
valoriecleaned, auto-cleaned, still no plasma00:00
acheron_ukno sddm?00:00
valorieno, never gets to boot00:01
acheron_ukoh. not even startx works00:01
valorieat least I have all the ttys00:01
valoriebut that's it00:02
darinOK, which one of these is proposed: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa00:02
acheron_ukproposed as in the main archive00:03
* valorie is clueless in black diamond00:03
valorieI'll just leave it running until someone has a suggestion00:05
DarinMillerUncle: I've enabled every PPA that I know to enable.  which PPA is the "main" archive?00:27
valorieDarinMiller: it isn't a PPA00:35
valorieit's a repo00:35
valoriejust like the PPAs though, it is advised to add, update, and then remove again, once you have the package you want00:37
valorieunless you live on the edge like I guess we are.....00:37
DarinMillerOhkhhh, gotcha.00:38
acheron_ukurgh.. that is a lot of stuff on stable failing to build08:25
BluesKajHowdy folks09:22
acheron_ukso in YY why would the akonadiserver binary be in the libkf5akonadiserver-dev package?09:43
acheron_ukfrom https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/akonadi/commit/debian/libkf5akonadiserver-dev.install?h=kubuntu_yakkety_archive&id=ede3eac8a94692c67af782b04e06236f4505d43f09:44
alleeacheron_uk: if it's the case it's bug in the *.install file(s)09:45
acheron_ukseems that way to me, but as I'm new(ish) to this I have to pose the question09:47
alleeacheron_uk: both akonadi*server should be in akonadi-server pkg like in xenial09:53
alleesgclark: ^^   09:53
alleeacheron_uk: or have you commit access?09:54
acheron_ukallee: no I don't. still learning here10:05
* clivejo wonders how that happened10:06
clivejosomeone remind me to look at that later!10:20
clivejoacheron_uk: if you have time and want to, you could post a git diff of the changes to fix that paclage10:45
clivejoor anyone for that matter!10:45
acheron_ukdoubtful I will get to it today11:05
* jimarvan waves11:13
alleeclivejo: I'll give akonadi a try.  Which branch kubuntu_unstable?11:13
alleeclivejo: what are the prefered git diff options and where should I upload it?11:34
alleegit diff -> https://owncloud-test.mpe.mpg.de/~test/6.0/index.php/s/Donawop5FXhx3dk11:39
* acheron_uk looks at that and thinks simpler than he thought12:16
alleeacheron_uk: in retrospect I think I should have checked the changelog if there is a mention of the earlier move and get rid of it12:32
acheron_ukallee: not sure there isn't also other files in the wrong package there12:36
alleeacheron_uk: I've not checked but the last commits in unstable didn't show up more problems like that12:37
acheron_ukfair enough.12:38
acheron_ukthat prob just stood out as clivejo was wanting people to try to replicate a bug in korganizer with his YY staging PIM, and it complained akonadi wouldn't start12:40
acheron_ukthen went looking for the binary and found that oddity12:40
=== Guest25828 is now known as adrian
alleeacheron_uk: you're right.  At least akonadictl is in wrong pkg too.  Currently in -dev-bin14:19
alleeakonadi_agent_launcher was in akonadi-server in XX too14:23
* clivejo cant work out why Scarlett would have moved those files16:28
clivejothere must have been a reason16:28
alleeclivejo: I assume it was a merge error17:20
clivejocant see how though17:20
alleefirst commit after debian merge removed usr/bin from akonadi-server17:21
alleemaybe she wanted to move some binaries from akonadi-server to anohter pkg, but moving the server itself is no good idea.   Try: ps -ef | grep akonadi[-_]  some pkgs like akonadi_agent_control are always started17:23
clivejoallee: do you want to fix it and send me the diff?17:24
alleeBut you are right, it maybe better to ask sgclark what her intention was17:24
clivejoI notice maxy has done some work on it in Debian - http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/akonadi.git/17:24
clivejomight be worth pulling that in17:24
alleeclivejo: in the commit she also removed 3 bin pkgs.  So I'm also not sure what's all to revert17:25
clivejoallee: I know, Ive been trying to understand it17:25
clivejobut cant17:25
alleeUh, 6 hours ago.  I was sitting at the same desk at this time :-(17:26
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Well I bit the bullet17:26
clivejobut my gut feeling is just to follow Debian lead17:26
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I hope the installer does not crash lol17:26
clivejothe current packages arent going to work properly17:27
clivejoshouldnt have to install a dev package in a run-time environment17:27
clivejo@ahoneybun what you installing?17:28
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Kubuntu on my desktop17:28
clivejowhat version?17:29
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> 16.04?17:29
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Of course17:29
clivejochicken :P17:29
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Whatever17:29
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Lop17:29
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I finally got tired of the time it took windows to boot17:30
clivejo*clivejo is running Yakkey Yak with extra Yak*17:30
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Backuped all my stufff17:30
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Just need to get my keyboard to work17:30
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I found something that might work17:30
clivejois that your gaming bax?17:30
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Yea17:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Let's see how Tomb Raider runs in this lol17:31
clivejooh I thought Linux framerate wasnt good enough for you?17:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Its pretty old CPU though17:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Most likely not17:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> But I'm playing less and less17:31
clivejoconvert it to a packaging box :)17:32
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Might get some games for the Xbox 360 that I want to play17:32
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> No ssd17:32
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> It would be slow17:32
clivejohelp us get KCI on and running again17:32
clivejoup and17:32
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> That's beyond me17:32
clivejoits beyond me too, but I still keep trying!17:33
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Mm17:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Let's get my PGP key moved first lol17:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> My machine is not booting17:36
clivejowe still havent managed to get a key created in Dojo!17:36
acheron_ukahoneybun: 16.04 is nice with the backports17:37
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> We'll fix that17:37
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I know acheron17:37
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Run it on my laptop17:37
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> The heck17:38
acheron_ukclivejo: I looked at the previous packaging party and that cra**ed out at the key generation stage as well17:39
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I'm getting a blinking underscore17:39
clivejoits a time consuming process17:39
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/y5HItpG8/file_91.jpg17:39
clivejoit wants you to type something17:39
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> But its not booting17:40
acheron_ukI think just don't expect people to generate a key in a live tutorial17:40
clivejoTry  4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 4217:40
acheron_uk!info haveged17:41
ubottuhaveged (source: haveged): Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.1-3 (yakkety), package size 27 kB, installed size 71 kB (Only available for linux-any)17:41
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Try to be a bit more serious Clifford17:41
acheron_ukcan use haveged to speed up key generation for demo purposes17:42
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> *puts on serious face*17:42
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Lol17:42
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I did everything that I normally do17:43
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Efi partition, mark that as the boot17:43
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Boot install17:43
clivejoI think if we just pre-baked that kind of stuff and had it ready to go17:43
acheron_ukno login manger17:44
acheron_uk^ ?17:44
clivejoand Rick can pull it out of his hat and say, heres one I made earlier17:44
clivejoisnt it lovely17:44
clivejoand we can all nod and agree on its lovelyness17:44
acheron_ukI really hate sddm, 2 laptops I've had to give up on that and install lightdm17:45
alleeacheron_uk: no sddm problem with with Dell and Apple laptops.  What's your problem?18:02
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> second time worked18:17
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> mm modprode not found18:20
ahoneybunalright back on Kubuntu18:46
ahoneybunwith a working Razer Keyboard18:47
ahoneybunovidiuflorin:  we never put it on the site that 5.6.4 was out on 16.0418:50
acheron_ukahoneybun: that is great18:51
ahoneybunonly thing missing is setting macros18:51
ahoneybunit lets you enable them but no GUI to set them18:52
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Mm my machine froze18:55
ahoneybunvalorie: do you have access to the site?19:10
ahoneybunmm Steam does not launch19:27
ahoneybunI do need to install the newer drivers19:30
ahoneybunwhat is with the hands up?19:30
ahoneybunsoee_:  do you have access to the site?19:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Keep freezing19:32
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Must be the disk19:32
soee_ahoneybun: nope, yofel, ovidiuflorin or valorie probably have 19:34
ahoneybunyea but no one is here right now19:35
soee_some urgent situation 19:35
ahoneybunnot really19:35
ahoneybunbut we have no news on the site about 5.6.419:35
ahoneybunthough one together from the G+ post19:35
ahoneybunat least19:35
soee_yeah i asked Philip to add some 19:48
ahoneybunmm reboot got it to work19:49
* clivejo hi fives ahoneybun19:55
ahoneybunspectacle is in here now19:55
ahoneybunfor some reason19:55
clivejowhat you mean, for some reason19:55
clivejothats the replacement for ksnapshot19:55
ahoneybunit's not on my laptop yet19:55
ahoneybunI thought something was broken so it was not used yet19:56
clivejomight have to install it manually19:56
ahoneybunI did not19:56
clivejowe had some issues with it installing19:56
ahoneybunI think the PPA got it in19:56
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Mm I'm having more problems here then with Win19:58
ahoneybunI think my drive is dieing20:00
clivejoinstall SMART tools20:02
clivejodo a check20:02
ahoneybunsays PASSED20:06
clivejohave you had kubuntu on this hardware before?20:06
ahoneybunit just freezes like the harddrive is getting used too much20:07
ahoneybunit's done it 2 times so far20:07
ahoneybunseems to be when using YouTube 20:07
ahoneybunmaybe using too many tabs and windows20:07
ahoneybunalso Konsole is not saving my settings20:08
clivejodoes ksysguard show any memory leaks or CP usage?20:09
clivejoallee: did you look into merging akonadi with debian ?20:09
ahoneybunhey jimarvan20:49
jimarvanahoneybun: hey! :D20:50
jimarvanjust chilling listening to c64 covers hehe. you?20:51
ahoneybunclivejo: my CPU usage is high but nothing 100%20:51
clivejowhats using it?20:51
ahoneybunlistening to Google Play Music jimarvan20:51
jimarvanswedish metal at its finest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb2fJQlSkCc20:51
ahoneybunlooks like a lot of Chrome20:51
jimarvanlast ninja 2 cover :D20:51
ahoneybunmm clivejo so it would be helpful for me to setup a machine with a key made already?20:55
ahoneybunI can do that a few days before20:55
alleeclivejo: no.  Busy with other things.20:56
clivejoyeah, i think we should determine the course of the lesson and do a trial run before hand20:56
ahoneybunalright cool, can you give me a list of packages needed to build?20:57
ahoneybunor a link somewhere20:57
clivejofor what?20:57
ahoneybunI'll have everythiung installed and ready to go20:57
jimarvansetting up for next dojo?21:01
clivejoI think we need a communal box to do stuff on21:02
ahoneybunyea jimarvan21:02
clivejoevery one can at least watch the commands/output etc21:03
clivejoyeah, like Jon had21:03
clivejoon AWS21:03
ahoneybunnot byobu you mean21:03
ahoneybunit's all the same21:03
ahoneybunhe used byobu so everyone could log in21:03
ahoneybunwe could record setting up the keys21:03
valoriewhat's going on?21:04
ahoneybunhave everyone watch and you explain21:04
valoriefriend dropped over to visit21:04
ahoneybunvalorie: I have a article on the site about 5.6.4 release and need a review before posting21:04
clivejoyeah, and feed the screen into BBB too21:04
ahoneybunBBB does not handle that well I think21:04
valorieok, I'll review and publish21:04
ahoneybunreally bad FPS21:05
ahoneybunthanks valorie21:05
ahoneybunit's very minimal atm valorie21:05
ahoneybunjust something to have out really21:05
ahoneybunclivejo: I think Hangouts handles video playback better21:05
ahoneybunI tried it in BBB with the game review21:06
clivejohangouts cant support numerious people21:07
ahoneybunit does21:07
jimarvanthose suggestions on google plus that people mentioned?21:07
ahoneybunjimarvan:  the other platforms you mean?21:07
ahoneybunholy hell21:08
ahoneybun6gbs of RAM used?21:08
jimarvanlet me guess. chrome tabs?21:08
ahoneybunmm system monitor says different21:08
ahoneybunjimarvan: people have very strong options on platforms to use21:10
ahoneybunBBB has been pretty great for us so far21:10
jimarvanalthough that flush-plugin requirement its a minor annoyance hehe21:11
jimarvanbut so far worked good21:11
ahoneybunflash is minor to me as well21:12
* clivejo isnt fussed on Hangout as he doesnt trust Google!21:20
* ahoneybun loves Google21:20
clivejobut then you love Windows21:26
clivejoso your vote doesnt count :P21:27
ahoneybunmm never said I loved that crap21:27
ahoneybunjust dealt with it21:27
valorieI respect and fear google21:27
valorieno hate, no love21:28
jimarvangn peeps!22:01
ahoneybunnight jim22:02
blazesoee: are you around?22:25

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