
sergio-br2is git repo sync working?02:20
wgrantsergio-br2: Can you be more specific?02:20
sergio-br2I mean, git mirror repo02:20
wgrantsergio-br2: I still don't understand. Can you describe the exact problem you're seeing, including any relevant URLs?02:21
sergio-br2I got another bzr repo that it's not importing anymore ... :/02:21
sergio-br2I want just to mirror a github repo to a git launchpad repo02:22
wgrantThat feature doesn't exist yet.02:22
sergio-br2last time I remember, I had to git pull & git push to launchpad02:22
wgrantIf you have a specific problem with an existing import, link the import here.02:22
sergio-br2it's a new feature in github i guess02:23
sergio-br2here, the "Verified" commits: https://github.com/libretro/mame/commits/master?page=3202:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1084403 in bzr-git (Ubuntu) "no support for gpgsig tags" [High,Triaged]02:24
wgrantDirect git-to-git mirroring is the best solution to that, but Launchpad cannot do that for you today.02:25
wgrantgit pull and git push is what you can do now.02:25
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aatchisonI'm having a n00b issue with my GPG key signing. I used seahorse to create a PGP key, uploaded to launchpad, decrypted the email and verified with the link. Now I need to sign the code of conduct. Nautilus (files) doesn't have the right click menu.  gpg --clearsign says that there are no secret keys available, but the seahorse and GPA both say that I've got a private and public key, ready to sign. GPA will sign and compress a file, but not20:30
aatchisonclearsign! What could I be doing incorrectly?20:30
aatchisonI'm on xenial btw20:30

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