
thumperhow about we just fix the tests to not suck?00:00
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davecheneythumper: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4920/00:05
davecheneyreview pls ? kai thx00:05
* thumper looks00:05
anastasiamacdavecheney: morning \o/ r u working on bug 1586244? shall i mark it as in progress?00:54
mupBug #1586244: state: DATA RACE in watcher <2.0-count> <race-condition> <juju-core:New for dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1586244>00:54
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axwwallyworld: lol, 42 pages of diff01:19
axw840 files changed01:19
wallyworldoh jeez01:19
wallyworldi didn't look01:19
wallyworlddidn't realise we had that many juju/name imports01:20
mupBug #1581966 changed: controller node need to be restart for comissionning new nodes or lxc .. <cpe-sa> <orange-box> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581966>01:26
davecheneyanastasiamac: i had a look at it on friday01:30
davecheneyits not a simple bug to fix01:30
davecheneybut i believe it is restricted to tests only01:31
davecheneybecause they mutate the results they get back from the state watcher01:31
davecheneywhich the contract for Get says they must not01:31
anastasiamack. i marked as triaged and unassigned from u (until the time when u or someone else can pick it up). tyvm :D01:32
axwwallyworld: reviewed01:37
wallyworldty and sorry01:37
wallyworldaxw: yeah, i forgot about the global key prefix, sigh another 1000000 files affected in the next branch01:40
mupBug # changed: 1482015, 1518131, 1540650, 1575469, 1577939, 158530001:56
davecheneythumper: ping02:01
axwmenn0: you didn't make any changes to do with known_hosts at bootstrap time did you? still getting WARNING at bootstrap02:36
menn0axw: no I didn't do that. I created bug 1579593 to track that.02:37
mupBug #1579593: SSH host keys for bootstrap aren't checked <security> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579593>02:37
axwmenn0: cool, thanks02:37
mupBug #1586880 opened: provider/lxd: instance names are overly long <blocker> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1586880>02:53
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axwwallyworld: can you PTAL at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4919/04:05
mupBug #1586890 opened: Cloud/credentials details should be stored in state separate from model config <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1586890>04:38
mupBug #1586891 opened: There is no command for removing clouds <blocker> <juju-core:In Progress by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1586891>04:38
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dimiternfrobware: pinh07:29
dimiternping even07:29
mupBug #1578376 changed: Cannot add MAAS credentials through juju add-credential <juju-release-support> <maas-provider> <usability> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1578376>11:33
perrito666morning to those of you not on holidays16:21
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thumperfwereade: ping20:06
fwereadethumper, joining20:07
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thumperholy moley I think I'm done...22:51
* thumper runs tests again22:51
thumperI am still finding issues with a few tests22:51
thumperbut I think at least one of them has a fix from davecheney racy22:52
thumperis the reboot package still intermittently failing for others?22:52
* thumper should pull master and update22:52
wallyworldperrito666: could you please eyeball this mechanical change and +1 https://github.com/juju/charmrepo/pull/9523:03
perrito666wallyworld: done, looks good, ship it23:05
perrito666their bot accepts a squirrel as parameter, we need that23:07
perrito666like now23:07
davecheneyperrito666: 🐘 for not lgtm23:09
davecheney😭 for really not lgtm23:09
davecheney💣 for LGTM and we'll fix the review comments in the next PR23:10
davecheney(i hope the emomji is coming through)23:10
perrito666they are, but my chat client is using the standart-ish unicode ones23:10
perrito666which are not all that nice23:11
perrito666it is amazing how those things are actually googleable23:11

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