
rodolfojcjhello everybody01:09
rodolfojcjdoes someone know if the History tab of KMenu in Kubuntu 16.04 has some kind of sorting settings ?01:10
rodolfojcjI tried to find them without luck01:10
rodolfojcjit seems to me the applications entries in that history are ordered by usage frequency01:10
rodolfojcjbut I would like to order them by most recently used01:11
mattfly_5 kubuntu users01:58
valoriehello mattfly_501:58
mattfly_5for some reason i've lost the audio levels system tray, the volume indicator and level01:59
mattfly_5i could get it back after installing kmix, but it is not the same that ir was before01:59
mattfly_5on kubuntu 16.0402:00
mattfly_5is there any tip to get it back?02:00
DarinMillermattfly_5: Sounds like you accidently deleted your system tray.  Ensure widgets are unlocked an add the system tray widget to the panel.02:02
DarinMillermattfly_5: let me know if you need a more detailed "how to"02:03
mattfly_5no i don't02:09
mattfly_5thanks for the help, i didn't removed the system tray. I was messing arround with pulseaudio and when i saw the speaker icon disappeared from the system tray02:10
DarinMillermattfly_5: did you uninstall PA (pulse audio)?02:13
mattfly_5i did reinstalled it02:13
mattfly_5isn't there a program (e.g a mixer) that is that icon?02:14
mattfly_5llike, when i installed kmix a new icon appeared02:15
DarinMillerPA now replaces kmix, so you should not need kmix.02:15
mattfly_5pulse audio?02:15
DarinMillerRight click on the system tray, and select system tray settings02:15
mattfly_5i did02:15
mattfly_5there's only the kmix mixer02:16
DarinMillerOn the General tab, check or recheck the audio volume option.02:16
mattfly_5yeah, but there is no audio volume option02:17
mattfly_5but PA is intalled, my sound is working and i rebooted twice after it02:17
DarinMillerOn the Entries tab, ensure Audio volume is set to Auto...02:18
mattfly_5yes it is02:18
DarinMillerHmmm.  try removing the panel entirely and re-add a new default panel.02:19
mattfly_5i removed kmix from the system, removed the panel and readded it02:21
mattfly_5there aren't aby refenrence to audio anymore in the system tray or in its configurations02:21
DarinMillerOK, just a sec.  Checking my packages for a PA widget....02:22
mattfly_5o gee02:23
mattfly_5plasma segmentation fault02:23
mattfly_5am i the only one who get so many seg faults while making changes in plasma?02:23
DarinMillerI don't make many changes in plasma, but after 16.04, plasmas 5.5.5 and up, plasma has been very stable.02:24
DarinMillerI did start with a clean install of 16.04.02:24
mattfly_5me too02:25
DarinMillerfound it.  Install the plasma-pa widget....02:25
mattfly_5with changes i mean, dealing with widgets and thing02:25
mattfly_5now my cursor desappeared02:26
DarinMillerYou are not having a good day.02:26
mattfly_5i must be the most bugging user02:27
mattfly_5oh, it reapeared!02:27
DarinMilleropen a terminal and retart plasma (killall plasmashell && plasmashell &)02:28
mattfly_5i do this a lot02:28
DarinMillerensure to close the terminal by typing exit. If you click on the X to close the window, the plasma session will die.02:29
DarinMillerWhat video card?02:29
mattfly_5i use nohup02:29
mattfly_5yeah, i was using nvidia 740M02:29
mattfly_5with nvidia-340 drivers02:29
mattfly_5But i trunned it off02:29
mattfly_5back to intel02:29
valoriepavucontrol might be useful alongside/instead of plasma-pa02:30
valorieI've found it useful in the past02:31
DarinMilleryes, pavucontrol is also useful02:31
mattfly_5i ha ve it02:31
mattfly_5hehe, i was trying to create a duplex device when i messed up with pulseaudio and the icon02:32
mattfly_5to send like, mic audio and another program audio at the same time as a mic input02:32
DarinMillerIf you have both a microphone and speakers, duplex is valid.02:33
mattfly_5wonders if there was a easier way02:33
DarinMillerThe PAVU utility is the only way I know to combine all inputs.02:33
mattfly_5Thanks Darin !!02:34
mattfly_5i got the original icon back now02:34
DarinMillernp :)  Good to hear!02:34
mattfly_5i have both mics and speakers02:34
mattfly_5how to combine the inputs to like, send music and me talking to skype and have isolate audio levels control?02:35
mattfly_5actuallt i need that for mixxx02:36
mattfly_5I want to interview someone from skype02:36
DarinMillerPAVU allows control by device and  application.  Try using Audacity as your recording medium and PAVU will show Audacity on the recording tab when Audacity is recording.02:45
DarinMillerYou may want to mute or dramatically lower your mic gains.02:47
DarinMillerDuring the recording, I recommend selecting Monitor of built in audio Analog stereo on the PA VA recording tab. You can only select this when the recording is enabled.02:52
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hangman13usGuys, is there anyone using Viber x64 on Kubuntu? I have a system crash every time I try to load the application. It said it was installed successfully but every time I run it... something goes wrong.06:13
akshat_Hello.  I am new to open source and want to start contributing. How do I start?06:21
pepeehangman13us, what is Viber?06:22
pepeehangman13us, also, you could debug the crash by reading your system logs from another computer, through the network06:23
pepeeakshat_, guess you could start by finding crashes and submitting patches06:24
pepeeor adding features, and so on06:24
hangman13ushi pepee. Viber is VoIP application (gained some market share from Skype) It works on mobile devices and the ID is linked with the number of your phone06:24
akshat_@pepee Which type of application should I choose to contribute?06:25
pepeethat's... interesting, actually06:26
pepeehangman13us, system crash as in, the computer locks up?06:26
hangman13usSorry I made a mistake. Not my whole system. Only Viber App.06:27
hangman13usIt doesn't start at all. I re-installed few times.06:27
pepeewell, the suggestion is to google any error messages that you can see06:27
hangman13usUsed to work with previous versions of Viber.06:27
hangman13usIt is well hidden btw. only shows the directory I used for it.06:28
hangman13usAnd at some point stopped showing it at all. I just press the icon and nothing happens.06:28
hangman13usjust wanted to see if someone else is using this s***t06:29
hangman13usand am I the only one experiencing this problem.06:29
pepeehangman13us, I'd ask in #ubuntu too06:30
hangman13usThis is the oddest bit. Viber says it is fully compatible with Ubuntu. And the app even exists in the repository.06:31
hangman13usKubuntu must be similar but I cannot find any valid pack and I manually install it. Then it goes wrong. Will try Ubuntu as well.06:31
hateballpepee: You could ask in #kubuntu-devel06:33
hateballhangman13us: do you get any feedback if you run the app from a terminal?06:33
hangman13usNot really. I'm not so familiar with the terminal.06:34
hangman13usHow do a start an application in there?06:34
hangman13ushateball, I used "<program name> &"06:36
hateballhangman13us: open Konsole, start typing viber and press tab, it should complete the name if it's not simply "viber"06:37
hateballhangman13us: or try "locate viber" first to see where it is06:37
hangman13usIt seems to be in "/opt/viber"06:38
hangman13usAnd when I simply use the name of the app it returns information with "\" and combinations of digits and letters like:06:38
hangman13usu0432\u4324 and etc.06:39
hateball!paste | hangman13us06:39
ubottuhangman13us: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:39
pepeehateball, ask what?06:40
pepeeoh, that was for akshat_06:41
hateballpepee: oh, yes06:41
hateballmy bad06:41
hateballToo much blood in my caffeeine system06:42
hangman13ustook a while to make it: http://imgur.com/gLRfO9J06:44
hangman13ushateball, ubottu - this is the return from trying to launch the Viber through my konsole.06:45
hateballuh... that looks broken06:45
hateballhangman13us: try running: /opt/viber/Viber06:46
hateballexactly like that06:46
hangman13usI'm not even sure I installed it correctly :/ will try06:46
hangman13ushateball you're right: http://imgur.com/XFBgmo506:48
hangman13usBut can this be because I run Kubuntu and not Ubuntu? I don't think KDE will screw it up...06:49
hangman13usJust can't be. Most likely I failed to install properly.06:49
hangman13usAnd I installed and removed it few times already. Maybe just the release is wrong.06:49
hateballhangman13us: eh... is that from Konsole?06:50
acheron_ukseems to run here06:50
hateballhangman13us: What GPU/driver are you using?06:51
hangman13usHm. I'm not such an expert... sorry.06:51
hangman13usI just installed Kubuntu and updated it with all I found in I-net.06:51
hangman13usand installed few applications I'm using.06:51
hateballhangman13us: run this in a terminal "lspci -k |nc termbin.com 9999"06:51
hateballand give us the resulting url06:52
hateballhangman13us: And you are on 16.04 ?06:52
hangman13us15 I think the LTS version (whatever the latest LTS was).06:53
hateball16.04 is current LTS, 14.04 is older06:53
hateballhangman13us: what does "cat /etc/issue" say?06:53
hangman13us14.04.4 LTS \n \l to be precise.06:54
hateballhangman13us: alright, then try "sudo apt-get install libqt5gui5" then run Viber again06:54
hangman13usmaybe time to upgrade?06:54
acheron_ukcertainly runs here on 16.04 - or a least launches seemingly ok06:55
ubottuUsers of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.06:55
hateballgoogling suggests it's built against qt5 libs which are default not installed in 14.0406:55
hateballhangman13us: so try installing the package above ^06:56
hangman13ushateball, I did. It gives the same message as before.06:56
hangman13usThe one with the \u and digits.06:56
hateballhangman13us: try re-installing the viber package06:56
acheron_ukalso seems to have it's own bundled qt5 libraries06:57
hangman13usguys, I remove it.06:59
hangman13usIf I have the pack viber.deb in my downloads folder I should be able to install it using: sudo apt-get install VIBER06:59
hateballhangman13us: No06:59
hangman13usBut it always says cannot find it.06:59
hangman13usand I install it with the package manager.07:00
hateballhangman13us: apt works against the repositories. if you want to sideload packages you use "sudo dpkg -i package.deb"07:00
acheron_ukthe dependency list in the package is very short, so they may have built it just assuming something a bit newer than 14.0407:00
hateballrunning ldd against it would tell07:00
hateballI do not have a 14.04 machine to test with myself tho07:00
hangman13usDo I have to use full path to the *.deb file?07:01
hangman13usas it says no such file or directory.07:01
hateballhangman13us: In case you are not in the files directory, yes07:01
hateballcd ~/Downloads07:02
hangman13usTHank you guys. MAybe it seems strange for people more advanced than myself but now I cannot tell if it has finished the job or not...07:06
hangman13usShould be completed I guess.07:06
hangman13usIt works fine at the moment, thou I'm not sure what actually we did. I assume I've repeated the same steps I did on my own earlier. I used the graphic way thou.07:09
hangman13usBut the update bit was what I didn't complete earlier. And it seems this fixed it.07:10
hangman13usMissing library I assume?07:10
hateballhangman13us: Yes, the missing Qt5 library07:12
hateballhangman13us: so you are saying the application starts fine now?07:12
hangman13usThanks hateball, I will read this now: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libqt5gui507:13
hateballhangman13us: basically it is files needed by the Viber application to render a GUI07:13
hangman13usAnd thanks for your patience I know I'm a noob at the moment but trying to get more familiar with Linux and use it better.07:13
hateballhangman13us: That's what we are here for :)07:13
hangman13usI see.07:13
hateballEveryone is a beginner at first07:14
hangman13usI know, but many people drop it before they get closer to Linux so they use it on their own.07:14
samueleHi, I have a problem. I added the kubuntu backport ppa but now I want to return to the default app version. So I want to downgrade the applications and to remove the ppa. I tried with the command ppa-purge but when I wrote in the terminal this command "sudo ppa-purge ppa:/kubuntu-ppa/backports" the output of the terminal was this07:46
samueleUpdating packages lists07:46
samuelePPA to be removed: /kubuntu-ppa backports07:46
samueleWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: /kubuntu-ppa backports07:46
samueleI don't know what to do now07:46
acheron_ukneeds to be 'sudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports'07:48
acheron_ukyou have a / that shouldn't be there07:49
samueleMany thanks!. It was a silly problem luckyly. It seem to be resolved now07:56
samuele( ゚ヮ゚)07:56
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ttomovcikAnyone from CZ/SK?10:16
hateball!cz | ttomovcik10:19
ubottuttomovcik: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.10:19
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BluesKajHiyas all11:10
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otjurahow glitchy has 16.04 been for ya'll?12:03
yossarianukotjura: once I updated Plasma to 5.6.4 its been great12:12
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viewer|92272i have a question14:21
BluesKajthen ask14:22
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viewer|92272how can i minimize my tabs14:24
viewer|92272in my panel14:24
BluesKajtabs in the panel...what tabs ?14:31
viewer|92272i mean tabs of tasksbar14:35
BluesKajviewer|92272, is this a language problem, perhaps you're using the wrong word?14:35
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youziyou ren me15:06
youziwo de xi tong gang zhuang hao zen me liu lan qi yong bu liao15:07
youzibang mang a15:07
youziwei shen me liu lan qi yong bu liao a15:08
youzida bu kai lian jie15:08
Pici!zh | youzi15:10
ubottuyouzi: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:10
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slawekI'm an dumbass, and I've deleted my repositories for Kubuntu 16.04 list w/o making a backup, you can congratulate me17:06
slawekI'm looking for a list of repositories for hours, but it's hard to find, especially for Polish edition17:07
slawekdoes anybody has any hint where I can find those?17:08
marco-parilloslawek: Have you tried this?17:11
slawekmarco-parillo: sure, but they are rather for ubuntu than kubu17:14
slawekisn't that an issue?17:15
slawekthey might differ somehow17:15
marco-parilloI would see what that tool generates for Ubuntu XX and compare it to my Kubuntu YY version.17:15
BluesKajslawek, no they are the same  repos , your desktop determines the packages17:17
slawekBluesKaj, marco-parillo, ok, thats's clear - lots of thanks for help :)17:18
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IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> If you are interested in learning about packaging and how Kubuntu Linux is put together, the please do come to the DoJo in 25 minutes17:34
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> see kubuntu.org/news17:34
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jimarvanhello there! :)17:43
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Bundestrojanergood evening19:48
Bundestrojanernvidia released a new driver (361.45), when will it be available in the driver manager?19:50
BluesKajBundestrojaner, does nvidia say the driver works with our gpu? if so just run sudo apt install nvidia-36119:52
BluesKajyour gpu rather19:53
BundestrojanerBluesKaj: yes, they list it for my gpu on their site19:53
Bundestrojanerbut i don't want to download it there19:53
acheron_ukit is in the driver ppa already I think https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa19:53
Bundestrojaneracheron_uk: this file says "For GeForce 6 and 7 series GPUs use `nvidia-304`" why?19:54
Bundestrojanernvidia lists 361 for my 67019:54
BluesKajBundestrojaner, i wasn't recommending you download it from nvidia19:55
BundestrojanerBluesKaj: i know19:55
Bundestrojaneryou recommended to install it with apt-get19:55
acheron_ukgeforce 6/7 cards are not the same as 600/700 series19:56
BluesKajBundestrojaner, theymean the 6000 series not 60019:56
Bundestrojanerok, got it19:56
Bundestrojanerthey really mean the 6000-series from 200419:56
BluesKajmy 8400 GS still uses the 34019:57
Bundestrojanerso i shall install it with apt-get install nvidia-361?19:57
acheron_ukI'm on a 7xx (re-branded 6xx) and the 361 or 364 driver is fine19:58
Bundestrojaneri'm still on 352, but wot flickers since 9.1519:58
Bundestrojanerthe forum says, the new nvidia-driver fix it19:59
Bundestrojanerbtw: really strange that windows and linux have similar bugs...19:59
BundestrojanerBluesKaj, acheron_uk: so i shall install it with apt-get install nvidia-361?20:04
BluesKajBundestrojaner, if you have the ubuintu-graphics-ppa then you'll get the newest 361, otherwise you'll get the 361 default version20:07
Bundestrojanerok, thx!20:08
Bundestrojaneris it possible to upgrade a 14.04 lts to the newest non-lts?20:16
PiciBundestrojaner: not easily, but why wouldn't you want to move to 16.04?20:17
BundestrojanerPici: it didn't offer the update yet20:18
PiciBundestrojaner: it won't automatically offer the update until July 21st20:20
ubottuUsers of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.20:20
Bundestrojanerubottu: but i don't need a lts20:24
ubottuBundestrojaner: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:24
PiciBundestrojaner: its a real pain to upgrade to a non-supported release.  Since Ubuntu does not allow skipping releases for non-ltses, you'd need to upgrade to 14.10, then to 15.04, then to 15.10... which will reach its end of life in July anyway, so you would then upgrade to 16.04.20:25
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:27
BundestrojanerPici: ok. so i update to 6.04 lts next. can i update from it to the next non-lts release?20:30
jimarvanhi, does anyone know if there is going to be a new AMD catalyst release for ubuntu 16.04?20:30
PiciBundestrojaner: if you meant 16.04, then yes, you can, but 16.10 won't be released until October20:31
PiciUbuntu release numbers are based on the YEAR.MONTH of release20:31
BundestrojanerPici: i just don't want to stay at 16.04 lts till next lts release20:32
PiciBundestrojaner: thats fine. Just be aware that non-lts releases now are only supported for 9 months, so you'll need to be on-top of upgrading as new releases become available.20:33
BundestrojanerPici: no problem, i will do upgrades when they become available20:33
BundestrojanerPici: my question was only: can i upgrate from an lts to a non-lts release20:34
Bundestrojanerso i upgrade to 16.04 lts and then to 16.10 non-lts?20:34
PiciBundestrojaner: yes20:35
BundestrojanerPici: thx :)20:35
wolferzIf someone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it. My Distribution Upgrade has hung, I cannot terminate the process using system monitor. I have lost access to dolphin file manager, and sudo apt-get update returns following error at the end: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:07
wolferzE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:07
wolferz 21:07
andy123wolferz: how do you know its hung?21:11
wolferzbecause when I click on it, there is no screen, just an image of whatever was in front of it before I brought it back to the front, and it only had 12 minutes left when it hung, but it has now been over an hour, and not once has information redisplayed on the window andy12321:14
andy123it it using cpu still?21:14
wolferzsystem monitor states Name, Username, PID, TTY, Niceness, CPU %, CPU Time, IO Read, IO Write, Virtual Size, Memory, Shared Mem, Relative Start Time, Command, X11 Memory, Window Title21:15
wolferz, root, -1, 28781, , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, , 0, 0, , 0, Distribution Upgrade21:15
wolferzoh that didn't work, sorry21:15
wolferzCPU is unknown21:16
wolferzusername is root, -121:16
wolferzmemory and shared memory is blank21:16
andy123wolferz: I'm not sure how long the upgrade is supposed to take21:18
andy123it can take well over an hour, depending on your system and packages21:19
wolferzIt was going great, it downloaded everything hours ago, installed, I think it was on configure, it was right before the cleanup step, and only had 12 minutes remaining over an hour ago.21:19
wolferzIt also broke the dolphin file manager, I cannot access my filesystem with dolphin, and I think it uninstalled kodi as well21:20
andy123well, probably the critical phase of the upgrade is already done then21:21
andy123can you reboot and see the dpkg status?21:21
wolferzI cannot reboot from the kde menu, I can try from terminal if you think it will boot back up? When I attempt to sudo dpkg --configure -a it states database is locked by another process, advise how to proceed?21:27
geniiThat means wait a little while and then try the command again. Odds are automatic updates are running in the background, it will free up once that finishes21:28
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