
OvenWerksTo those who might care :) I just saw the bug with backport Ardour 4.7 to X and T. Sounds ok to me. I would however advise against anything higher. The next likely Ardour version will be 5.0 which will have another session file change. That is 5.* ardour sessions will not work with A4.7. Ardour 5 breaks OSC control from 4.7 as well (and gains much better feedback as well as banking)01:43
OvenWerkshmm, Bug 1585007 ... Needed Carla sooner it seems... There have been some new additions to LV2 in common use. This may be the cause here.01:54
ubottubug 1585007 in Ubuntu Studio "gxtuner hangs lv2rack" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158500701:54
OvenWerkslv2rack has not been maintained for years.01:55
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zequenceOvenWerks: Backports should not be confused with updates. Backports may include the very latest.09:48
zequenceAnd, should09:48
zequenceUpdates means bug fixes only09:48
zequenceAnd exception to that is Firefox09:49
zequenceSo, now that we have backports happening, we need to educate our users so they have the opportunity to turn off backports09:50
zequenceActually, we could do a backport for -controls which does a one time information for users during login.09:51
zequenceI'll have a look at that after I've finished my education, at around 10th of June.10:00
cubBut OvenWerks bug 1585007, does it affect other version than 15.04?*10:28
ubottubug 1585007 in Ubuntu Studio "gxtuner hangs lv2rack" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158500710:28
cubAs 15.04 is EOL...10:29
zequenceWe should even add the possibility to control backports during installation, as it will be more important in the future, but again, I will not have time to work on that until later10:54
zequencesakrecoer: A new feature definition https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/FeatureDefinitions/InformUsersAboutBackports11:02
zequencesakrecoer: Also, I would not add particular work items for specific packages that we will be adding here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntustudio-y-development, since we will add all at once. WOuld only require one line. The packages are 11:04
zequence..listed here, as you know https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PackageSelection/yakkety11:04
zequencesakrecoer: Another detail - you should add the LP team that is responsible for a work item at the beginning of each line11:09
zequencesakrecoer: Like so [ubuntustudio-dev]11:09
zequenceWhen someone wants to do that work item, they replace the team name with their own LP nick11:09
zequence..and changes TODO into INPROGRESS, and finally to DONE11:10
* zequence wasn't looking into each blueprint before, and is seeing some weirdness there, but it's no big deal.11:12
zequencesakrecoer: If you wish, you can create a new blueprint for InformUsersAboutBackports and add the 2-3 things to be done as work items11:16
zequenceMost probably I will be doing the work on -controls and ubiquity, so I will not need work items, but if you want to control what is going to be done during this cycle, and approve it, the blueprint is a nice way to do that11:17
zequenceThe hard part is formulazing the feature additions/removals into specific work items. 11:19
zequenceBut, for each work item there should be a longer more detailed explanation in a feature definition page11:19
zequenceSo, that is how the two should work together11:19
zequenceOk, I really need to focus on some things, so I will be offline most of the time the next few days11:21

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