
mate|35300backports ?00:00
mate|35300what is that?00:00
mate|35300i dont see something with backports00:01
fifty-sevenCbackports are packages 'ported back' to a previous release00:02
fifty-sevenCCheck all the tabs00:03
fifty-sevenCIt will be there somewhere00:03
mate|35300all tabs are checked00:04
mate|35300where you from ?00:05
mate|35300i ask because talking my own laguage is easier for me ^^00:07
mate|35300aaah oke00:08
mate|35300i am from the Netherlands00:08
mate|35300oke well i will go now.. check ya next time!! thanks for the help!00:09
jaybo recently installed Ubuntu-Mate 16.04. I had no issues installing OpenVpn and it connects just fine. However, once connected, I do not have the lock symbol indicating VPN is connected. I am not sure if I did something to mess that up or if OpenVPN installed that way as I may have not checked when I first installed. Is there anyway to get the VPN indicator back? I see it flashing during the connection process, just does not stay00:38
jayboafter being connected.00:38
jaybosigning off00:58
nicholas_i am tryint to increase storage om my 32 gb01:49
skeleton1eyhas anyone else run into a problem with OpenVPN not showing up in the GUI?02:40
nomicskeleton1ey go and ask on ubuntu forums / mate forums02:47
skeleton1eynomic: in other words...you don't know how to fix it?02:51
fifty-sevenCDo you have a gui installed for it?02:58
skeleton1eyyeah I didn't realize you needed the gnome package for mate02:59
skeleton1eyit's good to go02:59
fifty-sevenCMATE is formerly Gnome 202:59
fifty-sevenCRather a fork of Gnome 202:59
jramirez does anyone knows a good website with good HOW TO on linux03:51
fifty-sevenCHow to what on linux?03:52
jramirezLets say for intermediate learning03:52
jramirezThanks buddy03:54
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ubuntulog2 /join -freenode2 ubuntu-nl-raad09:37
phoenix_Hi all :-)09:38
phoenix_Does anyone here run a Dell e6430 by any chance??09:39
danboidflexiondotorg: Any comment or news on the Arch MATE packages getting updated?10:54
* flexiondotorg is no longer an Arch Linux TU.10:56
danboidflexiondotorg: Who is the new maintainer of MATE for Arch?10:56
flexiondotorgThere are several people interested.10:57
danboidflexiondotorg: How or when will the new maintainer be decided?10:58
danboidI have no idea how any of that works with Arch10:59
danboidThere are two features I'd really love to see added to MATE - maybe they've been added into 1.14?11:01
danboidFirst is an easier way to resize windows without having to place your cursor on the exact pixels of a window edge / corner eg by holding a key to make it 'snap' to the nearest edge11:03
danboidSecond, it'd be good if the current window that has focus / foreground status would be highlighted in the window selector menu11:04
danboidIf those arent in 1.14 I'll file some requests11:05
danboidresizing windows under MATE on a 4K display is quite painful11:06
ouroumovdanboid, easier resizing is already available in Ubuntu MATE 16.04 using MATE 1.12.1 : hold ALT down while doing a right click on a window quadrant, then drag.11:10
danboidouroumov: So it does! Excellent! Thanks for pointing that out11:12
danboidI thought 16.04 would have 1.14 - thats a shame11:16
flexiondotorgWhy would you think that?11:16
danboidNot that I really use Ubuntu myself these days11:16
danboid1.14 got released before 16.0411:16
danboiddidn't it?11:17
danboidobviously not soon enough11:17
danboidI've written a script to easily install Arch to ZFS btw Wimpy11:17
danboidI'm not entirely sold on Antegros or the way it handles ZFS currently11:19
danboidhence my script11:19
danboidIt only supports GPT/BIOS currently and doesn't do RAIDZ yet11:20
danboidInstalling to GRUB using MBR and ZFS seems to require a hack currently so I'm not so keen11:23
danboidIt only supports single disk and mirrored configs atm11:24
danboidMight the 16.10 installer support ZFS?11:24
danboidMy installer creates datasets that work with boot environments and that wasn't the case with Antergos last time I checked11:27
mate|95922hi can i get help to install paltalk11:39
mate|95922i did installet win11:39
staeksauceOn the side of one of my monitors there's about an inch of space that goes top to bottom where I can't put icons or maximize windows into. Any idea what would case that? I still see the wallpaper, mouse can move over it no prob, rt click menu shows up if I rt click there...13:09
fifty-sevenCstaeksauce, are you running unity by chance?13:10
staeksauceno, I have Compiz running13:11
staeksaucebut it does seem like there's an invisible dock or something there13:11
staeksauceit behaves just like that13:12
staeksauceMate with Compiz13:12
fifty-sevenCMaybe you have one of the docks turned on13:12
staeksauceomg, that was it13:13
tv_hi community13:30
tv_need help with chromium on rpi13:30
tv_i have install chromium with app welcome and chromium crash at the start13:31
fifty-sevenCCheck logs for why it crashed13:34
tv_where i can see this log ?13:38
christian__Dear all13:43
christian__I few minutes ago I started with ubuntu mate 16.0413:43
christian__It is great !13:43
christian__the only thing i miss is a search function in the software boutique13:44
christian__Am I blind or is this not there?13:44
ouroumovchristian__, hi13:50
ouroumovchristian__, subscribe to Welcome Updates. I think that feature has been added recently13:50
ouroumovchristian__, nevermind It's not in mine13:52
ouroumovBut from reading the forum I think it's in development or in the process of being added, following multiple requests for the feature from users13:52
christian__oh that would be great.13:53
christian__as i started to set up my PC the way I need, it is a pitty to get all the lists to see if there is the apropriate package13:54
ouroumovhi tv_ crash logs are usually collected in the folder /var/crash13:54
tv_i find crash lob13:55
tv_i apt-get install dependes for see if is good13:55
ouroumovchristian_ if you ever check the public log, you'll be interested to know that my Welcome version was not up to date. I ran the update and there is now a search feature for the software boutique13:59
christian__dear ouroumov14:11
christian__I did a update14:11
christian__and what should I say : now there is a search function in the upper right corner!14:12
ouroumovchristian__, yup ^^14:22
spaceyhi, pluma starts, but I can't find the window/window is not created14:25
spaceyit's not created on other workspaces either14:25
ouroumovhi spacey15:28
ouroumovspacey, what version of Ubuntu MATE are you using?15:28
ouroumovspacey, what window manager are you using? (check it under MATE Tweak -> Windows)15:29
spaceymarco, uh, non-composite15:31
spaceysorry, program-composite15:31
spacey2nd choice15:31
spaceynot sure of the english translation right now15:31
ouroumovIt's "software compositor"15:31
ouroumovdid you try starting pluma from the command line?15:32
ouroumovDid you try starting it with the --new-window option?15:33
spaceyno luck15:34
ouroumovplease run the command "killall pluma" and try again15:34
spaceystill won't create a window..15:37
ouroumovspacey, I need to disconnect for the ride home. Please try switching you WM to Marco+Compton, see if that changes anything. I'll be back.15:40
spacey:) ok15:40
ouroumovYou can also ask on the forum for more visibility15:40
gordonjcpouroumov: wow, you disconnect your IRC client?16:22
ouroumovgordonjcp, on my laptop, yes16:25
ouroumovMy other machine should still be connected though16:25
gordonjcpouroumov: tmux and irssi :-)16:25
ouroumovYeah it's ouroumov_16:25
ouroumovYeah but I'm lazy, having to ssh into my server from the bus is u_u16:26
gordonjcpouroumov: mosh :-)16:29
BokmuskeI understand the 16.04 release has been released. Now, how do I get my OS from 2014 to update to it?16:47
AkuliBokmuske, what's your current ubuntu version?16:48
Akulicheck with something like 'cat /etc/issue' on a terminal16:48
BokmuskeThat's why I was a bit vague; caja doesn't tell me.16:49
BokmuskeCuriously: Though it sys it's copyright 2014, it's actually 15.04.16:50
BokmuskeDoes that tell you enough?16:57
Akuliummh, 15.04 is probably your ubuntu version, not when your mate version was compiled16:59
AkuliAnyway, i want to know what you get for running cat /etc/issue on a terminal16:59
AkuliOr if you fear the terminal, open caja, go to /etc with it and tell me what's in a file called issue16:59
BokmuskeUbuntu 15.04 \n \l16:59
BokmuskeUbuntu 15.04 \n \l16:59
Bokmuske(Well, only once; I had trouble pasting it.)17:00
nomicmate 15.04 is out of support in weeks17:03
nomic16.04 is the long term release, supported until 2021 I think17:04
nomic5 years17:04
ouroumov_No, it's three years17:04
nomicsudo apt-get upgrade -- you do not even have to log off17:04
nomicits not a hellish gamble/nightmare / all night / cannot use your computer -- as with windows 1017:05
nomicnot an issue.17:05
* nomic did it on my pi3 while playing a movie & continuing to work17:05
ouroumov_So Bokmuske you need to upgrade to 15.10 first, then from 15.10 to 16.0417:06
nomicreboot .. 16.0417:06
nomicmovie in HD17:06
nomicso cool17:06
BokmuskeYes, I know why I want to upgrade; I just needed to know how.17:07
BokmuskeIf I have to do it in two steps, does apt-get know that?17:09
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ouroumov_Bokmuske, your graphical software updater doesn't propose you to do the upgrade to 15.10?17:11
nomicHow To : Upgrade From Ubuntu 15.10 to Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus (LTS)17:11
BokmuskeThis graphical software updater being which program, or what option in the menu?17:11
ouroumov_Bokmuske, I'm not sure of the menu layout but on 16.04 it's under System -> Administration -> Software Updater17:13
ouroumov_You can also start it from the terminal with the command "update-manager"17:13
BokmuskeClosest menu option to that tells me the software on my machine is updated or up to date. (Talk about bad translations.)17:15
BokmuskeYes, update-manager gets me the same program. No mention of upgrading.17:16
BokmuskeIt's likely this computer is configured to not bother with non-LTS releases, though.17:16
ouroumov_start it with "update-manager -c"17:17
BokmuskeBut it doesn't tell me about the LTS release either.17:17
ouroumov_Bokmuske, you know 15.04 is not an LTS right?17:17
ouroumov_It's a version that is no longer supported.17:17
BokmuskeYes, that's why I'm trying to get to an LTS. 15.04 was just a stopgap when I installed the new computer.17:18
ouroumov_Anyway there's a way to start a release upgrade from command line17:19
Bokmuskesudo apt-get upgrade?17:20
ouroumov_command is "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"17:20
BokmuskeWOuldn't the -d get me a developer release, rather than a public one?17:21
ouroumov_15.10 is no longer under development17:23
ouroumov_By that I mean,17:23
ouroumov_The latest devel release of 15.10 is the actual release of 15.1017:23
gordonjcpI've just stuck a hard disk out of a broken laptop into a spare one I had kicking about17:24
gordonjcpXubuntu 12.0417:24
gordonjcp"stat syslog.1" suggests it was last run 14/8/201217:25
gordonjcphm, 840 updated packages?17:25
BokmuskeOK. Let's see if that works, for without the -d it was my first and failed try.17:25
BokmuskeNo new version found.17:26
ouroumov_Bokmuske, when's the last time you did a software update?17:26
BokmuskeAny update at all? Just before trying to upgrade the OS.17:27
ouroumov_Well I'm out of ideas for a release upgrade here.17:27
ouroumov_You don't have a separate /home partition by any chance?17:28
BokmuskeI expect I have, yes.17:29
gordonjcpsounds like a clean install is the best bet then17:30
ouroumov_Bokmuske, please check using the command: lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT17:30
ouroumov_(paste the result to pastebin or such)17:30
BokmuskeSighs. I've been using Ubuntu since C.. C...; why do these LTS upgrades never work the way you expect them?17:32
ouroumov_Bokmuske, to avoid hardships in the future, please keep up with supported versions of Ubuntu.17:32
gordonjcpI'm not sure you're supposed to upgrade from one LTS to another17:32
BokmuskeThen what's the use of LTS-es?17:33
BokmuskeBut this is the first LTS of Mate; there was nothing to keep up with.17:33
gordonjcpBokmuske: servers and such, where you don't want to be upgrading frequently17:33
ouroumov_gordonjcp, yes LTS to LTS updates are supposed to be smooth17:33
gordonjcpouroumov_: I've never bothered17:33
gordonjcpit's easier just to do a clean install17:34
BokmuskeOK, root is on sda, /home is on sdb.17:34
ouroumov_Bokmuske, but there was 15.10 you were supposed to update to a while ago17:34
ouroumov_Bokmuske, I don't know why it wasn't done for your machine.17:34
BokmuskeHence the need for a stopgap when I went to MATE instead.17:34
ouroumov_Bokmuske, maybe you disabled all release upgrades in the software settings or such17:34
ouroumov_Bokmuske, that's good news17:35
BokmuskeWhere do I find such a setting?17:35
ouroumov_System -> Administration -> Software & Updates17:35
BokmuskeOK, it is set to only notify for LTS releases, but I don't see anything about not installing them when asked.17:38
ouroumov_Well anyway, you better do a clean install IMO.17:39
ouroumov_Bokmuske, it shouldn't be too painful since you have a separate home partition17:40
ouroumov_Do you know how to install the OS with the manual partitioning?17:41
BokmuskeNo, it's more in the how did I do that last time, part, and in the less than user-friendly interfaces of most OS-installers.17:41
ouroumov_You go to "something else" when it proposes you to erase disk and install17:41
BokmuskeYes, I know how to manually partition, or at least, I'll probably recall when I get there.17:43
ouroumov_You Create two partitions on your SDA: One for / with most of the space of SDA, the other for use as swap with as much space as you have RAM. Then you use the whole /sdb for /home and you make sure not to check the "format partition" stuff17:43
BokmuskeI'l have to trust that 3,9G is correct for Swap; I don't recall the memsize.17:44
BokmuskeFor some reason it has three partitions as it is now; an sda2 of 1K that I can't recall the purpose of.17:45
BokmuskeI'd better not use the entire sdb for /home, as I'd wipe out my other partitions if I did.17:46
BokmuskeWell: [SWAP]17:47
gordonjcpI don't think I've set up a swap partition in years17:48
gordonjcpmemory is basically free these days17:48
BokmuskeAnd yes, my school is some 4 centuries old.17:48
gordonjcpah, one of those modern polytechnics?17:49
BokmuskeI think I used a USB stick as a boot disk of sorts last time; does that make sense?17:50
gordonjcpyou can boot off USB17:51
gordonjcpyou can actually install onto a USB stick17:51
BokmuskeSo, how will I have gotten the image on the USB to boot from it?17:51
ouroumov_It's the standard way to do it nowadays17:51
gordonjcpthen you *really* don't want swap, and you want a fastish stick17:51
ouroumov_Bokmuske, insert your USB17:52
Bokmuske(Yes, but four centruries ago a stick was made of wood.)17:52
ouroumov_Bokmuske, Download the .iso of 16.0417:52
ouroumov_Bokmuske, With the USB in, type "df -h", identify the /dev/sdX of your USB stick17:52
gordonjcpbooting from USB has been standard for about ten years now17:52
ouroumov_Then use the command: "sudo dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sdX && sync"17:53
ouroumov_Then you should be good to go17:53
gordonjcpouroumov_: in a few minutes :-)17:53
ouroumov_Be warned that if you use the wrong /dev/sdX in your dd command, you will nuke your filesystems.17:53
Bokmuskegordonjcp: Sure, but when you don't live in a mem-factory and have a high-mem non-USB-boot computer, the world looks different.17:54
gordonjcpBokmuske: what on earth have you got that can run Ubuntu 12.04 and can't boot from USB?17:54
BokmuskeHold on copy and pasting17:55
ouroumov_gordonjcp, what are you talking about?17:55
ouroumov_gordonjcp, he's running 15.0417:55
gordonjcp18:54 < Bokmuske> gordonjcp: Sure, but when you don't live in a mem-factory and have a high-mem non-USB-boot  computer, the world looks different.17:55
gordonjcpokay, 15.0417:55
gordonjcpthat's worse17:55
ouroumov_It is.17:55
gordonjcpwtf can run 15.04 and can't boot from USB?17:55
ouroumov_It really is.17:55
gordonjcpI am currently on a 12-year-old Toshiba laptop picked out of a scrpa pile at work17:56
gordonjcpbooted from USB17:56
ouroumov_gordonjcp, I don't think that's what he meant by non-usb-boot computer17:56
BokmuskeThe 12.04 ran on a machine that had a good set of mem-slots, but not such a good BIOS.17:56
ouroumov_Okay, maybe it's me that's completely misunderstanding everything17:57
BokmuskeThe 15.04 is what I have on this machine.17:57
gordonjcpBokmuske: how far from north-west Scotland are you?  Come and take away some Core 2 Duos17:57
gordonjcpmost have at least 2GB of RAM and an 40GB SATA drive (intended for storing everything on a network server)17:58
Bokmuske-12 and -5, probably.17:58
gordonjcpor P4s if you don't mind a high electric bill but wnat to stay warm17:58
gordonjcphave as many P4s as you like17:58
ouroumov_gordonjcp, you're one of the guys from MATE on leeds?17:58
gordonjcpouroumov_: no, I'm just an enthusiastic user17:59
gordonjcpI'm a little north of Glasgow, Leeds is in another country17:59
BokmuskeIt would be easier to put the travelling cost in the mem. But, thanks for the mention; if I have money to spare at some point, I'll have a look at mem-upgrades.17:59
ouroumov_Right, sorry for my poor knowledge of Geography18:00
BokmuskeIs this going to wipe clean my USB stick?18:00
ouroumov_Bokmuske, let's say you'll loose everything on it for sure18:00
ouroumov_So yeah, back it up18:00
gordonjcpBokmuske: in all seriousness it's worth spending money on having at least 4GB of RAM and an SSD18:01
gordonjcpand of the two, if you can only get one get the SSD18:01
BokmuskeRight. I fear I've used my window talking to you guys, but thanks for the help. Gets me some time recalling what stick I used that apparently had the size and no content.18:01
BokmuskeWell, considering my SWAP is 3,9, and I have a separate disk for the OS, I expect I have just that.18:02
Bokmuske"3.9G" for those on the other side of the North Sea.18:03
BokmuskeAnyway, thanks for now. I'll see if I can make it happen some time later this evening.18:03
gordonjcpBokmuske: you would not believe how much of a difference an SSD makes18:03
ouroumov_Bokmuske, good luck18:03
BokmuskeYeah, I think that's what the seller said when we discussed what this computer was going to look like. It's just that once it runs, I live with my choices and tend to forget the details.18:04
pilnehrm, i'm not sure i like "apt" more than "apt-get" and friends18:07
ouroumov_I do18:12
ouroumov_It's 4 chars shorter ^^18:12
pilneapt-get update && apt-get upgrade vs apt update && apt list --upgradable isn't much of a tradeoff for me18:14
ouroumov_Why don't you just use "apt upgrade"?18:15
pilnei'll try that next time, i don't recall it showing the packages that were going to be upgraded18:15
ahmedHello, this is my first time.18:41
ahmedIs this best distory in linux ?18:44
gordonjcpahmed: depends18:45
gordonjcpahmed: it's far from ideal on a server18:46
gordonjcpit's pretty good for a desktop18:46
ahmednice i want to entertainment18:57
gordonjcpahmed: maybe you should look at Kodi and indeed Kodibuntu18:58
gordonjcpalthough Kodibuntu is more for a PC that will be hooked up to a TV18:59
ahmedreally why i should using kodibuntu?19:02
staeksaucewhat themes are compatible with Ubuntu Mate? I'm having no luck with anything I find on gnome-look?19:33
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TheMariusOki doki.... i got a usb condenser mic here now20:52
TheMariusbut im not able to get it working in ubuntu20:52
TheMariusany ideas?20:52
TheMariushttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tL34TUT2rc <- its the same as this i guess20:52
TheMariusuh.. i thought it was running trough USB20:55
TheMariusnever mind .. haha20:55
TheMariusBUT ... i aint got no sound in skype20:55
TheMariushappened suddenly20:55
NaseemHi how do i install skype on ubuntu21:24
YankDownUnderNaseem, "sudo apt-get install skype"21:27
fifty-sevenCsudo apt-get install skype21:27
fifty-sevenCMate is moving to GTK3 literally days after I was asking about hi dpi screens. xD21:27
NaseemIs it possible to play The division which is a windoes game on ubuntu if so how ?21:28
NaseemThe Division Game >21:28
fifty-sevenCDoes it say it supports Linux?21:28
NaseemIt says not compatible21:29
fifty-sevenCThere you go21:29
NaseemSo no 3rd party software to do some majic ?21:30
TheMariushmm... isnt mate already running gtk3?21:31
NaseemI am very new to ubuntu21:32
Naseemsorry whats it means gtk3?21:32
YankDownUnderNaseem, GTK (GIMP Toolkit) is a library for creating Graphical User Interfaces. The library is available under the GPL license. Using this library, you can create open-source, free or commercial programs. The library has the name GIMP toolkit (GTK) because it was originally created for developing GIMP.21:35
NaseemTried searching in ubuntu software but cant find under the name GIMP toolkit21:38
YankDownUnderNaseem, Are you wanting to install GIMP, or something else?21:39
NaseemI really dont know how it will help me21:40
NaseemI wanted to play some windows games on ubuntu21:40
Naseemthats the idea21:40
YankDownUnderNaseem, GIMP is a graphics package - like "Photoshop" in a way...but that's not what you're trying to do, is it? You're asking about games and the likes, right?21:41
Naseemno i dont need any photoshop or photo editor21:41
NaseemMay be i should install windows 7 and dual boot21:42
Naseemwindows for games and ubuntu for the rest21:42
fifty-sevenCI wonder what benefit exactly there will be in packaging parts of mate in snaps21:43
YankDownUnderNaseem, Coolbeans...well, that being said, I'm sure that if you hang out long enough, someone will be along to give you a hand...personally, I don't play games, so I'm not going to be a big help to you...so just be patient...chill out, have a coffee/tea, relax...Oh, BTW, if you haven't done so already, you might want to install "Synaptic" - it's the better software package manager...heaps more detailed and easier to21:43
fifty-sevenCI wonder if there is a way I could contribute to the move to GTK3 or snaps21:45
Naseeminstalled it thanks21:45
fifty-sevenCI don't have any experience with C, however21:45
fifty-sevenCWell, aside from reading it21:45
Naseemnow something bit serious21:46
fifty-sevenCI'm 99% sure no one has played The Division on linux.21:46
NaseemMy harddisk specs are 128 SSD + 1TB Harddisk21:46
Naseemi installed ubuntu on the SSD 128gb today21:47
NaseemNow i would like to know if i install windows on the 1TB will it make problems for ubuntu ?21:48
YankDownUnderNaseem, What version of Windows?21:50
NaseemWindows 721:50
YankDownUnderNaseem, http://askubuntu.com/questions/6317/how-can-i-install-windows-after-ive-installed-ubuntu21:51
NaseemThank u so much21:55
Naseemhow do i install torrent in ubuntu21:55
YankDownUnderNaseem, You can buy me a coffee later, bro.21:55
YankDownUnderNaseem, "Transmission" - "sudo apt-get transmission" --> if it's not already installed...21:55
NaseemE: Invalid operation transmission21:56
fifty-sevenCapt-get install21:56
fifty-sevenCBut it is already there21:56
YankDownUnderMy bad...lack of coffee...sorry about that...21:57
fifty-sevenCI always forget the verb21:57
Naseemoh yeah its there21:57
Naseemi just search21:57
fifty-sevenCapt-cache something. Oh need apt-cache search something. apt-get something. oops meant apt-get install something21:58
YankDownUnderI'd forget my head if it wasn't stitched onto my neck...or bolted...can't remember...21:58
Naseemok its downloading windows 7 64 bit22:00
Naseemnow how do i make it bootable to usb22:01
fifty-sevenCYou have a valid license for windows right?22:01
Naseemi know to make it legal22:01
fifty-sevenCIf you're pirating it don't talk about it on freenode22:03
Naseemim sorry22:03
Naseemnow how do i make it bootable to usb22:03
NaseemI had a software called win2flash but its only for windows and it wont work with ubuntu22:05
Naseemanything for ubuntu?22:05
Naseemanyone coming to dubai soon ?22:06
Naseemi work at the dubai airport22:06
lucky12345Anyonw here is a hacker?22:07
YankDownUnderEveryone's a hacker.22:07
lucky12345I wanna learn hacking computer22:07
YankDownUnderNaseem, One of these days, I shall visit there...22:07
lucky12345Hello guys!22:08
Naseemon we should meet22:08
Naseemlet me know when22:08
lucky12345hello Naseem22:08
Naseemand you are from which country22:08
Naseemto yank and yes u too22:09
lucky12345Dominican REpublic22:09
lucky12345and you?22:09
lucky12345nice to meet you man22:09
lucky12345are a hacker?22:09
YankDownUnderNaseem, This is what I'd want to see:http://www.visitdubai.com/en/see-thrill-play/heritage-and-culture/archaeological-and-historic-sites22:10
Naseemim new to systems22:10
lucky12345Ahh ok cool!22:10
lucky12345and where are you from?22:10
lucky12345are you boy and girl?22:11
NaseemYank if u like old stuffs22:11
Naseemdubai is not te right place for historical22:11
Naseemit should be india o srilanka22:12
YankDownUnderNaseem, If I went to Sri Lanka, I'd get stuck into all the old temples and all that stuff...22:12
Naseemmountains rivers22:12
YankDownUnderNaseem, As well, my fave author lived in Sri Lanka...Arthur C. Clarke.22:12
Naseemnatural food spicy22:13
Naseemi made a skype call and the quality suxs22:14
YankDownUnderNaseem, Where I live right  now I'm surrounded by Indian food, Middle East food, African food...so it's all good to me.22:14
lucky12345Who is a hacker here?22:14
Naseemit wasnt the same in windows before22:14
YankDownUnderNaseem, You'll have to spend some time playing with the control and tweaking it to work best for you.22:14
YankDownUnderNaseem, And remember that Skype is owned by Microsoft...22:15
Naseemanything ubuntu has22:15
Naseemwhich will also work in ihpness22:15
YankDownUnderNaseem, Check this out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype22:20
NaseemThanks dude22:24
Naseemok then will catch up soon22:27
Naseemoff to bed22:27

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