
RavenIIHow do I install the latest Myth (.28) to ubuntu? It only seems to install .2702:12
skd5anerHello!  I've got mythbuntu 14.04.4 LTS installed on one of my frontends.  I was curious, is there a way to do an upgrade to mythbuntu 16.04 via the CLI, using something like do-release-upgrade?16:43
skd5anerwhen I try to run it, it says no upgrade available.  /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to prompt=lts16:44
tgm4883skd5aner: LTS releases don't get upgrade prompts until the first point release16:48
tgm4883around July16:48
skd5anerahhhhh, ok... makes sense...16:52
skd5anerso, I guess is there anyway in the meantime to upgrade mythtv to 0.28 on the frontend, because I've already upgraded my backend to 0.2816:52
skd5aner(backend is non-mythbuntu, just standard ubuntu and compiled mythtv source)16:53
tgm4883skd5aner: do you not use the recommended PPAs?16:54
skd5anertgm4883: forgive me, I forgot about the ppas.  I've been so hands off with this for years with the exception of the occasional update :)16:55
skd5anerso, just add this: https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/ubuntu/0.28 ?16:55
skd5anersudo add-apt-repository ppa:mythbuntu/0.2816:56
skd5anertgm4883: thank you!16:58

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