
blzHello, can someone please enlighten me as to why my upstart script fails when setgid and setuid are uncommented? http://paste.debian.net/706443/19:55
chrasdo you have permissions to write to all of thoes files with that user?20:01
blzchras, aha, probably not.  Let me try that.20:01
blzchras, that seems to be the problem.  Here's the rub, though:  I created a system user with limited permissions and I'd like for him to run the service in question.  As it happens, he doesn't have access to /var/run, and i'm unsure of the security implications of modifying permissions for /var/run20:06
blzAre you able to advise?20:06
chrasif you're doing your own pid management20:11
chraswhy not just make a subdir in /var/run owned by that user20:11
blzchras, hmm yeah that seems like the simple/obvious solution.20:12
blzWorks like a charm, thanks again!20:17

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