
=== Kreator is now known as krsna
Guest59805when i view the output of 'systemctl list-jobs' i get three three cryptswap units that i cannot manage and i think that this is the reason i am receiving 'failed to (poweroff/reboot).. Transaction is destructive.' any ideas?00:04
Bashing-omGuest59805: ' sudo blkid ' how many swap partitions ? and is the UUID the same in the file /etc/fstab ?00:07
Guest59805the UUID is not the same as in the fstab file, one swap partition type listed00:08
=== krsna is now known as narc
Guest59805wait, the UUID is the same as in the one listed in fstab, my bad.00:09
Bashing-omGuest59805: Next then .. is this a system that is encrypted .. or is LVM ( logical Volume management) a factor ?00:10
Guest59805root partition is encrypted yes00:11
Guest59805im receiving a prompt every time i get to the login menu to enter an encryption key .. or dont as well00:12
Bashing-omGuest59805: Then is out of my skill set . I do not know encryption .00:12
Guest59805should i decrypt my root partition to further analyze?00:12
blazeme8how do i switch to kernel 4.x?00:15
blazeme8on Trusty00:15
Bashing-om!hwe | blazeme800:17
ubottublazeme8: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:17
blazeme8Bashing-om: excellent, thanks00:17
Bashing-omblazeme8: Not checked .. but I can accept that the 4.4 kernel will not be available in HWE till the 16.04.1 release .00:18
blazeme8Bashing-om: i see there's a linux-generic-lts-xenial package in apt, trying it out on a VM00:19
blazeme8looks like that gets me 4.4.0-2200:20
drewdroidhow many gigabytes could Johnny Mnemonic's brain hold, and is it enough to install ubuntu?00:20
naccBashing-om: yeah, i thought it wasn't supposed to be out until 16.04.1 too, (per the lts hwe wiki) but it seems like it is already available00:22
Queenslayernacc, what timezone are you in?00:23
naccQueenslayer: US PST, although I think my clock just went haywire :)00:23
naccQueenslayer: -700, iirc00:24
QueenslayerThought so00:24
django_in "ls -l" what does the -l do?00:29
naccdjango_: `man ls` to see what options do00:29
naccdjango_: in that case -l means "long listing"00:30
django_nacc, hmm so if you ls -l a.out00:30
django_what does the output mean00:30
_28_riaSo, I've found, that amdgpu and radeon various packages are installed. How do I turn on the card and the monitor, connected to it?00:32
naccdjango_: <permissions> <num links> <owner> <group> <size> <mtime> <name>00:32
naccdjango_: i think that's all described in `info ls`00:34
=== narc is now known as narciso
maddawg4woah.. woah woah... why are my interfaces now named ensX00:38
maddawg4i just switched to ubuntu 16.04 and they default identification for my network adapters00:38
maddawg4VERY obnoxious00:38
Bashing-ommaddawg4: See: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ for the explanation .00:39
=== Element is now known as Shinespike
OerHekspredictable interface names is nice00:40
maddawg4now i'm gonna have to change all my damn scripts that relied on that naming scheme00:41
maddawg4which  is fucktons00:41
maddawg4or create my own naming scheme00:42
kalenpwhey all I have a Maxkeyboard Falcon 8 mediapad. Anyone know how I can go about getting it to work with Ubuntu?00:42
Bashing-ommaddawg4: Network device assignment happens in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules . There is a means to revert to the old convention . I have not so can not be more explicit .00:47
maddawg4yea i know they are in there00:47
=== narciso is now known as narcisoz
=== narcisoz is now known as narciso
rokanasany unix app where can i stream tv canals?01:08
Mike022292Hey guys. I'm migrating my website to an Ubuntu server and I'm having some trouble. It's a WordPress installation and the permalinks are all broken. I'm also unable to upload new plugins. I think the file permissions on the /var/www/html directory are screwed and I want to A) Fix them B) Make sure that I'm applying the principle of least privilege. Can anybody help please?01:14
=== Mike022292 is now known as CurryMonster
=== lazarus is now known as Guest26386
CurryMonsterHey guys. I'm migrating my website to an Ubuntu server and I'm having some trouble. It's a WordPress installation and the permalinks are all broken. I'm also unable to upload new plugins. I think the file permissions on the /var/www/html directory are screwed and I want to A) Fix them B) Make sure that I'm applying the principle of least privilege. Can anybody help please?01:24
Guest26386hi, ive been trying to run ubuntu on a mid 2014 mbp for the most part it works well however, the cpu sits at around 70c when watching youtube videos while in osx i can have multiple tab with youtube open and barely break 40c01:24
user___How I can install Oracle JDK 8 on Ubuntu 16.04?01:27
=== frey is now known as _183
_183Anyone got a minute to help with my boot errors? http://m.imgur.com/rezMkfD,7Ehn8uR,gWVnhEh01:29
_183Running an ubuntu 16 flavor01:29
ibrumfielduser___: sudo apt-get install default-jdk01:30
user___I don't want openJDK01:30
user___I download this file form oracle website jdk-8u92-linux-x64.tar.gz , How I can install it ?01:32
ibrumfielduser___: Oracle JDK install instructions01:32
=== Ramona_ is now known as Ramona
Guest26386there are benifits to using openJDK over Oracle's java01:34
user___webupd8team Is this repository safe ?01:34
Guest26386user___: yes01:34
hydrogendid 16.04 change anything with how hostnames get resolved?01:35
hydrogenIt seems to be ignoring my /etc/hosts entirely currently01:35
hydrogen /etc/nssswitch.conf shows files first01:35
Guest26386hi, ive been trying to run ubuntu on a mid 2014 mbp for the most part it works well however, the cpu sits at around 70c when watching youtube videos while in osx i can have multiple tab with youtube open and barely break 40c01:36
user___Ok , but I got this file from oracle ,  jdk-8u92-linux-x64.tar.gz , How I can install it ?01:37
=== abe is now known as Acidooo
ibrumfielduser___: why not use apt-get?01:37
Jordan_U_183: Please run boot info acrio https://github.com/arvidjaar/bootinfoscript and pastebin the RESULTS.txt it produces.01:37
user___ibrumfield with this webupd8team repository ?01:38
=== Acidooo is now known as Acidoo
=== Acidoo is now known as Acido
ibrumfielduser___: yep01:40
=== Acido is now known as Acidooo
user___Ok if I use this  webupd8team repository , What should I download JDK 9 or JDK 8 ?01:41
user___What is the best ?01:41
martin___hi, xorg broken. When I do startx or startxfce I get "error while loading shared libraries: libxkbfile.so.1", does anyone know what is the package containing that file?01:41
somsipmartin___: dpkg -S libxkbfile will tell you01:41
ibrumfielduser___: 8 has better backwards compatibility01:42
Guest26386user___: 8 is most likely better01:42
martin___somsip: thanks!01:43
user___Thank you so much01:43
=== Acidooo is now known as Acidoo
user___ibrumfield , Guest26386 Thank you so much01:43
somsipmartin___: did you sort it? apt-get install --reinstall {package} can often kick something that has been deleted/corrupted01:43
_183Jordan_U I'm running a fresh install and it doesn't recognize any of the commands in the readme. Only command line I get is grub 2.02~beta2-2501:44
martin___somsip: too late ;(, I just did sudo apt-get remove --purge libxkbfile101:44
somsipmartin___: if it works, fine. If it doesnt, just reinstall again01:45
=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase
hydrogenDoes the line " ignorance.localsite   ignorance" look well formed enough to be in /etc/hosts ?01:50
hydrogenand is there any way to know what ubuntu is using to resolv a host?01:50
Jordan_U_183: Boot from a liveUSB and run boot info script from there.01:52
RomanLier-Please help me to install a program01:52
somsipRomanLier-: what program?01:53
RomanLier-Telegram desktop01:53
somsipRomanLier-: where are you getting this from?01:54
RomanLier-their official website01:54
somsipRomanLier-: it doesnt look like a suported package so we dont support it here. Something like this might help you though http://askubuntu.com/questions/556532/how-to-install-telegram-desktop-in-ubuntu-14-04-lts01:54
somsipRomanLier-: that page also points to a PPA which might make it easier for you. Again, unsupported here01:55
RomanLier-Oh, thanks for that link. I'll check it01:55
AcidoNZcan someone help me configure ubuntu to boot into a web browser in fullscreen mode? or point me in the right direction01:56
AcidoNZI'm a n00b :/01:56
RickHullHi, I'm having trouble with /etc/hosts on AWS EC2.  particularly regarding cloud-init behavior01:57
somsipAcidoNZ: You need something like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KioskMode01:57
RickHullnamely: I expect there to be a line in /etc/hosts for with the hostname01:57
_183Jordan_U I don't seem to have internet... My motherboard has a built-in wireless adapter but it's not detecting it I think01:58
somsipRickHull: are you using an official ubuntu AMI?01:58
RickHullsomsip: yes01:58
RickHullby default it has `update_etc_hosts`01:58
RickHulland /etc/cloud/templates/hosts.debian.tmpl01:58
RickHullwhich contains the line01:58
RickHullyet this does not end up in /etc/hosts01:58
AcidoNZthanks somsip reading now01:59
somsipAcidoNZ: ok - but searching around 'kiosk' will probably take you in the right direction. Not direct help I know, but hopefully helpful in some way01:59
RickHullsomsip: oh, i think i got confused between update_etc_hosts and manage_etc_hosts01:59
RickHullstill, i would think manage_etc_hosts is set to True by default. maybe not01:59
rinnexI have just done an upgrade (14.04 -> 16.04). Now some programs have no menus? I've tried googling, I've tried changing where they are displayed, and no luck. Anybody experience this?02:01
RickHullsomsip: ok, I just needed to explicitly add `manage_etc_hosts: true` at the toplevel02:03
cosmicfiressquigz, I still can't get thunderbird to use my config from 14.04, any more ideas?02:03
cosmicfiressquinty, , I still can't get thunderbird to use my config from 14.04, any more ideas?02:04
MattxHey, is there any way to use the fish protocol on Unity in any of the apps that comes with it?02:06
Mattxthe file manager doesn't seem to support fish://02:07
libscrape_dlAnyone running 16.04LTS Desktop with an nvidia gtx970?  stuck in a login loop and tried most of the common asnwers on web searches...02:09
=== foobar214234 is now known as T00Lman
somsippraveen: do you have a support question?02:12
somsippraveen: ask it then02:12
praveenI bought s HP laptop with dos and later downloaded and installed ubuntu02:12
praveenbut problem i am facing is :02:12
praveen1. it never shoutdown or restart properly. On shutdown it hangs up at terminal screen but never switch off the laptop02:13
praveen2. Wifi goes on sleep or stop working after sometime and I need to disconnect and reconnectio in order to continue02:14
praveenthats it. Please help02:15
lethupraveen: have you tried running with the noacpi boot parameter?02:16
praveeni am new to it so don't know much trouble hshooting steps02:17
somsippraveen: full steps here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Changing_boot_options_Permanently_for_an_Existing_Installation02:17
praveenlet me try02:18
frudohi guys,  i want to migrate(copy)  all data from ubuntu 14.4 machine to another ubuntu14.4 machine how do i this all setting available there with enviromental and all hidden files and other thinngs except boot02:19
praveenluckly I have Boot Repair :)02:19
somsipfrudo: this is the general approach, but read more around it to be comfortable in what you are doing http://askubuntu.com/questions/111236/how-to-migrate-the-whole-system-to-a-new-machine02:20
rinnexI have just done an upgrade (14.04 -> 16.04). Now some programs have no menus? I've tried googling, I've tried changing where they are displayed, and no luck. Anybody have any idea what could be wrong?02:20
=== Blaster is now known as Guest91667
somsipfrudo: more advice - http://superuser.com/questions/840531/copy-ubuntu-from-one-pc-to-another02:20
frudosomsip: i am using ec2 instance there is ubuntu install with 32 gb disk but i want to shrink in 18 gb disk but tried lot of methods but not success now i am trying to think use to migrate data ...02:23
=== brayden_ is now known as Blaster
praveenHi! somsip after boot repair aborted the operation saying I should do this only from a live CD02:23
rinnexPrograms affected include gnome-terminal, Rhythmbox, HexChat, GIMP. Programs not affected: Firefox, Thunderbird, SQLiteBrowser - could this be a GTK/QT thing?02:24
praveenI know how to edit config file so let me try may be it will work ...02:24
somsippraveen: strange as that's an official guide. Never used it myself. Try the manual appraoch02:24
GuevaraHello! Ubuntu 16.04 icon theme (launcher icons) doesn't change using unity-tweak-tool. My system is updated, any idea?02:24
frudoif anybody have experience please look into this i have tried if any wrong please let me know...02:25
frudoshrink volume 32 to 18 gb02:26
levtimDoes anyone have any information about a Google Drive client for Ubuntu? I'd prefer something that works at the command line02:26
SchrodingersScat!info goole-drive-ocamlfuse | levtim: there's grive, or is it drive, on github, then there's this for a fuse02:28
ubottulevtim: there's grive, or is it drive, on github, then there's this for a fuse: Package goole-drive-ocamlfuse does not exist in xenial02:28
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest16267
somsiplevtim: no longer suport IIRC02:28
SchrodingersScatI had google-drive-ocamlfuse work not long ago02:28
levtimubottu: Thanks02:28
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:28
SchrodingersScatdid it work well? no, but that's a different story for a different time.02:28
somsipSchrodingersScat: I used something, and I'm sure it stopped. Cant remember what it was now though, and you suggested an alternative so fair enough02:29
levtimSchrodingersScat: Is it true that there is some kind of internal Google Drive client that just hasn't been released to the public?02:29
SchrodingersScatlevtim: I'm part of the public, so I'm not sure how I would know that.02:30
somsiplevtim: how would we know and what would it matter?02:30
rinnexSeems to be only GTK programs.02:30
Bashing-omlibscrape_dl: Let's have a look at what the state of X ( graphics and such all ) is . Paste ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc tertmbin.com 9999 ' . See what tale is told .02:30
rinnexWhy would menus for GTK programs not appear in the panel or titlebar?02:30
somsiplevtim: there is this, which is unsupported here. Appears to be somewhat Google-official https://github.com/odeke-em/drive02:31
somsiplevtim: other option, also unsupported. I think I might have used this https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive02:32
SchrodingersScatsomsip: yep, that's the last one I recall working.  levtim, if you want to do push/pull type commands then you can use ^ drive, if you want to mount it like a directory then try google-drive-ocamlfuse, up to you.02:32
levtimSchrodingersScat: Thanks for the clarification02:32
SchrodingersScatsomsip: oh, haven't tried gdrive :^)02:33
somsipSchrodingersScat: I think I used it then the API changed and it stopped working, and I didn't bother again. Anyway - OP has answers :)02:33
SchrodingersScatsomsip: yes, google makes everyone cry in the end, I agree ;(02:34
aroonihey folks02:34
cooloutachello all,  where do I post a bug about this issue?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2325586&highlight=ecryptfs_readpage%3A+Error+decrypting+page%3B+rc+[-4]02:34
=== cooloutac is now known as Guest79856
somsip!bug | ChkDigit02:35
ubottuChkDigit: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.02:35
somsipgone - sorry ChkDigit02:35
Guest79856somsip, which category do i put for a kernel issue?02:37
Guest79856ubuntu bug is telling me i need a pid02:37
Guest79856somsip, found it "The correct package for bugs about the kernel is linux. "02:38
arooniif i use a different cursor theme from gnome-look should i be able to adjust its size? because it seems like i cant :(02:40
rinnexWas able to find help by refining my search. Thanks for nothing, pajeets.02:42
GuevaraHello! Ubuntu 16.04 icon theme (launcher icons) doesn't change using unity-tweak-tool. My system is updated, any idea?02:46
Guest79856and I was wrong big brother stopped pgl from working on ubuntu somehow lol.  I'm gonan wait till mint 18 comes out to test it on there,  or else I might ahve to go to debian where it works fine :(02:48
Guest79856its crazy because everything appears to work properly,  but if you actually pay attention to it,  you realize its not really blocking anything.02:49
Guest79856a couple billion less ips then it should lmao02:50
Guest79856zwl,  hi02:53
=== nis10 is now known as net5in
netametaIf i have server up an running on my computer (node server) i dont need to do anything special to open it to public other then open the right ports right ?03:31
netametasay i can access it localhost:808003:31
netametaif i open 8080, and get my external ip i could do http://myExternalIp:8080 from another computer and it will be reacable yea ?03:32
ubuntu223how do i give permission to a usb drive to www-data03:36
ubuntu223read/write permission03:36
fermulatorwhy are some help.ubuntu.com community pages immutable? (e.g. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto)03:44
T00Lmanubuntu223, I fought with this a few months ago. This page helped a lot: http://askubuntu.com/questions/392154/why-are-the-default-permissions-for-media-username-rootroot03:45
Bashing-omfermulator: Recent spammers have necessitated measures to protect the wikis. One now has to gain authorization to edit.03:52
atrachttearing my hair out trying to get nfs to work, when I run rpcinfo -p nfs and 2049 aren't listed04:01
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
akishi all. Any idea why cell phone tethering disconnects after 20/30 secs under 16.04. It worked without any problem under 14.04. There are some similar reviews at some 'forum' but no any solution, Any  help?04:09
thejrose1984quick question - i'm being asked to deploy open365 and i got docker installed as well as open365 installed on the latest ubuntu04:15
thejrose1984but no clue how to run open365 and the doc seems vague04:15
on3pkHey, I'm trying to run a python script which accesses /dev/audio.  It halts with an error saying /dev/audio cannot be found.04:17
on3pkWhat, uh... what *is* the audio device accessed by?04:18
T00Lmanprobably because there's no /dev/audio (did you look?)04:18
PiquaiAlgum brasileiro por aqui?04:18
on3pkT00Lman, yes I did.04:20
on3pkThat's why I'm asking how I should access the sound card04:20
T00LmanOK.... I only ask because my machine doesn't have one04:20
on3pkI guess python uses ossaudio, whereas Ubuntu uses Alsa?  Does that make sense?  Is there anyway to reconcile those?04:23
T00LmanYeah... look at the devices inside /dev/snd04:23
on3pkOk.  There are a number of files.04:24
on3pkthey are mainly just a bunch of letters and numbers.  How do I go about deciphering them?04:25
T00Lmanone sec04:26
T00LmanSee here: https://larsimmisch.github.io/pyalsaaudio/pyalsaaudio.html04:28
fermulatorBashing-om: how can I acquire proper authorization? (I figured a proper registered account would be sufficient, but it is not)04:29
T00LmanAlso, you may want to ask on #python, they may know more about this.  But, my guess is, you'll need to not use the python standard lib sound stuff... since ossaudio is deprecated.04:29
T00Lmanthere are plenty of python/alsa libs available on pypi04:30
on3pkyeah, I've asked around in Python too04:32
Guy1524hey guys, I installed unity on ubuntu gnome 16.04, and for some reason there is no desktop background, it just renders the last pixel there, kinda like that weird windows xp glitch.  Here is a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/8C4GG5E.png04:38
T00LmanHey Guy1524, do you have an AMD video card?  (there are known issues w/ 16.04 and AMD cards)04:40
Guy1524no, this has integrated graphics04:40
T00LmanAhhh.... nvm04:41
Guy1524and everything else works fine, just no background04:41
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: what kind of graphics card and driver ?04:41
Guy1524integrated graphics, not sure, haven't changed them04:42
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: check chipset and driver on sudo lshw -C video04:42
Guy1524also, background works fine on gnome, both wayland and X.  But on cinnamon it doesn't work04:43
T00Lmanummm... cinnamon != unity04:44
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: is this the first time you tested unity on that card?04:44
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: think unity is a bit heave for that chipset04:45
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: did you clean install or upgrade?04:45
Guy1524upgraded from ubuntu gnome 15.10 to 16.04, then installed unity04:45
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: test a liveusb 16.04 please, to make sure its not an upgrade leftover04:46
Guy1524I am pretty sure that it doesn't have to do with my drivers or hardware, it works fine on gnome and every other part of unity works04:46
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: for your case, i think its best to install unity right away, no workarounds from gnome04:46
Guy1524its not a workaround, it is apt-get installing it04:47
lotuspsychjei know04:47
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: but the more lightweight you keep things, the better for your card04:47
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: so please try ubuntu-desktop liveusb 16.0404:47
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: and see if you still got the glitches04:48
Guy1524I don't have time to do that tonight04:48
Guy1524thanks I guess04:48
=== soul is now known as Guest40631
thelegogear99573I try to login and it just goes back to login screen. How do I fix this?04:56
dxt29have you got the real machine? can you see the bootloader? @thelegogear9957304:57
thelegogear99573I launched terminal in login screen04:57
thelegogear99573Idk why I can't find a command to repair it04:58
Bashing-omfermulator: Sorry fror delay .. got distracted; See : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323404&highlight=edit+wiki ; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2308813&highlight=edit+wiki .05:00
_28_riahow to turn on my monitor on the AMD graphics card? I just plugged it in. My primary card is nVidia. lspci shows AMD card plugged in and xrandr --listproviders also shows AMD card. But how to turn it on? The monitor is currently black. All radeon/amdgpu/ati packages are installed (Ubuntu 16.04).05:01
VoidWhispererLordAkkarin, poke05:02
somsip_28_ria: nvidia card but radeon/amdgpu/ati drivers are installed? Can you explain?05:02
somsip_28_ria: oh - secondary card. Sorry - read too quickly. Both cards need to be the same for double-head dont they?05:02
_28_riasomsip: What means doublehead?05:03
somsip_28_ria: using two video cards to drive two monitors. They needed to be the same last time I set it up, but that was a while ago. Or maybe that was trying to add a third monitor...05:04
_28_riasomsip: 8_ria> somsip: What means doublehead?05:04
somsip_28_ria: same answer as the last one I gave05:05
somsip_28_ria: dualhead, multihead...etc05:05
_28_riasomsip: I've sent it by mistake, I was saying: I am adding a 3rd monitor05:05
Bashing-omfermulator: One other : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323735&highlight=edit+wiki .05:05
_28_riasomsip: so, I don't get it, there is a driver conflict? I cannot use amd driver on one card and nvidia driver on nvidia card to launch them both at the same time?05:07
somsip_28_ria: it does appear to be possible, but I can't offer any direct advice.05:07
_28_riasomsip: maybe you can offer on where to start. I can't figure out, what commands I need to use in order to even try to turn on the card.05:08
somsip_28_ria: no, sorry. Too busy to get into a long support answer05:09
fermulatorBashing-om, so i guess the whole ecosystem is in lockdown :( sad05:09
fermulatorthx for the refs05:10
dxt29@thelegogear99573  so you mean ssh to a remote server? add a -v and have a look at the output05:11
hypermistanyone got an idea how to detect a rootkit, it was using the name redis-clili05:11
hypermistand its not looking to good for my friend05:11
lotuspsychje!info rkhunter | hypermist05:12
ubottuhypermist: rkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-5 (xenial), package size 193 kB, installed size 984 kB05:12
=== badon_ is now known as badon
thelegogear99573OK so there is no way to repair the constant login loopback to login screen issue?05:16
thelegogear99573Using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS btw05:17
Bashing-omferendevelop: Presently, yes . One way is with a ether.pad instance . I do not recall the procedure to obtain. But in the discussions is the method .05:19
ferendevelopBashing-om: oops.. i'm not fermulator05:21
ferendevelopBashing-om: fermulator quit from channel05:21
marcantoineboldupourquoi ce tourner tous vers la domotique05:24
somsip!fr | marcantoineboldu05:24
ubottumarcantoineboldu: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.05:24
Bashing-omthelegogear99573: 1) is are your authorized to acess your desktop ? ' ls -al /home/<username> . Do you own .Xauthority and .ICEauthority ? 2( is a GUI driver loaded ? ' sudo lshw -C display ' . look in the configuration line for a driver= .05:24
marcantoineboldualors que le cyberespace es meme pas encore present pour tous05:25
Bashing-omferendevelop: Sorry bout that bad highlight . my appologies .05:25
ferendevelopBashing-om: never mind :D05:25
marcantoineboldupourquoi regarder pour le futur alors que le present es notre seul destinée de vision possible05:26
marcantoineboldupourquoi continuer dinvestir pour des anti-virus05:27
marcantoineboldula peur gere notre monde05:28
somsipmarcantoineboldu: still needs to be in english or join #ubuntu-fr05:29
marcantoineboldusomsip ok05:29
marcantoinebolduwhat ever05:29
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marcantoinebolduwhat do you think about translator in realtime05:41
marcantoinebolduuse by babelfish05:41
somsip!ot | marcantoineboldu05:41
ubottumarcantoineboldu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:41
Squarism2Any significant improvment between 14.04 and 16.04 desktop?05:42
marcantoineboldu!ot | somsip05:43
ubottusomsip: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:43
marcantoinebolduinteresting command05:43
somsipSquarism2: it's a subjective question, so this link might help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu_Desktop05:43
somsipmarcantoineboldu: oh dont bother referencing me. you're ignored ami05:44
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marcantoinebolduyou dont talk my language
nautilushelpGoodmorning, i have a problem with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS , its newly installed and i was installing some software etc, after an ("sudo apt-get update"  "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade") i think nautilus was stopped working or something because i have no desktop background, on unity bar i could see my desktop, and right mouse click on desktop seems like weerd, i've tried several possible solutions but nothing.. i also installed nemo instea05:47
nautilushelpthe right mouse click was same, like something was missing... from graphical...05:48
rpost__did you deinstall any software?05:48
nautilushelprpost__:  for tests ? yes alot...05:48
nautilushelprpost__: before this happens i dident deinstall anything only   sudo upgrade / update05:49
nautilushelpdamn, again format... pffff "@05:53
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yukenHow would I flash a custom GPU BIOS for a GM107M GPU (860M)  via the terminal?06:12
phucktankHello, my hdmi plays video but will not play sound. When I choose it as the device whatever video is playing gets real choppy. Everything works fine on the Ubuntu live CD. Any Idea?06:16
TomLeeDoes anyone know if an ubuntu-touch application can use Polymer/webcomponents?06:17
TomLeeor rather, can be a webapp, that uses them06:17
SeveasTomLee: if nobody in here knows, maybe try #ubuntu-touch06:17
TomLeeSevaes: Alright, I'll check, thanks06:18
=== administrator is now known as Guest44693
uma_I want to know about WSNDemo app in bitcloud06:23
Guest44693hello i have a problem. my ubuntu is working very slow. i dont know why.06:24
uma_I have atmega256rfr2 .and i used WSNDemo app.But i cant get the connection between coordinator and router06:25
phucktankMy HDMI will not play sound. It works fine in a live CD though. Any help?06:25
Guest44693play osu?06:26
uma_I want to know about WSNDemo app in bitcloud06:26
phucktankNothing works. I've reinstalled pulse and alsa. Still nothing06:27
uma_I want to know about WSNDemo app in bitcloud06:28
uma_I want to know about WSNDemo app in bitcloud06:28
uma_I want to know about WSNDemo app in bitcloud06:29
somsip!patience | ubottu06:29
ubottusomsip: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:29
somsip!patience | uma_06:29
ubottuuma_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:29
phucktankALso this might help but in gnome ALSA mixer nothing shows up under the Intel Haswell HDMI tab. In the other tabs they do06:32
=== abcde is now known as nick2
trudkoHi everyone whats path to Ubuntu version of /Users/<your user>/Library/Application Support path in OSX it is ~/... ?06:33
tasslehoffRunning Ubuntu 16.04 on a Lenovo T460s. If I plug an external monitor via HDMI or mDP, the computer freezes06:33
Seveasuma_: why not ask the bitcloud people? I doubt you'll get any help in here with that...06:35
loonycoonsHi. Does writing to the boot sector of a usb drive alter the partition table? I want to make an install USB drive for Ubuntu without formatting the thumb drive. I was thinking syslinux to boot and have it point to installer06:41
tasslehoffSeems this could be my issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/750896/official-t460s-ubuntu-support/751915#75191506:43
uma_i asked bitcloud people06:44
Seveastrudko: what does osx store in there?06:44
trudkoSeveas: no idea frankly but it seems that it is .config folder06:45
Bashing-omloonycoons: The boot sector contains the partiton table: https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/ .06:45
Seveastrudko: could be a mix of .config, .local and .cache06:45
ducassetrudko: could be ~/.local/share06:47
=== kyle is now known as Guest35685
shurtagulAnyone know why my mouse jitters sometimes when its over bomi video player?06:52
shurtagulIts a qt application06:53
nchambersHey guys... I wrote a program and I want to monitor its memory usage (since valgrind is stating that I'm using 2 gigs of memory) and see how spread out it is when allocating memory. Does anyone know of anything that can do this?07:00
wsmsgHi. Im looking to migrate about 4TB of data from a ubuntu box to a new one. Is Rsync my best bet?07:18
hateballwsmsg: It's a proven way at any rate. Use what you are comfortable with07:19
brontosaurusrexwsmsg: rsync does work07:23
wsmsghateball: Not really comfy with any of them :) My first thought was to just mount the smb share from the other box, and do a cp locally.... But i think rsync has a checksum verification switch which makes it tempting07:24
hateballwsmsg: it also has compression and other nice things. there is nothing nice about smb.07:24
blankoHow to fix missig menu in ubuntu 16.0407:25
wsmsghateball: cool. Well, smb already set up cause its used for the household to store pictures etc.07:25
wsmsg(from windows)07:25
ducassewsmsg: rsync will probably go a lot faster than smb.07:25
xinnerYes, rsync is compeletely what you need07:26
wsmsgI'll read up on the man then :) any tips i should know of? or switches i _must_ be using?=07:26
blankoHow to fix missig menu in ubuntu 16.0407:27
ducassewsmsg: there are a jillion guides to using rsync online.07:27
hateballwsmsg: rsync -avz goes a long way07:27
xinnerwsmsg: probably you would like a -z key as compression if you have a shitty router07:27
wsmsgthey are on the same LAN, so thats great07:28
wsmsghateball: thanks again :]07:28
blankoany one fix this bug?07:29
hateballblanko: What menu is missing?07:29
hateballblanko: Your entire dash?07:30
blankoApplication's menu missing from menu bar07:30
blankobut not fix the problem after reboot again missing07:31
wsmsghateball: hmm, see that it preserves owner and group.. Anything i should consider when the new box does not have the same users and groups?07:31
wsmsg(in the archive switch, that is.)07:32
hateballwsmsg: well it depends *what* you are copying then07:33
hateballwsmsg: since you said you were migrating I assumed the same setup, just newer hardware07:33
wsmsghateball: yepp, pretty much. New box with a new raid5 with video,apps,pics etc.07:34
brontosaurusrexwsmsg: I have been using cron/rsync like this http://brontosaurusrex.github.io/2016/04/18/that-magic-crontab-for-backup/ for years (runs at midnight) without problems or even without ever checking it.07:35
=== vapa is now known as vaspap
thesushimanhello room, does anyone here have any experience using ubuntu for data/video collection?07:44
thesushimanI would like to talk about what tools  to use07:45
Spookanthesushiman: What do you collect?07:46
thesushimanI am envisioning using a series of inexpensive IP cameras to record 1080p images of concerts from lots of angles to be edited later07:47
thesushimanI want to just record to start, fore editing later07:47
somsipthesushiman: you seem to be after guidance on a project rather than support. You should be asking in #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks07:48
bhuddahi think most ip cams can write to a network storage location on their own, thesushiman07:48
Alex993cchi all, can anyone help with a mirror issue please?07:48
somsip!mirror | Alex993cc (for start, but give details)07:48
ubottuAlex993cc (for start, but give details): Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Xenial, and help keeping the servers' load low!07:48
Alex993ccok im using buildmirror script to mirror onto local network07:49
Alex993ccevery now and then this error appears07:49
Alex993ccrsync: send_files failed to open "/pool/multiverse/s/spellcast-doc/spellcast-doc_1.5.dsc" (in ubuntu): Permission denied (13)07:49
somsipAlex993cc: do you mean rsyncmirror? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Rsyncmirror07:51
pabed1hello guys ,is there any solution that I can show this list http://paste.linux.chat/view/32f8f21e first line and last line just by tail and head and pip command in one command07:51
Alex993ccsomsip nope, using debmirror as part of the buildmirror.sh, to just build a trusty i386 and amd64 mirror only07:52
somsipAlex993cc: I'm obviously out of my depth then. I'll leave you withsomeone else07:52
Alex993ccsomsip https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Debmirror07:53
thesushimanoftaohello room07:55
mindofmateothesushimanoftao: hello07:56
Alex993ccthe permissions for the file seem to be wrong on the mirror itself07:56
Alex993cci cant download that particular file by FTP either07:56
Alex993ccthanks for your help, sorted it or now by manually downloading the file from archive.ubuntu08:04
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=== vaspap is now known as vapa
easyhi all, i am using ubuntu 16.04 and i want to make it boot faster, i installed e4rat and uninstalled it, now i am back to ureadahead, my problem is that , i think boot times are improved but it takes too much time to login, after entering my password it takes 15 seconds to take me to desktop screen, if i set up autologin then it shows blank screen for 13-14  seconds , i installed bootchart,  networkmanager.service is taking too much time to start,08:24
easyanybody please help^^08:24
easyhow to make login and boot faster08:25
gustav___easy: SSD would probably be the easiest way.08:26
easygustav___,  i cant afford ssd right now, i have 7200 rpm hdd08:27
gustav___easy: Maybe you can run without DM, that would make graphical booting faster.08:27
easygustav___,  i am looking for improvement in software part,  on windows, boot times are very low, compared with ubuntu08:28
easygustav___, i mean, ubuntu was preety fast earlier as compared with windows,08:29
gustav___easy: Do a reinstallation.08:29
gustav___easy: You can use earlier Ubuntu versions as well.08:30
easygustav___, i have installed only some codecs, where to upload boot-chart08:30
easygustav___, these are alternate ways not proper solution,  i wonder, how , Windows 10 improved a lot , when boot times are considered,  boot really fast as compared with ubuntu08:31
gustav___easy: You don't need to reboot Ubuntu.08:32
easygustav___,  reboots preety quickly, i need to reboot, shut down, hibernate doesnt work with ubuntu08:34
nindustriesHi, can someone on a recent ubuntu do; grep CONFIG_MEMCG_SWAP_ENABLED /boot/config-*08:36
srir4mhey gustav08:37
srir4mgood to see u mate08:37
ducasseeasy: use 'systemd-analyze blame' to find out if unnecessary services take long to start and disable them.08:41
easyducasse,  how to analyze08:42
ducasseeasy: i just told you.08:42
easyi used systemd-analyze plot > filename.svg08:43
easyducasse, is it right08:43
easynetwork manager is important, but taking too long to start08:43
k1l_what connection type do you use? wifi?08:43
k1l_see dmesg whats going on.08:44
k1l_or see if the NM got a log08:44
easyhow to see dmesg, during login08:44
k1l_look at it now if there are errors08:45
anonymakhey everyone, I'm trying to create an HTTP proxy that can be used on one node. However, it should be exitting from another remote node that is also under my control08:54
anonymakAny help on how I can do this? I'm trying to basically create a bridged HTTP proxy with entry IP in one server and exit IP in another08:54
anonymakCan VPNs help here?08:54
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mtyamantauany help is appreciated08:56
jason479why when I try and run dnsmasq is says  "Authentication is required to restart 'dnsmasq.service'"?08:58
bhuddahjason479: did you use sudo?08:58
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
jason479here is the full output http://pastebin.com/afFLwmFz09:00
Linux-UserHey guys can some one help me out a bit? :)09:00
Linux-UserIs anyone here?09:02
Linux-UserOh ok..09:02
Linux-UserI need help with Wine running on Ubuntu 16.0409:02
hateball!wine | Linux-User09:02
ubottuLinux-User: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:02
Linux-UserAs it seems, I'm in the wrong channel. Thanks for your help! :))09:03
elichai2My Ubuntu got stuck so I clicked ctrl-alt-f1 and that stuck too09:03
elichai2I mean it kind of switch to it but it says '/dev/sda2: recovering journal'09:04
elichai2And '/dev/sda2: clean,  NUM/NUM files, NUM/NUM blocks09:05
elichai2(NUM is a long number)09:05
elichai2Any idea how to fix this?09:05
gustav___Try hitting C-c.09:05
ducassegustav___: bad idea, you don't interrupt an fsck.09:07
gustav___ducasse: That text indicates it's done.09:07
Linux-UserJust try force restart...09:07
elichai2_Sorry I left09:09
Linux-UserUm.. An pop-up appeared saying "Ubuntu 16 .04 has encountered an internal error"09:09
elichai2_C-c didn't do anything09:09
elichai2_Maybe it's because byobu is configured to autorun in my terminal?09:10
Linux-Userelichai2 whan did you do to fix it?09:10
elichai2_I didn't fix it09:10
Linux-UserOh ok..09:10
Linux-UserWhy don't you try the simplest thing? Restarting/Force Restarting?? Always works for me!09:10
ShekharReddydid any one installed libicu48 package before, I am getting an error stating that it has been obsoleted09:11
Gallardosame think will probobly pop up after the restart09:11
Linux-UserGallardo good point there...09:11
elichai2_I think it will work but I want to know why the virtual console doesn't work09:11
ShekharReddywhat do i need to do to get this package to my laptop09:11
elichai2_My X is stuck because of a game lag09:11
Linux-Userelichai could just be a bug?09:12
elichai2_Happened before09:12
Linux-UserThe other day I was playing Teeworlds and suddently it crashed and I couldn't do anything... It also showed me an pop up saying that Ubuntu has encountered an internal error...09:12
Linux-UserI couldn't type or move the mouse.. What I did? Just restarted ;D09:13
elichai2_The thing is the system does work09:13
elichai2_I can switch between X and virtual console09:13
gustav___I'm not sure what the course of action is for a locked X server in Ubuntu.09:15
gustav___Could have been solved by just killing it.09:15
gustav___elichai2_: What's the last thing you see in the virtual console?09:16
ducassectrl-alt-backspace to kill the x server, if the terminate option is enabled.09:17
gustav___The default is no.09:17
OnkelTemHi all. I can't connect my android phone to Ubuntu 14.04. What am I supposed to do? Some magic or... magic?09:17
easyOnkelTem,  install android adb tools and fastboot tools09:18
OnkelTemeasy: I need to copy some files to my PC, do I really need adb for that?09:19
gustav___OnkelTem: Connect the cables.09:19
OnkelTemgustav___: done09:19
gustav___OnkelTem: Then what happens?09:19
OnkelTemgustav___: nothing. It is detected by USB, there are records in the syslog. But nothing is really mounted.09:19
easyOnkelTem, you can use Airdroid on your mobile to connect wirelessly09:20
curmetI accidentally misconfigured my apache ubuntu , then it cant be restarted09:20
curmetit showed this error when restarted : "Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details."09:20
curmetItried to purge and install , the problem persists. any idea?09:20
ikoniafix the problem09:20
ikonialook at what the error is and fix it09:20
gustav___OnkelTem: What version of Ubuntu are you running?09:21
OnkelTemgustav___: 14.0409:21
easyOnkelTem, Airdroid is also good way, like shareit09:21
ikoniablinding reinstalling isn't a good approach to fixing09:21
gustav___OnkelTem: Does connecting a USB memory work?09:21
k1l_OnkelTem: make sure the android phone shows itself as mtp or external usb data09:22
easyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/16675747/   system startup time09:30
easyi want to improve system startup time , http://paste.ubuntu.com/16675747/09:31
easyit take too much time to login, after entering password, how to improve09:31
ikoniaeasy: look at what it's doing09:32
ikoniawork out if there is any of that you don't need09:32
OnkelTemgustav___: yes, usb memory works - automounting09:33
easyikonia,  i am using a laptop, except bluetooth almost everything required09:33
OnkelTemI've changed the cable, no differences09:33
easyikonia, why network manager is taking too much time09:34
ikoniaeasy: why - is it slow getting an ip ?09:37
ikoniaeasy: what's it doing that is "slow"09:37
ikoniathats what you've got to work out09:37
ikoniaeasy: how quick is it logging in ?09:37
easyikonia, i am using wifi and it is slow internet, i am not using wired internet09:38
easybut 7 seconds too much09:38
ikoniawifi shouldn't matter09:39
easyikonia, i also disabled networking, from network manager, but results are same09:39
ikoniathe only thing network manager will do is startup -> request ip info -> configure IP info09:39
ikoniawhy would you disable networking ?09:39
ikoniathat would drop you off the network09:39
easyikonia, logging in also takes around15 seconds after entering password09:40
ikoniaeasy: how powerful is your machine ?09:40
ikoniaand your video card09:40
easynot very powwerful09:42
easyikonia, but windows 10 boot really fast09:42
easydual core cpu 7200 rpm hard disk09:43
easy_ikonia, please check this, is this the culprit  http://paste.ubuntu.com/16675940/09:49
ErSandrowindows 10 boots fast becausa it never really poweroff09:51
ErSandroit suspends09:51
ErSandrowell, it hibernates really09:53
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=== Guest45141 is now known as troy_cambridge
ShekharReddywhat does this mean E: Unable to locate package freetype09:55
cglockehi, does the official repo's sfml version use debug or release build mode?10:14
ShekharReddywhat does this mean E: Unable to locate package freetype  when i run  sudo apt-get install fontconfig freetype in terminal?10:20
nchambersit means its unable to find that package10:20
ErSandroI think what you want is libfreetype610:21
brunch875it's the same behaviour as sudo apt-get install i_invented_this_package_name_haha10:21
nchambersbrunch875, wtf did I just install on my machine!!!10:22
brunch875sorry me no habla englesa10:23
* brunch875 looks away10:23
ErSandrotry "sudo apt-get install fontconfig libfreetype"10:23
ErSandrosorry, try "sudo apt-get install fontconfig libfreetype6"10:23
=== victor is now known as Guest71341
=== CanIHazMemeCats is now known as MemeCats|Fapping
ShekharReddyErSandro:  is libfreetype6 is same as freetype10:27
HabbieShekharReddy, what are you trying to accomplish?10:28
ShekharReddy i am trying to install all the dependencies to https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-contrib-atlas#install-phantomjs10:28
Guest77556I running ubuntu as a virtual box.. I need to automate a few commands.. sudo service nginx restart... sudo service varnish restart etc, on start. Whatś thecurrent way of doing this? 14.04 ubuntu10:29
lyzeGuest77556, write a shell file10:30
Guest77556Write a shell file and add it to my .profile ?10:30
hateballGuest77556: why do you need to restart a service right after it's started?10:32
Guest77556hateball, Yeah, some strange nginx dns cache is causing problems (from what I can tell)10:32
Guest77556Itś only be devleopment environment..10:33
ShekharReddyHabbie, FYI i am trying to install all the dependencies to https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-contrib-atlas#install-phantomjs10:33
Guest77556So I not too concerned about fixing the underlying root problem.10:33
Guest77556hateball, I think the problem is something like networking isn initialised soon enough for my virtual box machine.. whcih is causingthe server backend to not work. All I know is restarting fixes it..10:34
hateballGuest77556: alright, well for quick and dirty you can toss commands in /etc/rc.local10:34
domgregbon matin je suis nouveau ici10:44
lyze!fr | domgreg10:44
ubottudomgreg: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:44
domgreggood morning im new here10:45
lyzehey c:10:45
pc_who can help me10:51
lyze!ask | pc_10:52
ubottupc_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:52
=== MemeCats|Fapping is now known as CanIHazMemeCats
pc_if i start my linux on login windows i write user and pass and hit entre i have black screen10:53
hateballpc_: Is this a new install?10:56
pc_new but this problem when I install xfce desktop10:58
elsewhoi have a Synology NAS and it has a Media Server which supports DMAs (digital media adapter). How can i use this on Ubuntu?11:05
=== alexandr1 is now known as alexandros_c
amazoniantoadHey guys. I have a sabrent nt-wlac wifi adapter and I can't find the driver for it11:07
ikoniaelsewho: any media player that supports that format should just  connect to it11:07
amazoniantoadIt doesn't work out of the box11:07
ikoniaamazoniantoad: is it supported on linux ?11:07
amazoniantoadcan anyone help me?11:07
amazoniantoadikonia, I assume so11:07
amazoniantoad...probably a bad assumption11:07
ikoniaamazoniantoad: find out11:07
liuxuhello,I installed ubuntu16.04 with uefi,the hardware is i7 6700hq , nvidia gtx 960m.I installed nvidia driver use "System Setting...",it work well.but when i use "nvidia setting" to change intel graphics card,and reboot,I can't into system,I try del boot param "quite" ,and output "Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen" ,and stop here...how to fix it?11:08
elsewhoikonia, which player would you use and how would you connect to it? do you assume that DMA gives the Synology NAS the ability to stream music?11:08
elsewhoam i understanding it right or am i trying to do something thats not possible ...11:08
ikoniaelsewho: I don't know client wise, a google search should suggest some that are compatible11:09
Jakey3is it possible to install ubuntu over a network to a computer?11:09
lyzeliuxu, can't you disable the intel graphics card inside the bios?11:09
ikoniaelsewho: I'd expect it to connect and play music either via local caching or streaming11:09
amazoniantoadikonia, w00t11:09
amazoniantoadit is11:09
amazoniantoadfound the driver11:10
amazoniantoadsooo happy11:10
amazoniantoadikonia, building a sick-nasty wifi aggregator11:10
elsewhoikonia, ah any method would be ok, i thought streaming was the term forremote music plyback in general. i am googling for 10minutes and somehow i dont get useful results, thatswhy i came here.11:11
liuxulyze,not has that choose11:11
ikoniaelsewho: whatever media server it is - look at the supported clients for it11:12
elsewhoikonia, thanks ill look for that. thanks and have a nice day.11:14
=== step21_ is now known as step21
anabainwhy after upgradint to 16.04 samba is not working any more?11:24
anabainafter "service samba restart", "ps grep | aux smb" and similar yield nothing11:34
ducasseanabain: what version did you upgrade from?11:34
anabainit was working perfectly11:35
ducassecheck the logs to see why it doesn't start.11:35
OerHeks systemctl status samba.service11:36
=== nchambers is now known as MorganFreeman
Patrickjust wondering (I think this would be the right place). Anyone seeing an apache+libphp5 update pushed early this morning causing a "Cannot load shared module" error and crashing apache? Doesn't seem to be centered on any one version either11:41
anabainOerHeks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16677663/11:41
=== MorganFreeman is now known as nchambers
OerHeksanabain, seems loaded and active..11:42
lernergiven that vice emulator wont work on my 16.04 im thinking about doing this: http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/how-to-install-vice-commodore-64-emulator-on-ubuntu-12-04/11:43
lernershould I?11:43
lernerI installed vice from synaptic, ubuntu 16.04, started x64 Batman_Side-a.d64 from cli and get: HW scale not available, forcing to disabled- Error - Machine initialization failed.11:44
anabainOerHeks, yes, but I cannot access it from my smartphone or from my other box, for example.weird...11:45
BluesKajHey folks11:45
OerHeksanabain, i read interesting stuff at this page, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=739887 issue with LSB-header??11:46
ubottuDebian bug 739887 in samba "broken samba LSB header causes dependency loops" [Important,Fixed]11:46
OerHekswith /etc/init.d/smbd start and /etc/init.d/nmbd start it should run again??11:47
anabainOerHeks, processes are listed, but nothing happens. No access to server11:52
macsimłjoin #laravel11:55
iwannhskalo meshmeri11:56
OerHeksanabain, sure you didn't use an other source for samba? found this bugreport https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+question/29219811:57
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srir4mummm hello11:57
srir4mi accidentally uninstalled firefox....from the terminal....and it said it would remove ubuntu-mate-core-desktop and one more package11:58
srir4mand i gave yes11:58
srir4mwould this affect my sys in any way11:58
srir4mno right?11:58
BluesKajsrir4m, I guess as long as you don't use matre12:00
hateballsrir4m: it's a meta-package so it shouldnt break anything per se. that said, it's not probably not a good idea to remove it12:00
srir4mummm i am using mate12:00
srir4mohh god12:00
hateballif there are updated dependencies for the meta-package you wont get those12:00
hateballsrir4m: just install the package again12:00
zykotick9srir4m: also, "sudo apt-get autoremove" probably wants to remove most of your system now :o12:01
hateballyes, that's the dangerous bit ^12:01
srir4msoo....stay away from autoremove?12:01
zykotick9srir4m: better yet... reinstall firefox12:02
\9or you could use sudo apt-get install on the packages it wants to remove12:02
srir4mohh god12:02
\9that way they're marked as manually installed and autoremove will not try to remove them anymore12:02
srir4mok.....if i install firefox....its not showing the other packages12:03
amazonI'm trying to use make on a driver I'm trying to build for my wifi antenna. However I get this error: http://pastebin.com/va1dQHMe12:03
\9srir4m: you still need toinstall the core package back12:03
amazonCan someone help me figure out what is happening?12:03
lernercan you please search for "rom" here and confirm if it shows any result? https://sourceforge.net/p/vice-emu/mailman/search/?q=rom&mail_list=vice-emu-mail12:03
srir4mok....can someone check what packages will be removed if u remove firefox12:04
srir4mill reinstall those packages12:04
\9you could run sudo apt-get autoremove and say no to the prompt12:04
\9use sudo apt-get -s to just simulate it12:04
\9so it won't even by accident remove anything12:04
tewardsrir4m: sudo apt-get --dry-run remove firefox12:05
zykotick9srir4m: you could check your /var/log/dpkg.log for what was removed...12:05
tewardor, sudo apt-get --dry-run autoremove12:05
Harishello all12:05
Hariswhat's the pkg name for gcc-c++ on 14.4 LTS ?12:05
\9yeah that's what i just said12:05
srir4mokkk its not autoremoving anything12:05
\9then you're good12:05
srir4m\9 could u type the sudo remove firefox command.....and tell me what packages will be removed?12:06
srir4mits totally 312:06
srir4mfirefox....and 2 more packages12:06
\9just says firefox and ubuntu-mate-core for me12:07
srir4mthats it...12:07
srir4mok ill try to reinstall the core package12:07
amazonanyone? D:12:08
srir4msee....if i type the command to install core package....it says it will install firefox.....12:08
srir4myeah amazon hey12:08
HarisWhats the -dev pkg for openssl on 14.4 LTS ?12:08
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amazonsrir4m: so I tried to make the driver, but it isn't able to build the make file12:08
\9Haris: should be libssl-dev12:09
\9it's been named like that for eons AFAIK12:09
tewardHaris: libssl-dev which will install the other required library packages12:09
tewardHaris: and that hasn't changed in an eon, that naming12:09
ioria!info libssl-dev trusty12:09
ubottulibssl-dev (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19 (trusty), package size 970 kB, installed size 4847 kB12:09
Harisok, that's pre-installed12:09
HarisUsed to centos or debian names. have to search for pkgs of other distros'12:10
amazonsrir4m:  http://pastebin.com/va1dQHMe12:10
Harisdon't usually use ubuntu for server12:10
x-faki have Kubuntu13 and i want to reset my root password (lost), how do i proceed pleasE?12:10
srir4mamazon im new as well12:10
\9Haris: it also is libssl-dev in Debian. in general Ubuntu and Debian package names usually match12:11
Harismy bad. I should keep a more memorization of base pkgs12:11
OerHeksx-fak, ubuntu 13? 13.04 / 13.10 are EOL.12:11
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:12
x-fakOerHeks ? EOL?12:12
OerHeksdead, end of life12:12
jellyHaris: don't memorize package names.  memorize tools for efficient searching: apt-cache search openssl dev12:13
srir4mok i managed to bring back the 2 packages12:13
Harishey jelly. ltns12:13
srir4mthanks anyways yall12:13
x-fakOerHeks , i dont really care because i used it into a Virtual machine12:13
\9x-fak: that's not really an excuse. EOL releases are dead, unsupported and insecure12:14
jellyHaris: or apt-cache showsrc openssl | grep -i binary12:14
x-fak\9 ,i dont care at all i just need to login into that vm12:14
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teward!eol | x-fak12:14
ubottux-fak: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:14
\9x-fak: ubuntu 13.x releases is off-topic in here12:14
Hariswrite this down12:15
tewardx-fak: any EOL release is considered offtopic in here12:15
tewardx-fak: and you should upgrade to get continued support12:15
OerHeksx-fak, there is no rootpassword, if you have set it manually, sorry cannot help.12:15
Harisok. gcc-c++ ?12:15
jellyteward: how are they going to upgrade if they forgot how to log in?12:15
x-fakOerHeks , i've lost my main login password too, so i cannot login except guest account12:16
\9x-fak: reboot in recovery mode then, and use the root prompt to assign a new password for the user12:16
Harisgcc-c++ is centos pkg. what's its equivalent in ubuntu/debian ?12:16
Haristhere's no gcc-cpp12:16
\9Haris: what does gcc-c++ provide in centos?12:16
Haristhe c++ compiler for gcc ?12:17
jellyHaris: what is you actual goal?12:17
tewardHaris: apt-get install build-essential.  installs g++, gcc, all the libs12:17
Harisah that12:17
\9Haris: g++ is located in the g++ package12:17
tewardHaris: the package is g++, but build-essential grabs many of the build libraries that many things depend on12:17
tewardshortcut for getting it all up :p12:17
Harisinstalled it just now =)12:18
jellyHaris: also look for other things that are already packaged in the distro, like libsrtp12:18
Harisalready installed =)12:19
jellyand asterisk itself12:19
Harisdo we have sqlite 3.6.20 or something on 14.4 LTS ?12:19
Haristhat was installed with pkg12:20
\9apt-cache show sqlite312:20
Hariswith = through prebuilt12:20
mn9lkHey everyone. Is it okay to have around 50k files inside a single directory in ubuntu If I have ext4.12:20
Fuchstechnically yes, it might be bad for some graphical file managers, but ext can handle more12:22
OerHeksext4: Maximum number of files: 2^32 - 1 = 4,294,967,29512:22
\9ls might lag a bit12:22
Fuchsmn9lk: also I recommend you turn of indexing for said folder if you have any12:23
x-fak\9 i've logged into the recovery mode, i have a root shell now, but i try the passwd command i got this result: "passwd: authentification token handling error.........passwd: password unchanged"12:23
ioriamount -o remount,rw /12:23
\9x-fak: I know by heart that this particular error is something you can just paste into google and be given the correct answer in the first link12:24
mn9lkthese files get read by apache or some http server. Its just a bunch of random files that gets places there. I was just thinking if I should separate them out in different folders.12:24
\9x-fak: do your homework12:24
ioriax-fak, you have to remount rw the fs12:24
mn9lkOerHeks: hah! if my users manage to put 4billion files in that dir ill probably be a few million dollars worth then :P So I guess 50k is nothing to worry then. haha thanks :)12:27
x-fakioria , allright ty, the error message is so stupid that i cannot think to such a thing12:27
x-fakso i can solve any password problem with this recovery item into Grub12:29
x-fakthat's great12:29
x-faki wonder why i was messing with that single mode12:29
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jatin30HI there! I was trying to unzip php and I got this http://imgur.com/ZoTG7W7 can anyone help me? TIA12:37
k1l_jatin30: ubuntu ships apache and php packages already. why dont you use that?12:39
_183http://m.imgur.com/rezMkfD,7Ehn8uR,gWVnhEh I can't seem to install on my blank ssd... I load the ubuntu 16 flavor fine by "trying" tho12:40
_183I read online it helps to connect to the internet when installing but I can't seem to find any wireless networks.12:41
lerneron xubuntu, the overhead bar does not work anymore, I cannot change applications, but with tab alt shift12:41
lernerhow do I fix that?12:42
tcornelihi, can i ask a question about ekiga?12:42
jatin30k1l_: thanks! savior as always12:42
staeksauceis there anyway to disable GRUB? I have 2 separate drives, 1 with Linux, 1 with Windows, that I want to just pick at boot instead of using GRUB12:49
staeksauceI originally installed Ubuntu on a separate SSD with my Windows drive unplugged so each drive would be bootable separately12:50
staeksaucebut when I updated Ubuntu it installed GRUB12:50
x-faki have a USB flash drive with a dirsty FAT32 partition, and i got this result trying to fsck it: http://pastebin.com/D4B2mqqp12:50
staeksauceso now I still have to pick which drive by holding F8 at boot, but if I choose the linux drive I get GRUB as well12:50
mundiHi there. I'm having problems with my laptop with ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I can visit stuff like google.com but if i click on a link it says host not found. i can ping my DNS server ( via IP but i cant ping any site (even google, although i can enter it via chrome)12:50
mundiand there are some times where it works (like now), but this will only last 10 secounds and then connection is lost, sometimes even with google12:51
x-fakwhy cant i remove this dirty bit when i choose 1)?12:51
maddawg4mundi are you using a static  IP?12:51
ducassestaeksauce: uefi or legacy mode?12:52
staeksaucelegacy I'm pretty sure12:52
mundimaddawg4: i dont know, it's my company wifi and they don't do much with ubuntu12:52
maddawg4your computer12:52
maddawg4is it set with a static IP12:52
maddawg4or DHCP12:52
mundialthough it works with ios, osx, android and windows without any problems12:52
mundii think DHCP12:52
ducassestaeksauce: then you need grub. or another bootloader.12:53
maddawg4and you didnt specify a static IP in ubuntu i assume?12:53
mundinope, should not be12:53
staeksauceducasse, I was choosing which SSD to boot from by holding F8 at boot before without GRUB12:53
maddawg4what if you dont use google's DNS?12:53
mundiyes, DHCP is acticated12:53
maddawg4and just use theirs12:53
mundimadawg4: is there a way to get their dns?12:54
maddawg4their dns is provided by dhcp12:54
mundibecause i added as additional DNS in ubuntu12:54
ducassestaeksauce: linux needs a bootloader, a legacy system cannot boot directly into the kernel.12:54
maddawg4so if you get an IP from them it should also give you whatever dns they configured with the dhcp server when they did it12:54
staeksauceducasse, then how was I able to do it before I updated linux12:55
mundimaddawg4: ok, well, sometimes I can access some pages beneath google, but this is only for a timeframe of 20 secounds, so I think the dns bit is working12:55
maddawg4mundi at least that's the point of dhcp12:55
staeksauceducasse, each SSD was bootable and I picked which one would boot by holding F812:55
mundiok, I thought DHCP was to get an IP adress only12:55
maddawg4mundi can you get to website by names?12:55
mundimost of the time not12:56
ducassestaeksauce: if you have an uefi system you can use the kernel stub loader. to boot a legacy system you need a bootloader.12:56
staeksauceducasse, I know my mobo has UEFI, but I thought I disabled it12:56
mundilike 95%12:56
maddawg4no... DHCP is dynamic host configuration protocol12:56
maddawg4it dynamically confiures a machine automatically for whatever settings needed for that network12:56
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mundilike right now I can't even access google12:56
maddawg4(including handing out IP addresses)12:56
maddawg4what happens if you do an nslookup www.google.com?12:56
staeksauceducasse, I could boot directly into Linux or Windows by choosing its respective SSD at boot12:57
staeksauceducasse, without GRUB12:57
mundimaddawg4: cant find google.de REFUSED12:57
maddawg4dns issue12:57
maddawg4what if you remove the dns settings you entered12:57
maddawg4they may block you from using other DNS servers perhaps12:57
staeksauceducasse, I still have to hold F8 and pick the SSD, but if I choose the Linux SSD I get grub now12:58
ducassestaeksauce: you can't boot a legacy system without a bootloader, so in that case you were using uefi. see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB for details.12:58
mundimaddawg4: already removed my additional DNS now12:58
maddawg4and thats what you get?12:58
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maddawg4did you reset the networking service?12:58
mundimaddawg4: wait, i'll reset my device12:59
staeksauceducasse, ty13:00
mundimaddawg4: yeah, still the same error13:00
_183http://m.imgur.com/rezMkfD,7Ehn8uR,gWVnhEh anybody want to help with my grub error?13:00
maddawg4i forget the syntax but with nslookup there's a way to have it show the dns server it's trying to use13:01
ducassestaeksauce: there's also an uefi bootloaders page on that wiki, look at that if you want to use the kernel stub loader.13:01
Steristhi, I just had a grub install failure, can anyone help with manual install?13:02
staeksauceducasse, is there a way to just make GRUB not show up, not necessarily get rid of it13:02
Steristor know where to point me?13:02
ducassestaeksauce: sure, look at the grub link i gave you.13:02
staeksauceduc will do, thx13:03
* gmh is away: Idle13:03
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anabainOerHeks, sorry, I had to leave for a while: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16679860/13:04
* gmh is back (gone 00:00:05)13:04
ducasseSterist: there's an excellent page on grub at the arch wiki, i just posted a link to it for someone else.13:05
staeksauceSterist, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#UEFI_systems13:06
anabainOerHeks, and this is tesparm output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16679935/13:06
k1l_gmh: please turn off that away script.13:06
mundimaddawg4: well, another question: it seems like ubuntu 16.04 is really buggy because I have one bug after another, like you cant install .dev packages, you can't sudo apk-get update w/o an enourmous amount of errors (can't find host) and now the internet doesn't even work. Is there a simple way to downgrade to a more stable version (lol, this is LTS...)13:07
gmhk1l_: Done already. Also your number 15 telling me that so your a little late to the game :P13:07
anabainmundi, rather than lol I'd say it's really annoying... LTS???13:08
ducassemundi: no, you can't downgrade to an older release.13:08
BluesKajmundi, did you upgrade via the internet, if so I'll bet you didn't upgrade your existing OS/packages first13:08
Guest94828hi community13:08
Guest94828need some help with ubuntu mate and chromium on rpi13:09
maddawg4mundi not sure what a .dev package is13:09
maddawg4do you mean .deb?13:09
maddawg4i dont think the internet issue is so much an issue wit ubuntu 16.0413:10
maddawg4the networking hasnt changed really except for the naming scheme13:10
maddawg4also no way to downgrade13:10
BlackthornYugenAfter rebooting my USB keyboard and mouse stopped working; along with my wifi and ethernet devices. But unpluging / repluging my dongle shows up in dmesg just fine. Any thoughts?13:10
ducassemundi: the fix for installing .deb packages is in -proposed, and there are other ways of installing them. enable -proposed if you want the fix now.13:10
Steristducasse: thanks for the link but I'm afraid I don't understand the bulk of it, or where to start for that matter13:11
atrachtanyone have experience getting nfs-server to run on ubuntu13:11
ducasseatracht: what's the problem?13:12
Bent0ufw added support for comments to be added to a rule since 0.35 but I cannot find how it's done. ANyone know?13:12
atrachttearing my hair out, when I initially install nfs-kerner-server it works but upon reboot running rpcinfo -p doesn't show it running on 2048 so it can't connect13:13
mundii installed it new with dual boot on win10. but I think there are several bugs that shouldnt be in a major release, sorry to bitch around but I dont know, Im really dispaointed and annoyed by now13:13
Bent0Oh. It is in the man pages. I overlooked it13:13
ducasseatracht: have you exported anything?13:13
atrachtyeah, it'll initially connect with a client13:14
atrachtit's in /etc/exports13:14
_183So does ubuntu not like uefi13:16
ducasseatracht: 'initially connect'? and then what? (besides, nfs runs on 2049 here, not 2048)13:16
atrachtsorry that's what I meant13:16
atrachtif I have two clean installs of ubuntu install nfs server on one and nfs client on the other it'll initally start and mount13:16
atrachtif I reboot the server and verify it's running, I don't have nfs listed anymore in rpcinfo -p so the client can't connect13:17
Steristquick question, does swap have to be a primary partition?13:19
mcphailSterist: no13:19
Steristany downside to making it logical?13:19
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ducasseatracht: it just works™ here, you could maybe try forcing nfsv3?13:20
atrachtducasse how do you do that13:20
ducasseatracht: set it in /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server, you might also need to specify nfsver=3 in mount options on the client.13:22
brunch875new ubuntu software center doesn't find any of the packages I search in there13:22
brunch875such as steam or powder13:22
brunch875what's going on?13:22
atrachtducasse thanks13:23
ducasseatracht: np, it's actually nfsvers=3, see 'man nfs'.13:24
mcphailbrunch875: I think it only lists packages with suitable appstream metadata, which is incomplete just now13:24
topi`does ubuntu take the kernel patches from upstream debian? or does ubuntu create kernel patches independent of debian?13:24
atrachtducasse do I have to install a different version of nfs?13:25
brunch875Oh I see... I suppose the only workaround is apt-get and apt-cache :\13:25
mcphailbrunch875: I suspect synaptic will still be in the repos13:25
ducasseatracht: no, the actual server is in the kernel. you just reconfigure it.13:25
brunch875that's the old software center?13:26
atrachtducasse are there any noticeable differences in 3 vs 4?13:26
mcphailbrunch875: it is the even older software centre ;)13:26
BluesKajbrunch875, yeah use synaptic it's much more comprehensive13:26
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brunch875ah, it's not for me. It's for a friend I installed ubuntu on his laptop13:27
brunch875I told him "If you need an app like steam, just look for it in here"13:27
brunch875and I was put in evidence when nothing showed up... :P13:27
\9the software center from the previous release was just simply dropped. ubuntu didn't want to maintain it anymore13:27
ducasseatracht: v3 uses udp, not tcp or udp. it _might_ also be faster. v4 also has things like kerberos auth.13:28
\9brunch875: give synaptic a spin13:28
brunch875synaptic is probably not user-friendly enough for a newbie like him13:28
brunch875I'm all good with apt-get13:28
atrachtducasse do you know if cachefilesd works with v3?13:28
\9brunch875: well your choices are mostly apt-get, synaptic and the new software center13:29
ducasseatracht: no, i don't. you really should read man nfs, it is very thorough.13:29
BluesKajbrunch875, well then tell your friend about apt /apt-get13:29
atrachtducasse thanks!13:29
ducasseatracht: np.13:29
brunch875I'm just concerned about scaring people away with the terminal emulator13:30
mcphailbrunch875: if you feel inclined, have a read at mhall119's blog where there is a guide to how you can make the software centre better for others13:30
brunch875will do, thanks for the tip!13:30
mhall119brunch875: http://mhall119.com/2016/03/help-make-gnome-software-beautiful/13:31
* mcphail tried to make an icon at the weekend, but it was rubbish :)13:31
mhall119finding already-made icons is usually easier, most projects are just using an older or low-res version in their .desktop file13:32
brunch875wow this blag is pretty neat. Thumbs up, mhall11913:32
mcphailmhall119: this was for ddd. I don't think that package or artwork has been touched for a decade13:32
brunch875This appstream list is missing some common programs like vlc13:35
jatin30how do we do this "Change the DocumentRoot to point to the new location. For example, /home/user/public_html/" ?13:36
brunch875does this mean it's been fixed already?13:36
jatin30I am building LAMP from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP and I am stuck at point 3 in virtual hosts13:36
zalunI've got issues after installing php5.613:39
zalunapache mod php5 fails13:39
zalunlibapache2-mod-php5 depends on apache 2.413:39
zalunI've got 2.213:39
OerHekszalun, apache 2.2 ?? on what ubuntu version?13:42
jatin30Change the DocumentRoot to point to the new location. For example, /home/user/public_html/13:42
jatin30I am building LAMP from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP and I am stuck at point 3 in virtual hosts13:42
jatin30how to do?13:42
zalunOerHeks: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS13:43
OerHeksjatin30, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too13:43
jatin30DerHerks: no response there13:45
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OerHekslaunchpad precise apache13:46
OerHekszalun, not sure what to look for, that mod should be working https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+package/libapache2-mod-php513:48
SikHey, pulseaudio suddenly only recognizes HDMI output (i.e. doesn't give me the option to output through the headphone jack), already rebooted three times to no avail, any tips? HP pavilion g6 :|13:50
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SikOh and yeah alsamixer does show both outputs (not like that helps me much)13:51
riqjhello everyone, is there anyone using nixnote 2 beta for ubuntu 15.10.? I started restoring database, yet the progress bar hasn't moved an inch since.13:52
rby91I can't find the appropriate driver for my wireless device... Could someone help me? It's an intel 826013:52
srir4mguys does anyone here use skype13:53
BrianBroall of us13:53
BrianBrowhats up13:54
srir4mits just that the skype ui is sooooooo outdated in linux when compared to windows13:54
srir4msoo i searched online13:54
OerHekssrir4m, good luck finding a working client.13:54
BrianBrofind anything13:55
srir4mand apparently there's a package that deals with it13:55
srir4mits called skype wrapper13:55
srir4mit kinda brings back the sexy ui.....not that sexy13:55
srir4mthe problem is i cant add the ppa...13:55
srir4mwhenever i sudo update....it throws an error13:56
srir4mi was hoping someone hear found a workaround for that problem13:56
OerHekssrir4m, that ppa is old, evebn the github is 4 years old.13:56
srir4mor whether or not u had that problem to begin with13:56
srir4msoo theres literally no workaround?13:56
OerHekssrir4m, use the web client, but that does not give videocalls too.13:57
lotuspsychjeBrianBro: what are you looking for?13:57
lotuspsychjesrir4m: or use telegram as alternative13:57
lyzesrir4m, try to get all of your friends to move away from skype and use a software which isn't form microsoft ;)13:57
srir4mi was thinking....is there any other app that integrates skype into it13:57
OerHekssrir4m, no13:58
lyzeImpossible ^^13:58
srir4mlike in windows 10.....idk about this...but my friend used a non skype app to send messages to my skype13:58
OerHeksif you find one, let us know :-)13:58
srir4mthere's noo app like that?13:58
rby91Anyone here help with my iwlwifi?13:58
MonkeyDustsrir4m  ask the Main Stream Windows devs to start developping for linux13:59
lotuspsychje!details | rby9113:59
ubotturby91: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:59
srir4myeah....like thats gonna work13:59
srir4mwe can use petition.org...13:59
srir4mthat could work13:59
Ben64just use google hangouts. works on windows, linux, mac, phones, everything14:00
BluesKajrby91, did you download the driver from the intel website?14:00
MonkeyDustsrir4m  worth a try, contact Macromedia and Adobe too14:00
malaphusHi guys, does anyone know if udev rule generation is broken now or something?  I just installed 16.04 (server) in a VirtualBox VM and udev rules.d is completely empty, saw the same thing last week with another machine14:00
SikNevermind on my problem, I'm an idiot (I kept confusing analog input with analog output x_x that's what I get for just waking up)14:00
SikSee ya :v14:00
lotuspsychjeBen64: nice tip14:00
rby91I'm currently running am ubuntu flavor called KXstudio and can't discover any wifi networks. I'm on an intel 8260 wireless device, which is currently labeled as unclaimed14:01
srir4malso....has anyone tried antergos?14:01
srir4mi just installed that today..14:01
lotuspsychjerby91: we only support official ubuntu flavors mate14:01
GeezusAre the developers aware there is a libc issue causing apache crashes this  morning14:01
srir4mselected gnome DE by mistake14:01
srir4mand ohh boy was that a mistake14:01
srir4mi realised then.....damn....gnome 3 sucks14:02
lyzeI guess that would fit more in the offtopic channel14:02
srir4mgnome 2 is farrr better14:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:02
OerHeksrby91, build the driver yourself? http://askubuntu.com/questions/693109/intel-wireless-8260-unclaimed-network14:02
srir4msooo whats the offtopic channel name?14:02
lyzesrir4m, #ubuntu-offtopic14:03
srir4mohhh well duh..silly me14:03
rby91Oerheks I tried that exact post but I get make: *** no rule to make target 'clean''.  Stop14:04
srir4mohh and before i goo.....i read somewhere...i think it was in the ubuntu forum...that skype wrapper might still work if i downloaded the saucy package14:04
srir4mu know the "unstable" one14:04
srir4mi havent tried that tho14:04
OerHekssrir4m, you must have read something old, try it, if it works, let us know.14:05
riqjok, it looks like the database restore to be slow is something to expect after major version and db changes.14:05
GeezusDoes noone care that Ubuntu server is getting hit with a bad update?14:05
lyze16.04 server works fine for me14:06
MonkeyDustGeezus  tell the details and symptoms in #ubuntu-server14:06
Geezus16.04 is not in production and it appears to only be effecting 12.0414:06
GeezusWhen apache tries to automatically restart it fails due to a libc error14:07
LordDragonhey all14:07
srir4mok...im gonna get a lot of hate for this14:07
srir4mhey lordD14:07
srir4mbut how do i run a tar.gz file?14:08
lyzeYou extract it14:08
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression14:08
srir4mif its compressed.....then .....how do i run it14:08
lyzeIt's a zip file14:08
srir4myeah...then how do i run the main program14:08
OerHekssrir4m, look for the read.me14:08
srir4mohhh ok14:08
OerHekssrir4m, how do we know?14:08
srir4magain...silly me14:08
Ben64srir4m: you basically asked "how do i run a .zip file?"14:09
LordDragonsrir4m: if you want to extract the contents of that file into the current directory, youd type "tar -xzf filename.tar.gz"14:09
lotuspsychjelyze: is server recommended on production before 16.04.1?14:09
Geezus[Wed May 25 06:26:25 2016] [notice] Graceful restart requested, doing restart apache2: Syntax error on line 204 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so into server: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: symbol __strtold_nan, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference14:09
srir4myeah see...im much more familiar with dpkg and gdebi14:09
srir4mand deb files14:09
srir4mbecause u know they are pretty straight forward14:09
srir4malso im kinda new to linux14:10
Geezusversion GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference ---- this is the main issue14:10
MonkeyDust!manual | srir4m14:10
ubottusrir4m: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:10
lyzeYeah, well most of the time either tar.gz files contain the source and you need to compile it yourself or if you are lucky then you can simply run a pre compled executable. But yeah, inside there should be a readme somewhere, try to read through that one to get a hang of it how to open / install the program.14:10
francisco_Olá alguém fala português?14:11
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.14:11
Ben64Geezus: please see bug 158561414:11
ubottubug 1585614 in php5 (Ubuntu) "PHP Update on 2016-05-25 causes Apache not to restart, libm.so.6: symbol __strtold_nan, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158561414:11
GeezusThat's the next part of the error.14:11
srir4magain...i know the basics.....except for file compression and extraction14:11
Ben64Geezus: thats the page where you'll find information14:12
srir4mbut thanks anyway14:12
srir4mill look into it14:12
LordDragonso I'm looking for a quick easy way to access the local network of my VPS remotely here on my home machine. i heard there is way to do it via an ssh tunnel, but I don't know the first thing about that. basically there is a server process im running on the VPS that requires browsing to localhost to configure it via browser. but my VPS is very small and doesnt have the memory or disk space to setup an x11 enviroment14:13
Ben64LordDragon: yeah, ssh tunnel is the easiest way14:14
Geezus@Ben64 ty14:14
LordDragonso if i can easily tunnel my home machine via ssh into the VPS, then I could use my home browser to access it14:14
Ben64LordDragon: ssh -L <your local port>:localhost:<port on server> username@server14:16
LordDragonBen64: ahh thanks. so <port on server> is the usual port i use to ssh into the machine?14:19
Ben64LordDragon: no. the port you need to connect to on the server, whatever you're saying has the web interface14:20
LordDragonohhh ok. and what about <your local port>14:20
Ben64uh, i can't reduce that any more. your local port14:21
LordDragonok, local port on the VPS? or an unused local port here at home?14:22
Ben64well local = here14:23
user915hi, how to secure remove an /dev/mmcblk0 device on command line? After writing an image with dd? Eject works for USB devices. With the mmcblk eject says: eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument Purpose: empty RAM/kernel buffer to ensure all image data is written to sdcard14:26
MonkeyDustuser915  mmcblk is Android related, is what i read here14:28
LordDragonBen64: i think i get it now. so if the web server running on localhost on the VPS is on port 80, and I want to browser to it from home, the local port number is what i'd use in my web browser HERE. so for 3777:localhost:80, for me to access the VPS website, id direct my home browser to "http://address:3777" and any traffic that goes to port 3777 will be forwarded via ssh to port 80 on the VPS?14:30
srir4mi got a error msg14:30
srir4mit says14:30
srir4mpackage manager error14:30
user915MonkeyDust: it is a notebook with integraded sd card reader. ubuntu 14.04 runs on it.14:30
OerHeksuser915, sudo umount /dev/mmcblk014:30
huwjrheya, trying to run php7 apache module, is it normal that there is no load.conf or php7.conf or php7.load ? I can create these, but just wondering if I am missing something lol…14:31
user915OerHeks: not working as excepted, dd writes with 2.8 GB/s somwhere in buffer... umount on device (not partition) gives an error14:33
OerHeksuser915, after that dd, did you 'sync' ?14:33
futurama140Hey guys, I'm trying to install a game, (freedroidrpg) and when I'm configuring via terminal, I keep getting errors for libraries I do not have. I've been installing these libraries one by one, but it's taking forever. is there a faster way to install all the libraries i need at once or something?14:34
lyzefuturama140, just append them: so e.g. "sudo apt-get install lib1 lib2 lib3 lib4"14:35
futurama140lyze: the may i've been doing it is by the links given to the libraries when the error appears, I can only see one missing library at a time14:36
OerHeksmissing libsdl-gfx ?14:37
BluesKajfuturama140, install freedroidrpg-data as well14:37
lotuspsychjefuturama140: did you install the game from repos or website?14:37
futurama140lotuspsychje: website14:37
BluesKajfuturama140, install from the repos14:38
lotuspsychje!info | freedroidrpg14:38
ubottu'freedroidrpg' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed14:38
lotuspsychje !info freedroidrpg14:38
ubottufreedroidrpg (source: freedroidrpg): Isometric RPG influenced by Paradroid. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.1-1build1 (xenial), package size 340 kB, installed size 954 kB14:38
futurama140oerheks: not so far, its had me install sdl, zlib, ijp, libpng14:38
OerHeksuse our repo version then.14:39
futurama140blueskaj: thanks, ill try that14:39
futurama140oerheks: ill try14:39
OerHeksfreedroidrpg looks nice, just saying :-)14:39
futurama140oerheks: i believe this may work.14:40
lerneron xubuntu, the overhead bar does not work anymore, I cannot change applications, but with tab alt shift14:43
lyzelerner, the panel?14:43
srir4mok /join #ubuntu-offtopic doesnt seem to work14:44
lernerlyze, YES14:44
lyzelerner, Eh. can you still open the whiskers menu? (ctrl+esc by default)14:44
srir4mhow do i go to offtopic channel guys14:45
srir4mplz someone help14:45
lernerctrl esc doesnt work foe me14:45
MonkeyDustsrir4m  i just entered, so it must be you14:45
OerHekssrir4m, what erro do you get? register your name something?14:45
Tegu/join #ubuntu-offtopic14:45
Teguoh nevermind14:45
lernerctrl esc doesnt work foe me lyze14:45
srir4mill try it again14:45
lyzelerner, hmm ... open up a terminal and look for the process "xfce4-panel" then kill it. after that type in "xfce4-terminal" and the panel should reappear14:46
srir4mim not gettin anything14:46
Teguwhat IRC client?14:46
ghost__hello all14:46
srir4mghost....thats the name of a direwolf14:46
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srir4mcool nickname14:46
lernerlyze, do I have to do that in htop?14:47
MonkeyDustsrir4m  i guess you have to !register, before you can enter -offtopic14:47
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:47
lyzelerner, in whatever you prefer. I'd simply do a "ps aux | grep panel" and then a "kill -9 <pid>" but you can do it in htop also c:14:47
srir4msooo how do i register?14:48
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:48
lyzesrir4m, ↑14:48
lyzethat huge message from ubottu, read through it14:48
BluesKajin the server box srir4m14:48
srir4mim goin over the rules14:49
srir4mthanks anyway14:49
ghost__where are you from?14:49
srir4mwho me?14:49
srir4mim from the mystical land of india14:50
LordDragonBen64: SUCCESS!! thank you. i learned something new today :)14:50
srir4mall not mystical at all these days14:50
ghost__thanks dude :)14:50
srir4mwhyd u ask?14:50
MonkeyDustsrir4m  keep the random chatter for -offtopic14:50
lyzeor make a query^^14:50
futurama140oerheks: works prefectly now, thanks!14:51
lernerlyze, xfce-terminal opens a new terminal...14:52
lyzelerner, oops sorry, i meant "xfce4-panel" ;)14:53
lernerit worked14:53
lyzeno problem!14:53
lernerhtop question: why does f3 search and find, but not keep the marked line: in my computer, if I search for "xfce-panel" it will show the line with that name for a second and then, because several processes are running, and consume more MB, the sfce-panel line moves downwards, but the marked line stays in the previous position of sfce-panel...14:56
lernerI had to filter, what I find not optimal14:56
MaltergateHi dears15:01
MaltergateDoes anyone know a little about DVB-USB ?15:01
MaltergateI'm looking for a USB DVB Tuner compliant with 3.14 kernel. I found this page https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/DVB-T2_USB_Devices but I'm quite lost...15:02
want2lern�DCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 015:06
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
want2lernDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 015:06
ducassewant2lern: no warez here.15:06
SpookanWasnt that a old disconnect bug for the Windows client mIRC?15:08
cairoooodooockki installed cairo-dock and now it disappear every time i "right click" for options....15:09
srir4mguys can i install another display manager15:11
srir4mother than lightdm?15:11
zombifiersure, gdm is a popular alternative15:12
srir4mmaybe gdm?15:12
=== vapa is now known as vaspap
cairoooodooockki installed cairo-dock and now it disappear every time i "right click" for options....  any idea whats wrong ?15:12
srir4msooo what should i install15:14
srir4mgdm or gdm3?15:14
ducassethere is only gdm3, gdm is a transitional package that depends on gdm3.15:15
Osirus126hello everyone15:15
srir4msoo only sudo install gdm3 is enough15:15
srir4mor do i need anything else?15:15
Osirus126sudo apt install gdm315:15
Osirus126apt install works now too15:16
Osirus126try apt install15:16
Osirus126its new15:16
zombifierwow it does15:16
Osirus126apt install, apt search15:16
Osirus126and its colourful!15:17
srir4mapt-get is more low level right?15:17
srir4mor is it apt?15:17
Osirus126apt-get is an older version i think15:17
Osirus126apt is new15:17
srir4mwhat the heck15:17
srir4mit says gdm requires around 150 mb15:17
BluesKajapt alone is a wrapper for apt-get afaik15:17
Osirus126yes you are correct im sure15:18
Osirus126it is a newer more improved apt-get15:18
srir4mi can easily uninstall it with the remove and purge command right15:18
zombifiersrir4m: try --no-install-recommends15:18
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srir4mbecause i installed kde.........and it was a pain to uninstall it15:18
user915OerHeks: thanks, sync works15:18
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Osirus126sudo apt remove <package_name>15:19
Osirus126srir4m: sudo apt install <package name>15:19
ServerSageSo the most recent round of unattended security upgrades has caused apache2 on our 12.04 boxes to just die and not restart.15:19
Osirus126srir4m: sudo apt remove <package name>15:20
srir4mwhens the 16.04.1 patch comin ?15:20
ducassejuly 21st.15:20
geniisrir4m: Sometime mid July15:20
srir4mgood to know15:20
Osirus126srir4m: sudo apt update && sudo apt install gdm15:20
srir4mdo u guys prefer gnome2 or gnome shell?15:21
srir4mwhen i say 2 i mean fork15:21
BluesKajnone of the above :-)15:22
srir4mohh god...lxde?15:22
nicomachussrir4m: that's a great question for #ubuntu-offtopic, though.15:22
auronandacesrir4m: the gnome2 fork is called mate, i've never liked gnome2 and gnome3 is not really my cup of tea, xfce is more my style but now i use i315:22
srir4mdoesnt work for me15:23
nicomachussrir4m: /join #ubuntu-offtopic15:23
srir4mi tried15:23
srir4mdoesnt work15:23
nicomachusyou have to be registered15:23
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:23
srir4myeah....i read the rules15:23
srir4mit says i have to type it in server tab15:24
srir4mwhere's the server tab?15:24
QuinnHi all, just installed ubuntu on my laptop. Everything is fine except for the track pad. The mouse is jumpy and not as smooth as it was in windows, and the slower I move it, the more jumpy it is. Any idea?15:24
reokieXFCE with compton has been great to me so far15:24
srir4myeah....compton is great....compiz is broken tho15:25
nicomachusQuinn: you can adjust that in System Settings --> Mouse & Touchpad15:25
Quinnnicomachus: those settings are very limited, I only see an option for sensitivity and right/left click15:26
nicomachusQuinn: correct. does adjusting sensitivity smooth it out or now?15:27
Quinnnicomachus: not that I can tell. I lowered it and it's still pretty awful15:27
nicomachusQuinn: is this a laptop?15:28
Quinnnicomachus:  yes, ASUS Q301LA15:28
nicomachusQuinn: and which version of ubuntu did you install?15:28
Quinnnicomachus:  16.0415:28
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Quinnevery time I try linux I always have troubles with mouse/kb15:29
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nicomachusQuinn: you may be able to modify some xinput settings to resolve the problem. here's the wiki page on it to kind of help you navigate the options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad15:31
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nicomachusQuinn: I would probably try messing with the "Synaptics Noise Cancellation" or "Synaptics Finger" options.15:32
srir4mok im back15:33
nibjorkI use Ubuntu 16.04 unity version, but i want to replace it with gnome. Without reinstall15:38
harishkrupoinstall gnome15:38
unixninjaxis there an easy way to downgrade to this kernel -->  3.19.0-51-generic  in Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS?15:39
reokieYou can simply install gnome and you can choose to use that enviroment when you log in15:39
harishkruposudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop15:39
lotuspsychjeunixninjax: update your system always to latest15:39
nibjorkharishkrupo: Okey!15:39
lotuspsychjeunixninjax: im serious, upgrade to 14.04.415:40
harishkrupounixninjax: compile the kernel yourself15:40
unixninjaxwe are running 14 LTS in production and the version we have is causing some issues.15:40
nibjorkharishkrupo: Thank you! :)15:40
lotuspsychjeunixninjax: espacially on production server you must upgrade15:40
harishkrupounixninjax: or use synaptic to search for the kernel and instal it.15:40
unixninjaxI don't think you understand what always updating does to prod systems15:40
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ServerSageunixninjax: that's why you have a test environment where upgrades are tested before rolling to prod, right?  :P15:41
lotuspsychjeunixninjax: i dont think you understand the risks of not being up to date15:41
unixninjaxServerSage, correct and was planning to test the version that works first15:42
unixninjaxlotuspsychje, please explain the risks, I am curious.15:42
lotuspsychje!usn | unixninjax15:42
ubottuunixninjax: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.15:42
ServerSageunixninjax: How did an untested version get pushed to prod without being tested?  :P15:42
naccunixninjax: well, i think you can install the default 14.04.0 or 14.04.1 kernels15:42
naccunixninjax: i believe both are supported for the lifetime of 14.0415:42
unixninjaxServerSage, it didn't :P the issues didn't surface in testing15:43
naccunixninjax: unless by downgrade you mean going back in the 3.19 series?15:43
unixninjaxnacc, yes 3.19.0-51 specifically15:44
lotuspsychjeso many exploits out there...15:44
unixninjaxlotuspsychje, firewall?15:44
unixninjaxget you one ;)15:44
naccunixninjax: can you explain specifically why?15:44
unixninjaxwith the newer kernel, we are seeing ton of memcache errors15:45
unixninjaxconnection errors15:45
unixninjaxruling things out one by one15:45
naccunixninjax: ok, i think the appropriate solution is to file a bug and just boot to the prior kernel15:45
unixninjaxsame hardware spec with 3.19.0-51 has no issues15:45
naccunixninjax: as typically with -updates, the prior kernel is supported to help shake out exactly these kinds of regressions15:45
unixninjaxgot it, thanks!15:46
unixninjaxand i'll file a bug if that turns out to be an issue15:46
naccunixninjax: so i think right now that implies current is -59 and last is -58, iiuc15:47
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic trusty15:48
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 29 kB15:48
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naccunixninjax: you *can* install older kernels in test, probably, but they woudln't be supported beyond that15:50
nacc!info linux-generic-lts-vivid trusty15:50
ubottulinux-generic-lts-vivid (source: linux-meta-lts-vivid): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; powerpc)15:50
OerHeksunixninjax, for start, roll back by booting the previous kernel15:51
unixninjaxthat's the plan15:53
unixninjaxthanks guys!15:53
kruugCan someone on 16.10 paste their sources.list?15:59
lotuspsychjekruug: #ubuntu+1 please16:00
kruugOh, sorry.  Didn't realize 16.10 wasn't out yet.  What's the most current one? 16.04?16:00
Picikruug: indeed.16:01
nacckruug: the release date roughly is in the name16:01
kruugSo, can someone on 16.04 paste their sources.list?16:01
kruuglike, just the default ones16:01
lotuspsychje!sources | kruug16:02
ubottukruug: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.16:02
lotuspsychjekruug: whats going on with your sources?16:02
kruug!doesntgivemetheinformationineed | lotuspsychje16:02
kruuglotuspsychje: I'm doing some research into the sources.list but I don't have the resources to spin up an Ubuntu VM atm...16:02
nacckruug: curious, what kind of research?16:03
kruugnacc: are all the entries http or https?16:03
kruugby default16:03
nacckruug: http i believe16:03
kruugGot a paste to back that up?16:03
nacckruug: are you on an ubuntu system now?16:04
kruugEverything I'm finding is from 12.04 or earlier, and I was looking for something newer16:04
kruugnacc: no16:04
k1l_kruug: what is the exact issue?16:04
nacckruug: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16685527/ is the sources.list from a fresh lxc 16.04 container16:05
naccnot sure if that qualifies as 'stock'16:05
kruugk1l_: I'm doing some research into the sources.list but I don't have the resources to spin up an Ubuntu VM atm...16:05
k1l_kruug: sources links are not https. the packages are all signed and the hash is checked16:05
k1l_kruug: so its still the same as it was on 12.0416:06
nacckruug: fwiw, your statements are coming across, perhaps unfairly, as vague. "some research" => just say what you want to know16:06
kruugnacc: I want to know if Ubuntu repositories are HTTPS by default or HTTP16:06
k1l_kruug: i just explained.16:06
nacckruug: that was just answered16:06
k1l_kruug: and no, that is not insecure.16:06
nacckruug: but if you had asked that to begin with, k1l_ could have answered immediately :)16:06
Picikruug: fwiw, you could check easily by trying to go to https://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:07
jmaderohi all, what do people use for saving fillable PDFs, apparently Acrobat has been deprecated for Linux, Evince doesn't save right16:10
geniijmadero: Okular works on some of them that Evince doesn't. But your mileage may vary16:11
mcphailjmadero: in my experience, there isn't a decent solution just now16:11
OerHekslibreoffice does.16:11
geniijmadero: You can also try importing them into LibreOffice Writer16:11
jmadero....I hate closed source crap16:11
jmaderoAdobe is up there with the worst16:11
lotuspsychjejmadero: inkscape can edit also16:11
jmaderowill it seamlessly resave as pdf?16:12
jmaderoLibreOffice formatting of the document might get off, I want to avoid that16:12
mcphailjmadero: to be fair, it is a problem with the open source software rather than the closed, in this instance16:12
brunch875how so?16:12
mcphailbrunch875: no open software fully implements the open standards16:12
jmaderohmm this is a real problem for me :-/16:13
jmaderookay well I know where I stand thanks again16:13
mcphailjmadero: last time, I had to fill a form by opening it as a graphic in GIMP and add text boxes16:13
jmaderoyeah that's too time consuming, I need this to be fast and efficient16:13
mcphailjmadero: I feel your pain16:14
jmaderois what it is, just need to decide whether I need to use W10 for this or if I have the time to fight it in Linux16:14
lotuspsychjejmadero: there are also tons of free pdf editors online16:14
mcphailjmadero: I haven't tried acrobat in WINE for a while. Perhaps that would work?16:14
jmaderocan't upload these forms online16:15
jmaderomcphail: ....if I'm going to pollute Linux with Wine and Windows software, might as well use Windows ;)16:15
jmaderoit's fine, just needed to confirm my suspicion16:15
jmaderojust a heads up, LibreOffice doesn't work right16:17
jmaderofor anyone who was curious ;)16:17
de-factohow can i uninstall that stupid apport? it consumes 100% cpu, then writes huge amounts of data to my ssd wearing it out and crashing my whole gui16:18
naccde-facto: not sure if the various desktops depend on it, but `apt-get remove apport` ? :)16:19
de-factocan that safely be done?16:20
jmaderode-facto: see what else gets uninstalled along with it16:20
jmaderode-facto: before confirming the uninstall ;)16:21
naccde-facto: well it should prompt you to say yes or no16:21
naccde-facto: so you'll see what apt thinks will happens16:21
nacci wouldnt' say yes unless you're very sure it won't remove your entire desktop :)16:21
jmaderoI think it'll be a problem16:21
nacci'm 99% sure it's a basic component16:22
de-factoseems it wouldnt remove anything with it, so i uninstalled it along with its gtk frontend16:22
mcphailde-facto: you can happily work with the service stopped, so I don't see why it couldn't be removed. Not sure is systemd eats your core files if apport is stopped though. That is supposed to be default systemd behaviour (and would be just as bad)16:22
naccbut cursory looking at apt-cache output and reverse-depends, i don't see anythign that will complain16:23
naccwell, there you go :)16:23
jmaderookay all need to head back to working on this crap, thanks for your advice16:23
* jmadero waves16:23
de-factothat was nasty, it even crashed my virtualbox with its berserk disk access16:23
naccde-facto: it's weird that apport did that, it only runs if you have applications crashing16:24
naccde-facto: and virtualbox crashing is a virtualbox bug, not an apport one, imo :)16:24
de-factoit froze my gui hence vbox was crashed with all gui apps along16:25
QuinnHey all, another question. I can't get desktop cube to work in compiz. It's enabled but the shortcut doesn't do anything16:25
naccde-facto: your VM's apport crashed your host's gui?16:26
naccde-facto: that sounds like poor resource allocation16:26
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naccde-facto: but neither here nor there, sounds like you were able to successfully remove apport, so you're good?16:28
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de-factonope i started deluge which crashed, then apport went berserk on my disk hence my gui completely froze. logging in from tty1 killed the gui along with all open apps (i.e. also vbox, with data loss)16:29
fer_HI I new user16:30
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jakey3is there a way to list all the packages installed in lubuntu in the software on lubuntu in the terminal16:32
naccde-facto: that's a lot of different bits. I don't know what deluge is, but it crashing will invoke apport. And if there are lots of logs from deluge that can stress the disk. I'm not sure which gui you are referring to as to it freezing, but presuming you mean the host one, then it seems like you should resource constrain your VM's disk usgae so it can't disrupt your host system. Logging in from a tty16:33
de-factojakey3 dpkg --get-selections16:33
naccshouldn't kill a WM/GUI (presuming again that's what you mean)16:33
WLBIjakey3: use:  dpkg -l16:33
de-factonacc it was not virtualbox but apport consuming all ressources and with gui i mean the whole Xorg / gnome shell16:34
naccjakey3: the difference between the two, roughly, is the output, --get-selections will spit out package names. -l will tell you their state, etc16:34
jakey3thanks peeps16:34
de-factonacc it kills itself when its unresponsive16:34
naccde-facto: ok, but just so i understand, the deluge install/apport craziness was in a VM or in the host?16:34
naccde-facto: ah, sorry, i misunderstood16:35
de-factoall on host, data loss in vm16:35
srir4mhow do i install hevc plugin16:35
srir4mlibde265 doesnt seem to work16:36
srir4madding ppa is working.....but updating seems to cause problem16:36
naccsrir4m: you will need to talk to the ppa owner if you are using packages from a ppa16:36
srir4mno it always worked with 14.0416:37
de-factohmm maybe i should find another vm and abandon virtualbox, i think virtmanager with qemu/kvm backend would survive such a gui crash16:37
naccsrir4m: sorry? are you not on 14.04 anymore? you just asked how to install it, but then say it always worked, so you know how to installed it?16:38
OerHekssrir4m, still working on that skype-wrapper?16:38
naccde-facto: ack, that's sort of what i was getting at :)16:38
akikde-facto: you can start virtualbox vms headless in v516:38
srir4mnooo....skype wrapper....was a utter failure16:38
srir4mno im on 16.0416:38
naccthere was no libde265 in 14.4016:39
de-factoakik can i start them headless in background and connect GUI to that later?16:39
nacc!info libde265 trusty16:39
ubottuPackage libde265 does not exist in trusty16:39
srir4mno its a ppa16:39
OerHeksso what ppa did you add?? you know we don't support ppa issues? for a good reason16:39
ducassesrir4m: if you have trouble with a ppa you need to ask the maintainer.16:39
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:39
akikde-facto: at least you can start them headless. i haven't tested16:39
naccsrir4m: so there's no comparison to 14.04, unless you konw the ppa owner did the work to get it packaged properly and it's the same version in 16.0416:39
srir4msoo how do i play x265 content16:39
srir4manything other than vlc...16:40
srir4mvlc is crap16:40
de-factoakik if one could start them from a parent outside Xorg children and connect later to that GUI that woudl be fine with me16:40
OerHekssrir4m, please easy on the enter, thanks.16:40
naccsrir4m: so it looks like there are two H.265 packages -- libx265-79 and libde265-0, both in 16.0416:41
naccsrir4m: i don't know much about them, but maybe someone else can help if you are having issues using them16:41
srir4mnahh its ok.....16:41
srir4mill just use mpv16:42
srir4mmpv will support hevc out of the box16:42
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naccsrir4m: whoa.16:48
srir4mdoing it directly from the terminal16:48
naccsrir4m: apt-get remove <pkgname>16:48
mcphailsrir4m: stop shouting please16:48
OerHekssome apps are part of the core. carefull ...16:48
srir4mseems to remove core mate too16:48
naccsrir4m: with careful consideraton of what apt says it will remove16:48
srir4myes exactly16:48
naccsrir4m: then don't remove that.16:48
OerHekssrir4m, you better do this from softwarecenter.16:48
srir4msynaptic is not preinstalled?16:49
nacci hope not16:49
OerHeksnever was ..16:49
srir4msoo how do i do it?16:50
OerHekssrir4m, you are not a beginner, are you?16:50
srir4mmore or less yeah16:50
OerHekswant to remove stuff from terminal, but does not have a clue about installing software?16:50
srir4mnooo...i used synaptic before16:51
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naccsrir4m: ok, so install synaptic? `apt-get install synaptic`16:52
srir4mi thought there was a preinstalled package manager16:53
naccsrir4m: that's 'apt' or 'apt-get'16:54
OerHekssrir4m, yes softwarecenter.16:54
naccOerHeks: or that --^ :)16:54
srir4mis the softwarecenter...software boutique?16:55
shatnerzhey I have a samba sharing question. I got samba sharing to somewhat work. I have to folders shared with the exact same permissions, but one is not accessible by windows users. I think they get permission denied. Any ideas? I'll post the smb.cnf16:55
vipinmsplease anyone help me on patching the webcam as mentioned in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-utopic/+bug/143390616:55
Teguwant to remove preinstalled software? what about doing a command line install and installing the stuff you want on top of that?16:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1433906 in linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu) "Acer, Inc ID 5986:055a is useless after 14.04.2 installed." [High,Triaged]16:55
camroncadeI got a response here http://askubuntu.com/q/777007/548143 and was wondering if someone could help me decipher what he's suggesting16:56
shatnerzhere is my smb.cnf16:58
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wyrewhat is official way to install android studio on ubuntu 16.04?17:13
akikde-facto: you could try suspending the headless vm and then restart it with the VBoxManage's --gui option17:13
xanguawyre: www.webupd8.org/2014/05/install-android-studio-in-ubuntu-via-ppa.html?m=1 don't know if it's already in official repositories17:14
daveomcdhow can I create a new file from the last 1500 lines in ubuntu terminal? I was trying to use a tail and ">" but dont think i had it exactly right...17:21
jakey3how do I compare to checksums in the terminal17:22
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM17:24
ducassedaveomcd: 'tail -1500 oldfile > newfile' ?17:25
fenneszHello everyone ! I have the same problem with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1174133 , can someone help me ?17:29
Ferris-okiedoke- we're having a problem here. Package manager crashes upon opening. I have a suspicion that maybe a tempfile corrupted17:30
Guest12342123Have you guys had issues with Video Editing software on 16.04 (as soon as video is uploaded to the program) the programs crashes...17:34
Ferris-Not meaning to spam- same question over because jessiebit entered the channel.17:35
Ferris-okiedoke- we're having a problem here. Package manager crashes upon opening. I have a suspicion that maybe a tempfile corrupted17:35
Ferris-because I've had that sort of thing happen to me17:35
Ferris-She can likely provide a pastebin of the error thrown17:35
Ferris-maybe not without help though. I no good with PC what17:36
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nibjorkAny program to create usb live disks? Not ubuntu iso17:39
Ferris-freenode #ubuntu is all questions no answers!17:39
Guest12342123Ferris-: It is a tool... Google is always available...17:40
Ferris-great, 'cause the answers are so malleable there!17:41
Guest12342123Ferris-: It's a matter of abstraction...17:41
BluesKajnibjork, ubuntu live disk needs an ubuntu iso burned to it17:41
daxnibjork: live disks of which distro/OS?17:42
BluesKajthat's how the live disk is made17:42
daxdifferent ones have different needs17:42
nibjorkBluesKaj: I understood that17:42
nibjorkIm going to create a fedora usb, to try on my other laptop17:42
BluesKajnibjork, then ask in #fedora17:43
daxrufus on Windows, dd if=Downloads/fedora.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M on Linux17:43
daxwhere X is the device node letter17:43
nibjorkdax: thank you17:43
daxthat works for most Linuxes btw, everything's moving to hybrid ISOs these days17:44
Fetch /usr/lib/pt_chown is not appearing on a recently launched/updated 14.04 system running in EC2. dpkg -l libc-bin doesn't show the file registered to the package, but the version is 2.19-0ubuntu6.8 and everything I'm seeing says the file should be there17:45
Fetchnow, I don't really actually care that it's missing (its lack tripped a security scan), but anyone have an idea why it would be disappeared?17:45
jakey3OerHeks: thanks17:46
ratpackI need some help to solve a small riddle at my 16.04 xubuntu whisker menu17:46
geniiratpack: You might find better answers in the #xubuntu channel :)17:48
ratpackoh ok thanks17:49
gvvgHi we have these ubuntu 14.04 machines that were authenticating on another ubuntu server and that server is down indefinately. Is there anyway to revert login to auth locally?17:56
ioriagvvg, not sure, but check /etc/nsswitch.conf17:58
gvvgok thnaks18:04
rjbnibjork: you may use unetbootin, too.18:07
BluesKajdisk creator is much better than unetbootin , it fails a lot18:08
noggerfroggereliHi, guys may i ask a question here?18:09
rjbfor me it had been working well so far...18:10
lethunoggerfroggereli: don't ask to ask a question, just ask it18:10
noggerfroggereli i didnt' remember to disable nvidia proprietary drivers before version upgrading to 16.04 and tty7 is as dark as night i would like to know if there is a way to simply revert to intel graphics from command line so i can install nvidia drivers properly18:10
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noggerfroggereliXD first time using irc dunno if this is the correct lobby18:11
lethunoggerfroggereli: np, are you using a dual gpu setup?18:12
noggerfroggerelia lenovo laptop18:12
lethunoggerfroggereli: does it have two gpus?18:12
noggerfroggerelijust a nvidia gpu and do notebook processors process graphics to consume less energy?18:13
noggerfroggerelisorry for responding with a weird question i'm just not sure/curious18:14
rjbnoggerfroggereli: in this case you have actually two gpu's. i know what you mean as i have the same setup and i can switch between intel/nvidia when using nvidia drivers18:21
noggerfroggerelii have to reboot to use one or the other18:21
alpcinoi need hack facebook18:22
alpcinohi all18:22
noggerfroggerelii tried sudo aptgetinstalling nvidia-graphics-drivers-36118:22
OerHeksalpcino, wrong channel, wrong network too18:22
Guido2I have a silvercrest videograbber. How do I do it that I see the picture comming from it?18:23
Guest67085sudo apt-get install18:23
OerHeksnoggerfroggereli, i would advise to use "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall "18:23
alpcinohi all18:24
noggerfroggerelii'll try right now18:24
alpcinohi gays18:26
alpcinoim new her18:26
noggerfroggereliit seemed to install 340 drivers, i rebooted and i still have no graphic login18:29
OerHeksthen the 340 driver should be suitable for your card.18:30
iorianoggerfroggereli,  lspci |  grep VGA18:30
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noggerfroggerelithe output says intel corporation 3rd gen core processor graphics controller rev0918:32
iorianoggerfroggereli,   sudo lshw -c Video  and see it nvidia is detected18:34
noggerfroggereliit detects the intel processor and GF117M [geforce 610/710m/810m/820m / etc]18:36
noggerfroggereliso it seems yes, interestingly enough it says configuaration: driver=nvidia18:38
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noggerfroggerelifor the 117m18:38
iorianoggerfroggereli,   loaded but not working18:38
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iorianoggerfroggereli,   i'd say purge nvidia and stsrt over ...18:39
noggerfroggerelihow should i do it?18:39
iorianoggerfroggereli,   first check if you have  a file : /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:40
noggerfroggerelishould I ls to it? (i'm rusty :p)18:40
iorianoggerfroggereli,   yes18:41
folder|is Kubuntu essentially Ubuntu with a different skin?18:42
noggerfroggereliyes i have several files one corresponding an others with . and following numbers18:43
BluesKajfolder|, it uses the KDE/plasma desktop environment18:43
folder|but the underside is the samse?18:43
BluesKajthe core is ubuntu18:44
iorianoggerfroggereli,   no just,  ls  /etc/X11/xorg.conf          what's the output ?18:44
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE18:44
noggerfroggereliit's the outpuyt from ls18:44
iorianoggerfroggereli,   ok,   sudo mv   /etc/X11/xorg.conf         /etc/X11/xorg.conf.back18:45
BluesKaj!KDE | folder|18:46
ubottufolder|: KDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.18:46
folder|oh so you can install KDE over the current ubuntu installation?18:46
tgm4883super dumb question. How do you boot an older kernel on 16.04? Shift doesn't seem to be bringing up grub anymore18:46
ioriatgm4883, edit /etc/default/grub and comment GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=018:47
noggerfroggereliregular xorg conf seems to be no more18:47
ioriatgm4883, then dufo update-grub18:47
iorianoggerfroggereli,   ok,      ls -l ~/.Xauthority18:48
BluesKajnot over unless you install the whole Kubuntu OS , but if you install kubuntu desktop then you can choose wu=hich DE to use at login, folder|18:48
iorianoggerfroggereli,   see if the file is owned by you18:48
folder|Windows 10 automatic updates are eating my mobile data :/ so I'm switching to Linux and wanted to try something that has an interface a little closer to windows18:50
tgm4883ioria: that seems to have worked thanks, I had put it to 2, but that didn't help previously18:50
ioriatgm4883, good18:51
baizonfolder|: xfce, cinnamon, kde18:51
baizonfolder|: forgot about lxde18:51
OerHeksnone looks like windows, mate or cinnamon are the closest, i guess18:51
BluesKajfolder|, well KDE has been accused of being a windows look-alike because it's more familiar in it's look a nd layout then ubuntu unity , gnoem etc18:52
noggerfroggereli~ i dunno how to reproduce this character i have an italian keyboard18:52
BluesKajthen =than18:52
iorianoggerfroggereli,   it's your home folder .... /home/-user/18:52
iorianoggerfroggereli,  but try altGr + ^18:53
BluesKajfolder|, scuse the typos , but you get the gist i'm sure18:53
iorianoggerfroggereli,   ok,      ls -l   /home/youruser/.Xauthority    it's the same18:53
rjbfolder| be prepared that ubuntu does updates as well ^^18:54
noggerfroggereliit seems .Xauthority doesn't exist18:55
OerHeksls -la18:55
OerHeksthat shows all files18:55
iorianoggerfroggereli,   sorry       ls -al   /home/youruser/.Xauthority18:55
OerHeksnever mind, you will remember it forever :-D18:55
c1how do i make my ubuntu full screen on vbox18:56
c1do i need vbox additions18:56
OerHeksc1 yes18:56
noggerfroggereliit showed all my home folders even the .hidden ones18:56
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:56
noggerfroggerelibut xauthority18:56
noggerfroggereliseems not to exist18:56
iorianoggerfroggereli,  check again please    ,     ls -al   /home/youruser/.Xauthority18:57
iorianoggerfroggereli,  X not x18:57
OerHeksls -l   /home/$USER/.Xauthority18:58
OerHeksoh, forgot the a18:58
noggerfroggereliseems the directory doesnt exist18:59
* OerHeks facepalms18:59
iorianoggerfroggereli,  it'a a file not a dir18:59
mr-rogersDo I need to do something after I create /etc/udev/rules.d/raw1394.rules in a terminal before it is used?18:59
iorianoggerfroggereli,  are you sure you don't have   a    .Xauthority file in your home folder  ?19:00
noggerfroggerelieven in this working installation19:00
noggerfroggerelii do not se one19:00
AzusWhat is the utility of Xautority19:00
iorianoggerfroggereli,  using ubuntu on another pc ?19:00
OerHekssudo udevadm control --reload-rules19:00
BluesKajnoggerfroggereli, open hidden files in the file manager19:01
noggerfroggereliubuntu gnome19:01
iorianoggerfroggereli,  ok,     in that installation,   run     ls -al   /home/$USER/.Xauthority19:01
OerHekssudo /etc/init.d/udev restart or systemctl restart udev.service19:02
noggerfroggereliit tells me nonexistent file or directory19:02
noggerfroggerelieven on the working one19:02
iorianoggerfroggereli,  ok,    nvm, come back to the issue19:03
noggerfroggerelils -al   /home/$USER/.Xauthority19:03
noggerfroggerelils: impossibile accedere a '/home/noggerfraggereli/.Xauthority': File o directory non esistente19:03
iorianoggerfroggereli,   sudo service lightdm status   , what's the output ?19:05
mr-rogersOerHeks: Thank you.19:05
noggerfroggereliloaded: not found reason no such file or directory19:05
mr-rogersI may have asked the wrong question.19:05
iorianoggerfroggereli,    sudo apt-get purge nvidia*             (note the *)19:06
iorianoggerfroggereli,    and reboot19:06
noggerfroggereliok removing19:07
noggerfroggereliit succesfully rebooted19:08
noggerfroggerelishould i try reinstalling nvidia driver from software sources?19:09
iorianoggerfroggereli,    install pastebinit19:10
iorianoggerfroggereli,    sudo apt-get install pastebinit19:11
iorianoggerfroggereli,    ubuntu-drivers list |  pastebinit19:12
mr-rogersThe problem I'm trying to fix is getting this error: libdc1394 error: Failed to initialize libdc1394. This temporary solution works (sudo ln /dev/null /dev/raw1394), but I want a permanent one. I don't have a /dev/raw1394. So I don't think udev rule will do anything...19:12
iorianoggerfroggereli,    sudo lshw -c Video | pastebinit19:15
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iorianoggerfroggereli,    you are on ubuntu right ? not xubuntu or kubuntu19:17
noggerfroggerelino it's actually ubuntu gnome19:18
iorianoggerfroggereli,   oh,    look in your menus for 'Additional Driver'   don't remember where it is exactly on gnome19:19
bytefirehi guys, i'm trying to install ia32-libs using apt-get but it fails saying: E: Package 'ia32-libs' has no installation candidate19:20
iorianoggerfroggereli,   maybe ystem - Administration - Additional Drivers19:20
mr-rogersI have a peculiar setup (it uses Jython and folders of the form name*.sikuli with associated name*.py files in them -- https://bpaste.net/show/ca088860a1b9). Each .py has a unittest.TestCase class. I am trying to get unittest..TestLoader().discover("..", pattern="*.py") to work at the top level. Is this possible?19:21
noggerfroggereliok i'm gonna do it and19:21
noggerfroggerelipost the result19:21
OerHeksbytefire, ia32 libs are depreciated, use" install <package>:i386 " and install -f " to fix dependencie issues19:21
iorianoggerfroggereli,  wait, ost uname -r19:21
bytefireOerHeks: i see thanks19:21
iorianoggerfroggereli,  post       uname -r19:22
bytefireOerHeks: apt-get install -f  will fix all dependencies?19:22
OerHeksi hope so, but yes, it should.19:22
bytefirenice one cheers!19:22
noggerfroggereliok i rebooted19:23
noggerfroggereliand now i have black screen again19:23
snckrzhey! can someone please help me install termite?19:23
iorianoggerfroggereli,  uname -r19:23
MadcapJakeJust restarted after do-release-upgrade and it hangs on the splash, how can i figure out what's going wrong?19:24
ramsub07hello, how do i copy all the directories(and whatever inside) to a new location using cp ?19:24
k1l_snckrz: install the package from the ubuntu repo19:24
iorianoggerfroggereli,  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit19:25
snckrzkil_ apt install termite gives "Unable to locate package"19:25
k1l_snckrz: what ubuntu is that exactly?19:25
noggerfroggereliit says file or directory unsexistant19:26
k1l_snckrz: oh right. they only build it for the  s390x architecture19:26
Bashing-omramsub07: ' cp -R <file paths>' if outside /home then elevated authority required ... ' sudo cp -R <file paths> ' .19:27
snckrzkil_ so how do i get it now?19:27
iorianoggerfroggereli,   did you typed the command correctly '19:28
noggerfroggerelii'm checking19:28
iorianoggerfroggereli,   have you typed the command correctly ?19:28
k1l_snckrz: https://github.com/thestinger/termite  you need to compile it yourself19:29
ramsub07Bashing-om: if i'm selecting all the directory from the current directory, do I need to use ./* ?19:29
snckrzkil_ I would if it would work, but it doesnt.19:29
ramsub07and while pasting to the destination, do i need to use destination/* ?19:29
snckrztermite.cc: In function ‘void load_theme(GtkWindow*, VteTerminal*, GKeyFile*, hint_info&)’:19:29
snckrztermite.cc:1309:62: error: ‘vte_terminal_set_color_cursor_foreground’ was not declared in this scope19:29
snckrz         vte_terminal_set_color_cursor_foreground(vte, &*color);19:29
k1l_snckrz: for such specialized programs you might better want to ask the termite community for help19:31
Jakey3hi i have just installed lubuntu vbox on a lubuntu host19:31
Jakey3when i load up the virtual machine i get 2 tabs in the task bar19:31
Jakey3for the same virtual machine19:31
OerHeks1 manager and 1 vbox-vm19:32
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OerHeksJakey3, but you can easily see that yourself19:32
MadcapJakeJust restarted after do-release-upgrade and it hangs on the splash, how can i figure out what's going wrong?19:33
MadcapJakegoing from 15.10 to 16.0419:33
k1l_MadcapJake: amd video card?19:33
Jakey3OerHeks: what do you mean19:33
MadcapJakeno, nvidia19:33
k1l_MadcapJake: can you try an older kernel in grub?19:34
Jakey3OerHeks: on 14.04 this did not occur19:34
k1l_Jakey3: can you show a screenshot of that?19:34
Jakey3yes where should i image bin it?19:34
iorianoggerfroggereli,   sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf && sudo apt-get purge nvidia*19:34
MadcapJakeonly shows one other option, 4.2 (trying that now)19:34
iorianoggerfroggereli,   and reboot19:34
k1l_Jakey3: imgur.com19:35
MadcapJakek1l_: it froze again19:37
k1l_MadcapJake: hmm. when in grub, press "e" to edit the line, then remove the "quiet splash" and then press F10(or whatever it lists down there) to boot that line. so it will show the errors on the screen.19:38
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Jakey3k1l_: http://imgur.com/no3sGv819:39
noggerfroggereliok it rebooted ang graphical19:39
noggerfroggereligot into graphical desktop19:39
noggerfroggerelishould i install the nvidia drivers?19:40
ehvaguwhat are we talking about19:40
iorianoggerfroggereli,   we already did that19:40
ehvaguoh nvidia huh.19:40
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noggerfroggerelii can't see the nvidia apllications and the software sources says i still have to install them19:41
TheSilentLinkhello whats the best terminal program for linux?19:41
ehvaguhello whats the best terminal program for linux? depends on what u want to do19:42
iorianoggerfroggereli,   we purged nvidia , because it's not working19:42
TheSilentLinkwell just one with like multiple tabs and stuff19:42
ehvaguterminator is pretty good19:43
OerHeksstandard terminal can do that.19:43
akikTheSilentLink: test them all. choose one19:43
TheSilentLinkOerHeks: the default terminal has multiple tabs?19:43
ehvaguoerheks.. yeah19:43
OerHekstons of other terminals in softwarecenter.19:43
ehvaguyeah it can be enabled19:43
MadcapJakeTerminix is sweet19:43
noggerfroggereliso i cannot use the gpu in the new ubuntu version?19:43
ehvagu<noggerfroggereli> nvidia card model?19:44
MadcapJakek1l_: it just says "loading linux...\nloading ramdisk..." nothing else19:44
iorianoggerfroggereli,   how did you upgrade ? do-release-upgrade or what ?19:44
noggerfroggereliGF117M it seems19:45
OerHeksTheSilentLink, terminal > pref > 1st tab: open new...19:45
iorianoggerfroggereli,   how did you upgrade to 16.04 ?19:45
noggerfroggerelino from the update program, it prompted me and i accepted19:45
Jakey3k1l_: any idea why its happening19:45
MadcapJakek1l_: this time i tried `noquiet nosplash` still same, prints nothing19:46
iorianoggerfroggereli,   sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade19:47
ehvagudid you try with nouveau.modeset=0 ?19:47
Bashing-omramsub07: I wandered off .. If you are working in the Present Woeking Directory . then paths are not needed to be declared .19:48
OerHeksJakey3, why do you make it a game to guess, and not showing what those screens are about?19:49
Jakey3OerHeks: dont understand what you mean19:50
Jakey3OerHeks: I have one vbox os running but 2 tabs19:50
noggerfroggerelithe sudo apt full upgrade part of the output is really short19:50
noggerfroggereliit' already done19:50
iorianoggerfroggereli,   were you using ppa ?19:50
noggerfroggerelionly small ones19:51
noggerfroggerelinumix icon19:51
OerHeksJakey3, you have actually 3 tabs for virtualbox, but the 2 yellow ones, open them so they overlay..19:51
Jakey3OerHeks: the blu one is the control screen19:52
Jakey3OerHeks: the other 2 is one vbox os19:52
OerHeksjackbrown, the name [virtualbox] could well be a dialog window, you don't show them clearly ..19:52
OerHeksso please make that screenshot19:53
Jakey3OerHeks: its not19:53
Jakey3they are both go to the virtual machine19:53
Jakey3the same one19:53
Jakey3OerHeks: i will reboot my comuter19:54
Jakey3and see if this makes a diference19:55
iorianoggerfroggereli,   no idea sorry19:56
noggerfroggerelifor the assistance19:58
iorianoggerfroggereli,   no problem19:58
noggerfroggerelinow i can backup and access settings n stuff19:58
iorianoggerfroggereli,   what you mean ? you can use it with nouveau19:59
noggerfroggereliit's really slow with integrated19:59
noggerfroggerelii started using dedicated to give some breath to the pc20:00
v1k0d3nhey everyone...having an issue with linux bridging i could use help with. is this an ok channel to ask about this?20:00
v1k0d3ni have an example in gist.github.com i can show and explain what i'm seeing.20:01
k1l_jake_: dont know, i dont use vbox anymore. did you just install vbox? did you reboot after that? does both tabs link to one window?20:01
iorianoggerfroggereli,   http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/GraficaIbrida/Prime20:01
k1l_MadcapJake: hmmmm, hard to tell without any hint. maybe you can look into /var/log/syslog from recovery or from a live-usb20:02
jakey3OerHeks: looks like its a vbox bug https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=69908#p33498220:02
utopiahhey #ubuntu any feedback on sound and the HP Stream11? Worked well on 15.* (cf own post https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/3m6ncb/hp_stream_11_with_ubuntu_1510/ ) but lost it on 16.0420:02
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v1k0d3nso any bridging folks in here by chance?20:05
MonkeyDustv1k0d3n  you mean bridging as opposed to NAT ?20:05
BatuAQEMU Warning [103] >>> Sender: bool Emulator::Load( const QString &path ) Message: No "qemu" element!20:06
v1k0d3nso i have some bridges set up on two boxes...and need some help understanding why traffic can't pass.20:06
v1k0d3nMonkeyDust: do you think you could help?20:07
MonkeyDustv1k0d3n  no, i only use bridging for my vm's20:07
v1k0d3nhmm ok20:08
BatuAny use virtualization?20:10
ehvaguhow do i remove dependencies which are not updating?20:10
ehvagui use virtualbox20:10
BatuWho use KVM?20:12
k1l_ehvagu: can you be more specific?20:12
MonkeyDust!deborphan | ehvagu20:14
ubottuehvagu: deborphan is a program used to clean up packages that are no longer needed (install from Synaptic/Muon).20:14
ehvaguwill bleachbit do it?20:15
setofast question20:18
setois there a easy way to get rid of the kubuntu/ubuntu boot logo20:18
setolike have it show the old text boot up sequence?20:19
OerHeksremove splash and quiet in the grubline20:19
setoi got something slowing my boot up way the heck down and well would be a big help to not have the boot logo20:19
daniele_Hi i got error "No GSettings schemas are installed on the system" when I launch either nautilus or nm-applet, how can I fix it?20:19
lethuseto: http://www.ccexcompany.org/linux/verbosebootkubuntu20:20
OerHeksseto, put # in front of the line http://askubuntu.com/questions/477821/how-can-i-permanently-remove-the-boot-option-quiet-splash20:20
camroncadeanybody know how I can get ubuntu to connect to the internet before lightdm starts a session on startup?20:20
daniele_I am using ubuntu server btw20:21
OerHekscamroncade, for wired would be "available for all users" in networkmanager20:21
camroncadeOerHeks: I'm dealing with wireless...and I had already tried the "available for all users" option for a specific SSID...20:22
daniele_is anyone able to give me a hint?20:22
k1l_camroncade: lightdm connects already to known networks that are checked in NM for "use for every user".20:22
k1l_!details | ehvagu20:23
ubottuehvagu: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:23
setobrb reboot20:23
camroncadehmmm....so the network I'm connected to I have "use for every user" checked, but a curl request that is run in an xsession isn't able to establish a connection20:23
k1l_camroncade: "in an xsession"?20:24
k1l_camroncade: is lightdm started at all?20:24
k1l_daniele_: nautilus on a server?20:25
daniele_k1l_: I wanted a minimal ubuntu20:25
OerHekshmm wireless.. camroncade it is a security risc, if you try to add wireless with password for all users.20:25
k1l_daniele_: what desktop is it then?20:25
daniele_k1l_: i320:25
daniele_k1l_: xinit + i3wm20:25
camroncadewell, I have the default xsession "Exec=" command call a bash script...I know that the bash script is running because my bash script decides between "gnome-session" and "google-chrome --kiosk"...after boot if I look at ~/.xsession-errors I can see curl wasn't able to establish a connection20:26
roniBOA NOITE.20:26
ehvagudeporphan says no orphaned packages20:26
tgm4883camroncade: are you sure it's not just running before the connection is made?20:26
camroncadeis there a way to delay it?20:26
setook thats weird20:26
daniele_k1l_: I think it might be some dependency that is not satisfied20:27
tgm4883camroncade: uh, "sleep 10"20:27
setoi have some star-job running with a timer20:27
setoright at boot time20:27
setolast thing that happens preboot20:27
OerHekscamroncade, why would you need wifi before login, wild guess?20:27
setoany one have a clue where to find such a thing ?20:27
setolit says a-start-job long as directory like string with a desktop file20:27
k1l_daniele_: install gsettings-desktop-schemas20:28
daniele_it is installed by default20:28
daniele_i also tried to reinstall it20:28
k1l_camroncade: you can test it and wait on the lightdm. it will login to the wifi. only thing i can think of is that it takes longer than the login and therefor is not available20:29
camroncadeso I'm building a kiosk machine and have a bash script that determines whether to boot normally (gnome-session) or as a kiosk (google-chrome with the --kiosk flag)...I'm trying to setup a way to trigger which way it boots remotely, so what I've been trying to do is a if/else statement that checks the response of a url. So if the curl request responds true it starts as a kiosk, if it's false it boots normally20:29
camroncadeIts definitely possible I'm trying to achieve this a weird way.20:29
tgm4883camroncade: yea that seems excessive, but I don't know your usecase20:30
k1l_daniele_: and libglib2.0-0 is too?20:31
camroncadeI guess I just need to find a elegant way to trigger the box booting normally as opposed to kiosk20:31
tgm4883camroncade: right, but why would you be booting normally vs a kiosk?20:32
k1l_camroncade: first try to see if its just a delay issue20:32
setoand that fixed that issue20:32
camroncadeyeah, I'll try the delay20:32
setowas a command for loading a swap file that no longer exists from when i was experimenting with swap file v swap partion20:32
k1l_camroncade: just boot the box to lightdm. it shows a hint in the corner when its connected.20:33
setoso yeh back to the damn near blink and you miss it booting chrome book lol20:33
daniele_k1l_: yup20:33
camroncadethis device will eventually be in a different city, and if they end up having any issues with it I was looking for an easy way to have them restart it out of kiosk mode so I could get remote access to try and troubleshoot any issues20:33
camroncadek1l_, I'm sorry, what do you mean by "boot to lightdm"? I don't understand20:34
setoty lethu and derheks20:34
lethuseto: np20:34
k1l_camroncade: lightdm is the login screen.20:35
setocould not figure out why my boot was so blasted slow lol20:35
k1l_camroncade: that is what the first instance is that triggers NetworkManager to start the network.20:35
camroncadeah. yeah, I've got it auto-logging in right now but I can turn it off to check20:35
jakey3can someone explain to me in simple terms what dkms does20:38
camroncadesleep 15 didn't seem to do anything...curl still couldn't establish a connection20:38
tgm4883jakey3: it compiles kernel modules automatically when you update your kernel20:39
Ben64DESCRIPTION       dkms is a framework which allows kernel modules to be dynamically built20:39
Ben64       for each kernel on your system in a simplified and organized fashion.20:39
Ben64from 'man dkms'20:39
daniele_are anyone able to help me?20:39
jakey3tgm4883: what issue does this solve20:40
tgm4883jakey3: it removes needing to manually build kernel modules for items that don't have built in kernel support20:40
daniele_k1l_: are you able to help me a little bit more? pls20:41
jakey3tgm4883: so for example vbox uses dkms for what reason, however the repository version does not?20:42
k1l_daniele_: i am looking into it  but i am not sure what the solution is.20:42
k1l_camroncade: easy test: just wait on lightdm if it will connect to the wifi. so you know if its a delay issue or a "doesnt connect to wifi at all" issue.20:42
tgm4883jakey3: ok, so you have vbox, and it contains some stuff that requires a kernel module. Without DKMS, every time you update your kernel (which happens occasionally for security fixes), you would need to manually build the modules for that. DKMS just does it automatically20:43
jakey3tgm4883: makes sense now, so it recomiles extra bit required for programs that is not in the regular kernel20:45
jakey3tgm4883: thanks for the info20:45
tgm4883jakey3: specifically "VirtualBox uses a special kernel module called vboxdrv to perform physical memory allocation and to gain control of the processor for guest system execution. Without this kernel module, you can still use the VirtualBox manager to configure virtual machines, but they will not start. In addition, there are the network kernel modules20:45
tgm4883vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp which are required for the more advanced networking features of VirtualBox."20:45
daniele_k1l_: maybe I found the problem20:45
k1l_daniele_: i would try if this works:http://stackoverflow.com/a/28953973 but i am not too much into the glib stuff20:46
jakey3tgm4883: where does the dkms pull this extra kernel modules from20:46
jakey3a repostory of sorts?20:46
tgm4883jakey3: no, it's shipped with the application20:47
tgm4883jakey3: so DKMS is the builder, but the application ships with instructions on what to do20:47
jakey3tgm4883: so its like extra that are not usally included20:47
tgm4883jakey3: I wouldn't call it extra. Usually it's required stuff20:47
HappySomethingSoI'm having problems with usb sticks. I keep getting input output errors20:48
HappySomethingSohow can I fix this?20:48
jakey3tgm4883: whu is it not included in the kernel then20:48
Ben64HappySomethingSo: can you elaborate20:48
Ben64HappySomethingSo: is it every usb stick? what are you doing with them?20:48
camroncadek1l_: yeah lightdm shows it is connecting so maybe it's just a delay issue20:48
jakey3tgm4883: as standard20:48
tgm4883jakey3: Let me answer that by asking another question. Why include it in the kernel20:49
HappySomethingSoBen64: I have btsync syncing data on a usb stick I have connected as storage20:49
k1l_jakey3: license issues.20:49
Jordan_UHappySomethingSo: There is a not small chance that all of your USB sticks are bad. They are not a reliable class of devices.20:49
roninwhat could be a problem, i tried to set up a daemon with this tutorial, it starts but it wont stop without kill command :( http://www.andrewault.net/2010/05/27/creating-a-perl-daemon-in-ubuntu/20:49
HappySomethingSoBen64: it runs ok for a while but quickly unmounts itself and starts sending input output errors20:49
jakey3tgm4883: because vbox wont work without it20:49
jakey3*latest version20:50
k1l_jakey3: look at the ubuntu zfs license issue and you know what mess that is. the dkms solution prevents that but needs the users machine to compile the moduls first.20:50
HappySomethingSoJordan_U: Ben64: output from dmesg: http://pastebin.com/9Qa268j520:50
tgm4883jakey3: and?20:50
Ben64if you included everything that anyone could possibly want into the kernel, it'd be a huge waste20:50
tgm4883k1l_: I haven't even thought about the licensing stuff, but that's a very good point20:50
jakey3tgm4883, k1l_  im confused is it liscensing isuue not to include20:51
Ben64HappySomethingSo: looks like bad drive20:51
tgm4883and I think with the oracle/google/java stuff going on, maybe it's best we keep oracle stuff far far away from the kernel20:51
HappySomethingSoBen64: I can't fix it?20:51
Ben64HappySomethingSo: unknown20:51
k1l_jakey3: that exceeds this channels topic. but there are enough articles on common new sites explaining what issue there is.20:51
c-pin1hey havign some trouble on my ubuntu 14.04 lts server with openvpn. i am trying to gunzip the config file but the terminal cant find it. i cant install opnevpn becuase i already have it20:51
jakey3tgm4883: I see so these extra kernel modules are provided by oracle20:51
HappySomethingSoBen64: Anything I can try?20:51
jakey3in the dkms20:51
tgm4883jakey3: yes20:51
Ben64HappySomethingSo: try using it normally20:52
tgm4883jakey3: oracle owns virtualbox20:52
jakey3yes i see thar20:52
HappySomethingSoBen64: what do you mean normally?20:52
jakey3yes i see that20:52
Ben64HappySomethingSo: put files on it, take files off20:52
jakey3so dkms = oracle20:52
HappySomethingSoBen64: Well, that's what btsync was doing, copying to the drive20:52
k1l_jakey3: no20:52
c-pin1so i cant use sudo apt-get update install openvpn easy-rsa because it says i already have it, but i cant gunzip from the path because its not found20:52
tgm4883oh geez20:53
c-pin1i dpkg queries it and it says the gz is there20:53
HappySomethingSoare there any tests I can run to determine if it's a bad stick?20:53
Jordan_UHappySomethingSo: Buy a drive that isn't dying. Nevwr trust data that only exists on a thumb drive.20:53
tgm4883jakey3: no. The virtualbox modules are oracles20:53
Ben64jakey3: no, as stated earlier, dkms is a framework which allows kernel modules to be dynamically built for each kernel on your system in a simplified and organized fashion.20:53
akikronin: i don't see the part when the mydaemon script would have the stop functionality20:53
tgm4883jakey3: IIRC, the DKMS stuff was developed by some guys at Dell. I might be wrong though20:53
k1l_!dkms | jakey320:53
ubottujakey3: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.20:53
akikronin: is there a stop case in the /etc/init.d/skeleton ?20:54
jakey3tgm4883: ok so oracle just uses dkms to apply additional kernel modules to run the lates vbox20:54
tgm4883jakey3: they recommend you use DKMS. It is not required20:54
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roninakik: I thought this skeleton had stop/start/etc functionality implemented20:54
akikronin: not in 16.04 /etc/init.d/skeleton20:55
jakey3tgm4883: its a bit clearear now thanks20:55
daniele_k1l_: ubuntu has just crashed :(20:55
roninakik, why is that? :(20:55
daniele_k1l_: maybe I will just reinstall ubuntu20:55
c-pin1ayyy i found it!20:55
r3b00tI was trying to reset my ubuntu one account password but20:55
daniele_btw thanks for the support20:55
r3b00tthe reset mailer never reaches my inbox20:56
akikronin: 15.04 and upwards, systemd is used20:56
k1l_daniele_: your i3 setup is missing some parts that get setup when you install a gnome based desktop.20:56
r3b00tany help would be appreciated, many thanks20:56
roninso that init.d folde rhas nothing to do systemd20:56
daniele_k1l_: I think so20:56
daniele_k1l_: I would it was all in the dependency path20:57
k1l_daniele_: but what exactly, i dont really know. i guess its that missing glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled .20:57
akikronin: well systemd has some kind of init script compatibility but the skeleton script is incomplete20:57
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daniele_k1l_: btw thanks20:57
roninakik, can those old kind of skeletons be run in systemd?20:58
akikronin: i would call it template, not skeleton20:58
riddimhi, i'm trying to get a wireless connection started on ubuntu from the command line and really struggling20:59
akikronin: you need to find a template with a case structure for start, stop, restart20:59
riddimmy wireless has worked on desktop environments so i'm at a loss what the issue is20:59
akikronin: you can probably get into speed with this https://gist.github.com/bcap/539767421:01
riddimdoing dmesg | grep firmware says the direct firmware load fails with error -221:01
daniele__k1l_: Another things I dont want to start lightdm at boot time but i want to use xinit and i3 are you aware of a way to do it?21:02
daniele__k1l_: i am going to reinstall ubuntu :)21:02
akikronin: or you can embrace systemd :P21:02
k1l_daniele__: i suggest to use lightdm :)  since that is the standard way for ubuntu packages are build around that.  if you dont want to you might need to make some more manual work. but it should work in the end.21:03
ycnan155somebody now any website can help me to learn more about ubunut21:04
daniele__k1l_: thanks21:05
Bashing-om!manual | ycnan15521:05
ubottuycnan155: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:05
k1l_ycnan155: well, there is a lot. what do you want to get to know?21:05
ycnan155honest the most I can21:06
ycnan155I want to work with ubuntu the most I can21:06
ycnan155kil_ most in security and networking21:07
k1l_ycnan155: for users i suggest to start using it and then read about the programs you use or that you want to use.21:09
r3b00t\quit leaving21:14
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Tundra-OldDsktopHey folks, my machine just booted into initramfs. I know there was some kind of major failure some time ago, but what I don't know. Where do I go from here21:34
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voozeIf my system says memory: 3.7GB and 1.9GB cache, does that mean I'm using 3,7GB and 1.9GB is in the cache, OR am I really using 3,7-1,9 = 1.8GB ?21:38
glassanyone ever notice if you type "atom random.txt" and you should be sudo for you to save any changes but when you hit save it flashes the error message then i close and sudo atom random.txt all my changes are still there from before the sudo21:38
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Jordan_UTundra-OldDsktop: Any error message before you are dropped to the initramfs shell?21:50
Tundra-OldDsktopI proceed through grub as normal21:50
Jordan_UTundra-OldDsktop: Can you boot succesfully from an older kernel?21:54
Tundra-OldDsktopJordan_U: nada21:55
Jordan_UTundra-OldDsktop: Anything in dmesg?21:57
Jordan_UTundra-OldDsktop: Running "dmesg" will print the contents of the kernels ring buffer, which generally contains a lot of spurious noise and the occasional important error message :)21:59
geniiThe initramfs dmesg?21:59
Jordan_UTundra-OldDsktop: "dmesg | less" to be able to look through it all.21:59
Guest42287hi guys, womething very weird happens. Cannot install 16.04 live because my keyboard doesn't work. It works in the bios interface but it doesn't as soon as I get to the gui installation. Can you guys help? Please? Thanks!22:08
Ben64Guest42287: try a different keyboard?22:09
Guest42287Ben64, it's a laptop...22:09
Ben64usb keyboards would still work22:09
Guest42287yeah just I don't have one, and I don't get why my laptop's keyboard doesn't work...22:10
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Guest42287I've already installed linux on this machine once and it went like a charm22:10
Guest42287what's happening now?22:10
Ben64maybe try server or mini iso to install22:10
Ben64well it's hard to find out without a keyboard22:11
OerHekslegacy keyboard support in bios set?22:12
k1l_Guest42287: what laptop is it?22:13
k1l_and what exact ubuntu iso do you try to boot?22:13
Guest42287kil_ it's an HP and the 16.04 lts22:15
Guest42287now it's telling me "stdin: not a typewriter" during live boot... ???22:15
compdocyour name is stdin?22:18
Guest42287radeon something + cannot finf backlight controller ... ???22:18
Guest42287compdoc, no, i dunno what it means22:18
Guest42287now is flashing while printing output22:18
compdocits a laptop? sounds like the screen is messed up22:19
Guest42287looks like a loop22:19
Guest42287what can I do?22:19
Guest42287a staartjob is running for LSB22:21
pauljwGuest42287, can you try 14.04LTS?22:21
thomedyim stumped.... cuz i have a total fresh install... actually its about 2 months but i dont remember any installs with errors22:23
thomedy trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/include/linux/jawt_md.h', which is also in package openjdk-9-jdk-headless:amd64 9~b114-0ubuntu1 Errors were encountered while processing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/openjdk-9-jdk_9~b114-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:24
thomedytrying to install javaa22:24
thomedybut its not working22:24
thomedyi dont know why22:24
k1l_thomedy: run "sudo apt update" first22:25
Guest42287but the keyboard works in bios!!!!22:26
thomedy /var/cache/apt/archives/openjdk-9-jdk_9~b114-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:26
k1l_thomedy: a wait. its only in 16.10 updated.22:27
thomedyyeas i have the new 16 lte22:27
k1l_thomedy: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite '/var/cache/apt/archives/openjdk-9-jdk_9~b114-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb'22:27
thomedysoooo run that....22:28
k1l_its bug 155095022:28
ubottubug 1550950 in openjdk-9 (Ubuntu Xenial) "package openjdk-9-jdk 9~b102-1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/include/linux/jawt_md.h', which is also in package openjdk-9-jdk-headless:amd64 9~b107-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155095022:28
thomedyright so should i sudo apt-get install the headless22:29
k1l_thomedy: no22:29
k1l_thomedy: i gave you the command that will install it22:29
thomedyokay but i did that it didn't work22:29
thomedyone sec22:29
thomedyill pasate bin?22:29
k1l_thomedy: what didnt work?22:29
thomedyill paste bin the error rather the poste it22:30
Guest42287so noone could help? noone knows why my keyboard only works in bios?22:30
thomedyor paste.ubuntu22:30
Guido1i want to use the silvercrest videograbber. how do i install the driver?22:30
k1l_Guest42287: its hard to guess why that happens. there is no such thing as a general keyboard error.22:30
Bashing-omGuest42287: Keyboard driver that the kernel does not find because bios did not pass it ?? Maybe ?? try looking in bios at the USB settings .22:31
Guest42287Bashing-om, ok but it's not a usb keyboard22:32
davido_Discovered a perplexing issue: Turn on "Bounce Keys" in Universal Access, set it almost to its shortest setting, and then do a hotkey paste from keepassX.  The password paste will almost always fail if the passphrase contains two of the same character even if they're not contiguous.22:32
k1l_thomedy: ok, run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" first. then the other command again22:32
pauljwGuest42287, it's a good sign that it works in bios, the keyboard isn't broken, but there must be a driver issue in the os.  you said you had installed linux before?  that's why i thought you should try an earlier release like 14.04.  a lot has changed with 16.04.22:32
thomedyim eventually needing netbeans back... and android studio22:32
thomedyoh my goodness i love this room22:32
thomedythank you22:33
Bashing-omGuest42287: All I can think of as the driver is good in bios and grub (?) but not after the kernel loads . Bios is not passing the hardware .22:33
thomedyfreakin sweet thanks22:33
Guest42287Bashing-om, ok so how could I solve this?22:34
thomedyokay i ran it without error can i reinstall openjdk 9 now22:34
thomedynetbeans is still not running22:34
k1l_thomedy: why do you need to reinstall? you just installed it22:35
thomedyif that is the case im not sure why netbeans isn't working22:35
k1l_start netbeans from a terminal and see why its not loading22:36
Guido1i want to use the silvercrest videograbber. how do i install the driver?22:36
thomedyim going to pastebin the log i get when i strt netbeans22:42
thomedyim not sure what to do  i had netbeans lastnight but i tried to install java jdk22:43
thomedyand android studio which faild22:43
thomedydoes that help?22:44
OerHeksso did you fix your java? not sure why you installed headless too..22:44
thomedyi didn't manually install headless22:44
thomedyi dont think22:44
Bashing-omGuest42287: All I can suggest is to reset in bios anysetting that might relate to the keyboard ( USB ) I run with an old PS2 mechanical keyboard and I have to set USB to legacy !22:44
thomedyi did openjdk-9-jdk22:44
likeafoxHi guys I just installed ubuntu on my netbook (it has not run linux before) and it boots up "fine" but then I see a message for a split second and the screen goes black.  Then I alt tab to other ttys and they show up for a second then black screen again.  It doesn't accept input while the screen is black, too and the only way to bring it back for another second is alt+F1, and because I couldn't tell what part of my password I had typed22:45
likeafoxat a time, it took some skill and many attempts to actually successfully log in... now that I'm logged in, can I fix this?22:45
snckrzHey! I was  here talking about wifi issues yesterday, and someone told me  he also had wifi disconnections with his realtek card, is that dude online? :D22:46
Jordan_UGuest42287: Is your keyboard listed in "lsusb"?22:46
Jordan_Usnckrz: Realek has notoriously bad drivers. If possible, get an intel or Atheros card (internal, not USB).22:46
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snckrzJordan_U, yeah maybe later :p22:47
snckrzJordan_U, but  for now i just want to talk to  that guy, cause for some reason I didnt have that bug on  Ubuntu, but now it occured on Arch22:48
thomedywhat if i uninstall netbeans and re instll it22:48
k1l_thomedy: netbeans needs oracle java, doesnt it?22:48
thomedyi dont know i had it yesterday22:48
thomedyi tried to install openjdk-9-jdk because android studio said it would give me javac22:49
thomedyit errored out22:49
thomedyand then i uninstalled and re installed with more errors22:49
thomedyapparently  i didn't have it installed22:51
likeafoxI'm going to step away, so if anyone has any response to my problem please send a private message22:51
thomedyi kept the icon but im installing now22:51
thomedyhopefully this helps22:52
thomedyim going to try android studioo too now that i have that bug fixed hopefully22:53
thomedyyour awesome22:53
thomedyUnrecognized VM option 'MaxPermSize=350m' is there a solution to this....22:54
lyzeMaxPermSize isn't supported anymore > java 822:54
lyze>= *22:54
lyzethomedy, ↑22:55
thomedyis there  a solution for using android studio22:55
lyzethomedy, why don'T you just use jdk7?22:55
thomedyi saw that there is a 32 bit library22:55
lyzeI mean jdk9 is in beta and not supported22:56
thomedyi m missing22:56
thomedyoh i idnd' know that i can run 7 is 8 good22:56
thomedyi just try to stay current22:56
thomedyand i havent paid attention to the headlines?22:56
thomedyon the thing22:56
lyzeAndroid doesn't support lambda if I'm correct so there's not really a need for java 822:57
thomedygot it22:57
thomedyso is it openjdk-7-jdk... amd i installing that?22:57
lyzeYeah but uninstall 9 before ;)22:57
thomedythank you22:57
thomedyi dont see openjdk - 7 is 8 fine?23:00
=== GitGud is now known as gagagugu
OerHeks8 would be default on 16.0423:03
thomedyokay... if i removed 9 it seems like it is still in there23:03
thomedyi checked it seems to be true23:03
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thomedythis is very un infortunate23:08
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Guido1i want to use the silvercrest videograbber. how do i install the driver?23:11
Ben64Guido1: check their documentation? never heard of that23:12
Guido1Ben64: In the documentation they say windows xp or newer. However, there is no driver for windows 10 and i want to use it with linux.23:14
Guido1Ben64: it seams that some sivercrest videograbbers are supported by linux. but don't get it to work. Fialy i want to play the streem using VLC23:17
geniiGuido1: try lsmod| grep em2823:19
Guido1genii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16697038/23:29
geniiGuido1: So the system already recognized it and loaded the drivers.23:30
geniiGuido1: How many /dev/video devices do you see?23:31
genii( like /dev/video0 /dev/video1 /dev/video2  and so on) ...because it's probably there23:32
Guido1genii: what is the comand to check?23:33
geniiGuido1: ls /dev/video*23:33
OerHeksin vlc, this (old) page is much help. http://www.instructables.com/id/EasyCap-DC60-STK1160-VLC-Xubuntu-1310-OpenSource-V/step3/Software-Configuration/23:34
OerHeks menu Media > Open Capture Device and set the EasyCap device (e.g. /dev/video0) for recording (it can also be set for streaming). The Video For Linux 2 library is usually recommended for the job.23:34
Guido1genii:  /dev/video0  /dev/video123:34
geniiGuido1: If you have more than one /dev/video, try using VLC to stream from the ones numbered higher than 0 and see if thats the grabber. Have some kind of video input going to it at the same time, of course23:35
okamidakamihello everyone23:37
Guido1genii: and which one for audio? hw:1,0 or hw:2,0? shouldn't it be three - build in microfon, microfon plug and the grabber23:37
geniiGuido1: Best way is just experiment and find out empirically23:38
okamidakamiguys, I have 2  ENABLED network adapters, ethernet and a visual one (I use it to connect to a VPN server). both works fine. but for some reason I don't know why my traffic doesn't go through my vpn adapter, any idea how to fix it ?23:40
Guido1genii: okee, but it should already be one of those. will do some experimenting23:40
Guido1genii: ja, has to be /dev/video1. if i unplug it, it switches to the webcam23:41
=== Acidoo is now known as AcidoNZ
=== soul is now known as Guest6299
nemmonszzzhi all. Does anyone know of an IRC channel where i might be able to find some support or advice regarding the Unison file synchronizer application?23:55
k1l_nemmonszzz: runing on ubuntu? try describing the issue in here23:57
paigevzlost wifi when i upgraded to 16.0423:57
nemmonszzzk1l_ well i'm trying to use Unison to sync between two webservers running Ubuntu 14.04. here's an example of the problem i'm running into. if i have a file on server-1 owned by www-data:www-data with permissions '-rw-r--r--', after running unison,which syncs my files to server-2, the copy of the file on server-2 has permissions '-rw-------'23:59

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