
cjended up doing this: bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/debian-installer/xenial-proposed ; cd xenial-proposed ; git init ; bzr fast-export --plain . | git fast-import00:49
cyphermoxcjwatson: did you look at that d-i branch I linked you for the bzr->git conversion?01:49
cyphermoxoh, except you did tell me to move it and I still haven't01:49
cyphermoxcj: anything I can help with with re: the installer?01:51
cjcyphermox: oh, hey!  sorry for the delay02:29
cjcyphermox: I'd love to know how to augment the fstab of the target02:29
cjor what to do about maas-* not taking any preseed arguments and requiring a bunch of post-installation set-up02:30
cjI guess I could submit a patch to the maas-* packages to accept arguments via preseed rather than requiring sacrificial rites02:31
cjor ways to reduce the build time of the initrd...02:33
cjor if there is a target that will build *just* the initrd rather than all of the rest of the stuff...02:33
cjI added a patch to take the contents of a directory and drop them in /var/lib/preseed for use during the installation02:33
cjif there's a better way to do this, that would be super.02:33
cjthe files I drop in there are various preseed files, one for each type of system I intend to install from the installer02:34
cjas well as scripts which are specified for the preseed/early_command, partman/early_command and preseed/late_command02:36
cjand also something like an /etc/skel, but for the whole filesystem rather than /home/${USER}02:36
AgeOfAsparagusHi, I'm looking for some help automating the liveCD installer23:44
AgeOfAsparagusI posted a question here that has some details: http://askubuntu.com/questions/778795/how-to-get-past-welcome-language-screen-when-automating-install23:45
AgeOfAsparagusThe farthest I can get is for ubiquity to start automatically, but I can't get past the Welcome page.23:46
CarlFKAgeOfAsparagus: do you need the gui, or is the text based installer fine, given it sounds like you just want it to install and reboot into a new system?23:47
AgeOfAsparagusWell, I've got both on the go, I have a netboot image I'm trying, and I have the Live Installer/Ubiquity23:48
AgeOfAsparagusI was hoping to get Ubiquity working because it seemed more likely I'd be able to add Mint as an option, and I couldn't find any other images of Mint23:49
AgeOfAsparagusCarlFK: However, if you could give me a hand with my netboot one, that would also be awesome! =)23:49
AgeOfAsparagusCarlFK: I also can't get past the first screen on that one either...haha23:50
AgeOfAsparagusI'm hoping to start using Linux in my highschool classroom in September, but have minimal support from my IT department.  I'm pretty new to Linux, but learning fast...23:51
CarlFKyou are at home right?23:52
CarlFKsetting up a dhcp server on someone elses lan is poor form ;)23:52
CarlFKthat said... I would start by using that to build a server as is, try to isolate it from the rest of your lan, plug in a 2nd box, pxe boot, see what happens23:53
AgeOfAsparagusIT dept runs a PFSense Firewall and Server.23:53
AgeOfAsparagusThey gave me a sandbox on the other side to see if I could get it to work23:54
AgeOfAsparagusI can successfully pxe boot right now23:54
CarlFKit's been a while sense I verified that setup.sh script works.  package names have changed ...23:54
AgeOfAsparagusit's the preseeding I'm failing at23:54
CarlFKyou can try to move my config over to your setup manually23:55
AgeOfAsparaguslooking through your script, I think I'm good intal the swap shaz thing line 85...23:57
CarlFKshaz was the hostname of my first server... then I wanted to be able to build a 2nd one and realized I had shaz hardcoded all over the place23:58
AgeOfAsparagusDOes that script install? it just looks liek setup23:59
CarlFKwhat script?23:59

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