
Troy^Hey anyone here a virtualbox(vboxwebsrv) user? I'm using ubuntu 16.04 and can't seem to get phpvirtualbox to work with vboxwebsrv. configured config.php in /var/www/html/phpvirtualbox as well configured /etc/default/virtualbox. When I navigate to the phpvirtualbox page it loads up with a config.php error. Even tried starting from scratch and still get a php error. It's like it's not talming to01:37
Troy^vboxwebsrv and it should be01:37
naccTroy^: is 'phpvirtualbox' an ubuntu package?01:40
naccTroy^: if it is not, does it work with php7?01:43
Troy^nacc apparently i needed to install php-soap and php-xml it's working now though01:54
naccTroy^: if you could let me know if that's a packaging issue,t he latter might be due to php7 pulling php-xml out of hte core, and the former might be a missed dep02:18
naccTroy^: *if* it's an ubuntu pacakge :) -- i can fix it02:18
=== narciso is now known as narcisco
kgirthoferhey alll - trying to ping my domain, getting a unknown host if I leave off the www04:25
kgirthoferany ideas?04:25
andolkgirthofer: Any chance that you don't have any A record for the bare domain? Seem to recall that being ping is looking for.04:28
kgirthoferyea I got that part - I tried cname too04:28
kgirthoferused to work04:28
kgirthofereven if I edit my host file with the ip i'm trying to resolv still no route to host04:28
andolMight be easier for everyone if you specify the domain in question.04:29
kgirthoferit's just a local04:31
andolWhat by you mean by local? It kind of exists in DNS.04:33
andolAnyway, I do get a DNS response for mydelphic.com, and while that ip ( don't appear to respond to ICMP Ping it is responding to http requests.04:36
kgirthoferyea we have ping off04:36
kgirthofernah if I do an ns for that domain i get no route to host04:36
kgirthoferI should get
andolWhy would you expect to get Aside from that being an RFC1918-address, that is not what it says in DNS.04:37
kgirthoferbecause that's what my internal dns shows04:37
andolAlso, why do you use the ping too. if you purposely don't expect it to respond to pings? :)04:37
kgirthofernot from outside04:37
kgirthoferi'm internal - I can ping what ever I want04:38
kgirthoferbut I'm expecting mydelphic to resolve internally to - one of our webservers04:38
andolAlso, strictly speaking ping doesn't do a DNS lookup, it does hostname lookup, where DNS is one source, but not neccesarily the default/primary one.04:38
kgirthoferya ping resolves04:39
kgirthoferso does internet04:39
kgirthoferthey translate to www.04:39
kgirthoferno parent folder04:40
kgirthofergot it04:40
kgirthoferfuck i'm exhauted. I'm at 45 hours this week... it's wednesday04:40
andolOh, well, sounds like you solved the issue, whatever it was?04:41
kgirthoferthanks for your help04:41
=== NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare
RepoxHi. So, I just pinged a domain name and I got this result "64 bytes from (" I'm unsure as to what the ip.incapdns.net is (I mean, why do I get that information and what do I call it in this context)?07:08
sarnoldRepox: reverse dns lookup -- it converts IPs back to names07:09
sarnoldRepox: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_DNS_lookup07:09
sarnoldRepox: most tools provide an -n option to disable this lookup07:10
LopeIf anyone here is running a 4.4 kernel (type `uname -r` to check, you will be if you use Ubuntu 16.04). So if you have a 4.4 kernel and you're running an NFS server, if you could be so kind as to try mounting one of your NFS shares with NFSv3 (instead of the default NFSv4) I would really appreciate you to provide feedback on my Kernel Bug report. https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11888107:10
Repoxsarnold , great, thank you for the info. I'll try and look it up.07:10
LopeJust test like this: `mount NFSSERVERIP:/nfs/shared/path /tmp/testmount -o ro,vers=3`07:10
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.kernel.org: timed out (https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118881&ctype=xml)07:10
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sarnoldLope: this worked without error: sudo mount -tnfs -o ro,nfsvers=3 /tmp/testmount/07:14
sarnoldLope: note nfsvers=3 vs vers=307:15
Lopesarnold: what's the diff between nfsvers and vers ?07:15
sarnoldLope: sigh. i typoed "vers3" the first time and didn't notice.07:16
sarnoldLope: vers=3 also works07:16
Lopewhat kernel version is your server?07:16
sarnold4.4.0-22-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 5 16:53:32 UTC 201607:17
Lopecan you please try in this format? `mount /tmp/testmount -o ro,vers=3`07:18
sarnoldLope: worked fine07:19
Lopewhat do you get for `cat /proc/filesystems | grep nfs`07:20
sarnoldnfs and nfs407:20
Lopeah, same as my ubuntu server. so it's normal not to see nfs3 there.07:20
Lopewhat do you get for these? `cat /proc/sys/fs/nfs/nlm_tcpport` `cat /proc/sys/fs/nfs/nlm_udpport`07:23
sarnoldLope: 0 007:26
Lopehmm, i wonder if it's my setup.07:27
LopeI'm gonna document my settings as well in the bug report.07:27
jatin30I am trying to set up LAMP in my system. It syas in the instructions "Change the DocumentRoot to point to the new location. For example, /home/user/public_html/" but there is no such directory currently present in the system. what to do?07:38
=== narcisco is now known as narcissus
Lopesarnold: thanks, I've identified it's my iptables rules somehow blocking NFSv3 but not NFSv407:49
sarnoldLope: woot. :) iirc nfs4 moved to fixed ports, nfs3 still had the portmap and ostensibly selected-at-random ports, right?07:49
Lopeexactly, So i scripted and set some options in various config files to try to control those random ports so I could make effective iptables rules.07:51
LopeBut maybe NFSv3 is not obeying those ports anymore?07:51
LopeI don't know.07:51
Lopeall of the guides I've seen for setting up NFS to work with a firewall say that you must set the various services to use a specific port number. I've been unable to set the port for mountd using the command they recommend: `mountd -p 32767` mountd not found. Yet my nfs server is installed and working, what's going on?08:11
sarnoldare they fro mthe era of user-land nfs server/08:12
LopeI've got no idea.08:13
Lope1. http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/ar01s06.html#srv_security_nfsd_mountd08:13
Lope2. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/NFS-HOWTO/security.html08:13
Lopeoh, i see the command has changed. now it's rpc.mountd08:16
jamespagecoreycb, xenial/ironic builds fixed - for some reason, the schroot's where not getting a /etc/hosts - I added this to the copyfiles for the sbuild profile and we're all good again..09:29
=== _degorenko|afk is now known as degorenko
jatin30can anyone help me with this http://imgur.com/cMB4zM1 ?10:44
hateballjatin30: < and > are used for redirecting in the shell, use \ to escape10:47
ankitkulkarnijatin30, can you post the output of pwd10:47
hateballjatin30: like \<b\>10:48
jatin30ankitkulkarni: yes just a min10:48
jatin30ankitkulkarni: here, http://imgur.com/cMB4zM1 and can i please dm you?10:49
shaunoI think you're overthinking it.  you're trying to >/home/user/public_html/index.html instead of /home/jatin...10:56
hateballI only looked at the syntax error bits, heh10:56
shaunoyeah.  you expect <> to go horribly wrong, and miss that bash is complaining /home/user... doesn't exist10:58
jatin30Why am I getting http://imgur.com/Fw6kC2R after installing apache 2 properly11:15
shaunojatin30: see my last couple of lines; where your instructions have /home/user you need to replace that with your actual username11:16
jatin30yeah I did that11:17
jatin30I completed all steps properly11:17
jatin30i followed this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP11:17
jatin30everything was fine and it initally detected apache so i did not troubleshoot it11:17
jatin30and went straight to the virtual hosts and did all what was required , now its not detecting11:18
coreycbjamespage, interesting on ironic, thanks11:35
jamespagecoreycb, I suspect some cruft due to the long running nature of that installation...11:40
Ergo^hello, im provisioning 16.04 VM's, they have the "predictable network interface" systemd scheme, now when someone gets an OVA and uses it - the network interface might be completly different however /etc/networking/interfaces has "auto IFACENAME13:22
Ergo^" hardcoded, how to deal with that13:22
rbasakErgo^: if you're preparing an image and it'll only get used with one interface, then perhaps turn off the renaming and rely on it being eth0?13:23
rbasakI'm not exactly sure how to do that but I believe it's configurable.13:23
Ergo^yeah, its supposed to take a symlink for udev to disable it, but its not working13:24
rbasaknacc: if you're about during the next hour, shall we sync?13:27
Odd_BlokeErgo^: Ubuntu doesn't ship an /etc/networking/interfaces with hard-coded interface names; how are those getting created?13:29
Ergo^Odd_Bloke: maybe during install?, i wrote the provisioning scripts so im not doing it13:29
Odd_BlokeErgo^: Where is the install happening?13:30
Odd_BlokeErgo^: (If you're installing VMs from the ISO, you might want to consider using the cloud images instead :)13:30
Ergo^hmm, wait, im actually using a seed file13:30
Ergo^let me consult that13:30
Ergo^maybe there is something there13:31
Ergo^im provisioning with packer13:31
rbasakThat uses the installer I believe.13:31
Odd_BlokeAh, OK, that makes sense; packer doesn't support the cloud images AFAIK.13:31
rbasakFile a bug with packer.13:31
Ergo^and https://friendpaste.com/O1nBAQvyRzvxprmecZjpT i end up with that13:32
rbasakUbuntu's answer to the general problem is cloud images that use cloud-init.13:32
Odd_BlokeErgo^: But, yeah, if you're doing VMs you'll want to ensure that (a) /etc/network/interfaces isn't being overwritten, and (b) cloud-init runs on boot so it can handle changing interface names for you. :)13:32
rbasakcloud-init handles the fact that an image can end up running in a different environment.13:32
rbasakRunning the installer to set up a VM image that will then run in a different environment is a hack. We'll consider fixes for issues, but we don't think it's the right path forward. Cloud images work far better for this use case.13:33
Ergo^https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ - i wanted to use the solution from here13:34
Ergo^ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules13:34
Ergo^but its not working13:34
rbasakI don't know if that exact method applies to Ubuntu, but the general idea should work. If it doesn't, it's either a bug or different instructions need to be followed.13:35
Ergo^https://friendpaste.com/2BFcFawTd8D5opSHqClAue - this is my preseed file13:37
Ergo^no other places where it can be rewritten13:39
Ergo^but I can overwrite it on my own at the end of provisioning... what the /etc/network/interfaces should look like on a cloud image?13:40
rbasakhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/689070/network-interface-name-changes-after-update-to-15-10-udev-changes says to pass net.ifnames=0 on the kernel command line.13:40
rbasakHave you tried that?13:40
Ergo^that works, i wanted to avoid this solution though :-)13:41
Ergo^I guess i can work with that if no other options are available13:41
rbasakThat seems to be the formal interface in Ubuntu to disable this.13:41
rbasakI'm sure you can do it in userspace afterwards, but you'll need to figure out how by following the implementation.13:41
Ergo^ok, thx13:42
=== inaddy is now known as tinoco
tanja84I would like to know if there could be some problems upgrading a "old" 14.10 server ( with zfs support installed ) to a 16.04 LTS. The reason is that I would be sad if my zfs went down just because of the dist upgrade ( I have a backup but its in the cloud )14:18
compdocI upgraded from 14.04 that used ZOL, to 16.04 without ZOL. works great14:20
compdocI installed 16.04 from scratch, tho14:21
patdk-wkwhy would it go down?14:22
patdk-wkif you have dkms installed, the zfs dkms module will override the other module14:22
tanja84patdk-wk: well its the zfs kernel module I'm worried for, because I have never tried to dist-upgrade from a non lts to a lts before14:23
patdk-wkwell, you cannot upgrade from 14.10 to 16.0414:23
Piciwelll, you can attempt it, but it definitely isn't a supported path14:24
tanja84so its a reformat then. Thanks for the answer, I guess it has to run 6 month still14:24
tanja84reformat = reinstall14:25
tanja84and yes I do know that 14.10 almost have been EOL for a year14:26
tanja84I guess it wont be ubuntu next time because if the hazzle to upgrade14:28
Odd_Bloketanja84: There is an upgrade path; you upgrade to vivid, then to wily, then to xenial. :)14:38
patdk-wkafter you adjust your stuff to use the archive/old-releases servers14:38
tanja84Odd_Bloke: well and how much will breake then14:46
tanja84after all those steps14:46
Odd_Bloketanja84: They're the same steps that everyone who upgraded from utopic through to xenial will have taken, so they should be pretty well tested.14:47
tanja84I guess I just have to change distro when I get some new drive's home to get the local backup but that is still first in 5 - 6 month14:47
tanja84Odd_Bloke: well you mean tested as in ubuntu fails14:48
Odd_Bloketanja84: If you aren't interested in a constructive discussion, I can't help you. :)14:48
tanja84I du remember kernels from ubuntu failing to boot after upgrades14:48
tanja84Odd_Bloke: and do you recover my zfs raid then if it cant find it after the first upgrade14:49
naccrbasak: i'm here now14:50
* patdk-wk doesn't remember this14:50
patdk-wktanja84, you are also not using lts, so your not exactly using the most stable, and well tested version14:51
patdk-wkso having problems, sounds like something you opted for when you started14:51
tanja84patdk-wk: that was only because I was miss informed when the server was installed14:51
patdk-wkthe documentation is everywhere14:51
tanja84I got the disk from one because I didnt had internet where the pc were14:52
patdk-wkinstalling zfs also, on that ubuntu version is not *supported*14:52
tanja84it was in here I was recommended that14:52
patdk-wkif the goal was to run zfs, yes, good recommendation14:53
patdk-wkif the goal is to have a stable system, without issues, without constant upgrades, no, zfs or that version where not the answer14:53
patdk-wkbut yes, it does sound like your goal and priorities have changed14:54
tanja84well the goal was to secure the data for corruptions wich ext cant14:54
patdk-wkyes, good solution14:55
tanja84wich the reason there were created a zfs mirror of 3 disks14:55
patdk-wkbut the side effects of that is, maintaince, and upgrades, and sometimes things breaking14:55
patdk-wkcause the solution isn't supported by ubuntu, atleast wasn't till 16.0414:55
patdk-wkthe solution is not supported at all by anyone else yet14:56
patdk-wkexcept I think debian is starting to14:56
tanja84I guess then its complete bye bye linux for recommending things there arent supported14:56
tanja84specially in the official channels14:57
nacctanja84: you would have been quite clearly indicated something wasn't supported by adding PPAs, or building from source, or whatever14:57
nacctanja84: and this is all volunteer response in here, anyways14:58
nacctanja84: *technically*, anyone can say anything they want in response to your query14:58
naccIMO, as a system installer, it is on you to make technical decisions about how to install14:58
naccfinally, ubuntu != linux14:59
nacctanja84: i'm not trying to be rude, to be clear -- but your responses seem like an overreaction/misunderstanding15:03
naccrbasak: i'll be free to chat after the meeting too15:03
tanja84nacc: well since canonical bought ubuntu back in the days then it always sounds like ubuntu is the only linux now a days15:04
nacctanja84: uhhhh15:04
nacctanja84: ok, that's further misunderstanding, let's be clear15:05
patdk-wkstrange world you live in15:07
patdk-wkthere are so many, and even more versions of linux os's today, than there where 10years ago15:08
naccrbasak: so we assumed security and updates were in lockstep; perhaps that wasn't always the case. clamav 0.92~dfsg-2~dapper1ubuntu0.2 (security) followed 0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~dapper1 (updates).16:10
naccrbasak: let me konw if you want to do a hangout today, i know it's getting (is) late your time16:30
notthistimecan anyone help me port forward. i have port 80 forwarded on a PK5000 but the online port checker says it port 80 ist still closed16:35
coreycbjamespage, qemu - 1:2.2+dfsg-5expubuntu9.7~cloud4 is ready to promote to kilo-proposed16:43
jamespagecoreycb, \o/ - I'll do that now16:43
jamespagecoreycb, done16:44
coreycbjamespage, thanks!16:44
jamespageyou'll need to manually handle in the bug unless you added it to the changelog16:44
rbasaknacc: is now OK?16:45
naccrbasak: sure16:45
naccrbasak: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clamav/+publishinghistory?batch=75&direction=backwards&memo=525&start=45016:52
synchronetbugs are built in I reckon16:56
synchronetbit like the law legal system and solicitors and future work16:57
naccrbasak: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clamav/0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~dapper116:58
naccrbasak: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clamav/0.92~dfsg-2~dapper1ubuntu0.216:58
=== degorenko is now known as _degorenko|afk
naccgenii: crazy publishing history :)17:24
synchronetUbuntu can you stop the updates by hiring decent developers17:54
synchronetespecially server reboot needed ones17:54
PiciI don't even know how to respond to that.17:55
jrwrensynchronet: please remember: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct17:56
patdk-wksynchronet, why are you compaining about updates?17:58
patdk-wkupdates coming out often is a good thing17:59
patdk-wkbut maybe you mean security patches17:59
patdk-wkthough, dunno what ubuntu developers have to do with any of the above18:00
synchronetpatdk-wk:  just tired I suppose18:05
dasjoeI'm not sure I follow18:07
synchronetnarrow mindedness is no excuse18:08
Lopehow can I disable the fancy boot screen in ubuntu-server? I want to see the log18:59
b4rfunny I was wondering about acquiring a fancy boot screen so as to *not* see the log18:59
\9I was wondering today about having a fancy boot screen *with* the log19:00
sarnoldprobably 'plymouth' is the answer to both questions :)19:00
SlingLope: see /etc/default/grub and remove the 'splash quiet'19:00
tewardsarnold: ohai!19:00
Sling(or wherever thats at now)19:00
sarnoldmorning teward :)19:00
Lopesling: thanks!19:00
coreycbjamespage, neutron 2:8.1.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.2~cloud0 is ready to promote to mitaka-proposed19:13
b4ranyone in particular working on php7.0 package and updating to 7.0.7 from currently 7.0.4?19:15
naccb4r: in which release?19:33
naccb4r: well, a SRU microrelease exception has been filed: LP: #156960919:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569609 in php7.0 (Ubuntu) "[SRU] microrelease exception for src:php7.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156960919:34
b4rnacc: oh nice, are they filed usuallly on launchpad? I wouldn't mind attempting to keep up with this19:34
naccif that were to be granted, we'd be able to update to 7.0.x19:34
b4rtbh it was more of a "woah they updated today and it's not in the repos"19:34
naccb4r: until that happens though, we have to selectively backport19:34
naccb4r: well, no package gets updated just becuase upstream does, at least not automatically, in a released version19:35
sarnold... in fact it's fairly rare. firefox, chrome-browser, mysql / mariadb are the most common ones.. there's a few others that get it periodically but it's rare19:40
naccsarnold: good point!19:40
naccb4r: hence the explicit bug requesting it for php7.019:40
emdubhmm, what's the deal with mysql-server on xenial?  dpkg-reconfigure used to prompt for setting the root password, but it doesn't do that in xenial anymore so my database has some root password that i didn't enter21:17
emdub(asked in #ubuntu, but this is a -server install so figured i would try here too)21:17
emdubi can obviously make it bypass the grant table and fix it, but i feel like i'm missing something or there is a bug here with the package21:18
emdubaha, this is a xenial change: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mysql-5.7.git/tree/debian/NEWS?id=1025a9fa9c6c112913c59138db49dbc94891d20f21:25
dasjoemadwizard: did you see https://github.com/b333z/beadm?21:40
jjohnstonhello I have a question about booting new nodes in MaaS 1.922:01
jjohnstonon new nodes (non-ready) is there a way to force maas to repartition the disks?22:02
jjohnstonthat doesn't include me deleting/recreating the arrays on my storage controller?22:03
notthistimei have port 8080 open in router but cannot connect to server. any ideas?22:52
notthistime i can get the server by going localhost:808022:53
sarnoldnotthistime: check netstat -lnp output, see what address the process it bound to22:53
notthistimedid netstat not sure what im looking for22:56
sarnoldif the local address looks like this:  then it's not listening externally22:57
sarnoldif it looks like or then it is listening externally -- the first case, all interfaceds, the second case only that specific IP address22:57
sarnoldthat's probably just a dns server :) look for :800022:58
notthistimeno 800022:58
notthistimelistening on 808022:59
naccnotthistime: ok, look for 8080 :)22:59
sarnoldah. apparently I'm getting old.22:59
notthistimetcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN23:00
notthistimeim not sure what im looking for23:00
sarnoldthat's an ipv6 address; did you let tcp6 port 8080 through as well? do you have an ipv6 address? should you configure your application to also listen on so it works on ipv4?23:01
notthistimeipv6 was set to ignore. changed to DHCP23:03
notthistimeit works on

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