
letssee<letssee> hi22:52
letssee<letssee> hi everybody22:52
letssee<letssee> need some help with my Ubuntu22:52
letssee<letssee> can someone help me?22:52
letssee<letssee> I was MOVING my pictures from External HDD A to External HDD B using my laptop running Ubuntu. Suddendly got an error msg and all the moved pictures (10GB) seem to have disappeared. I cant find them in the target folder22:52
letssee<letssee> is there any command to locate them?22:52
letssee<letssee> your help would be mostly appreciated. Thank you22:52
letsseethanks a lot22:53
melocSo given that I'm not on a Desktop and there isn't a strict crash, where on earth do I file a bug?23:07
melocThe fact that "Report bug" on launchpad drops me here with no recourse is kind of insulting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs23:07
melocI guess I found the secret code23:08
melocno-redirect and direct linking to the buggy package.23:09

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