
Kiloshi theblazehen paddatrapper inetpro and lurkers06:16
paddatrapperHey Kilos06:37
theblazehenhi Kilos07:11
Kiloshi mazal 09:48
mazalMôre oom09:48
mazalMust change connections09:52
mazal*sigh* Had to struggle again for this thing to pick up my donge10:06
Kilosi saw yesterday they were working on network manager bugs10:08
mazal_And there it just lost the dongle again10:10
mazal_16.04 getting worse not better10:10
mazal_If it continues like this I will havt to setup dual-boot.10:11
Kiloshi magespawn urbanslug 11:31
magespawnhi Kilos 11:32
magespawnis there a way to get skype to show up in empathy or one of the other messaging programs?11:32
magespawnahh right 11:33
magespawnforgot that one11:33
magespawnthanks kilos11:35
Kilosyw magespawn 11:35
Kilosmidgin works well on anything but whatsapp11:35
Kilosi gave up on that and dont do whatsapp anymore11:36
mazal_Did that ages ago already11:36
Kilospidgin telegram works well too11:36
mazal_whatsapp is nothing more than an annoyence11:36
magespawnahh that maybe, but people do not like to change there methods11:37
mazal_Every 2 minutes or other crap picture or video people send around11:37
Kilosyeah even twitter full of vids11:38
Kilosand fb11:38
Kilosi stopped following peeps11:38
mazal_peep peep peep the whole bloody day11:38
mazal_I removed whatsapp before I threw my phone out the window11:38
mazal_Oh no :( The freekin zombies killed all my villagers :( grrrrrr11:39
magespawnKilos: what protcol do you use for skype on pidgin? there does not seem to be a skype specifiv one there11:39
Kilosoh magespawn i dont use skype on pirdgin or irc, just telegram and mxit 11:40
mazal_You don't use irc ? hmmmm11:41
Kilosbut i saw lotsa write ups about it11:41
mazal_Who we be talking to then ? :)11:41
Kilosirc on konversation mazal_ 11:41
Kilosmagespawn ^^11:42
Kilosim a believer in apartheid mazal_ 11:43
Kilosirc on pidgin was too much11:43
magespawni would like to have it all inside irssi if i could11:44
Kilosmake more workspaces man11:44
theblazehenmagespawn: Same, but inside Franz here11:44
Kiloshere another pidgin skype link11:44
Kilosyucky not being able to use Maaz to google for me11:45
magespawnwhy can't you? is he sick?11:45
KilosMaaz shorten https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjepPmd2PzMAhWLLMAKHfEdBUYQFgg9MAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntugeek.com%2Fhow-to-install-skype-api-plugin-for-pidgin-in-ubuntu.html&usg=AFQjCNGV6xXwHYOf5smFzxxF7E4HyIjFbg&sig2=Y4fxYKvUGSzILJWM0KUfig11:46
MaazKilos: That site seems to be down11:46
Kilosyes magespawn google changed their api or something11:46
Kilosnone of the ibids can do anything with google involved11:47
magespawni think might have more to do with the shortening service than with google11:49
Kilosmagespawn with luck the weed and frogboots will upgrade ibids after debconf11:49
Kilosno man11:49
KilosMaaz google anything11:50
MaazKilos: That didn't go down very well. Burp.11:50
Kilosnothing works if google is involved11:50
Kiloshopefully new ibids use duckduckgo or some other search engine11:51
KilosMaaz tell magespawn i think you have to start skype itself and then only can in work in pidgin12:00
MaazKilos: Righto, I'll tell magespawn on freenode12:00
magespawnthanks for the message Kilos, that is what i am finding, so i might as well just instakk skype\12:02
magespawninstall too12:02
Kilosyes i think thats why i didnt bother, why have two apps running for one job12:02
Kilossorry i forgot that12:03
magespawnno worries. i will do some research to see if there is away around that12:03
magespaw1looks like the pidgin has that nick 12:08
magespawnfor what it is worth, the skype plugin on this page adds the skype protocol to pidgin12:40
magespawndo not seem to be able to connect yet though, so lets see how that goes12:41
magespawnnope still looks like you have skype running12:42
magespawnapparently bitlbee can integrate skype into irc https://www.bitlbee.org/main.php/news.r.html12:54
magespawnthat might be worth a try12:54
magespawnokay not too sure how to set it up though13:18
* theblazehen has given up on nice integrations, and just uses Franz which wraps the website13:40
magespawntheblazehen: never heard of that14:43
theblazehenmagespawn: Unfortunalely not *really* foss, but it's an electron app you you can just extract the .asar to add your own services14:43
paddatrapperThere's another good electron application wrapper for Skype Web, can't remember what it's called though 14:45
paddatrapperWhich is properly foss 14:45
magespawnokay i will have a look around14:47
paddatrappermagespawn: found it ^^14:49
theblazehenpaddatrapper: Franz does whatsapp + Slack + others too14:51
theblazehenIn tabs14:51
paddatrappertheblazehen: nice. Wish I could move off WhatsApp though... And definitely prefer Mattermost to Slack14:52
theblazehenpaddatrapper: /me is using rocket.chat at work14:52
theblazehenPretty decent, although the API is lacking14:52
paddatrapperBut really never really saw the point in combining them. Means I have to learn a new interface and there is always something you need to go to the official client for 14:53
paddatrappertheblazehen: does rocket.chat have an android client? I can't remember 14:53
theblazehenAnd <humblebrag>*had* a decent sized security hole</humblebrag?14:53
theblazehenpaddatrapper: Yes it does. Android client = web wrapper though14:53
paddatrapperTake it you fixed it? 14:53
paddatrapperAh Ok. So probably some Cordova app14:54
theblazehenpaddatrapper: Well, informed the daves after I found it. https://rocket.chat/docs/contributing/security/ :)14:54
paddatrapperI see :) responsible disclosure and all that14:55
theblazehenYeah. Will be getting some swag from them too :)14:56
theblazehens/daves/devs/ How did that even happen?!14:56
paddatrapperHaha. I read that as devs anyway... 14:57
* Kilos wtching lions bulls15:14
Kilossjoe lions wiped the bulls 55/2016:52
Kiloshi inetpro gremble 16:57
Kilosim good ty and you?16:57
grembleHey Kilos 16:57
grembleI am well thank you16:58
grembleGlad to be home again16:58
Kilostoo cold up here16:58
inetproohi Kilos and others also16:58
grembleHey inetpro 16:58
pavlushkaHello inetpro !17:04
magespawnthanks paddatrapper 17:11
pavlushkaHello magespawn !17:14
pavlushkahow are you?17:14
magespawnhi pavlushka, good and you?17:14
pavlushkaI am good, thanks!17:14
Kilospavlushka i found when nothing else worked with a modem sakis3g still worked17:24
Kiloshandy to remember when you have problems17:24
pavlushkainetpro: setting up drupal on my localhost give issues, what is clear url?18:10
magespawnpavlushka: this may help https://www.drupal.org/getting-started/clean-urls18:21
Kilospavlushka say ty18:22
pavlushkamagespawn: been there, does not help with drupal
pavlushkamagespawn: most of the posts in drupal.org is atleast 2 years old, :(18:23
Kiloshavent they got an irc channel18:24
pavlushkalol@ Kilos 18:24
pavlushkayep, thanks Kilos !18:24
Kilosor a contact us button on a site18:24
Kiloshave they18:24
magespawnsuperfly: is the drupal fan, maybe he has got something more19:02
Kilosyoull have to wait19:04
KilosMaaz seen superfly 19:04
MaazKilos: superfly was last seen 3 days, 4 hours, 47 minutes and 25 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-25 07:17:29 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-05-22 22:31:15 PDT19:04
magespawnyup that might have to wait until the fly has more time, after debconf meybe19:15
Kilosthe guys on the drupal channel should be able to help though, that is their help channel19:16
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:26
pavlushkanight guys!19:36
magespawngood night all19:45

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