
acheron_ukKCI fell off it's perch? I notice even it's channel bot has timed out.08:29
BluesKajHiyas all10:39
clivejoacheron_uk: looks like its totally dead10:54
clivejostarbuck1: is http://kci.pangea.pub offline?10:55
starbuck1clivejo: i see, it is reported running normal, but maybe something on the server got stuck11:00
starbuck1will reboot11:00
clivejois the www interface responding for you?11:00
* clivejo cant be sure its not his rubbish internet11:01
starbuck1comes up now after boot: http://kci.pangea.pub/11:07
clivejonice one, thanks starbuck111:08
clivejothats one way to have it quiet for a day!11:11
lordievaderGood afternoon11:13
clivejohi lordievader11:14
clivejoacheron_uk: can you fix this one - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/262024669/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.artikulate_4%3A16.04.1+p16.04+git20160528.0025-0_BUILDING.txt.gz11:14
lordievaderHey clivejo, how are you?11:15
clivejolordievader: Im good thankyou11:16
clivejoand you?11:16
lordievaderDoing good here too :D11:16
* clivejo wonders why he gets a spam email every day from West Elm in brooklyn, ny11:18
acheron_ukclivejo: I'll have a look later :)11:22
clivejoIll go ahead and fix it11:23
clivejomight as well use this chance to fix stuff when KCI is quite11:23
acheron_ukno probs. I'll look at the log later, decide what I would do, then have a look to see what you actually did11:24
clivejolooks like I wont be able to use it11:39
acheron_ukclivejo: ok. adding that dep is what I concluded12:10
acheron_ukthe kicker patch in kubuntu_stable (and merged since into unstable) now causes both to fail on KCI as is already applied upstream 12:12
acheron_ukdoes that get reverted/removed? or does it have to stay somewhere as is still in theory valid for 5.6.4 (e.g backports ppa)?12:13
acheron_ukon artikulate, still fails as looks like they switched backends so qtgstreamerbackend.so is no longer being built12:27
sittermaxyz: https://todo.kde.org/?controller=board&action=show&project_id=9713:24
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Acheron_uk that's why we need branches18:30
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> They track the different archives and ppas18:30
acheron_ukyes, I get that18:43
acheron_ukclivejo: but rather defeats the point if it is put into the stable branch to fix 5.6.4 in the ppa, and then that stable branch is merged with stable/unstable, and KCI pulls from both of those resulting in broken builds since it has been patched upstream18:51
clivejostable should be 5.6.418:52
clivejounstable is git master18:52
acheron_ukclivejo: KCI stable is the upstream stable + and changes in their git that will be the next stable point release, yes? 18:59
* jimarvan waves19:02
clivejoacheron_uk: sounds right19:04
clivejowhat was the package needs the patches removed?19:04
clivejohi jimarvan19:04
acheron_ukclivejo: ah. I think I was getting the 2 patches you applied for me mixed up. they have such similar messages when just looking at the log, I thought the 1st had been applied in both when it really wasn't19:06
clivejoif and when the patch is applied upstream, it needs to be removed from unstable for it to build properly19:08
acheron_ukthat fact was never unclear19:09
clivejoKCI is to try and give us a head start with upcoming changes19:09
clivejoso we can package them as the changed happen19:09
clivejobut its like a stack of cards19:10
clivejoif something breaks low down, the whole lot comes tumbling down!19:11
acheron_ukyes, I realised that from the start. all filters down in the end meaning if you keep on top of that, your eventual job packaging for the real distro/paas will be much easier19:11
acheron_ukha. I like the pack of cards comparison19:12
clivejoand then LP issues dont help either19:13
acheron_uknot sure, but looked from the logs the LP went AWOL for a short time in the wee hours last night19:14
clivejokio seems to be looking for the packaging on debian - git.debian.org:/git/pkg-kde/frameworks/kio19:16
acheron_ukxenial_stable_plasma-desktop was failing on 'upstream_include_cmath_c++_fix.diff' http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plasma-desktop/65/console19:20
acheron_uk'Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Skipping patch.'19:21
acheron_ukand similarly xenial_stable_plasma-desktop if failing on 'upstream_fix_kicker_recent_documents.diff' as that is upstream19:27
acheron_ukit was those 2 I was getting mixed up earlier, switching between multiple browser tabs19:29
acheron_uk^^^ I mean UNsnable on the 2nd of those FFS. lol19:32
acheron_ukor even *UNstable19:33
acheron_ukhttp://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-desktop/141/console 19:33
acheron_ukalso I don't get the logic of this merge https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/plasma-desktop/commit/?h=kubuntu_unstable&id=59ebd3a35fc8d2f56dea7758325bfcc79d6989de19:57
acheron_ukas it took that patch into unstable where it wasn't needed and would conflict19:58
sitterit doesn't know that20:01
acheron_ukI gathered now20:02
* acheron_uk should pay more attention to origin of the merge messages20:14
acheron_ukat least I can see what has happened and why now20:28
* acheron_uk hits git with a quantum physics textbook20:29
acheron_ukboth confusing20:30
clivejoI need to learn how to work CI20:37
acheron_ukyou have access now?20:41
clivejonot sure20:51
clivejoyofel added me to something20:51
* clivejo doesnt feel well20:52
clivejothere weather feels so heavy and humid20:52
jimarvanwhere? :)20:53
clivejomy head feels like its gonna explode20:53
jimarvansame here, cant see after 5 meters, too dense fog20:54
jimarvanthank god for champions league :P20:54
clivejoa good storm would clear the air, but I doubt that as my neighbour is cutting sillage20:55
acheron_ukI saw you got added to the kubuntu-kci-gods team whatever that is20:56
clivejoyeah, I got an email about that20:57
acheron_ukwarm/humid here as well, but so far so good20:57
clivejocant seem to hold a train of though21:00
clivejovalorie: did you install apps 16.04.1?22:45
DarinMillerclivejo: I have apps staging enabled on YY, running updates now.  What would you like me to check?22:53
clivejojust check it installs and the apps work as expected22:53
clivejoIm having issues with korganizer 22:54
clivejoand not having any luck finding someone to answer my bug report22:54
valorieoh, lemme start up my old laptop23:01
valoriegot caught up in genealogy.....23:01
valoriethe mysteries of the past are easier than those of the present, sometimes23:03
clivejoI cant settle my head to the past or present23:06
DarinMillerkorganizer not installed, unmet depends libkf5calendarsupport5  + 6 other pacs.23:09
clivejocan you pastebin the output#23:10
darinclivejo: https://paste.kde.org/ph3utetaw23:14
clivejodo you know which of those it is having the problems with23:15
DarinMillerhow do I check?23:16
clivejosee what it says when you try to install each of the ones its complaining about23:18
clivejosee if you can whittle it down to one problem package23:19
darintrying now...23:19
valoriehmmm, this old lappy doesn't want to boot into plasma23:26
valorieI haz tty....23:26
valorieat least tty623:28
valorietrying again23:29
valorienope, only tty623:32
valorieit doesn't seem to be online23:32
valorienot sure how to proceed, actually23:33
valoriewire works, at least23:35
valorieso I'll finish upgrading, then add back staging-plasma, then try staging-apps or whatever it's actually called23:36
valorieyay I have plasma back23:45
valorieI think23:45
valorienope, starts but never lets me login23:46
valoriejust gray23:46
acheron_ukI 'll try in a YY VM tomorrow if it'll help23:46
valorienow I get tty 1-623:47
valorieno clue what to do next....23:47
valoriestartx still gray23:48
DarinMillervalorie, had same issue the other day.  Packages moved around and I had to install all 3 staging PPA's followed by updates to make everything work.23:49
DarinMilleris your network up in your tty?23:49
valoriewire is23:50
valorieno wifi23:50
DarinMillerensure apps, FW and plasma ppa are enabled, run updates and plasma should start after that.23:51
valoriethanks, DarinMiller, trying that23:52
valorienow dist-upgrading23:52
valorieand rebooting23:54
valorienope, no plasma23:56
darinOk I have tried installing everything that pops up and summarize the trail here: https://paste.kde.org/p2l3dcmmy23:57
acheron_ukDarinMiller: you may need to enable proposed to get libical223:58
clivejodarin: libical2 is in proposed23:58
acheron_ukhad that the other day23:58
clivejome too, and totally forgot about it23:58

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