
berglhanyone in here know about zfs on ubuntu 16.04?03:13
berglhi upgraded from 15.10 and noticed i have some dkms modules that are not consistent with what is instaleld03:13
berglhi get the impression that the old dkms modules build on a new kernel install, even though this is done by default already03:14
berglhwondering if i have to remove a package to prevent this03:14
roryI'm using Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 and I have a couple of questions. (1) How do I disable hot corners? (2) How do I disable mouse acceleration?07:00
roryIsudo apt install shutter07:01
rory    curl https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/txt/xenial/sources_886112814d843d0931bcc396b517157db24d272b.txt | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list07:03
roryoh fucking lame07:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1586734 in Terminator ""Broadcast All" is on for new tabs by default" [Undecided,New]07:16
=== Guest25828 is now known as adrian
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
extinct_potatoHello everyone18:00
SonikkuAmericacan we help ya?18:01
extinct_potatoi've just installed Ubuntu GNMOME, and I like it but I've got some performance issues18:01
extinct_potatomainly talking about boot process18:02
extinct_potatoit takes a little bit too much time to boot up - 30 seconds or something according to systemd-analyze18:02
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:03
SonikkuAmericacan you pastebin the output of [ inxi -F ]?18:03
extinct_potatoof course, wait a second18:04
extinct_potatohere you go18:05
SonikkuAmericaHow much RAM is in the machine?18:06
extinct_potato2 gigs18:06
SonikkuAmerica2 GB + Core 2 Duo = a bit slow18:07
extinct_potatoyeah, but I can still remember that Win7 used to run fine on it :/18:08
SonikkuAmericaYou have a 64-bit CPU, so I'd slap a little more RAM in that thing.18:08
SonikkuAmericaIt was probably 32-bit Windows 7. 64-bit wouldn't run remotely as fast as 32-bit would on only 2 GB18:08
extinct_potatoYou're right, it was 32-bit18:09
SonikkuAmericaSee? I have telepathic powers!18:09
extinct_potatoSo, do you think that adding 2GB more of RAM would be enough?18:09
SonikkuAmerica4 GB on a Core 2 should get you by.18:09
extinct_potatowhat about actually improving my boot speed?18:09
SonikkuAmericaAnd use the amd64 image.18:09
extinct_potatoI do use amd6418:09
SonikkuAmericaOh OK18:10
SonikkuAmericaAs for your dedicated boot time, we throw a ton of hooks in after loading up the Linux kernel and the initial ramdisk. Unless you know what you're doing you shouldn't really play around in there.18:10
extinct_potatoCan you explain me why does it take longer to boot that Windows?18:11
extinct_potatoI'm not trolling or something, just asking.18:11
jbichaif you're upgrading your ram, you might want to max it out, that model may support 8GB total18:12
SonikkuAmericajbicha has a point extinct_potato18:12
extinct_potatoDidn't even know. Might as well give it 8GB.18:12
SonikkuAmericaWell, Windows and Ubuntu handle boot processes differently under the hood, but the gist is essentially the same. However, Windows isn't busy loading (as many) kernel drivers and modules at boot, like the Linux kernel does.18:13
extinct_potatoI don't need many of them, do I?18:14
extinct_potatoI mean, the kernel modules.18:16
SonikkuAmericawell, in Linux, a lot of drivers for which open-source software is coded are already in the kernel itself and get unloaded with the kernel itself. Well, Windows and Ubuntu handle boot processes differently under the hood18:16
SonikkuAmericaignore the 2nd sentence.18:17
SonikkuAmericahttp://qdb.us/39938 is a crude, but well-written explanation18:17
extinct_potatoDude, that actually so accurate18:18
extinct_potatoIt really makes me mad whenever I plug a USB stick on windows machine18:18
extinct_potatoit has to install drivers for separate ports (!)18:18
extinct_potatoActually Linux handles it better18:19
SonikkuAmericaAnd with systemd (which is default in 15.04 onward), we have one hook for all modules18:19
extinct_potatoSpeaking of systemd...18:20
extinct_potatois there any option to install OS with upstart instead of systemd?18:20
extinct_potatoI've got an old ass laptop from 2003 that doesn't like systemd18:20
extinct_potatoSpecifically it goes to sleep every 16 seconds18:20
extinct_potatoDoesn't happen with upstart or sysvinit though18:21
SonikkuAmericaYou can head into "Advanced options for Ubuntu" at the GRUB menu and select the option that uses upstart18:22
SonikkuAmericaI dunno how long that will last though.18:22
SonikkuAmericaYou may want to ask in #ubuntu-devel.18:22
extinct_potatoOh, okay, will try to ask them18:23
extinct_potatoI've got only one question left and I'll be going18:23
extinct_potatoit's related to Gnome18:23
extinct_potatoso it works like a breeze at first, but after, let's say, few hours applications take longer to load, and the whole experience is just more laggy18:24
extinct_potatowhat might be causing it?18:24
SonikkuAmerica2 GB of RAM, maybe a GPU18:25
jbichaa fresh install of Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 does not come with upstart18:25
SonikkuAmericaOh it doesn't? Xubuntu does.18:25
SonikkuAmerica(but that's Xubuntu's design choice, probably)18:25
jbichayes and it looks like Unity does, but not UG: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/16.04/release/ubuntu-gnome-16.04-desktop-amd64.manifest18:26
extinct_potatoI use Xubuntu on that laptop anyway18:26
extinct_potatoNothing else would work18:26
SonikkuAmericaalso, that would make sense, because GNOME past 3.14 REQUIRES systemd, I think18:26
extinct_potatoIt's really old and crappy, lol18:26
SonikkuAmericaor is it including 3.14?18:26
extinct_potatoit is inclufing 3.1418:29
extinct_potatoyeah, it is possible.18:31
extinct_potatoactually I've been thinking recently about doing an Arch or Gentoo install18:32
extinct_potatois it worth all the hassle?18:32
SonikkuAmericaWell that's your choice, really18:36
extinct_potatoyeah, I think i'll just stick to ubuntu gnome. anyway, thanks for help, and have nice day!18:37
SonikkuAmericak bye18:38
sejhe must try out some other de imo18:42
sejoh, he is online18:42
seji think gnome is heavy18:42
sejin terms of ram atleast18:43
sejit starts with evolution,calendar syncing etc suite18:43
sejmaybe lxde or mate?18:44
sejif u dont plan on using the evolution suite that is18:44
extinct_potatoyeah, i'm a genious, forgot to close hexchat18:50
extinct_potatowell, I don't use evolution anyway18:50
extinct_potatothat'd be great if I could remove it some way18:50
extinct_potatoand also get rid  of telepathy18:50
SonikkuAmerica[ sudo apt remove evolution telepathy* ]18:50
extinct_potatoThat is not wise thing to do to be honest18:51
extinct_potatoIt will also remove gnome-desktop18:51
extinct_potatoand gdm318:51
SonikkuAmericait removes gdm?18:55
extinct_potatoyeah, and everything related to gnome18:56
jbichaevolution-data-server is needed by gnome18:56
extinct_potatowhat for? ;/18:57
sejit removes gdm18:57
jbichagnome-shell uses it for the built-in calendar in the top bar for instance18:57
sejand many other core gnome things18:57
extinct_potatooh, I get it18:57
SonikkuAmericaHaha, integration strikes again!18:57
extinct_potatobut telepathy?18:57
jbichayou can remove evolution18:57
jbichabut e-d-s is a system library18:57
sejwhats telepathy18:57
SonikkuAmericaI didn't say remove evolution*, just evolution18:58
extinct_potatoumm its that service that claims to make communication easy18:58
extinct_potatobasically a framework of some sort18:58
sej]just evolution also removes everything @ SonikkuAmerica18:58
sejso y remove that?18:58
SonikkuAmericano it doesn't.18:58
extinct_potatowell evolution doesn't remove eveything18:59
SonikkuAmericaIt may call [ apt-mark auto ] though18:59
extinct_potatono, it worked just fine when I removed evolution18:59
sejseems to work fine now18:59
sejwhat was that i tried removing which removed all gnome related, i forgot19:00
extinct_potatoyeah, but "sudo apt-get remove telepathy*" wants to remove gnome-desktop, gdm3 and so on19:01
SonikkuAmericaYou may not want to do that.19:01
sejbut i didnt know about telepathy19:01
extinct_potatoYeah, definetly don't wanna do that19:01
sejso mostly i didnt do that19:01
SonikkuAmericatry tossing [ empathy ]19:01
extinct_potatoalready got rid of it19:01
sejjust empathy it gets rid of19:02
seji havent removed19:02
sejjsut for the idea of builtin message notification and reply system19:02
sejalthough i never use empathy19:02
sejlike ever19:02
SonikkuAmericabut doesn't that use notify-osd?19:02
seji have no idea19:02
SonikkuAmerica(and libnotify?)19:02
sejit lets you reply from the notification bar19:03
sejnot bar19:03
sejwhatever u call the center thing19:03
sejif only they could integrate thunderbird into GNOME rather than the shitty evolution19:03
extinct_potatoIf there is no way to remove telepathy, maybe there's some way to prevent it from starting in the background?19:04
sejy do u want to stop telepathy19:04
sejis it that heavy?19:04
extinct_potatoyeah, would like to chop of some ram usage ;P19:05
seji am sure u didnt install chrome19:06
extinct_potatono, I don't use chrome19:06
extinct_potatoI use Firefox19:06
SonikkuAmericaNo, I'm the one using Chrome19:06
sejeven if u want19:06
seju cant19:06
sej2gb ram bruh :P19:07
SonikkuAmericaChrome will run easily on 2 GB RAM19:07
sejtsk tsk19:07
seji know19:07
sejnot if u have 10tabs and few extension19:08
sejhow much is ur ram SonikkuAmerica19:08
sejextinct_potato: telepathy taking 2mb of ram for me19:09
SonikkuAmerica8 bits19:09
sejsame as me SonikkuAmerica19:09
extinct_potatoyeah, noticed it too19:09
SonikkuAmerica8 GB 1 TB. Running Arch with KDE.19:09
extinct_potatoi must have mistaken it with another service19:09
sej8gb with 1.25tb ubuntu gnome :/19:09
sejkde man, its too heavy19:10
SonikkuAmerica1.25 TB? Where on earth do you get a 1.25 TB disk?19:10
sej1tb + 250gb ssd19:10
sejand whats with the fucking app names19:10
sejits not intensional, i know but still :P19:10
extinct_potatobut k3b is dope19:11
extinct_potatobest disc suite out there19:11
extinct_potatocd/dvd/bluray ripping, recording, got them all19:11
sejwho uses a dvd bruh19:11
extinct_potatoand it happens to be from kde suite19:11
extinct_potatoI do ;P19:12
sejtsk tsk tsk19:12
sejwhat do u use it for19:12
extinct_potatomainly for linux install discs19:12
extinct_potatoactually only for that19:12
sejever heard of a pen dirve19:12
extinct_potatoever heard of ancient computers I have to work with? :P19:12
sejoh :P19:12
sejmy bad19:12
extinct_potatopeople who I meet have various machines :)19:12
seju must have an interesting life :')19:13
SonikkuAmerica8 bits of RAM would be just horrible19:13
extinct_potatoyeah, 16 y/o doing linux installations for computer illiterates19:13
extinct_potatovery cool19:13
SonikkuAmericaI'm 22 and an independent computer technician (not cert'ed yet but working on it)19:14
extinct_potatoDo you actually make money on what you do?19:14
SonikkuAmericaI just got paid today19:15
sejwhats a computer technician19:15
sejlike hardware n all19:16
SonikkuAmericahardware, software, basic and advanced troubleshooting, etc.19:16
sejit pays well?19:16
sejin ur country at least?19:16
SonikkuAmericasej: In the USA? Absolutely!20:03
sejwhat about college degrees then21:02

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