
KenrinIt doesn't ask you reboot does it?  I don't remember00:00
Guest61626i haven't successfully done it without a reboot yet00:01
KenrinYou could always make a liveusb with persistance00:02
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Guest61626i don't have a spare usb :(00:02
Guest61626and unless i can load the live image to ram, no way to reformat this one00:03
Guest61626i've got enough ram to easily do it00:03
KenrinWell you can't really make changes to the system while the system is running off the cd00:03
Guest61626thats why i asked about loding to ram00:03
Guest61626the whole iso.00:04
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KenrinJust ctrl-alt-backspace it and give it a whirl00:04
Guest61626apt install nvidia 361 + (ctrl +alt + bksp) ?00:05
Kenrinnah that is to kill x00:05
Guest61626brb baby is hungy00:06
OerHekssytemctl enable baby.service; systemctl start baby.service; systemctl status baby.service00:07
Guest61626i have returned00:08
geniiOerHeks: fatal exception00:09
Guest61626baby is fine00:09
Guest61626how can i get my ttys to stop spitting out messages about my dead hard drive?00:10
geniiReplace the hard drive00:10
Guest61626i know it's dead, jim, but i need my prompt.00:11
Kenrinunplug the power cable on it ;-)00:11
OerHeksnot, it is getting worse00:11
geniiGuest61626: Is it only semi-dead and you're still booting from it, or a secondary drive which is totally dead?00:12
Guest61626it won't show in the BIOS dead.00:12
YankDownUnderGuest61626, Have you tried modifying the /etc/sysctrl.conf so that "low level" messages aren't shown on "console"?00:12
Guest61626i have not,00:12
Guest61626dmesg tells me the same 7 lines over and over00:13
geniiGuest61626: So then just yank it out of there after you power off next time00:13
Guest61626yankdownunder, how do i do the low level message thing?00:14
Guest61626can i just filter out messages about ata3 instead?00:14
YankDownUnderGuest61626, If you look at the /etc/sysctl.conf, you will see, near the top, a bit that says "Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console" => uncomment that and you should not then get those error msgs on the tty's00:14
Guest61626okay :)00:14
animamibisalguem usa natron aqui00:15
Guest61626will it immediately stop spitting out crap about ata3?00:15
SonikkuAmericaGuest61626, just yank the bad HDD out of your system, like genii said.00:16
Kenrinecho 1 > /sys/block/ata3/device/delete   ?00:16
Guest61626... i can just tell the system it doesn't exist?00:17
Guest61626is that what that does?00:17
KenrinYeah but if anything rescans it'll come back00:17
Guest61626what would trigger a rescan?00:17
Guest61626says no such file00:18
OneM_IndustriesJust curious, why don't you physically remove the drive?00:18
KenrinGuess that method is too old then.  I'm not up-to-date on systemctl00:19
Guest61626live system. can't power off.00:19
OneM_IndustriesNo need.00:19
OneM_IndustriesIf it is SATA, hot-plugging should be supported.00:19
kris_a lot of the things i've been installing with apt on 16.04, specifically LAMP stack have been failing pretty badly during config00:20
Guest61626oneM do you know a lot about drives?00:20
Guest61626[171409.795098] ata3: hard resetting link00:21
Guest61626[171411.324278] ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 310)00:21
Guest61626[171411.324295] ata3: EH complete00:21
Guest61626[171411.456838] ata3: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x40d0002 action 0xe frozen00:21
Guest61626[171411.456845] ata3: irq_stat 0x00400040, connection status changed00:21
Guest61626[171411.456851] ata3: SError: { RecovComm PHYRdyChg CommWake 10B8B DevExch }00:21
geniiGuest61626: Schedule downtime and replace it, is the best solution.00:22
OerHeksGuest61626, keeping that drive running, makes it worse.00:22
Guest61626http://pastebin.com/wEWm8RF2 sorry00:22
KenrinAssuming it is sata, sas, or scsi.  Just unplug the power while it is running00:22
Guest61626i have scheduled downtime, scheduled for whenever fedex gets to my door.00:22
Guest61626i was just curious if that could give me any reason why it's "dead"00:23
OneM_IndustriesOh hello.00:24
OneM_IndustriesThat is not "dead".00:24
Guest61626is the drive saveable?00:24
KenrinMore like failing so bad you wish it was dead00:24
OneM_IndustriesCan you post the specs of the machine? I want to check something.00:24
Guest61626what do you want specifically?00:24
OneM_IndustriesMotherboard and drive specs.00:25
OneM_IndustriesIt might be dead, but I am rading something about that error.00:26
Guest61626lspci, or something else?00:26
Guest61626the drive has been through a lot of computers.00:26
OneM_IndustriesJust a general spec of the drive/motherboard.00:27
Guest61626it's a 250 GB laptop hardrive. seagate, i think.00:27
bobby__hey everyone! this is my first time in an IRC chat!00:27
geniiSo probably Scorpio00:27
OneM_IndustriesWell, this thing I found is not helpful then.00:27
Guest61626the board is an asrock 970 extreme4 with an amd fx-413000:27
Guest61626what did you find?00:28
Guest61626sometimes it responds to percussive maintenance.00:28
Bashing-ombobby__: And You have found ubuntu support channel . ubuntu chat in #ubuntu-offtopic .00:29
bobby__I just bought a book called ubuntu unleashed by matthew helmke. this linux stuff is pretty cool!00:29
OneM_IndustriesYeah, I think it is dead. Best option is to disconnect it ASAP and hope a data recovery place can get the data on it back.. Sorry man. :(00:30
Guest61626i don't give a shit about the data, it was a nearly stock install.00:30
OneM_IndustriesAh, ok.00:30
OneM_IndustriesThat is good.00:30
alpha__is ubuntu-offtopic on freenode?00:30
OneM_IndustriesDo /join #ubuntu-offtopic to join.00:31
Guest61626i'll probably shoot the drive when my ssd gets here.00:31
alpha__dont know why i got an error00:31
OneM_IndustriesWell, you need to register first.00:31
OneM_IndustriesHeh, or scrap it.00:32
OneM_IndustriesI know I would take old HDDs to melt down for Al. (I have a foundry)00:32
YankDownUnderGuest61626, If the drive is truly dead, you might consider disassembling it and using the platters as nice shiny desktop paperweights...00:32
bobby__hey guys, how can i set up something like pfsense in my home network?00:32
KenrinI open it up and take the magnets out.  Those things are super strong00:33
YankDownUnderThe magnets are great for heaps of things...as well, for when you want to magnetise a tool...aside from other strange uses...00:34
KenrinKeep those things away from your cell phone and floppy disks ^_^00:35
MannyLNJNeed some help please. I wanted to switch from my router ofering dns/dhcp to my ubuntu system offering it. I thought I configured  /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf correctly but now my laptop is (a different system) is not connecting to the network. Assure me this is not inter related00:37
YankDownUnderKenrin, Yes...always have to be careful about those 8" floppys laying about...rather like the US nuclear arsensals data centre, hmm...00:37
* twowheels hates UEFI boot00:38
compdoctwowheels, why?00:38
compdocworks fine on my servers00:39
twowheels@compdoc it's a pain... trying to install ubuntu on my macbook (dual boot) on an external HDD, but all of the tutorials have conflicting info.  got it to boot once, now it just boots into OSX00:39
twowheelsCan boot the USB installer every single time00:39
twowheelsThe UEFI boot seems to have been installed to the internal HDD, which I really didn't want.00:40
twowheelsthat was after hours of fighting to get it to install anything00:40
twowheelsI'm tempted to just wipe that laptop and use it as a Linux only machine... that would probably wrok.00:40
animamibissomeome here play natron for edit movie:?00:42
OerHeksanimamibis, long time not used, i see they have a repo deb on their site now00:49
snfgfIs replacing /bin/bash with /usr/bin/tmux in passwd a good way to start tmux when I login?00:54
snfgfit works00:54
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fastlorisIs LXDE in Ubuntu customizable like XFCE with gtk themes and icons?01:02
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TheMariusfastloris: lxde is very minimalist ... either way lxqt is soon replacing lxde01:04
fastlorisI am using Xubuntu at the moment but even it seems to be taxing the machine at times...its a 10yo toshiba01:04
TheMariusim not sure if its the lightest but its one of .. want the lightest, you probably want to look at crunchbang plusplus ...01:04
TheMariusit use openbox01:05
TheMariusdont think you can get much lighter than that01:05
Dimoutlookanyone else having problems with growisofs01:05
fastlorisTheMarius I am a noob and OpenBox is a bit much for me01:05
fastlorisI need my GUIs and simplicity right now01:05
TheMariusid just go for xfce or mate then01:05
fastloriswhich is lighter?01:05
TheMariusboth xfce and mate is good ... pretty stable01:06
TheMariusxfce is a tad lighter, but i prefer mate01:06
TheMariusnot much difference01:06
fastlorisyeah I like XFCE....but my machine seems to struggle01:06
fastlorisso was seeing if Lubuntu would work as its lighter01:06
TheMariustoo much for it? what kind of specs?01:06
TheMariusor how old is it01:06
fastloriswell the specs say its enough...1.73ghz C2d w/ 2gb ram01:07
fastlorisbut it hangs and the fan runs a ton01:07
TheMariusthat could be a driver issue01:07
TheMariussounds plenty to run xfce01:07
fastlorishow would I figure that out?01:07
TheMariusxfce should even run fine on 512 mb ram01:07
TheMariusi can see it on your specs01:07
TheMariusprobably gpu ... what kind of gpu do you have? amd?01:08
fastlorisYeah I saw the requirements and it seems enough...but it doesn't run smooth. How would i tell if its a driver?01:08
TheMariusive had similar issues with amd .. but in 16.04 leaving it with open source drivers, its been running fine however wont run many steam games01:08
TheMariusthe fan thing01:08
TheMariusthats typical for bad gpu drivers01:08
fastlorishow do I check the GPU in terminal?01:09
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fastlorisI used "sudo cat /proc/cpuinfo" for specs but it doesnt have gpu info...I tried it with gpu in place of cpu in command but didnt work01:09
TheMariusoh.. darn.. im bad at terminals ... im used to windows and graphical gui01:09
TheMariusno.. its another command01:09
TheMariusyou could allways try sudo apt-get install screenfetch01:10
TheMariusand then type screenfetch .. that gives you info about your system01:10
fastloriswhat is screenfetch?01:10
fastlorisis that what people always show in conkeys with specs?01:10
TheMariusumm no you get it in the terminal window01:10
TheMariuspaste what line "GPU:" says when youre done01:11
fastlorishow do I run it...I tried "screenfetch" and it doesnt work01:11
TheMariusdo you use a live cd?01:12
fastlorisi did install...then update...then tried to run01:12
fastlorisnope installed01:12
fastloris"screenfetch command not found"01:12
TheMariusyou're supposed to just type "screenfetch" ... doesnt matter where.. it should be installed so you can run it from anywhere01:12
fastloris"command not found" every way I try01:13
fastlorisbut google says this is the GPU Mobile Intel 945GM Express01:14
TheMariustry sudo lshw -C display01:14
TheMariusthats odd... intel graphics card should be super easy to get running fine01:15
TheMariusjust installed or what?01:15
fastlorisno its been on a while...I tried Ubuntu 14.04 and it was really slow...so tried Xubuntu 14.04 and was better but still not great01:16
fastlorisso was looking for even lighter to see01:16
TheMariustry lxde then .... think you can install it just typing: sudo apt-get install lxde lxdm01:17
fastlorishow do I switch DEs? does it show in grub and I choose?01:17
TheMariuscould still be something your computer is allergic to regarding ubuntu01:18
TheMariusyou reboot and pick then i think... i havent done it though01:18
fastlorisok thanks01:18
fastloriswhats the lxdm part?01:18
TheMariusbut seriosly .. you might have better luck trying to run another distro01:18
yagaoisaHow can I add music to iPhone (iOS 9.3) from Ubuntu 16.04?01:18
TheMariusits a display manager01:18
TheMariusi would highly recomend checking out crunchbang plusplus .. its not hard to get running... or maybe even opensuse ... but try out lxde first01:19
TheMariusyou should distro jump a bit to you find one your computer likes01:19
TheMariusand you like01:19
TheMariusif the distro doesnt like my machine, i just delete it and try another until i find one that works well01:20
yagaoisaTheMarius:  I have been playing with ubuntu and arch the most but tried others. I can't decide :D01:20
TheMariusmanjaro linux is descent too but depends if you have lots of other stuff hooked up to your machine like printers and scanners, which i do... manjaro wont find it01:20
TheMariusmanjaro is arch based but much more typing.. crunchbang is debian so more similar to ubuntu01:21
TheMariustyping as in terminal use to get stuff connected to your machine running, ive found both ubuntu and linux mint to find the stuff i have connected automatically ... one of the few distros that do that01:21
TheMariusgot 2 printers/scanners + lots more01:22
fastlorisI was going to try antergos...vanilla arch is too much for me01:22
TheMariusi wouldnt go for arch either01:22
TheMariusyou want something where stuff is done graphically as much as possible01:23
KenrinReal power is in the CLI01:23
TheMariustheres one id recomend that ive read about, fastloris01:25
TheMariusif you give me a few sec to come up with the name of it01:25
fastlorisKenrin: I can't handle real power01:25
uioHi - what is the best way to manually install LaTeX packages on ubuntu?01:27
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TheMariusapricity os, solus or solydx ... id suggest one of those two01:28
TheMariusi wouldnt recomend the one you suggested.. it says its buggy01:29
TheMariuspotencially opensuse01:29
TheMariusthen you have 4 to test out01:29
fastloristhanks Marius01:30
TheMariusfrom reviews btw, drop solus01:30
TheMariusapricity os, solydx and opensuse ... linux mint is too similar to ubuntu01:30
fastlorisSolus is 64bit only anyway...this machine is 32bit sadly01:30
TheMariusoki ... well there you have some01:30
reisiofastloris: what proc is it?01:32
TheMariusand then theres the ultralight crunchbang alternative ... its not hard to use.. just a bit .. weird01:32
TheMariusif all the others fails... try that one01:33
fastlorisreisio: Core Duo T2250 / 1.73 GHz01:33
fastlorisI cant find if apricity OS is 32 bit capable...it doesnt have a requirements page01:34
reisiowhat... exactly are you up to?01:35
TheMariusk ... move on to solydx and opensuse01:35
reisiowhy're you looking for some strange derivative distro?01:35
TheMariusubuntu isnt running well01:35
fastlorisWas just taking recommendations to try01:35
reisiohow isn't it running well?01:35
TheMariusslow sluggish lots of fan noise ... and intel hardware01:35
fastlorisXubuntu is lagging and fans running often...01:35
TheMariusdoesnt make sense01:35
fastloristhe specs say it should work fine but was looking for something else to try01:36
reisiofastloris: on a laptop?01:36
fastlorisyep...initially came to ask if lubuntu was much lighter or if LXDE on Xubuntu would help01:37
TheMariushowever i doubt it cause the specs tells me this computer should run xbuntu like a champ01:37
reisiowell your processor is what, a decade old?01:37
reisiolaptops hold up even less well than processors after that amount of time01:38
fastlorisinstalled LXDE but have to reboot in a bit to play with it...have horrible internet so can't try a bunch of distros..takes 4 or 5 hours just to get one iso down01:38
TheMariusopensuse is usually a safe bet though.. its a major distro01:38
TheMariusand its own branch01:38
TheMariusid prob try that before solydx01:38
fastlorisopensuse is rolling right?01:39
TheMariusdepends if you want it rolling01:39
fastlorisreisio yeah its ancient01:39
TheMariusyou can pick either01:39
TheMariustumbleweed is rolling, leap is regular updates like ubuntu01:40
reisiofastloris: perfectly lovely 64-bit laptop with longer battery life will cost you all of $150 in the USA right now01:40
fastlorisI'd like rolling for updated apps...but don't want to break things often either01:40
fastlorisreisio I am shopping01:40
fastloristhinking a refurbed t450s or t440s01:40
fastlorisjust not good at making decisions ;)01:41
TheMariuswho says fastloris needs to spend $150 ? she can get some distro running smooth on this machine, question is which01:41
reisiowhy buy refurbished when you can buy new01:41
fastlorisI do need a more modern machine....for sure...but would like this one to work well as a backup01:41
fastlorisreisio what is new for 150 other than a tiny screened ARM chromebook?01:41
TheMariuswhy buy anything when you have linux ... if it can run on a gen 1 raspberry pi and dishwashing machine, it can also run on that computer01:42
reisiofastloris: a normal screened x86 chromebook, for one01:42
fastlorissuch as? what is good?01:42
fastlorisI don't want to buy a dishwasher ;)01:42
TheMariusleave it ... that computer is fine ... just need a ok distro that will be happy with the hardware01:43
TheMariusits out there, which one is the question01:43
reisioa ten-year-old laptop is basically never fine, not as a laptop01:43
reisioif you want a laptop-as-a-desktop, yes, it'll be fine01:43
reisiobut only if you can stand its ancientness01:43
reisiowhich apparently he can't01:43
TheMariusi used a asus eee with 2 gb ram and even less capable than that one until last year01:43
reisio$150 is about 20 hours' worth of work at minimum wage01:44
reisiothe more time you spend on this without a result you like, the more you should've just bought a new laptop instead01:44
TheMariusit played music and movies just fine when i found the right software01:44
reisioyeah, what processor?01:44
TheMariusreisio, intel atom01:45
reisiowhich one01:45
fastlorisSO anyway guys...which x86 chromebook has a large screen and is cheap?01:45
TheMariusi dont remember.. its what.. 6 years old ... this old desktop is a amd x4 3.2ghz (955 version) ... its from 200801:45
reisiofastloris: most of them01:45
TheMariusi looked at chromebooks but you want an intel processor in it.. and a descent screen... + 4 gb of ram and 32 gb or more diskspace01:46
* DilloDroid needs to clone his system to and external USB hard drive partition01:46
TheMariusi found several here in .no ... no idea whats avaliable in the us01:46
DilloDroidI'm a Mac person, so just need a simple interface like Carbon Copy Cloner01:47
TheMariusget FHD screen minimum...01:47
TheMariusQHD would be optimal01:47
TheMariusbut chromebooks with good specs are coming01:47
fastlorisbrb gonna try LXDE01:47
reisioanyone who's already had a laptop will not be bothered by any chromebook screen01:48
DilloDroidLXDE is nicely quick on very old hardware01:48
TheMariusshould be.. but idk if its more related to drivers01:48
DilloDroidany ideas on a cloning program?01:48
reisioDilloDroid: cloning? What for01:49
DilloDroid DilloDroid needs to clone his system to and external USB hard drive partition01:49
DilloDroidDilloDroid> I'm a Mac person, so just need a simple interface like Carbon Copy Cloner01:49
W00dP3ck3rtry Clonezilla01:49
reisioDilloDroid: why do you need to do that01:49
DilloDroidYeah, that looks like a pain to install on Ubuntu01:49
DilloDroidI want to be able to boot from the portable drive if needed01:50
DilloDroidas a clone of the current system01:50
TheMariusin ubuntu mate theres the "disks" tool01:50
K-archDilloDroid:  https://sourceforge.net/projects/redobackup/?source=directory01:50
TheMariusehh.. not that one01:50
DilloDroidyeah, the Backup utility in Ubuntu won't do it01:50
DilloDroidthat'd for backup of data01:51
DilloDroidwon't clone01:51
TheMariusi dont know it though01:51
DilloDroidyeah, the installation looks messy01:51
DilloDroidconsidering Fog01:51
DilloDroidjust wondered if anyone had experience with that sort of thing01:52
TheMariusnot me01:54
DilloDroidk, thanks anyway01:54
GuevaraHello! My ubuntu-tweak-tools doesn't change the icon theme in unity laucher. Any idea?01:56
KenrinWhy not just rsync / ?01:56
DilloDroidK-arch> DilloDroid:  https://sourceforge.net/projects/redobackup/?source=directory << looks good, thanks :)01:56
DilloDroidKenrin> Why not just rsync / ? << I'd rather use a GUI if I can01:57
DilloDroidsomething like Carbon Copy Cloner01:57
KenrinSo use Grsync01:57
TheMariusrsync -a -x / /media/backupdisk/01:58
TheMariusi think the command for exact copy is: rsync -a -x --delete / /media/backupdisk/01:59
DilloDroidGRSYNC is in the the Ubuntu Software Center01:59
DilloDroidtaking a look...01:59
TheMariusi think its installed by default in ubuntu02:00
TheMariusso you already have it02:00
Kenrinrsync is,  not the GUI frontend though02:00
DilloDroidnot installed, but available02:01
DilloDroidinstalling now02:01
KenrinRedo looks pretty cool too.  It uses partclone,  which clonzeilla uses02:02
DilloDroidI need to run this from my internal to update my external02:03
DilloDroid"Runs from CD/USB" << Redo02:04
shabang_broj #puppylinux02:04
KenrinYeah same as clonezilla02:04
DilloDroidit's basically disaster recovery for the main Ubuntu system02:04
KenrinRsync probably what you after then02:04
KenrinI know you want a GUI,  but wouldn't it be easier to just setup a cron job rsync assuming the external is always connected ?02:05
reisioor even not assuming02:06
* Kenrin shrugs02:06
greyfewdWhy the does the xenial amd64 installer still look for i386 files? And is there a way to stop it via preseed from doing this?02:06
reisiolook for?02:06
DilloDroidDilloDroid needs to clone his system to and external USB hard drive partition02:10
DilloDroidoops, wrong channel, sorry02:10
BenderRodriguezDear ubuntu02:12
BenderRodriguezmy ubuntu server is not honoring the nameserver entries defined in /etc/network/interfaces02:12
BenderRodriguezhere's the config file: http://termbin.com/efci02:12
BenderRodriguezAt reboot, pinging google.com no longer works until I make a manual fix by "echo nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf"02:12
BenderRodriguezAny ideas ?02:12
fastlorisso i screwded the DEs up somehow....I installed LXDE and tried it but cant switch back to XFCE now02:14
fastloristhe "choose" menu will not accept my login except for LXDE02:14
greyfewdinstaller is requesting i386 Packages file02:15
fastlorishow do I get back to XFCE and remove LXDE?02:15
KenrinBenderrodriguez: Edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base02:15
alexpcanyone can help me?02:15
BenderRodriguezKenrin: is that new to 16.04? I've never had DNS issues when putting it in /etc/network/interfaces02:16
alexpcmy terminal does not work root password02:16
TheMariusfastloris: lxde didnt work better?02:16
KenrinNew as of 12.04,  resolvconf is supposed to grab it from the interfaces file02:16
TheMariustheres a "logout" option there somewhere02:16
Bashing-omalexpc: Depends, we do not fix broken hearts .02:16
fastlorisTheMarius: When I log out or reboot and it takes me to the "choose DE and LOG IN" screen it won't let me log into xubuntu02:17
TheMariustry to login as root02:17
fastlorisit just blanks the boxes out when I type my log in and password....if I choose LXDE it boots02:17
alexpci am trying this new version of ubunto mate02:17
TheMariusdid lxde run better?02:17
Kenrinbenderrodriguez: I see your problem though,  use dns-nameservers not just nameservers02:17
fastlorishow? the choises are syslog, sane and other where I fill in blank02:17
Bashing-omalexpc: "terminal does not work root password " explain please . Be aware when the pass word is entred there is no reponse to the screen .02:18
fastlorisLXDE seems a little bit faster but it's ugly as hell02:18
TheMariusyep exactly02:18
fastlorisany idea why I cannot log into XFCE now?02:18
TheMariusthere are nice looking customized lxde's ... but question is if its fast enough to be worth it?02:18
BenderRodriguezKenrin: oh...02:19
TheMariusfastloris: try "logout"02:19
fastlorisi can log out fine02:19
TheMariusand login again.. should be some kind of menu there02:19
fastlorisi cant log back in to anything but LXDE02:19
alexpci can use my password to enter system normally howsoever when it comes terminal my password does not work . what todo?02:19
fastlorisif I choose anything from the menu but LXDE it won't accept my name and password and just resets the boaxes02:19
TheMariusfastloris: may i suggest you just install something else? if lxde is slow too02:20
fastlorisi might...but first I want to get back to XFCE02:20
Kenrin"dns-nameservers"  That should work02:20
alexpci have formated my laptop 2 times already02:20
reisioalexpc: you been using encryption?02:20
fastlorisdoes anyone know why I can only log into lxde and not xfce?02:21
alexpcthis optin i din t selet when intalling02:21
TheMariusfastloris: guess i should try to help here.. let me check02:21
fastloriswhen rebooting...or logging out...I get a page with usernames in middle...and DE and language at bottom02:22
Bashing-omalexpc: At the login screen key combo ctl+alt+F1 gives a console interface . Her enter your username .. you will next be asked for your password. Enter your password blindly and hot the enter key . do you log into the system now ?02:22
fastlorisI choose xfce or xubuntu session and it will not log in with my username or password..just blank out when I press enter02:23
TheMariusfastloris: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lxdm02:23
fastlorisif I choose LXDE or Openbox it logs in to the LXDE DE02:23
TheMariustry that one and pick the other02:23
fastlorischoice is lxdm and lightdm02:23
TheMariuspick lightdm02:24
fastlorisi picked lxdm atfirst as thats what google said was right02:24
fastlorisjust returned me to user prompt..02:24
fastlorisafter choosing light DM02:24
TheMariussudo chown username:username .Xauthority02:25
TheMariussudo chmod a+wt /tmp02:25
TheMariustry that too02:25
TheMariusi follow a guide i found here02:25
TheMariusthen reboot02:25
fastlorissays invalid user02:25
TheMariususername is your user02:25
fastlorisi put my username and it says invalid user02:26
TheMariusif its fastloris its sudo chown fastloris:fastloris02:26
fastlorisi put it only second half02:26
Kenrinsecond half is for the group,  which is usually the same as your username02:26
TheMariuswindows have a few edges over linux in terms of userfriendlyness on stuff like this02:27
fastlorisok reboot now?02:27
TheMariusi guess.. i hope it works02:27
fastlorisi did those two commands properly...nothing happened visibly02:27
fastlorisjust returned me to user prompt02:27
MannyLNJHow do I verify that my DHCP server is running?02:27
TheMariusno you claimed ownership02:27
TheMariussince you couldnt log in to xfce02:27
fastlorishope to see you soon :|02:28
TheMariusme too02:28
TheMariusgood luck02:28
KenrinMannylnj:  that would depend on what dhcp server you installed,  but probably something like systemctl status dhcpd4.service02:29
TheMariusand if it fails, its time to ditch ubuntu and try the other distros ... theres tons.. macpup is one for really old hardware02:29
alexpcit worked02:29
Bashing-omalexpc: All in the learning curve . :)02:30
fastloris_Marius it didnt work02:30
fastloris_Can still only choose LXDE02:30
fastloris_and now fan is running non stop02:31
alexpcbut how can i get out of black screeen without rebbot computer?02:31
fastloris_all I wanted to do was try anothe DE ffs02:31
TheMariusi have no clue fastloris02:31
TheMariusbut either way it doesnt sound like its the right distro for it02:31
fastloris_I can't boot into the XCFE default02:31
TheMariusso time to download another one02:31
fastloris_well right now everything is a mess02:32
TheMariusyou havent used it much right so no need for backups?02:32
fastloris_It was slow but working before...Id like to get back to how it was02:32
alexpci sede alt +control + f1  black screen02:32
fastloris_I have backups but no other computer....and very slow internet02:32
fastloris_so to get another Distro will take a day02:32
TheMariussigh ... ok try to delete lxde and lxdm02:32
fastloris_I jsut want to remove LXDE and get back to XFCE02:32
TheMariussudo apt-get purge lxde lxdm02:33
Kenrinalexpc: you mean back to GUI?  ctrl+alt+F602:33
fastloris_can I delete them from inside lxde?02:33
TheMariusi think so ... ask the experts here02:33
fastloris_and is there a way to stop fan? its going on high non stop since reboot02:33
TheMariushow does fastloris_ get back xfce ?02:33
TheMariussounds allmost like xfce runs in the background on top of lxde02:34
fastloris_lxde is supposed to be easier instead its screwing everything up02:34
TheMariusnot easier.. lighter02:34
TheMariusi assumed you'd get a login option to pick one02:34
KenrinI'd just purge xfce then reinstall that noise02:34
KenrinBut I'm not an expert,  =o02:34
fastloris_log in choices are lxde, openbox, xfce and xubuntu session...02:35
fastloris_xfce and xubuntu session won't log in02:35
TheMariusopenbox will?02:35
fastloris_username and password only works for other two...yes penbox will but it just goes to lxde desktop02:35
fastloris_fan is going to explode so I could use some advise02:35
fastloris_can I purge a DE from inside the DE?02:36
KenrinIf it isn't the DE you are using,  sure02:36
fastloris_and have I somehow blocked my permission from XFCE?02:36
KenrinOr just drop back to shell02:36
fastloris_well it IS the DE I am using as its the only one I can get in02:36
TheMariusi dont get how that would have happened02:36
fastloris_and I have no idea how to just use shell02:36
TheMariusthis is typical though02:37
TheMariusive messed up a few distros too02:37
Kenrinctrl-alt-f1 to f5 does the trick to pop you into shell02:37
fastloris_so what do I do?02:37
Kenrinf6 is the gui02:37
backbox_HI G02:37
backbox_hi gays02:37
TheMariusfastloris: still got the xubuntu usb stick there, right?02:38
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KenrinEr,  make that tty7 the gui02:39
TheMariusone last shot ... try sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop02:40
TheMariusthat installs the proper lubuntu desktop02:40
TheMariusim following guides ... i shouldnt :/ but i kind of thought you had usb stick with xubuntu worst case scenario02:41
TheMariusso you'd just reinstall02:41
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TheMariusoh well..02:42
Hydr0p0nX how do I get UDF formatted dvd's to automount? ISO format dvd's do and bluray disks do, just not udf dvd. I'm running 14.04.4 4.2.0-34-generic #39~14.04.1-Ubuntu02:43
fastlorisI wish I could just afford a new MBP....linux is not good for me02:43
TheMariusit is if you just get it working02:44
fastlorisDid I get kicked out? it says I quit02:44
TheMariusi can aford a macbook pro but i dont bother buying it02:44
TheMariuscause linux works and i want to stay open source02:44
fastlorisThe Marius the problem is I have constant problems like this...OSX never gave me problems...I just cannot afford this anymore02:45
fastlorisI want to stay open as well...but its so much trouble02:45
greydawgwhat sort of problems will they be?02:45
TheMariusno its not once you get a distro that works02:45
fastlorisalways some app breaking or bug or thing like this02:45
fastlorisI have no idea what happened....I purged LXDE and thank god it worked02:46
KenrinTold you ;P02:46
greydawgfastloris: that's the whole learning process02:46
TheMariusfastloris: good02:46
fastlorisKenrin I had no idea how to get out of the shell...I pressed f1 and was in the shell and just did apt-get purge lxde and thankfully it worked02:46
fastloristried then restart...then shutdown...the finally reboot worked02:46
KenrinYeah my bad I meant to say hit ctrl-alt-f7 to go back to GUI02:47
fastlorishad no idea what I was doing02:47
TheMarius...and lxdm ?02:47
TheMariuscause you dont need it02:47
TheMariuspurge out that too02:47
fastlorisI was cursing you Kenrin ;)02:47
fastlorisHOW DO I GET OUT02:47
Kenrinstartx always works too =o02:47
fastlorismarius I couldnt remember LXDM...do I need to do it separarely now?02:47
TheMariusnah if everything works you can leave it02:48
fastloriscommand "damnyoukenrin" didnt work02:48
fastloristo get out of shell02:48
fastlorissomeone told me to try arch....no way...i cant even handle xubuntu02:48
TheMariussnappy packages are supposed to fix that02:48
KenrinI'm using Arch02:48
fastloriswould xubuntu 16.04 have snappy as well?02:48
fastlorissince ubuntu 16.04 does?02:49
KenrinOnly because I need kernel 4.6 for skylake though02:49
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fastlorisso alt f1 is go to full shell and alt f7 back to DE?02:49
TheMariustheres www.lxle.net .. ubuntu based... puppy linux... opensuse xfce ... solydx ... crunchbang plusplus with openbox02:49
Kenrinf1 through f6 is your six shell sessions02:49
Kenrinf7 is the gui02:50
fastloriswhy are there 6?02:50
KenrinIn case you need to do different things or watch logs or whatever else02:50
KenrinSame reason it gives you like four desktops to switch between02:50
TheMariusif you look at lxle.net you see how lxde is supposed to look, fastloris02:50
fastlorisso will snappy packages work on any ubuntu flavor or just main?02:50
TheMariusit already works but its still in beta02:50
TheMariusit will be rolled into ubuntu 16.04 ->02:51
TheMariusonly a few packages atm02:52
fastlorisso right now how do you get snappys in 16.04? are they in gnome software center?02:52
TheMariusnah just a small list02:52
TheMariusi guess it will come to the software centre in a while but not this year02:52
MannyLNJKenrin, wheh I do  systemctl status dhcpd4.service  I get systemctl: command not found02:52
fastlorisso any idea why I couldn't log in to XFCE with LXDE installed? it was weird...and it ran fan 100%02:53
KenrinYou on a ubuntu distro that uses systemd ? or something older ?02:53
TheMariusi assume there was some conflict and you might have been running both desktops simultaniously02:53
TheMariushowever you got it sorted out02:53
fastlorisxubuntu 14.0402:53
TheMariusi might have gone for www.lxle.net02:54
fastloriswell I removed LXDE but have no idea why it happened...I hate solving soething but not knowing why or how I did it02:54
MannyLNJKenrin, I am on 14.04 LTS02:54
fastlorisI am afraid to try another DE after this02:54
fastloristhink I will just leave it alone02:54
fastlorissince this is my only computer for now02:55
KenrinDid you install isc-dhcp-server ?  systemctl status isc-dhcp-server02:55
KenrinIt would all depend on what dhcp server you got installed02:55
Kenrinbut systemctl status is the command02:55
TheMariusfastloris: if you can install, you just have a usb stick or dvd with some distro and test out various kinds02:55
fastlorisOH its a distro....not  DE02:55
fastloristhought it was another light DE02:56
KenrinSorry I meant that to be systemctl status isc-dhcp-server.service02:56
MannyLNJKenrin, I do have isc-dhcp-server but systemctl seems to not be a valid command02:56
TheMariusno its generally not recomended to install a DE over existing one but i figured since xfce seems to run so bad why not try02:56
TheMariusyou were testing02:56
fastlorisI think I am going to leave this one alone...and wait until I get another laptop to distro hop02:56
fastloriscant risk losing this one to a problem02:56
TheMariusnot really ... all you need is 2 usb sticks02:56
fastlorisoh you mean try it live?02:57
TheMarius1 with a distro you know works.. like xubuntu02:57
KenrinMannyLNJ: try service isc-dhcp-server status02:57
TheMariusand 1 for testing various others02:57
TheMariusand if it runs well, install it02:57
fastlorisnothing I can do with a live session will mess up the installed xubuntu?02:57
TheMariusyou want to have 1 usb stick with a working os02:57
TheMariusand backup of everything02:58
fastlorisI have elementary OS dual installed...its just a bit too rigid....runs ok....but I can't adjust things the way I like02:58
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TheMariusyou could use dropbox or google drive for backup02:58
TheMariusjust remember login name / pass02:58
MannyLNJKenrin, status: Unknown job: isc-dhcp-server02:58
fastlorisI have all files etc backed up on external HDDs02:58
TheMariuswhy not run elementary os then?02:58
fastlorisso thats not a huge problem....02:58
fastloriswell Elementary isnt much faster than Xubuntu...and you cannot customize it much02:59
TheMariuselementary os is supposed to be rigid .. its there to run software and thats basically it :P02:59
fastlorisdoesnt even have menus in a lot of places02:59
TheMariuslxle like i pointed to could be an option .. funny it runs better than xfce but if it does, i dont get why you want xfce :P02:59
KenrinMannyLNJ: You sure you got it installed then?  It should tell you either stopped or start|running02:59
fastlorisif this was 64bit I might try solus02:59
fastlorisbut its 64 only03:00
MannyLNJKenrin, I am pretty sure I have it installed. How can I verify?03:00
TheMariuselementary os is probably excellent for your use, fastloris03:00
fastlorisit takes me about 5-6 hours min to get a single distro due to slow internet so I need to pick wisely03:00
TheMariusid stick to that one03:00
fastlorisbetter than xubuntu?03:00
fastlorisor just because I am stupid? ;)03:00
TheMariusyou need a working computer.... you have one with elementary os03:01
Kenrindpkg -s isc-dhcp-server03:01
KenrinCould also try just installing it again03:01
fastloriswell Xubuntu works...just lags a bit and fan spins up a lot....but its not stuck on like LXDE ways03:01
TheMariusi run samba and various stuff ... i want the options mate gives me .. however, if i just had an old laptop that ran elementary fine, id stick with that one03:01
TheMariusyou dont need xfce03:01
TheMariusyou want libreoffice, gimp, hexchat, chrome browser and that sort of stuff03:02
MannyLNJKenrin, it says Status: install ok installed03:02
TheMariusthats what elementary os is there for03:02
fastlorisonly media I have is xubuntu disk...I dont have elementary disk anymore so would have to dl and burn another03:02
fastlorisThe things i need are libreoffice, firefox, tor browesr, vlc, peazip, veracrypt,03:02
fastlorismaybe few more I can't think of03:03
TheMariusdid you look at www.lxle.net ? i tried it and i was happy with it.. its an alternative to elementary .. it use the dreaded lxde but it looks pretty and has everything you'd need03:03
KenrinMannyLNJ: What does "service isc-dhcp-server start" tell you?03:03
fastlorisdoes lxle support gtk2 stuff?03:03
TheMariusnot sure .. think so03:03
fastlorisso I can change theme and icons etc?03:03
MannyLNJKenrin, it says start: Job failed to start03:03
fastlorislxde didnt have compositing and I couldnt get one to work with it03:03
TheMariusidk ... look at it... but elementary os really does the job, and if you like osx it kind of speaks for itself :P03:04
TheMariusits not like you can customize osx much :P03:04
fastlorisi'd like to try apricity...looks great and is the style I like03:04
fastlorisbut cant see if they have 32bit option03:04
KenrinMannyLNJ: Sounds like you messed something up in the config inside either /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server or /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf03:04
TheMariusapricity is one of those newer distros... probably 64 bit by default03:04
fastlorisprobably..solus is too03:05
MannyLNJKenrin, how do I copy those files to pastebin to get help?03:05
fastlorisi have a torrent of 32bit antergos ready to DL03:05
TheMariusid avoid antergos03:05
fastlorisand had xubuntu 16.04 queued up as well03:05
TheMariuscause its buggy03:05
fastlorisreviews said its great03:05
TheMariusmaybe but i think its like fedora03:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:06
KenrinMannyLNJ: Just check the files to be sure you changed everything correctly,  here is something from askubuntu about it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/140126/how-do-i-install-and-configure-a-dhcp-server03:06
KenrinIt has the sample configs too03:07
fastlorisso is lkle a flavor...or its own distro?03:07
TheMariusi dont think tmg wants us to chat more03:07
fastlorisoh is !ot mean of topic?03:07
fastloriswell we are talking ubuntu again...as lxle is ubuntu based03:08
fastlorisbut I can pm if its ok03:08
TheMariussure sent you an image of it on pm03:08
MannyLNJKenrin, it looks right to me so I must not be undestanding what I am seing03:11
Kenringoto pastebin.com and link it to us03:12
TGVoidMy PC broke (Windows boot failed) and I need to send it in. However, I want to back up my files, and I have Ubuntu 16.04 LiveCD running right now. I can't find any drives (or the devices tab) in the explorer, so I tried installing Ubuntu. I accidently selected a partition and hit the minus, so I shut off my PC (and the partition is still listed). Is that bad? Also, may I get help in backing up? Thanks!03:12
k00l3th4nTGVoid: Are you saying you intalled Ubuntu over your windows partition?03:15
KenrinSounds like he closed it before it made any changes03:15
MannyLNJKenrin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16755539/ for '/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf'03:16
TGVoidI didn't install it at all. I was on the third dot of the set up (manual partition selection) and I selected one of my Windows partitions. I then hit the minus button, and I unplugged my USB and shut off my PC 30 seconds after (when I realized that I was an idiot)03:17
TGVoidI booted back into LiveCD and my partition was still there03:18
KenrinMannyLNJ: Looks ok,  Are you currently using a DHCP IP Address on that system?03:19
MannyLNJKenrin, No I have tis system set to a staic IP of
MannyLNJKenrin, mu ultimate goal is to take the dhcp role away from my router03:20
TGVoidSo I should be fine with my partition, right?03:20
k00l3th4nTGVoid: Yes, if your partition is listed then you are still fine.03:21
TGVoidThanks! Now, how do I back it up if none of my partitions are listed in the file explorer?03:21
TGVoidk00l3th4n Sorry. I keep forgetting to tag you03:22
k00l3th4nTGVoid: So you aren't able to navigate that drive? Can you find a home directory?03:23
TGVoidk00l3th4n: I can find home. It only losts Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Public, Templates, and Videos though.03:24
KenrinMannyLNJ: You are using a /27 CIDR with a range to .19903:24
KenrinYour CIDR only goes up to .3003:24
KenrinThat is the only issue I see03:24
k00l3th4nTGVoid: Hold on just a minute. BRB03:25
MannyLNJKenrin, How do I correct that?  I want to use .200-.250 for my VPN connections03:25
TGVoidk00l3th4n: No problem03:25
KenrinUse a different subnet then03:25
KenrinMake the netmask and you can use up to .25403:27
k00l3th4nTGVoid: What is the name of the windows partion?03:28
MannyLNJKenrin, I made the change but still no good   emanuel@ToshSatUbu:~$ sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart03:28
MannyLNJstop: Unknown instance:03:28
MannyLNJstart: Job failed to start03:28
k00l3th4nTGVoid: Is it NTFS or FAT?03:29
OerHeksics maybe ?03:29
MannyLNJKenrin, new pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/16755788/03:29
TGVoidSDA4 on NTFS03:29
k00l3th4nTry 'mount -t ntfs /dev/sda4 /mnt' Change the /dev/sda4 to match your drive path.03:31
KenrinI'll throw it into a VM and test03:31
KenrinDo you want a file in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf ?03:32
MannyLNJKenrin, checking03:33
MannyLNJKenrin, I don't have a /etc/ltsp directory it seems03:34
TGVoidk00l3th4n: I need root. How do I get root access on the terminal?03:34
k00l3th4nTGVoid: Type 'sudo' before the command.03:34
TGVoidk00l3th4n: It's a long error. Let me send a screen.03:36
TGVoidk00l3th4n: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16755947/03:38
MannyLNJKenrin, My mouse just stopped responding03:38
Kenrinuncomment the netbios stuff03:39
KenrinEr i mean comment out03:39
MannyLNJcommentetd out still no change. I'm going to eboot to se if my mouse comes back03:41
k00l3th4nTGVoid: So it seems the drive is corrupt/locked. You need to repair it through Linux being you can't boot Windows.03:44
k00l3th4nType 'sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs'03:44
aukhi everyone, i'm having trouble making a bootable ubuntu 16.04 live usb. i'm on fedora, i've been using unetbootin. all my computers are pre-UEFI03:45
KenrinGuys,  what is the error in this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16755788/ ?03:45
aukany ideas?03:45
k00l3th4nThen, type sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda4 or whatever the name of your drive is.03:45
KenrinNevermind,  I got it working,  he was missing a }03:49
KenrinSyntax errors drive me crazy03:50
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TGVoidk00l3th4n: Did what you said. Here's what came up: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1675618403:51
TGVoidk00l3th4n: I pasted the wrong log http://paste.ubuntu.com/1675620303:52
KenrinMannyLNJ: You were missing a } line after the range03:53
MannyLNJKenrin, thanks let mr edit again03:53
KenrinSyntax errors driving me crazy =/03:53
TGVoidk00l3th4n: The thing is, the day I couldn't boot into Windows was 2 hours after I left to go somewhere. I couldn't boot out of nowhere, and I didn't do anything to the partitions until today with Ubuntu03:54
MannyLNJKenrin, is this right now? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16756249/03:54
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KenrinNo you want the } on a line by itself03:55
Kenrinright under range03:55
KenrinJust like it does it in all the examples03:55
k00l3th4nTGVoid: I hate to break it to you... but I think it might be unrecoverable.03:55
MannyLNJKenrin, Success (I think) isc-dhcp-server start/running, process 314203:56
TGVoidk00l3th4n: There's no way to check?03:56
KenrinYay,  sorry that took so long to figure out.  I had to run it through a VM a few times03:56
k00l3th4nTGVoid: The system is corrupt. You need to run a check of the system. The only way to do that is with Windows. Tha's not an option if you can't boot into the system.03:56
TGVoidI can make a recovery disk, and I have a Windows ISO burned onto a CD. Will that work?03:57
MannyLNJKenrin, thank you. Now is there an easy way to find the MAC addresses of the ystsems connecting so I can reserve IP's? I want my printers and Set top boxes to have specific IP's03:57
k00l3th4nI'd say it's worth a shot.03:57
TGVoidI tried refreshing my PC, but the drive is locked03:58
KenrinAll the information will be in /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases03:58
KenrinI'm not sure what information it gives you,  but it'll be there03:58
MannyLNJKenrin, thanks again03:58
k00l3th4nI'm not very familiar with the Windows fine system. If you can somehow get a shell running on Windows you can hopefully fix the disk.03:59
k00l3th4nDid you try safemode?04:00
TGVoidk00l3th4n: Do you think Microsoft support will be able to help me?04:00
TGVoidI can't boot in at all. There are missing boot files04:00
LoshkiMannyLNJ: also, check the arp table using "arp -a". Note that it takes time for this cache to populate.04:00
aukTGVoid, k00l3th4n sorry to interrupt but what do you mean by drive is locked? are you using encryption? also if losing data is a problem, you can use a tool like ddrescue to make a full backup before trying to fix things04:03
TGVoidauk: When trying to refresh Windows, it wouldn't let me because the drive is locked04:03
k00l3th4nauk: I meant corrupt from an improper shutdown, etc.04:04
TGVoidI never encrypted my drive04:04
TGVoidauk k00l3th4n This may seem crazy, but is there any way I can connect my laptop to my functioning tower (with Windows 10) and do things from there?04:06
TGVoidOr maybe connect my hard drive from my tower, boot from that, and back my laptop?04:06
aukTGVoid, k00l3th4n hmm have you looked at links like this? https://www.boyans.net/RepairWindows/The_drive_where_Windows_is_installed_is_locked.html04:08
aukTGVoid: you can definitely connec the laptop harddrive to a working computer and backup your files that way (then maybe reinstall windows on laptop after)04:09
TGVoidauk I've looked at part of it. Let me try that out.04:09
TGVoidauk I can't because I have to send the laptop in for a warranty repair, and I don't want to void that04:09
aukTGVoid: oh i see :/ yeah sorry i just got here halfway thru so i'm just talking without being really sure what all you're working with04:10
k00l3th4nauk: I don't think it is locked but corrupt.04:11
TGVoidk00l3th4n: It was working fine, I left it for 2 hours, then this happened. I'm not sure how it would be corrupt in the small time frame04:11
aukk00l3th4n: yeah i saw you suggest ntfsfix earlier, if it's newer windows though i dunno if linux tools can handle it?04:12
k00l3th4nTGVoid: Yeah, it seams crazy but shit happens.04:12
Guest76923i have a disk with bad sectors. how can I format around them?04:13
k00l3th4nauk: Yeah, I'm wasnt sure if it would either but I figured it was worth a shot.04:13
k00l3th4nTGVoid: You can try pulling out your hardrive or SSD and mount it through your Desktop.04:14
TGVoidk00l3th4n: Can't. Warranty will be voided.04:14
KenrinGuest76923:  You probably want to use badblock -svn /dev/whatever or fsck with badblocks option enabled04:14
aukTGVoid, k00l3th4n : umm what's the ubuntu link here?04:14
ccc333dddHello. I just installed Lubuntu 16.04LTS and it keeps freezing and javascript error pop up windows. I know it's the 4 add-ons....04:15
OerHeksGuest76923, formatting will not repair, replace the disk.04:15
aukTGVoid: were you doing somethiing with ubuntu or are you just using ubuntu to fix the windows?04:15
KenrinI meant that to be badblocks not badblock04:15
TGVoidauk: k00l3th4n I was using Ubuntu to fix Windows04:15
Guest76923OerHeks, i have a replacement on the way04:15
aukTGVoid: ok. Is there data on the locked drive that you need or is wiping it clean ok?04:16
Guest76923the partition editor tells me where they are... in hex.04:16
ccc333ddd...the 4 add-ons are ad block plus, ghostery, disconnect me and badger.04:16
TGVoidauk: I needed to back it up before sending it to ASUS04:16
k00l3th4nTGVoid: Hmmmm... I'd say the next step would be to try and get whoever you are sending it to to recover your drive.04:16
harishkrupoTGVoid: you are not able to boot into windows?04:16
Guest76923Kenrin: thank you earlier for all the live system help, btw04:17
TGVoidharishkrupo: auk k00l3th4n Can't boot04:17
aukTGVoid, k00l3th4n why not use and ubuntu live usb to backup the drive to an external drive?04:17
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TGVoidharishkrupo: auk k00l3th4n I don't have one. I was planning on uploading it to onedrive when I can access the files in an OS04:18
k00l3th4nauk: That would work too. lol Sorry, brain failure.04:18
harishkrupoTGVoid: what does it say when you try to boot04:18
aukTGVoid: how big is the drive? there's a great tool called ddrescue which will copy the raw drive, it even supports pause/resume04:18
TGVoidharishkrupo: Boot files missing. I can't refresh the drive because "the drive is locked" and Ubuntu couldn't fix it.04:19
harishkrupotry boot-repair https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair it has an option to fix windows boot files04:19
Guest76923is there a way to convert "Bad cluster:  0xb779f - 0xb779f" into something that tells me where to not have a partition?04:20
Guest76923i only need this drive to work for a week or two tops04:20
TGVoidauk: 1 TB, but I don't have an empty drive or an external one for that matter04:20
harishkrupoTGVoid: try mouting the partition with -o remove_hiberfile ?04:20
glasshow can i launch the "openstego" program?04:21
TGVoidharishkrupo: I couldn't mount the drive in Ubuntu04:21
Guest76923tgvoid why can you not mount the drive?04:22
TGVoidharishkrupo: k00l3th4n Helped me with that and we failed04:22
AxD79Hi All... I am not sure if this is the correct room for this question, but I am looking for a good hosting company where I can get a dedicated server from?  Anyone know of a good and reliable one?04:22
ccc333dddAnybody know what are the best add ons (like ghostery, badger, ad block plus)  that are firefox friendly iow won't freeze, long uploads, or javascript errors?04:23
harishkrupoTGVoid: then try boot repair04:23
harishkrupoit usually works04:23
Illumitardianyone have a recommendation for a free bouncer server for irc because my network is unstable at times?  One that supports autoconnecting to multiple IRC networks at once as well?04:23
TGVoidharishkrupo: Guest76923 http://paste.ubuntu.com/16756203  <k00l3th4n> Type 'sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs' <k00l3th4n> Then, type sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda4 or whatever the name of your drive is.04:23
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KenrinI don't think his drive is ntfs04:24
KenrinIs it ?04:24
Guest76923my drive, with the bad blocks?04:24
Guest76923or tg's drive?04:24
TGVoidharishkrupo: Windows Startup Repair doesn't work, but I'll try that after I use the method auk sent04:25
TGVoidkenrin I think it is. Let me double check in Command Prompt in Windows04:25
TGVoidMy Windows ISO DVD*04:25
aukTGVoid: be careful, i did not check to make sure those methods WILL/WONT wipe your drive04:26
aukTGVoid: please don't accidentally wipe your drive because of me :)04:26
harishkrupoTGVoid: did you try the boot repair?04:26
KenrinHonestly,  I've never had the startup repair work for me in windows04:26
OerHeksare you sure it was ntfs, not exfat?04:26
TGVoidharishkrupo: Not yet.04:27
aukGuest76923: you're trying to map bad blocks, right? this might help https://www.smartmontools.org/browser/trunk/www/badblockhowto.xml04:27
TGVoidBooting back into Ubuntu to check partitions04:27
Guest76923auk, i really just want to wipe the disk and format around the bad sectors.04:28
Guest76923i'm currently running badblocks -svn /dev/sdb04:29
ccc333dddAxD79: Ever hear of a small orange? I'm not affiliated with them. Give them a look. Good luck!04:29
TGVoidharishkrupo: I haven't installed Ubuntu. I'm using LiveCD. Will it still work?04:29
johnzornSomething is binding port 6600 on tcp6 and I can't figure out what. netstat shows the port listening but with no pid/process name. fuser/lsof can't find anything. What could it be? what other commands can I use to figure it out04:30
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harishkrupoTGVoid: the last time it did work for me04:30
OerHekslsof -i :660004:31
Guest76923the partition editor told me where the bad sectors are, can i use that information to skip badblocks?04:32
johnzornOerHeks: that comes up with nothing04:32
Guest76923because i'm 17 minutes in and not yet 2%04:33
OerHeksor sudo netstat -peant | grep ":6600"04:33
johnzornnetstat has a - in the pid column04:33
dramajohnzorn,  music player daemon?04:33
TGVoidharishkrupo: Boot repair is scanning os-prober04:34
KenrinGuest76923:  I'd just let the badblocks run,  it'll take awhile because it will write to every sector then mark the ones bad04:34
johnzornok -peant worked much better than -netlup. I see it's some python process thanks04:34
Guest76923i was just thinking it's a huge disk that i really don't need the entirety of04:35
harishkrupoTGVoid: yeah it takes time04:35
Guest76923it's the only one i found out of six that doesn't click04:35
TGVoidharishkrupo: About how long?04:35
Guest76923and the partition editor mentioned where the bad sectors are04:36
harishkrupoTGVoid: min 4 mins04:36
harishkrupoTGVoid: can take upto 10 mins04:36
TGVoidharishkrupo: Alrighty. Thanks! I'll get back when it's done.04:36
KenrinI don't know of any other way to do it except from inside the program that located the bad sectors,  badblocks, fsck,  or chkdsk04:37
KenrinOr a full format04:37
KenrinAll of which take quite a long time04:38
Guest76923kenrin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16757029/ it tells me where the bad ones are04:38
Guest76923i'm just not sure what to do with this information. I feel i could make a decision on where to not format with it.04:39
Guest76923Kenrin, is there a way to translate from the hex to MB?04:39
TGVoidharishkrupo: Scanning systems (mount)04:41
harishkrupoTGVoid: ok04:42
KenrinThere used to be a way to do what you want Guest...  But I think they rolled everything into chkdsk to make things simple..04:42
akishi all. i am facing the same issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323320 running xubuntu 16.04 with a clean installation. My settings are too: Automatically check for updates: Daily, When there are security updates: Display immediately, When there are other updates: Display immediately.Any idea or help?04:42
KenrinOh well,  out of my knowledge base,  I gotta head home anyway04:44
Guest76923Kenrin, if I nuke the drive, will it even matter?04:44
Kenrinnuke?  as in format ?04:44
TGVoidharishkrupo: "Please backup your data before this operation"04:44
Guest76923it's an old windows drive.04:44
KenrinA full format will get rid of the bad sectors the same as badblocks would04:44
KenrinJust don't do a quick format04:44
harishkrupoTGVoid: did you start the repair?04:45
Guest76923i'm changing to ext4, how do i avoid a quick format?04:45
harishkrupoTGVoid: how big is your windows partition?04:45
TGVoidharishkrupo: Is it going to erase my stuff? I needed to back it up and then send it in for repair.04:45
KenrinJust whenever it asks,  select full format =)04:45
Guest76923good, that makes my life easier.04:45
Guest76923i didn't want to wait all night for badblocks.04:45
Guest76923thanks much for all of your help today04:45
TGVoidharishkrupo: 900 GB I believe. It has my personal files on that one partition04:45
* Guest76923 was the gest on the live system earlier too04:46
harishkrupoTGVoid: boot repair generally doesnt write the mbr, but lets not take any risk?04:46
TGVoidharishkrupo: Is there another way to back up without a second hard drive?04:47
harishkrupowhat do you get when you try to mount the drive?04:47
TGVoidharishkrupo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1675620304:48
harishkrupoTGVoid: Are you sure your drive is not corrupt?04:50
harishkrupoTGVoid: it look like corruption04:50
TGVoidI'm not sure04:50
coreyofcabraso I'm having an extraordinary amount of trouble installing ubuntu since I'm new to linux and I would greatly appreciate some help04:51
TGVoidCan anything be recovered at all?04:51
harishkrupoTGVoid: give me the output of fdisk -l /dev/sdX04:51
coreyofcabraI've figured out that I need to mount my empty hard drive, but have a hard time remembering how to do that, and then I came across other issues04:52
coreyofcabrais there a particular type of formatting I should do with it?04:52
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CarpetMonstercoreyofcabra, I would just format as ext2/ext4. It's really simple to do using the terminal (parted) or gparted.04:55
TGVoidharishkrupo: paste.ubuntu.com/1675727304:55
coreyofcabrais one of those better than the other or are they equal?04:56
CarpetMonsterTo be honest, I do not know. I personally format all of my drives ext4 and I have never had any issues.04:56
harishkrupoTGVoid: cat /proc/partitions?04:57
CarpetMonsterTGVoid, alternatively you can do blkid.04:58
CarpetMonsteror lsblk04:58
harishkrupoTGVoid: yeah blkid will be better04:58
coreyofcabraI've got an end of file while reading error thing. Does that mean anything?04:59
TGVoidharishkrupo: paste.ubuntu.com/1675732904:59
harishkrupoTGVoid: it completely skipped /dev/sda4! looks like the partition is corrupted05:00
TGVoidharishkrupo: I was trying to install Ubuntu and I hit the minus button with that partition on accident and shut down. Could that be why?05:01
harishkrupono just hitting the minus button does not delete it05:02
harishkrupoBut you booted into ubuntu because windows was showing missing boot files right?05:03
harishkrupoTGVoid: did you try fsck05:03
TGVoidIn Windows or Ubuntu?05:03
harishkrupoin ubuntu05:04
TGVoidI don't think so05:04
harishkrupoTGVoid: before that try mounting it using ntfs-3g command05:05
TGVoidWhat's the mountpoint?05:06
TGVoidharishkrupo: paste.ubuntu.com/1675746005:08
harishkrupoTGVoid: ok looks like it is corrupted05:10
harishkrupoTGVoid: you can try photorec to recover your files05:10
harishkrupoTGVoid: did you try ntfsfix?05:10
TGVoidharishkrupo: What's required, and how do I do that?05:10
TGVoidNot sure05:11
harishkrupo!photorec | ubottu05:11
harishkrupophotorec is a command line tool05:11
coreyofcabraOK, so I have an ext4 formatted drive. I think I have to mount it now.05:12
harishkrupoTGVoid: try ntfsfix first and read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery05:12
TGVoidI don't have another storage volume. What can  I do?05:15
harishkrupodid you try ntfsfix?05:18
harishkrupoTGVoid: is that partition a software raid?05:18
TGVoidHow do I use NTFSFIX? And I never set up RAID05:21
harishkrupoTGVoid: sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda05:21
TGVoidharishkrupo: paste.ubuntu.com/1675764805:23
TGVoidharishkrupo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1675764805:23
glasswhy is my system not getting scanned =(05:24
harishkrupoTGVoid: last option, try using a windows cd to repair the disk. If it doesnt work then I am not sure what else can be done05:24
TGVoidUsing the preset options or CMD?05:25
TGVoidUsing the preset options, I'm already done05:25
harishkrupoTGVoid: using the cmd05:26
TGVoidDo you know a good method?05:26
harishkrupoTGVoid: try chkdsk /f <partition number>05:26
harishkrupoTGVoid: sorry partition label C or D05:26
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TGVoidharishkrupo: Just booted into the CD05:33
harishkrupoTGVoid: try the command when you get to the commandline05:34
TGVoidharishkrupo: I did chkdsk /f and /r (without drive letters) and Windows could not check the volume because it's write-protected05:38
harishkrupoTGVoid: ok i believe it is corrupted05:38
harishkrupoTGVoid: you can ask the asus people to look into it05:39
harishkrupoTGVoid: they may have a spare drive that they can copy your disk into05:39
TGVoidharishkrupo: And there's nothing left? ASUS won't do anything with data05:39
TGVoidharishkrupo: If I had a spare drive, what would I have to do?05:39
harishkrupoTGVoid: try the link that i sent you05:42
TGVoidharishkrupo: Which link?05:42
harishkrupoTGVoid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery05:42
TGVoidAlright! Thanks05:42
TGVoidharishkrupo: aku Kenrin Thanks for all of your help today! I really appreciate it05:43
harishkrupoTGVoid: welcome!05:44
mark1this is so cool05:45
AxD79I just instaled oracle virtualbox.. how do i start it from the command line?05:45
mark1anyone using it on raspberry?05:46
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fernando_I would love to try it in the pi05:48
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energizerI have previously set up key authenticated ssh into a linux server, so I can successfully ssh into my user account. But I can't remember my password on that server. I have a few ideas what it might be. How can I test out if they are correct?05:56
AxD79is there a way to copy and paste through putty?06:02
Kenrinenergizer: You could just ssh user@localhost from the server itself when you are ssh'd into it06:02
energizerKenrin: perfect06:03
KenrinI'd probably just passwd and change it06:03
AxD79I have a long URL which I need to copy from my current system and paste it into my server command line via putty.06:04
KenrinJust hightlight stuff inside putty if you want to paste it in windows06:07
temmi_hooAxD79: putty supports copypaste, the menu starts from upper left corner06:07
temmi_hoothe right click thing should be disabled as pasting from right click is very unnatural for all computer environments06:08
temmi_hoomany programs in x11 environment get pastes from middle click but nobody gets that from right click06:08
KenrinHey that is why I use mobaxterm06:09
temmi_hooin windows environment the right click most naturally opens up a context sensitive menu of whatever you clicked06:09
KenrinBut he is using putty so.06:09
temmi_hooso anything that was copied from anywhere in windows with control-c will be pasted to putty with right click anywhere in the putty window06:09
TheSilentLinkhello how do you change the greeter?06:19
TheSilentLinkthe login screen the theme changed and want to change it back06:25
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EriC^^did you install another de? TheSilentLink06:27
TheSilentLinkEriC^^: de?06:27
EriC^^desktop environmen06:27
TheSilentLinkEriC^^: yes06:27
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EriC^^TheSilentLink: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm06:29
TheSilentLinkEriC^^: ok and now I reboot?06:29
EriC^^try tail -v -n +1 /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/* | nc termbin.com 999906:29
EriC^^type mv /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/{60,40}-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf06:31
EriC^^sudo mv ....06:31
TheSilentLinkEriC^^: ok it worked so is that it?06:32
EriC^^type sudo mv /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/{60,40}-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf06:32
EriC^^TheSilentLink: yes, type sudo service lightdm restart06:32
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TheSilentLinkEriC^^: thanks a lot it worked!06:38
EriC^^TheSilentLink: great, no problem06:40
mundus2018I fucked up06:43
mundus2018I accidentlly pressed cntl-alt-del during install06:43
mundus2018and I fucked?06:44
mundus2018Its a remote machine06:44
mundus2018In another house of mine06:44
mundus2018few hours away06:44
Seveasduring install of what?06:45
mundus2018ubuntu server 15.1006:45
yigalhmm I'm not certain how sexual intercourse could have such a negative impact on installing Ubuntu06:45
yigalI'm sorry06:45
Seveasso start the install again. You were able to do it once, so should be able to do it again06:45
mundus2018I was there when I did it06:45
Seveasalso, use 16.04, 15.10 goes out of support in a month06:46
ducassemundus2018: well, then you need to go back there.06:47
mundus2018sigh, fuck06:48
ducassemundus2018: and please watch the language in here.06:48
mundus2018sorry :X06:48
mundus2018first time in the channel06:48
ducassemundus2018: we try to be family-friendly :)06:49
Archeus_hey ppl06:53
thebluesquirelI'm trying out a new client, please would someone ping me06:53
yigalthebluesquirel: what's your ip so we can 'ping' you06:53
thebluesquirelI was talking about an Irc ping...06:54
Archeus_when my PC returns from sleep a long list of codes appear with black background nd then vanish again , i hve tried to read wht is written but im not able to sort out , does anyone hve an idea of wht to do ?06:54
Archeus_plus my wifi keeps disconnecting06:55
thebluesquirelalthough if there's any script kiddies in the room you can hack me at
thebluesquirelI don't mind :p06:55
Archeus_nd sometimes it says its connected but its not06:55
yigalthebluesquirel: heheheh06:55
thebluesquirelhave at it kids ;p06:56
Archeus_does anyone hve nd idea wht to do ?06:57
scarleoArcheus_, you want to read the code? film it with your phone07:01
Archeus_its like07:02
Archeus_checking -------------------------------07:02
Archeus_checking .................................. failed07:03
infI won't get any help here, i suppose, but let's try: How am I supposed to pass routes to cloud-init network-config in local/nocloud datasource?07:10
infMaybe #ubuntu-server might be better channel for that, but i'm not sure if i'm supposed to disturb them...07:10
ngocngocGuys, so I'm really trying to figure out what's going wrong here.07:12
ngocngocI learnt about this 3D interactive wallpaper thing in Ubuntu07:12
ngocngocI've been trying to install it through the software center AND terminal as well07:12
ngocngocbecause it seems really cool07:12
ngocngocbut apparently I need apmen to get it in the first place07:12
ngocngocand I'm not sure how exactly I proceed07:12
ngocngocanyone got any ideas?07:13
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NoobManhi.. could anyone take remote to my system and please install ubuntu07:51
NoobManhi.. could anyone take remote to my system and please install ubuntu07:52
Myrttiit doesn't work like that, Ubuntu is a whole operating system that can't be installed while someone is 'remoted' into the computer07:53
ArcaireNoobMan: The guide is very easy to follow.07:53
ArcaireMyrtti: IPMI :^)07:53
Myrtti(unless you want a virtual machine, which is easy to do too)07:53
MyrttiArcaire: maybe a bit too high flying in this case07:53
ArcaireMyrtti: Yeah I agree.07:54
NoobManArcaire: i got win10 .. i nned to install along side win1007:55
ArcaireNoobMan: There's an option in the installer to do that, as far as I know.07:55
Arcaire"Install and keep current operating system", or something of the sort.07:56
NoobManArcaire: so i can't install along side of win1007:56
ArcaireYes you can.07:56
NoobManArcaire: ok i'll go to live session and please take remote07:56
ArcaireNoobMan: I'm not taking responsibility for installing an OS on your computer. That's something you should learn to do yourself.07:57
ArcaireIf you don't understand it well enough, or are too apprehensive about it, you probably shouldn't be doing it anywya.07:57
NoobManArcaire: ok..i mean i'll watch how u r doing ..then i'll learn07:57
NoobManArcaire: thanks bye07:57
NoobManArcaire: :)07:57
graphiccityhi to all. excuse my rusty english. im using 16.04 unity desktop and i get double menus when using kde apps(kdenlive) how can i get rid of the kde app menus and keep only the globalmenu one ? thx08:06
notadeveloperhow do i portforward08:11
robotti^notadeveloper: what you want portforward? using ssh?08:12
robotti^or using nat?08:12
notadeveloperyes its nat08:12
notadeveloperi cant go from ubuntu appliance to vmclient to windows08:13
notadeveloperbut when i ping from windows i get timeout08:13
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NorbyDroidWhat is installed when ya do a 'net install"?08:53
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NorbyDroidI am lookin for a bare-bones install.  Just enough install and run a compiler and a project I am workin on.08:54
linuxuserany body look to fuck in kitchener08:54
Myrttilinuxuser: wrong network08:55
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NorbyDroidIn proper English, I am lookin for a bare-bones install that will let me install and run the compiler and project I am workin on without anything else installed.  Will the net install accomplish this?08:58
mihael_k33hlI accidentally formated my /dev/sda1 which is supposed to be my boot partition. I'm now booted up via USB, and trying to fix GRUB by using "Boot Repair". I've formatted the /dev/sda1 to fat32 with "bios_grub" flag but when I repair it, Boot Repair will give me an error message: "The boot of your PC is in EFI mode, but no EFI partition was detected. You may want to retry after creating a EFI partition (FAT32, 100MB~250MB, start of 08:59
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: dont put the bios_grub flag08:59
EriC^^that's for a bios-boot partition for legacy + gpt08:59
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: use the hexcode ef00 for it09:00
TheSilentLinkwhat is the command to know if your device supports a 5GHz wifi network?09:00
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: also add the new uuid to /etc/fstab replacing the old one09:00
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: But when I cha\nge the flag to esp,boot in Gparted and fix it via Boot Repair, it'll give me an error message: GPT detected. Please create a BIOS-Boot partition (>1MB, unformatted filesystem, bios_grub flag). This can be performed via tools such as Gparted. Then try again.09:00
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: cause you're booting in legacy mode09:01
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: can you boot a live usb?09:01
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: I'm in a live usb right now09:01
egunonHi, I Am traing to join my session but lighdm restarts09:02
egunonI delted .Xauthority but it doesnt work09:02
egunonwhat can I do?09:02
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999909:03
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: http://termbin.com/5o8w09:03
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt09:05
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: okay09:05
egunonCould someone help please?09:07
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: cat /mnt/etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999909:08
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: http://termbin.com/2j4c09:09
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: did you modify /etc/fstab at any point?09:09
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: No, I didn't.09:10
egunonEriC^^, can you read me?09:11
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: ok, type sudo cgdisk /dev/sda09:12
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: change the type of sda1 to ef0209:12
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: okay, changed that to ef02(BIOS boot partition)09:13
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:13
EriC^^type the above09:13
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: wow, I can't keep up with this commands lol, anyway done09:14
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: apt-get install --reinstall grub-pc09:15
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mihael_k33hlEriC^^: done09:15
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: update-grub09:16
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: it give sme an error message: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'.09:16
EriC^^oh, forgot something09:17
EriC^^type sudo chroot /mnt09:17
EriC^^then type apt-get install --reinstall grub-pc09:17
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: done, it gave me an error cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1 but I think that doesn't matter cause that's the USB09:19
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: that's when i did update-grub by the way09:19
EriC^^ok, try grub-install --recheck /dev/sda09:20
EriC^^then update-grub09:20
mihael_k33hlEriC^^: done09:21
mihael_k33hlshall I restart now?09:22
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: yeah type exit then restart09:23
mihael_k33hlEriC^^, You're a life saver. WOrked like a charm. Thanks a lot man09:27
mihael_k33hlEriC^^, If I'm not mistaken we mounted my linux partition and reinstalled grub checked its config then updated it right? why didn't we mount the boot partition as well?09:28
mihael_k33hlEriC^^, why did we mount /dev /dev/pts /proc and /sys too?09:28
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: great, no problem09:28
EriC^^mihael_k33hl: we didn't mount the boot partition cause it's just a partition for grub to be installed to for gpt to work with legacy (doesn't need a filesystem even)09:29
dryblowSomeone found solution for gdm3 black screen with nvidia gpu active?09:29
EriC^^those /dev ... are the virtual filesystems from the live usb, we mount binded them to the actual install to chroot to it and have access to the disks and other stuff09:30
mihael_k33hlEriC^^, hmm I think I got it but not entirely. Anyway thanks for your help man. Any resources you can point me to with regards to this context?09:38
xWindowcome to ##securify , we give you op ... .09:43
xWindowcome to ##securify , we give you op ... .09:43
xWindowcome to ##securify , we give you op ... .09:43
xWindowcome to ##securify , we give you op ... .09:43
xWindowtime to switch OS09:44
xWindowcome to ##securify , we give you op ... .09:44
xWindowtime to switch OS09:44
rattlebattle79time to shut up09:44
xWindowi am the coder of ubuntu09:45
xWindowwhois me09:45
xWindowyou will know the truth09:45
xWindowabout fedora 2509:45
xWindowis you'r own fault09:45
egunonHi, I Am traing to join my session but lighdm restarts09:46
egunonI delted .Xauthority but it doesnt work09:46
egunoncqnt join09:46
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megaminxwin2i am completely out of my depth10:04
megaminxwin2im using a macbook pro 7,1 and for some reason the wifi only works with the b43 reverse engineered driver10:04
megaminxwin2which is giving me average pings of 250 ms10:05
megaminxwin2the proprietary driver worked until this morning10:05
megaminxwin2i put the computer to sleep and when i woke it up, nothing10:05
megaminxwin2no kernel upgrades10:05
megaminxwin2any ideas?10:06
NorbyDroidHave ya tried a reboot?10:06
megaminxwin2and reinstalling the drivers10:06
megaminxwin2and reboots after that10:06
megaminxwin2brcmwl-0 is not blocked according to rfkill10:09
abhishek_hi guys!10:14
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megaminxwin2anyone have an idea?10:16
MonkeyDustmegaminxwin2  put all that in one line and repeat it every 15 minutes or so, until someone enters who can help10:17
megaminxwin2that sounds spammy10:17
megaminxwin2and not nice10:17
megaminxwin2although tbh at this point i havent a better idea so10:18
megaminxwin2heres hoping i wont be kicked10:18
abhigenie92I am trying to print using Panasonic KX-MB1500 in kubuntu 16.04(Linux hp 4.4.0-22-generic). I have installed driver successfully. In the status message, it shows Cannot load libgs or libgs version too old then 8.010:20
megaminxwin2okay: im using a macbook pro 7,1 and the wifi is only working with the b43 driver, giving me pings of 250 ms on average. the proprietary driver worked last night, and now it doesnt, and no kernel upgrades happened. any ideas?10:20
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abhigenie92I have installed ghostscript too.10:21
NorbyDroidAnyone use the Net Install?10:30
theghostI just installed Ubuntu via VMWare10:31
theghostthen installed IrcII10:31
NorbyDroidI am tryin to install a barebones ubuntu usin the net-install.10:32
theghostHavent done that10:32
theghostSo less people on th chat why?10:33
NorbyDroidSo far all attempts ailed and I have used up way too much data on my internet.  I wonder if it is because I am tryin to install to a usb stick and should wait til I get an hd.10:33
theghostTry an HDD10:33
theghostUSB Sticks dont always work well10:34
theghostIs there any hackers irc channel?Norby?10:34
NorbyDroidNot that I am aware of.10:35
theghostLol :D10:35
theghostYou anywhere else other than this IRC?10:35
NorbyDroidThe only hackin I do is when I hack my own programming projects :D :P10:35
theghostLol :D10:36
BluesKajHiyas all10:39
BluesKajHi MonkeyDust10:39
techknight_Hi. DO you guys know if it is possible to make Ubuntu 16.04 execute a .sh script on startup?10:40
theghostHow many hackers here ;3?10:40
EriC^^techknight_: yeah10:40
EriC^^theghost: the real hackers have found a way to not have their nicks show up O.o10:40
megaminxwin2and now the b43 drivers arent working10:41
theghostf*** lol10:41
theghostspecifically asking ? a 24/7 active hackers irc channel??any available?10:41
techknight_EriC^^ should i just add the file in ~/.config/upstart ?10:41
MonkeyDust!alis | theghost10:42
ubottutheghost: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http10:42
EriC^^techknight_: add it to ~/.config/autostart as a .desktop file , dash > startup apps does that for you if you want to use it10:42
theghostthanks ubottu :D10:42
techknight_running headless here ;)10:42
BluesKajtheghost, this isn't the place to ask10:42
theghostmy bad ( newbie )10:43
EriC^^techknight_: ah ok, well hit me up if you need a template10:43
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techknight_one quick question the .config/upstart doesn't exist? can i just create one?10:43
EriC^^it's ~/.config/autostart not upstart10:43
EriC^^if it's not there create it10:44
techknight_aarh  ok will do10:44
techknight_but if you have a template i will be more than happy to take a look at it :D10:45
arcanis_is posible install xen in a machine with architecture x86?10:50
techknight_EriC^^ Thanks! but i tried and i failed :S i just want the startup script to run a command to startup jupyter notebook (exec jupyter notebook &> /dev/null &)10:51
arcanis_because i need the command to install xen in x86, i only found x6410:52
MonkeyDust!xen | arcanis_ start here10:52
ubottuarcanis_ start here: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen10:52
arcanis_there only apaerance install xen in a machine x6410:54
EriC^^techknight_: try without exec10:55
EriC^^techknight_: give it the path to jupiter10:56
NorbyDroidHave ya tried by removin the last section '-amd64' to see if that works?10:56
Ben64"As of Xen 4.3 Xen requires at least x86 64-bit for the hypervisor."10:56
EriC^^techknight_: /path/to/jupyter notebook10:56
EriC^^no >/dev/null or &10:56
techknight_i iwll try !10:58
arcanis_yes, i quit amd64 and nothing11:00
arcanis_if it there is a command is diferent11:01
arcanis_in the best case it wants install xen-hypervisor...amd6411:03
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C_minushaving some trouble getting Lubuntu live USB to work. First said "gfxboot.c32 not a com32r image", so I hit tab and typed "live". Then the screen changed a little, typeface changed. But now just blinking cursor.11:20
spandeI'm logged into a ubuntu box with teamviewer, probably trusty. I have a desktop showing. How do I get an xterm up?11:21
spande(or any terminal window)11:21
spandeall I see around me is gui.11:22
methRight Click >> Open Terminal11:22
C_minusAnd now it just came up with "core tempreature above threshold"11:24
spandehmm. If I am in the place "Home" then right click gives me: New Folder| New Docuemtn | restore Missing Files... | Paste | Properties.11:26
spandeno terminal. Am I in the wrong place? /me checks other places11:26
spandeah, found terminal in applications icon (or whatever that is -- the ubuntu logo)11:28
spande(phew) a terminal11:28
spandeuname -a11:28
jattis it safe to remove upstart in 16.04?11:37
MonkeyDustjatt  is this useful (didnt try it myself) ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146327311:42
MonkeyDustjatt  note: it's an old post (2010)11:42
C_minusI just installed Lubuntu 16.04. First time trying to use it, it doesn't load a desktop environment. Instead has printed the output of fsck to my screen and is hanging there.11:45
jattMonkeyDust: thanks, will check, I'm using 16.04 I thought systemd is now default but still I've also upstart running11:45
ducassejaagr: i think upstart is still used to start the desktop session, among other things.11:48
ducassejatt: ^^11:48
ioriaC_minus open a console, edit /etc/default/grub  and replace    'quite splash' with   nomodeset  , sudo update-grub and restart11:50
s3archinfo s3arch11:50
MonkeyDusts3arch  try    /whois s3arch11:51
akishi all. i am facing the same issue under the same updater settings http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323320. Any idea or help?11:51
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C_minusioria thanks I can't open up anything because it just hangs there not accepting any responses. But I just tried changing the GRUB boot options to include the "nomodeset" parameter... I see a cursor now, but no desktop (maybe it's loading!...)11:51
s3arch<MonkeyDust> thanks11:51
ioriaC_minus   wait a bit, then try ctrl+alt+f1 (or f2)11:52
C_minusioria which line exactly do I need to change? There's one: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"11:57
ioriaC_minus  yes11:57
C_minusDo I change it to read GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset"11:57
ioriaC_minus  yes11:57
ioriaC_minus  after sudo update-grub11:58
C_minusooooh OK let me just exit nano without saving the changes then...11:58
ioriaC_minus  you should save it11:58
C_minusas a backup?11:59
C_minusok cool will do thanks11:59
ioriaC_minus  otherwise it won't work11:59
C_minusoh i see what you're saying, of course. i thought you meant save a backup of the grub settings in case i screw something up12:00
ioriaC_minus  if you want, you can cp grub file as grub.back, yes12:00
C_minusok just changed the line and ran sudo update-grub. restart and enjoy?12:02
ioriaC_minus  yep12:02
ioriaC_minus  you'll have a text boot, with some infos12:02
C_minusyeah it's beautiful12:02
MonkeyDusts3arch  keep it in the channel12:03
ioriaC_minus  but it'll fall in login screen anyways ....12:03
C_minusioria, I'm still looking at this cursor on a black screen instead of the login screen though. Is this because I'm missing drivers?12:04
ioriaC_minus  intel or amd/ati ?12:04
C_minusioria Old dell PC, Intel integrated graphics I think. This askubuntu answer suggested "Finally, use the included Synaptic Package Manager to install 'xserver-xorg-video-intel' and 'xserver-xorg-video-intel-dbg' and restart."12:06
C_minusAlthough I'll have to use apt-get, since I'm lacking a desktop environment, presumably12:07
ioriaC_minus  yes, you could need xserver-xorg-video-intel  but it should work with nomodeset ....12:07
ioriaC_minus  so, open a console and revert /etc/default/grub  replace nomodeset with quite splash12:08
ioriaC_minus  then sudo update-grub and sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel12:08
C_minusioria, er ok. i can't do that as it stands (with the nomodeset parameter)?12:08
spandeshould apt-get update and software-updater be in sync ? Ie if apt-get update has no further packages to suggest for download, then software updater suggest stuff?12:08
ioriaC_minus yes, but why ?12:09
C_minusokie dokie back to quiet spash. i'll restart and try to apt-get those xorg things12:10
ioriaC_minus ok12:10
spandes/then software updater suggest stuff?/then should software updater suggest stuff?/12:10
spandejust wondering if that box has been 0wNed12:11
TheHackOpsHey guys, Does anyone know any rock solid place for support of fglrx?12:16
TheHackOpsI have NEVER been able to successfuly install them without something catasrohpic going wrong12:16
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TheHackOpsI have just installed them now from AMD's website, and running fglrx gives me the following error http://imgur.com/QPHpL0E12:18
TheHackOpsIm fairly nervous about rebooting at this point12:18
ducasseTheHackOps: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page12:18
TheHackOpsAs every other time I have had to drop into shell and use my backed up x config12:18
TheHackOpsto get back into ubuntu12:19
ducasseTheHackOps: but they will not work on 16.0412:19
* TheHackOps smashed head against desk12:19
TheHackOpsTime to undo all this then12:20
ducasseTheHackOps: this is _clearly_ stated in the release notes.12:20
ducasseTheHackOps: for 16.0412:20
TheHackOpsI didn't see any release notes12:20
TheHackOpsI guess I should have read them12:20
TheHackOpsI just did a clean install today12:21
ducasseTheHackOps: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/#fglrx12:21
TheHackOpslol this is looking like a reinstall joby at this point12:23
TheHackOpsducasse, Its a good thing I take backups :D12:23
ducasseTheHackOps: probably best.12:23
TheHackOpsAlright thanks for that12:23
TheHackOpsducasse, In a perfect world no software would ever get updated or changed after it works good for me :)12:24
MonkeyDusttaking backups should be included in the hints&tips during an ubuntu installation12:24
TheHackOpsHad steam + my games running so perfect12:24
TheHackOpsThen valve updated, broke everything :(12:24
TheHackOpsI thought, Eh ill backup my whole system and install 16.0412:25
ducasseTheHackOps: read the release notes first, they mention the big thins you should know.12:25
TheHackOpsWelp, I was having the same issues I used to have when getting steam to work but I lost the guide on how I fixed it, I decided to give fglrx a go from the website (amd)12:25
TheHackOpsAnd here I am, looking like a fool12:26
TheHackOpsducasse, Yep my own lazyness got me12:26
TheHackOpsAh well, ducasse from what I heard the open source drivers (Brand new) are way more performant any way12:27
TheHackOpsducasse, I installed them for all the wrong reasons :(12:27
ducasseTheHackOps: i wouldn't know if the other drivers are better, i never play games. it's possible an earlier releaese with fglrx is the best choice for gaming, you would need to test your particular setup.12:29
TheHackOpsducasse, Well the open source drivers gave me 230 FPS on my linux games12:30
TheHackOpsBut yea I lost the guide on how to get that all setup12:30
hemangpatelI have black border problem , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/129283012:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292830 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Resuming from sleep makes black borders around windows appear" [High,Triaged]12:35
hemangpatellike, http://i.stack.imgur.com/V7vC0.png12:35
hemangpatelI dont know what is the problem exactly12:36
ducassehemangpatel: nvidia?12:37
hemangpatelducasse: intel graphics driver is installed\12:39
ducassehemangpatel: most comments in that bug seem to be with nvidia, but read them to make sure. there might be a fix for intel also.12:40
hemangpatelducasse: ok12:43
adrinumsome1 here12:57
MonkeyDustadrinum  type   /names12:58
=== vm is now known as kdeuser^
hemangpatelducasse: Problem fixed after reinstall intel graphics driver13:02
hemangpatelducasse: Thanks for talk13:02
ducassehemangpatel: np.13:05
duryhi there channel :-)13:17
durywhich is the offtopic channel13:18
durythanks ducasse (y)13:19
MonkeyDusthadush  it works, we see you13:30
hadush<MonkeyDust> it works, we see you13:31
hadushconnection terminated13:32
manhdvwhat is hamara linux?13:37
hadushhi krytarik13:39
manhdvjoin #c13:44
LTCDHey I installed Tomcat8 onto Ubuntu Server within a virtual machine. Tomcat is running for sure, I know I did install properly as I only did an install a few days ago on a server. My question is what IP address would Tomcat be running on since it's inside my virtual machine? I know port 8080 as I checked server.xml13:48
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: Tomcat binds to all addresses by default13:49
LTCDHydr0p0nX I've tried and various other IPs.13:49
Hydr0p0nXnetstat -an |grep 808013:50
LTCDHydr0p0nX Remember I'm doing this on my computer, the Ubntu server is within a VM.13:50
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Hydr0p0nXLTCD: try running that command on the server, if it's listening on 8080 that'll show the ip, it could be that the firewall is blocking the port from outside13:51
Guest45235ca va bien ?13:52
Guest45235il est pas top le logiciel ke jai pris13:52
Guest45235at jre13:52
ducasse!fr | Guest4523513:52
ubottuGuest45235: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:52
Guest45235avec xchat13:52
Happyanyone there?13:52
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W00dP3ck3rHappy, just shoot your question, if somebody can and wants to help, they will, thanks13:53
LTCDHydr0p0nX tcp6 0 0  :::8080 :::* LISTEN   is replied with.13:53
john__ya d francais13:54
LTCDHydr0p0nX It could be that I didn't install something as this is a fresh server? I'm able to ping google though and get the correct IP address so I doubt it's that.13:54
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: it's binding to the ipv6 interface13:55
john__i speak13:55
john__english medium13:55
john__i learn english13:56
ducasse!fr | john__13:59
ubottujohn__: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:59
LTCDHydr0p0nX So I type :::8080 on my browser and it'll work?13:59
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: no, that is the ipv6 equivalent of, do you have an IPV6 address for the server or is it just ipv4?14:00
MonkeyDustjohn__  type   /j ##english    <-- double #14:01
LTCDHydr0p0nX Well it's running on my laptop which according to a site I'm on IPv4, unable to use IPv6.14:01
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: try creating setenv.sh in CATALINA_HOME/bin and adding JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djava.net.preferIPv4Addresses=true " to it then restart tomcat14:02
LTCDHydr0p0nX Do you know how I could copy and paste into the VM while we're chatting? Annoying I have to always type stuff out by hand.14:04
Hydr0p0nXI'm not aware of an "easy" way, maybe ssh in to it ?14:05
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LTCDHydr0p0nX It's fine I wrote it out. I did that command now it's tcp 0 0* LISTEN14:08
LTCDHydr0p0nX tcp6 0 0 TIME_WAIT14:08
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: can you acess it from a browser in your vm now ?14:09
LTCDI've only got command line, no GUI.  Hydr0p0nX14:09
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: telnet localhost 808014:10
LTCD Hydr0p0nX I'm on Linux Mint as host, server is Ubuntu Server.14:10
phoenix_my sendmail doesnt work correctly, I don't know what to do, when I'm using command sendmail myemail@gmail.com hello, nothing happening14:10
LTCDHydr0p0nx telnet localhost:8080 telnet: could not resolve localhost:8080/telnet: Name or service not known14:13
MonkeyDustphoenix_  in a terminal, type  man sendmail14:14
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: telnet localhost 8080 , no :14:14
LTCDSame error Hydr0p0nx14:15
phoenix_MonkeyDust, Recipient names must be specified14:16
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: try - telnet 808014:16
phoenix_i have sendmail but something is wrong14:16
LTCDTried that too Hydr0p0nX14:17
LTCDHydr0p0nX Also when I did that command again to see stuff on port 8080 only was there not
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: is bind on every interface14:17
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: every ipv4 interface, localhost included14:18
LTCDHydr0p0nX k@k ~ $ telnet telnet> o (to) 8080 Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused14:19
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: isn't a valid IP to try and connect to it, it literally means, all IPv4 addresses on this host14:20
ducassephoenix_: the reason it doesn't work is because you're using it wrong. as MonkeyDust said, read the manual.14:21
iwhb4uAfter idle for a few minutes my computer blocks and asks for my password. I can't login back until I click on "switch user" and login again with the same account (mine) with the MY password, the one i tried to use before clicking switch account.14:22
LTCDHydr0p0nX How do I fix it then? Don't I need the VM's IP?14:22
Guest8491hi guys!14:23
=== Guest8491 is now known as abhigenie92
phoenix_I want to use it for the website14:23
katie1231does anyone know why when i restart my computer i have a different log in screen?14:23
abhigenie92Please check this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16769827/. Even though my repo is mention sources, it doesn't get updated.14:24
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: the vm's ip is included in "all ipv4 addresses on this host" and the vm's network accessible address(es) are included in, but you can't use that address for testing , you have to use the vms ip or localhost14:24
abhigenie92and I am unable to install a package from it, acroread.14:24
phoenix_but I have problem to fix it and I have no Idea why doesn't work14:24
abhigenie92katie1231, that's a lot of debugging info.14:25
abhigenie92any suggestions?14:25
LTCDHydr0p0nX Well I've tried localhost:8080 on the browser, and tried localhost 8080 on telnet but wouldn't load. How do I get VM's IP?14:25
katie1231abhigenie92: well i keep getting logged out of my computer right after i log in.14:26
Hydr0p0nXltcd: just run ifconfig in a shell14:27
LTCDHydr0p0nx but no luck.14:28
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: may want to look at your tomcat logs , and accessing it from outside the vm will probably require a firewall change to allow it14:30
LTCDHydr0p0nX JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djava.net.preferIPv4Addresses=true "    <--- Should there not be a space after -D ?14:31
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: no, there shouldn't be a space14:31
fiterAnybody here?14:32
=== iwhb4u is now known as iwhb4sou
LTCDHydr0p0nX Weird. As for firewalls my laptop does not have one, nor does the VM.14:33
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: what version of ubuntu is it ?14:33
LTCDHydr0p0nX Feel free to teamviewer me?14:33
LTCD16.04 LTC14:33
spillyneed some help getting TP-Link TL-WN823N usb wireless adaptor to work on 16.04 LTS please14:34
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: run this command sudo ufw status14:35
iwhb4souAfter idle for a few minutes my computer blocks and asks for my password. I can't login back until I click on "switch user" and login again with the same account (mine) with the MY password, the one i tried to use before clicking switch account.14:35
spillythanks will give it a try!14:36
LTCDStatus: inactive14:36
LTCDHydr0p0nX Status: inactive14:36
spillyyes get status: inactive back - what now?14:40
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: are you running ubuntu minimial or server or something? Why don't you have a desktop ?14:41
LTCDHydr0p0nX ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso I installed this onto VM. Didn't install anything else except a file manager or something.14:43
spillyneed some help getting TP-Link TL-WN823N usb wireless adaptor to work on 16.04 LTS please14:44
LTCDHydr0p0nX On installation was I meant to have installed something else? I saw options for stuff like VPNs14:44
LTCDHydr0p0nX Message me privately? Get teamviewer?14:46
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: I don't do pm's or remote in to machines that I don't own or manage, you need to check the tomcat logs to see if they provide any insight; I'm reading up on 16.04 right now as i don't have it installed14:48
acovrigDoes anyone know if anything has changed between 13.03 and 16.04 for mac support? last time I used ubuntu on a macbook pro it could only use the discreet card, mostly converting battery to heat...14:48
lomasHi there .. Which may be the best linux distro (debian) based on 16.04LTS for hardware resource of 4G RAM, i3 2.4GHz ?14:49
lomasfound lots of suggestions but got little confused ..14:50
EriC^^everything will work14:50
lomaslike for a long time use..14:50
acovrigcuz I'm running 16.04 on my mac right now and it doesn't seem to be any better :/14:51
lomasI need not want to switch between other distros anymore14:51
baizonlomas: xfce or lxde14:51
baizonlomas: also mate would be good14:51
lomascurrently I'm using Xbuntu, xfce I guess,14:52
lomasIt has got problems .. Its very light though..14:52
LTCDHydr0p0nX It'll be my laptop with server running in VM but fair enough. I'll check catalina.out then14:53
lomasand new to me14:53
baizonlomas: so if youre fine with it use it :)14:53
lomaswhat about ubuntu gnome .. ? I am planning to use that..14:54
baizonlomas: test it, i didnt like it at all. But its my personal opinion14:54
=== llorephie1 is now known as llorephie
lomasamong all which has got more support ?14:55
phoenix_I just found http://serverfault.com/questions/544427/reverse-dns-and-ptr-record14:55
lomasI guess Ubuntu is at top14:55
phoenix_my problem is same but with sendmail14:56
baizonlomas: ubuntu, gnome, kde, ...14:56
phoenix_I got mails, but always with something like static.
LTCDHydr0p0nX http://superuser.com/questions/245156/how-can-i-connect-to-a-web-server-running-in-a-vm-when-the-vm-is-in-nat-mode last comment might be answer.14:56
lomasokay thanks baizon .. :)14:57
baizonlomas: np :)14:58
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: give it a try, if you're running it in NAT mode that can cause some problems14:59
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LTCDHydr0p0nX It says Attached to: NAT.  Should I change this?  Also could you send me a virtualbox image setup with Tomcat, this way we could determine if it's due to network settings or if I setup tomcat properly? Sorry to put you out.15:01
Hydr0p0nXI run Tomcat on servers for my employer, in ESX, I can't send you an image of those; you can use NAT, but you have to make sure to open any ports you need to access from the vmhost; otherwise, you can use bridged mode and have a little bit easier of a time15:04
Alex______I have a problem with ubuntu 16.04. May I ask for help here '15:06
LTCDHydr0p0nX Tell me what to do to make this as pain free as possible sir.15:06
baizon!ask | Alex______15:06
ubottuAlex______: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:06
OerHeksthis is the right place, Alex______15:06
soooo_yehwhat the question15:07
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: are you using vmware or virtual box ?15:08
Alex______I've installed 16.04. I have an nvida card using nvidia-361 drivers, but the nvidia-settings app has no gamma nor contrast control. And I'd like to change those values. I can use xrandr but changes are not permanent15:08
LTCDHydr0p0nX Oracle VM Virtual Box15:08
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LTCDHydr0p0nX I just swapped it to Bridged Adapter.15:09
Hydr0p0nXLTCD: you'll want to reboot the vm for that to take effect15:13
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LTCDHydr0p0nX THANK YOU SO MUCH! It gave me this IP when I ran ifconfig so I added :8080 and it worked! Thank you!15:16
Alex______I've installed 16.04. I have an nvida card using nvidia-361 drivers, but the nvidia-settings app has no gamma nor contrast control. And I'd like to change those values. I can use xrandr but changes are not permanent15:25
coleHello, I just downloaded Ubuntu Mate onto my Raspberry Pi 2, and was inquiring about alternative themes that look better than the default MATE theme.15:29
user2635i'm trying to open a pdf thats password protected15:30
user2635it works in windows15:30
user2635but not in ubuntu15:30
user2635I don't know why15:30
destinydrivenuser2635, I experienced the same problem just last evening.  I tried MuPDF, qpdfview, foxit and neither of them worked15:31
user2635destinydriven, :(15:31
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user2635destinydriven, what are you doing in the meantime?15:33
destinydriveneventually gave up and used a windows machine15:33
user2635lol ok15:33
user2635this is a simple barrier to me transitioning to linux15:33
ducasseuser2635: try pdftk, i think it can strip the encryption and give you a plain pdf.15:33
baizonuser2635: there are plenty of pdf reader, you can even use adobe and open that file15:35
user2635I don't want extra steps15:39
user2635I want to know why the default viewer doesn't open the document15:40
user2635despite me typing in the correct password15:40
baizonuser2635: well maybe it wasnt created with the default pdf protocol15:40
OerHeksuser2635, tried to open it in libreoffice?15:41
user2635OerHeks, on what? writer?15:42
baizonuser2635: try qpdfview15:42
domenicociao a tutti15:42
user2635OerHeks, doesn't work15:43
baizondomenico: ciao15:43
domenicocome funziona?15:43
user2635baizon, already tried that one unfortunately15:43
user2635destinydriven, i'm going to try ask evince irc15:45
destinydrivenuser2635, good luck :)15:45
squinty!it | domenico15:47
ubottudomenico: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:47
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destinydriven I keep experiencing this scrambled screen http://postimg.org/image/qb725rbij/ or my laptop just reboots whenever I'm downloading using transmission or qBittorrent.  Any insight into what causes this or whether there's a fix?15:51
user2635destinydriven, I sent an email15:51
destinydriventheghost, yeah15:51
user2635destinydriven, it's so empty in that channel15:51
theghostjust copy paste the link without any text15:51
theghostim seeing15:51
theghostok nvm im getting my lazy ass to work lol15:52
destinydriventheghost, http://postimg.org/image/qb725rbij/15:53
user2635Question - when I boot Ubuntu (this happened since first install), on the login screen (flashdm? I forget what its called), it shows the sound notification for some reason at the lowest level for no reason?15:53
theghostI noticed this somewhere15:54
user2635I don't know if 'notification' is the right word to use, its more of the volume bar that pops up when you adjust the sound15:54
theghostdestinydriven, its probably  due to some network traansmission or sound15:54
user2635destinydriven, that's crazy, never seen that one before15:55
theghostIts a bad transmission simply15:55
destinydrivenit only happens when downloading torrents15:55
theghostNetwork interruption15:56
winehqtime to change to su fedora os15:57
winehqhi all come to ##securify , we give you op after interview ... .15:57
baizonwinehq: securify?15:57
OerHekswinehq please don't spam, thanks.15:57
theghostwhich torrent client?15:59
destinydriventheghost, torrent clients are "transmission" or "qBitorrent"15:59
theghostDo you use any antivirus?15:59
destinydrivenI no16:00
destinydrivenno antivirus16:00
katie1231does anyone know how to change lightdm greeter?16:01
theghostProbably a problemwithyour network card?16:01
theghostTry updating your driver16:01
theghostEven BitTorrent on windows causes similar issues when the Drivers are not updated16:02
katie1231I have 9 .conf files in my /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.cond.d directory.16:02
destinydriventheghost, how do I update network drivers?16:03
destinydrivenusing iwlwifi16:04
theghostHold on destiny16:04
theghostthats all i believe16:06
destinydriventheghost, thanks16:06
theghostYour welcome :)16:06
gotcha /msg NickServ auie16:10
mutluHello. I have several users and I don't want login with password. But this option don't let me get sudo commands. What can I do?16:12
akishi all. i am facing the same issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323320. Any idea or help?16:15
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akisi also read this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/158662516:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1586625 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update notification but no update manager icon in launcher ?" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:17
MonkeyDustakis  describe the issue, instead of making us open en read lengthy technical posts16:18
skinuxIs it safe enough to install 16.04 development version?16:18
skinuxI'd like to get the newer Unity (panel at bottom instead of left), but I don't think I can install that without the rest of 16.04.16:19
MonkeyDustskinux  16.04 is no longer in development stage16:19
MonkeyDustskinux  official release was 21 april16:19
akisNo update notification under 16.04. My setting are: Automatically check for updates: Daily- When there are security updates: Display immediately - When there are other updates: Display immediately16:20
skinuxWell, I know it was released, but for some users it's not available until July I believe. But instructions said to install dev or something to get it before then.16:20
skinuxI know my system said there wasn't an upgrade available.16:20
MonkeyDustskinux  you mean 16.04.1, the point release ... as of that date, you can upgrade directly LTS > LTS16:21
setoany one here know of a good gui based program for making a custom kubuntu live cd / install?16:23
setowanting to make a live cd with a whole crap load of default stuff ripped out lol16:23
skinuxWell, if there is an upgrade available, why has my system said there isn't?16:25
skinuxAlso, it keeps saying there are updates available (red caution thing at the top of screen), but when I tell it to install updates, it says system is up to date.16:25
MonkeyDustskinux  same issue with apt update/upgrade ?16:27
ducasseskinux: the uprade from 14.04 to 16.04 is _not_ available yet, and forcing it will probably break your system. wait until july or clean install 16.04 now.16:29
MonkeyDust(my comment made no sense)16:30
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ktinuxhey guys after i login i get logged out almost instantly. Do you know how to troubleshoot this? I haven't changed anything on my computer. It just started doing this after i shut it down last night.16:32
EriC^^ktinux: try the guest account to see if it works16:32
ktinuxEriC^^: okay will do16:33
ktinuxEriC^^: guest session works fine. I haven't been logged out.16:34
EriC^^ktinux: ok, press ctrl+alt+f1 and login, then type ls -l ~/.Xauthority and check the owner, press alt+f7 to get back to gui16:34
ktinuxEriC^^: says i am the owner16:36
EriC^^ktinux: ok did you add anything to ~/.profile recently?16:37
rharikhi, if I buy a large 4k monitor can I split it into 4 ubuntu desktops?16:37
rharikone computer driving the 4k but treating it likew 4 monitors16:38
ktinuxEriC^^: umm possibly. I installed stow for dotfile management maybe that messed something up?16:38
ElectOmarHi all16:38
EriC^^ktinux: for the whole system or just your user?16:39
ktinuxEriC^^: pretty sure just my user. How would I know for sure?16:39
setohmm dont know if ou could rharik but that would be pretty damn slick16:39
EriC^^try cat ~/.xsession-errors | nc termbin.com 999916:40
rharikEriC^^, i agree i hope there is a way16:40
ElectOmarI have this really weird problem wheneven I run LibreOffice. Here is a screenshot: http://imgur.com/x4Krcwg16:41
ktinuxEriC^^: should i vim .profile and see what's going wrong?16:41
rharikoops sorry seto, not EriC^^16:41
setoyou could fake most of it16:41
EriC^^ktinux: yeah that'd be a good idea16:41
seto4 wall papers stiched togather in to one16:41
ElectOmarMany parts of it are like that and I have no idea why. Any help, please?16:41
setoand manually set up any icons etc16:41
setomake programs apps etc remember position all that sort of stuff16:42
ktinuxEriC^^: is there anything i should look for in particular?16:42
EriC^^ktinux: any kind of syntax error16:42
setoany ways looking for a gui based program to create a custom live cd16:42
EriC^^ktinux: literally a "." on a newline could cause the problem16:42
rharikseto, yea, i need it to be a bit more native than that.  i would be switching a lot16:43
setoi want to strip away allot fo programs i dont use before install16:43
ktinuxEriC^^: everything looks fine to me16:43
ElectOmarseto: Hi. Could you help me please?16:43
EriC^^try cat ~/.xsession-errors | nc termbin.com 999916:43
setoim pretty new my self ElectOmar16:43
MonkeyDustrharik  seto check out 'devilspie' and 'gdevilspie', it is aimed at configuring the layout and positioning of different windows16:43
ElectOmarHere is a clearer screenshot: http://imgur.com/C6HlRkj16:45
ktinuxEriC^^: this is just a config file for bash why would this cause be to be getting logged out after login?16:45
ElectOmarAny help? :\16:45
EriC^^ktinux: it gets loaded as you login16:45
EriC^^ktinux: .xsession-errors might show the error16:46
rharikMonkeyDust, gdevilspie is ancient. I can only asume that the devilspie is pretty old too do you know of something like that that is currently maintained?16:46
ducasserharik: you might want to look at a tiling window manager, then you can have pre-arranged layouts of the screen, like splitting it in four. and devilspie still works fine.16:48
ktinuxEriC^^: i see 15 lines in .xsession-errors not sure what they mean16:49
rharikducasse, thats good to know. event with like 15.10?16:49
EriC^^ktinux: run the command i gave you and paste the link here16:49
MonkeyDustrharik  i use gdevilspie, nothing wrong with it16:49
rharikcool, do you think it could break a large 4k monitor into 4 desktops?16:50
ktinuxEriC^^: http://termbin.com/7adb16:50
ducasserharik: i'm not sure devilspie is actively maintained, but some code is so simple it really doesn't need to be. it will still work.16:50
rharikthat's what I just thought.  some times, rarely, things are done16:51
MonkeyDustrharik  it puts windows where you tell it to and remembers that16:51
MonkeyDust!info gdevilspie16:51
ubottugdevilspie (source: gdevilspie): User friendly interface for devilspie. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:0.5-3.2 (xenial), package size 18 kB, installed size 113 kB16:51
ElectOmarAny help? :\16:51
ducasserharik: note that there is also devilspie2.16:51
skinuxSomeone told me I could install dev to get it before July.16:52
rharikducasse, oh cool, I'll look at that too16:52
EriC^^ktinux: try mv ~/.config/dconf ~/.config/dconf.old16:52
ktinuxEriC^^: and then reboot?16:53
EriC^^no, try to login16:53
tgm4883skinux: yes you can use the dev flag to get 16.04 to upgrade from 14.04 prior to the first point release. We don't recommend it though16:53
EriC^^won't that give him yakkety?16:54
EriC^^tgm4883: ^16:54
tgm4883EriC^^: no, not from 14.0416:54
EriC^^good to know16:54
ktinuxEriC^^: is moving that going to get rid of all my user settings?16:55
EriC^^ktinux: some i think16:55
ktinuxEriC^^: ugh there's got to be a better way to fix this16:55
EriC^^ktinux: not worth it16:56
MonkeyDustrharik  is this useful ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/451103/execute-action-upon-window-resize-with-devilspie216:56
HelmyHow to change the behavior of unity16:56
Helmyi want windows to open in center of m y screen16:56
ktinuxEriC^^: what will i lose, do you know?16:56
EriC^^ktinux: i dont think much if anything16:56
HelmyHello do you see my messages?16:57
EriC^^ktinux: it might not work and you have to keep renaming stuff16:57
tgm4883probably worth noting that moving it to .old is so you can revert if necessary. Otherwise you'd just rm it16:57
HelmyEriC^^: what stuff to rename?16:57
CyBerNetXhttp://pastebin.com/iWnrggrc is my link in my dockerfile is good ? because i have this error undefined symbol: gtk_type_check_object_cast http://pastebin.com/iWnrggrc16:58
CyBerNetXubuntu 16.04 32bit16:58
rharikMonkeyDust, yes, thanks, I'm looking at window tiling apps now, seems there are a few of those too16:58
EriC^^Helmy: i was talking to ktinux16:59
ktinuxEriC^^: that didn't work.17:00
ducasserharik: i use i3, so i know that can have pre-designed screen layouts. but be aware, it is a different way to work.17:00
MonkeyDustCyBerNetX  start from the beginning, what are you trying to do17:00
rharikducasse, how so?17:00
Helmyi want to open windows in center of my screen , How to achieve  that with Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity Desktop?17:00
skinuxNow it's saying it can't find driver, which is either 'sqlite' or 'mysql'17:00
MonkeyDustrharik  ducasse yes, i3 came to my mind too17:00
skinuxOops..wrong channel17:01
EriC^^ktinux: try renaming ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/.gconf ~/.config in that order until one works17:01
ducasserharik: windows are placed and sized according to algorithms. try it, that's the best way to see what i mean.17:01
CyBerNetXMonkeyDust: i try to made an environement to use reborn clon of rb338 but it use 32bit libraryies libgtk1.217:01
rharikinteresing so you would have to tweak algo to get the layout correct?17:02
MonkeyDustCyBerNetX  i guess that's beyond the scope of this channel ... working with containers?17:02
ducasserharik: you would need to read the manual, at least ;)17:02
ktinuxEriC^^: should i put back the old .config/dconf?17:02
EriC^^ktinux: sure17:02
rharikducasse, of course, thanks17:02
ktinuxEriC^^: wait how do i do that?17:02
CyBerNetXMonkeyDust: where i can find help ?17:03
ducasserharik: you choose which algorithms to use, and the windows rearrange automatically.17:03
EriC^^ktinux: mv ~/.config/dconf.old ~/.config/dconf17:03
ducasserharik: see i3wm.org17:03
EriC^^ktinux: maybe rm -r ~/.config/dconf first then run that17:03
MonkeyDustCyBerNetX  are you working with docker or lxc?17:04
rharikyes I"m running in to talk about algorythms already.  seems interesting17:04
CyBerNetXMonkeyDust: yes docker17:05
CyBerNetXi look form docker chans17:05
MonkeyDustCyBerNetX  yes, type   /j #docker ... some 1000 people are there17:05
ducasserharik: you can use different algorithms on different workspaces, according to what best suits the programs you run. it's very flexible, and can be controlled from the keyboard.17:06
CyBerNetXok thanks17:06
ktinuxEriC^^: okay i did that. Now what do i do with .config/compiz-117:06
CyBerNetXthx MonkeyDust17:06
MonkeyDustCyBerNetX  welcome17:06
EriC^^ktinux: mv ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/.config/compiz-1.old17:06
ElectOmarAny help? :\17:06
rharikducasse, so instead of 4 "desktops" on one monitor, you just break the monitor up according a certain layout, one taks bar, and use workspaces with different layouts17:07
lacateHave you ever had contact with problem with file, which you can open while being in directory, but in parent directory, you dont see it?17:08
rharikyes this is looking very promising.  sometimes you just need to know what to search for. thanks folks17:08
ktinuxEriC^^: when i login i get system program problem detected...also moving the ~/.config/compiz-1 did not work either. I still get logged out.17:09
EriC^^ktinux: ok, try ~/.gconf17:10
ducasserharik: you could divide the screen into four 'containers' in i3 lingo, and set the algorithm for each. you can also have as many workspaces as you want with different layouts. it's a little bit to learn to get the max out of it, but very powerful.17:10
rharikthats what I"m seeing very cool.  I hate to say it but I'd kind of like a gui to lay it out.17:11
rharikI don't suppose you know of and i3 gui?17:11
ducasserharik: haven't seen one, but maybe on github.17:11
rharikI mean this is awesome, I'm going to use it on my regular monitors too, I'm always moving shit around after reboot, total pia17:12
ducasserharik: i switched from xfce to i3 on all my machines and have never looked back :)17:13
reisioducasse: you just did!17:13
ktinuxEriC^^: nope that didn't work either17:13
reisiorharik: i3... gui?17:14
EriC^^ktinux: ~/.config17:14
rharikducasse, I'm a bit of a linux nubee is xfce the default window layout for linux?17:14
ktinuxEriC^^: what?17:14
ducasserharik: ubuntu uses unity by default.17:14
rharikreisio, yea yea, I know, but just so I can lay it out on a gui, I can see how things will fit togeather17:15
EriC^^ktinux: mv ~/.config ~/.config.old17:15
reisiooh a gui configurator?17:15
ktinuxEriC^^: when i moved ~/.gconf ~/.gconf.old and logged in it didn't create a new .gconf17:15
rharikreisio, yes17:15
reisioI would indeed be surprised if i3 enthusiasts had made such a thing17:15
reisiokind of at odds with i317:15
* reisio shrugs17:15
rharikducasse, so xfce is analgous to unity?17:15
rharikand does i3 replace unity?17:15
ducasserharik: xfce is more like unity than i3, i3 is quite different to both.17:16
EriC^^ktinux: maybe it only creates it when you actually log in17:16
rharikso is there a toolbar?17:16
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=== Mob is now known as MobGod
rharikperhaps I'm on the wrong track.  I do use gui apps, browser, ide, etc17:17
ktinuxEriC^^: well i did login and then it logged me back out and i opened a TTY and noticed one wasn't created. I was going rm it and move the old one back in place but it didn't even exist17:17
ducasserharik: you can still have 'regular' windows, i3 calls them 'floating'. there is a sort of toolbar, you can also use an external panel.17:17
reisiorharik: i3 is a window manager only, technically17:17
reisiorharik: whereas Unity and Xfce purposefully include, among other things: panels, launchers, tray items, GUI pref dialogs, session management, desktop management, file manager, etc.17:18
rharikyea, I like some of that stuff. does it all go awat if use i3?17:19
ducasserharik: yes. you need to set up your own.17:19
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rharikperhaps I should look for something that runs inside of unity?17:19
ducasserharik: i don't know if that exists, but gnome has a tiling extension.17:20
ducasserharik: it's called 'shellshape'.17:21
rharikhmmm, and does this affect lower level things like hypervisor? I use docker and xbox17:22
jnagrorharik: you're running docker on an xbox?17:23
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ducasserharik: no.17:23
rharikbut sometimes I need ot use a vm too17:23
rharikso gnome 3 looks like an entire os, is it a sibling to ubuntu? or to unity?17:23
ducasserharik: sibling to unity. probably easier to use if you are new to linux. gnome is a full desktop.17:24
MonkeyDustrharik  unity is compiz layer for gnome317:24
MonkeyDustis a*17:24
rharikhmm, ok I can see I have more research to do.17:25
rharikso it seems there/s not going to be a simple way to cut a monitor into 4 ubuntu desktops17:26
rharikI'll have to give up some of what I'm used to17:26
ducasserharik: there are some videos that will show you what shellshape does, look at those. with gnome and that you will still get a pretty regular desktop like you're used to, i think.17:26
rharikok cool well thanks again everyone.  I maybe back for round 2 once I know what I'm talking about :)17:28
ducasserharik: no problem :) the best way to decide is probably to install things and try them.17:29
ktinuxEriC^^: do you think i should rm .Xauthority?17:30
EriC^^ktinux: did you try to rename ~/.config ?17:35
ktinuxEriC^^: no lol i am scared17:35
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ktinuxEriC^^: i'll do it just to see if it fixes it. I just don't understand what in the directory would control logging out17:36
Tin_manViagra, Don't PM me again! got it?17:36
methViagra, Fuck off, I'll send you a pic of my schlong instead, how about that?17:36
ikoniameth: yes, stop now17:37
MonkeyDustTin_man meth stop17:37
ktinuxEriC^^: when i run ls -l ~/.Xauthority i get -rw----------1 myname myname data /home/myname/.xAuthority that is correct right?17:37
methkick Viagra instead lol17:37
ikoniameth: there is no-one in this channel called viagra - stop messing around, you won't be asked again17:37
methyeah it seems he is gone now.17:38
Tin_manMonkeyDust, didn't do anything except say i didn't want pm'ed17:38
ikoniameth: right, so be quiet about it17:38
methikonia, he was asking for cyber sex17:38
ikoniameth: so ignore it / talk to him in private rather than paste abuse in the channel, it makes you look worse17:38
EriC^^ktinux: yeah17:38
cantstanyathere was someone here named viagra obviously17:38
cantstanyaand mass pming17:39
cantstanyaViagra (~Kl@ has quit17:39
ikoniacantstanya: yes, we are aware of this17:39
cantstanyawere you? acting with a condescending attitude instead of just disclosing that, would have been more constructive.17:39
ktinuxEriC^^: okay moving ~/.config didn't fix the issue with me getting logged out17:39
cantstanyas/acting/no $&/17:40
ikoniacantstanya: I suggest dropping it, if you wish to discuss it in more detail you can join the #ubuntu-ops channel17:40
cantstanyaI don't care17:40
ikoniacantstanya: then please drop it17:40
cantstanyaI'm just saying you should have said ikonia │ cantstanya: I suggest dropping it, if you wish to discuss it in more detail you can join the #ubuntu-ops channel17:40
cantstanyafrom the getgo17:40
EriC^^ktinux: try to create a new user17:40
cantstanyainstead of being condescending.17:41
ikoniacantstanya: please stop now17:41
ktinuxEriC^^: how come when i logged in and it logged me back out it didn't create a new ~/.config?17:41
ktinuxEriC^^: maybe i need to reboot?17:41
cantstanyaI already said I don't care, is your client broken?17:41
cantstanyaI'm done17:42
ktinuxEriC^^: i think some of these files aren't re-created on login maybe only on reboot? Which doesn't make sense because the files are user based...17:43
irregularhi guys, how can I make my emacs window transparent (but keep the text solid)17:47
feodoran1what to do if the login screen does not show up (xubuntu 14.04.4). I can still login on tty1, but there is not graphical output on tty7.17:47
irregularI read that this can be done with a "composite manager"?17:47
ducasseirregular: which desktop do you use?17:48
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MonkeyDustirregular  you too, you can do that with gdevilspie ... i do that for the terminal window i'm typing in now17:54
borkeditWhilst trying to repartition and reformat a USB drive I modified the settings using "Disks" on my main HDD and want to make sure I got them back right. I had changed the primary filesystem to FAT32 and hit17:56
borkedithit "change". Nothing bad happened yet. But I don't remember the format it was in. Does linux (0x83) sound right for the primary system partition? with "booteable" selected?17:57
borkeditI am afraid once I reboot it won't start up as I have set it wrongly17:57
MonkeyDustirregular  http://imgur.com/cMhjWu117:57
LTCDHey. So I installed tomcat8 onto Ubuntu (which works). I also installed Tor, and have the generated onion address. I've never used Tor with Tomcat, so any pointers would be appreciated.18:00
Radcerf97hello i need help please :)18:01
tgm4883!help | Radcerf9718:02
ubottuRadcerf97: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:02
Radcerf97i need help to install java last version on ubuntu, i extract the folder, but i don't know where installing this :/18:03
B0g4r7_Hey guys.  I want to be able to selectively enable and disable network-manager per interface.  What's a good way to do that?18:03
B0g4r7_There will be times where I want it to manage eth0, and times when I want it to leave it alone for manual control.18:03
B0g4r7_Same for wlan1.18:04
Radcerf97how i should install java last version, on a terminal the code "sun-java6" don't work, plz help me i wanna play minecraft ;)18:04
tgm4883Radcerf97: generally I use the openjdk for minecraft18:05
feodoran1it appears I have a problem with lightdm. if I do "sudo service lightdm start" from tty1 I get "Job failed to start". how do I figure out whats wrong (and fix it)?18:05
B0g4r7_I've got it disabled completely now, and it gets old running wpa_passphrase, then rfkill, then wpa_supplicant, then dhclient.18:05
Radcerf97what is the openjdk?18:05
tgm4883Radcerf97: open source implementation of java18:05
tgm4883Radcerf97: openjdk-8-jre18:06
tgm4883feodoran1: I would look at the service logs. Which version of ubuntu18:06
Radcerf97ok, but when i wanna open minecraft 1.8.4, a message say "have the latest version of java for play this" x)18:07
tgm4883Radcerf97: ok, and?18:07
ps_Hello world!18:07
feodoran1tgm4883: xubuntu 14.04.04, which file contains the logs?18:07
Radcerf97what i do for installing the last version? xD (openjdk-8-jre: this a code for terminal?)18:07
tgm4883feodoran1: IIRC, there is a /var/log/upstart folder, in there will be a file for lightdm18:08
tgm4883Radcerf97: 'sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre'18:08
Radcerf97ok, thank, i try it ;)18:08
borkeditcan anyone help with the partition type issue above?18:09
Radcerf97oh is don't work, terminal say "impossible find it" :P18:09
Amm0nborkedit, 0x83 is ext4 and a bootflag doesn't hurt18:10
feodoran1tgm4883: there is only a lightdm.log.1.gz, about a year old...18:10
ktinuxEriC^^: i created a new user and i don't get logged out. weird what's wrong with my other user?18:10
borkeditAmm0n do you think thats what it originally was? I wasn't paying attention18:10
tgm4883Radcerf97: what version of ubuntu?18:10
borkeditI thought I had selected the USB drive18:10
tgm4883feodoran1: hmm, odd. That should exist I think since you are on 14.0418:11
nouvalinux_where i can download openjdk-8-jre>?18:12
feodoran1tgm4883: thats the only file starting with letter l18:12
tgm4883nouvalinux_: what release are you on18:12
feodoran1maybe the problem is even before he tries to start lightdm?18:12
nouvalinux_what is the release?18:13
irregularducasse:echo $DESKTOP_SESSION gives me ubuntu18:13
lucas-argguys im using 16.04 my laptop reboots instead of power off18:14
irregularMonkeyDust:I'll give gdevilspie a try!18:14
lucas-argany idea whats wrong?18:14
tgm4883nouvalinux_: what version of Ubuntu?18:14
Amm0nborkedit, ext4 should be standard for / in ubuntu18:14
Noobmanhi.. i freshly installed U16 today... i'm unable to connect to my DSL ethernet connection18:15
Noobmanhi.. i freshly installed U16 today... i'm unable to connect to my DSL ethernet connection18:15
borkeditAmm0n: Thanks...also do you know how to adjust/add/remove partitions in Gnome Disks? I can't find any way to do it or documentation. Going to use gparted if I cannot but surely its possible with GD?18:15
nouvalinux_tgm4883: the version is: 12.0418:16
Amm0nborkedit, can't help you with this tool sry18:16
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HadesWatch3rAny settings I should change for Ubuntu 14.04.03 with an SSD ?18:17
Noobmanhi.. i freshly installed U16 today... i'm unable to connect to my DSL ethernet connection18:17
Amm0nborkedit, i use gparted if i need a gui18:17
borkeditAmm0n: Last question...when creating partitions there are a LOT of choices. Do you know the differencet between FAT32 (LBA) and normal FAT 32 etc?18:18
urukhow to convert ttf to base64 from terminal shell ?18:18
borkeditevery choice has a few sub choices and I don't understand the differences18:18
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Noobmanhi.. i freshly installed U16 today... i'm unable to connect to my DSL ethernet connection18:18
tgm4883nouvalinux_: you'd either need to upgrade your OS, find some other (probably non supported) place to get it, or use a openjdk 718:18
tgm4883!patience | Noobman18:18
ubottuNoobman: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:18
maddawg4does ubuntu have a netinstall ISO that automatically downloads the latest version  of everything?18:19
flpAnyone hang out in #ubuntu-virt ? Got a question re kvm/qemu virtualization...18:19
maddawg4kinda like debian's netinstall18:19
nouvalinux_tgm4883: i install openjdk_-7- i think is work...18:19
ducasseflp: what's the question?18:19
nouvalinux_i enter "apt instal openjdk-7-jre" on terminal and he's installing now this :)18:20
flpI downloaded my rackspace (ubuntu 12.04) vm as a .vhd file, converted it to qcow2 format, and when I try to start it in virt-manager it says Booting from hard disk... and just hangs there. Any thoughts? Host server is 14.04.18:20
tgm4883!mini | maddawg418:20
ubottumaddawg4: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:20
maddawg4ah cool18:20
iffraffducasse, hey rharik on different computer.  so I'm looking at shellshape, and it requires gnome, so I'm looking at ubuntu gnome, is it possible to "upgrade" ubuntu 15.10 to ubuntu gnome 15.10?18:20
ducasseiffraff: i think you just need to install gnome-shell18:22
ducasseflp: how did you convert the image?18:22
iffraffso I don't need the specific ubuntu gnome install?18:22
ducasseiffraff: you just need the gnome desktop packages.18:24
Noobmanhi.. i freshly installed U16 today... i'm unable to connect to my DSL ethernet connection18:24
borkeditwhat gui tools can I use to create a Live USB on Ubuntu? Unetbootin never works for me...always some freezing or errors. The other tools seem to be for Windows.18:24
iffraffcool, well, thanks again18:24
flpducasse: sudo qemu-img convert -f vpc input_image.vhd -O qcow2 output_image.qcow218:25
flpI also tried running virt-manager on the .vhd image directly and it does the same thing.18:26
Amm0nborkedit, with FAT32 you can't create files larger files than 4GB, FAT32 (LBA) is an extension for this fs which allows larger files18:27
ducasseflp: sorry, then i don't know. i've had problems converting images myself.18:28
Amm0nborkedit, but both are ancient relicts for usage of ata drives18:29
borkeditAmm0n: So if you choose fat32 you have the normal 4gb limit and if you choose fat32 (LBA) it allows larger files? Does this work on all platforms then or just Linux?18:29
Amm0nborkedit, all platforms18:29
Amm0nborkedit, but i'd recommend to use ntfs18:30
Amm0nFAT32 is an ancient relict for the usage of ata drives18:30
borkeditAmm0n: thanks....also do you know a Live USB gui creator that works? Unetbootin always fails and the others are for Windows18:30
borkedittrying to make an Antergos Live USB but can't manage18:30
Amm0nborkedit, i don't know a good gui sry.. i use grub2 to make multiboot usbsticks18:33
ps_hello world!18:38
EriC^^evening Bashing-om! :)18:41
Bashing-omEriC^^: Hey, I am here .. all the better for it . Let's see what we can learn today .18:42
=== Jad_ is now known as Guest57902
geigerCounterCan I get some help setting up roundcube?18:44
Guest57902i just install ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I can not find smplayer in the store, what is the problem ? please help18:44
bazhang#ubuntu-server geigerCounter18:48
geigerCounterbazhang: Thanks18:48
MonkeyDust!find smplayer18:52
ubottuFound: smplayer, smplayer-l10n, smplayer-themes18:52
MonkeyDustGuest12342123  can you install it with apt install ?18:53
mundus2018sudo dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0. installs plex18:59
mundus2018but sudo /etc/init.d/plexmediaserver start does nothing19:00
bazhangmundus2018, why plex and not kodi19:00
mundus2018im not using kodi19:01
bazhangkodi is easily installed from repos, and much more featurefull19:01
mundus2018Im going to refrain from using colorful language19:01
bazhangmundus2018, where is that deb from19:01
Queenslayerbazhang, talking sense! wtf has the world come to :P19:01
mundus2018plex website19:01
QueenslayerKodi is king of all media right now19:01
QueenslayerIt's simple and effective once you know how to use it19:02
bazhangQueenslayer, please lets take the chat to another location19:02
QueenslayerI'm there19:03
q__hello world19:03
QueenslayerI thought I was in chat19:03
ducassemundus2018: if you got it from plex, get support from them too.19:03
mundus2018I figured it out in another chat19:04
OerHeksmundus2018, they you goto the plex webpage 127.0.0.something19:05
mundus2018Yeah ik how to setup plex from here19:05
OerHeksthen why you ask ?19:05
mundus2018I didnt know how to start it19:06
mundus2018Like I said, I figured out what issue I was having in another chat19:06
SimplarHello. Can you advise me some engineering program for Ubuntu?19:06
SimplarTo build clothes patterns19:06
mundus2018Simplar, https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjx3f7nu_3MAhVPXVIKHX8xCvMQFghXMAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fappdb.winehq.org%2FobjectManager.php%3FsClass%3Dversion%26iId%3D33102&usg=AFQjCNHhwrxcFNl4HQSV0sFAOuQbluArRw&sig2=UT5j729G3niIRGgWe7n2KQ19:08
cdaringegood afternoon everyone.  i had a NAS enclosure go bad. i got a new one, and am attempting to recover the data.  (if all goes wrong, not the end of the world :)).  i used `mdadm -A --scan` to assemble my raid partitions, however, one partition (the one with all the data i need) isn't mounting.  new to RAID land, userland docs are scattered.  any guidance?19:08
mundus2018cdaringe, join us in #datahoarder19:08
OerHeksSimplar, for patterns, Valentina http://libregraphicsworld.org/blog/entry/free-pattern-making-software-valentina-0-3-released and design http://source.ethicalfashionforum.com/article/9-open-source-low-cost-digital-fashion-business-tools19:08
OerHeksmundus2018, not appropriate for this channel to invite.19:10
mundus2018wacha mean?19:10
OerHeks!coc > mundus201819:10
ubottumundus2018, please see my private message19:10
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ziggytry removing dmraid utility.19:12
mundus2018Did I do something agianst the code of contact?19:12
cheusHi. I can't seem to boot my live usb to install ubuntu. The disk configuration requires that I use boot in UEFI mode. I get the uefi grub prompt but  upon selecting "try ubuntu" all I get is a black screen.19:12
Bashing-om!nomodeset | cheus19:13
ubottucheus: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:13
HadesWatch3rDo I have to enable trim or something on Ubuntu 14.04... ?19:13
cheusThanks Bashing-om ... I'll give it alook19:13
ducasseHadesWatch3r: set up a cron job.19:14
Bashing-omcheus: Proplems still persit . Holler at us .19:14
HadesWatch3rhmmm ?19:14
ducasseHadesWatch3r: it's usually preferrable to run fstrim from cron rather than mount with discard option.19:15
OerHeksziggy, what is the status cat /proc/mdstat19:15
HadesWatch3rducasse ok, I am know nothing about either .. lol.19:15
ducasseHadesWatch3r: first hit on a web search: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18903/how-to-enable-trim19:16
ubottuMany Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.19:17
HadesWatch3rthank you.19:17
HadesWatch3rI have a samsung ssd19:17
ducasseOerHeks: only enabled by default for some brands, according to the link i posted.19:18
cheusBashing-om, Afraid there's no joy there. Still black screend.19:18
cheusIn legacy boot mode the graphics layer was fine but this mb won't boot a pcie-nvme drive without uefi19:18
Bashing-omcheus: Reboot, soon as the firmware screen clears, spam the escape key . do you get the grub boot menu ?19:19
cheusBashing-om, sure, edited the line, added nomodeset19:19
OerHeksducasse, true, but that page is from 2010 .. my kinston is also default enabled, easy check>  tail -n1 /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim19:20
ioriacheus, try to remove    splash19:20
HadesWatch3rSo this is in my         /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim        # all SSD drives.  exec fstrim-all19:20
HadesWatch3rSo that means it will trim correct ?19:20
OerHeksyes, once a week19:21
HadesWatch3rThat is all that is needed right?19:21
ducasseOerHeks: ok, i don't have a 14.04 install to check (and that answer was edited in september 2015).19:21
cheusioria, Removed splash, still black screen on attempted UEFI boot.19:22
HadesWatch3rSuper, thank you all very much, appreciate it.19:22
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
Bashing-omcheus: nvme ! .. see : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2307273&page=2 >>> https://communities.intel.com/community/itpeernetwork/blog/2014/10/10/finding-your-new-intel-ssd-for-pcie-think-nvme-not-scsi .19:24
cheusBashing-om and ioria: Thanks for the help. I had to change a uefi-type option in the mb from "Other OS" to the nebulously named "Windows 10 Secure Boot" and remove splash, and add nomodeset.19:26
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ioriacheus, working ?19:26
cheusioria, Aye. Took a combination of the two kernel settings and that bios setting.19:28
nicofsI need help debugging my audio. For whatever reason, vlc always starts with sound at 0% - this has the result, that whenever I start Kaffeine, there is no sound. Something (and I deeply suspect VLC) messes up audio control...19:28
ioriacheus, greate19:28
Bashing-omcheus: Able now to install the graphics driver ? As leaving 'nomoeset' defeats Kernel Mode Setting - not something you want long term .19:29
nicofsMy main issue atm is that Kaffeine has no sound, no matter what controls I manipulate (system, kaffeine, vlc)19:30
cheusI'm sure I'll be ok once I get through OS installation. Nouveau won't survive long but this'll get me through installation and the first boot when I can replace it with the nvidia driver.19:30
reisionouveau's better if you don't need specific 3d accel19:31
zykotick9nicofs: you might want to check (after reboot) if it's alsa that is being set to no volume "alsamixer" if it is, you could raise it's volume then run "sudo alsactl store" reboot and see if it's fixed.19:31
Bashing-omcheus: Good plan :)19:31
cheusI'm fairly old-hat with most things just had 0-days of experience with UEFI19:31
nicofszykotick9, is there any alsa gui? I only have the tray icon...19:32
Bashing-omcheus: Uefi, unfortunately has no standards to implement. each manufacturer does it different .19:32
zykotick9nicofs: the tray icon will be pulse probably.  thus why running alsamixer for terminal is good in this case...19:33
zykotick9nicofs: note, it might not be alsa at all, it was only a guess/suggestion.19:34
HadesWatch3rHow can I fix my sound? I have an onboard sound card but it now only sees the Nvidia hdmi sound and puts that to my monitor speakers...19:34
HadesWatch3rI want it on my headphones and from my onboard sound card..19:34
nicofszykotick9, alsamixer in terminal is at 43%. As for sound: youtube and other things work. vlc does, as well if i turn it up after start. it's just kaffeine19:34
zykotick9nicofs: oh, so it sounds like it's not alsa (if that 43% was after a reboot)... if it's a kaffeine issue, i've got nothin'.  best of luck.19:35
tomkmemHi, i'm really at a loss here but i don't understand why ubuntu-fan is giving me so much greif. each time i ifup or ifdown my wifi interface, the operation fails and the system fails to register the state of the network device. is there something seriously buggy with the code? https://gist.github.com/tomdymond/240adbd0d06b6eac695097259733413c19:37
tomkmemrun-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/ubuntu-fan exited with return code 1 . Does this script even matter. I'm happy to just rm -f the file but since it came with xenial i'm not sure19:38
ioriatomkmem, have you seen this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FanNetworking ?19:40
tomkmemioria: checking19:40
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=== Queenslater is now known as Queenslayer
tomkmemomg this is super complicated19:45
nicofsRecap: no matter what I do, my Kaffeine is muted while sound everywhere else works. Additionally, vlc always starts muted but plays sound if sound is increased, furthermore, I am unable to set vlc's default audio level at startup. any ideas?19:46
HadesWatch3rSo my onboard sound card is gone somewhere ?19:48
HadesWatch3r[HDA NVidia]19:48
HadesWatch3rthat is theonly one now ..19:48
HadesWatch3rHow do I get my onboard sound card back and working ?19:51
KeyboardNotFoundIs there any other IDE for GUI develpment  for Ubuntu, quickly is deprecated19:52
reisioKeyboardNotFound: quickly? Never even heard of it19:53
KeyboardNotFoundreisio, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quickly_%28software%2919:53
ioriaKeyboardNotFound, gtk og qt ?19:53
reisioyes, well, I've heard of it after you mentioned it...19:53
reisioin what way is it deprecated?19:54
reisiooh it's written by Canonical? And they give up on all their projects :p19:54
KeyboardNotFoundreisio, last stable release is 4 years ago, also no more available in ubuntu package manager19:54
reisioyeah, didn't realize it was a Canonical thing19:55
reisionone of their software endures19:55
jattunity has endured19:55
reisioendurance requires age19:55
reisioisn't glade such a thing on its own?19:56
OerHeksage like xorg ?19:56
reisioOerHeks: that's certainly more age than unity19:56
=== NickG365_ is now known as NickG365
TGVoidHey! I have a corrupted hard drive and can't launch Windows. How do I copy all of the files to an external hard drive?20:09
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LothenonTGVoid: you can use dd (disk dump) for copying data to the new hard drive20:12
igoryonyahello, when I login to console or ssh, it shows a welcome message, where it shows current nics with ip addresses, system load, etc., please suggest, as where this message is generated? I tried to look everywhere in /etc, but couldn't find any trace. Also, I've looked in home's and etc's bashrc files, didn't see it there eigher. Please, help.20:12
TGVoidLothenon: Not sure. All I know is that I can't mount the drive after 5 people helped me last night20:12
Bashing-omTGVoid: Boot live environment of 'buntu, fire up the file manger with root privileges, open 2 windows and drag drop files .20:13
reisioTGVoid: what does mount say about it?20:13
reisioew, you don't want to drag and drop an entire FS20:13
TGVoidreisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16756203/ (from yesterday)20:14
hastikotrying to make live USB and none of the gui tools work...so I tried the 'dd' command but it says "no such file or directory" when I point it ot the iso...but its right there...I can see it in the file system and in terminal ls20:16
hastikounetbootin didnt work nor did usbcreator or any tool I can find for ubuntu20:17
ni291187Stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. If I type "lsusb" and I get obda:8813, that means that it is recognized and I don't need to install drivers, right?20:17
=== ni291187 is now known as StNicolas
igoryonyaanybody knows, where the welcome message, when you login to console or ssh is generated @?20:19
yraceulooking for some help making a bootable usb hard drive, used the inatall tool running ubuntu live and everything installs correctly but is not bootable after install20:19
TGVoidreisio: I can try it again. I'm new to Linux so I don't know much about commands.20:19
reisioTGVoid: input/output is kind of a universally bad sign, yeah20:20
reisioTGVoid: this doesn't show the command/s you ran, though20:20
StNicolaslsusb -> obda:8813 means no need to install drivers, because it is recognized?20:20
igoryonyayraceu, there is a program in the repository to make bootable USBs, called, something '*bootin', maybe 'unetbootin', or something, like that20:20
TGVoidreisio: Is it possible to back up the drive? A bunch of people concluded that the partition is corrupted.20:21
frostschutzyraceu, for regular installs on usb devices you might have to add rootwait / rootdelay parameters so it will wait for usb device detection. also make sure to have the usb modules included in the initramfs20:21
=== brian is now known as Guest19210
Amm0nigoryonya, there should be a few scripts in /etc/update-motd.d you can modify or delete them to your choice20:21
reisioTGVoid: with i/o errors, it's more likely some physical aspect/s of the drive or drive controller are broken20:22
Amm0nhastiko, what is the dd command you used and whats the location of the iso?20:22
yraceuigoryonya is that to make an actual full working install on a usb hard drive or to just create a usb pendrive tht is bootable with the installion media on it?20:22
reisioTGVoid: if it's got data you want on it, use ddrescue for both a quick and then subsequent intense copying20:22
reisioTGVoid: after that you can try cute things like putting the drive in the freezer for a while20:22
reisioTGVoid: and hitting it on its side, etc. :p20:23
hastikoAmmon: I have used a few variations of the dd command...bs= whatever in different places latest was this: sudo dd bs=4m if=/home/toshibalaptop/Documents/subuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb && sync20:23
TGVoidreisio: I can't take the actual drive out as I have to send my PC in to repair. Can you walk me through DDrescue?20:23
hastikothis one said bs=4m is invalid number20:24
hastikoiso is in /home/user/Documents20:24
igoryonyaStNicolas, obda:8813, means, it's recognized, but it doesn't say anything about drivers, just, that it knows the unique identifier of your recognized hardware. I think, if you want to check, if driver is loaded, there is, probably, either/or both commands could be useful: lshw (when it shows 'clamed') and/or modprobe.20:24
reisioTGVoid: sure you can take it out20:24
TGVoidreisio: It's gonna void the warranty20:24
hastikoI wanted to use a gui tool but none will work20:25
Amm0nhastiko, sure that it isn't a typo in ../subuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso shouldn't it be ubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso?20:25
reisioTGVoid: what computer is this?20:25
hastikoso I followed tuttorials for DD20:25
reisiohastiko: probably wants a capital 'M'20:25
hastikoah yea typo....I spelled it right first time20:25
hastikook will try that with capital M20:25
TGVoidreisio: An ASUS r556l laptop20:25
rafgashello all. I can only print documents through google chrome (as opposed to pdf viewer or firefox)20:26
StNicolasigoryonya Gonna try that. If that doesn't give good verbose, next step, I need to find drivers for it. Thx20:26
reisioTGVoid: what makes you think taking the hard disk out voids the warranty20:26
TGVoidreisio: ASUS said it would, and the last screw is under the warranty sticker20:27
reisioTGVoid: ddrescue -n /dev/foo foo01.ddrescue; ddrescue -d -r1 /dev/foo foo02.ddrescue20:27
reisioTGVoid: ah, idiots :p20:27
igoryonyayraceu, It's a hybrid: The full working install with your home directory and ability to install on a computer, as you would from DVD20:28
hastikoAmm0n: "no such directory" even when I type the exact path...if I cd into the directory it does the same...the .iso is right there...I can see it20:28
StNicolasOne more question. I have a couple distros on my desktop. One of them, on /sda7, during boot, says it fails to load kernel modules. What do I need to do to fix that?20:28
TGVoidreisio: I just bought this external drive an hour ago. Do I need to format it?20:28
Welastevilhi guys!20:29
reisioTGVoid: it's probably already formatted (as NTFS); formatting it again is up to you20:29
yraceuthats not what im looking to do, i can just clone my usb drive and add a huge persistant area and get that i want a full working updatable version of 16.04 lts20:29
Amm0nhastiko, can you give us a paste of the filelocation and the dd command you used?20:29
Welastevilim trying to install and play a game for maNY YERS BUT i DINT KNOW WHAT iM DOING WRONG...20:29
WelastevilSO SAD THAT i CAN NOT DO IT((20:29
WelastevilIT CALLS "KERNEL pAnic"20:29
nomicwhat game .. what did it run on20:29
reisioyou seem to have hit your capslock key20:29
Welastevil sorru20:30
etasonHi! After converting my RAID-0 array (which is also the root device) to a RAID-10, GRUB broke. I've been trying for hours to fix it to no avail. The arrays were made by MDADM and the server is running 14.0420:30
nomicit doesn't "call" kernel panic -- kernel panic is the lowest level error message20:30
hastikoAmmon: I found another typo...entered it properly...now I just have a cursor..is it working?20:30
hastikoUSB light is flashing so I think its writing....but no progress % or indication in terminal20:30
igoryonyaAmmOn, Do you know, what command generates the line: "System load:"?20:31
mojtabaHi, I have attached my sd card, and gparted does not show it. Do you know how can I fix it?20:31
hastikoAmm0n: Some dd tutorials had 'bs=1M' and most didnt have the '&& sync'...what is the proper way?20:31
glasswhen using the command netdiscover why would my phone not connect to the same wifi network?20:31
reisiohastiko: bs is optional, but may speed things up if set correctly20:32
reisiohastiko: sync I don't think is relevant for dd operations, but it's a good idea for general copy procedures before umounting things20:32
hastikoreisio: what is properly?20:32
reisiohastiko: that's open to interpretation :)20:32
TGVoidreisio: ddrescue -n /dev/foo foo01.ddrescue; ddrescue -d -r1 /dev/foo foo02.ddrescue What do I replace to specify partitions?20:32
Amm0nhastiko, to see a progress you can add status=progress to see a progress20:32
igoryonyaStNicolas, I am do not have that deep knowledge about kernel, kernel modules, I just, pretty much understand in which direction to look at and read more documentation. When I gave you advice, I thought, that would point you in the right direction, but I don't know it in depth20:32
WelastevilI could not understand the instal instructions20:32
reisiohastiko: more than 0 should speed things up, equal to or more than total RAM will probably freeze i20:32
hastikoAmm0n: add it where? to end of that command string after && sync?20:33
lkhelp buddy I am not getting my usb on virtual box. i am runnig ubuntu 14.04 lts20:33
reisioTGVoid: 'foo'20:33
androsshey there, can someone tell me how i modify my 'pythonpath'?20:33
Welastevildoes someone here familiar with this game?20:33
reisioTGVoid: /dev/sda would be the first device (disk), /dev/sda1 would be its first partition, etc.20:33
hastikoreisio: I have 2gb ram and put bs=4M...is that 4mb?20:33
TGVoidreisio: How do I check the partitions available?20:33
reisioTGVoid: for something with i/o issues, you'll probably just want to hit /dev/sda (for example) directly (not partitions), but you can do them all if you want20:33
rafgasHow come my ubuntu 16.04 only prints through google chrome? when i try to install the printer, i have some problems, but chrome prints fine(but nothing else does)20:33
reisiohastiko: yes, at a time20:33
reisiohastiko: so it'll copy 4MB, then 4MB, then 4MB... etc. until it's done20:34
reisioTGVoid: sudo lsblk -f, if it's still reading them20:34
mojtabaHi, I have attached my sd card, and gparted does not show it. Do you know how can I fix it?20:34
hastikoresio: so is there a formula? like choose 10% of actual ram max for this number etc? I don't know what to put there20:34
mojtabaHow can I mount it in \dev/sdc?20:35
reisiohastiko: there are various formulae, I don't bother with them myself20:35
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reisiohastiko: pick a number less than your ram, it'll probably work out20:35
reisiomojtaba: does your file manager show it?20:35
mojtabareisio: no20:35
hastikoreisio: but my ram is 2gb....so would bs=1G work?20:35
reisiohastiko: also if you type r-e-i-TABKEY, that might help you20:36
Amm0nhastiko, bs= depends on the size of the cache of the volume you can find it out with hdparm -I /dev/sdX20:36
reisiohastiko: probably20:36
igoryonyadoes anybody know, what command generates 'system load' value on the welcome message, when you login to console, or ssh?20:36
Amm0nusually a bs of 512 bytes is fine20:36
reisioigoryonya: probably in /etc/issue or /etc/motd or something20:36
lkhelp buddy I am not getting my usb on virtual box. i am runnig ubuntu 14.04 lts20:37
TGVoidreisio: Is everything after the semicolon the external drive and before the broken drive? Are those separate commands?20:37
reisiolk: you install the extension pack?20:37
hastikoresio: that command says "unknown" for cache/buffer size....how do you learn all this are you a sysadmin?20:37
mojtabareisio: Do you know what should I do?20:37
lkreisio: no20:37
reisioTGVoid: they're separate commands, yes; the first is a quick pass, the second is more intensive20:37
sudhackarIs the 'restricted/binary-amd64/Packages' repo broken?20:38
reisioTGVoid: triage, basically20:38
reisiohastiko: r-e-i-[TABKEY]20:38
mojtabareisio: my file manager does not show my SD card20:38
reisiohastiko: man dd20:38
reisioman hdparm20:38
hastikoAmmon: that command returned "unknown"....but for future reference I should make the bs= less than the USB's cache size right?20:38
reisiomojtaba: sure this card works?20:38
sudhackarI'm getting errors for both India and US. Anyone?20:38
mojtabareisio: It was working before.20:38
sudhackarwith the default sources.list on 14.0420:38
mojtabareisio: So, yes.20:39
reisioall things that no longer work... worked "before"20:39
TGVoidreisio: ddrescue -n /dev/sda sdc.ddrescue Would that be what I use? SDA is the broken and SDC is my external20:39
hastikoreisio: r-e-i- tab does nothing20:39
Amm0nhastiko, you can use a larger bs but it doesn't make sense if the cache of the volume is not large enough20:39
reisioTGVoid: the second parameter is the file you're saving to20:39
reisiohastiko: for IRC20:39
sudhackarfailed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/Release Unable to find expected entry 'restricted/binary-amd64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)20:39
sudhackaranyone on this?20:39
hastikoAmm0n: so is there a bs= number you recommend as a standard then? 4M is in a lot of the tutorials20:40
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TGVoidreisio: So sdc.ddrescue is the file when it's done?20:40
mojtabaTGVoid: how do you make sure that the sd card is on sdc?20:40
hastikoreisio: DOH!20:40
igoryonyareisio, issue shows only distribution name/version and I have not motd in /etc/20:40
reisioTGVoid: so if sdc is mounted to /mnt/sdc, you could do ddrescue -n /dev/sda /mnt/sdc/sda-pass1.ddrescue20:40
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reisioTGVoid: right, 2nd is file/destination20:40
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Amm0nhastiko, as i said, it depends on the cache size of the volume, ususally 512bytes are working fine20:41
hastikocan you partition the USB and put ultiple live USBs on it with dd?20:41
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Bashing-omsudhackar: Show in a pastebin ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' . See if we can find that malformed line .20:41
reisiohastiko: not with dd alone, but utilizing dd, sure20:41
hastikook...gonna go see if this worked...thanks guys20:42
reisioalthough I wouldn't do it using dd20:42
reisionor would I do it at all, however20:42
dramasudhackar, you want something like .../trusty main multiverse restricted universe20:42
reisiohow many distros do you need?20:42
reisioI submit: only one20:42
TGVoidreisio: It says it's not installed. I typed the install command, and it still said that it wasn't installed20:42
dtech12How do you make a permanent alias? Every time I restart my pc it wont work when I reboot it.20:42
sudhackarBashing-om, I actually renamed .list.d to some random directory so that apt-get just works on sources.list20:43
reisioTGVoid: what, ddrescue?20:43
mojtabaDoes anyone know how can I make sure, if my sd card is represented by sdc or not?20:43
reisioTGVoid: might be under sbin (use sudo)20:43
TGVoidreisio: Yes20:43
mojtabamy file manager does not show the SD card20:43
mojtabanor the gparted.20:43
TGVoidreisio: I did sudo apt install gddrescue20:43
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igoryonyayraceu, the last time, I did, was on Ubuntu 14.0420:44
reisiomojtaba: fdisk et al. would show it as having the right capacity20:44
Bashing-omdtech12: See ' cat .bashrc ' . Directions there for alternative places too .20:44
dramadtech12, make a file and put it in .bash_aliases ....cat .bashrc ?20:44
lkreisio: how to check virtual box extension?20:44
igoryonyayraceu, yes, it works the same, except, that you have max 4Gb for your home directory, and there is nothingng, you can do about it to make it bigger. Well, maybe, there is, but I don't know how.20:45
reisioTGVoid: dpkg -L gddrescue | grep bin20:45
reisiolk: dpkg -l | grep -i 'virtualbox-ext-pack'20:45
lkreisio: command shows nothing ....how to install it20:46
TGVoidreisio: "package 'gddescue' is not installed"\20:46
mojtabareisio: fdisk /dev/sdc, there is no such file.20:46
mojtabareisio: So, if my sd card is broken, is there any way to fix it?20:47
mojtabausing ddrescue?20:47
squintymojtaba,  unplug the sd and then plug it back in. right away type  dmesg  in a terminal. at the very ending of the listings should be information about your sd card (if the computer is recognizing it)20:47
OerHeksmojtaba, did the sdcard work in that adapter before?20:47
mojtabaOerHeks: yes20:48
mojtabasquinty: ok, thanks20:48
=== newbie|3 is now known as StNicolas
BajaxI'm running an ubuntu 14.04 server, the motherboard has an dual Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5721, and I'm having an extremely high number of RX errors.  Uploading large files to the server, regardless of method (SMB, HTTP, or SCP) is extremely slow, but downloads are more or less normal.  I've tried both ports, replacing the cable and switch, but the errors remain.  It seems like it may be something misconf20:51
Bajaxigured in my software, but I can't be sure.  The enclosure doesn't have room to install another ethernet card or I'd just do that.  Any ideas where I can start?20:51
sudhackarError : failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/Release Unable to find expected entry 'restricted/binary-amd64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)20:51
sudhackarso I pasted http://paste.ubuntu.com/16782758/20:52
sudhackarthe sources.list here Bashing-om20:52
TGVoidreisio: Any ideas?20:52
dramasudhackar, i was able to reach it in firefox20:52
OerHeks"package 'gddescue' is not installed" typo20:53
reisioTGVoid: you have to install it first20:53
sudhackardrama, ?20:53
dramasudhackar, paste that url into your browser20:53
reisioTGVoid: it's in the 'universe' repo20:54
TGVoidreisio: I did sudo apt install gddrescue and it didn't install20:54
StNicolasI've been googling, but haven't found it... I have a Wifi thing with obda:8813 id. It doesn't work ... yet... but can someone help me find the appropriate drivers for it?20:54
sudhackarworks for me20:54
reisioTGVoid: you probably don't have the universe repo enabled, then20:55
TGVoidreisio: How do I enable it?20:55
squintyTGVoid, Software and Updates20:55
sudhackardrama, works for me. but still http://pastebin.com/1bFCVGPN20:56
TGVoidsquinty: I'm doing it from Live CD so I don't overwrite anything20:56
reisioTGVoid: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148638/how-do-i-enable-the-universe-repository20:57
sudhackarBashing-om, http://pastebin.com/mcELXpPF is the output you asked for20:57
dramasudhackar, it may be deformed... this is what mine looks like on wily deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ wily restricted20:57
Bashing-omsubthalamus: Look'n .20:57
sudhackarcan you paste yours somewhere drama: ?20:58
reisioI wonder if there's a desktop Ubuntu user anywhere in the entire history of time that didn't want all the repos enabled20:58
Amm0nStNicolas, you can start over here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide20:58
sudhackarAlso I tried the default one from https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ drama20:58
dramasudhackar, did you sudo apt-get update20:59
ash_workzcan orca read websites?20:59
reisioprobably, they're smart animals20:59
StNicolasAmm0n: Thx. I'm goona look20:59
TGVoidreisio: Universe added, gddescue can't be located every time I install it20:59
reisioTGVoid: gddRescue?20:59
sudhackarError : failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/Release Unable to find expected entry 'restricted/binary-amd64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file) is the roor I get on sudo apt-get update20:59
sudhackar*error drama :20:59
TGVoidreisio: Yeah. The R key is ehh on the laptop I'm using for IRC21:00
dramasudhackar,  some where you have a apt-get sources line that points to nowhere21:00
reisioash_workz: screen reading is rather backwards; people who can't see well are better off using text2speech and a text browser21:00
dramagood luck21:00
sudhackarcan you please paste yours somewhere? drama:21:01
reisioTGVoid: what ubuntu live OS Version is this?21:01
TGVoidreisio: 16.0421:01
Hydr0p0nXhow do I get UDF formatted dvd's to automount? ISO format dvd's and bluray disks automount as expected, just not udf dvds. the dvd is retail purchased movie, not something that was burned21:01
sudhackar https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/  is not good for 14.04?21:01
irregularhi guys, I opened an mp3 file using the default music player (not sure what it was), then I closed the window expecting the music to stop but it didn't, what do i do??21:01
sudhackarokay yeah. sorry for bugging you drama,21:01
sudhackarthanks anyways21:02
reisioTGVoid: sudo apt-get install gddrescue; dpkg -L gddrescue | grep bin21:02
reisioirregular: check the top right for an icon21:02
irregularreisio:I don't see any new icons21:02
reisioirregular: might be hidden under the volume icon21:02
irregularreisio: it was, thank you!21:02
reisioHydr0p0nX: udf wouldn't have been used for a movie, no21:03
TGVoidreisio: Still not installed21:03
reisioTGVoid: that's a mystery to me, then; ask apt-file search ddrescue21:03
dramasudhackar, https://ghostbin.com/paste/458se21:03
dramasudhackar, line number 48 for restricted21:04
TGVoidreisio: Ask can't install21:04
OerHekssudhackar, wow 14 ppa's .. and the in.mirror is maybe out of sync, try again later21:04
hastikoamm0n: reisio: dd seemed to work and I booted the Live Xubuntu 16.04 and selected language and "try xubuntu" then it went to log in prompt....google tells me log in should be xubuntu for username and no password...this just flashes the screen and resets the boxes...i checked md5 and its good21:04
reisiohastiko: I forgot what you were trying to accomplish; remind me?21:05
hastikoI find a few people asking this on google...being told to enter distro name only and to check md5 if it doesnt work21:05
hastikoreisio: trying to make live usb for 16.04 to try21:05
reisiohastiko: how long did you wait after it went to a prompt?21:06
hastikocant get past log in on live usb...resets boxes no matter what I enter or if I enter nothing21:06
hastikoreisio: I guess few seconds? typed in "xubuntu"...nothing in password...and "go" or whatever it said...just blanks out boxes21:07
reisioyou might wait a little longer21:07
reisio30s, a minute21:07
reisiosometimes in the live OS the graphics come in and out while it gets things done21:08
hastikoreisio: it resets boxes and just sits21:08
hastikodoesn't proceed21:08
reisioyou might wait a little longer21:08
reisio30s, a minute21:08
reisiosometimes in the live OS the graphics come in and out while it gets things done21:08
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reisioit is not uncommon to see an empty login prompt for longer than you'd like21:08
reisioand then eventually it will load X21:09
hastikoreisio: ok will try...it doesn't feel like that as I know what you mean from previous use. This actually resets the boxes and reenables the "proceed" button and says "wrong password" etc21:09
reisioI gotta take a little nap, bbl21:09
hastikowill try again21:09
mojtabasquinty: I do that and it says: mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card21:11
mojtabaDo you know how can I fix the sd card?21:12
StNicolasAmm0n: No luck so far21:12
Amm0nStNicolas, what kind of wifi device is it? USB?21:13
StNicolasAmm0n: usb (I think 3.0) a Comfast dongle with Realtek 8814AU, I think.  When lsusb comes back obda:8813, I wonder21:14
squintymojtaba, not off hand but a quick google of that error message and ubuntu returns hits.  might want to scan them for info21:15
mojtabasquinty: The problem is that there is no such file /dev/mmc.21:16
Hydr0p0nXreisio, i have one that is , i'll dig it back out and give you the title21:17
hastikomade live usb for 14.04...boots and gives me log in screen. Google says log in is 'xubuntu' and no password. That flashes the log in screen and resets it. MD5 sum is good. Ideas?21:17
squintymojtaba, your experiencing problems similar to what I read via the google hits then.21:17
Amm0nStNicolas, which ubuntu version?21:19
Adalbertjoin #ubuntu21:19
Hydr0p0nXreisio: from dmesg after ejecting and re-inserting the dvd - [160574.866941] UDF-fs: INFO Mounting volume 'FLASH_GORDON', timestamp 2007/06/01 21:06 (1ed4)21:19
StNicolasAmm0n: Ubuntu studio 16.0421:19
StNicolas64 bit21:20
MonkeyDustAmm0n  there's also #ubuntustudio21:20
SimplarCan you recommend me a good tool for reading DJVU files on Ubuntu? Thanks!21:20
TGVoidCan anyone help me in recovering a corrupted HDD?21:22
piercan somebody help me?21:22
piermy wireless isnt working21:22
pierhaving a hard time with it21:22
jolexisyou speaking in spanish?21:22
pierenglish or dutch only pls21:22
Amm0nStNicolas, can you paste lsusb?21:23
pieris this also for support?21:23
MonkeyDustpier  yes, this is ubuntu support21:23
jolexisoh, sorry, i can't speak more english21:23
effectneti am setting up a computer, ubuntu only.  i have a 64g ssd and a 1t hdd. i am wondering about the partitions21:23
Bashing-omsudhackar: The only failt I can find is that you have @ PPAs for graphics drivers " sources.list.d/graphics-drivers-ppa-trusty.list and sources.list.d/xorg-edgers-ppa-trusty.list " but do not se how that could be related to the error .21:23
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl21:23
TGVoidreisio was helping me earlier, but I believe he left. I got gddrescue installed. How do I use it?21:23
Amm0nMonkeyDust, you mean i shouldn't try to help here because of not plain ubuntu?21:23
StNicolasAmm0n: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16783515/21:24
squinty!es | jolexis21:24
ubottujolexis: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:24
MonkeyDustAmm0n  no, i mean there is a dedicated ubuntu studio channel21:24
MonkeyDustAmm0n  in case you don't get an answer here21:24
squinty #ubuntu-studio21:24
pierGuys how do i install the driver for my wireless?21:25
pierI have no idea21:25
StNicolasMonkeyDust: I understand.  I'm trying the best I can.  Imagine ubuntu and ubuntu studio more or less the same21:25
Amm0nStNicolas, and a sudo lshw -C network please21:25
StNicolasAmm0n: Will do21:25
pierbroadcom bc431821:26
pierbcm4318* haha21:26
reisioTGVoid: so if sdc is mounted to /mnt/sdc, you could do ddrescue -n /dev/sda /mnt/sdc/sda-pass1.ddrescue21:26
squintypier,  Dash -> Additional Drivers    see if anything is offered21:26
reisioddrescue -d -r1 /dev/sda /mnt/sdc/sda-pass2.ddrescue21:26
Amm0nMonkeyDust, i don't have a problem, i'm just trying to help ;)21:26
effectnethey is this comment true?? -> Ubuntu and most of the software you'll probably install on this computer (unless you're planning on installing Steam games) will not take more than 60 GB of disk space, even after some time. I would recommend getting a larger SSD drive, if you are willing to spend the required amount of money because in the long term , you'll probably want to store more and more21:27
effectnetfiles on it.21:27
StNicolasAmm0n: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16783599/21:27
MonkeyDustAmm0n  guess i addressed the wrong guy, apolgies21:27
TGVoidreisio: "ddrescue: Too many files."21:27
tgm4883effectnet: I'd just install everything on the SSD then mount the HDD as a large file storage21:27
effectneti have a 60g ssd and 1t hdd, so i can just make my ssd / ? :D21:27
effectnetwow nice21:27
squintypier,also  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:28
piersquinty, only microcode for my cpu21:28
reisioTGVoid: it takes two parameters21:28
hastikoAmm0n: Do you have any ideas about my log in problem on the live usb?21:30
hastikomade live usb for 14.04...boots and gives me log in screen. Google says log in is 'xubuntu' and no password. That flashes the log in screen and resets it. MD5 sum is good. Ideas?21:30
Amm0nStNicolas, does lsmod | grep ath give you any output?21:30
squintypier,  firmware-b43-installer and b43-fwcutter  for the 431821:30
hastikoCannot find any solution with searching...few people asking same but no resolution21:30
TGVoidreisio: I'm doing this: "sudo ddrescue -n /dev/sda /media/ubuntu/Seagate Expansion Drive/sda-pass1.ddrescue" and it outputs with "too many files"21:30
reisioTGVoid: because your space is interpreted as another parameter21:31
squintypier,  so try   sudo apt install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer    copy/paste into a terminal21:32
piersquinty i have those installed, still doesnt work21:32
reisioTGVoid: always use TAB completion with paths, it'll ensure they (1) actually exist and (2) are correct21:32
pieri already have21:32
pierand lspci shows the right module21:32
StNicolasAmm0n: Why look at ath when the thing I'm trying to get to work is a Realtek thing?  Btw, both wifi dongles are in the desktop, otherwise, I wouldn't be connected to the chat room21:32
pieralso i edited /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf to not blacklist 431821:32
pierim kinda stuck now haha21:33
StNicolasAmm0n: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16783783/21:33
DilloDroidI use Carbon Copy Cloner on Mac to create a boot-able mirror of my system drive on another drive.  It does so without having to restart from a utility disc.  I also use it to set up and remember weekly backups of various data.  Is there a GUI utility for Ubuntu which will perform the same tasks?21:34
igoryonyadoes anybody know, what command generates 'system load' value on the welcome message, when you login to console, or ssh?21:34
squintypier,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessPCMCIATroubleshooting?action=show&redirect=WifiDocs%2FWiFiTroubleshooting21:35
OerHeksthere is a wiki about systemload, 1 + 5 + 15 minute average21:36
Amm0nStNicolas, Ah sry i didn't get you're using 2 wifi dongles.. Then it seems the driver didn't made it in the kernel yet..21:36
igoryonyaOerHeks, can you give wiki's address?21:37
effectnetlet's say later i want to install something big, like steam games.  can i install them on the hdd storage drive and not the ssd / drive?21:37
Amm0nhastiko, maybe it's a graphics problem.. try to boot with nomodeset21:37
StNicolasAmm0n: You mean that my obda:8813 Realtek hasn't yet a driver for the kernel?  Is there a way to fix it?  Add a module for the Realtek thing?21:37
hastikowhat is nomodset?21:37
reisiohastiko: ask ubottu21:38
hastikowhat is ubottu? lol21:39
piersquinty, that troubleshoot doesn't really apply to my problem i guess21:39
pierit doesn't include solving driver problems21:39
TGVoidreisio: The first command is doing its thing21:40
pieroh btw iwconfig gives 'no wireless extension'21:40
igoryonyaOerHeks, thanks21:40
igoryonyaIs git installed by default on Ubuntu 16.04 or 16.04 server?21:41
jon777any good software for ubuntu?21:41
squintypier, originally you stated you wanted to install drivers....now it's turned into something different.  check the ubuntu community wireless web pages(of which that url I sent is one)...for troubleshooting proceedures.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo#Troubleshooting21:42
igoryonyajon777, hard to find bad software for Ubuntu :)21:42
pierno i meant having problems enabling them the right way21:42
jon777already got spotify and popcorntime21:42
=== Admin__ is now known as prelude2004c
igoryonyajon777, I am not sure what those programs do21:43
sebThreeM10whiteigoryonya: git is for hosting packages etc,  upstream projects,  don't think that's in ubuntu by default21:43
MonkeyDustjon777  software to do what?21:43
igoryonyajon777, it all depends, on what you are looking for...21:43
tgm4883igoryonya: no it's not installed by default21:44
TGVoidreisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1678405021:44
* sebThreeM10white is sebsebseb21:44
Amm0ngrml trying to help and the guy who needs it parts.. :)21:44
squintypier,  one other thing that comes to mind but am not sure if it applies to broadcom units....  run dmesg in a terminal and grep for firmware error     dmesg | grep -i firmware21:44
jon777popcorntime streams torrents so you can watch movies and spotify is like itunes sorta21:44
TGVoidreisio: It's frozen21:44
tgm4883sebThreeM10white: git is version control software. You're thinking of github21:44
MonkeyDustjon777  this is the support channel, i guess you want to be in #ubuntu-offtopic21:45
sebThreeM10whitejon777 lots of good softwareavialbe for linux21:45
sebThreeM10whitealso uhmm21:45
sebThreeM10white!piracy > jon77721:45
ubottujon777, please see my private message21:45
pieri dont understand21:45
pierthe lspci lists my wifi perfctly fine21:46
Amm0nhastiko, after the BIOS splash screen during boot, press and hold the SHIFT button or ESC to get to the grub list containing installed Kernels, then hit "e" to edit the first kernel displayed. Find the line ending with quiet splash. Add your boot option before these key words - i.e. so the line looks like [...]nomodeset quiet splash. Press CTRL + X to boot21:46
pier06:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)21:46
TGVoidreisio: Do I keep it running?21:47
igoryonyasebThreeM10white, I am just curious, because, in 15.10, still, I've had to install it after installing the system. Now, I've installed Ubuntu server 16.04, and, when tried to install git, right after the OS installation, it said, that git is already the newest version. So, I am not sure now, is git installed by default, since 16.04, or is it because it was required by (I checked also, during the install: OpenVPN, OpenSSH, Samba, VirtualHost) by some of the ad21:50
Bashing-om!ask | etranger21:50
ubottuetranger: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:50
TGVoidreisio: Hello?21:50
etrangersorry, it was a mistype meant for the main freenode window. apologies.21:51
sebThreeM10whiteigoryonya: yes in ubuntu server that does not suprise me if its already installed but in ubuntu desktop version standard ubuntu i would expect it not to be21:52
igoryonyasebThreeM10white, it was not installed in Ubuntu server 15.10, I mean (I was talking about server editions)21:54
sebThreeM10whiteigoryonga ok but new default packages get added at times to any version. and if it says its already installed after trying to apt-get it then yes it probably already is21:56
tgm4883igoryonya: I doubt git was installed by default in ubuntu-server. Are you saying you installed those other packages (openVPN, openSSH, etc)?21:58
* sebThreeM10white thinks Queenslayer is a good IRC knick21:58
* Queenslayer agrees and thanks sebThreeM10white \o22:00
setowhat is the general ubuntu/kubuntu etc chan/s?22:00
setofor general chat22:00
tgm4883!discuss | seto22:01
ubottuseto: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!22:01
setoahh ty22:01
sebThreeM10whiteigoryonya is that a clean install of 16.04 server or an upgrade from 15.10?22:01
sebThreeM10whitequeenslayer h eh :)22:01
Hydr0p0nXhow do I get UDF formatted dvd's to automount? ISO format dvd's and bluray disks automount as expected, just not udf dvds. the dvd is retail purchased movie, not something that was burned, dmesg shows it being mounted by udf-fs but it never actually mounts22:04
igoryonyasebThreeM10white, clean install of server 16.10. I repartitioned the drive, but during the install, I've also selected OpenVPN, OpenSSH, Samba, VirtualHost, which, I also selected in 15.10 server installation, when there was no git by default.22:05
igoryonyaDoes anybody know, where I can look @ the list of packages, installed by default?, cause, I can't find it on official ubuntu's site.22:06
igoryonyamaybe, I don't know, where to look @22:06
Amm0nigoryonya, you could use "apt-cache rdepends git" to see what package wants it22:07
sebThreeM10whiteHydr0p0nX: udf is the encryption isn't it? the type of DVD? by default Ubuntu cannot for legal reasons play commerical propritary digital rights mangement DVD's, but there are ways to get playing22:07
K-arch_I installed ubuntu now on first boot it says taco bell domain login?22:08
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:09
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K-arch_who has a dvd player anyway22:10
alpha__ont peut sur la méme machine mettre un serveur web et un serveur de fichier ?22:10
igoryonyaK-arch, I just use vlc to play dvds22:10
me0wmixI am trying to install ubuntu 16.04 from a live USB, but my installation crashes and locks up my system after the ubuntu loading logo finishes and the desktop splash hits22:11
tgm4883igoryonya: look at the server.seed files at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.xenial/22:12
sebThreeM10whiteme0wmix: 0k but from the live session everything seemed to work ok yes? also what graphics card do you have and things like that, ram even?22:13
me0wmixI just get a flashing error window saying "ubuntu 16.04 has experienced an internal error"22:13
me0wmixsebThreeM10white: I have a 6th gen i5, and a gtx97022:13
tgm4883igoryonya: actually, it was added to the default install https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/139475622:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1394756 in Ubuntu "Please add git to Ubuntu Server" [Wishlist,Fix released]22:13
BajaxI have now completely lost ethernet on my 14.04 server.  I used ethtool to try and change the duplex settings for my port that was having tons of RX errors.  I tried 100mbps half duplex first, and since it was a vast improvement, I tried 1000/half, and now ethernet no longer works at all.22:14
me0wmixsebThreeM10white: along with either 8 or 16g ddr4 ram22:14
sebThreeM10whiteme0wmix: ok so I quite new proccesser I gues that means, and whats the make of f the graphics card?22:14
igoryonyatgm4883, :), thanx22:14
BajaxIf I try to use ethtool to change the settings back, still nothing.  No DHCP, can't ping a known IP with a manual address.22:14
BajaxWhat does ethtooll actually do to my system?  Could something have gotten corrupted in some settings file I can clear out and start again with?22:15
minimecme0wmix: I don't really get it. Were you able to install Ubuntu 16.04 and cannot start it now, or is the live USb not starting?22:15
me0wmixsebThreeM10white: my graphics card is an NVidia GTX970, from EVGA22:15
sebThreeM10whiteMeow-J: so also a quite new card? how new is the computer?22:15
BajaxAlso, I have two ethernet ports.  Neither are working now22:15
me0wmixminimec: I am attempting to boot from a liveusb22:15
BajaxThey detect link fine, seem to autoneg22:15
sebThreeM10whiteyes sent to the wrong perosn I know  tablets hmm22:15
me0wmixsebThreeM10white: computer is under 3 months old22:16
me0wmixvery new22:16
minimecme0wmix: Ok. I see. My guess is, that the GTX970 is the problem. Let me have a quick search on google.22:17
sebThreeM10whiteme0wmix: maybe to new in a way,  or to new without a bit of hackking to get something working22:17
sebThreeM10whiteme0wmix: however as mimimec put its probbly to do with the graphics card22:17
me0wmixI wish to use this system to run steam games, if the graphics card is the issue that is a concern22:18
minimecme0wmix: Try the following... "You should boot the livecd with the "nomodeset" - when you first see the splash screen (purple with white keyboard and human symbols bottom centre) press F1 to get the advanced welcom screen. Press F6 then select nomodeset22:18
me0wmixI am swapping from an archlinux build to get better stability in dota22:18
minimecme0wmix: Seen here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2262451&s=e4972f555bcafa51bdf626bc6d6df45e&p=13214995#post1321499522:19
me0wmixminimec: I will try and let you know if this solves my issue22:19
EdizHi, several hours ago I started a transfer of files (350Gb) from an external hard drive and the window that shows the progress is lost, I tried super+shift+w to no avail, using 16.0422:20
minimecme0wmix: Afterwards installation you need the nvidia driver in 'additional drivers'22:20
Hydr0p0nXhow do I get UDF formatted dvd's to automount? ISO format dvd's and bluray disks automount as expected, just not udf dvds. the dvd is retail purchased movie, not something that was burned, dmesg shows it being mounted by udf-fs but it never actually mounts22:21
hydrogenHi world... I've got three or four ubuntu machines on my lan at this point, looking to setup a way to mirror/cache downloads so that I don't download them from the interwebs on multiple computers.22:22
sebThreeM10whiteme0wmix: mix indeeddyoull need a proprirtary driver for your card for gaming etc,  the one by default won't be good enough and may not have much support for your card in fact hence your issue22:22
me0wmixminimec: I don't think it is capable of reaching the welcome screen22:22
hydrogenLooks like apt-mirror mirrors the entire repo, which is a bit excessive for my needs, is there another option?22:22
sebThreeM10whitemimimec he could install the propritary driver by default before instal or on install?  there is some way isn't there?   I mean not just for the live session but straight into the install?22:23
atbhi . how can install amd driver on ubuntu mate 16.04?22:24
minimecme0wmix: ?? Do you see that splash screen (purple with white keyboard and human symbols bottom centre) right after the BIOS/UEFI boot screen?22:25
me0wmixI start the boot, and once the initial loader finishes I see an orange splash background, and then 2 error windows that start alternating flashing22:25
me0wmixminimec: I do not think my boot is reaching that point22:26
CyBerNetXon a 10.04 or a 16.04 i have this error : undefined symbol: gtk_type_check_object_cast22:26
minimecme0wmix: How did you create that live USB stick?. WIth 'dd'? That screen should be the first thing you see right after the BIOS/UEFI boot screen22:26
me0wmixminimec: maybe I am misunderstanding, right after the uefi boot I see a purple splash screen with a white ubuntu logo along with a loading indicator. Pressing F1 during this shows a terminal with a bunch of installation tasks happening22:28
tgm4883hydrogen: all the same version of ubuntu? Use squid-deb-proxy22:30
me0wmixminimec: pressing F6 when viewing the terminal only seems to speed up the black screen that happens before the crash22:30
hydrogentgm4883: thanks, I'll look at it22:32
hydrogenalso found apt-cacher-ng, is one better than the other?22:33
tgm4883hydrogen: not sure, I've not used either in awhile since I don't have the same version of ubuntu across my network22:33
minimecme0wmix: Give me one second...22:33
arreolHey, can we ask installation questions here? I've looked around on the forums and I can't find the answer to my question.22:34
tgm4883!help | arreol22:35
ubottuarreol: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:35
arreolSo, I'm installing Ubuntu and I'm trying to figure out where to install the grub bootloader. I know that you're supposed to install it on /dev/sda but I want to have my computer boot into Windows if I turn it on, then if I want to go to Ubuntu, I go to the boot options in my BIOS and it's a boot device.22:35
minimecme0wmix: I thought I had a Ubuntu mate 16.04 live stick at hand, but what I got was the fedora24 boot screen... ;) Basically 'nomodeset' is a kernel option you can choose at boot. You should be able to set that option with the procedure described above.22:37
tgm4883arreol: do you have multiple hard drives?22:38
tgm4883arreol: You can have grub be the dafault boot loader and still boot windows by default22:38
minimecme0wmix: old thread, but I think it did not change... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1986975&p=11968680#post1196868022:39
setocan set a very short time out as well22:39
C_minussince my last kernel update (i think) the volume, brightness etc. keys on my laptop only work in conjunction with "Fn" key. Before they worked on their own. Can I do anything to switch that back?22:39
hydrogenmy other question is what did ubuntu do in 16.04 that ruined any and all local name resolution?22:39
hydrogenall of my *.locals are hitting the internet, /etc/hosts is ignored22:39
hydrogenIt worked fine in 15.1022:39
minimecme0wmix: add "nomodeset" without the "" signs22:40
tgm4883arreol: after install, you would set grub to boot windows by default22:41
arreolSo, install on /dev/sda?22:41
tgm4883arreol: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Configuring_GRUB_222:42
tgm4883arreol: yea it would need to be there22:42
arreolOkay, thank you.22:42
effectnetso do you guys defragment your drives??22:44
tgm4883effectnet: not anymore22:44
reisioI tried once, in a decade, and it said it wasn't fragmented at all22:44
tgm4883it's not generally needed22:45
setolol wth is with gparted saying my 16 gb flash drive is like 60 gb :\22:45
tgm4883there are specific circumstances where I would do it22:45
effectnetso i am gonna make my 64g ssd / and i guess use the hdd for storage22:45
sw0rdyhi there, is there a way to lock the screen with a keyboard shortcut key22:45
tgm4883sw0rdy: ctrl+alt+L22:46
effectnetthere's no mount points i wanna put on the hdd?22:46
sw0rdytgm4883, xubuntu22:46
reisiosw0rdy: map whatever you like to 'xscreensaver-command -lock'22:46
sw0rdythats not working for me tgm4883 even though if I recall correctly it used to work like a couple a months ago or something22:46
sw0rdyreisio, where do I find that22:46
Bashing-omatb: As of 16.04 ATI drivers are included in the kernel. There are no FGLRX drivers . See the 16.04 release notes for details .22:46
tgm4883effectnet: I wouldn't, I would just mount it as additional storage22:47
neredsenvyI have a Lenovo Yoga3 Laptop/Tablet on Winodws (no special software/drivers) I had the auto rotate function working. Basically unless disabled by the button screen would rotate as I rotated the laptop when using it as a tablet.22:47
sw0rdyreisio, oh22:47
reisiosw0rdy: Settings > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts22:47
neredsenvyAny solution under LInux ?22:47
neredsenvyI mean Ubuntu22:47
effectnetcan i install a game or something big on the hdd if i want?22:47
effectnetinstead of using the ssd22:47
me0wmixminimec: I was able to get it to work by not booting in uefi mode. booting in non-uefi did not even require nomodeset to be on22:47
effectnetlike steam22:48
tgm4883effectnet: I wouldn't bother unless it was a super large game. Steam has some that are 50-60GB22:48
minimecme0wmix: Nice...22:48
sw0rdyreisio, that entry doesn't exist should I just add it by clicking Add22:48
sw0rdyterminal tells me xscreensaver isn't22:48
Bashing-omme0wmix: With that card the gamers suggest the 364 driver to game with. Maybe have to get the 364 driver from our trusted PPA . What release are you attempting to install ?22:49
MonkeyDustneredsenvy  i read here, Unity 8 will be able to rotate, but that's not yet ready22:51
reisiosw0rdy: try xflock422:51
me0wmixBashing-om: 16.0422:51
neredsenvyAlso Ubuntu does not have UI Scaling for each monitor ?22:51
Bashing-om!info nvidia-36422:52
ubottuPackage nvidia-364 does not exist in xenial22:52
sw0rdyreisio, yes sir I just found that on askubuntu.com too.... thank you bro!22:52
reisio"light-lock" forked from gnome-screensaver forked from xscreensaver :p22:52
reisioI have my doubts :p22:52
neredsenvyIs it possible to have UIScaling doubled on one screen but normal on external screen ?22:53
Bashing-omme0wmix: K .. looks like ^^ will have to get the 364 version driver from PPA . once you are installed .22:53
sw0rdyreisio, is that what xflock4 is22:53
igoryonyasebThreeM10white, tgm4883, ViceVersa, I thought, that they have zfs installed by default, because, in official release, it says, that zfs is supported out of the box now, because it's needed by lxd, which they push to the masses, but no, I actually had to instll it just now on ubuntu server 16.04.22:54
MonkeyDustneredsenvy  there's also something called 'magick-rotation'22:54
hastikohow can I verify a live USB? I have checked the md5 of the iso but was suggested to verify the USB but don't know how22:55
reisiosw0rdy: has no affiliation to Xfce, AFAIK22:56
Bashing-omhastiko: 2 ways .. easiest is to boot thge live image to the boot menu and "22:56
Bashing-om check disk for defects" .22:56
reisiosw0rdy: that is, xflock4 is apparently just a wrapper for whatever the locker is22:56
hastikoBashing-om: how do I do that? When I boot I choose device from HDD, CD and USB...then it starts to load wallpaper and "choose language and try or isntall" screen...I see no option to check it22:57
Bashing-omhastiko: try: reboot and as soon as the firmware screen clears spam the escape key -> language scrren; escape key to accept the default -> boot options menu .23:00
hastikook will try thanks23:00
BongSaumay i ask23:01
BongSaui verified kali linux bu23:01
BongSauwhen i load it.... it says not verified23:01
neredsenvyI guess rotation is not as big of a problem as I thot23:02
neredsenvytho having no proper UI scaling is23:02
jordilahi #ubuntu23:03
jordilai willing to sop the web server... 'service ningx stop'23:04
jordilaerror message : nginx unrecognized service , what am i misiing ¿?23:05
hastikonow I am trying to remake live USB and it says "no such file or directory" but I can see it...last time it was a typo I made but this time I can't see one23:05
hastikotoshibalaptop@toshibalaptop:~/Documents$ sudo dd bs=4M if=/xubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb && sync dd: failed to open ‘/xubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso’: No such file or directory toshibalaptop@toshibalaptop:~/Documents$23:06
reisiojordila: what makes you think it's nginx?23:06
jordilai configured myself , long time ago...23:06
hastikoi did ls in the directory first and can see xubuntu in the list23:06
reisiowhat makes you think it's running?23:06
jordilahttp is answering23:08
ktinuxHey guys. After i log into my user session i get logged back out after 10 seconds or so. Anyone know why?23:08
jordilareisio : ¡Your connection is not secure' is shown23:08
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest66254
jordilai need to stop nginx in order to renew SSL certs23:09
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
Bashing-omhastiko: Maybe see if that file is in Downloads rather than Documents .. the default location is Downloads .23:10
Amm0nhastiko, try dd if=/home/yourusername/Documents/xubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress23:10
hastikonope for sure documents...I did cd and ls in documents even23:10
hastikoAmm0n: "invalid flag 'progress'23:12
hastikoinvalid status flag: progress23:12
Amm0nhastiko, then without status=progress.. maybe this feature isn't available for your dd version23:14
hastikook...trying...wish I had a lab computer to experiment on....having only one is a hassle23:14
Amm0nhastiko, thats what vm's are good for23:15
hastikoi tried VB but this laptop strains too much and the iso wouldn't load23:15
anonymous_im in vb and is so good23:15
anonymous_with 2 gb ram23:15
Amm0ni like qemu-kvm23:16
anonymous_somebody speak spain_23:17
Amm0n!es | anonymous_23:17
ubottuanonymous_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:17
anonymous_okey thanks u m823:18
DaNorbyHas anyone installed ubuntu 16.04 via the mini.iso? (Minimal Install/NetBoot Install)23:19
DaNorbyWhen I use it, it goes through the motion then it shows the drive, the word 'clean' then files information.  Doesn't do anything after that.23:21
=== DaNorby is now known as NorbyDroid
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Jakey3is here a way to make an authenticating usb23:25
Jakey3like ubi key23:25
=== Testing is now known as Guest28609
jordilahi #ubuntu23:25
Jakey3on a regular usb23:25
jordilai willing to sop the web server... 'service ningx stop'23:25
jordilaerror message : nginx unrecognized service , what am i misiing ¿?23:25
=== erwin is now known as easyOnMe
Hydr0p0nXhow do I get UDF formatted dvd's to automount? ISO format dvd's and bluray disks automount as expected, just not udf dvds.23:26
zykotick9jordila: note, it's nginx23:26
jordilayes zykotic9: typo error here, not at real command line23:27
jordilaerror message : nginx unrecognized service , what am i misiing ¿?23:27
quietonemy partner can't boot 16.04, gets this error: tpm_crb MSFT0101:00: can't request region for resource23:27
zykotick9jordila: then try "service ngin<TAB>" and see if that suggest something.  i don't use nginx myself.  good luck.23:28
quietonemore details: https://askubuntu.com/questions/778832/16-04-wont-boot-after-latest-updates23:28
Jordan_Uquietone: Do you get that error when you try to boot from a LiveUSB?23:28
jordilaindeed zykotic9 , seems not to be there... it's running though!23:29
quietoneJordan_U, we will try that now23:29
jordilai'm afraid this is because it came bundled with Gitlab...23:29
zykotick9jordila: ahhh, you are using sudo for all this right?23:29
jordilai'm on root now... not needed23:30
Jordan_Ujordila: What version of ubuntu are you usng?23:30
zykotick9being root in ubuntu = FAIL...  just sayin'23:30
jordilaJordan_U  version 1523:30
Jordan_Ujordila: 15.04 or 15.10?23:31
jordila( extra info http://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/nginx.html#nginx-settings  )23:31
jordilahow to check via CLI ?23:31
jordilammmh... uname --all doesn't give such dettail...23:32
zykotick9jordila: you can get it from "lsb_release -a"23:32
Jordan_Ujordila: lsb_release -r23:32
zykotick9jordila: thank you... -rc even better ;)23:33
zykotick9sorry -rs23:33
jordilalsb_release -rs : uops.. shows 14.0423:33
user2635I installed xubuntu-desktop, but didn't like it23:33
zykotick9Jordan_U: ^^ tab fail ;)23:34
user2635but now.. everytime I start up ubuntu it shows the boot animation for xubuntu and the login manager is xubuntu too23:34
user2635how do I revert back?23:34
natillasi love xubuntu -desktop23:34
jordilauser2635 , i like xfce ... BTW Linus uses it23:34
natillaskubuntu is good too23:34
Jordan_U!plymouth | user263523:35
ubottuuser2635: Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »23:35
jordila? ^^23:36
user2635thanks jordila23:36
user2635looks like there are 2 entries for ubuntu23:36
user2635ubuntu-logo and ubuntu-logo-scale-223:37
user2635which one is it?23:37
quietoneJordan_U, we can't find a boot to usb option in the bios. we'll have to do some searchiing23:38
natillasuser2635 ubuntu-logo-scale-2 is 4 restore i think23:38
natillasis a plymoutch23:39
waxheadhey everyone... any suggestions for Nautilus and dates, or go for another filemanager?23:39
user2635ok i will restart and report back23:40
natillasgood luck23:40
AndChat266961how to install Ubuntu in vm23:43
NorbyDroidDoes anyone use linux in a command line environment without a desktop installed?23:44
user2635ok that fixed it23:44
user2635but the login manager is still xubuntu-like23:45
user2635how do I restore that back to ubuntu style23:45
snfgfNorbyDroid, I did, when I could not configure my wifi23:45
snfgfThere is a pleasing lack of distractions.23:45
natillasuser2635, the logo dont restart to default mode?23:46
snfgf(I installed Ubuntu server edition for my first distribution and did not have a compatible network card or CAT5 cable so did not have X server)23:46
Bashing-omNorbyDroid: I do .. I run terminal .23:47
NorbyDroidI am lookin to have just the bare necessities installes.  Command line, x11, package support, and networking.23:48
NorbyDroidGona try 15.04 net install because the 16.04 doesn't seem to work.23:49
waxheadNorbyDroid, two of my servers at home don't have any windowing.  terminal only23:49
quietoneJordan_U, boot from USB fails. it appears to hang and the fan starts.23:50
Bashing-omNorbyDroid: Check out : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD . There is a steep learning curve, even to the experienced . Discovery of what you do not have .23:50
NorbyDroidSweet waxhead.23:50
NorbyDroidYes I have been there Bashing-om and so far it goes through the install and seems to work but once I reboot to use it I get a one line message then nothing else happens.23:51
NorbyDroidI tried the 16.04 install a few times and about to try an older version.23:51
Bashing-omNorbyDroid: What did you expect ? You should boot to a terminal once installed . That is all you have, a booting kernel and a wired intenet access .. nothing else .23:52
NorbyDroidWhay don't I get a prompt though?23:53
Bashing-omNorbyDroid: If you installed . you should boot to a prompt .23:53
NorbyDroidExactly, but I don't get that far.  JUst a linhe about /dev/dsa cleaned and file information23:54
NorbyDroid /dev/sda23:54
Bashing-omNorbyDroid: That advisory is normal . but after that .. nothing ???23:55
NorbyDroidIt just sits there as if it had a bug in its circuits.  The drive light might flash for a microsecond but nothin happens.23:55
Bashing-omNorbyDroid: Checked the md5sums .. both on the .iso and on the copy ?23:57
NorbyDroidThe install went fine, it is booting to the actual HD that stalls.23:57

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