=== _7 is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
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BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 10:39 |
lordievader | Good afternoon | 11:13 |
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ScarletEmperer | help | 12:07 |
ScarletEmperer | ignore | 12:08 |
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=== Guest4068 is now known as abhigenie92 | ||
BluesKaj | ScarletEmperer, ignore? | 12:09 |
Quantos | So I upgraded to 16.04 and I can't install virtualbox-5.0 | 12:47 |
BluesKaj | Quantos: is virtualizer enabled in your BIOS/UEFI ? | 13:01 |
Quantos | Yeah | 13:01 |
Quantos | It was running before I upgraded | 13:02 |
BluesKaj | so what happens when you try to install VB5 ? | 13:02 |
Quantos | Now I'm saying screw it and blow it all out and start over with a fresh install | 13:02 |
Quantos | It gives me some error that not all the dependancies were met | 13:04 |
Quantos | And I can't install it at all through the software centre, it simply won't find it on a search | 13:05 |
BluesKaj | Quantos: open a terminal, sudo apt install virtualbox | 13:06 |
Quantos | I did | 13:06 |
BluesKaj | and?\ | 13:06 |
Quantos | I need a pastebin I think | 13:07 |
Quantos | Just a sex | 13:07 |
Quantos | sec | 13:07 |
Quantos | sorry | 13:07 |
Quantos | DOH | 13:07 |
BluesKaj | ok , dependency problem, run sudo dpkg --configure -a , but update and upgrade first | 13:08 |
Quantos | http://paste.ubuntu.com/16767254/ | 13:09 |
acheron_uk | are you trying wanting to install the version from the virtualbox site or the one in the ubuntu archive | 13:10 |
Quantos | I want the one from the vb site, but I've tried with both | 13:11 |
BluesKaj | Quantos: make sure you have your multiverse repos enabled | 13:12 |
Quantos | Where do I do that again? | 13:12 |
acheron_uk | so you downloaded the .deb from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads | 13:13 |
acheron_uk | or added 'deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian xenial contrib' to your sources.list? | 13:13 |
BluesKaj | install muon, it'wiil be in your software sources, the software center is hopeless | 13:14 |
Quantos | It doesn't seem to matter what I type in to the software centre it looks at me like I'm a lump | 13:15 |
Quantos | Well, okay, maybe I am a lump, but it doesn't have to look like that | 13:15 |
Quantos | Little humor to lighten my mood, sorry guys | 13:15 |
acheron_uk | you on 64 bit? | 13:16 |
Quantos | Yeah | 13:16 |
BluesKaj | seems to me your sources.list is missing some repos or they're disabled | 13:16 |
acheron_uk | a should be foolproof way should be.... | 13:17 |
acheron_uk | DL http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.0.20/virtualbox-5.0_5.0.20-106931~Ubuntu~xenial_amd64.deb | 13:17 |
acheron_uk | cd into the download folder in terminal | 13:17 |
acheron_uk | then 'sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-5.0_5.0.20-106931~Ubuntu~xenial_amd64.deb' | 13:18 |
acheron_uk | then 'sudo apt-get install -f' | 13:18 |
Quantos | Guys | 13:18 |
Quantos | I'm a frickin' tard - I had downloaded virtualbox-5.0 "wily" | 13:19 |
Quantos | I think that's the problem | 13:19 |
Quantos | I'm terribly sorry | 13:19 |
acheron_uk | it's not going to help. lol | 13:19 |
Quantos | No? | 13:19 |
Quantos | Okay, back to work then | 13:19 |
Quantos | I just figured I'd better confess to that | 13:20 |
acheron_uk | I mean it could be the problem or part of it | 13:20 |
acheron_uk | wily version may have different dep versions | 13:20 |
Quantos | Ah | 13:20 |
Quantos | Once this disk finishes copying I'll get back on that | 13:21 |
BluesKaj | Quantos: still think installing muon will help you figure out your sources problem, since it seems to me you definitely have one | 13:21 |
Quantos | How do I install Muon though? | 13:21 |
Quantos | I thought we were stuck with discover | 13:21 |
acheron_uk | sudo apt install muon | 13:22 |
BluesKaj | in the terminal , sudo apt install muon | 13:22 |
Quantos | I think from now on I'm just going to take every question I have and precede it with sudo apt-get :D | 13:22 |
acheron_uk | we got a new version of muon put in xenial in addition to discover :) | 13:22 |
acheron_uk | I avoid the various 'software centers' if I can | 13:23 |
Quantos | It's churning away with muon | 13:23 |
acheron_uk | mostly just a pain in the *** | 13:24 |
BluesKaj | acheron_uk: I use muon mostly as a reference for package management for info etc | 13:27 |
acheron_uk | that's about all I use it for as well | 13:27 |
Quantos | It says that vb is installing | 13:29 |
Quantos | Excellent guys | 13:30 |
Quantos | I don't know how you talked me through it and kept your minds | 13:30 |
Quantos | But well done | 13:31 |
* Quantos mounts his purple flying unicorn and takes off | 13:31 | |
abhishek_ | hi] | 14:05 |
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Guest8491 | how can I install adobe reader in kubuntu 16.04 | 14:05 |
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Guest8491 | acroread is not in apt-cache pkgnames | 14:06 |
Guest8491 | is there any ppa available. | 14:06 |
mparillo | Looks deprecated per: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acroread/+bug/1176131/comments/14 PPA here: https://launchpad.net/~llxdev/+archive/ubuntu/xenial | 14:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1176131 in acroread (Ubuntu) "Please add Acroread package to the Partner repository for Ubuntu Saucy and Trusty" [Undecided,Won't fix] | 14:15 |
mparillo | Note I have not tried it. Is there some PDF feature Okular does not support. | 14:15 |
=== Guest8491 is now known as abhigenie92 | ||
abhigenie92 | mparillo, adding comments | 14:26 |
abhigenie92 | it does but isn't clean | 14:27 |
abhigenie92 | Please check this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16769827/. Even though my repo is mention sources, it doesn't get updated. | 14:28 |
acheron_uk | I don't think adobereader has had versions in the partner repo since raring (13.04) or saucy (13.10) | 14:33 |
Quantos | Did they ever have a distro named Blazing Bi**h? Just wondering if they named one after my ex | 14:40 |
Quantos | ;) | 14:40 |
acheron_uk | warty warthog may come close for some...... | 14:41 |
Quantos | Oh, I went out with her sister | 14:41 |
Quantos | This is strange, is system monitor not very accurate? | 14:42 |
Quantos | I have my vm's running now and it only shows 4.6GB RAM used, it should be over 8GB | 14:43 |
acheron_uk | I don't think VB grabs all the ram it's allocated until the VM actually needs it | 14:44 |
Quantos | Oh, okay, I don't remember when I saw it take it all, I don't look that often | 14:44 |
luffy_ | hi does anyone know what the bioset process is? There are about 10 processes shown in ksysguard | 15:06 |
luffy_ | Of course, I searched google and haven't gotten any meaningful results. It seems to be a kernel process but I can't view memory information and don't anything about it. | 15:08 |
luffy_ | whoami | 15:11 |
=== Fuel___ is now known as Fuel | ||
Fuel | hi everyone | 16:04 |
ubuntuy | hay | 16:20 |
ubuntuy | hay | 16:20 |
yuriy | Hello. For Some reason when i want to remove the recent files in the start menu there is no such submenu | 16:39 |
yuriy | how to restore this default functionality | 16:40 |
yuriy | recent apps can be restored | 16:40 |
yuriy | sorry, i mean recent apps cleaning works | 16:41 |
yuriy | and files can't be launched from that menu, only shown | 16:42 |
DarinMiller | yuriy: The recent files launch error is a known bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=363337 | 16:58 |
ubottu | KDE bug 363337 in Application Menu (Kicker) "Recent docs/history shortcuts in kicker/kickoff fail when clicked with "Could not find any application or handler..." error" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 16:58 |
DarinMiller | It's been patched, so I should make its way to the repos eventually. | 16:59 |
Elton | hi, i need help for install telepathy-morse, i can not install because it does not find the Telepathy Qt5 | 17:10 |
DarinMiller | Elton: Which version of Kubuntu? | 17:12 |
Elton | 16.04 | 17:12 |
Elton | kde 5.6 | 17:12 |
DarinMiller | Elton: at the konsole, if you type: apt list libtele* does it show libtelepathy-qt5-0? | 17:14 |
Elton | yes - libtelepathy-qt5-0/xenial,now amd64 [installed] | 17:15 |
Elton | yes libtelepathy-qt5-0/xenial,now amd64 [installed] | 17:15 |
Elton | DarinMiller: yes libtelepathy-qt5-0/xenial,now amd64 [installed] | 17:18 |
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Elton | hi, i need help for install telepathy-morse, i can not install because it does not find the Telepathy Qt5 | 17:37 |
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kiet | why kubuntu 16 switch to old kde theme from time to time ? | 18:06 |
mparillo | It sometimes seems to use the old oxygen icons on the Applications Launcher immediately upon a fresh install, but I was told that it was a caching issue. Otherwise I have not seen it. | 18:31 |
mparillo | I am not good at searching bugs.kde.org, but I found nothing. I did find this: https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/3pse8f/plasma_5_cursor_icon_changes_to_the_kde_classic/ | 18:33 |
kiet_ | i'm checking the link , thank you maprillo | 18:43 |
=== goat is now known as Guest11607 | ||
Lines | Hmm this is a very decent IRC web interface | 19:47 |
Lines | So quick question, for some reason my visual bell is only working on the window that it "beeps" from rather then flashing the entire desktop. I remember I used to be able to get the whole desktop to invert when I used it before. Any ideas? | 19:49 |
=== abhishek_ is now known as Guest80879 |
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