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amazoniantoadWhere can I download ubuntu touch? Does it turn into a full desktop when connected to a mouse/keyboard?06:58
moritz311hey guys :)08:17
popeymorphis: :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/aethercast/+bug/158593308:27
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1585933 in aethercast "aethercast no longer connects" [Undecided,New]08:27
morphispopey: thanks but is a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/aethercast/+bug/157444408:28
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1574444 in Canonical System Image "wpa_supplicant claims P2P support is not available" [Critical,In progress]08:28
morphispopey: simply reboot08:29
popeyi have rebooted08:33
popey(I said that in the bug) :)08:33
popeymany reboots later... it connects08:36
morphispopey: hm, looks like I was a bit too was in saying its a duplicate08:56
morphispopey: did you power cycle the dongle?08:56
popeymorphis: yes09:07
morphispopey: and that didn't help?09:08
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popeyeventually after many reboots it did09:11
MasseRIs anyone else having trouble opening the screen on UT device (nexus7)09:12
MasseRAs in, I can click the screen button for a couple of minutes before it opens the screen09:13
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emawolfHello. I own an Ubuntu Phone. Since I use LINE Messenger on android, I checked their website and saw they support FIrefox and Chrome, so maybe they could support Ubuntu Touch too09:30
emawolfI searched for a contact email but found nothing. Would any dev have enought time to port the app to Ubuntu?09:31
emawolfOr how can I contact LINE team in order to ask them directly?09:31
davmor2emawolf: just try using it in the web browser09:32
brunch875given the app lifecycle that might not work too well09:32
davmor2MasseR: no opens on tapping the button here but I'm on official devices here not nexus709:32
MasseRdavmor2: sorry, a bit difficult to follow, so you're having similar problems?09:33
emawolf_davmor2: how can I use it in the browser? Is it possible?09:34
davmor2MasseR: no it works fine here on the 5 devices I test09:34
MasseROk thanks09:34
davmor2emawolf_: if it is supported in firefox and chrome the browser app is based on chrome's open source chromium browser so there is a good chance it will just work unless they have plugins for the browser to make it work09:35
emawolf_davmor2: Do i have to open chrome web store to install the exstension?09:36
davmor2emawolf_: the ubuntu browser has no store so that wouldn't work, it would need to not use a plugin09:37
emawolf_davmor: so maybe I can't use it with the browser.... I read the only way to use it on Chrome is install the app via the store09:38
emawolf_davmor2: How can I ask to LINE support about it?09:38
davmor2emawolf_: no idea09:39
emawolf_davmor2: For contacting support, there's only a web form in their page09:39
davmor2emawolf_: I would say that would be how you contact them then09:40
emawolf_davmor2: I'll try... if this wouldn't work, how could I contact others ubuntu devs who could be interested?09:41
davmor2emawolf_: you can ask here but I wouldn't hold your breath as the plugin side is likely to be proprietary and not available for devs outside the company to hack on09:44
davmor2emawolf_: so their webform would be the best place09:45
emawolf_davmor2: I'll try to contact the support team then, thank you09:47
davmor2no worries09:48
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colongolGronI would be interested in the technical details of who ubuntu phone works11:45
colongolGronactually in such details to rebuild something similar with a linux distro of my choice and include the programs of my choice11:45
davmor2colongolGron: that's not so easy11:51
colongolGrondavmor2: ok11:51
colongolGrondavmor2: could you explain to me the theory?11:51
s`get android and build everything on top of it11:52
davmor2colongolGron: what theory you would need to completely rebuild the system from the ground up like the kubuntu team did, it is not an easy task11:52
popeycolongolGron: you're asking a big question, can you be more specific?11:53
popeywe have some presentations which give high level stuff about the architecture11:53
colongolGronpopey: since i have only a vague idea of how it is done, its hard for me to be more specific yet11:53
colongolGronpopey: that would be interesting. hopefully it would enable me to ask more detailed questions11:54
colongolGronpopey: if you could point me to those presentations it would be cool11:56
popeyyeah, if I can find them11:58
colongolGronnot too easy it seems :)12:06
popeycolongolGron: sorry, was in a meeting12:20
colongolGronpopey: no problem12:20
colongolGroni am still here :)12:20
popeycolongolGron: had a look through some and they're a bit too high level12:20
colongolGronwell maybe they would interesting nevertheless12:20
popeyhttp://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/Ubuntu%20Touch%20Internals_1.pdf is  agood start12:20
popeya bit old12:21
popeynot sure what else we have.12:21
colongolGronthanks for that one12:23
mardydobey: hi! I'm finally convinced, about the fact that we should let plugins specify which UI should be used for re-authenticating the user12:35
mardydobey: especially in order to implement immediate error messages and validation of fields (like "password must be at least 6 characters long")12:36
mardydobey: but... I'll first go with the ugly version, make it somehow acceptable, while working on the real one, which might take longer12:37
colongolGronpopey: okay i read it, it was interesting12:48
colongolGronI wonder: on which devices can one run the ubuntu touch?12:49
popey!devices | colongolGron12:50
ubot5`colongolGron: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices12:50
popeycolongolGron: basically Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2013), bq e4.5, bq e5, bq M10, Meizu MX4, Meizu Pro 5. Plus a bunch of community ports including Nexus 5, OnePlus One.12:50
* colongolGron has a oneplus one12:52
popeyWorks quite nicely on that device. mariogrip maintains the port.12:53
colongolGronthats good new12:53
colongolGroni was never concerned about this so i have no expeirence with it and have to ask: is it possible to put the vendors android back on the phone again after one put ubuntu touch on it?12:54
colongolGronin case one wants to change back12:54
OsakaFoowould it be easy to port on electron based program?12:58
popeycolongolGron: yes13:04
colongolGronpopey: any preparations i should undertake before flashing the new on ontop?13:06
popeyon a oneplus one? ask mariogrip13:06
dobeymardy: ok. i'm trying to get through reviewing the current branch13:09
tnthHello, I can't figure out how to use "sessionCookieMode" or "cookiePolicy" in the Main.qml file.  I have tried setting "preferences.sessionCookieMode: persistent"  this in the webconext section of the  code but the app crashes. I am not a developer so any guidance is appreciated.13:47
pmcgowanoSoMoN, or alex-abreu  ^13:50
alex-abreutnth, hi, I guess you are trying to develop an Ubuntuwebview based app?13:52
tnthbackground is that I nabbed some qml code to create a google books app. While the code works great and I can read the books as long as I am online. When I am offline, the books do not show up when off line13:53
tnthHi alex-abreu, Yes I am13:53
alex-abreutnth, I am not familiar with the google books app, why are you trying to tweak the cookies to achieve offline support?13:55
tnthCurrently, as long as you have internet connection and you refresh the page, the books  will disply for reading. When not connected to internet, the books do no show. I assumed that its because the cookies are cached or stored for the app to read.13:57
tnthare not*13:57
tnthThis would help with trips or plane flights or  camping.13:58
alex-abreutnth, I dont think that the cookies are related to the offline behavior, they usually are just used for state management & auth and are online related bits14:00
dobeyno, cookies are something that get sent to the server. if offline, there's no server to send them to14:00
dobeyit sounds like you want LocalStorage (HTML5 Storage), but i don't know if google books does that14:00
alex-abreutnth, did you try to manually download the books?14:00
alex-abreudobey, no localstorage is still another thing14:01
oSoMoNtnth, try "sessionCookieMode: WebContext.SessionCookieModePersistent"14:01
oSoMoN(not saying this is going to help with the offline behaviour, but it might help with your crash)14:02
alex-abreutnth, you shoudl remove the cookies bits14:02
tnthAh, thanks for the cookie info. I didn't know that and makes sense.  In the app, you can download the book for offline mode an ( it also states downloaded) but with no internet connection, the webpage states offline and no books are displayed.14:04
moritz311when syncing ubuntu touch with ubp-5.114:05
moritz311any idea ?14:05
alex-abreutnth, on what are you testing?14:05
tnth@oSoMoN I will try that line to see if it helps with the crash for my own curiosity but will remove all cookie bits14:06
tnth@alex-abreu I have a BQ FHD tablet14:07
alex-abreutnth, do you have your project handy? it might be easier for me to haev a look14:08
tnthAlex, I do not have it online but I nabbed "Oliver Grawert" Googl+ code and just changed the URL patterns to google books.  https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/junk/google-plus-app   --  Or I can send you a shared link to my code on google drive. Which do you prefer sir?14:12
dobeypretty sure you need to hook up the localstorage bits14:13
tnth@dobey,  in the code it has  "preferences.localStorageEnabled: true"   Is this the same area you are referring too?14:16
mariogripcolongolGron: nope, just flash on top of android works fine14:27
mariogripcolongolGron: yeah, you can put vendor android back on it14:28
mariogripcolongolGron: also if you just want to test ubuntu touch, you can use something called multirom if you got an rooted device14:28
brunch875haha, what?14:33
popeyooh, you're the second person to report that14:34
popeydavmor2: ^14:34
brunch875I'm on rc-proposed by the way14:34
davmor2brunch875: there is a bug for it breakage in unity814:34
brunch875any steps I could follow to be helpful?14:35
davmor2brunch875: reboot gets rid of it :)14:35
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1585645 in ubuntu-settings-components (Ubuntu) "Huge icons in network indicator" [Undecided,Triaged]14:36
brunch875I mean, apart from hitting 'affects me too', is there any tool I should run for dumps?14:36
brunch875to help you peeps debug and stuff14:36
davmor2brunch875: nope already being worked on14:36
brunch875thumbs up then, good luck!14:37
bqE5BlackScreenHi! I just purchased BQ E5 and it's screen goes to black all the time for about 5 sec.. Is this a know issue ?14:45
bqE5BlackScreenI have tried to google that for an hour, but i cannot find anything.. :(14:46
mcphailbqE5BlackScreen: doesn't sound normal to me14:46
davmor2bqE5BlackScreen: not a known issue that I know to14:47
pmcgowanbqE5BlackScreen, just a guess, turn of autobrightness if its on?14:48
bqE5BlackScreenI will check that out14:48
bqE5BlackScreenautobrightness has been (and is still) turned off.14:51
bqE5BlackScreenDo you think that i have received hw that has defect ?14:52
bqE5BlackScreenI cannot use that phone more than 20-40 sec an then it goes to black screen14:53
bqE5BlackScreenIt will wake up from that usually after about 5 second, but sometimes 10%-20% is stucks for that long time14:54
pmcgowanbqE5BlackScreen, what is the inactivity timer set to14:55
bqE5BlackScreenonly way to get it up, is to push power button (to shut down screen virtually (as it is black already)) and wait some time14:55
pmcgowanbut it blacks out while using it?14:55
bqE5BlackScreenand then push power button again and it will wake up, if I waited long enough.14:56
bqE5BlackScreenyes, it backs out when using it14:56
bqE5BlackScreenscreen saver timer is turned off (i was hoping that it would help on that)14:56
pmcgowannever heard of a problem like this14:57
bqE5BlackScreenI am not a developer, but if i can provide something useful information I am happy to do that14:58
pmcgowanbqE5BlackScreen, so you do not see the system restarting, just the screen goes black14:59
bqE5BlackScreenI can file a bug, if somebody can help me a bit.. (=give link where to file it) and help me produce something (logs?) to solve it14:59
pmcgowanbqE5BlackScreen, you can file one at https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+filebug15:00
bqE5BlackScreenotherways I am then planning to contact BQ and send this device back to them15:00
pmcgowaninclude /var/log/syslog15:00
pmcgowanbut it sounds maybe like hardware issue15:00
bqE5BlackScreenoki pmcgowan. I file a bug to that place and include that log. After that I return the device. Thanks!15:01
pmcgowanbqE5BlackScreen, include your version info as well from about15:02
bqE5BlackScreenok. it is lates ot10.1 i thnk..15:03
OsakaFoowhat is the best way to create an ssh tunnel for use with another app15:38
colongolGronmariogrip: thanks i will look for multirom then first :)15:39
OsakaFooI've ran ssh -L .. on the terminal and netstat reports it - But my app seems to not want to connect - is there some persmissions I am missing?15:41
mcphailOsakaFoo: well, the ssh client (and terminal) will be stopped when you switch to your app15:42
OsakaFoomcphail: ah so that's not the best route - atm I'm running the ssh from adb15:43
mcphailOsakaFoo: aah. I don't think adb sessions get stopped15:44
OsakaFoojust wanted to have weechat's glowing bear to go via ssh rather than tls - but I guess that's not sure a big issue15:44
moritz311someone have an idea why i'm not able to checkout ubuntu source ?15:49
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altker128Anyone using OTA-11 ?16:57
dobeyplenty of people use rc-proposed16:59
altker128Any thoughts on lag/delays?16:59
dobeydifferent devices are different17:00
OsakaFoois it possible to update my phoen to rc-proposed from stable, and then back to stable if it does not work well without losing data?17:01
brunch875I use the aquaris e4.5 (which is mediocre hardware, right?) and I experience no lags on rc-proposed17:02
altker128brunch875: Did you have a different experience with lag prior to rc-proprosed?17:03
brunch875eh... not really, no...17:03
brunch875but I've been on rc-proposed for most of the time17:03
brunch875I think I've used the stable image only for two weeks after buying17:04
brunch875so more than a year now :Þ17:04
* OsakaFoo updates phone to dev17:47
OsakaFoobut first let me backup my stuff .. runs rsync17:48
* OsakaFoo hugs ubuntu17:48
mcphailOsakaFoo: is the dev channel working? rc-proposed is the usual option18:07
dobeymcphail: no it's not18:12
dobey(devel/devel-proposed not working, i mean)18:12
davmor2mcphail: actually the recommended one is stable :) if you want to test the latest and greatest then you can use rc-proposed.18:13
mcphaildavmor2: i assumed that was OsakaFoo's intention :)18:17
davmor2mcphail: :D18:18
OsakaFooindeed it is18:20
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ahoneybunpopey you picked my article for the Podcast?22:15
popeyyup :)22:16
ahoneybuntrying to find it in the podcast22:17
popeyyou'll find it if you listen to the whole thing22:17
ahoneybunthat's so cool lol22:20
ahoneybunpopey no comment about convergnce?22:21
ahoneybunmm the Ubuntu Podcast does not work in Podbird?22:29
ahoneybunnow it does22:29
popeyahoneybun: we talked about the M10 in the previous episode :)22:33
ahoneybunoh makes since22:33
ahoneybunbut Hangouts works now!22:33
ahoneybunoh uNav works22:33
ahoneybunI had a screenshot of that working22:33
ahoneybunon my 24in monitor too22:33
ahoneybunpopey the Nexus 7 does not handle close to the Nexus 4 though22:41
ahoneybunthat thing is smooth22:41
ahoneybunhopefully OTA 12 fixes that22:41
popeyahoneybun: eh?22:58
popeyi thought the specs of nexus 7 2013 and nexus 4 were similar22:58

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