
tjaaltonrobert_ancell: btw, packages can build-depend on stuff from universe now, so the x11proto that uses fop could've been synced, aiui03:14
robert_ancelltjaalton, ah, of course03:14
robert_ancellhappyaron, :)03:55
pittiTrevinho: I downloaded the current and PPA sources and debdiffed that, it's ok; I accepted it last night05:49
pittiGood morning05:49
seb128good morning desktopers!06:07
seb128pitti, thanks for the pkgnostrip flag, but by default universe packages don't have their translations stripped ... is that the X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack which does that?06:11
pittiseb128: correct06:11
pittiseb128: I reviewed/accepted the evo SRU last night06:11
seb128I saw06:11
seb128but seems like that didn't work :-/06:12
pittierr, wut06:12
seb128the .mo are not included in any deb06:12
seb128does the parser just look for X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack and would consider a commented one as being defined?06:13
seb128I should perhaps have deleted the line...06:13
pittipkgstriptranslations:if grep -q 'X[[:alpha:]]*-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes' debian/control; then06:17
pittiseb128: erk, my bad :/06:17
pittishould have a ^06:17
seb128well I guess commented is not that common06:18
pittiseb128: I'll fix it in pkgbinarymangler now, but I suppose it's easier for this case if you reupload evo06:18
pittiI can review/accept it right away06:18
seb128pitti, thanks for poking the security team on libimobiledevice, I was unsure what to do, I added the security patch in yakkety because I looked at git and it seemed a nice one to backport and I decided to try to get in the SRU as well06:19
pittiseb128: yeah, I don't particularly mind, but I'd at least give them a chance to weigh in06:19
seb128pitti, evo reuploaded06:25
seb128on that note I'm done with email backlog, time for coffee ;-)06:25
pittiseb128: just waiting for diff, will press the button then06:25
pittiseb128: pkgbinarymangler fix uploaded06:26
pitti... for the future06:26
seb128pitti, nice07:01
seb128wth :/07:03
seb128pitti, the .mo are still stripped out :-/07:03
seb128pitti, also any way you could accept the nm-applet sru? oem team is waiting on one of the fixes, 2 of the 3 bugs are fixed in yakkety and the 3rd one is commit in upstream git/going to be in the point update happyaron is working on07:05
seb128or I guess I could do a yakkety upload with the 3rd fix if you prefer07:05
seb128while Aron gets the rebase done07:05
pittiseb128: WTF07:12
seb128pitti, sorry, my fault07:16
pittiseb128: nm-applet> I targetted the yakkety bug to 16.06 now and assigned07:16
seb128pitti, thanks07:16
pittibut we don't have a way to enforce that they really get fixed07:16
pittiif devs forget about it, we have zero pressure on that07:17
seb128yeah, as said I can do an upload now if you prefer07:17
seb128it's just that Aron is working on updating to 1.2.2 and including that change07:17
seb128rebasing the patches just take some time07:17
pittiit's not that important whether it happens now or in a few days, but it's crucial that it's not being dropped07:18
pittiso if that's in the pipeline, ok07:18
seb128I'm going to make sure of that07:18
seb128it's landing this week one way or another07:18
seb128pitti, evolution is good, ignore my recent comment07:18
pittiseb128: oh, you only looked at s390, and that doesn't build a -common package?07:19
seb128I looked at one of the archs that built first (powerpc) but the translations are in common07:19
seb128amd64 is still building07:19
seb128sorry :-)07:19
pittiso, not "good" yet, but at least not "definitively bad" :)07:19
seb128ah, build done07:19
seb128-rw-r--r-- root/root    166711 2016-05-25 07:11 ./usr/share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/evolution-3.18.mo07:20
seb128pitti, good :-)07:20
* pitti ^5s seb12807:20
* seb128 ^5s pitti back07:20
seb128pitti, can "idVendor" or "idProduct" udev attributes being missing/null for plugged devices?07:23
seb128the libopenobex segfault which I SRUed the fix for, the command is called by that udev rules07:24
seb128ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", PROGRAM="/usr/sbin/obex-check-device $attr{idVendor} $attr{idProduct}", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev"07:24
seb128I wonder if it's normal that one of the arguments might go missing07:24
seb128or if that's another issue to look at07:24
pittiyes,  for sure07:24
pittiit should at least be robust against that07:25
pittis/for sure/possibly/; sorry, that was about "every usb device in /sys", but the rule is "every usb device in /dev"07:25
pittiseb128: but that whole rule should go, plugdev is a thing of the past07:26
pittior at least use the uaccess tag07:26
seb128I don't even know what obex-check-device does07:26
* seb128 looks a bit07:27
seb128just that e.u.c gets quite some report because it segfaulted when called with 1 arg only07:27
pittiseb128: but I would expect that if the attribute is missing in /sys, it woudl be called with "" ""07:27
pittii. e. I thought udev would split args by spaces07:27
pittithis is not funnelled through a shell07:27
pittiseb128: but having idVendor but not idProduct is indeed odd07:28
pittiI'd expect both or none07:28
seb128hey willcooke07:28
pittiça va willcooke07:28
seb128" ProcCmdline: /usr/sbin/obex-check-device 0bda"07:28
seb128from one of the apport reports07:29
pittiseb128: interesting, I haven't seen devices which only have a vendor07:32
willcookebleh - it's like winter here today.  < 10 degrees07:47
* Laney brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr08:03
Laneycold today08:03
pittihey Laney08:03
seb128hey Laney happyaron!08:03
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Laneyhey seb128 and pitti and happyaron!08:06
* Laney greets you from west to east08:06
Laneyhow's it going?08:06
* seb128 is pondering putting a sweater on top of the tshirt08:07
Laneydo some star jumps08:10
pittiI did that ten minutes after sitting down today08:10
LaneyWARNING: The following essential packages will be removed. This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing! init systemd-sysv (due to init) 0 upgraded, 946 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded. E: Essential packages were removed and -y was used without --allow-remove-essential.08:10
* Laney blinks08:10
pittiLaney: I dropped upstart-sysv as a supported init in yakkety08:11
pitti(after discussing with Steve)08:11
pittias we won't release any touch products from y08:11
pittimaybe it's time to switch the touch seeds to systemd-sysv then?08:12
Laneypitti: That or stop it from building08:16
pittiat least a year ago or so the phone actually did boot with systemd, and calls/text/3G etc. were all working08:16
seb128pitti, oh, not sure if you saw on the upower/usd segfault bug, https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git/patch/include/linux/usb.h?id=feb26ac31a2a5cb88d86680d9a94916a6343e9e6 seems like the real fix08:16
pittijust not the upstart jobs in the touch-whatsitsname-i-ship-fifteen-upstart-overrides package08:17
pittiseb128: I did see that, yes08:17
pittiseb128: I'd still like to get some feedback from any of the reporters about the patched upower in my PPA, but nothing so far :/08:17
pittislightly false info in power indicator >> crashing the whole u-s-d08:17
sarnoldpitti: oh hey that reminds me, what's the deal with the /etc/systemd/system/sshd.service, syslog.service, iscsi.service, etc. symlinks? I thought /etc/systemd/system/ was playground for local admin but .. I've got a lot more things in that directory than I touched08:18
seb128yeah, nothing new, the u-s-d stack of plugins design :-/08:18
seb128same, input device being unplugged while configured and your u-s-d is down08:19
pittisarnold: /etc/systemd/system/sshd.service is because of Alias=sshd.service in /lib/systemd/system/ssh.service08:19
sarnoldpitti: ah! that seems like a big convenience. :)08:19
pittisarnold: i. e. most of that is Aliases08:20
pittisarnold: indeed I'd like this directory a bit more empty, like dropping all the *.wants dirs; xnox was working on that a while ago, but it got stuck in the middle08:20
sarnoldpitti: indeed I neve rnoticed the symlinks all have different names. alright :)08:21
Laneysil2100: Thoughts on yakkety touch failures ↑?08:34
pittiLaney, Trevinho: do you see any advantage of managing bamfdaemon via upstart? it needs carefully crafted start conditions, this dbus activation wrapper script, etc. -- it seems to me that just using d-bus activation would be muuuch simpler09:54
pittiI have a conversion ready for systemd units, but this just adds a whole lot of  complexity for no visible gain IMHO09:55
LaneyI don't know why it was done in that way09:55
Laneymaybe it takes a while to start and they wanted to get in before the activation?09:56
pittiLaney: it actually locks up quite a bit, as the upstart job waits until unity7 is started09:56
pittinot that long ago, actually09:57
seb128yeah, Trevinho wanted it for the lts09:57
* pitti looks where teh corresponding MP is09:58
seb128I just did that09:58
Laneyprobably for 'respawn'09:58
seb128no rational in there09:58
pittiLaney: but dbus activation alreayd gives you that09:59
pittiyeah, that's not very helpful09:59
pittistart on (starting hud or starting unity-panel-service or starting unity7)10:00
Laneywith this you get it pre-emptively10:00
pittiit now requires this to be correct and covering all use cases10:00
Laneyjust trying to think what it might be10:00
Laneynot defending it10:00
pittiyeah, I guess I'll wait for Trevinho to comment10:00
willcookeflocculant, around line 57 of your gtk-widgets.css file you have a .entry.progressbar entry, which is then duplicated in gtk-widgets.css line 133710:03
willcookesorry, I mean flexiondotorg ^10:03
flexiondotorgwillcooke, OK10:03
willcookeI don't know if it will cause any issues or not, probably not10:03
pittii followed up on https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/upstart-support/+merge/276865, to keep a public record of that10:03
seb128Laney, pitti, IRC log says10:03
seb128Ubuntu Server-#ubuntu-desktop.log:févr. 24 15:01:17 <Trevinho>Laney: well, having upstart to manage it would have ensured that the service would have ran only when needed, and that could have been controlled by initctl... With actual respawn and such.10:03
willcookebut I just noticed it as I was trying to fix Ambiance10:04
flexiondotorgwillcooke, Thanks for pointing it out, I'll look into it :-)10:04
pittiseb128: hm, but activation does both, and more precisely10:04
willcookeflexiondotorg, lemme finish fixing up Ambiance and finding out if it causes any harm or not.  I can fling a patch your way if it's an improvemetn10:05
flexiondotorgwillcooke, Thanks :)10:05
Laneyseb128: fevr 24?10:05
Laneythat's about something else surely10:05
Laneythose MPs are from november10:05
seb128Laney, I think his rational was the same/consistent for using upstart in different unity jobs10:06
seb128but maybe you are right and he was not10:06
seb128anyway let's wait for him10:06
LaneyI think that was about the zeitgeist thing10:06
Laneyit might have used a similar trick10:06
seb128pitti, some things upstart gives you over dbus activation is respawn limit, "proper" log in .cache/upstart which apport picks up and a stop/start command which is handy for debugging ... but I'm note that's enough to justify the cost10:08
pittiseb128: not sure if the respawn limit actually helps here -- as soon as I try to stop bamf it immediately comes back via activation, as apparently unity is talking to it all the time10:09
pittiso we'd replace those with 25s timeouts10:09
pittibut I do see the point in logging, that's harder to see  from .xsession-errors10:10
Laneypitti: are you using the systemd bus activation support in your replacement?10:10
Laneydoes that work for --user?10:10
pittiLaney: unfortunately SystemdService= isn't implemented in dbus for user units, that just works for system units10:10
pittiLaney: i. e. I tried, but this is a no-op10:10
pittiwell, I tested 1.10.6, haven't checked latest upstream yet10:11
Laneypitti: wait, dbus?10:14
LaneyI thought this was a generator10:14
pittiLaney: SystemdService= in dbus *.service files is implemented in dbus10:14
pittii. e. dbus activation needs to redirect to systemd if that field is present10:15
LaneyI suppose dbus needs to know how to activate stuff10:15
LaneyI was looking at this dbus1-generator10:16
pittimaybe I missed something, and that's not the field that we want10:16
Laneywhat's that for?10:16
pittii. e. I think there's another mechanism that creates "proxy" connections for the bus names10:16
pittiLaney: not sure, need to look at that10:18
Laneyoh right10:19
Laneyit makes Type=dbus units from SystemdService= .service files10:20
pittiah, so that I could use10:21
pittiexcept that I need two additional properties10:21
pittiand presumably some After=, and I need to install the unit10:21
willcookeseb128, anyone - can you confirm this missing icon?  http://imgur.com/xQCxQTP10:24
willcookecould be because I'm dicking around with themes10:24
willcookealso: progressbars are filled in :)10:24
Laneypitti: why?10:26
Laneyif it's just bus activation then the defaults should be okay?10:26
pittiLaney: for "proper" visible apps that don't work via dbus activation (like g-settings-daemon) I need Slice=graphical.slice, to restrict the life cycle on the current grpahical session10:27
pittito shut them down cleanly when the session goes down10:27
pittiI suppose bamfdaemon will just crash on "OMG my $DISPLAY went away" with plain dbus activation10:28
pittiso it's not that bad eitehr10:28
pittiLaney: I mostly just picked bamfdaemon as the first thing to convert, I guess I should have picked something else :)10:28
pittiLaney: so, the generated defaults should work, yes10:28
pittimaybe not 100% cleanly10:29
LaneyThe generator doesn't actually do anything for me10:29
pittiLaney: did you add SystemdService= to anything?10:29
pittinevermind, gnome-terminal, gvfs etc. have those10:30
LaneyI have it on loads of stuff already10:30
seb128willcooke, icon is fine here10:31
Laneyopen("/sys/fs/kdbus/control", O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY|O_NONBLOCK|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)10:32
Laneyexit_group(0)                           = ?10:32
Laneyoh yeah I see this in the code now10:32
pittiso that won't help anytime soon :)10:32
Laneywhy does it rely on kdbus?10:33
Laneyif dbus-daemon can do systemd activation too10:33
pittibut for this to be truly useful, dbus-daemon would need to learn systemd activation for user services10:33
pittimaybe because of that?10:33
Laneyis it really that?10:35
pittiI have a manually created unit (so not depending on that  generator)10:35
pittiI added SystemdService=10:35
pittiand yet dbus activaiton doesn't start it10:36
seb128willcooke, do you have aptdaemon-data installed?10:37
seb128aptdaemon-update-cache.png seems to be the icon it loads10:38
willcooke$ apt-cache policy aptdaemon-data10:43
willcooke  Installed: 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu1410:43
willcooke  Candidate: 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu1410:43
willcooke  Version table:10:43
willcooke *** 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu14 50010:43
willcooke        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages10:43
willcooke        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main i386 Packages10:43
willcooke        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status10:43
Laneypitti: laney@nightingale> systemctl --user start org.gnome.Cheese                                                                                                                     ~/.config/systemd/user10:44
LaneyFailed to start org.gnome.Cheese.service: Unit dbus.socket not found.10:44
pittiLaney: missing dbus-user-session ?10:44
pittiI have it here10:44
willcookeseb128, it's probably something to do with me messing with the theme.  Don't worry about it, I'll confirm it goes away again when I'm done playing10:45
Laneyah right, that provides this?10:45
Laneydon't think I have that10:45
seb128willcooke, k10:45
pittiLaney: yes10:45
* Laney whines about having to close session10:46
* pitti mutters "VM"10:46
pittiLaney: wait10:46
pittiLaney: for this to really work, you need https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/1.10.6-1ubuntu410:46
pittior disble upstart session10:47
Laneygot it10:49
Laneymy that's a nice wallpaper10:52
Laneygood job I like it because that's all I can see10:53
pittiLaney: do you have any dbus-daemon running now?10:54
Laneythis is actually amusing10:54
pittithere's always the one for at-spi210:54
Laneylaney@nightingale> cat unity7.override                                                                                                                                                                                       ~/.config/upstart10:54
pittibut aside from that there should now only be the --address=systemd: one10:54
* Laney coughs10:54
pittiLaney: wow, did you add that half an hour ago, or do you never restart your session? :)10:55
Laneythat's better :)10:55
LaneyI did it a couple of days ago10:55
Laneywhen you were asking about .override files10:55
pittiLaney: ah -- right, that got sorted out, I updated the bug10:55
pittithat was due to that hacky bamfdaemon d-bus activation wrapper10:56
LaneyI just forgot to remove it10:56
Laneyunity7 might not have been the best example to use10:56
pittinice trap :)10:56
Laneyooh no terminal menus10:56
Laneyglobal menu*10:57
pittiLaney: bug 1532226 ?10:57
ubot5bug 1532226 in bamf (Ubuntu Xenial) "No menu bar in gtk apps on fresh boot" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153222610:57
Laney  Installed: 0.5.3~bzr0+16.10.20160516-0ubuntu110:59
pittiI actually do get the menu in terminals after booting in my yakkety VM11:00
andyrockhey guys11:01
Laneypitti: anyways, https://paste.debian.net/702431/ <- session bus service got activated by systemd11:02
Laneyhey andyrock11:03
pittiLaney: I didn't create a .service symlink by the bus name, maybe that's necessary?11:03
willcookehey andyrock11:03
pittiLaney: I had thought if I specify SystemdService=bamfdaemon.service that'd be enough11:03
Laneypitti: ah, I don't know, let me try renaming it11:04
Laneypitti: this still works11:04
Laney   Loaded: loaded (/home/laney/.config/systemd/user/hellopitti.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)11:04
Laney   Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-05-25 12:04:41 BST; 1s ago11:04
pittiLaney: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pitti/bamf/systemd-unit/revision/637 is my current bamfdaemon stuff; if we can simplify that, that'd be great11:05
Laneypitti: that's just http://paste.debian.net/702433/11:05
Laneyand SystemdService=hellopitti.service11:05
pittiLaney: but no /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.gnome.Cheese.service ? I wonder if that gets in the way for bamf then11:06
Laneythat's the file I edited, yes11:06
pittiLaney: oh, wait -- that silly redirectory again11:06
pittiLaney: maybe systemd did try to activate it, then called the wrapper script, which again tried to call it via systemd/upstart, loop, bang11:07
Laneyif you had Exec=/that/wrapper then that seems likely11:07
LaneyI vote for dropping all this crazy stuff and using dbus activation then11:08
pittinevetheless, the general approach should work for other services, so it wasn't in vain11:09
Laneyso I wonder about dropping this kdbus check then11:09
pittiLaney: indeed, this works absolutely fine11:20
pittiso this was just this redirection wrapper that fooled me11:20
* pitti wants bzr commit --amend11:24
pittihttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pitti/bamf/systemd-unit/revision/637 fixed11:26
pittiLaney: so, dropping the kdbus check and automatically wrapping every service into a unit would be great11:27
Laneybuilding systemd without the check now11:27
pittithat would give us the per-service logging and restart limit for free11:27
Laneyto see what happens11:27
pittiLaney: ok, autopkgtest runners seem throughly unhappy; need to grab some lunch and then tend to my minions11:31
pittiLaney: thanks for looking into the dbus generator!11:31
pittiactually, !s390x is running at full steam, just the logtails are broken11:33
pittiok, post-lunch problem :)11:33
Laneyqueues look big11:33
Laneydamn you qt!11:33
pittiyeah, we got like 10 Qt uploads in the last few days11:33
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pittiMirv, the test infra killer :)11:34
pitti2016-05-25 11:35:08,160 INFO:worker adt-run exited with code 111:35
pitti2016-05-25 11:35:08,172 ERROR:worker AMQP queue interrupted, reconnecting in 5s: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/adt-work.8yGtP7/out/exitcode'11:35
pittithat doesn't look healthy11:35
* Laney screams at multiarch11:40
Mirvuh oh :(11:40
Mirvs/killer/stress tester/11:41
Mirvthe new KDE release brings its own problems, everything is intertwined.11:43
larsuLaney: join the chorus!12:13
larsuI did the same yesterday when I realized that `apt-get update` tries to load i386 package listings from our repository12:14
larsuwhich is configured to only contain amd64 and source12:14
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
larsuthe "fix" is to either create an empty i386 in the repo, or have people put [arch=amd64] in the source.list line12:14
Laneylarsu: there's something fishy there12:16
larsuthe internet says it's supposed to be like this12:17
larsueven though I'd say it's a bug in apt12:17
LaneyI think you're supposed to configure your repository to produce i386 Packages12:18
Laneyif clients are going to be requesting them12:18
larsuwe don't build them, though12:19
larsuand don't advertise them12:19
larsuby that logic, we'd always need to build all archs, no?12:20
pittiLaney: ok, I put an end to the minion strike :)12:23
pittiLaney: any luck with dropping the patch?12:23
pittierr, check12:23
Trevinhopitti:  as for bamf... I wanted auto-respawn and at the same time be able to get the process handled by upstart even when dbus-activated12:24
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pittiTrevinho: hey!12:26
Trevinhopitti: the start conditions are just "optional", so we ensure that bamf is already ran whe something is just about to start that might use it (without having dbus activation to come into play); so it's like an "optimization", but nothing that prevents it to run12:26
pittiTrevinho: bus activation does auto-respawm already12:26
Laneypitti: Got distracted by talking DMB12:26
Laneyi386 seems to have finished now12:26
Trevinhopitti: mh I didn't get that in the past, was there a missing option?12:26
pittiTrevinho: not really, no; when you try to connect to a non-running service, it'll be activated12:27
Trevinhopitti: also, at the time, the upstart environment vars were not matching the dbus ones (now it's fixed), thus this was potentially causing some issues12:27
pittiand auto-respawn doesn't help either way for existing connections12:27
Trevinhopitti: well for the way libbamf is done (which does quite some caching), this wouldn't cause to be called enough12:27
Trevinhoor... It would cause to restart bamf on user actions (like alt+tabbing or clicking in the launcher)12:27
pittiTrevinho: I mean, if your current daemon crashes, your connection will become invalid, no matter whether the daemon gets autorestarted or restarted the next time on bus activation12:28
Trevinhopitti: yes, but we've gdbus doing things internally, so.... At the end our proxy just stays the same12:29
pittiTrevinho: so, I have a systemd-ification ready, but adding all that complexity and that ugly hack with the activation wrapper script doesn't seem worth the effort to me TBH12:30
TrevinhoI mean we had this condition that on bamf crashes (we don't have them, actually, as the code is perfect 😃), we were loosing some controls12:30
seb128hey Trevinho!12:30
Trevinhohi seb12812:30
seb128Trevinho, thanks for the reviews, you did a night shift? 4am comments :-)12:30
Trevinhoseb128: eh, you know... nights are things I like12:30
seb128Trevinho, I think we have a good stack of usd changes now, we should do a landing12:31
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, all yours.12:32
Trevinhoseb128: it would be nice to SRU them all probably too12:32
Trevinhoso we have both fixes and the x/y delta to the lowest level12:32
Laneylarsu: I guess maybe you could argue that apt should deal with it being missing if it's a foreign architecture12:33
Laneymight be worth asking juliank about that12:33
larsuI agree12:35
seb128Trevinho, yeah, need a y landing, then SRU in 2 or 3 rounds12:35
seb128smalls fixes + keyboard ones12:35
pittiTrevinho: so in summary, I was wondering how attached you were to this stuff12:35
Trevinhoseb128: even screensaver one could be nice, since it seems that chrome use that API12:35
Trevinhoat least... maybe not latest versions, but it used to use only fdo api12:36
Trevinhopitti: well... if things work differently when using systemd at user level, I don't mid removing it12:36
pittiTrevinho: it shouldn't really work differently with upstart either12:36
Trevinhopitti: in upstart world, it's something that seems to work better than just using dbus activation12:36
pittiTrevinho: i. e. I'm still trying to understand the rationale for usptartizing this in the first place12:36
pittiTrevinho: right, so how does it work better exactly?12:37
Trevinhopitti: environment vars were not matching with unity12:37
Trevinhopitti: and we had not a proper and immediate respanw12:37
pittithat was fixed in bug 1433013, no?12:37
ubot5bug 1433013 in upstart (Ubuntu Trusty) "Super -> exec vs Alt-F2 -> exec have different environment" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143301312:37
Trevinhowhich meant, empty launcher for a while until "something" happened12:37
Trevinhopitti: yes12:37
TrevinhoI'm speaking using the past verb for that thing in fact12:38
pittiTrevinho: ah, so bamfdaemon does "something" while clients are not talking to it?12:38
pitti(that would be a good reason)12:38
Trevinhoit's presence causes unity to show launcher icons. Once it gets removed, launcher becomes empty. This is because internally icons need to be seen as active. Which is a condition that is not true anymore when the daemon isn't there (as we can't assume it)12:39
pittiTrevinho: hm, I didn't see that under y at least; killing bamf keeps a functional launcher, you just get new icons pulsating while they try to match their window and bamf isn't running12:41
pitti(i. e. I disabled the activatino file)12:41
TrevinhoSo its presence around is a condition for having the desktop fully working. Not only for the launcehr, but also panel titles and many other elements rely on it. And since some changes are only emitted by signals or property changes, we could avoid to cal methods12:41
pittiTrevinho: anyway, if it does active things instead of just reacting, that makes sense12:41
pittiI didn't see evidence of it and there was no justification in the MP, so I wondered12:42
Trevinhoyeah, I've not been much clear indeed12:42
pittiTrevinho: so I guess we'll have to carry http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pitti/bamf/systemd-unit/revision/637 around for a bit until the migration is complete and we can drop the upstart bit12:42
pittibut I figure the touch branches are usually also landed for v/x, so we'll have to keep this for a while12:43
Trevinhopitti: yeah, I was looking at it... I know it's overcomplicating things a little12:43
Trevinhobut, nothing we should really touch for years probably12:43
muktupavelsTrevinho: if you have time can you review compiz merge proposals?12:46
Trevinhomuktupavels: I see lots of them :)12:46
pittiTrevinho: thanks for the heads-up!12:46
Trevinhopitti: np12:47
pittiTrevinho: It'll still be a while until I send an MP, I'll first stage this in a PPA12:47
Trevinhopitti: ok no worries... I'll be happy to test that then12:51
Laneypitti: I don't think it's working for --user12:53
Laneyopen("/usr/share/dbus-1/system-services", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_DIRECTORY|O_CLOEXEC) = 312:53
Laney        r = cg_pid_get_owner_uid(0, NULL);12:53
Laney        if (r >= 0) {12:53
Laney                path = "/usr/share/dbus-1/services";12:53
pittiyay for being on the forefront of systemd-ification for a change :)12:54
Laneydo you know about this cgroup stuff?12:54
pittiLaney: this parses out the UID from /proc/self/cgroup name=systemd:12:56
pittiso it should be "1000" for this12:56
pittioh, what's that12:57
pittiLaney: ah! libpam-cgm?12:57
Laneyis that the lxd thing?12:57
pittialthough, why is that touching the systemd group12:57
pittiLaney: no, it's obsolete12:57
pittiyou only need it for unpriv lxc containers, not necessary for lxd12:58
pittibut that looks like a bug12:58
Laneyno I don't have this installed12:58
pittiit's not supposed to mess with systemd's own cgroups, just create additional ones12:58
LaneyI have libpam-cgfs though12:58
pittiah, that12:58
pittiit changed name12:58
willcookeany clues what applicaiton was used in this screenshot snippet?  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/255943248/Auswahl_027.png12:59
pittiLaney: but wait, dbus.service?12:59
Trevinhowillcooke: update manager I think12:59
willcookethanks Trevinho12:59
Trevinhowillcooke: I've seen the same in synaptic and... mh12:59
Trevinhowillcooke: another app was excyly12:59
Trevinhothe disk usag12:59
* Trevinho yells at his keyboard13:00
Laneypitti: I'm in uncharted territory for me here :)13:00
pittiLaney: so my user dbus process has /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/dbus.service13:00
pittiLaney: can you try uninstalling libpam-cfgs and see if that helps?13:01
pittiLaney: it's the main/only thing that I'm aware of, otherwise we'll have to deep-dive13:01
Trevinhohikiko: hey13:09
Trevinhohikiko: could you review this plase https://code.launchpad.net/~smspillaz/compiz/compiz.animationaddon-returns/+merge/295497 ?13:09
hikikoTrevinho, sure13:10
hikikohe changed the opengl calls to be compatible with gles213:12
Trevinhohikiko: it's a plugin we don't use by default in unity, so it's not our main target, but still it has not to break any experience of course :)13:16
hikikohe changed the opengl plugin to be compatible with gles213:18
hikikoand he fixed the animationaddon13:18
hikikobut yeah probably this doesn't affect anything on the desktop13:20
Laneypitti: this breaks eeeeeverything! :)13:20
hikikowell no, he removed the lighting13:21
pittiLaney: "this" ==?13:21
hikikolighting in gles2 is done in shaders13:21
Laneypitti: the generator13:21
Laneyit masks dbus.service13:21
desrtword up, peeps13:24
LaneyI guess that turning this off for dbus-daemon is the thing that is good to do13:26
Laneygreetings desrt13:26
desrtHello, Laney!13:26
pittiLaney: you mean it generates a unit for dbus.service itself? and it's not stuffing them into generator-late/ ?13:27
seb128hey desrt!13:27
desrthello seb128, pitti, hikiko, Trevinho  :)13:27
pittihey Allison, how is it going?13:27
desrtanother lovely day13:27
Laneypitti: /run/systemd/generator/dbus.service -> /dev/null13:27
Trevinhohi desrt13:27
pittiLaney: WTH13:27
LaneyAnd some dbus.socket -> systemd-bus-proxy13:28
desrtpitti: oddly sleepy this morning!  trying to overcompensate using exclamation marks!13:28
Laney.socket thing appears13:28
LaneyIs this like "use kdbus now please"?13:28
pittiLaney: ah, yes, the bus proxy is kdbus13:28
pittithat explains masking dbus13:28
hikikohello desrt and all13:28
Laneyso I'll try to turn this off for the non kdbus case13:28
Laneybut after lunch, o/13:28
desrtdid i wake up in some weird alternate universe in which kdbus has been merged?13:28
Laneywe're abusing systemd in wicked ways13:29
Trevinhohikiko: as the change from handsome_feng landed I guess this is not needed anymore, right: https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity/unity.scale-launcher-at-the-bottom/+merge/29312414:12
Trevinhomuktupavels: mostly approved them.. there are a couple of comments also from Sam I'd like to clear out  before a final approval14:15
Trevinhomuktupavels: are you fine with a partial landing in the mean time (https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1465) ?14:15
muktupavelsTrevinho: why did not you aprove gwd-theme-implement-draw-window-decoration?14:16
muktupavelsseems that you included it in landing14:17
muktupavelsTrevinho: yes, I am fine with partial landing.14:17
Trevinhomuktupavels: ah, thanks for pointing out... I misssed it :)14:18
Trevinhomuktupavels: nice cleanup, btw14:18
muktupavelsTrevinho: I think you are right in gwd-change-theme-loading - signal must be disconected.14:19
Trevinhomuktupavels: a disconnect_by data could do things even for future stuff14:20
muktupavelsTrevinho: I will use signal id.14:21
Trevinhomuktupavels: fine anyway14:24
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Laneybuild systemd buildddddddddddddddddDDDdddDDDdddDDDddDDDDDddd15:16
Sweet5harkLaney: faster, systemd, kill, kill?15:16
Laneydie, systemd, die15:17
Laney</sideshow bob>15:17
davmor2Laney: you can never end sideshow bob Muhahahahahahahahahaha15:18
* Sweet5hark now see a Russ Meyer movie featuring Sideshow Bob in his head.15:20
Sweet5harkIt aint pretty.15:20
LaneyI just googled the scene15:20
seb128can anyone see if in rhythmbox -> preferences -> music15:26
seb128if you select ogg vorbis as format15:27
seb128does it tell you extra softwares are needed (button at the bottom of the dialog)15:27
* desrt finds a new interesting task15:27
Trevinhopitti: hey.... Soooo... We introduced a regression in upower :/15:29
Trevinhopitti: (lt-upowerd:12806): UPower-WARNING **: failed to convert brightness: 015:29
Trevinhopitti: this is because *end != '\0' isn't true... Because end returns the position of the last read elements, not the last+115:30
flocculantseb128: I don't see that15:32
seb128flocculant, so it works for you?15:32
flocculantseb128: I can select ogg vorbis without it saying anything, can set bit rate15:33
seb128flocculant, thanks, in fact it works in a guest session, so probably something with my gstreamer cache/profile :-/15:34
flocculantseb128: ok15:34
seb128flocculant, thanks for testing!15:35
flocculantseb128: welcome as always when I see something I *can* test :)15:35
seb128other easy to test bug :p15:35
seb128starting gedit, ctrl-O, select "recent" is the fileselector15:36
seb128do you get files from yesterday not displayed with a "yesterday" label in the accessed column?15:36
flocculantseb128: aaah - not so easy to test - I'd have to install gedit (xubuntu uses mousepad)15:36
seb128any gtk3 app would do15:37
flocculantand I assume I'd need zeitgeist for it to know yesterday?15:37
seb128no, it's gtk-recent15:37
seb128but depends if you opened files yesterday15:37
seb128I've the feeling that it's files opened for less than 24 hours15:37
seb128I wonder if it's a bug or by design15:37
seb128like it's 17:38 here15:38
seb128I see files noted as15:38
seb128yesterday 16:1815:38
flocculantmousepad doesn't list them with labels15:38
seb128well "labels"15:38
seb128it's the most right column15:38
seb128in the "recent" section from the fileselector15:38
flocculantseb128: Ctrl+O shows /home/ but it does have dates - and yesterday is yesterday15:39
seb128flocculant, did you select "recent" in the left sidebar15:40
flocculantaah - never seen that15:40
flocculantseb128: that doesn't look right at all15:42
seb128which part?15:43
flocculantnothing between Sunday and this morning15:43
flocculantand apparently something at 17:34 even though it's only 16:43 > and that's an audio file that I'm unlikely to be listening to in 45 minutes15:44
flocculantas far as 'yesterday' I'm as likely to use nano as mousepad15:44
seb128do you think you opened that audio file yesterday at 17:34?15:47
* Sweet5hark got a libreoffice 5.2 alpha1 to run from a snap (in --devmode, with tweaks and ugly tricks, but still).15:48
seb128Sweet5hark, well done!15:48
qenghoSweet5hark: Yay!15:48
seb128qengho, hey, did you see my comment about fontconfig yesterday?15:48
Sweet5harknow to get this in a shape that can be shown to the world ...15:48
seb128Sweet5hark, well, if it starts it can be shown15:49
seb128bugs can be fixed in iterations ;-)15:49
qenghoseb128: No!  /me scrolls15:50
seb128qengho, it was on #snappy during the meeting, didn't want to derail it15:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1576303 in snapcraft (Ubuntu) "Needs fontconfig integration" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:50
seb128do you have the variables described there?15:50
Sweet5hark(like not having "sudo dot -c" in the build, which of course prompts for a password)15:52
Sweet5harkseb128, qengho: speaking of fonts, for now the "right" way is to just bundle them in the snap?15:53
qenghoseb128: No, I don't have those defined.15:53
qenghoSweet5hark: Yes, include them. (I think.)15:53
seb128qengho, try that then, it might fix the issue you mentioned during the meeting15:53
qenghoseb128: Thanks!15:53
seb128Sweet5hark, qengho, bundle for now yes, but they are working on an interface that is going to bindmount the fonts dir15:54
flocculantseb128: I'm sure I didn't access that file yesterday at that time15:54
qenghoseb128: Are we moving dependencies and dependency-checking into app-space?15:55
flocculantI've cleared recent files and will look again tomorrow - I know what I've been looking at today15:55
Laneyshady stuff15:55
seb128flocculant, check into /home/seb128/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks15:55
seb128qengho, you mean? there is no depends in snaps, out of the core systemd15:56
qenghoseb128: Yes, I know. But if we're bind-mounting, that asserts something about the host system. It looks like apps will have to check whether fonts exist (e.g.) on their own, then.15:57
qenghoI'm complaining to the wrong person, I know.15:58
qenghoThe interface provides ability to use host resources, but no way to assert host resources.15:59
flocculantseb128: so just quickly, cleared bookmarks, opened a file and .config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks, if I now go to gedit or mousepad - I have access times of 16:58 and 20:30 respectively16:00
flocculantbut will look tomorrow as well to see what it says about 'yesterday'16:00
seb128flocculant, thanks16:02
seb128qengho, well, the snap providing the interface can provide content/code I guess? if no we need a desktop core image which includes fonts, mimetypes, etc...16:03
qenghoI suppose a "fonts" interface can map to a snapd-enforced "dependency" to require some selection (!) of fonts and tools. ick.16:04
Laneyruh roh16:48
Laneypitti made me break my laptop!16:48
* Laney waves17:06
Laneycd sy17:06
qenghoChromium 51? Ugh.19:49
robert_ancellmterry, hey, just letting you know I am working on the in-session greeter LightDM work. It's just turned out to be a complicated headache :(21:15
mterryrobert_ancell, heyo21:15
mterryrobert_ancell, no rush on my side21:15
robert_ancellmterry, ok, cool. If that's OK I might shelve it for a bit and then come back to it next week.21:16
mterryrobert_ancell, yeah I'm still dealing with making the greeter look nice and fingerprint support21:16
mterrynot blocked on you at all21:16
robert_ancellmterry, cool fingerprint - what stack are you using for that?21:16
mterryrobert_ancell, I don't know the details exactly underneath, but some custom stack by tvoss21:17
mterryrobert_ancell, not integrated with pam21:18
robert_ancellyeah, was about to ask21:18
mterryrobert_ancell, only supposed to be used in lockscreen, not to log in first time, is my understanding21:18
robert_ancelluntil that requirement comes :)21:19
robert_ancellThe only stack I know of is fprintd21:20
robert_ancellmterry, do you happen to know if Josh Arenson is around?21:30
mterryrobert_ancell, no sorry21:36
mterryrobert_ancell, he's in #ubuntu-unity...21:36
mterryrobert_ancell, "josharenson"21:36
robert_ancellaha, I checked everywhere else :)21:36
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