
magespawngood morning05:16
chesedomorning magespawn mazal anton_may and all others06:14
theblazehenMorning magespawn,mazal,anton_may,chesedo06:19
chesedohi theblazehen, how are you?06:20
theblazehenAlright and you chesedo?06:20
chesedogood good ty theblazehen06:20
inetprogoeie more07:27
mazalHi guys , do one need to restart to get disk related updates to take effect ?07:28
mazalmount , uuid and fdisk components updated07:28
inetprouh oh!07:31
anton_mayfor fdisk just issue mount -a07:36
mazalNVM , was hpoing they fixed the KDE bug of formatting memory sticks , but it's just worse now in fact07:37
mazalNow the system applet for usb devices crashes also07:37
anton_maywhy not just mount it normal way?07:38
mazalanton_may, no I'm not struggling with mounting07:38
mazalJust wanted to know if the changes would be actibe without booting , but rebooted anyway07:39
mazalWhere is oom kilos ?07:40
anton_mayslaap seker nog07:41
mazalHope he is ok07:41
Kilosmorning all. power just returned07:50
Kiloscopper snapped off at the copper to all crimping lug07:51
Kiloscopper to ally07:53
Kilossparkeys blame the cold07:54
MaNIsounds like a terrible crimping job to me07:55
Kilosyeah ill look at it with a magnifying glass07:55
Kilosseems the copper snapped ogg at the en of the lug07:56
Kilosthen that shorted onto another phase07:56
Kilosbit melted hehe08:02
Kilosmaybe a bird was swinging on the loop08:02
urbanslugYou guys, does it snow in South Africa?08:32
theblazehenurbanslug: Sometimes08:35
MaNIyes, but not frequently and usually only in certain areas08:44
MaNIit is not uncommon to find people in JHB for instance who have never seen snow before08:45
MaNIwhen it does snow it's usually a light coating on the mountaintops drakensberg/cederberg/helderberg08:47
mazalMôre oom Kilos08:48
mazalWas bekommer08:48
Kilosskuus man. blamerr pta electicity08:50
theblazehenhey magespawn09:01
magespawnin and out, sorry, i must just remember to disconnect first09:56
magespawnon that note chat later.10:24
mazalJulle is stil vandag , wat gaan aan ?11:24
mazalHet nou 'n lekker middagete ingewerk , nou het ek probleem met my oë11:32
magespawngoing again11:34
Kiloswat eet jy11:34
mazalHoender , wors en chips11:37
Kilosen dit maak probleme met jou oeie?11:40
Kilosdaai goed bo en langs jou neus11:41
mazalJa , ek kan nou nie myself sien verder werk vandag nie11:42
Kiloshi kulelu88 15:13
Kilosexcuse me from this hectic conversation to go have supper17:00
pavlushkaHello every one?17:08
FusionSparcHi pavlushka..17:09
pavlushkaHello FusionSparc !17:10
pavlushkahow are you?17:10
FusionSparcgood and you?17:10
pavlushkaI am ok, thanks!17:11
FusionSparcWhere you from pavlushka?17:11
pavlushkaFrom Bangladesh.17:12
FusionSparcI see,you new to the channel or been here before?17:14
pavlushkaFor some months17:15
pavlushkaand You?17:15
FusionSparcok, a few Months as well.17:16
pavlushkaYou people here are very welcoming, its nice.17:16
FusionSparcAny favourite Linux distro's?17:17
FusionSparcYes, most members are quite helpful in their fields.. :)17:17
pavlushkaUbuntu itself and Ubuntu-MATE and I use xubuntu as well.17:18
pavlushkathese are my favs.17:18
FusionSparcOk, I started with Xubuntu but Kubuntu Won my vote.. :P17:19
pavlushkaand curious about lubuntu17:19
FusionSparcok, Have not played with Lubuntu yet though..17:19
pavlushkamy pc is of low config, I cant indulge Kubuntu.17:19
FusionSparchehe, I know your pain...Ubuntu Mate should work well, nicely balanced interface with most things you need bundled..17:20
pavlushkayes, I just love that.17:21
FusionSparcThe Gui repo installer I'm not too fond of,feels limited somehow but thats just me..17:23
pavlushkame too, I always use apt-get and now just apt.17:23
Kiloshi FusionSparc kde rocks17:24
pavlushkaand Here he come, smelling Kubuntu, :p17:25
FusionSparcHi Kilos...Yes it does..:P17:25
pavlushkaboth K rocks17:26
FusionSparcProbably the most popular DE out there....17:27
KilosMaaz see inetpro 17:27
MaazKilos: What?17:27
KilosMaaz seen superfly 17:27
MaazKilos: superfly was last seen 2 days, 3 hours, 9 minutes and 57 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-25 07:17:29 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-05-22 22:31:15 PDT17:27
Kilosoh my so long17:27
KilosMaaz seen inetpro 17:27
MaazKilos: inetpro was last seen 9 hours, 56 minutes and 26 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-27 00:31:17 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-05-22 07:43:15 PDT17:27
pavlushkamaaz seen inetpro 17:27
Maazpavlushka: inetpro was last seen 9 hours, 56 minutes and 36 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-27 00:31:17 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-05-22 07:43:15 PDT17:27
pavlushkamaaz what inetpro 's frequency? is it 10 hours?17:29
Maazpavlushka: One learns a new thing every day17:29
Kiloshe is getting old so we must make allowances17:30
Kilosyay, it came back17:45
KilosMaaz coffee on17:45
* Maaz flips the salt-timer17:45
inetproMaaz: last set factoid17:47
Maazinetpro: It was: what inetpro 's frequency17:47
=== pavlushka is now known as kryten
squish101enjoying working from home... when there isn't too much work to do17:47
inetproMaaz: forget what inetpro 's frequency17:47
Maazinetpro: Yessir17:47
inetprogood evening17:47
=== kryten is now known as Guest62041
Kiloshi there inetpro 17:48
Kiloshi Guest62041 17:48
=== Guest62041 is now known as pavlushka
pavlushkahello Kilos !17:49
pavlushkaHeya inetpro !17:49
squish101i lost a number there :(17:49
=== squish101 is now known as squish102
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:49
inetprosquish102: why not squish103?17:49
squish102only next year ;\17:50
Kilosyou ok inetpro ?17:50
inetprogood, good and you?17:50
Kilosthe fly been gone a long time17:50
Kilosim ok ty17:51
inetproyou back from aussieland yet?17:51
Kiloshavent even left yet man17:51
Kilosstill waiting for cop clearance to be passed17:51
Kilosinetpro question17:52
Kilosi added a new server in konversation17:52
Kilosbut i can open this one or that one17:53
Kilosfor mattermost that is17:53
Kilosaquarat why so silent17:53
Kilosand ambo_ ?17:53
Kiloshalf the room is afk17:54
Kiloswb chesedo 17:54
inetproKilos: there's a command field together with the server setup stuff?17:54
inetproadd the command '/msg mattermost login your@email.address YourMattermostPassword' in there 17:55
Kilosok ty17:55
chesedoty Kilos18:08
KilosMaaz it doesnt work18:09
MaazKilos: *blink*18:09
KilosMaaz it doesn't work18:10
MaazLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Does it waste its time on IRC all day long? Please be specific! Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.18:10
Kilosinetpro what does one use to edit ibid.db18:13
Kilosi tried kate and nano and sqlite18:13
Kilosor must one rather edit the source code18:14
paddatrapperKilos: some SQL server (should be sqlite) should allow you to execute commands on it 18:20
Kilosoh my18:20
Kilosi was just trying to edit it here18:20
Kiloswe need to look into making bots use duckduckgo instead of google too18:21
paddatrapperDefinitely 18:50
Kilosi had the source code  about 3 pcs back when magespqwn and i wanted to teach it to braai but that was heavy18:51
paddatrapperPray tell, how does source code braai? 18:59
Kiloshahahaha man18:59
paddatrapperAnd where has this braaing source code been all my life?? 18:59
Kiloswe were trying to teach maaz how to braai not just make coffee19:00
Kilosi actually had a clone of me i think at one time that could braai19:00
paddatrapperLol nice. Good idea 19:00
paddatrapperMaaz: braai some wors 19:01
Maazpaddatrapper: Sorry...19:01
Kilosoh gremble also worked on making ibids do the braai thing19:01
paddatrapperI'll take a look at the code next week hopefully, this weekend is crazy19:01
Kiloswhere did you get the code19:02
Kilosgithub too difficult for me19:02
Kilospush pull stuff sucks19:02
Kilosi like .deb19:02
Kilosright click install with gdebi19:03
paddatrappergit clone git@github.com:paddatrapper/ibid.git19:03
paddatrapperThen compile and run. That way I can edit the source, recompile and test again 19:04
paddatrapperI just need to get it running 19:05
Kilosthere are commands to use19:05
Kilosnext week man19:06
paddatrapperYup. That's what's throwing it's toys about about the DB19:06
Kilosyou dont have time now19:06
paddatrapperI can talk about it now, but can't test or implement anything at the moment 19:06
KilosMaaz tell superfly this is too long away from us sir19:07
MaazKilos: Righto, I'll tell superfly on freenode19:07
Kilosi need to sleep. maybe some rugger tomorrow19:08
paddatrapperWho's playing? 19:08
Kilosoh paddatrapper it doesnt run on ubuntu system after 12.0419:08
Kilosbulls and lions  but i havent checked who else19:09
paddatrapperAh... Dan moet ek 'n plan maak 19:09
Kilosill announce tomorrow 19:09
inetproKilos: why edit the database?19:09
Kilosinetpro you have a better way19:10
Kilospaddatrapper listen19:10
inetproyou don't edit the database unless you're a developer19:10
inetproyou connect to the database with ibid and let the bot do the editing of data19:10
Kilosthats why i asked paddatrapper to look at it remember19:11
Kilosoh my19:11
paddatrapperBut when ibid refuses to make the db in the first place, another plan needs to be made 19:12
Kilosit makes that when installing right?19:13
paddatrapperWhen ibid-setup is run19:13
Kilosand you can only do that on 12.04 or using inetpro s workaround19:14
paddatrapperinetpro's workaround? 19:14
Kilosin a virtual box thing19:14
paddatrapperIs there any point trying to port it to 14.04/16.04?19:15
Kilosthere is major work to make it work on 14.0419:15
Kiloswell they run19:15
inetpropaddatrapper: just follow instructions at http://ibid.omnia.za.net/docs/0.1.0/install.html#prerequisites19:16
paddatrapperHow much? 19:16
paddatrapperThanks inetpro19:16
Kilosand we know the commands19:16
inetproKilos: don't lie19:16
Kilosabout what19:16
inetpro"you can only do that on 12.04"19:16
Kilosman , you know what i mean19:17
Kilosyou cant install it directly19:17
inetprothat's a different story19:17
Kilosi dont lie19:17
Kilosrev 21:819:18
inetpropoint is, you can make it work on new versions of ubuntu 19:18
inetproit just requires a bit more effort 19:19
Kilosyes man but not as it was originally designed19:19
Kilosused to be a .deb install 19:20
Kilosno prerequisits and stuff19:20
paddatrapperThe works for straight install and run, developing requires being able to modify and run straight from source. The deb just hides that from you19:22
Kilosthats why i like them19:22
Kiloshead doesnt need more stress19:22
Kilosthats for younger guys19:23
paddatrapperMost things are better as debs19:23
inetproKilos: maybe it's time to just move on to something else19:29
Kilosaway from i bib inetpro ?19:29
inetproit's old, it's complicated and developers have moved on19:30
Kilosafter debconf ill nad the weed to upgrade it19:30
Kiloshe can spend his next leave rewriting our favourite bot19:32
Kilosno rest for the wicked19:33
Kilosor the idle rich19:33
inetprojust let it rot away 19:34
Kilosand we use what? meetingology19:34
inetprowhy not?19:35
Kilosit cant make coffee19:35
Kilosor google19:35
inetproyou can make your own coffee19:35
Kilosshup you19:35
theblazeheninetpro,Kilos how about https://sopel.chat/ ?19:36
Kiloscan it do meeting minutes etc19:37
inetproKilos: see, there's many other alternatives19:37
Kilosibid was written for us especislly19:37
theblazehenKilos: Yes it can19:38
paddatrapperLooks pretty extensible too - probably can use slang, etc19:39
inetprothe software evolution process does not end at the death of an individual software system but usually continues over generations through being replaced by newly built software19:39
Kilosanother github thing19:40
Kilosill sulk for a week if we give up on ibid19:41
theblazehenKilos: At least it's not sourceforge :) And svn or something..19:41
Kilosinetpro gdebi has worked from the beginning of ubuntu19:41
Kilosso can ibid19:42
Kilosits not impossible19:42
inetprovery few people prefer to keep working on same project or code base forever19:42
* theblazehen steps out of *this* conversation19:43
Kilostumbleweed help19:43
Kilostell them it can be done19:43
tumbleweedKilos: I do still care about ibid19:43
tumbleweedI'm just rather busy with debconf right now19:43
theblazehenKilos: Just because it can doesn't mean it's a good idea :)19:44
Kilosyay ty tumbleweed ill find you helpers after debconf19:44
Kilospaddatrapper you know tumbleweed already19:44
paddatrapperKilos: Yes I do19:45
Kiloshe maintained ibid for years and he still cares19:45
paddatrappertumbleweed: Welcome back to this side of the internet :P19:45
tumbleweedpaddatrapper: :P19:45
tumbleweedKilos: I care. But I also have to admit that I haven't touched it in a long time19:45
tumbleweedgetting back into it won't be easy19:46
inetproKilos: see, you don't have to worry for now :-)19:46
tumbleweedbut I do have to do this at some point :P19:46
Kilosyou re tough so i believe the challenge will be interesting19:46
paddatrapperDebCamp sprint? lol19:46
tumbleweedpaddatrapper: I'm betting ENOTIME19:46
Kilossee inetpro it will happen19:48
KilosVW didnt stop making cars because bikes were easier to make19:48
inetprothat's an invalid argument19:49
KilosVW didnt stop making cars with fuel fed engines because electric cars are coming into fashion19:50
inetprooom kan nou rustig gaan slaap, voor ek weer die skuld kry...19:50
Kilosthey started making them as well19:50
Kilosty tumbleweed ill  sleep better tonight19:51
Kilosyou take care19:51
tumbleweedKilos: :P19:52
Kilosnight everybody. sleep tight19:52
mazalNag oom19:52
Kilossjoe jy nog wakker mazal 19:53
Kiloslekker slaap seun'19:53
mazalDankie selle daar19:53
* theblazehen isn't getting any work done :(20:02
theblazehenGuess I'm going to bed. Night all20:02
mazalNight theblazehen20:02
theblazehenNevermind. /me is getting back to work20:05
inetprotheblazehen: gaan werk nou20:22
theblazeheninetpro: Yeah, I'm working now :)20:22
inetpromazal: wat maak jy so laat?20:23
mazalVrydae aande moet benut word :)20:24
inetproUbuntu 16.04 LiveCD Memory Usage Compared20:59
inetproa very intersting little comparison20:59
mazalSurprising that K is more than unity21:00
inetpronot really21:01
inetproKDE has always been a bit tough on resources21:02
inetproI still prefer it above others though21:02
mazalWhat I don't get is that my install on fresh boot uses less than that live cd , how is that possible21:02
mazalMine's about 780mb21:03
inetprolive cd will always use more21:08
mazalI think that be enoug building for one night , eyes don't see lekker anymore21:11
mazalLekker slaap21:11

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