
hunter_what's good00:02
maxspicePreviously I hid synapse icon from the top panel. How do I unhide it?00:56
guest-EsQfrZmortal kombat01:22
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fifty-sevenCRight click it, in the panel editor navigate to the icon and check to show it02:17
fifty-sevenCaaaand he's gone02:17
lostsonis the Radar Map not working in the weather applet anymore ?02:24
randallhow do I permanently disable the f12 terminal? it really messes with steam02:38
lostsonchange the keyboard shortcut for tilda02:40
randallI gotta change the shortcut? can't just get rid of it?02:41
fifty-sevenCTurn off tilda in the startup apps02:41
fifty-sevenCThen kill it02:41
randalloh, than kyou02:41
alkisgflexiondotorg: Hi Martin! Could you re-upload https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mate-settings/+bug/1574789 to xenial? You've already fixed it in yakkety...08:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574789 in ubuntu-mate "xorg.conf.d/90-zap.conf destroys xorg keyboard settings" [High,Fix committed]08:12
flexiondotorgalkisg, Oh, did that bump my upload in Xenial?08:33
alkisgflexiondotorg: I think a different action is needed, i.e. it's another thing to upload to yakkety and another to sru to xenial08:34
alkisgAnd there are usually two tags, verification-done-xenial etc08:34
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flexiondotorgI uploaded both both Xenial (SRU) and Yakkety (new version for 16.10).08:39
alkisgflexiondotorg: apt policy ubuntu-mate-default-settings08:40
alkisg 50008:40
alkisg        500 http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-proposed/universe i386 Packages08:40
alkisgThat's the previous version which had the conffile issue08:41
alkisgI don't see any new uploads in xenial-proposed...08:41
alkisg> Obsolete conffile /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-zap.conf has been modified by you.08:41
alkisg> Saving as /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-zap.conf.dpkg-bak ...08:41
flexiondotorgHmm, well. It was there.08:42
flexiondotorgI'll reupload to Xenial for the SRU.08:42
flexiondotorgalkisg, It is in proposed08:47
alkisgflexiondotorg: that's that one that has the conffile issue08:47
alkisgrm_conffile /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-zap.conf 16.04.508:48
alkisgYou removed that line, and uploaded it to yakkety, but not to xenial08:48
alkisgflexiondotorg: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html ==> ubuntu-mate-settings     16.04.5     #1574789 #1577706     1309:03
alkisgIt's been waiting in the queue for 13 days09:04
alkisgNo other uploads were done in xenial after that, so the "rm_conffile" line was never removed/fixed there09:04
alkisgFull publishing history: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mate-settings/+publishinghistory09:08
Zer0Byte___someone alive :P10:19
ouroumovHi Zer0Byte___10:23
Zer0Byte___any idea how to put vino-server with lightdm10:23
Zer0Byte___at boot?10:23
ouroumovI think Vino installs as a service and is automatically started10:24
Zer0Byte___in ubuntu-mate no10:25
ouroumovHow did you install it? sudo apt install vino-server?10:25
ouroumovI used sudo apt-install vino just now, I'm gonna try it out and come back10:26
Zer0Byte___im using 16.04 of ubuntu-mate10:27
ouroumovWell I can't get it to work10:35
Zer0Byte___the server10:36
Zer0Byte___or at boot time?10:36
ouroumovNah the server10:36
ouroumovHow do you start it?10:37
Zer0Byte___you have to load the preferences10:37
ouroumovDid that10:37
Zer0Byte___and later start the server10:37
Zer0Byte___for me works10:37
Zer0Byte___but i want to put it on boot time on light dm10:37
Zer0Byte___are you logged on ssh session10:38
Zer0Byte___or locally?10:38
Zer0Byte___when you run the server what happend?10:39
ouroumovI don't know how to run it, is what I'm telling you xD10:39
ouroumovapropos vino returns nothing10:39
ouroumovvino doesn't work10:39
Zer0Byte___you have to run from here10:41
Zer0Byte___ /usr/lib/vino/vino-server10:41
ouroumovOK so I was able to connect10:42
ouroumovAnd now you wanna start it upon boot10:42
Zer0Byte___on lightdm10:43
Zer0Byte___so if i restart my computer10:43
Zer0Byte___i can login remotely10:43
mate|93389Hi friends, i could not install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly_0.10.19-2.1_i386.deb in ubuntu-mate 16.0410:46
Zer0Byte___what error u get?10:47
mate|93389Dependency is not satisfiable: libsidplay110:48
mate|93389but it's already installed10:48
gordonjcpmate|93389: what exactly are you trying to do?10:49
mate|93389I already installed libsidplay1v5_1.36.59-8_i386.deb10:49
Zer0Byte___uname -a10:49
Zer0Byte___are u using 64 bit10:49
mate|93389i am trying to install the Gstreamer0.1 dependency to support 'mad'10:49
mate|9338932 bit version , ubuntu-mate10:49
mate|93389Linux insight-desktop 4.4.0-21-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 18 18:34:49 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux10:51
mate|93389Linux insight-desktop 4.4.0-21-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 18 18:34:49 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux10:51
mate|93389Linux insight-desktop 4.4.0-21-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 18 18:34:49 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux10:51
mate|93389i see ubuntu-mate 6.04 support Gstreamer 0.110:51
mate|93389Zer0Byte__,gordonjcp: any solution10:51
gordonjcpmate|93389: madplay?10:52
gordonjcp"sudo apt-get install madplay"10:52
gordonjcpit's packaged already10:52
gordonjcpwhy are you buggering abut with ancient versions of gstreamer?10:52
mate|93389because our application in python use it10:53
mate|93389i installed mad now but still shows error10:53
ouroumovso Zer0Byte___, you're gonna have to dig into systemd documentation :/10:54
mate|93389decoder = gst.element_factory_make("mad", "mp3-decoder")10:54
mate|93389gst.ElementNotFoundError: mad10:54
mate|93389but when try to install once more show10:55
mate|93389madplay is already the newest version (0.15.2b-8)10:55
gordonjcpmate|93389: those gstreamer packages are ancient history10:56
mate|93389any body please help...I can avoid this by install in Debian Jessie10:56
gordonjcpare they even built for Ubuntu?10:56
mate|93389it's a deb file , which can use for both Ubuntu/Debian10:56
mate|93389but our main concern is Ubuntu10:57
gordonjcpit's a .deb file which *might* be usable for both Ubuntu and Debian10:57
gordonjcpbut on the other hand, it might not10:57
gordonjcpif you want to use Ubuntu 16.04 then you shouldn't really be installing packages from 201410:58
gordonjcpat this point, I'd be looking at updating the Python code to work with the newer packages10:58
mate|93389but current situation changing all codebase is impossible10:59
gordonjcpwell, maybe you can look at gstreamer packages from an older Ubuntu10:59
mate|93389i am ready to share my app for Blinds seeking help10:59
mate|93389it's for Blind communit11:00
gordonjcpthey might not install directly but you could possibly adapt the debian/ directory so they'll build "old" gstreamer on a new Ubuntu11:00
mate|93389if any chance help11:01
mate|93389because change all code need atleast 3 months11:01
Zer0Byte___solved with x11vnc11:08
bobiiis it possible to force system use same battery mode power options in ac mode?because i have not  fan problem in battery mode.11:19
gordonjcpbobii: right click on the little battery symbol, go to Preferences11:21
gordonjcpbobii: you can adjust what it does on mains or battery11:21
mate|18792i want to install ubuntu-mate on cubieboard 1 on nand11:21
mate|18792how to install?11:21
ouroumovStill no joy Zer0Byte___11:23
ouroumovI get an error when systemd attempts to start the service11:23
Zer0Byte___i already solved11:23
Zer0Byte___with x11vnc11:23
ouroumovYeah but I'd like to know for Vino. Anyway I'll keep trying11:24
mate|18792any on pls tell me11:27
Paddy_NII have not received an answer yet on #ubuntu so I shall try my luck here as there is crossover.11:43
Paddy_NII have installed "ubuntu-desktop" on an Ubuntu MATE 16.04 installation and have run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop" to which nothing happens only to be left with an Ubuntu Unity session that has no panel, desktop, dash or launcher.. Can anyone help?11:43
Paddy_NIThis is to enable me to support my dad a little better really11:43
Paddy_NIMATE is still king11:43
gordonjcpPaddy_NI: weird, that should work11:55
gordonjcpPaddy_NI: you can log in with Unity desktop from the greeter, but you don't get a panel?11:56
Guest_84848Allah is doing12:05
Guest_84848sun is not doing Allah is doing12:05
Guest_84848moon is not doing Allah is doing12:06
Guest_84848stars are not doing Allah is doing12:06
Akulithis spammer was on #devuan previosly12:06
Paddy_NIgordonjcp, That's right nothing at all just the default wallpaper, I cannot even right click on the desktop and the windows key does nothing12:08
Paddy_NIgordonjcp, No keyboard shortcuts at all12:08
Guest_84848galaxies are not doing Allah is doing12:08
Guest_84848planets are not doing Allah is doing12:10
gordonjcpGuest_84848: God is not up for discussion here12:10
gordonjcpPaddy_NI: bit of a weird one12:12
Guest_84848oceans are not doing Allah is doing12:12
gordonjcpit definitely installed ubuntu-desktop and all its associated packages?12:12
Guest_84848mountains are not doing Allah is doing12:12
Guest_84848trees are not doing Allah is doing12:13
Guest_84848mom is not doing Allah is doing12:13
Guest_84848dad is not doing Allah is doing12:13
Guest_84848boss is not doing Allah is doing12:14
Guest_84848job is not doing Allah is doing12:14
Guest_84848dollar is not doing Allah is doing12:14
Guest_84848degree is not doing Allah is doing12:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu12:14
Guest_84848medicine is not doing Allah is doing12:15
Guest_84848customers are not doing Allah is doing12:15
Guest_84848you can not get a job without the permission of allah12:16
Guest_84848you can not get married without the permission of allah12:16
Guest_84848nobody can get angry at you without the permission of allah12:17
gordonjcpGuest_84848: think you're in the wrong channel with that12:17
Guest_84848light is not doing Allah is doing12:19
gordonjcphm, the ops factoid isn't most useful here12:20
Guest_84848fan is not doing Allah is doing12:21
Guest_84848businessess are not doing Allah is doing12:25
Guest_84848america is not doing Allah is doing12:25
Guest_84848fire can not burn without the permission of allah12:27
YankDownUnderI suppose that if I want to create and load a service that pertains specifically to a customised routine that I want to create, I have to ask allah for that as well, hmm...fair enough.12:28
* YankDownUnder wonders if anyone has bothered to feed the idiots today or if it's a full moon12:28
YankDownUnderAnyone have any issues installing Cinnamon alongside Mate...?12:31
gordonjcpMyrtti: ayeup mrs12:33
gordonjcpMyrtti: thanks for popping in12:33
flexiondotorgalkisg, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mate-settings/+bug/157770612:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577706 in ubuntu-mate-settings (Ubuntu) "SRU: ubuntu-mate-settings bug fix" [Undecided,Fix committed]12:43
flexiondotorgSee opening post and last post.12:43
=== renato is now known as Guest13839
Guest13839just had my fresh install of ubuntu mate 16.04 lts, id like to hear thoughts on upgrading the mate desktop to 1.14 now. Is it viable already or should i stick with the current version?13:13
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renatobarizjust send me a pvt message, i'll be afk for some time =)13:18
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bokmuskeHi, I'm now on 16.04.13:53
gordonjcpbokmuske: cool13:54
bokmuskeI fear I've accidentally overwritten my lay-out, though.13:54
bokmuskeDoes anyone know where to find a theme called "Fog"?13:54
gordonjcpis that maybe Adwaita-Fog?13:58
bokmuskeHm, I'll have a look, though it sounds like a muted Adwaita theme.14:04
bokmuskeNo, there are Fog-s at Gnome Look, but they all seem to be wallpapers. I can't recall what Fog did (something that used to be done by Mist, no doubt), but a wallpaper it wasN't.14:09
gordonjcphave you got a backup of your old homedir?14:09
fifty-sevenCI've accidently wiped my desktop layout a few times. :( I just decided I like the default the best and never touch it anyways.14:10
gordonjcpfifty-sevenC: sometimes I change my wallpaper14:12
gordonjcpI wish I had time to spend hours cocking about getting my menu bars just the right shade of bluey-grey14:12
bokmuskeI do have a backup of my homedir, but the dir still has the themes in it that were there before, and Fog is not among them. But, I'll check anyway.14:13
fifty-sevenCIn 16.04 there is a way to save a custom layout14:13
fifty-sevenCso you don't accidently wipe it anyways14:13
bokmuskeHm, now that you mention it; I was working on a custom theme; I could check whether the relevant parts of Fog were saved there, as soon as I know what they were.14:16
mate|91015Hi does anyone know how I can write with Chinese characters in UM?14:19
fifty-sevenCmate|91015, open a terminal and do sudo apt-get install ibus-pinyin ibus-sunpinyin14:20
fifty-sevenCthen sudo ibus restart14:21
fifty-sevenCThen go into your language support settings enable chinese14:22
mate|91015I clicked on the button in the Welcome application > Language & Input > Complex Input > Chinese14:23
fifty-sevenCI'm not familiar with text entry besides English.14:24
fifty-sevenCIt might not be installed completely14:25
mate|91015Is there any way to enable Chinese language support through a Software Manager?14:25
fifty-sevenCDo what I said earlier14:26
fifty-sevenCTo open a terminal press ctrl+alt+t14:26
bokmuskeWell, I guess I'll have to make do with what I have for now.14:48
bokmuskeNext step: See how GIMP was improworsened this time.14:49
bokmuskeOh dear, now Firefox has those jumping scrollbars.17:08
bokmuskeDoes anyone know a way to avoid that?17:08
thuselem Hello MATE team! Thanks for the 16.04 release, I have recently installed it and am loving it.17:14
thuselemI have one question. In the 15.04 version, using compiz, I could maximize a window using <Ctrl><Super>Up-arrow. I am not able to do this in the current release.17:15
thuselemIs there a way I can assign this keyboard shortcut?17:15
bokmuskeThere probably is, because I came across a short-cut table in my freshly installed/updated 16.04.17:21
bokmuskeCould you check what Alt F10 does?17:24
thuselemYes, Alt-F10 works. I guess I have the muscle memory of shifting my windows around with Ctrl-Super-... keystrokes. Left-arrow to the left, right-arrow to the right.17:26
bokmuskeI don't see how to modify these keys; maybe someone else will know. But at least this one will let you maximise.17:26
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bokmuskeAh, the configuration Centre has an entry for Short-Cut Keys. That's probably where to change them.17:28
thuselemCool, thanks. Having the Alt-F10 is useful.17:28
thuselemAh, yes. I see that, but no maximize. There does appear to be an option to add shortcuts, but I am not sure how I would configure it.17:30
bokmuskeMaximise Windows is the one below the Toggle Maximisation (Alt F10) for me. You configure by clicking the line and then press the combination you want for it.17:33
thuselemHmmm... did you bring up the configuration Centre with System > Control Center, then select Keyboard Shortcuts? (Pardon the US English :)17:38
bokmuskeIndeed, I did.18:03
ovrkodeGood afternoon! -- Just got done installing Ubuntu Mate on my pi loving it so far.18:04
bokmuskeGood Evening.18:05
ovrkodeOh hai.18:11
thuselemSorry, AFK. I don't see Toggle Maximization nor Maximize Windows advertised in my Keyboard Shortcuts.18:20
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thuselemI will see if I can add the shortcut manually.18:21
thuselemThanks for the direction bokmuske. I will try a few things later today and check back if I am still stymied.18:27
Paddy_NIStill no further forward with getting an Ubuntu Unity session working on "Ubuntu MATE 16.04"18:31
nomicwhy?  doesn''t mate run mate desktop18:35
nomicwhy do you want to do that -- run unity on ubuntu18:35
Paddy_NInomic, I installed "ubuntu-desktop" via apt and I had imagined like in the past I would have another working session to select from18:37
Paddy_NInomic, It's quite normal to run several desktop environments and window managers on a single machine18:37
Paddy_NIWould it be possible that "Marco + Compton" is the culprit for my "Unity" session not working correctly?19:20
Paddy_NIIf so how would I have them both live in harmony :-)19:21
NaseemHi guys20:49
NaseemOk so i installed unetbootin to make bootable usb for windows20:49
Naseembut after it writes it doesnt boot from usb20:50
Naseemi tired doing changes in bios20:50
Naseemdidnt help20:50
Naseemany other software to make bootable usb for windows?20:50
Naseemtried ubuntu software with the name given20:54
Naseemno results found20:55
Naseemfound it thanks20:59
NaseemThanks mkro :)21:00
NaseemSorry but its a exe extension and cant install it in ubuntu21:05
Naseemany other softwares which can help me21:05
mkrotry it on wine21:06
Artemis3what do you mean with bootable usb for windows? you want a windows live? if so go ##windows22:42
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