
aleksander0mhow long since I run a dput to upload a source.changes to a PPA until I see some indication in launchpad.net that it's going to build it?11:45
aleksander0mhey hey, btw11:45
=== JanC is now known as Guest83568
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
cjwatsonaleksander0m: minutes at most; but also see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors#The_upload_appears_to_work_but_I_don.27t_get_any_email_about_it16:35
aleksander0mcjwatson, ok, so something went wrong because after some hours it's not there and also I didn't get any email back19:08
aleksander0mcjwatson, ah, there, I used the wrong key to sign19:17
JasperSo we have a package that we're trying to build from git master, but since git commit hashes are "random", we're seeing random upload fails because Debian is confused and doesn't understand version numbers.21:26
Jaspersee e.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+recipebuild/114742621:26
JasperINFO Upload was rejected:21:26
JasperINFO eos-shard_1.3-1~39d5065~ubuntu15.10.1.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 1.3-1~39d5065~ubuntu15.10.1 <= 1.3-1~e8e22bd~ubuntu15.10.121:26
JasperHow can we fix this so that we have packages built from git?21:26
maxb"because Debian is confused and doesn't understand version numbers" is hardly a valid assessment21:40
maxbYou might consider a version string incorporating `git describe`, which includes a numeric counter for just this sort of case21:42
maxbOh, you're talking about recipe builds21:45
maxbhttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes then21:45
JasperThanks, I'll look at it.21:49
JasperIt is confusing and sometimes frustrating when stuff like this comes up.21:50
dobeyJasper: git doesn't understand version numbers. commit hashes are not version numbers.23:03
dobeyJasper: use the bzr revno, or use a datestamp23:04

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