
syeekickAnyone got some working examples of their personal rsync commands they use ? i need some for reference:) I apreicate it00:44
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b4rsyeekick: 10 practical examples http://tecmint.com/rsync-local-remote-file-synchronization-commands01:31
syeekickb4r thanks my google-fu lacks somewhat lol01:33
b4ryou'd be surprised how bad mine can be01:33
syeekickit's frustrating01:34
syeekicki know good use of keywords and dont include product names yeild good results, its just knowing the damn keywords :P01:34
b4rgood point01:35
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flaccidhey guys i’m getting invalid manifest for the vmdks in the current xenial ova’s from cloud-images. is the build broken in some way?02:49
flaccidthis is when i try to deploy ovf in vsphere client02:49
flaccidin the .mf02:51
flaccidSHA256(ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk)= 50998ddbddb01404370057f0c65020fab2fab77356a62a25a9badb29f7d44d0a02:51
flaccidSHA256(ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.ovf.ovf)= 203f259a5fd7bd0a9c98693d7e93eaef927014e3c0585c46a797470b22b1dcf702:51
flaccidsmoser: ^^03:16
berglhjust upgraded to ubuntu 16.04, was running zfs03:24
berglhzol* everything is working ok in the new version03:25
berglhbut i noticed some dkms modules that read: Diff between built and installed module03:25
berglhi'm wondering if i can remove zfs-dkms package now or do i still need it03:25
thekrynn_in the case where a stat * of a directory results in arg list too long, is there any faster way of achieving the same thing than ls -1 | xargs stat?06:48
thekrynn_(other than obviously changing the way the files are stored and sharding it into sub dirs)06:48
jellyuse find, not ls07:12
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netcrimeHow can you check what permissions user has ?10:01
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ShekharReddyhey guys hello guys when i do php artisan serve in terminal i get this error {"error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID '' is invalid","file":"\/var\/www\/eppudoo.com\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Foundation\/start.php","line":167}12:51
fermulatorAnyone who runs Landscape; recently I've started getting the useless error message on the web interface: "Landscape is unavailable, Service will resume shortly." -- but it never "resumes shortly" (it's been over 24hrs now....). Which logs in /var/log/landscape-server are relevant to help debug? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16804420/13:34
fermulatorIf I reboot the entire server the service comes back. a bunch of services are clearly stopped: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16804515/13:38
fermulatori dunno if this is relevant; http://paste.ubuntu.com/16804813/ (some connection refused stuff, but I don't see why that would cause services to stop themselves)13:46
bluekinganyone been into this ? -> sudo apt-get install vlan14:07
patdk-lapblueking, is that a question?14:08
bluekingkinda, just wonder how much work there are to get vlan tagging up and go14:08
patdk-lap10seconds to 10hours or more?14:09
patdk-lapdepends on your skills14:09
bluekingI am thinking about to skip ISP's homecentral unit and connect mine pc router directly to mediaconverter  fiber <-> cat614:09
patdk-lapdo you have an question somewhere in there that can be answered?14:09
bluekinga sec14:10
bluekingI need to add some more to get tv, phone and lan/data ?14:10
bluekingthey have lan tag-ID 100 101 and 10214:11
patdk-lapyou will have to talk to your isp for answers14:11
bluekingI have the info I need  but what I need to do on ubuntu ?14:12
bluekingtrying to find wiki page that has more info about vlan tagging14:13
patdk-lapwhat do you mean more?14:14
patdk-lapthat page has *all* the info14:14
patdk-lapthere is nothing *more*14:14
Slingwell there is plenty more information about vlan tagging, but not so much from a host PoV14:33
patdk-lapor how to setup/configure it14:34
compdocblueking, somehow I doubt your ISP allows its customers to bypass their equipment. interesting science experiment15:18
devster31how can I make changes to /proc/sys/fs/file-max persist across reboots16:30
Slingin /etc/sysctl.conf16:32
ShekharReddyhey guys how do i know the php.ini file used by apache216:42
SlingShekharReddy: php_info(); output will tell you16:46
Slingprobably the quickest way of finding out16:46
=== LeMike is now known as ScreamingDev
ShekharReddyphp_info() where ??16:47
ShekharReddySling: ^^16:47
shaunoit's just phpinfo().  but just create a new page on your server that contains just <?php phpinfo; ?>  and then visit it16:49
shaunoer, phpinfo() rather  heh16:49
Slingoh yeah phpinfo :)16:53
devster31Sling: thanks16:53
devster31should I change /etc/pam.d/common-session or common-session-noninteractive?16:53
Slingdevster31: what do you want to do?16:54
devster31add pam_limits.so to change ulimit for mysql16:54
Slingone is for interactive sessions and the other is for non-interactive sessions16:54
Slingfor mysqld it would be noninteractive16:55
devster31ok, is that step required or does it work without that rebooting the system?16:55
Slingthe pam config files are read as they are used16:57
Slingso should be no reboot of the system needed16:57
devster31right, also for interactives there's already a line in pam.d/login17:04
ShekharReddyshauno:  hello17:09
ShekharReddyshauno:  I did create a php file containg the line <?php phpinfo(); ?>  and ran it on server17:10
ShekharReddybut i am getting output as  phpinfo();17:10
ShekharReddySling: ^^17:10
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bluekingcompdoc it's doable18:39
bluekingcompdoc do googletranslate norwegian-english on this https://freak.no/forum/showthread.php?t=21992218:40
devster31can I untar an archive merging existing directories? like in the tar there's a/b/file1 and I have a/b20:16
RoyKif you untar an archive onto an existing directory hierarchy, it'll just overwrite any existing files with the same name20:18
patdk-lapdid boot_degraded just vanish in 16.04?20:23
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DachiA friend installed Ubuntu 16.04 to use as a server for Multicraft. His power went out and he can't log in to the profile he was in. He also can't open the gnome terminal. Did a restart and for a long while the login screen flashed a lot. Help?23:21
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