
stokachuI should probably be more accommodating there00:00
jjohnstonKeyError: KeyError('credentials',)00:00
jjohnstoni'm using the api key from my maas user00:01
jjohnstondoes the specific maas user need to be in the credentials.yaml?00:01
stokachuoh maas 2.0 uses username/password right?00:02
stokachuyea.. i need to add support for that00:02
jjohnstonbut presents an api key in the account settings00:02
stokachuah ok maybe it does both00:02
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jjohnstonwell maybe not..  it doesn't like my key no matter00:03
stokachuyea i think they've changed that00:03
stokachuunfortunately i've only tested on 1.900:03
jjohnstonshould I be trying to put the user name in there and have a corresponding entry in the credentials.yaml for juju?00:04
stokachujjohnston: i think im storing the credentials wrong in the credential.yaml for maas 2.000:05
stokachujjohnston: you could try adding the credentials manually for juju, then running juju bootstrap to have a controller ready00:06
stokachuconjure-up can make use of that as well00:06
stokachui need to get a maas 2.0 up and going00:06
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stokachujjohnston: https://github.com/ubuntu/conjure-up/issues/3800:12
stokachufeel free to track that there00:12
jjohnstonk will do, thanks!00:13
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gagagugusarnold, ?01:05
shewlessstokachu: Is there a way to get the controller stuff on LXD but still use KVM for the compute nodes?04:42
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ShaRoseIf anyone wants it, I basically edited the existing zfs-on-linux guide to installing 16.04 on zfs root so it's more.. automatic. With environment variables.07:16
ShaRosehttps://gist.github.com/ShaRose/7554a2f3ece4d5a119757d2dacab4a27 hopefully it works for everyone, etc etc don't blame me if it blows you stuff up07:17
ShaRose(also, I should probably rehost the bootstrap script..)07:17
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sarnoldShaRose: please poke rlaager about your updates :)07:21
ShaRosesarnold dunno if it's 'bulletproof' enough though, mostly what I did was make things more automatic07:22
ShaRosefor example, it probably would only work with a single interface07:22
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jellywhat is the optimal way to add 8bit latin1 en_US locale to a xenial 16.04 server?08:27
sarnoldI think "sudo locale-gen en_US ; sudo update-locale" would do it (based on http://askubuntu.com/a/76106/33812 )08:28
jellyI'll see how that works on a fresh system. previously I messed with /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local but the directory doesn't even exist by default in 16.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/16675192/08:35
sarnoldI've got a /var/lib/locales/supported.d/ ..08:36
sarnoldthat also looks like it shold work08:36
jellysarnold: did you install a language pack on the system where it exists?  dpkg -S /var/lib/locales/supported.d  says what?08:38
sarnoldlanguage-pack-en-base: /var/lib/locales/supported.d08:38
jellycoworker did just the core install, even "locales" was missing08:40
sarnoldI just used the standard server install image, nothing fancy08:41
sarnoldbut I htink that is something like three times the size of the "core" install08:41
jellyhonestly I'm not sure why debian and ubuntu don't default to pregenerated locales-all, oh noes, 100MB disk space used08:42
jellyI could file a bug for Tivoli and tell them to "dammit, backup files even if their names are invalid UTF-8 bytecode"08:50
curmetI accidentally misconfigured my apache ubuntu , then it cant be restarted09:20
curmetit showed this error when restarted : "Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details."09:20
curmetItried to purge and install , the problem persists. any idea?09:20
hateballcurmet: does apache itself spit out any logs or does it actually die before that?09:28
curmethateball: idk , it just doesnt start09:29
VertelGreetings. I'm setting up a personal 16.04 server and am wondering if there's a solid guide to securing it. I want to avoid being one of those servers on the Internet that gets taken over and used to spam China. :P09:37
VertelI do know all the basics; don't open unnecessary ports, only install services I need, public-key SSH required, but I'm not quite sure I'm paranoid enough yet.09:39
ikoniacurmet: look at the log files as I told you in #ubuntu and fix why it's broken09:40
ikoniarandomly re-installing won't help09:40
curmethateball, any idea?10:00
hateballcurmet: Yes, I gave you a suggestion and it seems that ikonia has as well10:16
curmethateball , logged out for awhile lol,which suggestion?10:19
hateballcurmet: To check for apache logs10:25
curmet"[Wed May 25 05:15:37.211997 2016] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 6039:tid 3074554496] AH00489: Apache/2.4.12 (Ubuntu) configured -- resuming normal operations10:28
curmet[Wed May 25 05:15:37.214442 2016] [core:notice] [pid 6039:tid 3074554496] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'10:28
curmet[Wed May 25 05:16:29.664671 2016] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 6039:tid 3074554496] AH00491: caught SIGTERM, shutting down10:28
curmethateball , that is10:28
pirx_hello! i just added a new service in my server, by adding a script to /etc/init.d/ and doing "update-rc.d service defaults"10:35
pirx_the service starts fine, but none of the outputs (the echo's) in the init-script are printed to screen anymore10:36
pirx_so it seems to work, but its all very clandesine:)10:36
cpaelzerpirx_: is that already with systemd , so 15.04 or later I think ?10:39
pirx_ah, forgot to say, this is on 16.04, first time i am installing stuff on a 16.0410:41
cpaelzerpirx_: ok that makes sense - the old init scripts are only executed by a systemd wrapper10:41
pirx_all other servers are still 14.0410:41
cpaelzerpirx_: it is intentional that they don't litter the screen with messages10:42
cpaelzerpirx_: you should be able to see it at the end of "service yourservice status"10:42
cpaelzerpirx_: also in the journal it would show up10:42
pirx_so i should just trust that it started ok if it didnt print anything? :)10:42
cpaelzerpirx_: well how do you start stop it - with the "service" wrapper or with systemctl ?10:43
cpaelzerpirx_: or do you call it directly like /etc/init.d/foo ?10:43
pirx_but it also seems that my init-script doesnt work 100% with "service --status-all"10:43
pirx_cpaelzer: with service wrapper10:44
pirx_--status-all shows [ - ] even though the service is started10:44
cpaelzerpirx_: in that case you should expect it to work if you don't see - an error would show up and in general "status" is your way to go10:44
cpaelzerpirx_: for the proper integration into status all and so much more it should (these days) best be a proper systemd service/unit10:45
pirx_oh crap, just realized that this script lacks a status) argument :)10:45
cpaelzerI don't have a link handy but there are good guides for such a transition10:45
cpaelzerhateball: you have often a great bucket of great links to refer to - is there a good entry point for sysv to systemd transition for pirx_?10:48
cpaelzerI only find upstart to systemd at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers10:48
stokachushewless: yes use openstack base  selection (the first option)10:51
hateballcpaelzer: afraid not, I havent really been dabbling anything with systemd yet myself :o10:55
hateballcurrently running 12.04 and 14.04 on all servers, so :p10:56
cpaelzerhateball: ok, was just my perception that there is always a handy link from you :-)10:57
hateballgoogle-fu goes a long way :p10:57
hateballBut sadly not read up the subject at hand10:58
cpaelzersadly I don't remember where I started, butI quickly checked and sorted out a few10:59
cpaelzerbut especially (really) understanding what this does is important => https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-sysv-generator.html11:00
cpaelzerpirx_: I hope this gives you a good start11:00
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cpaelzerdeadnull_: nice, it is almost like a dance with the underscore :-)11:02
pirx_cpaelzer: thanks a lot! i'll have to go through this now it seems:)11:04
deadnull_cpaelzer lol :)11:04
jonahHi I wondered if anyone can help at all. I have an ubuntu 14.04 backup server that just uses samba and ftp for some backups. It only has a 10/100 built in lan card as it's pretty old. So I bought a PCI-e Lan card which is gigabit. The problem is it doesn't seem to "just work" haha, it was cheap! So does anyone know how I can detect what the driver is and how to get it up and running so I can benefit from blazing speeds!!!11:09
jonahThanks if anyone can help at all11:09
ikoniajonah: find out what chipset the card is11:11
cpaelzerjonah: I'd start with lspci - identify which card it is, then once you have the slot  and such rnu lspci again but with -vvv and -s slotspec11:11
cpaelzerjonah: that will give you a start info as what the card is really seen - with that you can start looking for support11:11
jonahikonia: well that's just it, I don't know. maybe it was a bit TOO cheap!11:11
jonahI tried lspci, but can't see it or don't recognise which entry it could be11:11
jonahI can see my 10/100 intel one there11:12
ikoniajonah: so that sounds like it's dead11:12
jonahbut no mention of any sort of ethernet/lan/speeds11:12
ikoniait may not show a speed, it's just a description of the device11:12
ikoniaif you see no device that could be it, then it's probably a broken card11:12
jonahikonia: what do you mean by dead, just broken? The light comes on when you insert an ethernet plug...11:12
ikoniatake it back and buy a quality supported card11:12
cpaelzerjonah: you might "lspci -vvv | pastebinit" so we can look at it11:12
ikoniajonah: thats just a link light11:12
cpaelzerbut I agree to ikonia that it is likely just dead11:13
jonahHi I've pastebinned it here: http://pastebin.com/phV8wQn411:14
cpaelzerjonah: yeah just not showing up likely means dead11:15
cpaelzerjonah: for the sake of trying to ressurrect you might save the lspci to a file, move it to another slot - do the same, remove it do the same11:16
cpaelzerjonah: and then compare the lspci output files11:16
cpaelzerjonah: after all you could also have a disabled pci slot or so11:16
cpaelzerjonah: also watch dmesg and such11:16
cpaelzerjonah: or shortcut to "buy a good one"11:16
jonahcpaelzer: ah yeah that's good idea11:16
jonahok yes I'll try another slot just in case and then just buy a decent one! haha thanks for the help11:17
cpaelzerjonah: I have seen weird boards where enabling the primary slot with x16 disables the other slot and such11:17
cpaelzerjonah: good luck11:17
jonahcpaelzer: thanks11:21
jonahalso while I'm in here, is there a way to get the backup server to spindown/sleep or even turn itself off and on as it is needed? It only really backs up at night, so it would be great if there was a way to power it down during the day to save it wearing out and then it just come on when the samba, ssh/ftp backups start...11:22
rbasakjonah: you can do it but I don't recall the details. pm-suspend on older systems, systemd does something to replace it since Vivid. Most systems can be set to wake on a clock but I don't know the details - either from the BIOS or by adjusting the RTC from the running system. You'll probably need to install some packages as it's not a common server use case.11:30
jonahrbasak: ok thanks I'll try and have a google around in that case11:32
John[Lisbeth]btw if whoever helped me ealier is still listening, setterm worked for the htop machine11:33
rbasakteward: http://i.imgur.com/3aUIbfv.jpg11:35
hateballjonah: do you have other devices on 24/7, perhaps a router? You could schedule WOL for the server, then have it shut off once done11:35
jonahhateball: yeah I have the router on all the time and another server which it backs up11:39
hateballjonah: well then you could look into scheduling WOL11:57
hateballmy router has support for it, that's pretty neat11:57
jonahhateball: ah ok so the router wakes up the bios wol option? that is cool, how do you then get the server to shut itself down again when it's not doing anything too?12:06
hateballjonah: just add a shutdown command after your backup command completes successfully12:06
tewardrbasak: LOL12:07
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tewardrbasak: that made me smile xD12:07
jonahhateball: that's cool I'll have a look thanks again12:07
jonahhateball: ah I just thought of something else. If I have 3 or 4 backups that run such as weekly, nightly and another from a different server etc and I add shutdown commands to them they might shutdown each other's backups half way through...?12:12
tewardjonah: then schedule maintenance windows for shutdowns, etc.12:13
tewardtimes where the backups will have already completed and such12:13
tewardand then schedule the shutdown/reboot then12:13
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jonahteward: this is where it gets a bit confusing though. say there is an incremental backup that runs, but one night no files have changed so the backup only takes 5 mins but another night loads of new files or changes have been made on the server and the backup takes 2 days. This is why I wondered if there is a way to only shutdown if nothing is going on rather than at a set time12:15
hateballjonah: do you run both full and incrementals at the same time?12:16
rbasakjonah: get each backup script to hold a lock. Attempt to grab the lock exclusively at the end, and if successful then shut down.12:16
rbasakCareful about the race condition though that a shutdown happens just before a new backup is due to start.12:17
jonahhateball: yeah they can overlap. As the incremental is nightly and just depends, and the full is weekly. but the full takes a couple days to complete and as I say the incremental depends. then to throw even more into the mix is another server doing a midweek backup too!12:17
hateballsounds like there's not much time for the server to be shutdown at all then?12:18
tewardjonah: I would not be doing shutdowns automatically then if you're stating this12:18
tewardjonah: instead, you need to schedule time in *all* the backup schedules to do a shutdown/restart, by halting automated backups at that time12:19
jonahhaha that's true! I just thought there may be a day here or there I could save power and prelong the life of the old box a bit12:19
tewardjonah: with the backup schedule as you saying running "whenever" you're going to have to halt backups globally to achieve your goal12:20
tewardthe only way to achieve that is to do backups by the backup server being a 'fetcher'12:20
tewardor, stop all backups12:20
rbasakFor spinning disks you may actually be shortening their life by spinning them down.12:20
teward^ that too12:20
tewardrbasak: BTW, can you do a preliminary review of a debdiff for the nginx merge?  At least, to make sure I didn't miss anything blaringly obvious.  I am behind on getting the merge done thanks to network/hardware/firewall replacement12:21
tewardwith no backup for this one :12:21
teward:/ *12:21
tewardrbasak: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/259562731/preliminary-yakkety-merge.v5.debdiff if you have time, if not then don't worry about it12:22
tewardit'll be underoing testing starting Monday in my VMs.12:22
jonahwell they're pretty old disks hard disks so maybe they'll live longing just leaving them on all the time?12:22
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jatin30I am building LAMP from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP and I am stuck at point 3 in virtual hosts [19:11] <jatin30> Change the DocumentRoot to point to the new location. For example, /home/user/public_html/ [19:11] <jatin30> how to do this?13:44
Picijatin30: what do you mean?  Are you looking to setup multiple virtual hosts?13:47
josephtjatin30: in your .conf file from point 2 edit DocumentRoot to point to where you will be serving http from13:48
Picipersonally I usually leave it pointing to somewhere in /var/www/13:48
jatin30josepht: changed "DocumentRoot /var/www/html " to "DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html/"13:49
jatin30I am new here , so please excuse me.13:50
jatin30josepht, will it work fine what I did13:50
josephtjatin30: no worries, It will work only if /home/user/public_html is a real directory13:51
josephtjatin30: most likely your username is not "user" :)13:51
jatin30Ok! i cant find public_html in the path. there is a public tho13:52
josephtjatin30: I'm with Pici though, I'd just leave it as /var/www/html, make sure the directory exists and use that everywhere you see /home/user/public_html in the wiki13:52
jatin30in point 3 it was given to change it to /home/user/public_html13:52
jatin30I cant find var only13:53
josephtjatin30: it assumes you will create the directory if it doesn't exist13:55
josephtsudo mkdir -p /var/www/html13:55
jatin30ok Josepht, can I direct message you?13:55
josephtjatin30: if you need to, it's fine here as well in case someone else finds it useful13:56
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huwjrheya, trying to run php7 apache module, is it normal that there is no php7.conf or php7.load ? I can create these, but just wondering if I am missing something blatant14:40
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sdezielhuwjr: the files are named php7.0.conf and php7.0.load14:48
huwjrnope :/ weren’t create..14:49
sdezielis this the package you (tried to) installed?14:49
huwjr*double checks*14:50
huwjryep. that’s it :/14:50
huwjrall the other files are there14:51
huwjrbut no load or conf14:51
huwjrhow bizarre14:51
sdezielhuwjr: stupid question but are you checking under mods-available/ ?14:51
sdezieldunno if those are auto enabled during the installation14:52
huwjri’ve checked both14:52
huwjrthe install was done with an ansible playbook, but there were no errors and the .so and everything in /usr/lib /usr/share is instsalled14:53
huwjri’m properly confused14:53
sdezielhuwjr: what's the dpkg status of that package?14:54
coreycbjamespage, nova 1:2014.1.5-0ubuntu1.5~cloud0 is ready to promote to icehouse-proposed when you have a chance14:54
huwjrlibapache2-mod-php7.0              7.0.4-7ubuntu2                      amd64        server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module14:55
sdezielhuwjr: the first field is missing14:56
sdezielhuwjr: OK, looks good. Now I'm confused too ;)14:57
coreycbjamespage, also qemu 1:2.2+dfsg-5expubuntu9.7~cloud3 is ready to promote to kilo-updates14:57
huwjri don’t know if perhaps this is related BUT14:57
huwjrthe OS was installed with a preseed, and it automagically put /home on a separate partition… despite having specified atomic14:58
huwjri reinstalled 3 times with the SAME preseed, and every time it has not done that again.14:58
huwjrwhich is batsh**14:58
sdezielhuwjr: I doubt that's related. I'd try a manual (re)installation of the package and see what's going on14:59
huwjrglad i’m not barking up the wrong tree anyway14:59
huwjrsdeziel: would you do a --reinstall15:03
huwjror remove, then install15:03
sdezielhuwjr: I think both would do the same15:03
huwjrapt-get --purge remove libapache2-mod-php7.0 says it’s going to install php7.0-fpm :/15:06
huwjri repeat INSTALL15:06
sdezielhuwjr: I suspect some other package wants a php provider to exist so when you remove the apache implementation it wants to switch to the FPM one to keep the dependency15:08
huwjrah i see15:08
huwjrfair enough15:08
huwjrreinstall gets: dpkg: error processing package libapache2-mod-php7.0 (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1: Errors were encountered while processing: libapache2-mod-php7.0: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:22
sdezielhuwjr: you can try to add "set -x" to /var/lib/dpkg/info/libapache2-mod-php7.0.postinst and redo the configuration15:25
huwjras in above set -e or instead of15:30
huwjrand thanks *)15:30
nacchuwjr: in addition to15:30
naccso above/below15:30
sdezielthanks nacc :)15:31
huwjrthanks ..15:31
naccsdeziel: i believe you're right on the reason php7.0-fpm was installed ... (an alternative solution would be to remove the reverse-deps, or to pick a different provider manually)15:32
nacchuwjr: would also be curious what `dpkg -L` says for that package, if you haven't uninstalled it yet15:32
huwjrE: Internal Error, No file name for libapache2-mod-php7.0:amd6415:33
nacchuwjr: also, stock 16.04? not using any PPA?15:33
huwjrno, completely stock15:33
nacchuwjr: ok, just checking15:33
nacchuwjr: what printed that 'Internal Error'? adding the set -x ?15:33
sdezielhuwjr: Xenial received a PHP update (yesterday) so you should have 7.0.4-7ubuntu2.1 available for install  (you currently have 7.0.4-7ubuntu2)15:34
sdezieldoubt that it would help with the problem at hand but your version is known vulnerable...15:35
huwjri read the notes, didn’t seem to effect15:35
nacchuwjr: the other thing to try, not saying this will work, is removing 'libapache2-mod-php', rather than the version specific one15:35
nacchuwjr: intersting, so dpkg clearly things it the mod .conf and .load are in the file15:35
nacc*the pacakge15:36
huwjri’ve exhausted a lot of my knowledge, but this is indeed curious15:37
nacchuwjr: ok, still reading scrollback, what's the use-case?15:37
nacchuwjr: as in, how did this happen? :)15:37
huwjrwell everything installed fine (AFAIK), dpkg state ii15:37
huwjrhost was deployed with ansible, so it’s possible something was missed without stderr15:38
huwjrassuming an error was on stdout instead of stderr15:38
nacchuwjr: any chance you could pastebin /var/log/dpkg.log ?15:38
huwjrand i only noticed when php wasn’t running on a website i just set up, and couldn’t find the .load or .conf15:38
rbasakhuwjr: if done with ansible, does that mean that you should be able to reproduce? It might be easier to verify if you can reproduce then reduce it to a minimal manual case.15:39
huwjr2016-05-12 17:29:44 status half-installed php-common:all 1:35ubuntu615:39
huwjrbuilt this a while ago, but had some issues with partitions hense only looking deeper today15:40
nacchuwjr: ah, that might be the root-cause? like you mentioned, i mean15:41
naccrbasak: good point; huwjr if you wanted to share the playbook, maybe it's something obvious15:41
coreycbjamespage: for the ironic newton failure, the tests pass locally but /etc/hosts isn't found when it's run in ci for some reason. and it only fails on yakkety.  not sure why..15:42
huwjryou mean the possibility of stderr to stdout?15:42
huwjrwould be a lot of abstracting from the playbook, but will keep it in mind if i don’t get anywhere soon!15:42
nacchuwjr: or something isn't doing proper error checking. The dpkg.log should help figure out what initially 'broke' things15:44
huwjryou want the full log, or just php stuff15:46
nacchuwjr: i guess if you know what to look for, you're welcome to parse through it15:52
nacci realize now the log might be quite large :)15:52
nacchuwjr: i would mostly be interested in the php stuff, and especially any errors reported15:53
nacchuwjr: ok yeah the 'half-installed' bits are normal15:54
nacciirc, it goes into that state during installation itself15:54
naccand then transitions to 'installed'15:54
huwjryeah noted that now :)15:54
sdeziel2016-05-13 00:27:09 status triggers-pending libapache2-mod-php7.0:amd64 7.0.4-7ubuntu215:55
sdezielI am not sure what that means ^15:55
sdezielmaybe because of the new curl module to enable?15:56
nacci think that's ok, because it's followed eventually with 'trigproc trigproc libapache2-mod-php7.0:amd64 7.0.4-7ubuntu2 <none>'15:56
naccbut i'm not sure, tbh15:56
naccerr, one less trigrpoc15:56
naccsdeziel: yeah, so i think that's the way dependencies forcing reloads work, it sets off a trigger, dpkg tracks what triggers still need to fire, and then processes the triggers15:57
sdezielnacc: sounds logical15:57
naccthe weird part is the end of that log, though15:58
huwjrthe end?15:58
huwjrthe end is me madly trying to get it reinstalled - probs :p15:58
nacctrigproc -> half-configure -> installed -> upgrade (to the same version?) -> half-configured -> half-installed15:58
naccand it seems to still be in that half-configured state by the last line15:58
nacchuwjr: so it might be your manual intervention, not sure15:59
huwjryeah and dpkg was state: ii to start with15:59
sdezielcould the upgrade be a --reinstall?15:59
nacchuwjr: is this reproducible15:59
huwjronly AFTER reinstall did it fail with iF15:59
naccsdeziel: ah it could be15:59
huwjri did -- reinstall then it entered iF15:59
huwjrbut before was fine :)15:59
nacclet me spin up a container just to see16:00
nacchuwjr: sorry, maybe got missed; is this reproducible in multiple ansible deployments?16:00
huwjri’ve not retried… will do now :)16:00
huwjri suspect it will all go nicely *hehe*16:00
nacchuwjr: yeah, i'm tempted to say glitch in the matrix, because if this was more commonly happening i think i'd be seeing a lot mor bugs16:01
huwjroh yeah definitely16:02
huwjrthe separate partition on /home also spookyk16:02
nacci do get a 'Warning: Could not load Apache 2.4 maintainer script helper.' during the --reinstall, but it succeeded in my container16:02
naccthis is with 2.1, fwiw16:02
huwjrok so16:04
huwjrsorry - got distracted16:08
nacchuwjr: np16:09
huwjrso did an apt update to see what would happen16:09
huwjrthat at least seem more promising, no?16:09
nacchuwjr: so if you do `apt-get -f install` right now, what happens (feel free to pastebin)?16:09
nacci think right now, dpkg is unhappy that libapache2-mod-php7.0 hasn't finished configuring16:10
nacchuwjr: you might also try `apt-get -f install libapache2-mod-php7.0`16:10
nacchuwjr: ok, try just that last one (so we can remove php7.0 from the noise)-- i assume it will error out the same, but nt sure16:11
huwjrdo i need to clear the .postinst ?16:11
nacchuwjr: you shouldn't ever have to manually muck with those files, afaik -- oh but you altered it, you mean? um, yeah, i guess reset it, but it shouldn' tmatter (the error codes are all the same, it's justmore verbose with 'set -x')16:12
huwjri backed out my set x16:12
nacchuwjr: are you able to purge out libapache2-mod-php7.0?16:12
huwjrbefore this lot16:12
sdezielnacc: I'm the one who suggested huwjr to add "set -x" to the postinst16:13
naccsdeziel: ack, i recall -- did we get that output?16:13
huwjryeah the output was … E: Internal Error, No file name for libapache2-mod-php7.0:amd6416:14
huwjranywho, purged - but it required me to /install/ FPM which was never installed, i did so16:15
huwjrthen reinstalled libapache2-mod……. and it worked16:15
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huwjrso it seems there’s a depend on fpm?16:15
huwjror, it was just in a mess, and i could only purge by installing fpm (there’s probably a way, I’m dumb!)16:16
huwjrthe latter i guess?16:16
nacchuwjr: right that's what sdeziel suggested earlier and i agreed (in theory at elast), that there's something else (probably php7.0 itself) requireing a php provider to be installed16:16
nacceither -fpm or apache or cgi16:16
sdeziel"No file name for libapache2-mod-php7.0" could this be because of the 2.1 update?16:16
naccand since you removed apache, it needed to install the next int he alternatives list16:17
naccsdeziel: it *could* be, but shouldn't be, i don't think :)16:17
nacchuwjr: that was the only output?16:17
huwjrmany many things on16:19
huwjrthe only output of what sorry?:)16:19
huwjrwith set x? the only output was above..16:19
nacchuwjr: yeah, 'set -x'16:24
nacchuwjr: from running that postinst script manually basically16:25
nacchuwjr: strange16:25
nacchuwjr: i'm still not 100% sure how you got into your original state, but it seems like you are out of it now?16:25
nacchuwjr: also, did you reproduce it in a fresh run of the playbook?16:25
* huwjr scrolls up16:26
huwjryeah that was the only errror16:26
huwjr1 not fully installed or removed16:26
huwjrwell this16:26
huwjr0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 19 not to upgrade.16:26
huwjr1 not fully installed or removed.16:26
huwjrAfter this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.16:26
huwjrbut that’s kind of obvious..16:26
naccso the only other thing i could think of is if somehow the archive got corrupted, but i would think the various checks would have noticed16:27
naccor a file didn't get fully downloaded or something16:27
huwjrout of the water now, but going to have to rebuild this - or another vm - and just check the process with my plays16:28
huwjrnot the end of the world16:28
nacchuwjr: ack, let us know if it happens again, as i'd like to reproduce it if so16:28
huwjrsure! well i appreciate the help and suggestions16:28
bc2946088I'm running juju-ceph and it's up and working fine, however, I have a failing SMART status on one of the drives.  Is there a prefered method of replacement?  Should I just let it ride and replace it when ceph picks up the warning, or is it better to replace the drive in ceph before failure?  It seems logical to replace the drive before, but just curious is ceph automagically understands whats going on better when the drive fails and is repla16:35
John[Lisbeth]`I need to make apt auto-approve any package changes16:44
John[Lisbeth]`apt-get install foo --auto-approve16:44
naccJohn[Lisbeth]`: you mean say "yes"? try the -y flag16:44
sdezielit's the first time I hear about "approve"16:45
sdezieloh, nvm16:45
sdezielyeah, I somehow interpret this as a feature similar to apt-mark16:49
naccsdeziel: yeah, i realize that is a reasonable interpretation now too :)16:50
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=== John[Lisbeth]` is now known as John[Lisbeth]
jonahHi does anyone know how to add this rule to iptables on ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2117823&p=12548787#post1254878718:52
jonahHerman right at the bottom of this thread suggests this great little iptables rule18:52
jonahwhich I'd like to use18:52
jonahbut the way it has a # Comment above the line suggests you don't just run that command but insert it into a text file somewhere?18:53
jonahor do you literally just type  iptables -I INPUT -p TCP -m state --state NEW -m limit --limit 30/minute --limit-burst 5 -j ACCEPT18:53
jonahand that adds it in correctly? or am I supposed to somehow use ufw?18:53
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jjrabbit443can someone confirm this command will unblock port 443 on my firewall?19:50
jjrabbit443"sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT"19:50
jjrabbit443is that correct syntax?19:51
patdk-wkhmm, cannot guarrentee it will work19:52
patdk-wksyntax is correct19:52
patdk-wkbut that rule highly depends on *what else* is in your firewall19:52
patdk-wkand it won't stick between reboots19:52
jjrabbit443patdk-wk: how do i make it stick?20:01
jjrabbit443do i open firewall config file?20:01
sarnoldhow do you manage your firewall now?20:02
jjrabbit443command line i guess20:03
jjrabbit443is there a paramater i can add to that command to ameke it permanent?20:08
sdezieljjrabbit443: you can use the iptables-persistent package to save/load the rules for you20:12
jjrabbit443for anyone wondering you can execute "iptables-save"20:13
jjrabbit443sdeziel: thanks i found the command20:13
sdezieljjrabbit443: despite the name iptables-save will only output the currently loaded rules to the console. It won't persist in any way20:13
patdk-wkthe question is, what are you using now, ufw?20:21
patdk-wkcause by default nothing persists, except if you installed ufw20:22
patdk-wkor used the iptables-persistent for raw rules20:22
patdk-wkdon't think firewalld is in ubuntu yet, but not sure20:22
jjrabbit443sdeziel: you are right that didn't work20:42
jjrabbit443ufw seems much simpler20:43
jjrabbit443and rules added using that are automatically saved correct?20:43
sdezielprobably why u stands for uncomplicated ;)20:43
sdezieljjrabbit443: I would believe so but I don't remember20:44
jdstrandyes they are20:44
jjrabbit443psh and here i was wasting my time with iptables20:44
jjrabbit443thanks guys20:44
jjrabbit443jdstrand: confirmed20:48
aroonimy ubuntu 14.04 server has rebooted several times without my blessing.  how can i track down why?  i've already investigated /var/log/dmesg /var/log/syslog /var/log/kern.log and didnt see anything notable21:28
John[Lisbeth]can you do dual monitors with just tty windows?21:36
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keithzgstokachu: Windows has Windows Defender included, but only in non-server variants (and not on XP, or at least not in any worthwhile fashion). Sever 2016 will finally ship with Windows Defender, but we have some Windows Server boxes at work for testing because our clients keep running our desktop software on Windows Server for some reason, and I need an antivirus program I can administer from Linux but runs on Windows Server.22:16
* keithzg is back on IRC after nearly 24 hours idle, heh22:16
sarnoldarooni: maybe configure a serial console? perhaps your kernel paniced in interrupt context and thus didn't flush logs to disk, and reboots..22:22
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