
jojdenCalling '' failed06:26
jojdengetting timeout error06:26
jojdenwhat will be the issue06:26
jojdenconfigured region controller06:27
jojdensudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-cluster-controller06:27
jojdencan anybody give a clue regarding this06:27
roaksoaxjojden: not without seeing the full log, but that seems related to the machine not being able to contact the region controller, or the machine does not have networking07:41
jojdencluster and region configuration is correct and in maas cluster page showing it is connected.07:42
jojdenroaksoax: while I am doing the curl
jojdenI am getting 40407:43
huatsany idea how to solve the out-of-sync for images that I get in a cluster ?07:44
roaksoaxjojden: look at the logs and see if there's an issue there07:49
roaksoaxjojden: what for what you've pasted, may be that your machines dont have access to the region controller07:49
jojdenroaksoax: Its having the access to rc.07:50
jojdengives the list of meta-data07:51
jojdenand gives 40407:51
roaksoaxjojden: did you look at the logs ?07:51
jojdenvar/ log/ maas07:53
jojdenchecked in both rc and cc log07:56
roaksoaxjojden: and ?07:56
roaksoaxjojden: any tracebacks ?07:56
jojdenbut notmuch infor regarding this error07:56
roaksoaxjojden: any errors ?07:56
roaksoaxjojden: what version of maas are you using ?07:56
roaksoaxjojden: do you have the full console log ?07:56
roaksoaxjojden: 1.9.X ??07:56
roaksoaxjojden: 1.9.2? 1.9.3?07:57
jojdenMAAS Version 1.9.0+bzr4533-0ubuntu1 (trusty1)07:57
roaksoaxjojden: can you upgrade to 1.9.3 ?08:00
roaksoaxyour bug may be fixed there08:00
jojdenok sure08:21
mupBug #1560292 changed: cli login no longer works after an update to new 2.0 packages, requires logging out and back in <MAAS:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560292>08:34
jojdenhi roaksoax09:10
jojdenI have updated the maas to 1.9.309:10
jojden  Installed: (none)09:11
jojden  Candidate: 1.9.3+bzr4577-0ubuntu1~trusty109:11
jojden  Installed: (none)09:11
jojden  Candidate: 1.9.3+bzr4577-0ubuntu1~trusty109:11
jojden  Installed: 1.9.0+bzr4533-0ubuntu1~trusty109:11
jojden  Candidate: 1.9.3+bzr4577-0ubuntu1~trusty109:11
jojdenroot@maasrc:/var/log/maas/apache2# apt-cache policy maas{,-dns,-dhcp} | grep Installed -B1 -A109:11
jojden  Installed: (none)09:11
jojden  Candidate: 1.9.3+bzr4577-0ubuntu1~trusty109:11
jojden  Installed: 1.9.0+bzr4533-0ubuntu1~trusty109:11
jojden  Candidate: 1.9.3+bzr4577-0ubuntu1~trusty109:11
jojden  Installed: (none)09:11
jojden  Candidate: 1.9.3+bzr4577-0ubuntu1~trusty109:11
roaksoaxjojden: cool, let's try to reproduce and please paste me the full console log while the machine is trying to access the metadata09:13
jojdenatually I am trying to create the node using pxe boot. And using the following script09:14
jojden    --name=maas-node-test \09:14
jojden    --connect=qemu:///system --ram=512 --vcpus=1 --hvm --virt-type=kvm \09:14
jojden    --pxe --boot network,hd \09:14
jojden    --os-variant=ubuntutrusty --graphics vnc --noautoconsole --os-type=linux --accelerate \09:14
jojden--disk=/var/lib/libvirt/images/maas-node-test.qcow2,bus=virtio,format=qcow2,cache=none,sparse=true,size=10 \09:14
jojden    --network=network=vlan-20,model=virtio09:14
jojdenmaas rc in one node and maascc in another node09:15
jojdenand they are connected it09:15
roaksoaxjojden: right, that should be ok, but i'm interested in looking at the console log09:15
roaksoaxjojden: to see what's actually going on09:15
jojdenconsole log of newly created node right ?09:16
jojdeni will take the console screenshots of the newly created node09:17
jojdenis that fine ?09:17
roaksoaxjojden: you can just put it in those websites were you can share pic09:29
jojdenroaksoax are you busy10:01
roaksoaxjojden: seems like you dont have connection10:59
jojdenconnection to where ?11:04
roaksoaxjojden: to the region, but the 3rd/4th image show a different interesting error11:05
roaksoaxjojden: can you paste /var/log/maas/*.log ? like clusterd.log and regiond.log11:06
jojdenroaksoax http://pastebin.com/kAjbKAsr11:20
roaksoaxjojden: isn't there a better regiond.log ?11:24
roaksoaxjojden: the one you sent me doesn'y really show any API query11:24
roaksoaxjojden: also, is apache2 running ?11:25
jojdenapache2 is running , otherwise maas gui wont load right ?11:25
jojdenactually I have cleared the log before creating the vm11:25
jojdenthen I started creating it11:26
jojdenand this is the log details we have in11:26
roaksoaxjojden: so regiond.log should be showing that you can/cannot access a machine11:26
roaksoaxjojden: err11:26
roaksoaxjojden: regiond.log would be showing when the machine is accessing the metadata server11:26
roaksoaxjojden: but it is not11:26
roaksoaxjojden: which is why I wonder if apache2 is failing in the forwarding11:27
roaksoaxor something along those lines11:27
jojdenlet me check for access and error log11:27
jojdenroot@maasrc:/var/log/maas/apache2# /etc/init.d/apache2 status11:28
jojden * apache2 is running11:28
roaksoaxjojden: can you share your apache2 access.log ?11:29
jojdenroaksoax: http://pastebin.com/6A4Uux5A11:31
roaksoaxjojden:  /MAAS/api/1.0/pxeconfig/?bios_boot_method=pxe&local= HTTP/1.0" 200 534 "-" "provisioningserver.pserv_services.tftp.TFTPBackend"11:32
roaksoaxjojden: tha's the only thing I see11:32
roaksoaxjojden: no other access to metadata11:32
roaksoaxjojden: which should be there11:32
roaksoaxjojden: that's leading me to believe that your machine, after accessing the pehemeral environment11:32
roaksoaxis not really contacting the maas server11:32
roaksoaxjojden: what's your /etc/maas/clusterd.conf ?11:32
jojdenroot@maascc:/etc/maas# cat clusterd.conf11:33
jojdencluster_uuid: 68ac4a87-16d9-4ce2-a96c-19c6360eb9e111:33
jojdenroaksoax this is the content11:35
roaksoaxjojden: so that tells me that is the IP address of your region controller where the metadata server is running11:36
roaksoaxjojden: do the machines have access to that IP ?11:36
jojdenPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.11:38
jojden64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.241 ms11:38
jojden64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.205 ms11:38
jojden64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.181 ms11:38
roaksoaxjojden: right, so the previous logs don't show that at all11:44
roaksoaxjojden: what's in /etc/maas/regiond.conf ?11:44
jojdenroot@maasrc:/etc/maas# cat /etc/maas/regiond.conf11:44
jojdendatabase_host: localhost11:44
jojdendatabase_name: maasdb11:44
jojdendatabase_pass: EnUx90XzXHy311:44
jojdendatabase_user: maas11:44
roaksoaxjojden: and why are your machines PXE with local= ?11:45
roaksoaxjojden: that seems that maybe KVM/libvirt running its own DHCP  ?11:46
roaksoaxjojden: which may be interfiering with MAAS's /11:46
jojdeneth1 if maascc is
jojden*of maascc11:47
roaksoaxjojden: right, so that's were MAAS is DHCP'ing from11:47
jojdenbut don't know abt remote=
roaksoaxjojden: i think that's the IP that the machine is obtaining11:48
jojdenlet me verify11:48
roaksoaxjojden: what happens if you change /etc/maas/clusterd.conf to point to instead ?11:49
roaksoaxjojden: if you change that and restart maas-clusterd11:49
roaksoaxi think things iwll just go fine11:49
jojden174 is obtaining ip11:51
jojdenlet me do as you said11:51
jojden to  maas_url:
jojden  in  /etc/maas/clusterd.con11:52
jojdenlet me try to create node with pxe boot again.11:54
jojdendeleting the old node11:54
jojdennot a bootable disk11:56
jojdeni think I need to reconfigure with
jojdeni think I need to reconfigure with (eth1 of rc)12:02
jojdennow booting12:03
BlackDex_what is the best way to prevent a system to poweroff during enlisting?12:05
=== BlackDex_ is now known as BlackDex
mupBug #1585628 opened: [2.0] Bulk actions-Nodes action doesn’t apply should be red <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585628>13:13
BlackDexAlso, is there a way to force a specific metadata url?13:34
BlackDexor IP address?13:34
BlackDexusing maas 2.0 btw13:35
kikoBlackDex, there's a backdoor image process, just a second13:35
BlackDexkiko: https://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/troubleshooting.html that one right?13:38
BlackDexfor the backdoor13:39
roaksoaxBlackDex: or you can modify /etc/maas/preseeds/enlist_userdata to do what you want13:41
BlackDexroaksoax: Thx ;) Thats a quicker way13:45
BlackDexthx kiko, that comment above the commands explains the steps very wel13:45
mupBug #1585649 opened: [2.0b5] After changing proxy, MAAS cannot install images <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585649>14:02
mupBug #1585666 opened: Subnets-> Reserved->Purpose - Rephrase migration message <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585666>14:38
mupBug #1585684 opened: Nodes-When going back to nodes listing after performing a bulk action show filtered by selected <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585684>15:41
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mupBug #1585759 opened: [2.0RC1] Display RAM amount to the first decimal place in the UI <MAAS:In Progress by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585759>19:18
mupBug #1585760 opened: [2.0RC1] Expose the refresh rack controller action over the UI <MAAS:In Progress by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585760>19:18
mupBug #1585768 opened: [2.0RC1] Rename maas-nodegrou-worker to MAAS <MAAS:In Progress by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585768>19:36
mahmohI have a dirty VM, may be caused by that but seeing this problem: May 25 19:58:25 maas-xenial maas.dhcp: [ERROR] Could not rewrite DHCPv4 server configuration (for network interfaces ens3): Command `maas-rack atomic-write --filename /var/lib/maas/dhcpd.conf --mode 0644` returned non-zero exit status 1:#012None20:08
mahmohthis just hangs: root@maas-xenial:/var/log/maas# sudo /usr/sbin/maas-rack atomic-write --filename /var/lib/maas/dhcpd.conf --mode 064420:08
mahmoh2.0b5 ^20:08
mupBug #1565467 opened: twistd3 crashed with PermissionError in touch(): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/maas/rackd.conf' <amd64> <apport-crash> <xenial> <MAAS:New> <twisted (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1565467>20:57
mupBug #1585814 opened: MAAS fails to add a DHCP snippet with "subnet6 statement is only supported in DHCPv6 mode." <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585814>22:07
terjeHi, I've just installed: beta5+bzr5026 and I notice that this command is no longer supported:22:13
terjemaas admin node-groups list22:13
terjewhat is it's replacement I wonder?22:14
mupBug #1585822 opened: Is it impossible to create multiple fabrics which have duplicated subnets from other fabrics <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585822>23:19

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