
JaybotHelp! when I RDP to lubuntu via xrdp and xfce4, I have no permission to do anything. I can't install packages, etc.01:52
Jaybotkeeps saying permission denied01:52
Jaybothow to I do "sudo" stuff from the gui?01:52
swift110how do i get the clock to have normal time01:57
tsimonq2swift110: what did you change?01:59
swift110tsimonq2, nothing i want it to be 12 hour time01:59
tsimonq2swift110: change it to %c02:03
Jaybothe says thanks02:16
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swift110hey all14:33
jakey3how can i remove all the packages on the lubuntu desktop in one go16:18
jakey3for example the one in the software center16:18
jakey3without going indiviualy to the software center16:19
n-iCejakey3: http://askubuntu.com/questions/453841/how-to-remove-lubuntu-desktop-from-ubuntu-14-04-lts16:19
jakey3i dont want to remove lxde just the installed applications16:20
jakey3like abi word for example16:20
n-iCesudo apt-get remove app16:20
jakey3yes with this must do for each app indiviually16:21
jakey3is there a way to do for all the apps16:21
n-iCesudo apt-get remove --auto-remove *paste packages*16:21
jakey3ok thanks16:21
n-iCeread that16:21
n-iCethe site I told you16:21
jakey3n-iCe: i did dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > list.txt16:27
jakey3i just want to remove the packages in the software center though16:28
jakey3is there a way to list just these in terminal16:28
jakey3ill ask google :)16:29
GarrieHi. Just installed lubuntu, and it does this stupid thing where if you moove the mouse to the top the taskbar disappears and the whole screen moves up.18:51
GarrieAnd then you move the mouse down again and it moves the screen down so you can see the taskbar.18:51
GarrieThis is on a small netbook, but I have absolutely no desire for this feature. How do I disable it? I'vel ooked everywhere.18:51
bioterroramiga kind of reature18:52
bioterroryou have so small screen that it virtually stretches it and you can scroll around18:52
wxlGarrie: that's the default way to switch virtual desktops, as i remember correctly. ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu.xml should have the configuration in it. you can just delete the surrounding tags.18:52
bioterrorlower your resolution18:52
wxloh wait18:52
wxlno that is a different thing18:52
wxlsorry, i read it wrong18:53
wxllisten to bioterror not me18:53
GarrieThere's a real lack of consistency across distros with what works and what doesn't out of the box and it is so frustrating. Just installed Lubuntu and ALREADY it didn't detect my resolution by default, doesn't seem to have drivers for graphics installed (standard intel graphics on motherboard), and didn't even boot without going into recovery mode.18:54
bioterrornetbooks are kinda PITA18:55
bioterrorI have one, I have no idea what to do with18:55
GarrieWhy though? I have a terrible time anytime I install linux on my desktop, but that thing has lots of harddrives, lots of different components from different companies, etc, and needs a lot of proprietry drivers. But for a dell netbook with no external graphics or any other fancy shit to speak of, and an atom processor and chipset that has been in circulation for years... why are there any issues at all?18:59
GarrieHad Xubuntu on it before and it was flawless.19:00
geniiI have an old 2011-ish Aspire One D260 with 64 bit atom. I maxed the ram at 2G, put in a 120G SSD and run Kubuntu on it fine with plasma-netbook desktop19:02
genii( X86_64 )19:03
bioterror64bit with 2GB of RAM :G19:03
geniiIt's a good little machine to take onsite for things like plugging into console ports of switches and routers, etc19:04
genii( with USB-DB9 adapter)19:04
swift110can someone help me to set the time to 12 hour clock19:15
Jakey3I have a lubuntu vbox on a lubuntu host19:32
Jakey3I get 2 vbox tabs in the task bar19:32
Jakey3for 1 vbox os19:33
wxlJakey3: i assume you have the virtualbox program open, as well as the actual virtual machine open?19:38
Jakey3wxl: excluding the virtualbox program19:39
Jakey3on one virtual os running19:40
Jakey3when I press alt + tab only shows one program?19:43
Jakey3this did not occur on 14.0419:45
wxlJakey3: did you open them both up?19:57
swift110can someone tel me how to change my time to 12 hour clock19:59
wxlswift110: right click on the widget. should give you the open to toggle between.20:01
wxlswift110: or you can just change the format per strftime20:01
wxlswift110: man strftime will explain all the % codes20:01
jakey3looks like its a vbox bug https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=69908#p33498220:02
wxljakey3: my honest advice as an everyday vbox user is to use the upstream repo.20:02
swift110what us that wxl20:02
wxlswift110: it's the format used for the string shown in the dialog20:03
jakey3wxl: ok thanks for info20:06
swift110ok that tells me nithing20:07
swift110it shouldnt be this hard to change the time20:07
wxlwell, it is20:08
wxlhahahha here someone responds in the same way with "that easy? cool." http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190044820:09
wxlhere's the official docs on the subject https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/CustomizingTheClock20:10
wxlmore or less, they all suggest the same thing20:12
swift110i tried that and ended up making it say 1:05 all the time20:12
daniele_i need help with nautilus20:13
daniele_I got error No GSettings schemas are installed on the system20:13
jakey3wxl: hi i have a newb question20:13
daniele_is that the right place to ask?20:13
jakey3i have unistalled the vbox the software center20:14
wxldaniele_: nautilus is not the standard file manager in lubuntu. as such, i'm not sure you'll find a lot of people trying to use it in lubuntu.20:14
jakey3i downloaded the latest vbox from the website20:14
jakey3but it still shows the conflict when i try to install on .deb installer20:14
wxljakey3: which one?20:14
daniele_ok thanks20:15
daniele_but where can I ask?20:15
jakey3wxl: does the software center not properly remove packages20:15
daniele_somehow my school ip got banned from ubuntu channel can anyone help me get unbanned?20:15
wxldaniele_: you might try #ubuntu, as it's the standard file manager there.20:16
wxldaniele_: try asking in #ubuntu-ops20:16
wxljakey3: it should. but you can try on the commandline with `sudo apt purge virtualbox-*` which will remove all virtualbox packages20:17
wxlnp daniele_20:17
jakey3wxl: solved it20:17
wxljakey3: great :)20:17
jakey3wxl: with sudo apt-get autoremove20:17
jakey3software centter doesnt seem to remove the packages completely20:18
wxljakey3: one (minor) downfall to using the upstream repos is that the guest additions and extension pack are not in separate packages, so you'll have to open the main virtualbox interface every now and then to see if they need to be updated20:18
jakey3thanks for the info20:18
jakey3wxl: i get this error now20:25
wxljakey3: oh yeah you didn't read the instructions. adding dkms is a suggested prerequesite. why they don't include that in the package, i don't know.20:26
jakey3can i install it latterly20:27
jakey3or has to be installed before vbox is installed20:27
wxljakey3: not sure. i'd try it. if it doesn't work, you can then do `sudo apt -y --reinstall install virtualbox-5.0`20:28
jakey3wxl: do you mind explaining to me what dkms does in layman terms20:33
jakey3ive looked at wikipedia however im none the wiser20:34
swift110wxl this makes no sense20:39
wxlswift110: which part don't you understand?21:08
swift110any of it21:09
swift110it skips steps and i hate that21:09
wxlbasically you right click on the icon21:09
wxland go to settings21:09
wxland then you change the string to your liking21:09
swift110i did thhat it diesnt work21:10
swift110i put in the time and it never changes21:10
wxlyou don't put in the time21:10
wxlyou put in the right string21:10
wxlfor example if you want the clock to only show you 12 hour time, not zero padded, with an am/pm designation, you would do: %l:%M%P21:11
wxlassuming you wanted a colon between the hour and minute21:12
wxlagain, if you read the man page for strftime, it shows you every single one of the variables21:12
wxlif you put in, say: 2:19pm, then that's all it will ever show21:13
wxlit will show whatever you put in but it will fill in the variables21:13
wxlif no variables are specified, the display will not vary21:13
swift110it shows the variables but its hard to make sense of al that21:20
swift110do i leave in the % as well?21:20
wxlyes absolutely. that indicates the variable21:21
wxlif you put %l it will display the hour in its place. if you put l, it will display l.21:21
swift110its only displaying %P21:22
wxlwhat exact string do you have in there?21:22
wxlyeah well 5 and 21 are not the variables21:23
swift110i thought i replace the letters21:23
wxlyou want to use %l for hour and %M for minute21:23
wxlno, the program will replace it for you21:23
swift110oh ok21:23
swift110this is really not working21:27
wxljust put in exactly this: %l:%M%P21:28
swift110where do i put the numbers21:28
wxlyou don't21:28
swift110oh no wonder21:28
wxlthat's what i've been trying to explain :)21:29
swift110now you see why i didnt get the other instructions21:29
wxlthe program reads "%l" and says, "oh, i need to replace those characters with the digit representing the hour"21:29
wxlsuch is the nature of variables21:29
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