
=== JanC is now known as Guest50625
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:32
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Up before the birds ? Had your cuppa tea ?03:40
lotuspsychjeoh no, i forgot lol03:41
lotuspsychjei need coffee :p03:41
Bashing-omcoffee is good .03:42
ducassemorning, all06:27
BluesKajHowdy folks10:41
ducassemorning :)10:41
BluesKajHi ducasse10:46
ducasseeverything good? it's really quiet in here today :)10:46
BluesKajgood here, how about there?10:49
ducassequiet :)10:49
EriC^^ducasse: hey man11:20
ducassehi, EriC^^11:20
EriC^^what's up?11:21
ducassenot much, looking for prices on cpu coolers11:21
ducassealso looking at disks for my nfs servers, hgst looks good. they have a good reputation.11:26
EriC^^wanna work a little on the ppa-purge thing?11:28
ducassedon't know how much i have to contribute, i'm not a developer...11:29
EriC^^neither am i..11:30
ducassehmm, ppa-purge is just a bash script, shouldn't be too hard to add what's needed...11:31
EriC^^it is?11:31
ducasselook at /usr/sbin/ppa-purge11:31
EriC^^i think it works via launchpad though only, let's see11:31
ducasseit does, but the infrastructure is all there.11:31
BluesKajI thought ppa-purge was meant for non LP ppas since most of the ppa packages there eventually end up in the the backport repos.11:33
BluesKajor am I mistaken ....again  :-)11:34
ducasseoh, no, there's *lots* of stuff on lp that never gets into the repos at all. and ppa-purge only handles lp.11:35
EriC^^it's pretty concise, 200lines11:35
BluesKajok ducasse thanks for the info11:37
EriC^^ok it first gets the list of packages from the pc itself from /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa*_Packages11:37
ducasseEriC^^: the easiest might be to add an option to specify a .list file that contains a repo to purge...11:38
EriC^^then gets the list of packages to revert to11:38
EriC^^i think we dont need to modify it even11:39
ducassethen it wouldn't be hard to parse which package list to read in /var/lib/apt/lists11:40
EriC^^if we pass it the arguments it takes export $PPAHOST=.... ppa-purge11:40
EriC^^it might work i think11:40
EriC^^this is what it uses PPA_LIST=/var/lib/apt/lists/${PPAHOST}_${PPAOWNER}_${PPANAME}_*_Packages11:40
EriC^^this is what's in my apt/lists/ for google repo dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_binary-amd64_Packages11:41
EriC^^and this is what's in the sources.list.d/.list deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main11:41
ducasse[arch...] is rarely used.11:42
EriC^^yeah just google mainly11:42
ducasseDIST can also vary from the actual distribution codename, some use 'stable', for example.11:43
EriC^^ok so basically if somebody wants to remove a ppa with a link we just tell him to get the name from /var/lib/apt/lists11:44
EriC^^and construct $PPAHOST and $PPAOWNER and $PPANAME so they match that _Packages file11:44
EriC^^let me try with google to see how it goes11:44
EriC^^here $PPAHOST=dl.google.com $PPAOWNER=linux_chrome_deb $PPANAME=dists_stable_main11:46
EriC^^i did sudo ppa-purge -s dl.google.com -o linux_chrome_deb -p dists_stable_main11:48
EriC^^"PPA purged successfully"11:49
EriC^^seems to have worked!11:49
ducassebrilliant, i wonder if it will work with the suse-hosted repos, they use a weird setup.11:50
EriC^^it should i guess11:51
ducasseseems it does :)11:52
ducasseooops, killed the wireless here :)11:55
ducasseit would be nice to just have ppa-purge construct the right line if given a .list file, though.11:56
EriC^^yeah i was just thinking that11:57
EriC^^maybe a one liner that splits it into 3 pieces11:57
EriC^^bla_bla_bla_bla_bla-bla-bla_Packages need to translate to -s bla_bla -o ... -p ..11:58
* ducasse digs out "mastering regular expressions" again :)11:59
ducassei suck at regexps11:59
EriC^^same here11:59
EriC^^this is pretty complicated11:59
EriC^^there's an ugly way to do it i guess, get the last one, then one before the _ then the whole rest12:00
ducasseit's probably easiest to just cheat and parse it in three passes to get the parameters, but that's a hack.12:01
ducasseninja'd :)12:01
EriC^^it'll end up like this ppa-purge -s dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb -o stable -p main12:01
EriC^^or the opposite really, was thinking we need to remove the last binary-amd64 thing first12:02
ducassetrying to grok the sed lines in ppa-purge, some of it is new to me.12:08
EriC^^we could use the .list file12:10
EriC^^i'm unsure of the format though, it's pretty much there though12:10
EriC^^deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main12:10
EriC^^main and stable are there and the whole link is there12:11
EriC^^but are they always like that? http://link something somethingelse12:11
DJonesBluesKaj: Didn't know you spoke japanese :) Nice catch in #u12:15
ducasselook at this:12:15
ducassedeb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/Horst3180/xUbuntu_15.10/ /12:16
DJonesA person of many talents :)12:16
BluesKajDJones, I don't , it's just a guess ;-012:16
EriC^^ducasse: wow12:16
EriC^^ducasse: that's pretty out there :D12:16
DJonesHeh, random characters then, or google translate712:16
EriC^^ducasse: what does the _Package file look like?12:16
ducassehang on, brb12:17
BluesKajnope just subbed the chatroooms and server where they might fit12:17
EriC^^ducasse: i did it in a really ugly way12:36
EriC^^var=$(echo dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_binary-amd64_Packages | rev | cut -d_ -f3- | rev); PPAHOST=$(echo $var | cut -d_ -f1); PPAOWNER=$(echo $var | cut -d_ -f2); PPANAME=$(echo $var | cut -d_ -f3-)12:36
ducassegreat, i'm still fiddling with sed :)12:40
pauljwHi everyone14:02
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all14:03
pauljwhi lotuspsychje14:03
lotuspsychjehey pauljw14:03
lotuspsychjeanyone knows what that rss icon is called: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/color-picker-tool-for-linux-desktops-750x417.png14:08
BluesKajHey pauljw14:12
lotuspsychjehi BluesKaj14:13
pauljwhi BluesKaj :)14:13
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje , rss in kde has the same icon , akregator is all i can find about the name in kde14:15
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: didnt agregator has the glasses also in the icon?14:16
* BluesKaj dons his glasses for a closer look ;)14:17
BluesKajit does here14:18
lotuspsychjehmm perhaps the guy added it via a ppa14:18
lotuspsychjehi proc14:19
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lotuspsychjehi EriC^^15:19
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje15:19
EriC^^any luck ducasse?15:22
nacc(my) morning all!15:23
ducasseEriC^^: sorry, been eating dinner, just finished :)15:23
EriC^^oh, cool :)15:23
lotuspsychjehi nacc and ducasse15:24
EriC^^hi nacc15:24
ducassehi, lotuspsychje, started training for the new job yet? :)15:25
lotuspsychjeducasse: thuesday :p15:27
ducassei'm thinking of getting this for a firewall: http://routerboard.com/RB2011iL-RM15:27
EriC^^the perfect typo15:28
EriC^^can't know if you hit the h by mistake or e instead of r15:29
EriC^^thursday i guess though?15:29
lotuspsychjetuesday :p15:30
lotuspsychjei get a 2 weeks course first15:30
ducassebest kind of training :)15:31
EriC^^me and ducasse were trying to make ppa-purge that can use links we modified ppa-purge in the end so it can take links and use them15:33
EriC^^ppa=dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_binary-amd64_Packages; var=$(echo $ppa | rev | cut -d_ -f3- | rev); sudo ppa-purge -s $(echo $var | cut -d_ -f1) -o $(echo $var | cut -d_ -f2) -p $(echo $var | cut -d_ -f3-)15:33
lotuspsychjeoO wow15:34
EriC^^you put instead of dl.google... the ppa name from /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa....._Package15:34
EriC^^ducasse is working on a shorter and more elegant sed version15:34
ducassehope i can get it to work, sed is hard.15:35
ducasseEriC^^: i've been looking at the script to figure out how to add an option to use a link, need to read a few man pages :)15:39
ducassei've been thinking it might be cleaner to rewrite the whole thing in python, though. split it up into smaller functions, modularize it a bit, it would be easier to extend or work on in the future.15:41
EriC^^sure why not15:42
EriC^^i like to see it check if other packages that depend on the ppa stuff will break and warn about that, i dont think it does that, was kind of surprised15:43
ducassethat's the kind of thing i was thinking of, it would make it easier to add things like that...15:44
ducasse_or_ we could do something like this: https://github.com/mufc4martin/ppaag/blob/master/ppaag - just a wrapper around ppa-purge.15:45
EriC^^yeah that would be nice too15:46
EriC^^could even make one that lists the ppa's and the user can select which to remove (i have a weird obsession with making menu's in the cli)15:47
EriC^^just like15:50
EriC^^[1] dl.google.chrome15:50
EriC^^[2] something.else15:50
ducassencurses type thing? :)15:50
EriC^^nothing fancy, nah :)15:50
ducassethat would just require parsing every .list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and list the repos so they can be toggled on/off. or something like that.15:53
naccEriC^^: yeah, i'm kind of surprised ppa-purge doesn't have a 'dry-run' mode15:53
naccalthough i spend so much time in git, i also wonder why everything doesn't have a ~ 'add -i mode and then a commit mode15:54
naccit makes too much sense to 'stage' changes15:56
ducassethe debian devs were talking about adding a rollback/undo function to apt, i'm still hoping that happens...15:56
naccducasse: nice! that would be good15:56
nacci guess for ubuntu, snaps is the plan there15:56
* nacc still doesn't fully understand the interplay between .debs and snaps -- will have to learn15:57
ducasseapt will still be there for a long time yet, i think.15:57
naccwell, if for no other reason then it is sync'ing from debian :)15:57
ducasseand tbh, the day ubuntu strays too far from debian, i'll switch back to straight sid :)15:58
lotuspsychjenacc: snap find in terminal :p15:59
lotuspsychjesudo snap install yoursnap15:59
* nacc learns from lotuspsychje 15:59
lotuspsychjenacc: i think the unity team wants the same security model as ubuntu-touch in the future16:00
lotuspsychjelocked down apps/snaps that cant harm the base system16:01
nacclotuspsychje: ack, 'convergence'16:02
lotuspsychjeand mark leaving us the choice between 2 worlds16:02
lotuspsychjeunity7/xorg/debs or unity8/mir/snaps16:02
EriC^^i'm installing unity8 right now16:03
EriC^^i wanna give it a test run16:03
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: last time i tried it crashed for me on xenial16:03
lotuspsychjenot sure how it runs on yakkety these days16:03
EriC^^nice, apt has a progress bar16:04
lotuspsychjeapt is fantastic isnt it16:04
EriC^^it's depressing me, i didn't know packages take this long to install16:05
lotuspsychjedepends wich ones16:05
EriC^^lol, if it takes long apt should keep it to itself16:05
EriC^^i think unity8 comprises of a million small packages that's why16:05
EriC^^it reached GET 100+ while fetching stuff, they're all pretty small too16:06
EriC^^reached them very quickly, i just have 1mb/sec max16:06
lotuspsychjeapt vs windows updates..i know wich to choose!16:06
lotuspsychje!info unity816:07
ubot5unity8 (source: unity8): Unity 8 shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.12+16.04.20160401-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 4605 kB, installed size 6409 kB16:07
lotuspsychje!info unity yakkety16:07
ubot5unity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 7.5.0+16.10.20160525-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 1578 kB, installed size 6804 kB16:07
EriC^^ok moment of truth16:07
lotuspsychje!info unity8 yakkety16:07
ubot5unity8 (source: unity8): Unity 8 shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.12+16.10.20160520.1-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 4605 kB, installed size 6432 kB16:07
ducassechecked my machines for removed packages wit residual config earlier today, the list was terrifying. to get rid of them, run this: dpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2}' | xargs /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/dpkg --purge16:12
lotuspsychjesiema grzegorz16:15
EriC^^it's kind of shitty16:15
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: still alot of work isnt it16:16
EriC^^the mouse feels funny, didn't have a launcher16:16
lotuspsychjehmm, launcher should be there16:16
EriC^^just a window that said browser, and store, and check apps, browser doesn't open store pretty much empty16:16
EriC^^the notification in the top is like windows 10, if you click on wifi it opens a huge black bar to the bottom of the screen and you can click on other stuff like power etc to switch between them too16:17
lotuspsychjesounds still the same as when it came out16:17
EriC^^i did like the busy sign while the browser was loading, kind of silly but it's a nice touch16:18
lotuspsychjei really wonder if they will get it right on time for yakkety release..16:18
ducasseyou guys usually run unity?16:18
EriC^^it was like 3 dots swirling and you can see the 3 dots, sort of like the ubuntu logo i think16:18
lotuspsychjeducasse: im a unity fan indeed16:19
EriC^^i doubt for yakkety16:19
ducasselotuspsychje: unity 8 will _never_ be finished for yakkety. no chance in hell.16:19
EriC^^it seemed empty16:19
EriC^^and the mouse feels really funny, like graphics are odd, i guess it's the mir16:19
lotuspsychjeducasse: i like the fact that unity is ease for noob machines also16:20
EriC^^ducasse: yes i use unity too16:20
lotuspsychjemy 76y old father never got it crashed yet16:20
ducasselotuspsychje: i can agree with that. if i were to set up a machine for a newbie, i would probably use mate or xfce, though.16:21
lotuspsychjeducasse: well, i also like xubuntu but i prefer only on older boxes16:21
EriC^^i thought it was odd when i first got ubuntu that it had no menu16:21
lotuspsychjeducasse: as some stuff on xubuntu isnt as simple as unity16:21
ducasselotuspsychje: my desktop used to be xubuntu, but i've switched all of them to i3 by now. light on resources and fast :)16:22
lotuspsychjei should probably test it also :p16:23
OerHeksi use unity, else i end up with unused ram16:23
lotuspsychjeducasse: but i3 isnt really for noobs right16:23
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: lol16:23
ducasselotuspsychje: no, that's true. it's a different way of using a gui.16:24
lotuspsychjeand tweaked, unity is fast as rocket aswell16:24
lotuspsychjethats the good news of xenial under the hood16:24
lotuspsychjefaster boot/shutdown/dash and systemd16:25
ducasselotuspsychje: it has gl-accelerated almost everything, doesn't it?16:25
EriC^^time to fix unity16:25
EriC^^lol something called mediascanner is going through my ext hdd like nuts using cpu16:25
EriC^^cpu 93'c16:26
ducasseEriC^^: it can probably be disabled.16:27
EriC^^looks like a service or something16:27
lotuspsychjenot sure if its wise to disable16:27
EriC^^it says mediascanner-ex and mediascanner-se16:28
ducasseEriC^^: looks like it just indexes media files for easy/fast search.16:29
lotuspsychje!info mediascanner16:29
ubot5Package mediascanner does not exist in xenial16:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1294303 in mediascanner2 (Ubuntu) "Mediascanner-service-2 process is killing HD and consumes lot of CPU" [Medium,Fix released]16:30
lotuspsychje!info mediascanner216:30
ubot5Package mediascanner2 does not exist in xenial16:30
EriC^^!find mediascanner-ex16:30
ubot5File mediascanner-ex found in mediascanner2.016:30
ducasse!info mediascanner2.016:30
ubot5mediascanner2.0 (source: mediascanner2): Media scanner package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.111+16.04.20160317-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 90 kB, installed size 357 kB16:30
lotuspsychjeah tnx16:30
ducasselook at apt show's description :)16:31
ducasse"This package provides the media scanner service."16:31
EriC^^it seems it was installed by unity816:31
ducassethat's not very informative :)16:32
EriC^^i think i should better remove everything it installed16:32
ducasseunity8 is just for devs at this point.16:33
lotuspsychjepurge yep16:33
EriC^^i think i'm screwed though, the list has dbus i think and other stuff16:34
lotuspsychjelet em play around for a bit16:34
ducasseEriC^^: it won't remove anything in use by other parts of the system.16:34
ducasseat least, it shouldn't.16:34
EriC^^yeah i mean if i remove the actual list from history.log16:34
EriC^^let me try to uninstall the metapackage and try autoremove16:35
ducasseEriC^^: that's the recommended way (metapackage + autoremove)16:35
EriC^^metapackage 55kb disk space will be freed16:36
ducasseautoremove will take the rest.16:36
EriC^^1 point 6 mega bytes16:36
EriC^^lol, i'm doomed now16:37
* ducasse wonders whether to order the mikrotik box or not...16:37
EriC^^i had written a script once that takes 1 de and another de and tries to completely remove it while keeping the first de and it's packages16:38
EriC^^it wasn't very reliable though, it used apt-rdepends and debfoster to get the list and stuff so i never really used it or recommended it to anyone16:38
lotuspsychjeducasse: i hear good things on pfsense, sure you want to spend money on the hardware?16:38
ducasselotuspsychje: my pfsense box died, new hardware for that would be more expensive.16:39
ducassei need new hardware either way.16:39
lotuspsychjeducasse: ah16:39
lotuspsychjeducasse: ##hardware or #netfilter guys might give you hints on it?16:40
ducassei asked in ##mikrotik, and for my needs this box should have good performance. i really want something that is "set up and forget" and regularly patched.16:41
EriC^^i might be able to use /var/log/dpkg.log to get the new packages it actually installed16:41
ducasseEriC^^: autoremove _should_ get everything, possibly except packages that fulfill recommends: or suggests: of other installed packages.16:42
EriC^^ducasse: nah it doesn't remove much16:43
EriC^^it literally rmoved 1.6mb of packages16:43
EriC^^like 4-6 or so, it installed like a 10016:43
EriC^^mir this mir that16:44
EriC^^i just need to know if history.log will show packages that are already on the system or not16:44
ducasseEriC^^: yes, it will show you exactly what was installed.16:45
ducasseEriC^^: this is why the debian devs wants 'apt undo'16:46
EriC^^this is what it installed http://termbin.com/6q3516:47
EriC^^ducasse: yeah, arch has had it for a long time, pacman with recursive remove16:47
ducasseoh, $deity, so many firefox tabs! i'm a monster!16:48
EriC^^that's why i tried to make that de removal script16:48
EriC^^everybody installs another de to try it and they can't remove the extra packages later16:48
EriC^^it doesn't work though, debfoster somehow recommended pastebinit to be removed, it showed up as a dependency in xubuntu16:49
EriC^^and not in unity16:49
EriC^^i'll try it on my pc just to see the list it gives and maybe diff it with that one16:49
EriC^^it gave a very tiny list16:52
EriC^^i had made it very conservative in the end, it uses debfoster also also apt-rdepends and takes the minimum, it's not really accurate and nice though16:53
ducassehmmm, no suggestions from me, i'm afraid.16:54
EriC^^history.log is my only hope16:54
EriC^^that program sucks, nobody should ever use it16:55
EriC^^the script i mean16:55
EriC^^anyways i'll try to remove the metapackage, and uninstall one random package from it, and see what history.log looks like after i try to reinstall the metapackage16:55
lotuspsychjebbl dinner16:57
EriC^^cool, history.log only lists the newly installed one, not the metapackage contents16:57
ducasseEriC^^: probably the best way to go.16:57
ducasseEriC^^: you might also look at the relevant entry in term.log16:59
EriC^^yeah that's also a good idea16:59
EriC^^forgot about that17:00
ducassethe developers of apt have trouble with handling this properly, so don't be sad your script is not perfect :)17:02
ducasseEriC^^: ^^17:02
EriC^^hehe :)17:06
EriC^^ok done removing the packages, time to see if it'll reboot17:06
EriC^^seems still working17:09
SwitchesEriC^^: That's a bonus then17:10
ducasseEriC^^: good, but unity8 is gone?17:10
EriC^^yeah i think so17:10
EriC^^i used the list from history.log and used sed to remove the things between ()17:11
EriC^^then xargs -a list sudo apt-get purge17:11
EriC^^oh man17:12
EriC^^i tried apt install <unity8 package> to see the size it's going to say that it's going to install, it said 130mb17:12
EriC^^i think it said something like 52mb before17:12
EriC^^lol can someone run sudo apt install unity8-desktop-session-mir17:13
EriC^^then cancel it when it asks to continue or not? just check the size it says after install17:13
EriC^^oh ok, it says need to get 32mb  i think that's what i glimpsed before17:13
EriC^^would appreciate the check though!17:13
pauljwmine says 33mb17:16
EriC^^to be downloaded? or additional space will be used?17:17
ducassemine says 298mb :)17:17
pauljwto be downloaded, 131mb additional EriC^^17:17
EriC^^pauljw: ah ok, cool17:17
ducasse(additional. 90mb to be downloaded)17:18
EriC^^it's like mine, you're using unity?17:18
pauljwi'm using unity, yes.17:19
ducassemine isn't.17:19
EriC^^ok, cool, thanks guy :)17:19
ducasseBluesKaj: maybe we should move the sound discussion here, instead of cluttering up #ubuntu?17:41
BluesKajwell, I would but I still have my back lawn to cut ;-)17:42
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