
needmorevolumeXubuntu 14.04 and VLC 2.1.6 has normal volume range when playing mp3 music but some movies are very quiet even at max volume (VLC and System)...these same movies play fine on OSX/VLC. Ideas?01:48
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kzrgrhello, is there any official guide how to change to compton and set it up, to prevent the tearing?08:51
kzrgrnoone alive?09:26
knomekzrgr, there is no official guide since compton is not officially supported09:41
kzrgris there any other way to fix the tearing without compton?09:42
knomethat doesn't mean it wouldn't work09:42
knomemany people are using it09:42
xubuntu77whi there13:05
xubuntu77wi'm getting a bug13:05
xubuntu77wwhen i lock my computer, my mouse desapear13:05
xubuntu77wthere is any fix for it already?13:06
akxwi-davethere isn't a full fix yet... but i beleive that if you ctrl+al+f1 then ctrl+alt+f7   its a work around until a fix is found13:08
xubuntu77wok ty13:08
=== OGGeekDude is now known as GeekDude
xubuntu49ihi guys. should i install the proprietary graphics drivers, for games? I refer to games like GTA San Andreas.13:48
xubuntu49ithen I think I' going to install them anyway. Thanks for the preferences, though.13:50
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akxwi-davexubuntu49i, Yes I would.. they make a big difference for alot of games.13:53
skjonesintermittent wireless problems since installing xubuntu 16.04.  anyone else seeing this?15:16
cm2skjones: yes. after suspending?15:36
cm2you can always restart network manager15:37
cm2that works.15:37
cm2also if you suspend by calling "systemctl suspend" it doesn't happen15:38
cm2which makes me think maybe a race condition in power-manager?15:38
skjonesany rumors on a fix coming out?15:38
cm2skjones: none. i just see complaints.15:38
cm2also it takes much longer to suspend. do you find?15:38
skjonescm2, now that you mention it - yes15:39
cm215.10 was instant. 16.04 up to 30 secs for me.15:39
skjones16.04 seems to below ubuntu's normal standards?  seems that way to me.15:40
skjonesespecially for an LTS15:40
cm2skjones: no no.15:40
cm2skjones: it could be an intel thing.15:40
cm2skjones: a regression in i91515:41
skjonescm2, ah, didn't consider that, what, exactly, is i915?  intel driver ?15:41
cm2skjones: display driver. what do you have thinkpad?15:42
skjonescm2, Dell laptop15:42
cm2intel graphics? (probl. yes)15:42
skjonescm2, yes - i think so15:42
cm2your cursor doesn't disappear after a lock?15:43
skjonescm2, yes15:43
cm2ok - so you know of the workarounds.15:43
cm2skjones: the thing to do is wait for an upgrade to the intel driver now.15:43
cm2i believe it is already fixed in debian.15:43
cm2if you can live with the issues.15:44
skjonescm2, so does that mean it's "on the way"?15:44
cm2skjones: during the xubuntu meeting the team members mentioned 16.04.115:44
cm2maybe they can chime in15:44
cm2ochosi or flocculant etc ...15:45
skjonescm2, .1 probably not coming until July or so?15:47
cm2skjones: yes :(15:47
cm2skjones: go back to 15.10?15:47
skjonescm2, yeah, i could do that, but support ends about then too i think.  may just live with it until .115:48
cm2skjones: support does end, but it's fine :)15:49
cm2i usually go 6 months over15:49
cm2i wouldn't do that on a server though.15:50
skjonesso are you on 16.04?15:50
cm2yes. one machine on 16.04, one in 15.1015:50
cm2which is why i noticed the suspend times15:51
cm2you can update the kernel on 15.10 if you're paranoid: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/15:52
cm2but don't worry about it. as long as chrome keeps updating its fine.15:52
skjonescm2, have you been a xubuntu user for a while or do you distro hop like some do?  just curious?15:53
cm2xubuntu since gnome 2 went to unity15:53
cm25, 6 years?15:54
cm2maybe more.15:54
cm2debian -> original ubuntu -> xubuntu15:54
cm2that's it.15:54
skjonescm2, nice, thanks for the info.  i think i'll just live with it for a while.15:55
cm2skjones: yeah. make some keybindings for xsetting your display, restarting nm and you're good to go15:55
skjonescm2, going to hang out in here and see what else i can learn :)16:00
cm2skjones: definitely. great community!16:00
cm2there's also #xubuntu-devel16:00
cm2and tell your friends! we need xfce to continue!!16:01
skjonescm2, is there an indication it won't continue?16:11
cm2skjones: no no :) - but the more the merrier16:14
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
geoffrianAny xubuntu reps here?17:02
geoffrianSomeone who actually works on the project.17:03
flocculantwell I don't *work* just try and get people to test things for us - but what's up?17:03
flocculantskjones: to save me trying to make sense of backlog - what did you want? (I see cm2's ping)17:04
geoffrianHow do we financially support Xubuntu?  Where do donations go.17:04
flocculantgeoffrian: ok - so we don't accept donations, we do have access to the *community* part of the donations anyone makes on the Ubuntu download page - and we do use those17:05
flocculantgeoffrian: is that what you were referring to?17:06
skjonesflocculant, we were just discussing the wireless issues with 16.04, i think cm2 gave me the info i needed.  unless you know of a permanent fix?17:12
flocculantaah right - not aware of that issue tbh17:14
flocculantnot seen a bug for it - but we'd not necessarily know that17:15
flocculantthat said - a good proportion of xubuntu team use intel (and I would assume wireless) and not seen any talk in our dev channel17:18
flocculantskjones: clean install vs upgrade?17:18
skjonesloses wireless connections after suspend17:18
skjonesin 16.0417:18
skjonesclean install17:18
skjonesseems to be a 16.04 issue not just xubuntu.  cm2 indicated it might have already been fixed in debian.17:21
flocculantskjones: yea something like this would be17:22
flocculantand the cursor issue on suspend with intel is elsewhere too17:22
flocculantskjones: try sudo service network-manager restart when you come back from suspend17:22
flocculantdoes that fix it? http://www.debugpoint.com/2016/05/quick-fix-no-wireless-connection-after-sleep-suspend-in-ubuntu-16-04-xenial-xerus/17:23
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skjonesflocculant, i'll give that a try next time wireless disappears, thanks.18:15
flocculantskjones: ack18:15
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megaminxwinso for some reason, my wifi isnt working; it wont even detect that there are any networks22:41
megaminxwindespite it being enabled and me talking through wifi on my phone22:42
geniiSounds like a Broadcom22:42
megaminxwinindeed it is22:42
megaminxwinit was working perfectly fine until this morning22:42
megaminxwinwhich is especially weird since it still claimed that there werent any networks to connect to, but whatever22:43
megaminxwinive restarted the network-manager service, the computer, and ive tried to get the device back up in ifconfig22:44
megaminxwinno luck22:44
megaminxwinany ideas?22:44
geniimaybe check rfkill status22:50
geniiIf you booted up into Windows before this, it could have toggled it22:50
megaminxwini dont have windows on this machine, its purely linux22:52
megaminxwinanyway none of them are blocked22:52
megaminxwinincluding brcmwl-022:53
geniiDid you have a kernel upgrade?22:53
megaminxwini suspended it last night, took it out of suspend this morning, wasnt working22:56
megaminxwini dont think so?22:56
megaminxwinyeah this just isnt happening23:20
megaminxwinany other ideas?23:20

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