
flocculantUnit193: I did - you were right :p06:25
Unit193A couple are translation only, whisker has small changes, weather uses a new version of the same API.06:27
flocculantevening lurkers17:41
pavlushkaevening flocculant !17:42
flocculanthi pavlushka 17:42
flocculantand hi cm2 17:42
pavlushkaflocculant: had your evening tea?17:44
flocculantcm2: the 16.04.1 release will get whatever fixes for not-xubuntu and anything we can get in from xfce if there is anything17:44
flocculantbut as far as intel wireless things landing - we're not able to really do anything there, personally I'd like to see that back of the disappearing cursor on lock/suspend with intel more :)17:45
flocculantbut to be honest I'm not *completely* sure what .1 will have17:46
flocculantthe first point release is more (afaik) about making sure there is a sane and working upgrade from previous LTS17:46
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flocculantknome: re "ACTION: knome to initialize voting on the council proposal on devel ML (week from now)" I assume that refers in truth to getting nominations? 17:48
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cm2flocculant: do you know what the wireless issue is about? bug in iwlwifi?17:48
flocculantcm2: not really - not actually seen it or heard of it 17:49
flocculantand people in *here* use intel and wireless and not heard them shouting either17:49
flocculantlike ochosi for instance 17:49
cm2flocculant: ok; but it's always after a suspend.17:49
cm2flocculant: not in general. and restarting NM fixes it.17:50
cm2so not the end of the world.17:50
flocculantI did point skjones at something 17:50
flocculantright - that's what I found17:50
cm2i was looking through the power manager code, and there is a wait for a network manager dbus call.17:50
cm2because it doesn't happen when issuing a "systemctl suspend"17:51
flocculantgiven it's *buntu not just us - then that's definitely not something we'd be looking at specifically17:51
cm2flocculant: or do you mean you heard of the wireless thing from other *buntus?17:51
flocculantwww.debugpoint.com/2016/05/quick-fix-no-wireless-connection-after-sleep-suspend-in-ubuntu-16-04-xenial-xerus/ and the bugs appear to be *buntu17:52
flocculantalso not sure I saw that when checking out the cursor issue on my dead and dying lappy17:53
cm2flocculant: speaking of which, the xna vs sna doesn't help me17:53
cm2odd because it seems to work for everyone else17:53
flocculantcm2: ok - it was just something I saw while looking through 6 million reports (it felt like) 17:54
flocculantI think that the vt change is the best one generally17:54
cm2flocculant: :) so i won't tell you about my flickering lightdm17:54
flocculantand the sna issue seems to cause other problems too17:55
flocculantcm2: you can - I'll ask for the bug number :p17:55
flocculantand I'd love to see it tested with yak too 17:55
flocculantjust to check that17:55
cm2flocculant: will do.17:55
cm2flocculant: long weekend here, so maybe i'll have some time17:56
flocculantsame here 17:56
flocculantcm2: you appear to be about a bit at the moment - I assume you know that our testing/qa team is always looking for people who're not just drive-by testers? 18:01
flocculant(and I think I recognise from ubuntuforum - or might be coincidence of course)18:02
cm2flocculant: yes i know. 18:06
cm2i'm a dev. thinking that maybe i should help with code?18:06
flocculantI'm sure that bluesabre and Unit193 would love to know that and have some help :)18:07
flocculantmaybe send a mail to the dev list offering - they're not about till later in the *day*18:07
flocculantnot sure what tz you are18:07
cm2flocculant: ok; i've been putting this off for like 5 years it seems like ;)18:07
cm2all the while enjoying my xubuntu experience18:08
flocculantand frankly more dev help trumps testing - unless you're not testing your code and/or fixes :p18:08
flocculantcm2: funnily enough I've been about more or less as long as you (gnome2/unity change)18:09
cm2flocculant: :)18:09
cm2although dont remind me. that was painful at first.18:09
cm2xubuntu has come a long way!!18:09
flocculantit certainly has :)18:09
cm2flocculant: btw, the thunar crashing thing, was it whilst renaming files?18:10
flocculantcm2: seems so - I can do that if I keep at it for a while18:10
flocculantbut general re-naming I don't see it18:11
cm2flocculant: i already saw a patch for it.18:11
flocculantknome was seeing it often18:11
flocculantcm2: we applied a couple/few patches - which is what we have in yak ppa afaik18:11
cm2flocculant: ah ok. i'm looking at it now, g_file_monitor and friends.18:12
flocculantif that's the case ( bluesabre Unit193 ) ^^ then if we SRU it needs to be in yak? 18:12
cm2flocculant: it might be in it already18:13
flocculantcm2: seems that thunar activity in xfce is 'low'18:13
cm2flocculant: yes, but mostly it's because it is stable.18:13
flocculantcm2: I think we do have those patches - but I got lost between what we found pre-release and now18:13
flocculantand it's harder still because I have to manically rename things to crash it18:14
cm2flocculant: yeah, i've been trying to crash it but to no avail :)18:14
flocculantwell that's good :)18:15
cm2flocculant: he he he yes.18:15
flocculantok - evening time - disappearing for a while - be back later18:15
cm2flocculant: have fun18:16
flocculantwell ... mostly food needed :p18:16
bluesabreevening all22:18
flocculanthi bluesabre 22:19
bluesabrehey knome flocculant22:20
bluesabrehow's it going?22:20
knomenot too shabby22:20
flocculantas good as expected :)22:20
bluesabrebetter than I hoped :D22:20
flocculantha ha 22:21
bluesabrehey Unit19322:23
bluesabreI'll start catching up from all the pings this week soon22:24
Unit193I dumped off a packaging thing for you. :P22:27
knomeUnit193 and the big dumb22:29
knome...i mean dump22:29
Unit193knome haates me again. :'(22:29
knomeme loves you22:29
Unit193KEEP BACK!22:29
bluesabreyeah, saw that, decided to keep it on the backburner til I made it to the weekend :D22:30
Unit193Ahaha. :D22:30
Unit193bluesabre: I got the others up!  Well, kind of ignored panel plugins because meh.  Xfconf might be fixed though.22:30
bluesabresaw that too, good news from aliov22:30
flocculantthat's all great - personally I'd love to know what's going to happen about intel lock cursor fail :p22:31
Unit193Nothing I can do, and you certainly don't want me to try patching core things like that...22:32
flocculantUnit193: wfm22:33
flocculantor rather I've not got the problem so go for it :p22:33
bluesabreflocculant: I don't really know what to do with that, not touching the kernel, probably shouldn't change intel defaults for everybody22:33
flocculantUnit193: or are you talking about interesting stuff :D22:33
flocculantbluesabre: I agree with that :)22:33
Unit193that == intel drivers.22:34
Unit193bluesabre: I'm presuming http://paste.openstack.org/show/505960/ is of no importance.22:36
Unit193flocculant: Want to test xfconf before I copy it into xubuntu-dev/xfce4-gtk3? :P22:39
Unit193(I hit http://paste.openstack.org/show/505957/ too, but that's actually of no interest to us anyway.)22:39
flocculantUnit193: not right now ;)22:42
bluesabreUnit193: looks important22:58
Unit193Well, gtk/gnome stuff/etc always output warnings all over, so wasn't a surprise and the desktop worked. :P23:00
bluesabrefair enough :)23:06

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