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snfgfconfigure fails to detect openssl00:02
snfgfbut aptitude tells me it is installed00:02
snfgfJoeyKiwi, I am having technical difficults00:02
manslockwhois manslock00:03
Kenringot libssl-dev installed ?00:03
maddawg2i'm at a restaraunt that is getting less than .30mbps for internet00:04
maddawg2via cockcast00:04
snfgfKenrin, Thankyou. I was searching for openssl-dev.00:05
KenrinYeah that is the RPM distro package00:05
JoeyKiwimaddawg2: that sucks00:06
snfgfwhat package contains pcre library?00:09
M0T0hello guys :) does any idea installing diaspora on ubuntu ? :P00:10
KenrinAnd an apt-cache search pcre sasys libpcre300:12
KenrinProbably want libpcre3-dev if you compiling stuff too00:12
snfgfI ran out of space on my hd and purged python2.7 and lost a load of quite useful stuff00:13
naccsnfgf: never ever a good idea to purge python anymore00:13
KenrinPython 3 is where its at =)00:14
naccsnfgf: i guess if you had another python installed (e.g. python3), then it's not as big of a deal00:14
snfgf^correct. I mean, why do I need two versions of python, apart from the obvious reasons.00:14
snfgfOh yes, for the obvious reasons.00:14
snfgf(I assume that some of my scripts won't work with python3 interpreter)00:15
snfgf(not my scripts, but scripts that are part of other packages)00:15
KenrinI run my python stuff in xonsh00:15
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JoeyKiwiSo, maddawg2 is out to dinner. Can someone help with my Ubuntu install not working?00:16
naccsnfgf: if it's all packaged stuff, and shipped by ubuntu, it should all be verified by the packages at this point (python2-dependnet packages shoudl be pulling in python2). however, i think 16.04 is fully python3 now00:16
snfgfKenrin, Is that some program capable of interpreting versions 2 & 3?00:16
KenrinI don't know if it does version 200:17
Kenrinxonsh just lets you do bash with python00:17
KenrinWhat'd you break Joeykiwi?00:19
maddawg2i'm here JoeyKiwi00:20
maddawg2did you find out what the NIC is seeing as in Windows00:20
JoeyKiwiI installed Ubuntu 16.04 on my newly built computer. When I log in, it only shows the background and blinking notification windows.00:21
JoeyKiwiAlso, the ethernet does not work.00:21
JoeyKiwiYes. Windows lists the NIC as Intel (R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V00:22
KenrinWhat video card ?00:22
JoeyKiwiGTX 95000:23
Kenrindrop to shell and install the nvidia drivers00:23
JoeyKiwiI tried installing them from the .run file, but it threw a few errors. The first one was about the distribution preinstalled scripts failing.00:24
Dumle29hmm, bogus number of reserved sectors on my RPis SD card.00:24
Dumle29after an external harddisk killed the 5v supply and effectively removed power from the pi00:25
Kenrinyou can just do apt-get install nvidia-36100:25
Kenrinor nvidia-current00:25
raymod2Has anyone had any luck getting Google Earth working in 16.04 LTS?00:25
JoeyKiwiKenrin: my ethernet doesn't work.00:26
raymod2I've googled for hours.  Read dozens of forum threads.  Tried everything.00:26
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raymod2The closest I've gotten is to get it loaded without crashing but none of the satellite imagery loads.00:26
raymod2...and that required heroic efforts that included writing my own stub function for a library API!00:27
KenrinIt show up in lspci ?00:28
exorcistJoeyKiwi: your best option at this point is to try another distro00:28
BlueProtomanI wiped my two Kubuntu partitions (/ and /home) in favor of just one plain Ubuntu partition, but now I can't boot into my Windows 8.1 installation!  What do I do?  I still have my Windows partition, but I can't boot into it any more (it doesn't appear on GRUB)00:28
JoeyKiwiThe ethernet problem also exists in Linux Mint.00:29
HackerIIexorcist:  dont say that, JoeyKiwi , did you checksum the disc ??00:29
HackerIIdid you checksum it ?00:30
KenrinJeez that is a really new card00:30
KenrinNo wonder it doesn't work00:30
Bashing-omBlueProtoman: Have ypou run ' sudo update-grub ' to re-discover the Windows OS ?00:30
exorcistBlueProtoman: i would google "grub windows partition"00:30
joegiampaoliraymod2: Probably new libs in newest ubuntu that are not compatible with google earth?00:30
raymod2joe - I don't think google earth has been updated (for Linux) in over a year00:31
KenrinYou're going to need the driver:  http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/ethernet-products/000005480.html00:31
joegiampaoliraymod2: Probably have to wait for google to update? What graphics card? Do you have glx enabled?00:31
raymod2joe - maybe there is a set of known working libraries?  (QT probably)00:31
raymod2joe - I'm running this in a VMware virtual machine00:32
joegiampaoliraymod2: I have it running in 14.04 perfectly fine...00:32
raymod2how did you install it?00:32
expertany love for vsftpd? (their channel is dead)00:32
joegiampaoliraymod2: downloaded it as deb from website, 64bit00:33
raymod2and then 'dpkg -i foo.deb'?00:33
raymod2No problems with dependencies?00:33
JoeyKiwiKenrin: How do I find the ethX number?00:33
JoeyKiwiI tried that driver on Ubuntu00:33
joegiampaoliraymod2: So you are running ubuntu in VM? Maybe that's why? I think it needs full GLX for it to run00:33
exorcistJoeyKiwi: i think they go enpXsX nowadays, not ethX00:34
raymod2joe - I've gotten it running in a Fedora virtual machine00:34
joegiampaoliraymod2: it should install whatever needed if that's the case...00:34
raymod2joe - dpkg does not install dependencies00:34
raymod2I'm guessing it was a long time ago and you don't remember...00:35
joegiampaoliraymod2: Correct, but if you install gdebi and open the deb package with it, then it should00:35
raymod2Why are you running such an old version of Ubuntu?00:35
JoeyKiwiSo, I'm confused on how to execute this command: ifconfig eth<x> <IP_address>00:36
KenrinDoesn't it show up in /etc/network/interfaces ?00:36
loahello! how i can disable wi-fi and bluetooth on startup? i tried rfkill block wifi in /etc/rc.local but have no luck.00:36
joegiampaoliraymod2: Hehe, I always go for stable, not bleeding edge, this is my laptop, my Desktop is pure Debian. Probably older but solid as a rock00:37
exorcistloa i think you should do systemctl disable wirelessd (or something)00:37
Kenrinifconfig doesn't work past like ubuntu 12 I think00:37
exorcistJoeyKiwi: just try dhclient&00:37
loaexorcist, that was strange. can you provide some more information?00:37
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exorcistloa, there is probably a systemctl command to list all working services, try systemctl --help00:38
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Bashing-omjoegiampaoli: If you just do ' ifconfig ' will list all the interfaces .00:38
loaexorcist, ah you are about systemd ok, forgot about that.00:38
JoeyKiwiexorcist: 10536?00:38
exorcistJoeyKiwi: what?00:39
BlueProtomanWho was the one that suggested I did sudo update-grub?00:39
joegiampaoliraymod2: also "dpkg -i foo.deb" and then "dpkg -f" should install dependencies I believe, but not sure, gdebi is a better option00:39
exorcistBlueProtoman: did that work?00:39
kisukeok, anyone gota good primer on grub rescue?00:39
Bashing-omBlueProtoman: I be that guilty party .00:40
JoeyKiwiexorcist: that's what it outputs.00:40
exorcistJoeyKiwi: after you run dhclient try pinging google.com00:40
joegiampaoliBashing-om: I think you got wrong person :)00:40
JoeyKiwiUnkown host00:40
BlueProtomanexorcist: Yes, it did00:40
Bashing-omjoegiampaoli: Correct .. I did .. Thanks and appologies to you .00:40
exorcistBlueProtoman: excellent00:41
KenrinJoey.  What does "ip show addr" say ?00:41
exorcistJoeyKiwi: type ping
raymod2joeg - I think 'sudo apt-get install -f' does what you mention00:41
JoeyKiwiconnect: Network is unreachable00:41
raymod2I used that to get my partially working installation of google earth.00:42
JoeyKiwiI typed ip show addr00:42
JoeyKiwiObject "show" is unkown.00:42
joegiampaoliraymod2: ah I see, and did you already try running it from terminal to see any errors?00:42
KenrinWhoops.  ip addr show00:43
raymod2yes, I always launch if from the terminal - it spits out tons of errors whether it loads or not00:43
squintykisuke, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting00:43
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zykotick9joegiampaoli: not "dpkg -f" but "apt-get -f install"00:44
JoeyKiwiKenrin: It shows a lot of text.00:44
KenrinDo you see your ethernet with an address though ?00:44
exorcistwow JoeyKiwi you should stick with windows00:44
joegiampaoliraymod2: hmmm, you might want to check that then, probably when trying to load imagery it should spit the error you are looking for and disregard the starting errors...00:44
k1lexorcist: please drop those unhelpfull comments00:45
exorcistk1l, he is not even trying00:45
joegiampaolizykotick9: Yes, I remember now, I just got used with gdebi doing it all automagically for me :)00:45
raymod2joeg - there are no new errors - I can zoom in all I want but everything just stays blurry00:45
JoeyKiwiIt shows 1: lo with text and 2: enp0s31f600:46
KenrinOk so enp0s31f6 is your ethernet00:46
joegiampaoliraymod2: Oh! so it does load imagery but doesn't refresh it to make it clearer!00:46
KenrinDoes it have an address beside inet ?00:46
raymod2This is the error it shows the most:  [0526/174635:ERROR:nss_ocsp.cc(581)] No URLRequestContext for OCSP handler.00:46
Kenrindoes it say,  DOWN or UP ?00:46
KenrinSo it is up and working00:47
joegiampaoliraymod2: sounds more like a connection error to me then since it doesn't fetch the extra data00:47
joegiampaoliyes, nss is the libnss3 used for security00:47
raymod2It can't be a connection error.  I downloaded the .deb file through the network connection!00:47
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JoeyKiwiKenrin: So, what is the issue?00:48
KenrinDon't know yet,  you never said if it had a good IP address00:48
raymod2A possible clue is that it shows a white box in the lower right of the window.  Not sure what is supposed to be there.00:48
joegiampaoliprobably it's an issue from google's side at the moment with their NSS00:48
joegiampaoliraymod2: their security server...00:49
raymod2But it works fine in Fedora...00:49
raymod2Also, it has been not working on Ubuntu since yesterday.00:49
JoeyKiwiIt shows inet brd scope link enp0s31f6:avahi00:49
KenrinOk so that is a bad address00:49
KenrinIs this DHCP from a router ?00:50
joegiampaoliraymod2: try downgrading libnss!!! I remember now00:50
joegiampaoliraymod2: let me check...00:50
KenrinDo a "sudo /etc/init.d/network restart" then check the address again00:50
KenrinIf it is dhcp it should automatically pick up from your router00:50
raymod2Also if I click "View in Google Maps" it pulls up the images OK.00:50
JoeyKiwiIt is bridge through a Windows machine.00:51
KenrinA bridge,  like internet connection sharing ?00:51
joegiampaoliraymod2: waht versions of libnss3 can you downgrade to and which do you have installed?00:51
JoeyKiwiAlso, command is not found.00:52
HackerIImight be sudo service network-manager restart00:52
KenrinIt is /etc/init.d/networking restart then00:52
KenrinOr what hacker said00:53
JoeyKiwiCool thanks00:53
KenrinBut that bridge doesn't seem to be giving you an IP address.  I'd check if it is setup right00:53
raymod2libnss3 is at Version: 2:3.21-1ubuntu400:53
raymod2How do I tell what I can downgrade to?00:54
joegiampaoliraymod2: If by any chance you can downgrade to 3.15.4 plus dependencies give it a shot, I had the same problem with another program with the newer libnss300:54
JoeyKiwiKenrin: I'll just move my setup to the room with the router...00:54
HackerIIbest bet00:54
JoeyKiwiThank you. I appreciate it. I can usually work my way through problems, but network is just beyond me.00:55
ShaRoseSo, anyone have any idea why https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Using_the_Command_Line_.28unattended.29 doesn't work?00:55
raymod2How do I downgrade it?00:55
joegiampaoliin synaptic choose libnss3 and in menu Package > Force Version00:55
HackerIIyoull get it JoeyKiwi00:55
ShaRosehttps://img.ShaRo.se/n3hwW.txt for example00:56
raymod2command line?00:56
joegiampaoliraymod2: and then it might remove two other related nss packages, you will reinstall them after the downgrade but you also have to force the version in those00:56
zykotick9ShaRose: do you _really_ need it to be non-interactive?00:56
joegiampaoliraymod2: sorry, cant remember how in shell00:57
ShaRoseyeah, I was setting up a script to install ubuntu to zfs root and I want it to be as non-interactive as possible.00:57
ShaRoseJust found a bug report on launchpad about it, so it's not just me (But the instructions are still on help)00:57
joegiampaoliraymod2: also don't forget to lock the versions so they don't get updated00:57
zykotick9ShaRose: ok, good luck.00:57
raymod2E: Version '3.15.4' for 'libnss3' was not found00:58
raymod2(after 'sudo apt-get install libnss3=3.15.4')00:58
KenrinSharose:  Any reason you can't just use kickstart ?00:59
ShaRoseKenrin to zfs root00:59
joegiampaoliraymod2: 2:3.15.4-1ubuntu700:59
ShaRosethere's no official way to do it atm, and I've got a guide for it that works and is relatively painless00:59
ShaRoseyou basically set some environment variables and fire the commands in big blocks, pausing at some points in case of errors01:00
ShaRosewhich is why I want to avoid going through timezone setup if I can help it01:00
joegiampaoliraymod2: If it's not that I can't come up with anything else, so I hope this does help you01:00
joegiampaoliraymod2: BRB01:00
KenrinThat is a lot of work to have zfs01:00
ShaRoseoh, good01:01
ShaRosefound a workaround01:01
ShaRosecba to make an ubuntu one account for it01:03
ShaRoseanyone want to make a quick edit to the wiki?01:03
_44trentso i just removed ubuntu from my UEFI dualboot, however my motherboard still thinks ubuntu is installed01:04
_44trenthow do i get rid of those entries in my device menu?01:04
_44trentdon't know where to ask, doubt my motherboard has a support channel01:04
ShaRoseiirc your motherboard should automatically remove it after failing to boot that device for most motherboards01:05
ShaRosecan't recall if that's spec though01:05
ErrorHeadtry https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OS-Uninstaller01:05
ShaRoseactually, dualboot, is this off of one bootloader?01:05
yakamois xmonad no longer in the ubuntu 16 repos?01:05
_44trentUEFI dualboot, so uh01:06
_44trentthe windows boot manager stays intact01:06
exorcist_44trent: you could ask in #hardware01:06
zykotick9!info xmonad | yakamo01:07
ubottuyakamo: xmonad (source: xmonad): Lightweight X11 window manager written in Haskell. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12-1 (xenial), package size 485 kB, installed size 2264 kB01:07
_44trenti mean, i could01:07
ShaRose_44trent well01:07
ShaRoseare you using the windows bootmanager to boot ubuntu?01:07
_44trentbut there are ubuntu entries in my BIOS device list i want out of the list01:08
yakamozykotick9, thanks im a debian user normally so im not completely familiar with ubuntu01:08
raymod2joeq - I tried installing synaptic and when I look at the package in there it only shows the current version as an available version01:08
shabang_gang #bash01:08
shabang_gang #c01:08
_44trentotherwise, it might try to boot ubuntu, and fail...01:08
ShaRose_44trent iirc if it fails to boot it because the partition is gone it should automatically clear it off01:08
sebastien__I would like to do something specific on my computer but i don't know how. may anyone help me please? :D01:08
exorcist_44trent: so does that system only have windows and it won't boot?01:08
_44trentno...i'm booting fine01:09
ShaRosefrom what I understand: your computer has 2 disks. One formatted windows (which you are keeping and works) and one formatted ubuntu (which is gone, but still shows up)01:09
_44trenti just want to know if there's a way to get rid of the ubuntu entries in my device list01:09
yakamo!info mpich2 | yakamo01:09
ubottuyakamo: Package mpich2 does not exist in xenial01:09
exorcist_44trent: sounds like they cause no problems01:09
_44trentUEFI can see the bootloaders on a device and lists them in the device menu01:10
yakamo!info mpich3 | yakamo01:10
ubottuyakamo: Package mpich3 does not exist in xenial01:10
_44trentalright, if they won't cause any issues i'll just leave it in01:10
ShaRose_44trent just try booting the ubuntu bootloader01:10
ShaRoseit should clear out after your motherboard realizes it doesn't exist iirc01:10
_44trent...you're probably right01:10
exorcist_44trent: that's what i would do, or just get in windows rescue thingy and run "fixmbr" or something, ask in #windows01:10
ShaRoseexorcist well, it wouldn't be fixmbr, but yeah01:11
_44trentalright, i'll just try booting ubuntu, the BIOS will probably figure it from there01:11
ShaRosethere are commands to reinstall BCD01:11
KenrinI use a program called easyuefi01:11
KenrinUbuntu has the efibootmgr utility01:12
exorcistKenrin: he removed ubuntu, using just windows but wants to remove the traces of ubuntu in MBR too01:12
_44trenteasyuefi is letting me remove the ubuntu entries from my UEFI list thing01:12
_44trentthanks kenrin01:13
Kenrineasyuefi will do that01:13
joegiampaoliraymod2: In synaptic, if you click on the top menu package, and then lock version you should be able to select it there01:14
_44trenti wonder how it actually accesses the memory that stuff is stored on to remove it...01:14
_44trentconsidering it's freeware, i'll probably never be able to find out01:14
joegiampaoliraymod2: also lmb on package in list, then properties you can see available versions01:14
_44trenti could check how efibootmgr does it though01:14
joegiampaoliraymod2: actually properties is right next to the searcj bar also01:15
_44trentminor nitpick exorcist, EFI doesn't actually use MBR01:16
_44trenti got what you were saying though01:16
_44trenti best be off now01:16
raymod2locking the version does not make other versions appear01:16
raymod2what does 'lmb' mean?01:16
joegiampaoliraymod2: left mouse button01:17
joegiampaoliraymod2: select libnss3 in the list, then on the top go to "Package" (drop menu) then select "Force Version"01:18
raymod2Force Version is greyed out01:18
joegiampaoliraymod2: That's because you probably locked it already, first downgrade, then lock it01:20
joegiampaoliraymod2: locking is to prevent update manager to revert it back to the newer version01:20
raymod2Did you see my screenshot?  There are no other available versions.01:21
NocturiusHello, I can't set my monitor to 1920x1080 using nvidia-304-updates from xorg edgers. GPU is geforce 6150se, connected via VGA. I was able to set 1920x1080 res with nouveau drivers, but crashed frequently01:21
potasmicsometimes the audio in Ubuntu seeks like.. really fast01:21
potasmicits annoying01:21
raymod2I have locked it and unlocked it.  That doesn't change the list of available versions.01:21
csplinterHi. I've got a fresh install of 16.04 here with nvidia proprietary drivers installed. My monitor is 1920x1200 but I want to force 1080p output. How can I do this?01:21
NocturiusI have also tried the nvidia-304 packages from main, currently using the xorg edgers driver01:21
Nocturiushello csplinter, looks like we're both having problems with nvidia drivers01:22
JoeyKiwiSo, the internet is working. What's the command to install the drivers for the GTX 95001:22
joegiampaoliraymod2: hmmm, maybe it has to reload the cache, press reload or close synaptic and re-open it01:22
csplinterlol, yea nocturius. is your native res 1920x1200 too?01:22
shabang_gangNocturius, im interested in your bug - I also have some issues here01:23
cosmicfirescsplinter, nvidia x server settings will do that I believe01:23
cosmicfiresI noticed 16.04 installed open source drivers for my nvidia card01:23
csplintercosmicfires, this is the problem. The mode is listed in the gui01:23
csplinterisn't listed!01:23
cosmicfiresI applaud open source but they aren't as good as the nvidia drivers01:23
Nocturiuscsplinter no my native is 1920x108001:23
cosmicfiresI don't know then01:24
shabang_gangNocturius, what about 340 drivers?01:24
csplinternocturius, well that's even weirder. But maybe we still need the same solution01:24
shabang_gangNocturius, im was up to give it a try on 340 now01:24
Nocturiusshabang_gang: I haven't tried 340 drivers, nvidia website listed 304.131 as compatible with my gpu01:24
raymod2Nope, no difference.  This app seems like it is geared towards novices and maybe they don't want them downgrading packages?01:24
shabang_gangNocturius, ok, should be the "legacy" ones01:25
Nocturiusthe max resolution I can set in nvidia x server settings is 1360x76801:25
Nocturiusshabang_gang legacy ones?01:25
raymod2Maybe there is a .deb file I can download?01:25
joegiampaoliraymod2: hold on01:25
Bashing-omJoeyKiwi: What release are you on ?, drver in release 16.04 is available in the repo . else from our trusted PPA .01:25
shabang_gangNocturius, old GPUs01:25
csplinterBe back in 15 mins.01:25
exorcistJoeyKiwi: sudo apt-get install nvidia[TAB]01:26
shabang_gangNocturius, whats the monitor brand?01:26
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Nocturiusshabang_gang: it's an acer h236hl bid01:26
ecazissue: openvpn + openresolv fails to update /etc/resolv.conf on wireless, but works fine on Ethernet ... any ideas how to fix that?01:26
Bashing-omJoeyKiwi: K ,, and is there presently a proprietary driver on the system ?01:27
exorcistJoeyKiwi: it is a key below 1 and above caps lock01:27
JoeyKiwiI just installed Ubuntu 16.0401:27
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JoeyKiwiYes. It did nothing.01:27
exorcistJoeyKiwi: type nvidia and hit tab twice!!01:28
sebastien__hello guys, please can anyone help me? i just would like my applications don't melt into one when i open the same several times (like internet browser), so i can switch them quickly with many Alt + Tab, without having to hold the buttons to select manually the page i want. excuse my poor english please, i'm french :p01:28
Bashing-omJoeyKiwi: Terninal way . ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ; .01:28
shabang_gangNocturius, naitve resolution issues appeared here since I changed my monitor - the old would run smooth on its native, but this one is kind of crappy on nvidia proprietary drivers and good on nouveau (but stays jerky, like if was on framebuffer)01:28
cosmicfiresHow many filters can I use in thunderbird without causing problems?01:29
joegiampaoliraymod2: This might help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/138284/how-to-downgrade-a-package-via-apt-get01:29
Nocturiusshabang_gang: nouveau would work perfectly for me if I didn't get random hangs with a garbled screen. I was able to set 1920x1080 in that driver using xrandr to add mode01:29
cosmicfiresalso can I set thunderbird to show all the email headers with the message the way 14.04 did?01:29
Nocturiuswhen I try xrandr --addmode with nvidia driver I get badmatch error01:29
shabang_gangNocturius, in your xorg.0.log: is there a "nvidia-auto-select" line?01:30
joegiampaoliraymod2: the reason why I wanted you to do it through synaptic is so you could easily revert if this was not the cause of error01:30
JoeyKiwiThank you, Bashing-om01:30
joegiampaoliraymod2: apt-cache showpkg <package-name>  should show you available versions01:31
joegiampaoliraymod2: as its described there...01:31
shabang_gangNocturius, in here, nouveau overheats the GPU01:31
Bashing-omJoeyKiwi: Keep in mind .. 'buntu, if it is hard you are doing it wrong .01:31
csplinterNocturius, just a heads up. I solved the problem by making an xorg.conf file at /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:32
csplinterNo file existed previously01:32
squintycosmicfires,  fwiw  irc.mozilla.org #thunderbird  is the offical channel for thunderbird01:32
JoeyKiwiBashing-om: which is why this is confusing. In my experience, Ubuntu has been amazingly easy.01:32
Nocturiusshabang_gang: yes I do have nvidia-auto-select in xorg.0.conf and also my monitor is listed as CRT-0?01:33
JoeyKiwiYAY! It works.01:33
Nocturiuscsplinter: how did you configure your xorg.conf?01:33
JoeyKiwiThank you so much everyone.01:33
sebastien__no one knows how i can configure that?01:33
JoeyKiwiexorcist...why so cynical?01:33
Bashing-om!cookie | JoeyKiwi01:34
ubottuJoeyKiwi: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:34
shabang_gangNocturius, that means that no matter what you do on your xorg.conf, it will always go with whats on EDID - and I heard some EDIDs suck01:34
cosmicfiresI'll ask there squinty01:34
exorcistJoeyKiwi because you want to be spoonfed, but that's simply not linux, i just don't udnerstand why you bother01:35
csplinterNocturius, I just allowed the "Nvidia X Server Settings" utility that came with the driver to generate the xorg.conf file01:35
shabang_gangcsplinter, good one, I didnt try that one01:36
csplinterUnder X Server Display Configuration -> Save to X Configuration File01:36
csplinterFor the record. I was able to set my 1920x1200 monitor to 1080p. That then allowed me to mirror the output to my TV using the same utility.01:37
raymod2uggg, I tried that first.  It says it can't find the version.01:37
shabang_gangNocturius, one more for you: do your legacy card have the ability to your actual monitor native resolution? - there are limits on what resolution a card can display01:38
Nocturiusshabang_gang: yeah I've checked and it's capable of 1920x1080 output01:39
shabang_gangNocturius, alright01:39
shabang_gangill try to play w/ nvidia proprietary tools here01:40
KenrinWhat kernel is 16 up to nowadays ?01:41
dramaKenrin, 4.201:42
csplinterOK, new problem. Now is there a way for me to simultaneously output to two different sound devices. Just the same sounds I mean.01:42
joegiampaoliraymod2: apt-cache showpkg libnss301:42
KenrinDang,  I still need a newer one for skylake01:43
Nocturiuscsplinter I let nvidia-settings create xorg.conf like you mentioned, and shabang_gang I found this link where someone had options to disable edid under "Device" in xorg.conf01:43
joegiampaoliraymod2: I get it fine here...01:43
cosmicfiresI have kernel 4.4.0-22 on 16.0401:43
ShaRosehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4S2LpXPqTg this is top kek editiing01:43
csplinterNocturius, awesome. I guess you monitor has inaccurate edid info. Or maybe it's failing to read it properly huh01:44
shabang_ganghes gone01:44
dramaKenrin, theres a repo you can get 4.5 if it will boot up long enough to get it... back ports for xenial or something01:44
shabang_ganghe crashed????01:44
KenrinI'll keep using Arch for a bit.  Last time I tried upgrading the kernel on Ubuntu I turned it into a brick01:45
joegiampaoliraymod2: maybe you have to enable repositories? "multiverse" "restricted" "universe" "backports" etc....?01:45
csplinterCan system sound be directed to more than one sound card?01:46
joegiampaoliraymod2: you can enable them also in synaptic, then you have to reload01:46
needmorevolumeXubuntu 14.04 and VLC 2.1.6 has normal volume range when playing mp3 music but some movies are very quiet even at max volume (VLC and System)...these same movies play fine on OSX/VLC. Ideas?01:46
NeedHelpNowlzPlease help me. My Ubuntu 16.04 is stuck in a reload loop.01:47
Kenrinneedmorevolume: I've had that happen when an alsamixer slider was too low01:48
needmorevolumekenrin: sorry to sound obtuse but I don't know what that is...in the effects/audio settings?01:48
NeedHelpNowlzthe problem is that it it going at the "dev/sda1" booting part01:48
NeedHelpNowlzPlease help me. My Ubuntu 16.04 is stuck in a reload loop.01:49
NeedHelpNowlzAre there any Ubuntu Devs onlien?01:49
KenrinIt would be under your pulseaudio sound settings.   I Just use alsamixer from terminal01:50
NeedHelpNowlzhere is what is says:01:51
Nocturiusshabang_gang csplinter I tried adding those parameters to xorg.conf along with modeline for 1920x1080_60.00 generated with cvt01:51
needmorevolumekenrin: sorry I am a noob. Are the pulse audio settings system settings or in VLC? It doesn't do it to all movies...I watched one last night with normal range....and music is fine01:52
Nocturiusit booted at 800x600 and xorg.0.log said the 1920x1080 mode was not valid01:52
NeedHelpNowlz"dev/sda1: clean, 261938/4759552 files, 6581735/19013632 blocks"01:52
NeedHelpNowlzi cant access anything01:52
Kenrinneedmorevolume: What kind of speaker output is it?  If it doesn't happen in all movies it sounds like a 5.1 to stereo issue01:52
Bashing-omKenrin: i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 boot parameter ? Intel_graphics#Driver_not_working_for_Intel_Skylake_chips01:53
needmorevolumekenrin: found pulse audio system settings but dont see anything "asla"...not sure what you mean by speaker output...sorry I feel like I can't answer anything. Built in speakers in a very old toshiba laptop01:53
NeedHelpNowlzis anyone going to help me? PLEASE???01:53
cosmicfiresNeedHelpNowlz, I don't understand your problem01:54
cosmicfirescan you describe it in more detail?01:54
needmorevolumeneedhalpnow: sorry I am a noob...but I know how it feels to need help so I empathize...sorry I can't help01:54
NeedHelpNowlzit is stuck at the01:54
NeedHelpNowlz"dev/sda1: clean, 261938/4759552 files, 6581735/19013632 blocks"01:54
csplinterOK, I got simultaneous audio output to multiple cards now. I achieved this was a utility called papfrefs01:54
shabang_gangNocturius, thats bad. I must to leave now - but ill keep trying to tackle this one - downloading another driver series or tweaking xorg...01:55
KenrinI'm not up to date on how to do it in the GUI but you probably need to change pulseaudio from 5.1 to stereo01:55
Nocturiusas an alternate approach, does anyone know if there's a way I could use the nouveau drivers and stop them from crashing?01:56
needmorevolumeKenrin how do I do it in terminal? And better yet how do I undo that if it doesn't work? ;)01:57
Nocturiususually happens when I resize a window, open too many tabs, something graphics semi-intensive01:57
needmorevolumeI can cut and paste fine even if I am not that smart01:57
Kenrinneedmorevolume:  Check VLC preferences first and see what the audio output is set to01:57
needmorevolumekenrin: not sure if I am looking at right place but under AUDIO>STEREOMODE it's on STEREO and other options are RIGHT, LEFT and REVERSE STEREO..dont see 5.101:58
Nocturiusor what could be causing badmatch error when I try to xrandr --addmode with nvidia-30401:59
needmorevolumekenrin: TOOLS>EFFETCS has an equalizer as well but no stereo settings02:00
KenrinOk so VLC isn't the issue,  pulseaudio is02:00
sebastien__guys please, anyone has an idea for my problem? :)02:00
somsipsebastien__: I dont see a question from you02:01
KenrinLet me load up my ubuntu VM,  I'm not sure how to change it02:01
sebastien__somsip: i past it : hello guys, please can anyone help me? i just would like my applications don't melt into one when i open the same several times (like internet browser), so i can switch them quickly with many Alt + Tab, without having to hold the buttons to select manually the page i want. excuse my poor english please, i'm french :p02:01
needmorevolumeKenrin: Pulse audio is set to ANALOG STEREO DUPLEX and other choices are ANALOG STEREO OUTPUT and ANALOG STEREO INPUT and OFF...no change between duplex and output settings02:01
needmorevolumesome weird speaker noise too so maybe hardware is going02:02
somsipsebastien__: using unity? No idea so will leave someone else to answer02:02
Jordan_Usebastien__: alt + ~ to switch bwtween windows within an app.02:02
sebastien__Jordan_U: really? i try it right now02:03
streetwitchI need help getting my mic to work.  Fresh ubuntu studio, only thing that doesn't work.02:03
KenrinWell if you open alsamixer from terminal and all the sliders are maxed then I have no idea02:04
sebastien__Jordan_U: i tried, nothing :/02:05
needmorevolumejust type asla mixer?02:05
Kenrinalsamixer  :  yeah02:05
needmorevolumekenrin: some are maxed some not...should all be maxed?02:06
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needmorevolumeoops didnt read...master was low as I turned it down and others are mics sorry02:07
needmorevolumespeakers are maxed02:07
KenrinSo is the dialogue just too quiet in the movies ?02:07
KenrinOr the entire movie ?02:07
needmorevolumemp3s and some movies play normal volume...02:08
Jordan_Usebastien__: Sorry, it's alt + `02:08
needmorevolumewhole thing...its not a dynamic range thing02:08
needmorevolumeyou have to max volume to hear even low sounds...02:08
Jordan_Usebastien__: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28086/what-are-unitys-keyboard-and-mouse-shortcuts02:08
PinchiukasWhy is 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' not asking me what locales to generate? It just goes on and generates whatever it wants.02:08
KenrinOk your problem is too difficult ^_^.   I'd guess the movie didn't have normalized sound or a codec is messed up02:08
needmorevolumei tried three and all were mp.4 and did this02:09
Kenrinmp4 is just a container02:09
needmorevolumebut another mp4 by same uploader is fine02:09
needmorevolumeok was trying to narrow it down...02:10
KenrinThe audio codec would be AAC, AC-3, or DTS02:10
lfitzis developing with certain version of software a good use for containers? is there another option? (C++ and an older library)02:10
Jordan_Uneedmorevolume: Do you see the same problem with other players like totem?02:10
KenrinDTS is what has tons of trouble if you are only using stereo output02:10
needmorevolumejordan havent tried anything else yet....these movies work fine on OSX in VLC....02:10
needmorevolumeI had some playback issues too where I had to stop the movie and restart and it was fine then...after stuttering...maybe my machine is too old02:11
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needmorevolumeis VLC normally fine on Linux? I dont have much experience02:11
Jordan_Uneedmorevolume: Please try totem and also check VLC's log messages to see if we can get more hints as to what the problem is.02:12
needmorevolumeused it a lot on OSX02:12
KenrinI feel your pain though.  I compiled VLC from source like 20 times to fix an audio problem02:12
somsipneedmorevolume: `fine here for years02:12
sebastien__Jordan_U: i love you <3 i tried my ` key, but i'm in france, so my key above Tab is ², i saw it on your link. thank you very much buddy :D02:12
Jordan_Uneedmorevolume: I have never encountered such a problem and I use VLC frequently and with many odd videos.02:12
needmorevolumeok...maybe I am doing something wrong. Its hiding the menus now on its own and I hadn't changed anything....gremlins02:13
KenrinCan you just turn on VLC normalize volume and call it a day ?02:13
sebastien__have a nice night/day or whatever where you are guy, i'm leaving. thank you Jordan U02:13
needmorevolumekenrin where is that setting?02:14
needmorevolumeand where are the logs? I dont' see logs in the preferences02:14
KenrinSomewhere under preferences audio02:14
needmorevolumeah if I normalize volume to these movies I won't be able to turn it down enough for the normal things to not be super loud02:15
needmorevolumechrist I have no idea whats going on...the menu bar has disaappeared and if I restart VLC its opening in full screen with no menu or controls visible...wth02:16
needmorevolumewonder if I should uninstall and reinstall it02:17
buffon137how to use spicy-screenshot and not disturb the normal connection of vm02:19
streetwitchDoes anyone have experience with microphones not working in ubuntu?02:20
needmorevolumevolume was low with totem too02:23
needmorevolumetrying smplayer when its done installing02:23
buffon137my microphone is normal at xubuntu02:25
needmorevolumewell dang....3 video players all low volume...music is fine and these same movies work on OSX/VLC and other movies work fine on this one02:25
needmorevolumeIm lost02:25
buffon137using alsamixer to adjust volume02:25
needmorevolumevolume for speakers is max and master moves with volume slider02:27
needmorevolumemusic and some movies are normal...1/3 level is fine....with these movies it has to be maxed to even barely hear02:27
needmorevolumebut they work fine on other OS02:27
Kenrincheck the "pavucontrol" volume sliders02:28
needmorevolumekenrin: where is pavucontrol?02:29
KenrinRun it from terminal,  you probably have to install it first02:29
streetwitchI was just playing in alsamixer trying to get my mic to work, and now I don't get sound either.02:30
Kenrinstreetwitch: turn the sliders back up and make sure you didn't hit the mute button02:30
streetwitchKenrin: All the sliders?02:31
KenrinThe ones for the speakers02:31
needmorevolumeKenrin: I didn't know what was pulse audio....I have that....not much in the way of settings there and it has no effectg02:31
needmorevolumei reinstalled VLC same issue....and two other media players same issue. I would think that means its the movies...but they play fine on other OS with VLC02:32
streetwitchIt still isn't working Kenrin02:32
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needmorevolumeman I wanted to love linux but its nothing but trouble...half has been my fault but half nobody can sort out02:35
streetwitchIf anyone can help me get my speakers and microphone working I will buy something off of your Amazon wishlist!02:36
KenrinI don't want to badmouth ubuntu in the ubuntu chat.  But this is why I switched to Arch|Fedora as my desktop02:36
needmorevolumei dont think I am smart enough to manage arch...I like guis and simple02:38
KenrinStreetwitch: I don't know what you changed but the master, PCM,  and left, right, center, subwoofer need to be all maxed02:38
needmorevolumeI wonlt ever be a sysadmin who loves the CL02:38
KenrinThat is blasphemous.  You can do everything on Arch on the GUI except install it02:39
KenrinAtergos makes the arch install painless02:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:40
streetwitchKenrin: I don't see left/right/center/subwoofer02:40
KenrinSo your master and PCM are maxed and still no sound ?02:40
KenrinDoes any say MM or OO ?02:41
KenrinMM would mean it is muted02:42
KenrinWhich you need to select and hit the M key02:42
streetwitchAnything else we can try?02:43
KenrinI'm not sure,  there isn't much to mess up in alsamixer unless you hit F6 and selected a different sound card02:44
streetwitchI think I did that actually02:44
streetwitchI can bring up that menu, and it has 2 options but I can't figure out how to choose either of them.02:45
K-archif it's all amd stuff i can help...02:46
Kenrinup and down to highlight and enter to select02:46
streetwitchKenrin: I still don't get sound!02:48
streetwitchDo I need to restart?02:48
KenrinYou can try it.  Sorry I'm not much help but I honestly don't know what you could have changed in there02:49
K-archwhat else doesn't work besides sound?02:50
KenrinHis Mic02:50
streetwitchK-arch: My sound was working fine, but it stopped after trying to fix the Mic02:51
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K-archOh see, I was going to say it's most likely iommu related https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt  but it sounds like jest a ui config issue, try and set the settings back to what they where or what you think they should be, and reboot, that's the best I can help ya good luck...02:56
streetwitchWhat if it was iommu related?02:58
notadeveloperhi whats a good mp3 to wav converter03:01
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streetwitchI tried rebooting03:03
streetwitchStill no sound or mic03:04
K-archany luck ?03:04
zykotick9notadeveloper: "mpv -ao pcm foo.mp3"03:04
buffon137pulseaudio is started ?03:04
streetwitchK-arch: No luck03:04
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buffon137 how to capture screenshot of a spice desktop without interrupt a normal connect of vm when using spicy-screenshot command03:06
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K-archmaybe try sudo unity --reset03:10
K-archin the terminal and reboot again03:10
KenrinWon't alsactl init set it back to defaults ?03:11
buffon137 how to capture screenshot of a spice desktop without interrupt a normal connect of vm when using spicy-screenshot command on ubuntu03:11
KenrinI'm betting he unmuted SPIF or something03:11
K-archyeah it's some setting he changed03:12
krismatrixHi..do you guys know what containers are? I was told that they are a sort of moder VM03:25
Arcairenot really03:25
Arcairekind of more like a super lightweight VM when you don't need isolation03:25
mbkcheck Docker documentation03:26
K-archthere like application jails, a BSD knock off basically03:26
mentocDoes Ubuntu ignore /etc/dnsmasq.conf?03:27
krismatrixI was Docker?03:28
krismatrixwhat do you mean don't need isolation?03:28
KenrinDon't need the application to be completely separate from anything else03:32
mindofmateoWhen I try to boot into GRUB/16.04, I get this:  [ end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mout root fs on unknown-block(2,0)    This occurs even when I try to boot from the same installation drive.  What have I done?03:34
Arcairekrismatrix: i mean if you trust the apps inside the container, you don't need strict resource limits or allocation, and don't need a custom operating system / kernel / system library03:35
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: uefi settings good?03:36
mindofmateolotuspsychje: afaik I don't use uefi.03:37
Jordan_Umindofmateo: Can you boot sucessfully from any media?03:37
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: what kind of install are you trying? zfs?03:38
mindofmateoI forced shutdown and rebooted.  I got to grub, and now I can finally boot to the desktop.  lotuspsychje: I used the image from ubuntu.com03:40
krismatrixso...what is a container program that i can look into?03:40
Arcairekrismatrix: docker03:40
mindofmateoJordan_U: I successfully booted from the HDD just now.03:41
somsipkrismatrix: if you don't know what a container is and dont know how to research it yourself, you dont need them.03:41
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: forced shutdown when?03:42
somsipkrismatrix: it's an offtopic subject here too, so ask a suport question or take it elsewhere please03:42
krismatrixneed them for a project. Suggested by colleague03:42
somsipkrismatrix: as I said, if you cant even research them yourself or ask in an on-topic channel, you really have no place using them03:42
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mindofmateolotuspsychje: I meant when I got the message (referring to my first question in this channel) I held down the power button to shut it down.03:43
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: ok, you say you can boot into desktop now? so your problem is gone or...?03:45
Jordan_Umindofmateo: Please run boot info script: https://github.com/arvidjaar/bootinfoscript and pastebin the RESULTS.txt it produces.03:46
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: is that the same as bootchart from our repos?03:47
DatzHi, I can't get my track pad to work unless I run sudo modprobe -r psmouse -> sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps Any way to fix this problem?03:47
mindofmateoIs an installation log saved when you install Ubuntu?  lotuspsychje: It booted... sort of...  Here's the deal-- yesterday I installed 16.04 just fine, but was annoyed that python defaulted to 2.7 instead of 3... sooo rather than figure out how to change the default, I decided touninstall it and that caused some problems.03:48
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: you should have told us that from the start mate03:49
mindofmateoJordan_U: I don't have access to a browser and terminal doesn't open.03:49
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: so your problems started when messing with python latest?03:49
Jordan_Ulotuspsychje: No, but it's almost the same as boot-info-script from our repos, except the version in the repos doesn't have a lot of the functionality and fixes in the github fork I linked too.03:49
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: cool, didnt know that one yet03:50
mindofmateolotuspsychje: it seems I have a problem with doing things in order, doesn't it? :/  answering your last question, yes.  Since I had just installed, I figured I would just reinstall to fix it, no harm no foul.03:50
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: i also dont think your kernel error has links to your python issue, did you install latest python with a ppa?03:52
lotuspsychjeDatz: wich ubuntu version? clean install/upgrade? did it work before?03:53
Datzlotuspsychje: it's 16.04 it was a clean install, and it did work before.03:53
mindofmateoI never did a python install.  Once I installed 16.04, I went to dabble in python, noticed (and stupidly got annoyed) that "python" pointed to 2.7, and I had to use "python3.5" to point to 3.  Then I ran sudo apt-get remove python and it uninstalled 2.703:53
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: how did you 'use' python 3.5?03:55
lotuspsychjeDatz: worked on 16.04 or another ubuntu version?03:55
DatzIt worked on 16.04, never have run another version on this one.03:55
lotuspsychjeDatz: so trackpad started to fail after an update?03:56
Datzlotuspsychje: I can't say for certain, but that sounds most plausible03:56
lotuspsychjeDatz: could you try 2 things: load up a previous kernel and test the trackpad from the guest account?03:57
mindofmateolotuspsychje: I was just testing it in terminal, eg python3.5   >>> print("this is a test")    this is a test.  I also updated it.  I have no idea if screwing with python has anything to do with the installation/boot drive problem.03:57
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: perhaps you can test a few times reboot, to see if you can bypass the kernel error?03:58
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: for the python issue, its recommended you use package versions, specific for your ubuntu version03:59
lotuspsychje!latest | mindofmateo03:59
ubottumindofmateo: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.03:59
Datzlotuspsychje: I suppose that sounds like something I could do04:00
Datzlotuspsychje: I could just install an older kernel and select it at grub?04:00
mindofmateoI will try your reboot recommendation.  Also, regarding latest vs package version... I did not know that.04:01
Datzlotuspsychje: the trackpad works, it just doen't load for some reason.04:01
lotuspsychjeDatz: well if you say 16.04 is the only Os you installed, older kernels should showup your list, if you didnt autoremove them?04:01
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:01
Datzlotuspsychje: that's true, I have not. I suppose I could try it04:01
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: also try the boot script Jordan_U advised04:02
* Datz looks for an older kernel to boot to04:02
mindofmateolotuspsychje: Ok, I have the link...  How do I use it?04:03
Datzlotuspsychje: the older kernel doesn't load it either04:04
DatzIt's not a bad driver, it just doesn't load04:05
lotuspsychjeDatz: ok, try the guest account now?04:05
* [Saint] discovers he has been carrying around the rtl8188eu module from lwfinger in dkms for a really long time without it actually being required04:06
Datzlotuspsychje: doesn't work with the guest account either.04:06
lotuspsychjeDatz: that doesnt sound to hot04:07
lotuspsychjeDatz: you say you can make it work with the modprob restart right?04:07
lotuspsychjeDatz: wich brand is your computer?04:09
DatzIt's a lenovo y50-7004:09
mindofmateolotuspsychje, Jordan_U: Rebooting to the boot drive still doesn't work, but I was able to boot into ubuntu recovery mode04:10
lotuspsychjeDatz: can you check if your affected on this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/154673904:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1546739 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lenovo ThinkPad L460 Touchpad not working" [Medium,Incomplete]04:11
lotuspsychjemindofmateo: can you boot into a liveusb 16.04 without the kernel error?04:12
Dlabzhi, all04:13
* Datz will take a look04:13
[Saint]Hmmmm. Did I mess up removing this module from dkms...or? Is it supposed to orphan the module source in /usr/src/<module>-<version> ?04:14
mindofmateolotuspsychje: I am trying at the moment.  In progress.04:14
DlabzI was having issues with my server being unresponsive, than got access and seems someone from IP in china is torturing my postfix.. 15.1004:14
mindofmateoI still got the kernel error.04:15
Dlabzwhat's my best course of action?04:15
Datzlotuspsychje: I'm not sure how to tell if I am affected by it, but it was working fine after I fist installed 16.04, and it works fine after I load the module04:15
lotuspsychjeDlabz: you run ubuntu-server 15.10?04:15
somsip!info fail2ban | Datz04:15
ubottuDatz: fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-1 (xenial), package size 221 kB, installed size 1152 kB04:15
somsipDlabz: ^^^ (sorry Datz)04:15
Dlabzlotuspsychje: correct04:15
Dlabzit's a vm04:15
Datzsomsip: np. lotuspsychje I do not04:16
lotuspsychjeDlabz: production or testbox?04:16
Dlabzdev box04:16
DatzJust my laptop..04:16
Datzoh.. nm04:16
somsipDlabz: fail2ban would be my recommendation04:16
lotuspsychjeDatz: perhaps start a new !bug to this04:16
lotuspsychjeDatz: and explain the full story, your steps tested, etc04:17
DlabzI'll set it up as soon as I get access to the erver again04:17
Datzlotuspsychje: ok, don't know if I've done this for a long while. Where's my starting point?04:17
lotuspsychjeDatz: ubuntu-bug packagename from terminal will lead you to the right page04:17
lotuspsychjeDatz: it will generate the right info for the bug, then fill in your story04:18
Datzlotuspsychje: oh interesting, thanks.04:18
lotuspsychjeDatz: it requiers a launchpad account also04:19
Datzlotuspsychje: ah, I see. I'll get at that.. tomorrow.04:19
lotuspsychje[Saint]: its best to re-ask your full issue to the channel, so others can pickup easy04:21
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lotuspsychjematie: not here please04:30
[Saint]lotuspsychje: That is the full issue - essentially, well...I'll clarify:04:32
[Saint]I removed a dkms module using 'dmks remove <module_name>/<module_version> --all', but the 'issue' if you can call it that is whether or not this should also remove the module source from /usr/src/<module_name> as well.04:32
[Saint]Rather which is broken - my syntax, or my expectation.04:33
LenovoIs there anyone here that can help with Ubuntu Touch?04:45
LenovoI am having trouble installing it on a Lenovo A8-50 or samsung galaxy tablet04:47
xangua! Touch | Lenovo04:47
ubottuLenovo: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch04:47
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sputniksNight everybody04:54
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Dlabzsomsip: I *think* i have it setup. Would you mind testing, to make sure?04:56
somsipDlabz: not something I can do for you05:01
Dlabzsomsip: I understand. Thank you, never the less05:01
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mindofmateoSometimes the audio icon is red when muted, and sometimes it is grey, does anyone know why this is?05:02
neil_i am using nmap to probe my network to see what IP respond ... using the command ... nmap -sP ... is there anyway to get a progress report plus print any found computers as they are found?05:03
Dlabzsomsip: it's working :D my fail2ban reads: 2016-05-27 05:03:33,735 fail2ban.actions        [2417]: NOTICE  [sshd] Ban
Dlabzthanks again :)05:05
lotuspsychjeDlabz: also recommended to use LTS on server05:05
lotuspsychjeneil_: the #nmap channel might know this perhaps05:06
neil_lotuspsychje, thanks I will try there05:06
Dlabzlotuspsychje: It's a dev box. I needed some new libraries. But will keep that in mind when going production05:07
somsipDlabz: looks like you sorted it. See if that keeps them out :)05:11
yotkaHello everybody. It's been some time now that I've been trying to solve a wireless problem without success. Is anybody around who could help me troubleshooting it? The problem is that intermittently (usually after boot and suspend) I have a wireless connection, but no internet connection. See more details at https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76557805:27
ubottuGnome bug 765578 in general "No internet connection through WLAN although connected to wireless network" [Major,Needinfo]05:27
yotkaI would really appreciate some help because it's so annoying.05:27
lotuspsychjeyotka: i have a likewise bug, can you check syslog if you have dhcpdiscover errors?05:30
lotuspsychjeyotka: here's mine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/158311405:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1583114 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Dhcpdiscover loops on interval until network-manager restart" [Low,Triaged]05:31
yotkalotuspsychje: I'll check05:31
yotkalotuspsychje: It just appeared once: dhclient[4082]: DHCPDISCOVER on enp0s31f6 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0x9d25754d)05:33
yotkaSee the attached file https://bug765578.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=32672905:33
lotuspsychjeyotka: does sudo service network-manager restart fix your issue?05:34
yotkalotuspsychje: No..05:37
yotkaI tried that and also sudo service networking restart05:37
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TheSilentLinkanyone know how to reset the greeter to the default unity one?05:38
VertelOkay... this may be a bug. My rule table is empty in "ufw status" and "ufw status numbered" and "ufw insert 1 deny from [ipaddress] to any" is always failing with "Invalid position '1'". If I add a rule, any rule, then it succeeds. This seems like a bug to me.05:38
lotuspsychjeyotka: i think current network-manager on xenial has a lot of issues, can you try the upstream version from my bug? perhaps add your story to my existing bug also? this might speed up things05:39
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yotkalotuspsychje: ok, I'll do that and report back. Thanks05:40
lotuspsychjeyotka: great!05:40
yotkalotuspsychje: Do you have a quick hint how to install the mentioned version 1.2.2 of NetworkManager that is mentioned? I'm using 1.2.0 currently05:43
lotuspsychjeyotka: i think a higher versions exists in the proposed repo05:47
yotkalotuspsychje: Ah, I didn't see that05:50
rijack_does anyone know how to change the default graphical text editor in xenial05:52
lotuspsychjemohankumar: be carefull with root on irc05:53
mohankumarlotuspsychje: sure !05:54
evil_dan2wikdo-release-upgrade was interrupted and now my package list is busted06:02
evil_dan2wikI only have http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease06:02
lotuspsychjeevil_dan2wik: wich release did you upgrade from?06:05
lotuspsychjeevil_dan2wik: checkout your sources and sudo apt update perhaps06:06
evil_dan2wikI only get "Hit:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease Reading package lists... Done" from apt update06:07
evil_dan2wikand how do I check sources?06:07
lotuspsychjeevil_dan2wik: software&updates icon06:08
evil_dan2wikoh, ubuntu server btw06:08
evil_dan2wikssh only, no physical access06:09
lotuspsychjeevil_dan2wik: its not really recommended yet to upgrade the LTS way, is this a production server or testbox?06:10
evil_dan2wiktest box06:11
lotuspsychje!sources | evil_dan2wik06:11
ubottuevil_dan2wik: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.06:11
evil_dan2wikI can do a complete re-install, I'd just prefer to no set all this back up again06:11
yotkalotuspsychje: 1.2.2 doesn't appear in my xenial-proposed list06:11
yotkalotuspsychje: it's still 1.2.0 there06:11
aekara170its a little dificult to get in here06:12
lotuspsychjeyotka: even after apt update?06:12
lotuspsychjeyotka: you could also test a 16.10 liveusb, there's a higher nm version also06:13
evil_dan2wiklotuspsychje, http://ts.dan2wik.com/sources.list06:14
evil_dan2wikIt looks cut off06:14
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yotkalotuspsychje: Yes, I ran aptitude update and then sudo aptitude -t xenial-proposed, but I can only find 1.2.0 there06:15
evil_dan2wikThere we go, I generated a new sources.list and it is working06:19
ljhade24 which mail client do you use? thunderbird? evolution? geary?06:26
yotkaljhade24: I like Thunderbird best06:29
ljhade24yotka: do you use calendar with thunderbird??06:30
ljhade24I heard evolution gives more complete/tightly working calendar features and this is why I'm asking about it06:31
ducasseljhade24: claws is also good, it has a calendar plugin also.06:32
yotkaljhade24: Yes06:32
ljhade24ducasse: thanks! I'll give it a try06:33
tasslehoffExternal displays made my T460s freeze on 16.04. I installed an upgraded kernel, and now it only freezes occasionally.. http://pastebin.com/qpTJU9Bu06:33
jatin30I am getting this error can someone help please http://imgur.com/w4DQvav ?06:37
yotkatasslehoff: I haven't managed to use an external display so far. It's frustrating.06:40
ducassejatin30: try without the parentheses.06:40
jatin30ducasse: it worked thanks!06:42
tasslehoffyotka: it worked all day yesterday, but today it freezes every time I log in.06:43
evil_dan2wikJust out of curiosity, would it be possible to convert ubuntu server to ubuntu desktop?06:44
ducasseevil_dan2wik: sure, just install ubuntu-desktop with apt or use tasksel.06:45
evil_dan2wikok, thats cool.06:45
yotkatasslehoff: are you using hdmi? I'd really like to get that working..06:47
tasslehoffyotka: yes. after installing 4.5.2-040502-generic hdmi started working better. trying to figure out if a fix is being backported to an official 16.04 kernel06:52
tasslehoffdoesn't feel good to start my 16.04 life by installing a bleeding edge kernel :)06:53
yotkatasslehoff: Yeah, I just installed 4.6 yesterday because of a different problem.. But didn't solve neither that nor the monitor issue06:54
mrbeanshow can i restart my network service?06:55
yotkamrbeans: sudo service networking restart06:56
yotkaI think06:56
tasslehoffor possibly systemctl restart networking06:56
netlarHi all07:03
erebus^If I have a large USB drive running a live Ubuntu image, is there a way to create a "shared" partition using the remaining space? For an easy backup stick?07:10
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tasslehoffyotka: someone says it works with 4.6: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/155077907:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1550779 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun - Xorg glitches" [Medium,Incomplete]07:15
willhuntHi, my /home now is a directory, I want to have /home as its own partition, how to do it?07:19
somsip!movehome | willhunt07:20
ubottuwillhunt: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving07:20
miracle633Loving the fresh software, guys. I'm getting a new Ubuntu base almost every day now.07:24
mindofmateoWhat determines the location on the screen when a terminal opens?  Note, I understand there are ways to configure specific sizes and location upon initialization of a terminal window, but I'm wondering how/why it shows up where it does by default.07:26
scagHi, does anyone know of any up to date documentation on setting up a diskless ubuntu environment ?07:28
tasslehoffyotka_: this is written to you from a weechat on my external monitor :p07:29
scagJust to confirm I mean documentation on diskless booting not thinclient booting07:30
adacGuys how do I start the openvpn service in ubuntu 16:04? A  /etc/init.d/openvpn status gives me the follwing: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5eb5c84e3fc019587de46ccfaa5d7fcf but no process is running07:34
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rillehadac: systemctl start openvpn07:36
rillehsystemctl enable openvpn to make it start at boot07:37
adacrilleh, I tried that butstill no process is running07:37
rillehCheck the logs07:38
rillehAnd journalctl07:38
codfectionplease help anyone?07:42
mindofmateocodfection: what are you trying to do?07:44
codfectionmindofmateo, trying to run python file07:44
ghost_hello giys07:53
ghost_fuck typo07:53
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yotkatasslehoff: now I'm wondering if the problem is my cable..07:57
erebus^After I've used a USB stick for a live image, I get "The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes." when I try to format it. Why is this?08:03
UlrarHi, I have a problem on trusty. /etc/init.d/ssh restart returns 1, and service ssh restart is stuck on "ssh stop/waiting"08:14
UlrarHow can I apply the configuration ?08:15
adacrilleh, the log (syslog) is not very verbose it just states that the server is started08:17
nickjoei can read exfat but not write to it what am i doing wrong?08:17
rillehadac: Enable debug loggin for the openvpn process itself in openvpn.conf08:18
adacrilleh, kk08:18
rillehAlso check syslog and maybe even strace08:19
rillehMy guess is that openvpn has poor or no support for systemd08:19
SimplarHello. How can I configure Atheros ar5008x Wireless controller with Ubuntu 16.04?08:20
emrHello, i just installed v4l2loopback-dkms via apt, however when i try to insert raising modprobe: FATAL: Module v4l2loopback not found.08:25
sl4ckDoes ubuntu 14.04 is still supported ?08:32
leeyaaafter upgrade to 16.04 from 14.04 i want to use http2 on the new apache (i know it is in development)08:33
leeyaahowever i can not see the module anywhere in /etc/apache208:33
sl4ckDoes ubuntu 14.04 is still supported ?08:33
leeyaait is supposed to ship with http208:33
leeyaasl4ck: it is supported for a long time08:33
leeyaa16.04 is not even released yet08:33
sl4ckthnks leeyaa08:34
akikleeyaa: 16.04 was released last month08:34
robotti^leeyaa: ubuntu 16.04 is released :)08:34
robotti^yep. last month08:35
leeyaarobotti^: not the prod ready (.01 release)08:35
akikleeyaa: please stop spreading fud08:35
leeyaaakik: even the official docs say 16.04 is not ready for production yet08:35
leeyaaanyway, how to enable http2 after the upgrade ?08:36
akikleeyaa: i'd like to see that official doc. url?08:36
leeyaaakik: "LTS systems are only automatically considered for an upgrade to the next LTS via do-release-upgrade with the first point release"08:37
akikleeyaa: yes it's talking about upgrade08:38
leeyaaakik: so you are saying the server version is ready before that for prod use ?08:38
leeyaathats if one decides to build his stuff from scratch08:39
akikleeyaa: yes non-upgrade installation is released, 16.04 lts08:39
leeyaai see08:39
leeyaaok sorry then08:39
akikleeyaa: yes, it has bugs, but so does everything08:39
leeyaaakik: well im waiting at least 6 months more before upgrading. for now just testing08:40
leeyaaback to the question - how to enable http2 for apache2 after upgrade08:41
leeyaait appears module is missing08:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1531864 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "duplicate for #1568087 HTTP/2 disabled in Apache httpd" [Undecided,Fix released]08:45
hateball!hi | TomJackson08:45
TomJacksonHows life?08:45
leeyaasigh now i know08:45
hateball!help | TomJackson08:45
ubottuTomJackson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:45
nattmatHello! Im trying to compile using gcc on a ARM Tegra running ubuntu 14.04. The code compiles fine on x86, but on ARM it cannot link pthreads (e.g. error: unknown type name ‘pthread_rwlock_t’)08:46
billydazI have this issue on trusty while trying to launch Openvas08:59
billydazopenvasmd: symbol lookup error: openvasmd: undefined symbol: osp_get_scanner_details08:59
aLeSDhi all. Is it possible to install 14.04 into a chroot ?09:03
LinnLonnHello friends. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04. I'm trying to digitally sign a pdf (with cryptography, not a pen) but Okular doesn't support it. I have zero experience with crypto and GPG. I've successfully created a keypair using KGPG. According to the directions, the digitally signature should show up IN the pdf.09:03
brunch875does "make install" typically use the same locations to install software as apt-get?09:04
ducasseaLeSD: yes, check debootstrap.09:04
brunch875I tend to dump everything into /opt09:04
bst11hi I just finished with a fresh installation, actually, reinstallation of wordpress on my local machine and when i head to the page it appears completely blank no error at all. can anyone help?09:10
MonkeyDustaLeSD  yes, i tried it once, but it was only a very basic trusty installation, just enough to make it run09:12
aLeSDMonkeyDust, thanks09:13
MonkeyDustaLeSD  and no GUI programs are installed09:13
Triffid_Hunterhm.. samba : Depends: samba-libs (= 2:4.2.10+dfsg-0+deb8u2) but 2:4.2.10+dfsg-0+deb8u1 is installed.. what do I do about this? tried update again to no avail09:14
MonkeyDustaLeSD  paste this line in a terminal  (it's one line) ... sudo mkdir /var/chroot;sudo apt-get install debootstrap dchroot;sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch amd64 trusty /var/chroot/ http://ftp.belnet.be/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/;sudo mount -o bind /proc /var/chroot/proc;sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/chroot/etc/resolv.conf;sudo chroot /var/chroot09:14
Triffid_Hunteroh tried to install something else and it suggested apt-get -f intall, looks like it's fixing itself now.. why doesn't it work that stuff out automatically?09:16
Steven_MHi all09:18
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kzrgris there any guide that actually works on how to install Compton on Xubuntu?09:28
kzrgranyone knows?09:28
Steven_Mwhen you get a password prompt in gnome (when you unlock a section in Settings), does it use sudo as the backend?09:29
tomkmemHi, is anyone else having issues with /usr/sbin/fanctl ? it seems a bit flakey to me. fails with not much indication of what i's not happy about09:33
tomkmemif i run /usr/sbin/fanctl net start wlan0 . then echo $? just returns 1.09:34
ikoniathe_ant: is that even a valid command ?09:37
ikoniatomkmem: is that even a valid command for fanctl ?09:37
ikonialooking at the man page that doesn't look valid09:38
tomkmemthat's what /etc/network/if-up.d/ubuntu-fan runs. i didn't write that file09:38
ikoniahave a look at the man page, it doesn't look valid09:38
tomkmemi'll keep debugging it but something doesn't look right.09:39
Steven_Mikonia: Hi, are you a dev?09:40
ikoniaSteven_M: dev of what ?09:41
Steven_Mikonia: Ubuntu09:41
ikoniaubuntu is made up of many parats09:42
ikoniaSteven_M: why don't you just ask the actual question you need help with09:42
Steven_Mikonia: when you get a password prompt in gnome (eg when you unlock a section in Settings), does it use sudo as the backend?09:43
tomkmemikonia: take a look at your /etc/network/if-up.d/ubuntu-fan +2909:43
ikoniaSteven_M: no09:44
ikoniatomkmem: not got a box to hand09:44
ikoniaSteven_M: it uses policy kit to elevate your privileges09:44
tomkmemah no worries, but the file is untouched and supplied by package ubuntu-fan 0.9.009:44
Ben64tomkmem: pastebin it09:45
Ben64use paste.ubuntu.com or something, not actually pastebin i guess09:46
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Steven_Mikonia: Thanks. I unlocked the root user account (set a root password), is there anyway of getting policy kit to require the root password instead of my password?10:01
aLeSDhow could I mount automatically the porc, home filesystems when I enter schroot ? config script seems to not work anymore10:05
ducasseaLeSD: use a container instead.10:12
rillehAnyone been able to get two finger swipe to go back/forward in the browser on a Dell XPS?10:12
rillehUbuntu 16.0410:12
aLeSDducasse, what do u mean ?10:13
rillehI have tried Easystroke but I can't figure out how it works10:13
MonkeyDustaLeSD  ducasse means this ... plenty youtube clips about it can be found too ... https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxc.html10:14
ducasseaLeSD: a container would actually give you a full, isolated running system.10:15
aLeSDducasse, may I run UI app ?10:16
ducasseaLeSD: if you mean gui, yes.10:16
Steven_MI unlocked the root user account (set a root password), is there anyway of getting policy kit to require the root password instead of my password?10:16
aLeSDok thanks. I will go that way10:16
brunch875Steven: you mean something like removing yourself from having sudo permissions?10:17
Steven_Mbrunch875: sort of, although sudo is configured to ask for my root password, and is working fine, it's the GUI stuff giving me problems.10:20
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ducasseSteven_M: if you need to mess with policy kit i strongly suggest you read the documentation.10:20
Steven_Mducasse: okay10:21
Steven_Mnight all :)10:22
stevenBrunost: thats literally not what I meant10:24
stevenbrunch875: ^10:24
archer121Does anyone have any experience using a RFID Reader/Writer with linux?10:24
brunch875sorry, I crashed and missed the chat :s10:27
Frank980Hi everybody10:31
TennisHi Frank10:33
Frank980when installing Ubuntu 16.04 on a system with multiple disks, the installer at one point tells me it will delete all my data if I proceed. I have multiple harddisks and only want Ubuntu on one disk. Will I be able to choose the target disk at a later step or will it really format *all* installed harddisks?10:36
ducasseFrank980: use the manual partitioning option of the installer and you will be fine.10:37
Frank980ducasse: I want an encrypted LVM setup. The 14.04 installer created /boot (ext2) and /boot/efi (VFAT?) partitions that I don't know I still need. what would be the automatic LVM layout for 16.04 so I can duplicate it?10:38
Frank980ducasse: thanks!10:39
ducasseFrank980: if you want encrypted lvm and you use an uefi system you will need both /boot and /boot/efi.10:40
BluesKajHowdy folks10:41
anes_Dear Friends , i am using pinguy builder for creating iso.. as part of it added custom.seed for 'preseed' purpose ... my preseed file is : http://pastie.org/1085479810:45
anes_but my concern is it will work or not10:45
bazhanganes_, find the pinguy support channel10:45
bazhang /msg alis list pinguy    anes_10:46
anes_bazhang: it's not relevancy of pinguy10:46
anes_we use the standard of preseed.cfg10:46
bazhanganes_, sure it is, find their channel or check ##linux10:46
heliumHow to cross compile linux kernel for x86 architecture  on x86_64 Ubuntu10:46
BluesKajhelium, no need, 32 bit apps will on 64 bit ubuntu10:48
ducasseBluesKaj: that's not what he asked, he wants to compile a 32-bit kernel for another machine on a 64-bit system :)10:49
heliumNo, Actually I'm trying  to optimise a network device  deriver which runs on x86 architecture.  So, I need to compile that driver on my x86_64 Ubuntu10:50
BluesKajducasse, ok why compile helium, whynot just use 32 bit OS10:51
heliumOh man , what are you talking10:51
BluesKajhelium, sounds like a candidate for using a container10:51
BluesKajhelium,, ok nm, I'll back off10:52
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heliumI think everybody here is aware of what I'm talking about except you10:52
anes_bazhang: I am working with ubuntu and thought the ubuntu guys can help me on this. I will happy if i found solution here. :)10:53
ducassehelium: no need to be rude, he was just trying to help.10:53
BluesKajhelium, ok no mnned to be rude10:53
EriC^^helium: stay noble10:53
EriC^^</chemistry joke>10:53
BluesKajhey EriC^^10:54
EriC^^hey BluesKaj10:54
heliumanybody has any solution?10:55
uwehi, well, we have 16.04 server placing (the) two paths to a SAN-LUN into different multipath maps (multipath-tools are 0.5.0+git1.656f8865-5ubuntu2). Compared to multipath-tools (0.4.9-3ubuntu7.11 on 14.04) we see a shortened (UUID/WWID) in DM_NAME. E.g. /lib/udev/scsi_id shows complete 3600d023100000047000000000e710648 for both paths while "udevadm info" shows only 3200000d023500047 and 3200000d023700047; thus preventing multipath from 10:55
BluesKajmaybe anoher coffee will help :-)10:55
Gamoder_Hi everyone, I am using ubuntu 14.04 (?, I forgot how I look that up, it is a headless odroid C1) and my wlan adapter tells me I got really many tx excessive retries (329040) and many invalid misc (44668). I also have a really slow connection and lots of connection losses. What can I do to avoid that?10:55
hateballhelium: googling brings up http://kernelnewbies.org/FAQ/KernelCrossCompilation (which I have not tried myself)10:56
k1l_Gamoder_: "lsb_release -d" will tell the release version10:57
Gamoder_yes, it is 14.04.3 LTS10:57
Gamoder_and strangely, my wlan router claims it sends only 13 Mbit, while the wlan0 bit rate is set to 28.9 Mb/s10:58
Ben64seems like you just need a better connection11:00
Ben64use ethernet or a better antenna or better wifi adapter or better router or a combination of these options11:01
Gamoder_I got a new router from my ISP. Before that, I never had great problems, but now I have. But since it is a new router, the connection should be better, not worse, so I guess it is more a compatibility problem11:02
ducasseGamoder_: 'new' does not mean 'better'.11:03
Ben64and ones provided by the ISP aren't usually very awesome11:03
k1l_Gamoder_: some wifi chips have issues with n-speed. look up what exact wifi card that is and if that is a known issue11:03
Gamoder_it has a MediaTek(Ralink) RT5572N chipset11:04
Gamoder_how can I look whether my device is actually connected via b, g or n?11:05
helium<hateball>  I have already tried it. Its not working11:05
MoPacI've started experiencing a weird regression where all my CPU cores get stuck at 800MHz (min value), seemingly at random during a session. The twist is that I can't even rouse them by manually setting higher scaling_min_freq.11:06
ducasseMoPac: try another kernel, file a bug.11:07
MoPacChanging the governor also has no effect -- I have to shut down and restart, crossing my fingers that it won't start off pegged to min11:07
MoPacducasse: So you would say this is a kernel issue rather than something to do with an intel_pstate flag or a bad BIOS setting?11:08
ducasseMoPac: i'm saying the kernel team is in a position to know, and they can tell you if you file bug.11:09
ducasseMoPac: and if one kernel works and another doesn't, that would likely rule out bios settings.11:09
a_okSo I just installed php-fpm on ubuntu 16.04. I get a nice WSOD but no errors.11:34
a_okWhat do I need to do to debug this?11:34
AlexPortableI created a custom debian/ubuntu iso with txt.cfg and isolinux.cfg. How do I do the same for uefi?11:34
jpmhI have a ubuntu 14.4LTS system and sshd connections are working perfectly.  But, in the auth.log file I see: pam_systemd(sshd:session): Failed to create session: No such file or directory - what is missing here?11:37
xro_Hi, i try to mount my Android device on my ubuntu laptop. I configured MTP on my android device and installed mtpfs & mtp-tools on my laptop. but i can't see my phone. Have you an idea ?11:43
danielfrielingHi. I have a strange problem with my thinkpad t460 ubuntu 16.04: When connected to the wifi, I cannot ping (or ssh) to other clients in my wifi network. When I ask colleagues in the same wifi, they can ping each other. do you know possible reasons?11:49
bhuddahdanielfrieling: you might have a wifi with a feature called "client isolation"11:50
danielfrielingbhuddah: you mean as a feature on client side? Because it seems not to be a feature of the wifi infrastructure because other clients can ping each other while they're on the same network.11:51
bhuddahdanielfrieling: if you already checked that then fine. then it's something else.11:51
danielfrielingwhat's weird also: if I ping any other machine (which is pingable from other machines), I get "Destination Host Unreachable". It seems to be hardware/software related on client-side (my machine)11:53
anes_Hi friends , i try preseed using pinguy , but not working my preseed is : http://pastie.org/10854841,custom.seed file11:56
OerHeksanes_, pinguy is not ubuntu.11:57
anes_pls all are based on preseed.cfg11:58
MonkeyDustanes_  there's also #PinguyOs, but only 4 people there11:58
anes_MonkeyDust: It's not helpful11:59
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MonkeyDustanes_  true, this channel is not useful for your question12:01
OerHeksanes_, this example maybe any help https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt12:02
anes_How to add automatic Ubiquity option?12:05
ducasseanes_: use ubuntu, then we could help.12:06
MonkeyDustanes_  try in ##linux12:08
BluesKaj!jp | ootani12:10
ubottuootani: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。12:10
ootanilinux mint 17.3をつかっています12:11
DJones!mint | ootani12:12
ubottuootani: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:12
BluesKajootani: 日本語の場合は  または /join #linux-mint irc.spotchat.org を入力して下さい。12:14
xro_nobody ? Hi, i try to mount my Android device on my ubuntu laptop. I configured MTP on my android device and installed mtpfs & mtp-tools on my laptop. but i can't see my phone. Have you an idea ?12:15
naomixro_: So the device isn't showing up in your File browser (e.g. Nautilus)?12:16
ootaniare you japanese?12:17
BluesKajootani, no12:18
BluesKajyes I see that12:19
ootanii'm looking for japanese12:19
naomixro_:  What is the contents of the folders in /dev/disk/? (Check all folders, by-uuid, by-path, by-id that might match to your Android device)12:19
DJonesootani: /join #ubuntu-jp they may be able to help, but they may point you to to join #linux-mint on irc.spotchat.org which is where the Mint support channel is12:20
BluesKajootani,  http://linuxmint-jp.net/contact.html12:20
xro_naomi, yes nothing in nautilus. I did a ls /dev/disk/by-id and by-uuid and i don't see new ID when i plug my phone12:22
atrachtis there a good guide for how nfs permissions work or is it as simple as the rw flag in /etc/exports12:22
MonkeyDustatracht  you have to restart nfs-kernel after each modification, but it's that simple, as you say12:23
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.12:24
atrachtMonkeyDust so If I'm on a client machine for a web server do I have to give correct permissions to the mount directory too?12:24
MonkeyDustatracht  i don't remember ever doing that, so no12:25
naomixro_: Have you been able to mount other devices before (e.g. USB flash drives)?12:25
atrachtMonkeyDust so if you mount a rw directory at say /var/www any user can write to that?12:26
xro_naomi, yes usbstick, my ethernet adapter and android phone (but it does not work anymore)12:28
MonkeyDustatracht  yes, if it's 76612:28
MonkeyDustor even 755 is sufficient, not sure12:28
ducasseMonkeyDust: exportfs -r will reload the exports list, i don't think restarting the server is required.12:29
MonkeyDustducasse  great, didnt know that option, i learn every day12:29
ducasseMonkeyDust: me too, that's the reason i hang out here :)12:30
naomixro_: Has anything changed with your Android phone since it was connecting (e.g. updated Android OS, updated Arch, new apps)? Also, what occurs on the computer when you choose an option on the Android device aside from MTP (like doing charging or setting it as a Internet device for the computer to use)?12:31
xro_naomi, some phone upgrades and ubuntu upgrades :-)   but i set MTP on my phone12:35
xro_naomi, i try to transfer a file from my phone to my laptop since 1h... I'll try to change the cable12:39
loahello! how i can disable bluetooth on start up? i don't need it.12:40
loai think there is way to do this with systemd or even blacklist module for bluetooth, but i want be able to enable it back fast.12:41
naomixro_: Could also check to see if the cable was working by setting it to Charge mode and see if gets any power to the device.12:41
xro_naomi, suicide... my cable was working for charging but not for MTP... I tried a new one and it works...12:42
naomixro_: So MTP works with the new cable?12:42
xro_naomi, yes12:43
naomixro_: Excellent :)12:43
MonkeyDustloa  try this, but be careful    sudo sysv-rc-conf12:43
xro_naomi, i debugged my settings 1 hours to finally change my cable !12:43
naomiMust be some damaged pins/lines in the cable, allowing charging but not data transfer.12:43
naomixro_: Haha, you aren't the only one.12:44
xro_naomi, shame on me, i'm a network guy12:44
loaMonkeyDust, you know rfkill right?12:44
loaMonkeyDust, when i logged in can disable wifi and bluetooth using rfkill block bluetooth from console and enable it back with gui. So i tried to add it to rc.local, but have no luck with this. looks like it actiavated again with gui tools.12:45
blb3383hi, what jabber client to use in 2016? psi-plus has dependencies to qt4, gajim has dependencies to python2.7. Pidgin is a monster with 52MiB dependencies12:46
aLeSDducasse, IK created the container ... but how can I log in ? My user is not working when I start the consele ?12:46
loaMaybe it is really better just blacklist module for bluetooth.12:46
loait will be very rare when i need bluetooth12:46
MonkeyDustloa  rfkill is for wifi, yes12:46
arusselusing gnome, when I press the Windows menu, it shows a list of keyboard short cut. Where can they be modified ? I've tried settings -> keyboard and gnome tweak, but none of the shortcut are impacted12:48
ducasseaLeSD: either 1) read the fine manual or 2) chroot into the container and create/fix the user manually12:48
naomixro_: Glad it is fixed now though.12:53
stevenI remember being "moved out" of this room cos I installed ubuntu 16.04 two weeks prior its official stable release and I said something like it's just smarter to install a release prior a couple weeks to its release than dist upgrading an older one13:06
stevenI just can't remember the name of the lovely OP who kicked me for this statement :/13:07
Picisteven: does it matter?13:07
Myrttisteven: so do you have a support question you need help with now?13:07
stevenyes, cos I just dist upgraded an really bare ubuntu 14.04 to xenial (simple lamp stack and running weechat) and it literally just broke so badly13:07
stevenapt is basically unusable13:08
Picisteven: well, the 14.04 to 16.04 path is not officially open at this time.13:08
ducassesteven: because you did not read the release notes.13:08
stevenoh its not a prod server anyway, I dont really care about it. I just find it ridiculous for being kicked out of saying something honest :D13:08
stevenimma just reinstall the server, its simply faster than figuring out how and what exactly broke13:09
BluesKajsteven, now that you've vented, do you have a question?13:10
stevenI was just trying to get him to explain to me why installing something 2 weeks prior stable release is more dangerous than dist upgrading, when a dist upgrade literally fails every single time13:10
stevenBluesKaj: now I am done :D13:10
\9upgrading 2 weeks prior to release is very dumb advice13:10
stevenI never said upgrading, I was setting up a fresh and clean server13:10
\9doesn't really matter, it still is dumb13:11
\9you're upgrading to an unstable system13:11
BluesKajif it's not a production machine then it's not so bad if it's "experimental" :-)13:12
stevenyou are aware that 2 weeks prior to a release everything is frozen, right? its just some tiny translation work and other tiny bits worked on at that point13:12
stevenits dumb to say "install 1404 THEN dist upgrade in a month cos the new LTS is not stable enough since the team didnt officially call it stable yet"13:13
\9you're supposed to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 in july when the 16.04.1 patch is released13:13
stevenbut anyway BluesKaj since every apt command fails, is there a nice way to just hard reset it, force remove / install / configure everything it might have an issue with13:13
\9and even if it's frozen, if you upgrade to 16.04 prematurely you land on an unsupported system13:14
BluesKajok steven, you've made your point , can we move on13:14
stevenI moved on, but he wont stop13:14
\9me? it's you who keeps talking..13:14
ducassesteven: #ubuntu-offtopic for rants, this channel is for support13:14
VietnamFlashbackwhats a good screen recorder to use with ubuntu if i wanna record gameplay and general whole screen13:15
stevenI just told you that was setting up a new machine, well aware of what I am doing and using, and got kicked for saying "I'd rather install LTS prior two weeks the release than dist upgrading it in a few months"13:15
EriC^^VietnamFlashback: recordmydesktop , dunno about quality with gameplay though13:15
stevenyou dont agree? awesome. you dont have to \913:15
stevenbut you also dont need to lecture me about what is considered unstable13:15
EriC^^steven: sounds like you're bored at work13:15
OerHekssteven, please stop the rant.13:15
VietnamFlashbackEriC^^, i thought about that with the quality drop with gameplay13:16
lyzeVietnamFlashback, obs-studio. you can use that to stream and to record, have multiple scenes you can switch. you can add images and other things to the scene13:16
stevenEriC^^ pssh :)13:16
lyzeVietnamFlashback, https://obsproject.com/download13:16
VietnamFlashbacklyze, i forgot obs was compatable with linux13:16
VietnamFlashbacki can livestream aswell13:16
lyzeYeah it's awesome that they are currently rewriting the thing so that it's multi platform compatible13:17
EriC^^does that work with projectM recording?13:17
\9is there any particular date when 15.10 stops being supported, or is it just july?13:18
harishkrupomostly the end of july13:19
\9I'm currently a little stuck on 15.10 because of radeon13:19
KimseHow to get lxc-net restart to restart dnsmsaq ?13:19
harishkrupoisint it supported in 16.04?13:19
\9the fglrx driver was removed completely13:20
\9which means that in 16.04 there's only low-quality open source drivers available13:20
\9which I'm not particularly thrilled about13:20
harishkrupoyou always have some ppa in which it will be available13:20
BluesKaj\9, what about the amdgpu driver ?13:20
\9I thought that was not in any usable condition?13:20
\9it's hard to find information about it13:21
xro_naomi, yes thank you for your help ! ++13:21
\9!info xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu13:22
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-amdgpu (source: xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu): X.Org X server -- AMDGPU display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.0-1 (xenial), package size 54 kB, installed size 153 kB (Only available for linux-any)13:22
BluesKaj\9 dunno about it on 15.10 tho13:23
\9it appears to exist13:23
\9except its version appears to be "0.0.01~git20150807-0ubuntu1"13:24
BluesKaj\9 think it depends a lot on your specific gpu , works for some on 16.04 and others not13:24
\9which doesn't really inspire me to try it on 15.1013:24
\9it's a Radeon HD 631013:25
Kimsehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/1389849 <-- That bug says "fixed released" how to get that fix?13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1389849 in lxc (Ubuntu) "sudo service lxc-net restart does not reload dnsmasq when there is a container running" [Low,Fix released]13:25
BluesKajbut thta that's the nature of the amd beast nowadays13:25
Kimse"fix released"*13:25
\9I guess I should try it in a live session13:26
OerHeksKimse, the fix is in the 1st answer, but this bugreport is old, sure you encounter this?13:28
noobikhello, im on ubuntu live and i merged unallocated space on my HDD to windows partition through gparted, but its taking too long (it says 2 hours). is it normal?13:28
KimseOerHeks: yes, I've had the issue before. I used the fix in the comment. I wasn't aware that the status means to look in the comments13:29
sipiornoobik: depending on how full the disk was, yes, that doesn't sound like a crazy figure13:29
OerHeksKimse, not sure what the status is today, 2nd instance of dnsmask13:30
noobiksipior: disk isnt full. total size 1 TB, unallocated space 540 GB, partition 390 GB (used only 90 GB)13:32
naomixro_: Welcome!13:35
sipiornoobik: sounds about right.13:36
OlofLwhat is best tool to block IPs from accessing ssh after too many auth fails?13:41
SchrodingersScatOlofL: that's one way, after x many tries it'll block them for y minutes13:42
SeveasOlofL: fail2ban is good13:42
OlofLhope it's lightweight. gonna install on raspi1 server13:43
Seveasthough I'd also add something like duo for two-factor auth13:43
spiffykHi. Is there a good way of installing 0ad's (or any other bigger game's for the matter) data onto my 1TB HDD (mounted at /mnt/tbdisk)?13:43
freerider@OlofL: a better setup would be to only use keys instead of passwords for athentication.13:46
OerHeksfreerider +1 and other port than the standard ones13:46
pw1337how to join chanel irc?13:50
OerHeks /join <channel>13:51
jpmhwhen logging on all goes well but the auth.log file shows: pam_systemd(su:session): Failed to create session: No such file or directory - this is 14.4 what am I missing13:53
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Snackerrhello, is there a guide on how to install Ubuntu with ZFS?13:57
cscfSnackerr, ZFS root or just storage?13:57
Snackerrcscf, i want to learn both13:57
Snackerrcscf, is there a GUI compatible with ZFS?  e.g.  gnome-disks   gparted?13:58
cscfSnackerr, well, storage is easy.  (On 16.04) Install zfs-utils, make a zpool.13:58
cscfRoot is harder13:58
MonkeyDust!zfs | Snackerr stat here13:58
ubottuSnackerr stat here: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS13:58
OerHeksSnackerr, all comandline AFAIK , https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu13:59
Snackerris there a GUI to make an external HDD be ZFS?  i dont see it as an option in gnome-disks or gparted?13:59
cscfThe zfs command line is very simple, there is no need for a GUI.13:59
OerHeksSnackerr, time to learn some terminal skills :-)14:00
cscfSnackerr, also, there is generally not much point to single-disk ZFS unless you need a specific feature?14:01
tpw_rulesso i'm having trouble with java on ubuntu 14.04. whatever matlab uses as default has a bug where scrolling with my trackpad vomits garbage everywhere. ubuntu's openjdk has a bug where it can't parse pkcs configuration or something. is there a java which fixes both those issues? what other javas are available besides openjdk that have a chance of working?14:01
MonkeyDustSnackerr  zfs is aimed at server user, you really should be somewhat familiar with the command line14:01
Snackerrin gnome-disks, you just click "format partition".  i can walk you through it right now.   is there a simple guide like that for external HDD?  cscf OerHeks14:02
Snackerrcscf, i'm reading that ZFS doesnt get corrupted files as easily as ext4, so that's why i want it14:03
xokeI have like 3gb on a ext4 partition i want to add that to the partition i am using now14:03
xokewhat shall i do14:03
cscfSnackerr, the main reliability of ZFS comes from using multiple drives.  on a single disk it is not much use, unless you want features like snapshotting.14:04
cscfUnless maybe if you use copies=2, which will halve your storage space.14:04
Snackerrcscf, hmmmmm,  so you recommend EXT4 over BTRFS/ZFS.  for a single storage drive? and for Root drive?  what FS do you use?14:05
SnackerrMonkeyDust, i am "somewhat" familiar with CLI, but i like GUI  :)14:06
cscfSnackerr, xfs is also nice for a /.  My home PC has a xfs / on an SSD and a ZFS raidz1 across 3 drives.14:06
cscfbut ext4 is also fine.14:06
xokei have a similar issue14:06
xokecan yall help14:06
cscfxoke, similar to what?14:07
cscfOh I see14:07
Snackerrcscf, what distro?14:07
xokeim messing with parttions14:07
cscfSnackerr, on my home PC?  Fedora.  ZFS is easier on Ubuntu.14:07
xokei want to add one parttion to another14:07
xokethe one im usin gnow14:07
xoke@ cscf14:08
cscfxoke, you have a 3GB ext4, or 3 GB of free space in an ext4?14:08
xokethe later14:08
xoke@ cscf14:08
xokei am almost out of room on the ubuntu partition14:09
cscf3GB free of how much?  How much is full/total of your current partition?  Are they next to each other?14:09
xokei have a screen shot14:09
cscfThat works14:09
efrahimHi, I ran do-release-upgrade on my computer and during the update several packages just never finishes (e.g. gets stuck on "Setting up avahi-dnsconfd ...") for several packages. How can I resolve this problem?14:09
MonkeyDustefrahim  in what ubuntu version?14:10
glassyes sir14:10
efrahimMonkeyDust: Updating from 15.10 to 16.0414:10
xokeare u form14:10
xokeace of spades14:10
cscfxoke, so you want to use the 3.78GB sda4's space in your /, sda5?14:10
xokeyes cscf14:10
cscfI don't think that's practically going to happen.  Your sda4 is a primary partition, sda5 is logical14:11
glassxoke: the game? the band?14:11
xokethe game14:11
cscfxoke, what is sda6 for?14:11
xokeidk cscf14:11
xokei did automatic partition i think14:11
c1_i have an lubuntu virtual machine in virtual box the internet is super slow14:11
xoke@ cscf14:11
xokei cant  view it either14:12
cscfIt might have been intended for swap?14:12
c1_does anyone have an idea why14:12
cscfxoke, if you can find out for sure what it's for, and that you don't need it, you should be able to use that.14:12
efrahimTo elaborate, I can see that dpkg (have to run dpkg --configure -a to fix aborting) gets stuck on running postinst scripts. What can stop them? (MonkeyDust?)14:12
xokeok after i find out @ cscf, what do i do lol14:12
cscfxoke, and if it is supposed to be swap, you could move sda4's files out and use that as swap14:13
cscfxoke, once you are sure, you can delete the sda6, and expand sda5 to fill the space.14:13
cscfxoke, yes14:13
cscfJust please double-check :P14:13
xokelol yes14:14
cscfxoke, try looking in /etc/fstab and see if sda6's UUID is in there, or if there's a swap partition14:14
xokeok cscf14:18
xokeleme look14:18
cscfAh I hate it when people leave after asking questions, I could have answered c1_14:18
cscfxoke, "sudo blkid" will show you UUID's, btw14:19
xokeok so i hve that file lemme cat it14:19
majikmani don't know if this is just me, but i can't seem to find the option to enable touchpad reverse scroll in xenial. is it not in mouse&touchpad anymore?14:19
xoke# swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation14:20
xoke#UUID=10a57930-5451-4d4b-857c-eb6f9bfd5965 none            swap    sw              0       014:20
xoke/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 014:20
jarlopezAny advice on debugging slow SSH connections? Network speed appears fine, all my SSH connections are slow, occurs for all shells (zsh and bash), I've tried the solutions mentioned at http://bit.ly/1X0p9dw14:20
cscfxoke, use pastebin in future for multiline pastes14:20
xoke@ cscf14:20
xokelol ok14:20
=== zombifiet is now known as zombifier
xokeso sda 6 is the swap14:20
cscfxoke, right, so sda6 was supposed to be swap but for some reason it isn't.14:20
cscfSo you can safely use it, it's empty14:20
cscfIf you want swap, you can grab the files from sda4 and format it swap14:21
cscfAnd change /etc/fstab to point to it14:21
xokedang this is deep lol14:21
cscfSince that's about all a <4GB partition is good for14:22
xokecould i delete the swap14:22
xokethen extend sda414:22
xokeexcuse me14:22
cscfxoke, currently you don't have any swap mounted.14:22
xokeok so i shoudl format swap to ext414:22
cscfxoke, delete sda6 and expand sda5 over it14:23
xokethis is a hugeee (trump) help14:23
cscfThat will give you 3.9GB of extra space14:23
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cscfIs this an SSD?  150GB is pretty small14:23
xokeik man14:24
=== alan_ is now known as Guest60486
xokeit was a 100 dollar computer14:24
xokean ex cop computer lol14:24
xokei will buy new one soon14:24
cscf$100?  Not bad then lol14:24
xokeyea trying to be an ethical hacker but never studied partitions14:24
xokei learned somthing today14:25
xokethanks man14:25
aaranHi I am trying to install epoptes but im getting a ton of   Temporary failure resolving 'gb.archive.ubuntu.com' errors14:28
xokeconnection issue14:28
xokebut obv ur on irc so lol14:28
aaranim sshd to the machine at the minute14:28
xokewhat command are you using14:28
xoketo install14:28
aaranapt-get install epoptes14:29
SchrodingersScatstill a network problem, no?14:29
aaranI can ping out fine 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=5.65 ms14:29
xokeping google14:29
xokeor sum14:29
SchrodingersScataaran: ping the repo14:30
xokeif the repo dont work14:30
xokeping somthing else14:30
aaransomething wrong with the DNS I guess, cannot ping names only ip addresses14:31
cscfSounds like DNS14:31
cscfaaran, is the machine using DHCP or static?14:32
cscfaaran, if you do "nslookup google.com" what DNS server does it try?14:32
aaranconnection timed out14:33
cscfaaran, but what IP is it trying?  Your router?14:33
DLmassProbably firewall blocking the ping port.14:34
aarannslookup google.com14:34
aaran;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached14:34
=== Blaster is now known as Guest34299
cscfaaran, grep "dhcp-server-identifier"  /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases14:37
brucemwhealtonCan someone help...   I had ubuntu 16 desktop running and I think I removed too much with the package manager.  So, I've been trying to reinstall everything starting with ubuntu server 16, which it will do.  But when I try to do upgrade I get an error.14:37
cscfbrucemwhealton, what error?14:37
aarangrep: /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases: No such file or directory14:38
brucemwhealtonThe error reads E: failed to fetch from the archive 404 not found14:38
k_dog345Hey guys, I was wondering if someone is here to help with my logitech g930 in ubuntu 14.04 trusty, KDE. I cannot activate 7.1 surround sound. I've followed http://askubuntu.com/questions/491626/surround-sound-on-ubuntu-14-04-with-logitech-g430 with no luck. I notice pulse audio shows only two channels. I notice /proc/asound/card2/usbmixer shows 1 channel for the device,  'speaker-test -Dsurround71 -c 8' errors out with 'Chann14:38
k_dog345els count (8) not available for playbacks: Invalid argument'. I admittedly am not sure what I'm doing :P help appreciated14:38
cscfaaran, look for names similar to "dhcp" ie "dhcp3"14:38
cscfbrucemwhealton, this is when doing "apt-get upgrade" ?14:38
brucemwhealtonwhere my repository is a local repo.14:38
brucemwhealtonI do have networking.  I have the server installed.14:39
cscfbrucemwhealton, have you run "apt-get update" recently?14:39
k_dog345also, just 'speaker-test -c 8' gives no sound, playback device is 'default'14:39
brucemwhealtonI did Google this but didn't find anything that works...  yes, I ran update14:39
Snackerrcscf,  how does BTRFS compare to ZFS? easier to use?14:39
brucemwhealtonSomething from my previous install must be causing the problem.14:40
brucemwhealtonbut why would it keep choosing this location - it is a repo at duke.edu14:40
SchrodingersScatwhy is your repo a local repo?14:40
cscfSnackerr, btrfs is ok for small systems.  It has snapshots and copy-on-write like ZFS.  It is fairly stable as long as you stick to the basic features but not as stable as ZFS, ext4, or xfs.14:41
cscfSnackerr, if you only have a single drive I would use xfs or ext414:41
brucemwhealtonI tried going into the /etc/apt/sources.list14:42
cscfbrucemwhealton, did you replace the default repos in /etc/sources.list, or did you only add yours?14:42
brucemwhealtonI replaced the repos with us.archives.ubuntu.com14:42
efrahimHi, I ran do-release-upgrade on my computer and during the update several packages just never finishes (e.g. gets stuck on "Setting up avahi-dnsconfd ...") for several packages. It seems to stop att running the .postinst scripts (putting on dpkg debugging gives that the .postinst are run and stops)14:42
cscfIf it's trying to get the official repos from duke.edu, and it fails, it should failover14:42
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Snackerrcscf, well, i have more drives, but looking to switch over gradually.  i have a Windows (NTFS) with a 3TB + 4TB, that are really old.  So i want to buy an 8TB to transfer them too.  then eventuallly buy another 8TB, to backup (raid?).  so trying to plan ahead now, but no rush14:43
cscfI think us.archives.ubuntu.com is a DNS roundrobin14:43
brucemwhealtonso, should I try a different source?14:43
cscfSnackerr, if you want 8 TB of storage, don't buy a single 8TB that could lose all your data.  Buy 3x4TB and raidz.14:44
brucemwhealtonEven when I do a fresh install it seems to still be showing features and errors from the previous one.14:44
cscfbrucemwhealton, if you are reformatting when you reinstall, that should not happen.14:44
brucemwhealtonI have several disks...  maybe I should unplug the drives that I don't need for installation14:45
brucemwhealtonI have a 120GB ssd drive14:45
cscfbrucemwhealton, that is often wise.  never hurts to be careful.14:46
brucemwhealtonI could just leave that plugged in14:46
OerHeks"when I do a fresh install it seems to still be showing features and errors from the previous one." ????14:46
ducasseSnackerr: if you want flexibility to do things like add raid or add disks to a pool, i would use zfs.14:46
brucemwhealtonthat's all I can think of because I'm reformatting the 120gb drive but I previously had ubuntu elsewhere.14:46
cscfbrucemwhealton, are you sure it's actually booting off the new install?  You might have installed a fresh ubuntu and kept booting the old one.14:47
brucemwhealtonI'm going to try that now, open the system and unplug some disk drives14:48
brucemwhealtonthanks for listening to me :-)14:48
cscfbrucemwhealton, you could also just look at /etc/fstab to double check14:48
cscfActually "df -h" is more readable14:49
Snackerrducasse, yes, that is what i'm trying to figure out.  i just need a backup, but not necessarily RAID/ZFS14:49
ducasseSnackerr: with zfs you can set up a disk now, then add another (or more) later to get a mirror or raidz levels.14:50
Snackerrducasse, what FS do you use?14:50
c1how do i add vpn to my lubuntu14:51
ducasseSnackerr: zfs on my file server and /home on my desktop, btrfs for /.14:51
c1when i go to network manager14:51
c1no choice for vpn14:51
c1ive tried sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn14:51
c1but still does not appear14:51
Snackerrducasse, why BTRFS, and not ZFS for /  ?14:51
ducasseSnackerr: zfs is not supported for /. technical reasons.14:52
cscfc1, were you the one asking about slow VM networking earlier?14:52
c1i rebooted my machine14:52
c1seemed to fix the issue14:52
cscfc1, you left before I could answer.14:52
cscfc1, it will pop up again, probably.  To fix it, go to VM settings, networking, advanced14:52
cscfAnd change the network card to virtio14:53
ducasseSnackerr: zfs also gives you data integrity (cheksums), compression, snapshots, deduplication etc.14:53
cscfIt is much faster14:53
c1thanks for the info14:53
c1would you set it to that by defauklt14:53
cscfDefault is to emulate an intel gigabit in software14:53
cscfIf you're only running linux VMs, then virtio default is fine14:53
c1thanks for the advice14:54
cscfBut for example, windows will not see a virtio NIC at all.14:54
c1will i can do it on a per vm basis14:54
c1thanks for the info14:54
c1it was super slow when i was in a vm trying to ssh into another phyical server14:55
c1i rebooted and seemed to be ok after that14:55
c1with regards to setting up the vpn on lubuntu i installed sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn14:56
c1but I cannot see the vpn choice in the network manager14:56
neopsychehelo world14:56
neopsychehmm data trickle14:56
ducassec1: try edit connections, add connection. then select vpn.14:57
c1ducasse, NO VPN OTION14:57
c1*No vpn option14:57
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ducassec1: then install the vpn service you want to use.14:58
c1ducasse, i installed sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn14:59
ducassec1: you also need openvpn.14:59
c1ah ok14:59
c1but its just a client14:59
c1the vpn is on another server14:59
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c1ducasse, is it not this sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn15:02
ducassec1: that is just the network manager openvpn plugin, as i said you need openvpn itself.15:03
cscfducasse, network-manager-openvpn depends on openvpn15:04
cscfapt show network-manager-openvpn | grep Depend15:04
OerHeksc1 restart networking after install perhaps?15:06
ducasseah, sorry. in that case it should show up under add connections...15:06
c1restarted still not there15:06
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LachezarHey all. Just launched the update notifier and saw libimobiledevice6, libmount1, libblkid1, bsdutils, util-linux, uuid-runtime combined under 'Language Support' category. What gives?15:07
mankeletorhow can i remove a laguage from system?15:07
Conderhello, i want make wipe full of HDD to make clean install of windows and then ubuntu, is it ok to delete also efi system partition?15:09
HappySomethingSocan someone help me with transmission?15:09
cscfHappySomethingSo, always ask your real question, don't ask to ask15:10
SnackerrDeluge is better  HappySomethingSo15:10
OerHeksConder, i would let them be15:10
cscfSnackerr, there is nothing wrong with either one :)15:10
wcs__hey HappySomethingSo!15:10
cscfHappySomethingSo, what about Transmission do you need help with?15:11
LachezarIs there a way to see where packages are being downloaded from before doing the actual apt-get upgrade? I feel like some packages are coming from alternate repositories.15:11
HappySomethingSoI use ufw as a firewall. I tested transmission but it can't download torrents, so I figured the port it uses was closed. I allowed the port on ufw but then tested the port again and it shows up as closed in transmission15:11
HappySomethingSoSnackerr: I've tried deluge but didn't like it too much15:12
naccLachezar: `apt-cache policy <pkgname>` will tell you the priority for various sources15:12
HappySomethingSowcs__: hello15:12
Lachezarnacc: I just found out: apt-get upgrade --just-print15:12
naccLachezar: ah yes, good find!15:13
SnackerrHappySomethingSo, it could be your router settings?  have you tried diff ISPs/ routers?15:13
mankeletorapt-get update command get Translation-{es,en} wich is ok but zh_CN (simplified chinese) is unwanted.. i mean im not a shaolin monk15:13
wcs__did you flushed your old firewall routes?15:13
folder|are there any tools for getting data off of a dynamic disk / microsoft LDM partition?15:13
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HappySomethingSoSnackerr: I have to forward the port in my router?15:14
SnackerrHappySomethingSo,  i just15:14
Snackerr"allow Upnp"15:14
HappySomethingSoSnackerr: in ufw?15:14
SnackerrHappySomethingSo,  in Router15:15
SnackerrHappySomethingSo,  that is the simple way AFAIK, there probly is some fancy port-opening way15:15
HappySomethingSoSnackerr: I have other machines running windows and they have no problem with torrents with the same router15:15
OerHeksHappySomethingSo, so does this happen with official torrents too ? http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/15:16
SnackerrHappySomethingSo, hmmm, then it might not be that. but you might as well check the router anyway15:16
KarvizzDoes anyone have problems with16.04 and the"airplane mode " - button on asus laptops?15:16
c1found the answer15:16
c1need to install network-manager-openvpn-gnome15:16
HappySomethingSoOerHeks: I'll try that now15:17
naccKarvizz: what kind of problems?15:18
ducasseHappySomethingSo: you need to enable upnp in transmission also.15:19
HappySomethingSoducasse: how do I do that?15:19
ducasseHappySomethingSo: no idea, haven't used transmission in years. check the preferences, it should be there somewhere.15:21
HappySomethingSoOerHeks: ok so it does download official torrents15:21
HappySomethingSoapparently I 'm not making my own torrets properly15:21
OerHeksHappySomethingSo, glad you find the culprit.15:22
HappySomethingSothanks everyone, I'll try to figure out whre >I went wrong in making my torrents15:22
Karvizznacc: okay, kinda seem to found a workaround on Asus K501* . THe airplane mode button doesnt seem to werk, but going in and out of hibernation lets rfkill do rthe work15:25
KarvizzDoes anuyone else have an Asus K501*15:25
Karvizzcan u verify this ?15:25
cyquinHi does anyone have much experience with connecting to a vpn that uses juniper host checker through ubuntu?15:26
naccKarvizz: ah was going to ask if rfkill worked or not, next :)15:26
naccKarvizz: is the airplane mode button triggering an event? (evtest or xev might tell you)15:26
r00trunnerCan someone tell me how to manually change the time in ubtuntu? I've tried to do it via date(1), but does not change the time display on the upper right corner of the gnome ui.15:29
c1if i have a virtual machine and i use a vpn15:30
OerHeksr00trunner, that would be the place, use the gui ?15:30
c1because the internet is connected through the host will this make a difference15:31
c1so the vpn is on the vm not the host15:31
c1will this still work15:31
Lariswho has ubuntu touch on his phone?15:31
r00trunnerOerHeks: I tried to switch to manually in the ui. but it does not change. Any help?15:31
OerHeksr00trunner, perhaps 'sudo date' will stick15:31
r00trunnerOerHeks: Nope. Already tried15:31
OerHeksLaris, ask in #ubuntu-touch please15:31
Larisoh oh15:32
OerHekssudo date 052717332016.00 gives may 27th 2016 17:33:0015:33
OerHeksor sudo date --set="2015-09-30 10:05:59.990" or sudo hwclock --systohc or completely change timezone sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata15:34
brucemwhealtonI was writing earlier about problems accessing the apt sources repos.  It seems to work now, after unplugging all the drives other than one drive, which is different than where I had ubuntu previously.  So, once I plugin the other drives, how can I tell ubuntu to ignore that previous installation of ubuntu?15:34
loahow i can set minimal brightness? i am talking about brightness hotkeys. When my brightness control is around 70% my display is black. I am sure that it is because i changed led driver. So i want change that minimum.15:35
gde33is the huge delay between firefox opening the page and my clicking a link on irc normal or is there some issue with my system?15:35
Karvizznacc: now looking for it, kinda need to write my own script15:36
Powerlesshi. i am trying to install open365 on my ubunt and it needs libqt4-core. how do i get it to work?15:37
loagde33, i saw such behaviour in ubuntu too, have not find solution.15:37
brucemwhealtonactually now it won't run the desktop mode.  Just throws up a bunch of errors , one saying consult the X.org Foundation15:37
lernerwhat radio trays do you use?15:38
gde33loa: do you perhaps know what the name is for that type of functionality?15:38
parlosHello, I'm trying to install a "lamp" setup, i.e. apt-get install lamp-server; but the package is not found (apt-cache search lamp-server) returns nothing. What can see my sources.list contains universe etc.. its a 14.04 desktop version... Done this a couple of times with out any problems... so what have I missed..? any hints?15:39
gde33loa: an api of some kind?15:39
naccparlos: i think you want ^lamp-server or lamp-server^, i can't remember :)15:40
Karvizznacc: okay, seems i get no xev event from the HW button.....15:40
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.15:40
naccKarvizz: ah, so it might need to be mapped (does your `dmesg` indicate an  unknow key was pressed)?15:41
parlosnacc: ok, the caret should be there? but would not search find it?15:41
lernerm locate radiotray < will find the radiotray directory, right?15:41
parlossquinty: I'm lazy.15:41
loagde33, something like xdg-open and gnome-open and others.15:42
loagde33, but i think it browser related.15:42
loagde33, you use chromium, are not you?15:42
naccparlos: iirc, the ^ does something special, perhaps because lamp-server isn't a package but a task15:42
gde33loa: firefox15:42
parlosnacc: nope, "E: Unable to locate package ^lamp-server" :)15:43
* parlos feeling stupid.. lamp-server^ (it was not a typo! ...)15:44
OerHeksparlos, read the lamp factoid from ubottu >> lamp-server^15:44
parlosOerHeks .. facepalm.15:44
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parlosnacc OerHeks thanks.. "mind" should be replaced by "Notice" for me to understand..15:46
robh71I have Ubuntu Gnome installed and I want to keep Gnome but have the system not fire it up at boot, back in the day I would just set the default runlevel to 3, but it appears that has changed. Any advice?15:52
Karvizznacc: yep it does15:57
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Karvizznacc: just need to tweak asuswmi15:58
naccKarvizz: ah ok!15:59
majikmanhow do i set touchpad scroll direction in xenial?16:10
SchrodingersScatmajikman: do you have a mouse and touchpad settings?  Mine has a 'Reverse Scroll Direction'16:11
majikmanSchrodingersScat, I do have Mouse & Touchpad in settings, but no option besides Primary button, Double-click, and Pointer speed16:11
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lotuspsychjemajikman: unity-tweak-tool has also mouse options16:12
lotuspsychjemajikman: did you upgrade to xenial or clean install?16:13
majikmanclean install16:13
lotuspsychjemajikman: the option SchrodingersScat says should be there...16:13
majikmani wonder if it's not detecting my touchpad as a touchpad?16:14
BlasterHmm I keep getting ethernet cable disconnected popup in an Ubuntu VM, how can I remedy this?16:14
BlasterThe network works fine.16:14
lotuspsychjemajikman: that could be yes, what brand is your laptop?16:14
majikmanDell Precision 751016:14
lotuspsychjemajikman: system up to date to latest also?16:14
majikmanyup, ran apt upgrade right after install16:14
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lotuspsychjemajikman: sudo full-upgrade also?16:15
OerHeksBlaster, likely an hardware issue16:15
majikmannot that yet. let me try that next16:15
OerHeksyou say it is fine, vm says not16:15
majikmanlotuspsychje, did you mean sudo apt full-upgrade?16:15
lotuspsychjemajikman: sorry yes16:15
ducasseBlaster: what kind of virtualization?16:16
majikman0 packges to upgrade16:16
lotuspsychjemajikman: ok, try a 4.6 kernel perhaps from mainline, and a test from the guest account also16:16
lotuspsychje!mainline | majikman16:17
ubottumajikman: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds16:17
ducasseBlaster: not familiar with that, sorry. i only use kvm (or lxc containers).16:17
majikmanlotuspsychje, ok, i'll try that next. if that doesn't work, what should i do next?16:18
lotuspsychjemajikman: file a new !bug with your story and steps tested16:18
majikmanok, thanks16:19
lotuspsychjemajikman: you might wanna take a look at syslog aswell what happens16:20
majikmanoh yeah, good point. i'll check that out16:20
majikmanlotuspsychje, do you know a string to grep for?16:21
lotuspsychjemajikman: xinput or acpi, or realtime check tail -f /var/log/syslog and fool around with mouse settings a bit16:22
majikmanok, thanks16:23
vimiHi, I just installed ubuntu 16.04 and wifi is not working, iwconfig - doesn't show any device as well, any help would be greatly appreciated :)16:26
jarlopezHi all. I'm experiencing slow SSH connections, and have narrowed it down to most likely being caused by the pseudo terminal allocation that occurs. If I perform "ssh -T ...", there is no delay between me typing and it appearing on the screen. Any tips or insights?16:26
OerHeksvimi, did you check additional driver menu?16:27
OerHekstype 'driver' in dash and the tool should show up16:27
vimiOerHeks: yeah it shows no additional drivers available16:27
OerHeksvimi, oke, then what does 'lspci' or 'lsusb' say about your wifi hardware?16:28
vimiOerHeks: oh wait, it does shw additional drivers for broadcom now16:28
vimiOerHeks: I'll try that :)16:28
kltrgI’ve got no sound on what used to be a Ubuntu Server machine. How can I get it running?16:34
OerHekskltrg, start 'alsamixer' and fiddle with the sliders/or F6 sounddevices16:36
themagmaforcehi there, i'm trying to install spotify on ubuntu, but some say "spotify-client" and others "spotify-client-qt" what's the diference?16:37
kltrgOerHeks, alsamixer won’t start. It says, it can’t find the mixer device.16:37
OerHekskltrg, reinstall alsa perhaps? not sure what you installed on that used-to-be-server16:38
streetwitchMy microphone refuses to work in ubuntu studio.  I've been trying all the fixes on the web but none of them have worked.  Could anyone give me some help on this issue?16:39
kltrgOerHeks, Oh! I have to run alsamixer as sudo to get it to run. What does this mean?16:40
OerHekskltrg, security, not all users should have access.16:40
kltrgOerHeks, Ok, so that’s not a problem. Do you want me to apt-get remove alsa and reinstall it?16:41
OerHekskltrg, add that user to the audio group,  sudo addgroup <username> audio16:42
OerHeksthen alsamixer should work without sudo16:42
kltrgOerHeks, It doesn’t.16:42
OerHekshmm or is it sudo adduser user group ..16:43
kltrgOerHeks, According to my terminal, I’ve been added to the audio group16:43
OerHeksrestart the alsa system, sudo alsa reload16:45
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kltrgOerHeks, Still no sudo-free alsamixer and still no sound.16:46
BluesKajmight need a relogin16:47
OerHeksthinking about that too, BluesKaj .. but sound on ubuntu server, should not be that hard..16:47
kltrgBluesKaj, I’ll try to re-login. Stay tuned.16:48
BluesKajOerHeks, yeah agreed, but why did he need sudo, that's the strange part16:48
kltrgBluesKaj, OerHeks, alsamixer now works without sudo.16:50
BluesKajkltrg, good16:51
BluesKajok , back to the lawnmower, bbl16:51
kltrgAnd now, strangely Rhythmbox crashes every time I open an audio file16:51
OerHekskltrg, oh you have a gui ..? i understood server16:52
kltrgpavucontrol says: "Estahbilishing connection to PulseAudio. Please wait." But nothing happens.16:52
OerHeksdid you install restricted extras ( codecs webplugins fonts and such)16:53
kltrgOerHeks, It was a server but now has a GUI16:53
kltrgOerHeks, Rhythmbox played the MP3 before, I saw the audio going up and down in pavucontrol. So it seems I have the codec.16:54
kltrgIn the notification area, the audio icon is grey and "muted" is clicked. I can’t unclick it.16:55
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kltrgOerHeks, BluesKaj, No ideas any more?17:01
StNicolasHow do I recover a partition? I have a couple distros of Ubuntu.  One of them on my desktop refuses to startx.  I tried lsof and got a lot of stuff I can't understand.  I tried fsck, to no avail17:02
ducassekltrg: your server working well? :)17:03
StNicolasThe partition is /sda717:03
ducasseStNicolas: recover a partition from what? did you delete it?17:04
kltrgducasse, Not the audio. And strangely, I can’t shut it down from the GUI. I have to go to the terminal for that. But audio is more important right now. If I can’t get it to work, the whole project is lost.17:04
StNicolasNo, but when I try to boot from /sda7, the boot stops at a command prompt.  I type "startx" and it crashes.  While on the partition, I have tried "fsck", "sudo fsck" to no avail17:05
ducassekltrg: the reason you can't shut down is because systemd sees that you're logged in over the network, it's to prevent one network user from shutting down a server for everybody else. what's wrong with audio?17:06
testubuntuhey, is it a common issue getting stuck at the installer? It says preparing isntallation of ubuntu and i just checked "download updates while installing" and "install software from thirdparty" - pressing next results in nothing17:07
kltrgducasse, There is no audio coming out, if I plug headphones into the server. Ultimatevly, I want to stream audio to the client (as you can imagine) but getting local audio to work is a first step (it seems to me).17:07
ducasseStNicolas: you are probably at a grub prompt, that is not a normal shell. try boot-repair (google it).17:07
StNicolasducasse: On that partition with ubuntu studio, like I said, I boot that partition and distro.  It leaves me at the command prompt.  I am trying to recover the data so I can limit myself to a distro rather than 2, 3 or 417:07
kltrgducasse, PulseAudio seems not to be running correctly. pavucontrol waits for it to start and doesn’t show me any controls.17:08
ducassekltrg: have you tried something like mpd?17:08
testubuntukltrg: just boot into a usb live and save your files17:08
mordoc_abkltrg: I have a similar setup, would it be alright if I posted the URL with the docs that I followed here?17:08
kltrgducasse, I want to stream all sound, not just a music library. As I understand mpd, it’s a media streaming server, isn’t it?17:08
StNicolasStNicolas: Ok, will try17:08
kltrgmordoc_ab, Perfect, go on.17:09
StNicolastestubuntu: Might try that17:09
StNicolasThx everyone !!17:09
testubuntuStNicolas: sorry tagged the wrong name before lol17:09
testubuntuhey, is it a common issue getting stuck at the installer? It says preparing isntallation of ubuntu and i just checked "download updates while installing" and "install software from thirdparty" - pressing next results in nothing17:09
ducassekltrg: yes, it is. i don't know pulseaudio very well, but i know there is a network plugin to stream all audio. i'm guessing that's what you want?17:09
[Roman]How can I set an app so it will start right when i boot my computer?17:10
kltrgducasse, That’s what I want.17:10
mordoc_abkltrg: Here's the basics of the alsa/mpd stuff. It might be the lead to streaming other stuff: http://www.htpcguides.com/create-an-mpd-music-server-on-debian17:11
mordoc_abkltrg: This probably isn't what you are after sounds like pulseaudio streaming is what you are after.17:11
kltrgmordoc_ab, Streaming everything I would hear if sitting in front of the server, that is what I want, yes.17:12
[Roman]could someone help me?17:12
ducassekltrg: from what i can tell, pulse is the only way to do that. is the pulseaudio service running?17:13
kltrgI already followed a tutorial to make PulseAudio stream through the network but since it didn’t work, I thought, I had to get the basics running locally first-17:13
kltrgducasse, I can’t find it in top. But if I "sudo service pulseaudio start", I get a message telling me the service is already running.17:14
kltrgCould all this be due to me logging of and back in not rebooting? When I logged off using the graphical thing, my VNC session got stuck and I had to start a new one (maybe it’s like shutting down the computer).17:16
ducassekltrg: this might be the same problem as shutdown. if systemd sees you're not logged in to a "local seat", there are certain things it will not allow. my guess is that documentation on pulse network streaming would cover this.17:16
kltrgI’ll reboot and be right back.17:16
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kltrgI now have sound locally.17:19
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mordoc_abkltrg: Progress!17:20
kltrgNow I need to get the network streaming right. Any pulseaudio network nerds here?17:21
ducassekltrg: look at /etc/pulse/client.conf - there's a flag; default-server17:23
kltrgducasse, I’ll look into the depths of pulseaudio some other day or later. I have to leave now. Thanks, everyone!17:26
ducassekltrg: np.17:26
boxmeinanyone here up for a challenge? :P ubuntu 15.04 laptop dropped to initramfs weirdly, here's the end of dmesg in a picture https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22100200/etc/DSC_0108.jpg17:27
BluesKajpulse isn't my cuppa tea, my pc and laptop have intel-hda audio which plays nice directly with alsa without the need for PA17:28
xangua!15.04 | boxmein17:28
ubottuboxmein: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid17:28
boxmeinsorry 15.1017:29
ducasseBluesKaj: alsa is nice, but he needs to stream all audio to another machine, only pulse can do that...17:29
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BluesKajducasse, vlc can as well17:30
ducasseBluesKaj: not _all_ audio, only files, afaik. or am i wrong?17:32
BluesKajducasse, vlc can stream from a file, disk, network or capture device17:33
ducasseBluesKaj: interesting. i'll need to look at that, thanks.17:34
BluesKajducasse, pulseaudio has an advantage when streaming and playing from several sources simultaneously, something alsa isn't programed to do as a sound server17:37
ducasseBluesKaj: i know. i also assume pulse would be easier to set up, but that's just a guess.17:38
PreseedHellSo I'm building my first 2 disk system with a preseed - pxe boot and the second disk format .. is that just not working with 14.04?17:39
le_pig^^ nick checks out17:40
BluesKajducasse, yes some soundcard drivers need pulse since their drivers are written rely on it , like my m-audio audiophile 19217:40
PreseedHellDose anyone have an actual working preseed that has two lvm disks?17:41
ActionParsnipPreseedHell: have you tried setting one up with one disk.17:42
ActionParsnipPreseedHell: start simple then build up17:42
ActionParsnipHi BluesKaj :)17:43
PreseedHellI've done many with a single disk, just trying to add a second now and it seems to be ignored17:43
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le_pigPreseedHell: I've had the same experience as you.  Hoping someone smarter than us knows the trick :)17:44
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pidybihi all17:44
ActionParsnipPreseedHell: ah, well at least you have done preseeds and understand that bit etc. It's not something I've done. Sorry17:44
PreseedHelli was reading that using late command is used, but that's just insane. the preseed should work17:44
ActionParsnipPreseedHell: try it. If it works then go with it17:45
BluesKajHey ActionParsnip, LTNS ...gotta run, lawnmower awaits ..bb in a few17:46
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PreseedHellfor some reason my company chose ubuntu over rhel .. beats me17:49
on_my_raspberrytesting LTE speeds in shell session17:49
PreseedHellkickstart worked great for that, so maybe at some point i could try KS again17:49
do0pahey all17:51
do0pahave issue with nic card, netexreme on a server once in a while ping to a host is lost, while from server to a host is fine17:52
HelpeRxanyone know if robert love kernel devoment is good or linux programming interface to learn about kernel devel17:53
ActionParsnipdo0pa: are they on the same network segment / subnet?17:53
do0paActionParsnip, yes all same17:53
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do0paActionParsnip, ssh is freezing for second when ping to a server is lost :(17:54
ActionParsnipdo0pa: have you rebooted the interconnection device?17:54
do0patryed from multiple host also17:54
ducasseHelpeRx: ask in ##linux17:54
do0paActionParsnip, before I do that wanted to make sure its not linux box here :)17:54
HelpeRxcant wont let me send lol17:55
do0paalso there many ports are in use all fine, ping from other host to gateway and outside all works17:55
Pici!register|  HelpeRx17:55
ubottuHelpeRx: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:55
do0paActionParsnip, by port mean switch ports17:55
ActionParsnipdo0pa: I'd try it. You could check the output of: dmesg | tail     when it happens17:56
do0paActionParsnip, so its ACPI or something restarts nic ?17:57
ActionParsnipdo0pa: could try the boot option: noacpi17:57
do0padmesg nothing happens there17:58
do0paneed a min to confirm17:58
crs___HelpRx: i got the book but did only read few pages.i think the book is quite giod but you need a lot of motivation to read all of it17:58
Acei need any hacking channel name17:58
OerHekslol @ Ace .. wrong network17:59
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Acei cant find lool all bullshit17:59
Acei need reeal one17:59
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daxAce: Too bad, we don't have any. Ask somewhere else.18:00
cscfAce, if you're calling it "hacking" you aren't ready for a real one.18:00
cscfGuest3605, hi!18:00
twowheelsQuestion about installing to SD card on MacBook Pro (13" non retina) : I booted from a CD and everything seems to be working well except for WiFi (though there are posts about how to fix that, and I have an external dongle that is working great -- worst case scenario)...  I'd like to install to SD, but before I go buy one... is it possible to install to SD without touching the main internal SDD?  Will GRUB be installe18:00
twowheelsd to the SD?  Everything I can find talks about using reFINDit, which I'd rather not do... I'm OK with having to hold Opt and select the SD card when I want to boot Linux.18:00
twowheels(SDD --> SSD)18:00
OerHekstwowheels, yes, you are asked where to install grub, standard would be sda18:01
cscftwowheels, the SD card should show up as a block device, just like HDD or USB.18:01
Guest3605i know this will sound weird but... do u guys know or some website where i can have train?18:01
twowheelsGreat... thanks...  I didn't remember ever having been asked where to install it before, so I thought I'd ask first.18:01
Acehacking dosing cracking operating18:02
cscfGuest3605, you mean like linux tutorials?18:02
Guest3605i know how to use linux18:02
alocompsci_Hi guys, Have a question.. I got back my laptop from Lenovo, and I cannot access my Ubuntu partition anymore. (I don't see the grub). I know the windows partition hasn't been extended (because it has the same size I gave it). How can I check if my Ubuntu os (and the files i had) are still there, or if I need to reinstall Ubuntu, without being able to access the partition?18:02
OerHeks!ot | Ace not here please ,18:02
ubottuAce not here please ,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:02
Guest3605and i know how to do stuffs18:02
cscfalocompsci_, boot off a livecd18:02
twowheelsI have installed to SD on an Atom netbook before, and it worked great, but IIRC it put grub on the internal drive -- I didn't really care back then.18:02
Acehahah just kidding sorry18:02
Acei am out18:02
Guest3605i need a playground18:02
tgm4883Guest3605: virtual machine18:03
cscftwowheels, when you install, just choose manual partitioning, and be sure to put Grub or whatever on the SD card.18:03
niel__hey there!!18:03
twowheels@cscf thanks for the tip18:03
cscfhi niel__18:03
Powerlesshow do i install libqt4-core on ubuntu 16.04 LTS?18:03
Guest3605yeah tgm4883 ...didnt think of that18:03
twowheelsI guess I'll order the flush SD adapter.18:03
alocompsci_thanks cscf.18:04
L0g4nAd4msAnybody knows how to get an AMD 390X (= grenada) card working on current linux kernel ?18:04
Guest3605btw is this the official ubuntu channel or is it for Back Box?18:04
niel__just cool and hope i'm in right place !!! in blender chat?18:04
cscfGuest3605, this is #ubuntu, yes18:04
OerHeksPowerless, it is part of qt4-x11 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/18:04
Guest3605ok thank you cscf18:05
cscfniel__, this is #ubuntu support channel18:05
OerHeksL0g4nAd4ms, what ubuntu kernel? if it is from 16.04, no go. use the open drivers18:05
cscfniel__, do "/join #blender"18:05
PowerlessOerHeks, how do i install that package?18:05
niel__ohh fine! then anyone can show me how i can tag someone in this group chat!18:06
L0g4nAd4msOerHeks: im talking about the open source drivers. the propriertary is currently no supported on newer x-server versions18:06
OerHeksPowerless, sudo apt-get install <package> or install synaptic, detailed softwarecenter18:06
L0g4nAd4msWith the open source drivers the 390X doesnt work.18:06
cscfniel__, if you say someone's name, like this, they get "highlighted"18:06
OerHeksL0g4nAd4ms, you would have te open driver as standard18:06
OerHeksL0g4nAd4ms, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#Graphics_and_Display18:07
PowerlessOerHeks, apt-get install qt4-x11 works?18:07
L0g4nAd4msOerHeks: the open source driver "radeon" is the issue. the system is not stable.18:07
niel__cscf ok let me try cscf18:07
OerHeksPowerless, yes18:07
niel__not working18:07
OerHeksL0g4nAd4ms, wait for xorg 1.8 / mesa 11.3, but i have no date when it arrives18:08
L0g4nAd4msthe system crashes, etc. you cant work currently with "radeon" on a grenada card.18:08
niel__cscf__, like this?18:08
PowerlessOerHeks, unable to find the package :P18:08
niel__any way it,s fine!! so anyone who knows how i can get blender 3D in ubuntu?18:09
ramsub07hello, how do i check the difference in the files present between 2 directories ?18:10
cosmicfiresniel__, ubuntustudio has blender so I assume you can install it on ubuntu18:10
cscfniel__, you go to Software Center and search "Blender"18:10
cscfFirst resulty18:10
cosmicfiresramsub07, diff -r dir1/ dir2/18:10
niel__ok! thanks18:10
cosmicfiresdiff --brief -r to show only files with diffs not the diffs18:11
OerHeksPowerless, what if you just try libqt4-core ?18:12
PowerlessOerHeks, did it. i saw that on 16.04 the name is libqtcore4 but it says i already have it so i have no idea why it wont install18:13
cscfniel__, by the way, your first attempt did highlight me properly.18:13
niel__cscf awww!! thanks18:14
cscfniel__, no problem.  Welcome to IRC :)18:14
niel__cscf how are doing>18:14
niel__any cool stuff by ubuntu?18:15
cscfniel__, pretty good.  slow day at work.18:15
niel__cscf ohh!! me i dont have any job today i'm still learning liinux based courses18:16
PowerlessOerHeks, apparently it is a bug. I'll wait for them to fix it :D thanks18:16
lernerm locate radiotray < will find the radiotray directory, right?i have a mp4 file, there is a tv icon on the top right part of it. What can I use to delete it?18:17
niel__cscf anyway did virtualbox work correctly on ubuntu?18:17
lernerI have a mp4 file, there is a tv icon on the top right part of it. What can I use to delete it?18:17
cscfniel__, it works great, yes.18:18
duryhi there all :-)18:18
cscflerner, the file or the icon?18:18
niel__cscf good!! just i wanna install kali linux in that stuff18:18
lernerthe icon18:18
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durywhich the most stable lts release 14.04.4 or what?18:18
cscfniel__, after making the VM, go into its settings > networking > advanced , and change the NIC type to "virtio" instead of Intel.  makes networking faster.18:19
OerHekslerner, no software for that, AFAIK18:19
cscfdury, 16.04 LTS is fully released.18:19
lernerthere has to be something that allows me to plant a blank square over the icon...18:20
cscflerner, what is wrong with a TV icon?18:20
niel__cscf ohh!18:20
niel__cscf where do u stay?18:21
durycscf, did try that?18:21
cscfdury, what?18:21
cscfniel__, what do you mean?18:22
durycscf, if you tried that?18:22
niel__cscf your country18:22
cscfniel__, Canada18:22
niel__dury i have tried it few weeks18:22
cscfdury, I have tried 16.04, and it has worked fine.18:22
niel__ohh!! but for me it wasn't fully released18:23
durycscf, can it be download minimal *.iso18:23
niel__cscf why i can't click on settings in vm?18:24
cscfdury, what do you want that the desktop or server versions don't do?  The minimal is for you to custom build your own version.18:24
cscfniel__, is it grayed out?  VM has to shutdown before you can change most settings.18:24
durycscf, desktop... though18:25
niel__cscf perhaps because i haven't installed any OS in it?18:25
cscfniel__, VM settings shouldn't care.  What happens when you right-click on the VM in the menu and click Settings?18:26
duryhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/  good though :-)18:28
niel__dury do u have 32bit OS/18:28
durythe machine requires that, anyway!!! do you fancy with google niel_?18:29
niel__dury yes i do!18:31
niel__you too?18:31
durynot really it's getting to powerful company that doesn't respect the privacy18:32
duryniel__, see?18:33
duryniel__, see what I mean?18:33
niel__dury yes it is18:35
LinnakHi, Why gnome-look.org doesn't show up good on Ubuntu? On Windows it's fine but on Ubuntu there are no texts just images18:35
niel__dury anyway what do u do?18:35
niel__dury any great job?18:35
Yuri4_Hi guys, I have an Ubuntu instance running web server on bare metal. I need to migrate all the data so the web app is still functining to another hoster, to VM. What's the best way to do that?18:36
duryniel__, preparing an old laptop for my cousin18:36
cscfLinnak, looks fine to me18:36
duryniel__, not job.... chill out is better I guess though18:37
niel__durl that's good !18:37
OerHeksdury, niel__ please move the chitchat to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks18:37
niel__hhhhh! ok18:38
duryOerHeks, sorry... I promise no more.... don't hesitate18:38
OerHeksYuri4_,  backup all data/settings and start a fresh service, restore data and go?18:38
efmhow do I remove Amazon, permanently, from a fresh 16.04 install?18:38
yeatsLinnak: loads fine for me - maybe a FF ad-blocker or other add-on interfering?18:39
OerHeksYuri4_, tis page may be an example where files are located https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-back-up-a-lamp-server-with-bacula-on-ubuntu-14-0418:39
niel__emf just uninstall it18:40
BluesKajshuttleworth still allowing bloatware on unity, not surprising18:40
Yuri4_OerHeks, any guides? It's a web server. I will need to set up all the packages dependencies, permissions.18:40
efmniel__: if you were talking to me, it's not installed as a package18:40
niel__emf ohh! so?18:41
OerHeksYuri4_, just posted an url18:41
Yuri4_OerHeks, it's for back up. Can I just restore back up on another server?18:41
cscfefm, by "permanently" do you mean more thoroughly than turning online search off?18:41
OerHeksYuri4_, yes, if you have setup lamp on the target machine first.18:42
Linnakyeats, All addons are disabled http://i.imgur.com/3BlKeof.png18:42
Yuri4_OerHeks, thanks18:42
efmcscf: online search is not turned on. I have removed the application icon from the unity launcher, but I cannot figure out how to remove it from the list of suggested applications, because it's not an application (right clicking does nothing except offer to run it018:43
xanguaWhat does it run?18:44
efmxangua: it's a web app18:45
yeatsLinnak: have you tried in another browser?  (I'll suggest chromium-browser available in the Ubuntu repos if you don't have it installed)18:46
tewardis there any documentation anywhere how I can wire up an Ubuntu box with two ethernet adapters to intercept and monitor traffic going from one box to another?18:51
AndChat359961Do i know u S?18:52
yeatsteward: software-wise, look into wireshark (or its command-line equivalent tshark)18:52
tewardyeats: right, but I mean the networking side18:53
tewardnot the software side ;)18:53
tewardyeats: problem is it's not on the same switch, so I can't set up a LAGG / mirror port18:53
boxmeinunetbootin on osx can't find my fat32-formatted usb key19:04
cscfboxmein, try umounting it, (but not ejecting it)19:10
sauron_are you still here EriC^^?19:11
EriC^^hey sauron_19:11
sauron_i was told in \kubuntu you may be able to help with a grub problem19:12
boxmeincscf, diskutil unmount?19:12
EriC^^sauron_: what's the problem?19:13
kristonHas anyone been able to upgrade to 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS using an offline method where no internet access is available?  I'm aware Ubuntu doesn't want to support this anymore.19:13
SonikkuAmericaTried the ISO?19:13
SonikkuAmericakriston ^19:14
sauron_i messed up grub, dual booting with win10, worked fine until i installed another distro, got the minimal-bash grub, tried installing kubuntu over the other distro, same minimal-bash grub, read the package boot-repair might help, heres its output19:14
kristonSonikkuAmerica: Yes but the ISO upgrade is not supported for Ubuntu Server.  I forgot to mention this is for Ubuntu Server not desktop.19:14
ylarsonCan I migrate a workstation from NIS to Ldap/sssd (with homedir automount nfsv3) while a graphical user session is opened ?19:14
cscfkriston, I would seriously recommend doing a fresh install when jumping  that many versions, if possible19:14
sauron_it said something about efi19:14
ylarsonUID, GID are the same, passwords differs19:15
kristoncscf: I completely agree.  I'm having a challenge convincing my stakeholders of that unfortunately.19:15
SonikkuAmericakriston - an unofficial way would be to edit all the source lists to the correct version and use apt-offline, but it's messy19:15
ylarsonCan I migrate a workstation from NIS to Ldap/sssd (with homedir automount nfsv3) while a graphical user session is opened ? UID, GID, username are the same, only passwords differ19:15
kristonI've tried a number of different ways of using a locally-installed mirror and copying the changelogs.ubuntu.com to use my local copy but do-release-upgrade still tries to contact archive.ubuntu.com and it's drivng me insane.19:15
EriC^^sauron_: is uefi turned on?19:16
cscfSonikkuAmerica, couldn't you set the sources.list to use a 14.04 CD?  That way it would work on CD and upgrade.19:16
sauron_i dont think so, unless it turned back on, the only thing ive been doing is changing the boot order, could that be causing it?19:17
kristonI'm hoping to contact someone who knows someone who has done the offline upgrade using do-release-upgrade on Ubuntu Server.  I am so close but Ubuntu has admitted that they have proactively taken steps to prevent offline upgrading in this way.19:17
cscfSonikkuAmerica, something like that, but using a 14.04 CD to do the upgrade19:17
EriC^^sauron_: you need it on19:17
SonikkuAmericaWell, DVD/USB19:17
sauron_its in the bios isnt it?19:17
cscfsauron_, yes, it will be in BIOS settings19:17
sauron_gonna check it now19:18
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LinnakWhat do you use for video editing?19:22
lyzekdenlive for example Linnak19:23
LinnakYeah I think that would be the best if it didn't crash all the time19:23
fenecohi, I can't make a dvd work on ubuntu gnome 16.04, installed restricted extras but still doesn't play19:23
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fenecotried this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/video-dvd-restricted.html19:24
OerHeksfeneco, did you install "sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg" >> Follow libdvd-pkg's instructions to let it download, compile, and install libdvdcss.19:24
boxmeincscf, still doesn't19:24
OerHeksfeneco, then restart the mediaplayer19:24
fenecoOerHeks: I did19:24
cscffeneco, did you install libdvd-pkg ?19:25
mordoc_abfeneco: Does it work in VLC?19:25
OerHeksfeneco, try an other dvd, not all dvd's will play..19:25
fenecocscf: yes, it showed a screen in the terminal to confirm19:25
fenecoit doesn't work on vlc19:25
fenecolet me try another dvd19:25
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jiffeso I've installed ceph and had it running, on reboot it doesn't seem to be brought up and service ceph start doesn't start it, although service --status-all shows it as active19:26
jiffetried a stop/start with no effect, stop shows it inactive and start shows it active but its still not running19:26
fenecotried another dvd it's not even showing in the system19:26
fenecothis command doesn't work: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh19:27
JunkHunkhello I am using xchat2. is there a way to bring up old history?19:28
OerHeksfeneco, that command is for older versions. i have no clue why it doesnt work for you19:28
ylarsonCan I migrate a workstation from NIS to Ldap/sssd (with homedir automount nfsv3) while a graphical user session is opened ? UID, GID, username are the same, only passwords differ. thanks19:28
OerHeksxchat is no longer under development, i remember that logs are not enabled by default19:29
OerHekssee the settings for the place of the data, JunkHunk19:29
jiffehow does service --status-all determine if something is running?19:29
fenecoI will reboot19:30
jiffedaemon_is_running looks like it is checking the pid file but there is no ceph pid file so it can't be that19:30
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jiffeI'm really not liking systemd19:31
jiffeseems like we're s/fixing/breaking/ things that weren't broke19:33
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fenecodidnt help19:35
fenecocant watch my dvds on ubuntu19:37
ylarsonCan I migrate a workstation from NIS to Ldap/sssd (with homedir automount nfsv3) while a graphical user session is opened ? UID, GID, username are the same, only passwords differ19:37
reisioylarson: mmm, I would assume as per usual it will all work until you end a required process19:39
reisioit'll all be in memory19:39
reisiosame way you can use firefox after you've uninstalled it... as long as you don't close it or anything it requires19:39
ylarsonreisio: even if UID and GID are the same .19:40
reisiothat'd be my guess19:40
reisioI dare say having a reboot or re-login would be potentially smoother, though19:40
reisiomight talk to #linux19:40
ylarsonreisio: ok thanks :)19:40
reisioif it's not running something mission critical (which I'm guessing it isn't), then there's no real risk: have yourself an adventure19:41
ylarsonreisio: I cannot sent message to #linux, maybe I don't have a registere login19:41
reisioylarson: it's actually ##linux19:41
reisiobecause freenode is run by clowns19:42
reisiomost IRC clients will redirect for you19:42
OerHeksfeneco, time to install restricted extras .. if that does not help, then that dvd is one of the 0.3% that won't play19:42
ylarsonreisio: I think it's possible, there is no ticket (like kerberos), if ID are the same, I think it must be good19:42
ylarsonok :p19:42
fenecoOerHeks: i've already installed ubuntu-restricted-extras :(19:42
OerHeksor load the dvd and wait, sometimes clicking something does this too19:43
fl0k1Hey i have a question19:43
ylarson" send to channel" :s19:43
reisioylarson: I think until all the processes already in use are killed, they will work fine the old way; and afterwards only the new19:43
ThisIsWillsterHey, I need serious help here.19:43
reisioThisIsWillster: serious help granted19:43
ThisIsWillsterI have a problem, deep shit.19:43
fl0k1i have a problem with my wifi driver19:43
fenecoOerHeks: i will try with another dvd now19:44
ThisIsWillsterOK, soon I have a windows 10 PC, it was resetting once and now there's no OS, it will not boot. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 16.04 on it. Anny tips?19:44
fenecoonly the seinfeld dvd is identified, but doesn't play19:45
fenecoother dvds dont even show the dvd files19:45
ylarsonreisio: I cant send message on ##linux ... So you think, I have to reboot after migrating ?19:45
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Can you boot from a USB key, assuming that's how you were trying to install?19:45
ThisIsWillsterNo, I can't access the BIOS.19:45
fl0k1how can i install this: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005511.html drivers?19:46
reisioylarson: mmm, you might have to be registered and identified, too: /msg nickserv help register /msg nickserv help identify19:46
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: So, just to check; it won't let you get to the BIOS?19:46
reisioylarson: I think you can either reboot to make a clean break, or just wait for all processes to end, or just end all processes19:46
reisiothe formermost and lattermost would be most sane, IMO19:46
reisiothe lattermost would be the most efficient, avoiding a reboot, but19:47
ylarsonreisio: ok, thanks19:47
reisioif it's not a "production" system, avoiding a reboot is not particularly important19:47
ThisIsWillsterNope, it displays no prompts (F12 for BIOS etc.) Just a blank screen with an ASUS logo slap banng in the middle19:47
reisioworth a try first, though; they do wear hardware more, reboots19:47
ylarsonreisio: reboot all workstation with a sessions tunning, is not very simply ...19:48
ThisIsWillsterI did create a bootable stick with unetbootin on the Mac, but can't tell it to boot off it, as its scanning for an OS. It's been like this for ages, leave it on and it does the same thing.19:48
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Hmm, sounds like our Lenovo's here. While it doesn't display it pressing F1 repeatedly during boot still brings up a BIOS screen though.19:48
reisioending all user-related processes would be simpler and better for the hardware, indeed19:48
ThisIsWillsterKk, I'll try it now (5mins)19:49
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: brb myself...19:49
ylarsonreisio: so the better is to migrate at startup : cron @reboot for example ?19:50
reisioylarson: avoiding reboots is always better, except when: the effort/time involved in avoiding the reboot is much greater19:51
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ThisIsWillsterTried spamming F12. No good.19:52
ylarsonquelqu'un s'y connait en NIS / LDAP avec automontage des home en NFSv3, j'ai une question pour migrer NIS => LDAP pour savoir si cela peut se faire session ouverte19:53
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ThisIsWillsterTried hitting F1. Has a little ZZZ icon on it but it has turned the computer off.19:54
ylarsonreisio: ok, I chat with you here ;)19:55
ylarsonmy english is so bad ...19:56
huuygt77is anyone here?19:57
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Makes sense as it's one of those dual function things when it is booted inside the OS. But during boot it did nothing eh?19:57
ylarsonreisio: Process A is lanching using UID/GID provided by NIS, I replace NIS to LDAP (with same UID/GID), process A is impacted ?19:57
ThisIsWillsterNope. I did try putting the USB in. No luck with that either. Is it a potato then?19:58
huuygt77this is the first time i have been on irc!19:58
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Apparently on the ASUS machines, you are to hit the delete key repeatedly for the bios19:58
ThisIsWillsterKk, I'll try that19:58
huuygt77what type of asus? a new one19:58
huuygt77if it has uefi it will be hard for you19:59
ThisIsWillsterThank you mordoc®19:59
ThisIsWillsterIt worked19:59
ThisIsWillsterIn to the bios19:59
OerHekshuuygt77, uefi is no problem19:59
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:59
huuygt77uefi is utter rubbish20:00
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Other sites are saying that F2 is the key. Wow ASUS get it right eh?20:00
huuygt77why mac had to make life diffricult i dont know20:00
ThisIsWillsterYep! Thank you so much I've never got his far20:01
ThisIsWillsterWhat doo I do now20:01
BluesKajyou can thank intel for that altho microsoft is to blame as well20:01
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huuygt77wow what a busy channel20:02
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: I would check the boot options to see you can set the USB key as a boot option.20:03
ThisIsWillsterHey <mordoc_ab> what doo I'd do now I'm in the. Bios20:03
reisioylarson: would be nice if there were a clearcut howto on the matter, wouldn't it20:04
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Another thing to consider is that you could try a recovery on the Windows 10 install too. I think you press F8 during the boot process.20:04
ThisIsWillsterI'm in a menu, it says BOOT at the top. It has 4 options : Add boot option Select Filesystem Path for boot option and Create20:04
reisioylarson: seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer20:04
jiffehow does one troubleshoot systemd process startup issues when systemctl status shows Active: active (exited)20:05
ThisIsWillsterTried resetting. No luck20:05
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Wow, not something that I've seen on our machines here. I'd try in boot options and see if USB drive is listed and if you can enable it somehow.20:06
ThisIsWillsterNope. Closest I can get is BOOT. Add new boot option.20:07
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Might want to try the Windows 10 recovery option instead. At least would get you back to a working system while you read up on booting to Linux on this guy.20:10
OerHekssome bios versions you need to set bootorder(usb) and hdd order, there would appear the usb as device too20:10
coolmadmaxThisIsWillster, reboot laptop and pres etc to boot menu20:10
huuygt77windows sucks20:10
coolmadmaxThisIsWillster, esc20:11
huuygt77debian or freebsd is better than ubuntu20:11
reisiogood story20:11
nacchuuygt77: please stay on topic20:11
OerHekshuuygt77, please keep this channel free for support20:11
ThisIsWillsterNope mordoc_ab the F8 thing don't work. ;(20:11
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: coolmadmax might on the right idea here. The web says ESC will give a boot menu...20:13
ThisIsWillsterIt doors thanks madmax20:14
mordoc_abcoolmadmax: Well done sir.20:15
jhinkleyhi, how do I give write permission to an hfs+ external hd20:15
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ThisIsWillsterIt did say it wood boot. It didn't. Shall I install it on the boorable USB agaiin?20:16
ThisIsWillsterOh OK. Soory. Bootable USB is empty. No files :020:18
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: I would.20:18
ThisIsWillsterSo try again with the bootable stick?20:19
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: If it completes as it should on your Mac, I think you should see some folders on such on the drive when the process completes. Sorry it's been awhile since I did this on a Mac.20:19
ThisIsWillsterMy mistake. I thought it was bootabble :P20:20
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Don't be too hard on yourself. I've had mixed results with uNetBootin...20:21
ThisIsWillsterYeah...cheers m8. Just erased it now.20:22
thenickmandoes dd still work for usb imaging?20:22
Threadnaughtdo you guys support cub, I would ask in their irc channel but it's a bit empty right now20:22
OerHeksthenickman, sure, but do perform 'sync' after that.20:22
ThisIsWillsterLol, watching horrid henry while waiting.20:23
tgm4883Threadnaught: what is cub?20:23
Threadnaughttgm4883: cub linux? its based off ubuntu20:23
tgm4883Threadnaught: oh, then no20:23
le_pigIsn't cub Chromium?20:23
OerHeksoh, forks are not supported here, the have their own issues20:23
ThreadnaughtI understand, It's just that I have audio problems and based on googling i think ubuntu people have similar problems20:24
ThisIsWillsterGonna take a while20:24
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Sweet, well enjoy the new found freedom of Ubuntu...20:25
ThisIsWillsterYep love ubuntu more than windows. It just feels relaxing. So seeing as it's free, and my PC Is crying out to me. I'll give it a go. I have also had loads of Ubuntu virtual machines and they're great. So I'll go for it.20:27
tgm4883Threadnaught: while it's possible, we're not sure what changes cub people have done. That is why we direct you to their channel20:27
Threadnaughttgm4883: I understand, I'm gonna go shout into an empty channel now20:28
tgm4883Threadnaught: ok20:28
tgm4883Threadnaught: seriously though, that is all the more reason to use a well supported distro20:28
whlaihello all20:28
whlaineed a fireman20:28
jhinkleyhey, I know I am asking again, but how do I grant write permission to an hfsplus external hd20:29
whlaiHere's the story .... Have a drive that had Windows and Ubuntu installed. Ubuntu was acting up so went to do a reinstall. When I did the reinstall, I chose the first option rather than "something else".20:29
jhinkleyi tried to edit /etc/fstab a certain way but to no avail20:30
K-archchmod 77520:30
whlaiAt this moment, there's only Windows partitions and EXT4 partition that is empty (I deleted contents)20:30
ThisIsWillster<whlai> oh god, so you formatted the whole drive?20:30
jhinkleyi tried to do chmod 777 but that did not work20:30
whlaiJust the partitions where Ubuntu was20:30
whlaiBut Grub doesn't have Windows anymore20:30
OerHeksjhinkley, by disabling journaling, but you don't want that...20:31
whlaiHow do I re-add windows to grub20:31
ThisIsWillsterOh its done20:31
EriC^^whlai: you might have formatted the efi partition20:31
EriC^^whlai: are you in ubuntu right now?20:31
mordoc_abjhinkley: AskUbuntu has a good deal of entries that might help. Too involved to type it all here...20:31
jhinkleyi hear that you can mount -o force without disabling journaling20:31
K-archdo            ls -la          and see who has ownership of  the files20:31
whlaiI'm in the installer now20:31
whlaiUSB installer20:32
ThisIsWillsterOh thank you so much20:32
EriC^^whlai: can you get a terminal?20:32
whlaiwith a EXT4 partition available for the Ubuntu reinstall20:32
whlailet me finish the reinstall and then I can20:32
ThisIsWillsterOK just selected install Ubuntu20:32
EriC^^whlai: is there an efi partition? fat3220:32
whlaiEric^^: I do not see one20:33
whlaiI have:20:33
OerHeksjhinkley, no, and askubuntu says either: disable journaling .. http://askubuntu.com/questions/714545/cannot-mount-hfs-partition-on-read-write20:33
OerHeksbut you don't want that.20:33
whlaisda1 (ntfs) sda2 (ntfs) sda5 (ext4) sda3 (ntfs)20:33
whlaiin that order20:33
K-archthen do chown  -R you:you the files folder20:34
whlaisda1 is 104MB20:34
jhinkleyit says user 99 owns it20:34
OerHeks( i wouldn't too) so make a ntfs / ext3/4 partition on that drive and share it that way20:34
ThisIsWillsterMordoc_ab its done20:34
srdjanHi. Trying to install kubuntu 16.04 from DVD... the installer makes no mention that it will partition using GPT... is this ok?20:34
ThisIsWillsterJust installing. Thank you so much!!20:34
K-archyeah 99 sounds wrong should be like 1000 or 100120:35
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: Coolmadmax is the one that deserves the credit. Glad that your to the install point.20:35
whlaiWhen I do my reinstall, where should I put the boot loader installation?20:35
whlaijust sda?20:35
EriC^^whlai: /dev/sda20:35
ThisIsWillsterThanks coolmadmax and mordooc_ab20:35
daniel01Hi, regarding ubuntu snaps does appimage and flatpak address the same issue?20:36
ThisIsWillsterJust entering WiFi stuff.20:36
K-archexample is sudo chown  -R k-arch:k-arch folder20:36
whlaiNo root file system is defined20:36
coolmadmaxThisIsWillster, you're welcome20:36
whlaifixed that20:36
jhinkleyOerHeks, I was looking at this: https://raamdev.com/2008/mounting-hfs-with-write-access-in-debian/0 020:37
ThisIsWillsterI can now use this damn PC again. Tip for your kids, never buy a Windows PC.20:37
jhinkleyis that not ok20:37
OerHeksjhinkley, again: there is no way without disabling journaling , so make a ntfs / ext3/4 partition on that drive and share it that way20:39
jhinkleyok, any quick lesson on how to do that20:39
K-arch HFS filesystem <<< that's your problem20:39
whlaiAlright, how should I install this 14.04 in the free space?20:40
EriC^^whlai: yeah20:40
whlailogical it is20:41
whlaiwith a mount point /20:41
auronandacewhlai: / is the only mountpoint you need to specify, yes20:41
reokie /close20:45
fenecoseems to be an issue with ubuntu only, osx and windows could play my dvds :(20:48
whlaiEriC^^: can you point me to a decent resource to get Windows partition associated with Grub again?20:48
palli_Good evening.20:49
=== palli_ is now known as CheetahPixie
auronandace!dvd | feneco20:49
ubottufeneco: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:49
OerHeksauronandace, apt-get install libdvd-pkg seems not to work for him20:50
auronandacewhlai: grub should automatically detect your windows installation and offer it as a boot option20:50
mordoc_abThisIsWillster: How's the install going?20:50
fenecoyea :(20:50
fenecoI think I can live with that, no DVDs20:52
CheetahPixieJust wanted to show dad around Linux a bit20:52
CheetahPixie"but I will get a GUI, right?"20:52
CheetahPixie"of course you will"20:52
fenecoI will try to purge and reinstall20:52
CheetahPixiewas pretty much trying to demonstrate to old pops that Linux is built on top of the text mode, not just a pure GUI thing like Windows20:53
OerHeksCheetahPixie, show him alsamixer in terminal  :-D20:53
CheetahPixieI should have20:54
CheetahPixie(I actually just used the ttys because I fucking loved the hell out of them while programming Java, Python and other stuff for class, and I used it also to test everything, because "everything" was a console program)20:54
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dewdlwhats the joke about alsamixer?20:55
CheetahPixieVolume control via terminal20:55
CheetahPixiealso I know there are terminal audio players20:55
CheetahPixiewelcome new folk20:55
redtuxedocashdoes sudo apt-get install and sudo apt install, have the same role and doesn't have any impact anything at all?20:56
OerHeksredtuxedocash, as of 16.04, no difference20:56
OerHeksyou still can use them both*20:56
CheetahPixieThat reminds me, how do I access a non-booted partition's recycle bin?20:56
auronandaceCheetahPixie: first you'd need to mount the partition20:57
CheetahPixieIt's mounted.20:57
CheetahPixieJust don't know where it is.20:58
CheetahPixie(too used to Debian at this point I guess)20:58
\9CheetahPixie: mount -l20:59
\9CheetahPixie: should show it20:59
CheetahPixiecan't see a bin21:00
fenecois there any other video player I could try isntead of VLC?21:00
CheetahPixie\9 I am just missing the location of the recycle bin. The partition itself is mounted, and I'm stuck @nautilus21:01
\9I don't know by heart where the recycle bin is21:02
alpha__feneco try gnome mpv21:02
alpha__in the repo21:02
fenecoalpha__: you mean the default video software on gnome?21:02
alpha__not sure what is default for your installation21:03
fenecosmplayer worked =D21:03
alpha__atp-get install gnome-mpv21:03
OerHeksoh, so it was a VLC issue, feneco ? :-(21:04
alpha__*apt-get install gnome-mpv21:04
fenecoOerHeks: seems that on Gnome Videos and VLC it doesn't work21:04
CheetahPixiewait no21:04
CheetahPixiedoesn't work21:04
CheetahPixiei'm dumb21:05
CheetahPixiefuck you windows for making me ignore the capital T21:05
CheetahPixiesorry mr T21:05
fenecoOerHeks: I think it's something between the codecs/dvd driver, now it worked on VLC21:05
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:05
fenecoi didnt install anything new but the smplayer21:05
CheetahPixiestill no21:05
m3n3chm0do you know if jdownloader2 handle torrents ¿?21:06
fenecobut quality is worse than windows mpc-hc and the dvd player on OSX21:06
CheetahPixiefound it21:06
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CheetahPixiefor anyone else wondering21:06
fenecobut I am happy that it worked21:07
henry__como mapear unidades de red windows en linux?21:09
henry__how to map network drives windows linux?21:09
auronandace!samba | henry__21:10
ubottuhenry__: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html21:10
henry__ok. Thansk21:11
samthewildoneI am unable to run executable even with proper permissions.21:11
samthewildonedax, well then21:12
OerHeksgrinn, blackbox21:12
samthewildoneOerHeks, :|21:12
samthewildoneOerHeks, I have a lot of computers on my network which start with black.21:13
volumeprobsHey everyopne. VLC 2.1.6 on Xubuntu 14.04 having low volume problems only with SOME movies. Music and other movies even of same file type and uploader play fine. The problem movies also play fine on VLC/OSX.Have chekcked and reset system and VLC audi with no change. Problem was duplicated with another Ubuntu based distro Elementary OS on VLC.21:14
volumeprobsHave to crank system and VLC volume to highest level to barely hear. It's all volume not just a dynamic issue. Same thing happens with SMPlayer and Totem21:14
volumeprobs The problem movies play fine on other OS's with VLC or other players21:15
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OerHekssamthewildone,  if you are trying AA, ./run25Assist > https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Spiele/Americas_Army/21:16
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m3n3chm0do you know if jdownloader2 handle torrents ¿?21:19
samthewildoneI think I know what problem is .21:19
CheetahPixieI showed dad alsamixer21:19
CheetahPixie"i have nothing to do with any of this"21:19
CheetahPixieoh, how little you know, old man21:19
StNicolasAnother question ... I have a wifi dongle with a RTL 8814AU chipset.  The seller said it was compatible Linux. I haven't found that to be true.  I've googled it, but can't find the driver for this under Ubuntu.  Any takers for the question?21:20
CheetahPixieTry plugging it in.21:20
CheetahPixieDoes it work instantly?21:20
CheetahPixieIf no, hold on.21:20
StNicolasCheetahPixie: No it doesn't.  That's why I am asking for help21:21
CheetahPixieOne moment.21:21
StNicolasCheetahPixie: Thx21:21
jarlopezIs it a faux-pas to cross-post questions on AskUbuntu and StackOverflow?21:22
CheetahPixieI remember encountering something of this sort before.21:24
CheetahPixieThey had a driver on a disk.21:24
CheetahPixieDid one come with your adapter?21:24
CheetahPixieIt says on realtek.com.tw they have a Linux driver, kernel 2 and 3.21:25
StNicolasCheetahPixie: I saw a mini CD21:25
StNicolasI think I still have it21:26
CheetahPixieInsert it.21:26
CheetahPixieWhich is this: USB or PCI device, StNicolas ?21:27
StNicolasCheetahPixie: USB Wifi dongle21:29
StNicolasCheetahPixie: Just found the CD21:30
ubuntuFOLKHello. I've gone through the process of installing a partition that wasn't showing. Now how do I make it boot again?21:30
CheetahPixieubuntuFOLK : If you got something else that can boot into a Linux session and has GRUB, issue grub-update on it and see if it picks up the partition that's not booting. If it does, boot into it, and issue grub-update on it also, see if it finds itself. If it does, it should be solved.21:31
CheetahPixieStNicolas : Does it have any drivers on it?21:32
StNicolasCheetahPixie: I'm trying to find the CD21:32
mentoc_is there a setting to use /etc/cron.d/crond instead of crontab -e?21:32
ubuntuFOLKCheetahPixie, just grub-update? don't I need to do any previous steps like mounting and editing files etc?21:32
mentoc_cron is ignoring /etc/cron.d/crond21:33
mentoc_but it honors crontab -e entries21:33
CheetahPixiegrub-update should be enough to *find* a partition from which to boot.21:33
CheetahPixieand then use GRUB after a reboot to boot into it.21:33
ubuntuFOLKok lemme try21:33
StNicolasCheetahPixie: It's a mini CD21:34
LTCDHey I just installed Tomcat on Ubuntu server within my virtualmachine. I know it's running on port 8080, but how can I get the IP address of the box? :/21:35
CheetahPixieDidn't you say you found it?21:35
StNicolasCheetahPixie: It's not showing up in "files"21:35
CheetahPixieMaybe check check http://www.realtek.com.tw/Downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PFid=7&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3 ?21:36
StNicolasCheetahPixie: I put the physical CD in the drive, but, unlike most CDs, I don't have a popup and can't find it in a file system21:36
StNicolasCheetahPixie: Not really alright, but I'm trying to find it through software21:37
CheetahPixieOnly thing I can say is check whether the disc has scratches, or rebooting, but that might sound dumb.21:37
ubuntuFOLKoh, looks like this distro doesn't have grub, I get "grub-update command not found"21:37
CheetahPixieWhat does it have?21:38
CheetahPixieLILO? Something else?21:38
ubuntuFOLKit's ubuntu mate edition21:38
LTCDHow do I get IP of virtualbox?21:38
StNicolasCheetahPixie: Finally, it showed up21:39
StNicolasCheetahPixie: In which directory should I look?21:39
CheetahPixieCan you install it?21:39
CheetahPixieStNicolas: I would suggest searching the entire disc. It might be in some archaic folder.21:40
ubuntuFOLKCheetahPixie, if last message was for me, what's the name of the pkg?21:40
CheetahPixieLook around for an .sh file.21:40
CheetahPixieubuntuFOLK: I think grub is the metapackage. Try that?21:40
CheetahPixieStNicolas: If you find an .sh file, there should be a readme around that folder also.21:40
* ubuntuFOLK installing grub21:40
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ubuntuFOLKis grub-update the same as update-grub? coz the first one returns "command not found" but the second one works21:42
CheetahPixieLet the latter run21:42
CheetahPixiesee if it pops up with entries for the bootloader21:42
CheetahPixieif yes, then I mixed the commands up (again)21:42
ubuntuFOLKno, it only found memtest entries21:43
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK:  CheetahPixie  Do *not* install the "grub" package.21:43
StNicolasCheetahPixie: Listen, I have the following directories ... "ASM1042USB3.0", Express to esata","Express to RS232","FL1000USB3.0","NECUSB3.0",two directories that start PCMCIA,"SIL3132","SIL3512",and "VIAUSB2.0"21:43
ubuntuFOLKJordan_U, I've already installed it. Why not?21:43
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK: Because that installs grub legacy,and you want grub2 (which is what Ubuntu comes with by default).21:44
ubuntuFOLKJordan_U, should I reboot live cd and start over without installing grub?21:44
CheetahPixieapt-get install grub2 I guess21:45
StNicolasCheetahPixie: For the moment, I only have USB2.0, but will have a USB3.0 solution Monday21:45
Jordan_UCheetahPixie: Please stop guessing. If you don't know the answer, no answer is better than the wrong one.21:46
ubuntuFOLKtrying to install grub2 now gives me dependencies conflicts. I'll just reboot and start over. BRB21:46
CheetahPixieWell, I solved this problem myself a ways back so the answer's probably covered with more rust than a '80something Citroen.21:47
CheetahPixieStNicolas: Did you find any .sh files, at all, on the disc?21:47
CheetahPixieIf you do find .sh files, there should be readmes in the same folders that tell you what the driver is for.21:48
CheetahPixieAnd, without doubt, one of these *should* contain your RTL8814AU.21:48
StNicolasCheetahPixie: The closest I've found is Fedora or SUSE, but there are several directories21:49
CheetahPixieYou're using a graphical file manager, yeah?21:50
CheetahPixieShould be a search function in those.21:50
CheetahPixieAre Fedora and SUSE the only things you see, Linux related?21:50
CheetahPixieThere might be a "generic" directory for these, too, so watch out.21:50
CheetahPixieGeneric ones generally contain bare code that compiles itself into a kernel module at .sh run time and drops it in.21:51
ubuntuFOLKok I'm back...21:51
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK: OK. So to be clear. You have Ubuntu installed but you can't currently boot from it. Correct?21:52
ubuntuFOLKsome ubuntues and a mint install. If I can recover any of them I will be able to recover the otheres on my own.21:53
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK: OK. What happens when you try to boot right now?21:53
ubuntuFOLKgrub rescue21:53
StNicolasCheetahPixie: I haven't yet found something except a couple versions, apparently, for Fedora (like 4 directories that start with "Fedora..." and as many "SUSE..."21:53
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK: Do you see an error message before the grub rescue prompt?21:54
CheetahPixieWhat do the Fedora/SUSE directories contain?21:54
CheetahPixiePackages or source?21:54
ubuntuFOLKthere are one of two lines before the grub rescue prompt. I think it's something like "can't find partition" but don't remember exactly. Should I copy that down now?21:54
ubuntuFOLKone *or two21:55
Jordan_UStNicolas: I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope for any "drivers" on that CD. At best you're going to find source code written against an ancient kernel that doesn't compile with a modern kernel.21:55
staeksauceevery time I reboot I have to reset my sound output to my headphones to hear anything, is there a way to make my headphones the default sound output?21:55
StNicolasJordan_U: But there must be a solution21:56
CheetahPixieThe madman in me says compile the code blindly21:56
StNicolasI don't know, but I'll keep searching21:56
ubuntuFOLKAlso, I recently got those partitions to show again in apps such as gparted becuase I only saw unallocated space before21:56
CheetahPixieThe sensible me says look at the link I tossed earlier21:56
CheetahPixie(which seems to be a fairly recent driver)21:56
CheetahPixie(and a generic one)21:56
fenecohi, suddenly my chrome tabs style changed on chrome, did it update for you too?21:57
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK: How did you "get them to show again"?21:57
ubuntuFOLKwith testdisk21:57
CheetahPixieStNicolas google + "rtl8814au driver" leads to "realtek.com.tw" on which I spotted a download for a Linux driver for 2.4.x, 2.6.x and 3.x21:57
CheetahPixiehe left21:57
CheetahPixiewell, i tried21:58
CheetahPixiethanks Jordan_U for helping out the helpless (me included)21:58
ubuntuFOLKI could only get some of them to show again, I had so many partitions it was impossible for me to figure the right structyure in testdisk, so I just reenabled the most vital ones (the ubuntues and the mint partition)21:58
Jordan_U!bootinfo | ubuntuFOLK21:59
ubottuubuntuFOLK: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.21:59
CheetahPixieI'm going now.22:00
CheetahPixieI am on a "borrowed" machine I should be installing 16.04 to...22:00
CheetahPixieJust got front panel USB working so woo22:00
CheetahPixieanyway, thanks guys and seeyou22:00
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK: Please use http://sprunge.us or another service that can give a "raw" plain text link to the RESULTS.txt though. I'm currently using dialup and so pretty much anything more than the text of the paste is going to be too heavy to load reasonably :)22:00
ubuntuFOLKJordan_U, ok one sec22:01
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ubuntuFOLKoh how do I use the sprunge?22:05
snfgfcan I enable only certain users to login via ssh using password authentication?22:06
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK: cat RESULTS.txt | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us22:08
OerHekssnfgf, 2 answers, i would make a group, http://serverfault.com/questions/387121/restrict-password-based-ssh-access-per-user-but-allow-key-authentication22:08
snfgfOerHeks, that sounds like a good idea22:09
ubuntuFOLKJordan_U, curl not installed/installable, had to use pastebinit: http://sprunge.us/GIQb22:10
snfgfOerHeks, so 'PasswordAuthentication no\n Match ssh_users PasswordAuthentication yes'22:13
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OerHeksMatch group ssh_users22:14
snfgflol, I'm a moron22:14
ubuntuFOLKI've only got a 500gb hard disk btw22:15
iosahhow can I get the latest VLC on 14.04? Using Software Center and apt-get update it won't go past 2.16 which is quite old22:15
iosah2.16 has some issues that I am told are fixed in more current iterations22:15
ubuntuFOLK"/dev/sdb" is the live usb I'm currently using22:15
snfgfOerHeks, just a 'groupadd ssh_users', it should not need to be a system group, right?22:16
Conderhi, i have one small problem, i installed ubuntu to dualboot with win10. after installation i restarted PC but now i cant boot ubuntu. i dont see it in UEFI boot menu22:16
OerHekssnfgf, yes, a seperate 'system' group22:16
snfgfOerHeks, that would mean using the '-r' flag? Why a system group rather than a regular group? The only difference it seems is the range from which gid is allocated.22:17
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK: I don't see any Ubuntu onstallation there so lets move to #grub.22:19
OerHekssnfgf, good point, systemwide or just local ..22:19
ubuntuFOLKJordan_U, but there are ubuntu installs, gparted shows them22:19
OerHekssnfgf, i assume systemwide22:20
snfgfOerHeks, worked very well, thank you22:24
Jordan_UubuntuFOLK: What partition do you think contains Ubuntu?22:26
ubuntuFOLKI'll tell you...22:26
ubuntuFOLKthere are some ~200mb partitions. Those are boot partitions for various ubuntus.22:28
C_minushaven't been able to use apt-get lately, "...you have held broken packages", I suspect because I blocked several updates for a while. How can I fix this?22:30
OerHekswithout blocked updates, i would say install -f22:31
OerHekswhy block updates, they might have caused your situation..22:31
C_minusOerHeks kernel updates don't play nice with my nvidia drivers, so I blocked them the last few weeks because I've been too busy to deal with not having a desktop environment.22:33
ubuntuFOLKI just checked and the error is indeed "no such partition"22:34
mangix hello, i have an issue with a CIFS entry in fstab where it prevents shutdown. basically, systemd kills networkmanager and then tries to unmount the CIFS entry. anyone know how to make it unmount before NetworkManager gets killed?22:42
snfgfI can't seem to kill stopped jobs. '# kill -SIGINT $(jobs -p)'; that should work?22:44
Kenrinkill 'jobs -ps'22:46
Kenriner wait22:47
Kenrinyou need the sig22:47
Kenrinkill -9 $(jobs -p)22:48
snfgfKenrin, Which signal does -9 correspond to?22:51
snfgfIt worked, but 'kill -SIGTERM' and 'kill -SIGINT' do not22:51
Kenrin-15 is sigterm.  Not sure what sigint is22:51
Exagone313Kenrin: for next time, here a page where you have the list of signals https://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Sending_signal_to_Processes22:58
Exagone313kill -l22:59
ninjahis there a way to list user information? I22:59
ninjahI'd like to see things like phone number etc22:59
MonkeyDustninjah  that's not appropriate for this channel22:59
ninjahnot for IRC23:00
ninjahbut for a linux system23:00
Exagone313what information?23:00
ninjahwhen you add a new user to a linux box it will ask for things like phone number.23:00
ninjahhow do you list that info23:00
bazhangninjah, memorize your own number23:00
Exagone313I don't know where it is stored, and if there are commands to list those information23:01
Exagone313look into that23:01
Ben64i think you use 'finger'23:01
bazhangninjah, sounds like you want to crack or something23:01
ninjahno cracking here23:01
bazhangninjah, we wont help with that23:01
ninjahjust trying to look up user information on a system23:01
Exagone313ninjah: see ##linux23:01
Exagone313ask where it is stored and how to get it23:02
ninjahI'm just looking for the info you add with the command "useradd"23:02
Exagone313oops it's #ubuntu here23:03
Exagone313I thought I was on another channel23:03
Ben64yep, it's finger23:03
Kenrinninjah is trying to finger people ?23:03
ninjahKenrin Ben64 Thanks!23:04
Conderhi, please can someone help me? i cant boot ubuntu after installation, its not visible in uefi boot menu. boot-repair log: http://paste2.org/1kfzFHtU23:10
OerHeksConder, see line 1093 Please disable SecureBoot in the BIOS. Then try again.Do you want to continue?23:11
Conderi tried it, didnt help23:12
OerHeksreinstall the grub-efi-amd64-signed of sda5 is needed ..23:12
Conderhow to do it pls?23:13
Extreminadorhi guys i have installed on a friend laptop the ubuntu but i think there is some key being always pressed23:17
Extreminadorsince the start of the computer... is there any way to disable that key and any way to know what key is being pressed contantly ?23:17
ziggy_perhaps he as sticky keys?23:18
ziggy_try cleaning it.23:18
GinI've been looking into exchanging the kernel on installation media for a custom one, the current kernel lacks modules that I require to get WiFi working on a tablet I got laying around. Would love to push those modules into the kernel on the stick. So I get internet access while installing atleast. Is it just a matter of compiling the kernel, and moving the kernel to casper/vmlinuz or do I have to take further steps?23:18
KenrinGot to rename it in grub menu too23:19
Extreminadorhumm ziggy_ it's weard cause it seems it only happens when computer is botting23:19
sodomyHi, got an interesting problem.  I'm trying to enable more console ttys - i've made X11 start on another tty, and configured logind.conf to start more ttys.  But, no matter what I try, it won't start a getty on tty7 - any ideas?23:19
GinKenrin, that is noted, but I assume your thinking it'll work?23:19
Extreminadori am atm with libreoffice open and no key is being pressed23:19
Guest61626i'm on a 16.04 live system. why can't i write to my internal drive, but i can to my usb drive?23:19
KenrinIt should work just fine as long as the compile goes through23:20
KenrinI do it all the time at work23:20
Extreminadorbut when it's booting sometimes appears ^[[C allot of times others the ubuntu image boot keeps blinking23:20
GinKenrin, great, then I got some hope getting this bay trail monster working. Thanks23:20
Ben64Guest61626: likely because you don't own the directory you're attempting to write to23:21
Guest61626is there a way i can temporarily own it like it's my own ~/ ?23:22
Ben64can you explain exactly what you're doing23:22
Guest61626my drive containing / died, and i want access to my home folder while i wait for my new SSD in the mail.23:23
KenrinGin: Wait this is for installation not after you install ?23:23
GinKenrin, this is for installation23:23
KenrinThat is a bit more work23:23
Ben64Guest61626: you should still be able to access your home directory if your uid is the same23:24
Guest61626how do I check this?23:24
Kenringin: see this link it'll explain faster than I can type it out: http://askubuntu.com/questions/94156/installing-with-a-different-kernel23:24
Ben64Guest61626: mount it, browse to your home directory23:24
GinKenrin, Thanks alot!23:24
Ben64Guest61626: wait the drive died? how are you accessing it23:25
Guest61626i have two drives23:25
Guest61626one was /home and only /home23:25
Guest61626the one containing /boot and / is dead, and i'm using a live system until my new drive gets here23:25
* Guest61626 prays the uptime gods love me, i've reinstalled chrome three times this week23:26
GinGuest61626, How come? I never had chrome crash on me23:27
Guest61626Gin, i'm using a live system23:28
flymasteralgum brasileiro?23:28
GinGuest61626, ah, no persistance? :P23:28
nacc!br | flymaster23:28
ubottuflymaster: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.23:28
Guest61626i wondered if it'd be easy enough to just create a new user with a matching name and to remount the drive under /home ?23:29
Ben64Guest61626: you'd need the same uid, name doesn't matter23:30
=== DropItLikeItsHot is now known as AfroThundr
Guest61626is there a way i can see what my uid should be?23:31
Ben64ls -ln /path/to/your/home23:31
Guest61626 it says 1000. isn't that root?23:32
Ben640 is root23:32
Ben641000 is normally the first human user on the system23:33
Guest61626so... how do i change my uid to 1000? is this safe?23:33
Ben64not sure you can on livecd... what is your uid now? "id" to check23:34
Guest61626i don't get it.23:34
Guest61626what's funny?23:36
Ben64they set the live user to 999 instead of 100023:36
Guest61626is that bad?23:37
Ben64you can either chown to 999 to get access, use persistence and add a user with uid 1000, or use persistence and add yourself to gid 100023:37
Ben64or just use sudo when you want to access something23:37
KenrinYou can't chroot into the system ?23:38
Guest61626are there any drawbacks to chown 999?23:38
KenrinOh he only has a home folder23:38
Guest61626kenrin, the drive containing / is dead23:39
Guest61626will chown 999 + mount /dev/sdx /home + logout make make it my new ~/ ?23:40
Guest61626or should i adduser --uid 1000 --home /path/to/home ?23:42
Perc1valMy wifi connects for 5 minutes then disconnects unless i restart my computer. Thing I found searching haven't helped. Can someone help? I'm on 14.0423:43
KenrinGuest61626: either way should work but I'd probably just make a new user to keep it simple23:44
Guest61626Kenrin, is there anything i should do or avoid when making my new user?23:46
KenrinNah,  just set the uid to 100023:47
Kenrinmount your /home/whatever23:48
Kenrinthen don't reboot unless you want to do it over again23:48
snfgferror: cannot find shared library libevent.2.so.whatever23:48
Guest61626i know i can't reboot.23:48
snfgfI have libevent in /usr/local/lib23:48
snfgfand put a symlink in /usr/lib23:48
Guest61626trying to figure out how to get nvidia drivers to work without a reboot has been a hassle23:49
Kenrin64-bit system snfgf ?23:49
Kenrin /usr/lib64/23:49
snfgfKenrin, thank you23:49
alex_fidelisalgum brasileiro23:52
alex_fidelismy niggaz23:53
KenrinThat was random...23:53
Guest61626so if i wanted to load the proprietary nvidia driver without rebooting, is there anything special i need to do besides kill X, rmmod nouveau and modprobe nvidia then restart X?23:56
Guest61626the last time i tried this i got a blaze of flying text all over my ttys. where did i go wrong?23:56
KenrinNot sure I always drop to shell and apt-get install nvidia-latest23:58
Guest61626will that work on a live system?23:59

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