisb i just cheked and it is still in apps list09:27
ducassethinky: you still have the corrupted file 'sudo rm  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox.list*'09:27
kisbthought you just wanted to fix the error09:27
thinkykisb: lets remove and we can fresh install09:27
kisbsudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dropbox*09:27
thinkyremoved the files09:28
thinkyno warning now but i think dropbox is corrupted09:28
thinkyit doesnt run or do anything just icon stays there09:28
thinkyso now what should i do ?09:29
reactormonkI've got a laptop with 3200x1800 px, and everything's tiny - how can I change the interface size?09:30
kisbjust reinstall or delete it. choose one09:30
ducassethinky: 'dpkg -l | grep dropbox | pastebinit'09:30
Bent0I manually removed a package (nginx). Now when I reinstall it using apt install it does install but not all the default dirs are created. so now /etc/nginx or /var/log/nginx etc09:31
Bent0any ideas?09:31
thinkyducasse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16652552/09:31
reactormonkfound the settings for general menu size - is there one for general font size or will that screw everything over?09:32
ducassethinky: 'sudo dpkg -r dropbox'09:32
thinkyducasse: done09:32
thinkyremoved totally ?09:32
thinkyi cant see dropbox icon in apps anymore09:32
kisbBent0, what do you mean by manually removed09:32
Bent0Removed /etc/nginx /etc/init.d/nginx09:32
Bent0and other paths09:33
ducassethinky: now it's gone. if you want to install it again you need to follow the instructions on the dropbox site carefully.09:33
thinkyducasse: it just lets me download .deb file09:33
thinkyis there any instruction to install dropbox properly ?09:33
ducassethinky: then do that, then install it.09:33
Bent0Now I can reinstall nginx and I can start the executable but it complains a lot of paths are not found. So the package installer does not create them for some reason. Probably because it thinks its already there09:33
kisbBent0, that was a bad idea, next time use apt purge or synaptic to remove.09:33
Bent0kisb: Okay. But where do I go from here09:34
somsipBent0: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nginx should recreate anything that's ising09:34
Bent0Yeah I tried that too somsip. Doesnt create the dirs09:35
thinkyducasse: that was how i did earlier but it turned with error09:35
thinkywarning not error09:35
kisbBent0, reinstall using apt install --reinstall09:35
Bent0kisb: did that. didnt work09:35
ducassethinky: ok, maybe they don't have a version for xenial yet. i don't use dropbox, and it's not really supported here.09:36
thinkyducasse: https://www.dropbox.com/install?os=lnx09:36
kisbBent0, are you sure you used the --reinstall option?09:36
Bent0kisb: yes09:37
guest-SSGtd0i fick xou mama09:37
kisbBent0, okay first purge it then reinstall09:38
somsip!ops | guest-SSGtd0 (before he learns how to spell...)09:38
ubottuguest-SSGtd0 (before he learns how to spell...): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu09:38
ducassethinky: that package was released *long* before xenial was ready, i guess it doesn't work properly on 16.04 yet.09:38
Bent0kisb: Hah, turns out the paths are created by another package nginx-core and -common09:39
Bent0works now. cheers09:39
thinkyducasse: thanks09:39
thinkyducasse: and kisb thanks for your helps09:40
ducassethinky: np.09:40
jason830what does dnsmasq.service: Interactive authentication required actually mean?09:43
[Saint]If anyone is remotely (heh - unintentional pun) in remote unlock via early ssh for LUKS full disk encryption, I found this to be very suitable:09:43
=== Mikerhinos_ is now known as Mikerhinos
bweDownload Xubuntu 16.04 64bit iso -> unetbootin -> create USB drive -> boot PC with USB drive -> 'Test memory' -> 'cannot load ramdisk with an old kernel image.'09:46
bweSo, what's wrong now?09:46
bweseems to be http://www.openmutual.org/2014/09/memtest86-cannot-load-a-ramdisk-with-an-old-kernel-image/09:48
CrazyAtomi am having trouble with the sound, there is crackling noise when music or any other sound is played. Sound card is detected and drivers are shown09:50
CrazyAtombtw, on xenial09:50
Jakey3in https://github.com/drduh/pwd.sh/blob/master/pwd.sh what does the "set -o" do?09:52
MCMicI tried running fsck on the disks, it finds errors and attempts to fix them, but if I rerun fsck the same errrors comes again09:52
ducasseJakey3: 'help set'09:53
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Jakey3ducasse, so you use the long form of the option instead of the short flag?09:55
ducasseJakey3: basically, yes. also, some long options don't have short counterparts.09:56
ducasseJakey3: the long form is a lot more readable in a script.09:57
Jakey3i see09:57
de-factoMCMic have you read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting09:57
ducasseJakey3: it's the same reason as why you should use --option rather than -o in scripts, especially if you share/publish.09:58
Jakey3thanks for info09:58
vbotkaMCMic, you might want to check the health of the disk with smartctl09:58
Jakey3im looking at this script09:58
ducasseJakey3: np :)09:58
Jakey3filter="$(command -v grep) --invert-match --regexp"09:59
Jakey3is command a variable here09:59
MCMicvbotka: gnome-disks says the disk is ok so I don’t think SMART will help09:59
MCMicde-facto: thanks, reading.09:59
ducasseJakey3: 'help command' :)10:01
MCMicOk, bad block check running, I’ll see in a while what it says10:03
ducasseJakey3: documentation for bash built-ins are available through 'help'. on its own it will give you a list.10:04
MCMicAre power variations specifically bad for hard drives? Both our computers had a HD crash since we moved to Thailand 6 months ago, and the power tends to cut/come back, probably making surges.10:05
Jakey3in the case of  filter="$(command -v grep) --invert-match --regexp"10:05
somsipMCMic: you need a UPS in Thailand. And humidity will kill drives quicker if you dont have aircon10:05
Jakey3so the filter command will invoke the grep command within its function10:05
Jakey3not function declaration10:06
anonymoushello people10:06
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somsipMCMic: to which bit?10:06
Jakey3i,e, filter is defined so it will use grep with these specified flags10:06
MCMicsomsip: I’m leaving in 2 months so it’s a bit late for investing in a UPS :-/10:07
somsipMCMic: I've picked them up as cheap as 1900 baht in the past. Your call though10:07
MCMicsomsip: I don’t get what «to which bit» means?10:07
somsipMCMic: trying to understand which part of my first answer caused the unhappy face10:08
looolhey hi.. please help mee :(10:08
wish^Hi. I have an issue with Ubuntu freezing. The operating system freezes randomly, but i can still move the mouse. I cannot click on anything or do anything except restart the computer.10:08
somsip!details | loool10:08
ubottuloool: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.10:08
looolmy linuxlite can not be works10:08
wish^Anyone know of a similar issue and how to troubleshoot this?10:08
somsiploool: we only support ubuntu in this channel. You need linuxliste support10:08
MCMicsomsip: Oh, thought it would be more. That’s cheaper than keeping buying new HD. I’ll see if I can find one next time I go to a big city10:08
loooli need my chrome passwords.. how can i reach it?10:08
somsipMCMic: yeah - not much. Try invadeit.co.th as a decent online store10:09
looolany idea about it?10:09
somsiploool: it's still not supported here10:09
somsiploool: https://www.linuxliteos.com/support.html10:09
seehrumhi :D10:09
MCMicsomsip: The unhappy face was I don’t have aircon and I don’t have UPS so my hard drives are gonna crash /o\10:10
looolsomsip: .. is it possible to sava my chromepasswords? whats your opinion?10:10
Jakey3so filter is just using grep with some extra options10:10
somsiploool: my opinion is you should take your enquiry elsewhere, and I'm ignoring you now10:10
MCMicsomsip: thanks10:10
ducasseloool: not an ubuntu problem.10:11
eversonHi all. I'm trying to format a drive (using slow / zero-fill format) for privacy. There seems to be a problem with the drive however - I keep getting this error: "Error erasing device: Error writing 1048576 bytes to /dev/sdb1: Input/output error (udisks-error-quark, 0)" - I assume some bits of the hardware are broken. Is there another tool I can use to format the bits that work?10:11
wish^I think it is xorg causing this problem but i am not sure10:11
somsipMCMic: if you have it powered on more than not, the humidity might not be a problem. If you leave it off for a while in humidity, it's not nice for the internals10:11
loooli see.. ut as if u had the same problem ubuntu what u shoud do*10:11
K-archCan you help me install my free windows 10 upgrade?10:11
Ben64loool: stop trying to find a loophole and go to the right channel10:11
ducasseloool: we don't support chrome on ubuntu either.10:11
Ben64K-arch: ##windows10:12
looolok bros thnnks bye10:12
wish^Is there anyone here that has any ideas about the issue ?10:12
somsipMCMic: getiting offtopic now so my final word on this, another online ordering site https://www.advice.co.th/search?keyword=ups10:12
MCMicsomsip: ok thanks10:13
K-archbut I'm using Ubuntu isn't Ubuntu made by Microsoft10:13
ducasseeverson: check the smart data for the drive before using it at all.10:14
anabainI've been experiencing extremely nasty sync problems after upgrading 15.10 to 16.04 on one of my boxes, and after simply dist-upgrading 15.10 on the other. What's going on? (I'm on KDE, btw)10:14
anabainvideo sync problems, I mean10:14
hateballanabain: what chipset?10:14
hateballanabain: also we have #kubuntu :)10:15
Guest62670nick e10:15
hateballanabain: By sync I assumed v-sync/tearing, perhaps you meant something else10:15
=== Guest62670 is now known as anonymous2208
anabainno, just that. Refreshing is poor, images flick, there are many artifacts...10:17
anabainhateball, ^10:17
anonymous2208can anybody help?10:18
Ben64not until you describe your issue10:18
ducasse!ask | anonymous220810:18
ubottuanonymous2208: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:18
anonymous2208oh sorry bob10:18
anonymous2208i got my raspberry pi 3 and i need like a hand suitcase for it you know the one like you see in movies the president got to launch nukes anyone know were i can buy one like that i've tried in ages never found one i need it to make a portable ethical hacking devicce please help me.10:19
LaykeI'm stuck (and sad).. Got a new Clevo p771dm laptop. Has uefi and windows installed on main parititon. Has 2x m2 ssd.. I'm trying to install ubuntu, and I created a USB boot device on a 8gb drive I bought. It boots okay, let's me choose "Try Ubuntu" or "Install". When I click either however, it says "you need atleast 8.4 gb to use ubuntu". I'm not sure why I can't continue..10:20
LaykeMy main parition is windows 10 with raid 1. uefi is enabled.10:20
gabrielNylas N1 doesn't seem to install after upgrading to 16.04, Any idea on a fix?10:20
hateballanabain: And what GPU chipset/driver are you using?10:20
anonymous2208i guess nobody know my issue and can't help me ):10:20
hateball!patience | anonymous220810:20
ubottuanonymous2208: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:20
anonymous2208sorry meatball'10:21
anabainhateball, from lspci: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Cedar [Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series]10:21
anonymous2208nobody will answer you. While you wait ubottu so nobodys gonna help me10:21
ducasseanonymous2208: that is not an ubuntu problem, ask in one of the raspberry channels.10:22
hateballanabain: I see. Well, I do not know much about AMD. What's changed is that fglrx is deprecated and you're now using radeonsi or amdgpu. I don't know if there's any tweaks you can do to make it behave nicer10:22
anonymous2208theres no raspberry pi channel dude!10:22
hateballanabain: the drivers are in the kernel, so one thing you could try is to install a !mainline kernel and test with10:22
hateballanabain: Also tweak the compositing settings for kwin10:23
ducasseanonymous2208: yes, there are. try '/msg alis list #raspberry*'10:23
anabainI tried compositing stuff, but things got worse..., hateball10:23
anonymous2208okay i got another question a last one10:23
ducassegabriel: ask nylas, i guess.10:24
anonymous2208how do i make my laptop able to charge via usb while its shut off i heard some people do that and i have seen it i want to do it it will be so much help to me10:24
=== Habbie2 is now known as Habbie
ducasseanonymous2208: still not an ubuntu problem.10:25
de-factoanonymous2208 this is a ubuntu support channel, try #hardware10:25
anonymous2208PEOPLE that is a ubuntu problem10:25
anonymous2208what should it else  eb10:25
hateballAre the arch trolls out in large scale today10:26
Laykeanonymous2208, You can only do it on certain usb ports.. the laptop has to have it enabled to power, not a ubuntu problem10:26
hateballanabain: Any difference if you disable effects completely? Toggle with alt+shift+f1210:26
anonymous2208LAYKE THANKS but makes no sence it dosent matter what usb port just one of them please help and how can it not be a ubuntu prob its inside the hdd right.10:27
ducasseanonymous2208: ask in ##hardware10:27
akikanonymous2208: it's probably the usb port with yellow connector that you need10:27
anonymous2208akik only got two black and one blue osb10:28
LaykeDoes anyone know if I can install ubuntu on m2 ssds? I don't know why when I boot from my usb it says that I don't have enough disk space. (Which makes me think that it can't see any available volumes). My usb is an 8Gb one.. But says it needs atleast 8.4 to install.10:28
anabainhateball, it worked perfectly!! :)10:28
anabainhow come?10:28
anonymous2208i will try going to hardware thanks10:28
anonymous2208WONT WORK10:28
hateballanabain: Right, so there is some problem with your card/driver and the compositing in kwin10:28
anonymous2208##join channel hardware10:28
ducasseLayke: you need to free up a partition. create free space from windows.10:28
eversonanonymous2208, only yellow usb ports can charge whilst laptop is off.10:28
anonymous2208who told me to do this it wont work10:28
anonymous2208everson but then how can my desktop charge and it got no yellow usb ports10:29
hateballanabain: If you join #kubuntu there may be more people that know about plasma specifically, also it is less noisy10:29
Laykeducasse, I've done that I believe? When you say free up a partition, do I just want free space?.. ie, not a volume?10:29
hateballanabain: I'm thinking it should be able to be tweaked by changing rendering method. What things did you try yourself?10:29
ducasseLayke: free disk space, you can create a partition from the installer.10:29
anonymous2208EVERSON but then how can my desktop charge and it got no yellow usb ports10:29
anabainhateball, would it be better to wait until it is solved, right? I don't mind disabling embellishing stuff meanwhile.10:29
eversonanonymous2208, desktop motherboards differ from one to the next. Depends on your motherboard. Check your manual.10:30
eversonanonymous2208, relax10:30
anabainhateball, anyway, I tried some /etc/environment changes I found out there10:30
anonymous2208i got no manual eVERSON its a laptop i didnt even get the name on the motherboard when i bought it its a lenovo pc....10:30
ducasseanonymous2208: go away now, you're just making noise.10:30
eversonanonymous2208, for laptops, only yellow usb ports charge when off.10:30
eversonanonymous2208, I am using a lenovo laptop too.10:30
Laykeducasse, Like this? http://imgur.com/AUnrEUD10:30
anonymous2208okay thanks and ducasse sorry for being an idiodt10:31
Laykeducasse, The ubuntu parition is what I just created...10:31
hateballanabain: according to this it's fixed with a later driver https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35475310:31
ubottuKDE bug 354753 in scene-opengl "AMDGPU driver: rendering artifacts" [Normal,Verified: fixed]10:31
anonymous2208so now how do i join the hardware ?10:31
eversonanonymous2208, type: /j #hardware10:31
hateballanabain: so as I said, you can try a !mainline kernel. 16.04 uses 4.4, mainline has 4.610:31
anonymous2208thanks EVERSON10:31
eversonYOU'RE WELCOME10:31
Laykeducasse, One otherthing however, in my previous experience of installing ubuntu, I've always been presented with the ability to continue and create partiions from the installer myself. This isn't letting me even see any other drives/paritions10:31
anabainok, hateball, but how can I get this kernel?10:32
ducasseLayke: you have created an ntfs file system on it, just format it from the installer.10:32
hateball!mainline | anabain10:32
ubottuanabain: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds10:32
anonymous2208guys i cant write in hardware why10:32
hateball!register | anonymous220810:32
anabainthanks, hateball, you've been so helpful10:32
ubottuanonymous2208: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:32
LaykeI'll give this a shot. I've deleted the file system.. so now I have 180gb unallocated..10:33
LaykePs. Do I want UEFI? Is that bad?10:33
akikLayke: you said raid1. do you have empty space on those disks?10:33
ducasseLayke: you should see the disk in the installer, it should be called /dev/nvmesomething.10:33
Laykeakik, Yes I do10:33
ducasseLayke: yes, you want uefi.10:34
hateballanabain: you're welcome, good luck10:34
anonymous2208hateball and ubottu fuckiing seious i cant even write for help in free mode10:34
Laykeducasse, The problem I have is that I can't continue to see the disks.. the installer starts, then INSTANTLY after selecting the language "English" says... something like "You need at least 8.4gb to use Ubuntu". "Your current deviec has 7.8gb"10:35
akikLayke: if disk 0 in your picture is the raid1 disk, there's no free space10:35
LaykeMy current device I assume is the usb device whcih is 8gb10:35
Laykeducasse, Wouldthis be correct? http://imgur.com/lekUzXr10:36
anonymous2208how do i join the raspberry pi channel10:36
akikLayke: the 8 gig usb device is the one which you put the ubuntu installation image on?10:36
akikakik: you can't install ubuntu on the same usb device10:36
LaykeDisk 1 has a bootable usb, that I followed from this guide. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows10:37
ducasseLayke: that looks right.10:37
LaykeI'll take a screenshot of the screen I get when I boot from the usb device10:37
LaykeI'll be back in 5 minutes I guess.10:37
Layke(I'm worried that ubuntu can't see my m2 drives or something)10:38
Laykeducasse, These are what I have for raid1 http://www.samsung.com/us/computer/memory-storage/MZ-N5E500BW10:38
LaykeI don't know why it would matter, but I just have cold sweats from remmebering how much of a problem windows used to have installing SATA drives on windows XP before you had driver support10:39
LaykeSo in my limited wisdom, assume maybe the new m2 drives might have similar issues?10:39
anonymous2208somebody know how i can join a raspberry pi irc server10:40
akikLayke: can you confirm that you have unpartitioned space on the m2 drives?10:41
Jakey3what does prompt="${1}" mean?10:41
Jakey3i.e. ${1}10:41
ducasseanonymous2208: /join #raspberrypi10:41
bitchplisMy sound keeps jumping from headphones to lineout10:41
Laykeakik, Yep. I think this screenshot confirms right? http://imgur.com/lekUzXr10:41
bitchplisCan someone tell me how to solve this issue?10:42
LaykeI just deleted the volume I did have..10:42
anonymous2208ok ducasse10:43
anonymous2208DUCASSE it wont work10:44
anonymous2208try it your self10:44
Laykeanonymous2208, If you struggle to use IRC, you might find more help in #freenode10:44
anonymous2208layke i cant even write in freemode10:45
ducasseanonymous2208: just did, i'm in there now. works fine. we are not here to teach you how to use irc.10:45
anonymous2208DUCASSE im not a fucking maggot but when i write it and press enter in the chat nothing happens10:45
Laykeakik, Happy with that screenshot? I'll restart when ready10:45
Laykeanonymous2208, You probabaly have to be registered with the network. (Again, best find outhow to use IRC first)10:46
anonymous2208layke i cant register ive tried !register nothing happends there to10:46
bitchplisanonymous2208, its /ns register10:47
anonymous2208thanks bitch10:47
bitchplisno problem fag10:47
ducasse!ops | anonymous220810:47
ubottuanonymous2208: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu10:47
anonymous2208Ubottu what do you mean10:48
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:48
de-factoanonymous2208 look this channel is for supporting the ubuntu OS, nothing else. if you have other problems try to find a channel for that topic instead, if you need to register to talk there follow the instructions at https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration10:48
bitchpliscan someone then fricking help me with this already10:48
anonymous2208okay ty10:48
anonymous2208what is this <ubottu> anonymous2208: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu10:49
bitchplisgood god, stop hl'ing people10:49
anonymous2208thanks that was on time Drone and why did you mute me10:52
bitchplisNobody answering my question?10:52
anonymous2208whats the question bitchplis10:53
bitchplisI dont think you will be able to answer10:53
bitchplisbut here goes10:53
bitchplisAudio keeps changing from microphone to lineout repeatedly10:53
bitchpliscausing interruptions in sound10:53
anonymous2208wow wait a min i will search on the internet10:53
Habbieusually that's a hardware issue10:54
bitchplisI am on xenial10:54
LaykeHey. Tried again. Failed. http://imgur.com/hZBkljk ikik and ducasse that image is what I see immediately when trying to install10:54
bitchplisHabbie, my front panel has a broken jack in it10:54
wish^Ubuntu 14.04 LTS has random screen freezes, mouse can still move but cant click anything. Anyone able to help me diagnose this?10:54
bitchplisAnyway to disable the front panel jacks10:54
anonymous2208#Bitchplis think i found somthing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/106743410:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1067434 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Sound output device keeps changing when using headphones" [Low,Expired]10:55
ducasseLayke: you are right, it can't see the disk.10:55
Laykeducasse, Not all too sure on what I should search to try and fix10:56
LaykeI could insert some other SSDs into the main sata ports?10:56
ducasseLayke: how is the raid set up - firmware or windows?10:56
anonymous2208Layke would you norammly connect ssds to sata ports....10:57
LaykeIt's not a software raid, if that's what you are asking10:57
ducasseLayke: that's what i'm asking :)10:57
LaykeSo firmware. I don't really want to switch to ACHI mode, since I'd lose the array right? And mess up everything10:57
hateballLayke: if you run it live, can you see the devices at all?10:58
LaykeNope. Exactly the same issue10:58
hateballLayke: No entries in /dev/nvme* ?10:58
Laykehateball, I can't get to a terminal. Not sure how.10:58
Laykehateball, (My main parititon has windows installed)10:58
LaykeAnd I can'tboot live into Ubuntu to see any devices10:58
LaykeThe "Create a boot usb" guide, just said I needed 4Gb of space or something, so I thought the 8GB would be sufficient. That image though shows for boot installing, and when I try and live boot. http://imgur.com/hZBkljk11:00
hateballLayke: It looks like you're trying to install at once. I am talking about "try without installing"11:01
Laykehateball, Yep, me too. I know, the interface looks like I'm trying to install. but that dialog also shows when I press the "Try without installing"11:02
LaykeI can do a very quick video of my process if this helps.11:02
LaykeO, Actually, I just remembered, there was a very very quick error that popped up, something like.. Your controller is not recognised, you may experience problems. (That was on a black screen, that flashed for half a second)11:03
LaykeI'llneed to do it again to find the exxact wording11:03
hateballLayke: you can jump to a tty and run dmesg to see anything interesting, switch with ctrl+alt+f1, get back to gui with ctrl+alt+f711:04
LaykeOkay, I'll try that.11:04
LaykeI'll be back in 5 again. Thanks...11:04
brunch875Ever since I ticked xenial-proposed my laptop doesn't hang for a while on shutdown11:07
fungmemnany one stil using this old app for chat ?11:09
fungmemnhelo helo echo ?11:09
anonymous2208im alive11:09
anonymous2208well i guess fungmemn just went afk lol11:10
fungmemnnothing bro11:11
fungmemnjust wanna chat11:11
anonymous2208me to11:11
anonymous2208but they keep saying im spamming -:P11:11
fungmemnwhere are u came from bro anonymous2208?11:11
Laykehateball, Hey. I'm in tty.. (on a different laptop)11:12
lyze!offtopic fungmemn anonymous220811:12
ubottulyze: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:12
lyze!offtopic | fungmemn  anonymous220811:12
ubottufungmemn  anonymous2208: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:12
LaykeI pressed the "Try without Installing" and it started showing crashed dialogs, whcih would automatically close and show them every second.11:12
anonymous2208see funmemn now there all anry at us11:12
Laykedmesg, shows lots of traps callback supressed, and invalid opcode errors11:12
anonymous2208im from denmark what about you fungy11:12
fungmemnindonesia bro11:13
fungmemnland of island11:13
anonymous2208hehe xD11:13
anonymous2208is it a good place bro?11:13
fungmemndepend bro11:13
fungmemnyo bro anony11:13
lyzeHey guys, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic when you want to talk. this is a support channel and not a chat channel ;)11:14
fungmemnyou know about ntop on ubuntu ?11:14
anonymous2208ntop what is that11:14
fungmemnooo Iyze ok sorry bro11:14
Laykehateball, If I run sudo lsblk, I can't see my m2 ssd devices. Could it just be that my harddrives aren't supported/viewable by Ubuntu 16.04?11:14
Jakey3are linux containers completely seperate11:15
Jakey3in the same way as 2 vms11:15
anonymous2208fungmemn how do we chat withoutthese people hating on us?11:15
anenigmaanonymous2208: you can join #chat if you don't have Ubuntu support questions11:15
Jakey3can malisious code spread from one container to another etc11:15
fungmemncreate our own channel bro11:15
anonymous2208create one fungmemn11:16
ducasseJakey3: the guys in #ubuntu-server are in a much better position to answer that, some of the devs hang out there.11:16
atralheaven1I was installing 'oracle-java8-installer' and I canceled it, now I get this error everytime I use apt-get: 'E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)' how can I fix it?11:18
ducasseatralheaven1: try manually removing it with 'dpkg -r'11:19
spidlaatralheaven1: try running apt-get install -f11:20
BluesKajHey folks11:21
atralheaven1ducasse: how?11:21
* brunch875 waves @ BluesKaj11:21
atralheaven1spidla: I get same error11:22
* BluesKaj waves back at brunch87511:22
spidlaatralheaven1: ok, and dpkg --configure -a11:22
atralheaven1spidla: http://hastebin.com/esaqaruseb.sm11:24
=== erwin is now known as easyOnMe
easyOnMeI got this message just now when I typed sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:27
easyOnMeW: There is no public key available for the following key IDs:11:27
spidlaatralheaven1: looks like some other dpkg process is locking it`s files.. are there any other package managers running? try to search for dpkg apt-get debconf in processes11:27
easyOnMeW: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)11:27
easyOnMeE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.11:27
Ben64easyOnMe: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 1397BC53640DB55111:27
easyOnMewhat can I do to delete google chrome from my laptop11:27
Ben64why delete chrome11:28
easyOnMeBen64: because it seems it is always causing me problems whenever I try to update and upgrade11:28
Ben64all you have to do is run the command i said11:28
easyOnMeI just did11:29
Ben64good, you're done11:29
hurasafeHi guys, anyone here familiar with chimera?11:29
easyOnMeand now I am trying to run update and upgrade11:29
easyOnMeBen64: this is the message11:29
easyOnMeW: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)11:29
easyOnMeE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.11:29
Ben64yep, ignore it11:29
easyOnMeoh ok11:30
Ben64it goes away next time11:30
easyOnMeok thanks11:30
wish^I am using Ubuntu 14.04LTS and for some reason my system keeps freezing randomly. When it freezes i can still move my mouse but i cannot click on anything. The system is an intel i3770k with 16gb ram, 220 gb ssd. I have a 10gb swap11:33
wish^Any ideas what may be causing this?11:33
tuxinatorhi all11:36
tuxinatorin Ubuntu 14.04 in mod_fcgid.conf setting  FcgidIOTimeout has no effect11:37
=== Mikerhinos is now known as Mikerhinos_
Laykehateball, akik, ducasse - I have got it working... I had to delete my raid 1 firmware array. And switch to ACHI mode. Is that normal? Ubuntu wouldn't install with my RAID setup I did?11:38
LaykeI've lost my windows install as a consequence.. but I can reinstall that without raid I guess11:38
ducasseLayke: it's generally recommended to install windows first, but i'm not sure that matters on an uefi system.11:40
Ntemishelp me upgrade 14.04 to 16.04 please11:41
Ntemisupgrade -D throws issues11:41
mcphailNtemis: that is not supported yet. You will not be able to upgrade until 16.04.1 is released11:41
mcphail!ltsupgrade | Ntemis11:42
ubottuNtemis: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.11:42
Ntemisi dont understand why so late?11:42
Ntemiswhat id i dont want .111:43
mcphailNtemis: always the way. Need to make sure the process is stable and supportable11:43
Ntemisi guess i have to wait11:43
mcphailNtemis: 16.04 will automatically become 16.04.1 anyway, so there is no avoiding it11:43
Ntemisbtw this hdd had 12.04 before it went to 14.04 and now will go to 16.0411:44
Ntemiscan i use a command to free some junk or something?11:44
ducasseNtemis: bleachbit11:45
ducasseNtemis: you can also check out deborphan11:46
Ntemisducasse: and..11:46
Ntemisnow what i do with this?11:46
ducasseNtemis: run it :)11:46
Ntemisnow i see11:47
encod3I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS , enabled ufw and got locked out of ssh. Can't access the server and nothing is accessible through http anymore. Any ideas how can I fix this?11:49
=== dupondje_ is now known as dupondje
ducasseencod3: disable ufw from the console?11:49
Ntemisencod3: go local and disbale it11:49
Ntemisducasse: i guess he is trying to reach it remotely11:50
encod3ducasse, Ntemis, that's what I was afraid. I was trying to reach it remotely11:51
ducasseencod3: yeah, that's not going to happen. sorry.11:51
ducasseencod3: is this a vps?11:52
rubenwardyHi. My computer keeps connecting using both wired and wifi - is it possible to make it only connect to the WiFi if there is no wired?11:53
Ntemisencod3: if you could access it right now we would be talking about a major security hole in ufw11:54
Ntemisrubenwardy: make either default11:54
BluesKajrubenwardy or remove the wired connection in "configure network connections"11:58
rubenwardyI just made is so I have to manually choose to connect to wifi11:58
de-factorubenwardy i think wired gets priority over wifi if both are avail, but it doesnt really test if it gets internet connectivity over it i guess12:00
de-factomaybe you can write a script to test for it, then instruct network manager to use the best option for internet connectivity based on the results of those tests?12:01
rubenwardyAh, so it isn't actually a problem to be connected to both (except for battery)12:01
=== andreluiz is now known as andremilk
encod3Ntemis: indeed. I just got access to it physicaly and disabled ufw12:04
encod3Now I have another problem, which is what I was trying to fix. I can't access some ports on the server. I'm using Plone and binding the ports to
encod3netstat -ltpn lists the port as listening12:06
encod3nmap reports the port as closed12:06
encod3the server was not configured by me, and clearly ports that were being used by other Plone instances, of old websites, are open to the outside, but apart from those, I can't reach the server12:07
encod3any ideas?12:07
ducasseencod3: what is plone?12:08
encod3ducasse: its a CMS. https://plone.org/12:08
Bent0Just installed Trusty and my CLI screen is white with garbled text. I can barely make out its the login screen12:08
Bent0Any ideas?12:08
easyOnMeusing the terminal how do I find the file named studio.sh12:10
Lekcjaco tam jak tam12:10
Bent0easyOnMe: find / -name studio.sh    or change / to search in other paths12:10
SENPAIkiss me12:10
SENPAIbb one more time12:10
Lekcjaokey my bf12:11
Lekcjawant to see y tnight12:11
Lekcjaohh lel12:11
Lekcjamy god12:11
encod3ducasse: do you know if there's any magic way to specify which ports are accessible to the exterior? iptables and ufw are disabled.12:12
encod3*from the exterior12:12
ducasseif you're not explicitly blocking with iptables/ufw they should all be accessible.12:13
Bent0encod3: Or your application is only listening on localhost12:14
encod3Bent0: the app is listening on
Bent0should be ok12:14
xavii need to replace multiple occurrences of text in a line of text, sed only replaces first occurrence, what can i use to achieve this?12:16
ducasseencod3: have you tried binding it to the ip address or interface explicitly?12:16
encod3ducasse: nop, I'm going to try that, thanks12:17
encod3ducasse: unfortunately it didn't work. Still connection refused and nmap reporting it as closed12:20
Powerlesshi. how do i make my skype appear up there  next to the clock and all?12:20
ducasseencod3: sorry, then i don't know. you can try in #ubuntu-server, maybe somebody there uses it.12:22
snckrshey! Im quite confused by ubuntus update system: Running sudo apt update shows me there are 7 upgradable packages, if then open the software updater to update those, it says my computer is up to da?12:25
encod3ducasse: thanks, I will try there also :)12:25
snckrsdoing it from the commanndline now12:26
six86I just don't get it... As soon as I use a preseed file my setup results in a crippled ubuntu server without "man" or "nano" or...12:27
soeehow can i add some colors to my bash script text ?12:29
Dumle29I can't seem to find the evolution-mapi plugin for evolution for 16.0412:29
ducassesoee: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x329.html12:30
NetworkingProAnyone know or recommend and affordable private host?12:31
geirhaThat's quite outdated12:31
NetworkingProBasically,  a VPS?12:33
Ben64wrong channel12:33
jaaphermsenI want to make one partition from two partitions with GParted, but it won't work. Can you tell me what I can do next? When I went to Linux it was at the time Windows XP wasn't supported any longer and I choose Dual Boot, but now I want to get ride of it. Can this be arranged or am I stuck to Dual Boot forever?12:34
geirhajaaphermsen: you tried to remove the windows partition, then move and resize the ubuntu partition? or something else?12:36
thomaaaasDid Canonical stop producing non-graphical install isos?12:37
nielprohey there?12:37
Picithomaaaas: there is no alternate iso anymore, but minimal still exists.12:38
six86anyone using a pressed file at all with xenial?12:40
jaaphermsengeirha: Windows partition is deleted allready, but I can't resized it to Linux Ubuntu boot partition..12:40
geirhajaaphermsen: you're trying this off the live session, or a gparted live cd?12:41
Laykeakik, hateball ducasse This is the problem I seem to be having: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/31i0fl/error_on_boot_from_live_usb_14042_64_bit_3074160/12:41
EriC^^jaaphermsen: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999912:41
lotuspsychje_hey EriC^^12:41
EriC^^jaaphermsen: you want to delete windows xp right?12:41
EriC^^hi lotuspsychje_12:41
LaykeIt looks like someone else has the same problem... Does that make sense to you? I don't really understand what it's descriving.12:41
QueenslayerMaster EriC^^ at work!12:42
EriC^^hey Queenslayer12:42
QueenslayerHow's it going EriC^^ ?12:42
EriC^^good thanks you?12:42
QueenslayerI found out the problem to my uefi boot12:43
BeretI have a weird issue in xenial where unity won't start12:43
QueenslayerGood thanks EriC^^12:43
Beretafter logging in, it just hangs12:43
Beretall I see is "OpenConnection: connect: No such file or directory"12:43
QueenslayerEriC^^: it was the hardware12:43
Beret"cannot connect to br1tty at :0"12:43
Beretis there some cleanup or something that failed?12:43
QueenslayerEriC^^:  ehdci12:44
EriC^^Queenslayer: ah right12:44
EriC^^ehdci? or ahci?12:44
QueenslayerNot ed12:45
QueenslayerEriC^^: i had to plug the USB out and plug it back in12:45
QueenslayerIt managed to find grub but then lost connection with medium12:46
QueenslayerSo hardware was losing power or bad USB stick12:46
LaykeHelp required: I believe that I can't installed Ubuntu because of an error "mmc0 Unknown Controller Version (3). You may experience problems.". I think that mmc controller is causing problems.. (no way to prove it, but that's the only error I'm getting that might help me if I fix it)12:46
DevAntoineI'm sick of gmusicbrowser, which audio player do you use?12:46
nielprocan anyone help me to hack with kali linux?12:46
LaykeHow can I disable my mmc0 ?12:47
Picinielpro: 1) no 2) we don't support kali here, please use their channel: #kali-linux12:47
nielprogot it!!12:48
EriC^^Queenslayer: oh12:48
QueenslayerSo managed to reinstall it in uefi12:49
QueenslayerThanks again though for your walkthrough. A lot of what you did makes sense now12:49
jaaphermsenI'll have to try something else. Thanks for your help for now!12:50
EriC^^didn't we convert it to uefi?12:50
huwjrcompletely off topic but not sure where to ask - other than google of course (and I’ve tried that!) can anyone recommend an open source web based help desk?12:53
Jakey3hi i followed this tutorial to setup ssh keys https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-ssh-keys--2 on my ubuntu server12:54
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Jakey3however i still cannot login with my keys12:55
Jakey3Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/a1/.ssh/known_hosts).12:55
Jakey3Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.12:55
Picihuwjr: rt, jira, etc.  This might get your started: http://alternativeto.net/software/request-tracker/?license=free12:55
huwjrtried jira, you can’t have an instance per project without losing your branding / vanity domains etc12:57
Jakey3do i have do the ssh keys as root12:57
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huwjrRT was what i used to use. thanks, going to look down that avenue again (completely forgot the name and couldn’t get it with a google)12:57
QueenslayerEriC^^: i had to reinstall it.12:58
QueenslayerAnd i managed to install it from uefi12:58
EriC^^Queenslayer: oh ok12:58
katerina_Jakey3: I guess u could get more help if you provide the output of the command. Run ssh in verbose mode (-v flag)12:59
KekSidoes anyone have experience running overlayfs backed by xfs on ubuntu 14.04.4 (with a 3.19 kernel linux-generic-lts-vivid package)13:00
QueenslayerEriC^^: There's so many issues that can crop up with UEFI13:00
KekSii'm having trouble with docker wherein it runs some containers but doesn't run others13:00
EriC^^Queenslayer: yeah13:01
QueenslayerEriC^^: some hardware is even locked to check windows EFI13:02
nielprocan i install ytb in ubuntu?13:02
somsipnielpro: what is it?13:03
QueenslayerSo a single boot Ubuntu would have to be done with MBR13:03
nielproits youtube video downloader13:03
\9Jakey3: sounds like your known_hosts is screwed up13:03
EriC^^Queenslayer: not really, there are some workarounds you can do usually13:03
somsip!info youtube-dl | nielpro13:03
ubottunielpro: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2016.02.22-1 (xenial), package size 628 kB, installed size 3444 kB13:04
QueenslayerEriC^^: like the one you did?13:04
ashrovI tried to install Xymon on ubuntu I am getting these error (near the last line of  this link    http://paste.debian.net/699675/)  .Can you help me please?13:04
QueenslayerEriC^^: is it worth thd hassle in a single boot?13:04
\9Jakey3: try run: chmod 0644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts and try again13:04
Jakey3katerina_, \9 i will retry maybe i made a mistake13:04
\9Jakey3: if it doesn't work, try to remove it13:04
Jakey3in the process13:04
EriC^^Queenslayer: no, it involves renaming the ubuntu file as the windows file to trick the bios13:04
QueenslayerYeah i was thinking that but didn't think it was possible13:05
EriC^^Queenslayer: it's pretty easy to do, if you're dual booting then you just edit an os-prober file so it searches for the right windows file which you backed up before renaming13:05
QueenslayerHow's that done? Just create a file as it would be in windows?13:06
QueenslayerFor a single boot i mean13:06
EriC^^cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi13:06
EriC^^and cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi13:06
EriC^^if you're dual booting you back them up first as bootmgfw.efi.backup13:07
QueenslayerYeah i get you. Good stuff13:07
ducasseashrov: install debhelper, libc-ares-dev and librrd2-dev as the message tells you to.13:07
nielprohey i have downloaded that setup under wine it works thanks13:07
EriC^^then you edit /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/efi/20microsoft and replace bootmgfw.efi with bootmgfw.efi.backup so grub knows which file is now windows13:07
ashrovthank you ducasse I will try13:08
QueenslayerEriC^^: that's cool13:08
Jakey3katerina_, \9, here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/16654768/13:09
\9Jakey3: https://help.github.com/articles/error-agent-admitted-failure-to-sign/13:11
QueenslayerEriC^^: when did you start Linux? And Ubuntu even?13:11
\9i found these links by simply googling the error13:11
Jakey3\9, yep just looking at that13:11
ashrovsame message after insatll13:12
ashrovinstall the packages13:12
EriC^^Queenslayer: like 2 years ago13:12
QueenslayerBeen on Ubuntu only?13:13
EriC^^it erased my windows by mistake by a bug, and i used to daily (hated it a little at first)13:13
Jakey3\9, yep that was this issue13:13
EriC^^then by the time i got windows installed back after using testdisk and extracting the image manually and what not and this uefi stuff13:13
EriC^^i was pretty hooked13:13
QueenslayerEriC^^: overcoming uefi issues hooks you onto Linux13:14
ashrovstill I am getting this error: dpkg-checkbuilddeps: error: Unmet build dependencies: libc-ares-dev librrd2-dev13:14
EriC^^Queenslayer: it's pretty solid i think, just lacks some software imho13:14
ashrovIn the link I sent, there is an error before it as you can see13:15
EriC^^so i keep windows still for itunes and stuff like that13:15
QueenslayerYeah I've got windows for backup13:15
QueenslayerI'm always booting into Linux13:15
QueenslayerBattery life has improved massively13:15
ducasseashrov: re-run configure.13:16
thomaaaasEriC^^: I put iTunes & Photoshop on TinyXP on VMWare on Ubuntu and I haven't looked back since13:16
EriC^^Queenslayer: yeah my pc runs really quiet on linux and feels more reponsive and stuff, and yeah this uefi stuff really made me learn a lot about booting and filesystems and stuff like that, using linux in general teaches you a lot about stuff like that13:16
Queenslayerthomaaaas: I'm thinking of doing that for my windows but not proficient enough to do it yet13:17
ashrovI run the command again : xymon@ubuntu:~/xymon-4.3.27$ ./build/makedeb.sh 4.3.2713:17
ashrovand I get the same result13:17
QueenslayerEriC^^: i can also see why tweaking in Linux is easier too13:17
QueenslayerI think it's an easier concept to grasp than windows13:18
EriC^^yeah everything is clear and on point and stuff13:18
ashrovbut without the problem in debhelper just  libc-ares-dev librrd2-dev13:18
Jakey4has anyone come across this issue before in lubuntu13:19
QueenslayerEriC^^: i want to eventually move to shell permanently13:19
QueenslayerIt's so fast and powerful13:20
ducasseashrov: ask the developer, or check the site for instructions. building of random tarballs is not really supported here.13:20
QueenslayerI know i shouldn't say this on here but i want to be able to run BSD on the same PC. That's my goal13:21
thomaaaasQueenslayer: shell and GUI are both great for different things, but bash scripting is the real time-saver. And it's BSD/OSX compatible13:21
QueenslayerExactly thomaaaas13:22
QueenslayerBut I'm going to learn Perl on the side. Compatibility and versatility13:22
thomaaaasQueenslayer: IMO you should learn python + bash, forget about Perl. Perl is not an easy language at all13:23
k1lcould you guys use #ubuntu-offtopic for that chatter? we try to keep this channel focused on the users who need technical ubuntu support.13:23
ashrovok thank you I will try myself13:23
Jakey4how do i disable gnome keyring13:24
Jakey4is this advisable13:24
Jakey4its affecting my ssh login13:24
nicanaca0Hey chat, are there any obvious issues with adding my user into the www-data group?13:25
QueenslayerEriC^^: driver issues. Did you have any?13:25
EriC^^Queenslayer: none so far13:25
Picinicanaca0: not really.13:25
QueenslayerEriC^^: Xubuntu doesn't detect my WiFi drivers and video is choppy13:25
k1lnicanaca0: no., that is a good solution to handle the www folder correctly13:25
QueenslayerHow can I find my graphics driver and backup files?13:26
QueenslayerFrom Ubuntu btw13:26
EriC^^Queenslayer: sudo ubuntu-drivers devices13:26
QueenslayerLol, that easy?13:26
nicanaca0k1l, thanks dude. I've always assumed this was the lazy way and that doing chown -Rf user.www-data and then chmod-ing properly was right but I'll change my ways13:26
Jakey4ah just need to do ssh add13:27
EriC^^Queenslayer: you mean get the files from windows?13:27
QueenslayerEriC^^: no13:27
QueenslayerFrom Ubuntu to Xubuntu13:27
QueenslayerI know i shouldn't mention that publicly13:27
EriC^^lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA shows the vga and driver in use13:27
EriC^^maybe it's a bad kernel?13:28
EriC^^which ubuntu vs xubuntu versions?13:28
QueenslayerI thought it should work out the box but both WiFi and graphics seemed to have issues13:29
QueenslayerI think in Ubuntu installation because i have internet during installation means updated packages13:29
QueenslayerEriC^^: both 16.04 lts13:31
k1lQueenslayer: you can just install the xubuntu-desktop package which make that ubuntu install to a xubuntu install13:32
EriC^^Queenslayer: oh, it's like you said probably, need to get an internet connection on it13:32
EriC^^or copy the .deb's and install them13:32
QueenslayerEriC^^: i did that manually for the wifi. From the USB live cd13:33
Queenslayerk1l: that's what i did earlier13:33
QueenslayerI'll probably stick with that this time13:34
QueenslayerEriC^^: how do i get the deb for the graphics?13:34
hurasafeCan someone help me with Chimera?13:35
hurasafeWell, how can I check de dependencies for a program?13:35
Queenslayerk1l: unity isn't that bad once you place the launcher where you want it13:35
Queenslayerapt-cache showpkg package-name13:36
de-factoJakey4 i would not advice to completely disable seahorse, it provides credentials to many services not only ssh13:36
Queenslayerhurasafe: apt-cache showpkg package-name13:36
hurasafeQueenslayer, but i didn't installed it through the apt-get command, is that still fine?13:37
QueenslayerShould be13:37
Queenslayerhurasafe: got synaptic?13:37
k1lQueenslayer: good thing is: it comes with the launcher there, where it makes the most sense on 16:9 monitors for me :)13:38
hurasafeQueenslayer, not sure. I'm a newbie xD13:38
hurasafeQueenslayer, I tried the command but it hasn't found "the package"13:39
Queenslayerk1l: for noobs like me coming from windows we need a transition of sorta13:40
Queenslayerhurasafe: I'm a newbie too13:40
QueenslayerWhich is why i recommend synaptic13:40
hurasafeQueenslayer, xD Damn. I got a program, but aparently the visual part isn't working.13:40
Twirlhello, is there a reason i need an apache server running on my laptop?13:41
Queenslayerhurasafe: sudo apt-get install synaptic13:42
Twirlit's using 0.1% ram and 0 cpu, but anyways, why is it even there in the first place?13:42
hurasafeQueenslayer, already on it. :P13:42
QueenslayerYou'll be able to find the program and dependencies13:42
k1lTwirl: why did you install the webserver?13:42
hurasafeQueenslayer, done. Now what?13:42
QueenslayerBut not always so...13:42
Twirlk1l: i don't remember doing so13:42
ducasseTwirl: you must have installed something that depends on it.13:43
Queenslayerhurasafe: launch it from search13:43
Twirlducasse: mmh alright that could be it, i'm developing a lot of web stuff but since i moved to vagrant i don't need the runtime on my machine13:43
Twirlducasse: is there a way to find what's depending on it13:43
someone235Hi, my screen freezes when I'm shutting down my pc, and the only way to shut it down is to long press the power button. Someone knows how to solve this?13:43
ducasseTwirl: aptitude why apache213:44
k1lTwirl: apt-cache rdepends13:44
Queenslayersomeone: gui or sh?13:44
Picik1l: well, that will list everything, not just things installed.13:44
hurasafeQueenslayer, thanks m8.13:44
Twirlapache2 Suggest apache2-doc, apache2-doc suggests apache2, lmao13:45
QueenslayerYou're welcome hurasafe13:45
k1lPici: well, yes.13:45
Twirlk1l: can i just remove all that depends on it as well with a single command13:45
Twirli'm using php though13:45
Twirlso that shouldn't go away13:46
someone235Queenslayer, Are you talking to me? if so, the answer is GUI13:46
Queenslayersomeone235: tried command line?13:46
QueenslayerJust type shutdown from sh13:47
Twirlcan you just stop it from starting out and using resources indefinitely?13:47
QueenslayerIt will tell you if your interface is misbehaving13:47
someone235Queenslayer, I did "sudo halt" and got the same result13:48
k1lTwirl: well, that might remove php too since that depends on a webbrowser13:48
someone235Queenslayer, does it matter if I halt or shutdown?13:48
Twirlk1l: i'm using php interpreter for linting code13:49
someone235I read somewhere that the problem could be because of BIOS, and you should update it from Windows, but I don't have Windows13:49
Twirlk1l: apache is a web server that handles requests in a port etc, i don't need that13:49
Twirlwell, i'm not sure i do for linting php files, i mean13:50
arkie(For Debian and Ubuntu users, the desired package is now available in Jessie and is called: php5-geos.)13:50
Queenslayersomeone235: no13:50
arkiewhats Jessie?13:50
Queenslayersomeone235: could be grub13:50
arkieI need to install Geos on my Ubuntu13:50
arkieGeos with the build option to create a PHP module (--enable-php). Your OS package may not have selected this build option by default, in which case you will need to build GEOS from source yourself.13:50
dreamcat4hi. have been trying to find a 'decent' music player on ubuntu for a while now.13:50
arkieI'm not sure what to do13:50
lotuspsychjearkie: jessie is a debian codename13:50
arkieso it's not relevant to me using ubuntu?13:51
Queenslayersomeone235: can you reboot okay?13:51
lotuspsychjedreamcat4: mandarine, vlc13:51
dreamcat4i was totally happy with banshee. but the problem with banshee is it uses a too-old version of mono now.13:51
dreamcat4vlc is a video player. i dont like the interface to it.13:51
dreamcat4mandarine? is that like clementine?13:51
k1lTwirl: ok, i am not doing web development.13:52
someone235Queenslayer, yes13:52
k1larkie: jessie is a debian release.13:52
lotuspsychjedreamcat4: yeah clementine that is13:52
arkieso how can i install gets?13:52
TeguI tend to use cmus.13:52
dreamcat4yeah i tried that one but dont like the interface (nor its cousin amarok neither)13:52
Queenslayersomeone: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub13:52
arkiei'm trying to do the Capturing GEO-located Tweets using TCAT13:52
dreamcat4been trying to install 2 new ones today: gnome-music and 'noise' (of elementary OS)13:53
dreamcat4but they arent working :(13:53
Queenslayersomeone235: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub13:53
Twirlk1l: sudo apt-get remove apache2 ~ E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:53
someone235Queenslayer, what about it?13:54
QueenslayerGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" acpi=force apm=power_off13:54
QueenslayerAdd what's not there13:54
k1lTwirl: close all programs using the package system. like synpatic, software center etc13:55
Twirlohh man ps aux | grep apt shows a lot of stuck crap... man wtf13:55
someone235Queenslayer, update-grub I guess, right?13:55
QueenslayerYup but after these lines13:55
Twirlk1l: i don't have any of that crap open but let me check the processes13:56
Queenslayersudo gedit /etc/modules13:56
Hanumaancan somebody help me to resolve these update errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16655404/ .. I suppose python package got corrupted ..13:56
Twirlk killed the process13:56
QueenslayerOn lp type apm power_off=113:56
arkieGeos with the build option to create a PHP module (--enable-php). Your OS package may not have selected this build option by default, in which case you will need to build GEOS from source yourself.13:57
arkieCan someone help me to do the above ^13:57
Twirlwell, everything is looking good13:57
=== ash_workz_ is now known as ash_workz___
someone235Queenslayer, this file is empty except some comments13:58
QueenslayerThat's good13:58
mistawrighthi guys I am running ubuntu 14.04 on a rackspace server. I need to install php 5.6.4 how can I go about doing this?13:58
QueenslayerType apm power_off=113:59
=== folder is now known as folder|
k1lQueenslayer: dont use gedit with sudo. dont use any GUI program with sudo. that will make issues to the whole system.14:00
arkieCan someone help me?14:00
lotuspsychje!patience | arkie14:00
ubottuarkie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:00
lotuspsychjemistawright: its recommended to install package versions specific for your ubuntu version14:01
k1larkie: well, sounds like the stuff you want needs to force you to recompile a package.14:01
lotuspsychje!info php5 trusty | mistawright14:01
ubottumistawright: php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.16 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB14:01
arkienot if it has the option to create a PHP module though, right k1l ?14:02
Queenslayerk1l: nano?14:03
QueenslayerBut not all noobs comfortable with it14:03
QueenslayerVi and emacs same14:03
k1larkie: i dont know what package you are talking about, what error there is or what else. but that quote oyu pasted tells that you need to recompile if that package doesnt have that compile flag already.14:03
mistawrightlotuspsychje, I understand but currently I have to work with what is alredy on the server14:03
k1lQueenslayer: nano is in no way compareable to vi(m) or emacs.14:04
arkiek1l, so how do i go about installing gets14:04
mistawrightlotuspsychje, I would run gentoo or archlinux if it was my choice. I could specify what I want/need to my hearts content14:04
lotuspsychjemistawright: if you mix up package versions you can get broken dependecies and stuff14:04
k1lQueenslayer: if you need to give a gui program root permissions use gksu.14:04
Piciarkie: you probably want the php5-geos package.14:04
Queenslayerk1l: i don't have enough experience to know that14:05
lotuspsychje!pinning | mistawright maybe look here?14:05
ubottumistawright maybe look here?: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:05
Queenslayerk1l: seems to have worked for him14:05
k1lQueenslayer: but if a beginner is not capable of using nano (ctrl+o to safe, crtl+x to close) i wonder if they can even handle files that can break your whole system14:05
Queenslayerk1l: true14:05
QueenslayerThis particular issue is said to have worked with this method14:06
k1lQueenslayer: issue is: sudo with gui programs will make your system not load anymore. so instead of "i just do it the quick and dirty way to solve one issue" it will make more issues14:06
QueenslayerAt least on the forums14:06
k1lQueenslayer: sudo + gui is a bad advice. no matter where on the internet.14:06
Queenslayerk1l: will definitely keep that in mind14:06
lotuspsychjemistawright: running older package versions can also hold security risks see !usn14:06
arkiePici, what command should i use to get that?14:07
Piciarkie: sudo apt-get install php5-geos, but verify that is what you want first, see apt-cache show php5-geos  first14:07
lyze!info php5-geos14:07
ubottuPackage php5-geos does not exist in xenial14:07
Piciarkie: what release were you on?14:08
Queenslayersomeone235: has it worked?14:08
Piciarkie: then that should work.14:09
k1lPici: i only see php5-geos in wily14:10
Picik1l: really? /me looks14:10
someone235<Queenslayer> Type apm power_off=114:10
=== ash_workz____ is now known as ash_workz
someone235Queenslayer, just under the comments?14:11
arkieroot@anthony:~# sudo apt-get install php5-geos14:11
arkieReading package lists... Done14:11
arkieBuilding dependency tree14:11
arkieReading state information... Done14:11
Picik1l: oh shoot, I was checking on my debian box.14:11
arkieE: Unable to locate package php5-geos14:11
hateballLayke: sorry I've been busy. I see you got things working tho14:11
arkieso what would the command be? Pici ?14:14
Queenslayersomeone235: get off that14:14
QueenslayerJust been told to not use gedit from shell14:14
Piciarkie: I'm afraid that the package you want isn't available on Ubuntu, so you would need tompile from source.14:14
QueenslayerSo use nano or VI14:14
someone235Queenslayer, this is what I did14:14
arkiePici, how can i compile from source?14:15
someone235Queenslayer, btw, what it's bad?14:15
Piciarkie: I was looking at a debian server, not my Ubuntu one.14:15
ioria!info php5-geos wily14:15
ubottuphp5-geos (source: geos): GEOS bindings for PHP. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.0-1build1 (wily), package size 18 kB, installed size 94 kB14:15
ioria!info php5-geos trusty14:15
ubottuPackage php5-geos does not exist in trusty14:15
=== alpha is now known as Guest66451
Piciarkie: This seems to have some good instructions: http://www.saintsjd.com/2014/06/05/howto-intsall-libgeos-with-php5-bindings-ubuntu-trusty-14.04.html14:16
Guest66451Im getting the 'Failed to power off via logind. Transaction is destrctive.' Dont see any errors in dmesg14:16
someone235Queenslayer, it doesn't work14:16
QueenslayerNot bad commands14:16
arkiethanks Pici14:16
QueenslayerK delete those lines from your shell14:17
SonikkuAmericaAnother solution, yet more time-consuming, would be to send the server to 16.04 when the .1 release comes by so that you'll have php5-geos available to you14:17
Queenslayersomeone235: did you do sudo update-grub?14:17
someone235Queenslayer, not after /etc/modules edit14:18
QueenslayerShould have14:18
SonikkuAmericaThat'd be in about 2 months though, so source compiling is about the only thing you can do at this point14:18
QueenslayerBut in any case do it again but from shell14:18
QueenslayerKeep it on shell14:18
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lotuspsychje!es | guri14:19
ubottuguri: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:19
someone235Queenslayer, Now I did update-grub after /etc/modules is saved14:20
someone235Queenslayer, but it doesn't work14:20
Guest66451Im getting the 'Failed to power off via logind. Transaction is destrctive.' Dont see any errors in dmesg14:22
klaasvakieI'm on 16.04 and trying to get "predictable interface names" disabled properly. I've used "ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules" from here: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/14:22
klaasvakieThat works for my wireless interface, but USB ethernet dongles still produce garbage like: enx3c18a0050d8514:23
Queenslayersomeone235: on GRUB_CMD.....delete everything after "="14:23
QueenslayerSomeone use nano instead of gedit14:23
iurrihello everyone, in order to erase a usb drive (sdb), is this dd command correct: ~$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=4k conv=notrunc,noerror ?14:25
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arkiePici, compiled!14:32
arkiebut now i need to edit my php.ini file14:32
arkieand add that line14:33
arkiewouldn't there be multiple php.ini files?14:33
Piciarkie: php is weird and beyond my understanding, sorry.14:34
=== Executioner` is now known as Executioner
arkieI'm in the php.ini file14:36
arkiein nano14:36
arkiebut i don't know where exactly to add the line extension=geos.so14:36
arkiecan someone help?14:36
ioriaarkie,  http://dev.antoinesolutions.com/ubuntu-14.04-trusty/install-and-configure-geos-php-bindings-on-ubuntu-14.0414:38
Jakey4iptables seem to be a big topic to learn14:40
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arkieioria, its different here though14:41
MoonBurstWhy might I want to, or not want to use proprietary drivers?14:41
arkieIf you've build the package from source, you must edit your php.ini and add a new line:14:41
=== new is now known as tmptmp
Sagarhow do i correct these?14:44
SagarThe following packages have unmet dependencies. libpcre3-dev : Depends: libpcre3 (= 2:8.38-3.1) but 2:8.38-3.1+deb.sury.org~xenial+3 is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.14:44
lyze_phone_Sagar sudo apt-get -f install14:45
ducasseJakey4: you might want to consider a frontend, like ferm or ufw.14:45
layke_Hey. I finally got ubuntu installed :D14:45
Sagarlyze_phone_ still the same14:46
layke_I had to kill my RAID1 array. Switch to achi mode. Install ubuntu. Switch to tty mode, update ubuntu, upgrade..14:46
layke_I had problems where it was instantly crashing...14:46
layke_Anyway, my question I have now is.. how can I find out if I actgually have raid1? I'm not 100% sure I destroyed it14:46
Jakey4ducasse, im looking to get into the underlaying logic behind14:46
layke_This is my lsblk http://paste.ubuntu.com/16656270/14:47
layke_Is that raided? I dont know what I'm looking at14:47
ducasseJakey4: well, then you just need to dig in. but iptables is being replaced by nftables, so you might want to learn that instead.14:48
layke_From what I can see, I have two disks, 1 lvm on disk 1, and \disk 2 isn't used for anything14:48
Jakey4ducasse, thanks for the info14:48
ducasselayke_: those are two separate disks, not raid1.14:49
layke_ducasse, Thanks :) My question.. (I don't believe I can get raid working. It just wouldn't install for me). Since I want to install Windows as dual boot. What are my options? Should I just install windows on the spare disk?14:51
layke_Or would I need to install windows on the same disk as the boot device?14:51
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ducasselayke_: doesn't matter, as long as they both install their bootloader to the same efi partition.14:52
SagarThe following packages have unmet dependencies. libpcre3-dev : Depends: libpcre3 (= 2:8.38-3.1) but 2:8.38-3.1+deb.sury.org~xenial+3 is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.14:53
latkwhat is the default user/password on the ubuntu coud vagrant images ?14:54
layke_Isn't it usually ubuntu, and then no password?14:54
lernerubuntu 16.04: it was left on for 18 hours, 2 minutes ago it shut itself down without me doing anything: I pressed the button to start it again and resultst that the os was asleep, so im back where I was left, I proceed to move the mouse, which works for 2 minutes and then the os gets blocked. I see the screen but cannot do anything: no function keys work either. I restarted it (unplugging the energy cable) and im back. what happened and why?14:54
lotuspsychjeSagar: did you add external ppa's of any kind?14:57
Sagari did before14:57
Sagarremoved them now14:57
lotuspsychjeSagar: did you manually remove or ppa-purge?14:58
hheehey guys15:00
hheewhich 2-panel filemanager do you use?15:00
phiphlerdoes 16.04 use the new AMD gpu driver, amdgpu?15:00
Sagari removed the ppa15:00
Sagardidn't purge it or anything15:00
lotuspsychjephiphler: amdgpu or radeon, depending on the card15:01
phiphlerlotuspsychje, guess my card isn't supported by amdgpu th15:01
phiphleryet, thanks for answer!15:02
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lotuspsychjephiphler: whats happening exactly?15:02
phiphlerlotuspsychje, trying to launch dota2 with the -vulkan flag, supposed to work if you have amdgpu15:02
lotuspsychjeSagar: doublecheck your sources.list if you still have leftovers?15:02
=== holgersson_ is now known as holgersson
lotuspsychjephiphler: you might try the #gamingonlinux channel, they know alot on latest gaming issues15:03
ducassehhee: console - mc, gui - doublecmd or spacefm.15:03
lotuspsychjephiphler: did you clean install or upgrade?15:03
Sagarlotuspsychje: nothing left15:05
lotuspsychjeSagar: try sudo apt install -f perhaps15:06
hheeducasse, cool. double nice15:06
ducassehhee: personally i prefer spacefm, it's very powerful and extensible.15:06
Sagarlotuspsychje: doesn't work15:07
SpacePirateI created a new account on my file server. But fsr, whenever I go to sign into the account, instead of bash being the default shell, it's sh. How do I fix this?15:07
SpacePirateI want bash as my default.15:07
ducasseSpacePirate: chsh15:07
lotuspsychjeSagar: can you pastebin the full output of sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade please?15:07
hheeducasse, never watch it earlier. i'll watch15:07
SpacePirateducasse: kk thx.15:09
Sagarlotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/tQsDdYAJ15:10
lotuspsychjelets c15:10
=== pranith_ is now known as pranith
lotuspsychjeSagar: ppa-purge mongodb's ppa first15:11
Sagarmongodb is not from ppa15:11
Sagarits in source.list via official repo15:11
Sagarthe ppa was odrej15:11
lotuspsychjeSagar: its not a ppa ubuntu comes by default15:12
Sagarbut u see15:12
Hanumaanis dh-python package is a ubuntu package or debian?15:12
Sagarlib libpcre3 came from odrej ppa as far i know15:12
genii!info dh-python15:13
ubottudh-python (source: dh-python): Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries and applications. In component main, is important. Version 2.20151103ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 72 kB, installed size 358 kB15:13
lotuspsychjeSagar: and you removed odrej ppa already i presume?15:14
lotuspsychjeSagar: try dpkg --purge --force-all libpcre315:15
Sagarand what will it do?15:15
Sagarit will remove all other packages too?15:15
=== Oer is now known as OerHeks
Sagarbecause when i do apt remove libpcre3 its selecting alot of packages15:15
lotuspsychjeSagar: whats it related to?15:15
Sagarphp7 and pythong15:15
Sagarthere http://prntscr.com/b7vxfg15:16
lotuspsychjeSagar: no better abort15:17
lotuspsychjeSagar: what kind of ppa's were you using before removal?15:18
LithWhat IRC client are you guys using ?15:19
zeki like hexchat15:19
ducasseLith: weechat15:19
lotuspsychjeSagar: what packages besides mongodb?15:20
MoonBurstIf I were to put swapspace on another drive and removed it, what issues might that cause for me?15:20
Hanumaaninstalling python3 getting encodings error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16656961/  any help ? should I ask this in python group?15:20
LithHexchat is not a terminal client. I'm gonna give it a try15:21
Sagarlotuspsychje: i used to install php5.6 which isn't official in ubuntu 1615:21
Sagarthen i remove php5.6 back and install official php715:21
lotuspsychjeSagar: perhaps try a fix broken packages first from recoverymode15:21
donofrioanyone here setup a video wall using ubuntu boxes like www.geek.com/chips/raspberry-pis-to-control-massive-video-walls-with-no-real-size-limit-1551255/ but with any type of desktop hardware I want....ya know??15:21
donofriolike these folks do - http://www.piwall.co.uk/ - but without the RPi's15:23
OerHeksdonofrio, go try it? http://www.piwall.co.uk/information/installation15:23
donofrioOerHeks, nice skimming not in a hurry fwiw, but the deb they provide are for arm7 only not x86 - pwlibs1_1.1_armhf.deb ??15:25
Sagarlotuspsychje: i have no idea how to do that15:25
OerHeksdonofrio, on the bottom of that page there are urls to the sourcecode15:26
donofrioI mean I do see source libs but was hoping for 'yah just install this and this or this' :)15:26
lotuspsychjeSagar: enter shift at boot to enter grub, then choose ubuntu(recoverymode) after that choose fix broken packages15:26
Sagarits a ubuntu server15:27
clinton227Anyone free for a query?15:27
ducasse!ask | clinton22715:27
ubottuclinton227: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:27
k1lclinton227: for technical ubuntu support just ask in here15:28
infandumHow can I check what package installed a shared library?15:28
infandumlike, how can I see what installed libR.so?15:28
user123token: 88c25f0c7c9071e26b4b3c51a18cbdbb81e182d25a3616ccfe9c9c5cce9c160215:28
Piciinfandum: dpkg -S libR.so15:29
clinton227Do I need to have a unix user for every Samba user or I can skip creating a unix user?15:29
infandumPici: Thanks. Is there a way to hide a shared library like libR.so? This machine has 3 versions of it and I just want to use one but everything points to the wrong one. Can I only use that one FOR MY USER ONLY, no one else?15:31
jake12345<jake12345> Hello, recently I installed Ubuntu 14.04 on a virtual Digital Ocean server, with xfce4 gui desktop and TightVNC server.15:34
jake12345<jake12345> In Windows 10 I am able to view the root user's desktop with TightVNC viewer, but I am not able to do so as a non-root user.15:34
jake12345<jake12345> Can someone help with this?15:34
raul782Hello guys, I have upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04, and while my LAMP stack is working fine, I found odd that the service php5-fpm is still present, I tried to remove it but it says it's already removed however it's displayed when I do #sudo service php5-fpm status15:35
Piciinfandum: hmm..  I was going to suggest setting a custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but I'm it seems like that may not wrok.  I do believe that you can still set LD_PRELOAD to the path to whichever libR.so that you want to load though15:36
infandumPici: I tried LD_PRELOAD before, but that unfortunately didn't help. Here is my issue: I want to use haskellr on an ubuntu machine, but the owner wants to avoid using ubuntu's repositories and built R from source. I'm running into an issue where I get a "can't find the function anyNA" error. I think, based on some research, that this all goes back to the fact that there are three libR.so files and so it looks15:39
infandumat the R binary that was compiled and the WRONG libR.so, so there might be some conflict.15:39
infandumThat's a bit too much detail, but the main goal is to have programs only see the compiled libR.so, not the one in /usr/lib/ or /usr/lib/R/lib15:40
user______I have new computer and I removed Windows , I want install ubuntu and other distros . What is the best install ubuntu with UEFI or normal boot?15:40
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:41
OerHeksuser______, ^^15:41
MoonBurstFor some reason, my headphones seem to have a constant static. Is there a chance that this is a software problem, or is it most surely hardware?15:42
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ducasseuser______: i prefer uefi, i find it much nicer to deal with.15:42
usr13MoonBurst: Try adjusting volume controls on the various channels15:43
Sagar> /usr/bin/dpkg: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:43
Sagaranyone who can help me?15:43
TheSilentLinkhello can my pc run ubuntu or would another distro be better?15:43
TheSilentLinkClient: HexChat 2.12.1 • OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (x64) • CPU: AMD E-450 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (1.65GHz) • Memory: 3.6 GiB Total (1.7 GiB Free) • Storage: 210.9 GiB / 451.4 GiB (240.5 GiB Free) • VGA: AMD Radeon HD 6320 Graphics • Uptime: 9m 14s15:43
riqjhello everyone, I'd like to create an installer usb with startup disk creator, but it says not enough free space for a fully empty and large usb drive15:43
Sagarlotuspsychje: /usr/bin/dpkg: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:43
MoonBurstusr13: I only get two. One for volume and one for balance15:44
jake54321When logging in with TightVNC viewer in Windows 10 I get a grey screen instead of xfce4 desktop.  Has anyone else encountered this issue?15:44
usr13Sagar: sudo find / -name libpcre.so.3 -type f15:44
riqjok decided to solve otherwise, thank you15:44
ducasseSagar: did you set the full path?15:44
usr13Sagar: sudo find / -name "libpcre.so*" -type f15:44
OerHeksTheSilentLink, ubuntu will be fine, even you do have Radeon HD15:44
Sagarsudo: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:45
usr13MoonBurst: alsamixer15:45
Sagarnothing is working without libpcre15:45
Sagarhow can i install it via dpkg?15:45
usr13MoonBurst: Is it a laptop or desktop?15:45
Hanumaanhow to completely clean and reinstall python3 in ubuntu?15:45
TheSilentLinkOerHeks: o ok so my pc can run it fine? Also can I duel boot it with windows 10?15:45
user______Do you mean when I install ubuntu create partition 1GB for uefi , and another partition for root ?15:45
usr13Sagar: sudo find / -name "libpcre*" -type f15:46
OerHeksTheSilentLink, sure15:46
MoonBurstusr13: Desktop, dualboot of windows10 and ubuntu 16.0415:46
PiciHanumaan: Why would you need to do that?15:46
usr13MoonBurst: Is there a mic attached?15:46
TheSilentLinkOerHeks: so will the installer take care of duel booting?15:46
MoonBurstusr13: Yes, though disabling it doesn't seem to actually change anything as far as the static15:46
Sagarsudo: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:47
OerHeksTheSilentLink, yes, it will install Grub2 bootloader15:47
usr13MoonBurst: Does unplugging it make a difference?15:47
Sagarusr13: ^15:47
ducasseuser______: something like that.15:47
user______Thank you15:47
TheSilentLinkOerHeks: ok and one last question can I set it to autoboot windows?15:47
usr13Sagar: Does the file exist on your system?15:47
MoonBurstusr13: No, but I'm suspecting it might be because it's usb powered.15:47
OerHeksThei think so, see the gub manual15:47
OerHeks!grub | TheSilentLink15:48
ubottuTheSilentLink: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:48
Sagarusr13: which file?15:48
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
usr13Sagar: libpcre.so.315:49
usr13Sagar: Did you do a search?15:49
Sagarnothing is working15:49
Sagarwith it15:49
Sagari pasted it15:49
Sagarsudo: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:50
usr13Sagar: Did you do a search for it?15:50
Sagarusr13: u mean find / -name "libpcre*" -type f15:50
usr13Sagar: Yes15:50
Sagarfind: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:50
Sagarnothing is working that's what i am saying15:51
naccSagar: sorry, missed the context, when are you seeing that?15:51
TheSilentLinkOerHeks: thanks a lot very useful15:51
Sagari removed libpcre3 due to umnet and now nothing is working15:51
TheSilentLinkOerHeks: answered most of my questions!15:51
naccSagar: do you have 'libpcre3' installed?15:51
OerHeksTheSilentLink, have fun!15:51
usr13Sagar: What version of Ubuntu are you using?15:51
Sagarnacc: no15:51
Sagarubuntu 1615:51
Sagari am on a server15:51
naccSagar: why did you remove libpcre3? "umnet"?15:51
naccSagar: there are a *lot* of reverse-dependencies on libpcre315:52
Sagarnacc: yes now i know15:52
naccSagar: so how did you remove it?15:52
Sagarlibpcre3: because it wasn't letting me update or install updates15:52
Sagarfirst case please help me reinstall libpcre3 anyway15:53
naccSagar: not why, but how?15:53
lotuspsychjenacc, usr13 he added ppa's removed them without ppapurge15:53
nacclotuspsychje: ah.15:53
usr13Sagar:  ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/libpcre*list15:54
nacclotuspsychje: poorly timed netsplit, so i was (possibly still am) only seeing half the conversations :)15:54
=== kip_busy is now known as kip_
Sagarls: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:54
lernerhow do I extract a mdf file?15:55
usr13Sagar: So, basically, you can not do *anything*. Right?15:56
blackbird_I created a partition labled "HOME" but I can't see it in the filemanager ?!15:56
lotuspsychjenacc, usr13 he installed a lower php version and got stuck with that shared lib now15:56
=== Sagar is now known as Guest22030
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:57
=== Sagu is now known as Sagar
Sagarlost my deal15:57
Sagarnacc: lotuspsychje: [21:24] <Sagar> ls: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:57
ducasseSagar: 'echo /var/cache/apt/archives/libpcre3*'15:57
Sagarnow i cannot even get inside server15:58
usr13Sagar: When did this start to happen?  What change(s) were made prior to this aappening?15:58
usr13Sagar: Were you working from ssh?15:58
blackbird_the result of lsblk -f : http://paste.ubuntu.com/16657936/15:58
onkar975how do i change the order of grub menu15:58
Sagarwhat should i do now?15:59
DArqueBishopSagar: if you can't even use apt to reinstall libpcre3, you're done, IMHO. Back up your data and reload.15:59
Sagari canot even get into server15:59
blackbird_onkar975, /etc/default/grub15:59
blackbird_you're welcome16:00
ducasseSagar: even if you could get in, you wouldn't be able to install libpcre3. you need to restore or reinstall.16:00
Sagarducasse: how?16:01
ducasseSagar: how to reinstall?16:01
blackbird_onkar975, then change the value of GRUB_DEFAULT16:01
thms_workI have an unknown device in my PVs and I have dupliace VG warning, can anyone help16:01
ducasseSagar: is this a vps?16:02
Sagardedicated server16:02
ducasseSagar: remote?16:02
GnomeKrishttp://imgur.com/ydf0wiV What is this horse crap?16:03
Sagari think i didn't installed it16:03
GnomeKrisWhy is the theme jacked up like this. I literally haven't changed anything except turning on the "universal dark theme"16:03
k1lGnomeKris: then this theme is broken. use another one16:04
blackbird_please any help ?16:04
DArqueBishopSagar: do you have another admin who installed the server for you?16:05
SagarI opened the ticket and asking them16:05
felipejosesomeone here this need to host a site, if you send me a message I'm offering 10 accounts for free16:05
squintyonkar975, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup#Configuring_GRUB_216:05
GnomeKrisIt's a default theme...why would it ship with a default theme that is broken?16:07
onkar975blackbird_: ok thank you every one16:08
huwjrd-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic in a preseed created a separate /home partition16:11
=== alpha is now known as Guest55478
huwjrany ideas as to why? xenial16:11
Guest55478'Failed to start poweroff.target: Trqansaction is destructive16:11
Jakey4how do i update my gpg package on ubuntu 14.0416:12
ducasseJakey4: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'?16:13
k1lJakey4: why do you think you will need to update?16:13
Guest55478I cant reboot or poweroff, 'Transaction is destructive'16:16
* LugariusAlbe loves every ubuntu usr16:16
Jakey4ducasse, i dont want to upgrade my distro just the gpg package16:17
k1lJakey4: the package gets the scurity updates with the systemupdates. so just run the updatemanager or on terminal: "sudo apt update&& sudo apt full-upgrade"16:18
ducasseJakey4: try 'apt-get install gpgv2' after updating the package lists.16:18
k1lJakey4: i think we explained that some times already to you the last weeks.16:18
Jakey4k1l, nope16:19
Jakey4must be an imposter16:19
Sagarnacc: lotuspsychje: i am in rescue mode what can i do?16:19
LostSoulI've created an ntfs parition under linux, on both laptops with linux it's visible but under windows it's not detected as ntfs16:20
Jakey4ducasse, thanks16:20
LostSoulAny idea 1. Why? 2. Is is possible to change it now without formatting whole disk?16:20
LostSoulpartition *16:20
de-factowhat do you see in windows? how did you create it on linux?16:21
ducasseLostSoul: i'm guessing you need to set the partition code to whatever windows expects.16:21
de-factoLostSoul you should be able to see it via "sudo fdisk -l" (lower case L meaning "list")16:23
lotuspsychjeSagar: try reoverymode==>fix broken packages16:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:24
onkar975hello, anyone online?16:25
nacc!ask | onkar97516:25
ubottuonkar975: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:25
ducasselotuspsychje: won't work, dpkg needs libpcre3.16:25
onkar975ok, thanks16:25
BluesKajonly 1969 at last counr :-)16:25
LostSoulde-facto: I created primary partion on entire external hdd16:26
LostSoulThen I made fast format with mkfs.ntfs16:26
lotuspsychjeSagar: then try reinstall ducasse suggested, its the price to pay for adding external ppa's..16:26
LostSoulUnder Windows it's no listed in "my computer" but when I go to HDD deviced, it sees it as disk without any file system and only thing I can do is erase volume16:27
LostSoulDid I go the wrong way?16:27
LostSoulOnly strage thing I noticed is:16:27
ducasseLostSoul: partitions have a numeric code, linux has probably assigned the wrong one.16:27
LostSoul/dev/sdb1        2048 1953525167 1953523120 931,5G 83 Linux16:28
LostSoulIs it possible to change it without format?16:28
de-factoLostSoul ok what partition type does "sudo fdisk --list" show for it? the Id should be 7 and the type "HPFS/NTFS/exFAT"16:28
LostSoulBooting on live-cd is to copy data is problematic for me atm16:28
ducasseLostSoul: yes.16:28
LostSoulde-facto: ^ "Linux"16:28
de-factoyup thats the problem i guess16:28
LostSoulAny tip how to change it without data loss?16:29
de-factoi guess with fdisk16:29
de-factono need to touch the filesystem itself16:29
de-factoor gparted if you like the GUI way16:29
de-factoLostSoul ^^16:30
\9LostSoul: be extra careful when dealing with any partitioning tools and do not do any actions you don't fully understand16:31
LostSoul\9: Sure thing, thanks. de-facto You too.16:33
LostSoulI'm not newbie, but yeah I'm not master either :)16:33
Jakey4when i try to create a gpg key16:34
\9I just feel compelled to warn about it. fact is that it's very easy to wipe all your data with them16:34
Jakey4it says it doesnt have enough entropy and i should do something on the computer16:34
Jakey4but i am remoting in from ssh16:34
de-factoLostSoul my preformated WD Elements (external USB disk) shows like "/dev/sdb1        2048 3906963455 3906961408  1,8T  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT"16:34
Jakey4so what am i meant to do16:34
Jakey4moving the mouse doesnt make a differece16:34
mcphailJakey4: yep. Access disks etc16:34
k1lJakey4: click with the mouse, open programs, etc.16:34
Jakey4on ssh?16:35
mcphailJakey4: disk and network access increases the entropy pool16:35
tgm4883Jakey4: login to a second ssh session and do stuff16:35
Jakey4ye was trying that16:35
Jakey4just wasnt buding must take some time16:35
mcphailJakey4: It'll be faster to create the key locally then send it across, though16:36
LostSoul\9, de-facto: Changing type should not wipe it, yeah?16:36
zrneelyI'm still on 15.04 (sadly). I want to upgrade to 15.10, but I need to fix an issue with python first. I used checkinstall to install python 3.5, and now I can't install/uninstall anything... here's a pastebin of the output of apt-get upgrade. http://pastebin.com/n2DvzQ8j16:37
cosmicfires16.04 is good :)16:37
Sagarnacc: lotuspsychje: i am in rescue mode what can i do?16:37
de-factoLostSoul i dont think it would wipe, if you leave everything else (like the addresses and the filesystem) alone16:37
\9de-facto: but you're not sure?16:38
nacczrneely: don't do that in the future (python is a core application). Can yuou remove the python3 pacakge?16:38
de-facto\9 i would be sure enough that id do it myself16:38
de-factobut i cant guarentee16:38
\9well, yeah, nothing is ever 100.0% guaranteed16:39
zrneelynacc: Yeah, I've learned my lesson... dpkg won't let me remove python3, since a few things depend on it (software-properties-common, onboard, gnome-orca)16:39
Sagari am in rescue mode16:40
Sagarls: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:40
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest28378
de-factoLostSoul just be carefull changing just the type/id, nothing else16:40
\9Sagar: sounds like your system is a little bit screwed up16:40
Sagari accidently removed libpcre316:41
zrneelySagar: you might have to boot from a live cd and fix it that way, if you can't even run the coreutils16:41
DArqueBishopSagar: your system is toast. Boot from a live CD, back up your data, then wipe and reload.16:41
swent482Hello, I installed VeraCrypt on Xubuntu 14.04 with this guide and it appeared to install and is in the app menu...but nothing happens when I try to launch it http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/encrypt-data-in-linux-with-veracrypt-an-alternative-to-truecrypt Any ideas?16:41
LostSoul/dev/sdb1        2048 1953525167 1953523120 931,5G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT16:41
LostSoulThank you, checking on Windows now16:41
Sagarthere is no way i can install libpcre3 without loosing my data in rescue mode?16:42
Sagarroot@rescue:~# echo /var/cache/apt/archives/libpcre3*16:42
Sagar> /var/cache/apt/archives/libpcre3_2%3a8.38-3.1_amd64.deb16:42
Sagari have this16:42
de-factoLostSoul jup looks good16:42
LostSoulWorking on Windows now, thanks de-facto!16:43
\9Sagar: you could try extract the archive, and emplace the libpcre3.so file from that16:43
DArqueBishopSagar, what happens when you try to run "apt-get install libpcre3"?16:43
zrneelynacc: apt-get -f install tells me that "pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages."16:43
ceiballorena siri16:44
\9DArqueBishop: it probably won't do anything because the package is still there16:44
\9Sagar: try sudo apt-get --reinstall install libpcre316:44
nacczrneely: are you able to install 'python' (rather than python3) ?16:45
\9Sagar: if that doesn't work, try boot from a live session, mount the file system and emplace the libpcre3.so.3 file manually16:45
\9Sagar: if that still doesn't work it's time to consider a reinstall16:45
zrneelynacc: What do you mean? With apt? Any package installation tells me to run apt-get -f install, which fails with the message I pasted above16:46
SagarE: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (2: No such file or directory)16:46
Sagarsame error on each of the command16:47
Sagar> /usr/bin/dpkg: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:47
\9ok so dpkg is not going to work then16:47
lyzeWould I be able to install multiple desktop environments w/o config conflicts and so on?16:47
Sagarnor wget or anything16:48
Sagareverything depends upon libpcre316:48
\9Sagar: okay, try use a live cd then. mount your file system and emplace the libpcre.so.3 file16:49
nacczrneely: not sure, sorry -- apt is quite unhappy with you :/ maybe someone else can help16:50
Sagarhow to do that in rescue mode?16:50
DArqueBishopSagar: you don't. You need to boot using a live CD.16:50
\9use whatever you used to install ubuntu16:50
\9CD, USB, etc16:50
zrneelynacc: no problem, thanks for your help! I mostly just don't want to reinstall completely, since backups/restores are slow.16:51
Sagarits a ubuntu server16:51
Sagarpurchased from an online provider16:51
\9then you will have to notify your provider of the issue16:51
\9you are not able to fix it yourself16:51
Sagarthey said they dont provide s/w support16:52
\9that's a pretty garbage provider then16:52
\9they don't provide any software support even in emergencies?16:52
camroncadedoes anyone have experience with xsessions that can chat with me about a problem I'm working on?16:53
\9alright hmm16:53
DArqueBishopSagar: I seriously hope your data wasn't important or that it was backed up off the server.16:53
\9you're in quite the predicament, yeah16:53
Sagarcan't we install libpcre3 in rescure mode16:54
DArqueBishopSagar: you already proved you can't.16:54
Sagarand add the so file in mount drive16:54
\9need to somehow get it to the system16:54
Waggie\9, couldn't he just manually extract from a deb and place the file in rescue mode?16:54
\9Waggie: dpkg doesn't work16:54
naccWaggie: using what tool?16:55
WaggieWell, on another system, extract the deb using archive roller or similar.16:55
\9he said that this is a server provided by an online provider16:55
Sagarwaggie how?16:55
naccSagar: can you scp to the server in question?16:55
tgm4883Waggie: he can't ssh to the box is my understanding16:56
sfdebughi, i'm using ubuntu 14.04 with DHCP configuration, i want to subscribe the DNS servers i'm using, does anyone know how?16:56
Sagarnow i am in ssh16:56
Sagarin rescue mode16:56
Sagarubuntu 1616:56
\9and can you establish a new ssh connection?16:56
tgm4883Sagar: if you can SSh in, then just SCP the file over16:56
Sagari have /var/cache/apt/archives/libpcre3_2%3a8.38-3.1_amd64.deb still lying16:56
Sagarscp is also not working16:56
WaggieSo, on my desktop system (which runs Ubuntu 14.04) I can right-click a .deb file, and see the contents of it.16:56
\9Waggie: this is not a desktop!16:56
naccSagar: are you sure you're ssh'd in and not on a remote console?16:56
MonkeyDustsfdebug  sudo -e /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base16:57
\9nacc: a ssh connection survives even an sshd restart16:57
tgm4883I think he's on a remote console16:57
DArqueBishopWaggie: he can't even run a directory listing.16:57
SagarWinSCP Works :D16:57
Sagari am on ftp16:57
Sagarwhat can i do?16:57
tgm4883\9: however an SSH session doesn't survive a reboot into rescue mode16:57
nacc\9: right, but if he's at 'rescue mode' i don't know how ssh is running :)16:57
\9ah hm16:57
naccbut if he's able to ftp in, then maybe he can 'put' the rigth file remotely16:57
naccnot sure16:58
de-factoSagar maybe you could try to unpack that deb and copy the files to the appropriate locations manually, then reinstall that deb when you get dpkg working?16:58
sfdebugMonkeyDust, i tried it already...16:58
MonkeyDustsfdebug  did you add nameserver x.x.x.x16:58
MonkeyDustsfdebug  if you did, then update with    sudo resolvconf -u16:59
Sagaranyone of you can just send me the .so files and i can directly upload it?16:59
Sagarthat will be really helpful16:59
\9Sagar: do you have the libpcre.so.3.13.2 file?16:59
\9Sagar: libpcre.so.3 appears to be a symlink16:59
\9okay i can upload it16:59
sfdebugMonkeyDust, let me try16:59
de-factoSagar which exact version do you need?16:59
Sagar\9 please that will help17:00
Sagari am on ubuntu 16.0417:00
Sagarwhat could be best?17:00
\9Sagar: https://tsp.kapsi.fi/libpcre.so.3.13.2 there you go17:00
sfdebugMonkeyDust, didn't work..17:00
agent44_guys i am new to ubuntu i have installed screenfetch package but how ever i dont know how to run it( iv used "screenfetch" in terminal) nothing happen,, any one can help me out???( im on)17:01
MonkeyDustagent44_  what do you want to do17:01
camroncadeHey, I'm trying to create an xsession that curl's a url...if it returns true it boots into a chrome kiosk mode, if it returns false it boots normally. I'm having trouble getting 16.04 to start normally by calling gnome-session from a bash script....any ideas?17:01
naccagent44_: maybe look at `man screenfetch` to see what options it accepts, etc.17:02
Sagar\9: downloaded, where and how do i place it?17:02
\9Sagar: it appears to live in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/17:02
de-facto\9 isnt it more like that one here? http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/libpcre3/download17:02
\9de-facto: that's where i pulled it from17:03
\9Sagar: so try use winscp to move it to the server, and then use mv to put it in place17:04
\9Sagar: then use: ln -s libpcre.so.3.13.1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre.so.317:04
\9Sagar: to create the symbolic link, if it doesn't exist17:04
Sagarln: failed to create symbolic link '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre.so.3': File exists17:05
\9then it's already there17:05
agent44_it is showing something like  "user command" SCREENFETCH(1) etc.....17:05
de-factook yup looks like the correct one (together with libpcreposix.so.3.13.2)17:05
\9Sagar: it should work now. try use some programs17:05
Sagarls: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:06
Sagari think i have to remove the old one17:06
Sagarhow do i do that?17:06
\9hmm wait17:06
\9use ls -lh /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu17:06
\9what does it say about the libpcre files?17:06
Sagari can see libpcre.so.3.13.1 (438K) and libpcre.so.3 (1K) inside lib/x86_64-linux-gnu17:06
\9okay, but what is libpcre.so.3? where does it point?17:06
Sagari dont know17:07
Sagar\9 tell me remove the old symlink and create new one17:07
\9let's not be rash17:07
swent482I installed VeraCrypt on Xubuntu 14.04 with this guide and it appeared to install and is in the app menu...but nothing happens when I try to launch it http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/encrypt-data-in-linux-with-veracrypt-an-alternative-to-truecrypt Any ideas?17:07
\9the ls -lh command should reveal the nature of libpcre.so.317:07
Sagarls: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:07
\9but you just said you saw it there17:08
\9oh wait the ls doesn't work17:08
lyzeWould I be able to install multiple desktop environments w/o config conflicts and so on?17:08
Sagarvia WinSCP i can see it libpcre.so.3.13.117:08
\9okay then let's just recreate it17:08
Hanumaaninstalling python3 getting encodings error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16656961/  how to resolve?17:08
Sagar\9: http://prntscr.com/b7xdh617:08
\9use the same ln command, but use ln -sf instead of ln -s17:08
\9it looks fine then17:09
naccagent44_: right, that's a man-page17:09
naccagent44_: it tells you how to use a command ('manual page')17:09
k1lHanumaan: do you use a foreign encoding?17:09
Sagarso we need to reboot?17:10
Sagaror something?17:10
\9if you reboot it probably won't come back up again17:10
Sagarwhat is wrong then?17:10
ducasseSagar: use 'echo' instead of 'ls'17:10
Waggieswent482, call it from a command line with gksudo17:10
\9ducasse: and what on earth would that help?17:10
k1lHanumaan: and did you change stuff with python manually?17:11
swent482waggie how do I do that?17:11
Sagarducasse: echo?17:11
ducasse\9: if 'ls' doesn't work, try 'echo *'.17:11
Sagarecho works fine17:11
agent44_i am new so it bit weird for me.. can i get the usual one ?? i mean i was using elementary before and screenfetch was working great no need of man screenfetch there?? sorry for the stupidity17:11
Hanumaank1l, no I did not changed anything manually ..17:11
\9Sagar: can you run stat?17:11
Waggieswent482, open the Unity menu, type 'Terminal' and click on the icon for Terminal17:11
\9or does that also complain about libpcre?17:11
k1lHanumaan: or installed some 3rd party stuff?17:12
swent482I meant what command to type exactly sorry...I have terminal open17:12
Waggieswent482, actually, skip the 'gksudo' part.17:12
agent44_ got it mannnnnnn .. thankssssss17:12
Waggieswent482, just type 'veracrypt' at the command prompt.17:12
Sagarstat: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:12
Sagarecho * works fine17:12
swent482waggie: /usr/bin/veracrypt: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error17:13
Hanumaank1l, tried with some rdkit packages .. which uses python .. but just tried to install .. is there a way just clean all the python stuff and reinstall ..17:13
\9and libpcre.so.3.13.1 exists in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/?17:13
Waggieswent482, where did you ge the veracrypt binaries from?17:13
k1lHanumaan: the problem is, that most stuff uses python itself17:13
swent482from their site...verified them as well17:13
agent44_id i use ./ screenfetch-dev then it works fine17:14
MIJi need some directions to find someone17:14
Hanumaank1l, I have purged all these packages in the process of removing buggy python3 http://paste.ubuntu.com/16660360/  .. and tried to re install but still it gives the error .. so only reinstallation of OS is the solution?17:14
Waggieswent482, you downloaded "VeraCrypt Linux Setup 1.17" from their website?17:14
\9Sagar: i don't see libpcre.3.13.1 in that17:14
\9Sagar: where did you place it?17:15
Thinker_help me guys. Banshee doesnot play aac or opus audio files. But it plays mp3 files. I have checked that libopus and aac codecs are installed. What to do now17:15
agent44_if i use ./screenfetch -dev it works fine can i change the command into "screenfetch"???17:15
Waggieswent482, and which of the contained executables did you run?17:15
Sagarbut i can see that via WinSCP \917:15
Waggie(inside "veracrypt-1.17-setup.tar.bz2"?)17:15
swent482veracrypt-1.17-setup.tar.bz2 and I used the gui x8617:15
k1lHanumaan: maybe the guys in #python know about that issue. i have never seen that on an ubuntu system17:16
Waggieswent482, are you actually running a 32-bit OS?17:16
swent482its a very old toshiba with Xubuntu 14.0417:16
WaggieAh. Hmm..17:16
Sagar\9: http://prntscr.com/b7xhh317:16
k1lThinker_: libopus0 opus-tools  is installed?17:16
\9how's this possible17:17
swent482the guide I linked seemed the most legit...several advised PPAs etc and I wanted to avoid those. I checked GPG sigs etc17:17
Waggieswent482, what do you get if you run 'file /usr/bin/veracrypt' ?17:17
swent482not sure what I might have done wrong but it was likely me17:17
Waggieswent482, mine reports "/usr/bin/veracrypt: ELF 64-bit LSB  executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped" - which will be slightly different, as I'm running 64-bit.17:18
swent482"/usr/bin/veracrypt: ELF 64-bit LSB  executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped"17:18
Thinker_k1l,  checking, plz give me a minute17:19
swent482since I am on a 32bit is that the issue? did i grab the wrong one somehow?17:19
MIJwhere can i find the author for ALSA development17:19
Waggieswent482, well, you didn't run the 32-bit setup that was in that bz2, you ran the 64-bit setup.17:19
k1lswent482: why are you on 32bit?17:19
Sagar\9: what could be wrong?17:19
Sagarfiles lies there17:19
Waggiek1l, he has an old laptop.17:19
Waggieswent482, make sure you run 'veracrypt-1.17-setup-gui-x86' from that bz2 file.17:20
\9Sagar: I don't know. the file should be there17:20
swent482crap...i knew it was me being an idot...how do I remove the 64bit version and start over the right way?17:20
=== folder| is now known as folder||
Thinker_k1l,  libopus0 installed, opus-tools not installed17:20
swent482kll: I am using a 10yo toshiba with 32bit processor17:20
=== folder|| is now known as folder|
k1lswent482: are you sure its 32bit only?17:20
de-factoSagar it has /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre.so.3  -> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre.so.3.13.2 (~ 450kB) ) then it has /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcreposix.so.3 -> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcreposix.so.3.13.2 (~ 10kB)17:20
swent482well I think so...how would I check?17:20
Sagaranything like dpkg which doesn't require libpcre317:21
Sagarso that we can install deb package?17:21
k1lswent482: "lspcu | nc termbin.com 9999"17:21
camroncadeis there a way to make the unity toolbar not display on bootup? I have it set to auto hide but as soon as a user logs in it is on the screen for a second before it slides out of view, and I'm trying to make it not show at all17:21
Waggieswent482, not sure, but I would imagine you could install the x32 version over the x64 version..17:21
Sagardidn't checked libpcreposix.so.3.13.217:21
DArqueBishopStupid question.17:21
Sagarde-facto: no file libpcreposix.so.3.13.217:21
DArqueBishopSagar: what happens if you run "ldconfig"?17:21
Sagarnor libpcreposix.so.317:21
DArqueBishopNever mind.17:22
swent482kll: No command 'lspcu' found, did you mean:  Command 'lscpu' from package 'util-linux' (main)  Command 'lspci' from package 'pciutils' (main) lspcu: command not found Use netcat.17:22
SagarDarqueBIshop: it works shows nothing17:22
de-factoSagar the exact md5sums would be 2c81decd656a3c3843e47fb5ccf71065  libpcre3_8.38-3.1_amd64.deb:  66cae850e791d89892cb8b71d07ab39c  libpcreposix.so.3.13.2 and 020071cb8fcff2b7eab8e1beaf65058b  libpcre.so.3.13.217:22
Sagarroot@rescue:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu# ldconfig | root@rescue:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu#17:22
k1lswent482: "lscpu | nc termbin.com 9999"  <<< sorry had a typo17:22
swent482waggie: is there a terminal command to purge it all though? sorry for the noob ignorance17:22
Thinker_k1l,  i have installed opus-tools but still cant play17:22
Sagarde-facto: no file like  libpcreposix at all17:22
DArqueBishopSagar: does ls still not work?17:22
MonkeyDustswent482  what's the outout of    sudo dmidecode --type 4 | tail -217:22
* DArqueBishop is grasping at straws.17:22
ducasseSagar: can't you just upload the file as both libpcre3.so.3 and libpcre.so.3.13.2? it doesn't need to be a symlink.17:23
Sagarducasse: i have already uploaded ibpcre.so.3.13.217:23
Waggieswent482, Googling gives me: "To uninstall VeraCrypt on Linux, you have to run the following command as root: veracrypt-uninstall.sh"17:23
Sagarhow do i remove symlink?17:23
swent482kll: http://termbin.com/d19017:23
Teguunlink /your/symlink/here17:23
swent482waggie: thanks will give that a try17:24
swent482MonkeyDust: Part Number: Not Specified17:24
de-factoSagar the smaller file is here if you like: http://en.file-upload.net/download-11609588/libpcreposix.so.3.13.2.html17:24
MonkeyDustswent482  nvm, lscpu shows it also17:24
swent482waggie: to run as root I just put sudo before the command yea?17:24
Sagarshould i unlink the symlink17:25
Waggieswent482, yup17:25
Sagarthen rename the libpcre.3.13.2 and change it to libpcre.so.317:25
swent482waggie it instantly said "veracrypt uninstalled"...normally there is some activity...could it have actually uninstalled that fast and without output?17:26
Waggieswent482, very possible.17:26
Waggieswent482, try installing the x86 version now.17:26
swent482waggie: thanks..I will try to do it right this time you guys have all been very helpful17:26
Waggieswent482, glad to help! :)17:27
SemiNusHello all :)17:27
SemiNusI am in trouble with my brand new 16.04 installation17:27
cosmicfireswhat replaces gnome-disks in 16.04?17:28
Sagar\9? de-facto? ducasse?17:28
MonkeyDustSemiNus  let's hear it, in one line17:28
SemiNuschromium-browser causes a vast amount of my CPU load.17:28
Sagaras i see /usr/bin/dpkg: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:29
Sagarshouln't file be placed in /sur/bin/dpkg17:29
ducasseSagar: remove the symlink, then either upload the file again with the name you need or link it.17:29
Sagarwell not17:29
SemiNusthe problem especially seems to occur when I use my mouse wheel in order to scroll down a browser window. Scrolling happens very "jumpy" (I guess that word does not exist, huh?) and it slows down the whole system17:29
Sagarducasse: uploaded17:29
k1lSemiNus: well. dont use that much chromium tabs and flash content?17:30
SemiNusoh great... the problem is the same in firefox... I just opened firefox, wanted to look in dict.cc for the translation of "ruckelig" (a german word) and then "top" shows me a usage of 79% for firefox17:30
SemiNusk1l, no flash content17:30
Sagarducasse: i did, i think winscp is not working fine17:30
reisioSemiNus: what do you care what percentage it uses?17:31
k1lSemiNus: actually you could look if its getting better with adblock or such.17:31
SemiNus 2869 user      20   0 1106648 268676 111384 R 103,0  2,3   1:43.59 firefox17:31
SemiNushuh? 103% CPU load for firefox now17:31
SemiNusthat is weird17:31
ducasseSagar: does dpkg work now?17:31
Sagarthe issue is17:31
Sagarin winscp i can see17:31
SemiNusk1l, well, it's hard to work on a PC when it becomes totally slow because of a browser17:31
swent482waggie: kll: monkeydust: thanks to all...it worked this time. I had c&p the install command with x64 in it and failed to change17:31
anomIf I have two windows open, is there a shortcut to switch window?17:32
MonkeyDustanom  ctrl tab17:32
MonkeyDustanom  alt tab rather17:32
Sagarwait i am on recovery17:32
lyzecan I use a external hard drive as a live cd "usb stick"?17:32
Sagari should be /mnt/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu not /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu17:32
Waggieswent482, glad its' working!17:33
Hanumaank1l, then if I try to install some packages I get unmet dependencies http://paste.ubuntu.com/16661006/ .. #python said those previous ones are not errors what could be solution for this dependency problem?17:33
anomalt tab brings up like a dialog. Is there anyway to do it without that thing showing up?17:33
MonkeyDustanom  alt esc17:33
anomthat doesn't appear to work either lol17:34
MonkeyDustanom  both at the same time... it's the same as in Main Stream OS17:35
Sagarworked :D17:35
Sagar\9? de-facto? ducasse? :D worked17:35
ducasse!yay | Sagar17:35
ubottuSagar: Glad you made it! :-)17:35
SagarThe issue was we were looking into /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu while on recovery mode it was /mnt/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu17:36
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:36
Sagar!thanks | \9 | de-facto | ducasse?17:37
ubottu\9 | de-facto | ducasse?: please see above17:37
de-factoglad you got it working :)17:37
ducasseSagar: so dpkg is working normally now?17:37
Sagaryes :)17:38
ducasseSagar: well, then, you must have learned a lot today ;)17:38
Sagaralot :D17:38
ducasseSagar: next time, for a *real* challenge, remove /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 ;)17:39
DArqueBishopSagar: again, if anything on that box is important to you, NOW is the time to start planning scheduled offsite backups.17:41
DArqueBishopYou got INCREDIBLY lucky.17:41
Sagarand thanks you all :D17:42
zteamHanumaan, If I were you I would split that long apt-get install command in two parts, sometimes it may be easier for apt-get if you ask it not to do everything at once, that's my experience at least17:43
\9Sagar: ah, cool to know it worked17:44
Hanumaanzteam, thats good will try that way ..17:45
Hanumaanzteam, idea*17:45
zteamHanumaan, also if you do use somethird party repositories you might need to disable them :-)17:47
Hanumaanzteam, yes I have disabled already ..17:47
zteamHanumaan, okey, then it should hopefully work :p17:48
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ducasseSagar: if you want good backup software, i can recommend attic.17:51
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reisiowhy would you need to init a backup location17:55
ducassereisio: it works really well, though, and that's mainly all i care about.17:56
reisioI prefer things to work perfectly :p17:57
ducassereisio: it actually does, for my use cases.17:57
reisiosure sure :D17:57
lokanyone has used "terminal emulator" on android?18:01
k1llok: i guess #android is the better place to ask that18:02
lokok k1l18:02
MonkeyDustcamroncade  evening18:07
Powerlesshow do i install that fast search that kubunto has on my ubuntu?18:10
MonkeyDustPowerless  you mean Dash?18:11
PowerlessMonkeyDust, I dont know the name. its that search that I only neet to start typing on my desktop and it will start a search18:12
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MonkeyDustPowerless  found it: try     GnomeDo18:17
de-factoi thought every DE has its own search index, Dash, Gnome, KDE and so on... not sure if its a good idea to just try to install alien ones18:19
PowerlessMonkeyDust, will try it thanks18:19
de-factoPowerless if you are on unity try installing appropriate lenses or what those are called18:19
k1lwell, the gnome and unity searches use zeitgeist in the background18:20
de-factoi thought unity uses unity-lens-*  for the frontend18:21
de-factok1l and i read KDE used strigi or baloo or something like that as backend instead, not sure though18:23
lokwhat is "how to setup Ubuntu chroot in android"?18:23
k1llok: that is nothing for this channel. ask the app maker for support of that18:24
ruindmy apt cache is 6GB in size... is that normal?18:26
basartürk var mı18:26
nacc!tr | basar18:27
ubottubasar: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.18:27
de-factoruind i guess it depends on how much you used it18:27
ruinddo I need that much to do an 'apt-cache search' ?18:28
k1lruind: "sudo apt-get autoclean"18:28
naccruind: no, you probably have older cached data around, run the command that k1l suggests to clean it up18:28
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ruindah yup.... that freed up about 5G18:29
ruindthanks k1l18:29
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yotkaHello, I'm looking for help troubleshooting wireless problems (I asked here yesterday, too). My problem is that I don't have an internet connection although connected to wireless (see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=765578)18:29
ubottuGnome bug 765578 in general "No internet connection through WLAN although connected to wireless network" [Major,Needinfo]18:29
ultrixxhi! when i boot 16.04 i get software crashes with my asus notebook. i think it is a bluetooth subsystem that makes problems18:35
ultrixxanyone here with the same issues?18:35
Shibeguys help18:36
ShibeI installed the HWE but now if I have two windows open that use opengl, one of them stops18:36
Shibeand if I switch to nvidia mode and start Xorg, I get a black screen (screen off18:36
Powerlessthe name i was looking for is krunner :)18:43
k1lPowerless: krunner is not a unity thing.18:44
django_1is kubuntu faster than ubuntu?18:44
k1ldjango_1: no18:44
Powerlessk1l, do we have a similar one for ubuntu?18:44
django_1k1l, whats the difference18:44
xanguaPowerless: synapse18:45
k1ldjango_1: if you want a faster one you might want to look at Xubuntu or even Lubuntu18:45
django_1k1l, how different are x and l ubuntu?18:45
k1ldjango_1: its a differen desktop environment. like two different carmakers. they both build cars, but different ones18:45
Powerlessxangua, synapse I have to open a program. this krunner all you have to is type and it will search18:45
k1ldjango_1: unity vs kde5 vs xfce vs lxde.18:46
django_1k1l, im running a vbox with 2gb ram18:46
django_1i want the fastest18:46
k1ldjango_1: lubuntu18:46
django_1k1l, for this book: https://www.nostarch.com/hacking2.htm18:46
shudonhi all :) i've added my user to dialout group but still can't "screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600" without screen terminating immediately. "groups" says i am in dialout group. ls -l says /dev/ttyUSB0 has crw-rw---- perms and root:dialout owner18:51
naccshudon: not sure what you think that command should do? screen takes as arguments a command18:52
shudonnacc: it can also connect to a tty18:52
naccshudon: you need to tell it to do that with flags, iirc?18:52
shudonidk, nacc. with root user, i can do this with same args18:52
akikshudon: did you re-login after adding yourself to dialout group?18:53
naccshudon: hrm, i'd check what akik said, then18:53
shudonakik: yes, groups(1) says i am dialout group18:53
naccshudon: that's not the same thing18:53
naccshudon: did you logout and log back in?18:53
naccshudon: you can be in a group and that membership not having taken effect yet18:53
shudonnacc: i thought if i run groups with no args, it only shows groups i actually have, as opposed to ones i will get on login18:53
naccshudon: no args just prints current process's groups, iirc18:54
naccshudon: which does not mean your membership has been updated...18:54
* shudon sighs18:54
* EriC^^ double sighs18:54
* nacc shrugs18:55
Sagarhow much a 32GB server running apache2 and php7.0-fpm is cable of handling concurrent users?19:01
plytrowrong place19:02
Sagarwhere should i go then?19:02
Lopehow do you restart networking on systemd ubuntu?19:05
OerHeksLope, systemctl restart name.service, but for now on 16.04 you still can use: service networking restart19:07
MonkeyDustLope  try   sudo service networking restart19:08
MonkeyDustOerHeks  was faster19:08
plytroSagar: a php channel or an apache channel19:10
fenecohi, gnome-shell is no launching the program from a certain .desktop file, it opens in gedit instead, but double click the .desktop file from nautilus, launches the program. any ideas? (ubuntu gnome 16.04)19:14
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leoknudsenhi @everyone: anyone that knows how i can config a correct mysql database connection for a laravel application on CircleCI Ubuntu 14.04 machine?19:18
ubuntu498hello folk19:27
ubuntu498I have taken an hard drive from an intel MacBook and put it inside an intel ASUS laptop... Lubuntu is working but there is no wireless showing19:28
ubuntu498Can u help me please since I have read several posts and thought hundreds of solutions trobuleshooting etc...19:29
Queenslayerubuntu498, you can extract it from a live CD19:29
ubuntu498Sorry Queenslayer I am not sure I am following your advice, would you mind to expand it a little bit?19:30
Queenslayerubuntu498, you shouldn't expect all the drivers to work anyway19:30
naccubuntu498: does the intel laptop's wireless work from a liveCD/USB?19:30
Queenslayerubuntu498, you want wifi drivers, yes?19:30
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ubuntu498I still do not understand, please have patience19:31
Queenslayerubuntu498, no worries19:31
_44trent3hey, is it normal that after I dualboot windows and ubuntu, the windows partition isn't active?19:31
QueenslayerYou probably need driver packages to make the wifi work19:31
ubuntu498maybe I have not expressed fully myself19:31
QueenslayerYes _44trent319:31
ubuntu498Queenslayer: I have tried hundred of things19:32
Queenslayer_44trent3, you mean to ask why GRUB2 comes on in place of windows boot manager?19:32
=== ExoGeni is now known as Thallo
ubuntu498as I said nothing is working19:32
_44trent3no, i mean my windows partition isn't active19:32
ubuntu498I don't know where the problem lies19:32
_44trent3i'm trying to restore the windows bootloader from the windows 7 repair disk19:32
naccubuntu498: what wireless device? what version of windows?19:32
Queenslayerubuntu498, you said lubuntu is working?19:32
naccubuntu498: err, what version of ubuntu :)19:33
_44trent3but i was just wondering if it's normal that my windows partition isn't marked as active19:33
_44trent3after the dualboot19:33
ubuntu498Queenslayer: yes Lubuntu is working perfectly19:33
_44trent3i can go somewhere else to figure out the windows MBR problem, i just wanted to know if ubuntu might've had something to do with it19:33
ubuntu498two things only19:33
Queenslayer_44trent3, are you using it via UEFI?19:33
ubuntu498first one the wireless19:33
_44trent3no, i'm using it via mbr19:33
Queenslayerubuntu498, find the wireless card19:33
_44trent3i think19:33
ubuntu498done it Queenslayer19:33
QueenslayerAnd get propietary drivers for it19:33
ubuntu498lspci gives  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)19:34
_44trent3guess i could try imaging the windows iso again on the thumb drive and see if that fixes it...19:34
naccQueenslayer: why would you assume they need proprietary drivers?19:34
Queenslayer_44trent3, can you boot into windows at all?19:34
_44trent3yeah, but I want to get rid of grub and remove the ubuntu partition19:34
ubuntu498the drivers that I could find where only given in *.exe19:34
subsumeI am attempting to use memcached in 16.04 but it keeps crashing even though it has plenty of memory. Some googling tells me that sometimes this happens when not run with the -d command, however, the 16.04 init script seems to be stripping this from the daemon as it doesn't show up in top19:34
MonkeyDustubuntu498  in a terminal, type   nmtui ... then Activate19:34
_44trent3and whenever i use the repair option in my windows 7 usb, it doesn't detect windows 719:34
_44trent3and for some reason, my ubuntu partition is the one with a bootable flag...19:35
_44trent3all the other ones don't have it19:35
Queenslayernacc, just a suggestion as it worked on mine19:35
ubuntu498Hi MonkeyDust  i don't have that command19:35
ubuntu498and it doesn't allow me to install it19:35
naccQueenslayer: but that would highly depend on the card in question...19:35
Queenslayernacc, true19:35
_44trent3there is a windows IRC channel i could ask, but that method is used to get rid of grub properly right?19:35
QueenslayerI think I presumed too much there19:36
naccQueenslayer: i think the intel chipset should work fine with the stock kernel(s)19:36
Queenslayernacc, one sec...19:36
naccubuntu498: do you have networking at all (wired, perhaps)19:36
Queenslayernacc, you're right19:36
ubuntu498Thanks guy, I hope I can sort this...19:36
Queenslayernacc, when I tried XUbuntu nothing was detected, but fine for stock Ubuntu19:37
ubuntu498I am typing from the laptop where the problem is...connected through dsl cable19:37
subsumeCan someone tell me where to find a stock 16.04 init script?19:37
ubuntu498so ethernet is fine19:37
naccQueenslayer: hrm, that's strange! interesting, though19:37
Queenslayernacc, it is19:37
naccubuntu498: ok, can you pastebin `dmesg` output?19:37
QueenslayerI was quite surprised by it19:37
ubuntu498of course19:37
subsumeErr can someone help me find a stock 16.04 memcached.conf file?19:37
ubuntu498give me a sec19:37
naccubuntu498: thanks19:37
ubuntu498nacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16664309/19:40
naccubuntu498: what version of ubuntu is this (`lsb_release -a` will say)19:44
ubuntu49814.04 Trusty19:45
ubuntu498Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS19:45
sli1subsume: You have the default file here: https://websetnet.com/memcached-cache-config-on-ubuntu/19:45
naccubuntu498: `uname -a` (feel free to pastebin)19:45
subsumesli1: hmmm... im' not sure if i should be using memcached or libmemcached19:47
naccubuntu498: ugh, i thnk that's the utopic hwe stack (based upon the kernel version)19:48
naccubuntu498: would you be willing to use the later hwe stack, to test?19:48
nacc!hwe | ubuntu49819:48
ubottuubuntu498: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:48
ubuntu498i686 conflicting with x86_32?19:48
naccubuntu498: ?19:48
ubuntu498processor architecture maybe?19:49
ubuntu498I dunno, I have just noticed that19:49
subsumesli1: actually yeah, libmemcached is a client but i am talking about the server here, simply called memcached19:49
ubuntu498never mind nacc19:50
naccubuntu498: let's put that aside, becuase i'm not sure what you mean :)19:50
naccubuntu498: your CPU is recognized just fine19:50
ubuntu498quite right....19:50
ubuntu498that's true19:50
naccubuntu498: so i'm wondering if possibly you might need some of the hw support provided by the LTS hwe stacks19:50
ioriasubsume, http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/memcached/filelist19:50
naccubuntu498: basically gives you access in trusty to the xenial kernel and X server19:50
ioria !info linux-generic-lts-xenial trusty19:51
ubottulinux-generic-lts-xenial (source: linux-meta-lts-xenial): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; powerpc)19:51
naccioria: thanks, was just about to search for it :)19:52
iorianacc ok :)19:52
naccubuntu498: --^ that's the package you'd install, it will put a new kernel in ( and that might have better support for your hardware19:52
naccubuntu498: that would be the easiest thing to test, i think19:52
subsumeHow can I find out why memcached seems to be crashing after many hours of use with plenty of memory?19:53
subsumethe log is empty19:54
naccsubsume: is it being killed? (`dmesg` might say)19:54
subsumeah okay, yeah i guess it says out of memory19:55
user2635Hello Worlddd19:56
naccsubsume: right, so it probably oom'd19:56
naccsubsume: and the kernel killed it19:56
ubuntu695hello guys19:57
naccsubsume: well, not quite the right verbage/order, but you get the idea :)19:57
ubuntu695sorry, for some reasons something happened and I couldn't see any typing19:57
ubuntu695nacc, in the meantime I pasted the command into terminale19:57
subsumeI don't think the init script for memcached notes are really accurate to how 16.04 is running it19:58
subsumethere's a comment that says you can run one instance via # /etc/init.d/memcached start server119:58
subsumebut I do that and it doesn't start anything19:59
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naccubuntu695: ok, so you're switching over to the xenial hwe stack?20:01
ubuntu695I have copied and pasted this:  sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-wily xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily20:02
naccubuntu695: well, i would just go to xenial (rather than wily)20:02
naccubuntu695: same package names, but with xenial instead of wily in each string20:03
ubuntu695so, is that a bad thing?20:03
naccubuntu695: using wily? no, not necessarily20:03
naccubuntu695: *wily lts hwe20:03
ubuntu695now the system it is asking20:03
ubuntu695to reboot20:04
naccubuntu695: but if it doesn't work, then you might still need to test xenial20:04
ubuntu695so I will do that20:04
naccubuntu695: yep20:04
ubuntu695right, thank you nacc I will see you shortly20:04
django_1k1l, for lubuntu installation it says "software selection" do i chose a desktop environent20:06
django_1edubuntu, kubuntu etc20:07
subsumeCan someone help me debug why the init script for memcached doesn't seem to do what it says it does http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/vivid/memcached/vivid/view/head:/scripts/memcached-init20:12
subsumeI tried sudo /etc/init.d/memcached start server1 but it doesn't do anything idfferent than if you left server1 off20:12
naccsubsume: did you create a /etc/memcached_server1.conf ?20:13
subsume-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    1426 May 24 19:59 memcached_server1.conf20:13
=== TrumpCard is now known as merdam
naccsubsume: pastebin `bash -x /etc/init.d/memcached start server1` ?20:13
=== merdam is now known as TrumpCard
subsumenacc: where can i install pastebin from?20:14
subsumeits not a command20:14
naccsubsume: you can use pastebinit20:14
subsumenacc: should i just pastebinit my init script? i can't pipe that command20:15
naccsubsume: `bash -x /etc/init.d/memcached start server1 | pastebinit`20:15
naccmaybe with sudo20:15
naccso it might be better to sudo the bash and redirect to a file20:16
naccthen cat the file to pastebinit20:16
k1ldjango_1: is that the minimal or netinstall? just choose "lubuntu desktop" if you want a lubuntu20:17
subsumenacc: weird http://paste.ubuntu.com/16665021/ it doesn't give that output when i just run that command20:17
naccsubsume: maybe add a redirect of stderr to stdout20:17
subsumeit just says "Starting memcached (via systemctl): memcached.service." when i run that command20:17
subsumenacc: how do i do that20:17
django_1k1l, not sure, it mini.iso20:18
naccsubsume: try: `bash -x /etc/init.d/memcached start server1 2>&1 | pastebinit20:18
subsumenacc: where is the missing '20:20
naccsubsume: err, sorry20:20
naccat end20:20
k1ldjango_1: that is the netinstall. it got just the installer and will load all needed packages from the net.20:20
django_1ah crap20:20
django_1i didnt chose lubuntu20:21
subsumenacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16665103/20:21
subsumedoesn't look right but ok20:21
subsumethat's just the init script20:21
FarbrorAlBotFree web host accounts at http://webgerencie.com.br/billing/xbilling/20:21
FarbrorAlBotlimited account go fast http://webgerencie.com.br/billing/xbilling/20:21
subsumeoh i guess there is more20:21
ubuntu645hello nacc20:21
ubuntu645nothing has changed20:22
subsumeI have actually seen some mysterious nonsense with other processes with this "The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files" stuff20:22
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naccsubsume: are you running vivid?20:22
ubuntu645What's more I received weird messages form the system, about errors and etc..20:22
subsumenacc: no xenial but i forgot the sudo command20:22
naccsubsume: so why did you point me at the vivid memcached init script?20:23
subsumenacc: when sudo isn't used that error crops up20:23
subsumesorry, that was the only one i could find20:23
subsumeit doesn't look different20:23
ubuntu645nacc: what should I do now?20:24
subsumeit doesn't look different20:24
subsumesorry, that was the only one i could find20:24
subsumenacc: when sudo isn't used that error crops up20:24
naccsubsume: it is quite clearly different...20:24
naccsubsume: in that the bash -x output doesn't match the file on launchpad20:24
naccsubsume: can you pastebin your /etc/init.d/memcached ?20:24
subsumeah sorry20:24
naccsubsume: ah sorry, yes, i'm assuming you knew to run under sudo, as you're launching an inits cript20:25
subsumeyep will repaste20:25
naccubuntu645: can you pastebin `dmesg` output?20:25
ubuntu645nacc, yep20:25
subsumenacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16665206/20:26
subsumeinit script http://paste.ubuntu.com/16665223/20:26
davidmichaelkarrI'm seeing an odd symptom with my mouse cursor.  I'm running Ubuntu in a VM, and when I try to resize a window, I have to move the cursor perhaps 1/4 inch past the bottom right corner for it to register that it's on the bottom right corner.  I realized this is why I've had trouble with other widgets in the interface.  The CentOS host that I'm running this20:28
davidmichaelkarrfrom does not have this problem.20:28
naccubuntu645: can you pastebin `ifconfig -a` ?20:30
ubuntu645nacc: sure,20:31
ubuntu645nacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16665328/20:32
naccubuntu645: and pastebin `sudo lshw -c network`20:34
camroncadeHey I've posed a question here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/777007/running-a-bash-script-from-an-xsession-to-toggle-startup-programs and am looking for some help if anybody has any ideas20:34
Queenslayernacc, you still at it?20:34
QueenslayerAny progress?20:34
flyinprogrammerso i just setup my first debian repo with artifactory and apt-get is complaining that my packages are unauthenticated. what does this mean? is there away to fix it? i uploaded my gpg key to artifactory and that fixed some things, but not this :(20:35
naccQueenslayer: ubuntu645 installed the wily lts hwe stack, at least, but it still isn't detecting the card (afaict) at hte kernel level, which seems odd20:35
Queenslayernacc, that sounds a bit deeper than I've ever delved before20:36
naccah ah20:36
ubuntu645Hi Queenslayer20:36
QueenslayerAt least he's in more capable hands(I hope :P_20:36
ubuntu645thanks guys20:36
QueenslayerHey ubuntu64520:36
naccubuntu645: nice, ok, so the driver maybe isn't loading, but i'm not sure why that would be20:36
naccbut let's see20:36
Lopewhat is the simplest way to get libvirt to work? it doesn't want to run without app-armor. I've installed apparmor apparmor-profiles but it's still complaining that apparmor is not enabled and libvirt-bin won't start.20:37
LopePlease help!20:37
sfdebughi, i'm using ubuntu 14.04 with DHCP configuration, i want to subscribe the DNS servers i'm using, does anyone know how?20:37
Queenslayernacc, I'd be tempted to say back up data and do fresh install, but this sounds interesting20:37
naccubuntu645: can you `modprobe iwl3945` ?20:37
Queenslayersfdebug, meaning you want to configure them?20:37
ubuntu645nacc did it20:38
sfdebugQueenslayer, yes, i want to change the DNS to use the DNS i want, not the sent via DHCP...20:38
ubuntu645gives something nice20:38
naccubuntu645: so here's my current theory, and i apologize for not thinking of this earlier20:38
Queenslayersfdebug, that's quite straightfoward20:39
ubuntu645I am all ear...ehm eyes20:39
QueenslayerGo into network settings20:39
naccubuntu645: you switched underlying hardware, and the initrd didn't get rebuilt (probably), so a module (possibly modules) needed to support your new hardware aren't loded by default20:39
ubuntu645I see20:39
naccubuntu645: you really can't just move disks between heterogenous hardware and have everything "just work", aiui it anymore20:39
QueenslayerAnd under the tab IPV4 settings you should see under the DNS label it has an option under Additional servers20:39
jinxi_Sysinfo for 'linux-85up': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.6.4 on openSUSE Tumbleweed powered by Linux 4.5.4-1-default, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz at 3718-3786/3800 MHz, RAM: 14862/15453 MB, Storage: 93/236 GB, 262 procs, 49.17h up20:39
naccjinxi_: inappropriate for this channel20:39
Queenslayersfdebug, presuming it's wifi?20:40
naccubuntu645: so i think at this point, you should be able to get on your wifi20:40
Queenslayernacc, I didn't think you could do that with most systems20:41
ubuntu645nacc: basically it gives me the wifi connection but even after I put the password20:41
Queenslayerubuntu645, so you can detect wifi networks?20:42
ubuntu645yes Queenslayer and they are unstable20:42
ubuntu645in the sense that, It lets me put the password20:43
QueenslayerThat means it's working20:43
naccQueenslayer: if they were physically identical, it might mostly work20:43
naccubuntu645: 'unstable'?20:43
ubuntu645but doesn't connect me20:43
Queenslayeryour wifi drivers are fine then20:43
markb1docker on (x)ubuntu 16.04 -- containerd times out -- any solutions? :)20:43
QueenslayerTake your ethernet off20:43
QueenslayerThat's probably why20:43
davidmichaelkarrI just posted the following: http://askubuntu.com/questions/777012/internal-mouse-location-is-above-and-left-of-physical-mouse-location . Anyone know anything about mouse misalignment issues?20:44
QueenslayerYou're connecting via both ethernet and wifi to same router20:44
ubuntu645then when I check again it gives me "wireless not found"20:44
ubuntu645yep Queenslayer20:44
QueenslayerTake ethernet off and then connect wifi20:44
ubuntu645I will try but it will not work20:45
naccubuntu645: it might be the case that if this works, you could do the same in the older kernel you were on20:45
OerHekshmm 3945ABG , see this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2222374 >> sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-firmware20:45
ubuntu645that's right20:45
ubuntu645what should I do20:45
naccubuntu645: `modprobe iwl3945` in the older kernel20:45
naccubuntu645: i think you need to rebuild your initrd, etc, but i'm not sure how that works really20:45
ubuntu645i see20:46
naccubuntu645: i don't believe any OS really supports taking an installed image from one hardware to another20:46
Queenslayerubuntu645, have you tried without your ethernet?20:46
naccubuntu645: your best bet is to install on the hardware you are using, if i had to guess20:46
ubuntu645Queenslayer: not yet20:46
naccubuntu645: a quick test would be to boot your new hardware off a liveusb or livecd20:46
Queenslayergive it a quick shot please20:46
QueenslayerThis might be a simple networking issue20:46
ubuntu645speak sson20:46
naccQueenslayer: good point, although i can connect to the same router via both (i just prioritize one over the other so i can undock and minimize my downtime)20:47
ubuntu996It happened what I thought20:48
ubuntu996it lets me put the password20:48
ubuntu996but then nothing happens20:48
ubuntu996so I am back to ethernet20:48
Queenslayernacc, doesn't let you do it on Android20:48
QueenslayerSo being based on Linux, thought maybe same principle20:48
ubuntu996i could try a live cd20:49
ubuntu996i have backtrack20:49
naccQueenslayer: i doubt that's a Linux principle :) multiple routability is a pretty basic concept20:49
naccubuntu645: right, so what i'd like to confirm is if a not-previously-configured Ubuntu does the right thing20:49
naccubuntu996: rather20:49
Queenslayernacc, you're probably right20:49
QueenslayerI've only a week old Linux convert20:50
Jakey4when i try to decrypt using gpg20:50
naccQueenslayer: you'd be surprised how much is not "Linux" but "what your distro decided to do"20:50
Jakey4gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available20:50
Jakey4but i made a key pair20:50
Jakey4so not sure why its not availible20:50
Queenslayernacc, I managed to get my troublesome UEFI working after a lot of graft and has made me feel like Superman(much to the detriment of some poor users here) :P20:51
Queenslayernacc, agreed, UEFI is definitely not a Linux issue20:51
Lopecan someone please help me get livvirt to run?20:52
naccLope: did you reboot after installing apparmor?20:52
tgm4883Lope: is this on a standard ubuntu 16.04 install?20:52
sfdebughi, i'm using ubuntu 14.04 with DHCP configuration, i want to subscribe the DNS servers i'm using, does anyone know how?20:52
subsumeinit script http://paste.ubuntu.com/16665223/20:52
naccsubsume: sorry, got distracted20:53
naccsubsume: you're sure that's the output from `... start server` ?20:53
naccerr, 'start server1'20:53
subsumeroot@neomonolith:~# `bash -x /etc/init.d/memcached start server1 2>&1 | pastebinit` ?20:54
naccsubsume: the reason i asked is the output indicates this gets caleld:20:54
naccsystemctl_redirect /etc/init.d/memcached start20:54
naccwhich is why it looks the same as not passing server1 at all20:54
subsumedid you check out my init script?20:55
subsumelike i said, it doesn't really seem to come as advertised20:55
subsumeand this is a fresh 16.04 install so that's kinda concerning20:55
StillWatersO nice! There are ppl here!20:55
naccsubsume: just to be sure, did you have ENABLE_MEMCAHED=yes in /etc/default/memcached?20:55
Seveas!info network-manager wily20:55
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework (daemon and userspace tools). In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.4-0ubuntu5.3 (wily), package size 1230 kB, installed size 5408 kB (Only available for linux-any)20:55
naccsubsume: ok, i'm not 100% sure, but i think the move to systemd has sort of made this init-script irrelevant20:57
naccsubsume: in that it just, upon20:57
nacc. /lib/lsb/init-functions20:57
naccgoes off and does some systemd-y stuff20:57
Queenslayernacc, is he off trying live cd?20:57
naccQueenslayer: i assume so, but not sure20:57
Queenslayernacc, best way for now20:58
QueenslayerI honestly thought he's entering his wifi key wrong20:58
naccQueenslayer: could also be true20:58
subsumenacc: well is the syntax simply incompatible? should someone in ubuntu or memcached know about this?20:59
Bashing-omsubsume: Background info ?? : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers , Good ?21:00
subsumeBashing-om: i'm just talking about the stock memcached init script here and the comments provided within it21:01
naccsubsume: i mean, you might have found a bug :)21:01
naccsubsume: i'm doing some digging, give me a few moments21:01
naccsubsume: this is a fresh install, not an upgrade, right?21:01
subsumefresh install21:01
ubuntu027hi guys Queenslayer nacc Drone`21:02
subsumeits the image that linode uses, if you tell me how i can better validate if its actually the latest install21:02
naccsubsume: i have a feeling i was the last to touch it in ubuntu, so give me a second :)21:02
Bashing-omsubsume: All I am aware is that the scrips under upsatrt (14.04) will not be honored under systemd (16.04) .21:02
ubuntu027I am typing from a live cd21:02
naccubuntu027: wireless working?21:03
ubuntu027Ubuntu 8.1021:03
Queenslayerwb ubuntu02721:03
ubuntu027intrepid ibex21:03
naccubuntu027: ugh, well, that's quite old, but does the wireless work?21:03
subsumeBashing-om: seems partially honored or something. i can get the daemon to work even respecting many options21:03
ubuntu027wireless working21:03
naccubuntu027: right, so my guess is you should reinstall your laptop21:03
naccubuntu027: and not have just moved the hdd over21:03
ubuntu027yep, I think I will do that in a near future21:03
naccsubsume: *differnetly* honored21:03
ubuntu027thanks guys21:03
QueenslayerIs there any way he can 'extract' drivers nacc ?21:04
naccQueenslayer: i mean, 8.10 is too old to be relevant21:04
ubuntu027I will come and visit you when I have sorted everything21:04
Bashing-omsubsume: Apologize if I am mis-directing .. Have not run a server to this time under systemd .21:04
naccbut *if* it works stock in 8.10, i'd expect it to work under a nromal install of 14.04 and 16.04 as well21:04
Queenslayernacc, defo21:04
naccthat's "expectation" to be clear, not guarantee :)21:04
Queenslayerbut I had a weird issue with Xubuntu and stock21:05
naccmy 99% certainty guess is that there is a layer of init-stuff that is missing in the previously installed system to support hte "new" hardware21:05
QueenslayerStock detected wireless during install21:05
QueenslayerXubuntu didn't21:05
naccQueenslayer: you mean you installed ubuntu 16.04, then xubuntu-desktop and your wireless stopped working? or it works under gnome but not udner xfce?21:05
QueenslayerNo Xbuntu distro21:06
Queenslayeri erased Ubuntu21:06
naccQueenslayer: ok21:06
naccQueenslayer: and when you say wireless stopped working, doyou mean it doesn't associate, or not detecte at all?21:06
QueenslayerBCM43 driver wasn't installed in Xubuntu21:06
QueenslayerI had to do it manually21:07
QueenslayerNot detect at all21:07
QueenslayerI did it from the live CD21:07
Queenslayerreally weird21:07
naccQueenslayer: that might be a flavor decision, not sure, or mabye you didn't have extra repositories defined in the xubuntu case by default, not sure21:08
QueenslayerBut I'll keep faffing around with these things to find out what it was, I just think there other dependencies for it that weren't updated21:08
Queenslayernacc, I think so21:08
naccsubsume: so i think that init script was last touched in 201421:10
naccmabye 201321:10
naccsubsume: and is fully ignored by systemd21:11
naccwell, almost fully21:11
naccthere's a wrapper to parse /etc/default/memcached21:11
subsumeso they call this 16.04 a LTS huh21:11
subsumeoh really21:11
subsumewhat to do?21:13
subsumei let them know in #memcached21:13
naccyeah, it gets installed in /usr/share/memcached/scripts/systemd-memcached-wrapper21:13
subsumebut i don't think they are really the maintainers21:13
naccsubsume: i mean, they'll probably say they don't care21:13
folder|does Ubuntu 16.04 have problems with nVidia cards?21:13
naccsubsume: that's upstream, not the ubuntu maintainers21:13
naccsubsume: you probably should file an ubuntu bug21:13
nacc!bug | subsume21:13
ubottusubsume: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:13
naccsubsume: but, to be clear, while i see why this init-script is confusing21:13
naccsubsume: what is your underlying isuse?21:14
subsumenacc: i guess just that, reading the init script and trying to make it work as advertised21:14
subsumeif its garbage then it shouldn't be included in the release imho21:14
naccsubsume: ah ok, so if i, say, deleted said init-script (not sure i can, or need to), or modified it to not have that example ...21:14
naccsubsume: we generally take in debian21:14
naccit's in debian, so it's in ubuntu21:14
subsumeoh, gotcha21:14
naccsubsume: arguably this is debian bug, but i'd need to check that to be sure21:14
subsumeyeah, i mean as it is its just a gun on the table to mislead and waste time21:14
naccsubsume: i'll run some VMs/containers and see what i can figure out21:15
naccsubsume: if you do file the bug, feel free to subscribe me (this nick is my launchpad id)21:15
subsumein debian or ubuntu21:15
Bashing-omfolder|: No, maybe some games do ? What is the particular issue ?21:15
folder|the fan speed seems to be pegged at 100%21:15
folder|when I installed there was no prompt to install 3rd party drivers21:16
naccsubsume: we can start in ubuntu -- it's in main, which means it is properly supported, as well21:16
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DexsterHey guys, my capture card outputs raw AVI with PCM audio. In Ubuntu 14.04 the audio would be recognised and play inside of mplayer/videos, and would work fine in Kdenlive. However, on 16.04 Kdenlive and Mplayer see no audio. Ubuntu Restricted Extras is installed. The file plays correctly in VLC. Any ideas?21:17
Bashing-omfolder|: Hardware ? ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ' in a pastebin .. see what driver is needed .21:17
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folder|Bashing-om sorry the machine is at home right now.  I was checking to see if it was a known issue or if I needed to really dig in there21:18
folder|My first time using Ubuntu :D21:18
Bashing-omfolder|: Generally, 'buntu "just works" .. Nvidia is well supported . But there are those times we must dig .21:19
folder|I saw that there were generic drivers and then there were specific drivers made specifically by nvidia21:19
folder|I didn't see any type of advanced graphics tuning in the general settings either21:19
bpromptDexster:    are you using hmmm gnome-player to play it back?  for I've found the issue is the player itself, not the lack of codecs21:19
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Dexsterbprompt, my issue isn't so much that the default video player won't play the audio back, it's the fact that kdenlive won't.21:20
folder|will Ubuntu throw a fit if I enable SSH and then just remove the GPU?  This machine is intended to be a PLEX server anyway21:21
naccsubsume: if you wouldn't mind testing, if you just `mv /etc/init.d/memcached /etc/init.d/memcached.bak` and then do `systemctl start memcached`, does it start?21:21
Bashing-omfolder|: Yeah .. we are open source .. and have the option to install proprietary softwares . Many times a proprietary graphic's driver does better . Not always the case . I do better with open source drivers on my AMD system .21:21
subsumenacc: there's no output21:22
subsumenacc: i'd rather not stop and start since its on a prod server21:22
Bashing-omfolder|: I do think that with no graphic's card .. the ubuntu system will have conniption fits .21:23
naccsubsume: no problem, wasn't sure fo the context21:24
naccsubsume: yes, i believe no output means systemd is happy21:24
subsumeso yeah it worked okay21:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1585375 in Ubuntu "memcached init script deprecated" [Undecided,New]21:24
naccsubsume: right, so i will talk to other devs to understand better, but if you could file the bug, i'll pick i tup21:24
naccsubsume: great, thank you! and thanks for helping make ubuntu better :)21:25
bpromptDexster:    hmmm I don't use kdenlive myself hmm tried on some other suite?21:25
naccsubsume: another question for you, did this used to work in 14.04, e.g.?21:27
Dexsterbprompt, no I haven't. Kdenlive has been an amazing tool for all of the youtube content I create.21:27
subsumenacc: i never really used that /etc/memcached_X.conf syntax before. I was just trying it out because of the crashes21:27
subsumeis everything in /etc/init.d junk now?21:28
naccsubsume: not necessarily21:29
naccsubsume: if something has a .service file, then it doesn't need an init-script, aiui21:29
subsumewhere do those go?21:29
bpromptDexster:   how about Dragon player? does it give you the sound?   I mean.... does kwin or kde gets sound? just wondering if it's kde multimedia settings21:31
naccsubsume: e.g., /lib/systemd/system/memcached.service21:31
naccsubsume: i *think* all such service files live there, but there might be other paths. i'm not a systemd expert21:32
naccsubsume: in talking to other devs, it might be that the init-script is still usable with upstart21:32
naccsubsume: which might be why it was shipped21:32
naccsubsume: but if so, it should have a big comment in it :)21:32
Seveassubsume: lots of things in init.d will redirect to systemctl/systemd in a sneaky way, via /lib/lsb/init-functions21:35
Seveastry e.g. /etc/init.d/cron status21:36
naccSeveas: yep, that's what i'm learning21:36
naccsubsume: so i think that's what happens when you invoked the script directly21:36
naccit sourced the init-functions and that redirected21:36
Seveassh -x /etc/init.d/cron status will give you more insight21:36
naccSeveas: thanks for the insight!21:36
naccSeveas: yeah, that's what i had subsume provide for memcached21:36
naccSeveas: the issue is with 16.04 there are some comments in the init-scrip21:37
naccthat don't actually do what they say :)21:37
SeveasI wish they would just kill the initscripts21:37
naccSeveas: i'm assumign that is an eventual goal21:37
nacconce they can get rid of upstart altogether21:37
Seveasbut sadly Debian wants to keep giving people the stupid choice of not doing systemd21:37
naccas i think upstart still uses them directly, or can21:37
k1li heard ubuntu got rid of a lot of init scripts now in the transition to systemd. there are only some few left.21:38
Seveasupstart is irrelevant in this goal. It's Debian's goal of supporting non-linux kernels, so systemd can't be used.21:38
naccSeveas: i'm not sure, but i think systemd-only will be in ubuntu eventually21:38
naccSeveas: yeah, but it can be in ubuntu :)21:38
Seveasnacc: I do hope so.21:38
nacck1l: yeah, there are far fewer now generally21:38
Seveashurricane:~$ ls /etc/init.d/ | wc -l21:39
nacck1l: but for packages synced or re-merged to debian, they might have come back in21:39
Dexsterbprompt, Dragonplayer can not play the file21:39
naccSeveas: heh, fair point :)21:39
Lopenacc: tgm4883 thanks. got libvirt working. got another issue now.21:39
LopeI changed from Debian 8 to Ubuntu 16.04. Now my NFSv3 clients can't mount my NFS shares. Any ideas? (using exact same IPs and config files etc). They can SEE the shares by running `rpcinfo -p`. Kernel upgraded from 3.16 to 4.4. Any ideas?21:39
LopeWhen the clients try mount from NFSv3 it just lags, lags, lags, then times out.21:40
SeveasLope: any firewalls in between?21:40
naccLope: just to be sure, you've loaded the NFS v3 module in the host?21:40
nacck1l: or never been removed :)21:40
LopeSeveas: the exact same firewall or at least should be.21:41
LopeMaybe my /etc/systemctl is diff.21:41
SeveasLope: does showmount -e ip.of.nfs.server work?21:42
bpromptDexster:    hmm then it's a kde issue it seems.... check if you have the libavcodec-extra and libavcodec-ffmpeg installed21:43
subsumegetting a pretty dreaded error under somewhat high CPU load on a 16 cpu 14.04 box http://dpaste.com/3B1316E21:44
bpromptDexster:   bear in mind that VLC comes with its own codecs, thus21:44
Dexsterbprompt, I've just realised I basically have no gstreamer stuff installed21:45
django_k1l, hey so it just loads a command promt21:45
django_i need to install a GUI21:45
LopeSeveas: yes, it shows all the exported stuff21:46
SeveasLope: hmm. Time to dig into /var/log on client and server and see if you can find anything odd. If not, maybe even break out tcpdump.21:47
bpromptDexster:   ahh... IIRC kde uses gstreamer as phonon backend21:48
k1ldjango_: did you install "lubuntu desktop" now?21:48
django_i need the command for installing lubuntu21:48
sebsebseboh it's django_ again :d21:49
k1ldjango_: why dont you just run the isntaller again and do a proper install?21:49
OerHeksthe mini iso starts with a text installer, pretty sinple21:49
django_k1l, this is for a vbox21:49
django_it takes for ever to install21:49
sebsebsebdjango_: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktopp21:49
django_at least an hr21:49
Dexsterbprompt, I'm forever seeing this Python (v3.5) requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type: audio/x-avi-unknown decoder21:49
sebsebsebdjango_: typo desktop21:49
k1ldjango_: you can install "lubuntu-desktop" package if you have a running system21:49
django_sebsebseb, how do i know whih desktop i currently have?21:50
django_k1l, yeah i have a running system21:50
sebsebsebdjango_: just joined, what did you install or whatever?21:50
k1ldjango_: you said you have no desktop21:50
django_i said i have no GUI21:50
django_but i have a cmd prompt21:50
k1ldjango_: so what did you install?21:50
django_k1l, http://imgur.com/vUtRK0f21:50
sebsebsebdjango_: when the computer boots up?21:50
k1ldjango_: that looks like the minimal /server install.21:50
sebsebsebdjango_: ok you got that21:51
sebsebsebdjango_: which ISO did you install Ubuntu from?21:51
django_sebsebseb, lubuntu21:51
k1ldjango_: so do "sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop"21:51
OerHekstrow away that vm and start again, and check the videomem/cpu settings before installing21:51
k1lsebsebseb: he used the netinstall iso but didnt choose a desktop package21:51
* sebsebseb gets that at times after uhmmm well the Unity 8 stuff :d the ppa stuff. and something else, so makes sense21:51
bpromptDexster:    sounds like some python app, is all, using python 3.5 for its language, IIRC 16.04 comes with python 2.7.1121:52
sebsebsebdjango_:  the other day I helped you re install Ubuntu21:52
django_sebsebseb, yeah it hasnt worked since then21:52
django_just kidding21:52
django_this is for a virtual box21:52
sebsebsebdjango_: the net install isn't really for a standard Ubuntu install, and aimed at more experienced users21:52
django_gonna gym while ths downloads brb21:52
LopeSeveas: nothing strange in any of the logs21:53
Lopenacc: I didn't know there is a nfsv3 module?21:53
sebsebsebdjango_: and yeah no GUI in net install, can try the command for lubuntu-desktop though21:53
django_sebsebseb, yeah im tryng that21:53
Lopehow can I check if the nfsv3 module is loaded? lsmod nfsv3.ko21:55
LopeI found the module files, but how do I check?21:55
k1lLope: is it listed in "lsmod"?21:55
mattfaghello eerybody21:56
Lopeah, nfsv3 is not listed in lsmod.21:56
mattfagi'm having some issues with nouveau drivers on ubuntu 16.0421:56
mattfagcan anyone help me?21:56
Lopebut I found it in lib modules /fs/nfs/nfsv3.ko21:56
mattfagis this the right place for this?21:56
k1lmattfag: yes, just ask21:57
Lopeokay I loaded it. modprobe nfsv3. it loaded without error.21:57
mattfaganyway, i did apt-get purge nvidia* bumblebee*, but i couldn't get rid of nouveau21:57
LopeBut now I still cant mount it from the client.21:57
mattfagi mean, i do know nouveau is a driver for my gpu, but i don't want to use the gpu anymore21:58
mattfagI want to use mesa21:58
mattfagand leave the gpu off21:58
mattfaghow to do this?21:58
k1lmattfag: erm, disable the gpu in bios?21:59
mattfagno, just in the os]21:59
TheSilentLinkhello I am trying to still ubuntu with windows. When I boot to the installer I have no option to install alongside windows. Anyone know why?21:59
mattfagjust in ubuntu21:59
k1liirc nouveau is inside the kernel.21:59
mattfagyes, but how to disable that?21:59
k1lTheSilentLink: that could be because windows and the recovery partitions exceed already the maximum of 4 primary partitions. so the installer cant make new partitions to install ubuntu22:00
mattfagi mean, i didn't had this nouveau messages before the login, and the system is taking longer to boot now22:00
TheSilentLinkk1l: so I need to delete one?22:00
k1lTheSilentLink: open a terminal on that live-system and run "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here22:01
mattfagwhat should i do to start Xorg with mesa?22:01
mattfaginstead of nouveau22:01
TheSilentLinkk1l: ok I will boot into ubuntu22:02
mattfagi don't want to use nouveau-gpu, just mesa-cpu22:02
Bashing-om!nomodeset | mattfag22:03
ubottumattfag: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:03
TheSilentLinkk1l: what is the command again?22:03
PoppaVicOK, anyone know the Ultimate Voodoo to teach ubuntu to freaking leave the lid-closure alone? Screen-off is perfect: sleep/hiber/shutdown I can do myself.22:03
k1lmattfag: blacklist the nouveau in the /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf . but i dont know if that will work as expected. like giving you a working desktop. honestly i doubt it22:03
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k1lTheSilentLink: open a terminal on that live-system and run "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here22:03
Bashing-ommattfag: 'nomodest' defeats Kernel Mode Setting .. thus the fall back driver (vesa) is loaded .22:04
k1lPoppaVic: system settings -> energie22:04
PoppaVicI've already done the battery/settings; the screenlock. Next?22:05
k1lah, there is a kernel boot parameter "nouveau.blacklist=1"  mattfag22:05
TheSilentLinkK1l: http://termbin.com/bozj22:05
Bashing-ommattfag: If this is a laptop .. not a good long range solution .. as other things are also diabled with that boot parameter .22:05
k1lTheSilentLink: like i said: its already using 4 primary partitions, which is the limit.22:06
TheSilentLinkk1l: ok but which one do I remove22:06
k1lTheSilentLink: i dont know. 2 is the windows loader. 3 is windows. 1 and 4 are diagnose partitions, like the recovery things from the manufacturer.22:07
e-coffeehi what's the best way to install the latest nvidia drivers in 16.04. currently have the tested nvidia drivers installed22:07
TheSilentLinkk1l: well can't just remove the manufacturer stuff22:08
theshredderanyone have any Plex knowledge? Have it set up, but running into weird issue I can't figure out on my own22:08
e-coffeei found this but am not sure http://askubuntu.com/questions/301648/how-to-install-nvidia-driver-in-ubuntu22:09
k1lTheSilentLink: if you remove the manufacturer stuff there might be that some functions like the recovery or such dont work anymore. that is your decision. i would boot windows, shrink the partition 3 from within windows. then remove 4 and make a new "extended" and put the ubuntu partitions into that extended one.22:09
Bashing-ome-coffee: Consider .. purge the present driver and allow the system to choose what it thinks best ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' ??22:10
TheSilentLinkk1l: but can Windows boot if the loader isn't there?22:10
PoppaVicok, so... "Ubuntu has broken lid-close and management routines". Got it.22:10
e-coffeeok Bashing-om ty22:11
k1lTheSilentLink: 2 is the loader partition for win. you can even reinstall win and only use 1 partition at all for windows.22:11
k1lTheSilentLink: its just the manufacturers dont care about that.22:12
TheSilentLinkk1l: o sorry miss read it what is partition 4?22:13
Bashing-ome-coffee: If the file /etc/X11/Xorg.conf exists .. need to 'rm' it also in purging drivers .22:13
k1lits labeled "diag". i dont know what it is. your manufacturer could tell you that exactly22:13
e-coffeeok ty Bashing-om :)22:13
lerneri need a c64 simulator22:15
TheSilentLinkk1l: o ok but I seem to have 2 diag partitions. But if I get a Windows install cd I can just use that to reinstall Windows right? If so what is the point of the recovery partitions22:15
k1lso you get the bloated windows preinstall with drivers but all that test programs from your manufacturer.22:16
TheSilentLinkk1l: lol I would rather not have the bloat ware22:17
TheSilentLinkk1l: so you recommend delete the 4th partition which is 821mb?22:17
scubasteveHey everyone22:18
scubasteveWhen I hit the super key on my 16.04 systems, it minimizes whatever window is on top22:18
k1lTheSilentLink: as i said: i am just guessing with the diag partitions. but i would not erase 1 for windows to get not confused when their partition numbers change.22:18
scubasteveit doesn't do that when I hit the dash button manually22:19
scubasteveany ideas?22:19
YankDownUnderlerner, "vice" - is a Commodore emulator22:19
k1llerner: "apt search searchterm" should always be the first stop.22:19
TheSilentLinkk1l: well tbh I don't care about the bloatware install of Windows. So if I delete the diag partition which is 821mb I should me fine right? I have all ready skrinked the window partition22:21
TheSilentLinkk1l: ok but how do I delete it cause I can't do it in Windows for some reason22:22
k1lboot the live-ubuntu. then start "gparted" and delete it. then start the installer (its a program on the desktop or launcher)22:22
TheSilentLinkk1l: thanks for your help22:23
lernercurious, kegafusion wont let me save states, but the directory is not root editable only...22:23
danhedronHi, how do I report an issue with a package?22:24
danhedronthe glm package is missing the cmake configuration22:24
TheSilentLinkk1l: btw I am guessing I will have free space can I add it to my other partition?22:25
k1l!bug | danhedron22:26
ubottudanhedron: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:26
lernerk1l, if that commands list the simulator on green, it means: it is already installed, or it s in the repo?22:27
k1lTheSilentLink: with gparted, yes22:27
k1llerner: its in the repo. it says "installed" if its installed22:28
syriusif i'm running 14.04 with an installed package (irssi) do i have to uninstall it prior to installing the version from jessie-backports?22:28
hispeed67what's the best channel for video capture from camcorder22:28
TheSilentLinkk1l: ok deleted the 4th one so now Ubuntu will install to the unused space?22:28
TheSilentLinkk1l: unallocated*22:30
lernersome time ago i asked this, i forgot the answer: instead of sudo apt-get c I can do...22:30
lernersudo apt c?22:30
k1lTheSilentLink: i think yes. but you can create the partitions to your needs if you want with gparted already22:30
k1llerner: no22:30
k1llerner: you are missing command for apt/apt-get. you can use apt install/purge/update/full-upgrade.22:31
TheSilentLinkk1l: got the option now thanks a lot for your help!22:32
k1llerner: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man8/apt.8.html22:32
hispeed67trying to use a jvc camcorder as a webcam using xubuntu 16.04. anybody familiar with anything along those   lines?22:35
Jakey4how much transfer speed should i expect on a home lan22:42
Jakey4im getting about 6mb/s22:42
hispeed67wired or wireless?22:42
hispeed6710 mbit?22:42
Jakey4is that with ssds22:43
su-osjoin ##securify for overclocking press f9 3x and ##su.os22:43
Jakey4im reading from an ssd and writting to an hdd22:43
hispeed67a lan indicates wired, it can be either 10/100/1000 mbit. depends on the router/hub.22:43
Jakey4typical isp router22:44
su-osjoin ##securify for overclocking press f9 3x and ##su.os22:44
hispeed67your limited by the router.22:44
k1lsu-os: no spam on freenode22:44
hispeed67between two computers on the private side of the router?22:44
hispeed67meh... that's *reasonable*..22:45
ubuntuhow do I install things???:D22:46
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest39836
hispeed67assuming the router from the cable company is 10mbit22:46
hispeed67what would you like to install?22:46
Guest39836oh lots of programs but now im trying to install some bible software22:46
Guest39836but have no clue what to do22:46
Jakey4there is no god22:46
Jakey4the end22:46
hispeed67is it software that you already have? is it linux software or windows software?22:47
HackerIIsudo apt-get install bibletime22:47
Guest39836Then you have no purpose in life...22:47
Bashing-omubuntulog2: Many ways . terminal way ' sudo apt install <package> ' .22:47
Jakey4its hard to believe in the 21st century people still belive in religion22:48
Guest39836I tried to look like online for help but seems to be it wasnt very helpful22:48
Guest39836I dont believe in religion :D I believe in JC22:48
HackerIIGuest39836:  install bibletime22:48
daxJakey4: That's not appropriate for this channel.22:48
HackerIIits like esword22:49
Guest39836I just wanted to know how to install things, someone else started arguing22:49
k1lGuest39836: "apt search searchterm" and then install the package you like with "sudo apt install packagename"22:49
Bashing-omGuest39836: Check out the ubuntu christian edition . support for in ubuntuforums.org .22:49
Jakey4dax, ok22:49
Guest39836Oh (in this chat) how do I sort of register a nickname?22:50
Bashing-om!register | Guest3983622:51
ubottuGuest39836: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:51
LtLGuest39836: /msg nickserv help22:51
Guest39836!register Bollehopp22:51
=== Guest39836 is now known as Bollehopp
BollehoppHi :D22:51
BollehoppIm that guest guy22:52
Bollehoppbut thank you for that knowledge22:52
BollehoppIs Ubuntu worth it then?22:52
k1lyou are here, what do you guess :)22:52
Bashing-omBollehopp: Now why else do millions use it ?22:52
BollehoppYes, but what do you recommend me do to learn more about it? :D22:53
k1lBollehopp: start using it.22:53
BollehoppIm like a complete ubuntu(linux)noob22:53
Bashing-omBollehopp: We were all new at ome time . Use 'buntu and make it what you want of it .22:54
BollehoppOh is there any other writing software, than LIbre office?22:55
Bollehoppthat runs on ubuntu?22:55
BollehoppI dont really mind libreoffice but dont really like it22:55
squinty!manual | Bollehopp22:56
ubottuBollehopp: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:56
Guest86455is open office still available22:56
BollehoppThank you mate22:56
k1lBollehopp: well, you can start using .tex :)22:57
BollehoppIt does look so cool right :D this Ubuntu thing22:57
BollehoppMy IQ just went up a few points right22:58
BollehoppHmm what can I do when the system freezes?23:01
subsumewhat do you mean23:02
subsumeis it OOM?23:02
Bollehopp i mean that i got some like little screen open which says "getting started with ubuntu" right, and its sort of froze my comp23:02
subsumeyou gotta find out more i guess23:03
BollehoppHmm it was firefox that wasnt working23:04
Bashing-omBollehopp: Graceful method: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key#Uses /23:04
BollehoppI just noticed that alt plus f4 also closes things down, but of some reason the mouse wasnt responding to clicking on the buttons23:06
lernervice (c64 emulator) is now instaled, but I dont know how to start it. CLI states: command not found23:06
lernername in synaptic is: vice23:06
TheSilentLinkanyone know why /etc/defaults/grub is empty23:11
=== krsna is now known as Kreator
=== Kreator is now known as kreator
BollehoppGoodnight guys23:13
Bashing-omTheSilentLink: Try as /etc/default/grub .. no 's' on default .23:13
=== kreator is now known as Kreator
drewdroidnot exactly ubtuntu question so im gonna get in trouble but... in linux what is the best way to test health of hard drive or should i try my manufacturers tools ?23:14
Rochvellonlerner: Commandline: 'x64' for C64, 'x128' for C128 etc. you need the roms for the desired platform23:14
OerHekshaving roms in the repos would be piracy23:16
TheSilentLinkBashing-om: thanks btw what would I set to make windows the default?23:17
OerHeksdrewdroid, see the 'disks'tool, check s.m.a.r.t.23:17
lerneri need the search command again, I need to locate the directory of a program23:17
drewdroidoh ok23:17
drewdroidim running some tests with seatools now the LONG test23:18
drewdroidcuz basically my deal is this is a 1tb drive.. i made a 100gb partition in the beginning of the drive sprecificurry for ubuntu23:18
drewdroidand i put ubuntu in there.. with a swap23:18
drewdroidstarts out lovely23:19
drewdroidgradually gets crashy23:19
drewdroidthen with lots of fsck's but still starting23:19
squintylerner,  if you have mlocate installed then you can use the locate command.   if looking for a new file, then run sudo updatedb  first and then   locate <filename>23:19
drewdroidthen one day FREEZE23:19
cosmicfireshow can I copy my thunderbird config and emails from 14.04 to 16.04?23:19
Bashing-omTheSilentLink: " GRUB_DEFAULT=0 " compare the menu number you want from /boot/grub/grub.cfg .23:19
drewdroidand then that is the day when the partition table gets deleted and i have to use partition recovery tools or my backuo23:19
=== alpha is now known as Guest91038
Bashing-om!grub | TheSilentLink23:19
ubottuTheSilentLink: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:19
drewdroidif i put win10 in same partitition... it also gets flaky23:20
drewdroidso right now this 100gb parttion is unallocated23:20
drewdroidjust empty space23:20
drewdroidand i have crudbuntu on another drive23:20
squintycosmicfires, your thunderbird directory -> usb.  in the 16.04 thunderbird, delete all files in the default user folder and then copy your old thunderbird files to it23:21
cosmicfiresthanks squinty23:21
gump744how can I change the Xubuntu XFCE menu button appearance? I know how to change themes and icons but can't find a way to do this though I have seen people who change these23:21
Guest91038When I view the output of 'systemclt list-jobs' , three different cryptswap units are running and un-killable, and i Think this is is what is keeping me from being able to poweroff/reboot always recieving a "failed to ... Transaction is destructive. Any ideas?23:22
jiffeso I noticed in the repos that there's two different versions of ceph when I apt-cache show ceph, if I apt-get install ceph it will install the latest?23:22
squintygump744,  #xubuntu channel is here on freenode23:22
jiffethis is in 16.0423:23
gump744thanks squinty....do you know the command to list all freenode channels? I thought it was /list23:23
drewdroidi stick with regular ubuntu because i dunno... i feel like the other flavors always seem to work wrongly23:23
drewdroidlike somethin wont matchup exact and theres an annoying work around yada yada23:23
squintygump744, hmmm...actually no. :P  I use hexchat and just use it's search function to find channels.  you can also use alis23:24
TheSilentLinkBashing-om, can't find /boot/grub/grub.cfg I did sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg  but nothing happens23:24
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http23:24
jiffeand a followup question, if ceph releases updates will those show up in the 16.04 repos or will 16.04 likely be fairly static going forward and if I want to keep up to date I'd be better off using the ceph repos23:24
Bashing-omjiffe: How much ram is installed, and how big is the swap partiton ? and what is defined for swap in the file /etc/fstab ? A good hint ' free -m ' .23:25
jiffeI'm thinking that was meant for someone else23:25
Guest91038for me maybe?23:26
* squinty thinks he will figure it out in a "jiffe" :P23:26
Bashing-omTheSilentLink: gedit is a GUI tool .. a no no no to start it with 'sudo' BAd bad side effects . The file does exist ; " sysop@1404mini:~$ ls -al /boot/grub/grub.cfg >> -r--r--r-- 1 root root 41455 May 24 16:30 /boot/grub/grub.cfg .23:27
gump744is I want to use XFCE but not most of the Xubuntu core apps am I better off installing Ubuntu and adding XFCE DE or is that messier than stripping Xubuntu and adding apps I want?23:27
cosmicfiressquinty, copying the files from .mozilla-thunderbird to .thunderbird doesn't work23:28
naccLope: did you figure out your nfs issue?23:28
TheSilentLinkBashing-om: well I found it but I do I put Windows 10 (loader) (on /dev/sda2) as the default?23:28
cosmicfiresthunderbird wants to make a new config23:28
Guest910383.8G installed; 2.9G swap with 0 being used23:29
Bashing-omTheSilentLink: I can not say .. all depends on the menu position in that file .. the numbering starts at '0' . The file to edit is /etc/default/grub .23:29
TheSilentLinkBashing-om: o ok so if windows 10 was the last option in the list I need to know what number that is23:30
studio-darkvenomhey guys wondering if someone can help me figure out this wifi issue in ubuntu studio23:30
Bashing-omGuest91038: Tjen as swap is less than the installed ram .. no can hiberbare as swap can not contain all that is in ram .23:31
squintycosmicfires,  you have to copy the files under the .thunderbird directory in your home folder ( for example  /home/squinty/.thunderbird/1xjd1d2s.default to a usb (or other storage medium) and then delete all files in the new thunderbird .thunderbird folder and then copy your old ones into it23:31
Bashing-omTheSilentLink: Yeah .. count .. after reading up on the link provided .23:31
jiffedoes ubuntu still keep the same version of packages within an LTS or might they be upgraded in an update release like 16.04.1 ?23:32
_28_riaHello, Ubuntu 16.04, I've been using nVidia graphics card.Now I've decided to plugin one more monitor.Inserted an AMD graphics card,but display doesn't come up.When I go to Display in settings panel,it shows only 2 monitors,connected to the nVidia card.AMD card doesn't show up.In programs and updates it shows only proprietary drivers for nVidia,but no AMD.lspci shows that AMD coard is plugged in.23:32
cosmicfiresI'll try again, I have the old disk online too so I copied from it23:32
squintycosmicfires,  it works as I have done that routine many times over the years :-)23:32
cosmicfiresthe old thunderbird uses .mozilla-thunderbird could it be too old?23:32
TheSilentLinkBashing-om: o ok so I am guessing I need to reboot and count the number of entries there are23:32
Guest91038so enlarge my swap partition?23:32
xanguajiffe: no major, just security updates yes23:32
compdoc_28_ria, check to see if there is a driver available23:33
_28_riacompdoc: shows only nVidia23:33
_28_riain programs and updates23:33
_28_riacompdoc: is there some other way to check?23:33
TheSilentLinkwell here I have after reading up on the link provided Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-22-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-22-generic Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-21-generic23:33
TheSilentLinkFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-21-generic23:33
TheSilentLinkFound memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf23:33
TheSilentLinkFound memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin Found Windows Recovery Environment (loader) on /dev/sda1 Found Windows 10 (loader) on /dev/sda2 so I am guessing there are 8 right?23:33
squintycosmicfires,  look in that directory for your files.  the default (if there is only one account that is) should be listed in there and that is the folder you want to copy the contents of23:34
Guest91038sorry, type. 3.8 installed RAM, 3.9 swap space23:34
compdoc_28_ria, system>preferences>hardware>additional drivers. is that where you looked?23:34
_28_riacompdoc: yes23:34
Bashing-omTheSilentLink: No reboot needed .. the entries will not change . count to the menu entry tou want as default . and edit /etc/default/grub  . " GRUB_DEFAULT=X" .save the file .. and propagate the change with 'sudo update-grub' .23:34
compdoc_28_ria, there might be a way of installing the driver for it, but I dont know how23:35
zykotick9_28_ria: note, you can't have both nvidia and ati propritary drivers installed at the same time (or historically you couldn't?)23:35
_28_riazykotick9: how about proprietary nVidia, as it is now and open source AMD?23:36
zykotick9_28_ria: i have no idea...  good luck.23:36
squintycosmicfires, https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profiles-tb23:36
cosmicfiresthanks squinty23:37
squintycosmicfires, yw.   looks like a good read.   ask again in here if you get stuck :-)23:37
cosmicfiresok thanks for the hlep23:38
squintycosmicfires, no problem.23:38
studio-darkvenomcan some one help me just installed ubuntu studio today and cant get my wifi to work after i put in my password nothing happens using cable  ethernet connection atm23:39
squintystudio-darkvenom,  Dash -> Additional Drivers and see if it offers anything.  Btw, there is a #ubuntu-studio channel here on freenode too23:41
studio-darkvenomi know i was in the ubuntu studio channel and they told me to come here23:41
studio-darkvenomgetting unknown drivers in additional drivers tab ?23:43
ra_hello all23:45
studio-darkvenomguess im gonna have to go somewhere else to find help23:48
squintystudio-darkvenom,  lspci | grep -i network  to see what card you are using    ifconfig to see network connections23:48
squinty!patience | studio-darkvenom `23:49
ubottustudio-darkvenom `: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:49
_28_riawhat package do I need to install, in order to enable amd graphics card?23:49
_28_riaon Ubuntu 16.0523:49
studio-darkvenomalright got the name of my wifi hardware23:50
studio-darkvenomshould i type it in chat ?23:51
studio-darkvenomalright checking out the ubuntu sites that were linked here appreciate the help23:54
_28_riastudio-darkvenom: what do you mean by nothing happens, after password?23:56

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